#Lost it in the timeloop...
uwo-kun · 18 days
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wankabu in which kabu is nervous to admit the things he thinks and wanderer isn't sure kabu's ready to hear the things he's thought.
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Hey! Could you do a Poly Lost Boys x reader, where the plot is like Happy Death Day? It's ok if you haven't seen it, the basic plot summery is "A college student must relive the day of her murder over and over again, in a loop that will end only when she discovers her killer's identity." I was thinking that the reader is the one going through the loop, and the boys try to help you (the only down side of that is having to tell them everything again, every time the loop resets)
If not that's ok!
I hope you like this!
I didn't dare to look backwards, running through the bushes. The masked figure just only came closer and closer, and I knew I had to make a decision quickly. Should I run further and end up at the cliff, having nowhere to go? Or should I turn around and confront him?
I didn't fancy taking a dive of a cliff, so I did the only thing I could do. I turned around. "What do you wa-" I coughed, blood dripping down my chin. Shocked, I looked at the masked figure, then down at my stomach. A knife had been forced into my skin, being twisted around, and then being pushed back in. "W-why..." I fell to the ground, seeing how the killer bent down, ready to stab me some more and-
Screaming, I woke up, jumping out of bed. My hand ran over my stomach, which was whole. There was no stab wound. There was no blood. There were no cuts from running through the bushes. I shivered, horrified. Had this been a dream? It - it had felt too real.
"Are you alright?" I practically jumped, only now noticing that Paul had entered my room. I didn't say anything as I wrapped my arms around him, trying to calm myself down.
"Just a bad dream, I think." Paul didn't look convinced, and in all honesty, I didn't feel convinced either. As I got dressed, I tried to forget it. Still, the uneasiness I felt didn't go away, and when I went outside, they all knew something was off.
The weird thing was, I realised as I sat behind David, it felt like the dream had happened before. I sighed, happy that we had arrived at the boardwalk. There, between the music and the rides, the comfort of the boys and the fact that they did their best to distract me, I finally felt a bit of peace.
"Come on, the dipper has reopened," Marko grinned, pulling me along. He knew I hated the rollercoaster, but a while ago, I had sadly lost a bet. He had won and had demanded that when the coaster reopened, I would go on it.
"No, no, I don't want to, I hate rollercoasters." I looked at him, but he shook his head. "I'll be with you. You lost the bet, this was what I won."
I sighed, shaking my head. "Fine, but no complaining if I turn green or if I throw up ."
"I would never!"
"I remember differently," I said, a small smile forming on my face. Next time that we'd do a bet, I'd make sure to know what was at stake before agreeing. As much as I enjoyed living with the boys, when it came to making bets, they somehow always managed to win.
When the ride was finally over, and I had indeed turned the slightest shade of green, the boys had found their prey for the night.
"You can come along, if you want."
I shook my head. "No, I don't think I can keep my stomach controlled this time." He chuckled.
"Lost bet," I shrugged, leaning against the metal rail. "I'll be fine. I'm just going to browse, I think."
"We can go later if you're still shaken from this morning," Dwayne offered, but I shook my head. "Go. I'll be fine, promise."
With that, they left to hunt, and I turned to the stores. There wasn't much new inside, and after deciding it would be more fun to go to the concert down at the beach, I left the boardwalk.
The music was good, some cover band playing the latest hits. The crowd was big and wild, and even though the nightmare I had this morning still plagued my mind, I was certain nothing would happen in this crowd. So, I joined in. I danced, sang along to the tunes I knew, and got swept away by the music until, in the distance, I saw a shape wearing a mask.
I froze. The masked figure turned to look at me. Only now could I see what it represented, some sort of clown like face. As the clownfaced figure looked at me and saw how frozen I was, it waved.
I didn't think. I turned around and ran. Through the crowds, over the beach, under the boardwalk - I ran and ran, and I could feel it stinging in my side, but I could not stop because he was coming after me. I knew, I heard him. I ran, and I stopped. I turned around, and then I was once again coughing up blood, being stabbed in the stomach. I fell to the ground, my killer leaned over me and-
With a scream, I awoke, and jumped straight out of bed. This - I had been murdered. I had been murdered, and now I was awake, alive and - Paul came in. If I hadn't known he would have come in, I certainly would not have noticed.
"No, I'm not alright," I said quietly, before he could even ask if I was. Paul frowned, hugged me, but didn't ask how I knew what he was going to ask. The first time I woke up, yesterday, I had been certain it was a dream. But, if I woke up today, and I remembered that I was actually killed - maybe the first time, yesterday, wasn't a dream either?
I got dressed and went outside, we went to the boardwalk, and once again, Marko tried to get me on the rollercoaster. I froze. This had definitely happened before. Everything that happened today had happened before.
"Not today," I said dsitracted, as Marko dragged me to the coaster. "Something is wrong."
"What is?"
"What day is it?"
"Tuesday. Why?"
"Yesterday was Tuesday. There was a band playing, down at the beach. They only play on Tuesdays."
Marko frowned, taking me back to the others. "What's going on?"
"This happened before. Everything. Which also means that at the end of tonight, I will be killed... again." I frowned. Was that why this was happening? Did I have to try to survive?
"What do you mean killed?" Dwayne looked at me.
"The dream I had? I was murdered. Stabbed, repeatedly. But it wasn't a dream. It was what actually happened, and then when I died, it was morning again."
"Who killed you?" Paul asked, which made me realise that they could very easily find him in 's crowd, right? If they found the guy before he killed me, then I wouldn't have to die?
"A guy in a clownmask."
David sighed. "You're not going anywhere alone, alright?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I'd rather not get stabbed again, thanks."
This meant, obviously, that I had to join them while they fed. I drove with them to a distant bonfire, far away from the crowds, and waited by the bikes while they fed. Thinking about it, maybe being turned half would make killing me harder? Maybe that could prevent it from happening aga-
My eyes opened wide when a knife was pushed into my back. I screamed, stumbling forward. In the distance, I could hear Marko call my name, and then there was nothing.
With a scream, I awoke, jumped out of bed, and - horror came over me as I realised that once again I had been killed. "Paul? What day is it?"
"How did you know I was here?"
"What day-?"
"Tuesday, are you-?"
"Nope. Is everyone up, there's something I need to talk to you about."
There was absolutely no doubt about it, I was stuck in a timeloop, and every single time, it was Tuesday I got killed by a guy in a fucking clownmask.
"So, this has been the fourth time I woke up, and it is still Tuesday, and I don't know who is killing me or why, but I really want it to stop," I concluded my explanation.
"You're not kidding," Dwayne realised as he pulled me close. "Shit."
I nodded. It was shit, especially since I didn't quite know how to stop it.
"How long have you-?"
"This is the fourth Tuesday, and the second that I'm aware of the loop."
"What did we do yesterday, differently than the previous Tuesday?" David asked.
"I didn't go on the coaster with Marko, and I realised that I was stuck in a loop. I went with you when you fed, and then I was stabbed in the back."
"So even when we're with you, you got killed?"
"Yeah," I sighed.
"We can feed tomorrow. One of us will always be with you. Avoid crowds. Avoid going somewhere we can't follow. Maybe if you survive, the loop will be broken." I nodded, hugging David. "I hope so."
That night, I wasn't alone even once. We skipped the coaster, stayed on the edge of the boardwalk, and avoided the crowds. The only problem was that after having dinner, I realised that I needed to go to the bathroom. Paul went with me and patiently waited outside the stall door, making sure no one could get to me. When we left, we were surrounded by people. The concert at the beach had been over, and everyone went back to the boardwalk. I tried to reach for Paul's hand, but the crowd dragged me away. I tried to move my way back to him. He spotted me, was coming towards me, when suddenly horror crossed his face. I turned around and screamed as the knife was forced into my neck.
My hand shot towards my neck when I woke up, and I couldn't help but cry. Four times. Four times had I been killed. "Babe?"
"We need to stay here tonight, please."
"Kitten, what's going on?" David had entered as well. I told them again. Had to explain again how this was Tuesday number five, that I had been killed four times and that I was not only terrified but that I had no idea who was even doing this or how to stop it. Luckily, once again, they realised I wasn't lying - the benefit of having boyfriends who could hear your heartbeat, I thought quietly. So, that Tuesday we stayed in. But when they left to feed, something they decided on after agreeing that no one would find the cave, the masked killer appeared on top of the cliffs. I screamed, ran, hid, and once again, I failed.
It went like that for who knows how long. Every day, I explained it to the boys, and every time, we tried something new. And every time, I still got killed. I didn't know how many Tuesdays I have had, I didn't know who the killer was still - not that we hadn't tried to figure it out - and I was still dying every single day.
It was one Tuesday when I didn't even bother getting out of bed, and I decided that that was the next plan of survival. All those days, we had tried everything, but not one day had I stayed in bed. Once again, I explained, but the more I talked, the more I actually realised I wasn't feeling too great. When Dwayne stayed with me, after the others went out to get food, I realised why. Scars. My entire stomach was covered in scars, from all the stabbing I took.
Dwayne didn't say anything as he just held me, noticing before me that the boys had returned home. "We're in here," he'd yelled before making sure I was comfortable. It was then that my door swung open, and I screamed. The man with the clownmask was here. Dwayne jumped up, pulling the mask off, and - I didn't know who it was. The man was unknown to me, and still had he tried to kill me all these days.
"Who are you?" I asked, Dwayne standing in front of me.
The man just grinned. "Smith."
It happened quickly. David and the others returned, Dwayne and I both were distracted, and then I felt it again. The knife stuck in my heart as I fell down and everything went black.
"What the fuck, babe?" Paul stood in the doorway, as I had once again woken up and it was once again Tuesday. "The guy who killed me, his name is Smith!"
Paul looked confused, but after so many Tuesdays, I had become very skilled in explaining that I was stuck in a timeloop. "The only problem is now, that I don't know who this Smith guy is."
"We do," Dwayne said, causing me to look up. "We killed his wife a while back. He has no proof, but he always thought we had something to do with it."
"So, if we find him and kill him before he kills me, then we break the loop, right?"
"I think so," David said, standing up. "We know where he lives."
"Alright, let's go," I grinned, stopping as I saw their concerned looks.
"He doesn't know where the cave is-"
"Marko, he does, I've been killed here at least seven times now."
"Yeah, honestly, the longest I've survived was when i was close to you four, so no way am I changing that up now."
The boys nodded, agreeing that I was right. That night felt different from the others. Somehow, I felt less fearful. We drove to Smith's house, Paul and Marko stayed with me as David and Dwayne entered, and within seconds, we could hear a grown man screaming. As they brought the body out, I froze.
"What is it? He's dead. You should be fine now," David looked at me.
"It's not him." I whispered, horrified. It was quiet for a moment when suddenly we all heard a snap. Someone had stood on a branch and broken it. The boys turned around before I could react, and Paul and Marko jumped into action. The man with the mask was here, grabbed by the boys. His mask was pulled off - and it was the same guy as yesterday. David had lifted the guy up, ready to tspear him a part, when in his last moments he threw his knife at me.
Smiths neck was snapped as I fell to the ground, crying quietly. "Not again... I dont-" The boys were next to me, Marko putting pressure on the wound, David taking the knife out. Paul had quickly improvised some bandages, and Dwayne kept me talking, kept me awake.
" 'm tired," I mumbled, feeling cold.
"I know, love."
"Love you guys," I mumbled before everything went black.
I woke up, crying out. It couldn't be - I didn't want to love through yet another Tuesday, I couldn't.
"No, no, no, no, no, please-"
"It's Wednesday," Paul held me as I cried. "It's Wednesday, it's over."
"Yeah," Marko and Dwayne entered.
"We killed Smith," Marko sat down behind me.
"Managed to save you in time," Dwayne smiled, giving me a soft kiss.
"How many Tuesdays did you have?" David stood in the doorway.
"To many. Way too many."
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nebulousboops · 8 months
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uh. out of context meme from an au I've thought of
Basically Will is in a timeloop where he relives the day of the bite of 83' until he accepts trying to save Evan is pointless because what's done is done. You see it's fun because it's a metaphor for his entire motivation in a sense- (according to me anyway)
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tomaturtles · 1 year
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Made this for a poll a while back but felt like posting it on its own :) doomed timelooper besties
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captainsquality · 6 months
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They talk about eldritch Things, like the one that gave you such remarkable Sight. But this sight is no gift from those things. No, you are simply one of them. Which is worse; to behold them? Or to become them?
You only know that you are tired.
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penguin-scribbles · 3 months
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the island of heat-haze days
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arolesbianism · 1 month
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Time for more eternal gales isat au, this time featuring Sier as Isabeau, creating a sprite I can never use next to Aris’ because despite my best efforts it would make them look tall
#keese draws#eternal gales#oc#oc art#isat#in stars and time#this one didn’t take nearly as long as the aris one but I think I suffered for it more from the clothes alone#siffrin made me forget I suck at drawing clothes rip#this was also harder because of how much trickier it was to try and adapt siers design to feel fitting enough for my standards#they have a very stylized design compared to most of the others#I kind of took the lazy route out by keeping most of their original shapes in tact but it’s fine#sier in this au would serve the needed role of emotionally intelligent bestie who is also too scared to cross boundaries to do much#but despite this I do think they’d actually get the suspicion quest in this au#mostly because mase is a furry artist not a nerd and sier would be more likely to look at aris and go bro. are you in a fucking timeloop.#it also differs in that aris doesn’t yell at sier abt it instead looping before they can finish because she can’t handle hearing them be#right on the money about this thing that she thought she was handling perfectly#she doesn’t want to fail them she doesn’t want them to realize she’s failed them she doesn’t want to be a burden she doesn’t want them to#‘realize’ they’re better off without her#aris is Incredibly resistant to accepting help on most serious issues because shes convinced that it’s her responsibility to deal with it#by herself and that if she can’t then she’s a failure and worse than useless#I mean in canon eternal gales she literally loses her eye and arm because of that#in this au she just lost them how sif lost his eye but she still has. complexes abt all that.#but yeah sier also differs wildly from isa in many Many other ways as does the rest of the cast from their assigned characters#for sier they rly aren’t the jock of the group at all instead being more of the guy who keeps the mood lighthearted at all times lest they#die of stress because the others haven’t said anything in a whole 30 seconds#aka they’re the self assigned peacekeeper who doesn’t actually need to constantly keep the peace because no one’s fighting but they still#feel like they need to so they dance and dance and dance for their friends until they collapse from exhaustion#metaphorically ofc#this is why they’re both terrified to confront aris when she starts acting a bit fucked up but also why they still do sometimes anyways#they talk abt this a lil bit in their friend quest as they talk abt how they want to change but are scared to
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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dip pen ink comm round 3! for one Bakugames, one Mouse, and one Sol
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eldragon-x · 5 months
Siffrin using he/they while Loop just uses they/them has a lot of comedy potential and was probably also a choice to make it less obvious that they're the same person but I also always think about The Implications. And how the creator in the spoiler Q&A said that Loop using different pronouns might partially be because their identity shifted so much away from Siffrin's.
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valencrime · 8 days
Working on a new longfic. I've always had a little story idea, where there's some other criteria that causes Frisk to Reset, turning it more into a timeloop story.
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negative-ease · 5 months
stuck in an extremely specific hell loop of my own creation... driving in the rain thinking about gouto renya & shinonome ryoko AS ONE DOES RIGHT AFTER FINISHING 13 SENTINELS and the marías "i don't know you" starts playing like ok a little on the nose but also... (typing while upside down in a ditch)
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dubious-writing · 5 months
Someone made a TikTok post about my fic??? Wow!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ That’s so cool honestly, I’m so happy they liked it that much!!!
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gachagon · 5 months
been playing more Stardew and Idk if I've just never noticed this before or if its a new thing but when I talked to everyone in my Third year at the Spirit's Eve event, they were all in different places this time then last year (I skipped spirits eve the first year on accident).
They also all had new dialougue vaguely alluding to the idea that they remembered doing Spirits Eve last year but couldn't remember exactly what happened. (Penny had a really creepy line about remembering the cauldron and I do remember finding her there last year so uh T_T)
And Sam also mentioned that his "memory gets fuzzy when he tries to remember the previous years" idk i do the spirits eve thing all the time but I've never noticed this before.
I did hear that the Spirits Eve event and other seasonal holidays got updated though so that its more challenging but is this new? Can anyone confirm lol.
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calicoclovers · 1 year
patiently waiting for the lost signals brainrot to slam into me like a truck
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i have so many THOUGHTS but none of them translate well into a whole FIC AUGH
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
Sasasap time :)
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