#Loma Shade
nectarbird · 5 months
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bangs mt head against the wall until there’s a hole in it
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imgibbon · 29 days
A "Brief" History of Shade, the Changing Man & Woman
In the beginning, ie 1978, there was Ditko, and he gave us Shade, the Changing Man, and it was good.
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Rac Shade was a Bond-type agent of an advanced society on a world called Meta - not an alien planet, but the Earth-analog of another layer of reality, and journeying between them meant crossing "The Zero Zone" and trying not to run afoul of its Area of Madness.
Shade had been framed for treason and the crippling of his fellow agent and fiancé Mellu Loran's parents, high-ranking government officials. Escaping from prison and heading to Earth and making use of a bit of contraband experimental technology that was being held at his hideout for Earth operations prior to his frame-up, the "M-Vest", he tracks down escaped Metan criminals while also seeking to find the one who framed him, who has been hiding out on Earth by integrating into its mafia underworld.
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The M-Vest allowed Shade a range of powers. With it he could manipulate gravity, employ enhanced strength, fire off energy blasts, and gave him an odd force-field that mitigated harm, but was also sensitive to the psyche of those around Shade, contorting to look like a weird image of their fears, as well as reflecting Shade's unconscious thoughts. He was a "changing man" as, to others, he was a constantly mutable and unnerving entity.
Across the 8 published issues (we got issue #9 later, and Ditko purportedly had up through issue #15 plotted out), Shade convinces his superiors of his innocence, returns to Meta, makes up with Mellu, and starts to make his way back to earth to deal with the criminal mastermind behind his framing infiltrating and taking over the Earth observation outpost that Shade's organization had been working out of.
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And then the series was cancelled on short notice due to DC being in financially dire straits at the time.
A decade later, in 1988, Shade was rescued from the void of the Zero Zone by The Suicide Squad, joining their ranks in return for helping him liberate his org's outpost as if it were the next issue and he hadn't been absent from pages for a decade since we last visited that plotline. The mastermind is killed during the scuffle, and with him any chances of Shade being able to go home and formally clear his name. Waller and co offer to help him out while he figures out another way home in the meantime.
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He ran with the Squad for a good twenty issues, taking part in the giant Janus Directive crossover, and even journeying to Apokolips and fighting the New Gods with them. During that arc, he is talked into making a bad call that betrays the team, though he helps them get out of the resulting mess. In the end, when everyone is zapped home by Darkseid's eyebeams, while the rest of the Squad is blipped to Earth, Shade is finally returned to Meta.
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Six months later, mid 1990, Peter Milligan's first issue of the new Shade, the Changing Man hit news stands. And it was... different.
Milligan expanded on Shade's backstory, revealing that Shade had been an aspiring poet prior to being recruited into the agency that trained it out of him, and delving more into Metan culture, while also using Shade as a vehicle for exploring the weirdness of being in a familiar yet alien society he felt as a British man newly moved to America.
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After returning to Meta and before he'd had time to reunite with Mellu, Shade's superiors had tasked him with going back to Earth to pick up an assignment that another agent had been on but failed at: figuring out where the Madness in America was stemming from, and stop it from leaking out into the Area of Madness and influencing Meta. Shade had to journey deep into the Area of Madness to get a bead on it, and ended up on Earth by possessing the body of a freshly executed serial killer, unknowingly leaving his original body an empty lifeless husk floating in the void.
He started travelling the States with Kathy George, whose parents were the serial killer's final victims, and the two eventually are joined by Lenny Shapiro, and sarcastic and witty woman in her own right. The three end up in what would today be called a polyamorous trouple, and eventually confront the living embodiment madness of America, which had infected the other agent, driven him insane, and transformed him into what manifested to others as the giant twisted skeleton of Uncle Sam known as The American Scream.
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Shade's M-Vest has grown in power, and possibly is just a part of him now, vastly increasing his abilities to raw reality-warping levels. He can more or less just do whatever the story needs him to do now, basically.
Once the Scream had been dealt with, Shade died. Not that that really slowed him down at all. He wasn't even really aware that it had happened. His at this point powerful madness-riddled psyche was keeping him around as a ghost of sorts, and Kathy & Lenny found a recent corpse to posses, as someone had just driven their car into the lake near where they were staying.
They only discovered after the fact that it was a woman.
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After a brief detour where Shade transitioned back into being a man (transmasc baybeeeee), he went back to Meta, finally reconnecting with Mellu after what was now some years, only to learn that the agency had told her that he was dead, and she'd met and wed someone else. She has a mental breakdown, asking in tears why he hadn't come home sooner. Taking this in, Shade returned to Kathy and Lenny, to let them know that he was dying again, said his goodbyes, and allowed himself to be killed by the same FBI/Meta duel operative who'd done him in before.
This is where the Vertigo imprint spun up. The next issue, under the Vertigo banner, picks up after a bit of a timeskip, where Kathy and Lenny are informed by the ghost of Kathy's dead ex that angels in heaven have plans for Shade, and they're sending him back, having prepared for him a body to use in the form of a adult man who's been basically braindead since birth and kept in a medical institution. But the angels have kept a bit of Shade's soul so they can exert some power over him, and it's made him a bit less hinged than he used to be.
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Shade, Kathy, and Lenny, per the angels' direction, set up shop as managers of a hotel, helping the weird visitors who come to stay there. During their time there, Shade manages to get Kathy pregnant, and Lenny reunites with the daughter Lily that she had in her teens before running away from home.
But as Kathy comes to term and approaches the time to give birth, she is brutally assaulted. She dies, though they manage to save the baby. Shade, however, is not in his right mind, and rejects the child, walking out of the hospital to wander, while Lenny leaves with her daughter.
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This, purportedly, was where Milligan intended to end the series. But for whatever reason it didn't, so it kept going, and the status quo was obviously massively different than what it used to be.
After another not-too-lengthy timeskip Shade decides to kill himself, not seeing the point in continuing, though the literal devil sends him back to posses yet another body. Shade, in an attempt to find meaning, sets up shop in a dimensionally transcendental crack in the pavement in NYC, spends some time existing as the floor in a dance studio, and finally goes to check up on his son, George. Who, it turns out, is aging extremely rapidly, due to not being fully human.
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Reunitings with Lenny are had, George ages to death over the course of six months, his soul merges with Lenny's daughter Lily, Shade picks up a few more strays in the form of Angela and Sinita, the latter of which he starts a new relationship with, before everything goes tits up again and he decides the solution is to build a time machine so he can fix all of his (and his friends') problems. He prevents Kathy's parents from being murdered, prevents his younger self from joining the agency, helps Lenny out in her youth, etc.
The series ends with Shade and his now-daughter Lily visiting this new revised timeline's version of Kathy to see if they can strike up a relationship with her.
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Things apparently didn't go well.
The next time we see Shade outside of cameos is a story arc in Milligan's run on John Constantine, Hellblazer, in 2010. Constantine summons Shade to help with some Madness-related issues he and his fiancé Epiphany are experiencing, and Shade, unable to get together with the new Kathy and Lily nowhere in sight, becomes obsessed with turning Constantine's bride-to-be into an idealized version of Kathy. It doesn't work, and Constantine is able to properly wed Epiphany, but Shade is shown to be crazy and depressed and have basically the powers of a god. In the middle of all of that we also met back up with Lenny, who has cleaned herself up and is now a school teacher, go figure.
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The very next year, DC would cancel the Vertigo line, and everything else, and reboot their universe with the Flashpoint event. During it, in a miniseries from Milligan, Shade is forcibly taken back to Meta, where they reveal that A) the vest has grown to be a part of him, and can no longer be removed in a way that matters, and, B) because of this he is, to an extent, immune to all these reality rewrites. Or at least less affected by them. Shade is put in charge of a team, the Secret Seven, but the madness overtakes him (with a bit of help from some double agents for an enemy faction) and he winds up back in the Area of Madness
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Afterwards, in the New 52, we see him trying to forcibly manifest a new Kathy with his godlike powers, but apparently not godlike enough, as she just melts when he's not around. He's interrupted by Madame Xanadu, putting together a team, the Justice League Dark, largely comprised of many of the members of the Secret Seven, and tasks Shade in a leading role to help her save the world from some threats she has foreseen.
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Milligan wrote this series for the first 8 issues, and when he left, so did Shade (as well as Milligan's other OCs he'd brought to the table), but it served as a nice little coda to his era of The Changing Man that had begun some twenty odd years earlier.
It would then be another half-decade or so before we'd see hide or hair of Shade again. In late 2016, DC started up the Young Animal line, a young adult-aimed successor to the Vertigo imprint, with many of the same faces headlining its titles. And among them was Shade.
Sort of.
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The new Shade, the Changing Girl, from writer Cecil Castellucci, starred young adult bird alien Loma Shade, who was raised on Meta and had adopted Rac's last name after becoming enamored with his poetry and counter-culture views while he was acting as a guest lecture at her university before disappearing form Metan society again.
Loma steals what is purportedly Rac's vest, which has been sitting in a museum, and uses it to transfer her consciousness to Earth, wanting to follow in Rac's footsteps, taking over the body of a comatose high school girl named Megan. And leaving her now empty bird alien body behind on Meta for her boyfriend to deal with, oops.
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Living as "Megan", she learns about our culture, experiences dysphoria being in a body she doesn't identify with, and explores sexuality, hormones, and learns how to be a better person than she used to be (and than Megan used to be as well). Meanwhile back on Meta, we learn that Mellu, now getting up there in years, is the head of the agency that used to employ her and Shade, and becomes obsessed when learning that someone has stolen Rac's vest and managed to use it, thinking she'll finally be able to reunite with Shade again after all these years.
Eventually, Loma runs away from home, learns never to meet her heroes, has to deal with Megan wanting her body back, and Mellu wanting Rac's coat back. Her original body dies without her soul in it, and Megan's body dies in the process of Megan trying to get back in it. Shade ends up possessing the body of her favorite black & white sitcom star, Honey Rich, who happened to look a lot like Megan in her younger years, and returns it to youthfulness to attend Megan's funeral.
Mellu also gets the coat back and uses it to reunite with Shade, who had left behind the vest for Mellu and was waiting for her in the Area of Madness where time has no meaning.
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It was at this point that Loma got caught up in a really bizarre crossover event that involved all the titles in the Young Animal line called Milk Wars, which was largely Doom Patrol focused, but saw Loma splitting in five, each color-coded and embodying one of her emotions Inside Out style, and serving as Wonder Woman's personal helpers in a world overtaken by a weird 1920s aesthetic organization called Retcon. It was very weird lol.
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The series then returned with under the new branding Shade, the Changing Woman. We are subjected to a five year timeskip, during which Loma has grown and slipped into old habits, sleeping around with men and women, indulging in food, drugs, and other things to fill the void in her heart. Her friends have all graduated, gone on to higher education, and gotten jobs in their fields. And she still doesn't really know what her place in the world is. So she's been couch-surfing with Rac in the Area of Madness while she figures out what to do with her life.
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And in the midst of all that, the giant interdimensional crayfish that destroyed her birth planet, causing her to be a refuge child on Meta in the first place, begin to attack the Earth.
By the end of the final issue in late 2018, Loma and Rac had become one person, Kathy, Lenny, and Lily had put in an appearance, Mellu got some closure, Megan had come back in a male body and tried to hijack Loma's again, Loma's old boyfriend had become a green lantern, and Loma ended up possessing the body of her dying black non-binary friend River.
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And that's where the series ended.
And we haven't seen Shade, in any iteration, since then.
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ahcoffeebeans · 5 months
shade the changing girl
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time to face the strange / just gonna have to be a different man
see this post on cohost!
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Shade the Changing Girl by Marguerite Sauvage
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leona-florianova · 2 years
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Loma Shade 
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saintgoateyes · 2 months
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Madness is Manageable
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unlimited-nobu-works · 10 months
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Shade the Changing Girl Vol. 1: Earth Girl Made Easy cover art
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Shade The Changing Girl #5
De vuelta a casa
Young Animal
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luciferinn · 1 year
some thoughts on shade the changing man now that ive finished it
-the first 50 issues are the strongest obv
-i wish angel was a more fleshed out character/that we saw more of her (especially because when she's around we get so much of sinita instead)
-it's cool that we get to see bachalo's art evolution just like live through this series
-i really liked that the book went through very heavy tonal shifts after awhile i thought it suited the book concept well
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wrdeater · 2 years
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i love these panels tho
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imgibbon · 1 month
Title Logos
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sharpestlives · 2 years
i miss young animal :(
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Rac Shade, The Changing Man
Once a great poet and traveler, an agent of Madness, they gave up their heart to save their beloved after being caught in a cosmic metaphysical war. They fractured across multiple selves in time and space, becoming a lost warrior of the silver age, an agent of the Suicide Squad, an alien poet locked away in a hotel, parent to a cosmic antichrist, a demon, a god, and...finally, painfully...human.
Then Loma happened.
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siremasterlawrence · 11 months
The Battle Of A Soap Stud’s
Part 1 - 2
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My name is Jackson the first Bachelor in the fantasy group television network My5 has create to facilitate soap fans fantasies of getting with the stars.
I am walking into the palace to my surprise it is Jamie Lomas with a tough, gruff and all so hot look channeling his character he lay his back on the wall
This grimacing expression on his face as he faces me the closer I get he walks up to me with a smirk and grabs me in a hug lifting me off of the ground.
He places me back down looking down at me he plants a kiss on my lips unrelenting as he pushes our lips smashing us even closer to each other.
His back starts to feel me up a bit groping my ass tightly as I shove him back giggling but he can’t help but be all handsy with me at this point.
We are on the side wall of the palace in a very exciting new world for me he can’t let go stop thinking about the fun he will have with us all.
He took my hand leading me in to the house once again shutting the door behind us in a sexy fit of drama and musclerama that I am really desire.
He pins me to the door his body embracing me with a quick rush of hot skin burning and his breath make he feverish as he throw him against the door next.
-cough- I hear someone fake a few rough ones out getting my attention is my dream boat Steve Burton who I watched on “ GH for two decades.
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He is laying his back on the wall his arms in a cross position he looks so amazing I can’t help checking him out but Jaimie is not in the mood.
He is not having this because he grabs his waist shutting his chance from doing all of
it from me and he blocks Steve’s side from me.
“Hello Lawrence Stone! Right? I have and will never think of imagining being with any guy.”
“Well this is your change to start one with a guy.”
“Give me your hand! Let’s dance”
“Master no!”
“Jaimie go upstairs “
“Fine don’t let him come-opt you “
“Forget him Master! Stay with me Master”
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Jamie pissed off slips on the floor of my new shiny kitchen sliding in to the wall as he hit his head and he cries a bit a tough guy and a wuss.
He fixes his face as he starts to search for a few supplies beginning to cook up a spread to regain my attention after seeing my lick Steve’s lips.
Meanwhile! I left Steve to set up for movie night for us all even though he thinks it is and would be better with just the two of us in our naked glory.
Climbing up the stairs to find Josh Kelly of One Life To Live and also recently General Hospital fame waiting for me in the master bedroom suite.
He stood right next to the bed in a black suit with a rose in his hand, he smiles when he sees me enter the room, and a picturesque ideal.
The local is beautiful with a pool the lights are dancing over the ocean blue color it is apparently clear and I am in awe of his love and effort.
“Mmmmm…aroma candle”
“Yes! It’s a holiday scented candle”
“I hope you enjoy it but please join me in bed”
“What the hell happened to the lights?”
“The darkness is so hot”
“We hope you don’t mind”
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“Who the hell?”
“Oh! Ryan Presscot”
“Close the door”
“The window shades”
“Get on the bed, disrobe and get on your back”
“You on hands and knees “
“Good bois”
“Fuck Master”
“What did you do?”
“I mean they did”
“Men are not my thing”
“It is right this moment “
“Oh God!”
The end
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