Poll: Jackie Chan vs Lo-Pan
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junkfileapp · 9 months
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Эстетический: панк ретро-волновой интерьер
Станьте бедняком и займитесь высокими технологиями. Начинайте курить, бросайте мусор на пол, прокладывайте опасные неэкранированные провода в окна и наружу. Воруйте электричество и пиратскую беспроводную связь из вашего окружения, вытаскивайте оборудование из мусорных контейнеров и ремонтируйте его. Приобретите огнестрельное оружие и разберите/почистите/установите его. Совершайте мыслепреступления, украшайте свою комнату принадлежностями для психоделических наркотиков и пустыми баночками из-под таблеток.
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andylikestodraw · 11 months
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Here are some extra images I didnt have time to work into monster month and some of them I really couldnt find decent reference images for so they got stuck..
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Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan all came out of nowhere, landing fast, and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass. It was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw, civilians looking in a total aw.
The battle raged on for a century, many lives were claimed but eventually. The champion stood, the rest saw the better; Mr Rodgers in a blood-stained sweater.
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itscoolsandstuff · 2 months
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lesdeuxmuses · 5 months
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Lo-Pan - Colossus (Small Stone Records, 2014)
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lo-batteryy · 7 months
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Can we talk about this divinely inspired shot in the trailer
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darksilvania · 11 months
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ZUKALAKA [Azucar + Calaca] Ghost/Fairy The Sugary Skull Pokemon Abilities: Familiar Scent* Dex: "Legend says this pokemon was born when a wandering soul possesed a candy offering left at an altar. Its body is made from sugar, paper and wax, with a sigle lit flame that represents its soul. They gather during the night, its burning flames and sweet aroma filling the night, attracting all kinds of spirits." Moveset: -Shadow Sneak -Astonish -Sweet Scent -Decorate
Evolves from ZUKALAKA at level 18
PANDERMORT [Pan de Muerto] Ghost/Fairy The Bread Pokemon Abilities: Familiar Scent Dex: "Its soft and warm body resembles freshly baked bread, and the sweet scent coming from its burning flame completes the illusion. It attracts lost souls with its appetizing display, trapping them inside its bones to carry them back to the grave" Moveset: -Play Rough -Disarming Voice -Belly Drum -Destiny Bond
Evolves from PANDEMORT at level 40 at nightime
COMPARKA [Comparsa + Parca] Ghost/Fairy The Float Pokemon Abilities: Familiar Scent Dex: "They gather in groups during those nights when the veil between worlds is thinner. They travel in long processions, calling for those souls that might be lost in our plain, to help them back into the other side. The flame on their heads burn with a sweet scent that is said to remind you of home." Moveset: -Last Respects -Infernal Parade -Perish Song -Will-O-Wisp
*A warm and sweet scent that fills the field, it lowers the opponents def and spd. when they enter the field.
Day of the Dead pokemons, they were made 2 years ago but I decided to finally finish them this year, they are inspired by several elements from the "Dia de Muertos" celebration
ZUKALAKA is based on the "Calaveras de Azucar"
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PANDEMORT is based on "Pan de Muerto" in some of its more traditional forms
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COMPARKA is based on the floats for the "Dia de Muertos" parade
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And all of them carry elements from the traditional altars, like "papel picado" and candles
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jukeboxofjellycat · 11 months
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Ajolotito 😋🍞
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theactioneer · 6 months
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James Hong, Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
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humanoidhistory · 10 months
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Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), 1985, photographed by Elisa Leonelli.
(Claremont Colleges Digital Library)
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americaisdead · 3 months
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the apple pan, opened 1947. los angeles. june 2024
© tag christof
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months
something something headcanon Michael wrote a good amount of the Fnaf songs as a way of coping with the horrors™️ so like in his handy dandy notebook, right next to his plans of arson and vivid drawings of nightmares, it reads "I can see you there, warmth and life, why don't you share, it's been many years, stuck here living with out fears-" and it doubles as Michael trying to categorize all the information he's learnt and helping him process all this information and it gives this really funny visual of later on, Gregory asking Glamrock Freddy something from the past of Fazbear Entertainment or his previous family drama and then Freddy just starts humming and muttering "....mmm all stay strong, we live eternally, all is well in mmmmm pure insanity, mmmmm-AH!- here is your answer, Gregory! :333" no because imagine he shows Gregory "Too Far" (by CK9C) and Greg's like "Thats......a lot of yelling." "I was going through a rough time haha." -listens to it further before taking of the headphones- "...You good man?" "I'm really not, but we ball, Gregory."
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oscarcito · 10 months
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Pato O'Ward | McLaren reserve driver for 2024
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elbiotipo · 4 days
"danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día" es una fórmula interesante porque realmente, todas las culturas tienen un "pan nuestro de cada día" aunque no sea literalmente pan.
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itscoolsandstuff · 2 months
Hyeeeh kyaah hyaaah haa hyet haa haa jum jum haaa -Link
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