#Live Free event astrology tarot
taratarotgreene · 1 year
Venus Meets True Black Moon Lilith in Leo
Venus meets Black Moon True Node Lilith at  20° Leo June 30. Its Friday and Venus’ day. Note that this is the same degree as the VENUS Retrograde CAZIMI “In the heart of the SUN” Heart of Gold aspect August 13.What happens today will have a deja Vu triggered on August 13. Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons This is an important symbol and message from…
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uyuforu · 2 months
Astro Observations: Uyu's Solar Return Chart for 2024-2025
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My birthday is very soon, so I thought of doing an analysis of my solar return chart, which starts the day before my birthday, so August 5th. I hope you can enjoy this post! I will focus on conjunctions or important aspects mostly here, I don't want the post to be too long. If you see an aspect that hasn't been mentions and would like to give your opinion, feel free to do it in the comments ^^
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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જ⁀➴ Solar Return Chart I
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A Solar Return Chart (SRC) is an astrological predictive tool that enable you to discover what will happen for you during the year of your birthday. It is based on the return of your Sun, so your Sun will have the same exact position as in your Natal Chart.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ Sun 10H means focus on this year is on career, popularity and success in those areas. I can be more popular and achieve a certain level of fame this year. I can also be more successful in my career and perhaps more known in it too. I can make a name for myself.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Moon 10H means I'll be more connected to my work emotionally. But that also means caring more about my work. I'll be very focused on my career. I can also be prone to stress more about my career this year. This placement also suggests emotions based on work. But it means my emotions will be public too. Also working from home.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Mercury 10H means I can write more for work, I can communicate more also at work or for work. I'll talk a lot about work, or ideas perhaps too. A time to work online a lot, and I can also communicate a lot with clients. I can be talked about more this year for my career, or even reputation matters too.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Virgo Mercury can mean expressing ourselves in a very logical and analytical way this year. Mercury in Virgo makes us talk in a more serious tone, or just more detailed one too. There are less emotions, meaning we also express ourselves based on what is more logical to do, and less based on how we feel.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Venus 10H means big success in my career this year! Recognition will def happen. It can mean also I will love what I do for living this year. This can also mean meeting more people related to my job, and make more friends who are coworkers. And this can also mean having more connections too.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Mars 8H can be a sign of having s3x often this year, and to be more intimate than before too. This can be a year you'll have a lot of steamy moments. It can also indicate some people being "obsessed" with me. I can manifest more easily this year too.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Jupiter 8H also is an indicator of having a lot of s3x this year. It can also be an indicator of some people having a crush on me. This is also an indicator of being able to manifest more. But it can also mean receiving an inheritance, or someone will give me a lot of money this year. I can also buy a big thing, such as a house for example.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Saturn 5H means this year I can learn lessons about being more mature. But also knowing when to have fun, and knowing when to be serious. I won't be pregnant this year too.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Uranus 7H means having unexpected events happening in your love life. Meeting people unexpectedly. I could also meet people I never thought I would meet. Ruler tells a lot. My Ruler is in 10H, so I could meet people for work or who will help me in my work. I can also have a sudden contract for work. Uranus also represents change, so sudden change and transformation happening in my love life, and a contract can also transform my career suddenly.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Neptune 5H means embracing my creativity this year, having a lot of ideas, perhaps being inspired by dreams. But it can also mean being very unique with this, and people might copy me lol. I can also tend to romanticize life or my hobbies this year, and I can discover and have more hobbies!
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Pluto 3H means people can gossip a lot about me, and I wouldn't be surprised since I have a 10H stellium. Pluto opposite my sun, this could also be a sign of talking behind my back. Pluto 3H is also a sign of transformation related to my voice, how I think, some of my opinions, my siblings, I can also obsess about things more easily. This is also an indicator of discovering secrets or truth. Since Pluto is in Aquarius and so ruler is Uranus, my Uranus is in 7H in this SRC, this can be discovering truth or secrets about a romantic partner.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Vertex 8H means a transformative experience in general, and it's destined, Vertex is all about things that will eventually happen. And it's also a sign of getting proposed to ;-; It can be a sudden proposal. It can also be an indicator of studying more esoteric or occult matters.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Part of Fortune 1H can be an indicator of a glow up, or just feeling blesses, happy and content with our appearance. It can also mean having good opportunities related to our looks.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Chiron 6H can mean a pet in my family can pass away. Ruler is also in 8H, so this can happen. Otherwise, it can be a sign of having a weak health or just some problems with health due to overworking. It can also mean healing health issues.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Scorpio Rising 0° means a huge transformation is coming. I can change physically but also mentally this year, and it can actually be drastic. The last time I had this placement, I lost weight, and I also had a glow up. This can mean the same thing, and POF being in my 1H, conjunct my rising, it can mean the same. It can also mean attracting jealous people.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Taurus DSC can be a sign of entering a long term and serious relationhsip, and attracting people who want the same.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Leo MC is a sign of success and fame potential in career this year! Also excellent reputation. Can be noticed and known easily this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 1H Ruler in 3H can mean people can gossip about me because of how I look. People can also talk a lot about me this year just because of me, my aura, no real reasons can be there tbh. I can be talked about a lot this year, people talking a lot about me, what I do, etc. This can be a year where I'll travel, learn, write, and just want to know more.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ SRC 1H Ruler in Natal 2H means I can attract more money this year, and I can make a lot more than I used to have. I can also change my aesthetic. I can also shop more!
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 1H Ruler conjunct IC can mean living alone, or moving, detaching from family.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 2H Ruler in 3H can mean I'll talk a lot about my possessions, but it can also mean people gossip about what I own, and what I buy.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 3H Ruler in 5H can be a sign of doing or receiving a love declaration. I can sing more perhaps this year. This can also be a sign of going on vacations more this year. I can also dance more this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 4H Ruler in 7H is a sign of moving in with a romantic partner. Also the sign of starting a long term relationship.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 5H Ruler in 5H is a sign to enter a romantic relationship this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 6H Ruler in 8H perhaps means to be obsessed with work and to work so much it can become unhealthy. It can also be an indicator of falling sick because of busy schedule.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 7H Ruler in 10H is a major sign to enter a serious and long term relationship!
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 8H Ruler in 10H is another indicator of being obsessed with work, working a lot, and perhaps also my career having a huge transformation.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 9H Ruler in 10H means if I travel, I can travel for work mostly. I can also learn more for my career. Make more researches, etc.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 10H Ruler in 10H can be a sign of more fame or a better reputation in my work, being more known.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 11H Ruler in 10H means using more social medias for my career this year, or just being more seen online?
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Groom 8H can mean being more intimate with my FS this year! It can also means there will be a transformative experience happening with him. It can also mean that I can have hot moments with him this year lol.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Juno 11H can mean talking with someone I love/ have a crush on online a lot, or long distance relationship. Calling and texting your lover a lot. It is also an indicator of being in a relationship this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Natal Venus conjunct SR Venus means this is a very important year for my love life. Not the main focus, but there will be major events happening in this area too. Usually it can be a time when something big will happen. And Venus is entering in Virgo in August 2024, and it's my Venus return, so it's starting right away! Last time I had a Venus Return was when I met my FS.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 10H Stellium is a big indicator of success in career, recognition in career, and just being in the spotlight. It is an indicator of having a major success in our career that can makes us level up in our life and reputation. Also an indicator of fame.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Sun conjunct Moon means feeling stable emotionally speaking this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Mercury conjunct Venus can be a sign of having a love declaration this year, or doing one. But it's also a sign of writing love letters, or being very romantic usually. It can also mean getting more compliments this year! Also a sign of being proposed to.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Juno conjunct Union can mean meeting or being in union with a romantic partner.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Venus sextile Boda, this is a wedding indicator lol, but if I see something related to wedding happening that year it's more a proposal than an actual wedding ;-;
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Saturn conjunct Neptune can be a sign of self doubt, and I have this placement in 5H, so this can make me insecure related to my love life, or I can feel insecure and it can create obstacles in my love life. It can also mean me being doubtful or my imagination and creativity. And I can also doubt about things in my love life.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Uranus conjunct DSC means something will change about my love life.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Venus conjunct Juno is a sign to be in a relationship this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Mars conjunct Jupiter can be a sign of have a lot of steamy times this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Jupiter conjunct Groom can mean something good will happen with my FS this year, perhaps also Groom or me can travel to the other, but I feel like Groom more. this can be an indicator of being in a relationship or being proposed to.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Mars conjunct Groom can be a sign of having s3x with your FS. But it can also mean there will be fights with them too.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Vertex conjunct Groom can be a sign of meeting FS but also of having some important moments happening with FS. Usually the years where you have that placement, you can encounter and spend time with your FS.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Sun conjunct MC means being the center of attention this year, being seen and noticed a lot. People will just focus on me.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Scorpio 2H can mean spending more money or making more money this year. I can either be obsessed with my belongings, or I can just spend more because I make money.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Capricorn 3H can mean being more serious about the way I speak and express myself, but also more dedicated too. I can also speak a lot about work.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Aquarius 4H means relationship with family members can change, evolve. I can also move, something will be different about my home and family than the previous years. Something will change, and perhaps a new family member can come (marriage, in laws, babies, etc.)
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Pisces 5H can mean very creative and romantic this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Aries 6H means more energies to my routine, and being very busy this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Taurus 7H means finding love is more possible, since I have a Venus sign over the 7H. But it can make me attract serious and long term relationships this year.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Taurus 8H can mean I can be less worried about money this year. I am also more chill.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Cancer 9H, I don't think I'll travel much this year. I could still, but it won't perhaps be too much in foreign lands. If I do travel in foreign lands, it can be perhaps related to homes, so I could live in foreign lands eventually. But it doesn't seem like a big placement.
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kakiastro · 6 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse: A time for healing & moving on
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The first big event is upon us friends! I wanted to really break down what this solar eclipse can mean for us collectively. There’s so much fear lingering, misinformation and people just talking crazy about this.
First and foremost, eclipse happens every year so there’s no need to fear it but you should learn to respect its significance and spiritual backgrounds.
The reason this eclipse is getting widespread attention because subconsciously it’s calling us all to heal and step into a brand new chapter. This eclipse is conj Chiron exact and the NN(North Node). I’ll explain, keep reading.
Eclipse has always been symbolic for the endings and ushering a new beginning in your life. The etymology of the word eclipse means “fail to appear” and “to leave” things that no longer is good for us and is exiting out our lives whether we like it or not. Soul growth is at play here.
Solar(Sun) has always been related to leaders. now in our personal lives, it effects a certain part of our life. Depends on the house(area in life) the sign Aries is ruling for you.
Aries is the first zodiac sign, it’s the start of the spring season and always represents the start of new beginnings. Aries also rules over our actions, motivations. Aries rules over Men and masculine dom people. Aries rules the head, aggression, fighting. Leadership is also ruled by this sign.
The solar eclipse will be happening at the 19°(Libra degree)
Now we just had a Lunar Eclipse in Libra so this is just a continuation story.
19° is known as a karmic degree
Now the SN was conj this Lunar eclipse which means we started removing what no longer serves. This will be a theme for all of us for the next 4 years.
Now the Solar eclipse will conj the NN, so we’re in the phase of letting go while also starting new and trying to find ourselves.
Chiron will conj thiss eclipse exact. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” but it’s also a teacher. We, as a collective is healing our wounds that we may have been holding on for a long time. Purge and release baby! Use this energy to purge and release so you can step into the new you and life!
Now whenever a planet enters a sign, we have to look a the signs planetary ruler to get a better glimpse of the energy.
Aries is ruled by Mars which is currently in Pisces. So this eclipse in a way is spiritual. Pisces is also the last zodiac and represents end of cycles, so this rotates back to Chiron and healing. A lot of subconscious things are being brought to the surface.
This is also a mental eclipse because Mercury is Rx in Aries. We are going to be communicating that hurt out loud. You may have moments of feeling triggered or what the tarot community calls a tower moment. Honey, I’m here to tell yall to let that tower fall and crumble because it’s time to start building that castle you hear me! 🗣️
We are healing mind, body and soul. Will it be easy? Nope! Will it be rewarding in the long run? You bet!
This solar eclipse energy will last for 2 years and including the lunar eclipse which is 4 years so a total of 6 years of this cycle of Aries/Libra storyline will wrote. Both eclipse heaviest energy last for 6month-year.
If you’re wondering how I calculated this, I did it based on how long each eclipse last. Solar is 2 hours and the lunar was 4 hours. Then I just added it together.
The only advice I would give anyone regarding this eclipse is to not look up at the eclipse without some type of solar sunglasses or you could mess up your eyesight. I personally don’t in believe looking at the sun at all during eclipse, but just soak in the energy, meditate, heal, write out your goals. I know some people are curious and there’s free will but I wouldn’t be a good astrologer if I didn’t tell you to please take eye precautions before yall do look up!
Also since this energy will be intense, headaches may happen so get some Tylenol or just a cold towel over your head!
No need to be scared, I know change is hella uncomfortable but it’s necessary! I’m wishing everyone the best with this energy!
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itgomyway · 11 months
what the human condition is and how it involves the ego 🪐
who are you?
hi! my name is calypso :) the one who usually talks about non dualism. the one who just answered you is the ego. the ego is the FALSE sense of self. the idea that i am a girl teaching others about nd is false. the idea that i have a job is false. my name, age, religion, gender, financial status, beliefs, all of these are a part of the false sense of self. aka the ego. the ego is apart of you but since all of the aforementioned had to come to your awareness, its not actually real. its apart of the human condition.
my version of the human condition (this stems away from the general teachings of nd and go with how i decide the universe works) : we are “born” or land on this planet as beings of consciousness inhabiting human bodies. idk why we are here that doesnt really matter but the gag is, the more we identify with the false sense of self given when we land the less control we gain over our surroundings. also don’t know why this occurs but some of us are lucky to break free, most with the help of guides (astrology, tarot, loa, etc).
unfortunately growing up, a lot of us were taught by those who never broke free and are still under the human condition. i consider it the ego’s perception of life personified. example, if you hold the belief that you’re unlovable and you identify with this belief this is what youll experience in the human condition. this is also the 3d and 4d stuff with manifestation. manifestation is just consciousness identifying as the ego so it can understand its version of events. no events actually take place however.
so what now?
by default, our brains are more comfortable identifying as human. we could use conscious affirmations and repetition to change beliefs about being human. this makes ego identification easier. you could also just… not participate and exist as consciousness.
whats the difference?
ego identification means you are going to be human you want to manifest better jobs and relationships with others and connect meaningfully. you want to pursue passions and have an abundance of wealth. all beautiful things possible with loa 🫶
or you can do what i usually like to do which is remove the ego attachment from all of that. like sometimes i just want things not necessarily to improve my “life” but bc i just do. i have no plans for a future that doesnt exist. i live presently and accept what comes. i play the game of life but not as the victim as the maker and i create as it comes consciously all the time.
which one is right or wrong? which one is easier or harder? im not sure. thats entirely up to you. all you really need to know is that whether or not you decide to play the game, the game is gonna keep running. do what best suits you
© itgomyway
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Firstly, I love your posts soo much!!
Maybe it is the effect of pluto and sun transiting the Aquarius!! that I have an idea..just hear me out.
I wish there were some free open astrology forums that helped people by telling them one positive life event that individual can look forward to based on their charts.
In fact, it would be so nice if the predictive astrology could start offering predictions about more positive events to look forward to such that it becomes slightly easy to bear with what's happening at the present.
Just saying...
Are Predictions Important in Astrology?
I appreciate your message, and it is an excellent time to talk about my perspective on the subject.
I am not a fan of predictive Astrology. I say this as a person who completely understands how it is to feel such despair that you feel like you can't go on another second without having the assurance that your life will get better soon. That's also why people turn to more abstract means of divination, such as tarot.
However, these tools should be used to understand the flow of your life and what your current growth path is about. They're not a take out menu that you pick from. Insistence on predictions has caused many astrologers to be treated very instrumentally. Some people think a psychic is someone who's supposed to just deliver the version of the future that the client is going to like to hear. "you will get married in a year and it will be a June wedding" yeah right lol.
I know many good astrologers. I have yet to see even the best ones I know make a single accurate prediction. When events such as death, loss or illnesses in my family were happening, it was always a surprise. We're not supposed to know such things. Fun fact, my psychic abilities were tingling, up to a year ahead even, but I always ignored them in key moments.
I will explain it to you through an example. My mother died prematurely when I was barely out of high school. She was a single mother, and her death put me on the outs with the rest of my family, that showed their true colours in a difficult situation. It was a shock to everyone because she was very physically healthy and fit, and way too young to die and yet it happened.
A year before her death, she left me alone for the summer in the condo where I grew up with her. I was working in my hometown at that time, in between college semesters, and she found an extra paid summer job with some of our family members that live abroad. It was the first time in my life, that I was without her for that long, and to be frank, I loved the independence, like any very young person does when you let them "off the leash". I remember very clearly the day she left. We used to have family pictures taped to a glass door on a living room cabinet. My grandfather was an avid photographer and we always had plenty of photos with him around. One of the pictures was a close up of my eyes. Because the glass cabinet was positioned close to the living room window, the sun was always streaming in on it. That can cause discoloration in printed photos. On that day, the picture of my eyes had the sun leave long marks on it in such a way, that they looked like tears.
I believe this to be the strongest psychic experience I've ever had, even though I still had years of spiritual learning ahead of me at that point. Because upon seeing that picture, I knew my mom was going to die, and that it was going to cause grief in my life, even though it took over a year for that prediction to come true. I never told anyone about it, and never took that feeling seriously.
Why? Because it was so unbelievable. Because logic was against it. Because I had my own personal feelings and egoic consciousness, that had completely different feelings and desires about my life circumstances. And because it wasn't yet the time of my life when I was mature enough to treat my spiritual journey seriously.
And that is how it was meant to be at the time. Looking back on it now, I remember the feeling of prediction more as a moment of awareness. It was like seeing an inevitable chain of events unfold. Something in my consciousness was smart enough to be able to see so far ahead. Spiritually, I believe it was a warning from my spirit guides, and in a way a friendly one. "Get used to being alone and handling life alone for more than one summer vacation because it's soon gonna become your reality". But I couldn't take it seriously, because my mom and I were fighting a lot at that time, so missing her was not what I had in mind at all. I craved independence, and that feeling was my reality, which I took more seriously than some abstract premonition. In a way, knowing didn't really help me at all in the moment.
And that situation shows perfectly what the problem is with predictions. Human beings are limited by their egos and their flaws and their lack of perspective. That makes them reject whatever doesn't currently fit into their narrative. People don't want a real prediction. They want to hear they're going to get the cookie they're craving. Then they want it over and over and over again.
I understand my journey now, so many years after all these events. But it took so much growing up, that no prediction would ever fix.
There is always something to look forward to in life. Don't try to control it, and let it come to you. When the Universe wants to put you through a certain experience, it will, and there is nothing you can do about it.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
✉ I think this goes without saying, but I still wanted to leave it here for peace of mind:
Tarot and astrology will not give you the absolute FINAL answers for your questions, nor does it tell us (the readers) what will happen FOR SURE. Things don't work like that. Energy shifts with every decision we make; every thought we have; every little thing that happens in our lives; how we choose to & where to direction the energy, even. It just shows you the tools you currently have and how you CAN apply them!
Furthermore, I decided to run this blog with the same set of intentions and boundaries that I have for the readings I do outside of this community: I'm not comfortable with giving you definite YES or NO answers for future events, only the likely route things might go in; I won't put out fatalistic statements; what Spirit doesn't want to tell me, I won't force to get answers on; what I'm not the best at, I'd rather not answer and instead redirect you to other blogs; I want to help you understand these situations, how we can move forward, and what to potentially expect, not tell you what someone MUST or WILL do for sure (remember that free will exists!).
Also, keep in mind that each reader has a different system and each person is more or less sensitive to certain topics and types of energy. There are things that some can pick up on right away, that others won't be able to; and vice-versa. So what's good about this community is that we're able to see and learn from all of these different points of view and skill levels. However, please take everything with a grain of salt! Specially overly negative or overly positive statements. If something doesn't sound right, ask for the reader's clarification or go look for other opinions on the matter!
To wrap this up - if you have any questions about my system or the types of readings I do (and why I don't do certain ones), let me know. I will try to answer as clearly as possible, so there are no misunderstandings.
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silvercistern · 1 year
The Art of Psychic Guidance: Finding Clarity in a Chaotic World
Living in a world full of chaos and uncertainty can often leave us feeling lost and confused. We constantly search for answers, guidance, and clarity amidst the turbulence that surrounds us. In these moments, many turn to psychic guidance as a way to find solace and direction.
Psychic guidance is the practice of tapping into our intuition and connecting with higher realms to gain insight into various aspects of our lives. It is an art that requires skill, sensitivity, and an understanding of the spiritual realm. A psychic acts as a conduit between the physical world and the metaphysical world, providing insights, predictions, and guidance to those seeking clarity.
One of the primary benefits of seeking psychic guidance is gaining a fresh perspective on our current situations. Often, we become so entangled in our problems that it becomes challenging to see beyond them. A skilled psychic can help us step back from our circumstances and view them from a different angle. This shift in perspective allows us to identify patterns or connections that were previously hidden from view.
Another valuable aspect of psychic guidance is its ability to provide validation and affirmation. Many times, we doubt ourselves or second-guess our decisions. By consulting a psychic, we can receive confirmation about choices we have made or receive encouragement to pursue certain paths. This validation can bring immense relief and confidence when navigating through life's challenges.
Psychic readings also offer insights into future possibilities. While it's important to remember that psychics cannot predict events with absolute certainty due to the ever-changing nature of free will, they can provide glimpses into potential outcomes based on current energies and trajectories. Understanding these possibilities empowers individuals by allowing them to make informed decisions about their lives.
In addition to personal consultations with psychics, there are other tools available for self-reflection and growth. Tarot cards are one such tool used by psychics for divination purposes. The images and symbols on the cards act as a gateway to the subconscious mind, allowing for deeper insights and connections to be made. Similarly, astrology provides a framework for understanding personality traits, life events, and cosmic influences.
It's important to approach psychic guidance with an open mind and discernment. Not all psychics are created equal, so finding one who resonates with you is crucial. Look for practitioners with a proven track record of accuracy and integrity. Trust your intuition when selecting a psychic as the connection between you both is vital for meaningful guidance.
In conclusion, the art of psychic guidance offers a pathway to finding clarity in a chaotic world. By seeking insights from those who have honed their intuitive abilities, individuals can gain fresh perspectives on their current circumstances, receive validation for their choices, and explore potential future outcomes. Remember that ultimately we hold the power to shape our own destinies, but seeking guidance from psychics can provide valuable support along our journey toward self-discovery and personal growth.
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soniaqwerty · 2 months
Discover the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center: Your Path to Holistic Wellness
The Inner Wonderlust Healing Center || Astrologer || Tarot Card Reader is dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey towards physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. With a plethora of services ranging from Reiki healing to Tarot card reading, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center offers comprehensive healing solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. Offering services globally and with multiple centers across India, the center is accessible to a wide audience seeking holistic healing.
 Reiki Healing
At the core of the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center’s offerings is Reiki healing, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Through the channeling of universal life force energy, Reiki practitioners help remove blockages and restore balance, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. This gentle yet powerful healing method can alleviate pain, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.
 Karuna Reiki Healing
Building upon the foundations of traditional Reiki, Karuna Reiki healing incorporates additional symbols and techniques to provide deeper healing. "Karuna" means compassion, and this form of Reiki focuses on healing past traumas, releasing negative emotions, and fostering compassion for oneself and others. Karuna Reiki can be particularly effective for those dealing with deep-seated emotional issues and spiritual growth.
 Karmic Healing
Karmic healing addresses the unresolved issues from past lives that may be affecting your current life. By identifying and healing these karmic imbalances, you can break free from negative patterns and cycles. This process involves understanding and releasing past life traumas, making it possible to move forward with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.
 Angel Healing
Angel healing involves connecting with angelic beings to receive guidance, protection, and healing. Practitioners at the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center act as conduits, channeling the healing energy of angels to help you overcome challenges, find peace, and achieve a sense of spiritual harmony. This gentle and loving form of healing can bring profound changes in your life.
 Tarot Card Reading
Tarot card reading is a powerful tool for gaining insight into your life’s journey. Through the symbolism and imagery of tarot cards, a skilled reader can uncover hidden truths, provide guidance on current situations, and predict future outcomes. Whether you seek clarity on a specific issue or general guidance, tarot card readings can illuminate your path.
Numerology is the study of numbers and their mystical significance. By analyzing your birth date and name, numerologists can uncover patterns and vibrations that influence your life. This ancient practice can provide deep insights into your personality, life purpose, and future potential, helping you make informed decisions and align with your true self.
Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs. At the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center, experienced astrologers use your birth chart to provide a comprehensive analysis of your strengths, challenges, and potential life events. Astrology can offer valuable insights into your personality, relationships, career, and more.
 Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are a compendium of all human experiences, thoughts, and events throughout history. Accessing the Akashic Records can provide profound insights into your soul’s journey, past lives, and karmic patterns. This spiritual practice can help you understand your life’s purpose and overcome obstacles by revealing the deeper meaning behind your experiences.
 Negative Implant Removal
Negative implant removal focuses on identifying and eliminating energetic blockages and implants that hinder your spiritual growth. These implants can be remnants of past traumas, negative thought patterns, or external influences. Removing these implants can restore your energy flow, enhance your spiritual awareness, and promote overall well-being.
 Aura Cleansing
Your aura is the energetic field that surrounds your body, reflecting your physical, emotional, and spiritual state. Over time, your aura can accumulate negative energy, leading to imbalances and health issues. Aura cleansing involves clearing this negative energy and restoring your aura’s natural balance, promoting a sense of peace and vitality.
 Chakra Balancing
Chakras are the energy centers within your body that regulate various aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When your chakras are out of balance, it can lead to physical ailments, emotional disturbances, and spiritual blockages. Chakra balancing involves aligning and harmonizing these energy centers to promote overall health and vitality.
 Synchronization of the Chakras
Synchronization of the chakras takes chakra balancing a step further by ensuring that all your chakras are working together in harmony. This process promotes a seamless flow of energy throughout your body, enhancing your overall sense of well-being and spiritual alignment. When your chakras are synchronized, you experience greater clarity, peace, and a deeper connection to your higher self.
 Experience Holistic Healing at Inner Wonderlust Healing Center
The Inner Wonderlust Healing Center || Astrologer || Tarot Card Reader offers a diverse range of holistic healing services designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you seek physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, the expert practitioners at the center are dedicated to guiding you on your journey towards wellness. With a deep commitment to helping you achieve harmony and balance, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center is your sanctuary for holistic healing.
Embrace the path to holistic wellness and experience the transformative power of these ancient healing practices at the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center. Your journey towards a balanced and harmonious life begins here.
By blending traditional and modern healing techniques, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center || Astrologer || Tarot Card Reader provides a comprehensive approach to well-being, ensuring that you receive the care and guidance you need to thrive. Whether you are looking for relief from physical ailments, emotional support, or spiritual enlightenment, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center is your destination for holistic healing.
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meditatewithfernando · 4 months
Monthly Tarot Card Readings: Get an idea of what lies ahead and take early action!
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Be more prepared for the upcoming with Monthly Tarot Card Readings Hi, everybody! Thanks as always for being here, it is a huge pleasure sharing and working with all of you. Last week we talked about Spiritual Readings, so if you haven't checked it out just yet, make sure you do! Today, we are going to talk about the Monthly Tarot Card Readings. Yes, these are indeed the monthly tarot forecast readings I do over YouTube. I am sure many of you have an idea of how these work already, but still it's worth the read. There is no need to keep explaining each month how these free tarot card readings work, so we will have this article as a guide of reference. So, instead of the same old instructions, I want to start talking about each Tarot Card individually. For each month, you will have the video embedded as usual, plus a nice article focusing on a single Tarot Card each month from "The Fool" to the "King of Swords." We will focus this week on deepening into the meaning and purpose of these forecast readings as a small guide of reference to visit any future Monthly Tarot Card Readings. Understanding Monthly Tarot Card Readings So, perhaps you ask yourself, "What are monthly Tarot Card Readings?" This reading does not focus on a specific issue, person, or situation. Instead, it focuses on global consciousness and energetic influences. Some months we might need to watch out for something, or there might be an energetic event affecting the entire planet and human civilization. Knowing this information will give you a head start, especially on those "more interesting months" where we can impact our lives. I like to approach these Monthly Tarot Card readings by asking the Universe, "From a collective consciousness point, what messages do we have for this month?" Sort of receiving a quick check-up at a civilization-wise degree. During a global reading, you can set the intention to connect with certain energies. For example, I like to ask for messages for English-speaking fellas, as well as for Spanish-speaking people. When you ask to be guided this way, you can get very specific information, even more than just tapping into the entire human consciousness since energies discern a lot based on culture and religion. The deepest meaning of a Tarot Card Reading getting a clearer view of the horizon ahead. The Monthly Tarot Card reading will give you some general guidance for you to start following right away. You need to reflect after listening to these free tarot card readings to understand how they apply to your life. This is an accurate tarot reading by tapping collective energies, but for you to understand the message, you need to be present in your life. One big benefit of listening to one of these readings is awareness. Having insight into incoming events and challenges allows you to make better decisions beforehand. I believe that listening to these free monthly tarot card readings promotes spiritual development by helping you understand better the energies that surround you. I have always been fond of knowing what lies ahead but without a fearful approach, but rather as a strategist to optimize my days promoting mindfulness. Tell me more about these readings I will be using The Conspiracy Tarot for these readings. The Tarot brings excellent support to every psychic reading. Some months are keener on healing, while others are for growth or other possibilities. If Spirit says we are about to enter a month of healing and you need to heal, I will also pick up on these messages and share them with you. Keep in mind that I do not use Astrology or Horoscope, but instead, I tap into the collective consciousness through the Tarot. Furthermore, I will access all Light sources (spirit guides, divine energy, global energies, intuition, divination tools, and the Akasha during these free readings. I found out after many years that the best way to bring the clearest information is by opening every source of light. Tarot card reading for today Do you want free tarot card readings for today and every day? Make sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook since I make free tarot card readings every day in a very similar way to the Monthly Tarot Card reading. The information channeled in this forecast reading will not apply at an individual level. You will find advice and tips that will be very helpful, as I intend to receive any messages of interest from Spirit. Icon-facebook Icon-twitter Youtube Linkedin-in Instagram Pinterest-p Vimeo-v Quora Upon listening to this reading, you need to take what applies to you, and you will find out that if the messages from Spirit apply to your situation. These are very popular, as I only started to do them back in 2023. On top of this, I am planning for 2025 to do a 3-card message, the "pick a card" modality as a daily tarot spread where you will choose one face-down card before I share information about each one of them. Reflecting on the reading It doesn't matter if you get a personal, for example, fifteen-minute reading, versus if you are listening to one of these monthly tarot card readings. You need to reflect on the messages received because they can make an impact on your life. So, after listening to any reading, you want to set aside at least 5-10 minutes and see what can you do with the information received. If you received a longer reading, you want to invest more time to reflect. FAQ Q: How true is tarot card reading? A: Through channeling and the help of Spirit Guides, a Tarot Card reading can be extremely accurate. Check out this article about the Tarot as a direct messenger. Q: What does a tarot card reading tell you? A: It defers whether the reading is personal, or focusing on global energies such as these Monthly Tarot Card Readings. You will get some general guidance on how to approach the month. A trusted tarot reading that will help you. Q: How to read tarot cards? A: You can check out my Understanding the Tarot course to learn how to read the Tarot. Q: How do I do my own tarot reading? A: You can check out my Understanding the Tarot course to learn how to read the Tarot. Q: What is the most powerful card in the tarot? A: There is no better, nor worse among all 78 cards in the deck. However, The Fool card could indeed be the most ambiguous, open-ended, and passionate card of the entire deck. Q: Do tarot cards predict the future? A: The Tarot cards are just a divination tool that assists the psychic in tapping into higher consciousness and above timelines. From here, you will receive guidance about the possible outcomes, and what to do to make them happen. If you follow, you will meet with a predicted future. Now you know how these Monthly Tarot Card Readings work. Next month, it's June's Forecast time, and we will talk about the following Tarot Card: The Fool. You will also have a couple or three questions related to this card for you to reflect on. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to purchase a guided meditation connected to The Fool card. Stay tuned for next Wednesday! So, If you do not want to miss a single update, click below to join our weekly newsletter, and you will gain access to exclusive content. Subscribe now! I invite you to check earlier posts: seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year. Love & Light, Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home) Rev. Fernando Albert Read the full article
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ultimate-geek14 · 6 months
Ok, recently a friend and I had a conversation in the middle of class about philosophy. She is a very spiritual person, very into different ideas about astrology and tarot and manifestation and things like it. I tend not to be, but i find different ideas like that interesting. But as we were discussing these things, my friend eventually mentioned that she does not truly believe in free will. At least not in the sense that everyone else does. Her argument was that people are only truly affected by the things and people in their environment, and as such cannot truly make a decision without the bias of another person, or that they can never make a decision based entirely on their own ideas. The idea had come up before, as i recently took psychology and sociology classes, and that idea is one of the main theories and questions in both subjects. The thing is, I disagree.
In my mind, individuality is the only inherent thing that people are truly guaranteed in life.
She responded with the fact that individuality comes from other people. I think that is what makes it so interesting. Human beings are fragments and pieces of everything they have ever seen or known, experienced and processed, whether we know it or not. The love or hate of franchises and movies, ideas that are introduced to us and constantly thrown at us, experiences and actions. Yes, people rarely have a say in what they are exposed to, especially early in their lives, and if they are unable to leave those situations. But I do not think that negates individual actions and decisions.
One of the biggest examples of this exists in the basic building blocks of our world- chemicals.
Only one atom of oxygen is the difference between the waste product from our breathing and a chemical that will slowly poison us. Many chemicals have oxygen in them, it just so happens that this particular one is harmful to us. Furthermore, every chemical does something completely different under different circumstances. Some make medicines, others burn through metal. It all depends.
People are similar. Many people have the same experiences, sometimes in the same moment or with the same people, like a class together. But depending on their base, their past experiences as a person, they can react and create something completely different. I think those differences are what give us free will. Because the difference is that people also choose to leave certain situations. They choose to break the cycle, do something different than what their parents did. maybe it is because of an outside influence, but that negates those who choose to break a cycle or quit something because of one singular event or experience. That is the decision that matters.
Free will is not nonexistent because of past experiences; rather, it is an inherent piece of every human being because of those past experiences.
My point being, I find this debate interesting. If you have anything to add, please feel free to mention it.
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taratarotgreene · 6 days
Live TikTok Pisces Lunar Eclipse Zodiac readings September 15
September 15, I be live on TIKTOK with my friend Tamara White Wolf at 2:30 pm PDT, 5:30 pm EDT, 10:30 pm GMT on her channel talking about the pisces lunar eclipse and what it means for each sign. https://www.tiktok.com/@tamarewhitewolf
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astrojyotirani · 7 months
Libra Horoscope 2024: Exploring full Life Prediction
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According to the today libra horoscope, a love life prediction is bound to be exciting and full of adventures. As a natural leader, you have a strong desire for independence and freedom.
Horoscopes play a significant role in the lives of Libras, as they provide insights into their personality traits, relationships, and future events.
Libras often turn to horoscopes for guidance and to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their interactions with others.
Libra Dates and Zodiac Sign 2024
As a Libra horoscope 2024, you are born between libra dates March 21 and April 19, belonging to the fiery and dynamic Libra zodiac sign.
With life prediction by date of birth, you can unlock valuable information about your romantic journey.
Libra Compatibility in fulle life prediction
When it comes to libra compatibility, Libra horoscope today is most compatible with fellow fire signs, such as Leo and Sagittarius, who share your enthusiasm and zest for life. Your dynamic nature can also find a strong connection, free life prediction can offer valuable aspects, especially for Libra.
Libra Career Horoscope 2024-It’s your time to shine
Prediction: -
According to libra horoscope 2024 career will experience significant career growth and success. You will have ample opportunities to showcase your skills and talents. Your hard work and dedication will be recognized and rewarded. You may receive promotions or new job offers. It is important to stay focused and continue to work hard to make the most of these opportunities.
Advice: -
Take the initiative and step out of your comfort zone. Network with colleagues and industry professionals to expand your opportunities. Set clear career goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Future Prediction by Date of Birth: Understanding Your Future
The future is a mysterious and uncertain thing, but with the help of astrology, you can gain insight into what lies ahead. A future prediction by date of birth is a popular practice in astrology that can provide you with an understanding of your future.
As human beings, we are always curious about what the future holds. We want to know what will happen to us, whether it’s about our careers, relationships, finances, or health. Fortunately, astrology can provide us with insights into our future through future predictions.
Future Predictions by Date of Birth Free:
One of the most popular ways to get future predictions by date of birth free, is through astrology. Astrologers use your date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth to create a birth chart, which is a map of the sky at the time of your birth.
If you’re curious about your future, you can consult with an astrologer who can analyze your birth chart and make predictions about your future or predict my future.
How to Predict the Future in India
How to predict the future, There are many ways to predict the future, including astrology, numerology, tarot, and other divination tools.
In conclusion, future prediction by date of birth and time can be a valuable tool for gaining insights into your personality, relationships, and future prospects. By choosing a reputable source and approaching the process with an open mind.
For more details regarding daily basis libra horoscope and future prediction consult our genuine astrologer on Oooom.in or call on +91–9776190123.
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asrtron · 10 months
Get future prediction by using online astrology sites
If you have specific concerns or questions about your life, it might be helpful to speak with professionals who can offer guidance. This could include financial accurate life prediction by date of birth free advisors, career counselors, therapists, or other experts depending on your specific needs. They can provide advice based on their expertise and help you navigate challenges or make informed decisions.
Remember that life is dynamic, and while planning for the future is important, it's equally crucial to be adaptable and open to unexpected opportunities and changes. If there have been recent developments or changes in your life, reflecting on your goals and seeking support from those around you can be valuable. For personalized advice or predictions, consider marriage prediction by date of birth consulting with professionals who can provide insights based on a deeper understanding of your specific situation and needs.
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have the ability to predict specific future events or provide personalized future predictions. Predicting the future free instant future prediction with certainty is challenging, and various factors, including individual choices and unpredictable events, contribute to the uncertainty of what lies ahead.
If you have specific questions about the future or are seeking guidance, consider consulting with professionals in relevant fields, such as financial advisors, career counselors, or life coaches. They can offer insights based on their expertise and provide advice tailored to your situation.
It's essential to approach the future with a realistic and adaptable mindset, focusing on making informed decisions, setting achievable future predictions by date of birth free goals, and being prepared for unexpected changes. Life is dynamic, and while we can plan and work towards our goals, it's important to remain flexible and open to new opportunities and challenges. If there have been advancements or changes in the field of future prediction since my last update, I recommend checking with reliable sources for the latest information.
I don't have the ability to provide specific predictions about individuals' current or future lives. Predicting personal outcomes is highly complex and involves when will i get married accurate numerous factors, many of which are beyond the scope of any prediction model or system. Life is influenced by a combination of personal choices, external circumstances, and chance events, making it challenging to accurately foresee specific details.
If you're seeking guidance or support for your current situation, consider consulting with professionals such as counselors, therapists, or life coaches. They can provide personalized advice based on your unique circumstances and help you navigate challenges or set goals for the future.
It's important to approach predictions or guidance with a critical mindset and consider information from reliable sources. While various free online janam kundli in hindi reading practices, such as astrology or tarot readings, might offer insights or entertainment, it's crucial to remember that they lack scientific validation.
If you have specific questions or concerns, seeking advice from professionals in relevant fields or talking to people you trust can be more beneficial than relying on predictions that may not have a solid basis in evidence or reality.
Predicting the future with certainty is not possible, and any attempts to do so should be taken with caution. The future is influenced by a multitude of complex and interconnected factors, and it is subject to change based on individual choices, societal developments, and unforeseen events.
Various fields, such as science, economics, and technology, use data and trends to make informed projections about the future, but even these predictions come with a level of uncertainty. When it comes to more speculative or personal predictions, such as naam se gun Milan those offered by astrologers, psychics, or other fortune-telling practices, it's important to approach them with a critical mindset.
While individuals may find personal meaning or entertainment in exploring potential future scenarios, it's crucial to recognize that these predictions are often based on belief systems rather than empirical evidence. Life is dynamic and full of uncertainties, and it's essential to make decisions based on a combination of rational thinking, careful planning, and adaptability to change.
If you're interested in shaping your future, focus on setting realistic goals, acquiring relevant skills and knowledge, making informed decisions, and adapting to new gun milan in hindi circumstances. Seeking advice from professionals, mentors, and those with expertise in your field of interest can also provide valuable insights for your personal and professional development.
Astrology is a notion gadget that shows a connection among the positions of celestial our bodies and events on Earth, including aspects of an individual's life such as career, relationships, and health. However, it's important to note that astrology is not scientifically proven, and its predictions are based on interpretations that vary among astrologers.
Online career predictions by astrologers typically involve analyzing an individual's birth chart, which is a map of the positions of the planets at the exact time and place of vivah gun Milan their birth. Astrologers then interpret the positions of these celestial bodies to provide insights into various aspects of life, including potential career paths.
While some people find astrology interesting and entertaining, it's crucial to approach it with a critical mindset. Astrological predictions should not be relied upon as a sole guide for making important life decisions, including career choices. Factors such as education, skills, interests, and personal values play a significant role in determining one's career path.
If you're curious about astrology, you can explore it for gun milan by date of birth entertainment purposes or as a form of self-reflection. However, for career-related decisions, it's advisable to consider more tangible factors like your skills, passions, education, and market demand for specific professions.Ultimately, the choice of a career is a personal decision that should be based on a combination of self-assessment, research, and practical considerations rather than solely relying on astrological predictions. If you're seeking career advice, consider talking to career counselors, mentors, or professionals in your chosen field for more grounded insights.  To know more information about it you can visit the site www.myastron.com
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impossiblemakerfire · 11 months
A Review of Astrology TV (2023)
Personal horoscopes for all the important questions in life
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In a Nutshell: Astrology TV offers a wide range of free and high-quality personalized video astrological reports, horoscopes, and tarot readings that can be added right away online or through email. It also has an affiliate partnership with the psychic reading platform Keen, which lets customers choose a reader for a live reading in character. The website has the biggest monthly audience for astrology and tarot content and is a leading media logo. Best for people who are interested in astrology There are a lot of free readings and reports to choose from. Reports can be put online right away or sent by email, and they can be saved. Astrology TV Go to the Website
Astrology and tarot readings are done with software instead of real people. There are no refunds or guarantees of satisfaction for virtual readings. TV channel for astrology Astrology TV - Visit Site It's Already in the Cards
What does it cost to watch Astrology TV?
Astrology TV offers virtual readings that can be sent to you after you fill out personal information like your birth date, time, and place. These include horoscopes for the year or month, tarot cards, love ratings, and reviews of how well two people get along. Prices change, and right now they range from $6.95 to $24.95. Astrology TV has teamed up with Keen so that people can get live psychic readings. As part of Keen's best introductory offer, new customers can choose between 10 minutes for $1.99 or 3 minutes for free. After this initial discount, Keen psychics charge between $2.99 and $30+ per minute. Astrology TV also has a subscription called Astrology TV+, which includes: Daily horoscopes based on your birth chart and an astrology calendar that syncs with your phone. Horoscopes for the week and the year Full moon readings every month and daily updates on the most important astrological events If you choose to pay once a year instead of every month, your subscription comes with a free 30-minute live chart reading with an astrologer, which is worth $100.
The best ways to pay
Visa sMasterCard Prices and Special Deals for American Express, Discover, and Diners Club How prices are set Packages for subscriptions Costs for subscriptions Welcome to Deals Flat prices range from $6.95 to $24.95 per digital reading Yes, $29.97 every three months, $99 a year, or $179 every two years. No
Is Astrology TV a real show?
How does the logo show screen readers what they can do? On Astrology TV, psychic readings are done with the help of Keen psychics. Click on the link above to find out more about Keen and how it makes its readers feel. Do the psychics on Astrology TV work for the group? Astrology TV does not have its own devoted readers. Digital reports are written by the company's astrology team, and then they are made by a piece of software. Live psychic readings are executed via Astrology TV’s associate partnership with Keen. How do customers feel approximately Astrology TV? Astrology TV users seem to be very happy with it as a whole. There is so much unfastened content material at the website that users can get the rewards of the internet site while not having to buy anything. Astrology and tarot fans can both get a lot out of browsing, and the virtual reports are usually very accurate and detailed, which makes for a happy customer.
Astrology TV: How to Get Started
How hard is it to get involved? It's very easy to sign up for Astrology TV+. Click on the red button that says "Join Astrology+" in the upper right corner of the site. After you enter your personal information, you will be taken to a checkout page where you can enter your payment information and create an Astrology TV account with a username and password. This could be the account manager's login information. An example of an astrology TV package deal If you want to get information from Astrology TV for free, you may also be able to sign up for the website's free daily e-newsletter. There may be a pink "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the home page. You can choose which subscriptions you want to sign up for. There are 13 to choose from, like Daily Love Tarot, Daily Horoscope, and Daily Chinese Horoscope.
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What personal information do you need to give?
Customers need to give their first name, gender, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, email address, and credit card information to buy a virtual reading or sign up for an Astrology+ subscription (prison call, cope with, and cellphone quantity).
What kinds of pricing plans are standard?
Astrology TV only takes credit cards at the moment (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, and J.B. Credit Card Solutions). Astrology TV Go to the Website
The Tools and Features of Astrology TV
- A lot of predictions (Daily, weekly, month-to-month, ) - Informative Articles and classes about Tarot 101 and Astrology 101 - Reports on compatibility (work, love, and Chinese) - Free psychic and fortune-telling games - Detailed calendar for astrology - How to Choose an Astrology TV Reader - Astrology TV's different kinds of readings - Astrology TV offers readings based on astrology, tarot cards, and spirituality.
Readings based on astrology include:
- Premium Horoscopes for Each Month - Love Compatibility Report Based on Your Birth Horoscope - Career Report Personal Transitions Every 12 Months - Report on the Moon and on Karma - Love Score 2022 Karma Love Report Year's Best Horoscope Vedic Horoscope syear Chinese Horoscope Daily horoscopes that list all the signs of the Zodiac Tarot readings involve: Tarot Card: Tree of Life Tarot of Angels: One Year Reading the Tarot Chakra Love Tarot Reading Reading the Tarot Tarot Reading for Soulmate Make a Wish Tarot sLove Reading the Tarot Yes/No Tarot Past, Present, and Future There is also a numerology forecast for the year. Astrology TV no longer has any live psychics on staff, but it has a partnership with Keen to offer psychic readings. Keen offers a wide range of psychic readings, including astrology and tarot, which Astrology TV users tend to like the most.
What kind of virtual file information is available?
Before buying a virtual report from Astrology TV, you can see examples of what the finished product will look like. Most pattern astrology reports have about five pictures that you can look at to see if the facts will be useful for them. For tarot readings, you click on the tarot deck in the upper left corner to choose the cards yourself. From there, a full list is made with all the information about what the chosen cards mean. In both astrology and tarot virtual reviews, there is also a short paragraph that explains what is included in the reading, including the question that the reading is meant to answer. Are there reviews of the virtual reports written by buyers? No. There are no reviews of the digital reports that Astrology TV offers. Before you buy a report, all you need to do is look at the sample pictures on the site.
How easy is it to set up a Video  reading?
It's very easy to buy a reading on Astrology TV. Click "Shop" at the top of the website, and then choose the kind of reading they want to buy. After putting in personal information that was used to figure out the analysis, a person can add the digital file to their cart. If the user already has an account, they can log in to use their saved fee information. If not, you can make a new account to store reports you've bought. Most readings are ready to go right away or are emailed within a few hours. Participants can shop at the Astrology TV store
How do you get in touch with Astrology TV experts?
Astrology TV readings are only available as virtual readings sent through email. Through Keen's platform, you can get live psychic readings by phone, chat, or mail.
Is there an app for Astrology TV?
Yes. Astrology TV's horoscopes are available as apps in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. This free app gives horoscopes for all 12 zodiac signs every day, every week, every month, and every year. Even so, it should be noted that there are a lot of bad reviews in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store about how the app doesn't give good horoscopes and often crashes.
How does the app for Astrology TV work?
The app is pretty simple, but it is colorful and appealing. When you open the app, a web of bubbles of each zodiac sign appears. You can click on their signal bubble, which will take them to the next screen. From there, you can see their daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly horoscope for the day before, today, or tomorrow.
The Astrology TV app for Android
Other things you can do with the app include checking out the Love Match tool, which tells you if two signs are compatible and gives you information about each sign in the "About" section. You can set your notifications to send your daily horoscope in the Settings & Feedback section. In this section, you can also send feedback about the app, share it with a friend, write a review for the app store, or go straight to Astrology TV.
Help and Assistance
Astrology TV doesn't have a lot of customer service to offer. At the very bottom of the website is a "Contact Us" page, but it's for customers who want to send feedback instead of asking for help. Customers must fill out a subject line, their name, their email address, and a summary of their comment or question on the online contact form (restricted to 255 characters). There are no records about how long it will take to get a response after it has been sent. Under Astrology TV's privacy policy, there is an email address ([email protected]) and a phone number (415-615-9028) for any technical questions, rules, ideas, or suggestions about the website or how they deal with customers. If a user thinks that the website's rules are being broken, they can email Astrology TV at [email protected] or send mail to Horoscope.Com, Inc., Attn: General Counsel, 182 Howard Street #826, San Francisco, CA 94105, U.S.A.
Astrology TV: How to Get Your Money Back
Astrology TV does not say anything about refunds or guaranteed happiness.
How easy or hard is it to ask for your money back?
Astrology TV wouldn't give refunds for the services it provides. If you want to try to get one, you might want to fill out the online Contact Us form at the bottom of the site and explain your problem.
How long until I get my money back?
Astrology TV no longer has a money-back guarantee, and digital orders may not be refunded at all. How Astrology TV is different from other sites that offer psychic readings Astrology TV does not, without a doubt, offer psychic readings. Instead, it charges a flat fee for astrological advice and tarot readings. If you're looking for personalized psychic readings, you should try either Keen or Kasamba, which are the two main competitors. The reviews on Astrology TV are made by a computer and sent to you by email. This is helpful, but if you want to talk to someone about the questions you have, it won't be the best choice.
Pricing Special Offers Booking a Reading
Astrology TV and Horoscope.Com Flat fees for Keen Kasamba range from $6.95 to $24.95 per virtual reading. Flat price, between $7.99 and $24.99, according to virtual reading $1.99 - $30 / min. $1 - $30 / min. Email Phone, chat, mail, and email Call, chat, or write. Occasional sales on virtual reports N/A The first 3 minutes are free and the next 10 minutes cost $1.99. 3 free minutes and as much as $50 off the first session (up to 70% off). TV for astrology TV for astrology Astrology TV Go to the Website
Horoscope.Com vs. Astrology TV
The services offered by Astrology TV and Horoscope.com are very similar, but there are a few differences. Astrology TV focuses more on the zodiac, with articles about the characteristics of each sign and how to get started with astrology readings. Horoscope.com, on the other hand, has a wider range of article topics, from crystal recovery to how to start reading the tarot. Horoscope.Com has more free content, but Astrology TV has a subscription service that gives paid subscribers personalized premium content like customized horoscopes, reports on the new and full moons, and a 30-minute natal chart reading with an astrologer. Astrology TV's website is also better designed than Horoscope.com, which is hard to use because ads pop up all the time.
Keen vs. Astrology TV
Keen works as an associate partner with Astrology TV. Astrology TV has a subscription plan that includes personalized horoscopes, full moon readings, and a 30-minute session with an astrologer, but it no longer has live psychic readers. So, Astrology TV tells people who want psychic readings to go to Keen. Keen has a huge range of services, from intuitive counselors to experts who can read your dreams and love psychics. There are a lot of options on Keen for people who want to get a reading, but the virtual reports on Astrology TV are great for people who are able to learn on their own. This makes the two sites a good pair.
Astrology TV vs Kasamba
Astrology TV takes a different approach to astrology and tarot readings, as the name suggests. Kasamba, on the other hand, offers a wide range of services, such as air of mystery readings, beyond existence readings, and even palm readings, besides to astrology, tarot, and numerology readings. The main difference is that Astrology TV's readings are done digitally and sent through e-mail, while a Kasamsa reading is done with a psychic reader. So, there is a big price difference between the sites. Personal readings on Astrology TV cost between $7 and $25, while readings on Kasamba can cost anywhere from $1 to $30 per minute. Kasamba is better for people who want answers to specific questions right away. Astrology TV, on the other hand, is a cheap way for people who want to learn more about astrology or tarot on their own.
TV for astrology
Astrology TV has a lot of information about astrology and the tarot. For small price  a year, you can get all the astrological information you need to be successful sent right to your inbox, plus a free 30-minute session with a professional astrologer. People who want a cheaper option can choose from a dozen readings on the website that can be sent to them almost immediately via email. This is a great option for people who want advice they can go back to again and again at a low-cost reading, as opposed to an in-person reading with a psychic consultant, which could take a lot of time (and money) to cover everything that each file well-knownshows. This website is a great place for beginning astrologers and tarot card readers to get free Video lessons from the articles, instructions, and free horoscopes that are available. Astrologers with more experience can use features like the astrological calendar and weekly articles about things like house placement, asteroids, fixed stars, and more. Astrology TV has something for everyone, as long as you're willing to do a little digging, because the site isn't laid out in a way that makes it easy to find things. be aware that there may not be any real customer service or a money-back guarantee. Astrology TV Go to the Website People also ask: astrology tv,astrology tv shows,astrology tv horoscope,kelli fox astrology tv,astrology tv kelli fox ,astrology tv reviews ,astrology tv show,indian astrology tv ,astrology tv show charges,seattle astrology tv show 1990's,astrology tv show 1990's seattle tv,history of astrology tv documentary ,science african american astrology tv show,alien astrology tv show,seattle based astrology tv show,astrology tv channels,astrology tv show with man sitting on a quarter moon ,what happened to stargazer the astrology tv show,aarona astrology tv instagram,astrology tv shows kids,susan miller 2019 astrology tv,space astrology tv shows,seattle based astrology tv show 1990's ,aarona astrology tv,astrology tv channel Read the full article
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insidemythought · 1 year
Listen, I understand how uncomfortable the space of in between is. 
Prior to my Spiritual Awakening, I was living a really good life in LA. I was at the pinnacle of a career. I had just revolutionized the way society interacts with social media. There were articles being written as the Godmother of Influencers. I had developed strategies for Post Malone and Swae Lee. I had produced multiple Hollywood Billboards, cast for GUESS, Bebe and for Netflix shows. I was being asked to speak at the same events as Ed Mylett, Lewis Howes and Andy Friscella. I was being flown all the globe to for appearances. I had created my own charity and events. I had significant network and a bunch of close friends. Anything I wanted I got, bought or created. I had the life I thought everyone dreamed of. 
And then BOOM, all of the trauma that I had forgotten about came knocking on my door in the shape of the Dark Knight. 
I had a really traumatic childhood and those events had created unhealthy patterns that I was unconscious of. From the surface it looked like I had it all figured out and I did when it came to things outside of myself. I was really deeply disconnected from myself, from my body and from my intuition or what I would call my Soul's Essence™. 
As a child I had felt powerless so as an adult I looked for power outside of myself. 
I thought it came from who knew you. I thought it came in a job title and how much money you got paid to do it. I thought it came in the form of how many men wanted you. Underneath a successful life I was in pain, lonely lost.
And in my desire just to feel good, I would escape through partying, traveling and finding myself in surface level relationships. 
The Dark Knight holds a light to everything that was hiding in the shadows. Every piece of you that you've tried to disown and all the events that you had tried to forget about. 
I remember trying to figure out what was happening to me. I got "food poisoning" six times in one year. I was having migraines that caused me miss out on travel. I kept getting into car accidents. All the sudden any meaningful relationship I had disconnected, unexplainably some faded while others blew up. I was in physical, mental and emotional pain.
I felt like I was going a little crazy as every day things started to appear to me differently, the time was always at 11:11 and the color yellow entered my awareness. I had to ask google what these things meant. I remember thinking a Spiritual Awakening - what was that?  I was curious but I didn't want things to change, I mean, I was happy, but I hadn't realized that I wasn't free...
I thought I would find relief inside of crystals so after spending a thousand dollars on them, I decided to open a crystal store, which my first spiritual business store
I thought that maybe someone else had my answers so I asked fortune tellers, astrology and tarot card readers. 
I thought that maybe the experts would know how to help me so I looked to self help books and podcasts. I spent countless hours consuming more content. 
After the resources that I had immediately available had failed me. I decided to take matters more seriously. 
I sold everything and left behind my life in LA, my family, friends and career. I went on my own "Eat, Love, Pray" adventure in the search of my answers. I sat with wisdom keepers in the jungles of Bali, Costa Rica and then landing in Tulum, Mexico. During that time I became a an energy healer as a Reiki Master. I studied psycho-cybernetics the science behind manifestation in year-long mentorships with the late Bob Proctor, who you'd know from the Secret and Regan Hillyer. 
These circles were eye-opening for me, they were also incredibly solemn. 
These experiences were eye-opening for me, but they were also incredibly solemn and  lonesome. I was often the only young modern woman sitting in these circles. I didn't have someone to walk this path with me. I had to figure all of this out on my own.
I remember when I was in the space of in-between phase as arguably it was more painful than shadow work because it felt like forever. I would wonder if I would ever get out, would things ever get better, would I ever feel like me again? 
Even though I was spiritually healing and things were starting to make sense, I was still struggling emotionally, mentally and financially.
I wasn't the girl I used to be and at time's I tried to fit myself back into that old identity but it felt like an old shirt that I had grown out of.
At times, I tried to rush myself forcing myself to take guess at my next identity, but of course, every guess would crash. 
I didn't know what was coming next... However, I knew that only way was through and to keep moving forward.
It wasn't until I connected with my Soul's Essence™ that the pixelated picture became clear. Finally, I knew who I was on a Human and Soul Level - I am, Your Fairy Godmother Xuxu, aka your spiritual life mentor.
My Soul's Mission is to guide Spiritual Baddies™ through their own awakenings and support them on the path to self-liberation. I am here to lead an liberational aspect of the Earth's Ascension through purpose, passion and play. 
Since then I've supported dozens of women through my offerings, in-person/virtual retreats, in private mentorships and of course, now this mastermind. 
Nothing lights me up more than seeing a woman remember who she is and transform into her natural radiant, effervescent and confident self.
This is the most fulfilling work of my life to provide the tools needed for a Spiritual Baddie to connected to her own Soul's Essence and allowing it to lead her life.
I spent years of my life, traveled to the world, studied with the top thought leaders so you don't have to figure it all out on your own. 
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
Theres this specific person I know I'm meeting and what will most likely happen between us. But my question is when are we meeting?? like how soon maybe what month what season and stuff like that.
Thank you sooo much,
with live M.E.C.F💜💜
Hello! While tarot readings can provide insights into potential situations and energies, they often do not provide precise timing, such as a specific month or season for when you'll meet someone. Timing in tarot is usually quite challenging to predict accurately.
However, I can offer some guidance based on the 5 of Pentacles. This card can suggest a period of financial or emotional hardship, but it can also indicate a sense of isolation or feeling left out in the cold. In the context of your question, it may imply that you've been feeling this way regarding your desire to meet this specific person.
To increase your chances of meeting this person sooner:
Networking: Engage in activities or groups related to your interests where you're likely to encounter like-minded individuals. This can create opportunities for meeting new people.
Be Open and Approachable: Keep an open heart and mind. Sometimes, people come into our lives when we least expect it. Be open to new connections and experiences.
Take the Initiative: If you already have a way to contact this person, consider initiating a conversation or suggesting a meetup. Taking action can accelerate the meeting process.
Divination Methods: If you're interested in precise timing, you might explore other divination methods like astrology or numerology, which can provide more specific insights regarding when certain events might occur in your life.
Remember that the timing of meetings and relationships can be influenced by various factors, including free will and individual life paths. While tarot can offer guidance, it's just one tool in the journey of life. Continue to focus on personal growth and self-improvement, as this can attract positive relationships into your life.
If you have any more questions or would like further insights, feel free to ask! 🌟💜
Mia ♥
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