#Linnae Ishimi
raitrolling · 8 months
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lil chibi ref for linnae, since idk when ill ever get to drawing proper ones for my newer trolls + ones that needed updates
regular outfit, version with shorts and no cardigan, and their mage outfit (handmade gloves + legwarmers, and the cape that was gifted to them from arctus)
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cloudbattrolls · 3 years
A medical care facility and scientific engineering lab network in one, Crown Clinic is located in the city of Block 136. (City created by @raitrolling)
Administrator & Chief Medic:  Friday Lovely (created by Bel a.k.a anontrolls, currently used by me)
Security Detail & Administrative Assistant: Thrixe Varzim [current affiliate, but not directly employed]
Receptionist & Surgeonhiliator: Cheran Zaurok
Bioengineer: Cipher Tegiro [former employee]
Psiionic Test Subject & Receptionist: Katrin Rissah
Lusus Caretaker: Linnae Ishimi
Prosthetist: Sorzae Laelee
Surgeonhiliator: Hannah Descur
Security Detail: Yarrex Fissaa
Microbiologist: Bellam Xavier
BATHRE CLINIC STAFF: (an affiliate of Crown Clinic)
Administrator & Chief Medic: Ashell Bathre
On-Call Surgeon: Rotavh Suloch
Security & Receptionist: Helios Fenjun
Crown clinic provides a variety of products and care for its clients. Trolls who need routine health checkups and medication prescriptions can find many of them here without need for a pharmacy. The staff are also capable of various types of surgeries, and if they cannot provide a specific type, they can easily direct clients to specialists.
Prior to the arrival of Xrumon Arigah, their prosthetic services were only middling, but have sharply improved as of late.
Psiionic testing of powers and care for related ailments is available, and all data related to such is kept private and not disclosed to the empire if a troll wishes to avoid helming. Even unusual powers or those with harmful side effects can find treatment and handling here.
While it is not openly disclosed, the clinic can and will treat mutants, aliens, and other non-troll entities.
The clinic has several small robots of various kinds for administration, maintenance, sanitation, security, and other miscellaneous purposes. Most are roomba-like and have basic intelligence as well as faces painted on them.
The clinic has a number of lusii taken care of by Linnae Ishimi while their charges work, and some have their own duty of comforting young trolls who either have no lusii or cannot bring theirs to the clinic. They are as follows:
Porcupine-firefly dad: Ullane’s lusus, about the size of a medium dog. Friendly, a little dim, often forgets he is very spiny but doesn’t want to hurt anyone unless they hurt his daughter. He can glow at will and fly short distances.
Beefly dad: Friday’s lusus. A cuddly, fluffy giant beefly (about basketball sized) that pollinates floral revenants. Despite that morbid ecological role, he is nevertheless friendly to trolls.
Raccoon mum: Katrin’s lusus. Comes to the clinic mostly to be fed while her charge works.
Fungidad: Cipher’s tegu lusus. Usually kept with him while he works and not seen in the wider clinic.
Hedgehog mum: The lusus of a friend to Thrixe and Ullane, Glasya Elliss, she is cared for at the clinic when her charge is too busy with work to be at hive.
The clinic is sometimes haunted by Amprus Dorzuh, friend to Xrumon Arigah. Trolls who can see or hear ghosts may perceive her presence.
The clinic is owned by Chimer Latrai, and occasionally she and her two main guards will be seen there.
The clinic was founded and formerly run by Ullane Wistim.
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raitrolling · 5 months
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fuck it [noodles your dragon noodle even more]
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raitrolling · 8 months
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quick lin doodle w. their hair down cuz its been a hot minute since ive drawn anything
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raitrolling · 3 months
Linnae, how’s your training going? Have you learned any new spells lately?
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"Oh, um...!! It's good, ehe...!! Arctu~ doe~n't need to, um,,- train me a~ much anymore, ~o... I've been learning on my own, ehehe... But, um,,- I vi~it him ~till quite a bit...!!"
"Um... Oh-!! Jikiro taught me thi~, ehehe...!!"
=> You take a little plastic bear out of your lusus, which appears to be a toy from a collectible series. Then, you encase it in a bubble to completely soak in it your magic, and - pop! The bubble bursts, and the plastic bear has turned into a little beetle! The bug lands back onto your palm, and starts attempting to crawl up your arm.
"Ehe,, it'll turn back into a toy, though... But, um,,- It take~ a while, ~o I only u~e thi~ ~pell on little thing~, ehehe..."
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raitrolling · 4 months
*hands Linnae an unopened pack of Yu-gi-oh cards*
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"Oh...! Ehehe, thank you...!!"
=> You accept the cards with a smile, and open them up, flipping through each card in the pack.
"Oh, um,,- This one is really pretty, ehe...!"
=> You show the card currently in your hand. It's an Ancient Fairy Dragon with a sparkly background!
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raitrolling · 4 months
oh yeah i kept forgetting to mention but
anyone can visit Linnae's sanctuary btw :]
its located in the middle of a [currently unnamed] forest, and there's no wards or other means to deter people away from finding it cuz Linnae doesnt know how to make those. those who are magic-sensitive will be able to tell that this place is a wellspring created by a powerful mage, and those who aren't will at least get the Vibe that this glade feels strangely calming / pacifying
the lake water heals the injuries of anything it touches, and its clean to drink as well. in fact, just a sip will make you feel more rejuvenated than ever
i just ask that people dont, y'know. have their characters destroy it lmfao
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raitrolling · 4 months
linnae, when you look in a mirror do you like what you see?
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"People ~ay that, um,, I look nice...!! Ehehe...!"
=> The deeper meaning of this question has flown right over your head.
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raitrolling · 5 months
linnae's magic developing more towards healing vs every time fleure has used his magic in current canon it's been for destructive purposes is a very obvious parallel, but rather than making them complete opposites from one another they're just two sides of the same coin
linnae is equally as capable of killing people with his powers if he wanted to, hell i even wrote a bit of lore some time ago about how he drowned a rabbit because he thought that slitting its throat with a knife would be more cruel. and fleure never used to be the way he is now, he's just angry and lashing out at the world who betrayed him and drove his best friend to despair
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raitrolling · 5 months
Vignette: Sanctuary
[Easy reading version on Toyhou.se]
Four soft paws gently landed on the forest’s floor as the dragon arrived at his destination, tail swishing from side to side as he assessed his surroundings. The area was devoid of any signs of trolls, and only the sounds of insects buzzing and leaves being rustled by the slight breeze filled the air. The dragon’s seafoam and pink fins similarly rippled from the moving wind currents, and with no signs of danger present, he seemed to smile contentedly to himself.
Good, it was just as he had left it.
A glade in the middle of an evergreen forest, far enough for most trolls to not accidentally discover without taking a long hike off the beaten track from the nearest public parkland, but perfectly visible from above by creatures capable of flight. Such as the dragon standing before the lake in the centre of the clearing.
He took a few steps forward, and… Dissolved into a flurry of sea foam, leaving a young seadweller in his place to watch the last few bubbles of his shapeshifted form get carried away in the wind. Linnae could have remained as a dragon, but he knew it was important to remain grounded in the society he had spent most of his life isolated from. Instead, it was these forays into exploring the lands between shifts at the Crown Clinic and visiting his mentor Arctus for magic advice that allowed him an escape from the stressful life of the modern world, rather than risking losing himself to an animalistic mind.
Previously, this clearing he had discovered was an old dumping ground no one would have dared to enter. Now, it was the seadweller’s secret hideaway.
Linnae had stumbled upon this small lake about a perigee ago while flying overhead, and even from above his keen senses had noticed something was wrong. The water had been a murky brown colour with swirls of black oil, polluted by something the seadweller did not recognise.
Now, the lake shone a brilliant blue under the moonlight, so clear that one could clearly see the lakebed under the water line. Sparkles of magical energy bounced off the surface, and the aquatic life underneath the waves were brimming with energy. Flowering plants flourished along both the shoreline and the boundaries of the clearing, decorating the glade with fragrant clusters of blues, purples, pinks, and yellows. The fish population was abundant, schools of various species of bass and trout weaved between the reeds and lilies. Linnae was careful to make sure the populations of aquatic life were properly maintained to prevent overcrowding, but sometimes he failed to resist snapping a few fish up in his draconic jaws and eating them raw, rather than shifting back into troll form to cook them correctly. 
His dragon form had also been a major boon in removing the foreign contaminant from the lake, as his increased strength allowed him to effortlessly pull it out from the muck. It appeared to be some sort of machine part - perhaps an engine of sorts? - whatever it was and why it was there, Linnae didn’t know, but he did know it needed to be transported to a scrapyard instead.
To this day, the security guards in the nearby town’s junkyard cannot explain the brilliant white serpent-like creature appearing on their cameras to drop off the waterlogged remains of a burnt-out scuttlebuggy. 
But, the sea dragon troll thought nothing of that moment now, as he waded out into the lake. His long pigtails and flowing cardigan fanned out behind him in the water like a koi’s tail, and the fish all darted away from as his approached. The lake grew deeper further from the shore, so as the water reached his waist he duck-dived down and swam the rest of the way to the centre, twirling underwater and resurfacing onto his back, staring up at the twin moons.
Linnae floated, basking in the moonlight and keeping his body as still as possible, with the exception of his fins twitching in response to any ripples in the water. He closed his eyes, focusing on only the feeling of the water against his skin and clothing and the ambient sounds of nature. He felt the magical energy permeating into the water swirl around him, easing the slight aches from a night of caring for the long-term patients’ lusii at the clinic. Animals needed to be fed and groomed, bedding needed to be replaced and sleeping areas cleaned up, and each creature also had their own specific needs to be kept entertained during their stay. It was rewarding work, but it could also be tiring.
He had not yet made the connection that visiting the lake he purified was not just soothing because of its location, far off from the hustle and bustle of Block 136, but also because of what he had done to it. 
It had taken more than simply removing the contaminants from the lake to restore its natural beauty, Linnae had utilised a purification spell - originally only used to clean cooking implements and sterilise medical tools, - on a much larger scale to clean up the area. To ensure the spell would hold, he’d cast it every time he returned to the clearing, until everything within the glade’s radius was wholly (and unknowingly, to him) infused with his magic.
It was why the water was so clear. It was why the grass surrounding the lake was so green and healthy. It was why all the plant life grew so quickly, and the animal populations were both so plentiful and so lively. It was why one could feel a powerful, calming aura as soon as they stepped within the bounds of Linnae’s spell. And, it was why-
A sudden rustling of some nearby bushes caught the seadweller’s attention, fins flicking in response to the disruption. He rolled over, tapping into a spell he had once crafted to not disturb the surface of the water when moving, so that he did not draw any attention to what may have just approached. 
A rabbit, cream and white fur heavily streaked with blood, bounded erratically into the clearing. Its movements suggest that it had just been attacked by a predator, twisting awkwardly to account for the torn muscles in its leg and blinded from a large bloody gash across its face. Bite marks were also present on the rabbit’s leg, which Linnae noticed as it hopped closer to the shoreline. But the creature was too focused on fleeing from its foe to notice that it was dangerously close to a slight incline at one edge of the lake, and-
Linnae yelped in surprise as the poor animal fell into the water, watching it thrash wildly in a panic as it discovers that the land is no longer beneath its feet.
He sprung into action, diving back underwater and kicking off the lake bed to get the speed required to rescue the drowning animal. The clearness of the water made it very easy to locate the rabbit, which he quickly scooped up into his arms and resurfaced, now in a shallower area that he could stand up in. 
The rabbit thrashed around for a few more moments while Linnae struggled to reposition it in his arms correctly, but then it managed to calm down. Its ears flicked and its nose twitched, then it looked up at the seadweller with perfectly unharmed eyes.
Wait, wasn’t it injured only a few moments ago? And why did Linnae not notice any blood in the water?
He waded over to the shore and set the animal back down, where - sure enough, it bounded away without any signs of the previous limp it had. There were no gashes or bitemarks, to the point where he wondered if he was imagining the rabbit’s injuries. But, he was certain that at the very least it was covered in blood, and he knew he had recognised wounds consistent with a mauling. What was going on?
Linnae watched as the rabbit disappeared into the forest once more, standing still and hardly minding his wet hair and clothes sticking to his skin. His fins twitched as he thought over what might have happened to the rabbit, recalling some previous strange occurrences involving his magic. 
The way he knew how to purify water before he was aware that he was capable of magic. The somewhat botched attempt at the shapeshifting spell Jikiro taught him, in which the object he had transformed stayed in its morphed shape for much longer than intended, all because he soaked it in water infused with his own magic. The glade around him, blooming with life despite him not knowing a lick of plant-related magic, the area flourishing once he had removed the pollutants. The time when Arctus cut into his palm for a magic ritual, only for the wound to heal the moment blood was spilled…
All along, his magic has been connected to life itself, the concept so strongly intertwined with his domain. The way water cleans, purifies, nourishes, rejuvenates, heals.
This glade had become more than just Linnae’s secret hideaway. It was a sanctuary for all living creatures, and the physical embodiment of his very nature as a mage.
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raitrolling · 5 months
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i found a worm on a string picrew and i. couldnt not make my sona + two of my Certified Noodles liiore and linnae with it
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raitrolling · 1 year
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masterpost of all my favourite things from my doodle folder because i was just going through it
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raitrolling · 1 year
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=> You’ve found a nice secluded clearing in the forest, which you’ve been returning to every now and again to practice your magic. The clearing is large enough that you can use your magic without risking damaging any trees or getting in the way of any animal’s homes, the air and soil is suitably moist that you won’t be unintentionally drawing any water out of it and harming the balance of nature, and you can hear a river off to the distance.
=> You stand in the middle of the clearing, playing with a fish you’ve made out of water. It ‘swims’ around you in the air, leaving a trail of sparkles behind its long flowing tail as water droplets hit the moonlight. You summon a second fish, and giggle to yourself as you make the constructs dance around each other at high speeds. You don’t have a single care in the world until-
=> Crack. 
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A- Ah...! Wh- Who’~ there...?? 
=> You stop, turning your head towards the source of the noise, and the two water fish also stop their dance and remain hovering in the air. That twig snapping was definitely from a troll’s footsteps.
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raitrolling · 6 months
on a lighter note, linnae and sharle have exactly one degree of separation between them so they could potentially meet
meaning: dragon rides
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raitrolling · 6 months
i do think a lot about how linnae has a compulsion to giggle/laugh whenever they experience Emotions and the compulsion only gets worse the stronger theyre feeling that emotion, so when they came across the bodies of their caretaker + servants their immediate response was to break down into uncontrollable hysterical laughter because they didnt know what else to do
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raitrolling · 7 months
chariot, hanged man, moon for linnae
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[THE CHARIOT] - Do they feel like they belong anywhere, or do they feel outcast in comparison to their peers?
Somewhat yes and no, he does feel like he has somewhere to go to where good people are in the form of the Crown Clinic and Arctus' shop, but he's also still quite aware that he's still an outsider in general. He knows that he's 'different' because of his upbringing (or lack of any sort of proper upbringing), so he's never going to be able to properly fit in with others.
But he still very much appreciates the people who are patient and kind to him, and help him find places where he can belong :)
[THE HANGED MAN] - Do they feel "stuck" in any aspects, or as if they're falling behind their goals?
Linnae doesn't really feel stuck, but he does feel like he has a lot of catching up to do in order to be on par with his peers both intellectually and socially. He is trying his best to make sure he doesn't fall behind any further and is always working towards learning new things, but while he does pick up new practical skills very easily he's still lacking in foundational skills like reading and writing. He's getting better at the latter two, but it's a slower process compared to how quickly he can learn how to use his magic or anything else hands-on.
It also probably doesn't help that they spend a lot of time out in the wilderness practicing their magic or looking after the animals in the clinic and not really talking to other people, so their social skills are somewhat falling behind.
[THE MOON] - What is one question they would do anything to get an answer to, no matter the cost?
They don't have any pressing questions at the moment, because they haven't really put much thought into the things that separate them from their peers.
But at some point in time, they might find themselves really wanting to know why their caretaker raised them the way he did, and if he really loved them in the first place.
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