freakova · 1 month
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MOVE!!!!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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oonajaeadira · 9 months
Hi friend!! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start!! For the writing goal asks, how about these three?
Also, while I’ve got your ear, I need you to know that I’m still thinking about your Max secret Santa story and how utterly beautiful it was. I have a whole lot more to say about it, but for now please know that I loved it to bits and pieces.
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These are great questions. Thank you!!!!
I'm so so happy you liked that Max story because...
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
It's not new really, because two installments already exist, but horror romance. With that fellow Max up there. Creepy-but-soft other-than-human with-eternal-longing Max hits all of my buttons.
🐌 What is one of your smallest writing goals?
Really it's just to write more. I kinda fell off the wagon in 2023. I think just because I did a couple of remounts (read: easier shows) that I didn't see the year as busy, but it was. So far I have a little less on my plate for the majority of 2024 and I think that will help. I would really love to finish my year of tropes. Perhaps it won't be a year-of anymore, but just a collection and a sometime challenge. I really did try my best though!
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
Right now I'm excited to dig into my modern dom!Pero piece. It's been coming at me out of order and with some weird twists, but now that I've written a scene I'm very excited about, I know what i need to do to make the rest of it go.
I've also been dreaming about the Winter chapter of Leave Off Your Wandering, especially now that it's actually winter and I can more easily imagine snuggling up with a big bear of a Joel while it storms outside....
writers goals for a new year
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doomergroomer · 2 years
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tropicalscream · 10 months
i wanna be high and lissin someone
just eamr nlissed out high lazy make outs sounds amazing rn and would cure me or also make me worse bc im very susceptible and easily ordered wen im high 😋🥺😳
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splooosh · 2 years
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“Lissin Up”
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kariachi · 1 year
Fun Fact: Geilla Bohln has more eateries than you would expect given its size. There’s only three sit-down restaurants, mind- one of which is a Kineceleran-American fusion place (though when you live on an alien world everything you make is fusion cuisine)- but still. As far as more casual ‘grab something and get moving’ fare? It’s pretty well loaded. As one can expect when 14% of your population is Erinaens and Kinecelerans, who are masters of the ‘small meals many times a day’ manner of organizing a diet. Once you add to that the sheer variety of dietary needs, tastes, and schedules of the populace of Geilla Bohln…
Food is a big business on a local level, and you’re more likely than not to find someplace that’ll cater to your diet, no matter what that diet is. Overall, for a population of around 4300 as of AF, there’s technically around thirty different individual eateries in the town,
‘Technically’ because a decent number of them are Erinaen or Erinaen-fusion eateries set up in the ‘hawker center’-esque style typical to the species. Separate single-person businesses, but you wouldn’t immediately know it to walk into the property. You’ll see that a lot with Erinaen businesses, rather than have individual buildings or rooms you’ll get one large space within which multiple people work and sell their wares. For all their the second most populous non-native species on the planet, you’ll find they tend to take up a comparatively low amount of real estate.
Also, while there’s no Lenopan population in Geilla Bohln (they settled in a more humid region, pretty much all in the same general area, I’ll touch on it at some point), there is one Lenopan restaurant on the planet. First opened by the a few of the original immigrants to feed their own while they got their new lives and homes together, about 70-80 years before AF, it’s withstood the test of time and is actually very popular with the humans of the area. Serves the closest to traditional Lenopan cuisine you’re going to get on Earth and is regarded as a unique and honestly by this point a little bit famous form of barbeque. They get tourists. Started by the Lissin and Reen families, they continue to run it jointly- now with Lars Reen as the big name at the top, as the oldest still working the place, while Jade Lissin and Lars’s niece Robbie Reen are set to take over jointly once he retires.
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kneehoming-knee · 7 months
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martinkate · 9 months
watching wjheel of focturne and lissining to afiraid of heights
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folha12suzanotv · 1 year
Parque Max Feffer recebe 100 mil pessoas nos três dias da ExpoSuzano
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Público lota shows da noite e se diverte com as atrações da programação durante o dia, que incluiu orquestra, artistas locais, gastronomia, artesanato e muito mais Os suzanenses viveram dias inesquecíveis durante a comemoração do 74º aniversário de emancipação político-administrativa neste final de semana. Isso porque, o Circuito 1 da ExpoSuzano atraiu 100 mil pessoas nos três dias de atividades no Parque Municipal Max Feffer, entre sexta-feira e domingo (31/03 e 02/04). Nas apresentações realizadas no Palco 1, que recebeu a banda de pop rock Jota Quest, o sambista Diogo Nogueira e a dupla sertaneja Matheus e Kauan, 70 mil espectadores marcaram presença. Ao longo do dia, outros 30 mil suzanenses desfrutaram das feiras, dos brinquedos e das apresentações dos artistas locais no Palco 2 e no Pavilhão Zumbi dos Palmares. Logo na entrada do Max Feffer, durante as manhãs de sábado (01/04) e domingo, as crianças puderam se divertir no parque de diversões. Ao lado, a feira de artesanato reuniu dezenas de artesãos da cidade, que expuseram sua arte, bijuterias e crochês aos que ali circulavam. Seguindo a caminhada, as famílias que chegavam ao Pavilhão Zumbi dos Palmares eram convidadas a dançar na aula de zumba. Ainda no sábado de manhã, a fanfarra da Guarda Mirim reuniu aproximadamente 60 componentes e 200 adolescentes em uma apresentação especial, com um repertório diversificado, que enalteceu a história da entidade junto ao município. Para as crianças também foi preparado um conjunto de atrações circenses. No sábado, no início da tarde, a Cia. Mina do Riso e a Combuca da Judite entraram em cena, e no domingo foi a vez da Art Nossa Eventos mostrar sua graça. Ao fim dessas atrações, os pequenos correram para os brinquedos infláveis que estavam dispostos logo na sequência da pista da caminhada, ap��s o pavilhão. Todos que tiravam fotos no ponto instagramável da Expo 2023 registraram, ao fundo, meninos e meninas descendo dos escorregadores, que acabaram compondo o cenário. No domingo, dia do aniversário de Suzano, a manhã reservou um super evento para os amantes de carros. Diversos proprietários de fuscas e demais veículos antigos se reuniram ao redor da Arena Suzano para promover uma exposição com modelos raros e revitalizados para os amantes de veículos antigos. O evento atraiu muitos curiosos que passeavam no local e ficaram encantados com as peculiaridades dos modelos exibidos. A atração mobilizou as atenções até o início da tarde e contou com a visita do prefeito Rodrigo Ashiuchi e da presidente do Fundo Social de Solidariedade, a primeira-dama Larissa Ashiuchi. Os dois estiveram no Parque Max Feffer pela manhã para prestigiar a primeira apresentação do projeto “Música na Escola”, desenvolvido com os alunos da Escola Municipal Antônio Marques Figueira. Assim que a exposição dos veículos terminou, o público se dirigiu aos locais de apresentações musicais. Quem não entrou na Arena Suzano, para acompanhar o concerto da Orquestra Filarmônica Bachiana do Sesi/SP, sob a regência do maestro João Carlos Martins, foi para a área dos shows, onde se apresentaram Lissin, Bom Ambiente, Forró da Lili, Sonzera, Drive Tuka, e Groove do Tim no Pavilhão Zumbi dos Palmares, além de Retrosfera, Chiquinho e Teresa, Espora Country, e Simão e Felipe no Palco 2. Na área principal de shows, que ainda contou com as apresentações dos artistas Jonhy Lua, Leon Jr., Nathan Ginach, e Raffa Augusto no sábado, o público pôde desfrutar de um cardápio de guloseimas variadas na feira gastronômica, disponibilizada logo ao lado do Palco 2. Acarajé, baião de dois, sanduíche de pernil, espetinho, diversos salgados e doces mantiveram a energia  dos presentes até a noite. O prefeito destacou a variedade de possibilidades que as famílias puderam experimentar nesses três dias de programação especial. “Vimos a alegria do nosso povo nesse momento de festa para toda a cidade. Conseguimos proporcionar dias muito especiais para nossa população. Muita música, muita dança, muita gastronomia, muito artesanato e emoção. Tivemos de tudo um pouco nesse início de comemorações pelo aniversário de nossa cidade”, enfatizou o chefe do Executivo suzanense. Crédito das fotos: Wanderley Costa/Secop Suzano Read the full article
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jackie-starburst · 3 years
Just letting folk know after the recent q&a stream—Jackie is classed as an adult, around late 20’s in human years
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melindalouise · 5 years
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tumblr!! I need your help! I want to do a genderbend Gimli costume for Halloween, BUT more on the sexy end of the spectrum. I found this drawing on the internet but I NEED some ideas/suggestions for how to make it my own (and more sexy....lol). Reblog with ideas PLEASE! 
(credit for this drawing is at the bottom: lissinator.tumblr.com)
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freakova · 2 years
Do you think that when they hire the actress to play Abby in The last of Us s2 tv show, they’ll have to sit them down and say “okay, so the character you’re playing? A lot of people are not too happy with them. Turn off your social notifs”
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telamera · 5 years
Tagged by @breerosiey (Thanks!)
Favorite month: September! (Early fall, birthday times have arrived!)
Favorite number: 7
Nickname: Mena
Current outfit: Purple sports tank with black trim, black shorts.
Current hairstyle: Messy undercut
Contacts or glasses: Glasses, too weird about things near my eyes for contacts. Definitely need to get a new pair of glasses at some point.
Dream job: Graphic novel artist, or just a regular ole’ novel writer
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Favorite song at the moment: Ghost Love Score by Nightwish
Left or right: Right
Winter or summer: Winter, I find the cold more tolerable than the heat.
Fall or spring: Crisp mornings, comfortable days, I have to go with Fall
Favorite pic: Fergus kitty being a cutiepie
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Tag: @shenaniginstigations @stardustmeanshope @rhunae and anyone else interested in doing it :) (and if I tagged you and you don’t wanna thats fine :D )
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joesartoftheday · 6 years
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Oleg Lissin
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eggdue · 3 years
the true grandpa afton
i have a idea i need to get out there,
what if, mister hippo was grandpa afton/williams father?
like, Grandpa just possesses mister hippo, and recalls tales with his pal orvile(a friend from his life who also possesses orvile) and michael just sits down on the floor during business hours just lissining(i cant fucking spell it) starstruck to his grandpapys tales.
im using this for “the past brought to the present.”
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jaimebrienneonline · 3 years
JB Week Day 5 - Favorite Art
Never forget this by lissinator.
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