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dkkingwriter · 6 years ago
De-Programming 101
8 September 2018
I had absolutely NO idea what I was opening myself up to when I began journaling my big sky life in Montana during the early 1990’s. The most I’d hoped to gain from it was a moment of light at the end of a good cathartic release.
What I did gain, however, far exceeded my limited perspective at the time for, unbeknownst to me, those releases were adding up. And they were adding up to something worth the work and the wait.
To remember emotionally triggered events for the purpose of writing them down is to re-live those heightened emotions and whatever baggage those experiences bring with them. It isn’t for the faint hearted, yet, I could not stop. My emotional body, once allowed to freely express itself for the first time ever in an uncensored format, wasn’t about to be shut down until it was done speaking its part.
So the journaling went on for about 15 years as one emotionally charged memory would trigger another memory which would trigger another memory, and so on. Suffice to say, I stuck with it as long as I needed to and then one day I was simply done ... with the journaling part anyhow.
The next act in my personal passion play - what I call the integration and healing process – has been ongoing, and has seen many failed performances with maybe an occasional standing ovation. Frankly, I don’t think the process of spiritual evolution ever ends, but it does seem to get a little smoother with depth in understanding, acceptance+surrender, and a deep commitment to becoming a sovereign being.
When it comes to my emotional triggers anymore, I stop and pay attention. Then I DELETE, because I equate these emotional triggers to short-circuiting computer programs – programs that have been continuously installed and updated over lifetimes courtesy of social engineering and other manipulative methods for the purpose of mind control. During World War II, Mengele and his Nazis called a version of this MK Ultra.
Elements of mind control programming are so deeply imbedded throughout our global social structures, the majority have no idea just how programmed and played they’ve been. Myself included.
I now consider my triggers to be my friend. They alert me in a most uncomfortable way when it’s time to delete a corrupted mind program that no longer serves my highest and best.
Removing beLIEf mind programs from the subconscious are, in my experience, the pathway to true sovereignty since it is the function of these programs to interfere and override who and what we truly are. Humanity has been so programmed that far too many can be emotionally triggered to fight to the death to defend a programmed beLIEf without ever questioning why they beLIEve what they beLIEve. Again, BeLIEf = Program.
Archetypes are programs. ALL Religion is a program. Fear, greed, scarcity, lack, narcissism, guilt, anger, violence, martyrdom, workaholism, suffering, superiority, discrimination, competition, value, worth, power, prestige, status, judgement, free will, anything that divides and separates humanity = ALL PROGRAMS.
The only thing that can override the negative programming that is designed to override us is intention and a compassionate heart rooted in Universal LOVE. Yet, even the concept of love has been hijacked. The 3D matrix has been programming humanity with its shadowy version of what love is supposed to look like for millennia and twisted it into something dark and unnatural. Most of us don’t even know what real love feels like, let alone that it can only begin with compassionate love of self.
Much gratitude goes to MK Ultra survivor Cathy O’Brien and her generosity in sharing how she began de-programming from a life rooted in trauma-based mind control. She began with journaling, years of heavy journaling. Sound familiar? Thank you for the trigger, Montana.
With the work and the wait, after years of journaling and even writing a book about it, I can clearly see that Living The Big Sky Life was the subconscious start of my conscious de-programming process. It can also be an opportunity, for those who dare, to witness the deconstruction of a programmed psyche, meltdowns and all. End of program.
© by DK King
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intherearviewmirror · 6 years ago
Article Publish Date: October 18, 2018  
Article Link: http://intherear-view-mirror.blogspot.com/2018/10/revisited-rise-of-global-republic-ds.html
PayPal Donations: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GDREGPQCX7GJ6&source=url  OR  https://paypal.me/DKKing
MUSIC: Dreamy Flashback, by Kevin MacLeod. Courtesy of YouTube Audio Library.
DISCLAIMER: The points of view expressed in our videos are for the mind-altering entertainment of our audience and for the purpose of gathering like-minded beings together so we may grow and evolve. Our videos are NEVER meant to bully or harass anyone, and NEVER meant to incite violence of any kind.
FAIR USE NOTICE: Our videos may contain copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
COPYRIGHT: The artwork used in our videos that has been produced/copyrighted by Artist, KAd Collins may not be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of the artist and is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
#InTheRearViewMirror #DKKing #KAdCollins #WindingRoadFables #DreamSequence #LivingTheBigSkyLife
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
The Power of Belief
18 July 2017
Our beliefs create the backdrop of our existing 3D Matrix and what we see as reality in the world around us. In other words, the Matrix in which we live is sustained by the congruent, yet often unconscious, underlying belief systems of the mass collective consciousness - belief systems that have been programmed vibrationally and reinforced by the ingrained masses through lifetimes of indoctrination.
When we choose to change our belief system in a way that allows us to elevate beyond the vibratory tolerance levels of mass consciousness, a frequency shortage is created within the Matrix and the Matrix knows no limits when it comes to protecting its power source.
One effective solution in quelling socially uncomfortable Matrix disturbances has historically included some form of cultural “electroshock” fear therapy designed to re-align our frequencies with the Matrix by using our support systems and indoctrinated beliefs against us.
The more profound and significant the changes made to our deepest-set beliefs, the more substantial the Matrix disruption and resulting energetic dead spots left in its wake.
At this point in some present timeline, there are simply too many dead spots to hold this Matrix together as it once was. The old world 3D Matrix appears to be getting smaller and smaller as it desperately attempts to pull together what remains of its power source:  the mass consciousness that still believes in it and just cannot bear to let it go.
For those compelled to expand their awareness beyond the limitations of this old world Matrix, it’s time we remember who we really are, it’s time to remember who YOU are. You are a powerful creator being and your beliefs are now actively creating our new world with loving intention! And how great is that.
We are what we believe, so let’s open our hearts together and create BIG. Really big. No limits.
© by DK King
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
The 6 Basic Rules For A Post-Disclosure Afterlife
The devil may be in the details but then so is deliverance, especially when considering it’s the details that keep the devil at bay.
From what I can tell, acute attention to the details of life for any whistleblower, experiencer or truth-teller on the verge is essential. History will show, however, that many “truthers” don’t always have the opportunity to plan and prepare for the devastating consequences of their disclosure. For those who can and do prepare, there appears to be a noticeable tendency to follow what I call, “The 6 basic rules for a post-disclosure afterlife.”
Rule #1 - End the silence blowing every whistle at once!
Any truther who has a ‘top secret’ story to spill, yet still wants to live, makes it a point to go large, viral large, when coming out - interviews, articles, books, blogs, videos, social media, whatever it takes. In other words, go loud and go long.
Rule #2 - Declare your sanity and commitment to live.
Prudent truthers make a point during interviews to declare their mental stability for the record, right before affirming they are not suicidal. This is done hoping to ward off a mortal mishap on every drive home forever. When the ‘go loud and go long’ card (Rule #1) is played, it helps to promote an environment of public awareness which can inspire supportive audiences to become vocally suspicious should tragedy strike.
Rule #3 - Hide your identity, hide your family and life details.
It is not out of the ordinary for those compelled to take the risk for truth to use a pseudonym when going public. When the penalty extracted for violating the cult of silence can include character assassination, career destruction and the decimation of everything a person might love, taking on a fake name while striving for some anonymity might help to add a small layer of protection between a truther and a deadly life disruption. This approach isn’t for everyone and it isn’t always possible.
Rule #4 – Stash the cash in advance.
Financial ruin is one of the most tragic life disruptions to beset a truther after violating a lifetime gag order. Financially stripping anyone can be achieved in a myriad of ways, but it typically comes at the expense of one’s reputation, career, business, pension, marriage and family. Financial ruin is often the equivalent of a total life disruption. That is why those who are able to plan out the conditions surrounding their disclosure attempt to safely set aside more than enough resources to retire on. Again, this approach may not always possible.
Rule #5 – Push back when under attack.
Attacks validate the truth so expect them. When under attack, go louder - the bigger the attack, the louder the push back. No one will know you’re being attacked unless you sound the alarm - circle the wagons for safety in numbers. It takes a lot of courage to break programming and stand alone, not to mention it can be a lonely position to defend when the Deep State is dead set on silencing violators. This is a good time to really go loud and go long.
Rule #6 - Keep ‘em guessing and keep one step ahead.
The only things in a truther’s life that must (hopefully) die are predictable routines and habits. The eye in the sky has difficulty at times tracking spur of the moment changes in an otherwise dependable schedule or mind set or energy field, and a moving target is always harder to hit. Keep it fresh, keep it spontaneous, keep it crazy, Ivan.
I think it’s important to clarify here there is a significant distinction between jeopardizing national security and alerting humanity to the crimes being maliciously perpetrated upon it with strategic intent - and I include all things ET and UFO in the second group due to the prevailing full scale cover up and treatment of experiencers and abductees as a resulting matter of routine. It’s also important to acknowledge that every job classified ‘top secret’ doesn’t mean it is genocidal or anti-life and deemed whistleblowing worthy. Disclosure is usually predicated upon a truther’s conscience being triggered by some perception of a sinister, illegal or deceptive reality.
Given the abundance of truther testimony out there for consideration, it seems apparent to me that many of the world’s worker bees who have been burdened for life with covert knowledge are good humans overall. For some, the price of their secrecy is too high and akin to betraying their conscience and their kind for a paycheck. For others, the need for inner peace sees the truth come pouring out in their death bed confessions. But for the majority, their guilty secrets are buried with their bodies and the deceptive cycle perpetuates until someone finds the courage to speak out. As the march toward full disclosure continues to expand, truther testimony is clearly increasing exponentially.
Yes, they do indeed live (and work) among us. The evidence is irrefutable to me and it’s everywhere, hiding in plain sight. Hollywood alone has been showing us the truth of our reality matrix for decades, only it’s been sold as science fiction, horror, fantasy and entertainment. The 1988 low-budget John Carpenter film starring Roddy Piper (RIP) titled, “They Live,” says a lot. On September 27, 2013, Roddy Piper announced his truth when he tweeted, “They Live is a documentary!!” 20 months later in July 2015, he was dead from a heart attack.
© by DK King
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
The devil may be in the details but then so is deliverance, especially when considering it’s the details that keep the devil at bay.
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
Then Along Came The Tall Whites
Then Along Came the Tall Whites
If you had asked me prior to 2012 and The Galactic Transcripts what I thought about ETs and UFOs, my response would’ve been the equivalent of an “eh” and a shrug because I never gave the subject much thought. Not because I ever bought the official line of denial on the matter or the story about homo sapien sapien being the epitome of soul-bearing lifeforms in the known Universe.
No. But because it was always a given in my mind they were out there … even if all I had was an unsubstantiated knowingness.
That, and the oblique fact that (and many ETs would agree) it made absolutely no logical sense to me that the only intelligent lifeform in an expanding Universe (and on this planet I might add) would be the human being. The manipulative notion purporting our Earth human to be the smartest thing around any planetary block in the galaxy always seemed naught but ignorant and arrogant - especially when considering that even establishment scientists are now estimating there are more than two hundred trillion galaxies outside of our own Milky Way.
Let me further clarify that I do not consider myself an ET abductee or ‘experiencer’. If I have ever been abducted, I have no conscious memory of it. But I need to remind those who do not fully understand how things behind the curtain really work that just because we don’t remember something happening doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Let me offer some bits of friendly advice: Never rule anything out, and never say never.
Suffice it to say, I wasn’t one of those souls who grew up staring at the stars wishing for a UFO to whiz by and beam me up. This doesn’t mean I haven’t seen a UFO for indeed I have, and several. However, given the cloaked traffic jams in our skies these days, seeing a UFO doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an ET alien aircraft. And frankly at this stage, I don’t have the training to know the difference.
It is common knowledge among historians and researchers alike that technologically advanced aircraft and devices were being reversed engineered and developed in secret by Nazi German scientists during World War II. Project Paperclip absorbed those scientists and all of that research into western Allied intelligence labs after the war ended. Did anyone really think They would let that kind of space age R&D go down with the Nazi ship that never really went down?
After more than 75 years of unfettered advancements, we can only imagine how far this research has progressed in secret. When our hand-held technology today is compared to what has been in clandestine use by our secret space program for decades, the declarations made by many a whistleblower becomes irrefutable – we are not nearly as advanced as we think. In other words, those impressive black triangular UFOs seen in our skies since the 1960s are synonymous with aerospace industry covered wagons.
All said, what became apparent to me early on was that The Galactic Transcripts somehow gave substance to what I had always interally known. Whatever else it opened up was more than enough to ensure I would not rest until I knew more, a lot more. When the questions started pouring into my head without interruption, I did what most of us do these days, I scoured the internet for enlightenment.
My unregimented research began where I suspect many newbies begin - Roswell, New Mexico and the 1947 crash of an alien aircraft, oh I mean weather balloon. I didn’t dwell too long on the details of the Roswell crash because I found the blatant cover up a bore and the subject has been dissected to death by every expert and then some. Until further information comes to light about the Roswell incident, I thought it best to set it aside while diversifying my investigation. I had a daily array of questions in need of fresh answers.
This is when I discovered Charles Hall and the Tall Whites. He was the first experiencer on my list who was still alive and giving lectures with his wife by his side. His personal story about the private time he had spent with the Tall Whites in the Nevada desert while in the military was hard to dismiss. Perhaps because I knew inside he spoke truth. Yet I was left wondering why his story wasn’t common knowledge. Why wasn’t it out there being discussed by everyone?
For whatever reason, They chose not to completely suppress the Charles Hall story. For this I am glad because it doesn’t usually work that way. It seems pretty obvious to me now how They tasked Their ruthless MIB henchmen eons ago with ensuring that the people of Earth never, ever get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
© by DK King
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
If you had asked me prior to 2012 and The Galactic Transcripts what I thought about ETs and UFOs, my response would’ve been the equivalent of an “eh” and a shrug because I never gave the subject much thought. Not because  ...
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
The Hived Mind With The Most Drones Wins
The more I learned about the ever-elusive They and the dystopia They feed on, the more I began to take profound stock of what was around me. Talk about an infinite slew of consciousness quakes. There’s nothing like a systemic inventory of what really makes the world go ‘round to open the room up for countless questions about the real motives behind everything we’ve taken for granted since birth.
But first, a caveat - it applies across the board, without exception, to everyone regarding everything:
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MY WORD OR INTERPRETATION FOR ANYTHING! What I share here are my perceptions and my interpretations as a work in progress, and I have no desire or intention of telling another self-empowered human being what truth should be for them. As stated in previous posts within “The Big Lie” series this post is part of, one positive consequence of reclaiming our power is personal accountability. We alone are individually responsible for our personal enlightenment process, the path we choose and what we intend to manifest as we strive to detach from the MC control matrix. No blame-shifting, no passing the buck, no victimhood. If my own experiences are any indicator, however, I have found that remembering how to navigate within our physicality as an empowered being takes some getting used to, and lots of open minded practice. You have my word on that.
So what predominant hive-minded, well organized “teams” devised by the MC do we most identify with today?
Many would rank the tightly managed leagues below as gold medal winners, if only on the basis of membership volume and the constant drone of devoted servants. See if you can spot where the repetitious MC tactics of Divide and Conquer, Order Out of Chaos, Bread and Circuses, and the Crab Bucket Seduction as described in my previous post are surreptitiously at work behind the friendly facades of these consciousness controlling collectives.
We were told we were sinners in need of salvation and we believed it.
In believing the lie, we handed the chosen Savior power over our souls.
All roads lead to Rome, and I mean ALL roads (do your own research on this one). The world’s religions and cults have everyone praying to the same god and fighting about it. Religion has reduced the divinity in humanity down to the level of cursed and pitiful sinners in need of redemption by a third party savior, as if we do not have the power within each of us to save or redeem ourselves. When believers worldwide finally learn the truth about the god to whom they pray, there will be a collective consciousness quake like the world has never seen.
Oh, and let’s not forget that They would never invest in anything that didn’t secretly feed Their voracious appetite for power through infinite riches. So always follow the money. Charities, orphanages, missionaries, camps and clubs, churches and cathedrals, Vatican City and the Vatican Bank: The Institute for the Works of Religion, the Jesuits, The Knights Templar, Freemasonry, carry on and freak out.
We were told we owed faithful allegiance to our governments and we believed it.
In believing the lie, we handed our faithless governments everything we stand for.
POLITICAL PARTY LINES: Politics is smoke screen theatre; a spectacular magic show put on by the MC’s Grand Illusionists to fleece, segregate and corral the herds as ordered. We might even call it the biggest show on Earth, the biggest show of fear mongering that is.
Liberal vs Conservative, Democrat vs Republican, Left vs Right. Who cares? I mean really, who cares? We might do well to pull down the artificial veil of separation and see with understanding eyes that the basic needs, wants and desires of almost every human alive are fundamentally the same. Underlying all of this social manipulation is the MC agenda, and this agenda remains constant regardless of who They pick to run any country.
The projected illusion of pitting opposites against each other with staged acrimonious sound bites is another successful MC variation of Divide and Conquer. While families are at each other’s throats arguing religion and politics at the dinner table, the MC are smugly enjoying a member’s only pizza party together behind closed doors.
PATRIOTISM: As far as the MC are concerned, patriotism is for peons. This clever form of emotional manipulation instills a strong sense of national loyalty by forever dangling the elusive promises of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and lately to ad nauseam, freedom and democracy.
The issue at heart here is not whether happiness and other virtues are worth pursuing, or whether our soldiers and veterans should receive our unwavering gratitude and appreciation. The issue underpinning everything is always the MC agenda, and They have never had a problem using the good hearts in humanity against humanity. It’s also worth noting that the MC controlled governments running the world today do not reciprocate the loyalty expected of its citizens in any way. It’s a one-sided deal to the death.
Patriotism is a useful hived-mind weapon for it covers several bases at once. It is designed to evoke an overwhelming feeling of national pride as it serves to emotionally trigger an entire country’s mass consciousness into believing that all of its citizens are on the side of justice and thereby on the winning team, a winning team worth defending at any cost. The feelings invoked by a united sense of patriotism can become so powerful that a loyal citizenry wouldn’t hesitate to heed the call to stand and defend whatever civil liberties they perceive as threatened without ever questioning the motives behind those giving the orders.
Once a nation has been fully armed in patriotism, the MC expect Their trained baby elephants to loyally encourage future generations in the respected tradition of fighting and dying for the national team. With the voluntary infantry enlistments come the blood offerings of countless patriotic servicemen and servicewomen who have been and are being ritualistically sacrificed as cannon fodder in the proxy power struggles of Their twisted domination game.
For a dated glimpse into the MC mindset, check out the document titled Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
Oh, and following the money on this one will see you hit pay dirt. Military Industrial Complex, Veteran’s Administration, Tri-Lateral Commission, 1871 Albert Pike, super PACs, lobbyists, shadow governments, super space program, smuggling black market guns and drugs, proxy wars, mercenary armies, etc.
We were told we were inferior and we believed it.
In believing the lie, we lorded over others in order to feel superior.
Divide and conquer at its very best and an insult to us all. What would our communities be like if we weren’t being purposefully brainwashed day and night with targeted propaganda devised to convince us that our physical differences - something we are born with and have little control over for crying out loud - are worth killing for? hurting for? suffering for? dying for? Why? I have often wondered, would we really notice or even care if those around us were different so long as they were good at heart and kind to us? In my experience, humanity’s true nature really does feel the call to reciprocate genuine kindness when received, and it’s contagious.
We are all human, and we humans have a common history whether we know it yet or not. We are all powerful if we want to be. We all matter. Period.
Oh, and don’t forget to follow the money. Equal rights and affirmative action groups, the truth behind the feminist movement, NAACP, human rights activist groups, trade unions, etc.
We were told we were not smart enough to know the truth and we believed it.
In believing the lie, we ensured that we would always be lied to.
I have long been devoted to a life of learning. For me, our very self-empowerment is predicated upon it. The observations in this section are not intended in any way to minimize the value or virtues of a good and factual education. But like many parents with children in the school system have already figured out, the curriculum we are forced to reckon with today is not designed to give our future generations a good and factual education.
It appears that what passes for a classroom these days is more like a government sponsored programming center for indoctrinating “good workers” who will hustle for those “good jobs” everyone is always talking about yet there are never enough of. And BTW, whatever happened to encouraging useful skills like critical thinking, problem solving and a lot of imagination?
The children of the new millennium are different souls with different needs and the establishment isn’t even trying to keep up with them, their compulsory attendance notwithstanding. Anymore it seems that grade school is where creativity and constructive thinking go to die, and where our children by the millions must be medicated with mind altering drugs in order to suppress their magic and dumb the rest down.
There are so many emotionally charged objectives wrapped up in the ideals of a good education that it falls upon us all to learn more about what is directing the current system and what needs to be changed. Check into 1992 United Nations Agenda 21 and its 2015 update Agenda 2030 for further insight.
Oh, and don’t forget to follow the money trail here because this is a big one. How about the student loan scam for starters? The MC bank gets to finance the MC educational program required to get the “good job” with an MC company. It’s time we start asking better questions such as who’s making all the rules in this equation? He who makes the rules controls the game and the money. Maybe we need to learn how to do real math.
Other money trails worth investigating are usual suspects such as charters, grants, donations, that namesake science lab or campus library, Yale Skull and Bones, and then see if you can answer this: what does the best education your money can buy really get you?
We were told there will never be enough and we believed it.
In believing the lie, we accepted Their rations as They purloined our wealth.
The powerful spell of money has been considered by many to be the repertory fail-safe of the MC control system. It’s hard to argue with this sentiment when considering that absolutely nothing in our world has been unaffected by the irrational seduction of the grandest illusion of them all.
Dividing people into income brackets has served to segregate us into competitive groups based upon a standardized perception of worth. Yet who sets the standards for determining our worth? The IRS? Which BTW is a terroristic tax collecting private corporation not even under government control. We have all been conditioned to be so afraid of the IRS that no one ever thinks to ask the important questions like who is really running the IRS? And where do our tax dollars really go?
One of the things we have never been told is how the projected production value of each newborn life is appraised, bundled and pledged as collateral against our nation’s misappropriated debt. All it takes is a certificate of live birth and the assignment of a tax ID number and voila! They calculate what They believe to be the consummate worth of your entire life and proceed to pledge your life’s full asset value against Their investment activities as if your life were Theirs to pledge.
It’s a made up debt that can never be paid. Am I missing something or where in this set up do we the people see any true benefit? Not only are we conceived in debt, we are born into a debt that can never be paid. Sounds like indentured servitude to me, except it’s really more like a sinister form of enslavement. To keep the whole scheme going is merely to convince the uninitiated in the illusion of free market enterprise and the virtues of capitalism I guess.
Yet we all must have it, as much of it as we can get cuz that old saying is right. Money is what makes the world go ‘round. We need it to survive. We need it to eat, to sleep, to stay warm, to work, to live and we even need it to die because it was determined long before we were born that we must pay to play Their money game if we want to live and die on the planet of our birth. And the size of our balance sheet will forever be the gauge of our social value and our perceived place within established society.
We may not believe we have the power between us to bring down the malevolent monetary system as it stands, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have the power to break the spell that binds each of us to the money matrix. In breaking the spell, we can begin to neutralize the multitude of emotional triggers and responses we’ve been vigorously programmed with and begin using money as a tool instead of a weapon.
There is so much research to be done on this topic that it would be impossible for me to cover it all, and frankly, I have no intention of it. We all need to find our own truth and that means doing your own research. I will conclude with a few quotes by several familiar MC front men on this hot button subject:
“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company.
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild and controllers of most of the world’s central banks.
Oh, and don’t forget to follow your fiat money straight to your bankrupt central bank for the gold They said was in Fort Knox vanished long ago.
I consider the list above to be merely a snapshot of some of the more obvious or notable social enslavement strategies. This list is clearly not thorough, let alone complete. It is only a beginning, to be used as an alternative perception tool for seeing our established social structures through fresh eyes. Hopefully its inclusion here will encourage further research in those who care to know more on these and other related topics such as the Entertainment industry, the Medical Mafia, the stranglehold on Science.
Knowledge empowers.
© by DK King
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
What teams are you playing for?
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intherearviewmirror · 6 years ago
Article Publish Date: October 3, 2018
Article Link: https://intherear-view-mirror.blogspot.com/2018/10/revisited-ticker-trade-ds.html
PayPal Donations: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GDREGPQCX7GJ6&source=url  OR  https://paypal.me/DKKing
MUSIC: Dreamy Flashback, by Kevin MacLeod. Courtesy of YouTube Audio Library.
DISCLAIMER: The points of view expressed in our videos are for the mind-altering entertainment of our audience and for the purpose of gathering like-minded beings together so we may grow and evolve. Our videos are NEVER meant to bully or harass anyone, and NEVER meant to incite violence of any kind.
FAIR USE NOTICE: Our videos may contain copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
COPYRIGHT: The artwork used in our videos that has been produced/copyrighted by Artist, KAd Collins may not be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of the artist and is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
#InTheRearViewMirror #DKKing #KAdCollins #WindingRoadFables #DreamSequence #LivingTheBigSkyLife
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
Speaking The Same Language: Who Are “THEY”
What does this summation really mean? How does it apply to each of us? And more importantly, how can we take our power back?
All good questions and worth deep personal pondering, but I believe it’s important to lay the groundwork for future posts with a common vocabulary – a consistent way of describing some of the basics as I have come to perceive them, especially since similar words are oftentimes used by researchers to mean different things. Simply put, speaking the same language can help minimize confusion and speed the conversation up.
So I’ll start this post by first defining my interpretation of “They” thus far. When I use the word “They,” I am referring to the Master Controllers (“MC”). The MC collective is basically comprised of the secret society superpower clans commonly called the Elites, the Moneyed Globalists, the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Khazarian Mafia, the Monarchies and Bloodline Families. They barely embody two percent of our planet’s population yet They somehow control our entire world.
Their interests are not based in service to humanity but in service to self for the MC are devoted servants and direct reflections of their non-human overlords. Their harmful grand agendas and global New World Order directives come straight from these non-human overlords, and They obey their orders without compunction or impunity and usually in exchange for incontestable power and gobs of money.
I know my ‘non-human overlord’ reference above may sound a little Scientology to some but remember what I said earlier, “things that don’t appear to be connected in any way are often intricately connected.” So hold that thought for now because it’ll hopefully make more sense later on.
Now back to the MC … An effective MC tactic employed through the ages to control humanity on every level is “divide and conquer.” While the D-n-C platform used to promote some of our more notable historic conflicts will have altered over time to coincide with the mentality level of humanity at any given moment, the covert agendas are always the same. This is probably why history is always repeating itself. What this group lacks in creativity, it makes up for in recycled fear-mongering mind games.
Organized schemes regularly formulated by the MC to foment human divisiveness often involve powerful institutions with altruistic names posing as charitable do-gooders and shadow government cover ups. These institutions are frequently used to promote an impassioned need within the human psyche to take sides or choose a team, and naturally everyone wants to believe they’re on the winning team. One delusionary by-product of the “divide and conquer” scheme is a kind of phantom elitism stemming from a false sense of superiority over anyone playing on a different team. It seems to me that far-reaching damage to the heart of humanity comes from the deep-seated intolerance this form of social manipulation fosters. Intolerance creates separation, never unification.
Ordo Ab Chao, or Order Out Of Chaos - a slogan important to 33rd degree Freemasonry and another tried and true method of MC deception and manipulation - is the trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order. In ancient Rome, the preferred mass control method was more like Panem Et Circenses, or Bread and Circuses. Roman emperors were notorious for distracting their worker plebian populace with gratuitous entertainment like triumph parades, heavy food and wine, and gorey Gladiator games. Gorge the people with “eat, drink and be merry” and the people will never notice that their empire has been grossly mismanaged until their homes are taken away.
The MC collective working their magic today have seen no need to reinvent the wheel. If the entertainment route was a hit in ancient Rome, it’s working in spades today … and with only a few subliminal NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) updates. The entertainment industry has been so successfully pervasive that just about every life on Earth has been influenced by it somehow. Take your pick, add your own, the list goes on and on … television, movies, theater, sex/porn, computer/video  games, sports, gambling, music, print, advertising, amusement parks, etc.
I think the best subliminal strategy They have released upon our 3-D world is the grandest seduction of all: We were told we can be like Them and we believed it. In believing the lie, we gave Them all of our power.
Not only were we seduced by that whopping lie, but we proceeded to take each other out while stacking the bodies on our climb to the top of the crab bucket. But the joke has always been on us because Their reward for those who manage to claw out of the crab bucket on the dead and damaged backs of others is a hot water landing into a boiling pot.
The truth is (unless, of course, you are one of Them), we can never be like Them. No matter how hard we work. They only want us to think we can. And let’s not forget the fact that we don’t even know who or what They truly are. Maybe if we knew the truth, we might decide we don’t really want to be like Them anyway.
So how do we get our power back? We can start by recognizing that our sense of powerlessness – as mentioned in my baby elephant allegory - has always been the figment of our well-trained minds. Universal law suggests that no one can take anything from us without our permission, but this doesn’t mean we can’t abdicate under deceptive auspices.
It’s our power. It has always belonged to us, to each and every one of us, individually and collectively. If you want your power back, then take it back. Say it out loud if it helps. “It’s my power, it belongs to me and I call it back to me now and forever!”
After reclaiming your birth right, please consider further empowering yourself with knowledge of your true history; do your research, get educated for real, and be personally accountable along the way.
Now go be powerful!
© by DK King
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
Sometimes we just have to spell it all out.
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
We Were Told We Had No Power And We Believed It
How do you imprint upon a baby elephant that it does not have the power to run away?
You weigh down each foot with a heavy stone the moment it is born. By the time you get around to removing the stones that have grown heavier with time and training (which is right about the teenage stage), the elephant knows with certainty and believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that it can never, ever run beyond the reach of its tether.
After processing that little life-like allegory through multiple parallels for a parsec, consider this question:   Just because the elephant believes it can never run away, does that really make it so?
It’s altogether evident that left alone an elephant would possess the physical strength to throw its weight around without restriction at a fairly young age, so the elephant’s actual physical capacity to run is not a likely limitation to liberation.
Logic tells us that the elephant’s ingrained belief is, while effective, based upon a lie. A clever lie indeed and one devised to commandeer the personal power away from the unsuspecting baby in order to transfer it to the master controller ad infinitum before the youth can ever be the wiser. The lie is also brilliantly self-perpetuating for once the elephant is programmed to believe its feet are too heavy to run, the stones can be removed and the established restrictions become self-imposing + self-enforcing + self-regulating – quite the powerful trifecta.
Nevertheless, the elephant’s enslavement remains a figment of its perfectly trained mind. The reality is the elephant has what it needs to break and run whenever it decides to, yet it does not. I believe Harriet Tubman’s take on this style of mindset trapping still applies: “I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
By the time our baby elephant has grown strong enough to liberate itself at will, it’s too afraid to even contemplate the notion thanks to its common core training and overriding memories of fear and pain and the burden of those heavy stones. As far as the master controller is concerned, this little elephant is a success story - it has been properly programmed from infancy to believe its safest lot in life is to remain within the established comfort zone and that is where it will remain until the end, by choice.
Now if we were to multiply this constrained baby elephant by 6 billion, we would have a planet filled with 6 billion mind-controlled elephants programmed with the trifecta to self-perpetuate the establishment rules without truly knowing why, or without ever knowing who the mystery masters making the rules really are.
What would happen if these elephants began to realize together they outsize and outnumber their mysterious master controllers by the billions?
© by DK King                                                                                                       #Guardians
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
How do you imprint upon a baby elephant that it does not have the power to run away?
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
The Beginning and The End Feel The Same
December 2012 was positively the end of my world as I knew it, only (like I said) I didn’t know it at the time. By the time The Galactic Transcripts were published in September 2013, it was full steam ahead. My focus had completely and irrevocably changed. Research and the quest for knowledge became a full time job. Not even my father’s suspicious death on December 20, 2012 got in the way.
Perhaps it was no accident that all of these events coincided with the end of the Mayan calendar, the winter solstice, and the invisible galactic surge then shift in global energies on December 21, 2012. I didn’t spend much time pondering the timing of it all. Yet before I even had time to gauge the full impact of my consciousness quake, a voracious thirst for truth had overtaken my life. Truth was a thirst that could only be quenched with real knowledge, occult knowledge, the knowledge of good and evil.
This meant devouring the apple in its entirety, which for me meant delving into the alternative world of conspiracies, aliens and UFOs, spirituality and new age love & light, Satanism and SRA, symbolism and secret societies, religious agendas and origins, super soldiers and MK Ultra, and anything else you can probably think of. Topics considered by most to be off the straight and narrow beaten path. Certainly nothing one would ever find on the mainstream mind control media.
It also meant sifting through a lot of regurgitated crap and apocalyptic fear porn. After a while, it’s hard not to develop a finely tuned BS meter which helps a lot.
Good thing I was pretty open minded. And good thing I had open minded friends to help out along the way. I’m talking great friends here – friends who listened to me, shared information with me, as I continue to do with them; friends who’ve been able to keep up with my connect-the-dot ramblings and the fast pace of change that comes when learning the truth of things.  
For this support I am deeply grateful because more often than not the changes instigated by truth mean profound endings and loss, whether it’s in the realm of family/friends/loved ones, a job, one’s self-identity, belief system, way of life, money resources, or possibly all of the above and then some.
My quest has seen no subject too sacred to dissect, no belief left without scrutiny as new information comes to light. I quickly made a most unexpected discovery as well: things that don’t appear to be connected in any way are often intricately connected.
It’s been a very winding road indeed, and a work in progress. So how would I sum up in 25 words or less what I think I know so far? I would sum it up like this:
My hope in the coming posts is to describe for those who are interested what the winding road to this sublime conclusion has looked like, been like. I do this while readily acknowledging that many roads exist leading to the same destination. In other words, what worked for me, may not work for another. And I just don’t think it matters where we start our personal ‘awake and aware’ journey, as long as we started yesterday for there is a strong urgency permeating the air of which the masses seem ignorant of and desensitized to. This has been on purpose. 
© by DK King
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dkkingwriter · 8 years ago
What happened to shake it all up? Well, (and I’m hardly the first to say this) it began with a book.
Let me preface this part by saying ...
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