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Join us this weekend at Harmony to kick off Eastertide! If you're new to this season, here's a quick explanation of what you can expect for the next 50 days of celebrating Jesus.
#allthegood #eastertide #doubt #affirmingchurch #liturgicalcalendar #socal
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elfpuddle · 3 years ago
It’s the whole point of rediscovering liturgical living, isn’t it?
people on this website loves days and dates. you could make a post that says “it’s sweet fat of the hog tuesday” and people would go nuts reblogging it every tuesday
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psychlone · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • Please Follow @stphilipsepiscopal11228 The collect from today's mass: O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. You can find today's reading at https://www.lectionarypage.net/YearC_RCL/Pentecost/CProp10_RCL.html #episcopalchurch #episcopalian #5thsundayafterpentecost #liturgy #liturgicalcalendar #letuspray #peacebewithyou #andalsowithyou #StPhilipsEpiscopalBrooklyn #11228 #theepiscopalchurchwelcomesyou (at St. Philip's Episcopal Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf23HzYMEgw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jcrayonbox · 3 years ago
Advent 2021
Advent has come to be my favorite season.  Most of us understand Advent to be represented by calendars counting us down to Christmas.  Advent is the beginning of the liturgical Christian calendar, where we mark the period of waiting for Jesus’ arrival.  It begins four Sundays before Christmas (not always the same date) and during Advent we reflect on what it means to wait.  It means an arrival, and in the greater Church we anticipate the birth of Christ and the miracle that will bring, while also reflecting on the darkness before his arrival.  It happens during the part of the year where the days are already short and keep getting shorter, so it is celebrated with candles representing different themes to each liturgical tradition.  Growing up my church celebrated Advent by having the 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class participate in the church service.  I eagerly volunteered my family because I loved lighting the purple and pink candles and the ceremony in all represented.  As a young kid, I do not think I understood the significance of it all, nor did I realize just how important this season would come to be in my life.  The world has been in a season of Advent for nearly two years, waiting for this pandemic to resolve and to see what will be next.  Personally, I have been in my own Advent season on and off for the last several years.  The grief over losing my brother has unlocked grief I have long repressed.  I have been starting to explore the darkness of my own past lately, allowing the things that once haunted me to be brought into the light.  It has been hard and exhausting, but ultimately freeing and necessary.  My personal journey exploring the darkness is only just getting started. This Advent season, I look forward to slowing down and listening.  I am looking forward to experiencing the darkness, knowing light is just around the corner.  
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unicorngorillahybrid · 6 years ago
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All you Saints of March, pray for us. Saint David of Wales - March 1 Saint Aněžka - March 2 Saint Katharine Drexel - March 3 Ash Wednesday - March 6 Saints Perpetua, Felicity and companions - March 7 Saint John of GOD - March 8 Saint Dominic Savio - March 10 Saint John Ogilvie, SJ - March 11 Saint Louise de Marillac, DC - March 15 Saint Patrick - March 17 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem - March 18 Saint Joseph, husband of BVM - March 19 Annunciation - March 25 Saint Lazarus (not pictured) - March 27 #saintoftheday #saintscalendar #liturgicalcalendar (at General Santos City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHWWTfnU3E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a9pz0evl1y3j
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wcatradio · 6 years ago
Episode 36: On the Liturgical Calendar (December 12, 2017)
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terrytiles2014 · 7 years ago
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Today is the Solemnity of Christ the King. A wonderful ceramic icon is available in our Store: >>> https://www.etsy.com/listing/492896698 <<< Two sizes available. 100% handmade with faith and love in Italy by TerryTiles2014 #feastday #catholicchurch #ChristtheKing #Jesus #christianity #solemnity #liturgicalcalendar #faith #pray #etsyfinds
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radioteopoli · 6 years ago
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Radio Teopoli, AM530 wants you to join Catholics all around the world celebrating the first Sunday of Advent by tuning into our regular Saturday program on AM530 with a special presentation from our Founder, Fr. Claudio Piccinini, C.P. Join us as Fr. Claudio reflects on the upcoming Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th. You don't want to miss this jam packed program to help celebrate this wonderful season of Advent.  Don't miss it TONIGHT Saturday, December 8 at 9pm on AM530, Toronto & Online at am530.ca. . . . . . . #Catholic #CatholicTO #Toronto #Jesus  #God #Radio #CatholicMedia #Podcast  #Earworm #Teopoli  #SecondSundayofAdvent #Advent  #FrClaudioPiccininiCP  #OurLadyofGuadalupe #Love  #StPauloftheCross  #Series #Church #Media #Canada  #Prayer #Mississauga #Brampton  #Vaughan #Woodbridge #Saints #Mexico #Advent #LiturgicalCalendar https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIyksRH6Ay/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bitr1obit8u9
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livingmysteria · 13 years ago
Stay Alert
What I say to you, I say to all: stay alert!
Matthew 13:37
A few weeks ago, I started reading  The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days, and Every Day by Meredith Gould. The Catholic Home is one of those books I've had on my "to-read" list for quite awhile, but could never quite get to it. There is something to be said for serendipity, because at just the right time, just a few weeks before Advent, I had finally had the time to get to it.
I thought what I'd be reading would give me a few ideas on how to make some holidays a little more "special". I thought I'd maybe make a few extra decorations or maybe bake a different treat. Maybe I'd find some activities I could do with some of the kids in my life, help them engage the seasons more fully in that sneaky-holy-but-fun way of teachers everywhere. 
What I did not expect was to realize that I was missing out on an awful lot when it came to engaging the church year, even though I thought I "kept" the seasons pretty darn well. Advent is my favorite liturgical season, and last year I posted to my blog daily Advent and Christmas songs that were thematic to the week - Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. I sang the O Antiphons. I always have a Lenten discipline. I wear red on Pentecost!
In just the first few chapters of Meredith's book, though, I found myself wanting to go deeper, to know more... to explore my faith and what I believe within the context of the Liturgical Calendar, from the seasons to the feast days, to be truly be aware of why I'm doing what I'm doing.
And thus, this blog. It's called Living Mysteria because in Sacrosanctum Concilium, it says:
Within the cycle of a year, moreover, she [Mother Church] unfolds the whole mystery of Christ, from the incarnation and birth until the ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of blessed hope and of the coming of the Lord.
(Sacrosanctum Concilium, paragraphs 102 and 105)
There's more:
in the various seasons of the year and according to her traditional discipline, the Church completes the formation of the faithful by means of pious practices for soul and body, by instruction, prayer, and works of penance and of mercy.
When I returned to the Roman Catholic church after years of sojourning in various Protestant denominations, I was really tired. And broken. For years I had been trying to do daily devotions, to try to read Scripture everyday, to set aside time for prayer, and nothing was working. I had prayer books and one-year Bibles and reading plans and lists and lists of prayer intentions... but I couldn't do it. Finally, I found a podcast of the Divine Office. I could download the prayers to my iPod and just listen. It was easy to set aside 10 minutes at the end of the day for Compline before I fell asleep. The beauty of the Divine Office is that it's all right there for you. You don't have to reinvent the wheel - and it's based on Scripture - the Psalms - which cover every single emotion and concern you could have in prayer.
As I ready myself to Live the Mysteries over the next year, I am realizing the same thing can be said for the Liturgical Calendar. It provides the perfect framework for engaging faith. I just need to be Alert to its rhythms. The Mysteries of Christ will unfold for me, if only I pay attention.
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terrytiles2014 · 7 years ago
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Today is the Solemnity of Christ the King. A wonderful ceramic icon is available in our Store: >>> https://www.etsy.com/listing/492896698 <<< Two sizes available. 100% handmade with faith and love in Italy by TerryTiles2014 #feastday #catholicchurch #ChristtheKing #Jesus #christianity #solemnity #liturgicalcalendar #faith #pray #etsyfinds
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radioteopoli · 6 years ago
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Radio Teopoli, AM530 wants you to join Catholics all around the world celebrating the first Sunday of Advent by tuning into our regular Saturday program on AM530 with a special presentation from Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Ph. D. with her program titled "The New Evangelization". Join us as Dr. Lombardi takes a different approach during this week’s program by leading us through a lectio divina of the first two Joyful Mysteries. She will take us on an audio mini-retreat designed to reflect on the beauty of the Advent Season, a time of preparation and hope.  Don't miss it this Saturday, December 1 at 9pm on AM530, Toronto & Online at am530.ca. . . . . . . #Catholic #CatholicTO #Toronto #Jesus  #God #Radio #CatholicMedia #Podcast  #Earworm #Teopoli  #FirstSundayofAdvent #Advent  #DrJosieLombardi #MiniRetreat  #Love #StPauloftheCross #Series  #Church #Media #Canada #Prayer  #Mississauga #Brampton #Vaughan  #Woodbridge #Saints  #StAugustineSeminary #Advent  #LiturgicalCalendar https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq0FLRanKk7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=txq0tec290oo
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terrytiles2014 · 7 years ago
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Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. A wonderful ceramic icon is available now in my Etsy Store: >>> https://www.etsy.com/listing/269549004 <<< LIMITED AND NUMBERED EDITION *** I will create ONLY THREE TILES - NO MORE *** Each tile will come with a numbered warranty certificate on the back. In the Virgin's Halo I put 19 very shining white strass / rhinestones One red strass / rhinestone in the Immaculate Heart. The tile is READY to hang thanks to two golden hooks. A great item for collectors or to use as a gift for anyone. 100% handmade in Italy by @TerryTiles2014 #ourladyofsorrows #virginofsorrows #liturgicalcalendar #catholicchurch #avemaria #prayforus #ourlady #maria #mary #catholic #religious #art #etsyfinds
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radioteopoli · 6 years ago
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Radio Teopoli, AM530 wants you to join Catholics all around the world celebrating the Feast of Christ the King by tuning into our regular Saturday program on AM530 with a special presentation from our very own Lou Iacobelli with his program Building a Culture of Life. Lou will be teaching us the history of this Feast and how it came about in the Catholic Liturgical Calendar. Shortly after that we have the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen with his talk on Christ the King.  Don't miss it this Saturday, November 24th at 9pm on AM530, Toronto & Online at am530.ca. . . . . . . #Catholic #CatholicTO #Toronto #Jesus  #God #Radio #CatholicMedia #Podcast  #Earworm #Teopoli #FeastDay  #ChristtheKing #King#PopePiusXI  #Quasprimas #Love #StPauloftheCross  #Series #Church #Media #Canada  #Prayer #Mississauga #Brampton  #Vaughan #Woodbridge #Saints  #CyrilofAlexandria #Advent  #LiturgicalCalendar https://www.instagram.com/p/BqiDqARHHkP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oe895y9y7yfj
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radioteopoli · 7 years ago
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Radio Teopoli, AM530 wants you to join Catholics all around the world celebrating the Feast of Christ the King by tuning into our regular Saturday program on AM530 with a special presentation from our very own Lou Iacobelli with his program Building a Culture of Life. Lou will be teaching us the history of this Feast and how it came about in the Catholic Liturgical Calendar. Shortly after that we have the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen with his talk on Christ the King.  Don't miss it this Saturday at 9pm on AM530, Toronto & Online at am530.ca . . . . . . . #Catholic #CatholicTO #Toronto #Jesus #God #Radio #CatholicMedia #Podcast #Earworm #Teopoli #FeastDay #ChristtheKing #King #PopePiusXI #Quasprimas #Love #StPauloftheCross #Series #Church #Media #Canada #Prayer #Mississauga #Brampton #Vaughan #Woodbridge #Saints #CyrilofAlexandria #Advent #LiturgicalCalendar 
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