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rave-in-the-grave · 5 months ago
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ou .. my animal
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votyasch · 1 year ago
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Finished this little pet project between work.
I repainted one of the sleeping Rathalos gachpon to be my dreadking character, Lio, and built a mini diorama / terrarium for him. If you look under his wing, or pick him up, there's a very tiny nest with a few eggs in it. :>
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indragonsaur · 2 years ago
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Rathalaugust 2023 Day 1: Rathalos and Rathian
Rathalos are large, bipedal wyverns with a spiny, armored hide covering their body. Their outer shell features much brighter and more vibrant colors than that of their female counterpart, the Rathian. It is primarily bright red, with black markings throughout. Like the Rathian, Rathalos possess a flame sac which is used to produce deadly flaming projectiles from the mouth. The talons upon their feet are highly poisonous and are known to inflict toxic mortal wounds on larger prey. In addition, their long, thick tail features a heavy spiked club at the end. Rathalos' wing membranes feature ornate patterns which are likely used to attract potential mates.
Rathalos have been spotted in many kinds of environments, from the temperate Forest and Hills to the extreme heat of the Volcano. As a master of flight, they will travel far and wide, searching for prey from the skies. Rathalos is also the apex predator of the Ancient Forest alongside Nargacuga.
Rathian is a medium-sized true flying wyvern similar in looks to her male counterpart, Rathalos. Her hide is a dull, muted green in contrast to the Rathalos's deep red, and her lower mandible features a long, protruding chin spike. Her upper back and wingtips are covered in a moss-like fur not seen on the Rathalos, and while her clubbed tail lacks bony spikes, it makes up for this with the presence of sharp and highly poisonous needles, which she can use to poison foes upon contact.
Rathian, like her mate, can generate flaming projectiles from her mouth. She is notably more proficient in the use of this weapon however, as she is commonly seen releasing multiple blasts at once. In addition, she is capable of charging up and releasing a more potent fire blast which can ignite a swath of ground in front of her. She can use the poisonous barbs on her tail club to inflict blunt-force, toxic wounds on foes, even if her tail was cut off. Her powerful legs allow her to run at high speeds, making her easily capable of chasing down most prey. Like the Rathalos, her vision is very keen, so Flash Bombs are useful in combat.
Rathians can survive in almost any territory, but prefers areas with average temperature for nesting. As a result, she is known to be encountered in a large variety of areas such as the Jungle, Sandy Plains, and Primal Forest.
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autoacafiles · 5 months ago
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markov--chains · 8 months ago
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Artfight friendly fire attack for LIOLAEUS on artfight!! idk why i picked such a complicated character for my first attack of the year [abused pou jpg] but i wanted 2 draw monster hunter guys so baddd
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debleb · 6 months ago
FFXIVWrite Day 1: Steer
It was the killing of a favoured steer that drew Liolaeus to this unremarkable La Noscean farm today. A beautiful young creature, by all accounts, strong and already pulling a plough like an ox two years his senior. Some beast preying on livestock was hardly unusual, of course, but the scorches and gouges about the desecrated, half-devoured carcass were quite unlike the marks of anything known to live in the area, and made a violent, unsettling display. Straight away, the old farmer had gone from the pasture to seek the help of a good, strong adventurer who knew their beasts, and had come upon Liolaeus travelling on a mote of time between duties.
Looking at the scene, it was clear that the culprit was most likely some kind of fire-breather. Perhaps a coeurl’s levin or similar could be responsible, but they were rare in the sunny plains of Middle La Noscea. Some dinosaurs and scalekin might do such a thing, and would be more likely to see there... The idle thought that a dragon may be responsible came upon Lio’s mind- a stray few were known to live around Raincatcher’s Gully, after all, but that was unlikely, unheard of. The thought probably only crossed him thanks to all the draconic business he’d been in recently since stepping foot in Ishgard.
...Unlikely not meaning impossible, he remembered, when the heavy wingbeats and distinctive cry of a grown dragon takes him from his pondering He whips around; it is thorny-backed and red as the rose of summer, but striped in gold. Hovering before him, it silently stares him down, fulgurous eyes observing his every attribute. Eventually it lands, holding its great horn-crowned head proudly out above its body. Then it speaks in a voice smooth but for the subtlest undertone of scraping metal:
“I think you are the one who my siblings already sing of from afar, dragoon. Liolaeus, is the name that they sing to the broods to remember.”
It looked down expectantly, like it thought he should know something which he did not. Their eyes locked- like all dragons, its gaze was a little predatory, but not malicious; like a cat.
“Yes, and you would be...?”
The dragon made a noise- perhaps a dragon’s kind of laughter- like the rumble of the thunder in the shortest night of summer. It lay in the grass now, front limbs crossed like some sort of lion.
“But of course! Friend of dragons though you may be, you are after all a man; young even when you are old... I should have thought my name did not carry through the tales your kind tells. I am Neeh Thah, daughter of Ratatoskr. A traveller of the star. I have been curious to meet you for a little while now, hero.”
Now the purpose of his being here came back to mind, and he felt a bit ridiculous with the presumed culprit giving him introductions, when he had expected a wild beast for the culling.
“Was it you who slew this steer, Neeh Thah?” he asks, slightly sternly, gesturing at the bovine viscera that still lay on the ground behind him. A wisp of smoke and a kind of huff came from the mouth of the dragon. He hoped he had not angered her.
“You say that as though scolding a dragonet. Once my name was held in great honour, son of man!... I had forgotten how you men are with beasts, it having been such a while since last I associated much with you. I do not think it possible to say you own a living animal, unless you keep it in fetters and lock it away. All that roams on the land and water is the food of hunters.”
A little hint of a smile came upon Lio’s face. He had come out here with a spear and a pack full of potions, and now he was arguing with the cattle-killer. His loyal war chocobo, ever first at his side in danger, had not even looked up from where he was harassing innocent rabbits in their warrens.
“But would you not consider humouring us? There is now peace between man and dragon once more. There must be cooperation if we are to keep it.”
“And what benefit is it to me? Your kind let the livestock out alone where anything could feast upon it and tell me I cannot. If I continue, will you slay me for it, and so break the peace?”
“...You said you wanted to meet me? Was there a reason?”
“Hmm...” There was a mischievous look in her face now, and her head leaned a little forward, almost even with his own now. It seemed she enjoyed this, like a game, every word the moving of a piece.
“Like my mother before me and my siblings about me, I wish to put to song the tales of heroes, men or dragons... But I would not regurgitate what another has said. No, it will only do if I hear the story from the mouth of its protagonist. Yet few men have done aught of note enough for me lately, and dragons have grown lazy or else petty. You, dearest drahorh, are among the few living bearing stories I have not yet sung, and I should think you have many more to make. I would have you tell them to me.”
“...I will tell them.” She puffed up a little at that, bringing her neck back up into its stately curve. “Under the condition that you swear not to take livestock as long as you live.”
There was that laugh like thunder again, and fire was in her eyes. Her wings flared out for a moment.
“Very well then, I am beaten! As long as I live is a great deal of time indeed for we who live nigh forever. But if I cannot have your tales, then I will rue this decision for longer than I live. Let us begin right away! I would hear it all!”
And so they sat in the grass together, as he told his tales and she began, already, to spin them into song, some of the finest he had ever heard, ‘till the sun set that day. Through the coming years they met often, even in the oddest corners of the world, and indeed even long after Liolaeus had set his spear down for the last time, as good friends. The old farmer’s cattle were never killed so again.
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debleb · 8 months ago
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here's my beloved grumpy little armadillo liolaeus <33 HE'S OFFICIALLY NO LONGER LUMPY!!
I am
If you're withholding to prevent spoilers, DM them to me, it's fine. I just want to enjoy how GREAT everyone looks. (But if they're posts, I'll reblog!!)
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dm-digital-manus · 2 years ago
Silver Rathalos
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kujibelievethis · 4 years ago
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“Monster Hunter Movie” Ichiban Kuji May 2021 Tickets sold for about 700 Yen Prize A & Last draw-- Rioreus figure Prize B -- Rioreus or Diablos head magnet Prize C--  Notebook Prize D-- Blind box glass Prize E-- Face or hand towel Prizes and pictures by Bandai Spirit
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reversemoon255 · 6 years ago
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Monster Hunter Chogokin G-Rank Henkei Liolæus
Or the G-Rathalos, whichever you prefer. It’s what I’m going to be calling it. This toy was released back in early 2015, and I remember wanting it back then. I’ve been trying to pick up a lot of the non-old Sentai stuff on my backlog that I’ve wanted to handle, and since I’ve been getting into Monster Hunter World recently (put somewhat on hold by KHIII), I was reminded of this guy. Oddly though, I knew this was released by Chogokin, but I thought this was a joint Monster Hunter and Gundam venture since I learned about it in either an old Hobby Japan or Dengeki Hobby in the Gunpla section. Didn’t learn that that wasn’t correct until I actually got it in hand.
The Good: That Gundam-esque Rathalos Armor is very posable. It has a bit of Gorilla-arm syndrome because of the transformation, but has enough rotation joints in the arm to make up for it. Those shoulder pads and hip skirts, despite their size, have a lot of range to them, and don’t interfere with posability at all. The Armor Mode is definitely the highlight of this release for me.
The Rathalos Mode is a little finicky, but the transformation itself is very crazy and involved. There’s a lot of extending joints, armature swivels, etc. It has some posability, though not as much as I’d like, including a few joints in the sword so it can emote as a tail. There’s some cool engineering in there.
The Bad: That transformation, while cool, is sort of loose. Not loose in a tolerances kind of way, but in a “no locking points” kind of way. It’s almost all ball joint connections, and while they’re strong since there are a lot of metal components involved, everything can be knocked loose if you’re not careful.
Also, while that tightness helps it hold a lot of really good poses, especially with the size and length of its weaponry, because it’s plastic cups rubbing on metal balls, it fights back against you when moving it.
And on the note of its weapons, it has a weird adapter piece that’s required for the Rathalos head to hold the shield or to store the weapons on its back. I feel like it would have been easy to have a piece fold out of the shield center.
Overall, I really like this figure, but it does have its flaws. I got mine for around $65, and I think that’s a good price for it. I’ve seen ones for around $100, and I feel that’s too much. If you like MonHun or Gundam, it’s definitely something to look into, but find it at a price you’re comfortable with.
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debleb · 2 years ago
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lio's sole canon mount is samuel, his companion chocobo!
he met samuel the same way as in the MSQ; he was given to lio by the twin adders as a mount. because the adders don't have many roegadyn or au ra, they didn't have any chocobos on hand that would be of an appropriate size. samuel is actually an adolescent draught chocobo bred for farm work and purchased specially by the adders to be trained as liolaeus' mount. that means he had perhaps less training than a battle chocobo ought to, but there's no doubt he's gotten plently of experience alongside lio. ever since he was given to lio, samuel and liolaeus have been the best and most loyal of friends.
it isn't a coincidence that these two get along so well; it was leandros, the last azem, who created the chocobo as a species for the purposes of travel and bearing loads. after the concept was approved, leandros created his own personal chocobo, named starry-eyes. when he saw the writing on the walls during the final days and after being told venat's plan for hydaelyn, he cast a spell that would exchange a small piece of their souls with each other that they might always recognise each other in their future incarnations, should they chance to meet again.
(oh, he would also have haurchefant's black chocobo, but beloved as that one is, they take a major back seat to samuel.)
What are your IC Mounts?
Mounts! I love them, you love them, some people have a crippling need to collect them all. Something I have often idly wondered, though, is what mounts do characters actually possess in-character? I adore creatures like Grani and the weird/unique supernatural critters, but I’ve always been a bit sad that they’re so inherently difficult to RP out as having in some form, without straining credulity.
Are they some variation of the in-game mounts you can collect? If so, how do they differ from the canon example, if at all?
Are they something else entirely? If so, what are they?
Is there a story to them and how the mount was acquired?
How important is the mount to your character, and do you use them much in you RP?
And so on! Feel free to reblog and ramble about the topic, I’d love to see how everyone handles it.
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rave-in-the-grave · 1 year ago
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but these bones never rested while living, so how can they stand languishing in repose?
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shinyorangemushroom · 6 years ago
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Happy 15th anniversary Monster Hunter! Have a messy Rathalos to celebrate! #monsterhunter #monhun #rathalos #liolaeus #リオレウス #happy15thanniversary https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu5ZgdAjmOA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yd5o5tlaysio
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indragonsaur · 4 years ago
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The Black Rathalos the glitching wyvern
A Hazbin hotel Monster OC from the deep hell jungle.
He was based off the monster hunter creepypasta in the wiki comments.
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old-dragon-treasure · 2 years ago
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Rathalos Trophy Figure (2009)
Terrible wyverns called the 'Kings of the Skies'. Together with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nests. Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and breath of fire.
It measures about 3 by 3 by 3, and is smaller than I had expected; but certainly not a bad thing. It feels pretty solid once you stick it all together.
It measures about 3 by 3 by 3, and is smaller than I had expected; but certainly not a bad thing. It feels pretty solid once you stick it all together.
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nightmares06 · 7 years ago
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Anyone up for a crossover?!
Hunting monsters vs monster hunter
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