#Long Tall Sally
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tavolgisvist · 4 months ago
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thebeatlelove · 2 years ago
Have some fun tonight
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shy-girl04 · 3 months ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 9 months ago
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1606x2048 -- Spotlight on an original concert poster design titled "In Person "Lucille," featuring LITTLE RICHARD and his Orchestra," c. late 1950s. Published by Globe Poster Baltimore, USA.
Source: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:In_Person_%27Lucille%27_Little_Richard_and_his_Orchestra.jpg.
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mudwerks · 2 years ago
(via Long Tall Sally - Little Richard (1956)
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rabid-dog-steve-horn · 11 months ago
The Kinks - Long Tall Sally (Official Audio)
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worldsfastestbear · 3 months ago
Something from 1956, by the late great Richard Penniman.
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muzaktomyears · 1 year ago
During one of our paid gigs at the Wilson Hall, I remember a drunken Teddy Boy at the front of the stage became fixated on the group, haranguing us and eventually managing to engage Paul in conversation. This was a learning curve for Paul: don't engage in conversation with the audience if you can at all avoid it, especially if they were Teds. Especially big, mean, drunken Teds. Paul was shaking his head in the direction of the Ted saying "No, no," but the more Paul shook his head the more determined the Ted was to get Paul to do what he wanted. Eventually he climbed on the stage, all the time demanding that we perform 'Long Tall Sally', which Paul was refusing to do. As a group at this stage we hadn't planned to do this number because we hadn't rehearsed it. Paul certainly knew it well enough; it was one of his 'party pieces' from before joining us. Paul knowing it was not the same as having rehearsed it as a group. Anyway, this Ted was having none of it. He refused point blank to leave the stage. With one hand tied behind his back, he could have made mincemeat of the lot of us if we'd tried to make him do so. Tempers would not hold much longer. His temper, I mean. Realising this, Paul relented and agreed to sing the song provided the Ted left the stage, which to all our relief - especially Paul's - he did. Needless to say, the moment the guy left the stage, Paul launched himself into 'Long Tall Sally' and I remember he really gave it some wellie. Fortunately for us, this satisfied our customer to the point he didn't come back with another request.
Pre:Fab!: The Story of One Man, His Drums, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison, Colin Hanton and Colin Hall (2018)
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tavolgisvist · 2 months ago
“The quality of the Beatles concerts in Paris were among the best they ever gave because there was no Beatlemania in Paris. They could hear themselves and their vocal harmonies were perfect. The crowd usually reacted quietly and very often with only a few clapping. When Paul was requesting the audience to join them on their next number ‘Long Tall Sally’, very often a silence would follow, so Paul said, “If you don’t want to join us it doesn’t matter, we’ll go on anyway.”
(Bill Harry for Mersey Beat about The Beatles in Paris at Olympia Theatre from Thursday 16 January 1964 until Tuesday 4 February)
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idontwanttospoiltheparty · 8 months ago
New York City is the fucking funniest song John ever released
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hoosierintheheartland · 5 months ago
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breezingby · 11 months ago
Little Richard ~ Long Tall Sally
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rig-a-rendal · 2 years ago
watching the 50s sequence in 33 and 1/3 like. oh god davy wanted this so bad.
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worldsfastestbear · 3 months ago
From February of 1964, in a stereo mix.
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fhear · 9 months ago
Predator 1987 Long Tall Sally Scene Movie Clip - 4K UHD HDR John McTiernan
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emacrow · 26 days ago
Welcome to the Starlight Toy Galore! How can I help you?
Apparently, 1 toy wasn't enough to in the analysis machine. Dick and Damian were compromised by the toys and refused to part with them.
Babs decided to go this time, but this wasn't the first time she came into the place for investigating, actually..
This was the 36th time she visited, not because a ridiculous tall, very obvious dork of a owner kindly remade his front more wheelchair accessible to enter and couldn't take a goddamned compliment to save his life.
This was her case dammit, and Batman wasn't going to ruin all her processes steps of plans she had already set back, steps now by visiting.
It seem this week was appreciated space theme background that was completely accurate with various sizes planets above attic seemingly look to be floating until one tiny pluto float downward only for a little 7 year old girl with pigtails to wind it up with a blue winding key and watch it float back up with the others.
Danny always went all out in the starlight Toy galore before what caught her eyes was a little boy that had a butterfly hairpin with a broken dolly, a bag of doll pieces that was the missing cracked head and missing arm piece walking up to a station where the Owner Danny Nightingale was await.
"Can you fix mah ma's Sally? Felix got mad at her for not giving him lunchie when he went out with the guys.. and.. and I got all the pieces..! I trade you mah hairpin for you to fix her!" the little boy said softly with quivering confident, raising the hairpin that he was wearing up with his hand.
The Danny looked down on the little boy and bent over slowly, his form still gigantic even crouched down as he nodded, whispering softly to the boy as he ruffled his little hair, carefully picking the broken dolly that seem way too small in those long thin hands.
Carefully placing dolly and the broken pieces out of the bag carefully, The Danny went to the cabinet above the station and pulled out a jar. She could see his body shake as though he knew she was watching. Now, if Babs could almost see what that jar said, she coul-
The hard tug onto her shirt cause her to turn to see a 6 year old little girl in black braids with rose designed beads, bright blue eyes, and a soft grin with a front gap toothy. She had a tagged name, and I'm Ellen Nightingale.
Ellen mischievous little girl who like to play pranks at the beginning but became sweet on her 3 months ago.
She was holding out a strawberry taffy out in her small hand, colorful sensory rings on three fingers and a ducky doodle in yellow and green marker on the back of her hand.
"Oh.. thank you." Babs said softly, holding out her hand to receive the taffy. Ellen smiles with wider, and her eyes gleamed brighter at Babs as she giggles, rushing off to where Babs was previously watching the Dann-..
Ack. She got distracted!
The little boy was walking away, smiling brightly with the fixed dolly now wearing his butterfly hairpin as Danny waved at him.
Ellen tugs onto his apron and points at Babs, whispering something lightly to him as he picks up something from his stationary. Babs felt nervous for some reason, considering he was a ridiculous tall man. Hell, he can give the killer croc a run for his money in size if he were broader instead of slim figured.
And here they come, alright. Babs smiles softly as they both come over. Before Babs knew it, a bouquet of lilacs and purple roses was nearly shoved in her face.
A heavily bright red-faced danny with his hands shakenly holding the bouquet as he tonguedtied on his own words.
"You did the order wrong, Papa!! It was ask, then give the flowers!! All that hard work pwactices over this last night, gone, You big oversized Dumdum!!" Ellen shrieked, pounding her tiny fists on his legs.
Danny wilted like a deflated tube man as if Ellen's tiny blows could hurt him, but Babs couldn't speak as she was laughing too hard into the bouquet she held over her face to hide how red her face was.
Part 1 here <-
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