#TikTok live readings Tara Greene
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taratarotgreene · 6 months ago
Live TikTok Pisces Lunar Eclipse Zodiac readings September 15
September 15, I be live on TIKTOK with my friend Tamara White Wolf at 2:30 pm PDT, 5:30 pm EDT, 10:30 pm GMT on her channel talking about the pisces lunar eclipse and what it means for each sign. https://www.tiktok.com/@tamarewhitewolf
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oh-my-damn · 2 years ago
Hi! Same anon from a couple days ago who also got a severe ick with Chris. I just wanted to say I’ve been living for all your posts and they’ve made it easier for me to digest this whole mess. Everyone else I follow thinks that a 25 year old is “old enough to make their own choices” (and has basically treated the age gap as a non-issue) but even if that’s true, it doesn’t mean they’re the right choices or that there isn’t a power imbalance imo.
On another note, I was wondering if you could share (or have links to) what the “hints” were about the relationship? I mostly stay on the fanfic side of things but now that it’s public I’m kinda curious to know what I missed. Only if you’re comfortable with it tho! x
oh GOD bestie the list is just too long !!!
I don't think I can compile a list of links, it would take me ages
here's the gist of it
He follows her in 2020, she finally follows back in summer of 2021. there's some likes on her posts (some have been removed, some of the posts even, too) but all in all nothing much.
but back in the fall of 2021, theres a clip of him where his new tattoo is showing, and it looks like saturn. this gets the girlies all riled up. the first time i heard about their connection was when i saw a tiktok someone made pointing out the tattoo and then showing albas insta, where her bio is just a saturn emoji.
THEN for new years, HOO BOY
it was a whole thing, i dont even know it all, but apparently people deducted her and her friends spent new years at his house. something about polaroids she posted that matched some tara posted from the night (chris was in none of the photos tho)
then straight after, there was vegas. She was spotted in a video with scott and tara at a drag show in vegas. it was reported chris was doing a paid trip to cesars palace. people were arguing that his trip was before that bc the place did the sponsored post alluding to a different date (he'd taken the most amateur picture in the fucking world, it was hilarious) Link
Okay, after that, a whole bunch of hints were dropped, mainly by her bestie Justin. They were hinting all over the fucking place that they were in Chris' vicinity, going skiing, showing like nature pics or whatever. It was a whole thing.
Then there was lisbon. Now THIS was not a good time. He'd posted a video for a teacher in a hotel room and people found out it was in Lisbon. CHAOS ENSUED. this was proof he was there!! wasnt it?? soooo many theories, people saying they were engaged and he was meeting the parents and then she started following interior designers in america and that was DEFINITE PROOF THEY WERE MOVING IN TOGETHER BC CHRIS WAS ALSO FOLLOWING INTERIOR DESIGNERS ALBEIT COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ONES (lmao)
She also started posting some weird stuff over the spring/summer (I don't remember exactly when) but one story was of her doing yoga by a big tree RIGHT AFTER Chris posted that pic of a tree on his story. People later found out that the background for her video was a GREEN SCREEN. fandom had a field day.
Chris would like her stuff occasionally and they'd track his fucking flights and shit, as well as her whereabouts, it was obsessive. Constant theories about where he/she was, if he was paying for her hotels, if she was with him on set, all that jazz.
Then her movie came out. And her interviews were... weird. When asked about her hobbies, it was like she was a Chris carbon copy. She loved rollerblading. Hiking. Yoga. Buddhism. She was reading Siddartha for the first time (his fave book). Her necklace looks like a small version of his. Lots of clues.
BUT nothing at all concrete or anything of the sort.
MEANWHILE, during this entire time, there had been rumors flying about him hooking up with ADA and random women he was spotted with around the fucking world, mans dick was never dry lemme tell you. She was also spotted with a different man being very cozy.
Things really started ramping in the fall. That's when pumpkingate happened. Basically the pumpkin pic Chris posted on his insta is the same pic as Alba's mom had as her pfp since mid october (weeks before Chris posted). And then it just got worse, and worse, he commented on her pic, then the theater pics alluding to the fact they were both in NY.
People reported on Chris liking albas posts HOURS before he actually did it !! everyone was psychic !! everything was chaos !!
SMA. And then D-Day! Article day !! Article saying they were together and in love and he was happier than ever.
PRIOR to this, someone had sent an anon to a gossip blog on here saying that chris had booked a pap walk in NY "very soon" and that they couldnt give any more details bc of their job.
and then BAM! most awkward pap walk in the world happened !! wild stuff
And then obvi the videos showing how he lets go of her hand the second they're past the pap.
And here we fucking are bestie.
Now there are way more hints and clues but I do not remember/I didn't keep track of all of it, this is what I can remember rn lmaooo (which is still a lot)
Hope this helps!! hahahaha
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annab-nana · 5 years ago
About Damn Time - Colby Brock
At Playlist, both y/n and Colby are busy meeting their fans and doing several different events, but the fans keeping bugging Colby about him still not having asked y/n out yet.
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 2.4k+
"Omg y/n! Hi! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!" A fourteen-year-old blonde girl with big green eyes beamed at me as she almost ran to me and fell into my open arms.
"I can't believe I'm meeting you! It is so much more exciting to meet you, I promise. What's your name, love?" I ask her as I hold onto her as tightly as she is doing to me. I will never get over this feeling of meeting all these people who support me. They have no idea the impact they have on my life.
"Annabeth, but most people call me AB," she gushed as we pulled away from the embrace.
"Well AB, I am so happy I got the pleasure to meet you," I say as I hold onto her hand. She smiles at me before pulling out a beautiful yellow gift bag with white sparkly tissue paper coming out the top.
"This is for you!" she exclaimed as she handed me the gift.
"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to get me anything. They won't let me open it here because of time, but I'll send you a video of me opening it because I'm sure you wanted to see me do that. What's your Instagram?" I tell her.
"I wrote it on the letter in the bag," she informed me, and I nodded.
"Smart thinking. I like that. Okay, now it's picture time." I say with a wink. We turn to the camera and take a few pictures. We take a normal one, just standing next to each other. Then one where I kissed her cheek and one where she kissed mine. Then we took one where we hugged each other really tight and had huge smiles on our faces. Lastly, we took one where she got on my back, like a piggyback ride, and we made silly faces. I sat her back down and we hugged each other goodbye.
"Don't forget to send me those pictures later!" I shouted at her as she walked away.
"I won't!" She screamed back as she waved. I waved back as another teenage girl walked up with her younger brother with her.
"Hey!" I shout, restarting the routine and meeting more people.
"Bye Mason!" I shout to the last person I met at my meet and greet as he walks away. We wave at each other before I turn around to Lillie, my manager.
"Drink some water. We will get all of the gifts and things together and drop them off at your hotel room. But you need to hurry. Your Q&A panel with Sam, Colby, and Jake starts in five minutes and is on the opposite side of the building." She informs me as she hands me a cold water bottle and my eyes widen at the last bit of information.
"I have to be across this huge place in five minutes?" I worry. This building is enormous and there is absolutely no way I can make it there in time.
"You'll make it if you head over there now," Lillie reassures me, noticing who anxious I got. She nods her head in the direction for me to start heading in and pats me on the back, signaling me to go. I started walking to the panel, but I knew I wasn't going to make it if I walked, so I ran.
"Y/n! Where are you going?" I heard a familiar voice ask me. I turn around to see my tall, curly brown-headed friend that I met through TikTok.
"Hey Merrick! I'm in a hurry so if you want to talk, you're going to have to run with me." I tell him as I catch my breath for a quick minute.
"I have a better idea," he tells me as he turns around and squats down, "hop on." I laugh as I do as he said, climbing onto his back. As soon as he stood all the way up, I felt like I was really far away from the ground. Merrick is a lot taller than Colby and Colby is the tallest person I've ever piggybacked on. He has to be a little over half a foot taller than Colby.
"Where to?" He asked, turning his neck to see my face.
"Conference room 1017, please." I chirped and he nodded before taking off. His long legs and army background definitely moved way faster than I ever could. My arms tightened around his neck to hold me steady and he gripped onto my thighs better to ensure I wouldn't fall. I giggled the whole way there until we finally arrived at my destination.
"Thanks, Merrick! I owe you one," I say as I give him a quick friendly kiss on the cheek and slide off his back.
"No problem. We need to catch up later when you aren't busy running around this place." We chuckle and I hug him quickly before walking in. I head to the back where the boys are.
"There she is!" Jake says as he and the others walk up to me.
"Sorry guys. My meet and greet went on longer than expected and then I was going to have to run all the way over here, but Merrick came and saved the day." I explain. The three of them nod understandingly as some guy tells us it's time to head out there.
"Come on guys," Sam says as he leads the way. We walk onto the stage as the crowd of fans scream. The four of us wave at everyone as we make our way to the table where Levi, a Playlist worker, sits with four empty seats beside him. We each take our seat before saying hey and beginning with the questions.
"From @golbrockjakeyscherer: Y/n, since you weren't in the first trap house, what are you most and least excited about in moving to the second one?" Levi reads from the question card before looking at me. The boys have cheeky little grins on their faces, ready to hear my answer. I giggle before speaking.
"Umm... I'm most excited about living with my best friends and all the memories and fun times we will have and I'm least excited about the fact that the boys are going to lose the prank war. Am I right?" I answer, receiving chuckles from everyone and some rolled eyes from the guys next to me.
"Someone is mighty confident," Sam comments.
"Sure am. You guys are going down," I add. Colby lets out a scoff and rolls his eyes once more causing me to laugh, making him smile.
Levi goes around asking each of the guys a question and then it is my turn again.
"From @ynandthetrapbois: Since you are a skilled TikTok dancer, which one of the guys do you think is the best dancer on TikTok?" He asked me before looking up at me from the question card.
"Well, I'm not going to say Corey because he isn't here and is a better dancer than any of us but..." I drag out as my gaze shifts between the three beside me. "Sam is out. Sorry buddy," I say, and he frowns and pouts.
"But between Jake and Colby, I'm going to have to say the best is Jake. Sorry Colbs," I tell him as I pat his back. Jake has a childish grin on his face, happy with his victory.
The questions go around to all the boys until it is back to me.
"From @taralicious: Y/n, have you ever kissed Colby?" Levi smirks a little after reading that one.
"Uh yes I have but you all saw that. It was for a video. The one Colby pranks Sam and Corey saying he finally got a girlfriend but that's the only time I kissed him." I say.
"What about that night we were really drunk?" Colby whispers to me, forgetting the microphone is right in front of him. I smack him on the leg before responding.
"They asked if I had ever kissed you. You made that move, not me." I tell him which causes him to blush hard and the fans notice it, giggling at his adorable embarrassment. I join in on the laughter as well.
I watch as Levi reads the next question for Jake and he begins answering it. As he speaks, I notice Sam nudge Colby, nodding his head in the direction of the crowd. Colby's ocean blue eyes follow that direction and he smiles, his cheeks tinting red again. I allow my eyes to go where his were to see what the two were snickering about and notice a few fans with signs. Once I read them, I realize what the boys are giggling about. One read, "What are you waiting for?" Another said, "Just ask her out already." The last one had, "Y/n + Colby," written on it. My reaction was similar to Colby's, a smile and slight blush.
After Jake's question, Sam gets asked about our next series and then it was Colby's turn.
"From @babybrock: Colby, why haven't you asked y/n out yet?" Levi smiles hugely after that one. The girls holding those signs in the back scream, "yeah!" That blush that has been repeatedly showing up on Colby's cheeks revealed itself again as did his cheeky grin.
"Umm, I don't know why. I just haven't. But don't worry, I will someday. Someday soon hopefully," Colby softly speaks into the microphone in front of him. The audience coos at his words and I blush and smile.
We finish up our Q&A and separate to do our different events. I walk along the halls before hearing that same voice from earlier.
"So, you've downgraded to just regular walking now?" Merrick says from behind me. I smile as I turn around.
"Yeah, I'm not in as much of a hurry as I was last time. Thanks for that by the way. There was no possibility of me making it there without you and your long-ass legs," I chuckle as he smiles and nods.
"No problem. Are you going to any of the parties later tonight?" He questioned. I shrugged in response.
"I might. I know Tara wants to go and she will probably drag me into it. But honestly, as much as I love Playlist, it is tiring me out." I fill him in.
"I feel that. It can be very exhausting, but I love every minute of it." He told me and I nod in agreement. Before we could talk any longer, my phone starts buzzing in my hand. Lillie's calling me.
"I'll talk to you later, okay?" I assure him and he nods. We wave at each other before I answer the phone.
"Hey, Lillie!" I chirped into the phone.
"Hey y/n, so the other panel that you were supposed to be a part of got canceled so you are free for the rest of the day." She informed me.
"Okay, thanks!" I tell her before we hang up. Well now that I have some free time, I think I'm going to head up to my room and start filming me opening those gifts for the people that brought them. So that exactly what I did.
"Awwwww AB! I love this. You didn't tell me you were artistic," I gush as I admire the gorgeous artwork. She had made this amazing watercolor painting of her and me.
"This is definitely going up in my room when I get home. You should think about going into art. You have some promising skills here, Annabeth," I say to my phone camera that I had propped up on the tv stand of the hotel room. I sat the artwork to the side as I pulled more wonderful things out of the bag. It's crazy to me how well my followers know me. As I open a small box, I hear someone knock at my door.
"One second AB, I'll be right back," I whisper to my phone as I walk to the door. Getting on my tiptoes, I peek through the peephole to see who it was. Mr. Cole Robert Brock. I swing the door and let him in.
"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something that was discussed earlier," Colby informs me as he scratches the back of his head nervously. The act made nervousness and anxiety flow through my body, scared about what was about to happen.
"Okay," my voice sounded shaky to me, but he didn't seem to notice. We sat down on separate beds, facing each other.
"So, you know how the fans really want us to be together? You know as in a couple?" His voice sounded shaky and nervous as well. I nodded my head and felt a small bit of hope. Was he about to finally do it and ask me out?
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to get together for them? It wouldn't be anything real. Just for social media." As soon as the words fell from his beautifully parted lips, my heart fell and shattered. Its pieces were at ground level with my feet.
"I'm sorry Colbs. I can't do that," I tell him as I keep my gaze focused on the ground. Colby is not the type of guy who would ask me to do that, but I guess he isn't the type of guy I thought he was.
"Good because I was kidding. I want to be with you because I like you, y/n. So, will you be with me?" He snickers as he speaks and a huge smile spreads across my face.
"Of course, I'll be with you, Colbs," I say as he stands up, pulling me up to him and swinging around with me in his arms as giggles escape my lips. He sat me down back on the ground and stared into my eyes as he pushed some stray hairs behind my ear.
"I'm taking you out tonight, okay?" he questioned me, and I nodded as he headed for the door before leaving so we could each get ready. As I turned around, I noticed I was still filming.
"Oh my goodness, AB, I forgot I was filming," I say as I sat down where I previously was. I chuckle at my own stupidity as I continue with the video and finish opening her gift to me.
"Well AB, you are going to get a very interesting video," I say as I wink at the camera before ending the recording. As soon as I finish, I get a Twitter notification from Colby.
Colby @ColbyBrock i finally did it guys
A giggle escapes my lips as my fingers type away to reply to the tweet.
Y/n @y/n Replying to @ColbyBrock about damn time
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jessicafurseth · 4 years ago
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Reading List, Like Water Feeling Its Way Over An Edge double edition.
Fucking in Cornwall, by Ella Frears
The rain is thick and there’s half a rainbow over the damp beach; just put your hand up my top. I’ve walked around that local museum a hundred times and I’ve decided that the tiny, stuffed dog labelled: the smallest dog in the world, is a fake. Kiss me in a pasty shop with all the ovens on. I’ve held a warm, new egg on a farm and thought about fucking. I’ve held a tiny green crab in the palm of my hand. I’ve pulled my sleeve over my fingers and picked a nettle and held it to a boy’s throat like a sword. Unlace my shoes in that alley and lift me gently onto the bins. The bright morning sun is coming and coming and the holiday children have their yellow buckets ready. Do you remember what it felt like to dig a hole all day with a tiny spade just to watch it fill with sea? I want it like that – like water feeling its way over an edge. Like two bright-red anemones in a rock-pool, tentacles waving ecstatically. Like the gorse has caught fire across the moors and you are the ghost of a fisherman, who always hated land.
*** Some stories about how the lockdown is going [TL;DR not well]
This is the "Third Quarter" of the pandemic and what we are experiencing is normal - just ask antarctic researchers, space travel scientists and submarine officers [Tara Law, Time]
"You can’t govern the people you live with in a series of edicts. ...  But I have reached the point of 2021 when that’s all I want to do. There’s a suite of feelings and thoughts occurring in the house that I want a complete veto over because everyone is irritating the hell out of me." [Zoe Williams, The Guardian]
"It’s not a pleasure, but it’s the best we’ve got, all of us walking in place until we have somewhere to walk to." I'm sick of walking around [Monica Heisey, The Guardian}
"I’ll read a page of my book before migrating over to Instagram, losing myself in its emptiness for half an hour before I even realize what I’m doing. During work, I’ll write two sentences of a draft, then click new tab and type in Twitter.com. Others spend hours with their eyes glazed over as they flick through TikTok, disappear down YouTube rabbit holes, or sit down at their computers, only to blink and realize they’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla for five hours straight." What the pandemic is doing to our attention spans [Angela Lashbrook, Debugger at Medium] 
The case for bringing back the nervous breakdown, or, why it should be easier to admit that it's just a bit too much [Jerry Useem, The Atlantic]
"It’s not just the multitasking that makes us feel muddled. It’s also the stress. Chronically high levels of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress, can lead to memory impairments in healthy adults." Why the pandemic has made it feel like your brain is broken [Jessica Grose, The New York Times]
"Ten months into the pandemic, I know the rhythms of the courier networks better than I know my menstrual cycle. Royal Mail in the morning; DPD and Hermes in the afternoon. Amazon comes any time, including late at night. DPD couriers insist on taking a photo of you with the package, mortifyingly. I wonder where these photos go: me in a food-stained tracksuit, dirty-haired, holding an armful of packages I can’t remember ordering with an abashed smile. I pray they never see the light of day." [Sirin Kale, The Guardian] 
It's ok to complain about how much we have lost to this pandemic. [Sarah Manavis, The New Statesman]
*** Some stories that are still about the pandemic, but a bit more uplifting
"I think that we map memories onto places—even more, that our memories live inside places. I remember last year visiting the library in Saratoga that I used to go to in high school, which I hadn’t been to since then. It turned out that I only remembered half of it, and when I walked into the (previously) un-remembered half, all of these other memories flooded back with it. Or more generally, when I look across the bay at San Francisco, I feel like I’m looking at my 20s. That’s one of the reasons I’ve always scoffed at the idea of uploading one’s brain, because my memories are all scattered across the landscape, and I have to travel across it to re-encounter them." Jenny Odell [Ross Simonini, The Believer]
"During lockdown, I've found solace in online recipe comments" - this embodies the only type of corona coverage I'm interested in at this point [Sophie Haigeny, The Guardian] 
Maps of our personal covid worlds [Laura Bliss and Jessica Martin, Bloomberg CityLab] 
I miss restaurants so damn much and most of all, I miss taking them for granted. [Rachel Sugar, Grub Street]
Finding peace in an unexpected corner of the internet: Nun Twitter [Sirin Kale, The Guardian] 
They no longer make VHS tapes, and the nostalgia market is booming [Hannah Selinger, The New York Times]
"Why did I ever believe that a teenage girl could hold all the power?" Tavi Gevinson on Britney Spears, and on all of us [The Cut]
"Street View-hopping resonates with the oft-stated desire to see the world as it really is, or to get “off the beaten path,” which turns out to be mostly miles of road and trees and sky. At a time when we have been staring out windows at the same stretch of street, and taking the same drives to the same grocery stores, it can be cathartic to get dropped on another patch of road—somewhere else, but not so different after all." On browsing Google Street View during the pandemic [Sophie Haigeny, The New Yorker]
Even before the pandemic, American culture was embracing numbness as an antidote for the overload of digital capitalism. [Kyle Chayka, The New York Times]
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