#Lip Gallagher headcanons
answer2jeff · 9 months
thinking about lip gallagher with a girlfriend he's so serious about it's pathetic
lip gallagher, who kisses the insides of your arms because the softness of the skin is similar to your inner thighs
lip gallagher, who draws circles on your bare shoulders while you're asleep in his sheets
lip gallagher, who takes selfies with you whenever you ask, pressing kisses to your cheeks and temples and making funny faces into the camera
lip gallagher, who comes to your doorstep on late nights where he just 'needs you' and 'doesn't wanna talk about it'
lip gallagher, who watches you put your makeup on in your bathroom mirror
lip gallagher, who spends his lunch breaks at Patsy's outside, sharing cigarettes and laughs with you
lip gallagher, who 'accidentally' said 'i love you' in the middle of sex and started telling you morning and night when you said it back with no hesitation
lip gallagher, who loves when you kiss that little triangle tattoo on his chest
lip gallagher, who hates your shitty friends and hates when you complain about them just to find out you didn't stick up for yourself
lip gallagher, who hoped and prayed ian, his only other friend, would tolerate you
lip gallagher, who will never understand how you bounce back to each other so quickly after a nearly screaming match
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mouseymilkovich · 6 days
my mouse do you have any lip and nb reader headcanons
I'm bored and had a long day and lip is rotting my brain <3
as a fellow nb my dear sweet umbrella, i shall deliver!
let's start with this: lip has no fucking idea what nonbinary is until you explain it to him 😭 lord love him but he's so painfully unaware of queer things outside of ian and debs both being gay. he'd probably say "what the fuck is that" (but not in a mean way. he's a gallagher he swears we know this)
he starts exclusively using they/them pronouns for you (even if you use multiple pronouns, eventually he'd rotate pronouns if you're a multi-pronouner)
whenever he slips up (while he's learning) he's always like "she— ah shit fuck— sorry, they"
ian is so confused as to why lip suddenly gives a shit about gender and pronouns
he would in fact start aggressively correcting your gender when anybody misgenders you (yes, even if you don't care cus it's a stranger you'll likely never see again)
people ask how he can still label himself as straight while dating a nonbinary person, and his response is a classic lip gallagher line— "i believe the answer to that question, like most questions, is fuck you"
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s9fti3 · 3 months
You were his, and his only. You were his while you cried and you were his when he had you bent over a desk, watching you go into pure ecstasy. He knew you were his the moment he laid his eyes on you in the crowd of hundreds. You were meant to be.
| JJ Maybank, John B, Rafe Cameron, Lip Gallagher, Paul Lahote, Emmett Cullen, Jacob Black, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, NATE JACOBS!
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iandarling · 26 days
The universe is funny when it comes to timing.
Because of course it happens the one day a month Lip and Tami go to couples therapy, which happens to coincide perfectly with Ian’s new wish of doing a cycling class once a week. Somehow the fucking stars aligned perfectly or whatever, and none of them have their phones turned on. So Mickey gets the call.
Freddie fell from the monkey bars and broke his arm.
He’s at home when the phone rings. A frantic teacher is in the ambulance with the crying five year old. She couldn’t get a hold of his parents, so she tried his other emergency contacts. Ian didn’t pick up, but Mickey was listed at his spouse so she tried him.
“Can you meet us at the hospital?” She asks, while trying to soothe the crying child. Freddie seemed to be hysterical.
“Yeah, course- hey put him on so I can talk to him” Mickey answers, already outta the door and on his way down to the garage. He’s no baby talker like Ian, but he sure knows something about broken bones.
“Uh hey Fredster, it’s me -“
“Uncle Mickey?!” Fred interrupts him with a hiccup, crying.
“Yeah, look you’re safe in the ambulance bud and I’m on my to the hospital now. Just…sit tight and listen to the grown ups ok? Hand the phone to your teacher, I need t’know what hospital you’re going to”
Getting to the car to drive to the emergency room, Mickey tried once again to call Ian. Maybe he just didn’t pick up because he didn’t recognise the teacher lady’s phone number. Ian doesn’t fucking pick up.
That means he’s doing this alone. Fuck.
Mickey considers calling Debbie, but he also knows she’s been busy lately with the Rich-And-Definitely-Closeted-Housewife wanting her bathroom tiles replaced, and if he calls to interrupt Debbie now she will skin him alive. She needs the money and he can respect that. Even if that means tackling a crying five year old on his own. Fuck.
Traffic is not bad today so he gets to the emergency room a few minutes after the ambulance. White overhead lights shine bright, the sterile chemical scent is overwhelming, and he walks past several bloody teens on his way to the receptionist, who smiles at him “Hi, how may I help you today?”
“Got a call about my nephew coming in with a broken arm. Fred Gallagher, five years old and uhh” Mickey stammers out, suddenly a little nervous. He fucking hates hospitals, and he especially hates talking to strangers.
“Uncle Mickey!!” A little voice shouts from across the room. Mickey looks up and to the left where he sees his nephew in a chair inside a cubicle looking room. A woman is sitting with him. Probably his teacher.
Without explaining to the (probably perfectly lovely) receptionist, Mickey walks away and hurries towards the crying boy. Freddie is getting out of the chair to meet him halfway, hot tears running down his red face, his arm is in a sling.
“Hey kiddo” He says as he picks him up. Suddenly he’s struck by how tiny he seems compared to his usual self- shit has Freddie always been this small? His legs wrap around Mickeys waist as he hides his face in his uncles chest. Gently rubbing his back like he’s seen Ian do so many times, Mickey tries to shush him.
“Thank you for coming so quickly.” The teacher is thankful, and looks to be calming down now that Mickey has arrived. She’s young, probably fresh outta teacher school or something, and it’s clearly her first broken bone incident. Mickey smiles at her “No worries, I had nothing better to do today”
A nurse enters their room as well as the receptionist. He didn’t fill out the visitors form, and since he’s here maybe he can help fill out the intake form for little Freddie too? The receptionist hold the papers as he fills out the information with one hand.
“Name, age, address yeah yeah, relationship to the patient - uncle”
“Favourite uncle” Freddie whispers.
Smirking, Mickey adds it to the form “relationship to the patient- favourite uncle”. The receptionist giggles.
Ok, so maybe this isn’t as bad as he feared. He can do this.
After the forms are all filled out he sits down on the bed, Freddie now in his lap. The child is still crying but quieter now. Tiny hands grip at his jacket. “He get any painkillers or something?” He asks the teacher, whose name he still didn’t know.
They gave him something in the ambulance she tells him, but the shock is still there so he’s not entirely calm yet. They will give him more meds now that a family member is there to approve it. “Hear that kid? You’re gonna get the good stuff” Mickey tries to joke with him. Freddie doesn’t get it but he seems to be calming down now that his uncle is here.
The same nurse comes back in telling him they need to take pictures of the arm to ascertain the break and how bad it is. Mickey carries him down the hallway to a new room further down the hallway. Freddie is no longer crying hysterically, but he’s clearly in pain and scared. Mickey keeps rubbing his back as it seems to help.
The arm is definitely broken. Apparently it’s a small break so it will be easier to heal. They’re taken into another room where Freddie will get his arm set in a cast. A second nurse comes and gives him more painkillers. He starts to smile now. He’s excited about getting a cast.
“And we can draw on it!” Freddie tells his uncle excitingly. The pain is long forgotten and he’s talking happily to everyone now. “Can you draw me a lion uncle Mickey?”
Mickey has never drawn a lion before but sure how fucking hard can it be. It’s just a big cat right? “Sure bud, but uh we should wait until the cast is dry before I can draw on it”
The nurse smiles as she continues to work on the little boys arm.
Mickey snaps a picture of Freddie, sitting pretty on the hospital bed with his arm on the table. The nurse working on his cast smiles for the picture too. He sends it to the family group chat- hopefully someone else can show up soon. “Kids first broken bone” he texts.
Liam sends a flurry of texts back asking if Freddie is okay. Carl responds with a thumbs up.
Finally, after almost an hour at the emergency room, Tami calls him. They have to turn their phones off at the therapist, something about being fully tuned in or whatever. She’s almost more hysterical than Freddie was an hour ago.
“Ey ey; listen Tams I got him ‘alright? He’s good, getting his cast done as we speak. He’s fucking smiling and all” Mickey tries to calm her down, but it’s not easy. Lip takes over the phone.
“We’re on our way now, Mick. Please let him know and uh, maybe send another picture of him, Tami is really freaked out”. Mickey can tell Lip is just as freaked out as his girlfriend but decided this is not the time to make fun of him.
Mickey turns to Freddie, camera ready. “Hey little man, smile for me. Your mom wants proof of life”. Freddie smiles brighter than the sun. He looks so much like Lip it’s uncanny. The same crooked nose, those damn cheekbones and dirty blond curls. If he hadn’t been so damn cute Mickey would’ve almost felt sorry for him.
“So your mom and dad will be here soon, kid”
As they wait for the kids parents to show up, Fred compiles a whole laundry list of things he wants his uncle to draw on his cast. A lion, a monster truck, a dinosaur, and his house. Mickey has no idea how to draw any of those things, but he’s sure as fuck gonna try. He nods and promises to do his best.
Mickey feels like he is fucking nailing this uncle thing. Who knew?
Liam arrives at the same time as Lip and Tami. He had hopped on the L once he heard of Freddie’s accident.
Tami runs in looking frantically around for her son, Lip right behind her. “Oh thank god!” She screams as she lays eyes on him, kissing every square inch of his face. Fred giggles and Lip lets out a heavy sigh. His son is fine.
“Hey, thanks Mick” Lip claps him on the shoulder in that brotherly way he’s come to expect from him.
“Course, no problem”
It’s not until an hour and a half later that Ian finally turns on his phone.
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skxllz · 10 months
〘✶ ˗ʺ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❣▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ‶˗ ✶〙
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 lip gallagher 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞...
meeting his family as soon as he realizes he's taken a liking to you. he wants to keep you around —maybe for more than a few months— so ian is the first person he tells; inquiring you as someone who isn't “ cheap like all the other chicks he's been with ”. you carried yourself to be worthy of someone who deserved you - you weren't a whore, like karen, who just fucked a guy to feel good about yourself.
having fiona treat you like her own sibling once she comes to see lip likes you more than he lets on. she'll ask if you're alright if it seems like something is bothering you; even going as far as to sit beside you on the couch, offering a comforting hand to your shoulder while questioning if you'd like to talk. she'll offer you a drink whenever they have parties, tending to keep an eye you to make sure you're safe and okay. she'll even ask if you can run to the store for her or watch liam because she trusts you that much.
helping out debbie and carl with school (s1-3) / helping debbie with franny, and being carl's go-to when fiona isn't around to talk to. debbie instantly takes a liking to you once she meets you, seeing you as someone who's more kind than the girl's lip usually brings around; also looking up to you because she thinks you're really pretty and could help her out boyfriend/girlfriend wise. carl doesn't necessarily warm up to you at first, but later on he sees you as a “ total babe ” and tries to hit on you when he can. in reality though, he likes having you around because you remind him of an older sister.
play fights on the way to school, the L or patsy's. you're usually playful around him and his siblings, and are the one to insinuate the wrestling. it starts with gentle shoving, before it escalates to you jumping on lip's back; steering him left and right. in the end though, he always puts you in a headlock.
not really displaying pda, but lip has his moments where he gets jealous or just feels like smothering you. his hands would guide to either your hips or the back of your head — he'd drag you closer to him, preferably chest to chest, then kiss you as if oxygen just didn't exist. passion, hunger and heat poured into one; coaxing him to feast until your lips are left red and swollen.
also, if lip does choose to display affection to you in public other than that, it's wrapping an arm around your waist. he'd snake it around you, hand hooking into the pocket of your jacket/jeans/shorts and possessively keep you close. he'd make sure everyone got the idea that you were his. (didn't happen in his past relationships but I feel like when he really takes to someone he doesn't want to lose them, ya know?)
random make-out sessions around the house. of course, he'd prefer his family not to be around since it could get handsy - but if they were, he'd just drag you to one of the rooms. kisses, bite marks and hickey's would all be displayed.
wearing his work shirt when he's at home. he often eyes you up like you're a full course meal cause of it - even said once, “ take it off. now. ” just because he had to leave somewhere soon, and if you didn't he would've stayed behind and bent you over then and there. you didn't listen, absolutely not, and got fucked brutally for it.
doing little things for him when he's upset. cleaning up his mess, making meals or snacks for him, doing his laundry - you even left a little note for him once. it was short and sweet, just assuring him you'd be there for him always. it ended up with you two cuddling on the couch, his face tucked deeply into your neck.
scolding anyone that comes near him with alcohol. you know he can take care of himself, but being a recovering addict could be difficult and you'd want to help out as much as you could.
talking with him after his arguments with fiona. sometimes his sister was in the wrong, but sometimes lip could also be a bit harsh. you'd listen to his side of things and then input your thoughts, even if he disagreed with them. sometimes, it'd lead to a tiny argument, but you always calmed him down someway somehow and the two would make up.
late night walks under the L to help him cool off or get fresh air. you'll often talk about past memories or just things that would upset you two. it'd begin with anger, maybe sadness, but it'd always end with you two laughing and appreciating each other's presence.
I literally have so much more I could add into here but I'm lazy as fuck so have this.
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damianwaynerocks · 1 year
shameless moments but make it the batfamily
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mickeym4ndy · 7 months
Another Post-Canon headcanon I have:
Mickey starts looking at getting more tattoos. He finds an artist he likes and over time he builds up a sleeve of sorts. He starts liking tattoos that are stereotypically feminine (eg a rose or something) and he has to grapple with all the toxic masculinity he got from Terry to get those. He ends up sort of designing a tattoo that’s a rose & dagger or something because he likes to draw.
He likes it so he sort of starts co designing his next tattoos with the artist. He doesn’t have the patience to be an actual tattoo artist but he likes drawing different designs & sketches.
Ian loves Mickey’s drawings and there’s one that he particularly loves so for their anniversary Ian gets a tattoo of it on his chest and surprises Mickey with it
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 3 months
obsessed with the thought of season one not being the first time lip called ian mute. i can’t even think of a circumstance when this would happen but i just imagine them when they were kids, lip going on and on about something, ian by his side, nodding every once and a while, and lip speaking for ian and answering questions. i just love the idea of him speaking for ian and ian getting offended😭
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lupeloto · 7 months
gallagher family headcanon
i imagine all of the shit that the kids used to throw down the laundry chute in the hallway that wasn’t laundry.
little ian and lip throwing all kinds shit in there when they were younger and carl following in their footsteps. fiona just sighing and walking back up the stairs with her hands full of bullshit. at first it was a gentle reminder but she gets fed up and just starts screaming everytime only laundry in the chute for fuckssake!” fiona will walk down the hallway and give a casual "don't throw your brother down the chute" as lip and ian have carl in their arms and are threatening to throw him down there.
she writes on the whiteboard on the fridge "NO MORE TOYS, WEAPONS, OR LIVE ANIMALS LAUNDRY CHUTE"
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callivich · 1 year
Random Shameless headcanons I have for characters other than Ian and Mickey post-finale….
Fiona comes back to Chicago when Frank dies. She’s dreading it. Even though she misses her family like crazy, it’s hard coming back. She gets to the airport and nearly turns back around. She’s anxious the whole flight. But when she sees her siblings waiting for her at arrivals, she breaks down in tears. There’s a big family hug. She doesn’t stay for long but she’s glad she came. From then on, she returns often.
Debbie and Carl end up running the Alibi with Tipping. Debbie hosts an LGBTQ+ quiz night once a month and meets the love of her life at one of these nights. Carl may or may not end up having a bisexual awakening at a different one of these nights. Carl and Debbie work on a whole menu of cocktails that they name after their family and friends. They bicker a bit but they don’t fight. They find they actually work well together.
Svetlana has a comfortable life. She’s single for a long while, just focused on raising Yev. She works at a run-down Eastern European restaurant as a waitress and very quickly works her way up to manager. She turns the place around and one day is able to apply for a loan and buy the place. Now she spends her days running a tight ship - a well reviewed restaurant with a perfect health score - and some of her nights sipping an ice cold vodka at the bar, impeccably dressed. There may or may not be a beautiful, rich widow who woos her….
(Don’t hate me for this one) Lip and Tami end up moving to Milwaukee where they have another baby. It’s ok for awhile but then they break up. They move back to Chicago and co-parent well together even though the breakup is bad. They try dating other people casually. But they eventually fall back in love. It takes time and a lot of trying but they get there in the end. It’s very messy. But isn’t life?
Lip ends up staying with Ian and Mickey for awhile after the break up. Although they’re family and they love each other, it feels like forever for everyone.
Despite Tami and Lip breaking up, everyone treats Tami as family and nobody cuts her out of things or sides with Lip over her. Everyone is neutral and supportive. Lip is kinda amazed at everyone’s maturity. It makes him realise how much they’ve all grown up.
Liam is a straight A student. He does incredibly well in school. He has a lot of ambition and dreams. He wants to be a defence lawyer and do as much pro bono work as he can, he wants to be a doctor and work at a free clinic, he wants to get involved with politics and help speak for those who can’t. There’s a lot he wants to do, so he starts by doing a lot of volunteering at different organisations. Because of this his applications to college are amazing. He may or may not get his siblings into volunteering too.
Debbie gets a ‘franny’ tattoo on the top of her arm near her shoulder. It’s done from Franny writing her own name. It’s both very sweet and very cool.
Mandy comes back to Chicago after a bad breakup. She’s determined to build a good life. She misses Ian and Mickey but can’t find the strength to get in contact. She knows Terry is dead. So, she has a good job, a nice apartment. Everything’s going well and then she runs into Debbie. And…it’s nice. It’s nice to see Debbie happy and healthy and with a sweet kid. Debbie encourages Mandy to get in contact with Ian and Mickey but says she’ll keep her secret if she doesn’t want to.
She doesn’t have to. Mandy gets their address off Debbie and turns up at their apartment. It’s a lot emotionally. They have a long catch up session with alcohol, some very, very good weed (better than they ever had as teenagers) and takeout. There’s laughter and tears - mostly from Ian and Mandy but also from Mickey. Yes. They saw those tears. Stop lying. She stays close with them and Debbie.
Franny and Fred and Lip and Tami’s second kid have so much fun growing up together. They have sleepovers and days out and are close like siblings. They’re close to all the older Gallaghers but they idolise Liam and he’s their favourite. He teaches them fun facts and helps them with their homework.
Kev and Vee occasionally return to Chicago with the girls, they are doing well and they rent a big house on a lake and invite the Gallaghers. It becomes a tradition once a year. Usually Fourth of July so they can watch other people’s fireworks, get drunk and party. The kids have a great time swimming and exploring. The adults enjoy Ian and Mickey’s premium weed. There may or may not be midnight swimming and very drunken Marco Polo games.
Vee and Fiona meet up for a girls weekend once a year where they find a hotel with a spa and a bar. They end up inviting Debbie and Tami after a while. Lip jokes there should be a boys weekend but he can’t be bothered to organise it.
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I'm rewatching shameless again and I am hit with the urge to write something about lip being childhood best friends with the reader and realizing he likes guys after they kiss as a joke or smth. The urge, it's unbelievably powerful.
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mouseymilkovich · 5 days
sub lip calling nb or even masc reader the d word (yknow, the one olive loves)
even fem presenting,,,,,,
idk I think that would send me on a power trip
oh my godddd Lip would be so embarrassed by it at first. he'd be like whydidisaythat and you'd just have to be sooooo cocky about it and tease him for the rest of forever!
and now the thought of him calling Mandy daddy has infected my brain. i don't think Mandy would be into calling anybody daddy (for obvious reasons) but i think she'd like being called it by some people
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mo-2020ao3 · 8 months
I’ve been re-bingeing the first three seasons of Shameless, and it hit me how the Gallagher family dynamics totally sync up with my headcanon for the batkids:
Dick is Fiona; battling EDS (eldest daughter syndrome), shouldering a quasi-parental role amid questionable paternal guidance. He’s responsible, resilient, and selfless, but has his own personal struggles (sometimes stemming from his own family… loves them to death tho)
Jason is Lip; the intellectually gifted but rebellious second eldest. Wrestling with demons, while trying to understand his place within the family. Acts a bit aloof to siblings but would stand ten toes down for them.
Tim is lan; fiercely loyal, a bit of a disaster bi, and mentally ill ((am i projecting…)).
Finally, Damian is Carl; 1/2 feral, 1/4 troublemaker, 1/4 smart🍑. Little to no respect for authority (except family(sometimes)), special interests are weapons, mischief, and instilling fear into those around him. Also Dick is his favorite.
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
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Do you know what I think about this moment?
I think it was the first time Mickey realized that someone knew about him and Ian and was cool with it. The first time he realized Ian told someone. I can't help but wonder what he felt in that moment, to know that someone he doesn't trust (but Ian does) knew about him, about them, and didn't use it against him. "You gonna make me spell it out?" Lip knew he had to give him something to get his cooperation, but he was sensitive about it. They are in front of the Milkovich house, he can't say anything too blunt but he's not there to play games either.
I bet Mickey has been worried about Ian for a while, but figured Ian kept his family in the loop. They have done the silent treatment before (Mickey after 3x666, Ian during juvie 2.0). So I'm guessing he figured Ian just didn't talk to him. He knows what it means that Lip came to him - Lip was desperate. Mickey tries to play it cool but you can see this visit filled him with worry.
I also think it was the first time Lip realized what Ian means to Mickey. Before Ian left, Lip kept teasing about how much Ian could do better. But to be honest Lip only got to see only the front that Mickey was putting in public. A front Mickey curated exactly so people would stay away from him, so it makes sense.
But for the first time he noticed that Ian meant a lot to Mickey. When Lip was ready to move on, Mickey asked him more questions. He wanted to know more, he was worried. The "I'll tell you when I find out" means that Lip got it. He saw what Mickey wanted to say and met him half way.
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skxllz · 10 months
lip splaying kisses over your nape; the side of your neck; on the juncture of your neck and shoulder; bare upper arm. he's whispering sweet, dirty promises and then some in between.
lip sliding spread out fingers down your side painfully slow, feeling over your silky skin and memorizing each freckle and mole and scar he comes to discover.
lip, who slips the tips of his fingers under the thin band of your underwear to caress the skin of your hip; biting down on your shoulder gently in an affectionate manner, only to squeeze your hip bone firmly.
lip looking up at you through his lashes, making sure you're still with him. your labored breathing and lack of noises concerned him.
lip, pushing his other hand past the thick surface of your panties’ material, only to cup his hand over your sex — never looking away from you. never pulling his eyes off of your delicate face, watching as your head falls back into his shoulder and lips part in a whimper.
“ mine, ” he whispers, the pad of his middle digit running a slow stripe of possession through the center of your folds. “ understand, pretty girl? ’s all mine. no one else's. ”
lip, who talks to you sensually, voice quiet and smooth, while his fingers circle your clit, then dip down. smoothing over your sensitive flesh, and spreading it open; the wetness of your entrance clenching with need from his touch.
lip nudging your thighs further apart with the thickness of his forearm, only to twist his hand and change direction; delving into your pussy with faced-up digits. curling them as soon as they're sunk in, feeling up your pink walls and soaking in the velvety tone.
“ so wet for me, mhm... ” he'd whisper in your ear; leaning forward to nip the lobe, earning a gasp of a moaning breath from you.
lip, who then looks forward — making eye contact with you through the full length mirror in front of your bed. you're between his thighs, legs pushed to sit propped up and open, each of your feet opposite of his own. his eyes are hooded, dark, clouded with undying lust and aggression at the thought of you like this with anyone else but him.
his fingers are slipping from your pussy, exiting your panties — and then are held up to the light, where he separated them. a thin string of your juices are sticking quite well to each of his fingertips, fluctuating between pulling straight and bouncing into a u from the movement of lip's hand; sending his head to spin and your cheeks to flare up.
he smirks, before flickering his eyes back down to meet your own. “ naughty girl, aren't you? ” lip hums, nodding his head to your lips, “ open up. ”
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cloudy-em · 1 year
headcanon: pda with lip
lip has no problem showing anybody that you're his
if anybody bothers you in the streets or at the alibi, he'll have no problems with kissing you to show them you're taken
he loves holding your hand in public. it lets him know you're still there.
even though he's grown up on the southside and has to stay tough to keep himself and his family safe, lip is a romantic at heart
he doesn't really like cuddling in front of other people. that's something that he believes is more intimate, therefore more private.
he might put an arm around you if you're watching a movie at the gallagher residence, but snuggling is saved strictly for private moments when you'll rest your head on his chest and he'll have his arms around you and his fingers running through your hair
have a lovely day!
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