#Look you can even see a giant game pad
dbphantom · 1 year
Wait a minute hold on hang on
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Computer, enhance
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Hi, it's me thinking about Sarah's dad Joel Miller again. I've been seeing the wonderful headcanons floating around and I just couldn't get all of these sweet images out of my head.
girldad!joel holding a band in between his lips as he keeps glancing down at a magazine tutorial on how to style Sarah’s hair for her first school dance. “It wouldn’t hurt if you just stopped squirming baby girl.”
girldad!joel taking the day off from work to chaperone Sarah’s class field trip to the farm. He sits on the bus, his broad body takes up a whole seat. He gives Sarah her space but she just can’t help hanging with him the whole day. 
girldad!joel wrapping presents on Christmas Eve and lining them up under the tree, stepping back and being proud of how many gifts he can buy his little girl. 
girldad!joel picking Beauty and the Beast to watch for movie night because he feels a lot like Maurice, a single father who would do anything for his spunky, smart daughter.
girldad!joel pouring two bowls of cereal and joining Sarah on the couch for cartoons on Saturday morning. He relishes these lazy mornings, even if Sarah almost always spills milk on the couch.
girldad!joel grocery shopping, trying to stick within his budget but allowing the splurge of Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a teeny bopper magazine for Sarah because she’s always such a big help.
girldad!joel dropping Sarah off for her first day of kindergarten, telling her she’s such a big girl and how proud he is of her. He only allows himself to feel a sense of pride that he’s taking good care of his baby girl after he steps up into his truck and is alone. A single tear wells in his eye before he starts the engine and drives to work. 
girldad!joel wearing a cheap plastic tiara and not being able to fit the acrylic ring around his thick finger while sitting around the coffee table and playing Pretty Pretty Princess with Sarah.  
girldad!joel taking Sarah to the hardware store to pick out the perfect color for her big girl bedroom. She sleeps in his bed that night while the paint dries, Joel stays up relishing the feel of her little, warm body against his because he knows it’ll probably be the last time he can hold his baby girl as she falls asleep. 
girldad!joel letting Sarah pick the music in his truck, his cheeks turning pink when she starts to tease him that he actually *does* like the new boy band song. 
girldad!joel putting the little WORLD'S BEST DAD trophy keychain Sarah bought him at the school Christmas store on his keys.
girldad!joel nervously stammering through asking Sarah if she needs any “uh… pads or… hmm… tampons” before he leaves for the store feeling slightly embarrassed at how she rolls her eyes at his embarrassment and tells him she’s good. 
girldad!joel eating all of the marshmallows Sarah burns before she toasts the perfect one for her smore. 
girldad!joel waking up on Saturday morning exhausted from a long week of work guzzling coffee down while he helps Sarah get ready for her soccer game. 
girldad!joel looking up from all of his invoices and complimenting Sarah’s newest colored coloring page while they sit at the dining room table. 
girldad!joel helping Sarah learn to ride her bike, which she easily learns. He takes a giant breath when he watches her pedal away without his help. She’s getting so big.
girldad!joel folding laundry on the couch while watching the Rangers game, he gets a little emotional thinking about how much bigger Sarah’s clothes are now. He fondly remembers folding her onesies and pajamas when he was just an overwhelmed single father of a baby.
girldad!joel wearing the BEST FLIPPIN’ DAD apron Sarah bought him while preparing Thanksgiving dinner for her and Tommy. Boxed mashed potatoes, Stove Top stuffing, jarred gravy, canned cranberries, canned yams with lots of marshmallows on top, Jiffy cornbread, and a turkey that might be a little too dry. Sarah thinks all of it is delicious and saves extra room for grocery store bakery baked pumpkin pie with extra whipped cream. 
girldad!joel stuffing Easter eggs with candy and coins and hiding them all over the house while Sarah sleeps. He cheekily acts shocked when she finds the hidden golden egg with $5 stuffed inside. “Wow baby girl! That’s a lot of money!” 
girldad!joel swearing to himself while putting together a Barbie Dream House for Sarah’s birthday. His frustration grows when part 3C won’t plug into wall 4A. 
girldad!joel dropping Sarah off at Uncle Tommy’s for a sleepover before his first actual date in ten years. Tommy wishes him good luck as he grabs Sarah’s pink backpack from him, Joel can tell his brother’s nervous for him. He’s nervous as hell too. 
girldad!joel shyly letting you know that he has a young daughter, hoping you don’t run away because he really likes you. His heart beats rapidly when you give him a warm smile and ask about her. 
girldad!joel taking Sarah out for ice cream, both of them sitting on the tailgate of his truck. He sucks in a bracing breath before telling her how he’s met somebody who he really likes. She turns, mint chocolate chip green all over her mouth and smiles a wide grin telling him how excited she is and that finally he found someone who could deal with him. 
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Also, imagine Joel listening to "Robin" by Taylor Swift. You got the dragonflies above your bed You have a favorite spot on the swing set You have no room in your dreams for regrets You have no idea The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline But now we'll curtail your curiosity In sweetness
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love marks & battle scars
[rival! enemy! ken sato x baseball teammate! undercover KDF agent! reader]
part 3
part 2 | part 4
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pairing: ken sato x reader
cw: unproofread, rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, eventual ANGST, cursing, hardcore!intimidating!reader, matsui’s daughter!reader, cursing, minimal details are modified to fit into the storyline, girldad!kenji, reader becomes emi’s mother figure, goofy ahhhh writing as usual
ken sato, your egotistical new teammate has been ticking you off and thinning your patience, being a threat to your place in yomiuri giants.  
ultraman, your nemesis who always gets in the way of your job in the kdf, that you only joined in hopes of finding leads and getting clues to track your parents. 
and somehow you even ended up co-parenting his… kaiju daughter. something you never signed up for.
Ken brooded for a while as your last conversation—that obviously didn’t go well—replayed like a broken record inside his head.
He came home that night while your words echoed in his ear. He isn’t mad at you, nor was he hurt. Okay, a little hurt. Although he didn’t take what you said personally. Everything on his plate right now is a mess. The infant pink lizard under his care right now, the whole saving lives as Ultraman gig, Shimura’s nagging, your judgment, his dad’s expectations for him as Ultraman. Everything is too difficult to juggle altogether and he’s not cut out for all this. He just wants to play baseball.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe he is being a burden to the team. But like everyone else, he’s trying. Why isn’t he enough? Is it a sign of weakness to want a break?
He used your gel pad to relieve the pain below his eye where he took a good hit. Even if you’re still angsty with him, he thanks you for the ice pack. If you hadn’t given him yours, he would’ve used a makeshift one, or his cold canned drinks.
The next games are in a few days. After putting the baby kaiju to sleep, he searched about you on his projection computer. Careful not to wake the sleeping baby, he clicked on one of the cams focused on you in a game. You never miss a bat, your pitches are good, your movements are precise. You really are that player. He looked at you intently in the video, maybe if he watches you through the screen frequently, he’ll learn from you. 
He eyed your moving figure. You were zoomed out yet even so he can see your face. He combed his hair with his fingers as a small smirk appeared on his face unconsciously. His expression darkened while staring at you through the screen intently. Oh, he will prove you wrong. He’s not a burden. He knows that deep inside, you’re wrong. Just you wait and he’ll prove just how hardcore he can be, just like you.
When he realized he was mindlessly staring at you for too long, he stopped the video then switched the video to a video of his mom talking to the camera and cheering him on. Ken’s expression slowly went from his smirk to a warm, solemn smile in front of his mom’s projection, reminiscing the precious moments he had with her. His lips quivered. If only she were here, she’d make the burden of his sufferings at least a little less heavy and more bearable. 
”Mom, what am I supposed to do?”
He heard the baby kaiju as it cooed inside the containment glass behind his back, seemingly curious about what’s playing on the projection monitor. Ken didn’t even notice that she was stirred awake. Thankfully, she wasn’t in a crying mood tonight. Because Ken saw her curious about his mother, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he introduces her.
“This is my mom, Emiko Sato.” Ken tried to introduce his mom’s face to the kaiju. She smiled, as if she understood what he had just said, that made Ken involuntarily smile too, reflecting hers. “Emiko… Emi.” he looked down in deep thought. “From now on, I’ll call you Emi.”
He remembers the saying that goes, “Once you name it, you’ll get attached to it.” A load of bollocks. Of course that’s not happening since soon he’ll be leaving the kaiju to where it rightfully belongs, in Kaiju Island, its natural habitat. The name is just to identify her because to be honest, he doesn’t know what else to call it instead of a kaiju baby, which is overrated.
He placed his hand against the glass separating him from the Kaiju whose name is now Emi. Emi also smiled at him behind the glass, like she agrees with the name given to her. Ken feels a sense of pride in his chest. At least now, he’ll have someone to remind him of his mom. A fragment that’ll remind him of her, even temporarily.
Shimura called the whole team for training the next day. He was still mad about the humiliation he got when Ken initiated a brawl in court. So he was subtly extra hard on Ken today while training. Although after hours, the training was interrupted when some permitted journalist arrived, spoke to Shimura and excused all players for a short interview.
“We’ll call it a day. After the interview, you can all go home and rest. Plenty, so you don’t screw up the next games.” Shimura announced, looking at Ken in his last phrase, obviously referring to him in the screw-up bit. Afterwards, Shimura left the team to walk toward the interview site closely to supervise the interview.
Ken sat himself at the bench while some of the members were interviewed individually. They had a specific list of names, but he doubts he’ll be called, especially not after the brawl he started a day ago. He can hear the voice of the interviewers and the answers of his teammates as a background noise from the close proximity while he lifts his head to look at the ceiling while he rests, wiping the sweat off his sweaty neck.
“Sato, how are your bruises?” Yoshida, a teammate, sat beside him. It wasn’t a sarcastic question but one with concern laced on it, yet still keeping it civil. Some others followed and also sat nearby.
“Glad you asked. I didn't even feel a thing.” Ken sarcastically answered. He’s used to his teammates striking conversations and his teammates are also used to him not being interested with idle chat.
No attachments, no strings, no friends, no nothing. 
That’s what he swore upon himself. Soon, he’s going to leave Tokyo and go back to LA. It’s not that he hates it here, but he just likes LA more. Everything in Tokyo reminds him of the tragedy of his mother and the way his own father traded them for his responsibilities as Ultraman.
Yoshida laughs his snarky, informal response off and takes it lightly. Before he could follow up, another teammate from behind Yoshida tried to converse with Ken. “How long have you been playing baseball? Who inspired you? You know, your favorite player?”
There it goes. They’re getting him to talk about himself. And for Ken, it’s hard to resist not talking about himself. Okay, whatever, just this once.
“Hideki Matsui.” Ken proudly answered, yet based on his teammates’ faces, they were disappointed with his answer. Ken worried for a split-second if he said something wrong. “What? He's always been a childhood favorite of mine. He's good, right?”
“Undoubtedly.” another teammate remarked. “Well, would you still idolize Matsui if you find out he’s not a good person nor a good parent?”
Ken’s brows crossed. “Matsui has a kid?”
“A daughter, particularly.” Fucile, the redhead answered with a wince like he knew this topic very well yet is distasteful. Ken only found out about it now. “The poor girl,” he added.
Yoshida nudged Fucile like he leaked classified information and that they’re not supposed to let Ken know about that, which only sparked Ken’s curiosity more. “How do you say he’s not a good parent?”
His teammates looked at each other like they fucked up, it can be read from their expression that they don’t know what to reply. Like there’s a certain information they’re trying to protect.
“Well… because he–uh…” Yoshida’s hands flew everywhere, finding the words to say and struggling to think of a way to explain it to him.
“Because he constantly pressures his daughter to perfection.” You casually butted in their conversation. They didn’t even notice you there!
The boys who started the gossip’s faces lost color and halted, just like a deer in headlights. The words ‘WE’RE FUCKED’ basically written on their foreheads. They’re that scared of you? Why? How does this topic concern you?
“We didn’t tell him anything else… He…”
You looked over to them, and twisted a corner of your lip slightly upward.
“Oh, I’ll tell him, then.”
“He’s a part of the team, isn’t he?” you looked back at Sato. “It’s only proper he knows.” he looked directly at him, which he returned with the same intensity. 
The team was silenced. Ken’s eyes moved left and right without moving his head away from facing you, but it seemed that there really is no one who wants to talk about it. No one but you. So he faced your standing figure with his whole body this time while he was seated. He can’t help but observe how you’re talking to him right now, yet you still keep a lot of distance between you and him on purpose.
“Knows what?” He waited for you to start.
You sucked air through your nose before starting the narration while still keeping yourself composed. 
“He wasn’t always like that.” you began, but Ken still looked as puzzled as before. “Matsui used to be family-oriented. He loved playing baseball with his daughter on their lawn in their old house during his day-offs when he was still an active player in the Giants. He’d always make time. But then, when his wife died because of doing dangerous business in some organization, Matsui’s soul died with her.” 
You inhaled another breath to avoid showing emotion while continuing the part of the story that’s the hardest to tell. 
“Everything changed when his wife died. He became cranky and he started to despise everything he once loved. Including baseball. He blamed the death of his wife to his daughter, even the things that were out of her control. He detached from her and never showed any love for her after, only high, unrealistic expectations and the shame of having her as a daughter.”
He didn’t know his idol was this cruel to his own daughter. While Kenji was listening intently as he absorbed the information, your face senselessly looked gloomy, you guess no matter how you suppress it, it’s still stronger than you. You shook it off and continued.
“He regained his love for baseball, but he never mended the bond he had with his daughter again. Now, he’s living off of his lasting passion for baseball and supporting his former team, that's now ours. Yet even after his retirement, he’s being more irritable because his former team keeps getting a streak of losses. And for sure, he’s going to lash out on his daughter for that, again.”
Not even a second after you mouthed the last word, Shimura called you from the interview site. Just as when you were about to tell him one more important detail. Actually, two. But this calls for a different time, you guess. You coldly turned away and braced yourself for the worst of the interview questions. Some of the questions are from fans from social media. A wave of guilt struck Ken again, yet he didn’t tear his eyes away from your figure.
Because of the silence that followed the story you told, they heard the interview questions directed to you.
“[Y/N L/N], what will your father say about the streak of all the games you lost, especially with the way Matsui’s obsessed with keeping the Giants’ record flawless?” was only one among the questions simultaneously thrown by the interviewers eager to get your statement.
Ken’s eyes squinted. “Wait, what does Matsui have to do with her?” 
Yoshida and the other teammates looked at each other, hesitant to answer his question and elaborate.
“Sato, we’re going to hold your hand in our heads as we tell you this,” Fucile told him as an expression. “She told you the story anyway, now it’s up to us to tell you the context. The very Matsui’s daughter we’re talking about? That’s her, [Y/N].”
Ken’s jaw fell. “Matsui’s daughter? That Matsui?”
“Yeah. [Y/N L/N], Hideki Matsui's daughter. Doesn't really have a close relationship with her dad since her mom died. It’s not a secret but it’s also not something she parades. We’re surprised you don’t know, we really didn’t want to be the ones to tell you.”
“She’s Matsui’s daughter?!” Ken cannot control the utter shock he’s going through. First, upon finding out Matsui isn't a good parent and has a kid he wasn't aware of, and now, the kid is you?
“You gotta stop calling her that or she’ll beat your ass. She doesn’t like being associated with him. I think it’s because people think she’s where she is because of him just because they’re related.” Yoshida shh’ed Ken.
“Why did I never know of this?” Ken caressed the side of his brow. If they know this much about you, you must’ve been really a long time member of the Giants. Yet you’re still distant with your teammates, like he is. But it's notable how the teammates seemed to know about your family history, so it's possible to know more about you, after all.
“It's not mentioned frequently in the media anymore because it's like a taboo thing, we don’t know. She uses her mother's maiden last name as her last name and it’s also the one written on her jersey. But she's still Matsui by birth.”
Ken stole a glance of you while you were being interviewed. You were wearing the sharp gaze you naturally had while looking at the camera recorder.
He felt as if he had been living under a fucking rock.
You drummed the table with the pads of your fingers waiting for Aoshima’s call. He emailed you privately that there is an urgent matter he has to talk to you about. You were about to bring up your suspension and say “doesn’t suspension mean cut off from work, meaning even calls from work?” but you know he’d be pissed and you’d just set yourself up with an extension of your suspension.
After coming home for baseball practice, you washed yourself in a hot shower rinsing off the sweat and dirt that you accumulated and immediately got ready for this meeting. When the caller ID Capt Aoshima flashed on your computer, you de-hunched your back and sat up straight before clicking answer.
“Agent Saturnine, apologies for the sudden meeting at this late hour, but I have news for you.”
You fidgeted with your ballpoint pen while looking at the camera. “I’m listening.”
“I’m lifting your suspension off,” you gaped your mouth in surprise and waited for what he has to say next, “In exchange, I’m assigning you to a new mission.”
A new mission? What might it be?
Aoshima waited for your reply for him to proceed. You crossed your fingers on the computer table and leaned in with interest.
“Your new mission is to know about Ultraman’s identity. Find who Ultraman is, behind the mask, and surrender him to the KDF.”
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2024 don forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
taglist (do comment if u wanna be added): @moonjellyfishie @aise-30 @lovingyeet @ririkacchi @mitski9328373 @cheomain @ultrawa
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aratitty-itto · 5 months
Diluc's In-game outfits: An analysis
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His regular outfit- Official name Darknight Blaze (really Diluc???) source First, it's similar to the long coat he wears in the manga when he's still in the knights. The ropes he has on one shoulder are something you usually only see on military uniforms, too. Also, the belt that crosses the chest and then one across the hip- that's similar to a weapon/sword belt, and it's one many of the knights have with the one across the chest there to keep the belt from sagging. These are two things I think Diluc had in the knights and incorporated into his later outfit. The all black with some gilt/gold is because Diluc is dramatic and likes the color and also looks good in it. The red on the gloves I personally think is also because Diluc is, again, dramatic and determined to wallow in guilt, so he made the palms red "to remind himself of the blood on his hands" or some shit. (I'll admit this is headcanon territory but i think it's really in character.)
Practically, the coat is armor. The coat looks and moves like it's made of some heavy material. I think it would be wool, because wool as a material has a lot of bonuses. It burns after some time- but is hard to catch on fire. It's a great insulator, so it keeps heat in in the cold . . . . and also keeps it out in. It doesn't melt to your skin like some materials (usually synthetic ones) would when burned. Wool can withstand the temperatures of a regular campfire normally for a fair amount of time, and even higher temps if its specially treated. It's used in firefighter suits even today for all of these reasons. Wool keeps you warm even in rain. It also repels water because of the oils in wool and it takes a lot to get it wet.
And as for armor- Heavy and/or padded fabric is fantastic about spreading out the force of a blow. Diluc would probably barely feel an average punch and maybe get a bruise from a sword slash. It might even block a stab from a dagger or sword (depends on weapon quality and force behind it) or at least keep the stab from going in too far. Those giant arm cuffs have a purpose- double the armor on his wrists, one of the most important things to keep from getting injured while fighting. Same for that little capelet- a hit on the shoulders or near the spine would stagger you and make it hard to swing a heavy claymore with the force necessary. I definitely think Diluc decided to put his collar up like that because he thinks it makes him look cool- and then realized it helped prevent slashes to the back of his neck. The coat is open in the front- but you're able to guard your front a lot easier than your back. Even the fact that its sewn in all those weird shapes is useful. If it gets cut/burnt/bloodied too much in one section he simply rips the seams on those specific panels to replace them, instead of having to replace the whole coat. Also, if you headcanon Diluc as autistic I can tell you that wearing a wool cape/coat is like wearing a weighted blanket. It feels so nice. i also wonder if there's something about self-consciousness, and feeling like he needs several layers between his body and the rest of the world at all times.
Red Dead of Night- 5-star skin
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source His Hidden Strife event outfit. In the Hidden Strife event we got it in he said something like "It's an old outfit he got while fighting the Fatui." It looks a bit similar to the Pyro agents, actually. Not so much the recent ones besides the feather-like coattails, but I bet the Fatui changed military uniforms, partly because uniform changes happen regularly and partly because Diluc may have been using Fatui uniforms to sneak into bases and such.
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He probably doesn't wear it all the time for darknight heroing, but it comes in handy for certain things because-
-if its night you will only see shapes instead of colors and red isn't actually super noticeable in the dark, if someone sees it they will see the distinctive tailcoat that looks a lot like a Fatui Agent, and will assume its Fatui- perfect for if he wants the Fatui blamed for this action.
-if it is a Fatui uniform he stole it's a combat uniform so its meant to be maneuverable in combat. if he has it why not use it.
-already has armor built in, its probably meant for Pyro agents so it's presumably fire resistant. I've seen several cosplays made with leather which would make a lot of sense, it's light, maneuverable, fire resistant and provides light armor.
-and probably the original reason he has it- it has bird theming, the bird on the waistcoat and the back looks like tail feathers, it's red, it's fire-themed, I bet you when Diluc first saw it he was so jealous and needed one himself. And then realized all the other practical points of stealing one.
In conclusion, Diluc is wearing armor at all times even when it looks like he isn't. I wonder what he would wear for purely comfort?
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
You write for all SJM characters, right? Can I please request something fluffy with Ithan? :)
Come to Bed Baby
Ithan x reader
A/n: poor Ithan gets no love and he needs it, he’s been through A LOT
Warnings: none
You jolted awake sucking in a harsh breath. Sitting in bed you gripped the sheets to get your bearings. Taking a few deep breathes you told yourself over and over again that your dream wasn’t real. It wasn’t a nightmare, it was just a really odd dream. Like one of those weird, brightly colored horror movies.
Shaking your head you look to Ithan’s side of the bed hoping to find him sleeping peacefully. You sigh, disappointed you couldn’t cuddle up to your boyfriend. You look at the clock on his bedside table which reads 2:30 AM.
You only came upstairs at midnight. Ithan must still be playing video games with the Flynn and Ruhn. Throwing the covers back you climb out of bed, padding across the room to grab Ithan’s Sunball hoodie that you’ve now claimed as yours and head downstairs.
You silently creep down the stairs, pausing when you see Ithan on the couch. He’s laughing with Ruhn and Flynn, controller in hand as he stares intensely at the giant TV screen. You smile to yourself. You’re so happy to see him smile. Ithan was lost and sad for a long time after Connor died.
Once Bryce was back in his life Ruhn basically took Ithan in and he became part of the Frat Pack. They might never fill the hole Connors death left in his heart, but those three are dam good surrogate brothers.
As you lean on the railing the old wood creaked under your weight. The three males’ attention snaps to you and your cheeks heat. Ithan smiles at you handing the controller over to Flynn who wiggles his eyebrows at him. “Baby what are you doing up?”
You pad down the rest of the stairs, over to the couch, and into Ithan’s open arms. Sitting on his lap he kisses your cheek. “I thought you were going to bed?” He whispered in your ear. “I had a weird dream. I couldn’t go back to sleep without you.” You whisper back.
Pulling away from his neck you give him a fake pout. “Will you please come to bed with me? I can’t sleep without you squishy.” Ithan goes crimson at the nickname. Ruhn is kind enough to hold back his laugh, even though it’s a piss poor attempt. Flynn on the other hand cackles repeating the nickname.
Ithan stares him down borderline growling at the Fae lordling. You giggle at him. Ithan quickly stands bidding his friends goodnight, carrying you bridal style back to bed.
He throws you on the bed earning another giggle from your lips. He strips down to his boxers and slips under the covers next to you. Ithan wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his bare chest, cradling your head and stroking your hair.
“Better?” You let out a hum. “Much. Sorry if I embarrassed you squishy.” Ithan let’s out a breathy laugh. “You could never embarrass me baby.” He kisses the crown of your head whispering, “Get some sleep baby. I’ll be here all night.”
Your eyes shut, heavy with sleep. Ithan heard your breathing even out and he smiled down at you. He was so in love with you and would do anything to make you happy. Even letting you call him squishy in front of his friends.
tags: @rigelus @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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phantoms-lair · 6 months
Fredogawa - Enter the PizzaPlex
@pixlokita you wanted more of this AU so Happy Birthday
((From my DCxFNAF:SB))
((Also I never posted part 2, so, uh...here?))
"So we are stuck here?" Freddy asked.
"For now." Conan looked annoyed. They were supposed to catch their connecting flight to Hawaii here, but a storm over the ocean was making it impossible. The clear blue skies around them just made the reason seem so incongruous. "Thankfully we're already in the states so we won't have our visas checked or anything. Especially since you look mostly Caucasian and we both speak perfect English."
"Your accent might need a bit more practice," Freddy said gently. "I have the advantage of switching my language module. Well, there is nothing we can do about the weather." Freddy shrugged gamely. "Why don't we 'do the tourist thing' until a flight is available to meet with your Great Aunt and Uncle."
That's one thing Conan appreciated about him. As an entertainment bot, he knew how to commit to a bit. They were impossible far away from anyone who might know them, but he kept their identities, as well as his parents identities relevant to theirs, up.
"Sure Dad. What's around here?" he asked, also staying in character.
"Let's see." Freddy pulled out his phone and did a quick search. "Oh." His entire demeanor fell.
"What's wrong?" Conan asked concerned. He'd seen few things get under his 'dad's' skin like this.
"The biggest tourist spot in this area is...a Freddy Fazbear's PizzaPlex."
Yeah, that would do it. "We don't have to go, I'm sure there are other things we could do."
"No, I - I want to see. what it could have been like? How many people get the chance to see what might have happened if their lives had gone according to plan. And this one is even bigger than the one in Japan. Here I - The other Freddy has a whole band. It is strange and frightening, but I want to see."
Conan wasn't sure if he could say the same. If he could see a different Kudo Shinichi who'd never been shrunk, never had to lie to Ran...all in all he'd just rather not. But this was Freddy's choice, not his. "Sure Dad, sounds like fun." He gave Freddy his "I'm a little kid smile, which Freddy returned with a genuine one.
The Pizzaplex wasn't far from the air pad, and when they got there both stared at the building for a moment. 'Bigger' was an understatement. The Pizzaplex in Beika was the size of a good sized restaurant. This was the size of a mall.
"Fazbear Entertainment must be doing well in America." Conan commented.
Freddy nodded. "Shall we?"
Conan held his hand, slipping his face into that of a little kid excited for an afternoon with his father. They walked through the giant glass doors and that where everything went wrong.
They had barely stepped foot into the Pizzaplex when Conan froze in place. Freddy did a quick scan of his son and noticed in addition to his paling skin his heartrate had skyrocketed and his breathing had quickened to a worrying degree.
He knelt down next to his son. "Conan, are you okay?"
He wasn't sure what he expected, but it wasn't for Conan to grab onto him like a koala, gripping his clothes in fear while small sniffles escaped from him. None of this was standard Conan behavior.
"Is your son alright?" a concerned lady in a Fazbear uniform asked.
"I think he's overwhelmed." he responded, wondering why the woman suddenly looked surprised." He stood, holding Conan to him. "I'll take him to the parking lot and see if that helps."
Thankfully as soon as he exited the doors Conan's death grip on him relaxed, thought it wasn't gone completely. His breathing evened out and his pulse rate dropped to normal.
"Hey there, superstar. You okay?" Freddy asked, rubbing Conan's back soothingly.
"No." Conan croaked. He took several deep breaths before he continued. "I...I've trained my detective instincts a lot."
"You have," Freddy agreed.
"And I've gotten them to the point where if someone's feeling a large amount of bloodlust or malice I can tell. Not who, and it wouldn't be permissible evidence in court even if I did know who, but...I don't feel it everytime but when I do it's never wrong."
That didn't sound like something that should be physically possible to Freddy, but now wasn't the time for that. "Is that what happened when you entered the building?"
But Conan shook his head. "No, it was.." Haibara used smell as her example, and Freddy was made to be a musician. "Think of it like a sound. Usually when I pick up on malice it's like a sudden note out of silence, a stinger on a violin. It's shocking and I have to pay attention to it. Walking into the Pizzaplex..." Conan gulped. "It was like stepping out of a sensory deprivation chamber into a cacophony. Loud horns, screeching violins, hands slamming on a keyboard. A thousand overwhelming notes of malice, death, violence. And they just kept playing. I've never felt anything even remotely resembling that."
"Do you think something bad is going to happen?" Freddy asked gravely.
"I think," Conan gulped, trying to make sense of the whirling feelings going on inside him. "I think something bads been happening for a while."
"Can we tell to the police?"
"No. We have no evidence other than me having a panic attack, which they'll be even less likely to listen to due to my age. And if they look into either of us they might realize we entered the country illegally."
Freddy thought a moment. Then he sighed. He wanted nothing more than to lick up his son, turn his back, and leave this place forever. But the thought of leaving victims, most likely children, made his servos twist. And he knew his son. Knew if he tried to leave Conan would just turn around and sneak back in to handle it himself. And the thought of Conan going there alone if this was anything like was happened at his Pizzaplex..."We are leaving."
Conan opened his mouth to argue.
"For now." Freddy appended. "We will get food and rest and give you time to recover. We will return shortly before the last big show. If we cannot find anything to give to the police, we will hide until closing in one of the recharge chambers. Though I have been altered to no longer require them, I should still register as a Fazbear Entertainment Animatronic and you would not be harmed in my stomach hatch. We can investigate after it is clear. The Pizzaplex is hugely busy. If something bad is ongoing, it will not be happening during opening hours."
"Thank you," Conan whispered.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 8 months
Feral anon back with brain worms 😔
What if 09! Ghost and 22! Ghost, who both regress temporarily swapped universes?
(For simplicity, 22!Ghost will be Simon and 09! Ghost will be Riley)
Simon at first does his best to remain professional and respectful. He just wants to get home and is willing to cooperate the best he can with the version of 141. He’s stressed and worried about his 141 and he feels his regression coming along. He misses Baba, he misses Soap, he misses Gaz he just wants to be held. He doesn’t realise he’s pulled out his comfort blanket until he sees Captain Mactavish’s soft, concerned eyes.
“Ah, so you’re a wee one like my ghostie?”
Ghost is reluctant to answer, he freezes and holds his breath. But Mactavish has played this game before. Very carefully, he steps into Simon’s space, slowly cupping Simon’s masked cheek in a delicate hold.
“It’s alright if you need a break. Little one. You must be so stressed and scared, aye?”
Simon nods, his shoulders shaking a little as he starts to weep “w-wan’ baba..” he hiccups.
“I know, wee one..it’s okay, I’ll get ye back to baba.” Mactavish promises “but until then, would you let me take care of you?” Simon hesitates but nods, with shaky hands he pulls off his mask. A sign of ultimate trust. Mactavish’s heart aches at seeing that Simon’s face is littered with scars- even more than his Ghost’s. Glasgow smile, a tear in his upper lip that exposes a little bit of his gum. Tiny, scarred cuts…but he looks past all those and sees the scared, vulnerable tiny boy instead, waiting for the captain to step back in horror. Mactavish doubles down and cups his cheek again.
“There’s the sweet, adorable wee bub. Goodness yer’s just as cute as me own wee one!” His heart warms when he sees the 6’2 giant melt and squirm at the praise. His already flushed cheeks getting hotter under his touch. He smiles when he hears Simon coo and babble a little.
“Oh? We got a really tiny Bub? Well, we should probably get you out of these yucky big boy clothes, aye?”
Simon nods and begins to suckle on the corner of his blanket. He’s about to try walk when he feels the captain pick him up. He squeaks and clings to Mactavish, wiggling and trying to get down. He’s too heavy! He’ll hurt Mactavis-
His thoughts and squirming are halted by a soft chuckle and a gentle pat on the bum.
“I know ye wan’ to walk Bub, but yer just too small! Can’t risk ye going home to baba hurt, no?”
Simon whines and blushes more. Mactavish’s words make him fully regress and the last bit of fight leaves his body. He opts to cling to his temporary caregiver and the stress immediately leaving his body. His eyes gloss over and his eyelids get heavy. A soft coo can be heard and he melts further as the captain begins to draw random shapes into his back.
“There’s a good Bub, just relax an let uncle Mactavish take good care of ye until baba can come pick ye up.”
Simon has to borrow Mactavish’s softer clothes. Riley’s frame is a bit too small for Simon’s. But he’s still able to be padded up before a nap and is content with suckling on his blanket as he cuddles in Mactavish’s lap.
Price and Roach enter the office and see the soft scene. Mactavish looks up and chuckles
“Looks like both the ghosts have more in common than we thought…” Mactavish grins fondly, brushing a stray lock of hair away from the sleeping baby’s face “hell, I think they maybe the same age..”
He misses Riley and is worried about his little Ghostie. But being able to take care of another Ghost is helping ease his anxieties and fears. He’ll get his Riley back and he’ll make sure Simon is reunited with his Baba.
Stabbing you stabbing you /pos /aff
UGH /pos
The Ghosties 😭😭
(then the lingering question 'why isn't Roach with you too? Where's your Roach?')
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luimagines · 5 months
Hello Pinky I hope you missed me and my Lynel Farm!
I got an idea which would be hilarious! Reader is a Link! But not any Link no they are Wild and the Link from TotK! And they are a MENACE! Why?
Well, Reader can use glitches like Bullet-Time Bounce or clipping or Wacko-Boingo. They also wear the Tunic of Wild. But they came after TotK to the game and they can duplicate everything! And everything is maxed out of capacity they can't carry a single drop more. Their Purah Pad is about to explode! But then just imagine their meeting.
Legend: „Seriously does anyone know where the fuck we are?!“
Wind: „It looks like a forest.“
Reader used BTB and yeeted themself above the group with their shield on their feet just to shield surf the hill down with speed.
Sky: „What was that?“
„I want that too!!“ with that Wild shield surfed the hill down too.
Twilight: „I will go and get him...“
But the whole group follows as Reader is obviously someone who knows where to go. But as they see Wild and Reader standing there face to face. They are just stunned. They look the same! But Reader is missing an arm and has a mechanical arm instead. But these two seem to get along. This is how they learned that Reader is Wild practically but instead of doing all the Beast, gathering memories and the shrines to pull the sword. They instantly went after Ganon. They fought in their underwear and some Weapons they found on their way and sticks against the Calamity. They don't even know what a Master Sword is! They did the shrines after the Calamity.
But even if they are so bubbly and well wild. They don't talk about their journey and to Twilight. They felt betrayed by him. They needed him as they woke up in a shrine without any orientation or knowledge where they are and what happened. They just needed Wolfie by their side and to help them with their upcoming panic attack. They also don't trust the Chain immediately. They could be Yiga or puppets, sorry for Spoilers, like the Zelda which they chased after in the present. And if someone asks about their journey they only tell the stories of The Hero of Wild not the Hero of Ruins, who they are now. They turn cold and say with an icy tone „It's not your business!“
But Four should never see their weapons or he gets a heart attack. They got so many cursed weapons. But Reader is also freaking strong! Lifting a claymore is hard enough but a claymore fused with another claymore, that's heavy! They fused two Biggoron Swords together or two Dusk Claymores. They also hear the poes in the Depths and that's how they got the weapons. Thanks to the talking statues.
Reader also talks more to their horse and this one isn't small! Even Ganondorf's stallion is smaller than that. It's a giant white stallion and it stomps on everything that comes across their way! With the beautiful name "Thunder" because this thing has loud stomps! But since it's so tall it also takes great maintenance and that's Reader's therapy. When they take care of their giant, they don't feel the phantom pain of losing their arm or hear the whispers of the dead. Just the snorts of their horse and the brush. They also sleep with their horse but mostly on fields or caves as forests can have Evermeans and they want to sleep one time without an ambush from everything that wants their death!
Wild and Wild obviously are all around their giant horse. Four is all about their Lynel Sword collection, swords fused with lynel horns. Twilight tries to mend the bridge while they both are carrying about their horses. Legend and Hyrule ask about the sages and their abilities. Warriors and Time tries to get them comfortable enough so they share their journey. Sky teaches them about the Master Sword but they turn off as soon as he begins with Hylia. They are an atheist they don't believe in her.
The rings from Rauru as they lost their arm are built into the artificial arm as the sages gave them an oath of loyalty.
I feel like I understood about 50% of this because I know so little about Totk.
I know about the arm of course and the the cursed weapons! XD
Four would absolutely lose his mind about them. He freaked out when Wild broke his sword on a rock- just wait until that Reader attached a rock to their sword.
I don't know if they would even know who Wolfie is. If he was never there for them since BotW, then would they even know that Wolfie was someone who would have had to there anyway?
So it would be more like-
Wild: Wolfie was a great help to me when I needed him most the first time around. Reader: ...Who? Wild: The wolf... the wolf that followed me- us- you (?) around? Reader:.... Nope. I don't have a clue who you're talking about.
And another note, I do think that they wouldn't trust the chain off the bat though. You're right. They could be yiga in disguise. A new threat to the the land or to Zelda. There's just something off about them that Reader wouldn't have been able to tell what it was.
Especially since they might not even have all their memories anyway. If they did the shrines after Ganon, then who's to say they would have bothered with doing them all anyway? They coudl have just checked out a few, got bored and left it at that.
They might not have any of their memories and are perfectly fine that way.
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chvnnie · 1 year
Thinking about a giant cuddle pile with Chan and Felix and Jisung when I’m sad 😢 just all soft and cuddly with snacks and blankets and snuggles all around 💕
this made my heart really warm 🥺 why not start the day off with something cute and soft
It’s just one of those days where nothing is right.
You woke up late, having to decide between showing up to class on time or brushing your teeth (rip the last stick of gum in your backpack). On the power walk to the science building, you realize there’s a teeny hole in the bottom of your worn out sneakers. Hardly noticeable — until pieces of gravel find it’s way inside.
Oh, did you forget? There’s a quiz today! Open book? What a silly little question, of course you have nothing but your memory to rely on when you’ve only just woken up.
Dropped your coffee literally minutes after buying it. The rice you bought for lunch was cold. Your favorite pen broke, you forgot your water bottle on your rush out. Bad thing after bad thing — it’s a surprise you held in the incoming spiral until you got home.
Their voices fill the hallway. About halfway to your apartment, you pause and take a really deep breath. Normally, Felix inviting his friends over doesn’t bother you. After all, they’re yours too. Jisung you’ve know since elementary school, and Chan you met on your first day of university.
“Shit.” You heard the strange boy mumble beside you, digging through his bag hopelessly. “Shit, shit, shit-“
“Are you okay?” Normally, you’d keep to yourself in class. But he seemed really, really flustered.
“I can’t find my pen. How did this happen? I bought a new pack this weekend and—“
Before he can even finish, you put a blue one on his notebook. Shiny, new. You had gone shopping yourself.
“I’ll give it back.”
He never did, and somehow lost the pen within four classes. So, you gave him another. By midterms, you had bought a pack just for Chan.
From that intro to ethics class blossomed a friendship that you can’t picture your life without. Through you, he met Jisung, and through Chan, you met Felix. The quiet, sweet guy whose roommate broke the lease unexpectedly and really needed someone to fill that vacancy.
Coming home to them is a daily occurrence. One that you typically look forward to. But today. Today you’re exhausted. The tiny apartment is going to be so loud until the early hours of dawn — how much can you take today?
They don’t hear the door open, too busy yelling at each other over Mario Kart. Jisung is losing, and Felix is gloating. The typical.
“Hey, you’re back!” Chan, happily in both the middle of the couch and ranking, flashes you a smile while still focused on the tv screen. “Want in? This race is almost over.”
“‘m okay. Kinda tired.” You force a yawn to make it more believable, dropping your bag on the rarely used dining table. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
“Are you sure? We—“
“Maybe later?” You’re really trying to keep it together, picking at the skin around your nails. “I just need a bit. Didn’t sleep well last night.”
Chan raises an eyebrow at you, not fully convinced and slightly worried. Deciding it’s better not to press, he just nods, and turns fully back to the game.
You don’t even make it to your bed before the tears start. Body shaking, you change into a comfier set of clothes before lying face down in the center of your big bed. One deep, broken breath and the sobs begin.
Why did today have to happen? Left and right, no matter which direction you took, the outcome was the same. Sucking the life out of you and giving nothing in return.
You feel exhausted. Defeated. Hopeless.
The teeny, tiny knock is barely audible. But the creak, and shutting of the door, breaks through your cries. You don’t move, head too heavy to try and see who it is. They don’t announce themselves either; padding across the room before climbing in the bed with you. Lying right next to you, hiking his leg around your body.
The cologne is a give away. “Come on.” Jisung whispers, coaxing you into his arms. When you grunt, he moves you himself. Head to his chest, pulling you close before covering you both with the duvet.
Remember when you were little, and you fell from the play set? It wasn’t a far drop, but for your tiny body it felt like a lot. Nobody was around, class playing on the other side of the playground. All alone, softly sniffling. Your jeans are ripped, knee poking out and bloodied.
“Ouchie.” You whimper. When you try to stand, you teeter. Unsteady. Painful. How can you get help?
“You went boom.” You hear a tiny voice say, turning around to see a boy your age right behind you. “Did it hurt?”
You nod. “Big ouchie, look.”
He comes over, plops onto the ground next to you. Little brown eyes widen, lips parting in shock.
“Woah!” He leaned closer to get a better look. “You’re brave.”
It’s only of the first things Jisung ever said to you, and if you were to ask him to describe you today, he would say the same thing.
Brave. You’re brave. He’s always thought, and always will.
“Want to talk about it?” Jisung is drawing circles on your back, nails digging in just enough to be soothing.
You shake your head, clinging onto to his hoodie. “Just sad.” That’s what it comes down to — it doesn’t matter that you woke up late, and that the world was crumbling with each step you took. When you woke up, you were already aching.
There doesn’t have to be a reason. There isn’t one. Sadness just stopping in to say hello, and overstaying it’s welcome.
Your friend nods, shuffling in the bed to get more comfortable. Mingled breathing is the only sound, soft and easy. Almost lulling you into a much needed sleep.
Fluttering in and out of consciousness, you don’t notice that the tv has turned off. Jisung is just so warm; he smells good, he makes you feel safe. Why pay attention to anything else when comfort is finally hauling sadness out?
A dip in the bed, and you whine, thinking Jisung is trying to leave you. That is, until a board body presses into your back. Holding you from the other side.
“Are you guys napping without me?” Chan playfully asks, tickling your side lightly. Though you smack his hand away, he sees the teeny smile it brings. “That’s rude.”
“So was you cheating in Mario Kart, but you don’t hear me complaining.”
“You’re just a sore loser-“
“You cheated!”
“What is this?” Felix’s voice breaks up the bickering. You look up to see your roommate in the door, jaw dropped in faux shock. “A cuddle party? Without me?”
When you moved in, the apartment smelled like…burning sugar.
The blonde man was in the kitchen, spilling the most vulgar words you’ve ever heard as he quickly puts on oven mitts. You watched from the front door, not wanting to spook him as he takes the hot pan out of the oven.
He brings it to his face, closely inspecting the dessert. They were supposed to be white chocolate brownies, instead they’re as dark (and hard) as coal. With a frustrated sigh, he drops it on the counter.
“For all it matters.” You make yourself known, resisting a giggle at the way he jumps. “It smells good.”
Huffing a laugh, Felix puts his hands on his hips. “Just because we’re living together now doesn’t mean you have to appease me.”
“It’s the truth.” You say, fully entering the apartment. “What happened? Wrong temperature?”
He presses his lips together. “…I took a nap.”
It’s a shame, really. Tragic. You hate for sweets to go to waste — but oh, how you laugh. Leaning your head on his shoulder and staring down at the burned brownies.
“One day you’ll get it, Lix.”
The tupperware container is filled to the top with the same brownies, the lid almost popping off. Quickly abandoning the treats on your dresser, your roommate rushes to the bed.
And lays right on top of you.
While you giggle, the other two men groan.
“Come on, Felix.”
“This isn’t comfy—“
“It’s not my fault you didn’t leave space for me!”
You can feel the youngest man wiggle, trying to get more comfortable and thus torturing his friends. It isn’t the most practical way to group cuddle, but it is the most heartwarming. Smothered in love that you’ve never really felt worthy of, but are forever grateful for.
What was it that you were so upset about, again?
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 8 months
Final Family AU
Junior gets sick really easily. He’s never had the best immune system so he can pretty quickly catch a cold or flu if he’s around someone sick. But not just that, from all the diets his dad forced him on, most of the time eating greasy or oily foods basically gives him food poisoning and makes him throw up. Does that stop Junior from eating deep fried food? No. He’ll still do it like it’s a game of Russian roulette and see if he’ll be okay or wake up in the middle of the night to a massive stomachache and running to the bathroom. Even though he does this to himself, Junior HATES throwing up and will basically have a panic attack while it’s happening. He also hates anyone seeing him throw up even though he craves the comfort. So far, the only few people Junior will let see him throw up and comfort him are Andy, Jules, Lexy, Lydia, and Jake. No one else.
No, because I can definitely see this. And you know that, with how Jules and Lydia are, they Immediately spring Into action when It comes to taking care of him. Lydia will rearrange the couches downstairs to make them look like a giant bed with a shit ton of pillows and blankets and gets a heating pad warmed up that he can lay on to help his stomach ache, while Jules Is the one helping with cleaning him up after he throws up and then helping him downstairs to the giant couch bed. Then Jake Is In the kitchen making that special sandwich with all of the seasonings that he mainly only likes when Jake or Lydia make In case he's up to eating anything later😭
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icequeenlila · 1 year
The gang playing Baldur's Gate 3
(I apologize in advance)
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I never played this game, only seen short clips of it and my sick brain came up with this
The gang is at the Sully's home, playing the game. They take turns and right now it's Lo'ak's turn.
The bear scene comes on.
Neteyam: "Lo'ak, no."
Spider: "Lo'ak, yes!"
Lo'ak: "Fuck me, you giant son of a bear!"
Chaos unfolds
Spider and Lo'ak are cheering and howling at the flat screen, cackling like mad.
Kiri is watching unbothered, wrapped in a blanket on the couch, stuffing her mouth with popcorn. Girl is unimpressed.
Neteyam is screeching in high Sopran, covering his eyes but still peeking between his fingers.
Aonung is right next to him, using the chance to protectively wrap an arm around his crush. Still, he's crying of laughter, pressing a reassuring kiss to Neteyam's temple.
Tsireya is staring at the screen in wide horror, but still smiling bc she thinks it's cute when Lo'ak is unhinged like this. Still, she was definitely not expecting this, when Lo'ak asked her to come over after school.
Rotxo is filming his friends' reactions from his spot on the carpet (It's a comfy carpet). He's trying his hardest not to cackle all the way through, so the video has good quality later.
So, the scene unfolds on the screen and the living room is filled with laughter and screams, and right when the guy transforms into a bear, Neytiri, Jake and Tuk retrun from their trip to the Mal.
Chaos intensifies.
Lo'ak is seeing his life pass by in front of his eyes, hastily passing the controller to Spider.
Spider, who is equally freaked at the undefineable look in Neytiri's eyes, shoves it right back at him.
They start bickering.
All the while the scene unfolds.
Neteyam now hides his face in ernest, pressing his forehead to Aonung's shoulder.
"Help", is all he can say and Aonung has to try his hardest to suppress his laughter and the rising blush that is creeping up on him.
He would love to pull Neteyam in tighter, but he is too scared that Neytiri would stab him on the spot. So, all he can do is to give Neteyam a pad on the back.
Rotxo is still filming, really enjoying himself, hid away on the living room carpet.
Neytiri is a bit disturbed at what she's seeing on the screen, but then she decides she doesn't have the energy to yell at them right now. Not after she had to put up with Tuk just minutes ago, trying to convince her that she didn't need the newest Barbie.
Neytiri: *looking at Jake* "They are your problem."
And then she gently guides Tuk away from her chaotic siblings.
While leaving, Tuk is waving wildly at Kiri.
Tuk: "Look, what dad got me!"
She holds up her new Barbie.
Kiri gives her a thumbs up, smiling at her proudly. She was the one who taught the kitten eyes to her little sister. Their dad couldn't withstand it. Never.
Kiri is still unbothered by the way.
Lo'ak and Spider are still bickering and Tsireya is hugging her legs to her body, praying to Eywa that this won't leave a lasting impression on Lo'ak's parents. She is trying her hardest to win them over (not knowing that Jake and Neytiri already adore her).
All the while, Jake is just standing there, right in front of the screen, watching the whole scene with interest. Like, he is even standing in the dad pose, his hands stemmed into the back of his hips, his upper body leaned slightly towards the screen.
He watches the whole scene and then turns around, looking at his kids, no judgement at all.
Jake: "Is this what teens do nowadays? They watch furry porn?"
Lo'ak and Neteyam: "No!"
They then proceed to explain to their dad that they were playing a game and even explain the whole mechanics and how they ended up in this particular scene.
To their surprise Jake seems actually interested, so they give the controller to him. He fails like a dad, giving them many occasions to laugh.
The situation calms down and they end up cheering on Jake when he accidentally stumbles into a boss. (Never played the game. Sorry, if it doesn't actually work like that.)
Jake tries his hardest, but he's a newbie and he doesn't stand a chance. Still, they have tons of fun, even Kiri cracking a laugh.
At some point, Neytiri who's been watching from the kitchen can't take it any longer, walking over to them and taking the controller from Jake.
They all gauge at her, when she beats the Boss on first try.
Neytiri: *finding every one staring at her* "I sometimes play when you're all in bed. It's relaxing."
Lo'ak is practically making heart eyes at her. His mum just turned so much cooler.
From then on, this becomes an occasional family thing. But they play different games ofc. Stuff that doesn't have all the sexual stuff. They try to teach Jake, but that man is a lost cause.
Also, whenever Lo'ak finds himself unable to beat a Boss, he runs straight to his mum.
Neytiri makes him do chores for it, but secretly she loves her little boy asking her for help. And she loves seeing his eyes sparkle whenever he watches her play.
Like I said, never played this game. If something doesn't add up, I'm sorry, but like it's just a silly headcanon. Don't take it seriously.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Thinking about the “Usopp loves Darkwing Duck and Sanji loves Card Captor Sakura” thing from ages ago and now I’m imagining them going trough the hardest challenge a weeabo and a western animation geek can go trough: moving in together.
All the merchandise, the prints, the commissions they gave years ago and the buttons from various cons, it’s an actual nightmare for both of them to somehow try and find space for everything. Sanji hates Funko Pops with a passion, Usopp loves them. Sanji has a giant body pillow of some random anime girl and Usopp feels inadequate. The biggest issue however arrives when they try and decide where Sanjis collection of ero figurines is supposed to go. Sorry not sorry but you KNOW he has some of them. It’s actually not as bad as Usopp expected at first but it’s still a challenge to find a place for them because Usopp does NOT want them in the bedroom like Sanji used to have in his bachelor pad
They don’t talk to each other for what feels like ages (Twi hours maximum) and they finally make up when the guilt gets too much. They both compromise on each selling a few of the things they aren’t as invested in, Sanji agrees to move a few of his more risqué figures to a space where he gets to see them but they can easily be hidden if visitors come over, some of the more decent ones like the pinup one of a lady in the bathtub actually are tame enough to be put in a more open spot even Usopp has to admit (plus her sitting on the bathroom shelf surrounded by both of their soaps and haircare products looks quite cute actually). Usopp keeps most of the Funkos on his work desk at Sanjis request. It’s the nerdiest home ever with some clashing aesthetics but they make it work trough the power of love and because both of them are creative people who can incorporate that into their home space.
… also Usopp has started a game where he will just randomly replace his boyfriends figurines and wait for his boyfriend to notice. Like elf on the shelf but more elaborate and with anime or cartoon figurines. Currently Sakura is being carried away by a bunch of Pikmins in the shoe closet. Sanji has noticed she’s gone but hasn’t said anything because that’s not how the game works. He’s supposed to find her and then yell “GODDAMNIT SAKURA!” Before carrying her back to her spot…. He’s already planning his move though and has decided he’s gonna try and put Grunkle Stan in a glass of water in the freezer with a single lone ice Pikmin guarding him.
This is the realest, most accurate thing in the whole world. They'd move in together but they'd be a mess. They have... Very different tastes when it comes to games/shows and they obviously can't decide what to do with the space they have.
But! They also have things in common. The thing is... They like the content in different ways.
Usopp has a huge Alphonse figure. Beautiful. Next to his Gurren Lagann figurines and so, so many robots. So many mechas. He has the three Gravity Falls diaries. All the Ducktales comics. Darkwing Duck was just the start because he's also a huge DC fan and has so much Batman merch. He's got this extremely awesome replica of Junpei's sword from P3. Everything is high quality and he's very, very careful with his merch. He has his own fanarts in a sketchbook and nobody is allowed to touch his games and his consoles. From Play Station to all types of Nintendos. He has so many damn Funko Pops of everything. Typical "For the last time, Sanji, I keep them inside the box because the box is also part of the merch what aren't you understanding-". Not to mention that he's a huge Lord of The Rings fan and he definitely plays D&D and he's also a botanist so you can only imagine how their house looks like-- So many plants-- Forest aesthetic. Except their front door that looks exactly like the Tardis because Usopp was dying to do that ever since he was a kid, and when he showed Sanji the show he fell in love with it and let him do it.
Sanji likes the same stuff but he has a very explicit Lust figure. Next to his adorable Nia and Yoko figurines and so so so so so many cute simple merch. Like keychains and stickers. I am 100% sure Sanji has Gravity Falls pajamas and Ducktales too that nobody but Usopp knows about. I think one of the only man figurines he has is a Starlord one and maybe Shazam merch, but he's more of a Superman type of guy. He saw Lois Lane and fell in love with her instantly. He has a Mitsuru figurine riding her bike and one of Chidori and Junpei he doesn't let anybody touch. That's precious to him. He asks Usopp to draw him stuff and that's why Usopp is always late to his commissions because his boyfriend suddenly wants to be drawn next to Senshi cooking. Sanji doesn't like Funkos but he does like Nendoroids and Usopp hates it because they're so fucking expensive and Sanji is always crying in the background ("But- But-" / "Sanji, we've talked about this-" / "But this little Miku is so cute!"). Sanji also plays videogames but he's more of an Animal Crossing/Cooking Mama/Stardew Valley type of guy. So many Dating Sims, too. Also the Sims, he loves that.
Their bookshelf is a mix between shoujos and so so many shonens but mostly cooking books and artbooks. So many DC comics too. I feel like both of them prefer DC tbh, Usopp is just Batman and Sanji likes Superman and instead of fighting about it they just admit they're really gay for each other. They do watch Marvel movies, though. Sanji really, really, really likes Spider-man and it's funny because he has arachnophobia and he cannot watch the damn movies without shaking when a spider shows up-- Usopp has Miles' jacket and Nikes I am so so sure. While Sanji probably has a Gwen poster in his room.
They argue a lot when it comes to how to use the space they have but!! Sometimes Sanji walks out of their room to make breakfast with Usopp's Batman t-shirt. And sometimes Usopp uses Sanji's Kero themed hair ties to tie his hair. And... They wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
They're also the type to watch/play anything together and go "Hey they're just like us fr" so now they have their house full of ship merch because those ships remind them of them,,, Those are the true romantic gestures.
Edit: Forgot to say Sanji has all of Taylor Swift's CDs and Vinyls and he's a very intense swiftie that makes Usopp wake up at ungodly hours to hear the new albums, while Usopp is like "I guess she's okay??? She's alright idk" because he literally only listens to movie/game soundtracks, indie shit and Cavetown. They both listen to Vocaloid though that is true. I was there. Project Sekai players that's what they are (Sanji does it for the cute girls but ends up staying because the characters are a bit too relatable and Usopp just really likes rhythm games)
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Day Twenty-Eight: Hate Fucking - Pero Tovar
Kinktober22 List
WC: 3K Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. Cursing. Enemies to Lovers. Smut. Unprotected PIV sex. Voyeurism. Female Masturbation. Dominant/Manhandling. Degradation Kink. (F is called a dirty little slut). Praise kink. AN: Hehehe! I loved writing this, I really liked the enemies to lovers part in this story. I hope you all enjoy the read.
If anger had a face, then it would be Pero Tovar's right now at this exact moment and it’s because of you.  
You joined William Garin’s little band of mercenaries three years ago, and there’s been this ongoing feud between you and the Spaniard for so long now that you have forgotten the original reason as to why. Although, you do remember the most recent reason as to why you were pissed off with him and that’s because he tore holes in your bedroll, so naturally, you had to get revenge. 
It’s a game of tit for tat between you and Pero, destined to go too far one day. You can see it coming, but for now it’s just the little inconvenient things that you do to piss him off. For instance, he tore holes in your bedroll, making it uncomfortable for you to sleep on, so you returned the favour and burned his bedroll on the campfire. 
Looking at him now and seeing the cold glaring expression he was giving you as he stands beside the roaring flame of his bed in the fire, you grin. You grin at him with an ear-to-ear kind of smile, acting as innocently as you could. The other men and women sitting around the campfire snicker to themselves, the sound fuelling the rage behind his brown eyes. 
The man is pissed off, there’s no doubt about that, but what other act of revenge is better? He shouldn’t have messed with your bed and now he can sulk as he sleeps in the dirt tonight. He has the coins to buy another tomorrow and maybe, just for shits and giggles, you might sabotage that one somehow too. Just to get the message across. 
Rising from the floor with an obnoxiously loud yawn while you stretch, like rubbing dirt in his wounds, you look around to the group and say goodnight. “Alright. I’m tucking in for the night-” You pause to look directly at Pero, a little smirk on your lips. “Have a good sleep boys and girls.” You turn to walk away, relishing in the laughter over your shoulder, even William chuckled about it. “Well, it is your own fault, Pero.” He says, and you smile sweetly at his remark. 
Williams got your back sometimes when you do stupid things like this, and of course, he has Pero’s back too when he does stupid things to you too. At some point the dispute between you both has to be dealt with properly like adults, but just for a little while longer, you’re going to enjoy making the man’s life miserable because it’s fun. 
Making your way to the edge of camp and opening your tent, you climb inside and smile at your brand new bedroll and quilts. You bought them today at the market, even splashed out a little and got the extra padding. It fits perfectly. You take your shoes off and place them in the corner, then turn around to close the tent and undress, but Pero comes out of nowhere and pushes you back onto your ass.
“Make way,” He grumbles and steps inside your tent. 
“Um, excuse me!” You complain as he turns around to close the entrance. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You ask, to which he responds by kicking his shoes off. “No-no. Absolutely not, Pero. Get out of here. This is my tent. Get it? MY tent, as in mine and not yours.” 
“I know that, but-” He turns to face you again, wearing the same glaring expression he had from earlier. “-It’s ours until I can buy another bedroll tomorrow at the market. Get it? OUR’s, as in, this is what you get for burning mine, hermosa.” 
“Pero. You can’t sleep here, I won’t allow it.” You huff and cross your arms. 
“Yeah well, good luck kicking me out.” He grins. The fucking asshole grins, clearly mocking the way you smiled at him earlier around the campfire. It felt like a giant ‘fuck you’. In fact, he may as well have just said the words and flipped you the bird too. You’re pissed off and can’t do anything about it either.
You sit and look at him, wide-eyed with shock and disbelief as he opens up his shirt. He’s serious, genuinely serious, but when he reaches for his belt buckle, you shake your head and object. “No - don’t you dare Pero Tovar,” You give him a serious, grave look, showing that you’re not messing around. “The pants stay on. Otherwise, I’ll cut your dick off in your sleep.” 
“Oh,” He visibly cringes at the thought, then nods in agreement. Kneeling down and yanking your quilt up, the action pushing you to the side, he climbs into your bed and gets comfy. Literally making himself at home, like this is where he sleeps every night. You sit for a moment, calming your breathing as this is your hell until the morrow - sleeping beside Pero.  
“Asshole.” You mutter, yanking your quilts back before laying down and facing the opposite direction to him. “C’mon now, we both know this is a dream of yours, right?” Pero retaliates with a dark chuckle.
Turning over to face the same direction as you, he scoots closer and presses his chest to your back, his proximity and choice of words making your cheeks burn red with shame. Does he actually know or is he just saying that frivolously? You ask yourself. 
“Tell me something, hermosa-” Pero scoots closer again, purposely pressing his crotch into your ass as he wraps his arm around your front. You bite your lip, fighting the urge to moan and melt under his touch. “-Did you think I wouldn’t be able to hear you moaning my name when you pleasure yourself at night, hm? It’s funny how your tent is always beside mine.” 
Shit. He does know. You panic now, really panic and burn redder than a tomato for quite clearly being caught out by him. It’s true. Completely and utterly true. You’ve pleasured yourself plentiful while moaning his name into your blankets, but apparently not quiet enough. The man is loving every second of your silence, it only fuels his determination to mock and ridicule you even more.
“Hmm. That’s a bad girl, Y/N.” He growls, then tuts quietly into your ear three times. “I should teach you a lesson.” His fingers roam the expanse of your stomach, toying with the waistband of your pants. “Oh but, I think you’ll like that won’t you?... I have a better idea-” He jerks on you to lay back then moves to hover above you. “-Show me, hermosa. Show me how you pleasure yourself and tell me what you think about while you do it.” 
“B-But Pero-” You try to protest and explain yourself, until he places his finger to your lips, cutting you off. “No-no,” He shakes his head with a smirk on his lips, “Save it for later you dirty little slut. Do as I ask, and I’ll reward you, Sí?” 
Nodding eagerly, you’ve dreamed of Pero dominating you like this, dreamed of him manhandling you as he fucks you senseless. You've wanted him so badly, wanted him inside of you and if that means pleasuring yourself in front of him, then so be it. The idea of it is turning you on anyway. 
You make a surprised sound as he leans down and kisses your lips. You didn’t expect him to but are pleased that he did regardless. He lowers his hands to your pants and begins pulling them down, along with your undergarments, before breaking off to take his very first look at your sex. You’ve always wondered how he’d react. 
“Oh. Already wet, I see.” He groans deeply and licks his lips, as if imagining what you taste like. “So pretty and…” He pauses to spread your folds apart. “Hmm, so pink and swollen too. I knew you had a sexy pussy, bebita.” Removing his hand from your cunt, you whine from the loss of his touch. “Go ahead, precioso. Satisfy yourself like you do every night.” 
Audibly gulping, you hesitate briefly with stage fright. You’ve never done anything like this before in previous relationships, it’s usually just the regular plain and simple kind of sex, but you’re intrigued to explore this intimate act with Pero’s dark eyes watching you from above. You feel… desirable and naughty. 
You look down at your body briefly, then back up to his eyes before bringing your hand to your mouth, but upon seeing one brow raised from Pero, you lift your hand to his mouth instead. Your breathing begins to quicken with excitement and wonder as he darts his tongue out and licks the pad of your finger. You want to feel that tongue of his somewhere else.
The smallest sigh escapes your lips as you lower your hand between your legs, and with a quick curt nod from the man, your fingers slip through your wet folds with ease. “Oh,” You moan softly, rubbing nameless shapes on the little bundle of nerves with him watching you attentively. 
“Tell me, what do you think about when you do this, chica?” He asks, looking back up at your face then quickly snaps his fingers, the action springing your eyes open after you had closed them on instinct. “Look at me and answer my question.” 
“I think about you,” Replying with an answer that clearly wasn’t good enough, you could see that he wasn’t happy with it and elaborated for him. “I close my eyes and imagine you doing this instead.” You admit, your brows furrowing together as you press two fingers to your entrance. “I picture your cock inside of me instead of my fingers, Pero.” 
“Even though I would stretch you open? My cock is a lot bigger than two fingers.” He asks another question, making you quiver and clench as you nod to him. “Words querida. I know you can use them.” He jerks his chin out with request. 
“Yes,” You moan as you bend your fingers into a come hither motion. “Yes, I picture your cock inside of me instead, even though it will stretch me open Pero, I still want it… still want you.” 
“Well, today is your lucky day.” He smirks. Pulling your hand away from your cunt and pinning it above your head, you hold your breath in anticipation as he uses his other hand to free himself. You watch as he pulls his pants down just enough so that his cock springs back and slaps his lower stomach, and you panic slightly at the sheer size of him. He wasn’t messing around. The stretch is going to be phenomenal. 
The head of his cock is large, angry red and already leaking beads of pre-cum, then the length of him is six, maybe seven inches at the least, but the girth. Jesus… The girth is wide, bulging with a couple prominent veins. His balls were full and heavy, nicely covered with hair. You can tell just by looking at the hair on his sac and mound that he keeps it tidy and clean.
“Spread your legs, bebita,” Pero whispers breathlessly, taking himself in hand. “And spread them wide.” 
You didn’t know where to look as you parted your legs for him. At his face, which was drinking in the sight of your cunt, looking like it’s the best one he’s ever seen. At his manhood as he slowly strokes himself, swirling his finger over the head of his cock, gathering the pre-um. Or look down at your own body as he moves in to line himself up at your entrance.
It was especially arousing to watch the man gaze at your pussy, not even looking up at you as he slid his cock up and down your slit. He was just enjoying the way your body reacted to his touch, the way you clenched around nothing and quivered for him. He decided to tease you a little more by barely slipping in and out, taking pleasure from the way you lift your hips, as if chasing after him. 
“Hm, so needy.” Pero chuckles, finally looking up into your pleading eyes. “When was the last time you had sex, cariño?” He asks, to which you stutter out in reply. “L-Last year, f-ffuck. Pero, please.” You whine, lifting your hips up again as he pulls the tip out. It’s torture feeling him breach your entrance and giving you all but a taste of what’s to come. You want the whole thing, but he wanted to keep you waiting. To drag it out as long as he possibly could. 
“A whole year, huh?” The man tilts his head in question, eyes darting to your shirt briefly before he lifts it up, exposing your breasts. “Not with anyone here, I hope,” He groans at the delectable sight of your tits, nipples hardening before his eyes with the cool air. “If you’re going to be my little plaything, I don’t want anyone getting in the way of that.” 
“No, not with anyone here.” You answer quickly, rotating your hips. “No one will get in the way, Pero. Stop teasing me, please.” You beg, beg for him to give what you so desperately want, but he only smiles, as if he was pleased with your answer, but not ready to give up teasing you just yet. You resort to whining for him, feeding his sick, twisted desire of hearing you plead for his cock when suddenly, he thrusts forward. “Pero!” You scream, scream loud enough that even God himself would hear. 
“Nnnngh. So fucking warm and tight,” He growls deeply, pinning both hands above your head now as he takes a moment for your walls to relax around him. The first thrust inside was almost enough to make him cum, it felt so good and euphoric. He wishes he could stay in that moment forever, wrapped tightly with the warmth of your cunt. 
“Fuuuck,” You sob as he pulls out, missing the fullness of him for only a second as he plunges back inside. “Holy shit!" You pulse around his length, feeling every inch of his girth before he pulls out again and sets a quick, brutally deep pace, touching your cervix each time he bottoms out inside. 
“Love this, don’t you, cariño.” He asks rhetorically. Pile-driving into your pussy and knocking the breath out of your lungs each time, you only managed to whimper for him in reply before he leans down and presses his forehead against yours, panting heavily across your face. “That’s what I thought. Good girl, Y/N. Good fucking girl, taking my cock so well.” 
“P-P-Pero,” Your moan stutters its way out as you fall apart for him. You wanted to express how much you’ve wanted this, how long you’ve wanted it for and how many times you’ve pleasured yourself thinking about him fucking you this way, but all you could do way lay there and moan pleasurably while taking his pounding. 
“I know, bebita, I know.” He reassures, mockingly. “Just feels so good for you, doesn’t it? My cock is so big and fat, reaching deep inside and fucking you just right like the good little slut that you are. Just like you imagined me to fuck you. I know, Y/N. It’s okay.” 
Yanking your hands away from where he had them pinned, you grab onto his shoulder and wrap your legs around his back, mewling directly into his ear that you’re close. The man skilfully changes his rhythm, keeping his thrusts short and grinding into you, using the hair on his mound to stimulate your clit. “Where? Fuck! Where, cariño?” He asks, nearing his own peak too. 
“Inside. Please, please, inside.” You plead seconds before coming together. White static erupts behind your eyes and your skin burns with heat. The ecstasy floods your bloodstream as the tension in your abdomen unravels. You feel the pleasure wash over your body, making your toes curl and your fingernails dig into the skin around his shoulder, but then, then you feel his release. It’s warm and plentiful, painting your walls with ropes upon ropes as he reverts to a slow grind. 
“Dios mío! (Oh my God).” He whines, actually whines as he rides out the peak of his climax. The sweat clings to his skin, making the brown curls of his hair stick to his forehead as his thrusts becomes sloppy and ragged, as if releasing everything in his ball sac into you. There’s so much that you feel it escaping your pulsing entrance, dripping down to the bedroll beneath your body and making an audible wet sound each time his hips connect with yours. 
As Pero slows and eventually collapses onto your body, breathless and exhausted, you thread your fingers through his hair and pull his head back to look at you. “Hey. You okay?” You ask, concerned, and he nods in reply, unable to form a coherent sentence at this particular moment until he catches his breath. “Good. That’s good, asshole-” You tease playfully with a smirk on your lips. “-Because now it’s my turn to get you back for making me wait so damn long.” 
You roll over, pin his hands above his head and look down at the stunned expression on his face, clearly taken aback, but so fucking hungry for your revenge. And what Pero doesn’t know yet, but will very shortly, is that you’re exceptionally good at edging a man so good that he will cry for mercy. 
That’s exactly what you plan to do - make Pero beg for his orgasm.
Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta @dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89 @anismaria @graciexmarvel 
All Pedro Pascal Character Content: @joelsflannel @mswarriorbabe80 @readsalot73 @allthe-ships @avengersftspn @hb8301 @scorpio-marionette @squidwell @sunnshineeexoxo @trickstersp8 @graciexmarvel @tanzthompson @bbyanarchist @oogaboogasphincter
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mspaintbrush · 4 months
Reinhardt Thoughts
• He doesnt just LIKE Currywurst, he LIVES Currywurst
• Will try every Currywurst he sees, jotting down criteria and rankings on a rugged piece of paper
• "This isnt even a REAL Currywurst!!" *proceeds to explain in excruciating detail what the ideal Currywurst is*
• Nobody has the heart to cut him off (and you couldnt if you tried, he is done when he is done)
• Im getting really tired of writing Currywurst so we'll end it there but you get the gist
• Is canonically from the Schwarzwald, which is full of Swabians and also has some lines with swabian dialect in the german dub
• I cant understand swabians at all though so in my headcanon he speaks normal german aka "Hochdeutsch"
• At least until he gets angry, then he switches to swabian
• Because if you thought german insults are one of a kind already, you havent heard what an upset Swabian sounds like
• An excerpt: "Ärschlesschlubbfr", "Sauhond", "Rotzaff" or "Arschbaggagsichd"
• Swabian culture includes a lot of special dishes with all kinds of meat, so he isn't picky about eating intestines or other unusual parts
• Generally not a picky eater, but needs meat on his plate
• Likes to eat often and a lot, still in the mindset to fuel his 30yo giant body even though he is much older now and needs less calories (but some more padding never hurt anyone)
• German dad cook; aka scrambled eggs, spaghetti with premade sauce and boiled potatos with quark
• He did inherit a giant traditional cookbook from his grandmother and begs the more experienced cooks around the base to help him prepare a goulash or svabian raviolis (i just looked it up and cant believe thats the english translation)
• Mercy, Mei and Brig try really hard to cook healthy vegetarian dishes, but Reinhardt can and will pull out a sausage from anywhere to put into his food (he gets em imported from home to assure the best quality)
• Adding an extra note here just to mention asparagus. I kid you not as soon as the first asparagus is barely grown the germans rip it out of the dirt and dont eat anything else for a month - asparagus for breakfast, lunch and dinner
• Reinhardt will not be an exception to that, as well as Mercy
• "Das einzig gute Bier ist Schwarzbier!" ('The only good beer is dark beer!')
• Brig and Mercy keep a close look on his alcohol intake, but he is allowed a "Feierabendbier" on the weekend
• Usually combines that with watching football/soccer on the couch
• Lucio joins him, even though he doesnt really understand the german commentators
• The living room fills up quickly with people who dont care about the game and just enjoy the company/some alcohol together (only bap and cass really drink as well, lets be real)
• Often found in the living room watching german quizshows or crime thrillers (there are so many you have no idea)
• Every sunday evening there is a new "Tatort" (cult classic german crime thriller since 1971), and woe betide you if you dare occupy the TV around that time
• He complains every single time how bad and repetitive they are but continues to watch of course
• Watching a Tatort is an event for family bonding time, so Brig has been joining him since they started traveling together
• Cassidy is amused by the bad writing and Mercy is familiar with the tradition, so the couch is full every sunday
• If not watching TV he is working on his Crusader Armor
• If it doesnt need repairs it needs to be polished and if it doesnt need to be polished it needs to be upgraded and if it doesnt need upgrades it needs to be repaired
• How to keep three people at the base constantly busy (Monkeys and swedish squires hate this trick)
• Because not all parts of his armor need to be changed or repaired simultaneously it tends to be scattered around the base during off-mission time
• Sometimes they are lying on the couch, sometimes in the hallway, all times inconveniently placed
• It drives Pharah mad but they are incredibly heavy and she cant always remove them herself
• So the only ones being able to effectively carry these parts from room to room are Winston, Zarya and Reinhardt himself (Zarya secretly loves it when people ask her to get the shoulder pad off the kitchen counter again) (its a good work out)
• Even though Reinhardt is creative with his armor placement he still seems to know exactly where each piece is and can quickly assemble it if needed
• Can drive a car
• Do not let him drive your car
• He is way to tall to ride comfortably and just sits there hunched over so his head doesnt hit the roof at every bump
• His driving style is... unsteady. Drives relaxed and slow on one road, going way over the speed limit on others, stopping way too early or way too late, sometimes rough, sometimes so careful as if there was a baby sleeping in the back
• At the same time road rages at others (the self-driving cars cannot figure out what the hell he is doing and react very confused)
• I figure most cars are already self-driving in the overwatch universe, but Reinhardt is definitely one of those people to still own an old model that doesnt have this yet (and refuses to get it upgraded)
• Dog person
• Grew up with at least two big family dogs and knows how to handle them
• Will inform you if he considers your dog poorly trained/socialized
• Murphy used to be his highlight of the day when Sojourn brought him to work
• Now there arent any dogs at the base anymore and he'd love to adopt one, but knows he couldnt properly give it all the care it deserves because of his job
• There IS a cat at the base now though (Brig brought Mitzi to Gibraltar in my head)
• Mitzi has known Reinhardt ever since she got adopted
• Do you know that saying "a cat always finds the one non-cat-person in a room" that person is Reinhardt
• Whenever Mitzi is not chasing Ganyemede, eating things she shouldn't or climbing around on delicate lab equipment in Winston's workshop, she is bothering Reinhardt
• Sleeping in his armor while he is trying to polish it, jumping on his lap during Tatort time (and immediately being lifted off again), stealing the salami off his sandwich when he isnt looking - Rhein will not know peace while others desperately try to catch Mitzi's attention
• There is nothing he can do besides moving the cat or shoo-ing her off for a while (knowing she is waiting behind the corner until he lets down his guard)
• Brig thinks this is incredibly cute and has a hard time keeping a straight face while Reinhardt complains to her
• Did you know that cats can be trained like dogs? Cool right?
• Rein eventually figures that out as well. And since Mitzi is very food-oriented, I think she would be easy enough to work with.
• He does it in secret first, but when Brig finds out she makes them both perform in front of the whole team
• Reinhardt starts boasting about it after that and the human-cat relationship increases steadily
• Loud sneezer, regularily-gives-Brig-heartattacks-loud
• You can hear them across the whole base
• Birkenstocks, Socks in Sandals you know it
• A good german dad runs around at home only with a shirt and his undies
• But in Gibraltar Reinhardt cant do that so instead he settled with a tank-top and gym shorts
• Forces Brig to use extensive amount of sunscreen but insists he doesnt need any for himself
• Therefore always sunburnt in summer
• Used to work-out but has toned it down a bit lately, instead using the Gym to do stretching and mobility-exercises with Mercy (only half-voluntarily), being joined by Mei, Genji and Echo (the latter more for emotional support)
• There is a big shelf full of giant heat pads for Grandpa at the gym
• Dont tell anyone but sometimes Cass and Mercy use them as well
• Lucio steals one for his hammock so he doesnt freeze during winter
• You bet Mitzi loves to sleep on them whenever they are in use
• Used to play soccer semi-seriously in his younger days
• If you ask him to play he gets up, rolls his shoulders, cracks his knuckles and says "You aren't ready for this" while taking out the most rugged soccer ball you have ever seen
• He isnt really in shape to run very fast or long anymore but whenever he shoots everyone leaps away to safety
• Lucio still really enjoys playing with him (he didnt really get the chance to do a lot of dad-activities in his youth)
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tparker48 · 2 years
Throughout the week a tournament was being held for the giant players of the school. Many of the students around the university celebrating the upcoming games, however the smaller players weren't so Happy. With each game that came up during the day, they hoped to get action of their own and play to their hearts content, but no games would be held specifically for them. Most of their funds going to the bigger guys as they prepared for their last one tomorrow.
Managing their routines as best they could, They prepared themselves for the match ahead. The coach Bringing the players to the field for them to have a scrimmage match against each other. Eying for what skills they could improve. They're passes, their strategies, everyone would be required if they were to win the final game. Keeping an eye on.
the quarterbacks and the linebackers, he noticed That Walker, one of the side linebackers was lacking behind along the line. Their tussles seemed weaker, their pushes projecting like a soft nudge as their opponent barely moved. Why was that? He's usually the main players that gave their all during the past matches. Blowing the whistle he called Walker to the side of the field. The moving into a slight jog before finally deciding to walk.
"What seems to be the problem Walker? Im noticing you don't have the drive like you used to."
"I-its nothing coach. Its just something outside of sports."
"Are you sure?"
"Alright, then let's see some effort out there. Im sure the action will clear your mind." Coach said. Patting his shoulders pads before sending him back onto the field.
he continued to observe the them as they moved back onto the line. Readying their stances as they awaited for the whistle to blow. Coach's eye lingering scanning the other players, before locking onto Walker, who stood crouched higher than the rest of the linebackers. As the whistle blew, he watched as the team clashed together. The linebackers pushing their target up the field. All except Walker, who was in a struggle with his opponent. Still, he was overwhelmed. His efforts more weaker than the last time as he was dragged back. Toppling to the ground like a tossed trash bag as his teammate stood over him.
The coach blew the whistle again. "Walker! Over here!"
Getting up sluggishly, walker jogged over to the coach. His helmet keeping atop his shoulders, but his head slumped inside. As the others continued, coach brought Walker to the back locker rooms. Pulling him to the side of the panel. "Alright, clearly something is going on Walker. What is it?"
"It's nothing coach.."
"Don't lie, I'm here to help you get through it. So be honest."
Walker paused before giving out a deep sigh. "My girlfriend's been busy and we haven't had our time together throughout the whole week. She hasn't done..uh..stuff in a long time, and I'm too pepped up yo even focus."
"I see, and this is effecting your mood?"
"Yes.." Walker took off the straps to his helmet as he took it off. Pulling off his helmet before looking to the ground. "Maybe its best if I don't go to the tournament. I may get in the way."
"Don't cut yourself short, Walker. You've got a lot of heart in what you do in your role, Your going."
"But I can't participate like this. its all I can think about."
"Don't worry about that, I'll help you."
"You'll see." Coach patted his shoulder. Leading them back to the field. "But for now, keep practicing."
If this keeps up, the game would be already over before they even got out of first quarter coach thought. So Walker's feeling pepped up inside because of his girlfriend's absence? Okay then, that narrows it down. But he's not exactly able to help with that on his own. He needed extra help, one of the smaller kind.
On the day of the tournament, the players were gathered into the locker room to prepare for their matches. Walker among them as he held his backpack on his shoulder. Meanwhile, coach would inhis office as he talked to Travis, one of his Division's rugby player.
"Okay, we've got a few minutes before our match goes on out there. Do you remember what we talked about?" Coach asked.
"Yes yes, I remember. You want to help you Walker become motivated out there. However in order to do that, you want to wear..this?" Travis pointed to the jockstrap jockstrap on the table. An empty seat laying across one of the straps.
"Yes. Talking to him won't do him much good in the state he's in.He needs that oomph if he's gonna give it his all."
"Well I have an Idea. Though it be a hasty one. We can always use one of the little from the smaller division. They don't exactly have a lot of status when it comes to the university, however they seemed to have the muscle to get the job done."
"Hmm..if they do this it could give Walker just the energy he needs. But which one do we choose, none I've seen will even set foot near a player's ass."
"Heh, oh I know one" Travis replied, reaching for his phone as he texted something. A loud but small knock soon coming from the door. Opening the door, Travis bent down to pick them up. "Coach, this is Wilson. A friend of mine that's got a knack for asses."
"You need an ass that needs tended to Sir? Well I'm the tiny for the job." Wilson saluted in Travis's palm. Putting aside the greeting as he rubbed his hands together. "Now who's the target?"
"Your task is to ensure that Mr walker gives his all in field" coach responded,pulling up a photon of Walker to show them. His form was broad as it covered most of the image. Shaped Like a large barrel as the number 55 displayed into the frame.
" Big boy" Wilson admired, eying the image to judge the scale of the player. "Looks like I got some work to do."
"Yes. Do that, and you and the rest of the small players will have recognition for your efforts."
"Effort is good for the others, but Inwant something else in return."
"In return? What is that?"
Wilson ushered Travis to loom forward. Holding the small player close to Coach's ear as he whispered into it.
"That's really what you want?" Coach asked, puzzled on the condition.
"Yup!" Wilson confirmed.
"I..will see what I can do. Fulfill your part of task and I'll fulfill mine.
"You can count on me sir."
"Good, Now comes the question on how we're going to get this strap on with Wilson in it. And that seat seems pretty exposed for him not to see it."
"Leave that to me." Coach answered.
10 minutes had past since the players entered the lockers. The announcers on the speakers calling for them to the field as they moved to the locker's exit. Walker joining with them as he followed the line, but stopped when coach ushered him to the side. Leading him away from the other players as they talked.
"You want me to what?!"
"Put these on before you go out to the field." Coach said, holding the jockstrap that dangled from his finger tips. A large bundle of tissue resting along an additional strap. "This should help you get that drive that you need for the tournament."
"Coach..I really don't think that's gonna help-"
"There's no talking your way out of it Walker I told you that I would help as best I can, and this is it." He held the jockstrap closer and dropped it into his hands. The blue straps dangling to his fingers as the thick pouch drooped over Walker's palms.
Walker sighed as he nodded to the coach. "I guess I have no choice. But I'm not going to like it."
"You'll get used to it. But if it helps you feel any better, just think of your girlfriend." Coach replied. Patting Walker's shoulder before heading out to lead the team to the field.
"How am I supposed to do that?" Walker said, confused on the gesture the coach gave. But he didn't have time to think about it. Proceeding to take off his briefs as he dropped them to the floor. Lowering the jockstrap on top of them as he glared at its surface. The cylinder like cushion resting at the center specifically. That thing can't possibly be comfortable he thought, but didn't have time to consider it as the whistles blew from outside. Pulling up the jockstrap, he hoisted the fabric up to his waist. Bracing himself as the wooled pouch slipped cock like a sheet, the cushion envelopes into his ass. He shuttered at the sudden pressure between his cheeks. Fighting the peculiar sensation as he pulled up his pants, before went out to the stadium.
"Ugh it's like having a bottle up my ass" Walker groaned. Walking through the hallway to light ahead.
Meanwhile outside, the band began to play on the field. The players on each side of stadium watching the band play their instruments as they measured the competition. Among them, coach and Travis stood on the sidelines. "What a lovely day for a game." Coach said, raising a hand to his face to block the sun from hitting his eyes.
"Indeed, but I can do without the heat though" Travis commented, pulling at their shirt to air out their body. "You sure Walker's gonna wear that jockstrap? I wouldn't think he would in this weather."
As the two talked, grunts lingered from behind them as Walker came from the entrance. Waddling to the others as he stood behind the other players. "I think he's wearing it..." Coach smiled. Looking toward the band as they reached the end of their song. "Now let's see if this does the trick."
The area would quiet down as the band finished their number. The refs and coaches soon took to the field. Greeting each other as they wished for them a good game before they moved back to the side lines. Their teams soon replacing them as they got to the field. Starting off with the kick off starters as Walker stayed on the sidelines for the time being. Watching as the play commenced, but looked behind him to adjust his rear. "This damn thing is so uncomfortable." He groaned more. Shaking his pants to loosen up the pressure.
Inside his asscrack, the mounds jiggled around the cylinder-like cushion. Matting into the corner of the structure before a cheek brushed it to the hole above. "Man this guy's a rowdy one!" Wilson's voice muffled from the cushion. A hand extending out from inside to spread the tissue apart. Creating a window for him to see through, but wasn't much to view. Walker's dark pucker winked above, quivering while its folds pressed against the rest of the cushion. "Hehee, To think I signed up for my hobby."
"Don't over it in there" Travis said through an earpiece. "We've got a long day ahead of us, and we don't need him to tire himself out."
"Yeah yeah, I got it." Wilson replied. "Nothing of the extreme, just the minimal."
"Good. For now, just sit tight. We'll let walker get comfortable first" Travis said, eying the player sitting on the bench. Still shifting periodically in his seat to ease his discomfort.
"Oh ho, I can do that" Wilson said happily, nuzzling into the cocoon of cushions as he watched the hole above. Slowly winking as its star shrank and grew in place.
After a few plays had gone through, the sun casted over the field. Heatwaves flowing in far distant school as the benches shined with its golden glow. As it did, Walker's team finally received the ball, the coaches finally giving the nod to send Walker to the field. "Give it your all Walker. Remember what we talked about."
"I'll do my best sir.." Walker replied, jogging to the field to join the rest of the team.
Inside his pants, Wilson occupied himself with his phone. Holding it in the available space he had to tap at the screen, his earpiece soon began to ring. "Wilson, you're up." Travis announced.
"About time, was almost getting bored in here" will replied. Tucking his phone into the cushioned cocoon before worming himself through the soft window of tissue. Moving his hands forward, he placed them onto the puckered hole in front of him. Its surface shifting against the player's thighs as he made his way to the line. It was like trying to steer an earthquake as the mounds around squashed and pressed the muscle around the cushion. His fingers dancing around the the plump anus before they sunk between their folds.
Outside, Walker approached the line to face his opponents. Standing with the rest of the linebackers to await for the play to begin. Getting in position, he crouched down and placed his fingers to the ground. Squatting as the rest of the players joined him. The ball soon being placed in the middle of the line, the quarterbacks hand resting upon it. Looking at the ball, Walker turned his gaze to his opponent. Lowering him self lower, but sat up as the cushion moved in his asscrack. Coach better be right about this jockstrap.
"Down...set...hike!" The quarterback yelled. The ball flinging backwards as the players clashed. Thrusting forward, Walker charged into his selected opponent and pushed with all his might. His palms grabbing onto his Jersey as he dragged them backwards. "Grk..grk!" He grunted, pushing harder into them to push them away, looking back to see the quarterback with the ball. Holding it to the air to go for a pass. But he looked back as his opponent pushed harder, Walker's cleats dragging backwards, his arms getting weaker.
"Haha, what is this amateur hour? A kid can push harder than this!" His opponent commented, leaning more against Walker as his weight overwhelmed his.
"He's not gonna hold much longer if he keeps that up" The coach's noted.
"Wilson, it's time." Travis said through the earpiece.
"Way ahead of ya!" Wilson gritted, wrestling away the clumped muscle that hardened against him. Moving his arms towards the hole as he sunk them into the puffy orifice. With a thrust, he plunged them between the pucker as he grinded his arms together like sandpaper. Feeling the tight pucker wrap around his arms like a vice, before finally loosening for his limbs to move.
"Ugh?!" Walker yelped from the outside. His hole gripping at Wilson's arms, tugging him forward as his body brushed against the tender walls.
"This one's a grabber!" Wilson noted, moving his hands faster to keep them loose between the meaty folds.
Walker stepped forward as he tugged against the other player. His muscles beginning to bulge as his back arched forward. "What the?" His opponent said. The player's cleats beginning to slide as the two moved backwards. Their knee caving in as it sent them tumbling backwards to the ground. Walker standing above them.
"What was that?.." He asked himself, Looking behind as the quarterback raced by him. The quarterback's running? How long was he holding them? Shaking off the question, he followed behind as he ran down the field.
His body wasn't built for this type of situation, his legs were thick to move compared the quarterback back thin legs. But he had to get down the field somehow. As he continued to run, that feeling of pressure returned Plunging into his hole, it was like putting keys into an ignition as his body jolted. His muscles growing tighter, his speed growing faster, racing down the field to join the rest of the team. Pushing aside some of the opposing players as few were knocked off their feet. Catching up to the quarterback as he crossed the goal line.
"Touchdown!" The announcer yelled!
"That's the spirit!" Coach shouted.
"Way to go!" Travis chimed in.
The team cheered as the quarterback danced around the field. Walker following behind them as he looked to the field. The enemy play behind him glaring at him as their eyes met Walkers. But his gaze looked to his rear, the feeling still going on, swirling around his hole as it tempted to sink deeper. "I guess this jockstrap's got more to it than I thought.." He muttered. The whistle blew behind them, the teams around recollecting at the goal line for a kick off.
Squatting down, he faced his opponent again, the two locking eyes as they reached for the ground. "I admit, you caught me off guard back there. But you're not knocking me down a second time!" They scorned, their fist digging into the grass.
Walker was silent to the their comment, focusing behind him as his jockstrap spun around his mind. When the whistle blew, the two clashed as they tussled to knock over the other. The feeling returning against his hole, his muscles growing more tighter the further it climbed inside. That feeling, It was strange, and yet..satisfying. Before Walker could focus on it more, his mind drew a blank as gravity shifted. His feet caught on the grass as he pushed the his opponent again. The two knocking to the ground as the ball flew through the air.
"Goal!" The announcer shouted.
"Again?!" The player yelled. Walker landing on top of him as the two locked helmets.
"Sorry again for knocking you over. I really don't know my own strength." Walker said lightly.
"Yeah yeah, get off of me!" The player replied, rolling his body in frustration as he knocked Walker to the ground. Getting up to his feet as he dusted them off. "Your ass is grass on the next play!"
"I look forward to it." Walker replied. A light smile spreading across his face. He didn't think it was possible, but he was actually enjoying the tournament than he thought he would. And the jockstrap..guess coach was on to something when he said to think of girlfriend. As the whistle blew, Travis turned on the ear piece to check on Wilson. "Well done with pick me up, Wilson. We can see the change in Walker's mood from here."
"What'd I tell ya, I can do a lot of things when it comes to butts like these." Wilson replied, the sounds out wet muscle squishing against the microphone. "So what's next?"
"Keep him warmed up for the time being. We still got a long game ahead of us. For now, have a field day."
"Hehehe, you don't gotta tell me twice" Wilson replied. His voice no different than a child at a candy store before the mic shut off. Travis and coach turning their attention to the game. The grunts and groans of the players stretching through field. The ball flying across it, as the teams chased after it.
Time flew by as the game went on. The observing Walker's performance as he raced up and down the field. Enjoying the plays as it he gave his all through the through the second and third quarter. When second quarter arrived, the enemy team had the advantage as they took a two-point lead. But when third quarter came around, Walkers team soon gained the lead.
When the final quarter arrived, the sun shifted over the field. The game continued into half time as most of the audience left for snacks. The teams continuing to play as each team scored a point over the other. the seats became more empty as the sun casted over the bleachers. Heatwaves flowing around the metal seat as it flowed into the field. The players working up a sweat as they awaited for the next kickoff. Walker along the bleachers as he waited for his turn to the field. But focused on his jockstrap as the felt the cushion deep inside his crack.
Inside, the cushion would be soaked with sweat. Tainted with brown around the corners of the tissues. Underneath the crack, Wilson would be laying there, retreating into the small gap he made as he tucked himself back into the cocoon The window he created acting as a skylight, the hole resting above as it winked with anticipation. "Just look at it, to think I get to spend the whole day with an ass like this.." he huffed, the glistening flesh dancing around the entrance. The light rocks almost soothing as the thick mounds moved the cushion around. Soon contracting as Wilson felt himself lift upwards.
" Game's just about over Wilson, We're sending Walker for the play" Travis announced.
"Rodger that." Wilson replied. Shimmying himself back to the entrance of the cushion. he pressed against the puckered anus and squeezed lightly at its edge. Slipping his fingers into the tight center as it climbed up his arms. It had gotten used to to his touch, the flesh was like putting on a giant glove as the ring contracted over his elbows. Rotating them around to adjust himself before his focus drew to the loud grunts above.
Outside, the Walker's team would be on offense as they got to the line. Walker and the opponent player locking eyes for the last time, both covered with sweat as they shook their heads to dry off. "You ready to kiss the ground?" The player threatened.
"I was about to ask you the same thing." Walker replied.
The two readied their stance when the ball set on the line. The rest of the teams getting down in their positions as they waited for the signal. Silence entered the field, the players eying each other for any movement, But held firm as they focused ahead of themselves.
"Down..set..hike!" The ball flung to the enemy team as the quarterback backed away from the line. The linebackers charging forward as they clashed against each other. Walker and the other player locking into a struggle as the two pushed into their jersey's.
Walker pushed into them once more. Adding his own motivation to the mix as he tussled with the linebacker. The lingering feeling in his crack slowly resonating as his body hardened. "I'm..getting through!" He gritted. Pushing into the player as they leaned backwards.
As Walker occupied himself from the outside, inside Wilson would be in a challenge himself. Rubbing his arms around the ring to stimulate it more. His forearms became more slicker as the glistening sweat lathered into his skin. "You gotta give him some more juice Wilson! He's almost got them on the ropes." Coach rang through the earpiece. Him and Travis watching from the side lines as the two seesawed their strength.
"Easier said than done, Im giving it all I've got! With this much space, there's only so much I can do." Wilson replied. Rubbing his arms faster as the ring tightened. But loosened as they came more conditioned to Wilson's rubs. A sudden tilt from outside catching his attention as the fabric behind him pushed at his back.
"No..you...don't!" His opponent gritted, thrusting his arms forward as he knocked Walker to the ground. The impact sending him on his rear as he slid back. The lingering feeling becoming more known, pushing inside his hole. It was a strange feeling, like a plug of some kind that rotated in place. But before he could focus on it, the player towered over him. "Haha! Not so grand being knocked on your ass isn't it?! That'll teach to make a fool out of me!" They said pridefully. Basking in the moment of dominance before the quarterback ran by. Running after them to join them down the field.
"Alright!" Walker got up from the ground. "Now you're really gonnaa-aa!" Getting up from his spot, he tried to move forward to give chase. But the feeling inside began to stir. His muscles tightening before as he jolted backwards. "Ah! Ooo! That's a new feeling!" He muttered. Shifting in place as if he was doing a dance.
As Walker wobbled around the field, Coach and Travis observed from the side lines. Coach reaching for the earpiece as he turned it on. "Wilson! Is everything alright in there?!" Coach asked. Still keeping an eye on Walker as he waddled around, no response coming from the device except the sound of muffled squelches. But a moment later, Wilson's voice started to come through.
Inside, Wilson was jammed up to his waist in ass flesh. The ring quivering over his body like an inflatable, the orifice inside gumming at his upper half as Walker shifted around. Prying a fold apart, Wilson managed to create a pocket for himself. "Haha..Hahaha! Yes, that's the change I was looking for!"
"Wilson, can you hear me? Are you alright?"
"Am I alright?! I've never felt better! Oo this ass is so soft and squishy I can almost sleep in it!" Wilson huffed. Rubbing into the tender flesh with his head. Knocking into the soft crevices of the hole. Walker's grunts and moans lingering around as the walls as they clenched in response. "That's it big guy! Purr for me!" Wilson shouted. Wriggling his body between his hole as the muscle tightened.
"Aaa-aah!" Walker's body tensed as he raced down the field. His flustered face hidden by his helmet as he took off. Coach and Travis watching from the side lines as he zoomed past them, Wilson's cackling filling the speaker.
"Did he hurt his head or something?" Coach puzzled.
"Nope. That's just Wilson being Wilson for ya" Travis chimed in.
As Walker raced, the opponent player gained distance on their quarterback. Nearly a foot away as they ran behind him, but managed to keep up in his slow pace. "Almost..got it..we just need one more score to get-"
"Make way!" Walker's voice said from behind. Catching the player off guard as his large mass loomed from behind. Slamming his back as his form alone pushed him to the side. "What the?!" They yelled. Flung to the side as he toppled to the floor. Heavy cleats stomping ahead of him. As Walker gained speed.
The clock was ticking as the audience glued to the field. The player was almost there, just within reach of the goal. Gaining a meter with each step he took as he reached his hand for the goal line. There eyes lighting up as their foot hovered just above the golden line. But with a sudden tug, their vision moved side ways. Large arms wrapping around him like sandbags as he was hoisted to the air.
"Where'd you come from?!"
"I got him!" Walker shouted in victory. Hugging the player against his body. The clock reaching 5 seconds as the two stood still.
"Hey! What are you-grk!" The player flailed in Walker's arms. Clinging to the ball as he was spun left and right. "Let me go! Your gonna make me-" With a sudden jerk the other way, the ball flung out from the players arms. Dropping to the ground as it rolled to the side.
"Fumble!!!" The audience shouted.
Walker noticed the ball as it rested next to him. Letting go of the quarterback as he lunged onto the ball. Tucking it underneath him as the other players scattered around. Lifting up his jersey, but not his body.
"Hurry up! Get the ball!"
"Im trying! But he won't move!"
"Well make him move! We don't have much time before-"
**Beeep!** the alarm would sound from the bell.
"And that's game! The home team takes the win!" The announcer claimed. The teams running to the field as Walker got up from his laid position. Circling around him, many jumped onto his shoulders, While others patted at his back.
"Well done man! I didn't think you could run that fast!"
"You nearly had me there, thought we were gonna lose that one."
"Hehe, thanks guys" Walker smiled. Basking in the praises his teammates gave him as they huddled around. Travis and coach standing at the sideline as he made his way toward them.
"I told ya you had that spark in ya. Well done Walker." Coach congratulated
"I couldn't have done it without your help coach. This jockstrap really helped out."
"Happy to help out." Coach commented.
"I mean it, it really helped. Er..if you don't mind me asking, could I keep these on for tonight."
"Hehe, go on. Wear it with pride. But I expect to have them back first thing tomorrow at practice. Those are my lucky ones after all" coach winked.
"You can count on that coach! Thanks."
"Yo! Walker!" One of his teammates said near the entrance. A few other players with them as they had their bags in hand. "Wanna join us for some grub. We're hitting the steak and shake!"
"Be right there!" Walker said. Waving to the coach as he made his way toward them. Coach and Travis waving back before he turned to Travis. The two walking back to the lockers to grab their things.
"And you're sure Wilson is okay with it." Coach whispered. "I wouldn't want him to bite off more than he can chew."
"That ass addict? Trust me, as much as I know Wilson, he'll be just fine."
As the evening came, Walker enjoyed his time with his teammates as they ate their food. Soon returning home where his girlfriend laid waiting, watching the livestream of his match as he walked into the door. He greeted her by bringing her in for a soft kiss, giving her a soft hug before the two of them went to the bedroom. A few minutes passed, their clothes would be off as they went at it with each other. Her body resting up the bed, While walker's rested on his knees. Humping his cock inside her as he longed for their awaited intercourse. Still keeping the jockstrap as he used it to celebrate the victory.
Meanwhile between his cheeks, Wilson would be in a blissful situation of his own. His surroundings covered by sweaty muscle. The ring still surrounding his waist as he swished and stirred around the rim. "ooh man, this has been a day." He huffed heavily. Smelling the musk as it filled his nostrils with the aroma of salt, an earthy smell following it as the walls contracted and pressed into Wilson. The little guy grabbing a fold like they were covers as he hugged them close. A distant, but rumbling moan echoing from Walker. But as Wilson began to relax, his earpiece would ring.
"Alright Wilson, the day is done. Time to head back to coach." Travis spoke.
"Ah come, can't I just have a little more time."
You had a day and a whole hour in there, I think you've soaked enough. Let's go, I'm outside the window."
"Ah fine.." Wilson groaned, slowly moving his hips around to draw himself out. Making it last while he still could as the orifice climbed up his body. Relishing in the deep squishes of the ring against his face before he was squeezed out fully. Climbing through the meaty mounds to the pierced lighting the peeked from behind the asscrack, moans echoed from the outside. "That is one lucky gal. Would I give to have something like that." Wilson thought. His upper half peeking out from between Walker's glutes. Their surface jiggling as he wobbled heavily in place. "Aah I could rest here forever."
"Well I can't, so let's go before someone starts staring."
"Alright alright, such a worry wort." Wilson replied. Looking to the round edge of Walker's ass as he rubbed its surface softly. "Fare the well, sweet ass" he said to the muscle. Raising his hand to the air, he smacked against the thick hide as the glutes reacted. Squeezing at Wilson's body as he catapulted from them like a rocket.
"Yie!" Walker yelped, thrusting forward as his cock plunged inside his Girlfriend. Looking back to what it was as he rubbed his ass. "The heck was that?" He puzzled, spreading his ass apart to check his hole. Missing Wilson's little foot jiggling from the window as he slipped out.
The next day, Walker did as his coach asked as he returned his jockstrap. Even washing it a little as its wool fluffed up in his palms. But he couldn't help but notice the change in the atmosphere. His teammates holding the smaller ones on their palms whereas other rested on their shoulders. Travis coming to greet him as the two.mingled amongst the others. "Glad you could make it Walker." Travis greeted. "You good to go?"
"Yeah im ready. But uh..what's with all the little ones in here. I thought they didn't wanted us in separate division.."
"Guess the board had a change of heart. But hey, you'll have plenty of time to think about it during practice." Travis assured, walking with Walker as the two made their way through the lockers.
"Huh..yeah suppose your right. Perhaps a little time with get me to adjust" Waker replied. Grabbing his bag before he made his way to the gate. "By the way, since their part of the division now, how's Wilson holding up on this change."
"Oh he's livid. He's enjoying the new position he's got for his efforts of practice."
As the two.headed out to the field, a closed door would rest at the other side of the locker. Inside, a group of Giant Player would be huddled in place. And in the center, would be walker as he had a towel wrapped around his waist. "Looks like we got quite the group today. Im sure your performances have been well noted, but now comes the test of quality. Hehehe, ass quality. Bend them down boys." he ordered.
Some of them groaned as they turned their rears towards Wilson. Removing their towels as they bent down to display themselves. Some were more rounded as their smooth rear stacked neatly, while others were more bulky between their thighs. "Yees. Yes, most fitting indeed. Hard to choose which to start with first."
"Do we really have to be doing this?" one of the players groaned. Their rear more bubbled than the rest of them. "We should be out there practicing. Not showing our asses to this..squirt."
"Ahem, this "Squirt" is your coaches honorary checker." Wilson corrected, taking off his towel as he spin it in place. "And I expect to see asses of the utmost for your sakes."
Fwack! Wilson whipped the towel forward as the nipped at the players rear. The left cheek jiggle before the startled player hugged their hands over them. "Ow!"
"Otherwise I have no choice but issue a mandatory workout for your quads. You want to practice? You can start with some laps over the fences. Or you can sit in here, and let your checker see those mounds."
"Alright I get your point!..I didn't want to over do it anyway." The player replied. Digging their fingers into their crack as they parted them towards wilson. The others doing the same as the showed it in his direction. It was lile looking at a bud of flowers as their puckers winked in place.
"There! Happy!"
"Hehehee, most definitely."
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beefromanoff · 7 months
Going Under Ch. 33
summary: just read the chapter <3
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: End of Beginning - Djo
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: THREE CHAPTERS IN A WEEK HOLLA, this one is a doozy! I'm feeling all the feels right now and can't WAIT to see what you guys think.
the next chapter will pick up right where this one leaves off, but I just really wanted the ending to be meaningful...you'll see. anyways I LOVE YOU and thank you to @charmedbysarge and @wasalreadyhere for being emotionally invested and making me want to crank these chapters out. seriously, these are for you. <3
chapter list
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The elevator echoed with the sound of her heels on the white marble floor. Pressing the button for the top floor, Gianna leaned back against the wall as the ascent began. Wanda’’s voice carried through the phone pressed to her ear, venting about how the new recruiting class is disappointingly devoid of any good looking male agents. A few moments later, the door slid open to reveal a long hallway with her door at the end, now accompanied by a new addition.
A sentinel of the Iron Legion stood stoically by the entrance, the humanoid bot stationed there to protect her and her home.
"Wanda, seriously, tell Nat this is too much," Gianna spoke into her phone, chuckling. "I don’t need my own personal Iron Man."
Natasha's distant voice filtered through the phone, clearly shouting from whatever room she and Wanda were in, "You can never be too careful. You have a history of trouble, remember?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Gianna hoped they could hear her eyes rolling through the phone. “It’s just that the giant robotic suit of armor doesn’t really go with my decor.”
“Hey, I offered to assign live agents to you instead and you not-so-graciously declined.” 
“Well, I also have a bad habit of falling in love with my security, so this seemed a little safer.” Eyeing the silent guardian, Gianna shrugged off her coat and let it fall onto the back of a dining room chair. 
“Like I said, there aren’t any cute ones anyways.” Wanda scoffed. 
“Next time you guys come to stay, we’ll go back to a basketball game. You’ll have your pick of the whole roster.” Gianna laughed, slipping out of her heels. 
“I’m counting on it.” Wanda giggled. “Alright G, we have to go. It’s Sam’s night to cook and I can smell something burning. We love you.” 
“Love you guys, talk soon.” She blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up, setting it on the nightstand. It had been a long day in the studio, with very little to show for it. She’s been working on recording some of the songs she’d written lately, but recording love songs with a broken heart just didn’t bode well. So for the past week, she and her producer had gone back and forth, trying to find inspiration that just wasn’t there. Finally, they called it a night. Gianna slid her feet into plush slippers, padding across the spacious living area to the kitchen.
Pouring a generous glass of red, she headed to the sprawling sectional and sank down. She desperately needed to shower and sleep after her marathon day. This morning’s coffee run felt like a lifetime ago. The emotional toll it took to try and write lyrics she no longer felt connected to, to revisit the emotional place she had been evicted from by the love of her life, it was heavy. Luckily, her producer was nothing if not understanding, even suggesting they put a hold on new music for the time being. She’d kept her days full. Wanda and Nat stayed for the rest of the weekend after their night out, and it really had done her good. Part of the pain she’d been feeling hadn’t just been from the loss of Bucky, but of the whole team that had become her friends and family. Knowing they weren’t truly lost, that the love was still there, it healed part of her. She missed them the moment they left, but she didn’t feel quite as heavy as she had before they came. 
Between long recording sessions, fittings for the upcoming awards’ season, and her increasingly frequent coffee meetings with Sebastian, she was able to keep her mind somewhat occupied. But she knew filming for the Winter Soldier movie would begin soon, so their meetings would end. All the preparation would take place before the production started. He’d given her an open invitation to the set, but she politely declined. Seeing him and discussing Bucky was one thing, but seeing him in full costume, seeing him with the arm and the suit and everything else necessary to bring him to life…she didn’t think she could stomach it. 
Sipping her wine, Gianna's fingers scrolled through her phone, swiping through countless headlines—snapshots of her life through the eyes of people who would never know her.
A particular headline caught her eye, a gossipy piece hinting at her connection with Sebastian, taken earlier that week. Gianna gave a half-hearted smile, mentally patting herself on the back. They’d played right into her hand. It was a game she felt like she had mastered, knowing what they wanted to see and how they’d spin it. All she and Seb had done was move their meetings to more public places, the paparazzi had taken it all from there. No hand holding, no kissing, no affection at all besides the hugs hello and goodbye. Yet, the media was convinced that they were head over heels for each other. 
‘Starlet has a type: dark and dangerous’ read the headline, accompanied with side by side photos of her with Bucky several months ago and with Sebastian now. The comments were growing by the minute. Half of them swooned, calling the new pairing a match made in heaven, while other comments claimed she was rebounding. They weren’t exactly wrong. The difference was that she wasn’t rebounding so much as she wanted a certain someone to think she was. Gianna knew it was wrong to play games with Bucky, to try and elicit some reaction she’d probably never even see. Just like she knew it was wrong to sing a song with such poignant lyrics, venom in her voice, and hope he would see it. She just couldn’t help it. All this pain had to go somewhere.
Finishing her wine, Gianna returned the glass to the sink and retreated to her bedroom to get ready for bed. The high ceilings and plush carpeting couldn’t be more luxurious, but being in this place alone night after night felt less like a palace and more like a prison sentence.
The city breathed beneath the streetlights, and Bucky exhaled, a plume of mist dissipating in the cool night air. Running through the familiar streets, the rhythm of his footfalls echoed the cadence of his thoughts.
New York held a special place in his heart—the pulsating heartbeat of life only having grown since his years growing up here. Even with all that had changed over the past century, it was still New York. It was still his home. His evening jog had become a ritual this week, helping to quiet his mind before going to sleep in the uncharacteristically quiet Tower. He’d chosen to stay behind when the rest of the team flew back to the compound last week, needing a change of scenery and time to clear his head. The intervention with Nat and Wanda, all the memories they’d shown him, seeing Gianna in person for the first time in weeks, realizing his plan to let her go be happy without him might have actually worked…it was a lot to process. He needed time. 
"I'll be fine," he assured Nat and Steve, his gaze scanning the skyline. "Just need some time to clear my head."
The sound of the Quinjet’s engines nearly drowned out his voice, their hair whipping around all of their faces. 
“Okay, Buck. Take care of yourself.” Steve patted him on the shoulder. 
“Don’t you dare spend the whole week brooding.” Nat elbowed him. “Promise me you’ll leave the Tower like a normal person.” 
“I promise.” Bucky gave a half-assed smile.
“Good.” She paused before hugging him. “It’s gonna be okay. I don’t know how or when, but it will be.” 
“Thanks, Nat. For everything.” 
He stood on the helipad and waved to the departing ship, sending his friends back to their home. He knew the training and development of the SHIELD agents was important, but he still held out hope that the team would relocate back to the Tower more permanently. Being here, even in such bleak circumstances, just felt right. He’d give himself two weeks. Two weeks to sort through his feelings, to take some time and get his head on straight. He needed to get it together so he could be the leader and teammate his friends deserved. Two weeks to get all of this sadness, this rage, out of his system despite the promise he’d made to Nat that he wouldn’t spend the time brooding. 
After these two weeks, he wouldn’t let this heartbreak rule his life. 
One week into his self-isolation, and he was no closer to being okay. Maybe that’s because he wasn’t entirely truthful with himself. As much as he did want to clear his head, he knew he had an ulterior motive for staying in the city. A hope that maybe, just maybe, the winding streets of favorite city might conspire to bring him face to face with her. Gianna. Every run, every walk to get food, every time he stepped onto the balcony, he couldn’t help but hope. He searched for her face in every crowd, thought he heard her laugh in every bustling coffee shop. He wanted to move on just as much as he wanted her to have his heart forever. Just maybe, it would happen by chance. They’d run into each other in the streets of the city they both loved, he’d be forced to tell her everything on his mind and heart. If it happened like that, he would know it was meant to be. He wouldn’t be trying to make something happen, it would happen on its own. 
As he jogged through the dwindling evening crowds on the sidewalk, he couldn’t help but look for that flash of golden blonde hair. 
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The conference room hummed with anticipation, the sleek glass walls offering a panoramic view of the city below. Gianna sat at the head of the table, her gaze steady as she listened to the discussions unfold. This was one of the lowest floors of the Avengers’ Tower she’d ever been on. She knew the first 40 floors were all occupied by various business ventures of Tony and Pepper’s, and now one of them housed the executive team of the record label they’d purchased so many months ago. 
Around her, the executives from Stark Records, including Pepper herself, and her manager, Tom, huddled together, their voices echoing off the polished surfaces. She’d learned all of their names, but didn’t remember them. A group of men in suits was largely interchangeable for any other group of men in suits. She trusted Pepper and she trusted Tom, but the rest of them could go either way. She assumed Pepper wouldn’t have hired them if they were as skeezy as her last label, but she couldn’t help but be wary. The room was overly air conditioned, as all conference rooms usually were. Gianna’s blouse did little to protect her from the chill, her coffee thankfully warming her hands.
"We need something big," one of the executives remarked, his tone charged with determination. "Something that will show the world you're back, stronger than ever."
Gianna nodded, her expression composed. She had spent months recuperating, rebuilding herself both physically and emotionally after the attack. Now that she’d returned to the city, the world was holding their breath and eagerly awaiting her return to touring. The irony was that she felt like more of a wreck now, months after the attack, than she had immediately afterwards. She sipped her coffee, willing herself to stay focused instead of throwing herself a pity party. It was her idea to return to working, her idea for this meeting to happen in the first place.
"We want to plan a charity concert," Pepper interjected, her voice a calm anchor amidst the flurry of ideas. "A big benefit show that will not only mark your return but also give back. We know you already ensured the costs of all the victims were covered, but we could invite them all to attend, and present them with additional funding. We could also choose another charity of your choice, raise money for that as well."
Tom leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought. "It's a massive comeback," he admitted, "but I think it's exactly what we need. It would be incredible press, and I think we could really make an impact with a benefit of that size."
Gianna's heart swelled with purpose. She had always believed in the power of music to heal, to unite, and now, more than ever, she felt a profound sense of responsibility. If all this had to happen to her, at least she could make some good come out of it. This was her longest time away from the stage since she began touring all those years ago. Her return had to be massive.
"I'm in," she declared, her voice unwavering. "Let's make this happen."
The room erupted into a whirlwind of planning, ideas flying back and forth. Dates were discussed, venues considered, and a lineup of performers curated. As the meeting drew to a close, a sense of collective determination filled the air and anticipation filled Gianna’s stomach. She glanced out the window, the city stretching out before her. As excited as she was to take the stage and make this a smashing success, she felt a pang for the one person she always assumed would be backstage when she returned.
Bucky strode through the sliding glass doors of the Tower, a gust of cool morning air greeting him as he stepped onto the bustling New York street. The sun was still rising over the city, casting long shadows between the towering buildings.
As he descended the steps, he noticed a pack of men in suits entering the building. He gave them a curt nod, feeling their eyes on him as they made their way towards the entrance. It was all the same. At the compound, it was the SHIELD agents. Here, it was all the white collar professionals working on the lower levels of the Tower. He wondered if the Winter Soldier would ever stop being a spectacle. 
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Whatever, screw them and whatever self-important corporate bullshit they were headed off to discuss. Not his problem.
His jog took him through the heart of the city, the pulse quicker and more lively than his evening jog the night before.
Further into his run, he passed a coffee shop where a familiar face emerged at the last second. Their paths collided, nearly sending them both sprawling. With lightning-fast reflexes, Bucky caught the arm of the man he’d run into and steadied them both. Before he could apologize, he recognized the man. 
Of fucking course.
Sebastian, starstruck but courteous, introduced himself. Bucky's piercing gaze warned him to tread carefully. “It’s truly an honor to meet you, Sargent. I don’t know if you’ve heard, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you -” 
Bucky gave a reluctant grunt in acknowledgement. 
"Look," Sebastian said, cutting through the tension, “I don’t want to take up too much of your time. It really is an honor. I want to do right by you and your story. If you ever want to come to set, to give your opinion…just know you’re welcome.”
“Thanks,” Bucky’s voice was gruff but he forced himself to shake the hand Sebastian extended to him. As the actor turned to leave, Bucky spoke again. “Be good to her.” 
Turning back, Sebastian had a puzzled look on his face before something clicked. He stepped closer to Bucky, speaking quietly, as if he realized their interaction was likely being filmed and/or photographed.
"Hey, whatever you've heard, seen—it's not what it seems. Gianna and I, we're friends. Strictly platonic. I asked her for help with the role, and she's been incredible. She’s been coaching me, helping me learn about well, uh…you." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “My agent couldn’t get ahold of you, and I heard she was back in the city, so I figured it was worth a shot. She’s been great. Hell, she honestly made my job harder. I thought she’d give me some kind of insight that made it easier to portray you, but the way she talks about you, man…I have bigger shoes to fill than I even thought.” 
Bucky's skepticism lingered, but he listened. Sebastian detailed Gianna's commitment to ensuring the movie did justice to Bucky's character. He spoke of her kindness, her professionalism, and her desire for the film to be a true reflection of Bucky's journey.In that moment, Bucky glimpsed the complexities of Gianna's heart. Even in heartbreak, even in her immense anger, she sought to protect him, to preserve the integrity of his story.
“Thank you.” Bucky said solemnly, nodding to Sebastian. Turning to walk away, he caught himself, feeling like he owed the man more than his standard two word reply. “Hey, I’ll come to the set. Just uh, let me know when and where.”
Sebastian grinned. “Will do. For the record, I really hope you don’t show up alone.” 
As Sebastian walked away, Bucky stood alone on the bustling street, the city once again fading away. A newfound clarity surged within him, and with purpose in his stride, he turned back toward the Tower.
The elevator doors slid open, and Gianna stepped into the hallway. The soft hum of city life filtered through the large windows, casting a warm glow across the long stretch as the sun sank below the skyline outside.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come out tonight?” The familiar voice crackled through the line.
“Sorry, Mads. I’m beat. This week has kicked my ass. I just need an early night in for a change. Sorry I’m lame.” She held the phone between her cheek and shoulder as she dug for her keys in her purse.
“Um, says the girl who’s the reason I partied with the Avengers last weekend. You are the furthest thing from lame. Enjoy your night, watch a shitty rom-com, and get your beauty sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow.” 
“Sounds good, love you,” Gianna laughed as they hung up. The guardian stationed outside her door interrupted her thoughts. 
“Good evening, Ms. Cruz. Are you staying in for the evening? Shall I activate the overnight security protocol?” The mechanical voice inquired. Gianna responded affirmatively, and with a whirl of high-tech precision, the glowing lights behind the armor clicked from blue to red.
Once the door was open, Gianna meandered through her expansive living space, taking her sweet time. It had been weeks since she was home by 6pm with no plans to leave again. Heels in hand, her fingers glided over the grand piano that stood as a silent testament to countless late-night melodies. She moved toward the bathroom, the marble floors cool beneath her bare feet.
Her bathroom, a sanctuary of luxury, overlooked the city. The skyline twinkled beyond the glass, a tapestry of lights. Gianna set the tone, turning on soft music that reverberated through the spacious room.
The centerpiece was a deep, clawfoot bathtub, the thing that had sold her on this place even more than the views. Gianna began drawing a bath, adding a mix of oils, filling the air with hints of lavender and vanilla. As the hot water cascaded into the tub, Gianna let the melodies envelop her. She shed the weight of the day and her clothes in a pile on the floor, going to pour herself a glass of wine and a heaping glass of ice water as the steaming tub filled.
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Bucky stepped into the elevator, pressing the button for Gianna's floor, the weight of anticipation hanging on his shoulders. He'd had the entire day to wrestle with what he would say, how he would explain himself, and most importantly, how he would convey the depth of his feelings. Really, he’d had the whole week to do so, but it wasn’t until his chance encounter with Sebastian that he’d known what he had to do. He was looking for a sign, a fated run-in, and he got one. It wasn’t with the person he expected, but it gave him the same answer. Gianna wasn’t seeing anyone, and whatever she felt towards him, she was still acting in love. He couldn’t let himself waste one more night not undoing his mistake. 
Thankfully, the doorman hadn’t given him trouble. He was either a fan or afraid, or both. After his wide-eyed stare watched Bucky come up the front steps of the building, he eagerly opened the doors without so much as a question. Although, Bucky assumed, he probably had seen a magazine sometime in the past year and could make a guess who Bucky was there to see. 
As he rounded the final corner leading to Gianna's apartment, he was met with an unexpected obstacle – an Iron Legion bot? Shit. This had Natasha written all over it. He could practically hear her lecturing Gianna about the piss-poor security in this building. Given that he himself had just walked straight in, he couldn’t exactly say she was wrong.
As he cautiously approached, a cold, mechanical voice echoed through the corridor, "You are unauthorized to enter this unit. Please stand back."
Bucky, determination etched on his face, continued forward. The voice repeated "You are unauthorized to enter this unit. Please stand back." This time, the mechanical arm raised towards him, palm beginning to glow.
"I just need to talk to her. It's important," he urged, his tone pleading.
The robot, however, was unyielding. "Unauthorized access. Step away."
In his desperation to reach Gianna, Bucky attempted to sidestep the bot. But as he moved to go around it, the Iron Legion reacted with a blast to his midsection, knocking the wind out of him in a low grunt and sending him sliding back several feet. He steeled himself, taking a slow breath in through his sore chest before stepping forward again. 
"Unauthorized access. Step away."
Bucky advanced again, but this time, the bot’s metal fist flew out with inhuman speed, clocking him across the jaw. He barely had time to react before his own blood splattered across his vision.
The steam from the bath curled around her silhouette as she leaned back in the tub, the soft melody of a gut-wrenchingly sad song playing in the background. The skyline outside her window twinkled, mirroring the city lights. She took it in for a moment before closing her eyes, letting out a deep breath and, for the first time all day, letting her feelings wash over her. The excitement about performing again, the nerves that she never seemed to outgrow, the love she felt from reconnecting with friends, and the ever-present ache of something missing. She let the feelings flow and didn’t fight them. Good and bad, heart wrenching and fulfilling. The steam from the tub began to turn her hair into ringlets where it framed her face, water condensating on her skin. The only buffer between the tidal wave inside her and her sanity was the warm buzz from the wine. 
In her daze, she almost missed the first strange noise outside her door. A thud. A few seconds later, another. Then…a grunt? Her eyes flew open. A series of thuds, punctuated with what was most definitely a groan.
Concern etched across her face, Gianna pulled herself from the bath, wrapping the robe around her still-dripping body. The noises were too concerning to waste time drying fully off, and if she was being honest, the wine had dulled her better judgment anyway. The noises persisted, so loud they sounded like they were right outside the door. 
Shit. She thought. Maybe Nat was right to send the Legion.
She approached cautiously, her steps light and breathing shallow. A small puddle began to pool under her bare feet as she pressed her hands through the door and looked through the peephole.
Gianna’s blood went cold. 
On the floor leaning against the opposite wall, blood dripping from his swollen face, was Bucky. 
Gasping, she hastily opened the door. Her hands were trembling as she fumbled with the lock and yanked the door open. The Iron Legion bot's mechanical voice droned, "Defensive Protocol Engaged. Perpetrator Apprehended. Would you like me to call for local law enforcement?" The machine was standing perfectly still in its’ post beside her door. 
"What? No! Disable security protocol," Gianna breathed, her eyes never leaving Bucky's battered form. The lights on the machine turned back to blue, and she knelt beside him, her voice a mixture of panic and disbelief, "Bucky? Buck, can you hear me?"
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Bucky's eyes, aching and swollen, slowly opened. He gave a soft grunt in confirmation, but immediately coughed after the effort, fresh blood spilling from his mouth. Blood was dripping down the side of his face from a laceration on his forehead, his lip was split and swollen, and his whole face was puffy from swelling. Gianna had a sinking feeling that if his arms weren’t covered by his sweatshirt, she’d be counting a lot more bruises. Eyes trailing down his body, assessing damage, she froze when she saw his hands. 
There wasn’t a single bruise on his knuckles.
She ran her hands delicately over his, fingertips tracing the veins there. Her stomach knotted with the realization. He didn't fight back. He didn't even try to defend himself. Gianna knew his abilities, she’d seen him rip metal apart before without half a thought. She knew he could have dismantled the bot and ripped her door off of its hinges if he really wanted to. The fact that he didn’t even try…Her heart shattered. Silently, she helped him to his feet and into her loft, her touch gentle against the rawness of his wounds. He was incredibly heavy, the weight of muscle and vibranium combining to make it nearly impossible for Gianna to help him to his feet. One arm slung over her shoulder, they slowly made their way into her home.
“Here, sit here,” Gianna was breathless from the effort of helping him walk. She hooked a foot around the leg of a dining room chair, bending down to allow him to drop into it. She rushed around, her wet footprints dotting the carpet, frantically searching for the first aid kit. Her heart was pounding in her ears, hands fumbling as she dug through the box in her hall closet she never bothered to unpack. She mentally cursed her own procrastination and the wine for fogging her brain. Finally freeing the kit, she hurried back to the table and pulled out the chair right beside Bucky, sitting so close their knees were touching.
“Sorry ‘bout the carpet,” Bucky mumbled, his swollen lip making the words imperfect. Gianna didn’t have to look down to know he was dripping blood onto her plush white rug.
"Shush," she replied, her voice gentle yet commanding. The sight of him, bruised and battered, stirred emotions she had been desperately trying to bury. “Don’t worry about the carpet. I never liked it anyways.” He tried to chuckle but the coughing overtook him again, causing him to wince and grab at his ribs.
His sweatshirt, now damp with blood and sweat, clung to his body. “Take your shirt off.” Gianna instructed, switching damp washcloths after the first one was covered in dried blood from her dabbing at his forehead.
“Y’gotta buy me dinner first,” He mumbled, coughing again with the effort. 
“James Buchanan Barnes,” She scolded, though she had to bite her lip to keep from grinning. “This is so not the time.” Her hands gently gripped the hem of his sweatshirt, ever so lightly lifting it. He groaned as he slowly raised his arms over his head and allowed her to remove it. When it was fully off, she dropped it into a heavy heap on the floor. 
“Bucky…” Her eyes welled with tears as they raked over his body. His ribs were blackened, so swollen that his toned stomach looked puffy in all the places he’d been struck. His collarbone was decorated in bruises, likely broken. That explained why he wasn’t able to remove his own shirt. Gianna reached back for the washcloth, gently cleaning the dried blood from his face, careful not to press too hard. Tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Why didn't you fight back?" she asked, her voice a delicate whisper that hung in the air.
He was quiet for a moment. When he finally spoke, his voice was thick, "It was here to keep unwanted visitors away.” He took a labored breath. “ And I'm an unwanted visitor."
"Buck," she began, her voice cracking with genuine remorse. “I am so sorry, I never would have wanted --”
Bucky, gripping her wrist firmly, stopped her. His words were still slightly slurred by the swollen lip. "You have nothing to apologize for. I came here to say that I’m sorry, to tell you I was a fucking idiot." He coughed, wiping the small amount of blood from his mouth on the back of his hand. “I fucked up. It’s my fault. All of this is my fault.”
“Shhh,” Gianna gently stroked his hair back from his face. “We don’t have to talk about that right now. Just let me get you cleaned up, okay?” He looked like he wanted to protest, but silently nodded. Sinking back into the chair, he closed his eyes. 
It took nearly half an hour for Gianna to get all the crusted blood from his face. She cleaned all his cuts, closing lacerations with butterfly bandages she was shocked she had. They’d strapped bags of frozen fruit to his ribcage and collarbone using a long ace bandage, and she poured him a strong glass of bourbon even though they both knew it wouldn’t make a difference to him. 
His eyes were still closed, breathing less ragged. Thank goodness for his accelerated healing, although Gianna worried that if something healed wrong before they could get to a doctor, they’d have no choice but to re-break it. Considering the only doctor he trusted was half an hour away by Quinjet exclusively, that wasn’t a very likely option.
“Hey,” She ran her hands through his hair again, tucking it behind his ears. Blue eyes fluttered open, focusing on her. “How you feeling?” 
“Like a million bucks.” He sat up straighter, groaning.
“I don’t have other clothes for you, but I can wash these if you want…” Gianna tried not to look at his bare chest. “Are you hungry? Do you want me to call someone? Steve, I should call Steve.” She stood to go retrieve her phone but metal fingers wrapped around her wrist.
“Wait,” His voice was strained. “Just wait.”
Before she could respond, he pulled a small black notebook from his back pocket. Gianna recognized it instantly, the familiar leather cover, the journal he’d trusted her with months ago. He handed it to her, a silent invitation to read once again. She slowly took it from him and sank back into the chair across from him.
She deserves someone without a past like mine, not a guy grappling with shadows every night. Every smile she gives me feels like a reminder that I'm not the man she thinks she loves. It's selfish to keep her tethered to me. The whole world knows she’s too good for me. She deserves better. I’ve tried to shake this for too long and there’s a reason I can’t.
I know what I have to do.
Watching her laugh should've been enough to change my mind, but it wasn't. It just intensified the guilt that she's wasting her joy on me. How did it come to this? I need to set her free from my chaos, my mess. She is sunshine and I’m the darkest fucking cloud in the sky.
She knows something is wrong. I can see it in her eyes. I just don’t know how to end the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Dragging it out isn’t fair. She can feel me pulling away. I guess part of me hopes that will make it easier when it ends.
I can’t wait any longer. It isn’t fair to her. It’s killing me.
It’s over. It’s done. I will never forget the pain in her eyes. 
I feel like I just lost half of me. I feel like I’m half alive. 
At least she’s finally free.
The compound is too quiet. The silence is a constant reminder of what's missing. Everyone feels it. She brought color to this place, and now it’s gone. I don’t know if I wish I never felt it or if I’m glad I got the time that I did. 
I hope her world is still colorful.
Her absence is killing me. The loneliness is like a weight I can't shake off. I keep reminding myself it's for her happiness, but this empty bed and quiet room is haunting me. I wake up from nightmares and wish she was there to talk me down. I lie awake at night and convince myself I can still hear her breathing, she’s still asleep next to me. 
Then I wake up. A new nightmare. One where she’s gone and it’s all my fault.
She's moving on. The pictures say it all. Laughing, beautiful, happy. Living, a life without me. It stings, but it's what I wanted for her. Fuck, seeing it hurts more than I expected.
This is what was supposed to happen. She’s happy and that’s what matters.
Her late-night performance. I swear she saw me through the screen. Her voice, her face – it's a comfort and a torture. I thought she was happy, told myself she was happy. She looks as haunted as I feel. She looks…colorless. She’s angry and it’s all my fault. I broke the one person who I never saw without a smile on her face. 
If she doesn’t smile again, I will never forgive myself.
I’m running out of things to tell myself. It isn’t getting any easier. I just hope that somewhere, in some universe, we made it. I hope that some version of me deserves her and that we made it. 
Silent tears traced a path down Gianna's face as she finished the last page. As she looked up, her eyes met Bucky's. He reached for her hand, a silent invitation. She took it, feeling him tug her towards him. As she hesitated, mindful of the fresh wounds all over his body, he reassured her with a crooked smile. 
"You could never hurt me," he whispered.
Gianna relented, allowing him to pull her closer. He guided her gently onto his lap, closing all the space between them. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and the dam of emotions she had held back broke. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed, "I missed you so much. I couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking about you. Every second, every day. I miss you, I need you, I can’t do it without you.”
Bucky's grip tightened on her back, and he murmured into her neck, "I've been in agony since you left." He held her in silence for a few moments, feeling her small frame shake with sobs. The guilt of knowing he caused them battled with the joy that she was in his arms again. “I’m sorry. G, I’m so, so sorry.” He stroked her hair as he mumbled apologies over and over, knowing they’d never come close to expressing his remorse. “So fucking sorry.”
When she finally pulled back, her tear-streaked face held a resolve. "Never leave me again," she demanded. “Ever.”
He met her gaze with a seriousness that matched hers. "You better mean it. Once you say those words, I'm never letting go of you again."
She leaned forward, gently resting her hands on his cheeks as she leaned close and pressed the softest kiss to his swollen lips. "I mean it," she whispered.
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