#Local Psychiatrist Near Me
gointelligenthealth · 18 hours
Discovering the Best Anxiety Treatment Solutions in NYC
Anxiety has become one of the most prevalent mental health issues in the modern world, especially in bustling cities like New York. The fast-paced lifestyle, combined with work stress, social pressures, and personal challenges, often leads individuals to experience overwhelming anxiety. Fortunately, a wide range of effective anxiety treatment options are available in New York to meet the needs of a wide range of people. If you’re searching for the best anxiety treatment solutions in NYC, this blog will guide you through the most effective strategies, including traditional therapy, telehealth services, and holistic approaches.
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Understanding Anxiety and Its Impact
Anxiety can manifest in various ways, from mild nervousness to debilitating panic attacks. Both mental and physical health are affected. Individuals may experience symptoms such as constant worry, insomnia, muscle tension, and even digestive issues. Without proper treatment, anxiety can negatively impact every aspect of a person’s life, from relationships to job performance.
Common Anxiety Treatment Solutions in NYC
In New York City, a range of treatment options is available to help those suffering from anxiety. These include therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. The following are the solutions that work best:
1. Traditional Therapy and Counseling One of the most widely recommended treatment methods for anxiety is therapy. Anxiety disorders respond especially well to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Through therapy, patients learn to identify and manage triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and change harmful thought patterns. Seeking a local psychiatrist near me or a therapist can be the first step towards finding a personalized treatment plan.
2. Telehealth Services for Anxiety Treatment In today’s digital age, accessing mental health care from the comfort of your own home has never been easier. Anxiety Telehealth Services Hoboken NJ provides the convenience of virtual therapy sessions for individuals unable to attend in-person appointments. These services allow individuals to connect with qualified professionals through video calls, making it easy to get help from anywhere, including busy cities like NYC.
Many find Anxiety Telehealth Hoboken NJ to be a game-changer. It offers flexibility, reduces travel stress, and allows for more consistent treatment, which is crucial for managing anxiety effectively. Plus, telehealth platforms are often more affordable than traditional in-office visits.
3. Medication Management Therapy on its own may not always be sufficient to alleviate severe anxiety symptoms. Anxiety can be lessened by taking medication prescribed by a trained psychiatrist, allowing patients to better participate in therapy and daily life. It’s essential to consult a mental health expert or psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety treatment to determine the right medication plan.
4. Holistic and Lifestyle Approaches Many individuals are turning to holistic approaches, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness exercises, to manage anxiety. In NYC, there is a growing trend towards integrating traditional treatment methods with alternative therapies to provide a well-rounded approach to mental health. Practices like acupuncture and aromatherapy, combined with therapy, can help reduce anxiety and promote overall well-being.
5. Depression Treatment Hoboken It’s not uncommon for anxiety and depression to occur together, which makes it crucial to seek comprehensive care. If you’re in NYC or nearby areas like Hoboken, services like Depression Treatment Hoboken offer dual treatment options for both anxiety and depression. Addressing both conditions simultaneously can lead to a more effective and faster recovery process.
How Intelligent Health and Wellness Services Stand Out
Intelligent Health and Intelligent Wellness is a great place to start when trying to find the right treatment. They provide a holistic approach to mental health, combining traditional and alternative treatments. Their services prioritize patient-centered care, focusing on individual needs, which is essential when addressing something as personal as anxiety.
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Why Choose Anxiety Telehealth Services in Hoboken, NJ?
If you’re living in or near Hoboken, Anxiety Telehealth Hoboken NJ is an ideal solution for those seeking accessible and convenient care. Telehealth services offer the flexibility of receiving treatment from home, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals whose anxiety may prevent them from leaving the house. These services are designed to provide the same quality care as in-office visits but with added convenience and accessibility.
Telehealth is also a great solution for busy New Yorkers who struggle to find time for in-person visits amidst their hectic schedules. It offers privacy, ease of access, and effective treatment for individuals looking to manage their anxiety efficiently.
How to Choose the Right Treatment
When considering anxiety treatment, it’s essential to take into account factors like your personal comfort level, the severity of your anxiety, and your availability. Some may prefer in-person sessions, while others find telehealth more convenient. For those in or near Hoboken, Anxiety Telehealth Services Hoboken NJ could be the perfect match. Additionally, if you need treatment for co-occurring conditions like depression, it’s important to choose a provider that can address all aspects of your mental health, such as Depression Treatment Hoboken.
Consulting with a local psychiatrist near me is another excellent first step. They can assess your condition and recommend the most effective treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Final Thoughts: Embracing Mental Wellness
Anxiety is treatable, and living in NYC means having access to some of the best mental health resources in the world. Whether you choose in-person therapy, telehealth options like Anxiety Telehealth Hoboken NJ, or alternative therapies, the most important step is to seek help. Don’t wait until anxiety takes over your life — start exploring your treatment options today.
Gointelligenthealth.com is a good place to start if you’re looking for reliable mental health services. They offer comprehensive care, including Intelligent Health and Intelligent Wellness services, ensuring you receive the best possible care for your anxiety in NYC and beyond.
By choosing the right treatment and provider, you can regain control of your mental health and start living a more balanced, anxiety-free life.
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kittycutiehaha · 3 months
I've returned back home after my mom cried bcs of my running away:(
My parents found my diary!👊 So they're sure now that I have depression. I'm going to psychiatrist next Tuesday. They also recommended me to visit local church!!!1🤯🤯🤯
I'm going to art college in the village near by closest forest this autumn!!1 Passing art exams this month🙏
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coffeecatsandhealth · 2 months
Went to a gym in the first time in a long while because I've been opting for at home workouts. I went under a day pass because I wanted to see all what was available before signing up at the location nearest me. The local gym chain is better than the YMCA near me.
I listened to one of my favorite podcasts and worked out about 30 minutes which apparently translated into approximately 300 calories burned. I broke a light sweat. I didn't push myself very hard today because I honestly didn't want to work out and had to tell myself to do it. I basically blocked the digital counter so I couldn't see how long I had been on there and tried to focus on watching the calories burned go up. I'm not gonna lie, I was bored, but I'm glad I went. I'm a little disappointed that we don't have more amenities at the local chain gym because others have more goodies and perks than this one, but I'm mostly signing up because I've always done better losing weight and staying in shape when I've had a gym membership and this membership comes with included classes so I figure that alone is worth it.
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I admit that I've been a little depressed lately and the last few days have made me more aware of my mental health and needing to talk to my psychiatrist about my meds. I've bought some manga to cheer me up and also went to the car wash to make me feel better. I can't explain why but I find the car wash to be like visual ASMR and it's calming so that made me feel a bit better. I was excited about the manga that showed up today from Thriftbooks. I already read one because I had a lot of downtime with work today.
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I've had some salad and a protein shake post workout so far. Took a break from blogging and I'm off to have some goulash and cornbread leftovers for dinner. Hope everyone reading this is having a good day.
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reggiejworkshop · 1 year
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"Warner Crew At The Carnival"
Dr Scratchensniff thought he knew what to expect when he along with Ralph took the Warners out to the local carnival. Helping the Warners win Pinky and the Brain at a shady ring toss game was not one of those expectations.
The two lab mice had previously undertaken another one of their world domination schemes when one of the local carnies had mistaken them as take home pet prizes.
What followed would be an intense competion between the Warner Crew and another visitor from the reboot, body builder and new special freind, Nils Niedhardt.  Two Hundred rings and several stuffed animal plushies later, the lab mice rode away safely in the shirt pocket of Ralph the secuirty guard.
Ralph giggled as the mice wiggled inside. "Theys tickle me!"
"Gee, Brain. Who knew we'd finally get a free ride for once? Narf!" said Pinky.
"This isn't the kind of free ride I had in mind." Brain complained. "In fact I finds it's hygiene questionable. Why does he smell like coconut...?"
Ralph was also carrying two of the Warner Brothers in his arms.
"Look at it this way, he's a ride you don't have to wait on for once!" Yakko responded.
"Thanks for helping out with that last game, Scratchy! We were started to get tired" Wakko said as he reached for the cotton candy in Dr. Scratchensniff's arms.
The psychiatrist looked up in shock. "You kids are actually tired? For once?!"
The two adults were suprised at how well behaved the Warners were today compared to how they usually acted in the past. Normally it ended with the both of them chasing the trio all around the carnival, several vistors being at the mercy of their 'special freind' antics and moderate property damage, but today was relatively normal for them. 
Aside from the ring toss, there were only a few other incidents.  Dot and Yakko tightrope walking across the beams of the moving ferris wheel.  A pie eating competition that ended with Wakko in the first place and Ralph with a face full of coconut cream. And Scratchensniff nearly losing his lunch when the trio took control of a rickety spinning tea cup ride. 
Dot, who was resting on his shoulder peered near his ear to respond.  "We've been tired, our youthful demeanor just hides it well."
"Besides, now that our show is done, we finally have a moment to relax for once!" said Wakko. "Being zany to the max was starting to feel like work again"
Scratchensniff nodded in agreement.  "Well,  you three have been natural at this for years." 
The trio had been ramping up their antics for the reboot's abrupt final season. But the extra pressure of pleasing their eager fans made them work harder than ever before.
"Yep. But we're cartoon veterans now. We need some time off " Yakko responded.
"Dahhh, Veterans? I didn't know theys brought back the draft!" Said Ralph.
 "So what do you all  have planned now the shows over?" Scratchensniff asked them.
"Catch up with all the HBO Max shows that haven't been taken off, yet." Said Yakko.
"Update my Master class on nunchuck lessons." said Dot.
"Maybe visit Slappy Squirrel, or our old CEO" Wakko added. 
His older brother shook his head. "I don't about that, T.P is probably still comatose when he found out Ralph became CEO at the end of season 2"
The guard huffed indignantly. "Noes he wasn't! He was just personified with joy!"
Scratchensniff was about to correct the guards words usage when Yakko asked him. " What about you?"
Scratchensniff blinked at hearing that, he wasn't expecting to be asked about it. "Well, doing my job of course. That and looking out for you three, Which also my job"
"Wow,  we thought you would retire the moment the show ended!" Wakko exclaimed. 
The psychiatrist smiled. "This world is cuckoo enough as is, but if I am going to deal with it, I'd rather it be with you"
The trio smiled at his geneniunely sweet response.
Yakko looked over his shoulder. "How are you holding up back there Nils?"
The muscular overgrown adversary in question was carrying the group's victory spoils from the ring toss game.
"Hating this..." Nils grumbled. The stuffed animal plushies towered above his head.
After being such a great sport during their competition. The Warners let him pick out one to keep for himself. He ended up picking one that visually matched how he felt, a pink jackass.
I seriously had to force myself to keep this story from going on too long.
I had been meaning to do another digital painting for a long time.
But I wanted to go for a look that was more refined than my other ones. Something a little less sketchy and rough.
And with the shows final season out now, I finally felt  motivated to do it with an idea I had been sitting on for a long time.  The final season of Animaniacs actually ended up being really enjoyable and ended with a bang! ( Granted not the one the fans nor I were expecting)
So I decided to do a group shot with Warners and freinds again, but this time in a fluffy casual setting. 
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
hey i love your posts on anti-psych organizing, the work you're doing is really inspiring <333 i was jw if you have any advice for people who want to contribute to the movement but have certain accessibility challenges? for example in my case i have very high social anxiety which makes public speaking hard and i also have difficulty processing denser criticism/theory in written form due to cognitive symptoms, etc. and it makes me feel like i don't have much to offer to help but i would love to get more involved if possible!! tysm in advance if you answer this happy pride btw <3
Happy pride anon! Thanks so much for this question, I think it's really important!
There are so many ways to contribute to antipsych/mad liberation movement, and it's so important that our spaces are accessible! When we're fighting for our rights as mad and disabled people, we deserve to have our access needs respected, and to be able to show up in whatever ways work for us. I talk a lot about writing and theory on here just because Tumblr is a place I go to write, but theory is not something that feels always relevant or important in many spaces. Community and accessibility always comes first!
Whatever you have to offer to the movement is enough and valued. I'll list off some ideas I have, but honestly, whatever you feel passionate about and your own ideas are likely to be better than what I can list off.
Creating art! whether writing, drawing, mixed media, anything, creating art and sharing it with others really can be an important way to honor our experiences and share them with others.
Finding out where a psych ward near you is, and writing cards, sending in care packages with things like books, puzzles, fidget toys, things like that. Happy to write out some more tips for that if people are interested.
Graffiti! even if you're just using a sharpie to write alternative crisis line numbers that don't call the cops on posters for the 988 hotline, putting up psych abolition stickers near hospitals, things like that.
Going to protests. There aren't a lot of specific mad pride/antipsych protests, but depending on your area, there might be some stuff happening in July for mad pride! I know there's an event happening in Vermont on July 15th.
Creating reading groups. I think theory is not more important than lived experience and isn't necessary to read super dense academic stuff, but I know for some people it can be a really powerful experience to read stuff that validates your experiences and offers new ways of understanding. Creating a book club where you can read stuff with other people, talk about it together, discuss questions and confusions you have together, can be a way to make it more accessible then trying to navigate it on your own. And it absolutely doesn't have to be theory that you read, it could be memoirs, fiction, nonfiction, anything that interests you!
Finding out what is already going on in your location. Even if there isn't specific antipsych groups, a lot of cities will have mental health support groups, mental health clubhouses, peer support, etc. Sometimes there will already be projects going that you can figure out ways to get involved.
Writing reviews of hospitals/psychiatrists/treatment providers to better give people in your community an idea of what to expect.
Community building. I think that a lot of times, we can feel really isolated and that the psych system can make it hard for us to be connected to each other and learn the skills to support each other. Joining groups like the Hearing Voices Network, other peer support groups, local support groups, clubhouses, etc, can be a really important step just to build relationships and get involved without necessarily having to create specific projects.
Learning what resources are near you and building up a resource library so that you can share things like coping skills, peer respite, local orgs with other people in your community!
Understanding the laws around psych hospitalization, mental health, medications, etc. If new laws are proposed, giving feedback, emailing hospitals about policies, things like that.
Self care and rest. So often we are in crisis, constantly going, feeling the pressure to be involved. Resting can be part of resistance! Taking the time to care for ourselves, our community, embracing joy, play, recreation, is so important. Our survival can be resistance in a system that doesn't want us free.
These are just some ideas, and are not a complete list. I really believe that everyone's contributions are worthy and valuable, and that whatever people have to offer is worth celebrating. Our movements should be accessible and considerate of all of our different needs, and figure out ways to empower each of us to participate, and to get rid of barriers together. My way of engaging with antipsych stuff is absolutely not the only or best way, and I always love to hear from other people about their approaches!
TL;DR: Theory and public speaking are not the only ways to particpate, and accessibility is important! Whatever things you are passionate about are good places to start brainstorming. There are multiple options of things like art, sending care packages, and getting involved in local community.
Followers, please feel free to add on your own ideas or ways you participate! Would love to hear all the amazing ways we're all engaging with this movement.
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Hello there,
Welcome to my blog.
I’m Redley. Relatively new to Tumblr still, but I’ve been finding that I’m comfy here. Though it still feels awkward (thanks, dysphoria), I prefer she/her pronouns. I don’t mind they/them, but… meh. Note that Redley is neither my legal or chosen name; it is solely a handle, and I will only tell you my chosen name if I feel comfortable with you. If I extend that trust, please treat it with respect. If you don’t, I will remember.
Here’s the main stuff I’m comfortable sharing or want you to know about me:
1) I’m transfem, but haven’t had an opportunity to do much actual transitioning yet. Dislike my voice, adore my hair. My luscious, glorious, flowing hair.
1.5) I am likely pansexual, but I haven’t done enough research to know for sure. All I know is, people are… well, people are hot.
2) I live in Florida, but was not raised here. The climate and scenery are nice; the local government sucks ass though. Also, I miss snow.
3) I’m a diagnosed autistic, falling somewhere on the high-functioning end of the spectrum. I’m on prescribed antidepressants, but have not been able to find a psychologist/psychiatrist yet because it’s fucking Florida.
4) There are a lot of things and people I don’t understand, but I’m always open to learning. Trying new food is a special passion of mine, and I’ve met some quite fascinating new people since starting this blog. (*eoughck* @potentially-a-poser *aucghk* @analogue-system *ahem*)
5) I will not tolerate hateful behavior. You will be immediately blocked for shit like denying any of the shades of aro/ace individuals as being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. If you see me spreading misinformation or saying something that excludes members of the community, please tell me. I’ll research the matter, as well as review any sources you send me.
5.5) okay so I think I’m demiromantic
6) I do not mind being tagged or sent asks or otherwise brought into conversations. People who abuse that will likely get blocked, but whatever your social anxiety is telling you probably comes nowhere near ‘abuse’ in my book. Anonymous asks are enabled, but that can likewise change if the feature is abused. Hate asks will be blocked, naturally.
7) I would prefer being asked before you directly message me. If you don’t, there is a possibility you’ll be blocked, but it’s not a guarantee. I don’t want me and my friends’ conversations getting buried by anything.
8) If you consistently and frequently post tiktok/reddit memes with little to no commentary, I may block you simply out of annoyance should you repeatedly show up on my dash. It’s not personal. If something about you makes me suspicious or uncomfortable, but not outright offended, I’ll most likely notify you of my reason before I block you.
9) Age: pick a number between 1 and 100 because it’s none of your fucking business. None of you are entitled to any of my personal information, regardless of the reason. I will share only what I want.
My Behaviors
There are certain things I gravitate towards or away from on this site. Here’s some:
1) I am most likely to follow people who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, are mentally ill, or are dealing with some variety of personality disorder. This is mostly just due to the fact that I find the most common ground with those people. But even those who I have little common ground with, I’ll tend to find very interesting.
2) I don’t mind things like roleplay and hornyposting on my dash, but will almost certainly not interact myself, or make original posts in that category. More extreme examples won’t necessarily get you blocked or unfollowed, but… well, my filtered tags list may grow.
3) I don’t always tag reblogs. This may mean that my followers will see random things that caught my interest. It could be art, shitposting, tender affirmations, politics, or just goofy-ass Tumblr shit. If something I regularly reblog/post about bothers you and isn’t properly tagged, let me know.
4) I am discovering that maybe, I might, perhaps, be a little bit nosy. When I see someone receiving hate or suffering and stressed, I am likely to take it upon myself to do or say something to try to make them feel better. If I bother you with this, I will not be hurt or offended if you block me. In general, I will do my best to be respectful of it when people draw boundaries, so don’t hesitate to draw any you feel necessary.
5) If your intentions are pure, you will likely find that I try to be forgiving and/or understanding of your mistakes, at least in regards to interacting with me. (The /or is a very important distinction.)
6) I will often be attracted to dark, tragic, or dystopic works of art/fiction. I get a form of catharsis from such media, and some of my writing will reflect that.
That’s about it.
That’s all the important stuff I can think of, aside from tags which are at the end. Still, this post may be updated or rewritten in the future. In general, just be kind and open-minded, and we’ll get along fine. Even if you disagree with me, as long as you are civil and rational about things, I’ll likely have no problem interacting with you.
Be safe, and be yourself! <3
My Tags:
#redley’s playlist - Some of my favorite songs!
#redley’s photos - Photos taken by/of me!
#writing - Writing related things and occasionally stuff I’ve made! (#poetry will also contain some of my work)
#let me just frame this one - My personal favorite posts by others. Put that right up on the wall!
#cw/tw: [content] - I will tag posts that I recognize may be disturbing to others with content warnings and/or trigger warnings. This way, you can filter content that may be harmful to your mental health to view. If a post is missing an important one, let me know.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
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Ah, okay! Thank you. I was confused about that.
And he seems to be like this all the time when I see him, which is probably why schizophrenia seemed more fitting to me. But I’m not with him all the time.
It doesn’t seem like he’s actively seeing things that aren’t there, but pretty much every time we see him he’s asking us if we’ve heard about this or that nefarious thing the government is doing. And the things don’t seem to connect well, if that makes any sense. Like this week it might be that Biden is doing XYZ about the migrants which sounds good but secretly means ABC, and next week it’ll be that Trump, I don’t know, made it the case that all the homeless shelters are going to close down, and the next is he doesn’t like the local DA because *some other thing that either makes no sense, or that sounds like the worst possible interpretation of a small bit of real news.* It doesn’t seem stable enough to be, like, QAnon, it seems disconnected and new each time, which leads me to think it’s not conspiracy theories.
Where the guy I knew pretty well who had bipolar would have very exciting but unrealistic ideas when he was manic, like say he could single-handedly code a MUSH with no help but never show any work on it and excitedly say he was onto the next thing.
So that’s why I thought it seemed more likely to me (with nowhere near sufficient info)that my mom would reach for the label that sounds less severe to her even if the other fits better. But yeah I do not actually know.
The homelessness thing I said because at one point I was talking to my psychiatrist about my family history, and when I said I believed he had schizophrenia and then mentioned 1) his chronic homelessness plus 2) his persistent desire to live in a van and travel the world following Phish (is Phish even still a thing?), she said that this type of …wandering? I don’t remember the word, but it sounded like she was saying it has a name? …is fairly common in schizophrenia.
I have the impression from the way she said it that she was trying to reassure me to some degree. Like, “that must be really weird and off putting to you but it’s a known thing. You can expect it to keep happening.”
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Im keeping this on anon because I-I... Well, you'll see.
I've been working on my issues for a while; getting diagnosed properly, working through trauma, and being kinder to myself. And I just... Discovered a huge issue with how I was raised regarding sex.
I was raised Mormon and raised to be sexy but sexless. I had to conform to male ideals of how a woman should look, which was sexy, but if I ever implied anything but being a stalwart virgin I'd be shamed... Or worse.
This has led to two horrific things in my life:
The first one is that I realized I've been fantasizing about being raped since I started puberty as a young child, that being the only 'acceptable' way to have sex without being damned. Ive had a high libido my whole puberty and post puberty life, but no one ever taught me how to care for those urges. Ever. And its intensely horrific that a young child would yearn for sexual violence.
The second is when my parents caught me looking at pornography. It wasnt even porn, it was erotic content, but it was enough they took *every* possible device in my name, cutting off every avenue of communication, and confined me to the house for weeks and started talking about forcing me into rehab for my 'addiction'. The truth was I had absolutely no way to manage my high libido and no one that would help, so I turned to the thing I thought I could hide. I had to essentially escape to the neighbors, claim abuse, and then after months of consulting with my psychiatrist, a psychologist, and two bishops my parents stopped controlling my life (and instead are trying to 'good advice' me into controlling my life anyways)
Over mild erotic imagery.
I already know I need to leave the house and make my parents as minimally involved in my life as possible, and I'm also going to have to wipe my records from the Church to keep them from trying to stalk me. While theyve let me have control, theyre always breathing down my neck and trying to 'drag me back' into the Church... When it was the Church that caused all of these problems in the first place. This is severe sexual and religious trauma and I know I need to leave, but I cant drive, I cant afford a place to live, and if I wipe my records now my parents will get far worse.
Its okay if you don't answer this ask, a-and if youre willing to talk to me in private refer to me as the Barbie Anon and I'll reveal myself, but I need help. Where can I go?
I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time. You're in a tough situation.
I'm not an expert on available resources beyond some national help lines for things like suicide. Actual resources are usually available through your state or city, or from local non-profits. You could try contacting The Trevor Project and asking one of their counselors if they could point you towards resources that could help you leave your home. If you're in Utah, perhaps you could contact the Encircle House near you and see what they can suggest.
I know when it feels like you're stuck in a situation you can't get out of, it feels like this will never end. Please know that life gets better. As we get older, get a job, go to college, go to counseling, get some benefits & assistance, and so on, we get more control over our life and we get to make changes.
Good luck! Wishing you the best!
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themculibrary · 10 months
Cabin Fic Masterlist
As Good a Place as Any (ao3) - Taste_is_Sweet steve/bucky T, 6k
Summary: "It was a retreat," Steve goes on more calmly, then has to swallow against something a little too close to nausea lodged in his throat. "They put—they brought me there to help me get my head on straight. Their psychiatrists were sure it'd help me to get away from everyone. And, and they showed me how to set up video calls. If I wanted. It wasn't a prison."
"Video calls," Bucky says flatly. He stares at Steve so long that Steve has to force himself not to avert his gaze. Bucky's eyes are huge and horrified, and he pushes his fingers through his hair again, then leaves them linked on the back of his head. "Stevie," he says, and his voice cracks. "Stevie, don't you even know what they did to you?"
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor clint/sam G, 1k
Summary: Clint, Sam, Natasha and Bucky are staying in a cabin for a few days during the winter holidays. Unfortunately, Clint and Sam get trapped inside due to the blizzard outside. This wouldn’t be a problem if Sam didn’t have a crush on Clint.
Cat Person (ao3) - The_She_Devil steve/bucky E, 72k
Summary: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bucky Barnes is tasked with acclimating Steve Rogers to the 21st century. Together with Alpine, they are stuck at the Retreat for four weeks catching up on history, technology, and pop culture.
Bucky is aware he might be playing with fire by wearing those leggings around Captain America. Steve is aware he should not try to take off said leggings, as much as that pretty Agent Barnes might want him to.
Takes place during those few weeks when Steve was at the Retreat right after coming out of the ice.
don't threaten me with a good time (ao3) - canistakahari steve/bucky T, 10k
Summary: Steve's taken him on vacation to a cabin in Canada in the middle of winter, so it's obviously the perfect time for his body to go haywire. Bucky is determined to stick it out, though, partly because he's a stubborn bastard, but mostly because he feels some kinda way about Steve.
Like Real People Do (ao3) - 2bestfriends E, 67k
Summary: Seven years into an isolated retirement after the Battle of New York, Steve has carved out a place for himself in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains. He has a best friend (his dog, Lady), a frenemy (a local black bear named Rufus), and a cabin in the middle of the woods, an hour's drive from the nearest town. As November comes to a close, he heads into town to pick up supplies and ends up with a stowaway.
Bucky hasn't had much luck over the past seven years. Disaster caused his family to move from New York to Indiana, and his life has steadily fallen apart ever since. After one too many heartbreaks, he decides to hitch his way back to the last place he remembers being happy: Brooklyn. He's in the homestretch when he finds himself stranded in a half-empty tourist town in the Catskills and decides to take a chance crawling into the back of someone's truck.
AKA the "Lumberjack Steve/Twink Bucky" fic of our hearts. Bucky spends so much time thirsty as hell.
Of Books and Memories and Snow (ao3) - vorkosigan steve/tony T, 21k
Summary: Even if Steve and Tony are sort of talking again, the unease between them is still palpable. Steve wants to talk things over again. The last thing Tony wants right now is to ruminate over the past. He finally has a weekend off (or as near as), and he decides to go skiing in his old family cabin he hasn't visited in many years. Inviting Steve along seems like a good idea at the tim... No. No, it doesn't, it really doesn't, but it's beginning to look like the only option. Also, catching a cold really wasn't a plan at all...
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater (ao3) - frostysunflowers G, 4k
Summary: A weekend visit to the cabin doesn’t go according to plan.
Ride of the Valkyries (ao3) - archwrites (Arch) darcy/steve E, 7k
Summary: “This is the best-slash-worst mission ever,” Darcy says. “On the one hand, we’re stranded in the wilderness; on the other hand, I get to spend days in bed with Captain America.”
Or, How Darcy and Steve Learn to Stop Worrying and Have Lots of Filthy Sex.
should be a dream but I'm not sleepy (ao3) - seventymilestobabylon steve/tony M, 4k
Summary: Steve and Tony get hit with a telepathy spell and a magical blizzard, and they have to take shelter in a cabin with fresh milk but no working electricity. Even when they can sort of read each other's minds, they are still terrible at communicating.
Someone To Watch Over Me (ao3) - obsessivereader steve/bucky E, 24k
Summary: One cold, winter's night, Steve Rogers, retired Special Forces operative, finds an unconscious young man in the woods surrounding his property. In the morning, the stranger wakes up and Steve is left with plenty of questions about the beautiful young man with guileless eyes and a sheepish smile, who speaks with self-deprecating humor as though there isn't a bruise on his face and restraint marks on his wrist.
Stuck With Me (ao3) - ShibayamaG rocket/thor E, 59k
Summary: Five years should be more than enough time to get over somebody you shouldn't have feelings for in the first place. Unfortunately for Rocket, he's about to get caught up in more than one unexpected storm when he goes to visit Thor in New Asgard.
The Day the World Went Away (ao3) - 74days steve/bucky T, 21k
Summary: Bucky Barnes has survived the Virus that devastated the world, leaving him road-tripping over America dodging violent gangs and trying to get through another year. When he manages to find a radio station still broadcasting, he's not aware that the voice on the other side of the country will soon become the driving force behind his actions.
Time for Home (ao3) - GoodbyeBlues steve/bucky M, 63k
Summary: When Steve rescues Bucky from a car wreck in the middle of a snow storm, he isn't looking for a reward, but he certainly isn't expecting to be berated about his lack of wifi and his “unjustifiable” use of emergency scissors either. He also isn't expecting to find his infuriating new housemate so goddamn attractive.
Saving Bucky Barnes’ life was easy. Living with him? Not so much.
When You Move, I Move (ao3) - 2bestfriends steve/bucky E, 20k
Summary: As September ushers in cooler nights, Bucky asks for a little more heat.
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corvidcall · 1 year
do you know anything about the national adderall shortage? my doc wanted to wait til it was calmed down before giving me a prescription but I don't really know how to check that stuff
i know a little bit!!! Theres a big post on r/ADHD about it, and you can check the FDA database to see if there is an official shortage of amy drug. of course, that doesnt necessarily mean your local pharmacy will have it, or will have a medication your insurance will cover. The problem I was having was that all the pharmacies near me were out of the generic stuff, and my insurance wouldnt cover anything else. I clould have fought them on it (and my psychiatrist was ready to) but without my meds, I didnt have the executive function to actually follow through on that. (Also, my prescription is really high (40mg a day babey) so some pharmacies i talked to werent willing to fill it even when they did have enough pills, because it would entirely clear them out)
(also without my adderall it was almost impossible for me to push through and do things i was anxious about, so i had to make my mom call pharmacies for me to see if they had any adderall lol. they did not)
i ended up finally getting my medication through a mail order pharmacy, which is definitely more expensive than getting it at my regular pharmacy (getting my prescription filled at the grocery store was about $25 for 30 days, and through Caremark its $100 for 90 days) so thats not going to be an accessible option for everyone, but it worked for me
Looking at the FDA database I linked above, they list all the manufacturers and when they're expected to have amphetamines back in stock. The latest date on there is by August 2023. i mean, time will tell if that's an accurate estimate, but it looks like thats when we're expecting things to calm down
hope this helps!!!
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The upshot of seeing the psychiatrist today is that she's increasing the dose of melatonin I am on and wants me to work really hard on sleep hygiene for a month and if I am still having the same issues with memory and focus then she'll look at the dosage of the ADHD meds again and think about if that potentially needs to go up or down (there is a concern that maybe going back to what had been the therapeutic dose for me before without titrating it up more slowly might have pushed things too far the wrong way, so that's why it might need to come down).
Given that I am so stressed with interpersonal shit at work and my sleep has been so garbage, it's hard to know what pharmacological interventions would help without first trying to improve things with ~lifestyle changes.
And like, honestly, fair enough! Routinely going on less than four hours sleep is categorically going to impair cognitive function and being under near constant emotional distress also makes it much harder to do your best thinking.
So, long story short, I'm going to (among other things) try to have a hard cut off with screens and blue light an hour before I go to bed. Which is very sad for me, because all of my friends are made of blue light and live in my phone (and are primarily awake and free to talk to me when it is late at night in my time zone). So if I am slower to respond to DMs or don't get in touch as often for the next month that's why.
I will try to see irl friends more often or, Idk, get back on OKC and meet some new local people who might want to be friends, because my ability to have my social needs met reeeeally hinges on Friends In Phone if I do not make more of an active effort to touch grass.
If anyone would like to exchange emails to have more long form conversations that are asynchronous, please let me know! I don't want to abandon my Friends In Phone and let those relationships wither of the vine while I try to commit to being better at sleeping. I will also still DM people who I regularly talk to, but probably earlier in the day my time and I may not always be able to talk for long or respond immediately.
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imformationusa · 11 hours
Struggling with Medications? Here’s How Local Help Can Make a Difference
Managing medications for mental health conditions can often feel overwhelming. Many individuals struggle to find the right balance between effective treatment and managing potential side effects. Fortunately, local support services can make a significant difference in navigating this challenging journey. Here’s how seeking local help can improve your medication management experience.
Understanding the Challenges of Medication Management
Complexity of Medications: Mental health medications come in various classes, each designed to address specific symptoms or disorders. The sheer number of options can make it difficult for individuals to find the right fit.
Side Effects: Many medications can cause side effects, ranging from mild to severe. Navigating these side effects can be frustrating and may lead individuals to stop taking their medication without consulting their healthcare provider.
Lack of Education: Without proper education about their medications, individuals may feel anxious or uncertain about their treatment. Understanding how a medication works, its potential side effects, and the importance of adherence can significantly impact the effectiveness of the treatment.
Communication Gaps: It’s essential to have open lines of communication with healthcare providers, yet many individuals feel hesitant to discuss their concerns, leading to mismanagement of their medications.
The Importance of Local Support
Local help can provide the resources, education, and support needed to improve medication management near me. Here’s how:
Access to Professionals: Local healthcare providers, such as psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists, offer specialized knowledge about medication management. They can conduct thorough evaluations and provide tailored treatment plans that consider individual needs.
Education and Resources: Local mental health organizations often provide workshops, brochures, and resources aimed at educating individuals about their medications. This education empowers patients to make informed decisions and feel more confident in their treatment.
Support Groups: Participating in local support groups can foster a sense of community among individuals facing similar challenges. Sharing experiences and coping strategies can provide valuable insights and encouragement, helping individuals feel less isolated in their struggles.
Regular Follow-Ups: Local providers can offer regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress, address side effects, and adjust medications as needed. Consistent check-ins ensure that individuals receive the support they need throughout their treatment journey.
Crisis Management: Local mental health services often have crisis intervention options. If individuals experience severe side effects or emotional distress, they can access immediate support to address these issues, preventing potential crises.
Building Trust and Rapport: Having a local provider means that individuals can establish a trusting relationship over time. Feeling comfortable discussing concerns about medications can lead to better management and adherence to treatment plans.
Finding Local Help
If you’re struggling with medication management, here are steps to find local resources in your area:
Consult Your Primary Care Provider: Your primary care physician can recommend local mental health specialists or clinics that focus on medication management.
Research Online: Conduct an online search for mental health providers in your area. Look for reviews and ratings to gauge the quality of care provided. Searching for “Medication Management Near Me” can yield a list of local professionals.
Local Mental Health Organizations: Organizations such as NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) often have local chapters that provide resources, education, and support groups. Reach out to these organizations for guidance on finding medication management services.
Community Health Centers: Many communities have health centers that offer mental health services on a sliding scale, making them more accessible. These centers often have professionals trained in medication management.
Ask About Support Groups: Inquire about local support groups focused on medication management. These groups can provide insights, coping strategies, and a sense of belonging.
Utilize Telehealth Services: If local options are limited, consider telehealth services that allow you to consult with mental health professionals remotely. This can provide access to specialists who may not be available in your immediate area.
Struggling with medications can be a daunting experience, but local help can make a significant difference in navigating this journey. By seeking support from local professionals, educational resources, and community connections, you can gain the tools and knowledge necessary for effective medication management.
Don’t hesitate to reach out for help—there are numerous resources available in your community to support you in finding the right medications and managing them effectively. With the right support, you can take charge of your mental health and work towards a brighter, healthier future.
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lazyordepres · 5 days
Mental Health Retreats Near Me
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When seeking mental health retreats near me that offer psychiatric care, it is important to consider facilities that provide comprehensive support tailored to individual needs. 
Many retreats feature licensed psychiatrists and mental health professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 
These professionals can conduct thorough assessments and create personalized treatment plans that may include medication management, therapy, and holistic practices. 
By choosing a retreat that emphasizes integrated psychiatric care, individuals can benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to healing, ensuring that both their psychological and physical health are addressed in a supportive environment. 
Researching local options will help you find retreats that prioritize effective psychiatric care alongside therapeutic activities, enhancing your overall wellness journey.
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gointelligenthealth · 1 month
Psychiatrist Near Me
Looking for a psychiatrist near you? Find expert mental health care with compassionate professionals who understand your needs. Our local psychiatrists provide personalized treatment for anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health conditions. Convenient locations, flexible scheduling, and a supportive environment ensure you receive the care you deserve. Take the first step toward better mental health today.
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Health update
My skin is looking better and I feel better. I haven't used steroids in a week and a half. I got some inflammation today. Probably because I haven't used steroids and possibly due to rising progesterone during the luteal phase (apparently may trigger some inflammation but I'm not 100% sure here).
My neck and ear infections disappeared 95%. My face does have some rashes, but nowhere near as bad as it was 2-4 weeks ago.
My hands may be inflamed, but look great for skin that hasn't been treated with steroids in a week and a half. I couldn't go a week without steroids or protopic since March.
I know fasting for too long made my inflammation way worse. It leads me to believe that ultimately, my eczema has a stress/hormone root cause (besides genetics of course). I'm meeting with an OBGYN next week to ask about how hormones play a role in inflammation. I'm not crazy about the idea of birth control, but I can ask about supplements like Vitex, chasteberry and DIM to see if they can help. In general being in charge of my hormonal health can be very helpful, especially in the context of stress and skin inflammation. I know reducing steroid use and not fasting and reducing stress and following an anti-inflammatory diet will also help with blood sugar and insulin resistance. We associate eating sugar and junk with blood sugar imbalances. But chronic stress and medication can elevate blood sugar. Such as prolonged fasting and steroids.
I've been eating a banana each morning. I'm taking a break from fasting, but am breaking my fast with a healthy carb. I now also have a lot of energy and can go for daily walks of 11k steps.
I'm seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow and I hope that goes well. I'm also seeing my therapist and plan to go more often, because I need it lol.
I want to eventually focus on gut heath and see a dentist. I want to go with my mom. I'm going to speak to my therapist about this. I don't like dentists and feel like they either recommend treatments that are unnecessary or know nothing about health in general. Ask a dentist if they know what vitamin K2 is and watch them give you a confused look. I know fat soluble vitamins and minerals are great for teeth. Unfortunately I do have issues with malabsorption, which prevents me from absorbing enough nutrients from food and supplements. I know this has an impact, which is why gut health here is important. I'm taking my enzymes and drinking aloe juice, but I'll see how this goes and if I need to modify my protocol.
Another good thing - by following my anti-inflammatory diet, I'm avoiding foods that have hidden sugars (which are inflammatory by nature). These include sauces, sandwiches, breads, pizza, fried/breaded foods, processed cheeses, white pastas, etc... Some other foods like instant oatmeal, yogurt, non-dairy milks and coffee do too. But I get those unsweetened. With that, I'm consuming less sugar and am reducing my cravings for sugar in general. I do eat chocolate sweets, but in small portions (I tend to stick to 70% dark chocolate). I had a mocha last week and 1/4 of a semi-sweet Crumbl cookie and some dark chocolate caramel pieces. I keep the portion sizes small. I lost my cravings for sugary baked goods like cookies and brownies in large portions (I had a brownie with my mom last month when I ordered pizza and it just felt too sweet an decadent, that I had to have a healthy dinner afterwards instead of pizza). So a small piece will do (like the 1/4 cookie). I know this helps a lot with things like blood sugar and insulin resistance and even teeth. I do have a sweet tooth and I satisfy it with 70% chocolate because I love chocolate. But I keep <70% chocolate and baked goods and mochas to a minimum. I do have them but in smaller portions, thanks to my new diet which reduces my intake of hidden sugars, and I don't even feel deprived. I do get sauces that use avocado and olive oil as bases (like mayo) and I found an app that shows local restaurants that don't use inflammatory seed oils.
I'm feeling better now. I'm just worried about my skin because I'm worried about future flares and things getting worse. But I'm seeing overall improvement. And I'll go see the psychologist and dentist with my mom in the future, which is also causing me stress.
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hernimrich · 1 month
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatments: Finding an OCD Psychiatrist Near You
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can significantly impact daily life, making it essential for individuals to find effective treatments. Those struggling with OCD often seek the expertise of a psychiatrist to guide them through tailored therapies and medication options. Accessing quality treatment from an OCD psychiatrist near me can lead to improved coping strategies and a better quality of life.
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Understanding the types of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatments is crucial. Common approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), particularly exposure and response prevention (ERP), and medication management, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). By working with a qualified OCD psychiatrist, individuals can explore these options and identify strategies that work best for their specific needs.
Locating an OCD psychiatrist in the local area is vital for personalized care. Many resources, such as online directories and mental health organizations, can assist in finding qualified professionals. This accessibility not only allows for in-person consultations but also promotes a collaborative approach to managing OCD effectively.
Comprehensive Treatments for OCD
The treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) encompasses various strategies tailored to individual needs. Effective options include therapy, medication, and complementary approaches. Understanding these options can help individuals make informed decisions regarding their care.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a structured, goal-oriented psychotherapy that addresses negative thought patterns. It focuses on identifying and challenging beliefs associated with OCD.
Through CBT, patients learn to develop coping strategies and modify behaviors linked to their obsessions. The therapist works collaboratively with individuals to replace harmful cognitive distortions with healthier perspectives.
A significant component of CBT for OCD is psychoeducation, which equips patients with knowledge about their condition. This understanding fosters collaboration between the therapist and patient, enhancing treatment efficacy.
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
Exposure and Response Prevention is a specialized form of CBT crucial for treating OCD. This approach involves exposing patients to their anxiety-provoking stimuli while preventing the associated compulsive responses.
ERP aims to desensitize individuals to their fears gradually. By facing their anxieties without engaging in compulsive behaviors, patients can reduce their obsessional fears over time.
Therapists typically start with less anxiety-inducing situations and progressively introduce more challenging exposures. This structured approach allows individuals to gain confidence and learn that anxiety can diminish without performing compulsions.
Medication Management
Medication management plays a vital role in many OCD treatment plans. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed to help alleviate OCD symptoms.
These medications work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, which can improve mood and reduce compulsive behaviors. Some of the SSRIs frequently used for OCD include fluoxetine and sertraline.
It is essential for patients to work closely with their healthcare providers to monitor medication effects. Adjustments to dosage or medication type may be necessary based on individual responses.
Alternative and Adjunctive Therapies
In addition to primary treatments, several alternative and adjunctive therapies can support traditional approaches. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga, can enhance emotional regulation.
Support groups provide a platform for individuals to share experiences and coping strategies with others facing similar challenges. This communal support can be invaluable in promoting recovery.
Other options include dietary changes and physical exercise, which have shown promise in contributing to overall mental health. Patients are encouraged to consult with their mental health professionals before incorporating these therapies into their treatment plans.
Finding an OCD Psychiatrist
Finding an OCD psychiatrist involves identifying specialists nearby, assessing their credentials, and exploring telepsychiatry options. This process ensures that individuals receive the appropriate care tailored to their specific needs.
Searching for Specialists Nearby
Start the search by utilizing online directories and mental health organization websites. Resources like the American Psychiatric Association and Psychology Today provide lists of trained professionals.
Consider asking for recommendations from primary care physicians or mental health professionals. Word-of-mouth referrals can shed light on the experiences of others.
Local hospitals and mental health clinics may also offer valuable leads. Ensure to check the clinic’s focus to find specialists experienced in treating OCD.
Evaluating Psychiatrist Credentials
Once potential psychiatrists are identified, it's crucial to evaluate their credentials. Verify that they are board-certified in psychiatry and have additional training in OCD treatment.
Review their educational background and specific areas of expertise.
Assess whether they utilize evidence-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).
Patient reviews and testimonials can provide insight into their treatment style and effectiveness.
Considering Telepsychiatry Options
Telepsychiatry has become an effective alternative for finding care. It allows individuals to connect with specialists without geographic limitations.
Research platforms that offer telehealth services specifically for mental health. Many providers now offer video consultations and online therapy sessions.
Evaluate the technology requirements and insurance acceptance for telepsychiatry. This option can streamline access, especially for those in remote areas or with busy schedules.
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