#Lord Uroko
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pikanepgamer · 3 years ago
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Here, I got this Kyogre toy from McDonalds UK from Ebay at the doorstep just mintures after I got home from doing the yardwork at my Grandmothers house. I added Lord Uroko from A Lull in the Sea anime series, is because they both fit perfect for thier title. (And I was shiny hunting Kyogre while watching the show way back in 2018 in Pokémon Ultra Moon! :D)
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nagiasunoasukara · 6 years ago
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A lull in the Sea Lord Uroko Icons
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bakemonogatarii · 4 years ago
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Add this motherfucker to the list
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I have a #type
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amintyghost · 3 years ago
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh A Lull in the Sea is a BEAUTIFUL anime...
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derelictdumbass · 4 years ago
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Say hello to Takumi, his sole purpose is to lay around Lord Uroko's temple and be his cute husband ☺️💜
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minuutti · 2 years ago
Give me your multiples of 5 for Spotify wrapped!! (please :))
here!! (<3)
5. respite on the spitalfields - ghost
10. tears in the club - fka twigs, the weeknd
15. stay by me - anri
20. spillways - ghost
25. the perfume of sins - dir en grey
30. fulenn - alvan, ahez
35. god is a freak - peach prc
40. kiss the go-goat - ghost
45. the tinderbox (of a heart) - cocteau twins
50. vesireittejä - ultra bra
55. bite of passage - ghost
60. bad friend - rina sawayama
65. uroko - dir en grey
70. darlin' - d'erlanger
75. the louvre - lorde
80. liperiin nivalaan - maija vilkkumaa
85. egnirys cimredopyh +) an injection - dir en grey
90. just a lover - hayley williams
95. my love - florence + the machine
100. come to a screaming halt - petit brabancon
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romancemedia · 4 years ago
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Lord Uroko attracted to Manaka and Miuna.
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monogataribr · 3 years ago
• Koyomi Araragi (阿良々木 暦) ♂ : Colegial. Meio-vampiro. • Karen Araragi (阿良々木 火憐) ♀ : Ginasial. Irmã de Tsukihi e Koyomi. • Tsukihi Araragi (阿良々木 月火) ♀ : Ginasial. Irmã de Karen e Koyomi. • Hitagi Senjougahara (戦場ヶ原 ひたぎ) ♀ : Colegial. Sempre doente. • Tsubasa Hanekawa (羽川 翼) ♀ : Colegial. Representante de Classe. • Mayoi Hachikuji (八九寺 真宵) ♀ : Ginasial. Garotinha perdida. • Kanbaru Suruga (神原 駿河) ♀ : Colegial. Estrela do time de basquete. • Nadeko Sengoku (千石 撫子) ♀ : Ginasial. Amiga de infância de Koyomi. • Sodachi Oikura (老倉 育) ♀ : Colegial. Amiga de infância de Koyomi. • Ougi Oshino (忍野 扇) ♀ : Colegial. Sobrinha de Meme. • SeiuHigasa (日傘 星雨) ♀ : Colegial. Amiga de Suruga. • Kissshot Acerolaorion Heartunderblade (キスショット・アセロラオリオン・ハートアンダーブレード) ♀ : Vampira. Rei das monstruosidades. • Lola/Laura (ローラ) ♀ : Humana. Bela Princesa. • Acerola (アセロラ) ♀ : Humana. Princesa amaldiçoada. • Shinobu Oshino (忍野 忍) ♀ : Ex-vampira. Ex-Kissshot • Meme Oshino (忍野 メメ) ♂ : Especialista em equilibrio com monstruosidades. • Yozuru Kagenui (影縫 余弦) ♀ : Especialista em monstruosidades imortais. • Izuko Gaen (臥煙 伊豆湖) ♀ : Mestre dos Especialistas. Sabe de Tudo. • Tooe Gaen (臥煙 遠江) ♀ : Irmã de Izuko e mãe de Suruga. • Tadatsuru Teori (手折 正弦) ♂ : Especialista em monstruosidades imortais. • Yotsugi Ononoki (斧乃木 余接) ♀ : Boneca viva. Serva dos especialistas. • Rouka Numachi (沼地 蠟花) ♀ : Ginasial. Rival no basquete de Suruga. • Tsuzura Kouga (甲賀 葛) ♀ : Chefe Policial do Esquadrão de Rumores. • Zenka Suou (周防 ��歌) ♀ : Agente Policial no Esquadrão de Rumores. • Nozomi Kizashima (兆間 臨) ♀ : Inspetora Policial no Esquadrão de Rumores. • Mitome Saisaki (再埼 みとめ) ♀ : Guarda Policial no Esquadrão de Rumores. • Rouka Hanadori (花鳥 楼花) ♀ : Ginasial. Primeira vítima de Rouka Numachi. • Seishirou Shishirui (死屍累 生死郎) ♂ : Primeiro caçador de monstruosidades. • Dramaturgy (ドラマツルギー) ♂ : Vampiro. Caçador de vampiros. • Episode (エピソード) ♂ : Meio-vampiro. Caçador de vampiros • Guillotine Cutter (ギロチンカッター) ♂ : Humano. Caçador de vampiros. • Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster (デストピア・ヴィルトゥオーゾ・スーサイドマスター) ♀ : Vampira. Mestre original de Kissshot. • Tropicalesque Homeawave Dogstrings (トロピカレスク・ホームアヴェイヴ・ドッグストリングス) ♂ : Vampiro. Servo de Deathtopia. • Highwaist (ハイウエスト) ♀ : Vampira. Irmã gêmea de Lowrise. • Lowrise (ローライズ) ♂ : Vampiro. Irmão gêmeo de Highwaist. • Skyrumble Triplealps Fondants (スカイランブル・トリプルアルプス・フォンダンス) ♂ : Vampiro. • Meniko Hamukai (食飼 命日子) ♀ : Amiga de faculdade de Koyomi. • Amiko Yurugase (惣瀬 亜美子) ♀ : Colega de classe de Sodachi, na nova escola. • Lily Suzubayashi (珠洲林 リリ) ♀ : Colega de classe de Sodachi, na nova escola. • Mizudori (水鳥) ♂ : Ginasial. Namorado de Karen. • Rousokuzawa (蝋燭沢) ♂ : Ginasial. Namorado de Tsukihi. • Uroko Araundo (洗人 迂路子) ♀ : Monstruosidade relacionada a Izuko. • Hagoromo Iesumi (家住 羽衣) ♀ : Professora universitária de linguística. • Iie Iesumi (家住 唯々恵) ♀ : Filha de Hagoromo.
• Kaii (怪異) : Monstruosidade • Kyuketsuki (吸血鬼) : Vampiro • Omoshi Kani (重し蟹) : Caranguejo Pesado • Mayoi Ushi (迷い牛) : Vaca Perdida • Katatsumuri no Maigo (蝸牛の迷子) : Caracol Perdido • Rainy Devil (レイニーデヴィル) : Rainy Devil — Demônio Chuvoso • Saru no Te (猿の手) : Pata do Macaco • Jagirinawa (蛇切縄) : Cobra Cortante • Kichinawa (クチナワ) : Senhor Serpente • Sawarineko (障り猫) : Gato Importunador • Black Hanekawa (ブラック羽川) : Black Hanekawa — Hanekawa Sombria • Kako (苛虎) : Kako — Tigre Tirânico • Kakoi Hibachi (圍い火蜂) : Abelha Flamejada • Shide no Tori (死出の鳥) : Pássaro Moribundo • Phoenix (フェニックス): Fênix • Namekuji Tofu (蛞蝓豆腐) : Lesma Tofu • Akuma-sama (悪魔様) : Lorde Demônio • Kurayami (くらやみ) : Escuridão • Ningyo (人魚) : Sereia • Golem (ゴーレム): Golem • Ookamiotoko (狼男) : Lobisomem • Hito (ヒト) : Ser Humano
• Youtou Kokorowatari (妖刀 心渡) : Lâmina Demoníaca, Atravessadora de Corações • Youtou Yumewatari (妖刀 夢渡) : Lâmina Demoníaca, Atravessadora de Sonhos • [Kissshot] Tekketsu ni shite Nekketsu ni shite Reiketsu no Kyuketsuki (鉄血にして熱血にして冷血の吸血鬼) : A Vampiro de Sangue de Ferro, de Sangue Quente, de Sangue Frio • [Kissshot] Kaii Goroshi (怪異殺し) : Matadora de Monstruosidades • [Kissshot] Kaii no O (怪異の王) : Rei das Monstruosidades • [Deathtopia] Kesshi ni shite Hisshi ni shite Banshi no Kyuketsuki (決死にして死にして万死の吸血鬼) : A Vampiro Preparada para Morte, de Morte Inevitável, de Morte Certa • Vampire Slayers : Caçadores de Vampiros • Expert: Especialista • [Izuko] Know everything  Sabe tudo • Vallhala Combo (ヴァルハラコンビ) : Combo Vallhala • [Karen & Stukihi] Fire Sisters (ファイヤーシスターズ) : Fire Sisters • [Tsukihi] Moon Fire (ムーンファイア) : Moon Fire • [Nadeko] Otonadeko (おと撫子), Kabinadeko (媚 び 撫 子), Sakanadeko (逆撫子), Kaminadeko (神撫子), Imanadeko (今 撫 子) : Nadeko-Gentil, Nadeko-Bajuladora, Nadeko-Rebelde, Nadeko-Divina, Nadeko-Atual
• [Karen para Koyomi] Nii-chan (兄ちゃん) : Maninho • [Tsukuhi para Koyomi] Onii-chan (お兄ちゃん) : Irmãozão • [Izuko] Onee-san (お姉さん) : Irmãzona • [Yotsugi para Koyomi] Oni no Onii-chan (鬼 の 鬼いーちゃん): Demô-Maninho • [Black Hanekawa para Tsubasa] : Minhya Mestra • Senpai (先辈) : Veterano (a) • Kohai (後輩) : Calouro (a)
• [Meme] : Alguma coisa boa te aconteceu? • [Tsubasa] : Eu não sei tudo, só sei o que sei. • [Koyomi para Kissshot] : Se por hoje você viver, então também viverei. • [Kissshot para Koyomi] : Se tu morreres amanhã, eu viveria por mais um dia — para contar sobre ti a alguém. Eu contarei, e eles ouvirão a história de meu mestre. • Unlimited Rulebook (アンリミテッドルールブック) : Livro de Regras Ilimitado • [Deathtopia] : De uma maneira ou de outra, parece-me que morri novamente. • [Ougi] : Eu não sei tudo, você é quem sabe.
• Naoetsu Machi (直江津) : Cidade de Naoetsu • Shiritsu Naoetsu Koukou (私立直江津高校) : Colégio Particular Naoetsu • Kita-Shirahebi Jinja (北白蛇神社) : Santuário Shirahebi do Norte • Namishiro Koen (浪白公園) : Parque Namishiro • Rohaku Koen (浪白公園) : Parque Rouhaku • Mister Donut (ミスタードーナツ) : Mister Donut • Eiko Juku (叡考塾) : Cursinho Eiko • Kouritsu Nanahyakuichi Chuugakkou (公立漆佰壱中学校) : Ginásio Público #701 • Tamikura-sou : Apartamentos Tamikura
• Tsukumogami (付喪神) : No folclore Japonês, possuídos por um espírito/deus após anos de existência. • Onmyoji (陰陽師) : No Japão antigo, são especialistas em magia e adivinhação que possuem tarefas de proteção contra espíritos malignos. • Shikigami (式神) : São espíritos invocados para servir e proteger um Onmyoji. 
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ticklygiggles · 5 years ago
Got any manga recommendations?
I do~ I've already did a few BL manga recommendations in the past, but I'll give you a few more + no BL. Manga, Manhwa and Manhua.
Also, have in mind that most of these titles (especially the BL) are nsfw or have mentions of sex!
BL/Yaoi (my personal favorite are bolded)
Koi ga Ochitara
Tasogare out of focus
The Titan's Bride
Sugar Dog Life
Shokkan Harassment
Outsider Communication
Boku no kareshi no sukinahito
Usagi-chan Doshikori Moushiagemasu
Junai Drop Out
Therapy game (+ prequel and sequel)
Kamisama no Uroko
The monster and the beast
Dear signal
Koishite baby (omegaverse)
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny (omegaverse)
Doukyuusei (+all the sequels and side story)
Itonaga-kun no koi to Ito
Virgin pink scandal
2ban-me no alpha (omegaverse)
Sayonara Alpha (omegaverse not for everyone, don't @ me)
Dear ear
Sadistic Madness
Imitation mate (omegaverse)
Yakimochi wa kotsuneiro
Omega-san night club (omegaverse)
NomiXShiba (cutest thing ever)
Papa Sex Caramelized
Tadaima, Okaeri (omegaverse, also cutest thing ever)
If you treat me nice, we can do it (a bit toxic, tho)
Kiraide Isasete (omegaverse)
Manwha or manhwa or whatever you call it (Korean)
Yours to claim
BJ Alex
Painter of the night (don't @ me either, it's toxic)
Let's go, ASMR!
Love is an Illusion (omegaverse)
Love shuttle (omegaverse)
King maker
Blood Bank
A guy like you
Manhua (Chinese)
Tian Guan Ci Fu
Here U Are
19 days
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Non BL/Yaoi
The twin siblings' new life
Beware of the villainess
Lady baby
Beware of the brothers!
Suddenly became a princess one day
The duchess with an empty soul
Ellin's Solhwa
I was born as the demon Lord's daughter
The abandoned empress
Shoujo (I guess??)
Positively yours
31st consort
Over-cumming writer's block
Akatsuki no yona
Other manga
One piece
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erza-haninozuka · 5 years ago
A Lull in the Sea
Hello all! Below you are going to find an in depth discussion of my thoughts from rewatching one of my favorite series, A Lull in the Sea/Agi No Asukara. This anime was recently put onto Netflix and is 26 episodes long, so if you’re looking for something to watch, I HIGHLY recommend it. 
Now I’m more posting this for a discussion and for my own thoughts. So if you want to discuss this anime with me feel free. Also feel free to read or ignore at your own discretion, as there is probably going to be a lot down below. 
So let’s dive in!
So during my rewatch of this show I was yet again captivated by the animation of the show. It is absolutely stunning and beautiful. It’s so vibrant and captivating. There are moments where they hit some darker times and the color is dulled out but in the best way to match the moods! They also even had Manaka’s eyes dulled during the last few episodes. It’s a show of love and life. It’s a very good slice of life and has some very good comedic pieces to it. 
And during this rewatch, I always thought Tsumugu was hot, but realized just how hot Lord Uroko was too. I don’t care if he’s a scale of the Sea God, 10/10 would bang. 
Anyways, if we push the animation aside, the story line is very interesting. We get a series that gives us their own culture and problems. There is a history and hate between those of the sea and the surface. It can honestly be compared to racism in a symbolic way. But what I truly love, is how they learned to embrace their differences and come together. We see this more in the children even though they were raised with the same beliefs as their parents. But instead, they chose to follow their own beliefs and do away with this hate for the people from the sea/surface. The adults still have some tension between them towards the end, but when the people of the sea went into hibernation you can tell they cared for them. So when the people of the sea finally woke up you still see them arguing and bickering, but it’s obvious they are attempting to make amends. That or it’s very likely they just wanted them to feel like nothing changed drastically, either way they still tend to have a lot hate relationship but we no longer see them fling these hateful terms at each other such as pig or fish. 
There was so much development for these characters, which some of them progressed a bit quicker than I would like but it’s what they could do with the amount of episodes.
For example, Hikari. He is the son of the chief priest. In beginning he is an irriational, emotional driven character. He can be immature and lashes out a lot, especially with Manaka. But they give us a glimpse to his depth as he cares for Manaka and acts this way with her to help her learn from her mistakes. But we do see his mature side where even though he is conflicted, he’d let Manaka be with Tsumugu if that’s what makes her happy. But this comes in time, as he is still fighting with his emotions and wanting her to be with him. We do see his first step in better development when it comes to his sister Akari and when she wants to be with a man from the surface. This is what kicks him into wanting Manaka to be happy even if it’s not with him. This is Hikari’s turning point as a character. We see him slip now and then, but he continues to progress. And when he wakes up he progresses an extreme amount. Which I dislike for a matter of three days we see him mature faster than he has in the entire series, but it’s more the fact I believe the writers thought his character would try to make up for the last five years by doing what he can in a short period of time subconsciously. 
The character we see change the most though in my opinion besides Hikari, is Manaka, Miuna, and Chisaki.
Manaka at first is this very clumsy girl who is a bit afraid to speak up. However she won’t hesitate to call Hikari out when he’s being mean. This definitely stems from being childhood friends and him often picking on her. She is also very, VERY conflicted in her feelings. Through the series we don’t ever fully know who she is interested in until close to the end. Which makes sense- she is 14. She is given this person who is completely new to her along with the surface. But upon my second watch I realize it’s more of the fact that he is the first person she meets from the surface. So in that aspect Tsumugu is special. However her feelings for him are not the same and we are hinted this when she is comparing him to the sun.  Another thing I have come to realize is the reason she acts the way she does towards Hikari. When Hikari hugs her and confesses to her she runs off and seems uninterested. Which makes Hikari believe even more she loves Tsumugu. But again, she is 14! It’s the fact she doesn’t know what to make of her feelings yet. She is processing these feelings and emotions, having to learn what she feels for Tsumugu and for Hikari. On top of this Chisaki said she didn’t want things to change. If Manaka had admitted her feelings once she does comprehend them, things would change. Now, feelings aside, we do see her develop into being a more outspoken girl. She becomes more confident with herself and her feelings.
As for Miuna, she starts of a child. She wants everything to go her way and when she learns of Akari and her father, Itaru, she wants Akari to go away. She doesn’t want her to become her mom in fear of losing her mother for a second time. But we do watch as she learns to accept Akari’s role after speaking with Hikari. It’s obvious she deeply cares for Akari, which can be seen when they learn of hibernation. She wants her to stay with her but she would rather her be safe sleeping in the sea and reverts to trying to getting her to leave. But this time it’s more for her mother’s safety. After the five year jump we watch as she navigates her emotions and love, just like the others before her. She learns of the pain that comes with loving Hikari, but we watch her as a 14 year old give, force him to admit his feelings for Manaka, so she can face the rejection and later on grow. She does everything to help him be happy even though parts of her don’t want him to ever be with Manaka or for her to return. And when she goes into the sea, we see her recognize all these emotions in the sea. Because she connects with Manaka’s ena that’s floating in the sea because of her own love for Hikari, but also the sheer pain of loving someone. And when Manaka’s ena is restored, we see those two make a full connection to the Lady Ojoshi’s feelings which help the Sea God as well. Because Miuna forces herself to accept the reality and learn to heal her wounds, she is able to help Manaka and the Sea God. 
Now for the final character I’m going to discuss before having a small discussion on a few other things.... 
Chisaki. The character who fears and rejects change. Yet she is ironically the one who changed the most. She is unsure in the way she speaks with her feelings. She is conflicted like the others when it comes to her crushes. She loves Hikari even though she knows he won’t return her feelings. She fears if she admits her feelings to him it will change their friendship, as if he were to admit his feelings for Manaka. She doesn’t want things to change even with everything rapidly changing around her. She rejects the reality and tries to keep everything the same. We see this when she’s upset with Kaname for making Hikari admit he loves Manaka. We also see Tsumugu point out to her that she is uncertain in the way she speaks. But as the series progresses she learns her voice. However continues to reject certain changes. Such as during the five year jump. She’s grown into a capable, young woman. She knows she will always love Hikari, because a lot of people still hold those feelings for their first loves. She will always love him because he was such a huge part of her life. But she learned of her feelings for Tsumugu. But being the person she is, she’s hesitant with that kind of change. She doesn’t want to move on because she still wants to believe the others will return- and when they do she’s worried she’s changed. She’s worried that they have changed and everything wouldn’t ever be the same. But their bonds remained the same, there were aspects of her that remained true. And we see her hesitance even more as her friends start waking up. Hikari still doesn’t have Manaka, and when he does, he doesn’t have her heart. She doesn’t want to be the only one to be happy when the person she first loved is suffering. She admits this to Kaname. She is afraid to be happy, but towards the end we do see her learn to accept her love and happiness that she can have with Tsumugu. She begins to embrace what has changed and treasures everything around her whether they are feelings or experiences. Also, I really love how Tsumugu helps her realize these things as well. He knows she is hesitant to admit to her feelings, but he remains understanding and patient. (I might just make an entire post on them alone because they are my OTP)
Now for a small discussion. I happened to be on Pinterest, being pin happy and saving a LOT of A Lull in the Sea stuff to my anime board. In this process I came across a few posts that I wanted to put my thoughts on. 
One of them was saying they dislike how Miuna acts like she is the main character sometimes replacing Manaka. First off, Manaka is not the main character. They do not soley focus on one character. They focus on Hikari, Manaka and Miuna. Hikari and Manaka are the main focuses before the time jump. Then after the five year gap we see them focus on Miuna and Hikari. The reason they cannot focus on Manaka is because she was fucking hibernating. They cannot focus on her because of this. Not only that, but they wanted to show the progression of Miuna as a character. She was at first the main focus until Hikari came back. They also focused some on Chisaki as well. 
I had also seen someone say Tsumugu is stiff with Chisaki and shows emotions with Manaka. While I can understand this, there are some issues.... He tries to help Manaka because she isn’t as mature as the rest of them and is far more careless. He sees this. So he is goofy with her to help put her at ease. With Chisaki, he can be more blunt and forward with her because even though she has some childish tendencies, she is more mature and grown than Manaka. Not only that, but I’m sure he’s going to try to act more mature and cool with Chisaki, because he likes her. 
And lastly, someone stated that they were sad at how at the end Chisaki isn’t Manaka’s best friend anymore and only cares for herself and Tsumugu. And they said that Miuna is a better friend because she actually cares. Like are you serious??? Chisaki will always be friends with Manaka and care for her. However, she has CHANGED and grown in the past five years. She is a 20 year old woman. Of course she couldn’t be there more for her because she couldn’t go to middle school anymore. She was attending nursing school and has other duties as an adult to tend to. The fact someone truly believes that she doesn’t care for her makes me laugh. Chisaki cares for Manaka. She is the one who tries to do mouth to mouth with her. She always cares for Manaka. Now for making her seem self-centered, that is completely illogical. Chisaki cares more for others happiness than her own. She was willing to sacrifice the relationship she could have with Tsumugu because Manaka lost the ability to love. She always knew of Manaka’s feelings and feared things changing if she dared admit her feelings for Hikari. Granted we do see her admit them and get rejected, but we still see her care for Manaka. As for Miuna being a “better” friend because she actually cares.... Obviously they just hate Chisaki’s character. Which in my opinion is one of the most relatable. Maybe because I have some similarities with her character. But Miuna and Chisaki are both good friends to Manaka. They just seem closer because Miuna they are the same age and can go to school together. They both care for Manaka and her well being. They just have different ways as they were both on opposing sides about Manaka having lost the ability to love. 
Anyways, I need to wrap this up. So if you read this all, uhm, bless you because I realize this is a lot lol. But if you’d like me to do a ship list from this show and further discuss my OTP from the show I’d be happy to. And if you have any further thoughts or wish to discuss something in regards to this show with me please do! 
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i-am-not-a-frog · 5 years ago
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@lightning-will-bovino​ asked:  ♒ - fave animes?  ❦-.fave characters?
This is gonna be a long list so bear with me. Gonna put under a read more just cuz will be long. If favorite characters not specifically listed it’s because they are just the main characters.
KHR, obviously. Lots of characters I love from the series (and all the series listed). But my favorites would be these (in no particular order):
Akatsuki No Yona (Again in no particular order)
Su Won
Akagami No Shirayuki-hime (I DEEPLY love this anime. So so so much.)
Zen (absolute fav)
Kamigami No Asobi
Loki (<3)
Takeru (<3)
Tsukito (<3)
Fruits Basket (New version)
Kozume Kenma 
Kageyama Tobio
Nishinoya Yuu
Hinata Shouyou
Tetsuro Kuro
Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast For Spirits
The Ancient Magus Bride
Lindel <3
Rokka - Braves Of The Six Flowers
Hans <3
Kuroko no Basket
Nurarihyon No Mago
Ryōta Neko
Nabari No Ou
Nagi no Asukara
Lord Uroko
Mekaku City Actors
Shugo Chara! 
Rurouni Kenshin
Sword Art Online
Tears To Tiara
Towa no Quon
Uta no Prince-sama
Vampire Knight
Kyo Kara Maoh!
K Project
Yuri On Ice
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Kamisama Hajimemashita
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nemurubedtime · 11 years ago
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Luring Lord Uroko with food. Plus porn mag.
Am I the only one who can already imagine him crouching in the pipe munching on this delicacy while leisurely reading porn?
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derelictdumbass · 4 years ago
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Lord Uroko more like Thief Uroko amirite–
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mingthooyeol · 11 years ago
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(still) best scene ever xD
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fireemblemtcg · 5 years ago
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fecipher twitter, 26-5-2020: "Lucius: Eliminean Monk" and "Lucius: A Light Close to a Lone Sword"
[Card Showcase] The monk Lucius was once a servant of House Cornwell. But the house was abolished, and he has traveled with its heir, Raymond, ever since. He and Raymond - now a mercenary - have grown as close as family, and with beautiful, divine light, Lucius supports him in his battles. (Illust. @uroko-p​)
Card stats/skills:
B21-????? Lucius: Eliminean Monk Monk/Cost2 Purple/Male/Tome 40ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"May I please lend you my services?"
Servant of Cornwell [ACT] [TAP, FLIP 1] Choose 1 "Raven" from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
A Prayer to the Saint [ALWAYS] Enemies in the Back Line who are attacking your lord are unable to inflict critical hits.
Illust. Uroko Naruse
B21-????? Lucius: A Light Close to a Lone Sword Bishop/Cost3(2) Purple/Male/Tome 50ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"Lord Raymond, you are not someone who should dwell on revenge! I know you... I have always been with you!"
Beautiful Light [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
"Come what may, I will be with you." [TRIGGER] [Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 card with the same unit name as your lord from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
Illust. Uroko Naruse
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