#Look del día
makeupvartiz · 1 year
Elegir a tu Maquilladora de Bodas en México | ¡Make Up Vartiz by Verónica Artés, Tu Elección Perfecta!
En el día más importante de tu vida, tu elección de maquilladora es esencial. Make Up Vartiz by Verónica Artés, la maquilladora de eventos y bodas más destacada de España, ha llegado a México para convertirse en la elección perfecta. Con reconocimientos i
En uno de los días más importantes de tu vida, quieres verte y sentirte absolutamente espectacular. Tu boda o evento especial merece toda la atención y dedicación para asegurarte de que luzcas deslumbrante. Es por eso que la elección de tu maquilladora es crucial. Si buscas la excelencia en el arte del maquillaje y la experiencia de una auténtica profesional, no busques más. Make Up Vartiz by…
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moviestarmartini · 7 days
flores amarillas. — franco colapinto x gf!reader
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él la estaba esperando con una flor amarilla / ella lo estaba soñando con la luz en su pupila / y el amarillo del sol iluminaba la esquina / lo sentía tan cercano, lo sentía desde niña.
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summary: franco surprised you at the airport on a special saturday.
wc: 800
warnings: none! just fluff, conversations in spanish, idiots in love and a established relationship.
A/N: feliz día internacional (latino mostly) de las flores amarillas hehehehe i added the context in the fic so i won't give it here !
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now playing... flores amarillas from floricienta
The only way your trajectory to Singapore could get worse was if the plane exploded mid-air like in Final Destination. 
It was humiliating; you were supposed to arrive Friday, and by the time you took your last connection, the estimated time of arrival was for early Saturday morning. The bags under your eyes were bigger than the ones sitting in the compartment underneath the passengers, you went from lack of sleep due to excitement to hibernation, ignoring the flight attendants who attempted to wake you up. 
You only rose from your slumber while the destination edged nearer, to freshen up and half heartedly have breakfast. You did your best to look presentable, flushing away in the sink the despair from both the missed connections and long customs lines. This involved changing out of the designated airport lounging outfit into something more fresh, having prepared the outfit in your personal bag, feeling the humidity already crawl up your bones even when you hadn’t descended. 
After his excellent work in Baku, Franco was eager to finally fly you out to see him race live in the top category, only having experienced him in the feeder series. The nerves ate you up, walking the paddock with your boyfriend was something you had fantasized about, but never expected to become a reality even when he reached Formula One. 
But there you were, praying for your bag to come out and not have gotten lost, leaving a big sigh of relief upon spotting it, untampered with. It wasn’t that heavy, and it was that moment of strength that took over you whenever your boyfriend wasn’t there to carry everything. 
As soon as your roaming plan kicked in you contacted him, letting him know you were there. He told you he hired a chauffeur to pick you up and take you back to the hotel, excusing himself due to the need to rest before paddock duties, which you completely understood. 
Imagine the surprise to see him standing at the arrivals gate holding a bouquet of yellow flowers. 
His face lit up in joy at the same time yours lit up in surprise, a delicate hand flying over to cover the O your mouth had turned into. 
Gifting yellow flowers on September 21st was used to celebrate the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere, and the phenomenon just spread all throughout Hispanic countries. You’d dropped hints here and there, but with the stress from your flight… situations you’d completely forgotten about everything else. 
Your suitcase made noise against the floor as you dragged it along your sprint, letting it go— but making sure it stayed put— before hugging him tight. His laughter replenished all the energy the trouble had taken away from you, nuzzling into his shirt to breathe in his scent. 
Yeah, it was your Franco. 
“¡Me mentiste!” You proclaimed, hitting him in the chest. He ignored the subject of the yellow flowers and supposedly arranged for a third party to pick you up. 
“Buen día princesa hermosa, feliz de verte.” He blatantly ignored your claims, leaning in to smooch your cheek, hanging the bouquet of sunflowers with fresh eucalyptus mixed in for some greenery. You didn’t know if your ears felt warm because of the high temperatures or the flattery. 
“¿Cómo es que iba la canción? Ella sabía que el sabía que sabía que algún día pasaría—“ You interrupted his annoying high pitched sing along while you took a picture of the plants, heart thumping in your chest. 
“No, no. Que él sabía que algún día pasaría a buscarla—“ Now it was his turn for him to interrupt you, putting a finger over your lips. 
“—con sus flores amarillas!” Though you would regularly be offended at him interrupting you, you almost giggled at his antics. 
You stood there for a second, unable to tear your eyes away from the warm toned bouquet, still in the best type of disbelief. You didn’t notice it was you who he couldn’t tear his eyes away from. 
The second you told him you were asking for all the permissions to get a vacation sorted to see him race, he knew he had to make it special. And by your reaction, he knew it was a mission accomplished. Besides, it warmed his heart to see you so happy. 
“Let’s go get you freshen up and head to the paddock, if I’m any later than the hour I have left, they’re going to replace me.” Now the idea didn’t terrify you just as much, you were too busy gawking about the surprise to your mom and your friends, following him to the car knowing you had no time to lose nor spare. 
He took both your weekender and the medium sized suitcase, letting you to only carry the weight of having the best boyfriend ever. 
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mufyncafe · 1 month
MO Day 1 End Recap. I love how it looks haha/Resumen del final del día 1 en MO. JAJAJA ME ENCANTA COMO ME QUEDO JAJAJA
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einaudis · 8 months
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(...) Cuando Susy murió en sus brazos, Nando no pudo derramar una sola lágrima, aunque nunca en su vida experimentó una sensación tan desoladora (...) A partir de entonces, con su mundo desbaratado, Nando comprendió que debía comenzar a construirlo de nuevo. Como no había vivido los primeros días de aclimatación a la montaña, lo suyo fue súbito y fulminante: "Nadie vendrá por nosotros, estamos solos". Tambaleándose, encorvado, y arrastrando los pies, salió afuera del fuselaje. Moncho Sabella lo miró sorprendido. Nando observó las montañas insondables, con rocas grises y negras incrustadas aquí y allá: "Hay que irse", balbuceó. Moncho creyó que estaba delirando. (...) (...) Nando Parrado se focalizó en una sola idea, que ya venía elaborando desde tiempo atrás: salir caminando cuanto antes (…) sentía cada vez más intensamente una imperiosa necesidad de huir del fuselaje, para acompañar a su padre. Él lo vivía como una fuga. Sabía claramente que si pensaba en todo lo que había perdido (su madre, su hermana, sus amigos) no lo lograría. Entonces decidió abroquelarse y convertirse en un animal acorralado que quiere escapar. *** (...) When Susy died in his arms, Nando could not shed a single tear, although he had never in his life experienced such a desolate feeling (...) From then on, with his world in shambles, Nando understood that he had to start building it again. As he had not lived through the first days of acclimatization to the mountain, his decision was sudden and fulminating: "Nobody will come for us, we are alone". Staggering, hunched over, and shuffling his feet, he stepped out of the fuselage. Moncho Sabella looked at him in surprise. Nando looked at the unfathomable mountains, with gray and black rocks embedded here and there. "We have to leave", he stammered. Moncho thought he was delirious. (...) (...) Nando Parrado focused on a single idea, which he had been working on for some time: to walk away as soon as possible (…) he felt more and more intensely an imperious need to flee from the fuselage, to accompany his father. He experienced it as an escape. He knew clearly that if he thought of all that he had lost (his mother, his sister, his friends), he would not make it. So he decided to buckle up and become a cornered animal that wants to escape. LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE (2008) - PABLO VIERCI
Hay varias razones que me motivaron o me influyeron para preparar mi huida con tanta angustia y premura. Yo podía ver el guión de la película completa, y sabía que más tarde o más temprano se terminarían los cuerpos y tendríamos que usar el de mi madre y mi hermana. Imposible. Había que huir antes que eso sucediera. Después estaba mi padre, que pensó que había perdido a toda su familia en la montaña, pero como yo estaba vivo, tenía que regresar para decírselo. En una situación tan desmesurada, en lo único que podía pensar era en mi familia. No existía otro objetivo. Mi padre y mi hermana mayor eran la familia que me quedaba. *** There are several reasons that motivated or influenced me to prepare my escape with such anguish and haste. I could see the script of the completed film, and I knew that sooner or later we would run out of bodies and we would have to use my mother's and my sister's. Impossible. We had to run away before that happened. Then there was my father, who thought he had lost his whole family on the mountain, but since I was alive, I had to go back to tell him. In such an unconscionable situation, all I could think about was my family. There was no other goal. My father and my older sister were the family I had left. FERNANDO PARRADO (LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE - PABLO VIERCI (2008))
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anime-fan-05 · 11 days
¿Puedes hacer un headcanon con algunos personajes de MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Shoto, Mirio, Tamaki y Hawks) cuando la persona que les gusta les besa la mejilla como agradecimiento por ayudarla?
Estaba pensando que la lectora es la vecina del personaje; un día él descubre que un malo ha atacado el lugar donde vive y se apresura a salvar a ella y a su familia (los estudiantes tienen la licencia de héroe provisional); después, para agradecerles, le da un beso en la mejilla. Esta era mi idea, pero si tienes otras, no dudes en utilizarlas.
My Hero Academia ~Receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush as thanks~
Manga/anime: My Hero Academia
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
(S/O): significant other
I really liked your idea, so I decided to use it.
(S/O) is really tired and panting from moving faster than usual to reach his house and from fighting a villain who has taken (Y/N), his neighbor and crush, hostage, but he's also happy to have saved her.
He's in the apartment of the girl, who's looking at him, shaken but also with her eyes full of gratitude, affection and admiration, when they both feel a jolt, which makes her fall to the floor, or rather which would have made her fall if it hadn't been for him, who managed to grab her before she did so. Acting quickly, (S/O) immediately picks (Y/N) up like a bride and throws himself out of the window with her to prevent both of them from being crushed by the probable collapse of the house, landing next to it, among the crowd who has come from the nearby homes, and who are applauding and thanking (S/O).
After a few seconds, the boy realizes he's still holding (Y/N), so, embarrassed and with eyes as big as saucers, he lets her go; the girl, though, doesn't move away from him, as (S/O) thought, but she approaches him, smiling sweetly at him, and, whispering a thank you, she delicately places her lips on his right cheek for a few seconds.
Midoriya I. (Deku)
He'll freeze over: if you tap him, he'll fall over like a statue
It'll take him a while to recover, but he won't be able to say a meaningful sentence or even respond to your thank you ("Y-y-yo-you-you're w-we..."), and he'll be forced to cover his face with his arms or hands because he'll be literally all red
For the rest of the day, he won't be able to speak, so much so his mother will become very worried
"Izuku, are you okay? What's wrong?" "It-it's that... (Y/N)... Isavedherandshegavemeakissonthecheekasthanks! A-and now I-I can't think of anything else! What do I do, mom?" "..." "M-mom..." "Awwwwww, my son is in love!"
His mother will advise him to go to you, so he'll go to the place where you'll be (your house is destroyed) and he'll try to ensure your health, both physical and mental, since he was unable to do so after saving you
Bakugou K.
His first instinct will be to move away, since he'll be really embarrassed, and to yell at you not to do something like that again (not because he doesn't want your affection, but because it embarrasses him too much)
Nevertheless, he'll remain still, with his ears red with embarrassment and, strangely, without screaming
He'll stare at you for a few seconds, almost immersed in a subspecies of fantasy world where there are only you two, until he hears the people who surround you talking and clapping, and his body will move on its own: he'll run away
Before going away, though, if he hears you giggling at his reaction, his heart will skip a few beats, but he'll yell at you to stop teasing him
He'll probably go back to his house still a little flushed, and he'll argue for hours with his mother whether to allow you to stay at their house; in the end... "Oi, come to my house until your house is rebuilt"
Todoroki S.
At first he won't react because he won't totally realize what you did, still focused and exhausted from the fight: he'll act robotically and go back to his home without considering you
However, once he gets home, he'll understand what happened, and he'll blush madly under the incredulous eyes of his father and sister
He'll also slightly lose control of his quirk: a light jet of ice will come out of the right side of his body, covering part of the floor, and light flames will erupt from the left side
He'll think about the kiss all night and won't be able to sleep, so he'll talk about it with his sister the next day; Fuyumi will then decide to intervene personally: she'll invite you to live in their house (since yours is destroyed)
Imagine his embarrassment in living with you (but maybe he'll decide to confess to you)!
Toogata M.
His usual smile will stretch so much almost all of his teeth will be visible, and his cheeks will be dusted with a very light red
If he has to speak, only a stammer will come out of his mouth, and so he'll giggle in embarrassment, putting his hand behind his head
He'll look at you for a while, not knowing what to do and waiting for you to say something; when you don't say anything, he'll walk away in embarrassment
As soon as he's away from you and has recovered (in fact, after your kiss he'll only think about you and the beautiful sensation of your lips on his cheek), he'll give himself a mental slap for not having said anything to you
Thus, to compensate for his imaginary lack of sufficient help towards you, he'll offer to host you for as long as you need and also to protect you from any further attacks from villains
Amajiki T.
You'll kill him: Tamaki.exe has stopped working; press a button to restart
His ears will be red, let's not talk about his face (it could be the perfect cosplay of a tomato); he'll be all shaky, and he'll start playing with his fingers due to embarrassment
After recovering, he could do two actions: the first will be to take the opportunity to bury his red face in your neck due to embarrassment and to hide himself from the crowd, the second to run away and never appear before you again
It's more likely he'll do the first option, but he'll still stay away from you for at least a week to get used to calming his heart, which will be beating wildly
The next time you two meet he'll still blush slightly, remembering your kiss, and he won't be able to look you in the eyes
Takami K. (Hawks)
He's used to people thanking him, even by hugging him, but you aren't just anyone: you're his crush
Indeed, he'll try in every way not to blush, but he'll fail, as a slight blush will be seen on his cheeks; for that reason, he'll wink at you, making you blush: that's his way of shifting the focus of attention from him to you
In addition, his wings will fluff up a little and he'll strut, happy for your special thanks
He'll fly away to the applause of the audience, but he'll keep thinking about you all the time with a dreamy expression for the next days (imagine the happiness of the members of his agency or the other heroes he'll meet, such as Endeavor, in seeing him like that...)
From that day, he'll take advantage of every free moment to come to you to "check", as he'll say, on you, since you may be at risk of attack by villains; actually, he'll do it just to see you
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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do i wanna know? | m33
Description: Max Verstappen begins dating Tony Stark's daughter.
Pairing: max verstappen/nepo-baby!reader
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y/n_stark: happy father's day, so much to be thankful for ✨ tagged: tony
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tonystarkisasigma: #1 alpha male
maxverstappen1: Happy Father's Day - f1forzaferrari: ariana what r u doing here 💀
schecoperez: ¡Feliz Día del Padre! - ilikesmootheis19: BYEE WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE
danielricciardo: pls tell ur dad to give me a seat 😇 - y/n_stark: will do!
yukitsunoda0511: happy birthday
alonsohamiltonworld: friendly reminder that tony stark owns redbull and alpha tauri, that's why the drivers are kissing his @ss
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Deuxmoi: So allegedly a famous billionaire superhero nepo-baby is dating an F1 racer. My bets are on Y/N Stark, because her dad is the only superhero with kids. As for the F1 racer, we're not sure - some people in my dms say that it's Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc or Max Verstappen.
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y/n_stark: first time in the redbull garage, totally in awe ✨
928 comments 128,349 likes
maxverstappen1: 💙🧡 #OrangeArmy
landonorris: aww missing you here - ynfans: YA'LL BE SAYING IT'S CHARLES, DANIEL AND MAX BUT IT'S OBVIOUSLY LANDO BYEE
tony: ❤️🔥
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ynfans: a thread on how y/n stark is dating lando norris
Y/N was in England the same time Lando was in England. (picture proof: she's the one who took the photo)
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2. Lando commented "aww missing you here" to her post 3. They would make a cute couple. I rest my case.
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carlandoisbae: bitch bffr
grimes49r: "(shes the one who took the photo)" girl just kys 😭 they're obviously not dating
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y/nfans: ok, if she's not dating lando then she's dating charles ya'll stfu because idgaf
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avengersassembleconspirancy: I'm praying for the driver that manages to date iron-man's daughter.
10 comments 1,293 likes 12 retweets
peterparker1001: praying for max verstappen 😁 - ynismymommy: I CHECKED HIS PROFILE? HE INTERNS FOR TONY STARK, AND THEY'RE LIKE CLOSE CLOSE 😭 - ilovecaptainamerica: someone is getting fired 💀🤣
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y/n_stark: since the cat is out of the basket 🤷🏻‍♀️💕 tagged: maxverstappen1
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maxverstappen1: 🧡💙
peterparker1001: really sorry mr verstappen 😕
starkfashion: how did ur dad react? - y/n_stark: we'll know in a few minutes 💗💕
tony: I feel sorry, - peonysandsuid: me too, she deserves better -- tony: for Max
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maxverstappen1: Cheers to more laughter ✨ my lucky charm ❤️ tagged: y/n_stark, tony, redbullracing
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carlandolover: bro tagged his entire family 🥶
verstappenleclercbonus: bro isn't scared of tony stark 🥶
y/n_stark: handsome and spectacular 💕
danielricciardo: aww cheers mate 🥂
lokiandthorareinnocent: bro said, i'm the boss now 🥶
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I, student, M have a friend - 23, F, and she's been in a relationship with a very famous guy for over a year now. She's very private and lowkey with all the things that she does. Now, instead of using my alternate account in commenting something - I used my real account and their relationship got exposed. She tells me that it's perfectly fine and that she doesn't blame me but I feel really bad. AITA?
aragornofmirkwood: nta divorce the alternate account
benelopecruz: if she says that she doesn't blaim you, nta
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maxverstappenisnomber1 max verstappen after pulling tony stark's daughter
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starkfamily99 tony stark after a broke man *worth $60 million* dates his daughter
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starkfamilyisworld how i imagine tony talking to max: "100 Million, stay away from my daughter"
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193 comments 293,129 likes
y.nbutterflyworld: this is how i know tony stark is a good dad 😭 his daughter's type is SO far away from what he looks like. Sis has no daddy issues fr 😭
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next part
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Anon rebelde.
Las ultimas corrientes inflan las velas del barco. Primero el video del concierto de TS, por supuesto Mordor no sabe no contesta, P no cuenta, es un cadáver en el fandom aunque ella no se haya querido dar por aludida, SS pierde el rumbo y felicita al soltero de oro de la marca en el día del padre. Upsss, ¿ que hacemos ? borramos el comentario, lo dejamos, tal vez no se han dado cuenta. Esto cada vez se pone mejor 🌅
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Tuve un fin de semana muy ocupado y me llevé algo de trabajo a casa (nunca más, con dos perros, un gato, bebidas en la ciudad, Shipper Mom, etc.). Además de la ráfaga de Anons que normalmente tengo que analizar. Normalmente dejo tus mensajes en un segundo plano: motivo de reflexión y luego deleite.
[I had a very busy weekend, plus I took some work home - never again, with two dogs, one cat, drinks downtown, Shipper Mom, etc. Plus the flurry of Anons I had to sift through. I normally leave your messages on the backburner: food for thought and then, such a delight.]
You wrote:
'The last currents fill the ship's sails. First the video of TS's concert, of course Mordor - no clue and no answer, P doesn't count, she's a corpse in this fandom, even though she doesn't want to acknowledge it, SS loses its way and congratulates the brand's golden bachelor on Father's Day. Ooopsss, what to do? Delete the comment, or just leave it and hope they didn't notice. This just keeps getting better and better 🌅.'
Well, after a long spell in the doldrums, things seem to start looking better, thanks to Taylor Swift - who knew?
And the new marketing team deserves a separate post. There has been a lot of gratuitous bullshit thrown at that woman, for NO other reason than mendacious nastiness.
Anyways, Kissgate really was THE ultimate mic drop.
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tomhardymyking · 15 days
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I need a better look at that amazing art 😮
New never-before-seen photo of 𝗧𝗼𝗺 uploaded by himself this morning! 🔥
I would have uploaded it before but you know that I always wait until the end of the day in case there is more new 𝗧𝗼𝗺 content that day 🤭
In his post he says: “𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒. 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦a, 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦.” I guess it's about, 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎? 👀
And well, will it be the last photo we will have of 𝗧𝗼𝗺 before his birthday 🤔?
P.S. : I like these glasses better because you can see more little face than with the others that are all black 👌🏻
Necesito un mejor vistazo a ese increíble arte 😮
¡Nueva foto nunca antes vista de 𝗧𝗼𝗺 subida por él mismo esta mañana! 🔥
La habría subido mucho antes pero ya sabéis que espero siempre hasta el final del día por si hay más contenido nuevo de 𝗧𝗼𝗺 en el día 🤭
En su publicación dice: “𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑠. 𝑂𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑒𝑙 𝑗𝑢𝑒𝑔𝑜, 𝑛𝑜 𝑎𝑙 𝑗𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑖ñ𝑜.” Supongo que será, ¿por 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎? 👀
Y bueno, ¿será la última foto que tendremos de 𝗧𝗼𝗺 antes de su cumpleaños 🤔?
P.D. : me gustan más estas gafas porque se le ve más carita que con las otras que son todas negras 👌🏻
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
I just installed Dead Plate and although I haven't made it past the second day (because I get super nervous with the clients😭 like in real life lol) out of nowhere I saw this little idea that later evolved into a theory.
Did you see that Vince can't really taste anything? We don't really know how long ago, but looking at the creator's old drawings, specifically from when Vince was a child, I realized that he used to eat WORMS as a child (on the one hand Ew, and on the other hand I guess it's something common of the kids).
What does one thing has to do with the other? Well, I recently discovered that if you take HERBICIDES you can LOSE YOUR SENSE OF TASTE.
Where are the herbicides put? in the gardens.
What can you find in gardens (especially when you are a child)? WORMS.
That, adding to the fact that worms do not normally die so easily with herbicide, especially since we are talking about the time of the 50-60s (when there were not as many warnings/regulations on garden products as there are now), made me have this idea :
Could it be that by eating worms with Herbicide, Vince was left without a sense of taste since he was a child?
Idk, just wanna drop it.
Acabo de instalar Dead Plate y aunque no he pasado del segundo día (porque me pongo súper nerviosa con los clientes😭 como en la vida real jajaja ) de la nada vi esta pequeña idea que luego evolucionó a una teoría.
¿Viste que Vince no puede realmente saborear nada? No sabemos realmente hace cuánto tiempo, pero viendo los dibujos antiguos del creador, en concreto de cuando Vince era un niño, me di cuenta de que solía comer GUSANOS cuando era niño (por un lado, qué asco, y por otro lado, supongo que es algo común entre los niños).
¿Qué tiene que ver una cosa con la otra? Bueno, hace poco descubrí que si tomas HERBICIDAS puedes PERDER EL SENTIDO DEL GUSTO .
¿Dónde se ponen los herbicidas? En los jardines.
¿Qué puedes encontrar en los jardines (sobre todo cuando eres niño)? GUSANOS.
Eso, sumado a que las lombrices/gusanos normalmente no mueren tan fácilmente con herbicida, sobre todo porque estamos hablando de la época de los años 50-60 (cuando no había tantas advertencias/regulaciones sobre productos de jardinería como ahora), me hizo tener esta idea:
¿Podría ser que por comer gusanos con herbicida, Vince se quedó sin sentido del gusto desde que era un niño?
No sé, solo queria decirlo.
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kamwilliamsonn · 2 years
I'm okay - Mapi León
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based off request here
You woke up to soft kisses placed all over your face. "Mi amor, es hora de despertar." My love, it's time to wake up." ("My love, it's time to wake up.")
You let out a groan and roll over. "Es el día del juego, mi amor". ("It's game day, my love.")
Your eyes fluttered open, a soft frown fluttering on your face. "Tengo un mal presentimiento sobre el partido de hoy, mi vida". ("I have a bad feeling about today's game, my life.")
Mapi frowned softly, her hair coming up to move your bed hair from your face. "No pasará nada, no conmigo allí. Me aseguraré de ello". ("Nothing will happen, not with me there. I'll make sure of it.")
She was wrong.
You'd ended up missing the ball entirely, catching her ankles and sending her to the floor in pain.
You'd stood up instantly, putting a hand out to help her out. But when she doesn't get back up, one of her teammates are instantly in your face, screaming at you and pushing you away.
Mapi was one movement away from stepping in, one more move and she'd get the person on you.
"Look, I'm sorry, I know, I didn't mean to!" You tried defending yourself, switching to English in hopes that she'd understand you. "Is she okay? Are you okay?" You asked the girl on the floor, about to move forward one more time when a fist came swinging at your face.
You dropped to the floor, holding your face as it bled, but you were instantly up when you heard an unrecognisable voice.
"¿Cómo te atreves? Ella no fue su intención. No, no me toques. No me importa si me cardas. ¡Mírala! No fue su intención, ¡mira lo que hiciste!" ("How dare you? She didn't mean to. No, don't touch me. I don't care if you card me. Look at her! She didn't mean to, look what you did!")
"Mapi, Mapi, mi amor, mi vida, estoy bien, vamos, estoy bien". ("Mapi, Mapi, my love, my life, I'm fine, come on, I'm fine".) You told her, one hand still holding your definitely broken nose as you stepped in between her and the player who punched you.
"Estás sangrando, eso no está bien". ("You're bleeding, that's not alright.")
You tried to wipe the blood off your hand so you could hope her with both but you just had to cover it back up due to the immense pain, Mapi was seeing red. She had to calm down.
"I'm okay." You switched to your first language. "I'm okay, darling, I'm okay. I'm going to be subbed off, and sorted out. And I'll be okay. It just means you'll have to be careful with my wake up kisses."
"You told me you had a bad feeling." She told you, regretting not just staying in bed. Feeling your body against hers.
"I know. But tomorrow, we have a day off, and we can sleep all day."
You were wrong about that too.
Mapi had never been the most patient person ever, she'd woken up at 6am, and just laid with you, watching your chest go up and down with each breath, God, you were so perfect in her eyes.
She'd done that for an hour before she creeped out of bed and to the kitchen, waking you up with breakfast in bed and soft kisses placed over every inch of your undamaged skin, making sure to leave your broken nose well enough alone.
I actually kinda love this- Mapi León is the love of my life, and this is in celebration of her goal today (and the request of course)
As always, my requests are in fact open, feel free to send anything woso and I'll give it my best shot
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araminakilla · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day or, as we say here: "Día del Amor y la Amistad"
Today I brought you a theory regarding the new upcoming short "The Trident"
At first I thought it was going to be a Jack Horner-centered short about how he and the Bakers Dozen managed to obtain the magical object, but now these two images were released and changed everything.
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This clearly takes place after Puss in Boots: The Last Wish movie since they are on a boat, probably the night before reaching Far Far Away or another travel.
This confirms Puss, Kitty and most likely Perrito are going to be the protagonists of this story.
Now about the Trident, I just have an issue regarding it. Wasn't the last time we saw that object was using it to pin the Magic Carpet to the wall? Or did Jack packed that artifact into his bag?
The point is, it was with Jack. How did Team Friendship obtain it? Why they have the need to have it?
And specially, who thought it was a good idea to use the trident, The Mighty Trident of freaking Poseidon (or another powerful king of the seas) on a ship, in the middle of the sea?
It even looks like Puss is ready to fight a crew or something like that in the first image. Are they pirates? Mermaids? Sirens? Just the wind?
Are they planning to keeping it or return it to its original owner?
That thing can control the seas, maybe sea creatures too. It is powerful, it is dangerous.
It is like they are trying to call Death. Or trying to court Death.
Not literally but... you know.
And speaking of Death, I have to be honest, I don't see him appearing in this short. Maybe a visual clue or hearing his whistle at a near-death situation, maybe nothing at all. Really hoping I'm wrong.
But yeah, expecting this short to be a fun adventure with heartwarming moments regarding Team Friendship.
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tightjeansjavi · 8 months
Catfish | Chapter 2
🫧 Estrella Del Mar🫧
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A/N: ahoy there you minnows! Who’s ready for some more fisherman!frankie? He’s going to reel you all in after he casts his line. Won’t you hop aboard his vessel? 😉
~word count: 2.2k~
Summary: Frankie asks you to hop aboard his vessel and spend the day fishing with him.
Pairing | fisherman!Frankie Morales x bartender f!reader
Warnings: slowish burn, enemies to lovers, language, light Spanish, Frankie is a flirt and a bit of an ass, mean!frankie, grumpy!frankie,pining, banter, sexual innuendos, fish innuendos, pet names: Starfish, cariño, brief mention of Frankie’s past in the army, no age gap, reader has no physical descriptions, +18 minors dni!
¡Joder! Cómo ciega el sol - fuck! The sun is blinding
Estrella Del Mar - Starfish
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“Buenos días, Starfish.” He was in a chipper mood this morning. Not that you were paying any close attention to his mood. After the shit he pulled a few nights back? You were beginning to believe that maybe Juniper was right about Frankie after all.
You ignored him willfully as he made himself comfortable on his usual bartop stool.
You looked over the brim of his hat when the side door to his vessel opened, and yet another tourist came stumbling out. This one however wasn’t dressed in her clothes from the night before. This one had an early morning booty call written all over her face.
“Is there ever a moment in your day when you’re not getting your dick wet, Catfish?”
His sunglasses tipped below the bridge of his nose as he rolled his shoulders forwards. He scoffed under his breath, ignoring your question. Meanwhile, his eyes traveled across the flushed look on the woman's face while she did her best to walk down the dock without making it too obvious that her legs were as wobbly as jello. So what if Frankie had fucked her less than 20 minutes ago..why should you care?
“Dunno what you're talking about, cariño.” He bluffed. “We were just playing an early morning game of scrabble. And what did I tell you about calling me Catfish, hm?” He raised his brow in your direction.
Yeah, scrabble..with my tongue.
“An early morning game of scrabble? Really, Fish Filet? Right, cause that’s why she’s having trouble walking..because you beat her in scrabble. Uh huh.” You weren’t convinced in the slightest. Your eyes met his in a challenging stare. “You’re annoying me, Frankie. That's why I called you Catfish.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d start to think that you’re feeling jealous, Starfish. Since when are you so concerned over who, and what I’m doing in my personal life? If you’re looking for—”
You cut him off coldly with half the intention to reach over the bartop and slap him across the face with your towel, but you refrained. “Is there something I can help you with, Frankie? I’m on the clock. I don’t have time to chit-chat.”
He brushed off your sudden coldness with a shrug of his shoulders as he leaned forward and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yeah, you can help me, Starfish. I’d like a coffee, black, like your soul.” The corners of his lips curved upwards in a small grin.
The look you gave him was nothing short of disapproving, and deeply unimpressed. “Get it yourself, Frankie.” You turned your back towards him, muttering under your breath about how it was too goddamn early to be dealing with him and his shenanigans.
“The fuck took a shit in your cheerios this morning?” He uncrossed his arms and reached over the bartop for a mug and the coffee pot. “Y’know, I am your customer and you really should—”
“Do you sleep on that thing?” You faced him once more after deciding that slapping him with the towel would not be worth it.
He took a sip of the steaming liquid as he leaned back against the barstool. “Pardon?”
“Your boat.” You clarified. “Do you sleep on it?”
“Depends. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t.” He shrugged. “Why do you ask, Starfish?” He was intrigued, and it was written all over his smug, scruffy face.
“No reason.” Now you were the one bluffing.
“Oh, c’mon, cariño. There is always a reason to ask something. Even if it’s just out of curiosity.” He took another slurping sip from the mug and your eye twitched from the sound.
He’s doing that on purpose.
“If I tell you that I asked because I was curious, will you drop the subject, Fish Filet?”
“Sure. As long as you’re telling me the truth, Starfish.” He nodded.
“Okay. I was asking because I’m curious, and that is the truth, Frankie.”
He wasn’t convinced by your answer, and you didn’t like the way that he was studying your face rather intently. His head cocked to the side as a warm sea breeze brushed through the soft curls at the back of his neck.
“Do you want to see it?” He asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
“See what?”
He stifled a chuckle at your response as he set his mug down along the bartop counter and leaned forward. “My vessel, cariño. Do you want to see it?”
“Can you maybe..not call it a vessel? Just call it a fucking boat, Frankie. And no, I do not want to see it. And even if I did, I’m on the clock. So, go ask one of your tourist friends that you’re so acquainted with. I’m sure they’d love to see your vessel.”
He rolled his lips into his teeth to hide his growing smirk from showing because here he was crawling under your skin like a goddamn worm wriggling about.
“Can’t Juniper cover your shift this morning? All I ever see you do is work, Starfish. Don’t you ever get out there and live a little? It would only be for a couple hours, and it’s going to be such a beautiful day...” he trailed off with an almost disappointed sigh slipping past his lips.
“Oh, I think you and I both know that is a lie, Frankie. Are you forgetting about that certain beach party? Has it slipped your mind already?” You questioned with your arms crossed against your chest as you leaned back against the counter. The tips of his ears began to turn beet red. No, he had not forgotten about the night that you skinny dipped, and he stole a peek at your bare skin and got caught while doing so.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Look, I’m gonna finish off my coffee here and then I’ll be on my way. I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come out fishing with me. Offer still stands if you change your mind, cariño.” He was thankful that his sunglasses provided him with a bit of cover so that you couldn’t see the redness flush to the highest points of his cheeks either.
“Fishing—? With you?” You questioned unsurely.
“Yeah. Like I said, it’s going to be a beautiful day out there, but if you wanna be stuck on shore all day...be my guest.” His usual banter was gone, and it was replaced with an emotion that you didn’t think Frankie was capable of showing; disappointment.
How bad could it really be?
He could throw you overboard
Feed you to the sharks
Or even worse! You might actually have a good time?
“I’ll..think about it.” You finally responded. He finished off his coffee, downing what was left and pulled out a few bills from his pocket and slapped them down on the countertop. “Sure.” He muttered.
Juniper had shown up shortly after Frankie sauntered back to his boat with that feeling of disappointment churning deep within his gut.
Maybe I should just ask one of those tourists that I’ve gotten acquainted with. I’m sure they’d love to see me cast a line and reel a big one in.
She did say she’d think about it.
Bullshit. ‘I’ll think about it’ really means fuck off, Frankie.
“Hey, June? Do you think you could cover the morning shift for me today?” You asked while fiddling with the end of your shirt.
“Does this have anything to do with Frankie looking like a lost puppy when I showed up a few minutes ago, Starfish?” Juniper knew the answer, and so did you.
“Now you’re calling me Starfish too?” You laughed and gently punched her in the shoulder before rubbing your hands down your face with a sigh. “June, before you get upset with me, he asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him. He seemed disappointed when I didn’t immediately say yes.”
“Well, what can I say? The nickname stuck.” She winked. “He asked you to go fishing with him? Like actually fishing? No funny business?”
“It didn’t sound like he was inferring any ‘funny business’ taking place. He really was just asking me if I’d like to go fishing and enjoy the beautiful day? Or, he’s luring me in just so he can throw me overboard to the sharks.”
You both laughed at this.
“I mean, if he’s really just asking you to go fishing with him, then I say there’s no harm? I’ll cover your shift, but don’t go with him just because you feel like you have to, okay?” She placed her hands on your shoulders giving them a gentle reassuring squeeze.
You weighed out your options for a moment because June was right, there really was no harm in going fishing with Frankie Morales. Maybe he was just being friendly. Maybe this was his way to show you that he’s sorry for being an ass. Maybe you were overthinking it for what it really meant.
“I’ll be back in time for the evening rush, okay? Feel free to call me if the afternoon rush becomes too much, and I’ll come right back, okay?” You were already grabbing your purse and the belongings and slinging the strap over your shoulder.
“Babe, you’re gonna be out in the middle of the ocean. I don't think you're going to have any service out there. Just go and have a good time, alright? I doubt the afternoon shift will get that crazy.” She reassured you.
“Shit. You’re right. I didn’t even think about that!” You laughed and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “Have a good day, June!”
“Just stay away from those fish fingers!” She jokingly said, and you flipped her off playfully as you slipped past her behind the bartop. There was an undeniable pep in your step as you made your way down the dock to Frankie’s awaiting boat.
Estrella Del Mar (Starfish) was painted on the starboard side of the ship.The letters were beginning to fade, and desperately needed a fresh coat of paint. Well, his entire boat desperately needed some sprucing up. Frankie would disagree.
Speaking of the Catfish himself, Frankie hadn’t heard you approaching as he was too focused on pulling in the lines that held his boat docked in the harbor. He was shirtless, with a cigarette pursed between his lips. A nasty habit that he had picked up during his days in the army. It was a piece of his past that he kept quiet, under the wraps and hidden. At a time in his life he was proud to serve his country, but he carried scars. The kind that weren’t visible to the naked eye.
You could faintly hear the radio playing some catchy pop song in Spanish that lifted through the growing humidity. His bare muscles flexed and grew taut as he pulled in the lines and tossed them over the side of the deck without dropping the cigarette from between his lips.
“Need a hand with that, fish boy?” You were well within earshot with a grin plastered on your pretty face and hands on your hips as you looked up at him from the dock.
Frankie nearly dropped his cigarette when he saw you standing on the dock and looking up at him. His heart skipped a pathetic beat in his chest, and he wasted no time to toss the lines down to the side before he was hopping down onto the deck. He made it look way too easy, and your own heart skipped a beat.
“Who you calling a fish boy?” He asked teasingly. Frankie couldn't hide his apparent grin if he tried. And even though the sunlight was blinding, you could see the faint residue of sunscreen on the bridge of his nose. You watched as he took one last drag from his cigarette before tossing the butt off to the side.
“Uh..I am? I think?” You looked around the dock before your gaze settled back on him. “Surprised to see me, Frankie? That makes two of us.”
“I’m very surprised to see you here, cariño. You had me wondering if ‘I’ll think about it’ was your way of saying ‘fuck off, Frankie.’” He said with a chuckle and crossed his bare arms against his chest.
“Oh, it did. Well, at first. But I’m here now! So, are you gonna help me onto your vessel or do I have to do that myself?” You mirrored his actions.
“My what?” He blinked and swore that the blazing sun was already getting to his head.
¡Joder! Cómo ciega el sol.
“Francisco, your boat. Are you going to invite me on board?” You bit down on your lower lip to hide your grin when you saw his cheeks flush a bright red. He totally thought that you were referring to—his other vessel
“Oh! Right. Yes. My boat! Right.” He cleared his throat and brought one of his hands to rub at the back of his neck. He took a deep breath as he gathered his senses to clear his head. “Right this way, Starfish.” He offered you his elbow to show you that he could in fact act as a gentleman.
You placed your palm along the crook of his elbow feeling the bit of muscle there as he led you onboard.
“Welcome aboard Estrella Del Mar, cariño.”
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika 🤍
I no longer have a taglist so please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications!
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darkacua · 9 months
Sometimes being from another world is difficult
I feel like everyone in Twisted Wonderland forgot that we don't have magic and come from a completely different world, and therefore we don't have (what I imagine others do have) the same immune system to magical attacks or illnesses…
Imagine that one day you just wake up almost on the verge of death and no one knows what the hell is happening to you. You have half the world looking for a reason why your body is so physically bad, Malleus is already calling the best doctors in the world because you can't die in front of him. Don't you see that he has an abandonment problem? a thousand types of tests to find out if you've been poisoned or something like that only to discover that no, you don't have a rare and new disease which can kill you.
You have the equivalent of the flu in your world, only you don't have the white blood cells necessary to fight the virus, nor do you have any vaccine from the magical world, so a poorly treated cold could kill you without anyone noticing.
You receive all your vaccinations as a small child along with a pamphlet about what illnesses are common at certain times of the year.
This also applies vice versa.
You accidentally sneezed in Ace's face and now you have to endure his immense complaints that you tried to kill him with your strange illnesses brought from your world.
Español bajo el corte
Siento que a todos en Twisted Wonderland se les olvido que no tenemos magia y venimos de un mundo completamente distinto, y que por lo tanto no tenemos (lo que yo me imagino que los demás si tienen) el mismo sistema inmunológico a ataques o enfermedades mágicas…
Imaginen que un día solo te despiertas casi al borde de la muerte y nadie sabe qué diablos te está pasando. Tienes a medio mundo buscando una razón por la cual tu cuerpo está tan mal físicamente, Malleus ya está llamando a los mejores doctores del mundo porque no puedes morir frente a él ¿Que acaso no ves que tiene un problema de abandono?, se te hacen mil tipos de pruebas para descubrir si has sido envenenado o algo por el estilo solo para descubrir que no, no tienes una enfermedad rara y nueva la cual puede acabar contigo.
Tienes el equivalente a una gripe en tu mundo, solo que tu no cuentas con los glóbulos blancos necesarios para pelear con el virus, tampoco tienes ninguna vacuna del mundo mágico por lo que un resfrío mal cuidado podría matarte sin que nadie se diera cuenta.
Recibes todas las vacunas como un niño pequeño junto con un panfleto de que enfermedades son comunes en ciertas épocas del año.
Esto también aplica en viceversa.
Accidentalmente le estornudaste a Ace en la cara y ahora tienes que soportar sus inmensas quejas de que intentaste matarlo con tus extrañas enfermedades traídas de tu mundo.
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python333 · 1 year
Hey author. I loved your father's day card post. But how would L.V. , Konig and Alex react to getting father's day cards too or how would Kate and Farah react to getting mothers day cards. Anyways you don't have to write it but enjoy your day.
alejandro, könig, alex, and kate reacting to receiving father's/mother's day cards from [reader] — python333
— — — —
synopsis just as the title says, some more people receiving father's/mother's day cards! you can see the first part with task force 141 here!
relationships platonic!alejandro & gn!reader, platonic!könig & gn!reader, platonic!alex & gn!reader, platonic!kate & gn!reader.
characters alejandro, könig, alex, kate.
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign], reader intended to be 16/17-20/21 but can be interpreted as older as long as they're still below 24 [just so that the hcs make more sense!], might be ooc :{
note hi anon!! tysm for the request, like ive said before ive never actually played cod (yet i write ff of them, i know) instead i watch playthroughs so im not as familiar with some of these characters, so i really hope theyre not too ooc!! i also didn't write in rodolfo or farah because i didnt know what to write for them :{ so sorry! again, this is all just straight fluff, so enjoy :3
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➥ honestly finds it very endearing.
➥ obviously it catches him a little off guard, and he has to actually process that you gave him a father’s day card, but right after he finds it very endearing.
➥ he’s surprised but not surprised at the same time that you gave him the card.
➥ like he knows and is aware that he has a tendency of acting more paternal towards you than others, but really? you gave him a card?
➥ he won’t cry or anything but his voice will definitely waver a bit while he thanks you for the card.
➥ he’ll give you a nice hug and everything too.
➥ maybe a small kiss on the forehead if you’re lucky. maybe.
➥ he doesn’t know where to put the card at first, because obviously he’s not gonna throw it out, so he just ends up putting it in a folder and tucking that folder with the rest of the important folders he has in his office.
➥ he starts calling you things like ’cielite’ and ’pollito’ more than your actual call sign.
➥ which, the others notice, but he couldn’t care less.
➥ he’ll have the same reaction every time you give him a father’s day card, if you ever give him more than one.
➥ maybe after the tenth or twelfth one, he’ll get used to it. but otherwise he’ll have that same ‘wait, they gave me a father’s day card?’ reaction every time.
You stared at the card in your hand nervously, your eyes darting from Alejandro, who sat in his office unaware of your presence right outside of the door, and back to the card. It shouldn’t be that hard to give it to him—he probably wouldn’t even be that shocked. It’s not like it’s a huge deal or anything, giving the card to him, right? It’s just a card. It’s just a card.
After a few more moments of hyping yourself up to give him the card, you’d finally sighed and knocked on the door to his office. Almost immediately, Alejandro called out, “¡Entra!”
You took another deep breath and opened the door, hiding the card behind your back as you walked in and closed the door behind you. Alejandro looked up from his desk and upon seeing you, a small grin split across his face.
“Well, hello, [c/n],” He greeted you, noticing your arm that went behind your back, but not commenting on it, “Did you need something?”
“Uh…” It was like all your words had left you, but refusing to back out of this now, you simply nodded and pulled your hand out from behind your back and held the card out to him, face down so that he couldn’t read the words on the front. Alejandro looked at the card curiously and gently grabbed it, turning it around to read the front.
He mouthed the words as he read them, ’¡Feliz Día del Padre!’, and took a moment to actually process the words before his grin grew and he opened the card. He read the few, short words written on the inside, and closed the card, looking at the front once again. He stared at it for a few seconds, leaving you to just stand there and watch as he read the same sentence over and over again, before he stopped and set the card down on his desk.
Before you could question him, he stood up and hugged you tightly, making you freeze for a second before hugging him back. His chin came down to rest on your head as he hugged you, and he kept you like that for a while before pressing a small kiss to the top of your head and pulling away from the hug. He kept his hands on the sides of your upper arms, his thumbs rubbing small circles into your skin as he looked down at you and murmured, “Thank you, mi cielite, that meant a lot to me.”
“I could kind of tell,” You muttered, making Alejandro chuckle softly and look back at the card on his desk. He turned back to you and squeezed your arms gently before letting go completely.
“When did you get it?” Alejandro asked curiously, nodding to the card, “The card.”
“About a week ago.”
His eyes widened, “And you waited this long to give it to me?”
“Wasn’t sure if you’d like it.”
Alejandro scoffed, “Wasn’t sure if I’d— [c/n], I love it, it’s perfect, and I’m going to keep it forever.”
“Well I know that now.”
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t like it.”
“I thought you might not like it,” You clarified.
“Eso es lo mismo—” Alejandro started to argue, before letting out a huff and shaking his head, “Don’t hesitate to get me something like that ever again. I adore it.”
➥ he might actually melt into a puddle of goop.
➥ he’s usually not soft for anyone, much less paternal, but it was a completely different story with you.
➥ so when you give him that card he just straight up goes completely soft.
➥ it’s not the usual kind of soft he is with you, which is typically just him being less hard on you and calling you things like ’mäuschen’ or ’liebling’, no, this is him just straight up malfunctioning.
➥ he finds it very sweet and will protect that card forever (trust me he told me himself).
➥ if anyone dares even touch the card he’ll slap their hand away immediately and will tell them to fuck off.
➥ the only acception is maybe horangi.
➥ he’ll tear up a little bit, not enough for it to be noticeable to you but it’s definitely noticeable to him.
➥ he’s very surprised that you got him the card, doesn’t see it coming at all.
➥ he’ll definitely hug you.
➥ while he hugs you, he’ll be muttering little things like ’you’re such a sweetheart, just the sweetest thing, i definitely didn’t deserve that card, thank you so much, you’re too sweet.’ all in german on loop so all you can hear is just straight word vomit and you can barely make out the words he’s saying but you can still understand it, not from the words but from the way he tightly hugs you and the way his voice wavers and softens when he talks.
➥ he keeps the card in his office, in a locked drawer in his desk, just so that nobody can touch it.
➥ similar to alejandro, starts calling you little terms of endearment in german more than your actual call sign.
➥ it never really shocks anyone when he starts almost exclusively calling you ’mäuschen’ and ’liebling’, so if he just refers to you as one of the two, they know who he’s talking about.
You waited in the hall outside of the recovery room, knowing König was in there, just resting there for a few hours until he had to get to his next assignment. You looked down at the card in your hand, reading the ’Alles Gute zum Vatertag!’ on the front, and reading it again, and again, and—you need to stop stalling.
You sighed quietly and took a deep breath before opening the door to the recovery room, spotting König on one of the couches, reading a book that practically looked like a pamphlet in his hands. His eyes snapped up and over to the door where you stood awkwardly in the doorway and eventually stepped completely into the room, making your way over to the silent colonel.
He watched silently as you walked over to the couch, holding a card in one of your hands, the blank side facing him so that he couldn’t see what it said on the front. You didn’t know what to say so you just sort of stood there, awkwardly. Did I mention how awkward it was? I’ll say it again. God, it was so awkward.
Eventually, König cleared his throat and nodded to the card, looking up at you as if asking ‘what is that?’. You silently held out the card to him, hoping he would just take it so that you could run off and die in a hole so that you never had to see him again. Right as he took it, you started to do just that, slowly walking away before his hand caught your wrist and looked at you pointedly, daring you to leave.
“Don’t go yet,” He said quietly, not looking at the card yet, “Explain what you just handed to me.”
“Read it,” You replied simply, not giving him an explanation just yet. He raised an eyebrow at you and glanced back at the card in his hand before letting go of your wrist and opening the card with both hands, not bothering to read the front. His eyebrows furrow and draw together in confusion as he reads the inside, before he realizes he should probably read the front and closes the card to read the front and— oh God.
He blinked down at the words on the front for a moment, and his eyes softened almost immediately, as well as his posture. He might as well have just melted right there, like a goopy idiot, but all you could see was him softening up a bit while reading the card silently.
You waited anxiously for him to say something, anything, but instead he silently got up and set the card down onto the couch. You could barely get a word out of your mouth before he pulled you into a tight, almost suffocating bear hug, burying his face into the top of your head. Hesitantly, you hugged him back, which only really served to make him hug you tighter. You arms barely went above his waist, while he had to bend down a bit to hug you properly, and the size difference made his mind race even faster because all he could think about was how small you were compared to him.
He pulled his face up from your head and instead lifted you up, making you gasp quietly at the sudden movement and instinctively wrap your legs around his waist. He tightly wrapped his arms around your much smaller frame and tucked your head under his chin, muttering small, incomplete sentences under his breath.
“Du bist einfach das Süßeste, mein Gott, du bist so ein Herzchen, viel zu lieb, um in der Armee zu kämpfen—" He murmured, his words practically inaudible to you, but you could still understand a few of the words and could piece together what he was saying from that.
“Why?” He asked softly after he was done with his muttering, making you wonder what he was asking, until a second later when you realized he was asked why you gave him the card.
You shrugged, mumbling, “Just felt like it.”
“Well…” König looked over at the card on the couch before saying, “Thank you, mäuschen. I love it.”
“I’m glad you do.”
➥ he audibly lets out an ‘awwww’.
➥ he finds it so sweet and will cherish it forever.
➥ he’ll give you a nice, firm hug and tells you how much he appreciates it.
➥ be sure to give him one of those super cheesy father’s day cards.
➥ like one with a pun on it or a dad joke.
➥ he starts calling you his kid. like straight up refers to you as either his kid or just ‘the kid’.
➥ he probably starts acting the most like an actual dad out of everyone in this post tbh.
➥ he starts jokingly saying language after you swear, only to start cussing like a second later.
➥ oh god the dad jokes he starts telling you too.
➥ the dad jokes.
➥ he doesn’t tear up at all, but he does have a smile on his face for the rest of the day. maybe even the rest of the week.
➥ he’ll keep the card in his back pocket and just carry it around wherever he goes.
You looked around the corner, looking at Alex, who was sitting on the couch just scrolling through his phone. He hadn’t noticed you, despite the twenty-something times you’d looked around the corner, trying to build up your confidence to give him the card. You looked down at the card, the simple ‘happy father’s day!’ and pun on the front staring right back at you.
You looked over at Alex again before sighing and turning the corner completely, walking into the small recreational room, trying to take deep breaths while you walked over to the couch. Alex noticed you walking over to him and looked up from his phone, giving you a friendly smile and greeting you with a simple, “Hey, [c/n].”
You nodded in return and he tilted his head curiously at your silent greeting, before he looked down at your hands and noticed the card in one of them. Before he could ask anything further, you held the card out to him, looking away from him as you did, making him raise an eyebrow at your very odd behavior.
“Okay, then,” He muttered, gingerly taking the card, flipping it over to read the front. He reads the three bold words on the front quickly, and once he’s processed them, a bright grin takes over his face. You looked back over at him, just to make sure he’s not disappointed or anything, only to see him looking back up at you and getting up to hug you.
He pulled you into a tight bear hug, making you let out an audible ’oof’, but you still hugged him back.
“Thank you for the card,” He said graciously, “I love it.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do,” Alex scoffed, before pulling away from the hug and putting both of his hands on your shoulders, “It means a lot to me that you thought to give me a card, kiddo.”
“... You’re welcome, then.”
Alex simply smiled and gave you one last tight hug before picking the card up and off of the couch, instead putting it into his back pocket. He looked back at you and said, “I’m gonna go show it off to Farah now, and make her all jealous.”
You huffed out a small laugh and responded, “You do that, then.”
➥ she’s honestly not that surprised.
➥ she’s definitely aware that you think of her as a sort of mother figure, and before you give her the card, she’s kind of neutral about that.
➥ like she doesn’t mind it, but she also won’t feed into it that much.
➥ that is, until you give her the card.
➥ she’ll be dead silent at first when you hand it to her and you almost want to take the card back and just run away so that you never have to see her again.
➥ but then she gives you a warm smile and says ‘thank you, i appreciate this’.
➥ she won’t tear up or anything, but she’ll still give you a nice hug.
➥ she shows her wife the card and pretends like it’s not a big deal to her but it definitely is.
➥ she keeps the card back at her house, right on top of her bedside table (like a normal fucking person, she doesn’t keep it in her office or stuffs it into a jacket).
➥ her wife demands to meet you after kate shows her the card, by the way.
”Come in!” Kate called out, just a second after you knocked on the door to her office. You let out a shaky breath and hid the ‘happy mother’s day!’ card you had brought with you behind your back, opening the door to her office and tentatively walking in. Kate didn’t look up from her computer just yet, and instead motioned for you to sit in the chair across from hers.
You nodded even though she wasn’t looking at you and closed the door behind you, quickly walking over to the chair in front of her desk and sitting down. Only then did she look up from her computer and over at you.
“Hi, [c/n],” She took off her rectangle frame glasses and set them down, “What’d you come in here for?”
“Just, uh…” You started, before trailing off and just opting to set the card on her desk in front of her, face down. She raised an eyebrow at you, questioning what the card was before touching it. You simply gestured for her to read it and she sighed, putting her glasses back on and flipping the card over to reveal the words on the front.
Her eyebrows raised at the text but she didn’t say anything just yet, instead opening the card to read the few short written words on the inside. She closed the card back up again and instead stared at the front, reading the ‘happy mother’s day!’ text over and over again.
“... I can take it back if you don’t like it—” You began to offer, only for Kate to hold up a finger to cut you off, effectively silencing you. She doesn’t look up until a few moments later, when she sets the card down and looks over at you with a small smile gracing her lips. The smile makes you relax a bit in your seat.
That relaxation was thrown out the window just a second later when Kate said, “Get up,” and stood up from her seat.
You quickly followed her orders and stood up from your seat, prepared to leave if she asked you to, when you were suddenly being embraced by her. You took a moment to hug her back but you do eventually, hesitantly wrapping your arms around Kate.
She kept you in the hug and even tightened her hold on you whilst she whispered, “Thank you for the card. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.”
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syndrossi · 5 days
I'm the only one who would like to know what expression he would make when Jon starts speaking in the language of the first men. Something like:
Daemon, los gemelos y sus dragones van al Norte con la excusa de visitar las aguas termales, llegan y son recibidos por Cregan Stark, después de una muy debida introducción a Invernalia y las costumbres del Norte, se preparan para descansar y continuar al día siguiente. Después de desayunar y visitar a sus dragones (aún están incómodos por el frío) se les da la oportunidad de ir de cacería y aunque Daemon no estaba seguro terminan aceptando, con la cacería hecha se dirigen de nuevo a Invernalia pero en el camino se encuentran con un hombre desorientado que por su apariencia pertenece al pueblo libre, el hombre que murmuraba cosas incomprensibles y tenía una mirada que nadie podía descifrar a excepción de una persona.
Before Cregan Stark executed the man, Jon orders him to stop, gets off his horse and addresses the man who has not stopped muttering, Jon tries to talk to him but the man does not respond, before Cregan can stop the prince from his fruitless attempts. , suddenly the prince changed language to one that apparently caught the wild man's attention, it was not the Valyrian that he had heard the princes speak but it was not a language that they had known because of Daemon's bewildered look.
While Jon had a talk with the man of the free town, the others looked at each other without knowing what to do or what to say, only one person looked with interest at Jon's compensation, before Cregan can speak and know what they were talking about, Jon turned him around. see to look him directly in the eyes, with a seriousness that I had never seen in a child his age and pronounced two words, words that turned the entire North upside down "White Walkers"
I don't think Jon would be fluent in the Old Tongue, though I'm sure he's picked up words and phrases from fighting with, against, and then with the Free Folk again. So if he wants to really startle anyone, he'll have to do some self-study. That said, any Northman would be shocked to hear a Targaryen prince have any knowledge of the Old Tongue at all.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
¡Hola! ¿Crees que es Sam el que aparece en el fondo de la historia del Día del Padre publicada por Alex?
Dear Día del Padre Anon,
You ask: Hello. Do you think that Sam is the person in the background of Alex Norouzi's Father's Day story?
Pero, ¿por qué Dios iba a mirar la publicación de Norouzi, cuando la de Sassenach Spirits es mucho, MUCHO más interesante, eh?
But why would I look at Norouzi's post, when the Sassenach Spirits' post is much, MUCH more interesting, right?
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Apparently, a plain Happy Father's Day to All post. S comments with a give me five emoji and SS answer: ' Happy Father's Day Dad'.
And then, you have S's story, sharing Sassenach Spirits' picture, with two quite interesting add-ons:
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Double entendre at its finest, covering him for the week, on socials. Fandom's factions are going to skirmish at least for the mandatory 72 hours news cycle over it.
Something definitely shifted, since last week-end. And you want me to peel my eyes at a blurry background, Anon?
It's all there. In plain sight.
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