#Lorelei giang
romanarose · 2 months
For the Longest Time: Chloe's birth
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Will Miller x fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Summary: Lorelei gives birth to their daughter
Warnings: Childbirth, typical Lore and WIll back and forth
Series MAsterlist (series is completed, will comtinue soon with Ben's story.)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
She was going to fucking kill him.
Lorelei had told Will over and over again, she wasn't going to really need him for much with the birth. She'd assisted in hundreds of births, she knew the drill. She was going be fine. Everything was normal in her pregnancy, absolutely no cause for concern, and her epidural had kicked in. Her mom, of course, had words to say about getting an epidural but she didn't give a shit. Mirical of childbirth, the pain is worth it, natural, all that is fine and dandy if you're into it, but Lorelei just wanted her dughter here and painlessly as possible. It seemed Chloe Sen was not an axious to come, however, and took and extra 4 days past her due dare to cook to the perfect medium rare, Lorelei supossed.
Lorelei had been confined to paperwork by this point, her swollen ankles having caused issues the last month and now... well Frankly she was waddling. So, desk work and intake it was.
When her water finally broke, she was at work and called Will.
"Hey princess, everything okay?" Will answered, his mouth full of food. She heard Santi in the background, which explained the food; Laci was always feeding them.
"Yeah I'm fine, just my water broke."
"Yeah I'm going into labor, I need you to get my bag-"
She sighed, listening to him tell Laci and Santi it was time, and hearing Laci squeel in the background. "No, William, baby I'm fine but I need my to go bag-"
"I'll have Santi get it, I'm picking you up we have to go to a hospital!"
"I'm at work."
"I know, that's why I'm coming to get you-"
"Baby I work in a hospital."
She had Will run home seeing as he was a 5 minute drive from their house anyway, then get to the hospital where now they sat, contractions speeding up. Will was hovering and it was driving her nuts. His role was to put on her playlist: Buddy Holly, Ella Fitzgarald, the Shrangri-la's, Humphrey Englebert, all her favorites, and advocate for her that the birth plan was being followed. Other than that, she was certain she'd be fine.
Still, the constant talking, petting her, cooing at her like a baby and telling her how good she's doing was driving up insane.
"Breath in."
"Breath out."
"William, I will start screaming."
"Well, at least scream when I say out."
That got a laugh out of her, she'd admit. But she still turned to him. "If you don't stop telling me what to do, I swear to god I will have you removed from this room."
She wouldn't do that to actually, and he knew that, but Will raised his hands, chuckling in defense. "Fine, fine. Just promise to breath."
Two hours later she was breathing alright. She was breathing as she screamed curses at him. "I SWEAR TO GOD YOU ARE NEVER FUCKING ME AGAIN! FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Why did she had to get knocked up by a fucking norse god? Kid's head was ripping her open. Jesus, why didn't she get an elective c-section. So many poor choices.
"I know Lorelei, I'm the worse. Tell me all about it." His even voice was something to latch onto through the pain. What the fuck was this without an epidural?
"Yes yes, definetly my fault. What else."
"Women do complain about that aspect frequently. I'm working on it."
There was a pause as she pushed, the head crowning.
His fingers grazed her knuckles, and she realized her nails were digging into her palms. She turned to him, looking at his handsome, beautiful face and soft blue eyes. God she got lucky to find someone who knows when to match her crazy and when to calm it. Imagine if she'd getting pregnant by Tyler? He'd probably be watching porn on his phone like she caught one baby daddy doing. "Can I hold your hand?"
Lorelei's lip quivered as she nodded. Will took her hand in his, squeezing for dear life as a big contraction hit. She liked hearing his voice praising her. She needed him, and always would, and for some reason that didn't scare her.
She was perfect. Born at an insane 9 pounds even, Chloe Sen Miller was the cutest little thing Lorelei had ever seen in her life. Lore and Will were squeezed onto the bed together, Will holding the baby after Lorelei had gotten her share. She laid her head on his shoulder, ready to nap. He had this. She trusted him.
"She's so small..." He murders, mesmerized by his daughter. Lorelei laughs.
"yeah to you. You didn't have to push her out."
Will turned to her at that, smiling fondly. "You were incredible."
"I know." She kissed his arm. "But thank you."
"I'll tell them to go home. I know they just wanna make sure you're okay, they aren't expecting to come in."
But Lorelei shook her head. "Bring them in." Then added. "Just a few minutes."
Soon, the room was filled with the people Lorelei had come to see as her family. Jana and Laci with matching baby bumps, both only a few months behind her. Laci clinged to Santi's hand, everyone allowing her the one chair in the room while Frankie tried to get another one for Jana, but Jana insisted she was fine. Laci was looking thinner than usual. The couple had to cut their honeymoon short when health problems arose, Laci dropping weight and experiencing complications. Her struggles clearly weighed on Santi, who looked tired but held his wife's hand tightly. She knew what they were thinking, worrying this moment might not come for them. Laci was on bedrest, only able to go easy places like coming here. Still, both smiled at the newst addition to their family's arival.
"She's so cute, Lorelei." Laci says in a soft voice, eyes wet.
Santi hugged Will, telling him so happy for them.
Frankie brought Rosie close to the bed, telling her to be careful as she looked at her first cousin. "You gotta be nice, babygirl. None of that rugrats Angelica nonsense."
"Hey!" Lorelei protested. "I loved Angelica!"
Jana told her that wasn't surprising.
Lorelei turned to Rosie. "In a few weeks, you can even hold her, okay? Get practice for being a baby sister."
Rosie beamed. "Did you know my mommy's having a baby?"
"Whaaaat! No way!"
Jana sees Ben lurking quietly behind them all, and pulls Rosie back.
Ben, Like Laci and Santi, looked thinner. His eyes had dark circles and his skin lost it's golden tone. No summer highlghts in his hair as usual. Will watched his brother, barely recognizable, and certainly not himself. Cameron arrived in 2 weeks, and Ben still didn't know.
"Benny? Do you wanna hold you niece?"
Despite barely being there, Ben nodded, looking with wonder at the bundle in his brothers arms raising up to him. Will watched Ben held her for the first time, taking him into his gentle care, the way he knew from years of holding Rosie, of helping take care of her when things were bad and Frankie was coked out... Ben's eyes filled with tears as he said hi to her.
"Chloe Sen, meet uncle Benny"
We gotta give Benny something to fight for <3 A reason to get better, to know he deserves better than Alice. Like Dolli said, he loves rosie ofc, but seeing his own blood, his brothers kid... has to give him something.
This came from a scene in my head I thought it'd be funy if lore is a work and were water breaks and Will is freaking out and shes like baby im fine im literally at a hospital rn
It is SO VERY Lorelei to think she can handle everything... but Will is there because even if she CAN doesn't mean she SHOULD. He's gonna take care of his girl (now girls)<3
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
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gianhovn · 7 years
17 dòng sông nổi tiếng nhất thế giới: từ Mekong đến Seine
Sông Mekong êm đềm ở Đông Nam Á, sông Dương Tử hùng vĩ ở Trung Quốc, sông Amazon bí ẩn ở Nam Mỹ hay sông Seine êm đềm ở Pháp là những dòng sông nổi tiếng và hấp dẫn du khách nhất thế giới.
Du lịch thế giới chiêm ngưỡng 17 dòng sông nổi tiếng nhất: từ Mekong đến Seine
Sông Irrawaddy là con sông dài nhất ở Myanmar, được mệnh danh là con đường tới Mandalay (cố đô của Miến Điện xưa). Ảnh: Telegraph
Xuôi theo dòng chảy dài 2.170km theo hướng bắc nam, du khách sẽ bắt gặp khung cảnh cuộc sống bình dị đậm màu sắc văn hóa của người dân hai bên bờ, từ những ngôi đền, chùa cổ, những xe bò kéo chậm chậm lăn bánh trên con đường đầy nắng bụi đến những em nhỏ nô đùa bên bến sông.
Du ngoạn trên dòng Irrawaddy, nếu may mắn du khách cũng có thể bắt gặp loài cá heo Irrawaddy bơi từ biển vào.
Sông Rhine được đánh giá là một trong những nơi bận rộn nhất và là dòng chảy đẹp nhất ở châu Âu. Ảnh: Telegraph
Sông Rhine dài 1.320km, chảy qua 6 quốc gia: Áo, Pháp, Đức, Liechtenstein, Hà Lan và Thụy Sĩ. Hai bên bờ sông là những cảnh đẹp ngoạn mục, di sản thế giới như lâu đài Disneyesque và nhiều pháo đài thời trung cổ – chứng tích cho một giai đoạn lịch sử đầy tăm tối ở châu Âu.
Bên cạnh đó là không gian trong lành của những vườn nho, của dãy núi Lorelei huyền thoại và nhiều thành phố nhỏ xinh khác.
Sông Nile, Ai Cập. Ảnh: Alamy
Nói đến những dòng sông nổi tiếng, không thể không nhắc đến sông Nile huyền thoại. Đó không đơn thuần là một dòng sông dài 6.695km, mà còn là dòng chảy lịch sử, minh chứng cho một nền văn hóa – văn minh rực rỡ của Ai Cập.
Ngày nay, những tour du lịch trên dòng sông Nile rất phổ biến. Du khách có thể khám phá cuộc sống cư dân Ai Cập hai bên bờ bằng những chuyến đi kéo dài 3 – 4 ngày trên tàu du lịch.
Đối với những người có chút máu phiêu lưu có thể chọn đi thuyền từ Luxor tới Dendera và Abydos, có thể mất đến 12 ngày hoặc hơn tùy vào việc bạn muốn khám phá điều gì.
Sông Hằng, Ấn Độ. Ảnh: AP
Sông Hằng là dòng sông thiêng liêng nhất ở Ấn Độ, không chỉ là nơi cung cấp nước mà còn được coi là nơi cứu rỗi linh hồn cho hàng triệu con người.
Dòng chảy của sông Hằng bắt nguồn từ dãy Himalaya, khi đến Ấn Độ, nó trở thành nơi không thể tách rời của cuộc đời mỗi tín đồ giáo sùng đạo.
Theo dòng sông này, du khách sẽ khám phá cuộc sống người dân ở những thành phố như Kannauj, Kashi và Allahabad và tham dự những nghi lễ linh thiêng đậm màu sắc văn hóa Hindu.
Sông Danube, Hungary. Ảnh: AP
Danube (Đa Nuýp) là con sông dài thứ hai ở châu Âu, sau sông Volga ở Nga.
Chẳng có gì ngạc nhiên khi dòng chảy dài 2.850km sẽ đưa bạn khám phá rất nhiều cảnh đẹp ở 10 quốc gia là Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Đức, Áo, Bungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Ukraine và Moldova.
Sông Douro ở Bồ Đào Nha. Ảnh: Telegraph
Theo dòng Douro là những ngôi làng nhỏ, những thị trấn cổ với nhiều công trình kiến trúc có từ hàng trăm năm trước. Vẻ đẹp trầm mặc không ảnh bị ảnh hưởng bởi cuộc sống hiện đại và nét bình dị từ những đồi nho là điểm hấp dẫn của những tour du lịch trên sông Douro.
Sông Mekong, Đông Nam Á. Ảnh: Alamy
Sông Mekong là một trong những con sông dài nhất thế giới, bắt nguồn từ cao nguyên Tây Tạng, uốn lượn qua Trung Quốc, Lào, Myanmar, Thái Lan, Campuchia và đổ ra biển Đông ở Việt Nam.
Du khách sẽ được thăm một số điểm đến hấp dẫn nhất thế giới, khám phá những mảng màu đầy hấp dẫn về nền văn minh lúa nước khi du ngoạn trên sông Mekong. Từ những thành phố sôi động, sầm uất như TP.HCM (Việt Nam), ghé thăm Siem Reap, di tích Angkor Wat, làng nổi Kompong Luong (Campuchia) hay những khu chợ nổi nhộn nhịp, những làng nhỏ ven sông, đền chùa cổ kính và những cánh đồng lúa trải dài bất tận.
Sông Neretva ở Bosnia và Herzegovina. Ảnh: AP
Sông Neretva hút hồn du khách nhờ dòng nước màu xanh ngọc, in bóng núi biếc và thành phố nhỏ xinh hai bên bờ.
Một trong những điểm dừng chân nổi tiếng trên dòng Neretva là thành phố Mostar, với chiếc cầu bằng đá trắng có từ thế kỷ 16.
Sông Spree, Đức. Ảnh: AP
Đến châu Âu, du khách cũng không nên bỏ qua sông Spree ở Đức. Dòng sông chảy qua trung tâm các thành phố Saxony, Bohemia và Bavaria, nơi vẫn lưu giữ được những công trình mang nét kiến ​​trúc thời trung cổ.
Sông Kenai, Alaska, Mỹ.
Nếu yêu thích câu cá, chèo thuyền kayak, ngắm cảnh núi non và cắm trại giữa những bụi hoa dại thì không có nơi nào hoàn hảo hơn dòng sông Kenai ở Alaska, Mỹ.
Sông Kenai dài 132km bắt nguồn từ dãy núi Kenai chảy qua công viên hoang dã Kenai, hồ Skilak, và đổ ra Đại Tây Dương.
Khoảng thời gian từ tháng7 đến tháng 8 hàng năm nơi đây rất đông du khách mê câu cá, nên nếu muốn tận hưởng không gian yên tĩnh hơn, hãy lựa chọn một thời điểm khác. Mùa thu là một gợi ý không tồi.
Sông Brahmaputra, châu Á. Ảnh: Alamy
Sông Brahmaputra chảy qua Tây Tạng, Ấn Độ, Bangladesh rồi đổ ra vịnh Bengal. Với chiều dài 2.900km, sông Brahmaputra là nguồn cung cấp nước tưới tiêu quan trọng cho nông nghiệp và là một đường giao thông quan trọng ở 3 nước này.
Sông Chobe ở châu Phi. Ảnh: Alamy
Dòng sông Chobe có nhiều tên gọi, khi đi qua Angola, nó tên Kwando ở Botswana Linyanti và tên Chobe được gọi ở Namibia, là một trong những con sông hoang dã và kỳ lạ nhất trên thế giới. Dọc theo dòng sông là hệ động thực vật phong phú, đa dạng, đặc trưng vùng đất châu Phi, với những hồ nước, dòng kênh nhỏ, những con voi, báo, sư tử, hươu cao cổ và hà mã.
Sông Amazon. Ảnh: Telegraph
Sông Amazon nằm ở Nam Mỹ, là một trong những dòng sông dài và có lưu vực lớn nhất thế giới. Đây cũng là dòng sông ẩn chứa nhiều bí ẩn mà các nhà khoa học chưa tìm ra lời giải.
Sông Mississippi. Ảnh: Telegraph
Sông Mississippi dài 3.733km, bắt đầu từ hồ Itasca chảy qua Bắc Mỹ đến Vịnh Mexico. Dọc theo dòng Mississippi du khách có thể ghé thăm các đồn điền cũ, các chiến trường lịch sử, nhiều thị trấn cổ kính ở phía nam và thành phố Baton Rouge nổi tiếng.
Sông Seine, Pháp. Ảnh: Telegraph
Sông Seine dài 780km là dòng sông thơ mộng nổi tiếng nhất của nước Pháp. Một trong những điểm đến hấp dẫn nhất trên dòng sông này là đoạn chảy qua thủ đô Paris với hàng chục cây cầu bắc qua.
Sông Volga, Nga. Ảnh: Telegraph
Đây là con sông dài nhất châu Âu, với chiều dài 3.690km, là minh chứng cho lịch sử phát triển của Liên bang Nga. Sông bắt nguồn từ vùng đồi Valdai, chảy về phía đông qua Tver, Dubna, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan. Sau đó dòng sông chuyển hướng về phía nam qua Tolyatti, Samara và Volgograd, cuối cùng đổ vào biển Caspi.
Những chuyến du lịch thu hút du khách nhất là đi theo các nhánh, kênh rạch và hồ khác nhau kết nối từ Moscow đến St. Petersburg.
Sông Dương Tử, Trung Quốc. Ảnh: Alamy
Dương Tử (Trường Giang) dài hơn 6.300 km, là con sông dài nhất ở châu Á. Dòng sông bắt nguồn từ các sông băng của cao nguyên Thanh Hải – Tây Tạng, chảy về phía đông qua 10 tỉnh của Trung Quốc trước khi đổ ra biển.
Dòng chảy của Dương Tử là nguồn cung cấp năng lượng thủy điện khổng lồ, nước tưới trong nông nghiệp và thực phẩm dồi dào cho con người.
Một trong những điểm tham quan ấn tượng nhất dọc theo sông là đập Tam Hiệp, nhà máy điện lớn nhất thế giới.
Theo Minh Quân/Tuổi Trẻ
Xem thêm các bài viết:
Hoá ra ở châu Âu vẫn còn một vùng đất đẹp lộng lẫy mà lại chẳng đắt đỏ tí nào
Đi Anh, Pháp, Ý chán rồi! Giờ nhiều bạn trẻ Việt đang dịch chuyển điểm đến sang nước Nga vừa quen mà vừa lạ đấy!
Những trải nghiệm đáng phải thử một lần khi đến du lịch Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
Tham khảo: Cẩm nang du lịch iVIVU.com
iVIVU.com October 18, 2017
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romanarose · 8 months
For the Longest Time: Scenes (From an Italian Restaurant)
Santiago Garcia x Lacina Dumas Francisco Morales x Jana Fernandez William Miller x Lorelei Giang Benjamin Miller x Alice McCarthy Special Guest: Cameron MacDonald
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
Join my taglist!
Summary: Individual scenes from the perspectives of all the characters with a sneak peak to someone yet to be introduced.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence, pregnancy, potential for miscarriage but it doesn't happen. Mentions of sexual abuse, hinting of bulimia. Usual themes.
A/N BONUS CHAPPY. I tried by very best with vietnamese but I don't have any vietnamese friends so ask, but i took a good amount of googling and tried to make it sound natural.
Once again, Romana's fics do not pass the Bechel test. I need help. I am a horrible feminist.
When Santi reached the ER, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Laci's waist. She was wearing a short pink skirt, and he knew she wouldn't want her underwear out for everyone to see. Laci hadn't said anything the whole ride, nor the whole doctors visit, and that was expected. She was so checked out, in shock... it had been a long time since Santi saw her like this. The 1000 mile, dead-eye stare and the blood on her pretty face reminded him so much of the day he found her that he found himself having flashbacks.
Santi could not believe he let this happen. All the times he promised her he'd never let anyone hurt her again, and yet he had. It was who he had least expected, a member of his own family laid a hand on his wife, and Santi was going to make him pay. Will and Lorelei couldn't protect him forever.
The hospital was especially hard. Santi was reminded, as he stood by the bedside holding her hand of when they first took her to the embassy, how she had to endured interview after interview and exam after exam, retraumatizing her over and over.
To his extreme relief, it seemed she and the baby were okay.
"You here that, Lacina?" Santi spoke gently, squeezing her hand. "He's alright, our son is okay... everything is alright...." He caressed her soft hair. Laci didn't speak, but her eyes began to fill with tears, and soon Santi's did too "I'm sorry for everything, princess. I'm sorry for how it's been, but babygirl" He kiss her forehead, right on the scar she always tried to hide. "Nothing matters more than you, nothing matters more than our family. Last name, baptism, everything, it's yours."
They had to answer a few questions with a police officer, given the nature of what happened. Once it was clear Santi hadn't hurt Laci, Laci giving her statement via notes app, the officer asked if she wanted to press charges against Ben. Santi assured her she could, that he'd support her the whole way. He loved Ben, hell he still did. That was his brother. But he hurt Laci. Laci, of all goddamn people while she was in the stage of pregnancy most venerable to miscarriages from falls, and he knew, he fucking knew she miscarried before. After Santi, Ben knew the most of what she endured, outside of her therapist.
But Santi knew before she ever answered that she wouldn't press charges.
When they got home, Santi carried her to bed, and went to get her some water and food. He knew she didn't really want to eat, anxiety always surprising her appetite, but he knew she'd try for their baby, sweet thing that she was. She's already such a good mom.
He brought her pizza rolls, and climbed into bed with her, keeping the lights on. She didn't like the darkness when she was triggered.
Laci's small hand grabbed, and he turned to see her pale blue eyes pleading.
"What is it, baby?"
It was then she explained. Laci signed, and where she couldn't she typed. Ben didn't hurt her. Alice did. This, of course, made a lot more sense than Ben slapping Laci, but the other part of what she saw was far more shocking. Alice was abusing Ben. Santi had to admit, he was in a little disbelief at first. Ben was 6'2, strong as hell and well... a man. Alice was short and...
But slowly it started to make sense, all the pieces. Of course, she wouldn't start out hitting him, she'd have broken him down like they saw her do over and over again until he was at the point where he wouldn't fight back. It all became more and more clear... and more and more painful.
Their family was in shambles, and Santi felt embarrassed for threatening Ben when he was already going through so much... but fuck, how could he just let Alice do that to Laci? And how could he tell Laci he doesn't want to be at their wedding, the wedding of two people who were his best friends. This wasn't the Ben he knew, the Benny that would die for Laci...
Santi held her close and fed her pizza rolls until he finally saw her smile again.
When she fell asleep, he went to call Will.
Ben was pouting on his couch, and Will was now wishing he'd let Lore join, but he didn't want to give her the added stress this far in to her pregnancy. She was sitting in the car right now, on the phone with her sister who she was trying her damndest to rebuild a relationship with. Rene would be the only aunt Chloe had biologically, and she wanted them to have a relationship, even if she was a pain. Lorelei had offered to come with Will, she wanted too, but Will said he needed to do this by himself. So, they compromised with Lorelei in the car.
Will and Ben are no strangers to physical altercations with each other. He wasn't sure why he was yelling at his brother who he just found out was being abused by his girlfriend and frankly, he didn't get it. At all. It wasn't because Ben was a man, it was because he didn't understand how Ben could stay with her. Hadn't he been through enough? Hadn't he seen how much their mom suffered with Paul, why would he put himself through that?
Couldn't he see how loved he was by their family? He lost Laci, and for what? Getting his ass beat?
Ben argued he didn't know what he was talking about, that Lac was unreliable and 'always was overdramatic', which made Will yell more. Laci was emotional, yes. She was also very sensitive, but Will refused to treat those as bad things. The implication of her being 'dramatic' about the things that happened didn't sit right when talking about a girl who until recently, her entire life had been defined by nonstop tragedy.
Will heard Lorelei yelling outside the front door.
Quickly, he went to open it to find Lorelei, face to face with Alice. He had never moved so fast in his entire life, placing himself in front of his pregnant girlfriends. They were a few feet above the ground on the wide front step, and after learning what Alice did to Laci, he wasn't letting Lorelei take a fall again.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Will seethed at the much smaller woman glaring up at him. He wanted to hit her, he wanted to hurt her so goddamn damn for what she's done to his brother and to the woman who is no different than a sister to him. For the anger and fighting that her actions have caused with everyone in their family. But Will didn't hit women. He didn't care if it wasn't equal treatment, it wasn't who he was. It wasn't who Ben was either, which she probably knew. Someone who wouldn't fight back.
Alice scoffed. "I live here, Jackass."
Will knew Ben wanted her to move in, he told Will, Pope and Fish 2 months back. They all said he was insane, moving his girlfriend in after 3 months but Ben said he didn't want to here it from Will and Santi. Will said his living situation with Lorelei and Santi with Laci was completely different than Ben and Alice, but Ben wasn't listening. What didn't know was she already lived there.
"Well, not anymore, get the fuck out." Behind his back, Will tried to nudge Lorelei to move down the stairs, but instead she moved towards the house. No doubt ready to protect Ben like she had before. It made him worry, but he also knew Lorelei did not have Laci's softness. She would throw hands right back, 8 month belly and all. He'd make sure it never got to that point, but goddamn did the idea of it make him love her even more, and he didn't think that was possible.
He couldn't sleep. The night was long anyway, Alice and him arguing back and forth. He wasn't his best, he yelled at her, she said he scared her... that broke his heart. He was becoming his dad. He watched Laci fall to the floor 5 months pregnant and did nothing about it. He let Alice tell Jana, the best mom he's known since his grandma, the woman who saved Franks life that was a bad mom and girlfriend.
His face hurt, but more importantly he felt disgusted in his skin. Nothing felt like his. His face felt numb from the ice pack Alice put on his lip. She was good like that. Everything ached. He didn't want to get undressed, he didn't like the way his body looked, but when he wanted to just go to bed, Alice accused him of not being attracted to her. She said withholding affection was an abuse tactic, so Ben made love to her, hoping to god he could prove to her he wasn't gay. He wasn't. He wasn't. None of that in the past was real.
So now, she was lying next to him, both were naked and all he wanted was to get redressed... but first, he needs a release. Pulling on his sweats again, Ben headed to the fridge.
"And then, and THEN!" Frankie shouts, raising his hands in frustration as he washed the dishes. "Kyle said 'per my last email' can you fucking believe that! He said that, OUT LOUD, not in an email, not in a meeting, but at the fucking water cooler!"
When Jana, who was laying on the couch after eating too much and watching Blipi with Rosie, didn't respond, Frankie turned to look at her, scrubby in one hand, and plate in the other and his tan shirt sleeves rolled up. Rosie was on the carpet, half-watching and half playing with GI-Joe dolls, but if you tried to touch the TV she'd scream. Normally, Jana loved listening to his work gossip. She had no skin in the game, and since it didn't really cause Frankie any genuine stress she liked listening. Frankie could quit anytime.
The money from Lorea paid for the house, their cars, a good savings and a college fund for Rosie as well as 10 year CD's. Those were Jana's idea when it was clear how much Frankie was spending on coke. Frankie didn't have as much left as Will or Santi, but they were stable. Jana moving back in back in March and her recent promotion left them in a good spot. They'd be able to start a college fund for this new baby and provide a life that Frankie never had for their children. If work became too stressful, Frankie could leave, and he probably would when the baby was born, but right now it provided him stability and a sense of normalcy he had craved. He also found out that off coke and booze, he was pleasant as hell and was highly liked at work. He liked it.
When he turned, he knew immediately something was wrong. Jana was laying on the couch in her bonnet, having just gotten her hair done for Laci's wedding. Bohemian box braids, mostly her real hair since it was so long but had some fake blue locks. Jana's bridesmaid dress was blue, so she wanted to match.
"Hey mama." He said down the dishes, drying his hands as he walks over, "What's wrong? Nausea?" Alfredo usually made her stomach hurt, but she was craving it so Frankie was happy to cook for her. Between that and early pregnancy, it could be a lot of things.
She shook her head.
"Is it your braids?" He knew how much fresh braids could hurt.
She shook her head again.
Frankie frown, kneeling beside her. "Well, what's wrong then?" Whatever it was, he'd fix it. Can't have his precious girlfriend crying, especially not while pregnant with his baby.
Her lower lips quivered when she met his eyes and soon enough Jana was crying. Jana was not a cryer. Laci? Laci cries for everything, soft thing she was. Jana? The last time he saw Jana crying was when she was chewing him out for abandoning her and Rosie for a week.
"Oh, bebita, come here!" Frankie sat on the couch and pulled her into his arms, careful not to touch her tender head. "What's wrong?"
Jana sobbed into his shirt, making Rosie pause her play. Rosie stood up, rushing over to Jana and climbing up on her moms lap to give her a strong hug. "Mama don't be sad!" She put a little hand on Jana's face and kissed her cheek. "I love you! You're so pwetty!"
This made Jana chuckle, pulling her daughter tightly into her arms as she snuggled against her boyfriend. "I love you, and you're so pretty too." She kissed the crown of Rosie's puffy hair. "I love you so much, baby girl. Daddy and I ain't ever gonna let nothing happen to you, okay mami? Estás a salvo con nosotros. No dejes que nadie te haga daño, nena. Solo mereces amor suave."
Frankie understood what was hurting Jana so badly now. She was worried about Ben. Of course she was, Jana had known Benny since before he could legally drink, she loved him, often proclaiming he was her favorite. Since dating Alice, Ben pulled away from them all, not just Laci. It was subtle at first, but the damn if his presence wasn't missed. What Frankie failed to realize was how it affected Jana. Yes, Ben pulled away from Laci and everyone knew how badly it hurt her, but Jana missed Ben too. She just didn't have space to grieve.
Frankie had said that he'd fix whatever it was that was making her cry... but he didn't know how to fix this.
She rolled her eyes.
"Không, mẹ, chúng ta sẽ không kết hôn. Mẹ, con đã biết anh ấy một năm. Oh my god. MOM. Jesus- mom do you- moooooom. đéo. Oh, for fu- no, me, I wasn't swearing!."
Lorelei was on the couch, trying to explain to her mom that she was dating Will but they weren't getting married. Not right now anyway. Will was massaging her poor swollen feet, but smirking. He knew that Lorelei would get riled up and they'd end up fucking out that frustration here in a minute.
Lorelei sighed. "We don't know right now, but it's looking like we're going to work the harvest, then try to sell it after." She was talking about the farm. "Well no, I'm not gonna be a farmwife- well I could! Just because I like make-up- Okay, no, I don't want to deal with cows- oh my god."
Lorelei her phone on the swollen boobs and put it on speaker, looking to Will with an annoyed but over it expression, eyebrow raised. She was so exhausted from her mom, and wanted to make sure Will understood what it was like with her. Will was always empathetic, but now was a great chance for him to see the bullshit himself.
"I'm just saying, maybe if you put a little more effort into yourself you'd attract the right kind of man, instead of a farmer. Now, I know I know you said he isn't a farmer, military right? Does some motivational speaking? Well, I'm sorry, Yen but that's not a real job. Have you ever heard of keto? My friend Betty, remember her? Alex's friends mom? Well, she lost 40 pounds on it. I know your pregnant blah blah blah but I think if you start on the baby weight now, you can get a jump start. I saw your most recent picture on facebook honey. You know I never gained more than 15 pounds with you 3. You were my heaviest pregnancy. If you aren't careful, em bé is going to be-"
Will snatched the phone out off of Lorelei, taking it off speaker and away from Lorelei who was just sitting there listening to her mom rail on her very normal amount of weight gain.
"Hi, Mrs. Tran? This is William Miller, how are you? Yes, I'm so glad we could finally talk." He began to walk away, motioning for Lore to rest. He laughs. "Oh yes, that's so true!... We'd love for you to come visit-" Lorelei's eyes widened in panic, but Will understood her without even seeing her reaction. "But I think I'd love to visit where Lore grew up, so maybe we can plan a trip to Philly. Yeah? Wonderful, let's do that some time. Oh no, she didn't tell me about that, but I'd love to hear about how the book club meeting, I'm all ears... What, really?... Well that was rude... Yes, Pride and Prejudice is a classic... Debbie wouldn't know a good book if it hit her in the face..."
Lorelei heard her mom laugh over the phone, and Will winked at her. She rested.
"Listen, no to be gross." Lorelei started, watching Laci and Santi say bye. It was sickly sweet, but Lorelei was clearly over it wanting to get a move on. They had finished saying goodbye to Will and Frankie and Rose5 minutes ago, and they had to get checked in. Jana had long suspected Ben may not be in the wedding and he certainly wasn't doing any man of honor stuff with Laci so Jana stepped up, booking her, Laci and Ben a night away at a spa. Laci's wedding was going to be incredibly small, nonchalant. A cute little backyard wedding, something to not overwhelm her, but Jana thought she deserved nice things. When it was clear Ben wasn't coming, they had invited Lorelei. Luckily, Jana was able to switch the package to a prenatal one since all three were pregnant. It was well deserved on their parts, Jana thought, they all had been through a lot.
"Nothing is more gross than this." Jana replied but with no real edge. She was happy for not only Laci, but Santi too. As long as she'd known him, Santi had never been this happy, and after his mom and sister died within a few years... well, it was nice to see him at peace. Laci was good for him.
Lorelei leaned in, watching the mushy couple hug each other. "You ever wonder what their sex life is like?"
Jana laughed at that. "I know way more than I ever needed to." To be fair, Laci also knew Jana's sex life which involved whips and bondage. "You know she calls him daddy. It's his name on her phone."
Audibly gagging, Lorelei laughs. "That it does not surprise me that she's into that one bit, but I just don't see Santi as a daddy dom type."
"Oh it's not really a dom/sub situation. The actual sex is quite vanilla as you might imagine with her history. She just likes being taken care of, and Santi likes taking care of her.." She turned to Lorelei. "You don't call Will daddy?"
Lorelei laughed brightly at that. Goddamn she was pretty, a fucking sight to see. Lorelei was the kind of girl Jana would have perused when broken up with Frank if she hadn't remained so helplessly in love with the precious man. "I mostly call him annoying! Do you call Frankie daddy?"
"No," Jana giggled. "I mostly say sir in those scenario's. It's like I say." Jana pats her stomach, not yet showing. "I'm submissive and breedable."
"Are you?"
"Breedable? Obviously, neither thing 1 or thing 2 were planned, but those bad boy keep breaking through. And by bad boys I mean Frankie's jizz."
Grimacing, Lore continued to laugh while Santi and Laci talked to each other like talking to a baby. "Yeah, I got that! I meant the submissive part. You seem like a very... in control woman."
"Oh! Oh yeah, no, I am. Except in bed." Jana liked knowing her family was safe and in her hands. The burden of the day to day planning was in her hands, and it wasn't something she minded. It wasn't like she did everything physically; Frankie was a supportive partner and loving father, she was going to marry the fuck out of him some day. When they were separated, Jana could hand Rosie off to Frankie for a week or more and trust that her baby was safe, healthy, and on her normal routine (unless Santi was over). In fact, this night away all she had to tell Frankie was that Rosie's favorite stuffie was in the wash. Everything else, he was well prepared.
No, Francisco was capable, and if Jana was ever sick or needed him to take over more, he would, always. He cooked wonderful means for her to come home to and packed her lunch. In the end, it came down to want. She wanted to do this for her family, she wanted to take the stress of Frankie's pretty little head. She didn't want him to worry about Rosie's and his appointments, because and would tell him where to go and when. It was something Jana loved doing for her lover. And in return, Frankie would take over in bed, fucking her senseless with orgasm after orgasm and make her loose every single thought in her head that wasn't his mouth or cock or massive fucking hands.
Yeah, Jana liked control, and right now with Ben she felt out of fucking control and she hated it. She needed this weekend away.
"Alright, that's enough." Jana went over to the sappy pair. Normally, if neither were pregnant, Jana could just pick Laci up, but instead she settled for pulling her away. Laci pouted and playfully reached her arms out to Santi.
Joking, Santi glared at Jana as she dragged his fiancé out. "Awwww Jan Jan is so mean!"
With a "Shut the fuck up, Santito" they were out the door, all their luggage having been packed into the car by Will already.
As soon as they were out, Laci beamed and chatted excitedly about their 'getaway' on the other side of their town and hopped into her spot as passenger princess. Out of ear shot, Jana leaned into Lorelei before opening her car door. "Those two are just emo because this is the first time they've slept away from each other since Santi murdered her ex boyfriend."
She got in, leaving Lorelei standing outside the car when she closed her door. From through the windows, Jana laughs as she hears Lorelei shout "Aw, now, what the fuck!"
Laci sat nervously on the park bench waiting for Ben. Santi stood nearby, out of earshot but closely watching. Laci had reminded him that Ben didn't actually hurt her, so he didn't need to be worried and Santi said that Ben has made her cry repeatedly over the last new months, and he was going to be there to swoop in and rescue his princess. His words, words which she loved. Things were much better between them, and Laci was relieved. After the fighting but before she got hit, Laci was certain Santi would postpone the wedding and she thought maybe that would be a good idea too. She adored him, and she'd never let go as long as he loved her too, but maybe they needed to wait.
The morning after it all happened, Laci was worried Santi would treat her like he did when she first moved in. She loved that time in her life, she was allowed all the space and love and closeness and whatever she needed to get better, but that was the thing. She was better. The slap was extremely triggering and thinking she was miscarrying again was horrific but after being in therapy for over a year, she was equipped to handle it, with the reassurance and care Santi would always provide, she just didn't want to be treated like one of his porcelain dolls. She was stronger now.
But Santi knew her. He brought her breakfast, asked her how she felt, and they watched Friends reruns during the morning, cuddled up in their bed. It wasn't until after lunch Santi talked to her.
She explained everything, how Alice bullied her in that mean-girl way of subtle digs and jabs. She finally told him why she had been crying at the ball, something she previously refused to talk about knowing it would anger Santi. Laci had wanted to bad to fix things with Alice. She told him how she said that Santi was bored with her because they didn't have adventurous sex, how she bet he used to have threesomes with the guys and Laci couldn't give him any of that. Santi insisted he didn't want to have wild sex, as he had told her before. No part of him wanted to hurt her, especially during sex. Santi was explicitly clear he had never had a threesome with any of the guys, especially not with Jana like Alice implied, and although he had a threesome with two girls in the past, he had no desire for that with her. She fulfilled all his desires.
They talked about the baptism. Laci expressed that she had been wanting to start attending mass sometimes, and Santi agreed that he would join her, which made Laci smile.
"What about Leto?" She asked, voice small.
"For his name"
Santi thought on it for a moment, but as he sounded it out, he started smiling.
"Leto Antonio... baby, I love it..."
Laci snuggled up to him. "Leto Antonio Garcia."
"Leto Antonio Garcia-Dumas"
In the evening, Ben texted her 'can we meet up?'
He sat on the bench, far on the other side away from her. Ben was looking over his shoulder in unrest, like he was on the look out. He spotted Santi from afar, and Santi gave him a little wave from where he stood. Ben waved back.
"I won't ask why you stay." Laci spoke, her high pitched voice already breaking. "I don't know why I always did either, really."
Ben sighed. "I love her, Lace."
Her lip quivered. "She doesn't deserve you. I know you don't think that now, you probably think you deserve what she does and what she says because I know you, I know how little you see yourself... but I love you so much, Benny! I love you and I think you are so amazing and you deserve someone who loves you as you are."
Ben turned away, looking back to the geese flying overhead. "You're, okay? Baby's okay?"
Laci sighed. She knew she wouldn't be able to simple love him out of abuse. It didn't work like that. "Yeah, everything was okay."
He nodded. "I'm really sorry, Lace. That I didn't try to stop her, that I didn't stand up for you-"
"Please don't be sorry, I know what it's like-"
"But that's just it!" He raised his voice, then out of the corner of his eye saw Santi stand from leaning against the tree. "Sorry. Sorry. It's just... You of all fucking people. I'd be ashamed if she did that to Lorelei or Jana, hell I owe her an apology for how Alice spoke to her... but you? I can't get the sight of you on the floor with on your mouth out of my head."
They talked about it a little longer, but there wasn't much to say. There wasn't much to do.
"Benny..." Laci fidgeted with her blue dress. "Listen Jana took over the maid of honor stuff already...."
"I figured. I assume Lorelei is replacing me?"
"No!" Laci practically jumped out of the bench. "I mean, no, no I love her so much and she's family but, that's not what I'm saying... I mean, Benny I don't want to get you in trouble or hurt or anything but... I need you to know I still want you to be my bridesman... but again, don't put yourself at risk for me, I just want you to know I, we, we both want you there. We both love you so much and if-" Her voice cracked, tears pooling in her eyes. "I know Will can be a lot sometimes so if you need somewhere safe to be, no prying questions or fighting or judgement, I swear to you our home is open for you as it always has been. I want you as much a part of our and Leto's lives as possible."
Ben's eyes were tearing up too, not letting them spill. "I'll make it work, okay? I'm gonna stand with you guys."
Laci's smile appeared suddenly. "REALY?! Are you sure? We could always switch you and Will if it's better for you to be on Santi's side."
Ben almost said no, but then he realized no matter what, Alice was going to lose her shit that he was back in. Maybe it would help. "Yeah, okay..."
She squealed, turning when Santi approached them. "Is that okay, baby? If Will stands with me and Ben with you."
Ben stood and extended a hand to his brother, wanting to shake on peace but Santi pulled him in for a hug. "We're gonna be here for, Ben. Whatever you need. You've always been there for us so we're gonna take care of you now."
He was hiding something.
He was always fucking hiding something. How was she supposed to trust what he said, what he wasn't gay when he's constantly lying. Alice knows he slept with that little ditz, even though everyone denied it. God, they were all blind, or maybe she slept with them all too. Just look at how she dresses, all those short skirts and lowcut dresses and crop tops, and constantly hanging off one of them, pretending like she can't go anywhere herself. She was so desperate for attention; that's probably how she got sex trafficked, supossedly.
She acts like it was this horrible thing, she sure loved to milk it but if it was that bad, why was she dating Santi? He looked like the men who abused her, spoke their language. She should hate him and Frankie, honestly. If she was really abused, she wouldn't have jumped into bed with Santi so fast.
"Where were you?" Alice asked when Ben walked in, the sun setting. He looked tired, avoiding her eyes and for a moment Alice felt bad. But then he took too long to answer.
"Just. Out. Walking."
He was lying. Alice stood up and the way Ben moved so quickly made her feel strong, like she had a hold on him. Ben was so much taller, stronger than her, and she still had control over him. "Tell me the truth."
He sighed, and right away Alice knew he was with that cunt, probably shoving his hands up her itty bitty skirt while sucking Santi's dick.
"You're with Laci, aren't you."
She watched Ben tense, avoiding her eyes. "Can we do this later? I gotta shower before dinner."
They were supossed to go to his grandpa's house for dinner. Gideon was nice enough, but Ben ruined her mood, and she wanted to punish him for seeing Laci.
"I don't think we're gonna go. I'm not feeling well."
Ben turned at that, looking at her in confusion. "What? No, babe it's an hour from now, we can't cancel again. I havn't seen him in months!"
Alice stepped back. "Don't raise your voice at me! I said I don't feel good, why would you want me to go somewhere when I feel sick? Are you trying to punish me? You're being manipulative."
He blinked at that, obviously confused by the turn around. "I- I'm sorry? Well, can I go at least?"
Alice forced the tears to come to her eyes. "You'd leave me alone I'm sick?"
There was a pause as Ben stammered over his words before sighing. "No, babe. I'll call him and cancel."
Alice went to lie down, asking Ben for some tea.
"Goddamn it."
Springsteen songs didn't usually remind Cam of him, but this goddamn song about Bruce Springsteen songs did. Cam didn't listen to country if he could avoid it, but his phone died and the only station the tractor was country.
"When I think about you I think about 17 I think about my old Jeep I think about the stars in the sky Funny how a melody sounds like a memory Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night Springsteen"
Yeah, actually, Cam did think about Ben, being 17, his jeep, staring at the stars in the sky as they lay on the roof of the barn... god fucking damn it.
Cam came home that night, he was exhausted from his 14 hour day but it was worth it. August to December he worked long hours and hard days on the field, then January to June had complete freedom to travel in and live out of his van, a hippie sort of lifestyle.
No drug tests.
It was technically his off season still but one of his connections had an old farmer who needed a bit of help spraying season. Cam was trying to put money away incase his van broke down. It was an old thing from the 60's, Cam was under no pretense that it was lasting forever.
Cam was bordered up in an old hunting lodge, and after cracking open a cold one he sat at the deck and lit a blunt, scratching his beard after taking a long drag. God that was nice.
The phone call irritating him, and he was going to ignore it just wanting his peace time but the area code stood out to him. Florida, middle Florida to be exact. Did Ben get a new number? He swiped right.
"Hey, this Cameron MacDonald?"
"Um... yeah? Listen, if you're calling about my car's extended warranty, I drive a van from '69, it's way past-"
"No, Cam this is Will Miller."
Goddammit Bruce Springsteen, let this man go. "Hey Will... What's going on?”
If Will is calling, something gotta be wrong. Will... was not fond of him. Over the years, Ben and Cam went in and out of each other's lives for one reason or another, but never very long and understandably so Will was not happy about picking up the pieces. Cameron got it, he did. But Cameron also had to pick up every broken piece himself. Life and a rambling man left him with many friends but no one to call for a breakup.
"I uh, I got your phone number off Ben's phone, he don't know I'm calling you."
"Well, I'd think not, considering he'd pretty girlfriend." Cam chuckled good naturedly. He still had Ben on Facebook and saw his pictures on occasion when they popped up on his feed... or when he stalked Ben's page after a few bud lights too many. "Where you at right now? I hear music."
"You remember Pope? Or, I guess Santiago, who Ben and I served with? He's getting married."
"Oh shit, no way that's great!" He was genuine. Cam never met Santi, only Frankie and his lady a few times over the years Santi was always off somewhere. But Ben loved him dearly, and from Facebook stalking it looked like he was really close with the man's girlfriend- well, wife now. A win for Ben's family was a win for Ben, and that was a win for Cam. "Whadderya doing talking to me when you should be celebrating your friends and dancing with your girlfriend. Congratulations of her and the baby, by the way."
"Thanks. I called you now because I've had a few drinks and I had an idea, and it might be a bad one. Figured I'd better do it now because I chicken out."
A bad start. Was Will going to finally cuss Cam out for ditching Ben all those years ago?
"Oh. Uuuuuuh, okay?"
He heard Will sigh loudly over the phone, Stevie Nicks and Don Henly in the background. It was never good when he sighed like that.
"Ben's in trouble, and I need your help."
It didn't matter. His plans for the next harvest season, how far away he was. Cameron didn't even know what Will's plan was at all if there even was one. All Cam knew was that Ben needed help.
"What do you need, Miller."
Next chapter is the finale for FTLT!!!!! Laci and Santi get hitched <3 Happy day.
And we have a name for our little LaL baby!!!
Then, after the finale and after i finish up a few series, it onto my Ben series, No Surrender (after the bruce springsteen song bc duuuhhh)
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
16 notes · View notes
romanarose · 8 months
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖
How are the couples in the Leather and Lace universe celebrating? (or are they celebrating at all???)
Sorry this is so late! I hope you had a great day! Forgive my typing my laptop took a shit on me on v day so Im typing on an unfamiliar one lol
Warms my heart people still care about this universe!!!!
I have Leather and Lace Valentine’s Day special from last year!
As for the whole gang, let’s see….
This will be a brief sneak peek into the future, as canonically the universe is at abouuuttt June/julyish? There’s some creative liberty there😂
Previous day there was no Lore, and I think everyone wants lore ♥️ and by the time next v day comes, there will be no Alice and Ben will be happy with Cam so, welcome to the LaL universe Cameron!!
Mentions of addiction bulimia abuse smut
Santi and Laci
All the cutesy. Santi knows Lacina is a lover of cheesy romance so last year it was dinner. However now they have a baby. Doesn’t mean romance is dead however! After their strain over the summer Santi refuses to let Laci feel less than, esp after giving birth to Leto.
Leto is a few months old, I think approaching 6 months, and Laci has just started back at work. When she comes home, Santi has the whole dinner set up with candles and lights. Laci feels bad when she has to pause dinner to feed Leto but Santi thinks there’s nothing more beautiful than his wife breastfeeding his son. His heart is so full and happy, he couldn’t imagine a better day, even as he burps the tiny baby.
Of course, Laci isn't going to forget him either. Laci buys him the first bouquet of flowers he's gotten outside of his mom and Fatima's deaths. And, ofc, bc it's them, they make love that night. Laci is tired but they do their fav none intercourse activity and do hand stuff while making out. It always feels intimate and close.
Frankie and Jana
Just because they've been together more or less 15 years, doesn't mean Jana isn't slacking on making sure Frankie, and year and a half clear despite the stress of two children, feels loved. He's so good to her, going above and beyond during her pregnancy, finishing her doctorate, and handling both a newborn and a 3 year old. Jana was not the type of woman to congratulate a man on doing basic parenting, but christ he was amazing. Both were still on maternity leave, little Max being maybe 2 months old? Ish? Frankie would be going back to work part time soon just to keep a schedule, but would largely be a stay at home dad. She knew it wasn't easy and wanted to make sure he was so, so loved. So, under the guise of feeding Max, Jana sneaks out of the room and gets working on breakfast.
"Hi mommy, are you making me pancakes?" A sleepy Rosie toddled out in her doc McStuffins PJ's"
"Lo siento mija, did I wake you?"
"No." Rosie shook her head. Quería saludar a Max pero estaba durmiendo."
"Ah, I see. Would you like to help me cook for daddy?"
Rosie excitedly said yes, and after little bit they brought Frankie breakfast in bed. His eyes woke with a start, still protective of Jana even though she was past the 6 weeks of a c-section recovery.
"Baby, what are you-" he started to stand but as instructed Rosie ran up and pinned him down. Rosie explained the food they made while Jana got a crying Max. When all four were settled into bed, they eat together, Frankie feeding Jana as she breastfed Max. And don't you worry, once Max and Rose were down for a nap, Frankie gave Jana her Valentines Day gift. about 6 or 7 of them.
Will and Lorelei
Lore and Will had no issues giving Chloe away for a few hours.
Make no mistake, they adored their daughter, Lore loving to watch Chloe learn knew things about the world around her and Will was so wonderful when he played with her. Chloe would never have to wonder her worth the way Lorelei and Will did, they'd protect her the best they could from what they and their friends had endured.
No they loved Chloe Sen. However, they were comfortable taking time off. Lorelei had given birth in late July, and had a speedy recovery, making a mile run two weeks postpartum. This was not because of her eating issues (okay maybe baby weight was a small factor but she was working on it, okay?) more importantly, she needed to be ready to help run the farm for harvest season. Mrs. Miller would be watching Chloe Sen tonight for a few hours while Will took Lore out to dinner just as she had over harvest.
Lorelei had never been somewhere so fancy. She was dressed up in a dress Will said was "fit to attend the Oscar's with James Dean" never mind Dean's Oscar win was posthumous, but the compliment felt nice. Lorelei loved the traditional schtick, even if she told him she didn't need anything, that having a family was enough. Will, of course, would never let that slide. He also bought her jewelry, and he was the first man who didn't fumble that bag, getting her a classy tennis bracelet that matched her silvery dress. Lorelei's red dress was not fitting right with her breastfeeding boobs, and once thing about Lorelei Yen Giang, she did not where pink.
Lorelei's gift surprised Will. Not that Lorelei couldn't be sweet or tender; Lorelei always showed Will her love in her own love language, but gift giving was not one. She gives him a framed picture, something Laci had snapped at the beach day last summer. Lorelei wasn't showing in her swimsuit yet, Will had his shirt on. Despite the tension of those early months, Lorelei had forgotten how much she and Will still had fun. They were sitting on beach towels, Lorelei's head thrown back laughing, black hair cascading down. Will was grinning ear to ear.
"I love it, Lore..." Will says, smiling brightly.
If Lorelei didn't have make up on, she'd be blushing.
"I love you, William. I know there were so many reservations from my side early on but all these months later, you prove me wrong every single day. You are exactly the kind of man I saw you as, no tricks, no games."
Will kissed her tenderly. "And you, princess, blow me away every single day."
There was no sex that night, Chloe not having fallen asleep for her grandma nor a few hours after, keeping them both up. But Lorelei feel asleep with her loving boyfriends arms around her, and that was enough.
Benny and Cameron.
It was all so new. Being the off season, Ben and Cam were somewhere in Arizona, fucking the entire day away in Cam's van. Ben was still worried about the other ball dropping, for something in Cam to switch. For him to leave again or for him to hurt him like Alice. Things weren't easy peasy; Ben was still relapsing on bulimia and drinking, but the recovery periods were getting longer and Cam was always quick to assure him relapse is a normal part of recovery. Frankie quit coke cold turkey, but that's because he had a scare. it'd take Ben some time, but Cam would be there every step.
As soon as Cam woke after a long nap to Ben in the kitchenette, listening to him clanging around trying to cook he knew Ben was having a bad day. When he opened the curtain to find the living space/kitchen a massive mess, with food everywhere in Ben's attempt at cooking and a table set up of half-made crafts, he knew it was Ben's ADHD. He was trying to get Ben to warm up to the idea of trying meds again, but once step at a time.
"Baby?" Cam called, and Ben wiped around, eyes wide as he began sputtering.
"I'm sorry! Im sorry I was trying to make breakfast and also this craft I saw on printers and also this other one then the bacon was burning and-"
"Baby, can I hold you?"
Ben blinked at him, looking nervous. He wasn't used to people asking if they could touch him. "Oh. Um... no I don't think so."
Cam smiled, happy Ben felt comfortable enough, trusted him enough to communicate. "Thank you for telling me. Benny, does this have something to do with Valentine's Day?"
He hesitated but admitted yes. "I love you so goddamn much Cam and we've been on the road so I haven't hardly been aware the month let alone the year... Then all of a sudden I wake up and its the 14th and you've been just... just the fucking best. I don't want you to feel like I don't appreciate you..."
Cameron listened until he was sure Ben was done. "Would it help if we just... pretended today was another day? I swear, just you being here..."
"No! Cam let me do something nice for you."
"Something nice for me," He started slowly. "Is you being nice to yourself. Listen, my birthday is coming up, if you really want to, not saying you have to, but if you really want to you can go all out that day. But what I really, really want..." He reached out his hands, which Ben took. "Is to eat this burnt bacon, tape this half-made craft to my wall, and then get back into bed with the love of me life that I thought I'd never get to hold again. What do you think."
Ben paused, allowing himself to absorb Cam's words. Cam din't want anything from him outside of his love, fidelity, and company. He didn't want ben's money, didn't want him to change or hide self, and although they certainly had fantastic sex, if Ben wasn't feeling it he could say no, but Cam usually picked up on it before hand.
"Okay, yeah, that sounds good..."
"Good." Cam smiled and reached behind Ben. "I like my bacon extra crispy."
Happy v day!!!!
tagging a few peeps who still interact with the all universe
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @missdictatorme @ivystoryweaver @pimosworld @miraclesabound @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @whatthefishh
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romanarose · 1 year
that lorelei bitch thinks she is some high shit but she lets her boyfriend hits her lmfao if she is such a badass why diddnt she defend herself? thats what mouthy smartass bitches like her deserve
My sibling in Khonshu she literally punched him. Several times 😂😂😂
She is a little stuck up yeah but that’s her character flaw to sort out by the end.
I’m gonna have to assume ur the same person that called Laci a raped bitch when leather and lace was coming out
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romanarose · 1 year
For The Longest Time Masterlist
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William Miller x Fem!Oc (Lorelei Giang)
Summery: Lorelei can’t seem to shake him. For months, she runs into the handsome older Miller brother, and never intentionally. Jaded distrusting, she avoids getting close to him. However, when she needs him, he’s there to give her a place to stay. A proud, independent nurse with of love of silver screen cinema, she can’t help fall for the kind soldier. Still, she thinks it’s best to keep her distance; men have only ever been disappointing if not downright harmful… until one night, the loneliness is swallowing and she caves, allowing Will to treat her right for a night… just one night, right?
Takes place in the Romana TFverse after Leather and Laci and Take Your Time but it is NOT necessary to read. This will act as a stand along and any needed information will be provided. However, things like relationships progressing, friendships, etc will have more meaning if you read the others (esp LaL)
General warnings and major themes include (but not limited to): Death of an abusive parent, parental abandonment, eating disorder (largely in recovery but still a battle as anyone whose been through it knows), unplanned pregnancy, getting together, trust issues, domestic violence, child abuse (none shown just mentioned), alcoholism and addiction from the side character, mentions of sex traffic and sexual abuse but no details, obsessive compulsive disorder
Chapter 1: Lorelei meets Benjamin Miller’s older brother and is not impressed…. Yet she finds herself obsessing enough to stalk him through high school year books.
Chapter 2: Lorelei and Will spend the night together; Lorelei unexpectedly meets one of Will's friends.
Chapter 3: Will and Lorelei make a choice on the baby. Lorelei meets the rest of Wills friends.
Chapter 4: A beach day to celebrate Rosie's birthday eases some tensions and reveals others
Chapter 5: At the funeral, Will and Lorelei find common ground.
Chapter 6: Will and Lorelei find out what they are having.
Chapter 7: Ben is in trouble, and Lorelei is able to be there for both her Miller boys.
Bonus Chapter: Because of you: Lorelei finds her dad again, but it only sets her and Will back.
Chapter 8, part 1: It’s time for the ball. There’s some ups and downs for everyone. Jana is a queen
Chapter 8, part 2: Confessions and fucking.
Chapter 9: Happy announcements turn into arguments. Alice’s true colors are revealed.
Bonus Chapter: Scenes: POV of everyone in the two weeks between the bar incident and the wedding
Finale: Garcia-Dumas wedding, Lorelei solidifies her place in the family.
Enjoy, my friends!
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romanarose · 1 year
For The Longest Time: Chapter 1
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William Miller x fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Summary: Lorelei keeps running into William Miller in town. She can't seem to avoid him, as much as she tries to. The last time they run into each other, Lorelei is forced to accept his kindness she's been suspicious of for months.
Content and Warning (For chapter) SPOILERS IS WARNINGS, READ AT UR OWN RISK: Mentions of eating disorders, over exercising and skipping meals, domestic violence, Lorelei is a suspicious and distrusting of Will and everyone in general. That's part of her arch. Will is an absolute sweetie. Illusions to smut that will be shown next chapter. Unplanned pregnancy.
A/N: This fic takes place in the Romana TFverse, AKA the LaL universe. Takes place after and has characters from Leather and Lace (Santi and Laci) and the next series, Take Your Time (Frankie and Jana). You do NOT HAVE TO READ THESE TO READ THIS SERIES. some of the characters relations with each other mean more if you do, but Im specifically writing this to stand alone.
Not a whole lot of Will content out there so hopfully you enjoy!
It was already shaping up to be a long night shift when Benjamin Miller walked in. It wasn’t that Lorelei had a problem with him specifically, but it was just one more thing to do. Benjamin, or Benny as the younger nurses called him with a giggle, was a nice young man, friendly, always had a smile on his face even if that face was bloody, and a handsome face too; she wasn’t going to deny it. He’d been in and out before, but she’d never met his brother until this night. Oftentimes it was his friend that took him in whose name she couldn’t remember but always wore a ballcap no matter the time of night, but sometimes it was random people. His brother must have picked him up a time or two because when he walked in with a bloody Benjamin she recognized him.
Lorelei crossed her arms. “Benjamin Miller. Again.” She sighed, tired, but also disappointed. He’d been gone for a while, staying out of trouble until now. “What is it this time?”
The brother interjected himself. “This dumbass got into a fight and we need to make sure he isn’t concussed” He then smacked Benjamin on his possibly-concussed head.
She was already in a mood, and the tall blonde was not helping. “Hey! Don’t hit my patients.” She motioned for a wheelchair. Benjamin she could handle, his brother she wasn’t thrilled with. Behind them trailed a short blonde girl. Sister maybe? She certainly wouldn’t have inherited their height, there was at least a foot difference, but she had their blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes, although her blue was more pale, while the boys were bright. Girlfriend of one of them?
“It’s okay” the brother laughed, smiling a bright smile, but that just made matters worse for Lorelei. “He’s my brother”
“I didn’t ask. He’s my patient, this is my hospital, behave or leave.”
He raised his hands in defeat. “Yes Ma’am. His slight southern drawl coming out.”
Lorelei turned to the nurse that would be doing his intake. “Get him a scan, make sure he somehow avoided traumatic brain injury again.” The boy was asking for a problem. She wasn’t sure how much older she was than him, if at all, but she felt motherly as she often did.
The brother yelled at Benjamin about him not flirting with nurses, illiciating another glare from Lorelei. When he saw her unhappy face, he apologized and reached out a hand. “William Miller.”
Lorelei was more interested in the young girl standing quietly behind them who hasn’t said a word, looked nervous, and had traces of blood around her nose. As a nurse of 10 years, Lorelei clocked the warning signs of abuse and only briefly shook William’s hand, not bothering to look at him. “Lorelei” And she moved to the girl. “What happened to you?”
Loralei continued, motioning her thumb back towards where Benny went. “You guys get in a fight? “
Will leaned in. “Actually, she got in the middle of another fight-”
She simply held a hand up to him. “I wasn’t asking you.” Her intense gaze was focused on Laci, her tone was soft. She looked scared, pink lips sealed tightly shut. Another warning.
Laci shook her head.
Will tried again. “She has-”
This was her last straw with him, over the man injecting himself into every conversation. ““William, I’m going to need you to step back, please.” 
Will opened his mouth to argue, but closed it when he decided better. He turned to Laci. “Use your notes app, I’ll be over here.” With a soft smile to Laci and a nod to Lorelei, he walked away.
Lorelei turned back to Laci. “Hey honey, everything okay?”
The girl pulled out her phone and typed in the notes app.
Laci took a moment to type. ‘I have trouble talking sometimes. Ben and Will are my friends.’
Lorelei nodded, but continued. “Did one of them hit you?”
Laci considered lying, but opted for the truth. ‘Kinda. Benny got in a fight and I tried to stop him, he accidentally hit me. That’s it.’
Watching her carefully, looking for the hint of a lie… but could find no reason to suspect anything other than what she was told.
“Wait out here, fill out these forms, he’ll be done soon” She began to walk away.
Will cleared his throat. When Lorelei turned back to him, she was greeted with a cheeky smile. “Yes?” She asked.
Will raised an eyebrow at her. “Well?”
She smiled back, but put her hands on her hips, challenging him. “Well what?”
At that, Will scoffed, still keeping his smile despite his mock offense. “Well?! You basically accused me of hitting her, and I didn’t.”
Lorelei's smile was a challenge, ‘keep going’ it said ‘I’m not backing down’ “I won’t apologize for seeing clues and being suspicious. You work in my line of work for one week, you’d do the same. I’ll talk to you when your brother is discharged.” She walked off.
Benny was fine, although she told him to quite fucking around before he found out.
“That girl your sister?” She asked, finishing his discharge papers before she sent him on his way with another worse. She didn’t want to deal with William again.
Benjamin chuckled a little. “No, that’s my best friend, Laci. She’s dating my friend Santiago, you might have seen him picking me up a few times.”
“Doesn’t ring a bell, but I think I’d prefer him above your brother, he’s a pain.”
Once again, Benjamin laughed. He liked to laugh, didn’t he? “Lore, I guarantee you, Santi would be way more of a pain in the ass than Will.”
Lorelei put both hands on his shoulders. “Quick. Fucking. Drinking, Miller.” And she sent him on his way. 
The next time she ran into William Miller she was out to dinner, she was out to dinner with Tyler, less than thrilled with the blatant way he and the waitress flirted as if you weren’t right there. Lorelei couldn’t be too upset with her, a girl had to make money. Little did she know, Tyler was a shitty tipper even if he got a face full of tits every time he got his drink refilled. She wasn’t sure why she was with him, honestly. They met in Philadelphia when Tyler was still in the navy and Lorelei was somehow convinced to leave Philadelphia to live with him here in this little Florida town. Bad idea. But it wasn’t like there was much left for her in Philadelphia either, just a lot of family she preferred not to talk to outside of holidays and birthdays.
So here she was, living with some mid-looking asshole who didn’t do the dishes because ‘You do it better’. This was not the life she had wanted. 
But she also did not want to run into Will on her way back inside the restaurant because she ‘forgot something’.
Literally running to him. 
“Oof” Was the sound above her, strong arms steady of her, keeping her from falling but not holding on a second longer than appropriate. “Sorry about that, ma’am- oh! Benny’s nurse.” Great, he recognized her. 
“Well I’m not Benjamin’s personal nurse, but yeah, that’s me.”
He opened his mouth but was cut off by Tyler yelling. “Hurry up! I’m going to the damn car!” and walk away.
She rolled her eyes, and when they landed back on him, he was frowning. “Who was that.”
“My asshole boyfriend.” She reached into her wallet, pulling out a $10 as she shook her head. “He’s mad because I’m mad he tipped the waitress $2, as if we don’t both make good money” She plopped the money on their table. 
“Well, that’s nice of you. But what on earth are you doing with someone like that?”
Lorelei couldn’t help but scoff at the audacity. “How about you just mind your business, how about that?” 
Was it a little rude? Sure. But She had spent an hour getting ready for this date, curling her black hair into barrel curls, painting her lips red and her eyes with Maralyn Monroe bedroom eyes all to get ignored, and all she had to look forward to was Tyler likely wanting to mess up her make up with a dick down her throat and maybe, if she was lucky, stick a dick inside her for 5 minutes in which she had to touch herself to try and get off. Stupid fucking date, stupid fucking yee-haw town, stupid fucking men. She knew it was bad when she looked forward to work. It wasn’t that she didn’t have friends at work, but that was just it. Work friends. Everyone else her age were married and kids and it was pretty rare they had the same days off and Tyler was always out with his dumbass friends leaving Lorelei alone with her vibrator, red wine and her collection of Liz Taylor remastered movies. Plus, Tyler said he knew the Miller’s in high school, and William was a dick. 
He looked angry for a second, but pursed his lips, breathed, and then looked… sad. “I stand by what I said, you deserve better.” and with that, he walked away. 
Annoying ass. 
The next time she saw him, they didn’t talk until she had opened her eyes after passing out on the floor. Of course they went to the same goddamn gym. She should’ve known, she’d seen Benjamin here a time or two, but never his brother until now; at least as she knew.
Benjamin wasn’t accompanying William, however. Clutched to his hand was the same very small woman from that first night, straight blonde hair grown out to her shoulders now. Noting the hand holding, she concluded they must be dating. She was wearing cute workout clothes, expensive, and Lorelei couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to be so thin. She knew it was unprofessional; a nurse knows it could be anything from an eating disorder, drugs, high metabolism, sickness. It didn’t necessarily mean she was trying to look like that… still, Lorelei couldn’t help but watch them as she ran on the treadmill. She was surprised to see then go to the weights… maybe she wasn’t trying to be so skinny after all. Her face had filled in more since she saw her last.
Shaking off the distraction, Lorelei got back to work and speed up the treadmill; she was trying to get to a 10 minute mile, the focus should be on the time… but she kept looking at the calories burned section as it ticked higher and higher. She couldn’t help it, setting the speed fasting and the inclined higher.
And higher.
And higher still.
She closed her eye to make that last push… and didn’t open them until she was on the ground, her arm burning, and even though she was certain her eyes were open she couldn’t see. All she was aware of was touch and muffled talking above her as some clothe was placed over her and the distinct feeling of her sports bra being cut off; she felt like she could breathe again. Was she roofied? No, she was at the gym… why did her arm hurt? She was being picked up by strong arms and soon felt the of a fan as she is placed on her side. Recovery position. Whoever was with her knew their first aid.
Slowly but surely she came into consciousness as her vitals were being checked, opening her eyes one more to find William god dam Miller hovering over her, worried expression relaxing just a tad when he saw her wake up. 
“What the fuck- what happened?” She pushed his arms away from her, not thrilled with being touched while technically naked under the- what is it? Jacket? 
“You passed out on the treadmill. I noticed you were looking rough so I can to check on you, good thing I did, was able to pull the emergency stop when you fell. Not fast enough, I’m afraid.”
Lorelei glances at her arm. “What the fuck? Fucking ow.” A bad rug burn on her arm, dried blood and open skin. “Fuuuuuckkk” She went to sit up, but was stopped by tiny, soft hands keeping the jacket firmly on her chest.
“Sorry.” The woman said. “Your bra was really tight, so we cut it off.”
William was quick to clarify. “She cut it off, don’t worry.”
She wouldn’t have been concerned with well-intentioned help from a man needing to cut off her bra, but the fact he had the forethought to cover her up and have a female do the work close to her chest… well, she couldn’t find anything to be irritated with today. 
Sirens in the distance.
“Oh, yeah, Laci called an ambulance, just in case.”
Yeah, she should probably go to the ER. Between the burn and passing out, it was a good idea. “I need my phone.” Fully expecting it to still be at the treadmill, Lorelei was surprised to see the blonde girl, Laci, pull it out of her own jacket. Lorlei must be wearing Will’s. Dialing Tyler, she dreaded telling him. “Tyler, I need you to meet me at the hospital.”
‘What did you do?’
Lovely. ‘“I passed out at the gym-”
‘Your going to the ER for that? Lora, that’ll be like, 3 thousand dollars!’
It wouldn’t be nearly that bad with hospital insurance. “You don’t pay my goddamn bills anyway so what do you care? Just get there in an hour to pick me up.” She hung up on him. Asshole.
Laci was dodging her eyes and William looked sympathetic. “We could go with-”
“No, I’m fine. I just need to get checked up and bandaged but it’s probably nothing.”
William wasn’t buying it. “I don’t want to just leave you stranded with that shithead doesn’t show. It could be heat stroke, or a seizure or-”
“I know the causes of fainting, William, thank you.” She bit at him, feeling guilty for her harsh demeanor when he helped her, but feeling like the attitude had a life of its own. “But it’s probably just because I didn’t eat yet.”
He frowned. “Why didn’t you eat before running?”
“Ugh, I just forgot, worked a double and there was the crash off the exit ramp so we were busy.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t work out after a double shift when you didn’t eat?” He bit right back, not taking her sass. His girlfriend whispered his name softly, something that seemed to calm him.
 The ambulance arrived, and Will helped her sit up. “Put your arms through the sleeves. Lace, can you zip up the back?”
Lorelei tried to protest that she didn’t want to steal his jacket, that she was sure the ambulance had a blanket she could cover with but Will wouldn’t here it. Lorelei slept in that blue jacket sometimes after that… it was really soft.
They kept meeting accidentally, over and over again, for months. He always annoyed her. He always had something to say about her relationship, her choices, and whenever she snapped at him he sassed right back… but never unkind, never rude. Maybe that was the infuriating part. He wouldn’t be deterred. She wanted him to just stop talking to her. She had a boyfriend, he had a girlfriend… but that didn’t stop her from fantasizing about him in the bath as he fingers played between legs. It wasn’t her fault he was that god damn handsome… and tall. So tall… he had almost a foot on her at least and his shoulders were so goddamn broad. Did he play football in high school? He did, she found out, after finding Tyler’s year book and looking for Millers in every grade. There he was, William John Miller. He did football, and surprisingly enough photography all 4 years as well as choir, and track. 
Curiosity got to her and she found Benjamin Joseph Miller a year below him, same class as Tyler, but also found his pictures in the football teams page next to Will. After digging through all 4 of Tylers books and getting all the information she could, she sluthed out that Benjamin was in wrestling freshman year, then a linebacker the next 3. He also did arts, but no photography. Drama, oral interp, graphic design as well as welding and woodworking. Freshman year he only did wrestling and had very few pictures. The next two years is when he joined all the clubs, many pictures with him next to someone named Cameron. Then, after junior and senior year he was only in football.
A little more digging. Cameron Andrew MacDonald was in William’s class, putting him a year above Benjamin and Tyler. Did Cameron drag Benjamin into all these activities? He was in Drama, oral interp, graphic design, welding and woodworking all 4 years. Interesting, interesting.
She looked for every piece of the puzzle that was the Miller brothers she could.
Will’s girlfriend doesn’t seem to be in the books so they didn’t meet there.
A senior beach trip where Will kept his shirt on amongst a sea of shirtless men. A bit odd, considering the body of a football player is something they usually like to show off, but that wasn’t her business.
Benny playing Hamlet.
A lot of pictures with Benny. He seemed to be well liked, at least the later years.
When did she start calling him Benny?
After being so nosy she couldn’t help feel… attached in some way.
All that came to a culmination in the very early spring, she stood outside in that very same blue jacket and PJ pants, faced away and scrolling for hotel options that still had rooms at this hour when you hear his goddamn voice behind you, gleeful and teasing. 
“Well, well, well, look who it is.” The older Miller chuckled and Lorelei turned around to see him walking towards her, smiling with his hands in is pockets. “We’ve got to stop meeting like-” He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed to glisen of tears in her eyes and the bright red mark prominent even on her golden brown skin. His face immediately darkened. “Who did this to you.”
She couldn’t help but feel relieved to see him. Did he get on her nerves? Yes. But she knew he was safe. “Tyler, but-”
William turned on a heel, storming up the steps to the apartment complex door.
“William, wait!”
“I'm gonna kick his ass!”
She grabbed his hand. “I already did!”
Lorelei showed him her fist and he took it in his hands. They were so large, the skin callused and rough, but the touch was so careful as he examined her left hand that she was pretty sure knocked out a tooth. Or two. There was some blood on her skin and her fist and wrist hurt, but there wasn’t going to be much red showing up with her skin tone. It would probably swell in a bit, however. She was not someone who really knew how to fight, her win came from an element of surprise. Lorelei long suspected Tyler though dating her meant a docile asian wifey, not expecting someone so short to put up a fight. He underestimated the power of her anger.
“You punched him?” Will asked when his blue eyes, still bright in the darkness of night, finally looked into hers again.
She nodded. “A few times.”
The tiniest smile crept up onto his face. “Impressive. I can still go do it again if you want.” He was mostly joking, but something told her he would actually trek up to the apartment and pummel him again.
“No, that’ll just get you arrested. I at least have self defense. Right now I’m just trying to find a hotel, but all seem to be booked.”
He didn’t even hesitate. “You can stay with me?” When he saw her hesitation, Will quietly clarified. “Nothing weird, the guest room door locks from the inside. I just…” He didn’t finish his sentence.
“Thank you, but I really need somewhere to stay longer term until I can find my own apartment.” Her reasons for not going with him were less because she didn’t trust him, although he had an inherent distrust of men, but more her need to be independent. It was crippling, sometimes, but having to ask for help… it was humiliating.
“You can stay long term.” He insisted. 
Lorelei’s scoff was perhaps a little ruder than it needed to be. “Yeah, and what would your girlfriend think of that?”
Confusion spread across his handsome features. “My what?”
“Your girlfriend. Or wife or fiance or whatever.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend”
“Did you just break up?”
“Ma’am, I havn’t been in a relationship since 2019.”
She found that hard to believe, an attractive man like this. “Well who the hell is the blonde girl you were holding hands with at the gym and was with you at the hospital?”
He stared at her for a second, brows furrowed before they unknotted in realization. “Oh! You mean Laci? She’s not my girlfriend, that’s my friend's girlfriend- well, fiance. They got engaged today, actually.” He nudged his thumb behind him. “Was just walking home from their engagement party.”
Now it was Lorelei’s turn to look up at him confused. “Then why the hell were you holding hands with her?” A little side action with his friend's girl?
Pausing, Will seemed to be looking for the right words, and immediately Lorelei was put on guard. He must be trying to find the right words to convince her; to lie. He must be sleeping with her behind his friend's back. 
“She gets… nervous, out in public. She prefers to hold someone’s hand.”
Weird. Sounds fake. “Sure. Yeah.”
He sighs. “Listen, you don’t gotta stay long or nothing, but It’s getting real late. If you don’t have anywhere else to stay, my place isn’t far. We can figure out the rest in the morning.”
Well, it wasn’t like she had many other options. “Fine, but we’re taking my bike.”
Will assumed she wanted to get her bicycle out from a bike rack and take it over. What he did not expect was for Lorelei to walk to a parking spot and hop on a motorcycle. “Well?” She looked back at him. “You getting on, or are you just gonna try and keep up on your feet?”
Will almost offered to drive; he knew how to get to his house, after all and he did have a motorcycle license… but something told him even the offer would put her off more. She was not a passenger princess like Laci. So, with nearly a foot difference in height, Will sat behind the woman and directed her where to turn. She was definitely speeding.
Lorelei was impressed. It wasn’t just nice for a bachelor pad, it was nice. A modest house but well maintained, nothing flashy but god, having a house in this economy was impressive in and of itself. And it was clean. There were sparse decorations, but a few framed pictures and collages of pictures were placed here and there; she saw Will with his brother, some friends, a toddler girl, the woman he swears he isn’t sleeping with… 
“Laci put these together for me. Said my walls were too boring.” He had walked up next to her, pointing to one of Will, Benny, two of their friends and the pretty blonde woman. Will was still wearing a shirt, despite them all being on a beach at a lake house. 
“You grow up with them around here?”
He gave her a funny look. “How’d you know I was from here?”
Lorelei went for honesty. “Tyler said he knew you after I ran into at the restaurant. Said you were an asshole but that shows how good his judgment is.”
William nodded knowingly. “Tyler slapped a girls ass his freshman year, so I slapped him back. Surprisingly, he didn’t like it when it was him.”
She giggled, and immediately shut it up. She shouldn’t be finding him this funny, this endearing… damn that Miller charm.
Ever observant, Will noticed her shift. “You hurting or anything? Need ice?”
“No.” Lorelei shook her head. “It wasn’t that hard, he has a weak arm.”
“I meant for your hand.” He smiled down at her playfully, referencing her left hand.
“Oh. Yeah. I guess.” 
Expecting him to get a bag of frozen pee’s, she was surprised when he came back with a wrist wrap. “No ice?”
“It’s an ice pack that wraps around the wrist.”
She forgot Ben did MMA… but she had a feeling these were more for his fighting outside the ring. 
“Came at a good time, Ben’s been staying out of trouble for once so the room’s actually nice and clean.” He gestured her towards said room and they began walking.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get out of your hair soon enough and it’s back to Benny’s”
After reiterating she can stay as long as she needs, Will gave Lorelei a spare toothbrush and pointed her to a cabinet where he keeps toiletries for any overnight guests and was impressed to find pads and tampons along side decent quality shampoo and conditioner of a few kinds, including hair care for black hair and thin hair. Must get a revolving door of women, she assumed. He told her there would be pj’s and day clothes in the draws and closet and was expecting to find Ben’s clothes, which would have worked fine, but was taken about by rows of neatly folded clothing in a few sizes. What the fuck.
“Are you a serial killer or somethin?”
Will popped his body around the doorframe but did not step into her room. “Huh?”
Hands on her hips, she motioned to the clothes. “This, the variety of shampoos, what the fuck.”
His face relaxed when he saw what hsi guest was referring too. “Oh! All that! Well, I never know whose gonna need to stay the night. I try to keep things on hand incase someone drinks too much or needs a place to crash. There’s some toddler girls clothes and pull ups in the bottom drawer, don’t be alarmed.”
She was slightly incredulous at that. “What for?”
“My niece.”
Benny didn’t have kids, and she knew they didn’t have any other siblings. Lorelei narrowed her eyes. “You don’t have a niece.”
A bright smile spread on his face, like he knew… he knew she had been asking about him. “Not biologically, but my friend, Fish.” William nudged to the wall full of photos. “He has a little girl, Rosie. Suspicious thing, aren’t you?” He grinned at her, large frame leaning around the doorway. 
She was. She knew she was. But despite her suspicions of Will and most people, particularly men in her life, she stayed with Will that night, and after Will helped her pack her things out of the apartment, she stayed with him a few more nights… until she finally just asked if she could stay until she got on her feet.
Will readily agreed, and when Lorelei asked about rent, he refused, but she refused his refusal. 
“I’m an ER nurse, I make good money. That loser just drained most of it. Few months, I’ll be set again.” They settled on $300 a month, and she knew Will caved just for the sake of her pride.
They worked well as roommates. Will had a high standard of cleanliness that Lorelei appreciated, and the two of them could be independent (Lorelei’s odd hours at work, Will spending days with his friends) and still come home and be on the right track. She liked it, honestly. Lorelei was honestly considering asking about staying longer term (For a more reasonable rent, of course) because he seemed to enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed his. He never brought his friends over, which she thought was odd, but she also enjoyed not having a shit ton of men over and their annoying girlfriends like Tyler would do, no matter what hours she worked. Lorelei did have an admitted crush on Will but… who wouldn’t? She enjoyed hearing him talk about his army buddies and Ben and their girlfriends
There was Ben of course, she knew of him by this point, although thankful his ER visits had stopped. Lorelei chalked it up to his new girlfriend, Alice, but Will didn’t seem like a fan. Maybe she was the one to whip him into shape? Alice went to high school with them all, Will’s class, and apparently they’d been on and off behind Will’s back for a year, but knowing how overbearing Will could be towards his younger brother it was understandable.
Then there was Frankie, or ‘Fish’ as he usually called him. Benny, Frankie and two others had served with Will on a special ops team together. Frankie’s girlfriend, Jana, had been stationed in the army with one of those others, Santiago, and Santiago had set them up. Will explained that after the birth of their daughter, Frankie’s addiction got worse and the pair had broken up for a few years, but Frankie got clean for his family and as of a few months ago, they were officially back together. He explained that’s why he had things for Rosie to stay overnight if needed, just in case Frankie had a crisis.
Then there was Santiago and his fiance, Laci, who she was already familiar with. Santiago and Laci had gotten engaged the night she moved in with Will and were planning on getting married this summer, only a few short months later. Will was very vague on how they met, but Will said Santi had helped her out of a bad place and they had fallen in love fast. He always spoke very fondly of her. Of all of them, really.
There was only one problem. The same problem that caused her to stay with Tyler for so long.
She was really horny and really lonely. Not the kind of loneliness you can make go away with spending time watching movies with Will… the kind where you were almost horny for company. She needed that human connection, a connection so long ago lost on her she craves it wherever she can find it. That strive for approval so intense it’s why she skips meals and goes too hard on treadmills and she needs it, so desperate and so forceful it’s controlled her life, forcing her to constantly find other means of control. 
That loss of control was so strong that when he vibrator was just not cutting it, Lorelei found herself wandering out into the living room where Will sat watching Blue Earth.
That same loss of control is how she found herself, a few weeks later, staring at a positive pregnancy test.
This fic is dedicated to Dolli for always encouraging my Will thoughts (and thots)
I hope you guys enjoy their journey! Lorelei will start off rough with, dealing with ED, pregnancy, her daddy issues and a Elizabeth Bennet-esque arch.
Will, for his part, will be learning to trust himself, show up for Lorelei and the baby, and dealing with Benny's spiral and parental death (fair warning, but it is the death of an abusive parent so its complex
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound
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romanarose · 7 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 10
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: It's the Garcia-Dumas wedding, and Lorelei solidifies her place in the family.
Warnings: DV, mentions of baby trapping, lots of pregnancy talk. Pretty fluffy chapter tbh.
Will had left a few hours ago to help set up for the wedding. Lorelei was going to, but after another late night at the hospital, Will 'politely suggested’ she sleep in, saying that they had it. It wasn’t an elaborate set up, some twinkly lights and some anti mosquito candles for the night time, some decorations here and there, tables etc. Lorelei just needed to be there to do Laci and Jana’s hair and make-up.
It was a beautiful day out, partly cloudy but still sunshine, light breeze. Everything aligned for Laci’s big day, and thank god for it. She deserved a good day for fucking once. Hell, so did Santi. 
As Lore munched on a PBJ, strawberry jam because she hated grape, she got a phone call. When she looked at her phone, Ben’s smiley face was lighting up her screen. How different he looked from now…
“Ben…” She answered the phone stern. “You cannot cancel on her this time, you just can’t” Lorelei was sure he was calling her to say he wasn’t coming, and she would do everything she could to prevent that. He needed to be there; she was worried if Ben didn’t show, Laci would cancel the whole day. Poor girl would be heartbroken again. Lorelei would run her ass to David’s bridal and get some off the rack dress right now and be a bridesmaid if she needed to. Laci was getting married today, and she was having a good fucking day.
“No, Lorelei…” She heard him sigh. “I need help. I have… i have a black eye”
Fuck. God fucking dammit. She was going to kill Alice for hurting her brother like this… but right now, wedding. “Ben, honey-”
“Can you cover it up?”
“Come over. I got you.”
It wasn’t too ugly right now, but Ben and her would have to touch it up over the course of the day. She combined the liquid foundation she had for Laci’s skin with a little bit of her own, making something to match Ben’s light tan.
Her heart broke every time she saw him wince, fighting tears in her own eyes.
Ben was late, but he showed. That’s what he needed. Will, Ben, Santi and Frank all got together in the spare bedroom that they used for the foster kids. The addition that Santi had built wasn’t quite done yet but was being used for storage of the food and drinks and for everyone's purses and coats. The daytime would be hot but as night came, jackets would be needed. Laci made sure there were lots of blankets for everyone, but there was plenty of room inside. 
The wedding was small, Santi and Laci having no family left. Santi invited a few army friends, and Tom’s family although they never replied to the invite. Laci invited a few coworkers. Gideon, Ben and Will’s grandpa Laci had connected with would be coming as would Will’s come, Jenna. The friends they made in New York flew to Florida, and although most of Jana’s family couldn’t make it, they had been invited for their hospitality to Santi and even Laci. Jana’s brother, Jacob would be there and Laci and Ben’s hair stylist, Bre would be there too. 
“Santi?” Jana’s voice interrupted the men’s talking, mostly dressed but still a few buttons and ties needing to be done.
Before Santi could open his mouth, Frankie stood up, shouting  “god DAMN, Mama! Look at you!”
Jana was fucking glowing. Pregnancy always had looked good on her. Will would never sexualize her, but she was an objectively beautiful woman and when she was pregnant, she was happy, sober, and stunning to look at. Jana smiled, kissing Frankie with her glossy lips and patting his cheeks before turning to Santi with a slightly more serious tone. “There’s a small problem.”
“She left me.” Santi deadpanned.
“Oh my god.” Jana smacked her head and Frankie flicked him. “No, you dumbass. I havn’t seen a woman so obsessed with a man since Charles Manson, for christsake. Just, come here.”
Jana explained the issue. While doing Laci’s hair, they couldn’t quite get it to quite cover up that scar on her forehead. When Santi found her, her face was covered in blood with a large gash on her forehead that cut deep into her hairline. By the time she was found, there was no need for first aid and the scarring was inevitable. Laci had a lot of insecurity around her small size, her large ears, her thin hair, and now the very noticeable scar on her head. 
“Baby?” Santi called, opening the door but Laci quickly closed it. 
“You can’t see me in my dress!”
“Baby I wanna hold you.”
The door cracked open. “Put your back to the door and hold out your hand?” Her small voice questioned.
“Of course, Lace.” He did as she said and Laci mirrored him. Back to back, they held each other’s hand. “Baby…” he whispered. “I can’t see you, but I know you’re beautiful… you’re always beautiful, in your dresses, in your PJ’s… Miss Lacina, if you walked out here in sweats and a t-shirt I’d still marry the fuck out of you and love every moment.”
Laci, squeezed his hand. Lorelei mutters a ‘goddammit Santi you’re making her cry’ and she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.
“Good cry or bad cry?” Crying for Laci could mean about anything.
Laci giggled. “Good cry. You don’t mind if you can see the scar?”
“You know the answer.”
“I need to hear it.”
“Munequita… I need you to know when I say this, theres nothing I wouldn’t do to take away all the suffering you went through. But Lace, when I see the scars on your body, and I promise it’s not something I notice a lot, I need you to know when I see the scars, I’m reminded how strong you are. I’m reminded how much you fought to survive and christ, I am so proud of you. Now we’re here, we’re getting married, we’re having a baby… because you had the strength to survive what I never could.”
Lorelei muttered swears again, but when Laci spoke she was smiling. “I’m gonna marry you so hard, Santi.”
Lorelei watched in the front row, fanning herself. It was just a little hot, but pretty much a miracle for July in Florida. She was thankful for the cushioned seats, but still found herself uncomfortable. Chloe was due in 3 weeks, and everything fucking sucked. She felt like garbage, only throwing together her outfit and make up after getting Laci and Jana all dolls up themselves. It wasn’t too much at all, thank god. She volunteered to do it when she was in the highlight of pregnancy.
Laci kept her make-up simple, with a brown eyeliner to make her small blue eyes pop and fill in her blonde brows, and a dusting of pink blush. Her eyes were a light pink, with the arches of her brows and her cheeks splattered in sparkle powder. The real challenge was covering up the scar. In the end, Lorelei was able to work her magic she perfected in high school covering a massive acne problem, blending the raised pink tissue into her light hair and skin and brushing some hair over the part in her hairline for a little move coverage. When her dress was on, she looked like a fairy princess. 
Jana had more extensive make-up, Lorelei highlighting her sharp features but not making it too heavy in the humidity, lest it sweat off or cake. The focus was on her eyes. Jana had stunning eyes, sharp, large, and wide-set. The eyeliner was black, thicker than Laci and a sharp wing and gold eyeshadow matching her braids and the bridesmaids dress. They looked absolutely stunning. 
Lorelei was next next to Gideon who was next to Jenna, chatting about the baby and the future plans for the farm. Jenna asked if Chloe was a boy, what the name would be and Lorelei answered Gideon Háo. Jenna mentioned as an aside that ‘Paul would make a good middle name’. Lorelei politely said they’d consider it for future children, but had no intention of naming her child after the man that lacerated her future husband’s back. Gideon side eye’d Lorelei. He did not like his late son-in-law, but Lorelei doubted he knew the extent of what happened on the farm. It occurred to Lorelei that she had talked about having other children with Will. She wasn’t sure Will wanted more, or how many… but she got the feeling there were at least a few more on the way. It also crossed her mind that she thought of Will as her future husband, and that? That she had no doubts about. She was going to marry that man.
Lorelei felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned to see a smiling Ben holding Rosie. It was nice to see him so happy and so… sober. Laci opted for a dry wedding, but people could bring their own drinks if they wanted to, and Frankie convinced Ben to not drink for one day.
“Oh my goodness!” She stood, reaching out to hold the toddler. Rosie was in a flower girl dress, looking adorable. “Come here beautiful!” 
“Are you gonna be in aunt Laci’s wedding?” She asked.
“No sweetie, but I’m here to support your aunt and uncle because I love them very much.” and she did. Even Santi. They had made up quickly, both understanding that they were just protecting their family.
“Actually,” Ben said, nudging Lorelei out of the aisle. “That’s what I’ve been sent to get you for.”
When Lorelei got back into the house where everyone was doing the final touches, Laci dashed over to Lorelei when she came in. She was beautiful in a short, blush dress with white lace, a white bow in her hair. 
“Lorelei! Okay I’m gonna ask you something and you can totally say no because it’s literally the last minute and i know you’re super pregnant right now-”
“Laci” Lorelei stopped, chuckling. “Babe, whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
Laci swallowed, twiddling her thumbs. “Well, you’re like family and now you and Will are together and it just… it doesn’t feel right not having you with me… Will you be a bridesmaid? Please? I promise this isn’t like, I’m throwing you in here because I feel like I have to with you dating Will I just really love you and you do so much for our family and for Ben and-”
Lorelei cut her off with a hug. That was… not what she was expecting, but she had no doubt the girl was sincere. It didn’t feel like an afterthought. It felt like Laci planned a wedding before she met Lorelei and over the course of the spring and summer, they got to know each other and developed a friendship. Of course she said yes.
Santi walked down first, dressed in a simple light blue suit and stood under a banner of flowers. Nothing Else Matters by Metellica played, which made Lorelei giggle. She was certain this was Laci’s idea, wanting to include Santi’s music taste in their wedding. Jana and Frankie walked down together, best man and maid of honor, Jana in her gold dress and Frankie in a black suit with a gold tie and gold handkerchief. Santi greeted both of them with a hug and a kiss before both found their sides, Frankie standing by Santiago as he always had. Will and Lorelei walked down together now, Will oh-so happy to show off his stunning and slightly wobbly pregnant girlfriend on his arm. Santi hugged them, whispering a thank you to Lorelei for being here. Lorelei and Will both stood by Jana. Finally, Ben walked down, handsome as ever in his bowtie. When Santi hugged him, they lingered together longer than the others. Santi was just happy he was here.
When Don Henly and Stevie Nicks’ duet, Leather and Lace began, Lorelei heard Santi mumble a swear and Laci came into view. She looked ethereal. 
Laci had been nervous about her dress choice, since it was a little non-traditional, being pink and short, but judging by Santi’s reaction, it was nothing. As she stepped close, Rosie took her job VERY seriously. One by one, she picked a single petal and placed it directly on the ground, instructing Laci to step on the petal. It seems she took Jana’s instructions to “make a path to guide tio Santi” very literally. Jana covered her face and Frankie was laughing so hard he had to brace himself on Ben. Lacina played along, taking tiny steps on the petals in the ballet flats. Or very big steps. 3-year-olds are not great at distances. 
She looked up to see a crying Santi, and her eyes filled up too. She knew how much he loved watching her with Rosie, and she knew he was thinking the same thing. Soon, they’d have a baby of their own. When Rosie finally finished, Santi told his niece what a good job she did, and Jana took her in her arms. Santi couldn’t wait another second, and although Laci was only a few steps away, he took one long stride and pulled her into his arms, unable to be without her a moment longer.
The vows were quiet, personal. Laci’s small voice could only be heard by the wedding party. This fit her nature. Santi’s were louder, wanting to proclaim his love for her to everyone around. There was not a dry eye in the yard.
When the pair kissed, Santi dipped Laci while everyone cheered, and then to Laci’s surprise, scooped her up and over his shoulder, careful that her pregnant belly did not carry the brunt of her weight.
Santi runs down the aisle, carrying a giggling Laci towards the screen door.
Will called after him. “Pope! Where the hell are you going?!”
Hanging out the scene door, Laci’s skirt rustling around him, he’s grinning brightly. “I’m going to make love to my wife!”
And he was gone.
Exit music was played, Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows, and Frankie scooped up his daughter and took Jana’s hand to run to the house. Not going to let her future brother in law behind, Lorelei took both him and Will’s hand and joined them.
Let the party begin.
After Santi and Laci emerged with a blushing Laci, hair of both a little out of place and tousled, they had their first dance to Heroe by Enrique Inglesias. Laci had told Lorelei Santi wanted a song she’d know, and Laci wanted a song that meant something to him and his family. It was decided the spanish version of a popular song by a latin artist would fit both. Laci always called Santi her hero.
Off to the side, watching the couple, Lorelei swayed with arms wrapped around her with her back to his broad chest. “Lore?” Will whispers in her ear.
“Yeah baby?”
“You wanna tell me why my baby brother has make-up around his eye?”
Lorelei sighed, turning around to face you. “Will, I swear I was going to tell you after the wedding.”
He smiled fondly at her, caressing her cheek and thumbing over the apple. “I know, it’s okay. I just wanna know.”
She breathed out, dropping her head to the side and raising a brow in sympathy. “He has a black eye.”
Will closed his eyes, hand tensing on her face. “I figured. Thank you.” He opened them. “I just can’t believe this is happening. I mean, he’s an MMA fighter, he’s 6’3.”
“You could slap Tyler, I don’t understand why he lets her-”
“William.” She cupped his face, looking intently into his baby blues. “It’s not that simple and you know it.” Her tone was gentle but firm. “I know you’re confused, and I know you still have a lot of feelings about your mom staying with your dad. Would you ever ask Laci why she stayed with the men before Santi?”
Will sputtered, blinking. “Wha- no, of course not! But she’s-”
She raised an eyebrow. “A woman?”
“No! Lorelei, it’s because she’s small.”
“Size has less to do with it than you’d think. It’s a mental game, and abusers are really fucking good. From what I can tell, she’s got Ben’s self esteem beat down so bad, she made him think she’s the only one that will love him. He’s lonely, he’s confused, he's scared and Will?” She squeezed his cheeks together until his face looked silly. “He’s embarrassed. Asking for help is admitting defeat, and how you reacted didn’t help. He’s not going to accept our help if we give him the third degree, and if we bring up what’s happening every time we see him, he’s not going to want to see us, so we have to take this slow. We can’t let hi aliantate us more.” She let go, Santi and Laci’s first dance ending and Will taking her to a chair. She couldn’t stand long without pain, even her nursing job was nudging her to desk work.
“I understand.” Will took off her flats, rubbing her swollen feet for her while she leaned back and closed her eyes, taking in the warm sun. Lorelei has a relatively easy pregnancy compared to many but god, her poor feet were aching and swelling like nothing he’d seen before. “Hey Lore, you were saying us and we a lot there”
“Yeah.” She shrugged. “I guess so, why?” She opened an eye to find Will grinning at her.
“Noth’n. Just… you’re in this for the long haul, right?”
Love for him filling her chest, she reveled in how happy he looked at the prospect of them living out the next 50 years of their lives together, together as a family with Chloe Sen, Laci, Santi, Jana, Frankie, Ben, baby Leto and the upcoming Morales baby. NOT Alice, but hopefully someone who loves and respects Ben the way he deserves. 
Gideon and Ben join the couple, a joyful grin on Benny’s face, his eyes bright and clear, obviously not sneaking in any booze to the celebration. “Heya guys!” He clapped Will on the back, sitting pulling out a chair for his grandpa. “What’re we talking about?”
“The farm.” Will lied. “I was thinking about… bringing on some help for the harvest.”
Ben rolled his eyes. “We should just let that place rot.”
Will shot him a look. “No. That place has belonged to a Miller since 1842, before it was even a fucking state. I don’t care who it belongs to but it’s not falling to ruin. You used to love the farm. Can I count on you to help or not?”
Benny huffed and puffed but agreed. Lorelei had already informed the hospital she’d be taking an extended maternity leave though the winter holidays. She’d be giving birth right before harvest, Will would have a few weeks before everything kicked into gear. Lorelei and Will were temporarily moving to the farm. They were blessed with their friends, all willing to help despite their own schedules and upcoming children. Santi and Laci would come out as much as possible, Santi coming over when Laci was at work and both coming on weekends. Laci couldn’t do farm work but she wanted to be able to give Lorelei a break and help with the house. Frankie and Jana wouldn’t have as much freetime given Frankie working and Jana working, starting her final semester of her doctorate and pregnant, but they’d help as much as they could. Jenna Miller had moved out of the farm and in with Gideon to help as he aged, but she’d be there to help with Chloe and Rosie, and any other babies born during this time. Now Ben had committed, although how dependable he was right now was questionable.
There were farm hands and workers that the Millers had know their whole lives that would keep things going, and Will was going to make sure they were paid well for their extra help, but the help Will wanted was someone specific. Someone for Benny. The only person he knew of that could get through to Ben, because god knows it wasn’t him.
He just hoped Cameron was willing to come back.
“Whose that?” Jenna asked, and the group turned to the gate where a young woman entered. She ha long, dark hair and a round face, looking college aged.
“Oh my god… It’s Tess” Ben answered, standing up and making his way over to the lost looking young woman. 
Lore was confused. “Whose that?”
Will stood as well. “That’s Tom’s daughter.”
The night was settling down, most people going home after a long evening of fun and dancing. Tess had come, against her moms wishes. The invite said no gifts, instead asking for donations of household items to the women’s shelter Laci worked for, but Tess brought flowers and something in wrapping paper. A copy of a photo her dad had of all 5 of them early as a team. 
When it wound down to just the wedding party, Jacob taking Rosie so Jana and Frankie could stay longer, a bonfire was lit in the new fire pit Santi build on the new deck in addition to adding a new room to the house for the plethora of future children they wanted.
“I’m sorry, how many?!?!??!” Ben laughs.
Laci was beaming, happy to have her Benny back, even for just a night. She sat on Santi’s lap, her pink skirt splayed over his legs like the blanket he placed around her. He was caressing her stomach. “6, ideally, but it’s probably not likely. I turn 31 this month.”
Santi kissed her cheek. “Looks like I gotta keep my baby full at all times to make her dream come true!” Laci giggled into his touch. Lorelei couldn’t help but noticed how much more relaxed everyone was without Alice. She realized now she’d never seen all 6 of them gathered without her. He turns to his best man. “What about you, Fish? Gonna keep having “accidents”, or are you gonna finally admit your pull out game is weak and let Jan Jan give you a baseball team” Laci playfully smacked him.
He looked at Jana. “Hmmmm I don’t know. I wanna say 2 is enough, but she looks so goddamn good pregnant… hmmm” Frankie barked, pretending to chomp the air around her as Jana laughed.
Lorelei turned to Will. “Whadya think, William? We gonna try for a few more?”
The joy on his face was obvious even behind his soft features. “I’m gonna have to make an honest woman out of you, them we can talk about giving Chloe a brother.” A kiss “And a sister” A kiss “And a brother” A kiss “and a sister”
Ben spoke next. “We were thinking of having two, keeping it small.”
Awkward silence filled the yard, unsure what to say about a relationship no one wanted.
“I thought you didn’t want kids?” Santi asked. 
Ben was quick to defend. “Well, I didn’t, but I mean Alice wanted a lot and we thought 2 was a good compromise…” He was fidgeting with his hands before turning to Frankie and Jana. “I do good with Rosie, don’t I?”
Jana smiled warmly. “You do, Benny boo. You’ll be a great dad.”
He smiled. “I got a surprise. Pope, can I borrow your guitar?”
Laci squealed at that. She loved Ben’s singing.
When he went inside to retrieve it, Frankie spoke. “We cannot let her baby trap him. He’ll never leave.” He clutched Jana’s hand.
Everyone turned to Will. 
“Guys, I got a plan just… trust me, okay? We’re gonna get him out of this.”
Laci turned to cling to Santi, straddling him. “I need him back, Will. It’s so much better with him… I want him in our son’s life.”
“Me too.” Frankie agreed. “Rosie asked when she could see uncle Benny again. I don’t this new baby to not know their uncle.”
Laci began tearing up, burying her face in Santi’s shirt. “Rosie was asking for him??? Poor baby!” Never mind Laci was the one crying. 
“Laci” Will stood, walking over to her and tilting her head to look at him. “That’s my brother, I’m not letting him down. You, me, all of us-” He turned to look at the nodding faces in the fire. “We’re going to help him, and he’s going to okay. He’s going to be an uncle to all our kids. I won’t let her take him from us.” Even Santi was tearing up.
Unaware of the conversation, Ben leapt off the deck, guitar in hand. “Okay, I’m changing up the few words so I sound less like a jealous woman, but I heard this song the other day and thought of you.” He turned to the newly married bride. “Well, one it’s called Lacy, but there’s a lot of lines that are just like. BAM! Had me think oh yeah this is Lace, like, ‘ribbons in your hair’? You love ribbons!”
“I do!”
“Anyway, here’s Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo. And then-” He points to Santi. “You’re singing Fare Thee Well”
Ben began strumming, finding the right key. Even though it was meant to be sung in a higher, softer voice, he sounded fantastic, Lorelei thought. She hadn’t heard him sing since his days getting beat up in bar fights and sent to the ER.
“Lacy, oh, Lacy, skin like puff pastry
Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?
Dear angel Lacy, eyes white as daisies
Did I ever tell you that I'm not doing well?”
Clinging to her husband, Laci rested her head on his chest as he played with her hair. They set off to France tomorrow for their honey moon, one full day in Paris so they could do the stereotypical things like kiss under the eiffel tower like Santi knew she’d love. After that though, they’d go to the countryside.
“Smart sexy Lacy, I'm losing it lately
I feel your compliments like bullets on skin
Dazzling starlet, Bardot reincarnate
Well, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?”
Through a lot of research and ancestry dna, Santi had surprised Laci by finding that she did, in fact, have a surviving member of her family, an aunt no one knew about. Apparently her grandfather had an affair and kept it all hush from her father and his family. Still, this was an aunt and Laci was beyond elated to have family. They would be spending plenty of time getting to know her aunts and cousins, sharing what she knew of her father, and most importantly, resting. There was currently no reason to believe any issues for the baby, all seemed healthy, but given her past miscaraige they wanted to be careful.
“Ooh, I care, I care, I care
Like ribbons in your hair
My stomach's all in knots
You got the one thing that I want
Ooh, I try, I try, I try
Try to rationalize
People are people
But it's like you're made of angel dust”
Lorelei looked at Will, the most handsome man she ever met and couldn’t stop thinking how lucky she was. Not just with how handsome (Although fuck, he was so fucking hot. She was ready to jump his bones all the goddamn time. Just look at him.) but how good a man he was. He loved her, and long before she was ever pregnant he treated her with nothing but respect, being gentle despite her anger, the steady rock to cling to in raging emotions. Importantly, he didn’t just stand there and let her act like a brat. He kept her in check where she needed to be, however, he didn’t just let her be crazy, he loved it. He fell for her that first day because she put him in his place. They were good for each other like that. They allowed each other the freedom to be themselves, but nurtured the best version of that self.
“Lacy, oh, Lacy, it's like you're out to get me
You poison every little thing that I do
Lacy, oh, Lacy, I just love you lately
And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you
Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you” 
When the song concluded, Laci’s eyes fluttered shut. Ben played the cords to Fare Thee Well, Santiago singing softly in his wife’s ear, playing with her hair and lulling her to sleep. Frankie pulled Jana close, whispering soft nothings in her ear as she smiled. Lorelei felt Chloe kick. She liked the sound of her uncles voice, and so did Lorelei. She had heard him sing Luna De Xelaju to Rosie so many months ago, lulling the girl like he did his girl now. He’d be a great dad and husband, just as Will would. Lorelei took Will’s hand, bringing it to where their daughter kicked.
Will gasped. He never got tired of seeing the signs of life of his most precious thing. “I can’t wait. It feels like… It feels like forever waiting...”
“You’re telling me.” She whisper-laughed. “I love this little bug but my god, I’m ready to have her out.”
Laci began snoring. Loudly. Really loudly.
“How does this small of a girl snore so loud?” Frankie commented.
Santi shook his head, smiling but there were tears. He’d never been so happy.
Will stood, putting his hand on his friend's shoulder. “Go, take your wife to bed, I’ll get the fire.”
“I’ll put the chairs away.” Frankie volunteered. Lorelei and Jana offered to put away the lights and the flowers.
Santi looked fondly at his friends, thanking them. He chuckled, speaking quietly to not wake his girl. “Wife… I have a wife now, can you believe it?” He stood, Frankie helping him up to not hurt his knees any more. 
“I can’t actually.” Frankie teased. “But lucky for you, you got a good one.”
“Yeah, the best one.” Santi carried his wife to bed, trusting his friends to make sure everything was safe. He could take care of the rest in the morning.
When everything was done, Will got into his car with Lorelei by his side. He turned to her. “Think that’s gonna be us some day?”
“Oh yeah. But Will?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“We’re having a big wedding. And it’s gonna be a pain in the ass with all my family.”
He laughs. “And mine”
Lorelei joins him in laughter. “It’s not going to be as peaceful as this” 
“Noooooooope. Not one bit.”
Leaning across the dash, Lorelei planted a kiss on his cheek. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Now get me home, or I swear to god I’m going to start sucking your dick while you drive.”
Bursting out in a loud, jovial laughter, hanging his head back. “Oh nooooo whatever will I do!”
But they both know he was too much of a safety man for that.
Luckily, it was a quick drive home. Will had no plans of leaving Lorelei wanting.
Wow, thank you all for this amazing journey!!!!
I'm emotional, but knowing Benny's story is coming too so I know I'll see them again! By the time Ben starts, little Chloe Sen is born!!! then Leto, then the new Morales baby, making our Rosie a sisteeeeerrrrr!!!
I can't thank y'all enough for coming with me. I know there isn't much Will fandom out there especially with an OC, so handful of you mean the world to me
I love Lorelei so much, she was so special to explore with. Laci's nature was soft, sensitive, timid. She had to overcome an arch of her trauma. Jana's personality didn't need to change or shift. She was already confident, brave, loving. She needed to be there for Frankie.
Lorelei needed to grow. Much like sam in sunshine, she was not a perfect character but like she said in this chapter, her and will are good for each other because they keep each other accountable. They keep each other in check and I am so, so proud of how far she's come.
I'm happy they get to be a happy little family now.
Up next, No Surrender, Benjamin Miller x M!OC (Cameron MacDonald) WERE GONNA RESCUE OUR BOY
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
26 notes · View notes
romanarose · 8 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 9
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: A happy gathering devolves.
Warnings: Domestic violence, homophobia, transphobia, fighting, physical violence, blood, pregnancy talk, choking, PIV sex, talk of OCD, meds, orgasm struggles, fingering, JUST LOTS OF ANGST OKAY
AN/ here we gooooooo
Will had Lorelei on her hands and knees, naked on his bed as he fucked into her, his hand splayed on her butt and thumb fucking into her asshole. He was rough like she liked it, but always careful with her, knowing her limits. Will was conscious not to hurt her or the baby. At 8 months this was about the only comfortable position left. Will had assured her time and time again that they didn’t have to have sex… but he said it one too many times, making the woman who used to never cry break down in tears thinking that meant he thought she was ugly. Lorelei was very emotional these days. And incredibly horny.
It was fairly often Will woke up in the middle of the night (or day, depending if they were napping. Lorelei still worked and occasionally had to stay late still) to the buzzzzzzzz of her vibrator as she lay in bed with him.
That’s how today started. Several people had called in, and Lorelei didn’t want to leave the hospital understaffed so she stayed overnight, with the stipulation that she got to leave early on Thursday. Laci and Santi wanted to gather everyone, probably something to do with the wedding plans, and although Laci assured her it was okay she missed this, Lorelei wanted to be there. Lorelei wondered if they were going to postpone the wedding while they figure out whatever their issues are.
Lorelei and Will were taking a nap the afternoon before everyone was getting together at their bar, but Lorelei woke up from a sex dream, needy as all hell. She looked over to her loving boyfriend, sleeping so soundly and could not bare to wake him. The gentle giant, all 6’2 of him, was curled up under a fluffy white blanket looking downright angelic. Lorelei absolutely adored this, being able to watch him sleep… He worked so hard, he deserved it. He did so much for his family. It was nice to watch him rest.
But right now she needed a dick inside her, so she grabbed a dildo and vibrator from her bedside drawer, avoiding the gun she still kept inside, and tried her best not to wake Will.
That did not work, and neither did the attempt at an orgasm with her giant belly in the way.
When she groans in frustration, she hears Will chuckle next to her, and she turns to see a shirtless Will smiling at her.
 Over the last 2 months, Will had become comfortable being shirtless around Lorelei, but she noticed he still avoided situations where his bare back was to her if he could help it. In respect, Lorelei turned away whenever it was unavoidable, and she never touched him there. Will had explained what happened, how his dad would whip him so badly he’d have to miss school, bedridden while his mom tended to his wounds. Talking about the beatings he endured were hard, but he spoke almost mechanically, relaying the details. What was hard for him, where he choked up, was talking about his mom. Will loved him mom, he never blamed her outwardly… but there was a layer of betrayal in his voice at the idea that she never took him and Ben away, that Will was left to be the sole protector of his brother he was only 2 years older than. His mom was a victim of his dads abuse too, and with therapy he understands why she couldn’t leave… but that doesn’t change the scared boy inside him wondering why he wasn’t enough for his mom to protect.
Lorelei sighed, dropping her arms to the bed with the vibrator rumbling against the mattress and a dildo sticking out of her cunt.
“Is this funny to you?”
He chuckles. “A little bit.”
“You're laughing.” Lore pouts dramatically. “I can’t get off with two sex toys and you’re laughing?”
“I’m laughing,” William begins caressing her brown skin, trailing fingers over her swelling breasts and over her large stomach. “Because you can’t go more than a few hours without needing to get filled.” His voice dropped low, reaching for the dildo and sliding it backside. Lorelei moaned, her head dropping back as he slowly fucked her with it.
“Fuck, William…” Lorelei sucks in a deep breath, letting Will take over for her. Before, if she wanted to cum constantly she usually had to take matters into her own hands, but with Will, Lore could just allow him to handle it. Usually, Lorelei preferred to be on top, she liked control in one way or another and Will had been happy to give it to her, still keeping his bits of control in ways like guiding her hips rocking over him. Sex with William was akin to a dance, both of them working together for mutual pleasure. However, lately Lorelei has had less and less energy to be on top or in any sort of control, and has acquiesced to letting Will take care of her.
“Why didn’t you wake me, baby?” Will coo’s in her ear.
Lorelei whines. “You work so hard…”
Will chuckles a little bit. “Princess, you work 40+ hours a week 8 months pregnant. I volunteer part time. You can wake me if you wanna feel something other than cheap plastic in you.”
Lorelei mutters something about it not being cheap, panting as she lays there getting fucked. “You volunteer, you help the farm, you’re dealing with Ben and have been driving Laci around-”
 Santi was doing some consulting lately. With Laci and Frankie working and Ben and Will having their own personal lives busy, he’d confessed to being lonely, and was trying to keep busy. Not that he’d ever tell Laci that, god no. He didn’t want her to feel like she had to stay home. The 30 hour weeks were working for her. Laci can’t drive, so Will had been helping her out here and there. 
As for the farm, they had some hired help but Will was out there for long hours while Lorelei worked. He had wanted to sell the damn place, it was barely functional as it was and Mrs. Miller was getting ready to move off the property, but no buyers just yet. It was looking like harvest season was going to need to be manned by them. Ben wanted nothing to do with the farm, so he was no help. He existed in a stand of a constant buzz of alcohol anyway, and refused rehab.
Will cut her off with a kiss. “None of that matters more than my princess needing me.”
She melted into him, all her barriers were coming down with every day he continued to prove himself. She couldn’t wait to see him with Chloe… the idea of Will with a tiny baby made her think about getting pregnant intentionally. 
He’ll be a good dad. She just knew it.
That’s how she ended up on her hands and knees, coming on his cock 3 times and he was still going. 
“Fuck!” He grumbled, pulling out of her and sighing, but no orgasm. Will was suddenly avoidant, scooching off the side of the bed to get dressed.
“Will?” Lorelei asked, initially reaching for him, but remembering not to touch his back. She excited the other side of the bed to walk around in full view of him so no moved were sudden. There was no part of Lorelei that thought Will would hurt her. He hadn’t had flashbacks for years. But, she still was conscious of things that may trigger or discomfort him.
“Okay if I wrap us up?” She asked, stark naked but holding a blanket. Will nods, and she joins him at the end of the bed where she wraps and blanket around them both. “You okay?”
Will nods, eyes closed as he’s doing his breathing. His dick was softening, and it made Lorelei sad to know he was struggling. After the ball, Lorelei went with Will to his therapy appointment. Will only went once a month now. He signed up after the fated mission that lead them to rescuing Laci. Ben had been shot, leading to some poor behavior on Will’s part in his treatment towards Laci in the beginning, residual feelings about protecting his baby brother despite Ben’s capabilities as a soldier. He didn’t like how he was acting, so he was the first to go to therapy. Frankie came later after some encouragement from Laci, who is still in weekly therapy. 
Will addressed his issues quickly being the efficient and intuitive person he was. Straight to the point. He was going once a month, but had bumped it up to twice and was seeing a psych at Lorelei’s request. Part of it was because of his new diagnosis, but also because of the continued stress of Ben. Ben refused to get help for his eating, insisting there wasn’t a problem and just became more secretive. He wasn’t himself. Over the last few months, in addition to Laci’s mood swings, Ben had become far from the man who knew before Will. Gone was the ray of sunshine that beamed at her even beaten and bloodied from a bar fight. Ben wasn’t himself. 
He didn’t smile much anymore, barely laughed… she missed him loud, booming laughter. He never sang. She used to always know when he was in her hospital because he would sing as nurses wheeled him down halls or while trying to hit on them, respectfully, of course. He so clearly avoided Laci and sometimes straight up ignored her when she talked to him. This was because Alice hated her and accused Ben of cheating with his former best friend. It broke Loreilei’s heart to see Ben and Laci so sad and so distant. He was still her best man, Laci refused to back down from that, even when Santi suggested he be a bride’s man and Jana take over as maid of honor. They weren’t doing bachelorettes or anything like that, but Santi thought she might want someone next to her that-
He didn’t get to finish the sentence, Laci cut him off and it ended in a fight. Laci refused to give up on him, even if he abandoned her.
So, all this was naturally putting a lot of stress on Will. Only reprieve he had was when Frankie came over to watch sports. Frankie and Jana were thriving.
Will was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and was placed on a high dosage of prozac that was being tapered up. It wasn’t easy on him at all, but he took it with stride, know the adjustment period was the hardest, saying Laci had mentioned last year struggling to find the right medications.
Right now, however, what drove him crazy was that sometimes, the medicine prohibited orgasms.
“You feeling okay?” Lorelei asked when he calmed down and opened his eyes. 
Will sighs. “Yeah, yeah, I guess.” He kisses her head. “Let’s get dressed.”
Lorelei watches as he gets up averting her eyes from his back and instead admiring his ass and the way it’s plumped just a bit.
“It’s fucking annoying.” He muttered, turned away from her. He talks better about his feelings when looking away. Even in therapy, she noticed he doesn’t look at his therapist.
She knew he was referring to being unable to orgasm. “I know, but it’s gotten better, hasn’t it? It’s only once in a while now. I don’t mean that to invalidate-”
Will turns around with a soft smile. “I know, Lore. You mean it’s better than it was when I started.”
She nods, relieved. She’s not used to comforting, but she’s doing her best for him. After he dresses, and he sees her still watching him with a hungry gaze, he throws an old shirt at her, knowing damn well she won’t be caught outside their home in that. “Get dressed, baby. We can go for round 4 after drinks.”
Laci was glowing. Her wedding only 2 weeks away, both her and Santi were laughing and smiling at the table looking ever-in love. Lorelei liked seeing them like this. Will and Lorelei walked in the same time as Jana and Frankie, and Will held the door open for all three of them (Frankie did a little curtsy and thanked Will in his ‘playing barbies with Rosie’ voice).
Jana was already begging Laci to tell her what the big meeting was, an edge of anxiety to her voice Will recognized and he locked eyes with Frankie. They were worried about the same thing he and Lorelei were, thinking the wedding was postponed. 
But Laci just smiled brightly, saying it was a good surprise, but she wanted Ben there. Santi locked eyes with everyone, and everyone locked eyes with everyone except Laci, knowing Laci was setting herself up for disappointment. Whatever reaction she wanted from Ben, she wouldn’t get.
“Well, he needs to hurry up, because we have an announcement too.” Jana turned to Laci and smiled.
Ben was an hour late, walking in with Alice and already looked drunk. He had bags under his eyes, his normally golden skin was pale despite the summer sun. He had gained weight, which wasn’t a bad thing but it was an sig he wasn’t going outside or to the gym. Bulimia tends to cause weight gain. This was not the Benjamin the girls knew. This Ben had been seen by Frank and Santi a few times over the years, but this was something Will was deeply and terrifyingly familiar with. This is the Benjamin their dad beat into him, the Benjamin after Cameron left, the Benjamin that was bullied so severely by people like Alice Will constantly worried for his brother’s safety. This was bad. 
Alice was with him. She was never invited, but somehow always tagged along. 
Will whispered to Frankie. “I think he’s on something, keep an eye out.”
Frankie passed it to Jana, and Jana nodded at Will. Jana and Frankie weren’t experimental with drugs, mostly weed and coke, but back in their party days they knew people on everything and were equipped, along with Lorelei, to recognize it. Laci too, having been an addict of all sorts of drugs and vices, but she had enough on her plate.
“Okay!” Laci said excitedly, bouncing in her seat as she held Santi’s hand. “Jana first!” 
Jana tried to hold off. “No, no Laci you gathered us, you go first.”
After some back and forth, Jana acquiesced and took her boyfriends hand, looking at him with a bright smile as Frankie looked at her adoringly. 
“We’re having a baby.”
The table erupted with congratulations, Laci and Santi jumping out of their chairs to hug their friends, Will and Lorelei following suit. As a shocked Laci teared up talking to Jana, Will observed Santi holding Frankie close, his hands so wrapped up and entangled in his hair that Frankie’s cap fell down. Frankie and Santi were never afraid to show each other affection, and Santi’s eyes even teared up, whispering how proud he was of his friend. 
Will joined in, hugging them both. “I’m so fucking happy for you.” Rosie’s pregnancy was an accident, a miracle that happened in a bad time and gave Will his little niece he loved so much, but this was something happening that showed how far both of them had come. Frankie and Jana were sober and the leather cusp Frankie wore on his wrist, a gift from Laci, hid the scars of how close Frankie came to not making it to this point. Look how much he had to live for.
Ben congratulated them sincerely, even Alice smiled and said congratulations, but Ben’s eyes were not bright and excited like when they announced Jana was pregnant with Rosie. The light was gone. Ben knew as well as the others how hard Frankie worked to get sober for his family, and it made Will want to cry to see him this dead inside. The Benny he knew would be whooping and cheering and announcing to the entire bar.
When everyone settled, Jana turned to Laci. “Okay sweets, what's your announcement?”
Laci and Santi immediately turned to each other, hesitating, then to the group
“Um… we can tell you guys another time, we don’t wanna hijack your announcement.
Frankie told them it was nonsense, that this was their get together and they were happy to share excitement with their friends. 
After some deliberation, Laci took a deep breath.
“I’m pregnant.” She says softly, but the giddiness radiating off her body. 
Jana whipped towards her, mouth agape. “What?!?!”
Santi pulls Laci’s whole chair closer so he can cuddle Laci up next to him. He looked as happy as someone can possibly be, like he was floating on air. He turned to Laci, placing a hand on her stomach. “Mi chica perfecta, having baby…” He kissed her forehead and held her as Will, Lorelei, Jana and Frankie got up to hug the couple. The whole time, being flooded with kind words, Laci’s eyes were locked on Ben’s who was stared at her, sad and blank faced.
Alice elbowed him. “Say something, you fucking asshole.”
Ben jumped, but mumbled a congratulations.
Jana was so excited to be pregnant at the same time as her friend. She expressed how amazing it was to have three of them pregnant at once, how the kids would all be friends.
As everyone settled again, Santi spoke again. “There’s one more thing, we um… we know what we’re having…” He said, smiling widely. Will had never seen Santi like this before Laci. Everyone likes to talk about what Santi’s done for Laci, taking a physically, sexually, and emotionally broken down woman and loving her for all her broken pieces, building her up to the person she is now, a woman who still has hardships but is joyful, strong, and empathetic. Thing is, the change in Santi is evident. He’s no longer a ball of anger and anxiety, no longer alone and depressed after his sister and mothers death. He’s content, excited for his future with his girl by his side and now a baby. Laci brought him peace he never knew he could have.
Lorelei spoke. “How… how is that possible?” She glanced at Laci’s stomach. She’d gained weight the last few months, but everyone just assumed it was the weight she was supposed to be putting on to be healthy anyway. They planned to try for a baby as soon as they were married, so Laci wanted to be at a healthy weight… it seemed her heavier eating had a different cause.
Laci explained. “We just had the appointment two days ago, we’re” She looked up to Santiago, eyes sparkling. “We’re having a boy.”
“Holy shit, Lace…” Frankie mutters, smiling. “That’s amazing guys. You got a name picked out yet?”
“Not totally.” Laci sighs. “We had one for a girl. We liked Juliette Josephina”
"Juliette is French,  Josephina is Spanish.” Santi adds.
“But we can’t figure out a boy's name.”
Santiago explains that the middle name is going to Antonio, after Laci’s late brother, Antoni. “So we just need a first name. Something, Antonio, Garcia.”
The shift in Laci’s body language and facial expression was clear. She looked confused, and Will heard Lore whisper, “Oh no.”
Santi was obvious to the shift until Laci turned to look up at him. “Garcia?”
He paused at that, looking at his fiance. “Yeah… Garcia. That’s my last name, munequita.” He jokes and gently nudges her, but Laci looks irritated, scooting away. Will caught Frankie’s eyes.
“I’m the last of my family’s name, baby. I don’t want it to die with me.”
Santi looked more confused, but also there was a slight edge to his voice. “Well, if you remember, I’m the last of my family too.” That was a mistake. Laci always remembered Santi’s dead family the same she did hers. The glare on Laci’s face showed she took that personal, but Santi didn’t stop. “They won’t even let us put a different last name than ours on his birth certificate, so I don’t really know what you’re talking about.”
Laci looked confused again, but when Lorelei sucked in a breath, Will turned to her for clarification while the couple had a stare-down.
Lorelei whispered. “I think Santi thought she was taking his last name…”
Oh fucking hell.
When the realization hit Laci, it showed on her face like all her emotions did. “I’m not taking your last name, Santiago...”
Everyone heard Jana groan and flop her head on the table. “Man, I wish I could drink.”
This time, Lorelei turned to Will, confused. Will clarifies. “She only calls him by his full name if she’s mad, or really um… frisky. So unless they are about to go to the unisex bathroom, it’s gonna be a long night.”
Ben stood up. “I’m getting drinks. Anyone else here suddenly pregnant or do you guys want a round?”
“The last thing you need is another drink” Alice chastizes, making Laci turn away from her brewing fight.
Laci. “Another? Ben, are you already drunk?”
Alice. “Mind your business.”
Santi. “Hey! Don’t talk to her like that!”
Ben. “Oh my god, shut the hell up, Garcia. Go figure why your fiance doesn’t want to marry you so badly she doesn’t want you last name.”
Frankie. “Ben!” But Ben was already walking to flag down a bartender, stumbling. Will began to stand, but Lorelei pulled him back. 
Santi turned to Laci, a sad, dejected look on his face. “You don’t want to marry me?”
Jana. “Don’t listen to Ben, Santito, he doesn’t know shit.”
Alice huffs.
Laci. “Of course I want to marry you! You’re the love of my life and the father of my son, I adore you, but Santiago, how could you just assume I’d take your name?”
Santi. “Because! Well… uh- well because-”
Laci. “Because I’m a woman and you’re a man? Santiago, you’ve never forced me into gender rolls-”
Santi. “Please stop calling me that.”
Laci. “You don’t listen to me!”
Santi took her hands, pulling her close with a desperate look in his eyes. He speaks quietly. “Lace, baby, I know you’re going through something right now, and the pregnancy has a lot of hormones-”
For the third time, Will and Frankie looked at each other. Rookie mistake.
Laci was not thrilled, called out Santi’s invalidating words and the couple continued going back and forth. Alice got up and joined Ben at the bar doing shots while the two couples left sat and relative quiet and drank their water and ate their food.
When Ben came back, him and Alice were drunk, handing out shots to Will, Frankie and Santi.
Frankie frowned. “Ben, you know I don’t drink.”
“Oh, right.” The blonde boy laughed, as if alcoholism didn’t nearly kill both of them. Ben grabbed the shot and took it before Frankie could stop him. Santi took his shot, and Will slid his to Santi.
Ben turned to Will, defensive. “What’s your problem?”
“I’m just not drinking is all.”
“Got something to do with the fact you have the same pills as Laci in your bathroom?”
A hush fell over the room, everyone turning to Will. They weren’t supposed to find out about that. 
“Will?” Laci’s small voice spoke through the surrounding voices of the bar. “Are you on prozac?”
Will sighs, but he feels Lorelei’s hand on his, and she whispers that he doesn’t have to talk about it. He knows if he doesn’t want to, she’d help change the subject or make an exit. But he decides he wants to. Laci, Jana and Frankie are so open about their struggles, he could open up just a little.
“I was diagnosed with Obsssive Compulsive Disorder recently and I started medication for it, and I’m back in therapy more regularly.” He spoke calmly, smooth. “It’s really not a big deal, I’m managing it, and Lore.” Will smiles at her fondly. “Is helping me.”
Ben watched him as he talked, still very drunk. “Well I guess this explains a lot.”
“Yeah, it really does. And it’s been nice getting help.”
“Why are you on prozac though? Isn’t it an anti-depressant” He asks.
“Prozac helps with OCD too”
“Doesn’t it, like... Kill your sex drive.”
Frankie smacks his palm to his face and Will sighs again.
“I’m not talking about this with you, especially not here.”
“Hey!” Ben raised his hands defensively. “Don’t get mad at me because you need pills”
Will rolls his eyes. “You literally are supposed to be on adderall”
Lorelei claps her hands together, attempting to change the subject. “Jana, Laci, how many weeks are you two then?”
Jana took the opportunity to distract the brothers. “I’m 10 weeks.” She turned to Laci. “Did you guys did the blood test to find out the sex earlier?”
Laci shook her head, smiling a bit again although avoidant of Santi’s touch. “Um… no, I’m actually 20 weeks.”
Everyone turned to gape at her. “Lace! Shit, how the hell did you hide it?” Jana looked at her stomach. She had a little bit of a stomach, but nothing that screamed pregnant.
Laci’s face fell. “Um… Well he’s um… we think he’s kinda small…” The pink in her cheeks deepens.
Alice speaks. “Are you not eating?”
“No! Of course I am! It’s just hard-”
“How is it hard, just eat-”
Santi sits up at that, defending his fiance. “Laci is doing everything possible to take care of our son. We got plenty of medical professionals, so we don’t need your input.”
Laci smiles at him again, then she gets more serious as she speaks quietly. “We wanted to keep it a secret as long as we could. I was cleared to try for a baby medically, but um… well…” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Santi whispers that she doesn’t have to explain anything, but Laci wants to. “I miscarried… before.” She emphasized the before, and Will understood it was in captivity. Santi extended a hand, and Laci took it this time. “So we wanted to wait. But everything looked good at the last ultrasound, just small. But the doctor said there was no need to worry.”
Will saw Santi squeeze Laci’s hand, and smiled. No matter the what, Santi had her back. “How long have you known?”
She looked fondly at the man who’d become like an older brother to her, someone who reminded her so much of Antoni. Antoni was tall, blond and broad too. They looked nothing alike, save for the blonde hair, but Laci liked how safe she felt with her brother. She was always shy and sensitive, even as a child. Making friends was hard for her, and she was always a little strange. Antoni was her defense. No one wanted to mess with his little sister, no matter her awkwardness and occasional meltdowns.
 “A few days after the beach trip, but before the funeral. That’s why I wasn’t feeling good and left early. I was a little worried I’d played too hard at the beach.” Laci laughed a little. “Like when I fell off your shoulders.”
“I’ll be honest.” Ben said, still avoiding looking at Laci. “Until I saw Lore swimming that day, I thought pregnant women couldn’t swim.”
Will laughed as she saw Jana close her eyes, take a deep breath, and turn to him with a smile. “Pardon me, Benny boy?” She giggled.
Benny raised his hands in defense, laughing. “Hey don’t blame me! I got 2000’s bible belt sex ed!”
Lorelei poked her boyfriend. “So did Will, but he certainly knows his way around a vagina.” Oh boy, did he.
“Oh trust me.” Ben chuckles. “So do I.”
Jana looks at Ben. “Benjamin, baby, are you registered to vote?”
“Sure am!”
She turned to the girls, laughing. “This is why we gotta vote, ladies! Men will know absolutely nothing about women’s bodies and then make choices on our reproductive rights!”
“Don’t look at me! I voted blue!”
But Will saw right away this was not something Alice knew. She turned to him. “You vote democrat?”
Ben’s face fell. Instantly he looked panicked. “Well… I mean the last election… 2020 was a weird time…” He seemed to try to backtrack. Will watched carefully, trying to focus on Lorelei’s hand squeezing him in time. He counted the squeezes of her hand to calm himself, trying to not butt in right away. Part of Will’s therapy was learning he didn’t have to carry everything on his shoulders, and he didn’t have to step in for every little squabble within his family. 
However, if Jana had one flaw, and she had very few, it would be an inability to backdown. She spoke to Alice, serious now. “Are you telling me you vote republican?”
Alice scoffed. “Yeah, me and most of the state of Florida. What, you thought I was some blue haired liberal? Unlike you, I got a real degree and didn’t walk out of college brainwashed.” She glared at Jana, and Frankie sat up. He wouldn’t insert himself where Jana didn’t want him, but if Alice disrespected her, he’d stand by his woman.
Jana laughed out loud, a short, clipped laugh that made Santi cringe. He’d been on the other end of that laugh before, and it was never good. “A real degree?”
“Yeah.” Alice challenged. “A real degree. Not some gender studies bullshit.”
“OOOHH! That’s what it is! You’re mad I have a bachelors in Women and Gender studies. Well, even if it wasn’t a real degree, which it is, I have a masters and am working on a doctorate.”
“Yeah, a doctorate program you flunked out of because you’re a crackhead!”
“HEY!” Frankie barked. “Don’t fucking talk to her like that!”
But Alice ignored him. “Where’s your daughter, Jana? How often do you see her?” She continued to talk despite Frankie and Santi telling her to shut the fuck up. Santi wouldn’t stand by anyone talking shit about Jana, especially her mothering of his goddaughter. “You’re perfectly happy to leave your child all day to work and leave her at a fucking day or have her father babysit him while you try to girlboss your way through the corporate ladder.”
“Corporate ladder?” Jana gawks. “I work at a non-profit! Don’t fucking dare act like I’m some cold hearted corporate woman in a hallmark movie spending hours in an office over time with my family when I am trying to help homeless youth-”
“You're spreading an agenda!”
There was silence, a deadly calm as Jana processed what she said, eyebrows raised. “An… agenda… are you saying what I think you’re saying…”
Will took more breaths. Lorelei asked him if he needed to step out but he said no. He was being quiet for now, but he loved Jana with his whole heart and would stand by her too. He looked to Ben, hoping he’d fucking say something, hoping he’d choose Jana who he’s know for years, whose daughter he’s helped raise, who’d do fucking anything for him above Alice, but he knew it was futile. If he let Alice pull him away from Laci, from him, she had him completely.
Alice didn’t look at anyone other than Jana. “Yeah, the gay agenda. Homeless gay teens don’t need a shelter and hormones, they need to be sent home!”
“Parents have rights! I know the left likes to force being gay and trans on kids-”
Everything was quiet, and Will felt like the life had been sucked out of the room. His chest tightened when the look on Alice’s face revealed what Will had wondered. 
Alice doesn’t know.
She looked confused. “Ben… isn’t gay…”
Jana, caught up in her anger didn’t catch up, even as Frankie whispered her name. “Yeah, okay, he’s bi, same difference but-”
Jana was irrelevant now, turning to face a wide-eyed Ben. “Benny, what the fuck is she talking about.”
Will didn’t know what was going on, what was happening, but he recognized something in Ben. Fear. “Ben, hey, let’s step out-” He stood, wanting to separate Ben from what was happening, but Ben shrugged him off.
“Fuck off! I’m not gay! Or bi, or- or any of that!”
A tiny voice whispered sadly. “Benny…” Laci’s eyes filled with sadness, a sadness Will felt in his own chest as he watched his brother crawl back into the closet after only just being out.
Then, Jana realized what she did, gasping and covering her mouth. Frankie put a reassuring hand on her thigh, but watched the scene unfold in front of him. Jana didn’t mean to out Ben, she had assumed Alice knew.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Ben?” Alice spat, disgust in her voice as she looked him over.
“Baby, no, it’s not like that! It was, I went through a phase...”
Laci looked desperately at the man who used to be her best friend, not understand how he could want to be with someone who didn’t love him as he was… but somehow, she also got it. Before Santi, Lacina was so desperate for love, for affection, she took it wherever she could find it, even if that came with drugs and abuse and living on streets sometimes. It didn’t matter to her. She took the love she thought she deserved. Now, now she knows she deserves nothing less than Santi, in all his adoration. How could Ben not understand he deserved so much more than Alice? He deserved to be loved wholly and completely
“Benny, stop” She said, tearing up.
But Ben snapped at her. “Stay the fuck out of this!” He yelled with a glare, and winced as Santiago stood up quickly out of his chair. 
“Apoligize to her, you fucking dickhe-”
“Santi STOP!” Laci yelled, crying, then turning back to Benny even as her body was shaking with anxiety. She was going to get her words out, even if she had to sign them. Benny was the one who taught her and Santi, after all. “Benny, don’t do this-”
“Laci, just stop talking-”
“I don’t understand! I don’t understand why you let her talk to you like this, why you let her do this to you! You used to be my best friend and now you don’t even talk you me! How are you supposed to be my best man when we havn’t spoken in months!”
“Maybe I don’t want to be in your fucking wedding!”
Around them every person in her group had something to say to Ben: Will, Lorelei, Santi, Jana, Frankie, but Laci only saw Ben, the anger in him as her broke her heart.
Santi was momentarily distracted, looking at her confused. “Baptized?”
But Laci and Ben ignored him. “Well I don’t! And I don’t want to fucking talk to you!” Ben got up, nearly falling over as he stormed away. Will tried to follow after him, but Ben shouted at him to go away. Alice followed after.
Laci was shaking. Jana looked guilt stricken as she covered her face with her hands, taking deep breaths as Frankie soothed her, telling her she’s an amazing mom and doing amazing work. Lorelei stood by Will, holding his hands and guiding him through breathing exercises. Santi was knelt at Laci’s side, holding her as she cried. 
“You did amazing, munequita, I’m so proud of you.”
After a few moments, her body tensed, moving away from him. When Santi sensed she didn’t want her touch, he let go.
“I want our baby baptized, Santi. We’re baptizing him.” She mutters, sounding angry.
Santi blinked at her. “I- baby, can we talk about this?”
“What’s there to talk about? We were both raised catholic.” She was avoidant, not looking at him or anyone, just staring at the floor, frowning. It was so strange for Will to see her like this, for her to be so closed off and angry as Santi attempted to communicate calmly. Santi is not known to be level headed in these situations. 
Santi took a breath, considering his words carefully as he tried to open up dialoge. “Lacina, you know, you know I would do anything for you-”
“So let me have this!”
He blinked at her yelling, clearly hurt, but he and Laci had always communicated before and he didn’t want to stop now. “But you can’t just make these choices for our son without asking me. We don’t go to church, Lace. I’m not saying we can’t baptize him, if it’s important to you of course we can but… But Lace, that’s something we need to decide together.”
Suddenly, she turned to her fiance, glaring at him. “I don’t need to ask your permission about my baby, Santiago!” She spat as she stood up, and Santiago stood with her.
Despite his hurt, he spoke calmly towards her. Santi never raised his voice to her. “Our baby, Laci. Our baby.”
“Whatever.” Laci shook her head, walking away. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
Santi began to walk after her, knowing she can’t be alone in public, but to his surprise she shouted at him to leave her alone.
Laci’s face burned with embarrassment and tears as she tried to avoid eye contact with people in the bar. She was radiating anger, and right now it was directed at Santi but she knew that’s just because he was the easier target. It’s easier than admitting how badly Benny hurt her. He was her best friend, he was the first person she spoke to when the others rescued her and the first person to treat her normal. While the others talked to her like a scared wet cat, he would come over and put on Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Santi tried to put on the show recently, knowing how much she missed watching it with him, but it just made Laci cry.
She missed him, and she hated the person she’d become recently. She was angry, all the time and she took it out on Santi… her loving, wonderful fiance. Maybe she was wrong, maybe she didn’t deserve him. Maybe she deserved what she had gotten before, the love that hit her, got her addicted, sold her. Santi deserved better.
As she passed a hallway, she heard Ben’s voice and couldn’t help but look up. What she saw… it made a lot of things clear. 
Alice and Ben were arguing, but that wasn’t unusual. What struck her, what compelled her to keep watching was how scared he looked. And then it happened.
Alice threw a punch, and right away Laci knew it wasn’t the first time. He barely reacted. Instead, Ben just stood there, letting him hit her. Despite everything she endured, despite her PTSD, her fear, despite the height Alice had on her and the violence she wasn’t afraid to enact on someone over a foot taller than Laci was, Laci did not hesitate. She ran up to them, placing herself in front of Ben to block him from Alice’s blows.
Alice looked enraged, and Laci felt Ben’s arm on her trying to move her away. “Lace, please, go.”
“No!” She turned slightly to bed to see his saddened and worried face, desperate to get her away from Alice, but she didn’t budge.
Alice glared at the small woman. “Mind your business!”
“He is my business! I don’t care how much he hates me, he’s still my friend and you don’t get to hurt him!”
“Oh yeah, your friend.” Alice said, disbelievingly. 
“Yes, Alice, my friend! I don’t want him! He and I had a whole year before you showed up, months before I was dating Santi for us to date if we wanted to but we don’t! I don’t want him like that! I’m engaged to a wonderful man and I had hoped that Ben would find someone to be happy with but instead it’s YOU.”
Alice crossed her arms. “Maybe it’s not you I need to be worried about, maybe it’s Santi.”
Laci felt more confused than ever. “You are so insecure! Santi is his friend!”
Ben saw it coming before Laci did and tried to move her out of the way. It wasn’t fast enough, and between Ben moving her and Alice’s swing, Laci was knocked to the ground.
Santi went to follow her after a few minutes, just in case she ran into trouble again in the halls. She was angry, and she hurt his feelings, but he worried she’d calm down and become afraid. He never wanted her to feel afraid, never again. He just wanted to talk to her, he wanted to sit down and talk without it becoming a fight. The baptism wasn’t the issue. Of course he’d agree to that. Hell, they could go to mass every week and begin practicing if that’s what she wanted. He knew she still prayed sometimes. Whatever she wanted was hers, he always said that… and maybe that’s where he should have communicated.
 It wasn’t that his priorities changed when she told him she was pregnant, it was that they grew. Laci had been his number one for a year and half, everything was for her. Next came Frankie, then the rest of his family: Jana, Ben, Will, Rosie, in no order. Now, however, he had his son to think of, and Laci and him couldn’t make choices on their own, not regarding him. It had to be a family choice.
Santi didn’t see it happen very clearly. He barely saw it at all. All he knew was Ben moved, and now Laci was on the floor with a bloody lip. Santi was triggered back to that day so long ago the day he found her tied up in a basement with that cut on her forehead, bleeding. Now she was bleeding again, because he didn’t protect her. He saw red.
Lorelei was just behind him. She told Will to sit there with Frankie and Jana and she’d check in on everyone else, knowing Will needed to calm down. When she heard Santi’s threat, it didn’t matter what had happened, she knew she had to get between Santi and the man who she knew was her future brother-in-law.
Before Santiago could swing, all 5’3 of Lorelei stood between the two men, Santi’s fist pulled back.
“Lorelei, move, now.” He said, fury in his voice indicating he was just barely holding on to his restraint. 
“No! You need to cool down, Garcia!” She’d faced down Santi once before, stared at the barrel of his gun. She wasn’t afraid of his fist. She didn’t think Santi would hurt her, but she’d heard and seen what he had done to people who’ve harmed Laci before. She wasn’t sure if she was enough to stop that explosion.
“Or what!? You’ll hit a pregnant woman?” Lorelei challenged.
Santi scoffed at that in disgust. “No! I’m not Ben”
That took Lorelei by surprise and she looked to Laci. The girl was frozen, clearly compartmentalizing as she sat on the floor, her pink dress staining with blood dripping from her mouth. If Ben did that to the poor girl half his size, Lorelei was going to beat his ass herself. But she’d broken up enough ER fights to know that one cannot simply go off the word of one person. Ben, however, was not denying anything as Alice stood behind him.
“I’m not moving until you calm the fuck-”
Before she had a chance to stop it, she heard Jana yell a warning to Santi but it was too late. Will yanked Santi back and threw him against the wall, wrapping his hands around his neck. He wasn’t choking him, but he easily could.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!” He bellowed, loud and angry.
Santi didn’t back down, even knowing what Will was capable of and that he used to have blackouts.
“Ben hit Laci!”
Will turned to see Laci, Jana knelt beside her, holding her comfortably while Frankie stayed close to them both in the chaos, and anger at his brother surged, but that wasn’t the point. Santi was not the arbitrator of justice, not to Ben and certainly not to Lorelei.
“How FUCKING DARE YOU raise your hand to her!” His fist tightened, just a bit. 
“I WASN’T GOING TO HIT LORELEI! Jesus! I’m gonna beat Ben’s ass, and yours if you don’t move!”
Frankie walked to them, trying to pull Will away. He recognized that white-hot anger, and he sympathized with both of them. If someone put their hands on or raised a fist to Jana, he’d feel the same. But someone needed to be the voice of reason before they killed each other.
“You’re not beating anyone’s ass, Pope, and you fucking know it.” He placed a hand on his shoulder. “Will could fucking fold you.”
“William.” Lorelei spoke softly, her hands sliding over Will’s. The backs of her fingers were on Santi’s neck and she could feel his rapid pulse. “William, baby, you need to let him go.”
Will took a breath. “But he-”
“I know, baby. I know. But he didn’t touch me, and you know damn well he wasn’t going too.”
Loosening his gasp, Santi started to say something but Lorelei shushed him. “You understand where he’s coming from, right? His pregnant fiance is bleeding, you understand why he’s so angry.”
He did. He got it. It’s the ame anger he felt when he saw Santi’s fist raised to Lore, but she was right. He was never going to hit her, and certainly not 8 months pregnant. Santi wasn’t like that. He let go, still fuming, but also confused. Benny had been a prick lately, a fucking dumbass, but he’d never been the type to hit a woman. Every bar fight he was in was with men. 
Ben protected women. Benny loved Laci, he knew he did. Why would he hurt her? Laci was scared silent, going nonverbal from the shock and barely looked like she was mentally here. She looked at the floor, eyes glassy as she sat on Jana’s lap. Jana held her tightly, giving her the pressure she needed to hopefully prevent a panic attack. Hell, Will might kill Ben himself. 
When he let go and stepped back, he saw Santi make a move to go at Ben again who ws stand silently to the side, but Frankie’s hand on his chest held him in place.
“You got nothing to say, Ben?!” He shouted, the words echoing off the walls of the short hall. “You fucking coward! So miserable in your own life you take it out on someone whose loved you un-fucking-conditionally despite everything! FUCK YOU!”
Jana spoke from where she held Laci tightly. The blonde girl was in shock, no even crying like she normally does. “Santi!” She called him to look down. “Your girl needs you.” 
When Santi turned and saw his precious fiance on the floor, bleeding, his heart broke. He needed to take her to the hospital, he needed to take care of her. Laci didn’t want Benny hurt. Laci’s defended Ben to him before, she loves him. That’s not what she wants. Right now, he recognized the look in her eyes… She needed him to be present.
Santi pushed past Frankie’s hold and knelt down beside her, his touch careful on her hands and his soft. “Hey, Miss Lacina.” He said with a gentle smile. “It’s just me, Santi. I’m gonna take you to the hospital, okay?”
She gave the tiniest nod, so he continued. “I’m gonna pick you up, and I’m gonna be very, very careful. Does anything hurt?”
She signed ‘my face’
He nodded. “Yeah, I Bet it does, princess.”
Santi scoops her up in his strong arms, Jana rescinding her responsibly into capable hands. Laci wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his middle, dissociating but knowing him. She trusted in his voice, his smell, his touch even when she knew nothing else. Next, Frankie bent down and slung an arm around Jana’s middle to help her up. 
Santi turned to give one final word to Ben, holding Laci up under her bottom and pointing his non dominant hand at Ben. “Don’t come to the wedding, and don’t you ever come near my wife and child again.”
“Santi.” Frankie nudged Santi along, arm still around Jana. Frankie shot one last look back to Ben, worried, and left with the others. Now, Lorelei couldn’t understand sign language outside of some basics she’d learned, but she could recognize it. It was subtle, like she was whispering to Ben. Lorelei saw Ben nod, and then she was gone.
The two couples were left, Lorelei kept holding Will’s hand, knowing he needed it as he turned around to face Ben, angry. He’d protect Ben from Santiago, but she knew he was damn pissed about him hurting Laci.
“What. The fuck. Was that.” Will seethed at his younger brother.
Alice looked up at Ben and mouthed something to him that Will and Lorelei couldn’t read. 
Ben hesitated, but looked rapidly between Lorelei and Will before becoming avoidant. “Nothing.” He muttered and tried to walk away.
“No!” Will held out a hand, stopping him. “Did you hit her?! Did you actually knock a pregrant women, Laci of all fucking people, to the fucking floor? Jesus Ben! We thought you were better than that!”
Grabbing Alice’s hand, he shoved past Will. “Fuck off.”
“THIS WHAT YOU WANT, BEN? TO HURT WOMEN?” Will shouted, starting after him, but Lorelei held him back. “YOU WANNA BE DAD, NOW?”
Lorelei watched Ben and Alice leave, but somehow, she couldn’t believe this was the full story. Ben was not like that. Her intuition said something was wrong.
It was a few hours later. Lorelei and Will were up watching I love Lucy, Lore between Will’s legs on the couch. Despite being horny as hell, Lorelei could read a room and did not initiate. So, she simply laid with him and tried not to squirm. It was, frankly, hot seeing Will defend her like that, knowing that he’d do anything for her and Chloe. Seeing his throw Santi up against the wall for even looking like he might hurt her… goddamn…
“You're horny, aren’t you?” His voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Goddamn it. Am I that predictable?”
He chuckles. It was nice to hear him laugh after tonight. “A little. But mostly, it was kinda hot watching you stand up to Santi like that. Remember the day you first met him?” 
“How could I forget.” She can feel him laugh, then he sighs.
“I’m supposed to be in his wedding in two weeks. I don’t know how we get past that.”
“He told Ben to stay away, not you.”
“But I almost choked him out Lore…” Will groaned, feeling ashamed of his actions. 
“You did it to protect me and Ben, Santi will understand. And he was doing what he did to defend Laci. I think you both can understand each other.”
A brief pause. “I just can’t believe he did that… To Laci of all people, christ, that girls been through enough.”
“Yeah… and god damn, that whole part before?” She shook her head. “Shit show. Bet Jana feels awful.”
“She didn’t mean to. Ben’s been out for a while, a last to everyone except our family. She just assumed his long term girlfriend would know.”
Lorelei flopped her head back on Will’s chest. “Watching him walk himself back into the closet… that was hard to watch.”
“Don’t I know it…”
She turned to look up at him. “You doing okay, baby? As good as you can?”
He sighed “Yeah… looks like the meds are working, at least a little.” Will kissed her temple, his hands slowly started to caress her sensitive breasts.
“Mmmmmmm” She moaned, but made her best attempt at making him not feel like has too. “We don’t gotta do nothing just because I’m horny, babe. You had a bad night.”
Will kissed her neck. “Just wanna give you one on my fingers. Get my mind off things.”
Lorelei smiled. She wasn’t going to protest if he really wanted too. “Okay.” She relaxed into him as he slid his hands into her pj pants.
It was just started to get good when his phone rang, and she groaned.
“I’m gonna ignore it.” He promised, but the strain in his voice told her he wanted to answer.
“Go ahead, answer it. We can pick up later.” She pulled his hands out of his pants. It could be a number of people, including but not limited to the girl who took a fall in her second trimester and had to go to the ER. Lorelei remembered how scary that was for her when she fell.
Will pulled his hand out of her pants, still wet with her slick and grabbed his phone.
It was Santi. He sighed. He wanted to start with ‘what the fuck do you want’ but there was a more important issue. “How’s Laci and the baby?”
‘Their fine. Laci’s um… startled. Isn’t talking yet. But they are fine. She’s sleeping right now. She was… she was able to sign, though and… well she explained what happened. Ben tell you anything?’
Will looked to Lorelei who was listening in. “No, he just um… walked away.”
They could both hear him sigh loudly over the phone. ‘Listen man, we gotta talk.’
:((((((((((((((((( BENNNYYYYYYYYYY
Tell me all your thoughts! Santi and laci fighting, jana and alice, etc etc etc
Laci is largely meant to be in the wrong here, but she’s spent a lot of chapters of several series being “perfect” and now she’s going through this plus pregnancy, Alice’s bullying and losing Ben, she’s not acting like herself.
And Ben…. Oh Ben.
I started cry writing Ben and laci fighting, Ben putting himself back in the closet broke my queer heart
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
23 notes · View notes
romanarose · 10 months
For The Longest Time: Because of You
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Lorelei calls her dad.
Warnings: Abandoment issues, daddy issues, a little bit of ptsd from physically abuse (v minor), Lorelei being very angry and trying to push Will away, shitty behavior, brief addict shaming. ER visit. mentions of Benny's episode and Will's dads death
a/n: takes place in two parts, after Mr. Miller's funeral and then the day after ben's hospitalization. They ALMOST talk about their feelings. Almost.
It had been a few days since Will’s dad’s funeral, and he seemed to be doing well enough. Ben had been taking it much worse, as to be expected, so did Jenna so that’s where Will’s attention was. He had told her he didn’t really care that he died, although Lorelei wasn’t sure that was true. Thing was, Ben wasn’t out to his family yet outside of a few cousins, was the thing. Will was pretty sure everyone guessed as much, but their family didn’t talk like that. Now, Will didn’t have to worry about Paul clocking Ben in the face for bringing home a man one thanksgiving. And Will did hope Ben would bring someone other than Alice. Ben had two committed relationships in his life, Cameron and Alice, and Alice had stuck around much longer than Will wanted. The rest had been a slew of one night stands of men and women he met in his MMA fights and Miami nightclubs. 
However, the whole ordeal of the funeral had left Lorelei’s thoughts reeling. Of course she cared about Benny and Will, she loved them dearly. Mrs. Miller was very kind and the death had left her shocked. Lorelei had them over twice at her and Will’s home for dinner, trying to alleviate some of the worry. Jenna was stressed, trying to sell the farm, but it wasn’t making much progress. Will didn’t want her to sell it, but he didn’t want to run it either, leaving them in a stand-still. 
Ben wanted it gone. There had been a time he thought he’d take it over, once… Ben was good at farm work, he was strong, enduring, hard working. But that was when him and Cameron had dreams together, dreams of a Brokeback Mountain lifestyle, away from the public view, dreams of a life where they just pretended they were partners running a farm and never had to worry about the outside. That was very going to happen, so Ben wanted every memory of his dad and Cameron erased.
Lorelei had worked another long day, 6 AM to 6 PM and Will had asked her, begged her really, to stop working over time at least. He understood her need to stay independent but god, at what cost? She refused, saying she’d put her foot down when she no longer could take it, but at a little over 4 months, she could still take it. Lorelei was concerned that while Will seemed all in with their child, she still worried she’d be left in the dust when he got bored, so she was saving up as much as she could while she still had free rent.
Since she wouldn’t stop working long days, she did, however, allow Will to take care of her after a shift. Her feet were beginning to swell up, so she acquiesced to Will rubbing her feet with magnesium lotion while they watched a movie. Today, she was showing him  “Some Like It Hot” starring Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.
“He reminds me of Ben” Will commented about Tony Curtis’s character who, while in drag, immediately made a group of friends with the women.
Lorelei chuckled. “Yeah, this would be a very Ben thing to do. He ever do drag?”
Will stopped massaging her feet, turning to Lorelei with a perfectly straight face. “Why, because he’s gay you think he does drag?”
“NO! Nonononono!” Lorelei was quick to defend, panicking slightly as she sat up. “No it’s just he’s very outgoing and-”
A bright laugh filled the room, Will waving her off and going back to work and giggling a bit. “I’m just messing with yuh, Lore.”
Lorelei kicked him, but smiled as she laid down again. “Can’t do me like that!  I thought you were about to cancel and call Jana over to beat my ass for being homophobic or something.”
“I wouldn’t wish Jana or Santi’s fury on my worst enemy.”
They watched the movie in a comfortable silence for a while, full of the chicken parm Lorelei made and sleepy, both their eyes were drooping by the time Lorelei spoke again.
“Do you know how to track people down.”
Will, who had sunk down on the couch much like Lorelei had, her legs propped up on him, peaked an eye to her. “Well… yeah, that was kinda part of our job.”
She started slowly. “Can you find people that maybe… no ones heard from in a few years?”
“Possibly… We were able to find Laci’s ex who trafficked her.”
“Did Santi kill him.”
“So yes.”
“Who are you looking for, Lore?”
She turned to him, the credits from their movie beginning to roll. “My dad.”
Will propped himself up on his elbow. “Like… your dad dad?”
“No, like my step-dad who called me last week to remind me that he’s disappointed in me and doesn’t want anything to do with this baby and how my sister would never do anything like this, even though I was the one that helped her get on birth control.”
“Jesus. Yeah, we can find him. Ben’s really good at that kind of thing, knows someone in every city. What’s bringing this about?”
She sighed, ready for bed. “The funeral. I just, I dunno. I don’t want my dad to die without meeting his grandchild…”
“Do you… think he wants to?”
She glared at him. “What, because he didn’t want me that means he doesn’t want them either?”
“No! Jesus, Lore, I didn’t say he didn’t-”
It was her turn to laugh. “I’m just fucking with you, relax.”
Will’s panic dissolved into a warm smile. “C’mon. Let’s get you to bed. You can give me what you got and we’ll track him down.”
“Thanks, William.”
He pulled her up, sleepy and pliant and dragged her stumbling form to her bedroom.
The day after Ben’s hospitalization, Will came home to see Lorelei cleaned up the entire apartment, exactly how Will liked it.
When he entered the kitchen to see her making lunch, Will simply drew her into his arms, her belly preventing him from fully embracing as tight as he wanted to, but she loved being helped by him like this. He felt safe to her. 
She was about to talk to him, to ask how Ben was to talk about what Will said, that his type was pretty, short brunettes…
“William-” Her phone rang. Her heart hurt when he pulled away, nd she was going to decline it when she saw the number. Unfamiliar number, but… “it’s a Philly area code…” She continued watching it ring.
Will knew what this might mean. “Is it your dad?”
She answered. “Hello.”
It was.
Will watched and Lorelei’s face lit up, a smile brightening his shitty day. He guided her over to the couch to talk, then took over lunch for her. She deserved this. Excitedly, she told him about the pregnancy.
“We’re naming her Chloe Sen. Yeah, that’s what I thought, William picked the first name. I think so too! Yeah, he treats me really well.”
This was good news. Lorelei’s mom and step-dad had almost no involvement in her life, and even less since the pregnancy. Despite her mom also having gotten pregnant outside of marriage, she seemed to regard Lorelei as a failure. Her mom had gotten married before her birth, so technically she was born in wedlock, which Lorelei refused to do. Will not proposing to her made him the bad guy in her family's eyes. The apparent excitement from her dad was good news.
Then it tumbled.
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah I get it. Sure, I can do that. Um, you’ll call later, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah, it was nice talking to you too… um, bye…” All her excitement deflated.
Will turned to see her on the couch, lip quivering and chest heaving as she furiously pulled up cashapp and typed in Kyle Giang. $500
“It’s fine, he’ll pay me back” He never paid her back for the other several thousand she’d sent him over the years. “He just needs to get his car back, it was repossessed and-”
“I’m sorry.” He tried to say, he wanted to tell her she deserved better than a step dad who thought she was a failure when she was an ER nurse, and a damn good one. She deserved better than a dad who ran out on her and asks for money. He wanted to reassure her that he’d never to that to Chloe, that Chloe would never have to feel the way she did… But Lorelei had already switched, and it felt like all the progress they had made together went out the window.
“Oh fuck off, I don’t need your pity.” Hobbling and stumbling, Lorelei wobbled off the couch and towards the door.
“C’mon, don’t do this, talk to me-”
She attempted to shove her feet into her flats, but they had gotten so swollen they weren’t fitting. Usually, before a shift or going anywhere, Will helped her put on her shoes and tie them up since her belly had gotten so big. Chloe was gonna be a big baby, the doctor said. Got that Miller blood. It made Lorelei feel like a princess, Will treating her as worthy of the title he only spoke to her in their most tender, most quiet of moments… the way he looked up at her as he knelt on the ground, blue eyes so bright on his face… she loved him so much. But moments like these, moments where she’s reminded of how badly her father hurt her and how if she could trust her own dad then who the hell was she supposed to trust… 
“GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!” She screamed, hating the way she sounded like her mom. “FUCK!” Lorelei refused to go outside shoeless, so she shoved her feet into Will’s slides. They were obscenely large on her as she waddled out the door, looking fucking stupid as she felt.
Will followed her outside. “Lorelei, please just talk to-”
“FUCK YOU!” She shouted, hobbling away, to where she wasn’t sure.
“C’mon! Don’t do this! I want to help-”
Lorelei whipped around, nearly tripping on the shoes. “I don’t need help! You do! You and your germophbia, your obsessive compulsive disorder, YOU NEED HELP! Your alcoholic suicidal brother does, your multiple addict friends do, so go fucking deal with them because they are clearly more important than our family!”
There was a flash of anger in his eyes. “What the fuck did you just say?” He spoke softly, like a calm before the storm and Lorelei braced herself for a screaming match, braced herself to take him on the same way she took on Tyler… But the storm never came. 
“Please don’t talk about my family like that.”
Lorelei’s defenses could not be laid down. 
“Are you going to address the OCD or are you going to keep ignoring it?”
He rolled his eyes a bit. “I dont have obsessive-”
“OH-ho-ho-ho my GOD Will! Yes you do! Jesus christ! You couldn’t even help your own fucking brother as he was dying!”
Will spoke evenly, refusing to match her tone. “He wasn’t dying, he only took melatonin-”
“YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT! Fuck! I can’t do this, I can’t do any of this. I’m moving out!” The shocked hurt crossed Will’s face, looking so heart broken at her rejection and threat to take herself and their daughter away. “I don’t fucking need you for anything so I’ll just go back to Philly” She turned on a heel to walk across the lawn, but got tripped on on the oversized shoes.  “so you can pretend this never happ-” Lorelei was spinning, falling over onto her ass on the grass. She started crying before she could stop herself. And she would have stopped herself. She never cried in front of anyone, nonetheless a man.
“LORELEI!” Will shouted, running to her. If she was in a better state of mind, she would have noticed the worry in his voice, the panic, but instead she just heard the noise. She just heard him shouting her name and worried she had gotten what she wants, that she pushed him too far and now he was mad at her.
When Will reached her, Lorelei looked up at him and it was so small a less observant man would miss it… a small flinch. He eyes wide and wet and she flinched. “Hey now,” Will spoke calmly, carefully crouching down slowly to not startle her. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.”
“I know.” She sniffled, expression calming as she realized this was Will. Just Will. Will would never hurt her, no matter how much she pushed him.
“You fell, anything hurt? Your ankle?”
She shook her head, tears quickly drying.
“Okay, I’m gonna pick you up and we’re going to the ER.”
“I’m fine.” She insisted, voice quiet. “I’m 5’3, it’s not a far fall.”
Will chuckled softly. “I know, but let’s just go, for me okay? So I don’t obsessed over it? Since you’re so worried about my OCD.”
“Okay.” She consented, and Will scooped her up bridal style and began carrying her to their car, her arms around his neck. “So you admit you have OCD.”
He smiled. “Well, I can’t exactly diagnose myself but… if you want me to get seen, okay.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
She was completely fine. The ER doctor knew Lorelei of course and checked her out thoroughly, assuring her that both her and the baby appeared well and healthy, but to come in if there’s any pain or bleeding. Will picked up some Whataburger for their lunch since the food they were making had gone cold. Still very worried, Will held her arm as they walked into the house, taking her to her room to nap.
“Can you stay with me?” She asked, oh so quiet, so quiet he thought he didn’t hear right… but he did, and he said yes, of course, anything for you.
That’s how they ended up like this, cuddled up in bed together. Lorelei was on her back, Will resting his head on her chest and an arm wrapped around the belly protectively. It didn’t feel wrong or sexual, the idea his head was on her boobs. It just felt right. Will was just there for her and Chloe. 
“I’m really sorry, Will.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“No, William, let me apoligize. That was really shitty. I shouldn’t have said any of that, I didn’t mean it. Well, outside the OCD. You gotta take care of that.”
“I will” He assured.
“I mean about the others. I’m sorry I called Ben a suicidal alcohalic.”
He shrugged. “He is.”
“Still, I shouldn’t have said it. And I’m really sorry I called Jana, Frankie and Laci addicts. I’m a nurse, I can’t being saying shit like that. I’m not trying to shame addicts. I love those three.”
“I know. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you… I know I’m not… I’m not always easy to get along with… I shouldn’t have yelled at you, that was wrong.”
“You’re trying.” Will kissed her swollen belly. He looked sad, worried like his mind was reeling. “You had a bad day, and we both had a long night. You didn’t sleep at all. It’s okay.”
“Thank you.” She whispered. Lorelei wondered how she could possibly have raised her voice at someone so gentle, so loving, so adoring…
Will subconscious squeeze the arm he had wrapped around her belly. “Did you mean the other part though?”
Lorelei wasn’t sure what he meant. “Hm?”
He climbed off her, propping himself up on one arm while she looked at him. “About moving out.. About leaving… because if you want to go to Philadelphia, you can but… I want to come… I don’t want to be away from you and Chloe, baby.”
His eyes looked large and wet, like he might start crying at any moment. She forgot about the threat. It was empty. There was nothing in Philadelphia for her anymore, certainly not her dad.
“Oh honey…” Lorelei brought him to lay down on the pillow with her, their faces a breath apart. “I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry, I won’t threaten to walk away again. No matter what, I’ll never keep you from our daughter…”
His voice was sleepy, a little grovely, almost like a morning bedroom voice despite it being 1 PM. “I don’t wanna be away from you either, Lore.”
She wanted to trust him. She did… she wanted to lean over right there and kiss him, to make him her and suck his perfect fucking cock and have him bend her over and- she wanted to be with him… but there was the inkling, that fear, that nagging voice in the back of her head that he was just like everyone else, and if she got to close, Will could rip the rug out from under her, tagging away him, her new friends, and leaving her and Chloe alone, like Lorelei and her mom were.
“I don’t wanna be without you either, Will.”
They laid there together, slowly drifting off.
“Can you get me one of those giant pregnancy pillows?”
She felt the bed shake with his laughter.
“Anything for you, princess.”
She's trying. She really is she's just scared.
The entire inspo for this series was Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson, which she considers a sequel to her amazing song Because of You. please check them both out to get what Lorelei is going through and Feeling, trying to push will away despite how tenderly he loves her.
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
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romanarose · 10 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 7
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Lorelei and runs into someone from Will's past. Later, Ben is in trouble.
Warnings: (This is a heavy one.) Bulimia, homophobia, self conscious thoughts, talk of euro-centric beauty standards, dinge drinking, puke and vomit (from the drinking, not bulimia endued), potential suicide attempt (it wasn't they just worry), mentions of "taking pills", stomach needing pumped, ER visit, risk of asphyxiation, Benny's alcoholism, Lorelei's worry of Will leaving her like her dad did.
Special thank you to @mrs-lockley for talking to me about Lorelei's character and correcting me to make sure things are more comfortable for everyone. As always, I am a white person who is trying to branch out ad not only write white characters. I want to be accurate and inoffensive, but I don't want to be colorblind. If I *ever* say something about a character that is offensive or inaccurate, please do not hesitate to reach out and correct me. I want to make sure I have a safe space for all my readers.
Lorelei was going to kill Jana.
Not actually, her intention was nice. But did she have to suggest getting a massage when their fairly small town only had so many massage therapists, and one of which was Will’s ex-fiance.
She hadn’t purposely tried to get her; Lorelei didn’t even know her last name, just her first. Emily, and then a very polish last name she hadn’t been able to memorize in the brief sight she had. Lorelei didn’t think twice booking the appointment, not even knowing what Emily did. Hell, did she know if Emily still lived in town? When Lorelei saw her face, she recognized her. On their shopping trip, Lorelei had gotten just a bit messy and asked Laci if she had a picture of Emily. Laci, in fact, had Emily on facebook. When questioned if Will did, Laci said Will didn’t have a facebook. Smart man. 
“Why do you have his ex? Did you used to see her a lot with the guys?”
“No, they broke up year before I met Santi, but I’ve met her couple times. She came to a christmas party last year.
Lorelei’s ear’s perked up at that. “Oh. Do her and Will still talk?”
Laci smiled a cheeky smile. “Are you jealous?”
“No! I’m just curious who's going to be around my baby and if she’s gonna have a step mom.”
Shaking her head and still smiling, Laci showed Lorelei the facebook profile. Fuck, she was pretty. Really pretty. Stunning, actually. Lorelei knew she was pretty enough. She had full lips, a slim face, and up until the pregnancy had a body she was proud of. Still, she found herself constantly comparing herself to european beauty standards. Lorelei couldn’t understand it. She was proud of how she looked; brown skin, thick, dark hair, brown eyes, but sometimes she still found herself comparing her features to other women, and often the ones who fit a euro-centric mold. She didn’t want to pass these feelings onto her daughter.
Since finding out they were having a girl, Will and Lorelei talked a little bit about Lorelei’s eating after she rested.
“Listen, you can’t tell him I said this, but Benny was bulimic in high school.” Will shifted uncomfortably. “Freshman year, he hadn’t really hit puberty yet. He was short, small, was getting bullied although I didn’t really know how bad it was for a while. I thought it was just like… y’know. Teenager stuff.” It was clear he felt guilty for letting any of it happen, but Lorelei sat quietly and let him talk. “I told him he needed to get out more, that moping in his room wouldn’t do anything, join a sport. He choose wrestling, and I don’t know if you know the connection with wrestling and eating disorders, but I sure do now.”
Lorelei nodded. “Yeah, I took a course on eating disorders in undergrad. I guess I was trying to figure myself out to. We learned wrestling triggers eating disorders in men quiet often.”
“Yeah, it got pretty bad pretty fast…”
“Is he still bulimic?”
Will shook his head. “Not that I know of anyway. Far as I know, he stopped sophomore year. I made him quit wrestling and he met a… well a friend, I guess. Yeah. His friend Cam helped him a lot. They were inseparable for two years until he left. Then Ben got depressed again and started on drugs. I left that year for the army and he just. Spiraled.” Will was fidgeting, constantly fixing up items on the coffee table to align in different ways.
She couldn’t very well tell him she stalked Benny and Will through Tyler’s yearbook pictures and she knew who Cameron was. “You needed to get out, I get it. I did the same thing when I turned 18.”
“17, actually.” Will chuckled, still not looking at her. “I graduated at 17 and got my dad to sign off on it. Started basic a few weeks after graduation.”
His dad would. Through more talking, Will expressed he wanted to learn how to be of better support, to help Lorelei in a way that he felt he failed with Ben.
“We’re having a daughter, I don’t want to pass the things my mom ingrained into me into Chloe”
“I don’t either, Lore. I don’t wanna make her feel the way your dads made you feel...”
Lorelei didn’t think that was possible. He could never be cruel. Hot headed, yeah, and he’d told her how he’s acted towards Laci in the beginning, but Will was the first of them to seak therapy, and had come a long way. He would never take his pain out on a child, especially his child. Their daughter. Her bio dad… she wasn’t sure. 
It wasn’t that Lorelei though he’d leave, but she remembers her mom saying she never saw her dad leaving coming either. Being nice was easier than staying around. She was comforted by the fact Will’s whole life was her. His brother, mom, grandpa, his found family… but still, she couldn’t be sure.
Seeing Emily up close was even worse. She was in casual clothes and still looked beautiful as she greeted her cheerfully. No wonder Will loved her. She was happy, graceful, and welcoming. She bet Will called her princess.
Lorelei recognized her and realized the mistake immediately. God dammit Jana, you couldn’t let me know Will’s ex-fiance worked here? She would just have to get through this, act like she doesn’t know, pretend everything is fi-
“So what do you wanna know?” Emily said as she began on Lorelei’s neck.
“HM!?” She squeeked out, trying to sound casual. It was not working.
Emily gestured at pregnancy belly. “You’re having a baby with Will. I assume you’re here to find out about me since we were engaged. We haven't been romantically involved in almost a decade, and haven't been sexually involved for 5 years, which I’m sure he told you if you asked. I don’t want your man anymore, trust me.”
Clutching the cloth to her, Lorelei sat up, turning to the blonde. “Okay I know what it looks like!” She waited for Emily to start arguing or maybe get into a fight, but she just started back at her, curious but letting her talk. Emily seemed open to listening. “I just wanted a massage and it wasn’t even my idea it was Jana’s and you came up with good reviews so I went here and then I saw you and yes I recognized you because I found pictures of you because of course I did but I’m not here to stalk you, I’m not even dating Will!”
Emily visibly relaxed, even laughing a little bit. Her smile was warm. “It’s okay I found pictures of you too.”
Lorelei tried to calm down a bit. She was always hot tempered, but this was a different feeling. She wasn’t mad at Emily, but… anxious? Pregnancy emotions. “You… you did?”
She shrugged. “Of course. Will called me to share the news-”
“He called you?”
“Yeah, he was really excited, but really nervous. Wanted to talk to me about it. We were together for like, a decade. Sometimes he just needs someone to calm his spirals.”
Will did spiral a lot. “Have you… been talking to him recently?”
“Not much. He used to call when he was over thinking but he hasn’t done that recently. Said you calm him.”
She calmed him? Lorelei has never calmed a man in her life, outside of work. She is no man’s peace… William thought she was calming? Lorelei felt a sense of pride… she thought Will was calming too. “I don’t… I don’t think I do anything.”
“C’mon, lay down. You paid for an hour.” Gently, Emily coaxed Lorelei to lay down again and began massaging. “Sometimes he just needs someone there. Frankie is good at that too. Those two will sit in silence for 4 hours watching a game. First time they did that I walked over and asked if they were in a fight or something, they both looked really so confused.” Emily said with a laugh, and Lorelei couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, they uh… they are interesting.”
“I guess my point is, sometimes he just likes that. God know’s Benny isn’t going to calm anyone, and Santi is 5 feet of anger issues and attitude. He probably thinks of sitting with you as a love language.”
“Oh- we’re not-” Lorelei was quick to protest. “We’re not in love.”
“Sure you’re not.”
“We’re not!”
Emily laughed as she replied. “Okay, whatever you say. You’re just living with him, having his baby, spending time with his friends and family, putting up with Santi.”
Lorelei laid there for a while enjoying the pre-natal massage… she was good at what she did. No wonder Will proposed to her. Pretty, personable, and those hands… “How did you find pictures of me?”
“The same way I assume you found pictures of me. Through Laci. She posted a picture of you guys at the beach and I connected the dots. Can I ask why you are so insisted you don’t want to be with him? He’s clearly nuts about you.”
That made Lorelei’s ears perk up. Will? Nuts about her? “Huh? What’d he say?”
“Not explicit but, you know a man or as long as I’ve known Will-” Lorelei wished Emily would stop mentioning how long she’s known Will. “You can pick up on it. He was saying how much he admired you.”
He… admired her? Lorelei had never been admired before… “Huh?”
“He told me how you first met, how you weren’t afraid to put him in his place and controlled the room, how you took care of Benny, your concern for Laci… said he thinks you’ll make a beautiful mother.”
That first meeting… It's been over a year now since that day he and Laci took Benny to the ER… She recalls not liking him, thinking he was controlling, being suspicious he had hurt Laci… now she know’s he’d rather die than harm her, that he cared about Laci and Benny more than anything, that Laci’s inability to speak and her unwillingness to leave him side was not fear of him but fear of the world. Will would do anything for those two, Will would do anything for Santiago, and Frankie, for Jana and Rosie. For her.
Lorelei couldn’t stop thinking about the interaction for 2 days. She told Will she ran into Emily of course; it’d look bad if he found out from Emily. The words Emily had told her wouldn’t leave her head… there was so many ways Lorelei would describe herself, many positive, many not… but the way Will saw her, he had taken that interaction that Lorelei thought any man would find abrasive and annoying, he’d seen something beautiful in it… he thought she’d been a good mother…
It was a few days later when Lorelei got home at 3:29 AM from her night shift. She’d been taken off overnights due to the pregnancy, but tonight there was a car crash on the interstate so she stayed late to help until everyone was stabilized. It had been a hard day; she watched an 80 year old die from internal bleeding, but she spotted the signs of going into shock on preteen when the idiot Dr. Jones insisted she was perfectly fine. She could at least rest knowing she’d saved the young boy's life. 
She told Will not to wait up, but she knew he would. He always did. Lorelei texted him updates occasionally, just to ease him mind because she knew he worried, and when her last text ‘Leaving rn. Best be asleep when I get home (this is a threat)’ was read at 3:12 am, she knew she was right. Never in her entire life did she think she’d be texting a man updates on where she was, but it was different with Will. Tyler always accused her of cheating. Her parents always accused her of sleeping around. Will just wanted to know she was okay. It was nice, honestly, knowing someone was waiting for her, but also knowing that person wasn’t going to tell her she had to come home. She just came home for him. 
Home… Yeah, they had a home. She had to admit it now, she wanted him, she wanted a life with him… And goddamn did she want to fuck him again. Her vibrator had been getting the job done, but as her stomach grew, that became harder. She wanted his broad, warm body all over her, the way his mouth devoured between her legs, his hands so ready to please… he was a giver, and boy did he GIVE. God, she needed him. She’d give him the best blowjob of his life if he could just make her cum on his mouth like she did when Chloe was conceived.
Despite knowing he was up, Lorelei was surprised to see the lights on as she approached the front door. Will never left all the lights on. He left on the front porch light, then the oven light so she didn’t walk into darkness. And no, Will would not forget. He checked the lights and that any fire hazard was unplugged every night were unplugged. Multiple times… he really should get checked for OCD… 
When she walked in, she was greeted with a nice sight of Will in boxers and a white tank top, showing off his arms and a small assortment of tattoos… and also looking very, very worried as he paced the floor and looked at his phone. Lorelei thought back to the day of his dads funeral, when he opened up to her about the child abuse and how she wanted to bad to protect baby Will. She couldn’t go back in time, and maybe Lorelei wasn’t the best at comfort… It was easier in the ER, people she didn’t have to be vulnerable with… but she needed to be emotionally open if she was going to raise this little girl. Lorelei couldn’t protect Will as a child, but she can be there for him now.
“William? What’s wrong?”
Will only briefly glanced at her. “Oh, hi, sorry um… somethings up with Ben…” 
Of course it was Ben that had him up this late. “What’s going on?” She asked as she set her purse down. That was step one. Step 2 was taking off her bra, and she reached behind her back to unclasp it. Will wasn't phased, she’d been doing this for months.
“He sent me a bunch of drunk texts, they got more and more incomprehensible… I tried to call him after a while but he won’t answer.” Normally, Will would have Ben’s location just as Santi had Frankie’s before he got sober, but Alice made him stop sharing his location. In her defense, he didn’t go black out in bars anymore.
Lorelei slid off her bra straps and pulled the bra out through her shirt before tossing it into her room. “Have you called Alice?” 
“Yeah, she sends me straight to voicemail, won’t answer my texts either.” 
What’s her fucking deal? Santi had talked to Will about the fact Alice had forced Benny to cut most of his contact with Laci, who Benny had previously proudly called his best friend. Santi had hoped Will would say something to Ben, but Will took the stance that they were not Benny and Laci’s parent’s, and didn’t need to set up playdates. Lorelei had been very proud of him for setting a boundary. She liked, sometimes even loved his friends, but they all could use a few boundaries.
Will was pacing, clearly in distress and an obvious mental loop that was going to keep Will up all night. She wasn’t the best at comfort, but she could be practica. “Well, let’s go to his house.”
He stopped his pacing to look at her, and even in the shitty fluorescence his eyes were striking. She vividly remembers then staring up at her with nothing but wonder as she rode him- fuck, consentrait.
“Really? I know you’re tired-”
She waved him off. “It was a busy day, I’m pretty wired. It’ll take a few hours for me to fall asleep anyway.” She said, swollen feet throbbing in pain, feeling like she could lay down and be asleep before her head hit the pillow.
“I mean… I can do it myself. You should go rest, you need-”
Lorelei grabbed his keys. “Are you coming?”
“BEN!” Will shouted, banging on his door. Benny’s light was on and had car in the drive way, but no answer. “Fuck, something’s wrong, I can feel it…” He typed in Ben’s house code and entered the house. “Ben? You alright man?”
He wasn’t in the entry room or living area, but when Will rounded the corner and the kitchen came into view, the pair of legs with jeans bunched at the ankles caused his panic to spike “BEN!” Will ran to him, finding a passed out Ben in a state of undress, white underwear covering his butt, jeans at his ankles and a black shirt tangled up in his arms and face and the smell of puke permeating the air.
Will and Lorelei’s medical kicked in. Lorelei went for his shirt, knowing the puke wouldn’t help Will with his germophobia and Will set Ben into recovery position as more puke spilled out of his mouth. Not a good sign. “Ben! Ben, you need to wake up, man!” His voice croaked with emotion as he tried to wake the unconscious man.
 Lorelei dialed 911. “Is he breathing?”
He wasn’t listening. “Ben! Come on!” He pulled his brother into his arms.
“WILL!” Lorelei shouted at him as she tried to speak to the 911 operator. “If he’s not breathing, you need to do CPR!” She told the operator the emergency and the address. She declined needing CPR instruction but set the phone down still on the line in case she needed to update. “Will, he needs-”
Ben began coughing and sputtering when Will slapped his back, hard.
“Ow.” A drunk Ben mumbles, but is breathing.
“Oh thank god” Breathing a sigh of relief, Will pulls Ben in closer, burying his face in Benny’s neck. He was okay.  “Jesus, Ben! What the hell!”
Benny was still barely conscious, so they wanted to take him to the hospital anyway in case he had alcohol poisoning… Look at him better, Will could see he had a busted lips.
“Alice…” He murmurs. “She broke up with me… she…”
“We can talk later Ben, right now I need you to tell me if you’ve taken anything.”
“Mmmhphhmph” In comprehensible murmurs.
Will lightly tapped his face to get his attention, but the gesture made Benny gasp, attempting to scramble away from Will. “Hey! Hey, Ben, it’s me, it’s okay! I just need you to talk to me!”
For a moment, Benny’s eyes were wide and alert. He looked scared, and it took a lot of scare Ben… but when he saw it was Will, he relaxed. Will would take care of everything. Will would keep him safe. He always did. Ben’s eyes unfixed again.
“Pills…” then he was unconscious again, head flopping back in Will’s grasp.
That was bad. Lorelei watched as Will shouted, trying to get his attention, trying ask what fucking pills, why did he take them and so on.
“Will…” She tried to say. If he took pills, especially if he was going through a break up… knowing Benny’s past history with poor mental health, this might have been a suicide attempt. 
“Ben, please… c’mon Benny talk to me…” Will’s eyes were tearing up, and Lorelei thought she was about to watch Ben die right there. Will’s love for his brother and panic he was feeling was clouding his ability to act, and Lorelei knew she had to take action to save Ben.
“Will!” She snapped, bending over and starting to adjust Ben in Will’s grip. Ben was 6’3 and heavy with his muscle, so it was hard but Will got the message. They needed Ben to throw up the pills he took.
They get him into position, bending him over and Will puts his hand to Ben’s mouth that already has vomit… then pulls it away to wipe his hands.
“Will, you need to act now.”
“I know! I know just…” He goes to try again, getting his fingers in there but retracting and wiping his hand again. “He already threw up didn’t he?” It was not enough vomit to extract what he potentially took.
After this, they were going to have a serious talk about Will’s germophobia. She wasn’t judging him; she knew he could do it if she wasn’t there and as someone who struggled with a severe eating disorder most of her youth, Lorelei knew how painful obsessions and compulsions could be. Eating disorders and OCD are often comorbid. Anything that was strong enough to make him hesitate on life-saving treatment for his precious baby brother must be so painful… but right now, there wasn’t time for empathy. Benny could be dying.
“Move.” Lorelei knelt by Ben, her pregnant belly making it difficult but not stopping her. “You hold him, bend him over, yeah like that.”
She wasn’t listening. Lorelei jammed two fingers down Benny’s throat, only briefly moving her hand to the side to allow the vomit to escape, then going back in. Her arms were covered in the disgusting solution, the extraction splattering on her legs. Lorelei saw no pills, but that didn’t necessarily mean much. When there was nothing left to throw up, the red and blue lights were at his doorstep. 
Lorelei took her light jacket and gave Ben’s bare chest a wipe down once over. “Take him to the ambulance, go with him, I’ll meet you there.”
Will scooped his baby brother up, all 6 feet of him. He turned to say something to Lorelei but she told him to go. They’d talk later. He looked guilt stricken, clearly hurt and feeling like a failure for not doing what he could. Lorelei smile softly at him and he headed out the door.
Lorelei took care of things here. 
She wasn’t really religious. Vietnam itself practiced largely folk religions, and both her parents didn’t have anything to do with the religions of their parents… she knew now this was quiet common with the second generation in immigration. Her step dad’s family was buddhist, but it was more nominally than anything, but she did enjoy the philosophy. In short, she wasn’t sure what she believed, if anything… but she hoped whatever was out there took care of Ben.
Never in her life did she imagine she’d be taking care of men like this, cleaning up a kitchen full of vomit and gross clothing, packing up a bag of essentials for both Benny and Will… if this was an attempt, Ben would be getting put on a 72 hour hold. He’d want a few books. She never thought she’d take a little time to do Ben’s dishes so that they didn’t rot while he was gone. 
But lately… it didn’t feel like she was a woman doing submissive things for a man because she was a woman and they were men. She did it because she cared about Will, and she cared about Benny. Seeing Benny like that made her sad… When she first started hanging around their group, Lorelei wouldn’t understand Laci and Santi at all. She didn’t understand how Laci could be happy in her position, so dependant on Santiago for money, cooking for him, cleaning, it all seemed so… motherly.
But as time went on, she started to see it different. Laci was largely dependant on Santi for money, yes, but Santi never held it over her. She didn’t have to ask permission for normal purchases, and bigger purchases were decided on together. She did a lot of the housework, yes, probably a majority of it, but Santi was building a whole ass addition to their house, took care of their car, mowed the lawn… And the cooking? Well, Laci loved to cook, and it wasn’t like Santi was afraid to put something together or do dishes… She understood now that the things Laci did for Santiago were not because they were expected of her as a woman, they were because she loved him, she wanted to care for him. She wanted to see Santi happy and healthy and Santi wanted the same for her.
Lorelei had never had someone outside her brother and sister she cared enough about to want to take care of them… but in this moment she realized that was Will to her, that was Ben, that was Laci and Jana and Frankie and yes, even Santi. Santi had been ready to throw hands for her at Mr. Miller’s funeral, and Lorelei would throw them right back for him.
They were a family she never thought she’d have.
Her phone chimed.
William Miller: They pumped his stomach. Benny was conscious for a while, said he hit his lip on the counter when he fell trying to undress. Says all he took was melatonin to go to sleep, I’m not sure I believe him. I hope you’re at home and asleep. Thank you for everything tonight. 
He thought she just… went home?
*Calling William Miller*
“Hey, William, I didn’t go home.”
“Oh. Where are you?”
“At Ben’s? I was cleaning up and going to head over. I wouldn’t leave you both like that.”
“No, Lore it’s okay, I want you to rest-”
“I can rest later. I’m on my way now with some things for both of you. Is he awake?”
Will signed over the phone. “No, he’s out again like a light. I’m gonna stay the night here. In the morning I’m gonna try and commit him. I don’t know if he’s lying about trying to kill himself or not but I can’t risk it.”
“Okay, text me where you are and I’ll come find you. Need anything from walmart or something?”
“Clean clothes.”
“Already packed some of Ben’s for you.”
“You get me.”
When she arrived, Will was awake and sitting slumped on a chair, watching Ben and listening to the melodic beep of his monitors. She pulled up a chair, Will didn’t have the energy to stand and greet her, but he welcomed the warm body that slide right next to him.
“He stable?” She asked. 
“Yeah, doctors said it didn’t look like he took anything other than melatonin, but they want to monitor him over night. They said if he’s not willing to commit himself, they can’t make him.” 
Will was not happy with that. How was he supposed to sleep at all knowing Ben was like this? Even if he didn’t try to kill himself, he was clearly as a low point to be drinking so much. Fucking Alice. He knew she was a bad idea.
“He say why they broke up?”
“No, but my guess is that she’s a fucking cunt.”
Oh. “You wanna tell me why you hate her?” Lorelei coaxed his head to lay on her shoulder and he was too tired to fight it. 5 months pregnant, she was not comfortable in the shitty hospital chair, but Will needed her right now.
“She was awful to him in high school. She fucking lead the crusade on bullying him for being gay. He wasn’t even out yet but… bullies always seem to know. Knew before I did, anyway. I thought they were just being shitty.” He paused to yawn. “He had this friend, Cameron… more than a friend. It was… complicated. In 2003, everything like that was complicated. I don’t know if you remember Matthew Shepperd’s death…”
“I do. Awful.”
She felt Will nod. “Yeah, that was in 98’ and… I don’t know if Ben knew what he was back then, but I remember it having an effect on him. Our dad had some… words to say about it. Ben and him broke out into a fight over it. I wasn’t there but I came home to Ben with a split lip, just like today. He iced it with a beer can. I remember thinking I was going to spend the rest of my life trying to keep him alive… Anyway, I think the Matthew Shepperd case scared Ben real bad, so when him and Cameron started, I dunno, seeing each other, he got real secretive about it. Didn’t even tell me, and he told me everything, I thought.”
“What happened to Cameron?”
“He turned 18. He was working on the farm nearly full time. Was good at what he did, too. My dad liked him more than me and Ben” He chuckled slightly. “He wouldn’t if he knew what they were doing on the barn roof, but that’s neither here nor there. Cameron had a pretty shitty home life so when he graduated he was supposed to move into the barnhouse and work for my dad, then when Ben graduated they were going to announce they were together and leave. I didn’t know that last part for years. All I knew was the day Cameron was supposed to come, he never showed. The next day Ben went to his grandparents- who he was living with- and checked on him, they said he left home. Just up and left. It was the first time since middle school I’d seen Ben cry. Was up half the night tryna make sure he didn’t do anything to himself.” Will sighed. “He didn’t have another long term partner until Alice.”
“Why would Ben be with her if she bullied him?”
Will shrugged. He never understood Ben. Never pretended too. “Ben see’s the best in people. Our leader on Delta, Tom, he was an asshole… Ben loved him though, thought of him like a dad. And Santi… before Laci, Santi wasn’t always the nicest. Ben had a crush on Santi too.”
He could feel her laugh. “What is it about Santi that’s got everyone wrapped around their finger.”
He laughed back. “I dunno, he’s certainly not my type.” Will could feel himself drifting to sleep. He tried to stay awake. Ben needed him… but Lorelei’s touch was soothing.
“And just what is your type, William?”
He couldn’t help it. He was so fucking tired, so exhausted, he couldn’t think straight. He wished he could tell her, make her know how much he loved her, how badly he wanted to be with her… his hand reached to caress her stomach with the back of his hand, feeling where his daughter, his Chloe, was growing in the safety of the woman he loved. “Pretty, short, hot tempered brunettes, apparently.”
He couldn’t see her facial expression, or feel her body language, but he could hear her soft voice as she wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his shoulder. “Sleep, handsome. Get some rest.”
“But Ben-”
“I’ll watch Ben. You just get some sleep.”
And sleep he did.
I'm well aware Im writing this for like. 4 people only but I DONT CARE. Lorelei is so precious to me and I will see her through! She deserves a happy life with Will and her baby
A lil bit of a confession?!?!?! either way, Lorelei is able to show up for will and her new family <3
she loves them <3 and poor benny boo...
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
21 notes · View notes
romanarose · 9 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 8 part 1
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: It's time for the charity ball... things are never easy.
Warnings: So much drama. Lorelei is pregnancy horny. Alice is causing problems with everyone, talk of Jana's addiction, Alice being a massive bitch. Emotional abuse, pinching (its not fun and cute), shaming eating and weight gain, slut shaming. Lorelei's emotional unavailability, Will lack of focus.
A/N: This and the next one were supposed to be one, but then i got to this end and im like.... so much happens already. Gotta spread this out. So, we got this chapter, then 2 more, then the grand finale with the Garcia-Dumas wedding.
It was a little tense in the room, to say the least.
A month after Benny’s “it wasn’t a suicide attempt! I handled a break up and my dads death and losing my best friend a very normal amount!”, Benny stayed in rotation with the guys. With Lorelei living in what used to be Ben’s room and Laci and Santi having a foster child for a week, the first week was going to be staying with Frankie and Jana. It went great for a total of 2 days before he got back together with Alice. Laci didn’t even have a chance to talk to him alone yet.
It was the fundraiser ball in the city, all 4 of the guys renting rooms next to each other in a hotel so no one had to worry about driving, and Jana had begged and pleaded for this to be a whole getaway. Rosie, their 3 year old they adored, was… three. And a lot. Jana’s brother offered to take her for a weekend so her and Frankie could rest. 
The guys were getting ready in Frankie’s suite room which was connected to Santi’s by a door. The Miller boy’s rooms were connected by a door too that would remain unlocked since Ben was likely going to be drinking and Will couldn’t trust Alice to take care of him properly.
Yes, Alice was getting ready with the rest of them. Initially, Lorelei and Jana said a hard and fast NO. Lorelei knew she couldn’t exactly blame Alice for Ben almost dying in Will’s arms, but the sight of Will crying, holding his baby brother’s limp body was something that haunted her. Between that, her treatment of Laci and forcing Ben to pretty much cut her off, knowing she bullied Ben so severely and was homophobic, she wanted her out of their lives. However, it was the point about Ben and Laci that convinced them to allow her in. Laci cried and begged for Alice to be able to get ready with them, because Laci though if she was just nice enough, was just friendly and welcoming enough to Alice, she could have her best friend back. Ben was still going to be her man of honor at her wedding. 
Alice had said yes, Ben can be in the room while Jana and Laci get ready, but they have to change separately, of course, and Laci couldn’t be alone with Ben, Jana or one of the guys had to be there. As if Laci would ever cheat on Santi, nonetheless on their wedding. Stupid. Laci didn’t want to lose her best man, and she hoped to get pregnant on the wedding night and hope Ben would be an uncle to the child the way he was to Rose.
So, she was here. 
Laci was having a little trouble with her hair. When she was taken, she lost a lot of hair from starvation, and in the last year it began to grow back with Santi’s gentle and through care for her nutrition and health. This left her with regrowth, and complicated hair.
“Can I help you?” Lorelei offered. Lorelei’s hair was already done, having left it in heatless curlers all day and only needed a touch up to create Veronica Lake peek-a-boo bangs.
Laci enthusiastically agreed, smiling as Lorelei pulled her hair back, creating a loose updo with her pre-curled hair, being sure to cover up her scar as best she could per Laci’s request. 
“You’re good at this.” Laci complimented. 
“Thank you, I love beauty. Do you know what you’re doing for the wedding?”
Laci smiled at the mention of the wedding in little more than a month. “Kinda. I think I’m gonna just do soft waves. Everything is pretty casual, honestly. Backyard wedding and all. My usual hair stylist, Bre, she’s gonna actually be at the wedding so I don’t want her to have to worry about anything enjoying the day.”
“I can do your hair. Make-up too if you want.”
She smiled even brighter. “Really? You’re so good at makeup and hair, I’d love it!”
“Of course. I enjoy it, no trouble at all.”
Laci and Lorelei talked hair and make-up options, Laci still wanting to keep things pretty simple, but Lorelei mentioned extensions since Laci wanted length. 
“I’m gonna cut it again after the wedding. I really prefer it short much shorter, you know how it was when I first met you last year?”
Alice spoke from where she was applying lipstick. “What does Santi like?”
“Hm?” Laci turned to her, looking nervous but smiling. Lorelei and Jana looked at each other. 
“Like, does he like your hair short? I that why you cut it?”
“Oh, no, that’s not- I cut it short last year and I just like it so much better.”
“But what does Santi like?”
Jana answered for her. “It doesn’t fucking matter what Santi likes, it’s here hair.”
“But that’s her fiance”
“I never asked…”
“He can’t keep his hands to himself for two seconds no matter what she looks like, she’s fine.”
Alice seemed to be considering her next words. “You’re right, I’m sure he loves you even if he doesn't like your hair.”
Oh for fucks sake.
Jana sighed, standing up and shaking her head before walking to the door connecting her room with the guys and knocking. “Are you all decent, cielo? I need my setting spray.”
Alice was not done causing problems. “Can you put on a robe?”
Jana paused, slowly turning around. Lorelei glanced at Laci, clearly tense, but there was no stopping a pissed off Jana. “Huh?”
“I mean, you’re in your underwear.” Alice gestured at Jana. She was wearing shorts and a sports bra. Her usual clothes minus and unbuttoned shirt. “It’s kinda disrespectful” She looked to Laci. “I doubt Laci wants you walking around like that in front of her fiance.”
Laci whispered something about trusting Santi, but no one was listening. Jana was facing away from the door as it opened, all 4 of the guys listening in at the argument. 
“I have known these men,” she threw a thumb back “for 15 years. Laci does not care about how I dress around Santi because we fucking served together, you think we havn’t seen each other in our underwear? I saw his dick once, against my fucking will because the dumbass didn’t lock the door. We are waaaaayyyy past them seeing me in shorts, and I have whipped a tit out to breastfeed in front of every single one of them. All of them.” She turned around, pointing at Will. “You’ve seen my nipples, right?”
Will blushed, avoiding anyone's eyes but had a small smile on his face. He loved Jana’s crazy. “Yes ma’am”
Jana turned back, “If I wanted to fuck then, I’d have fucked them by now.”
But Alice wasn’t dropping it. “I just think you could dress less…”
“Less what?”
Frankie had been standing aside, knowing Jana preferred to handle things herself in contrast to Laci liking Santi’s fierce protection, but he drew the line at insults at her. “Hey, that’s enough.”
Jana simply held out a hand, stopping her boyfriend. There was a deadly silence for a moment. Jana was a little hotheaded, but as a mature and educated adult she thought through her words. “Yes, I am a slut, Alice.” She started. “I’ve slept with dozens of men and women, and I’m not ashamed of that, I refuse to be ashamed of something that didn’t hurt anyone when I was single. But Frankie is my boyfriend, and he will be my husband. I am completely loyal to him, and only him, and he trusts me. And I trust him. I can be alone with Santi just like he can be alone with Laci, a trust you don’t afford Ben.”
“It’s a respect thing, Jana. Ben respects me enough to listen. You clearly don’t respect me or Frankie if-”
Jana dropped her shorts to the floor, exposing cheetah print underwear. Kicking them away, she walked right into the boys room to grab her setting spray. Laci and Santi’s eyes connected after both checking her ass out. It was a great ass, they could not lie. Jana got her spray, kissed Frankie with an open mouth kiss and tongue, and walked back into the room to change into her dress.
Alice shut her mouth.
When the door shut, effectively leaving the surprised men separated from the girls and their conflicts again, Frankie took off his ballcap and began smacking Santi.
“OW! What the hell, Fish!” Santi whined.
“Fuck you doing looking at her ass!” He said, beating his friend.
“I’m sorry! It’s not my fault she’s-”
“Don’t say it!”
“Will looked too!” Santi pointed to Will, throwing his friend under the bus.
Frankie paused, slowly turning to Will who held up his hands, laughing “Hey man, I can’t lie, I did look.”
“If we’re being honest…” Ben chimed in. “I might have taken a peak.”
Frankie groaned and scrubbed his face.
Santi patted his back. “Sorry you have a hot girlfriend, I guess.”
That did not comfort him.
When the guys went back to geting dressed, teasing Frankie, something caught Will’s eye when Benny peeled off his shirt.
“Jesus, Ben! What the hell is that!” Will stands up, and Ben tries to pull down his shirt again, Will catches it. On his side was a big purple bruise right at the bottom of his rib cage.
Frankie whistles lowly. “Fuck, Benjamin, where the hell you get that?”
Ben yanked his shirt down. “Leave me alone! It was from the fight I got my black eyes?”
Will’s eyebrow raised at that. “You said you hit your eye falling into the counter.”
“Yeah, um, I hit the counter too.” He was avoiding Will’s eyes, but caught Santi’s. As Will railed at him and prodded and asked question, Ben tuned him out, only looking at Santi. Santiago, someone he admired so intensely, someone he loved, someone, for a period of time, Ben thought he could have a future with… But that, like his plans with Cam, never panned out. He had Alice now, and that’s what he deserved. 
Ben stormed off to the bathroom where he finished dressing.
Will moved to go after him, but Frankie put a hand on his chest. “Not now, man.”
Frankie shook his head. “Leave it for another day. We got a nice night ahead of us with beautiful women and each other, okay? Remember what you want to do tonight. You can talk to him later.”
Will watched his brother walk into the bathroom, not looking like himself. He was sadder, thinner, drinking more… Ben had always been a struggle to keep alive but this was really beginning to scare him. Will didn’t believe Ben when he said he hadn’t tried to kill himself… but Frank was right. Another time.
Tonight, he had Lorelei… and Lorelei  was absolutely stunning.
As he looked at her when she and the other women were ready, Will felt like he would propose right there. She wore a red dress, off the shoulder covering part of her floral half-sleeve, her 6 month baby bump prominent and she was positively glowing. It wasn’t just the baby, though. Will could not be more happy to be having a child, yes, but there was so much more. William absolutely adored her. Before they knew they were pregnant, Will had admired her. She, from the very beginning, had absolutely no problem holding her own against him. She was incredibly bright, smart as a damn whip and a mouth to match it and fearless. When Tyler slapped her, Will would not have held it against her one bit if she had cried, but she punched him hard enough she busted her knuckles, knocking out a tooth. 
Still, within all this was her fierce sense of right and wrong, her protection of those who need help, her self sacrifice. Will was a goner the day he met her. When Will first saw her in the hospital, working overnight in an ER looking that the prettiest damn thing he’d seen in his life and running the floor, he thought she was stunning, so in her element. The thing that made him fall, however, was the way she cared for Laci that won him over. When she thought that maybe, just maybe Will or Ben had hurt her, and the way she walked right past him and spoke to Laci with such assured kindness, it was over for him. Lorelei was kind, she could be gentle although sometimes her temper got her and she had a tendency to close off.
The thing was, Will didn’t love Lorelei in inspite of the moments she was assertive, loud, or head strong. He loved the way her heart her head and her strength were together, her most shining movements were when her empathy and bravery worked hand in hand, like when she possibly saved Ben’s life. Lorelei was not afraid if hurting Will’s feelings when she pushed him aside and instructed him to bend his brother over, she was not afraid like Will was of germs and shoved her fingers down his throat. Although he was too busy at the time thinking he was holding his dying brother, when Will reflects back on that night, he was in awe of her.
There was a time, yes, that she was rude, she was hurtful, she could be abrasive, but Will didn’t want to change her. He simply hoped to give her new perspectives. For months, Lore made small comments like she was the smartest one in the room at all times. Instead of telling her she wasn’t (Will thought she absolutely was) he told her that him and the guys weren’t just dumb military men and the girls were both educated. Since then, she’s never acted conceited in her brains, just self-assured.
Will didn’t want to change her, he didn’t want to quiet her or dampen her energy. He loved her in all the ways she was not in spite of them.
“Lore…” He whispered, desperate to touch her, to kiss her, but he wouldn’t cross her boundaries. “You look gorgeous, like a 50s red carpet starlet.”
Lorelei’s pendget for the classics translated to her sense of style, her luxurious black hair in barrel curls, red lips matching the dress.
“You look incredible too, William.” Will was dressed up in a red crushed velvet tuxedo to match her. As the main organizer for the event, Will would be introducing a few speakers, including Jana, and running the bid for the auction, so Lorelei wanted him to shine, bring out his stunning features, so she encouraged him into the red suit. 
She wanted to rip it off him and bounce on his di- fuck, pregnancy hormones.
The night went swimmingly. Dinner was delicious and the items from the silent auction were so far doing well. The benefit of the Miller boys being locals, they knew a lot of businesses and were able to get a lot of donations for the shelter that Jana and Laci worked at, where Will had chosen to raise money for this year. 
“And now, to present on the work that Women’s and Children’s Horizon’s has been doing,” Will spoke at the podium. “Is a social worker at Horizons for the last 10 years, and my close friend, Jana Fernandez.”
Frankie stood to pull out Jana’s chair and stood at the steps to held her up, Will’s hand waiting for her to assist in the rest of the way up. Jana wore a dusty rose pink dress with a slit up the tight, the neckline hanging loose around her chest. Her hair was slicked back into a tight ponytail with her long curls poofing out. It was no wonder she got hit on everywhere she went. Usually, during the day, Jana wore business casual clothes and comfortable shoes, given that she has to walk around a fair amount, so when Jana gets dressed up, she loves wearing strappy and very high heels, today though, Lorelei noticed she was in gold ballet flats that matched her gold jewelry.
Jana, like Will, was good with words, although Lorelei thought no one matched his ability for public speaking. She was biased though. When she watched him up, there, so broad and assured and in his element, it made her want to just drop to her knees right there and suck- god dammit.
Open and honest as ever, Jana spoke candidly about suffering through addiction to cocaine and the work her shelter does with addiction as well as victims of domestic violence. Laci gave permission for Jana to talk about how, although she did not need shelter as she lived with Santi, Horizons helped connect her to group therapy and re-employment after she was rescued from sex-trafficking. Santi held Laci close during that. Finally, Jana talked about plans to open a youth shelter in the abandoned building a block away from theirs, and the money raised tonight would go towards creating this youth shelter.
With a loud round of applause, Jana made her exit, Frankie just straight up scaled the steps in order to wrap an arm around her as they walked down. Lorelei noted Frankie was quite protective today, giving Jana the same princess treatment Santi gave Laci.
“Now, Jana here is being modest, but she has had an active part in the development and planning for the youth shelter, and not only will she be heading the LGBTQ youth outreach and suicide prevention initiative, but will be the director of the entire youth building once renovations are complete, so let’s get another round of applause for Ms. Fernandez!”
“Jana!” Laci jumped up to meet her friend, quickly followed by Santi, Ben, and Lorelei for a group hug. Alice hung back. “Why didn’t you tell me! This is amazing!”
Jana was beaming. “Well, it’s contingent on me finishing my Doctorate, that’s why. Being a director isn’t exactly set in stone, but the LBGT youth outreach is” 
“Wait, you’re going back to school?”
She nodded. “Yup, this August. Only had a semester left when I had to drop out.”
Jana had to drop out because she failed out of her last semester having been introduced to coke at a party. Things escalated and her and Frankie were in a whirlwind of horny puppy love and heavy drinking, she couldn’t continue. Her doctorate program was letting her pick up where she left off.
Santi pulled her in for a tight hug. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Jan-Jan. You massive pain in my ass.”
As they sat, everyone continued asking questions.
“What’s your concentration going to be?” Ben asked.
“Before I failed out-”
“Decided to leave for your mental health,” Frankie tried to correct.
“I failed out due to addiction,” Jana said with emphasis as Will began the auction. “I wa studying LGBT homelessness specifically, but my focus is LGBT issues in general.”
Everyone heard when Alice huffed.
“Got something to say, Alice?” Jana challenged, every strong but Lorelei could recognize the hurt in her eyes at the dampening of Jana’s big announcement. No one was immune to hurt feelings.
“I dunno, you gonna show the room your underwear ag-” She stopped when Lorelei’s hand tightly gripped her arm.
Lore leaned in, dropping her voice so only Alice could hear, but standing firm. “You shut your fucking mouth, or I swear to god, I will make your life miserable.” Lorelei had no idea how she was going to follow through with that threat, pregnant and 5’3, but she sounded serious enough that Alice went quiet.
Benny filled the silence, steering the conversation away from Jana’s concentration and asking about her plans for the center. Jana talked excitedly as Frankie rested his chin on his hand, gazing at her adoringly, him Ben and Santi occasionally bidding on items.
Lorelei couldn’t believe what she had just heard; Laci stood up for herself.
Alice had asked, clearly trying to pick a fight with Laci, if all the women weren’t dating the men, who they would sleep with, and when Laci said she wasn’t sure this game was a good idea, Alice pushed her
“Yeah, I sure you would be against this”
“Well, it’s not Ben, despite what you think.” And she glared at her. Lacina Dumas glared at someone. Unheard of. 
“Well, who would it be, then?”
Lorelei asked. “Will, I assume?”
Laci bawked at her. “What makes you assume that!”
“Relax, hun! I’m not mad, it’s just you seem to be very close to him.”
“I love all of them, equally!”
Jana chimed in. “We know, bicho, but if you were going to sleep with one of them-”
“I’d sleep with my fiance!”
Jana smacked her head. “Other than Santito.”
She seemed get it now, blushing hard but answering. “Well, it’s not Will.” She said firmly.
“Oh?” Lore laughed. “And why not?”
“It’s nothing bad!” Laci was quick to assure. “He’s very handsome, I love him a lot-”
“Sweetheart, we’re not dating, you don’t sure act like you just insulted my boyfriend.”
“Sure…” Laci didn’t seem like she believed her, and looked at the table. “It’s just that… well you know… Will is a very tall guy…”
“He is…”
“And he’s very… broad…”
Laci shifted in her seat, smiling an embarrassed smile. “I just… I think it would be more… comfortable with Frankie.” She laughed a little.
Jana got what she was going for “OH! You’re afraid his dick is too big.”
Laci burst into giggles, hiding her face. “Shut up!” But she was kicking her feet, a sure sign of Laci happiness.
The girls all laughed with her. “One issue though, Lace. Frankie’s bigger.” All eyes went to Jana now. “Listen! I havn’t seen anyone but my loving boyfriends and unfortunately, Santi’s that one time, but when they get drunk, they talk a lot and in their 20’s they all decided to tell me their dick sizes on scale… I might have asked.”
“Okay! Will, definitely Will. And what about you, Miss Dick Expert” She poked at her friend.
“Will, hands down Will.”
Alice raised an eyebrow. “Really? I’d have assumed Santi, seeing as you’ve known him the longest.”
Jana made a gagging noise. “Sorry Lace. Look, Santiago is a good looking guy, I won’t deny it. Hell, I’ve made out with him. Almost fucked him.”
This earned a confused look from both Lorelei and Alice. 
“BEFORE Frankie. Santi introduced us, actually, but we met because he asked me on a date. We made out but it felt like kissing my brother, he said it felt like kissing his sister. Been a pain in my ass ever since. Besides, I’ve known Will just as long, Santi just shoves his tongue down the throat of every girl he meets.”
Lorelei noticed a slight shift in Laci’s energy, seeming less comfortable, so Lorelei changed the subject and went next with explicit plans to piss off Alice. “Well, I would sleep with Ben.” 
Alice’s head whipped to the right, suddenly with pursed lips and a pinched eyebrow. “What?”
“Yeah.” She said smugly with a shrug. “He’s hot, a foot taller than me, nice guy. Ben patching that boy up long enough, I think I know his body.”
Lorelei’s face set in a challenge, ready to take on whatever Alice threw, but instead, Alice face shifted to Laci.
“I’d fuck Santi.” She said, Laci’s discomfort clearly growing. “Yeah, guy like that I think deserves to have some real freak sex. Think he’d be down for a threesome? You can watch-”
“Please stop” Laci whispered. 
She didn’t. “-if you want, but I’d assume Santi has a lot of experience with threesomes anyway between him Frankie and Jana-”
Jana attempted to say she’d never had a threesome with Santi and Frankie, but between that and Lorelei yelling at her to stop, Laci was experiencing sensory over-load induced anxiety as Alice continued.
“But honestly, I think he’d be happy just to spice things up a bit. I mean, I don’t want to assume, but I don’t think someone with your history is very experimental, I bet he gets really bored with-”
Santiago was at Laci’s side, hand on her back. “Hi baby, wanna come with me?” Carefully Santi guided her away as the guys approached. 
Will placed a hand on Lorelei’s shoulder, “Come on, you gotta check out the cheese plate, it’s amazing.” A strange thing to say since Will would never eat public finger food. Once they made their way to the table, Ben and Alice trailing behind them, Will whispered. “What the hell was that?”
Lore sighed, helping herself to a few shrimp and cocktail sauce. “Alice was being a bitch and taunting Laci, saying she’d fuck Santi and that he’s probably had a threesome with Jana and Frankie.”
His mouth gaped open. “What?!?” He pointed to the shrimp. “Aren’t you not supposed to have seafood?”
“I’m not supposed to stuff my face with seafood, William. A few shrimp is harmless.” Will backed down, trusting she knows what she’s talking about. Lore continued with a shrimp in her mouth. “In her defense, I may have been taunting her saying I’d sleep with Ben.” She watched Will’s face become even more confused. “Not actually! She asked if we weren't with you guys, which one of you we’d sleep with. She was being a bitch so I lied and said Ben.”
Will’s feathers were slightly less ruffled. “Oh. So, you wouldn’t sleep with my brother?”
“No.” She rolled her eyes with a smile. “He’s like a child to me. Besides.” Lorelei reached for some cheese and sausage, side eyeing Will as she teased him. “If it was a choice, it’d be Frankie?”
“Frankie?” He bellowed a laugh. “Lore I love you but you’d make that man cry.”
Will tried not to think about the fact he had just said he loved her. He said he loved Laci and Jana and Santi and his gramps all the time, right? He tried not to think about the fact she said ‘if we weren’t with you guys.’
As he and Lore stayed by the snack table hanging out and giggling, laughing at certain fashion choices and drunken behaviors. Will pulled up a chair for her when it was clear Lorelei did not want to pull away from the snacks. Lorelei ate through the pregnancy, and he relieved her that she wasn’t throwing it up, but still it was nice to see her indulging. 
“Do you really need to be eating that?” 
Alice’s voice carried over to them, drawing both their eyes to where the couple bickered, not knowing they had an audience. 
“C’mon, it’s one damn muffin.”
“It was ‘one damn muffin’ last week too. That’s why you’re losing your fights.”
“I’m losing my fights because you stress me out before every one!”
“It’s not my fault you’re such a fucking baby, Ben. Jesus Christ, what kind of man cries during a fight?”
Lorelei and Will look at each other, Lorelei noting his fuming anger but taking the opportunity to hear their conversations when they thought they were alone, a rare look into their relationship
“Alice, I don’t wanna talk about this here.”
“All I said was you needed to shape up.”
“You said I didn’t look as good with a shirt off as we first started dating.”
“Yeah, because you got this” Alice pinched his stomach, and that was Will’s last straw.
“Hey!” Will stood up and strode his long legs over to Ben, leaving Lorelei to hobble up by herself, grumbling.
Alice rolled her eyes. “Here we go.”
The three of them bickered back and forth, Ben telling Will to stay out of it, Will telling her to keep her hands off Ben, Alice saying it was a playful pinch and to relax.
“Eat the muffin, Ben.” Will deadpanned looking at his baby brother.
“I don’t really wanna anymore.”
“Eat the fucking muffin, Ben. You know what your body needs more than she does.”
Ben groaned. “Yeah, and it doesn’t need a fucking muffin.”
Lorelei warned Will to stop, Alice told Ben not to do it, but this was between the Millers. 
“Ben. Eat the goddamn muffin.”
Red faced and embarrassed, Benny caved and popped the small muffin in his mouth, chewing it before he swallowed. 
The tension remain in the air, but with no where to go. Ben mumbled something about using the bathroom and Alice said she needed a drink, leaving Will with his rage.
“Will.” Lorelei touched him arm. “You gotta relax, honey.”
To her surprise, however, Will stepped away from her. “Lore, I need you to give me a bit of space right now.”
She reached for him, “Will-”
He held a hand up, eyes pinched closed. “Princess, I love you, but I need a moment. Put all these thousands of dollars of therapy to use.” Will spoke through gritted teeth, but the smallest of smiles.
Lorelei understood now. She had seen him do his calming exercises before on a small scale, but right now he was shaking with rage. It took several minutes as Will breathed, flexing and unflexing his hands and his body relaxed, easing down until he opened his eyes again.
“Sorry” He muttered, going to get a glass of water.
“Don’t be.” She whispered, holding out a hand for him if he was ready this time. He took it. “I’m so, so proud of you.”
Laci’s squeal across the room drew their attention as the opening notes of Leather and Lace started, and Santiago and her giggled as they ran out to the dance floor with big smiles.
“That’s their song.” Will explained as he stood up, holding out a hand. “Can I have this dance?”
Lorelei smiled, taking his hand as he helped her up. “I’d love to, William.”
They danced together, Ben and Alice apparently patching things up and dancing with her head on his chest. Over at their table, Jana was resting with her feet shoeless on Frankie’s lap, smiling adoringly at her boyfriend as he massaged her feet.
Laci and Santi laughed and smiled, Santi occasionally picking her up off the ground to spin her around, Laci’s head hanging back with a broad smile. Santi must have been practicing on his dancing.
“I’m glad to see them happy.” Lorelei said, her hand having to reach high for Will’s shoulder.
Will sounded concerned. “Yeah, they’re having a bit of a rough patch…”
“They’ll be okay.” She assured him.
“Yeah, I know. They love each other too much to give up.”
Lorelei took the dance to be close with him, to feel herself being held as she carried their daughter. She loved these moments, this closeness, the calmness he felt in her. Despite the chaos of today, all that disappeared with him.
She loved him, she loved him so fucking much it hurt sometimes, she loved his fierce protection of his family, she loved his gentleness, and she loved the feeling of calm he brought her. Most of all, she loved the joy. Lorelei could hang out with him for hours and hours and hours, sometimes talking and sometimes in silence, sometimes touching, sometimes separate when everything was too much. She was relaxed with him in a way she never felt with any man or family before. Everything with Will came easy except actually committing. 
He was so different, so, so much better but the walls that were built up by her dad, step-dad, and boyfriends were high. And right now? She was tired. It had been a long night, lots of fun, lots of beauty, exciting announcement for Jana but there had been a lot of drama and she was exhausted.
“What the hell?” Will muttered, looking at his brother.
Lorelei sighed. She was tired. “Will, don’t-”
But it was too late, Will abandoned her on the dance floor, running off to confront Ben and Alice about something she was too tired to deal with right now. Her feet hurt, her arms felt heavy as they dropped to her side, disappointed at the loss of her time with him. Lorelei wondered if she and Chloe would always be playing second fiddle to Ben.
Frankie picked up her hands, guiding them to his shoulders and placing his own respectfully on her shoulders as well.
“Thank you.” She whispered, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
“I might now know a lot, but I’ve watched enough period pieces to know not to leave a lady on the dance floor.”
Everything was so overwhelming right now, the pregnancy, her feelings for Will, everything with Ben who she very much loved… her eyes welled up with tears and her red lips quivered.
“Oh, hey now, c’mere Lorelei.” Frankie gently guided her head to his chest, but met slight resistance.
“M’make-up…” She mumbled, not wanting to ruin his nice white suit. 
He didn’t push her head, taking a moment to caress her hair. “S’alright, just let it out. I’ll take off the suit top later.”
She wanted to say no, but she didn’t have it in her to fight it. Lorelei planted her face right on Fransico’s breast pocket and let it go, full face of make-up and all. Lorelei cried, all her frustration and anger collapsed into Frankie’s comforting hold, the music pausing and fading into something by Tony Bennet, something Lorelei would normally love.
Today, all she could hear was Will, Alice and Ben arguing.
So much has happened, when the next chapter comes out yall will get why it had to be split.
Anyway, more hints into Alice's bullshit
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romanarose · 1 year
For The Longest Time: Chapter 2
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist
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Summary: Will finds out Lorelei is pregnant; Lorelei unexpectedly meets one of Will's friends.
Warnings and Content: Smut, PIV sex, oral fem receiving, mentions of weight. Pregnancy, mentions of abortion/discussing abortion, guns.
A/N: I wanna say, I am white, I am not Asian. I try very hard to make my oc's and characters diverse. I try to do as much research as I can in order to be accurate. If I say anything offensive ever, or incorrect please tell me! I do not have any friends who are Vietnamese but I have a friend of Asian descent whose taken a lot of time studying different Asian cultures who I try to go to when I can. I am not going to be upset if I am corrected.
“Hey Will, watcha watching?”
Will was immediately aware of her change in voice. She spoke much softer… and he turned to her with slightly narrowed eyes. 
“Blue Earth.” He answered. “Thought you were going to bed?”
Lorelei had her robe wrapped around her, intentionally swaying her hips as she walked to him. She knew she looked good like this. Her hair was pitch black and even though she had set it in it’s curls a few days ago, they still held a natural looking loose curl falling around her shoulders. With the slightest make up she had applied earlier (tinted lip balm, bit of blush, the slightest layer of golden eyeshadow to compliment her honey brown skin, and just the most subtle layer of eyeliner) she doubted a man could noticed this. Man always say they like a girl who looks “natural” but have no idea what natural looked like. Lorelei liked to pretend she was above the opinions of men… but she wasn’t.
“Can’t sleep. Can I sit with you?” 
He smiled up at her. “Of course.” He was, however, clearly surprised when she sat down in her skimpy robe riiiiight next to him; thigh to thigh. He swallowed thickly..
She put on her best baby-voice, mimicking all she learned from rewatching Marilyn Monroe movies. “Do you like having me here?” 
He was eyeing her, she wasn’t sure her formerly fool-proof use of seduction was working. “Of course.” A pause. “Do you like being here?”
Lorelei graced him with a rare smile, leaning just a bit more and allowing her eyes to dart to his lips for just a moment. “Very much. I like spending time with you.” She continued trying her sexy voice but it didn’t seem to be working.
Will seemed immune to her. “Why are you talking like that? Are you feeling okay?”
Impossible, this one.
There was a moment when he leaned close that Lorelei thought Will was going to kiss her, but instead he was examining her skin. “Are you- are you wearing make up? Didn’t you go to bed?”
Lorelei dropped all pretense, sighing loudly as she flopped onto the couch. “Oh my god, William, I was trying to seduce you!”
Will sputtered out, choking on air. “Wh-what?” He turned to her in shock. 
“Yeah! You are too fucking nice to notice!”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“When I want to sleep with you, yeah!”
There was a bit of silence as Will considered what she said as Lorelei’s head remained flopped back on the back of the couch.
“Well. You could’ve just asked.”
Lorelei rolled her eyes as she sat up, groaning dramatically. “Oh my GOD!” Frustration, both sexual and with Will, boils over and she lunges in to kiss his neck, moving to straddle Will’s wide body as he pulls her onto his lap. “You are so painfully polite.”
“Well sorry” A suck on her neck. “I’m not jumping into your pants” A swipe of her tongue over forming mark. “Like everyone else.”
She pulled back at that, cocking an eyebrow at him. “Are you calling me a whore?”
Panic swept across his face as he tried to backtrack. “No nononononono I was just trying to be playful-”
“Relax, I’m just teasing.” She laughed, going to undo her robe to reveal the black underwear beneath. “I’m a bit of a whore, it’s okay.” Will went for her lips and she quickly dodged him. “And like a whore, I don’t kiss on the lips.”
The disappointment was evident on Will’s face, but he respected her wishes. “Understood.” Then, he allowed himself to look at the body presented before him. “Goddamn beautiful…” Wrapping his arms firmly around her bottom and lifted her up as he stood, thoroughly impressing Lorelei with his strength. At 5’5, she weighed 170 pounds and to Will, it seemed like nothing.
As he carried her into her bedroom, Lorelei tugged at his shirt and attempted to pull it up but Will stopped her; with one hand he held it down, his other arms carrying her full weight still with her legs wrapped around him. “Shirt stayed on.”
Again with the shirt… he had it on in all pictures, even at beaches or swim days, he never took it off when he worked outside (and boy, was she waiting for it… not that she watched him of course.) But Lorelei new better than to ask. She may be a bit of a bitch, but she wasn’t that much of a bitch. “Alright, seems we both got weird things.”
“Seems like we do.” He went back to walking and she went back to sucking on the pale skin of his neck; oh yeah, that was gonna show. “No kissing, shirt stays on. Couple of weirdos right here.”
With that, Will tossed her on the bed like she was nothing and Lorelei wasted no time taking her underwear off. She was not shy about letting men know what she wanted.
Will was not shy about diving in. 
He crawled up the bed and got right up inside her without another though, hands exploring her body as he lapped at her folds; William Miller knew what he was doing. 
He shoved her bra up and over her tits, reaching under her and unclasping it with one hand. “Take this fucking shit off.”
She did as she was told, happy to let Will take the lead for now. 
His voice softened for a moment as his blue eyes connected with hers, looking up at her over her mound. “Tell if I do anything you don’t like.”
“Yes captain.” She teased him. 
Will knew telling her he had made Captain by the end of his military time was a mistake.
“William,” She panted, hips bucking against his beard. “You’re fucking good at this.”
 “Oh princess, I’m not even trying yet.”
She was about to question what the fuck that meant when Will really picked up pace, tongue fucking her and only pulling back long enough to spit on her pussy before slapping it. 
“That okay?” He eyed her.
“Don’t fucking stop!” Lorelei grabbed his blonde hair, yanking him back down between her legs. He added another finger, furiously fucking her open and swirling his tongue on her clit; ever movement he made was accentuated by a loud smack of his lips, the wet squelch of her cunt being penetrated by his fingers, the scratch of beard against her public hair, all of which brought her gushing on his face, her thick thighs wrapped around his head and squeezing. Somewhere in the back of Lorelei’s head she worried she might hurt him in the way she wrapped her legs around his head so tightly, worried she might suffocate him… but from the way he gripped her thighs and continued to devour her, he seemed happy to die right there between her legs.
When he finally disengaged from her sopping wet pussy, William made his way up her body, licking a thick stripe up her tummy and stopping so suckle on her breast while she came down from her climax. Lorelei could tell Will was planning on fucking her like that, but she had other plans. With a push, she guided her back onto the bed. “I’m on top.”
Will could only smile at her assertion of dominance. “Yes ma’am” But when she began to climb on top, facing away from him, he stopped her. “What are you doing?” 
She was awkwardly half straddled, acutely aware of her asscrack spread open. “I wanna gonna ride you. Like, reverse cowgirl.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed.
“Is that okay?”
Quickly, he regained his composure. “Yeah! Yeah of course, whatever you want to do I just…”
“You juuuuuust?”
He blushed as he smiled nervously. “I just wanted to look at your pretty face is all.”
Well now, how could she resist that? Lorelei turned around, legs spread out around Will’s wide middle, grinding her core over his cock; she could get off just like this.
“You ready for me, big boy?”
“Been ready for you for months.”
Lorelei sunk down on him slowly, only able to take so much stretch at once despite ample preparation. The bed squeaked under her, the plush pillow-top mattress taking pressure of her knees so she could focus on the feel of Will; stretched by him, held by him, taken care off by him… she could get used to this.
But it was one night, she reminded herself. Just once. They weren’t dating, they weren’t in love, they weren’t even going to fuck buddies, just one night to scartch the itch and- OH
“You feel me princess? Your body making room to take me? You feel me up in your stomach?”
Forget her stomach, Lorelei was certain he was hitting her cervix and she was sure if she were to just cockwarm him, she’d cum just like this. “Fuck, Will…” Lorelei began to move, scooting on his pelvis to keep that sweet spot as his hands rested on her hips ever-so gently. “Fuck you’re in deep”
“I know, I know it’s a lot” Somehow, he didn’t sound braggy- just sincere, just very aware of his size and was intent not to harm her. She was going to give him the ride of his life. Lorelei began to bounce on him, hands bunched up in his gray t-shirt to keep ground, feel the way his hands would flex and grip on her skin. 
“You can  squeeze me, it’s okay.” She assured, but he was hesitant.
“Don’t wanna hurt you.”
She placed her hands on his, squeezing his fingers into her own flesh. “I like it.”
The way Will grinned at her as she road him was intoxicating, the slap of skin to skin damn near drowned by their repsective moans. In the past, with many guys Lorelei attempted to fake the sounds of pleasure, giving porn-y, fake sounds that the men just ate up, but there was no need for that with Will; he’d call her out on it anyway. She arched her back and moved to brace her hands on his muscular thighs, approaching her end quickly with the help of Will’s hands on her tits and clit.
“Gonna cum, Lore.” He warned, eyebrows pinched together in pleasure. 
“Cum inside, it’s safe.”
“Yeah? You want me to fill you up?”
Lorelei came as Will did, riding out her orgasm with his name on her lips and hi body shaking beneath her.
“FUCK!” William shouted. “Fuck, thank you, thank you, thank you…”
His spend fully inside her, Lorelei collapsed on top of him and Will took the opportunity to roll on top of her, fucking his cum back inside.
She thought she wasn’t ovulating, so she simply enjoyed the feeling of his cock plugging her up. Lorelei eventually kicked him out, cleaned herself off and immediately hoped he’d pretend it never happened.
Well, that was impossible with a positive pregnancy test in her hands.
Will was busy today, some volunteering duties at the VA and she was supposed to work a double but had begun puking, so they let her out a few hours early. How had she been this stupid? She was a nurse for fucks sack, an educated woman with a masters degree! Lorelei had paced her way out of the bathroom and into the living room, tears in her eyes and her mind racing. What is she going to tell her mom? Is she going to tell Will? Should she have an abortion? She was a single woman pregnant in America, all her family in Philadelphia and it’s not like they’d be much help anyway beside watching the baby… She wasn’t dating the father and she doubted Will wanted a baby. Maybe she should just take care of it and never say a word… 
But… part of her wanted this. She’d wanted a baby for years but life hadn’t granted her a relationship like that; a marriage. She wouldn’t even know what a healthy relationship looked like, her parents certainly weren’t the answer. She wanted a baby… but she wouldn’t do it alone. What did Will want? How was she going to tell him?
Well, she didn’t really have too. 
Will came home unexpectedly, looking in shock as he took in the scene before him. Lorelei in the living room, crying, holding a pregnancy test
They stood there for a long while, just staring… just looking at each other… before Will spoke.
“Is it mine?”
Lorelei nodded.
“Is that all you have to say?”
“Are you keeping it?”
“I don’t know…” Lorelei watched him, trying to read his face but Will was good at masking; the military will do that to a man. “What do you want?”
“Oh… um… it’s not really my choice, is it?”
She rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not, but I’m asking for your opinion.”
“I don’t… I don’t want to make this choice for you, it’s your body-”
 “I know! I know it’s my body but I want to know what you want!” Why was she yelling? She didn’t really know, but she was frustrated. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I just… I think… maybe if you also want to, and it’s okay, and I’d pay-”
“I’d like to keep it.”
He wanted to have the baby?
“And you’d… be involved?”
Horror spread across his features. “Oh god yes, I wouldn’t just leave. Never.”
She wanted to believe him… Will was a stand up guy, but she never could get past her feelings of distrust. “And if I don’t want the baby, would you raise it on your own?”
“Lore, I wouldn’t force you to give birth-”
He sighed. “If it’s something you always wanted… Yes, I’d take the baby if you didn’t want to be involved.” 
Lorelei had no intention of giving birth to a child and never seeing it… but she needed to gauge Will. He was willing to be a single father… could you trust him not to run out on her and the baby like her own father had?
“Lore, listen, I’m sorry but I was running home to grab something for the benefit, they need it… I just need to drop it off so the auction can go as planned and I’ll be back, okay?”
Disappointment clouded her face. “Really Will? I just told you I’m pregnant and you have to leave?” Her voice cracked at the end… but Will had obligations.
“20 minutes, 30 tops. The grilled stopped working so I have to bring mine.” Will scrubbed his face. “I’m sorry but it’s a charity auction and-”
Will. Oh Will. Him and his charity work… how could she be mad about that? “Okay, go, I’ll be here.”
Will moved to the sliding glass door. “30 minuets.”
“30 minutes.”
It took 10 before Lorele heard the door open, and she began to step out of her room when she saw who was there; and it wasn’t Will. The man was short, tan skin, dark curls and a gray and black beard starting to grow in on his face. Thinking fast, Lorelei went to her bedside drawer, pushed past her verity of self toys and grabbed the gun before sneaking back to the bedroom door, ready to tell the intruder to put his hands up when she was face-to-face with a gun herself.
“Don’t fucking move.”
Lorelei scoffed. “You’re not the only armed one here.” Their guns were both pointed and cocked at each other, and Lorelei was not afraid to fire.  
He was not impressed. “Who are you and why are you here.”
The audacity. “I live here, who the fuck are you?”
The man actually laughed at her. He laughed at her! “Nice try, carino, but I know whose house this is, and it’s not yours.”
Did he know Will? If he did, why was he intruding, and how did he get inside? She narrowed her eyes. “What’s your name?”
He hesitated, but gave it to her. “Santiago Garcia. Yours?”
“Lorelei” He didn’t need her last name. “That’s a point in your favor, I recognize the name.” One of Will’s military friends. Lorelei glanced over to the pictures on the wall where she knew Santi’s picture was and he looked quite different from the man in front of her… did a beard and grown out hair make him look that different? 
“Well’s it’s not a point in your favor because I’ve never heard that name in my life.” 
That caused Lorelei’s head to whip in his direction. “What?” Will didn’t mention her?
“How about you lower your gun.”
“Lower yours.”
“You know who I am now!”
Christ, this man was irritating. “But I don’t know why you’re here. Apparently you thought the house was empty, odd time to be coming over for a visit when you haven't been here in two months.”
Santiago narrowed his eyes. “You’ve lived here two months?” He shook his head. “I came to borrow his power drill.”
A scoff. “To build the barbie dream house”
She rolled her eyes right back.
“And how did you get in?”
“I have his security information and he has mine.”
Lorelei was tired of him.  “Call Will.”
“Are you gonna shoot me if I go in my pocket?”
“You already have for fucking gun out, what am I worried about, a garade?”
Santiago didn’t seem impressed with her either, but reached in his pocket, dialed Will and put it on speaker.
‘What’s up?’
“I’m at your house.”
‘Why are you- oh fuck, Santi, now’s not the best time-’
“Are you aware there's a girl here?”
Lorelei interjected.
“I’m not a girl, I’m a grown ass woman!”
Santiago made the closed mouth sign with his hands, and Lorelei debated kicking him in the balls. 
‘Pope I’m on my way back just stay there, I can explain-’
“Are you aware she has a gun?”
“Yeah we’re in a bit of a stand off right now-”
‘What are you-’ Will pulled up his in home camera’s ‘FOR FUCKS SAKE SANTI PUT THE GUN DOWN SHE’S PREGNANT!’
Santi and Lorelei locked eyes and slowly lowered their fire arms.
‘Jesus Pope you just bring a gun to my house?’
“I always have a gun.”
“You know damn well why.”
‘It’s been 3 years, no one is going to- oh my god, never mind, I’m walking in.’
As he said, Will walked through the door, grabbing Santi and yanking him away from Lorelei. “What the hell is wrong with you!”
Santiago sounded indigent. “Me?! You’ve had a girlfriend for 2 months and you haven't told us?”
Lorelei interjected. “Not his girlfriend.”
“Oh-ho-ho, so the block thickens!”
Will smacked him. “She’s my roommate”
“Apparently a little more” Santi wiggled his eyebrows and Lorelei broke down crying, hating herself for this disgusting display of weakness.
Will wrapped his arms around her but she shrugged him off. “We found out today, Santiago, so can you give us some space?”
Santiago clearly felt a little bad. Will had mentioned he and his fiance were hoping for children right after marriage so maybe he had a connection. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll… I’ll go. Fuck, sorry.” 
Will moved Santiago to the pantry, handing him the power drill. “Sorry, I forgot you were coming over…” Lorelei realized Will probably thought the house would be empty for Santi, but she had come home sick. “Listen, you can’t tell the others about this, including Laci.”
A small tsk and Santi spoke quieter. “I don’t know if I’m comfortable lying to Laci.”
“You aren’t lying, just… just wait a little and let us do this on our own time.”
“But she and I don’t-”
“Santi, we aren’t sure if we’re keeping it, and if you tell Laci, she’ll tell Ben and then the whole fucking town will know.”
He stopped, mouth shifting as he debated keeping a secret from his fiance. “Fine, but I can’t promise to keep it from her for long, okay? Can I tell her about Lorelei?”
Lorelei interjected. “Can you stop talking about me and my fetus like I’m not right here?”
Both men turned to her but Will spoke. “Well, you answer him, then.”
Everything that had been boiling up inside for the last few hours was ready to explode. She was frustrated, she was pregnant, she found out Will’s friends don’t know who she is… oh and she had a gun pointed at her. “Will, up until 15 minutes ago I didn’t know I was your dirty little secret so I don’t fucking care what he says.” She turns to Santi. “Tell your little girlfriend I’m pregnant, if you gotta tell her I had an abortion next month, that’s your fucking problem, not mine.” Back to Will. “I want him and his gun out of this house, and I want you to leave me alone for an hour minimum before you talk to me about this shit again.”
With that, and with echoes of Will insisting she wasn’t a secret, Lorelei stormed into the bathroom to take a long ass bath.
Will keeping her a secret.... what are we thinking about that???
If you've read the other series, you might be able to guess his reasoning and feelings behind it but
THEN COMES SANTI being fucking Santi. He's worried about the people's money who they stole that Yolanda warned hm about ;-; he wont let anyone hurt his family..... buuuuuuuut he's a lil gun happy.
You may be cool, but you will never be as cool as Lorelei.
Remember, reblogs are the best way to spread work, but comments mean the world!!!! i love your feed back!
This series is sharing my writing time with a Santi x reader x javier pena fic and my dark fic on my alt, @romana-after-dark, the wrong way
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound
24 notes · View notes
romanarose · 1 year
For The Longest Time: Chapter 4
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist
Join my taglist!
Summary: To celebrate the youngest member of their family's birthday, the gang goes out for a beach day, and Lorelei has a new understand for Santiago
Warnings: Swimming?!?!? mentions of laci's past and the physcial abuse she endoured, mentions of weight, weight lose, starvation, dad mode santi <3 mentions of a near drowning in the past (the last chapter of LaL), Miller men trauma, parent death, talk of drug overdoses and addiction. I think that's it. Oh, I suppose accusations of cheating too.
A/N: This is def a filler chapter. It serves to further relationships and dynamics and lead up the end. I think after everything the last few chapters, a nice chapter is nice.
Another month in and things have eased around them. Lorelei and Santi kept their distance from each other but it had calmed down. Benny got over his irritation of Will keeping secrets and was increasingly excited to be a biological uncle. Lorelei had also met Frankie and Jana’s daughter, Rosie; a cute 3-year-old. In fact, her birthday was the celebration they were all out for right now. It was a beach trip, driving an hour out to get to the coast. Turning 3 and only in day care part time, she didn't have friends that she saw outside of daycare just yet, so Jana and Frankie decided she was old enough to go to the beach under the supervision of several adults.
Frankie, Jana, Rosie, Santi and Laci rode in one car, Laci being the unofficial babysitter for Rosie as the two bonded quickly. Miller’s and their girls (god forbid Lorelei ever hear someone call her Will’s girl) road in in another one. It had been a hot summer, so the water felt good on everyone. At 4 months along, Lorelei could still swim unhindered and enjoyed going far out into the water. She knew it stressed Will out, but he never told her what to do. She liked that about him, he simple waded in the water, watching her and she knew if there was an issue, he’d be out there in a moment. It was kinda nice, if she was being honest, the idea that she had the freedom to be herself but that she was safe while doing it. Will was going to make a good dad, even if this wasn’t the ideal situation.
He still never removed his shirt, the tight gray fabric stretching across his shoulders as he swam and wrestled Ben in the sand.
Lorelei was taking a break, sitting on a towel with Alice drinking a sprite that Will brought her as she watched Santi and Laci sitting in the water playing with Rose. It was cute, she had to admit. Lorelei still wasn’t fond of Santiago but she’d warmed up to Laci. Lorelei just didn’t get her. Girls like that, pretty, petite blonde white girls that wore pink dresses and had attractive rich boyfriends were generally the kind of girls that caused problems for her. Maybe it was bullying, maybe it was racism, maybe it was regular mean girl behavior but it never spelled anything good for her. Laci seemed genuine though, and after Will explained what she had been through, it made a little more sense why he was the way he was. They made a cute couple, and it was funny seeing the intense man so soft and happy with his fiance and his goddaughter.
“I can’t fuck’n stand her.” Alice spoke next to her, sipping her drink and Lorelei turned to him.
“Oh come on, I know you see it. She drives me crazy with her giggling, her stupid clothes, her squeaky voice. Irritating.”
Lorelei rolled her eyes. “Eh, she’s just living. It’s not my thing but I think she deserves to be happy.”
“Oh for sure, for sure.” Alice assured, pausing before getting to her real point. “I think something’s going on between her and Ben.”
At that, Lorelei couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Oh, come on! Look at them!” She motioned to where the couple were laughing in the water. Santi was gently splashing Laci and Laci hiding behind Rosie. “She’s enamored with him, no way he’d cheat.”
Alice wasn’t convinced. “I don’t know. Did you know they used to sleep together?”
“What?!” That’s weird. Santi and Laci got together a few months after she got back in the states. Did Laci cheat on Santi? She didn’t think she had it in her, and Benny worships the ground Santi walked on, or maybe that's why, he wanted to have what Santi-
“Yeah, Ben and her used to have sleep overs at Laci’s and fall asleep on the pull out couch.”
Oh, that. “Alice,” She smacked her. “That’s not what I thought you meant.”
“It’s still weird.”
“It’s a little odd in their 30’s I guess, but if it was happening in the fucking living room of Santi’s house, it’s gotta be pretty innocent.”
“Mm” was her non committal answer.
Jana called from on top of Frankie’s shoulders. That was a strong man for being in his 40’s. “WHO WANTS TO PLAY CHICKEN!”
Laci immediately got excited. “ME- Oh.” She stopped when she looked at Santi, and sat back down. “Actually, never mind!”
Lorelei noted the guilty look on Santi’s face and he looked down, playing with Rosie, but Will came running up to the couple and grabbing a squealing Laci. With ease, he pulled her up to sit on his shoulders to join their friends in chicken.
“What was that about?” Lorelei asked Alice. Alice was an outsider like her, but she knew more about the strange group than she did. 
“Watch Santi as he turns.”
She did, Santi turning to catch Rose who was trying to run away. 
“See that scar on his neck? Had spinal surgery a few years ago. That, and his knees are shit. He can’t hold up Laci like that, even if she weighs 50 pounds.”
Lorelei looked back to where they were, Laci’s hands clasped with Jana's, the four the them laughing and smiling and throwing harmless insults. He looked good like this… strong, capable, fun
Alice spoke again. “Aren’t you jealous?”
“Of what? It’s not like I can play chicken 4 months pregnant.”
“Your man’s head is literally between her legs.”
She had to scoff at that. “He’s not my man. We aren’t together.”
“You’re having a baby.”
“Not the same thing.”
A wild Benny came out of no where, grabbing Alice’s arm and pulling her to the water just as Laci over took the over couple, Jana and Frankie falling back. “We’re next!”
Santi walked up to the now-empty towel, him dripping wet and Rosie bundled up in her Paw Patrol towel. Skye, of course. The pilot pup, just like her dad. “Mind if we sit here?”
She gestured for him to go ahead, a fussy Rose in his arms, slowing losing the battle with sleep as she clung her her uncle. Santi sang to her, soft and low in a beautiful tenor. 
“Luna de Xelajú que supiste alumbrar
en mis noches de pena,
por una morena
de dulce mirar,
luna de Xelajú, me diste inspiración,
la canción que hoy te canto,
regada con llanto
de mi corazón.”
Soon enough the little one was asleep, despite the noises from in the water.
“That was beautiful.” Lorelei spoke softly, extending an olive branch to the man. He was going to be in her circle for likely the rest of her life, she might as well ease the tension.
“Thank you, it’s one of Laci’s favorites when she-” He stopped, hesitating.
“When she what?”
Santi looked down at the sleep child in his arms, carefully picking little leaves or other things from the ocean out of her hair. Frankie had braided her hair back tightly. Rose had thick, tight curls from her Ethiopian ancestry, and Frankie learned all the Jana taught him on proper hair care. She always liked Frankie the most, and this was just a solidifier. Frankie was a natural mediating between all of them and an expert in cooling down Miller brother disagreements. He was always level head, treated Jana like a queen, and adored his daughter.
“Just when Laci… when she needs to calm down.” 
Ah, her ptsd. “I see. Well, you have a beautiful singing voice, she’s very lucky.”
He smiled at that, looking back up at the beachline when Alice won, sending Laci flying back. He looked ready to go at any point.
“She can’t swim. She says she can but it’s more like treading water.”
“Will won’t let her drown.”
Santi sighed, watching at the three couples set up for a threeway fight in the setting sun. “I know. He saved her once before. Last year for her birthday we went to a lake for a weekend and the boat tipped over. I could barely stand tall enough to breathe, so you can imagine she just went under.” He shifted uncomfortably, and Lorelei could see he didn’t like talking about it. “I couldn’t help her at all, I couldn’t see a thing, and Will scooped her up.” 
He chuckled softly. “She calls me her short king.” His eyes were still intently on Laci, who was happy as can be. “I know I’m a lot, but you haven’t seen her the way I have, seen how much work she’s put into getting better. When I found her that day last year, I thought she was dead. Her lips were blue, her skin was practically gray and she had a huge gash in her forehead, blood dripping down her face. 20 pounds lighter, if you can believe it. I’m so fucking proud of her. She’s got her own job, helping others no less. She’s doing so much better. I could never have been that strong.”
Jesus, that girl went through hell, but she saw it now. She saw Santi, understood him.
“You love her a lot.”
“She’s the light of my life.”
It wasn’t long before they all emerged, ready to get on the road after a long day of gift giving and quality time. This was nice, she thought. A good day for everyone.
“Saw you and Santi were talking there for quite a while, everything okay?” Will asked as he put their dirty clothes and towels in the wash, insisting that he wasn’t going to have beach water ‘molding up’ his house, and was about ready to go take a shower.
“Yeah.” Lorelei assured him, smiling as she rested on the couch (where Will laid down a throw blanket beforehand, the germaphobe). “He’s kinda alright.”
She saw Will smile out of the corner of his mouth; she knew how important these men were to her. “Yeah, he’s fine, I guess.”
“Hey William?”
“Got any baby names?”
Will looked up from where he was adding his own mix of fabric softener and detergent. “Oh. Uh, I guess we should start talking about that. It’s up to you, in the end though-”
“William, come on.” She knew what he was doing. He always differed to her, wanting to be the gentleman, but she wanted him to take charge sometimes.
He started his washer and walked over, setting another blanket down before sitting with her. “I guess I don’t really know, Emily and I -my ex-fiance- we had a few names but… nothing concrete.”
“Like what?”
Will smiled that smile she was begin to love so much, a tinge of blush at his cheeks; or maybe it was from the sun. Laci forced sunscreen on him extensively though. “It’s kinda an old man name but, it’s my pops name.”
“Your dad?”
At the suggestion, Will burst out in laughter. “Oh god no, fuck that bastard. No, I mean my grandpa. He taught me all I know, real southern gentleman. God knows without him, I would have turned out like my dad.”
Lorelei didn’t believe that for a second. “What the name?”
“Gideon. It’s a bible name, you know, my family, we’re baptists”
“I like it. Naming him after a good man, the name is nice too.”
His nervous smile brighten, those blues eyes sparkling at her and she wondered what she had to do to make them shine like that again. 
“I thought maybe. We could do something Vietnamese?”
And just like that, her heart swooped. Lorelei Ngoc Giang knew she was falling for William Miller. There was no way to deny it.
“Y-yeah… yeah that would be nice…” It was such a simple gesture, but something that showed he cared about her, her culture, and the past of her that would be passed on to their child. “I like Háo… or Đai…”
“Gideon Háo… I like that a lot.”
She leaned in, resting her hair on his shoulder. “And for a girl?”
She felt him shrug. “I dunno. I thought maybe… it would be nice to have a flower name for the middle name, like Rosie.”
That caught Lorelei’s attention. “Her middle name is a flower? So what, she’s got two flower names.” And she thought Jana and Frankie were the sensible ones.
“No,” Will laughed, shoulders shaking. “Her full name is Fatima Rosa-Maria.”
More lore. “Fatima is interesting. Is Jana muslim?” Fatima was the name of one of Muhammeds daughters.
“No. Fatima was Santi’s older sister. She pretty much raised Santi and Frankie growing up, Franks mom was dead and his dad was an addict, so Santi’s mom took him in, spent more time at Santi’s than his own home. Mrs. Garcia worked a lot however, so Fatima raised them, kept them fed and alive. She died of an overdose a little before Rosie was born, so they named their daughter after her.”
“And the name Fatima?”
“There’s a town in Spain called Fatima, from back pre-spanish inquisition. Couple decades back there was a supposed apparition of the Virgin Mary in that town, so it became a girls name for Spanish girls and Muslim girls.”
The girls name proved more difficult. Lorelei didn’t like the flower names. Only one she liked was Rose and she couldn’t very well use that one. Other names were shot down by them both left and right. They decided to table it until they could actually get a name book.
“Alright.” Will slapped his thighs as he stood. “Time to show, then go to bed.” Old as man. 
Then Will’s phone rang, Will smiling when he saw his moms name pop up. “Hey ma- hey, you cry’n?” His southern accent alway got more pronounced when he was around h’s parents. Lorelei liked his mom. She was sweet, welcoming, and despite her shock, she took the news of the pregnancy well. Lorelei thought she was just happy to see grandchildren coming. Will’s dad was a man of few words, and even less once he learned they were expecting, but not together. Beating his wife and child apparently wasn’t as shameful as having a child outside of marriage. “Whatever he did, just call the police and I’ll be there in 20 minuets ma.” Will was already pulling on his shoes when suddenly he stopped, everything freezing and his handsome face going blank as he dropped his phone.
“William?” Lorelei rushed to him, going to check his vitals to see if he had fallen sick. Her hands touched at his neck, feeling for a temp and getting his pulse. It was erratic. “William, babe, I need you to look at me, do you need medical attention?” Every worst case scenario she knew was possible flooded through her head, trying to get his attention until he finally spoke.
“My dad just died. He… he had a heart attack.”
A little tension eased, a little tension gained?
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16
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romanarose · 1 year
For The Longest Time: Chapter 3
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist
Join my taglist!
Summery: Lorelei meets the rest of Will's friends. They are as melodramatic as always.
Warnings: Bickering, wierd friendhsip dynamics, creepy guy, Santi being protective af, Santi and Laci are so lovey dovey it's disgusting (I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE), creepy guy fetishizing Laci's size, fighting, Santi being a bit of a dick and Lorelei not fitting in (yet, I promise she will.) hints at Will's mental health issues.
A/N: Despite burning the fuck outta my fingers, I have provided this and a dark fic on my dark account XD hope you enjoy! Next chapter will be much lighter, I swear.
It was a long night. Will and Lorelei discussed the various options and what each might look like for both of them. Will wanted this kid. In an ideal world he’d like to be a couple with Lorelei and raise it together, but that was not in the cards. 
Still, William Miller had turned 40 this year. The idea of a family was something he longed for. He had been engaged nearly a decade ago, to a woman named Emily he still very much loved and always will, but she broke off the engagement after his PTSD escalated and Will had refused to get help. It wasn’t until Laci had come into his life that he started therapy and by then, he had missed his chance with Emily. Now, Frankie had his daughter and a happy life with Jana, and Santiago was getting married soon to his girlfriend and were hoping to conceive right after the wedding.
“I’ll take care of everything, I promise, medical bills and all. You won’t have to work until you’re ready-”
Lorelei held out a hand at that. “I appreciate that, but I’m gonna keep working.”
Will sighed. She was so independent, and no matter how much Will wanted to take care of her and their potential baby, he knew this was her choice, including if she was working or not. “Okay, just know I can take care of things, as much as you need to.”
She cocked an eyebrow at that. “You’re a charming guy, but you’re no Tony Robbins. Motivational speaking can’t possibly pay that good.”
How to explain it all? He’s never really had too. His family knew he had gone on a mission with Pope and Fish and he thinks they all just assumed it went well. Jana knew what happened; she had been dating Frankie at the time he left, Rosie just a few months old. When Santi first brought Laci into his home, they weren’t dating and she was too shy to ask why he never worked but had the money to provide resources that social services hadn’t. When he finally explained what happened, they had been dating for several months and felt comfortable telling the story. Lorelei… he cared about her, he cared for her a lot and had wanted to be with her… just not like this. He didn’t want to be one of those couples who got together just because they were pregnant, and he knew Lorelei was not the kind to go for that anyway. In short, he didn’t want to lie to her, but the truth was something he was ashamed of. 
“I um… came into some money, actually…” Yeah, close enough.
She seemed to buy it. “Is that why Benny can afford to be an alcoholic without a job?”
Will knew this wasn’t exactly the time nor the point, but he was defensive of his brother. “He fights MMA and he does well. You know we’re at the gym-”
“I’m sorry, I see that’s a sore spot.” 
Will’s ruffled feathers settle as he takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. “It’s okay. But, yeah. That’s why.”
In the end, they both wanted the baby and they both wanted to be involved, so it was decided she’d go through with the pregnancy and they would be coparent. Will felt a side of relief; he was going to be a dad. It wasn’t the most ideal of situations, but he was going to be a dad nonetheless.
“You can tell all your friends now, unless you wanna keep that a secret too.” Lorelei said with a little bite, making Will wince.
“Listen, Lorelei, about that.”
“Yeah, about that.”
Will tried to gather his thoughts; how to explain this aspect as well? How does he explain the reasoning he wasn’t quite sure of himself? He tried his best. “Listen, these guys are my family, not just Ben. They are like brothers to me and their girlfriends, well, I care about them a lot too. Never had a sister, but that's what Laci and Jana feel like. Ben drinks a lot and fights and Frankie- well, it’s not really my business to tell his story. Santi couldn’t stay in one town for longer than a few months until he met Laci, and her… well that’s her story too. I guess what I’m saying is we’re all very involved in each other's lives. We all have security info to each other’s houses, that’s how Santi was able to get in today. I was engaged, years ago and that break up felt very public. Santi and Laci never fight anymore but the time they did, we all knew about it. I guess I just… I wanted to just keep this… you…” He struggled to find the exact words, but Lorelei seemed to just know him.
“You wanted to keep this just for you.”
Will nodded in agreement.
“I get it. I’m very private, I wouldn’t want to have everything aired out constantly either.”
She understood him. 
“I would like you to meet them, well, in a better way than you met Santi.”
She cocked an eyebrow at him, but smiled. “I don’t know, William. I’m Vietnamese, I’m not exactly jumping at the chance to meet American military.”
Will couldn’t stop the apparent look of recognition on his face and she lights up ready to tease him. “Oh my god! You were wondering what I am!”
Raising his hands in defense, smiling along with her. “Hey! I’m not the most politically correct person out there but even I know better than to ask where someone is from.”
“I’m from Philadelphia. I am Vietnamese. But yes, I can meet your friends. Sure.” She didn’t seem thrilled, but it was neccecary. “We’ll have to meet each other’s families at some point.”
Will visibly cringed. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Complicated family life? “You could say that.”
“My dad left when I was 8 and was never really in my life until I had money to “lend” him, so, yeah. I get it.”
“My dad was an alcoholic, so I can understand some of that.” Alcohol was boiling it down a lot, a light way of putting the abuse he and Benny went through, but she didn’t need to know about that. This was his burden to bear, not hers. He tries his best to bare it for Ben too, and he’s already failing at that.
It was a little more than a week later that Lorelei met everyone finally. Santi and Laci had gone to New York for a week and returned last night, so they all wanted to get together. Lorelei thought they all seemed codependent on each other and it was all so strange to her. She didn’t even have any sort of help from her family none the less friends. Fuck, her mom was going to kill her.
Benny was coming over first, with his girlfriend, Alice. Will did not like Alice, but wouldn’t go into why. Hell, he wouldn’t even admit he didn’t like her, but the way he talked about her or the lack of discussion in general compared to the ways he talked about Jana and Laci. When probed, Will simply said it wasn’t his story to tell; he said that a lot, and although it was frustrating when trying to put the pieces together, it was a comfort to know her secrets were safe with him.
“LORELEI!” Benny’s booming deep voice rang through the house when he saw her. Benny hadn’t been told about the baby yet; so far, only Santiago knew, and potentially Laci too, depending if he could keep a secret or not. Will had confessed to him that Lorelei was staying with him. Only as a friend, but the cheeky look on Benny’s face told her he didn’t believe it. “Fancy meeting you here!”
“Hi Benjamin.” She smiled at him. She always did like the younger Miller boy, and it seemed recently he’d been staying out of trouble which is good.
“I’m excited to introduce you to everyone, starting with-” He turned to the side and introduced his girlfriend. “This is my lovely girlfriend, Alice McCarthy.”
Alice was pretty, a pale girl with a smattering of freckles and sandy brown hair that reached her mid-waist, even in loose curls. There was a streak of blue in one of the locks.
“Lorelei Giang, nice to meet you.”
“BEN!” Will shouted from the next room. “CAN YOU GIVE ME A HAND WITH THIS?”
Benny said he’d be right there, and hurried over to help. Alice watched him leave with pursed lips, then turned to Lorelei with a smile.
“So, have you met any of them before?” Alice referenced the tight knit group, and Lorelei couldn’t help but smirk to herself. It wasn’t that she couldn’t tell Alice how she had met Santi -Will wouldn’t dare try to tell her that- but she didn’t feel the need. Besides, no one else needed to know she keeps a gun in her drawer next to her vibrator.
“I met Santi briefly, and as you know I’ve known Benjamin a little bit here and there, and I’ve ran into Laci twice with Will.”
Alice looked curious at that statement. “Not with Santi?”
“No, she was with Benny and Will once, and just Will the other time.”
“Hm.” Was her non committal answer. “Well, has Will warned you about her… speaking issues?” she always whispered the last two words. 
Alice was definitely interesting. “I’m aware she sometimes goes non verbal.” Laci had to communicate via notes app when she first met the women that night with Ben and Will
“Just thought I’d warn you; Benny didn’t think it was worthwhile mentioning when I met them.” She rolled her eyes, and Lorelei wasn’t sure if it was at Benny or Laci.
“Yeah, well, I think it’ll be a nice night.”
“Yeah it’ll be fine. They can be really uuhhhhhh click-y. But don’t worry! I got you.” Alice promised to stay with Lorelei so she didn’t feel out of place, and Lorelei was thankful for that, but suspicious of her motivations. It wasn’t personal, Lorelei was a suspicious person in general.
Will was buzzing with nervousness when they walked into the quit bar they liked to frequent. It was nice to have something lowkey like this place; Ben didn’t feed off the energy as he did at busier bars, and Laci wasn't overwhelmed by the crowds and noises. It was a good place to meet; neutral. As much as he didn’t like Alice, he did admit that her meeting everyone at Fankie’s house put her at a disadvantage. Will wasn’t sure how Benny was going to take this announcement. Laci would be excited for sure, it was hard to dampen her mood. Jana and Frankie would share a look and quietly judge him as if their daughter wasn’t unplanned. Santi already knew and he didn’t really care what Alice thought, but it was Ben he was concerned about.
“Hi guys!” Laci’s voice chirped from where she sat at a hightop table. Santi was standing by her side already and assisted in helping her down. Laci’s height was a source of frustration for her and it wasn’t like Santi was tall himself, but he took his job of caring for her very seriously. Santiago lifted Laci under her armpits and spun her around as he set her down, her blue dress fluttering around her legs. Laci clasped her hand into Santi’s, her engagement ring catching the light when they walked over. 
“Hey Lace.” Will gave her a side hug, planting a quick kiss on the crown on her blonde head, having to bend down quite a ways just to do so. “This is Lorelei, since you havnt been able to officially meet her yet.”
“Hi!” She smiled at Lorelei. “I am so sorry for Santi,” Laci shot him a glare that held no real malice that he returned with an eyeroll of the same. “He has a flair for the dramatic.”
“I thought she was breaking into Will’s house!”
“Sure baby.” She kissed his cheek and he dropped it with a smile.
Lorelei spoke up. “It’s nice to meet you guys.”
Ben and Alice walked in and Laci gave Benny a big hug. “Hi Ben! Hi Alice!”
First impression she got was that Santiago was whipped. First impression she got of Jana and Frankie was that Jana wore the pants. 
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you.” Jana greeted, introducing herself and Frankie, Frankie shaking her hand with a soft smile. Frankie kept a hand around her waist, his hand firmly planted on her hip. 
Everyone gathered around the table, first round of drinks ordered (Water for Laci and Frankie, she noted) as everyone questions Santiago and Laci about their trip. Laci was excitedly explaining how they made new friends. Well, Laci made a friend by the sounds of it, Bahar, an architecture student in New York, and their friendship forced Santi and Bahar’s boyfriend, Marc, into close proximity. Will was smiling as he watched her ramble on; she was certainly not having and trouble speaking. There was a part of her that thought Will and Laci had something still, just by the way he talked about her, but it was clear now how enamored Laci was with her fiance. Lorelei didn’t get it, she thought Laci could do better than Santi, but she was biased. Everyone seemed interested in their trip except Alice, and when Lorelei caught Alice’s eye, Alice rolled her eyes.
When the food had come and everyone began digging in, Will cleared his throat. 
“So, there’s actually a reason I wanted you to meet Lorelei tonight.”
“2 months later.” Santi just had to remind him. Ass. 
Benny chimed in next. “You’re dating!” 
A sigh from the older brother. “No, Benny.” Will turned to Lorelei, allowing her to say it if she wanted too… no, she did not. Will turned to his friends, looking at Frankie for reassurance, she noted. “Lorelei is pregnant.”
Despite the chatter of the bar around them, it felt like silence had enveloped their table, the life having been sucked out. Frankie and Jana immediately looked at each other and Will knew that in a single glance, the well connected pair had said all their thoughts to each other. Santi already knew, and he had lip pursed lips and that ever worried look on his face and Laci’s face showed shock. Alice was wide-eyed, trying to read the room until she turned to Benny to see hi reaction and Will’s eyes followed. There was confusion there, a little apprehension that maybe this was a joke. Will would never joke about this, but Benny’s other friends weren't the best company. More importantly, however, was the hint of hurt on his face.
This was all broke by a light squeal, Laci jumping off the chair (the the slight panic of Santi) and running over between his and Lorelei’s chairs and hugging them both. “Oh my gosh! Congratulations guys!”
Slowly, the others joined in on congratulating the pair, Benny getting off his seat to join Laci in the hug. Maybe he was hurt by the secrets, but he knew his brother wanted a family, so he was happy for him despite the circumstances.
Jana was ever-inquisitive, always addressing the elephant in the room. “So… are you guys dating… oooorrrrrr?” Frankie tried to hide a smile, not wanting to be mean spirited, but this was why he fell in love with Jana after all.
“No.” Lorelei answered clearly. “I’ve been living with Will and it just sort… happened, I guess.”
Benny’s scoff caused everyone to turn to him, the normally cheerful man having a cloud over his head. “Nothing ‘just happens’ with my brother, Lorelei. He is a calculated son of a bitch-”
“Ben.” Fish warned.
“No, no I’m gonna finish this, there's some bullshit going on right right now and he’s not being honest.”
Will couldn’t help roll his eyes. “Well I didn’t get her pregnant on purpose Benjamin.”
“I know that.”
“Then what exactly are you accusing me of!?”
Frankie raised both his hands to the bickering brothers. “Enough!” 
“But he-”
“No. This is a celebration, Ben. It may not be planned out, but neither was Rosie and she’s the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me,” he looks to Jana. “To us, and I think Will,” His gaze turned to Will. “Will be an excellent father because he is an excellent uncle and friend. And Lorelei” He turned to her now. “I haven't known you for longer than half an hour but I trust you’ll take care of my new niece or nephew. Now, everyone is here tonight, we all have beautiful women with us with different relations, so let’s celebrate, okay?”
“Whatever, I’m leaving.” Benny grumbled, Alice arguing but following after.
“I got this, Laci.” Alice snapped, making Laci stop in her tracks looking dejected. 
Lorelei wanted no part in whatever was happening. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
Laci perked up. “Oh! I’ll come with!” and happily joined at Lorelei’s side. She wasn’t sure about her yet, but it wasn’t personal. She wasn’t sure how she felt about anyone besides the Millers, and even then…
She looked back to see Santi watching them. “I’m not going to shank your girlfriend, Garcia.” Lorelei called as she turned the corner to the bathroom hall.
“Sorry” Laci giggled. “He’s just protective.”
Lorelei thought it bordered more on possessiveness. “He let you out of his sight much?” She wasn’t feeling well and wanted to puke in peace, but Laci was nice and she didn’t want to be rude to her.
“Oh yeah, don’t worry.” Her voice was soft and dreamy from the other stall. “I know we probably seem a bit weird, but I promise he takes care of me.”
 Lorelei flushed and began washing her hands. “That’s not really-” She sighed. “Just because he’s taking care of you doesn’t mean he’s not being controlling.”
“But he’s not! I take of him too. We care for each other, I love him so much” She assured. “I have my own job, now”
“Now?” Lorelei was starting to feel lightheaded. This stupid fucking pregnancy was nocking the fuck out of her two months in.
“Yeah I uh… I wasn’t working for a while. Not because of him! He was very encouraging of me working.”
“Right. I’m sorry, I need some fresh air.”
“Oh. Okay I’ll see you at the table then…” She sounded sad, but Lorelei was really not feeling good, so she quickly exited the bathroom and ran outside, hoping the air would help. It didn’t, and she ended up puking out her water and meal on the grass over the railing.
What am I doing? She wondered as she attempted to gain clarity while her head swirled. The nausea was genuine, a reaction to baby apparently not liking the food, but the way it sent her back, back to the vicious cycle she had been in college of binge and purge, something she had worked so hard on recovering from… It was all by herself too. She had friends, yeah, but no one she could really count on, no one that stayed long. Most of it was her fault, she knew. She didn’t put much effort into maintaining, the second someone even seemed distant, she was out. It was self preservation, but it had left her lonely. She had to admit she was envious of Will, having so many friends, despite the obvious tension.
 She liked Frankie, at least. Seemed level headed. Jana seemed fine, she supossed. Alice was a little on edge and Santi had made it to her bad side with the gun and his weird behaviors around Laci. Lorelei hadn’t forgotten her coming in the ER with blood around her nose. Benny’s outburst was childish just as he was. And Laci… was strange. She acted like a child, like a doll the Santi had on display. A pretty, petite, blonde trophy wife to parade around and she played into it.
Lorelei took a walk around the building to decompress before facing them, deciding to walk back in the front doors instead of the side entrance she left through. When she approached the table, Ben frowned.
“Where’s Laci?”
Santiago turned around faster than he thought possible before Lorelei replied. “Oh, is she not back yet? I left in there, I wasn’t feeling good-”
“You left her?!?!?!”
“Relax” But it was clear on everyone's faces that this wasn’t a relax moment. “What’s going on?” But they had already begun standing up to find her.
“Lace?” Santi called as he ran towards the bathrooms.
Will quickly apologized. “She can’t be left alone in public, her anxiety.” before following Santi. 
When they rounded the corner, Laci was cornered in the hall by some guy she didn’t know, visibly uncomfortable as he crowded in on her, arm braced ont he wall above her. “You ever done porn?” He looked her up and down. “You’d fit right into the xxxtra small category.”
Benny and Santi were on them in a second, Santi charging at him and throwing him down the hall with his full body force while Benny pulled her away.
“God damn!” The man shouted. “I didn’t know she had a boyfriend, damn! She didn’t say anything!”
“SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO!” Santi screamed at him, going over to Laci who promptly clung to him.
The man recognized the Miller then. “Will, you know this psycho?”
“Yeah, I know this psycho and I know his girlfriend, what the fuck do you think you’re dong, Jackson?”
Jackson raised his hands in defense. “Hey, I didn’t know she was with you guys.”
Benny then walked up to him, towering figure shadowing anything Jackson had on Laci. “It don’t matter who she’s with, she was clearly uncomfortable, you piece of you fucking shit”
In Ben’s defense, Jackson swung first, but Benny did not hesitate to fight back. Lorelei watch as a crying Laci’s mouth was sealed shut, hands fisted in his shirt and looking up at him pleadingly. Santi then disengaged from her, handing her over to where Jana’s arms waited and then headed into the fight where- fuck, when did Frankie and Will get involved? They seemed more focused on pulling Ben away than anything. Once it was over, Will picked the man up by his shirt, Santi opening the door to the side entrance, and Will quite literally threw him out. 
Santi rejoined Laci, the girl crying silently as he poured over her, caressing her hair before turning to Lorelei. “What the hell was that?”
It took a second for her to realize Santi was talking to her. “Excuse me? I had nothing to do with that-”
Will warned Santi to back off, but between Santi and Lorelei, there was only tunnel vision. “You left her!”
“Why are you so fucking possessive that she can’t be away from you for two-”
"Santi, stop-"
The words hit Lorelei like a ton of bricks, guilt rushing in on her. Frankie smacks his shoulder, muttering about how he’s not supposed to just be saying that, Jana covered her face and groaned. “Fuck-  I’m sorry, Laci, I didn’t know.”
Santi opened his mouth to berate her some more, but when he saw Laci’s hands moving, he shut up. Will noticed how he doesn’t talk over her anymore, how he know when she needs to speak or sigh.
Santi averts his eyes but translates for her. “She says it’s okay, you didn’t know.” Laci turned to Santi and signed again. He sighed. “She says she told you that you could leave her.” Santi grumbled out, still holding her close. “C’mon baby, let’s go home, yeah?” When she nodded, Santi said goodbye to everyone and Laci gave a little wave.
“I think we’ll head out too.” Jana announced.
Frankie and her said goodbye, Frankie being sure to smile and let a very guilt ridden Lorelei know that it was a pleasure to meet her and he looks forward to getting to know her. Will is forever thankful for Frankie as he rubs his temples, trying to stop the racing thoughts in his head.
Alice is at her side. “Hey it’s okay. No one warned you about it. It’s a weird group to get to know, hard to fit in.”
Will turned towards her. “Yeah, like you’re trying.”
“And you’re helping?” Benny stepped in. “You’ve been a dick to her ever since we started dating, just like you were to Laci!”
“That was different!”
Lorelei was halfway down the hall, keys in hand. “I’m leaving, are you guys coming or not?” Will quickly paid their tabs (and Jacksons. He wasn’t going to let a small business miss out of money because of them.) and went on their way
The ride back was short and quiet, Ben exiting the car silently and Alice only saying goodbye to Lorelei as they go into their own. Inside the house, Will began stress cleaning.
While he was distracted, she took his phone and found Laci’s number, sending a text apology for leaving her, and she was sorry she was in that position with that asshole. Laci texted back a very sweet message accepting it and apoligizing for Santiago, who Lorelei was growing increasingly less fond of. When the round of apologies was over, Laci sent a picture of their wedding invite.
“It’s a small wedding in our backyard, I know it’s only a few months away and we don’t really know each other, but I’d love for you to join. I promise, Santi isn’t always like this”
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16
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romanarose · 9 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 8 Part 2
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Bickering and THEN FUCKING!
Warnings: Bickering, Lorelei's issues WIIIIIIITH: Body image, her body count, her daddy and mommy issues, racist white men, military men, generational trauma, implied horrors committed during the vietnam war, trust issues. Will issues wiiiiiiith horrific child abuse, OCD, Benny, his back! Benny's issues wiiiith bulimia, ALICE. FUCKING. PIV sex, blowjob, dick so big it kinda hurts, lil cock waming, smooching smooching smooching, aftercare.
A/N: Okay now chapter 8 is fucking done. I cannot fucking wait for chapter 9 bc it's gonna be SO FUCCCCCCCKING DRAMATIC. We fianlly will get the full scope of what Alice is doing to our dear Benny and why Benny isnt himself.
Lorelei packed her things in the hotel room in a fury, hobbling around in bare feet but still wearing her dress. She wanted out, she wanted to go home. 
After she had cried out all her tears on Frankie’s chest, he guided her over the table, his arm fast around her still. For a moment she worried Jana would be suspicious of her, but Jana wasn’t a jealous woman. She took a napkin, dipping it in water and stood to wipe off the make-up that had smeared. 
“I think I’m gonna just go to my room…” Lorelei mutters with a sniffle. Jana stands up and puts her flats back on.
“I’ll come with.”
“No, thank you.” She shook her head, gathering her things but not looking at either of them. “I’m just gonna go home. Thank you, both of you.” And she meant it. Lorelei left, heading out of the ballroom and around the maze of the fancy hotel until she found her room again.
Lorelei wasn’t sure what she wanted, she wasn’t sure why she was so goddamn mad. Maybe it was the hormones, maybe it was the frustration of a long night, worry for Ben, anger at Alice for what she’s doing to him and things she’s said to Laci. Maybe she was just tired. Or maybe she was struggling with the fact that when she allowed herself to fall into him, the vulnerability was betrayed. She felt bad that she didn’t ask what Will saw, and that she didn’t follow him to confront Benjamin and Alice, but she was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to carry that much further.
“Lore? What are you doing?” Will’s voice was soft and cautious as he entered the room. Lorelei kept her back to him, shoving her clothes into her bag. 
“I’m going home, Will.”
There was a pause. “...To Philly?”
Lorelei stopped, hanging her head and sighing before she turned around to face him. “No, William. That’s not my home. I’m gonna call a taxi back to town, you stay here and sleep outside Ben’s door or something, I don’t care.” She turned back to her work, trying to keep her make-up and skin care organized still.
“Lorelei, I’m sorry for leaving you on the dance floor, I am, Fish already chewed me out.”
“I get it. It’s fine. Ben or more important to you than me, that makes sense.”
“Baby, what are you-”
She was practically shoving things in her bag now, anger making her less organized. “He’s family. Chloe’s family. I’m just here to help you fulfill your dreams of fatherhood, although you parent Ben enough I don’t how much time you’ll have for her.”
“Don’t say-”
Lorelei didn’t mean a word she said, but the words poured out of her uncontrollably. “He’s your brother, I’m just some bitch you came inside.”
“Lore!” Will strode over to where she was, gently turning her to take a look at him, finding tears in her eyes as she gazed up. “Don’t you ever talk about yourself like that. Ever. You understand me? Do you really think when we had sex, it meant nothing to me? Lorelei Giang, I have wanted you since the day I met you, you know how disappointed I was when Ben said you had a boyfriend? Every time, every fucking time I ran into you, I ran those scenes through my head for hours, trying to memorize all the details because that is all I thought I’d have.” His face is earnest, pleading, begging her to understand what she meant to him. “What we shared that night was something beautiful, Lorelei, and out of it came our daughter, out of it came our friendship. Our friendship is something I value, but Lore, you’re crazy if you think that’s all I want.”
She was unsure how to take his words, standing there with his hand on her shoulder still. She took a step back, letting his hand drop. “What do you want, William?”
He sighed, exasperated. “I want you, Lorelei, why is that so hard for you to understand?”
“I have no doubt you want me,” She emphasized, crossing her arms and putting that symbolic barrier up. “That’s not the point. You think I don’t want you? You think that I haven’t gotten myself off to the memory of that night 100 times? You think I could watch you take care of Rosie, watch how you love your friends, see you smile and laugh and protect me and look so goddamn tall doing it and NOT fall in love with you?”
Her words fell heavy in the air, tension and frustration and love and longing all swirling around, suffocating the room.
“You love me?” Will asked, quiet and hesitant.
Lorelei threw up her hands. “Of course I do, William! Have you any idea what it's like to live with you every day and see the kind of man you are and not fucking suck your dick about it?” 
Will blinked in confusion for a moment before his brain caught up. “They whyyyy aren’t we together?”
Will watched her for a moment, as beautiful as ever in her red dress, even though most of her make up was off. Perfection. 
“Lore… I know you’ve been hurt real bad. I know your dads, Tyler, all the men in your life have failed you none fucking stop, but-”
“But what? You’re different? You’d be better? You’d never kick me out or hit me r call me a whore-”
“Do you have any idea the amount of men I’ve slept with, Will?”
“I don’t care, I really don’t.”
She threw up her hands. “I’m 34, only a few relationships in my life, several men  per year, several per month sometimes-”
Gentle, Will stepped up, gathering both of her hands into his. When she didn’t pull away, he brought them to his lips, kissing the knuckles as he looked down at her. After pause, he spoke quietly. “Why are you telling me this.”
The tears were hot down her face, streaming down heavily. Lorelei looked up at Will, his kind eyes willing and open. It all came out. “Because you don’t love me, men don’t love me. They want me. They want to fuck me, and that’s fine, I like to fuck but they always think they can change me. Men, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but especially white men and military men,” Will was both. “See asian women a certain way. They think we’re submissive, quiet, virginial. You ever watch 90-Day Fiance? The amount of men that seek out women from Asia, like the Philpines, they always say creepy as shit about what they want in a woman, and they are sorely fucking dissapointed when they realiz we are real fucking people not a fuck doll that cooks for you!”
Still holding her hands, bringing them to this chest, he made sure the grip wasn’t tight. He didn’t want her to feel trapped, like he’d hold her there. He’d never force her to do anything or stay anywhere she did not want. “Princess, do you think I think that way? Do you think I don’t see you as a person?” He tried not to sound offended, like it was a personal attack. While he knew he wasn’t the sort of man she was describing, and he hoped she didn’t see him that way, he knew that she lived an experience he would never fully understand. The best he could do was listen, and not be on the defense.
Lorelei shook her head, “No, I don’t think you are… it’s just… I’m Vietnamese, Will. Do you have any idea what happened to Vietnamese woman when American soldiers came?”
Will could feel his skin grow hot. He did know, he knows that sexual abuse of women in general by military men but especially the native women in foreign wars was a massive fucking problem, and he knew the Vietnam war was some of the worst out there. He knew that that sort of generational trauma would not just go away by him being nice.
“I’m not saying you’re like that-”
“I get it.” Will reassured. “I understand, I’ve heard and delt with men in my tropes that talked about wanting to get stationed in South Korea or other Asian bases. And for what it’s worth, which I know isn’t a lot, I’m really fucking sorry you have felt this way you’re whole life.” It all made sense. Her being sexualized her whole life, the push to be submissive, which is a word Will would never describe her as, nor would she want to. The abuse from her step-dad, abandonment from her bio dad… it was a miracle that she came out of it all as well adjusted as she was. Will was so fucking proud of her.
Lorelei sniffles, calming down more in Will’s firm touch. “It’s not just that. My mom and step-dad didn’t help, always making me feel like my worth was tied to my looks when I have so much more to offer.”
“You do, you are so fucking wonderful, Lorelei.” He let go of her hands and for a moment she lamented the loss, but was quickly comforted by a strong, bear hug, ever-careful of the swell of her stomach. “I understand why you’re hesitant to get back in a relationship. I understand if you don’t want to be with me, now or ever.” Will took her face in his hands, guiding her to look up at him. Her he loved her dark eyes, the way her face was full as she gained weight, he loved her thick, strong hair and those creases between her eyebrows and on her forehead from frowning. He loved her. “But I swear to you, Lorelei, I love you exactly as you are. I don’t need nor want whatever version other men have tried to force you into, I don’t love you because you are the mother of my children, I don’t want you to look or act any way other than yourself. I love you in all your badass, take-no-shit, sweet-as-pie, caretaking, punch-your-stupid-ex-until-he-lost-a-tooth” Lore giggled at that, making Will smile. “Pin-up model, strong-as-hell, James-Dean-loving, sexy-as-shit madness.”
He kissed her forehead. He kissed her nose.
Lorelei pulled on his tie and to her lips, kissing him hard, passionate and wet.
Their first kiss.
Will returned it with no hesitation, opening his mouth to her and wrapping her up in his strong grasp. He’s intoxicating, swallowing up her insecurities, her fears, her tongue, all in a desperate pursuit for Will to make her feel like she’s worthy, like she’s safe. Will explores every inch of her mouth, the chip in the the moller from her brother putting pebbles in her food, the snaggled canine and her uneven front teeth from her never wearing her retainer since the week she got her braces off. The faint taste of red lipstick.
He tries to pull away, but is still desperate to be close that Will keeps his lips pressed against hers.  “What does this mean?” He pants, “for us?”
“It’s means I wanna fuck you.” She pulls him close by his belt, feeling a hardening bulge against her swollen belly.
“Lorelei.”  His breath was hot against her skin, voice strained like it was taking everything in him not to fuck her into the mattress right then and there.
“It means…” She goes for his belt buckle, desparate and needy and so goddamn horny for him, having fuck no one but a vibrator in months, and that was getting more and more difficult. “That I want to be with you, Will, if you’ll be patient.”
“I will.” The belt slide off.
Next, she went for the maroon sports coat. “And you’ll call me out when I’m being a brat.”
She felt him smirk against her before going back to kissing, and undoing the corset top with a little tug. “I always do.”
Her touch slowed, just a bit as Lorelei’s voice dropped an octave. More gentle. “And will you let me take care of you, so you don’t gotta carry everything on your shoulders?”
His touch slowed in time with hers, the kisses less frantic, less consuming. Taking their time. “Y-” Will stops, almost like he’s hesitating in the promise. He swallows thickly. “yes…” He slowly unlaced the dress, fingers warm against her skin.
Lorelei begins unbuttoning his shirt, but stops when she remembers. Shirt stays on. “Sorry” She whispers, and begins to rebutton what she did, resting her forehead on the peak of his chest still exposed. “Sorry…”
Will’s hands stopped her fingers. She looked up at him. Will wanted her, he wanted her fully and she’d shown him so many harsh parts of herself… but this was something he needed time for. It had taken a long time before he was comfortable with Emily seeing this.
“Just… don’t touch my back, okay?” A compromise. A start.
“Okay.” Lorelei nodded and whispered, continuing to unbutton. “You can take off my dress.” She knew he’d want permission before making a move like that. Shaking fingers on her shoulders, sliding down her arms and over the floral tattoo on the upper half. He pushes the loose dress down gently. She takes on her black panties. Then, her body is exposed fully to him. Although they’d been nearly naked together before, this felt new/ Much more vulnerable. 
“Fucking beautiful.”
Looking in the mirror the last few months, she didn’t feel beautiful. She was growing accustomed with how her body was changing, she was bring a life into the world, for fucks sake. Still, she didn’t feel beautiful. Right now, with Will. She felt fucking sexy.
She went back to unbuttoning him, with every few inches of skin exposed, Lorelei planted kisses on his chest, never breaking contact with his baby blues. Lower, lower still she sunk down as she kissed him, down to the ever so slight swell of a belly. Hitting the gym couldn’t stop the fact he was nearly forty,, and they’d be snacking pretty heavily the last few months. She loved every inch. As she kissed down his happy trail, sinking to her knees and unbuttoning his pants, Will tried to insist she didn’t have too. Yeah, she knew that. But her mouth was fucking watering for it.
It happened slow, it HAD TOO, he was so fucking huge she had to take her time. And Frankie was supposed to be BIGGER? Jesus fucking Christ. As Lorelei swallowed him, lower and lower down his shaft each time, she felt him fully. The hair on his thighs as she licked the salt pre-cum off his tip. The scar, clearly a bullet wound, on his abdomen as she sucked on his balls. Her painted red nails digging into the meat of his ass as she gagged around him, attempting to bury her face in his blonde hairs, but not quite getting there.
It was only when she gagged hard that Will pulled Lorelei off him, slightly in awe as the strong of spit connected from her mouth to his cock. “C’mon, lemme feel you.”
“But I wanna take you all the-”
His large, pale hand found her golden brown face. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later, princess.”
She kissed him, hard and passionate and all consuming as she pushed his naked, perfect body to the bed, making him sit. “Need you inside me.”
“Baby, let me open you up first-”
“William Miller.” She took the moment to be taller than him, admittedly still not by much. “I have wanted to fuck you so goddamn bad since the second your dick pulled out of me, and I opened myself up this morning on a massive pink fucking dildo because I am incomprehensibly horny every goddamn day.” Lorelei pinched his cheeks, dark eyes intense. “If you’re not inside me soon, I will literally cry so goddamn hard you have no idea.”
After a beat, Will burst out into bellowing laughter that Lorelei mirrored in giggles, squealing when he picked her up and placed her to straddle over his body. Loreilei knelt on the bed, excitement thrilling her, filling her with electricity that she couldn’t doubt for a second Will was feeling as he smiled up at her. “You know…” She spoke softly, cardingehr fingers through his blonde hair. “Our first time was special…”
“I know.” He matched her soft tone, caressing over her stomach. He loved Lorelei and Chloe with everything in him. “I know…”
“But this?” A kiss on the forehead, adoring the way his fingers squeezed her hips. “This feels like the first time. Our first real time…”
“I know exactly what you mean…” His voice was nothing short of wonder.
Eyes shut tight, Lorelei lined herself up with Will’s cock, gripping his shoulders and resisting the urge to hold onto his back. He was so much, was he always this much? She was definitely swollen, feeling much more sensitive as she slowly took him. Will didn’t pull her down like many men before, instead she realized he was holding her up with his hands under her ass, allowing her to go at her own pace. When she finally took all of him inside her, sighing in relief as she was spread across him.
“Let’s just stay like this for a minute.” William whispered in her ear, playing with her hair. He must have known how overwhelming it felt for her.
She nodded, eyes still closed tight, holding onto him. She felt full, so goddamn full it was unreel, her walls pulsing around him and struggling to adjust.
“I’m gonna touch you, beautiful girl, okay? Gonna make it easier.” While one hand never left her hair, Will’s right hand went between her legs, playing with her clit. Small circles, playing with the pressure until he heard her whimper. “Ah, just like that?” He continued at the pace she seemed to like, wet slick coking his fingertips. It didn’t take long for a small orgasm to take her over, just enough to allow her to relax and provide extra natural lubrication.
Still Will didn’t pressure her to move. Lorelei stayed like that, clinging to him like her rock in the ocean as her orgasm subsided. It was then she opened her eyes. In there frenzy, neither of them had taken note of the mirror right above their headboard. A well-placed mirror was nothing new to Lorelei, but this was not that scenario. She wasn’t admiring hers or a partner's body, she wasn’t using the scene as porn… she was looking at Will’s back.
All across it were lacerations. Broad or small, mangling his skin up and down his back. Whippings if she had to guess. And from his dad was her first guess. He said he was above, he said he hit them… she never could have imagined it was anything like this. She wondered how many of these lashings he’d taken for Benny. 
Slowly, she began moving, up and down on him, tears in her eyes. She couldn’t protect him as a child. She couldn’t protect him as a teen. She wasn’t there to hold him or nurse him back to health. But she’d be there from now on, taking care of him and his racing mind and their precious child.
With his hands on her waist, he aided her as she rode him. Up and down, he filled Lorelei up over and over again, turning her into a moaning mess as he gazed up at her in adoration. She was his everything. His two girls, in his arms at this moment.
“I love you, Will, I fucking love you.” She felt buried in him, just as he buried himself into her cunt, everything that surrounded her was William. Nothing mattered but William. She didn’t need to wonder why her dad left, because Will wouldn’t leave. She didn’t need to wonder why Tyler hit her, because Will would rather die. She didn’t need to wonder why she wasn’t enough for her family because she was enough for him.
“I love you, Lorelei, I love you so goddamn much and I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry this whole time I made you think I didn’t.” His eyes shone with tears, just as hers did. Their faces came crashing together, faces ever-so-slightly wet with a mix of soft tears.
Together, they orgasmed in unison. 
Will fell backwards on the bed, taking Lorelei with him in his arms. He pulled out carefully, so, so carefully, and even still she whimpered a bit. Will kissed her forehead with an apology, then went to get some things to clean her up. When he walked back, naked and broad, a sun god in all his glory, his stride stuttered a bit at he took note of the mirror.
He didn’t say anything at first. William cleaned between her legs, telling her how good she did, how pretty she was, how much he loved her. Then, after putting her in his sweats and t shirt and pulling pants on himself, Will nudged her exhausted body until her head rested on his lap. There, he did as much of her face routine as he could without a sink. He wiped up all her make-up, then used cotton pads to apply toner. Finally, he took out a serum she brought and her jade roller, dripping it on her face and carefully rolling it.
“So, I assume you saw my back then?”
“Yeah.” Lorelei whispered. “We don’t gotta talk about it.” She sounded sleepy, Will’s touch oh-so soothing. The jade roller felt nice. “I won’t touch your back or anything until you’re ready. Even if that’s never.”
William smiled at her, Lorelei’s loose curls falling all around his lap. “Thank you, princess. I’ll tell you about it, I swear. Just not now.”
“Okay.” Drifting off, she had enough energy to reach up and touch Williams face. “Baby?”
“Hm?” He asked, eyes steady on his work. He didn’t wanna miss any parts, but he didn't want it in her eyes or mouth.
“What happened with Ben?”
Will sighed, putting down the jade roller. He thought back to the moment he left Lorelei. It was stupid, he knew. Not a lot should be able to pull him away from dancing with the love of his life. But when he saw Ben, knuckles bright red and face puffy, he knew the signs. There was no denying it, and he knew it was Alice’s fault, with the comments she’d been making on his eating.
“He’s throwing up again.”
I hope this all seemed to flow naturally. I was trying to hit all the points I wanted to ;-;
ANYWAY get ready to dread the next chapter lolololololol
Please let me know how you felt about them getting together <3
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
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