#Listen. it's baby's first antihero okay?
icannotgetoverbirds · 9 months
In your wip, who is your favourite character to write currently and why?
I can't pick a favorite how dare you ask me to even try (lighthearted)
But I am really excited for the plans I have for Mr. Qi! It'll be the first time I'm writing a morally gray character (possibly an antihero?). I'm also planning on writing in some uh... sensual cannibalism (shoutout to @cannibalcanid for the inspiration) for him to partake in. It's gonna be so much fun and I can't wait.
Now I just need to write about a hundred more chapters so I can finally bring him into the story...
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ofplanetsloved · 2 years
mandatory lil 3.8 thoughts
whewwwww. we made it.
i went into the episode thinking. someone. someone is gonna die. one of the big ones. and about. two minutes before he did. i went, “i don’t think black noir is making it” and. fuck. is it good storytelling? i think maybe. Maybe. was i sad? absolutely i cried. bc while he was team homelander, he wanted revenge against the racist fuck who broke his face. and i wanted him to get that. the fight would have gone entirely differently if he had been there (and that’s definitely something i’m interesting in writing/plotting).
i was not expecting maeve to live. but ashley deleting the file was... really nice, actually. i did not expect any empathy from her, who left her assistant to die. to see empathy from her was shocking in a way that i’m really compelled.
as of right now, i don’t give a fuck about victoria neumann. i think it’s funny that jim beaver is playing robert singer again. and sure, i guess this sets up next season, but i care more about ryan.
ryan. hoooo. at first i thought him being there was really fucking dumb. and him being the reason that homelander walks away was kind of... anticlimactic? but this is only season three so . i didn’t think that butcher or homelander would die. i mean, fuck, they didn’t even kill soldier boy.
however. ryan at the end. that shit was compelling. that little smile. seeing how power can corrupt at such a young age.
the todd arc was really well done— like, it wasn’t subtle. he was clearly becoming a neonazi. they didn’t try to hide that. but that moment with his cheer... whoa.
maeve and hughie’s friendship is so much to me.
kimiko my fucking wife. listen to your 80s music and kick ass for comrade frenchie.
a-train and deep... i’m curious to see what’s next for them. cassandra clearly has her moment in the spotlight, but also... her name’s cassandra. i don’t imagine people are going to believe her, you know? or maybe i’m just a mythic bitch. and a-train... i’ve always liked a-train as a character. he does do what he thinks is the right thing. it just. it just doesn’t work.
okay. so. starlight is my wife. she’s perfect. she’s everything to me. we know this. i’m so happy she got her ‘i FUCKING told you so’ and her moment with maeve at the end made me cry but. to me, she’s the protagonist. her and hughie. the very first episode sets them up at the protagonists, to me, with butcher as thee antihero and homelander as the antagonist (and a-train and deep as secondary antagonists, one against hughie and one against starlight). and it felt full circle when she got to hit soldier boy. i wish it was more effective, but i was so stunned. she could FLY!!!
and, the hughie arc’s full circle moment!!! he could have taken the V and run in and tried to protect her, and save her, and he would have died and she would have been PISSED.
instead, he’s able to help her by being human. by being safe. by working with fucking electronics (AND HE WORKED AT THE ELECTRONICS STORE!!! IM INSANE!!) . he doesn’t save her. he helps her save herself.
i don’t think this is the end of soldier boy. they can easily bring him back if they want. here’s how gay sex jackles can still win.
oh. i will say. the maeve and sb falling moment looked like a shitty marvel moment.
who will be the new members of the seven. btw. cause they got three bitches to replace!!!
if there’s one thing kripke loves doing, its giving his characters daddy issues, baby brothers to protect, an insane need for revenge, and a year to live.
TLDR: I enjoyed the episode, i really think all these characters are so fleshed out, but i wish they didn’t simply set up black noir’s character with the intention of killing him. they only started exploring and revealing his character to us this season so we’d feel something at his death (like how we didn’t feel that much for translucent bc we didn’t know him, if that makes sense?). which is kind of bullshit. but i love starlight so fucking much i could cry.
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New Amsterdam Chapter 94
Peter crawled up the side of the wall. The back wall, of course, that no one was watching. Despite television, movies, and even crappy Saturday Morning Cartoons pointing this weak spot out for authorities, nothing was done about it. No one noticed Spiderman silently climbing a wall.
No one, except for Deadpool. Peter didn’t even flinch when the grappling hook shot beside him to hook over the roof only to retract for Deadpool to pull level with Peter as he crawled. “Spidey!” called the merc happily.
Peter grinned behind the mask. Even before they’d started dating, he’d enjoyed his interactions with Deadpool. Well, after the first few times, at least. “Hey, Deadpool,” he called back.
Deadpool gasped. “Spidey knows my name!” he squealed—softly, so as not to alert the people in the bank.
“Of course I know your name,” Peter said, glad the mask was hiding how he flushed. Deadpool had no idea how well Spiderman knew him.
A little niggling of a thought warned him that it would be better to tell the merc sooner than later. But—Deadpool had always looked up to Spiderman, ever since the first time they’d met. How would he handle knowing that Spiderman and dorky little Peter were the same person?
“What’s the sitch?” demanded Deadpool in a Serious ToneTM.
Peter simply looked at the merc with a smile, not that Deadpool could see it. “How long have you been waiting to pull that one out?” he asked.
“Early 2000’s? I think?” replied Deadpool.
Peter chuckled. “All right,” he said with a wry smile that, once again, Deadpool could not see. “The sitch is three armed criminals, fifteen hostages with one of them being a baby with colic.” Peter cocked his head as he listened, through the building and focused on the robbers as Daredevil had taught him to do. “The baby is starting to get on the nerves of the criminals.”
“Not hard to imagine. You ever hear a colic baby? Stupid question, of course you have. They are not fun to listen to.”
“What’s the plan?” Peter asked.
Deadpool gaped at him, completely silent.
Peter gently shook Deadpool’s shoulder. “You’ve been looking after the city while I was gone,” he said calmly. “You know it well. What do you think we should do?”
“I—don’t really plan much,” Deadpool muttered.
“All right,” Peter said calmly. “If this was just you, how would you save them?”
Peter watched calmly as Deadpool stared at him. “No,” he said faintly, “I don’t think that will work.”
“Well,” pressed Peter, “what will work?” He had a rough idea of the best way to defuse the situation, of course, but he wanted Deadpool to come up with a working plan that made the best use of both of their abilities. After all, Deadpool had been watching the city for him for a while now. Surely, during that time, he’d come up with a better plan than waltz through the front door, drawing fire from both criminals and police, to use his inability to die as a way to keep the hostages alive.
“Okay!” Deadpool said manically. “It’s like this: you are going to sneak in and slowly, carefully get the hostages out unharmed.”
“Okay,” agreed Peter. “And what are you going to do?”
“I’m going to dance De La Peters through the front door until everybody runs out of bullets.”
Or not. Peter let out a low sigh and hung his head. “Deadpool,” he began.
“Look.” Peter looked up as the antihero dropped to a crouch next to him. “Most important thing of a hostage situation?”
“Minimize casualties,” Peter automatically responded. He and Deadpool had had this conversation before.
“Exactly.” Deadpool nodded. “So, first—make sure they aren’t looking at the hostages. They notice their get-out-of-jail free cards leaving—”
“And the first thing they’ll do is start killing them,” Peter finished. He knew that; he’d seen it before. So had Deadpool. He sighed again before standing up and rubbing his hands together. “All right, let’s put your plan into action. Give me a few minutes to get into place before starting your distraction.”
“Yes, Sir!” chirped Deadpool cheerfully. His hand came halfway down, finger out to bop Peter’s nose, and Peter stared, frozen. Did Deadpool know? Had he figured it out?
Peter felt no fear at the idea. Instead—there was a bit of relief. If Deadpool had figured it out, then he knew that Peter was Spiderman and didn’t hate him for it.
The hand stopped halfway and Deadpool awkwardly hid it behind his back. “Er. Yeah. Let’s get this done!” he said nervously before running off the roof.
He didn’t know. It was clear to Peter that Wade still believed that Spiderman and Peter Parker were two different people. The way Deadpool was worried about showing too much physical affection towards Spiderman while dating Peter should have been sweet; shouldn't have left a pinching, hollow feeling in his gut.
He quickly, silently broke into the bank. He had a job to do; hostages to rescue. Then he could change back into Peter and get his hug.
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waithyuck · 4 years
extra elongated tag game
tagged by @gohyuck my love
tagging: @kwantified @honeyyu @jensungf @renjunwrites @neo-shitty @suingjaehyun
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
okay so my ult group is nct and I can’t remember what song exactly but i remember not being a stan and LOVING back 2 u so much that I had to look into nct
for bts is was serendipity and blood sweat & tears
ateez was pirate king bc we stanned since debut 😔✊
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
favorite item of clothing?
I own a lot of hoodies but my fav is my dark gray we go up hoodie and it’s big n comfy....yeah
if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
I think I would want to smell like vanilla or lavender
favorite painter? why?
frida kahlo bc she embraced everything about herself and did wonderful self portraits
what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
I don’t like jumpscares so most horror is not to my taste....however give a psychological horror and I’ll go off ab how much I love it (like idk if it’s considered horror but ‘a cure for wellness’ anyone???)
iphone or android?
iPhone dude
favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
i only go on tiktok for the kpop content I don’t know trends,,,,also can be talk about how most influencers on that app manipulate literal children into giving them money?? for doing absolutely nothing??
if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
the ability to read others emotions and make them happy no matter what (call me a corny ass bitch but it’s true)
favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
people consider her a ‘villain’ so I’m saying maleficent (from the movie maleficent) bc ??? she fell in love with a man and he fuckin just,,,,did her so dirty and left her broken-hearted and cut off her wings like ??? hell I’d be mad too I’d curse the little ass baby he had with another woman just as fast as she did. also how about that character development??? she cursed aurora but always looked out for her and eventually came to love her?? and that’s the kiss that broke the spell and woke aurora up?? call that motherly love we stan
if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
realistically black is prob the way I would go but gray is also a valid option
who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
oof y’all already know it’s my boy lee donghyuck
1. his vocals??? the vocals alone are enough reason to stan
2. his dancing??? he is so incredibly talented and I love watching him move
3. his hardwork and dedication to his career, like he loves what he does so much and I love seeing him shine (but also like, pls let him sit the fuck down for a sec)
4. his aura and personality !!!!! is just so loveable !!! he brightens the room with his mood-making personality and I’m just in love with him god
5. okay okay now I’ll touch on the fact that he’s so fucking handsome??? a visual king ???? look at that face, look at those legs, JUST LOOK AT HIS BODY PROPORTIONS. PERFECT.
my questions:
what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
If you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
describe your personality in three (3) words.
what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
what is your favorite eye color on another person?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: samantha
nickname: sam
birthday: march 9
zodiac: pisces sun
nationality: american
languages: english, currently learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual :)
height: 5’2” (157 cm)
inspiration for muse: music, tv, movies
meaning behind my url: hyuck is doin too much he’s gotta just give me a break and wAIT A SEC = waithyuck
blog established: 2020 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2015
followers: 791
favorite animals: pigs, cats, dogs, snakes
favorite books: lord of the flies, the great gatsby, hamlet even tho it wasn’t technically a book
favorite color: yellow, orange, pink
favorite fictional characters: gilbert blythe, prince zuko from atla idk who else
favorite flower: sunflowers, carnations, roses
favorite scent: vanilla, citrus, lavender
favorite season: spring or fall
average hours of sleep: like 4-5
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
current time: 2:23 p.m.
dream trip: seoul, rome, greece in general, london, dublin
dream job: teaching english as a second language, linguist, translator
hobbies: writing, drawing, singing
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
last movie watched: burlesque lmao
last song listened to: kick it - nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): my fingers are double jointed lmaO idk
10 things i can’t stop listening to
slow down - chase atlantic
watermelon sugar - harry styles
to die for - sam smith
we go up - nct dream
blue side - j-hope
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
love me right - rendezvous at two
renegade - aaryan shah
HER - chase atlantic
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imaginethatalena · 7 years
#43: Deadpool x Reader
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Thanks @crazyfreckledginger for requesting ❤ This one took me a LONG time because I wanted to make sure I got it just right, and I’m still not sure it’s as good as I wanted it to be, but I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you like it :)
Request: Could you do a fic where the reader is an antihero who is roommates with deadpool, and one night deadpool meets arsenal and red hood and they hit it off, so they always hang out together. When they finally meet the reader, maybe when wade brings them to the apartment and they flirt with her a lot. Wade says that he is the only one who can flirt with her but they don’t care. And when they go fight crime together, they flirt and talk about her in the most explicit way possible? Tysm! ❤❤❤
WARNING: This imagine will be slightly NSFW. Since this is an imagine with Deadpool in it, I didn’t hold back on the swearing and sexual references. If you don’t like reading imagines that are slightly NSFW, you probably shouldn’t read this one. 
You never would have guessed that someday your roommate would be Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool, possibly the most dangerous man you had ever met. The Merc with a Mouth had taken you on as a sidekick on his antihero adventures, but you hadn’t been able to join him for awhile since you had gotten injured on a mission. Lately you had been spending your nights with your broken leg propped up on the couch while you watched Netflix and R.I.P. Vine compilations. Wade normally did his work at night, but these last few nights he had stayed out later than usual. 
Tonight you watched him struggle to get through the window, swearing and cursing the whole time he struggled to get his mercenary ass wrapped in crimson spandex and holstered guns into your shared apartment. When he finally flopped to the floor you snickered at him. 
“You’re a fucking mess, Wade.” 
“Fuck you, Y/N,” he groaned. He got to his feet and took his mask off. There was a time when you flinched at the horror that was his face, but now you didn’t even blink. 
“I’ll pass on that,” you said with a smirk, watching him walk over to the fridge and picked out one of the cheap beers you had limped down to the gas station to buy. You noticed a plethora of holes in his suit. “How many times did you get shot tonight?” 
“I don’t remember,” he said. “But you’ll be happy to know I made some new friends, ones that aren’t useless cripples.”
“For awhile this useless cripple was the only friend you had,” you reminded him. “Who are they, anyway?”
“They call themselves Arsenal and Red Hood. I’ve never seen them around here before. There’s probably a crossover event going on that I don’t know about.” You had given up on trying to understand his comments about crossovers and readers and copyright long ago, accepting that he just loved to say crazy things. 
“Are they anything like us?” you asked. Antiheros were in short supply as of late, and the two of you needed allies if you had any hope of undergoing more dangerous missions successfully in the future. Wade couldn’t go off and do his job alone every time you got hurt forever. 
“They like guns as much as I do, so they’re my new best friends,” Wade said as he took a seat next to you. You had been confined to the couch all day, and he secretly felt bad that you were alone all the time. 
“I thought I was your best friend,” you said as he put an arm around your shoulder. 
“A sidekick is not a best friend.”
“How about an upgrade then?”
“What, to fuck buddy? You wish.”
“Whenever my leg gets better, maybe I will.”
Wade cocked a brow at you, and you smiled. 
“You know that fucking you after that leg heals would be counterproductive because you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day,” he said, to which you burst out laughing. 
“Sure, Wade,” you giggled, and he rolled his eyes. It was a common thing for you to doubt how good sex with him would be. Neither of you were sure where exactly your relationship was going. It started out as renting out an apartment together out of convenience, but lately there had been a bit of subtle and not so subtle flirting. He hoped that one day you would get past the flirting and he could show you that the sex he promised was nothing to laugh at. 
The entire time your leg was in a cast, Wade spent the nights fighting crime and going on missions with Arsenal and Red Hood, often not coming back to the apartment for days at a time. A kid he used to work with, Peter, would stop by sometimes after school to keep you company, but you started to worry that Wade had gotten tired of you. That fear disappeared the night he finally brought his new friends, the night that you were to finally join him again on patrol. 
“This is Y/N,” Wade introduced you after his usual battle with the window. “My roomie, sidekick, whatever you wanna call her.” 
Two young men stood in your living room, both dressed in black and red, one of them with red hair buzzed short and one with longer black hair. He introduced them as Jason and Roy. 
“You didn’t tell us your roommate was so hot,” Roy said as he looked you up and down. Heat rose to your cheeks and you busied yourself with making sure you had all your weapons. 
“Wade told us your leg was finally healed enough to go on patrol with us,” Jason said to you, sending a smirk your way. “We’ve been waiting to see you in action.”
“Well, I’ve been Wade’s sidekick for awhile now, and I’ve learned a lot from him, but I’m only just getting back on my feet, so I’m sorry. There’s not gonna be a lot of action for you boys tonight.”
“Well, I’ll make sure there’s a lot for you.” You were too busy trying to not roll your eyes at Jason’s comment to notice Wade stiffening behind you. Jason and Roy’s flirting wasn’t anywhere near the explicit things Wade would say to you, but he could tell what they were thinking, and he was starting to think he should have kept them far away from you. 
“We should get going soon,” he interjected, nudging you towards the window. “We have a busy night ahead of us. Muggers to stop, rapists to beat into the ground, chimichangas to eat, the usual. We’re already late.” You lived at the top of the apartment building, so you and Wade were able to inconspicuously start your nightly patrols without attracting attention by keeping to the rooftops for awhile. He let you out first, but stopped Roy and Jason before they could follow.
“For your information, Y/N isn’t attracted you guys like you.” It was the first time he had ever been serious with them, and they almost didn’t know if they should listen to him. 
“Are you guys together?” Roy asked, his eyes following you as you went up the rusted stairs to the rooftop and disappeared from sight. 
“Yeah, as a matter of fact, we are,” Wade said. It was a lie, but it was all he had. “We have fantastic sex all the time, sex you can only dream of having.”
Roy and Jason exchanged a look, and Wade felt an itch in his hand telling him to take his katana to their faces, but he reminded himself to play nice. You were proud that he had made friends other than a web slinging high school kid, and he was going to do his best to keep them. 
“Okay, we’ll lay off,” Roy promised. The look he and Jason had exchanged meant they were in for a night of doing exactly what Wade asked them not to. 
The four of you spent the night doing Roy and Jason typically did on patrol. You went easy on yourself, not wanting to strain your leg, and kept to stopping muggers and rapists in their tracks. The entire time, unbeknownst to you, Wade suffered through Roy and Jason’s comments.
“Oh damn,” Roy mumbled as he watched you take down the third mugger. “What do you think, Jason? That the best ass you’ve ever seen?”
“Never seen better,” Jason agreed, knowing full well that Wade was listening to his and Roy’s every word. Soon after that you stumbled across a shoplifter running from a gas station. You knocked him to the ground before he could even cross the street, your foot on his back being all that was needed to keep him down. 
"I’ve never met a woman who can hold a man down like that,” Jason said. “Of course, I would let her do so much more to me, and maybe she would let me do more to her.”
Wade felt his eye twitch as the voice in his head screamed FUCK THEM UP but he reminded himself not to let his psychotic self loose in front of you. 
You had ignored everything Wade’s new friends said about you for his sake until Roy finally got physical. 
“Hey, baby,” he said, getting a little too close for comfort when you finally decided it was time to go home. “Why don’t we ditch these two and you can come over to my place?” 
“No thanks,” you said, rolling your eyes and stepping away. You felt his hand on your wrist the same moment one of Wade’s katanas left its sheath. He didn’t have time to slice Roy’s arm off because you had already sucker punched him. 
“Listen, you ginger fuck,” you snapped. “Keep your hands to yourself and learn some fucking English. I said no, and quite frankly I’ve had enough of you and your friend with a helmet fetish. I put up with your shit because Wade wanted me to meet you, and now I have. Go back to whatever shit stain of a city you came from.”
You walked away from the group in anger, headed in the direction of your apartment building. "Come on, Wade!”
Wade looked to Jason, who was grinning at his friend’s stupidity, and Wade couldn’t resist laughing. 
“You asked for it,” he told Roy as he started to follow you. “You’re lucky you only got called a ginger fuck and a punch to the face. She’s done things to me that only my healing factor helped me get through.”
“You’re a lucky guy, Wade Wilson,” Jason said as you all finally parted ways. “Hopefully we’ll see you around.”
You were getting out of your suit when Wade came back, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Jason and Roy had shown him what he needed to do. A moment later both your suits were off and you were having the sex he had always promised. 
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taemins-dolphin · 7 years
Antihero (With Chanyeol, pt 14)
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5229 words genre: angst..?
pt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
“Why should I hire you?” His voice is grave and almost inaudible. He doesn’t look like him. He’s not familiar anymore.
You’re so confused. You don’t know what’s happening.
“What?” You look down at your outfit and find that you’re wearing professional clothing. It seems like you’re on an interview. Why is he interviewing you?
“You’ve started well.” He says sarcastically while adjusting his tie to loosen it around his neck. “Are you going to waste my time or are you going to tell me why I should hire you?”
“Sorry.” You quickly apologize, bowing your head slightly.
He stares at you expectantly before he stands up frustratingly.
“You come into my building, begging for a second chance for an interview because you had a runaway groom. I give it to you. But now, you’re wasting my time. What is it that you want?” He’s saying everything calmly, keeping the professional atmosphere in the office. He’s staring you down as if you were an incompetent pest that needed to be exterminate on sight.
You couldn’t understand what was happening.
“Ch-Chanyeol, don’t you remember me?” You observe him closely. There is no cross tattoo on his hand. This isn’t your Chanyeol.
But he looks just like him.
“I do remember you.”
A tiny glint of hope lights back up as you hear those words come out from his lips.
“You’re the one that wanted a second interview.” He finishes, glaring at you now. He’s not happy. You pushed his buttons and he didn’t appreciate it.
“Listen, I know you’re going through a tough time but I don’t have time to play around. I have a client coming,” He stares down at his watch. “in thirty minutes so if you could kindly leave. Please do. Thank you.”
You watch Chanyeol walk over to the door and open it wide for you. You refuse to leave without answers.
You place a hand on your stomach, feeling how flat it’s become, feeling empty. You shake your head in denial.
What the hell is happening?
You hear an exhausted sigh before a different voice comes inside the room.
“I’m sorry, but you need to leave.” A man walks in and lays a hand on your shoulder before speaking up to you.
His face seems familiar yet he doesn’t seem to have recognized you either.
“Suho?” You ask, not expecting much. You’re not even sure if you’ve ever met this person. The name just resonates in your mind, as if you’ve heard it before.
The man’s eyes widen, he seems shocked. It must be his name. Otherwise, it would’ve made no sense why he was so surprised.
“You’ve done a lot of research on this company.” He only smiles politely before standing you up and escorting you out of Chanyeol’s office.
You leave without explanation. None.
You’re walking down the street where you met Chanyeol for the first time. You find the flower shop where it’s supposed to be. You can’t decide whether or not you should enter.
You shrug, you don’t even know where you live anymore so might as well go in to let the time pass.
“There you are!” Baekhyun exclaims in front of you with an apron tied around his waist and a bouquet of baby breaths in hand. “Where’d you go? I was looking for you everywhere!”
He puts down the vase on a table before he walks to you with open arms and hugs you tightly.
“I missed you so much!” He kisses your cheek and you wince when you find a ring on his finger that looks eerily like a wedding band.
“We’re married?” You ask, not much thought in your head.
“I know right? It feels like only yesterday.” He says casually before bursting out in laughter. His chuckles slow down as he realizes how quiet you are. He places his hands on your shoulders and examines you.
“Are you okay? You don’t look so good. I was just kidding! I’ll never pressure you to do anything you don’t want to.” Baekhyun worries, tilting his head, pout on his face.
You don’t say anything, only telling him that you need some fresh air before working again. He only mutters an “okay” before going back to arranging the orders.
You feel like you just woke up from the worst nightmare.
You’re sitting at the edge of the sidewalk, trying to make sense of what’s happening. The last thing you could remember was asking Chanyeol to meet your parents.
What happened after that? Why doesn’t he recognize you?
You were so confused. You couldn’t understand anything. It was surely a dream. It had to be.
You pinch yourself, shutting your eyes tightly to wake up from this odd dream so you could return to Chanyeol’s arms. When that doesn’t work, you pinch even harder.
You pinch and pinch until your skin becomes numb. The more it hurt, the more you cried at the realization that this is your reality. This is your life.
You must’ve dreamt of everything else. You wipe your tears before standing up and patting off the dirt from your pants.
When you turn around, Baekhyun’s already there to comfort you. You run into his arms and hug him tightly.
Maybe these were the arms you were destined to be wrapped around in.
Chanyeol returns home, removing his tie as he walks through the door to his apartment. He hastily takes his blazer off and throws it on the ground before walking over to the many bottles of liquor. He grabs onto the whiskey and pours it into his glass, drinking it neat.
His house isn’t filled with bouquets of lively flowers. They have all dried up, soaking up all the fresh water that’s left in the vase. The roses have dropped all of their petals, leaving the stems naked. The orchids have fallen to the floor, leaving their tiny branches empty.
Chanyeol’s lost all interest in caring for the flowers. His mother is never coming back. You found him but you can’t come back.
Chanyeol wonders if his mother left because of him. Did he hurt her as well?
His body leads him to the couch where you used to wait for him every night. He sits there, laughing bitterly at his loss.
He whistles, waiting for Mochi to come and comfort him. She runs up on the couch and onto Chanyeol’s lap. Her owner immediately places his hand on her fur and pets her gently.
“At least I still have you.” He whispers as he takes a sip of his liquor.
Tears of frustration begin to flow as he’s reminded of how much he’s fucked up. He promised himself to never listen to the voice, yet he’s done it again. Why couldn’t he be born normally?
He curses the voice aloud, scaring Mochi away. Chanyeol’s left alone with the same voice that’s been stuck in his conscience for as long as he could think.
Frustrated, he throws the glass across the room and on the tv. It shatters into small shards all over the floor of his living room.
This isn’t my fault, son. This is all you.
“No,” He shakes his head once before he’s repeating the same word over and over again and his head is now between his hands and he’s clutching onto it to make it stop. He just wants everything to end. He’s had enough.
Were my hands the one that were wrapped around her precious neck?
That was all you.
You’re the monster.
“No, no more.” Chanyeol doesn’t want to hear it anymore.
You were his last resort to an escape. You taught him to love again. He found purpose in his life. Without you, he’d probably be dead, still serving his father everything he wished.
But now, you’re gone. You were taken away, wiped of all memories of him.
You found him today but he couldn’t do anything. He had to act like you were a pest to him. When he saw you, all he wanted to do was hug you so you were reminded of him again. You weren’t supposed to remember him. You were supposed to live happily with Baekhyun, away from him.
That was his punishment.
He sighs, getting up sluggishly, shoulders dropped as if he was carrying weights on each arm. He moves zombie-like towards the room you once stayed in and switches the lights on.
A large sphere in the middle of the room illuminates the four walls through blue lights. The room is filled with nothing but that sphere and a small sink. Chanyeol washes his hands before he gently places a finger on the blue ball.
He moves his finger vertically upwards and then into a half circle. He takes a step back before the circle pops into thin air and the form of a foetus is revealed in a much smaller sphere.
Chanyeol approaches the unborn and bends down to his knees.
“I saw mommy today. Do you think she still remembers you? I hope so.” Chanyeol mumbles, looking up at what could’ve been your son. He’s so gentle; he just wants to have everything back.
Chanyeol watches as his son stretches his small limbs in acknowledgement. He smiles, he’s healthy.
He has Suho come over for daily checkups. Suho changes the water so it’s suitable for the baby. Chanyeol doesn’t know how he does but he trusts him with all his heart.
Chanyeol was willing to do anything to save his son. No matter who the father is. You’re a part of him and he needed a small reminder of you before he sent you and your memories away.
He’s not sure if constantly reminding himself that you were not with him anymore was good for him but he knows that Baekhyun would treat you right.
“It’s my fault you’re like this. I shouldn’t have hit mommy. You’ll forgive daddy for this, right? You’ll forgive him for everything, right?” Chanyeol begs for forgiveness as he does every other day. The never ending tears fall onto his dress shirt. He inhales and exhales slowly, getting up to face his son directly.
“I promise we’ll be together again.” Chanyeol’s voice is shaky but he knows that he heard him as his small feet move in acknowledgement. He smiles at the movements; development.
“I promise you.”
Chanyeol places his hand in mid air and encloses his son back into the large blue sphere.
Baekhyun doesn’t leave at ungodly hours anymore. He doesn’t come home with scratches on his back. He acts exactly the way he used to in high school.
You can’t remember why everything feels so strange. You know you’re not supposed to be with Baekhyun. This might be destiny but it just doesn’t feel right.
You’re spraying the flowers half-heartedly while you think of what could be happening. Chanyeol didn’t seem to recognize you but you’re more than sure that he knows you. The memories you have of him are too vivid to be fantasy.
You’re snapped out of your daydream by Baekhyun. He’s had enough of your odd behaviour. He doesn’t understand why you’re so out of it lately. He wants to make you smile the way you used to. He misses the old days when he wasn’t out every night protecting the city from Chanyeol and his father.
He thought if he agreed to Chanyeol’s plan, it would get you to fall for him again without fail. And he did, for a while. These few days felt odd though.
You didn’t feel like you. You looked like the love of Baekhyun’s life, but you didn’t feel like it. You were very different.
You were not his.
When Baekhyun calls out your name, it feels unfamiliar to his tongue. You deserved to know the truth. It just felt all too strange.
“I… I have to tell you something.” Baekhyun says unsurely. You look at him questioningly. Did he know what was happening?
“It’s about Chanyeol.” Baekhyun finishes, awaiting a reaction from you. He watches as your eyes widen. How did he know of Chanyeol?
“You know Chanyeol?” You ask curiously. If he knew of Chanyeol, then those memories were probably real. You frown, but how?
It couldn’t have happened if you’ve been with Baekhyun for your whole life, married even. You were not a cheater, or at least you didn’t think you were.
“I do.” Baekhyun says as he leads you to the nearest stool. You sit, confused.
“Something happened between you two. Chanyeol, he… he hurt you. Really bad.” Baekhyun tells you this but it doesn’t make any sense. Chanyeol would never lay a single harmful finger on you.
“He told me to take care of you as if we were still together. Obviously, I agreed. Why would I pass on the opportunity to be with you again? There would be no conflict, no Chanyeol; it would just be you and me again, like old times.” Baekhyun lowers his head in embarrassment. He took advantage of the situation to have you again. It was probably not the morally right thing to do. But he did it.
Just to be with you.
“The thing is, he erased all the memories you would’ve had of him. And it worked, everything was like before. We opened our own shop, and we’re basically living the way we initially planned. But… Lately, you seem to be remembering more and more of him.” He pauses for a while to smile bitterly at his constant loss against Chanyeol. “And… I just thought you deserved to know.”
You stand still as you receive the news that is your reality. What were you supposed to tell him now? That everything was going to be alright and that you wouldn’t see him any differently now that you knew of his and Chanyeol’s plan.
Baekhyun approaches you warily, hand reaching towards your shoulder gently as to not frighten you. “I know it’s a lot to take in…”
A memory of Chanyeol’s eyes glaring into yours, of not being able to breathe flashes through your mind.
“Don’t touch me.” You flinch and take one step back. “I need to see him.”
“We did this so you didn’t have to face him-” He tries to explain before you cut him off. You’re beyond mad, you don’t need someone to save you from him. You had to see him to understand everything.
“No, you were selfish and took advantage of the situation.” You shout loud enough for you and him to hear the absurdity of the situation. Baekhyun’s eyes widen in shock and you sigh, taking his hand to squeeze it reassuringly.
“I’m going to him. Please, don’t stop me. I’ll be okay.”
You don’t know how you managed to remember where Chanyeol’s apartment was without any help from Baekhyun’s poorly drawn map he made for you.
You pull on the door, finding it locked. You look to the right of the knob to find a code, you frown. You can’t remember it. You’re sure you knew it at one point but it just wasn’t coming to you. You impatiently wait in front of the door, hoping someone might come out and you could slide in.
5 minutes later and nobody has come out or in of the apartment. You sigh, it’s only been five minutes yet you feel like it’s been hours. You can’t wait any longer. You want to face Chanyeol and try to understand why he’d do all of this.
If what everything Baekhyun said was true, then you wanted to know the reason behind everything. Why would he hurt you? Weren’t you in love? People in love don’t hurt one another, right? It’s not how it works.
You’re trying so hard to understand but nothing. You can’t remember any horrible moment with Chanyeol. You only remember the sweet moments like when you first took care of his bruises and scratches and when he first called you his.
You close your eyes for a moment, imagining what that day was like. You were together on the bed. You asked him a question and he snapped. What was it? You shut your eyes even tighter, what could’ve possibly made him so angry?
“Miss?” A grave voice interrupts you. You look up to find the cringing smiling face of an old man. He must be the bellman.
“Did you forget your key?” The man stares at you expectingly. That’s right. You used to live here.
“Y-Yes! I did!” You exclaim with a bright smile. You might be able to get inside.
“Ah, that’s why. I was wondering why you didn’t come in right away. You should’ve called Mr. Park. He might be home.” He lets you in and escorts you inside of the elevator. Unexpectedly, he enters the small room with you and pushes the button to the top floor.
You shift your eyes from the button to the man’s eyes slowly. He feels so familiar but you can’t put your finger on it. You follow his small mannerisms, the way he checks his watch so elegantly doesn’t seem like this man is a middle class bellman. His watch doesn’t seem cheap either. It’s evident this man is rich.
Something felt fishy.
“Is anyone else downstairs?” You ask, glancing at his stoic face for a reaction.
“No.” He answers simply and quickly.
“You don’t need to escort me. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your shift-”
The bell rings, indicating your arrival to the very last floor. The man smiles eerily and puts his hand out, letting you go out first. You nod your head and walk inside a small room, well decorated with expensive furniture and a couple of orchid pots that didn’t seem to have the flower in question. You take a few steps closer to the door and pause.
“Are you not entering?” The man asks, the grin long gone. Are you not returning to your office is what you wanted to ask.
“I will.” is what you say. You take a huge breath in and input the numbers you were familiar with. To your surprise, it doesn’t work.
“Something wrong, miss?” You jump at the sound of his voice, it was rough and intimidating. He seems too eager for you to enter. This man obviously isn’t the bellman. He’s an intruder, waiting for a chance to get to Chanyeol. You couldn’t let him get in his apartment. He might be dangerous. What if he wants to hurt Chanyeol?
“I… think I forgot to bring something.” You took a step back closer to the elevator and further from the man. He was glaring at you now with the same creepy smile on his face. He was walking closer and closer to you now.
“But Chanyeol might not be home later.” You push the down button urgently as your back hits the elevator’s door. You just want to get out of here and away from him. You didn’t want this man to go anywhere near Chanyeol; he’s obviously trying to get to him to possibly harm him and you didn’t want that. But, deep inside, you wanted Chanyeol to burst out the apartment and come rescue from him.
“I’ll come another day. Excuse me.” You turn around and look up the numbers over the elevator, waiting for it to go up but it wouldn’t do that. You feel your eyes well up at the inconvenience. You don’t know how to save yourself.
You need Chanyeol.
You hear the man chuckle behind you.
“He’s not home.” He puts his hands on your shoulders and whispers to you. You felt disgusted and scared. This stranger was so close to you and you had no idea what he would be doing next, how much in danger you are in right now.
If he wasn’t home, then why did he desperately want you to go in the apartment?
“What do you want from Chanyeol? You’re not going to hurt him, are you?” You turn around to face him once again.
“I’m not going to hurt him. He stole something of mine and I need it back. It’ll be quick.” He says, sincerely. You don’t fully believe him but if Chanyeol wasn’t home, then what’s the harm of letting him in to get back what’s his? He wouldn’t be harming Chanyeol.
“If I let you in, you’ll leave him alone after?”
“I promise you.” He smiles cringingly as always.
You bit down on your lip and walk to the door for a second attempt at finding the code. You try his birthday, his lucky numbers, but nothing. You even tried your birthday but it didn’t work either.
After many attempts, you finally punch in the date you both met. You’re shocked to hear a ding from the door and the sound of it unlocking. The man grins as he sees that it works.
“Good work.” He pats your shoulder before entering the house uninvitingly. You swallow down the nervousness down your throat and walk in right after him. You’re supposed to be meeting Chanyeol but if he isn’t home, you’d have to wait for him and maybe watch over the stranger’s actions.
You watch as he searches around for the object he’s lost. What’s so important that he needs to trespass inside a person’s home? On second thought, you were doing the same.
The man disappears inside the room you once called yours and closes the door behind him. As you’re about to follow him inside, you suddenly hear small footsteps come near you. You look down to find a small Pomeranian at your feet, hopping up to greet you excitingly.
Your eyes widen at the warm greeting and you quickly grab the small puppy.
“Do you remember me?” You ask as you run your fingers through Mochi’s soft fur, exactly how you remembered her. Mochi answers by licking your cheeks in acknowledgement. She missed you as well.
“I hope you’ve been taking care of Chanyeol.” You smile solemnly, letting her down so she could roam around again. As you come back up, you notice the lack of living flowers. You find dried up flowers and empty pots all around the apartment. The floors were covered in dried petals and leaves.
You walk passed the kitchen and out the balcony for some fresh air. You imagine Chanyeol coming down from wherever he came from. You never understood how he got all the way up here from the ground and why he couldn’t just use the door.
You lean on the railing and feel the breeze hit your face softly. You were home.
“What are you doing here?”
You turn around in shock to find the man you’ve been waiting for. Your eyes met his angry pair. You didn’t know what to say anymore. You wanted to know the truth but now that you see how angry he is, you’re not sure how to ask him.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” He grabs you by the arm and drags you back inside to sit you down at kitchen island where you first took care of him.
“Why are you here?” Chanyeol asks, arms folded against his chest. You look at his arm to find his tattoo. That wasn’t there before. Was he really trying his best to hide from you?
“If you’re not going to tell me how you trespassed, I’m going to have to call security.” Chanyeol’s trying to intimidate you to leave but you’re not having any of it. You felt your blood boil inside of you as you hear him talk to you this way.
“Baekhyun told me the truth. And I wanna know more.” You lift up your chin confidently. You came here for a reason and you’re gonna get it out of him.
There’s a huge silence between you two as Chanyeol registers what you’re telling him. A shocked look appears on his face as he realizes that Baekhyun probably told you of their plan.
“Get out. Precious, you shouldn’t be here. Go home to Baekhyun.” Chanyeol pulls you out of the seat and once again drags you near the door. You immediately pull out of his grasp and make him face you.
“I am home. I know you didn’t hurt me on purpose. Chanyeol, I need to know what happened.” You reach out to cup his cheek but he backs away before you could even lay your hand on his skin.
“D-Don’t touch me. I’ll only hurt you.” Chanyeol shakes his head sadly and stares down, away from your pair of eyes.
“But it wasn’t you. I know it wasn’t. Chanyeol-” As you’re about to reach out his hand, the sound of water running surprises both of you. Chanyeol takes your hand protectively and pulls you in a little closer to him.
“Did you let someone in?” Chanyeol’s eyes find yours worriedly. How do you answer that? You did, but how could you admit to that?
“I… This man said you had something of his… and I thought maybe it would be okay-” You explain nervously. You feel Chanyeol’s anger worsen as he lets go of your hand and runs it through his hair.
“You what?! Do you know what you just did?” He runs to your old room and drops to his knees as soon as he sees the disaster in front of him. He can’t believe his eyes.
She did this.
“No, it was a mistake. She didn’t mean it.” Chanyeol talks to himself.
You watch the scene before you carefully. He did this last time too. The same thing that happened that night is happening again. It was the same voice he was talking about. He isn’t talking to himself. He’s talking to the same voice that hurt you that night.
“W-What’s wrong?” You walk in the room warily to find the room empty with only a running sink and a floor covered in water.
Are you really going to let her live after this?
“He’s gone. You let him go. He stole him.” Chanyeol was freaking out, his hands were covering his face in panic. He didn’t know what to do. He stared at you confusingly and angrily. The voice wanted to do something to you so you wouldn’t be in his life anymore but he couldn’t. Not again. You had just came back to him.
Do it, son. We don’t need her anymore.
“Stop!” Chanyeol yells frustratingly as he tightens his hold around his head. “I won’t do it!”
“Don’t listen to it, Chanyeol. It’s okay, I’m here. Your precious is here.” You crouch down to his level and wrap your arms around him tightly. You feel his breaths calm down as you rub your hand up and down his back but he felt so tense. There was someone playing with his thoughts, telling him what to do. You needed him to snap out of it quickly.
“Listen to my kiss.” You whisper in his ear before slightly pushing him away to quickly place your lips on his. He grunts at the suddenness of your actions. He loosens as you deepen the kiss.
The voice disappears from Chanyeol’s thoughts as if it was scared of you. Chanyeol pulls away from the kiss to stare into your eyes. He’s safe with you. He hasn’t heard silence in so long.
“I didn’t know… I’m so sorry.” You apologize. His face was stained with tears and you couldn’t help but hug him tightly. You knew he was probably upset with you but you needed to comfort him.
“It’s gonna be okay. We’ll find him.” You comfortingly say as you rub his tears away with your thumbs.
“No, no. It won’t be.” He shakes his head vigorously in denial. He suddenly looks up at you and releases a bitter chuckle before lightly placing his lips on yours. He missed you so much. He doesn’t know how he could even let anything bad happen to you.
“He has our son.” Chanyeol tells you, tears falling down his cheeks. You don’t know how to react. You didn’t know you had a child. How much had he erased from your memory?
“I’m so sorry-”
His hand traces the edges of your face and tucks in a strand of your hair behind your ear to kiss you one more time. His touch has always made you weak. You wanted to kiss him back but every time he lays a finger on you, you can’t help but sigh in satisfaction as you remember that he’s here with you again. As you’re about to kiss him back; he moves away. He presses his forehead against yours and apologizes for kissing you.
You immediately tell him it’s okay and find his lips once again. This time, you make sure the kiss lasts a little longer. You place your hand behind his neck and through his hair as you deepen the kiss with your tongue. The kiss tastes salty as Chanyeol continues to shed tears in fear and panic. When you move back to comfort him once again, he chases after your lips, wishing you hadn’t stopped. You had to stop. You didn’t deserve to be kissing him right now.
You apologized over and over; if it weren’t for you, none of this would have ever happened. Chanyeol shakes his head and tells you it isn’t your fault before he wraps his arms around you tightly as he shuts his eyes. For now, having you here with him is enough to keep him sane. He’s so glad you’re here.
“Again.” The demanding voice repeats itself over and over again. Chanyeol is so tired of hearing it in his head. On days like this, Chanyeol just wants to take a gun to his head and fire it away so that voice wouldn’t have to be heard anymore.
He’s been trapped in this room for so long. The white walls are starting to melt into one and suddenly there were no corners for Chanyeol to know where the end and start of the room was. He’s completely lost it. He doesn’t understand why his father is doing this. But Chanyeol follows instructions either way because he respects his father. That’s what a son does.
Chanyeol focuses on the white vast as his father told him to. As he waits to fail after his many attempts, his father suddenly appears before him behind the wall, a huge grin on his face. He seems proud of his son. He has done nothing but disappoint him up til this point. Now that he can control himself, his father thinks of all the possible ways he can use his successful experiment.
“Well done.” Chanyeol’s father compliments his son through the wall. Chanyeol watches as his father walks away and out of the room. After hours of training, that’s all he gets. Two words that should mean the world to him but he’s so exhausted that he can’t feel anything anymore and the become meaningless words of encouragement. Chanyeol’s eyelids become heavy, he feels his eyes shut by the second until darkness is all he sees.
He’s left on the cold floor, unconscious, his teenager body’s energy drained from his father’s commands.
One day… He’ll be free.
pt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
chananyeol bong: HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND AREN’T TOO MAD AT ME FOR NOT JUST FINISHING IT ONE SHOT! :D also, i did not edit at all!
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chroniclerwabba · 7 years
it’s 5AM and i’m pissed about warcraft (mostly lore) again
I have a personal chip on my shoulder against Overwatch for reasons that might not be wholly valid. Project Titan (original OW) was started, and Blizz started to shift people around. Jeff Kaplan switched from working on WoW to Titan, and the game eventually got cancelled in 2014. Cataclysm’s released heralded a downturn for the quality of the game, not just in terms of lore.  The xpacs had a few good things in them (MoP is one of my favorites, the pandaren have great lore), but there was a lot of shit in there too. WoD was barebones as shit in terms of content with a completely nonsense storyline that took a huge shit on the lore. Titan was cancelled and recycled into Overwatch, a move that divided developers and even caused Metzen to quit.  I don’t blame or hold anger at Metzen for quitting (the guy had a fucking baby on the way, he needed to be a dad), but when he announced he was retiring, that’s when Warcraft really lost its magic to me and when I fell out of love with it.
So I blame Overwatch for what happened to Warcraft, which isn’t necessarly fair. Overwatch is fun and well made (in terms of art style that is, everything else is debatable). Maybe it makes more sense to blame the writers for losing their touch. But I still hold that slight disdain for Overwatch, even if it’s unfair. But enough about that; let’s talk about shitty lore.
Cataclysm is where the game just became bogged down with bad lore decisions, consisting of forced conflict and characters acting against their established selves to make said forced conflict happen.
Garrosh being made warchief was the first in a long laundry list of bad decisions. There was no reason Thrall would’ve logically made him leader even when being Grom’s son. It was evident he was not suited for this position and someone like Vol’jin or Saurfang should’ve taken the reins. He would’ve either kept him as a high ranking general like Nazgrim or waited until he matured a bit more and mellowed out to give him the mantle. It’s such a bullshit promotion that exists only to force conflict and have lore why PvP is still a thing (because it’s not like we can just have pvp be noncanon like bungie did with classic halo jesus fuck blizz you’re not 343 you don’t need to give pvp lore validity of fucking course the racial leaders aren’t really dead despite me killing them smh)
Garrosh is a bumbling inconsistent mess. In the books, Garrosh is smarter, but in the games, he’s a goddamn idiot and a brat with no sense of responsibility who blames Thrall during their fight in Nagrand (despite the fact that thrall literally left eitrigg, vol’jin, saurfang, and cairne behind to help him deal with shit and he tells them all to fuck off. also blaming thrall for him having to pick up the pieces is bullshit when he almost broke the horde because he literally kept trying to push the other races down into subservience, to a point where he tried to assassinate vol’jin). So Garrosh had no accountability as a leader. His whole plan to establish orcish supremacy and “make the horde great again” shows he has no fucking clue about orcish history despite his dad being IN THE SHIT. Orcish supremacy was all a lie concocted by Ner’zhul to fearmonger the draenei as evil invaders. Before the Horde, all the clans did was just live separately and fight the ogre empire who just wanted to enslave them. The Horde only exists because Kil’jaedan manipulated them into becoming one to wipe out the draenei. Garrosh doesn’t even know his own people’s fucking lore. Oh, and an extra special fuck you from when he said Thrall is no longer an orc. Nobody in the entire Warcraft lore has any right to tell Thrall he isn’t an orc. Thrall was a literal child soldier raised by Blackmoore to fight like an animal in his colosseum (his fucking name literally means SLAVE). The only human friend he had during his childhood was raped and beheaded and even lets Blackmoore’ men go free after he kills him in honorable combat.  Thrall has the most validity out of anyone in the Horde to be against the Alliance, but he just wants to give his people a home after the Legion stole it all and turned them into murderers. So anyway Garrosh can go fuck himself (except none of what I said actually matters because warlords of draenor established that all orcs are evil murderers even without demon blood so everything warcraft 3 was about means nothing i guess fuck you blizzard). Also, miss me with that bullshit about honor™ when you use a bomb to vaporize your enemies and not fight them by yourself on the fields of battle like your dad would’ve.
The Alliance hasn’t been written as morally grey or written to have flaws since Warcraft 3. Aside from Arthas’ and Jaina’s storylines, the rest of the Alliance is a bunch of assholes. Grom is forced to drink from the demon pool because the night elves started murdering them after they went to Ashenvale to cut down trees so they can build settlements to protect the orcs and their new tauren allies. The same allies the night elves just up and abandoned to be fucking murdered by the centaur almost to extinction despite how Cenarius himself blessed Huln Highmountain for his bravery for the tauren helping fight the legion alongside the kaldorei ten thousand years ago. So big fucking lore oversight, right? Also, since the kaldorei can just grow trees everywhere, why is there a logging crisis with the Horde? They can literally replace the trees right there. In fact, they could literally have solved the Horde’s famine crisis, but they don’t because they’re a bunch of stingy fucks who never get their shit called out. When people complain about Alliance favoritism, this is what they mean. The Horde always has to be the villain in some way, and the Alliance are always the good™ guys who never do anything wrong ever™. The closest we’ve gotten to the Alliance being somewhat morally grey was Camp Taurajo (which is swept under the rug with the biggest bullshit handwave by baine saying ehh it’s okay because that’s a realistic reaction). Jaina just straight up lets her men burn down and kill a bunch of native farmers whose race has lived here for years and never has to acknowledge this directly.
Jaina is almost as mishandled as Garrosh was. In the early days of MoP, they screwed up her being the anti-Horde character but could’ve salvaged it. Now they’ve just made her near irredeemable trash. So after Garrosh blows up Theramore and kills all her men, she’s pissed and out for blood and justifiably so. You want her to kill that motherfucker, but Blizzard doesn’t know about this thing called “moderation” or “reasonable chracter development” so they just decide to crank her up to 22 and have her be a stone cold murderer. She’s just gonna drown Orgrimmar and kill all sorts of innocent civilians inside, including an entire fucking orphanage of children she knows good and well exists since she’s visited the city many times before. Completely missed her the first time (because someone who watched her ex-fiance burn down an entire city including the children would be okay with killing children i guess). Thrall shows up and tries to tell her “hey, child murder is fucked up” and she doesn’t bother listening (apparently thrall isn’t allowed to be upset by children being victims of war despite having been a child slave himself but it’s somehow his fault because he made garrosh warchief even though there was no way he could’ve known this would’ve happen but whatever conflict i guess). So Kalecgos then shows up (who apparently is just her token love interest now and will never show up in the game to do anything useful so all that development he had in cataclysm is now moot. like fucking aggra at least helped thrall at the echo isles kalecgos didn’t do shit) and tells her “hey, child murder is bad” and it finally clicks in her head (so it took three times for her to figure out that she shouldn’t let small children die). Then we flash forward to Legion where Blizz has just decided they just don’t give a shit. Jaina shows up to Stormwind Keep and is pissed that the Horde abandoned the Alliance at the Broken Shore. So a grown ass woman in her 30s proceeds to be condescending and talk shit to a seventeen year old boy who just LOST HIS DAD about not wanting to fight two wars at once and risk crippling the Alliance (because apparently kul yiras no longer exists so she just can’t fund her own damn war i guess. also jaina apparently possesses a teleportation spell established since wotlk to exist that would’ve allowed her to save varian wrynn before he died so thanks a lot for the pointless death that could’ve been avoided for lore reasons, blizz. also we’re just supposed to forgive her racist piece of shit dad for wanting to commit ethnic cleansing and kill little orcish children because jaina needs to angst). Then she gets written out of the plot so Anduin never gets to call her out on the bullshit she tried to pull and so Blizz can shelve her for another forced war conflict. So Jaina has literally developed backwards to the beginning of Warcraft 3. Thanks, Blizz.
Sylvanas has angsted since WC3 that undeath is a curse and nobody should be subjected to it, only for Blizzard to keep turning her into Lich King 2.0 when we get Warlords of Northrend™ eventually (undeath is bad and i angst about it 24/7 so let me use all these chemicals to raise these people into zombies and plague the land but it’s okay because i think slavery is bad at least. also she’s afraid of going to hell to be tortured forever when it’s like “hey you dumb bitch maybe you wouldn’t go to hell if you didn’t keep raising people into zombies after establishing it’s a LIVING HELL TO BE A ZOMBIE”). So Sylvanas has also developed backwards. Thanks again, Blizz.
I’ve written this twice before, but Illidan is the biggest load of bullshit ever. In Warcraft 3, he was a great antihero. Kind of a dick, but you admired that he was out for himself. Now he’s the greatest™ hero™ ever™ that did nothing wrong™. He’s like a worse Anakin Skywalker.
All of WoD
anyway i’m going the fuck to sleep and then wake up in 5 hours to write wow fanfic to fill the hole that blizz’s nonsense created
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