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usnewsper-politics · 1 year ago
New York City Urges Federal Government for Help with Homelessness and Public Health #affordablehousing #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #assistance #communication #congress #COVID19pandemic #federalgovernment #financialsupport #GatewayProgram #Homelessness #infrastructure #localresources #Medicaidreimbursementrates #mentalhealthservices #newyorkcity #Publichealth #resources #safety #transportation #wellbeing.
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chalohoppo123 · 1 year ago
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Watering the Hills: Bamboo's Role in Northeast Indian Agriculture.
Bamboo Pipes!
If you have spent some time in the hilly areas of North-East India, you might have stumbled upon an engineering marvel—crafted entirely from bamboo. This isn't just any setup; it's a bamboo drip irrigation system.
The bamboo drip irrigation system is based on gravity and the steep slopes facilitate in implementing it. Water from an uphill source is tapped and brought to the plantation by a main bamboo channel. Usually these water sources are far off from the plantations and the main bamboo channel runs hundreds of meters — in some cases even few kilometers.
Sometimes water is diverted to distant houses for domestic use.
If you know of any such examples of communities using locally available resources to address local challenges, tell us below.
Frame : @duvoruho
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nepalinews · 10 months ago
Damodar Bhandari, the Minister for Indus... #Bhandari #Businessgovernmentcollaboration #ConfederationofNepaleseIndustries #Domesticconsumptionpromotion #Domesticindustrialgrowth #Domesticindustries #Economicdiversification #Economicempowerment #economicgrowth. #Economicprosperity #Economicrecoveryinitiatives #economicresilience #economicrevitalization #Economicsustainability #Foreigninvestmentattraction #Governmentsupportforindustry #Governmentindustrypartnership #Governmentprivatesectorcollaboration #increased #Industrial #Industrialcooperation #Industrialinnovation #Industrialinvestment #Industrialpolicy #Industrialproduction #Industrialsectorchallenges #IndustrialsectorcontributiontoGDP #Industrialsectorexpansion #Industrialsectorresilience #Industrialsectorrevitalization #Industrialstrategy #investmentpromotion #Localproductionenhancement #Localresources #MakeinNepal #marketcompetitiveness #Minister #MinisterDamodarBhandari #nepalgdp #Nepalieconomicdevelopment #Nepalieconomicstrategy #Nepaligoods #Nepalimarketdynamics #output #Selfrelianteconomy #SwadeshiSummitr2024 #taxreform
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saramackenzie1982 · 10 months ago
My #NonProfit seeks to help indie authors carve a new career pathway in authorship. I seek to clear the social and racial divide by investing in #LocalResources and #Donations to make this possible. Let's work together!
#CommunityAction #IndieCreators #SmallBusiness #IndieAuthors #LocalArtists #BookSeries #ChildrensBooks #Poetry #AdultFiction #NonFiction #NewBritain
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marjennings · 4 years ago
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A moment of beauty. #martv #lifeonmars #marjennings #rosebrookgardens #designer #casualluxury #lifesyleexpert #author #tvhost #westportct #casualstyle #casuslluxury #mediaroom #localresources (at Rosebrook Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/COOixc1hk6S/?igshid=mtk8lmffzusq
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ecoplanetstore · 5 years ago
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Ecoplanetfarm welcomes you School of regenerative thoughts Doing is only way to learn. Do and learn with us #organicfarming #naturalfarming #regerativethoughts #growingfood #foodsafety #soilscience #soilnutrition #foodandimmunity #foodandmentalhealth #water #doityourself #sensiblelifestyle #homecooking #foodtoxicity #microfoodbusiness #localeconomy #localresources #gardening #growfoodnotlawns (at Ecotech Biofarm Private Limited) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCXO8q9pg2D/?igshid=tltqvxgk952b
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isaree1102 · 5 years ago
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Please pass this along 
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travelmaxguide · 6 years ago
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Trekking in the Himalayas. Trek with local guide of Nepal. #local #trekking #sustainability #localresources #travelphotography #travel #volunteering #safaris #filming #annapurna #gokyo #everest #kanchenjunga #dolpa #mardi #langtang (at Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz7zOCvH22t/?igshid=1u7lsvd4lt03m
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the5fields · 6 years ago
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Why import bamboo poles to support your new seasons crop of runner beans etc when you’ve got an amazing local grove of chestnut trees?!?! @davidlovecameron and @il.guiggi Cutting chestnut bean poles in the woods today with @il.guiggi Great to have such a brilliant natural resource so close to hand! That’s the chestnut and @il.guiggi ! #naturesgifts #traditionalcraftsmanship #localresources #sustainablerestaurant #sustainablegardening #kitchengarden (at Frant) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZlExvHGAd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18o1n3s0qaezz
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renaissancerug · 2 years ago
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Side repair by our staff on a Farahan Sarouk a relatively simple repair but one that saves a rug from major damage down the road #rugrepairpdx #renaissancerugcleaning #mending #fiberart #rugcleaning #localresource (at Renaissance Rug Cleaning Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjBuD_PPKzq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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matrixonics · 4 years ago
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Publish your posts at the right time. To get the best results on social media, you need to post when your audience is most active. www.matrixonics.com #Matrixonics #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #SocialMedia #SocialMediaPost #Posts #LocalResources #Engagement #Branding #ContentMarketing #MarketingStrategy #MarketingTip #MarketingFact
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sustyvibes-blog · 7 years ago
What a #Susty Waawuu!! 😳😳 Here we see #SDG 7, 13, 12, 9, 12, 5 and even 1 in this inspiring video!!! Via @babatundeogunsugba #Inspired #Sustainability #Power #Electricity #Energy #Love #LocalResources #MothersLove #SustyVibes
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jeremiahtrent · 8 years ago
We Project Local
We will no longer sift gold from local creekbeds or uncover vast oil fields or coal mines deposited in our shrinking foothills. The successive eras of quickly discovered and translated riches are over. Not because the resources no longer exist, but the places they remain have been overlooked. Local has been overlooked. In a specific location, all dots get connected. The true cost of corn growing…
View On WordPress
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marjennings · 4 years ago
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Delighted to be collaborating with Show to Sell LLC, on my next Casual Luxury transformation. My new Compo Road, South listing goes live next week. #forsale #showtosell #season4 #lifeonmars #localresources #marjenningsrealestateathigginsgroupprivatebrokerage (at Westport, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGppqiFBZa0/?igshid=go972buk5q5
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ecoplanetstore · 5 years ago
House with no greenhouse gas emissions My Swiss looking house in Kokan made with chira bricks or laterite red stones. House should be made with locally available materials. Build houses in Kokan or West Coast of India with chira bricks or laterite stone Advantages: It helps to regulate the humidity of indoor air. As the blocks are made “cast in situ” there is no greenhouse gas emission. Build house in North in North East with Bamboo and wood. Most cement and concrete houses are contributor to green house emission. They are mindlessly built. #ecoplanetfarm #lateritestone #chirabrick #chirabrickhouse #localresources #hiusingmaterials #greenhouse #greenhouseemission #lateritestonehouse #notoconcretehouse #chira #jamba #ecologicalfootprint #carbonemission #humiditycontrolhouse #temperaturehouse (at Ecotech Biofarm Private Limited) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDC-EMAppnf/?igshid=djkvk5th2zom
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400ppm · 8 years ago
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Ask and ye shall receive. Nothing makes me as happy as a bag of trash aka precious recaptured plastic drinking straws, gracias a Don Roberto, who delivered this bag in a matching monochromatic outfit. And taught me one Spanish word for drinking straw: sorbeto. 🍧 Life is beautiful. #trashisbeautiful #wastenot #wasteisculture #localresources #wastestream #closetheloop #neighbors #vecinos #crowdsourced #sorbetos #strawweaving #wheatweaving #beading #embroidery #clothisculture
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