#Link Arcadius Hartell
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Hey, @hyrule-kingdom-updates, can you believe it’s been two whole years already? 
I decided to draw another post of yours to celebrate! I hope you like it
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Chapter 3 sneaky peaky:
Heroes Through the Eras
Link Sabellius Blair: Hero of the Light, Slayer of the Arachnid King, The Carver of Tanagar, The Father of Iron. [See the Archives of Legends for list of all details and accolades] Died in the Battle of Finality, in which thanks to his fiery last stand now immortalized in the Breach of Demise, the kingdom successfully defeated and sealed the necrotic forces that long plagued the land.  
Link Ercan Merritts: Hero of Legacy, Voice of the Brave, Slayer of the Mother of Giants, The Bane of Betrayers. Active in both the physical defense of the people as well as in court politics, it was by his hand that many anarchists, terrorists, and monsters alike were defeated, their schemes foiled, and peace within Hyrule maintained. Died of natural causes 
Link Dougal Moore: The Blade Invisible. Most notable for speaking to and for the spirits of the land. Lived a hermit life in Shadow Pass, and took few apprentices. Died of poisoning from an unknown party. 
Link Nellie Aaldenberg: Violent vigilante who frequently fought against the campaigns of Queen Zelda Irene. Wielded an ancient device that shot metal arrows. Sliced two fingers off of Queen Irene in a defending revolt against the Hebra Conquests. Killed by Princess Zelda Kleos. 
Link Wallace Grey: Born to a family in Tabantha Village. Died at birth.
Link Ryo Furst: Born to a family in Lurelin Village. Died at birth.
Link Michelle Ragnar: Born to a family in Gerudo Town. Died at birth.
Link [Unknown]: Died. Link [Unknown]: Died. Link [Unknown]: Died. [See Chapter 4: The Prunings of Queen Irene and Queen Kleos for speculations]
Link Abbas Brandt: Hero of Prosperity. The Right Hand of Kleos. Said to have never failed an order, nor ever lost a fight. Previous General of the Hyrulean Army, first General not of the Hartell Family lineage
*Link Saylor Baanders: First Hero with Sheikah Blood, The Faster Blade, Founder of the Blue Flame Guild [See Chapter 6: The Dilemmas of Parallax Prophecy for details and speculations] 
**Link Arcadius Hartell: Hero of the Iron Wood, eliminated the entirety of the Gerudo King Cult at 19, youngest appointed captain in the Hyrulean Army, youngest Captain of the Royal Guard. [Please advise.] 
--- Please revise the manuscript with the noted redactions. Storyhouse is very specific on what it wants. If you send this now as is, you’re just asking to get imprisoned. Please redact the rest. I know it’s direct from the Archives, but still, it’s really not appropriate.  
— Excerpt of an Encyclopedic manuscript recording all known heroes within Hyrule over the last three centuries. Dated 18 years before The Calamity. Attached with letters to Hyrule Royal Storyhouse publishing company. Never published.
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Larc: Here are two pictures. One of them is your office, and the other is a garbage dump. Can you tell which is which?
Siv: Uhh
Siv, pointing at one of the pictures: That one is the dump
Larc: They're both your office
Siv: Shit
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decarabiandivorce · 3 years
Pride month Lonc drabbles (Link Arcadius Hartell x Launo Birch)  Currently on chapter 3/4 Planned/ Prompted:
1.Crushes/Confessions, Tired, Swords/Blades, Voices, Obligatory Ace Day, Soft/Fluffy
2. Magic/Ethereal, Hold/Forearms, Run, First Kiss, Duel/Battle, Dresses ,Malice/Benevolence,
3. Stay/Dig In ,GIRLS…, Control/Flow, Ambition/Indifference, Simp, BOYS/Fathers' Day, Funky kids, Calm/Serenity, 
4. Uniform, Asunder/Together, Family ,Memory ,Future/Destiny , Milfs/Dilfs, Gender is non-existent, Kingdom/Where?
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
Also improvising some Larc stuff because for some reason I want to back all of @hyrule-kingdom-updates with Jazz
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rangerlink · 4 years
okay okay okay my extremely vague @hyrule-kingdom-updates theories before tomorrow, under a cut for SPOILERS because you should really experience this blog as blind as possible:
okay in short I am VERY SUS of Larc which isn’t exactly an original thought but listen, Something Is Going On With Larc
I think there’s a large-ish possibility he was in fact responsible for the first arm-chopping incident which is why Siv doesn’t remember it (although it’s also possible Siv was there at the time and witnessed it)
this is corroborated by the extremely strong vibes I’m getting that Bad Dad Hartell Has Something On Larc. he and Larc both know some secret that no one else does, which would be extremely bad for Larc if it got out. could be I’m just reading too much into Bad Dad’s “I made you” comments but I could also not be!
honestly my initial thought was “holy shit is Arcadius Hartell some kind of false identity?? was there some kind of Twin Switch But They’re Not Twins???” I think that’s a pretty improbable theory because I don’t see how it could have happened when they were teenagers and Siv and the Hylian populace at large be totally unaware of it but I do get the very strong idea that There Has Been Some Kind Of Switcheroo. to paraphrase the words of Brian David Gilbert, “mayhaps some things, perchance, were swapped".
jumping off of this I do think it’s at least a little bit possible that Siv and Larc, like, switched names??? this would be connected to my first theory up there of Larc Did The First Arm-Chopping, and that initially, the first child was named Link Arcadius Hartell because why wouldn’t you give your first child the hero name?? and then Larc’s name was in fact Assivus Hartell for the first 17 years of his life but then he needed a new name after The Incident so his dad gave him his brother’s.
I have absolutely no clue where I’m going with this it would be really really improbable and hard to do but I’m just getting SUCH strong Switcheroo Vibes that I can’t help but be over here gesturing emphatically at my Pepe Silvia Board except all it says is “Mayhaps Some Things Perchance Were Swapped!!”
but then also I’m just really attached to Siv Hartell, Amnesiac Arm-Chopper At Large
idk i’m not good at theorizing and i dont normally do it!!!
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Launo: *Is holding up a sign that says “prom?”*
Siv: Oh my god, oh my god, yes!
Launo: No, no, no, tell Larc!
Siv: Oh, okay
Siv: Hey, Larc, I’m going to prom with your boyfriend!
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Young Larc: I got us fake IDs
Launo: To drink?
Larc: No, to vote
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Larc: You can't do this! It's against the law!
Siv, about to commit 19 felonies at the same time: What's stopping me? A piece of paper that's been touched by multiple old white men?
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Larc: You spent all our money on THIS?
Siv, putting tiny raincoats on baby rats: They live outside. They need this
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Larc, seeing a big pile of trash: Big.......
Larc, looking at Aryll: .....mood???
Aryll, beaming:
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Rubeo: Siv and I don't really have pet names for each other
Larc: What do bees make, then?
Rubeo: Honey?
Larc: ...
Larc: Huh, I really thought that would work
Rubeo: Ha! You idiot
Siv, from another room: Yeah?
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Launo: I wish you’d just admit when you’ve made a mistake
Larc, stirring his coffee serenely: I prefer it with salt
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Siv, in a completely serious voice: Sir, it has been reported lately that you do, in fact, have little paw-paws and a little button nose. Do you care to comment?
The rat he’s holding: *Squeak?*
Siv: Interesting
Larc, walking in: ...Am I interrupting something?
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Siv: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Larc, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Siv: fsh
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Larc: You can say "please" and “thank you" in front of your kids all you want and they will never repeat it, but then your brother says "ass-faced motherfucker" in front of them one time--
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