#Lost Anchor fanart
lloyddahb0i · 4 months
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Fanart of @haunted-planes characters in his comic "Lost Anchor" I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.
The character dynamic meme is made @animelionessmika
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jeeaark · 8 months
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It amuses me that the date with the Emperor had me actually considerin' trying out the tadpole powers. Spent a whole day considering the consequences. Back in the day when there were no answers. Only 'ARE there consequences?????' questions. Good stuff.
ALAS, Greygold ultimately decided against it. Nobody wanted to get a tadpole upgrade for shits and giggles, and the only way to persuade was with the ol' 'FOR POWER' and Greygold ain't like that.
So. not really a silly. more like a 'Greygold would like their friends to see that illithid powers can be used for more than just 'power', but a shame they can't explain it without the topic of illithid hanky-panky being brought up'
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lexlightning2002 · 5 months
~Your eyes are a science I can't explain, a thought I cannot describe, it's just pure happiness~
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Well, It's been a long time since I posted something here, but after a break, I am back!
I'm really sorry for being inactive, but the last months were really hard for me and a lot of stuff happened and is still happening. For this, please go on reading under the Cut, it would mean a lot to me.
I hope you all are well and I hope this fandom is still alive! 💚💜
CW: I am going to talk about animal abuse, losing a pet and grief. If you are not comfortable with this, please skip🌸
The last months has been really hard. As some of you might know, I do horse riding in my free time and it's my second passion besides art. There has been a lot of troubles at the stable lately and I am the kind of person who takes everything by heart.
I always was very uncomfortable being at the stable, because I felt everyone judged me and talked behind my back. The anchor was my horse, which sadly didn't belong to me, she belonged to the riding facility as she was a lesson horse. I was the person who cared for her. She was my heart horse I believe, and last month, she suddenly behaved differently, as if she was traumatized.
There have been incidents at our facility where horses have been beaten and shouted at just to let u know
I got the job to get her trust back, as she was used around children. And it got better.
And two days later she was brought to the animal clinic because she developed a high fever. The vets couldn't save her, and three days later she had to be euthanized.
I couldn't say goodbye to her and I'm still crying everyday. She was something special, maybe I can share some pictures of her at some point, to show you how great she was.
I am grieving her so hard and it's very difficult for me to find happiness again.
I don't know if you ever lost a pet, but it hurts so much, and it left me in a hole full of nothing.
I am slowly recovering, but I'm not sure if I will ever get over her. I should go to therapy, but I have no energy for writing an email or making a call.
Speaking about art, this year will be my final year at art academy, I will hopefully graduate in September. For that, I need much time for my project, meaning, I won't have much time for making fanart anymore. If you want, I could do a poll about sharing my other art as well.
It's a hard life atm, but art keeps me busy.
But sometimes you just need a break, and I needed it now.
I hope you understand this, and I am so thankful for everyone who stayed and joined <3
Much love and stay safe💜💚🧡🩵
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fledgling-of-divorce · 2 months
The Song of Achilles AU: Interview with the Vampire fic idea
In this poll I discussed/entertained the idea of The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller AU where Lestat and Louis are Patroclus and Achilles.
I plan to write a fic for this and also document it on this blog. I'm not delusional enough to claim this idea for myself only because this has been done in other countless AUs [Hogwarts AU, Godfather AU] I do want to claim the opportunity to be referenced as a prompt.
Though I have not seen a The Song of Achilles AU specifically with Interview with the Vampire. I am interested in people who have
How I got the idea
I got the idea when I saw this post, a fanart piece, and remembered it from the time TSOA was on my Pinterest for months on end and the use of that very reference to the famous artwork used there.
And now here I am ready to write it now. Or plan it.
This is the aesthetic/mood board for the idea.
The character substitute/casting
♪ Lestat as Achilles ♪
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∆ Louis as Patroclus ∆
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Continuation of casting...
Reasons for character substitute/Parallel between:
Achilles & Lestat:
Achilles is raised among many "brothers" in his life even though they are foster brothers.
Lestat is raised among seven other brothers in the books. (Not sure if they will include that in the series)
Achilles is a demi-god seen as the best of the Greeks. He has a Goddess's blood in him.
Lestat is a vampire seen as legendary among his kind. He has Akasha's blood in him who is rumoured to be the "first vampire"
Achilles has blonde hair and once (👀) wore women's clothes and spent a lot of time in them. (drag) (Enjoyed it too)
Lestat did Madi Gras and Dragged that outfit. Often loved presenting dramatically feminine at times. Also: Blonde Hair.
Achilles later in the book saw himself above others and often saw himself as Demi-God first and human boy/man second.
Lestat separates himself from humanity and sees himself above mortals.
Achilles had a lover who was his anchor to humanity and lost their mind in grief when they lost them.
Lestat has a lover who anchors/teaches him humanity again. He loses his charge when he loses Louis. (Puts himself in a grave/punishes himself in their old home)
Achilles is pleaded to save a girl who later becomes a friend/companion/sister to Patroclus. Achilles later becomes jealous of said companion he saves and does not hesitate in giving her away when it serves him more benefit.
Lestat is pleaded with to save a child who later becomes a daughter/sister to Louis. He later becomes jealous of said daughter and does not hesitate in trying to get rid of her when it suits him
These are my main reasons and some of them are superficial. There's a part of me that consider Louis more Achilles than Lestat [discussed here] at times but it doesn't really fit the themes, especially at the dynamic at the end with TSOA.
Here are reasons for my choice with Louis as Patroclus:
Patroclus & Louis:
Patroclus was raised in a household that did not want him and was often found wanting. Did not feel motherly love.
Louis was raised in a household that often made it known how lacking he was and highlighted his failures. Did not receive motherly love.
Patroclus killed a boy by mistake and grieved him and his mistake. He was blamed for it even when it wasn't his fault (coincidence)
Louis saw his brother die and grieved him. He was blamed for his brother's death even when it wasn't his fault.
Patroclus has empathy towards others and cannot stomach the thought of killing. Resents it and has struggled in accepting how his lover enjoys and kills so easily.
Louis has empathy towards humans more than any other vampire most of the time. He resents killing them and never takes to the act. He is disturbed by his lover's method of killing and how he enjoys it.
Patroclus risked betraying his lover to protect his friend/companion/sister against being abused and exploited and did all he could to protect her. (Even though it wasn't enough from her being taken)
Louis risked betraying his lover and killed him to protect his sister/daughter against further abuse. (Even though it wasn't enough from her being killed at the end.
Patroclus is described as more than/darker tones than Achilles and darker, curly hair. (Just wanted to include this because it's the same as my blonde hair parallel)
Louis is black in the series, black hair and curly. (You with the dark hair, you with the watercolor eyessss)
Patroclus saw beauty in taking care/healing and was his passion and drive.
Louis feels most fulfilled when he is taking care/pampering someone else or is responsible for someone to an extent. Life has no meaning when he can't care/give.
So there are more parallels I'm sure but these are the only ones relevant to me right now and that I can think of. Though it's not going to be copy and paste the same format as The Song of Achilles it's going to be close to it in central themes and major plot points.
I'm more inclined to make this a Lestat POV more than Louis because I want to explore Lestat's POV as living as one of the greatest legends and explore him in that way. I'm already writing a fic where Louis is the only POV and so this would be new and refreshing. (Also because it's going to be a fanon thing since it's an AU lmao)
~ Fledgling-of-divorce/VoidWendigo
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Explore the sapphire universe!
A guideline to help navigate this universe (re: masterlist).
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The tales of Bang Chan & Bora 
In which his best friend really is the best anchor for him. Chris x best friend Bora; Chris was the youngest with older sister Hannah, he lost his parents and older brother Lucas a year before his debut.
Mirror (Apr 2018)
Miroh (Apr 2019)
24 to 25 (Dec 2020)
Our wedding? (Nov 2021)
Lock screen (Jun 2024)
Wait (Jun 2024)
Fifteen minutes? (Jul 2024)
Favorite fanart (Aug 2024)
Stories from Lee Know & Iris 
About how they found their way back to each other once they were ready for each other. Minho x high school friend Iris
Kibbles (Jan 2020)
Somewhere cool next time (Jan 2020)
Light bites (Apr 2020)
The headspace of a maknae (Nov 2022)
Methods of recharging (Jul 2024)
A foreign urge (Aug 2024)
Constant presence (Aug 2024)
Bias (Aug 2024)
An anthology of Changbin & Chaeyeon 
Which includes the full experience of falling in, and out, of love, and everything in between. Changbin x Lee Chaeyeon
Sorry, I Love You (Mar 2020)
Less transactional (Jul 2020)
(Very broad) shoulders to lean on (Oct 2020)
A collage of Hyunjin and Jinsol
When it's not the right time to meet the right person. Hyunjin x barista Jinsol
How to get over a heartbreak (Aug 2023)
ice.cream (Aug 2023)
Chronicles of Han & Sara 
Where two people from the same pod bring out both the best and the worst versions of each other. Jisung x coffee shop stranger Sara
Close (Mar 2020)
Closer (Mar 2020)
Ex-aliens (Jan 2021)
Pieces of Felix & Sophia
For he's always there for her and she for him, just not always in the same way. Felix x childhood friend Sophia
Headache (Feb 2022)
Enough (Mar 2022)
Whispers around Seungmin & Soojin 
Of how he matches her weird, as well as she does his. Seungmin x Weeekly's Soojin
Adopted habits (Mar 2022)
Dissolving space and time (May 2022)
Fools (Sep 2022)
A montage of I.N & Jasmine 
Featuring a love story as delicate as the melodies surrounding them. Jeongin x indie-jazz singer-songwriter Jasmine
Proving mode (Dec 2022)
Dangerous train of thoughts (Jan 2023)
Quietly (Aug 2024)
Feel free to hit me up on my ask page or my comment sections!
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barkers-art · 6 months
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So, I decided to hop onto the MLP Infection AU bandwagon because I really like some of the fanart that's come out of it and I wanted to make my own little contribution. This was heavily inspired by the DA user AngstyRam's version as I felt like doing my own spin on the idea. This particular infection has been dubbed "Timberbeast Disease" after the beast-like form that comes from Stage 3 as well as the belief that the infection originally came from timberwolves. It's kind of a combination of timberwolves and the Swamp Fever from Season 7.
Stage 1: Bitten
The host is bitten and infected, with a bite wound being an indication of infection.
Symptoms includes fear, paranoia and pain from the affected area.
This stage can last anywhere from a few hours to 2-3 days.
If caught early enough, the host could potentially be saved if the affected area is amputated
Stage 2: Sprouting
Infection begins spreading through the rest of the body.
Mane begins falling out. The host may also start coughing up leaves.
Leaves and small twigs begin sprouting out of various parts of the body, mainly in the area where the host was originally bitten. Breaking them off will only make the infection progress faster.
Wings/horns typically remain intact at this stage. Can still fly/use magic as normal.
Eyes become bloodshot and take on a greenish glow similar to that of timberwolves.
Other symptoms include migranes, weight loss, fever, chills and memory loss.
Can no longer be saved.
Stage 3: Timberbeast
The most dangerous stage. Host now bears little resemblance to the pony they once were and is much more aggressive and vicious. 
Has completely lost all memory and their only instinct now is to hunt down prey. Will attack and eat other ponies.
Most of the host's skin has fallen off to reveal a wooden, tree-like body underneath. Twigs and branches continue to sprout from various parts of the body.
Root-like claws develop from what was once the host's hooves.
Can no longer fly/use magic.
Drool is actually tree sap and has been confirmed to pass the infection if contact is made.
KILL ON SIGHT. There is no hope of saving them.
Stage 4: Rooted
The host's claws have developed into roots that keep them anchored to the ground.
Hair and skin are completely gone.
More leaves and branches sprout from the body as they gradually transform into a tree.
Much less dangerous than Stage 3 as the host is now immobile, but can still potentially bite if one gets too close. Best to be avoided while they can still bite.
Stage 5: Tree
The final stage. Host has completely transformed into a tree and is no longer dangerous.
The host's cutie mark will typically appear as a pattern in the tree's bark.
Some of these trees have been known to bear fruit. Eating these fruits are not advised as the effects from consuming them are currently unknown.
Since these trees are being studied to potentially find a cure for Timberbeast Disease, cutting them down is strictly prohibited. Any creature caught attempting to cut them down will face criminal prosecution.
Also RIP Royal Pin
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jayktoralldaylong · 8 months
I don't think I'm ever going to get over Connall Moonbeam. I have tried and I have kept failing. It makes it especially worse that there's such few edits of him or fanart of him. It's like he never existed, like he was never even there, Fenrys' shadow even in death.
He hated his life so much. His only desire was to be more. Then that horrid selfish desire ended up with both he and his brother trapped in hell and he had to watch as Fenrys was stripped of all the things that made him bright and shiny over and over again, and maybe hate himself. Hate himself for being the reason that Fenrys' always suffer. For being the anchor that keeps Fenrys from ever sailing away from Maeve. Cause Fenrys would rather die than serve Maeve, but he won't let himself die because that would mean abandoning Connall.
I'm never getting over wondering if Connall ever knew how much Fenrys loved him and that just completely breaks my heart. Everyone always calls Fenrys brash, reckless, wild, like he's something annoying they have to put up with, unlike levelheaded Connall. Fenrys admired all the parts that Connall hated of himself. Fenrys was so proud, he'd boast of his brother, was protective of his brother, admired that Connall could do all the things that he couldn't do. He was so proud of his brother and proud of himself, and he thought if they ever escaped Maeve they would leave together, because Fenrys still dreamed of freedom even after Maeve tore him apart again and again. Connall must hage admired Fenrys' firey drive but also worried for him so much. Worried every time Fenrys provoked Maeve and he ended up in punishment. "I told you to behave" he basically says. And with the way his hands were shaking, with how Maeve said she wanted to cleanse her court, you just KNOW Fenrys was the one ordered to be executed so Connall gave his heroic reckless brother one final gift.
My Roman empire is Maeve stealing away Connall's last words. He couldn't speak at all with the pride he actually has for his brother, the relief that Fenrys has found a queen who would love him and beg for him. He couldn't even tell his brother he loved him, instead admitting the childish hate he still stored in his heart because of course Connall hated Fenrys, in the way siblings hate each other. In the way you hate someone who's better than you in every way but still desperately want them to success. And Fenrys watching his brother hit the ground without being able to speak, to beg, to mourn, to say anything. Fenrys getting forced to service Maeve with his brother's body right beside him, defiling Connall even in death. That Fenrys has no idea what they did with his brother's body. That Fenrys thought he'd get to see that black face mirroring his own face for a long long time. Those wise eyes, that mouth that was not so quick to smile. His brother, his reason, his heart, his comfort, the only one able to understand him completely, Maeve took him away.
Now when Fenrys opens his eyes there is no Connall nearby that understands his secret messages, right down to his small barks. No one who gets what he's trying to say even when he's not saying it. No one but Aelin, and thank God for Aelin because Fenrys keeps losing the people who truly cared. It would make him feel what was the use of being amazing and brave and heroic when he can't protect the things he truly wants to protect.
Fenrys lost his second half and could say and do nothing about it. No secret messages, no secret smiles. A silence so loud every time he jerks out of a nightmare and doesn't see a black wolf nearby, or a dark Fae with his face who understands his heart. And Connall, gone like a whisper of wind. Who even stops to think of him? Who remembers him? He didn't even fight in the war, no one will sing for him. And Connall understood this, when Fenrys was the only one to return with Maeve. Understood they had found a Queen worthy of serving, and of course Fenrys had found that queen first. Fenrys' Queen, the Queen Fenrys deserved while he (Connall) was stuck with Maeve. So he died with Maeve, to set Fenrys free. So that never again would Fenrys break free of Maeve and ever look back. He accepted being a whisper, being a memory that would live only in Fenrys heart.
Nameless is Aelin's name. Erased is Connall's. Erased with barely a legacy. Erased. Erased. Erased. Fenrys' precious brother. The one he sacrificed his freedom for. The one he'd do anything for. His one Achilles heel. Erased.
I hate Maeve. Maeve erased his twin brother.
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cluelessmoose · 3 months
You Can Go No Further for the ask game
You Can Go No Further-
Wild Centric, in which his placement in the shrine was the Sheikah choosing to sacrifice their dying hero so his body could be tied to his cause by less kind means than loyalty.
Wild doesn't have a choice when it comes to saving his kingdom, the same ancient power that lights his eyes and fuels the shrines leaving him little more than an unwilling puppet to wield the sword against the Calamity. He's made to be the perfect hero- scraps of the other Champion's powers strengthening him. Memories wiped to prevent any allegiance to anything but defeating Ganon and securing the last of Hylia's royal bloodline. Soul tied into his body with rules and guides and boundaries, all to make him the perfect, pliable hero.
Link doesn't matter, only his soul in his body with his abilities, and if they must be bent to breaking into the shape Hyrule needs him to be to survive, then so be it.
(Hylia's big picture and often sacrificial view of kingdom saving makes for a poor hero from the POVs of the Chain and between that and his reticence towards his duty (dislike of being mind-locked into action) and disregard for doing any more than the bare minimum (difficult to break free enough to engage more than is necessary per the magic binding him), Wild is rather unliked. It's not his fault that Hylia is a terrible hero, and that he can do nothing but be dragged along to her and the ancient magic's whims.)
This is all based on a specific tumblr post of breath of the wild fanart showing Link and the message that shows up in Breath of the Wild when you reach the edge of the map and hit the invisible wall- You Can Go No Further. Unfortunately, I cannot find it to link it, and not for lack of trying.
Wild cannot leave the kingdom, cannot ignore Ganon or monsters, cannot do anything but follow shrines to grow strong enough to kill his enemies. Cannot die, between the magic in his veins tying him to this fate, and he may have been proud, may have chosen it freely but for how it soured the instant it became chains anchored in his bones.
He stands before them, bare-boned and crumbling and with his puppetted soul shining through his eyes. 
“What kind of hero are you, even?”
It is hissed like a curse, contempt in every word and slash of Warriors’ mouth as he spits it at Wild, eyes blazing as the taller hero looms over him. There is blood over the Captain’s tunic and glazing both their blades, monster dark compared to the incriminating crimson of Hyrule’s hands as he sits back from a too still body, trembling with what proves to be fury as his eyes turn to Wild. 
They’re all watching him, blame and judgement crushing his already sparse words within his lungs. Wild’s glowing gaze flicks from them to blink blankly back at Warriors, untouchable beneath the cottony shock, the lashing wound of a question too instantly grievous for him to register the devastation at first. 
What kind of hero…?
The worst kind. No hero at all. Worthless of any praise or pride. Nothing but a weapon in Hylia’s hand, guiltless by default. Nothing but a victim himself, and how can he save others when he’s-
Warriors turns away from his empty stare, cursing, and the lost feeling only deepens as the tangible hate thickens around him. There are no friends, here, and these heroes are only allies because the Goddess wills him through every portal, proving him a part of this mission even as he remains unable to fit in with the heroes. 
Wild stayed silent in the face of the accusation and in the days following, but the question continued to ring, echoed in every glare and frown and cold shoulder. 
What kind of hero are you, even?
A perfect one, by the highest authority on the matter. 
Hylia had ensured it to be so.
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yinyangswings · 18 days
Can you draw One Piece art? I’ve been looking for a new fan fic to read and would love recommendations!
Hi! Oh I've drawn several fanarts for fanfic I love. Here are a few. Most of the are ASL related, and several are by the same author so keep in mind on that:
Twin Flames by @portgas-d-aroace (also known as SoccerSarah01 on ao3)
Greatest Gift of All by @portgas-d-aroace (also known as SoccerSarah01 on ao3. Honestly they have a lot of awesome One Piece fics. I've drawn for several of them lol)
The world Doesn't Deserve You by Dezace (This author has a lot of great One Piece fics as well and I've drawn several of them. This one is a part of a series that is Luffy was raised as a Marine, but now has more childhood trauma)
Heart and Anchor by @missmungoe (both on a03 and tumblr. I highly suggest reading a lot of this author's writings if you like Shanks/Makino. I've only drawn art for one, but they have a lot of good stories)
Let the Shadows Fall Behind you by mad_and_thick_as_thieves (this one has a lot angst but is so good!)
Retired doesn't mean Weak by Dezace
Sun must set to Rise by @portgas-d-aroace
Pirates are born Free by tyrianzzz
glass wings (shattered) by theprodigypenguin
There is thunder in our hearts by @taizi who is also @goodlucktai on here (taizi on a03) (another author that has a wonderful selection of One Piece fanfics)
Hand of Fate and A Twist of Fate by Beyond_Kailani
Take a Step in mine by @portgas-d-aroace (also known as SoccerSarah01 on ao3)
A New Tide in an Old Bottle by @missmungoe
All for One by @missmungoe
Tournesol by @missmungoe
put your faith in what you most believe in by @taizi who is also @goodlucktai on here (taizi on a03)
Big Brother, little brother by Akemichan
Brotherly Bonds by PhoenixKaizen
It was cold without you by my side by Dezace
Luffy was raised as a marine and makes it everyone's problem by Dezace
Lost and Found by tyrianzzz
a song to bring you home by @taizi who is also @goodlucktai on here (taizi on a03)
light up light up by @taizi who is also @goodlucktai on here (taizi on a03)
Defenders Without Fear by Fawnthefox this one is ongoing and the author is transferring it slowly from fanfiction.net by the same name
Hope these help!!
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Open Heart FotW - Jul 2 - 8, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
Anchored in Love ✒️| Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
The Warmth of Love ✒️| Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
The Cabin ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @takeharryandgo
Hot Idea ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Little Doctor Lea ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @doriopenheart
Lost ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @cariantha
Madison ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
Self-Reflections 📱| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Sweet Relief ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @coffeeheartaddict2
The Love Language Test ✒️| Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter
Burden or Expectation ✒️| Tobias Carrick - @coffeeheartaddict2
Sweet Stuff ✒️| Tobias Carrick x F!MC, Ethan Ramsey - @jerzwriter
Main CFWC Fics of the Week List
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lotus-tower · 2 years
is oboros first death the one via boulder important? does gintama change much if he stays with shoyo? would he get to meet gintoki? would shouyou and gintoki meet? Gintoki as a 30 year old adult and now theres 2 mendicant monks annoying him. idk gintama au where oboro isn't the martyr in the wallpaper?
well it kind of is and isn't. because frankly oboro is Nothing. he is a Nothing guy. he's the root of the tragedy but hes also completely unimportant. and that's the core of his character so if he doesn't go through with all that he basically doesn't exist as as oboro as we know him. HOWEVER i am always enamoured with fanart of him in his little handkerchief and apron being a domestic little helper taking care of his juniors. it's very very cute. and i wish it was real, but only because it's so not real.
this isn't a very interesting answer so let me go into more depth. technically the boulder is oboro's second death. his first death is what prompts shouyou to give him his blood. oboro is the kind of guy who acts as though he's under an ancient vampire blood curse even though it's really not the case. he gives a lot of juice to vampire aus. thank you for your service oboro. anyway. oboro's boulder death serves as a sort of price for shouyou getting to leave the naraku and be free to become shouyou-sensei. was infant crushing trap the only way to achieve this, in-story and narratively? no. but it's funny so it's okay. and tbh even though i am a 100% a "i love gintama literature and scholarship" guy i don't really believe the writing surrounding these moments is all that interesting or substantial that's one reason i don't think a "oboro stays with shouyou" AU amounts to much. the other reason is that gintama is a linearly "revealed" story. yes, oboro's whole thing happened first chronologically, but he can't exist in the story from the start without "spoiling" the whole shouyoutsuro blood thing. not that reconstructing the gintama story in a way that zeroes in on these elements from the start isn't my literal hobby. but in this case there's not really much of an anchor to ground this AU around. I don't know if that makes sense without context of the kinds of AUs I DO play around with.
the kinds of AUs where oboro plays a central role that i love tend to be the ones like my villainverse ones where gintoki, well, Fucked Up Big. in canon oboro's character already just serves as icing to give gintoki's character extra oomph. he has sworn himself into passivity and not doing interesting shit. and everyone hates his guts and leave him to do that by himself because no one knows what's up with him. he has no friends. utsuro likes him and therefore just lets him die and is like 'oki' about oboro's oath. in an AU where, on the other hand, gintoki fails to be... well, Gintoki the way he is in canon, he is necessarily utsuro-sided (as opposed to shouyou-sided). this also means he makes mistakes that oboro is already meant to embody, meaning gintoki is now walking in oboro's footsteps. oboro has already lost shouyou due to his own massive cringefail. being faced With shouyou's spirit, in the form of gintoki, in canon, only makes im More Oboro. which leads to nothing helpful, because he is a rock. but if he's met with a true parallel, a shadow of himself--well, his "self" becomes relevant for the first time in the story. probably very discomfiting for him. at the same time, he's faced with the prospect of shouyou Truly being lost. oboro knows very well that gintoki is carrying on shouyou's legacy in canon. and even though he's cynical and thinks it's a doomed narrative, a doomed narrative doesn't mean there's nothing of value there. gintoki being gintoki makes it easy for oboro to be just... nothing. but if gintoki fails at being gintoki, fails at carrying on shouyou's legacy, i think oboro would be caught in a much more difficult position.
so i think that would be a more interesting "oboro meets/'''''stays''''' with gintoki" AU. i promise i tried not to just talk about my villain AU. hope this remotely answered your question.
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
OH, okay, so Zenos is CRAZY crazy.
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A shame they wouldn't let him be just an unhinged weirdo from the start and tried to make him be some like... apathetic manipulator, he was creepy and boring for like 98% of Stormblood and then just went BATSHIT INSANE. Mask off, cackling like a lunatic, started espousing the virtues of violence for violence's sake, turned himself into Shinryu, said, "Thanks for the fight, I finally felt alive before I died, unlike all the rebellions I've been trying to seed to give me an interesting challenge, BYE, BESTIE!" and then killed himself??
And you know what? Good for him. I was at least laughing at how batshit he went. Be weirder and more unhinged! His ethos is stupid, but god, if you're gonna give me NOTHING but bullshit mustache twirling boring fucking villains with no humanity or depth to them, the LEAST you can do is give me memorable scene chewing. If you can't be interesting, at least be FUN.
I will say, taking the story in good faith, I'm deciding he does make a VERY good dark mirror for Talia! I forget the exact quote, but he said something to the effect of, "I can see even now you want to rip my throat out with your teeth," and like, that was VERBATIM something I said Talia would do when she got her hands on him, so like, yeah, he's not... wrong... about specifically Talia being a revenge addled violent murderer at heart. That's why it's important that Talia always has that morality anchor. Her instincts are DARK. (Other people joke if anything ever happened to a character they'd kill everyone and then themselves; Talia means it. It almost happened when she lost her sister!)
I grant you those instincts are born of like, y'know, caring too much about things, and not like... this bizarre violence fetish born of apathy, or desperately trying to pursue the thrill of the hunt or whatever. The Dark Knight story got it right when the Moogles said that the reason you angst and plunge into the depths of despair and rage is because you're scared of losing the ones you love or are hurt from having already lost them. Moogles know what's up.
But like, Talia doesn't NOT find joy in being the best murderer in a room; in her mind, it's all she's good for, so she does take some joy in her strength.
So Zenos rolling up and unlike the good people in her life who inspire her to be better (the twins, Lyse, everyone from Heavensward but mostly Aymeric now), just goes "I see you! We're the same! WE'RE FRIENDS NOW!" and she just... needs to go take a long think while floating in the ocean while it rains. Because she already knew she needed to do better in order to be worthy of the admiration these ACTUALLY good people place in her, but WOOF, that was a blow to the ol' self esteem.
Anyway, CHICKENSHIT move that he took his own life, but I still say I'm the reason he died, so by rights, his dumb spinning golfclub bag of swords belongs to my girl now, those are the rules.
I'm REASONABLY certain he isn't really dead, if only because I've seen his Stormblood model, and I've seen the fanart and gpose shit people post of Zenos, and uh. Either people are really REALLY kind in lovingly re-rendering him, or at some point Zenos is going to come back just to wash his fucking hair.
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pirrha · 1 year
i saw fanart of the h2whoa octo with a little bit of shade over their face with that same kind of smile and lost it actually. also saw the anchor coral with sharp teeth. what do you think you'd do with their designs
i'd make them gayer
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lilacmermaid25 · 2 years
Ted Lasso Fanfic Challenge 2023 - January
A new year, a new set of challenges! I hope these ones will inspire more of you to take part!
January’s Challenge:  Death & the Afterlife
The Rules: There are none, EXCEPT that your piece must deal with death, and any of the events or spectrum of emotions that it can bring. Show Nate grieving a loved one he lost long ago, or Henry meeting in his dreams the grandfather he never knew. Write about Ted soothing Hank as he was put down, or Rebecca unable to recall the last time she spoke with Paul. Consider the first patient Dr Kent ever lost, or Sharon treating someone who is thinking of suicide. Think about Higgins crying when the entire Greyhound family comes to Julie’s funeral, or Keeley planning a funeral that helps her fear death less. Show Phoebe being afraid of cemeteries, or Deborah treasuring her weekly visit to her husband’s grave. Write about Sassy coming back from a near-death experience, or Trent asking somebody to raise his daughter if he dies. Consider Nora’s profound relief upon Rupert’s death, or Jamie crying non-stop when Mr. Tartt dies. Think about the Crown & Anchor’s uncertain future after Mae’s death, or Ted being sad when Ms. Shipley dies, even though she was always yelling at him. Show Roy writing a bucket list, now that he sees a future for himself after football. Write about Rupert arguing when the Grim Reaper comes for him, or Sam greeting death as an old friend after a long and happy life. Consider Beard exploring the afterlife, or a reincarnation fic involving Mr. Lasso. Or, if you’d prefer, think about an idiom related to death, such as died laughing or you’re dead to me or a fate worse than death.
Any character, any setting, any premise - anything goes! I’m calling it January’s challenge, but there is absolutely no deadline. And no word limit either - make it a drabble or a one-shot, or the longest multi-chapter you’ve ever written. (I can’t claim to need new things to read these days, but I love multi-chapters all the same). It doesn’t even need to be fic - I’d be thrilled if any of these challenges inspired a gifset or some other form of fanart!
Want to participate but aren’t able to write something at the moment? That’s fine too! Just describe what you’d like to write about for this month’s challenge. I’m curious what ideas all of you have in your heads!
Please add your fic to the AO3 collection HERE, and tag it with Ted Lasso Fanfic Challenge anywhere else you post!
Feel free to check out any of my prompts if you’re looking for inspiration. I hope to create a Masterpost with all of them in one place soon!
Bonus Challenge: Feel like setting an additional challenge for yourself? Send  me an Ask and I’ll give you a character/setting/premise!
Good luck!
Previous Challenges:
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mrspasser · 2 years
10. Wishes
Let's talk about sex, baby (sing it)
Let's talk about you and me (sing it, sing it)
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
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Cover made with fanart by @donlemefo​
It’s all a bit of a daze when they’re on their way back from the Christmas party. They sit in the back of the automated cab, both properly buckled in per Nines’ request. It makes resuming their little make out session from before a little impossible, though the android is still capable of rendering Gavin to a useless pile of sappy gay, a state Gavin never thought he’d possibly achieve. Yet here he is, desperately trying to choke back all the little noises that are caused by Nines, who has made it his mission to worship Gavin’s hands.
He traces his long fingers over every tendon and vein, pausing at every freckle, scar or other mark he can find. Every now and then his long fingers disappear underneath the cuff of Gavin’s jacket and that shouldn’t be so hot, but it is , and if Nines would perform a scan right now he would notice how Gavin’s core temperature has raised several degrees.
When Nines raises Gavin’s hand to his mouth, kissing his fingertips reverently, one by one, his tongue darting out for a quick taste of the index finger, Gavin’s brain practically combusts on the spot.
Nines has to actually open the door of the taxi for him, taking him by the hand to get him out. Gavin could blame it on the alcohol, were it not that the whole mistletoe situation sobered him up quite a bit. No, this is purely Nines’ doing, with his wish for a romantic relationship with Gavin and immediately tipping it over to the point of body worshipping. And these are just his hands! At this point, Gavin doesn’t think he will survive any of Nines’ other wishes.
As if he can read Gavin’s mind - although, let’s be honest, he probably just read his off the chart vitals, Nines gives Gavin a change to catch his breath when they are inside the apartment. He directs the detective to the couch, disappearing into the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
Gavin sits on his couch, too wound up to sit back into the cushions. Sid looks up at him from his place in the armchair; he blinks at his owner’s distress and yawns exaggeratedly, before tucking his paws in and resting his furry little head on the pillow again.
He can hear Nines in the kitchen, talking softly to Tiny over the sound of the water cooker. Cabinets open and close, there’s the sound of the tin that holds the tea bags and the voice of the android who gently scolds the white cat for jumping up on the counter.
Things are the way they always are. Or, at least, the way they have been for a while now. Gavin’s new normal, with the cats and his partner as a permanent fixture in his home.
Except, everything is different now.
Even through the vast, blank space that is his brain at the moment, Gavin knows he likes it, he likes it so much his heart is soaring through the clouds. In fact, it is soaring so high that it has him terrified. He has lost his footing, he is grappling for something to anchor him, something to help him navigate this new situation.
The tall android appears in his vision, rounding the sofa with a mug of tea in his hand. He places it on the coffee table and sits down in his usual spot to Gavin’s right. Nines rests against the back of the couch, stretching his long legs out in front of him.
Gavin can only stare.
Calmly, his partner brings his right hand up to loosen his tie. The gesture is entirely human, just like the way he places his left arm along the backrest, his hand coming up near Gavin’s arm.
He expects the touch, Nines long fingers curling around his bicep, squeezing gently before loosening again, his thumb rubbing softly over the fabric of Gavin’s dress shirt. Still, it has Gavin tensing up, goosebumps spreading out over his back, all the way up to his neck.
“Are you alright, Gavin?” Nines seeks his eyes, his hand stilling on the detective’s arm.
He swallows heavily, forcing himself to nod. Then he nods again. “Yeah,” he croaks, his face flushing terribly. This whole thing has him flustered like a high schooler.
He reaches for his tea, just to give himself something to do. When he moves forward he loses Nines’ hand on his arm and the sudden feeling of loss makes him brave enough to scoot over when he sits back. Nines gives a pleased hum when their thighs touch, Gavin leaning back in the open space within Nines’ arm. It feels good to sit there, it feels right. Yet Gavin’s heart is still beating like it wants to slam through his ribcage.
“God, this is awkward,” Gavin mutters, trying to will his cheeks to settle into a more natural colour than fire hydrant red.
Long, deft fingers find their way into his hair, gently scratching the shorter hairs at the back. He can feel the android’s gaze on him, though he doesn’t dare to return it yet.
“Is it?” Nines hums thoughtfully. “I think it is a very natural extension of the situation we already created. In fact, it is a very logical step.”
It is such a Nines thing to say. And he is right. Everybody else already thought they were a couple, the way they were practically living together should have been a clear sign to the both of them too. And yet it took some fucking mistletoe to get them this far. A huff of amusement escapes Gavin and he leans his head back, feeling the tension slowly flood out of him. Nines’ hand comes up over his head and a finger boops his nose, making him laugh for real. His partner moves so he can wrap his arms around Gavin’s torso, careful not to disturb his hot tea. He noses the side of Gavin’s face, his nose cool against Gavin’s hot cheeks. “I like this,” Nines says quietly. “I like this very much.”
Gavin rubs his head back against Nines, sighing contentedly. “Me too.”
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t imagine shit like this before, when they were each still sitting on their own side of the couch and touches were only perfunctory and practical. You know, like the platonic work partners they are. Were .
He drinks from his tea, the last bits of tension seeping out from him in Nines’ embrace. Tiny jumps on the couch, wriggling and pushing until she is in Nines’ lap, pressed in between them. Gavin reaches over to scratch her behind the ears. “You’re gonna have to share now, young lady.”
That incites a laugh in Nines, a quiet rumble in his chest that Gavin can feel now he is flush against said chest. It warms him to be privy to the android’s happiness, to feel the proof of it. It takes him back to his thoughts earlier this evening, about how much Nines has grown over the past months. If he is being honest with himself, he knows he has changed too. He is milder, not as quick to anger. Who knew all he needed was a stoic android to get him to be less of an asshole?
Although, he can still be a bit of an asshole. To his - their cat, for instance. Gavin puts his tea mug away and turns towards Nines, pushing Tiny off his lap. “My turn now,” he grins smugly, hooking his leg over Nines.
The android’s LED circles yellow once before settling back on a steady blue. He accommodates Gavin in his lap, holding him steady with his large hands on his waist. “I don’t have any mistletoe here,” he says when Gavin crowds him against the back of the sofa.
“Don’t need it,” Gavin answers dismissively, throwing his arms around Nines’ neck and closing in towards his goal. He ghosts his lips over the android’s jaw, feeling the smoothness of the synthetic skin there. It’s warm to the touch, making it feel real, alive , even though Gavin knows, somewhere in the back of his mind, it is all tech and machinery.
The lips that find his are perhaps a fraction less pliant than those of a human, yet they fit perfectly against his own. And when he nips at the bottom lip, the hands at his waist grab him just a tad firmer than before.
Their kisses alternate in speed, from languid, slow kisses that make Gavin melt against Nines, to heated kisses that have him pressing himself up against the android’s chest. Gavin has unbuttoned the top three buttons of Nines his shirt, allowing him to splay his hands across his neck, throat and shoulders. When he goes for the next button, Nines moves one of his hands from his waist to his wrist, gently holding the hand up to his mouth like before. He kisses every finger, from the bottom to the tip, taking the fingertip between his lips shortly before moving onto the next.
Gavin watches in awe and the feeling of Nines tongue against his fingertips has a heat pooling in his stomach. The touch of Nines’ other hand over the fabric of his shirt suddenly isn’t enough anymore and Gavin roughly pulls the shirt from his pants, catching Nines’ hand underneath it. The android’s hand stills, pulls back to hover above Gavin’s heated skin for a moment, before he surges back in, fingers splayed wide across his back. He arches into the touch, caught between the android’s front and his large hand on his back. He catches Nines’ face between his hands and captures his mouth again, licking into the hot, wet space.
A second hand joins the first and now two hands rove his back, the fingertips ten hot points against his skin. His breath becomes more laboured as he moves with every touch, the need of wanting to feel those hands on every part of his body becoming more prominent. Never breaking their kiss, Gavin hastily unbuttons his shirt, pulling it down his shoulders and arms impatiently. He wants to do the same with his partner’s shirt, feeling the need to get these things off, off, off , yet Nines’ eyes grow wide at the sight of his skin and in the next second his lips are no longer on Gavin’s mouth, but on his throat, his shoulders, his chest, anywhere the android can reach without losing his hold on the human.
“Woah there,” Gavin chuckles breathily. He is nearly knocked backwards because of Nines’ sudden fervor.
Lips on his throat, his shoulders, his chest. Heated kisses, almost rough in their nature. His throat, his shoulders, his chest. Nines is maybe on his fourth round when Gavin catches on to the pattern. Throat, shoulders, chest, throat, shoulders, chest.
Fooling around like this has messed up Nines’ usually perfect hair, dark strands hanging almost in his eyes. Gavin tries to move to get the android’s attention, but he’s captured in those strong hands and can’t move around that much. Chest, throat, he frees up a hand , shoulders, chest, throat, he cups Nines face with his hand , shoulders…
“Hey… hey Nines. Easy, babe.”
Red light shines through his fingers, pinking them up unnaturally.
“Tin Can? What’s this? You okay?”
His android partner stills his movements, face hidden between Gavin’s neck and shoulder. He is perfectly still, like only androids can be. Gavin frees his other hand and moves that to the back of Nines his neck, repeating the movements his partner used to calm him down a little earlier. He stretches and curls his fingers through the dark hairs, short at the bottom, longer at the top. It’s a good moment for him to catch his breath too, after the way things got heated between them at a breakneck speed.
Craning his neck gives him the view of a solid red LED, Nines must be really stressed out. Or overloaded. Maybe this was already too much for him? Gavin internally curses for forgetting his partner is new to this, all of this. Not just kissing Gavin, the android is new to kissing. Period.
“You okay there, partner?” Gavin asks quietly, still petting Nines’ hair.
He has to wait a while for the answer and when it comes, it’s in the form of stilted movements that have Nines sit up straight, his hands falling back to his sides. Gavin feels silly sitting on his lap shirtless, yet he doesn’t want to get off right away, afraid Nines will get up and walk away or something.
He adjusts his seating so he is a little more comfortably, careful not to get all up in Nines’ space again. The ring on his temple is still a solid red and his face is eerily blank. It’s not the reaction Gavin was originally hoping to get, a far cry from his own internal debate about whether to ravage Nines on the couch or take him to the bedroom. However, his own wishes quickly take a backseat to his partner’s distress.
He reaches to take Nines’ hand and hold it in both of his own, searching Nines’ face for a sign of what he is thinking. Gavin doesn’t quite know what to say, comforting is not his forte, so he just keeps quiet and waits for Nines to recover a bit. His dick is not really on the same page yet, still eager to get going; Gavin ignores it for the time being, despite being all geared up he can still, well, not be a dick .
“I… I’m sorry,” the android says eventually, his voice uncharacteristically unsure.
Gavin presses a kiss to the hand he is still holding. “Don’t be, it’s okay. What happened? Did you blue screen or something?”
“What?” Nines lifts and furrows his brows a little, showing confusion. A second later comprehension sinks in. “No, I don’t - Well, maybe something like it.”
The human chuckles and shows a warm smile. “You couldn’t handle all of this?” he teases, gesturing to his still naked torso.
The LED is still red, now pulsing instead of a steady warning. Gavin backtracks a little. “You… you’ve seen me without my shirt before, right?”
Nines nods almost imperceptibly. “I was never allowed to touch though,” he answers, sounding a bit more like himself this time.
“Oh, you were allowed,” Gavin rushes out in a bout of painful honesty. “I just didn’t know you wanted it.” He cradles Nines hand against his chest, flattening the palm against his skin.
The android fixes his gaze on his hand and rubs the thumb carefully back and forth over Gavin’s chest hair. “There is so much to want,” he says, his voice trailing off.
Instinctively, Gavin understands Nines doesn’t quite mean there is a lot of Gavin to want. The android seems to refer more to the act of wanting itself. And, well, isn’t that true? The list of wishes can be endless, filled with things big and small.
Nines wished to be in a romantic relationship with Gavin, it is safe to say he wanted to kiss him too. Gavin guesses touching him is also on that list, so they have made good on fulfilling all of those wishes, all within the span of a couple of hours.
“We’re moving a bit fast, aren’t we?” he offers with a rueful smile.
Nines frowns a little. “I should be able to keep up with you. I’m CyberLife’s most advanced -”
“It’s not about that million dollar processor of yours, Tin Can,” Gavin interrupts him gently. He slides off Nines’ lap to fit himself against his side again. Nines’ hands follow him, unsure about what to do until Gavin laces their fingers together.  “Why don’t you tell me about your wishes?” he asks, slotting himself closer to Nines and resting his head against his shoulder.
“My wishes?” There is still a hint of red on the android’s temple and his body feels less pliable than before. Still, Gavin can tell Nines is making an effort to get himself out of the funk he was in a moment ago.
“Yeah, you said you wished to be in a romantic relationship with me. And for the rest of your wishes we needed to get home…” Gavin squeezes Nines’ hand. “Why don’t you tell me about them? Maybe it’s good to talk about them first, before we act on them.”
Nines releases a deep sigh he doesn’t need physically, though perhaps it helps him emotionally. “I wished to kiss you. To pull you close and hold you, kiss you, taste you…”
“Hmm, sounds good,” Gavin says with a smile. “Anything else?”
The android hesitates a moment before answering. “I’m afraid you’d think it all quite mundane.”
Gavin lifts his head to look at his partner. The android looks at their clasped hands, like he is embarrassed about something. “Try me,” Gavin says, giving his hand a squeeze.
It takes some coaxing, but eventually Gavin has the picture complete. Nines’ dreams and wishes consist of fantasies of holding hands, cuddling on the sofa while watching a movie, lazy sunday mornings with breakfast in bed and walks in the park.
“Cute.” He accompanies the assessment with a kiss. “Tell me more.”
And… well… the ‘more’ part is where they touch upon the problem. If you would even call it a problem. Gavin doesn’t see it, but Nines does. “I don’t know how I could have overlooked it,” the android says quietly, his LED alternating between red and yellow. “My premonition software somehow didn’t take your biological needs into account. How could I forget? Humans are primal creatures, sex is a -”
A finger held to his lips stops him and when he locks eyes with Gavin he seems a bit lost. “Sex can be a lot of things. I admit, I enjoy it as much as every other guy,” Gavin chuckles, before continuing in a light tone. “And I get it, you know, you’re worried about not having a dick -”
“How did you -”
“Know?” Gavin smirks. “I’ve got eyes, you know. I’ve been ogling that cute, perky butt for a while now.” If Nines weren’t currently sitting on it, he would have pinched the body part in question. He settles for moving his hands over Nines’ other appealing body parts; his strong arms, his broad shoulders, his firm chest, his toned stomach. “When you’ve got all this,” he says, planting little kisses along Nines’ perfect jaw, “do you think I’ll miss a certain sausage resembling appendage?”
Nines blinks, slightly dumbfounded for a moment. Then he huffs a laugh, LED blinking blue, and Gavin knows they’ve overcome this hurdle. At least for today.
“We’ll go slow,” Gavin assures Nines. “I don’t care if we move at a glacial pace. For now, I am perfectly happy to curl up against you before we go to sleep, instead of pretending to roll over to you in my sleep.”
He gets up off the sofa and holds his hand out to Nines. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I want to cuddle.”
<< 10/10
DBH Partners series masterpost
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bookwormscififan · 4 years
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I’m crying so hard
It’s gone. It’s really gone.
I don’t know what to do now.
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