#Limes Inferior
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times-of-drought · 3 months ago
Snippet Sunday woah
– If I wanted to, I could do some lifting – she hissed under her breath. Of course, she never planned to take on that "profession", she has always looked at members of it with a dose of light-hearted disregard. All lifters think that they oh, cheat the system so perfectly, but if it came down to it, they could not defend themselves even against common muggers, moreso her. Kealis... does not like the type of a person that puts too much faith in their mind, while lifters are exactly that. Of course, intellect is quite crucial in her current specialty, but simple, brutal strength is equally as important. You should never put all eggs in one basket, as her old friends from the underworld used to say. She got dreamy for a while, reminiscing about liked by her gamblers. Oh, such nights did she spend partying for their dirty points! Her every relationship ended with an emptied out account of her "friend". That's just how Kealis was and nothing will change that.
– Gdybym chciała, mogłabym poliftować. – prychnęła pod nosem złośliwie. Oczywiście, nigdy nie zamierzała parać się tym ‘zawodem’, zawsze spoglądała na przedstawicieli tej profesji z pewną dozą lekceważącego pobłażania. Wszyscy lifterzy myślą, że och, tak wspaniale oszukują system, ale gdyby przyszło co do czego, nie byliby się w stanie obronić przed pospolitymi rabusiami, a co dopiero przed nią. Kealis… nie przepada za typem osoby, która za bardzo pokłada swoje nadzieje w rozumie, a właśnie tacy są lifterzy. Oczywiście, intelekt również jest niezwykle istotny w jej aktualnej specjalności, ale sama brutalna siła jest podobnie ważna. Nigdy nie należy stawiać wszystkiego na jedną kartę, jak to mawiali jej starzy znajomi z półświatka. Rozmarzyła się przez chwilę, wspominając lubianych przez nią hazardzistów. Och, cóż to były za noce spędzone na balowaniu za ich nieuczciwie zarobione punkty… Każda jej znajomość, prędzej czy później, kończyła się na opróżnionym koncie "przyjaciela". Taka już była Kealis i pewnie nic już tego nie zmieni.
I love her. She's my favourite [SPOILERS]
serial killer ♥♥♥♥♥
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Jest rok 1982. Jeden z wybitniejszych rodzimych pisarzy fantastyki naukowej wydaje za pośrednictwem wydawnictwa Iskry "Limes Inferior". Rok wcześniej spod jego pióra wyszedł zbiór opowiadań "Feniks", a jeszcze kolejny rok wstecz ukazał się równie ważny w jego dorobku "Cylinder van Troffa". Janusz Zajdel, to pisarz, o którym pewnie słyszał każdy zainteresowany polską fantastyką. W końcu jego imieniem jest nazwana jedna z ważniejszych w kraju nagród za utwory w tym gatunku. Nazwana została po tym jak pierwszą Nagrodę Fandomu Polskiego Sfinks uzyskała jego "Paradyzja", a niecały rok później kopnął w kalendarz. Oczywiście w szerokiej świadomości publicznej go praktycznie nie ma, w szczególności, gdyby jego nazwisko porównywać do takiego szyldu, jakim jest Lem. A szkoda, bo moje wcześniejsze spotkania z jego literaturą były bardzo przyjemne. Na studiach, już nie pamiętam kiedy, połknąłem wspomniany już "Cylinder…", a wcześniej jego zbiór opowiadań "Przejście przez lustro". W obu pozostawił bardzo ciekawe i oryginalne idee.
Tym razem jednak zabrałem się za pozycję, który swój tytuł zaczerpnął od terminu matematycznego tłumaczonego na nasz jako "granica dolna". Niestety reklamowy tekst zamieszony na tylnej okładce z wydawnictwa superNOWA skutecznie zaspoilerował mi główny twist fabuły. Niemniej jednak nadal bardzo ciekawie śledziło się przygody Sneera - głównego bohatera. Pomagała na pewno temu majówka, którą postanowiłem spędzić w połowie aktywnie, a w połowie powracając do lektury. Bowiem pierwsze 70 stron zapisanych grubym drukiem, przeczytałem parę miesięcy temu. Jednak wtedy przeszkodą dla mnie w czerpaniu przyjemności z lektury była nadmierna chęć robienia notatek, a jak dobrze wiemy, nic nie psuje rozrywki bardziej, niż przerywanie jej co chwila. Tak więc podczas długiego weekendu, zabrałem się za nią i zjadłem w ciągu dwóch dni.
Przejdźmy jednak do samego mięsa, czyli treści. Jest to rozwinięcie opowiadania "Dzień liftera", które Zajdel zaprezentował w zbiorze "Ogon diabła". Tytułowy lifter to osoba pomagająca sztucznie zawyżyć klientowi klasę inteligencji. Ta zaś jest podstawowym składnikiem podziału społeczeństwa świata Argolandu (to nie jest "Agroland") położonego nad jeziorem Tibigan. Każdy obywatel jest przypisany do jednej z nich po ukończeniu powszechnych obowiązkowych studiów. Innymi centralnymi elementami tego ustroju jest powszechna automatyzacja, "pasywna" inwigilacja, urządzenie zwane "Klucz" (połączenie karty bankowej, zegarka, certyfikatu inteligencji i identyfikatora osobowego - czyli obecnie smartfon), oraz wielowalutowość. Ta ostatnia jest realizowana za pomocą tak zwanych punktów. Najmniejszej wartości są czerwone dawane wszystkim po równe, później są zielone za klasę społeczną (potencjał przydatności), oraz najważniejsze żółte - za rzeczywistą pracę.
Z fabuły nie zdradzę wiele, bo taką lepiej odkrywać na bieżąco, ale jako drobny apetizer postaram się opisać wrażenia i początek. A ten jest związany z postacią najwybitniejszego w mieście liftera o pseudonimie Sneer. Tutaj drobna notatka, bo jest to nawiązanie do innego polskiego pisarza s-f, która posłużyła za bazę dla tej postaci, a był nim Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg. Nie zmienia to jednak w ogóle odczytu utworu. Główny bohater bardzo dobrze prosperuje w tak sztucznie wymyślonym systemie, jakim jest metropolia, którą zamieszkuje. Dzięki swojej inteligencji, która w rzeczywistości jest najwyższej klasy, a formalnie średniej, z uprawiania nieuczciwego procederu może wieść spokojne leniwe życie. Spotkanie pośledniejszego kolegi po fachu i danie się wciągnąć w splot zdarzeń owocuje powstawaniem u niego pytań o genezę, przyczynę i sensowność statusu quo, na którą znajduje zaskakującą odpowiedź. Więcej nie mogę powiedzieć, bo odebrałbym wam całą radość z czytania.
Akcja jest wartka, a kolejne węzły sieci powiązań ukazywane są spokojnie po kolei. Przez to bardzo przyjemnie się ją przerabiało. Samo rozwiązanie akcji było dziwne, bo potraktowałem je jako symboliczne, a raczej ten tekst stroni od takich zabiegów. Oczywiście oprócz tego, że całą książkę można czytać jako parabolę na komunizm. Trzeba przypomnieć, a to jest nadzwyczajne, że bez poprawek cenzora wszedł do obiegu w szczycie stanu wojennego. Pytania o sens i kraniec automatyzacji pojawiają się też, nomen omen, automatycznie, a ich apogeum jest przy przypadkowym zobaczeniu przez Sneera pokazu seksrobotów. Nie chcę się rozwodzić szerzej nad fabułą, bo ta już jest dla każdego do zinterpretowania, a inspiracje pisarza do znalezienia na Wikipedii. Ze swojej strony mogę ją polecić i miejmy nadzieję, że za niedługo (może nawet w tym roku) podobne wnioski wyciągnę z książki "Paradyzja". Na dziś to jednak wszystko.
Miłego, Adiabat 04.05.2024
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musubiki · 1 year ago
dark academia oscar!!! does he wear those shirts with the frill collars too and the high waisted pants lol?
HES GONNA LOOK SO GOOD WHEN I HAVE TIME TO DRAW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was thinking those fancy plaid pants with the high socks and fancy brown shoes with like. a long coat and maybe like a fucking insufferable sweater vest over button-up shirt vibes......im sure madam springs tried to put him in the fucking poofy shirt and he went "this isnt the 8th century anymore madam" followed my a whack on the head
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forgivenfolly · 8 months ago
really trying to avoid the predictable Coal and Furnace dye for them and for one blissful second i was like huh this dye doesn't look too bad but idk how i'll incorporate red accents
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and hten i noticed the fucking
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kii2me2ii2 · 2 years ago
yall have no clue the amount of times I've used "human lime" to refer to jake in my head
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anglerflsh · 1 year ago
What the fascistic hatred for abstract art and idolisation of only the Rational, Realistic Art, the only one that comes close to a science, the only one that can be excused as existing (because the more realistic it is the less you see the artist in it and the more it can conform to a standard) have done is unforgivable. btw
Fascism notoriously hates abstract art, and positivism's legacy was a degradation of humanities that led to a distate for art that couldn't be objectively graded on a clear scale or measures in scientific truths. The result is the need to be able to give a correct and rational value to art, and the scale chosen for it was realism.
Which inevitably brings the thought that was isn't realistic is bad, on principle! It is idiotic because art is inherently subjective! You cannot grade it in such a way because it is not meant to be a surefire and technically onthologically correct or incorrect pursuit, it is meant to be art, but fascism hates what it cannot grade as either superior or inferior, degenerate or inspiring, and therefore makes up ways to do that that actually have no meaning and make no sense.
+ It is also why hyperrealistic art is often soulless - not always - but think of (as the example that Jaja gave me, hi) those Instagram drawings of perfectly photorealistic lips or eyes. They all look the same. They all look maybe even incredible, but by virtue of all looking the same, they lose the artist. Could you tell if two drawings of the same set of lime-biting lips were made by different people, when they are so so similar, and so so realistic? What of the prevalent AI art artstyle, a mesh of perfect rendering, all looking the same? Where is the individuality in making all art look identical! Where is the artist in a drawing that does not show any stylistic choice!
The point is. Your art style isn't holding you back because it isn't "realistic enough." You can do what you want forever
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iyamaggies-blog · 1 year ago
Bubble bath
A Mahito Drabble I think I did a pretty good job avoiding gendered language. A lil suggestive but a lime if anything. Maybe I’ll do a smutty part two eventually. Half proof read enjoy! @sdr2lovemail this doin it for you or nah?
You’ve never seen a bath this bubbly before. Mass clumps of bubbles towering over the tub and overflowing onto the floor.
After loosing games against Mahito all morning he had left you alone only briefly before returning and wordlessly hiking you over his shoulder to move you into the bathroom, yanking your clothes off and dropping you unceremoniously into the tub smiling and giggling to himself as you sputtered out confused noises before managing to spit out a “what are you doing?!”
“Oh cmon you know! Humans bathe their pets all the time! Good owners keep their pets nice and clean.”
He strips his clothes and plops in the tub in front of you. “I hear some pets don’t like baths.” Grabbing your foot out of the water and using the overflowing bubbles to suds up your leg with his hands. “But I think grooming you is gonna such a fun bonding experience for us!” His hands change texture as he scrubs your leg with a gentle abrasion placing it back into the water once he’s finished. He repeats the action with your other leg pulling your foot out of the water and working his way up your leg while quietly humming to himself. He looks so content. He smiles softly to himself while concentrating on the task in front of him. Your skin feels so soft and warm and your being so good and pliant for him! To think he’s found you, his treasured pet, among the masses of inferior humans.
You expect him to place your leg in the water but instead his hands grip down tight and yank you forward. You let out a surprise gasp as your upper body is pulled into the water. Now settled between your thighs Mahito reaches into the bubbly abyss to pull you upright against him. Your coughing and trying to wipe your face while Mahito laughs boisterously, pressing you tight against him to speak directly in your ear. “See isn’t this so much fun! We should do all our baths together!” You feel his fingers take on a more slender boney shape as he runs his one hand through your hair wrapping the other around your waist to anchor you flush against him. It’s relaxing the way he detangles your hair. He keeps running his comb like fingers over your scalp long after the last tangle has been vanquished.
Mahito washes you with a surprisingly gentle touch. Thoroughly cleaning every inch of your body. You leave your head tilted against his with your chin resting on his shoulder as his hands roam every curve and crevice of your body. Your breaths are slow and even as you relax against him. It’s strange to feel so at ease around such a fearsome curse. You’ve witnessed the those hands torment and mangle countless others with just a fleeting touch, those same hands that are now gliding across your soapy body, lulling you to shut your eyes and-
“Awww are you sleepy?”
Mahito pushes you forward to look at your face as he begins washing the front of your body. His one arm still around your waist to steady you while the other washes up your stomach slowing to a stop at your chest directly over your heart. Their heartbeat is so relaxed, the bath is working! A wide toothy grin decorating his face while stroking over your chest lightly before groping at the flesh then moving back to his more cleansing ministrations. Working his way up your shoulders and neck until his eyes dart up to meet yours and his hands cradle your face with a powerful firmness
“I could do anything I want to you right now.”
Staring down at your wide eyes and wet face he’s suddenly overcome with an overwhelming urge to…..attack you?
He dives forward to press his lips to yours in a series on forceful pecks before smashing your mouths together again to shove his tounge past your lips. You try to keep up with the aggressive pace but his tounge completely over powers yours. You surrender and allow him to explore every crevice of your mouth before he pulls away, a trail of spit connecting you. Your eyes meet for a moment before he’s pushing you back against the edge of the tub. Splashing water everywhere as he twirls around and plops back against you. His back against your chest as he beams up at you with a closed eyed smile and claps his hands enthusiastically.
“Ok your gonna wash me now!”
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last-lorekeeper · 2 months ago
Hello everyone. Since it seems like some people have difficulty identifying fruit, I've taken it upon myself to do what I do best and educate the masses. Welcome to...
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Apple: Apples are round red/green/yellow fruits with a bottom that looks kinda like a butt with four cheeks. Granny Smith Apples are the best Apples, all other Apples are inferior.
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Blueberries: Blueberries are small, round, blue fruits. Except they're also kind of purple-ish. I relate to blueberries because I, too, like to tell lies about myself.
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Raspberries: Kinda sour, don't actually make you rasp, in fact you don't even pronounce the "p," you can find em all over the place in the wild. Not to be confused with Razz Berries.
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Blackberries: The Raspberry's evil twin. I hate these fuckers.
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Orange: Fun fact: the word Orange comes from the fruit, not the other way around. I swear this is actually true, look it up if you don't believe me. Oranges don't really make sense. Apples you eat their clothes, but Oranges you don't. What's the deal?
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Lemons: Like sour, yellow, deformed Oranges. Life gives them to you. I don't want them, though! I'm gonna make combustible lemons and burn life's house down!
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Limes: Green, less sexy lemons.
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Grapes: Small ovular fruits that taste sweet and grow in bunches. Some are green, some are purple. You can make "grape juice" out of them.
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Grapefruits: Even more of a liar than blueberries, Grapefruits share nothing in common with grapes. They're much closer to oranges, though they're bigger and taste different. To eat them you've gotta cut em in half and scoop out the guts with a special spoon. I fucking love these things. Favorite fruit hands down. Especially with sugar.
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Pears: Apples but worse.
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Bananas: Long, yellow, curved fruit. Like a boomerang. Used in dick jokes by uncreative dudebros who've never had an original thought in their life. Honestly, not really a fan of these.
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serpentface · 7 months ago
hello i would love to hear about culturally specific dishes in the blightseed setting. what do the animals taste like hows their fat content... herbs and seasonings and the trades involved perhaps..... hows the salt economy? love your setting and if you have a list of ingredients i will invent meals in my head and be well satisfied... i just love food and cooking in world building it is so important to me :-)
OK this is crazy because I had literally just cooked a Lore Friendly Meal the night before I got this ask.
Since this is a super broad question gonna default to Imperial Wardin since that's what I'm writing in right now and has the most developed food economy. (Sorry.)
This region currently dominates the eastern Inner Seas tradeway so has a very broad access to imported foods and spices, and many of its staples are not originally native to the region. Its regional cuisine is quite diverse and varied, largely owing to its status in the tradeway and a long history of immigration to the region (as well as a wide variety of native regional variations in diet).
For simplicity's sake I'm mostly going to stick to staples that are grown in-region (whether native or not) or commonly imported. Also mostly sticking to domesticated plant life, or very common and easily acquired wild plants. (Also not all these plants/herbs/spices would be 1:1 with real-world equivalents, or would be of unique variants that don't exist irl, but if they're basically the same thing I use the IRL word)
Staple base foods: maize, barley, wheat, and rice (closer to O. glaberrima than O. sativa), red yam (a yam regarded as very delicious), white yam (a hardier but poorer tasting yam, often associated with poverty), cassava, chickpeas, other legumes.
Staple vegetables (regionally varies): Cabbage, lettuce, okra, onions, garlic, chili peppers, celery, peas, kolis (a drought tolerant, cactus-like plant. Young stems are tender and edible), camiche (a tree that produces edible seedpods and young leaves).
Staple fruits: Dates, figs, pomegranates, olives, melons, apples, bitter cherries, kolis fruit, nara (a type of citrus, comparable in flavor and sourness to lime).
Widely used spices/herbs/flavorings: cumin, saffron (VERY expensive but natively grown), coriander, culantro, thyme, fennel, sage, tumeric, cardamom, ginger, firebug (an insect that is dried and crushed, provides a reddish hue and slight acidic flavor), anuje (a tree sap which is the region's most popular sweetener).
Livestock: cattle, horses (the small 3 hooved kind), hogs, ducks, geese, one domesticated species of gazelle, some camelops (rare in this region, imported), one type of small domesticated lacetor, several types of fowl.
Other meat (common wild game, or livestock raised in smaller or more localized capacities): crocodiles, gazelles, aurochs, salutachin (a meat dog breed), doves, nechoi, lacetor, hippegalga, anara (a large semi-aquatic rodent), hespiornis, unkata (a large flightless bird), ibis, pheasants, rabbits and hares, caviar ants.
(Of the fantasy game, most nechoi have a strong, lean gamey meat, but an-nechoi is fattier and milder. Lacetor is generally mild and tough (with a few very fatty cuts) and benefits from slow cooking and heavy spices. Hippegalga is lean and mildly gamey and has a nutty quality. Anara tastes like wild rabbit, but slightly fattier. Unkata kind of just tastes like turkey.)
Alcohol: Wine is very important and is consumed (mostly watered down) on a daily basis. Date wine is most common and least expensive by far; only small parts of the region are ideal for viniculture and grape wine is somewhat uncommon. Other fruit wines are common (bitter cherry and kolis fruit being most popular). A very strong liquor is produced from anuje sap, with sweeter and lower ABV versions available as a kind of dessert wine. Grain-based beers and liquors are widely available, but not as prized as fruit/anuje drinks. Mead is somewhat rare and is mostly seen as inferior to anuje.
Salt economy: this region is a dominant player in the salt trade, having a large area of salt flats and marshes in its south. Salt is widely accessible throughout the region via internal trade routes.
Fishing: The region has a huge fishing industry along its coasts and the diet in the coastal cities is enriched with seafood. Pretty much any edible sea life is eaten. (Dozens of fish species, octopus, squid, clams, urchins, oysters, scallops, crabs, lobster, shrimp, etc etc). The tiny, schooling larval form of yotici are also sometimes eaten.
There's also a 'whaling' industry for leviathans, which have very rich, blubbery meat high in iron (I guess I'd describe it as a fattier, stronger, bloodier version of alligator meat), and uhrwal, which have very tough, gamey meat and are considered an acquired taste, used specifically for delicacy dishes.
Misc lore:
Arthropods are not widely eaten in the region and have stigma as peasant or famine food. Some local exceptions are made for locusts, and the eggs of caviar ants (there is a very small industry of ant farming in Ephennos, brought by White Sea qilik immigrants).
Dogs have been used for meat in this region for hundreds of years (largely in the form of the salutachin, a breed specifically developed for meat), but the practice declined under the 3rd Burri empire (in which context it was seen as an 'unclean' food). Cultural trauma from feral dogs eating the dead (and in turn being eaten by starving civilians) during a siege-induced famine has made it specifically taboo in Godsmouth. Dog is now widely considered a famine/poverty food in most of the region, though corn-fed salutachin is still a delicacy in the city-state of Wardin.
Animals that eat human flesh are taboo to consume in most parts of the region (whether this extends to all/most predators or just obligate scavengers varies).
Eggs of skimmer gulls and ibis are considered delicacies.
The basic diet varies across the region, but a huge proportion of the established cuisine revolves around cumin, onions, and peppers for flavoring.
The majority of the diet for an average person is built on savory grain porridge and mashed legumes.
Dairy products are important to the everyday diet in the eastern 'dairy belt' of the region, but are of lesser significance elsewhere. Horsemilk and cow's milk are both common.
Maize is usually consumed after nixtamalization for greater nutritional content.
Most people (especially in the cities) do not eat meat on a regular basis, as even for self-sustaining farmers and herders, the value of livestock for milk, textiles, labor, sacrifice, and trade means that frequent slaughter is often unsustainable. Most get their everyday protein needs met with legumes, and those in coastal cities have broad access to seafood.
Animal sacrifice is vitally important to the practice of the Imperial Wardi faith, but the meat of sacrifices is not eaten (outside of a few specific rites and festivals) and is instead burned.
Khaitmeat is rarely eaten outside of desperation (or opportunistic slaughter of old/injured animals) due to their great value and a developed taboo around its consumption in some parts of the region.
Hunting is a pastime for the urban upper class and typically forbidden within the territories of the city-states without an expensive 'license' (unless one one's own lands, which also generally requires having big money). Poaching for meat in the outskirts of cities is common among the urban poor.
Hunting is a key part of the diet throughout the rural parts of the region, many rural commoners eat meat more frequently than their urban counterparts on this merit.
Some established dishes (either vaguely conceptualized, or have come up specifically in writing):
Pounded white yam and nothing else (a famine food).
Pounded white yam with whitefish and pepper soup, a hearty common meal in Godsmouth.
Savory cornmeal cakes (cornmeal cooked in vegetable broth, lard or olive oil, peppers, onions, cumin, salt, cheese, wrapped in a corn husk and cooled to be eaten on the go).
Shitty cornmeal cakes (a famine food) (cornmeal with weevils in it, you can't really get the weevils out and it's protein so might as well, salted and cooked in water).
Grain festival beef/horse stew (tough bone-in cuts slowcooked with peppers, onion, garlic, and any other available vegetables. Usually heavily spiced. The resulting broth is used to cook the grain (usually hominy, rice, or barley), the meat and vegetables are served on top, sometimes with cream or cheese).
Hominy porridge with milk and sprinkled cheese.
Wheat porridge with dried dates and anuje.
Reed duck boiled in date wine, flavored with peppers, coriander, cumin, and saffron (VERY fancy).
Pickled kolis stem bulbs.
Fermented kolis stem bulbs and cabbage.
Gannegal soup (made with bull penis, hominy, garlic, onion, cabbage, and chickpeas in a spicy broth, supposed to support fertility)
Raw hippegalga meat, thinly sliced with onion and hot pepper, all marinated and cured with nara and eaten cold atop barley or rice (also supposed to support fertility)
Anaebi soup (made with reed duck, lily bulbs, rice, and okra, supposed to support a healthy pregnancy)
Cow tripe and cabbage soup
Finely chopped meat/fish/shellfish or vegetables with onions, wrapped in dough and fried or baked.
Peledyo (A strong, heavily fermented fish sauce favored in the coastal cities (this is pretty much a garum ripoff), which is mixed with wine, vinegar, honey, etc to form the base of other sauces)
Very spicy shellfish soup with a peledyo, wine, and pepper broth.
Caviar ant eggs marinated with nara, vinegar, chopped onions and cabbage, mixed with rice.
A sweetened bean porridge made with cream and anuje.
Hummus-esque spread made with chickpeas, garlic, onion, peppers, and olive oil, usually eaten with bread.
Whole spitroasted horse
A type of root vegetable sausage (intestine casing stuffed with mashed cassava or yam, onions, garlic & cumin seeds which have been cooked down in lard, sometimes with minced meat/offal. Boiled all together.)
Blood sausage (usually horse or cattle)
A kind of donut fried in oil and then soaked in anuje and fruit syrup.
Roasted peppers and onions sauteed in heavy cream, usually served atop grain or a grain porridge.
Toasted locusts, locusts fried with rice or barley, pounded white yam stuffed with fried locust and onions (opportunistic meals during locust plagues)
Fried sprats with pepper and onion sauce
Crab stock soup with onions, peppers, crab meat or whole softshell crabs, and crab roe (sometimes with cream)
Squid ink soups (variety of seafood or seafood-stock soups, blackened by squid ink)
A simple 'trail mix' made with dried camiche seeds and hominy
Dessert bread glazed with fruit syrup or anuje, covered in dried dates
Raw minced lacetor with peledyo, garlic powder, cardamom, coriander. Used to top grains or to be eaten with pounded yam.
Thinly sliced uhrwal flank simmered with date wine and vinegar.
Fatty cuts of an-nechoi belly, usually slow cooked and eaten in soups.
Minced kolis stalk, onion, and pepper, salted and marinated with nara or vinegar
Roasted figs with cheese
Also here's the lore friendly meal I cooked, the grain festival beef stew. Here served in only the lore friendliest of dollar store paper bowls
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This specific dish is eaten as a part of yearly grain festivals celebrating the end of the harvest. In most contexts it's an agricultural community event with each family contributing whatever vegetables and spices are on hand, and each donating some of their harvested grain. It's cooked in a huge pot and usually serves dozens of people.
The exact vegetable/herb/spice components would vary wildly within the region, timing, and by the success of the various harvests, but will generally be farmed (rather than foraged) due to the nature of the festival as an agricultural celebration and thanks-giving. Cumin, peppers, and onions are considered the absolute bare minimum necessity. The grain will usually be maize, barley or rice, and may be mashed into a savory porridge instead of eaten whole.
This will usually be one of few times a year where meat is eaten in abundance in the agricultural context. The meat is almost always beef or horse, usually tougher bone-in cuts are chosen for this specific dish. These animals will have been slaughtered specifically for this festival, with the best cut of meat from each being burnt in an offering of gratitude to Ganmache and Anaemache (ox-face and river-face of God, both of which are associated with agriculture and harvests), at the base of what will become the cooking fire.
The meat and vegetables are cooked on low heat in water until the meat is soft and tender and a broth is formed (which should be very strong and spicy, as it will be used to flavor the grain). Some of the broth is drained and used to cook the grain, which is then served with the meat, vegetables, and a few spoonfuls of broth on top. In the eastern dairy belt, milk/cream may be added to the broth, and/or it may be topped with crumbled cheese or sour cream. This is next to heresy in the west.
For my easily accessible grocery store equivalent, I used a beef shank, 2 onions, 2 jalepeños, one habanero, a bunch of garlic, okra, and cabbage. Seasoned with cumin seeds and tumeric (very lore friendly) and a sazon packet because I had it (most of the spices involved are at least passably lore friendly). Also jasmine rice (not lore friendly but it's what I had).
I first toasted cumin seeds in olive oil, then added the vegetables and stirred until they were cooked down. The meat and vegetables/spices were cooked in water on low heat for ~5 hours and seasoned to taste. Some of the broth was then removed to cook the rice. Meat + vegetables are spooned on top of the rice, along with some broth.
Results: It's preddy good. Might be a little better with roasted or sauteed rather than heavily cooked down vegetables, but the latter is how it would be eaten. I also had a sore throat at the time and ended up just drinking the rest of the broth. It felt amazing. 6.5/10.
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itslouisan · 2 months ago
Some of my Rick Prime headcannons!:
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btw shout-out to @darkforze and @imaginary-grandpa that inspired some of my hcs!!
Bigger/major headcannons:
- I like to think Prime wasn't ALWAYS what you'd consider a bad person, while I do think a "toxic Prime" might be real, I like to think perhaps some event in his life or even timeline in general was so major and big it impacted him and his view on others as a whole, perhaps maybe HIS Diane didn't love him as much as other Diane's? Perhaps their relationship was strained and close to an end? Idk maybe it wasn't even related to Diane nor Beth but something else entirely? Anyway I just think he wouldn't be BORN "evil", cause in my opinion that'd just make it so bland and flavorless, wasting potential Prime has as a character
- He definitely ISN'T DEAD (shhh I'm not abusing copium here) cause let's be real, dying so easily and barely having that much screentime despite being SO IMPORTANT to the plot of the show? Cause yeah Prime isn't *that* important to the WORLD of Rick and Morty (even though he did invent portal travel, showed it around to other Ricks and yara yara) but to C-137 mainly, but you can't just deny he could be a big plot point, anyway, in my hc he is alive somewhere outside the curve maybe? Or in a total forgotten reality just doing his thing and ignoring everything and everyone, maybe even with a Morty just to see what the appeal was?
- In my opinion if he did interact with our Morty aka HIS grandson, he'd be SO DISAPPOINTED with how Morty is, probably thinking he is a waste of time and resources, a failure, a disgrace to his genes and blood running in him, honestly I think he'd consider if he won against EMorty and C-137 to just spare Morty and make come with him to see if he could "fix" his grandson
- I like to imagine his favorite thing to do is to dissect ANYTHING, probably for Prime the innards and insides are the most interesting part of any creature and he probably dissects and dismembers other Ricks for the sake of satisfaction since they are so "inferior to him" that the only thing they have the SLIGHT semblance is their insides and guts.
- Probably bumped with Unity once and was a TERRIBLE experience for the hive-mind, probably Prime sees a hive-mind as something trivial but also useful, something that he could break and manipulate, which hey after a troublesome meeting with Uni they're not the biggest fan of Prime and get C-137 hatred in a way
- Views his daughter's job as a waste of talent and skill, Beth clearly is smart as FUCK but to Prime her choice of career would only prove to him how much of a "waste" of sperm she truly was, he disconnected himself from his family and original reality he probably wouldn't even CARE that his Beth died, I mean, he probably thought that he could just replace her, if he even cared enough to think that, though a part of me also hcs he did feel something considering that's his real daughter and in a way, a small link he still had to that dimension
Small/silly hcs:
- definitely an MSI fan (his fav songs would be lights out, shut me up and faggots)
- his favorite movie is definitely human centipede.
- 100% haunts C-137 with a hologram of sorts just to rile him up and create issues and conflict between C-137 and others
- a part of me thinks he has a cannibal vibe but more in the type of drinking blood since we SAW that C-137 does have a little cannibal tendency, just imagine Prime mixing wine and blood for a drink
- def hit C-137 with the "why are you so obssesed with me?" Card in one of his traps
- Danganronpa fan 100%, loves to imagine executions.
- in my opinion his fav alcoholic drinks would be Negrone, lime caipirinha and blood Mary
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times-of-drought · 3 months ago
Proud of tag!
I was tagged by @vsnotresponding :DDDD
The rule is 'posting an excerpt you are proud of'
I've been recently progressing on my fanfiction of Limes Inferior, so I will translate into english a piece I like! I will also include the original fragment, hehe
She took out her closest partner, her good friend, which, years ago, she stole from a hospital. As always, even on the brink of death, she exhibited cunning and resourcefullness. She didn't know back then, she couldn't have even foreseen in her wildest dreams, what she will be using the blade for, but she still snatched it from under the nose of a nurse guarding a table with surgical tools. Maybe it was an inspired hunch, maybe the plan already existed, just in her subconsciousness, the result was the same. The scalpel, adorned with a rugged memory of a mysterious infection of her respiratory tract that left after itself a returning wheeze in the bronchi and a dulled sense of smell, was the best tool for the job she did.
Deep in thought, she grazed the top of the corpse's hand with the blade. She has always preferred working on fresh bodies, neither rigor nor livor mortis present. Not like she was in any way disgusted by such events, but she had to admit, they, in some way, made her job harder. She signed, closing her eyes. She imagined the riches she will gift herself with the victim's yellow points. A simple relaxing technique, one she had to learn quickly. Despite everything, she was still human, made of blood and bones and unnecessary reactions of the nervous system. Hands still shaking after a horse's dose of adrenaline caused by the murder was the worst thing that could happen during a delicate by nature preparation of a glove.
And here's the polish version!
Wyciągnęła swojego najbliższego partnera, swojego dobrego przyjaciela, którego ukradła ze szpitala lata temu. Jak zawsze, nawet na granicy śmierci, wykazała się wtedy sprytem i przedsiębiorczością. Wtedy jeszcze nie wiedziała, nawet nie byłaby w stanie przewidzieć w najdzikszych snach, do czego przyda jej się ostrze, ale nadal świsnęła je spod nosa pielęgniarki pilnującej stolika z chirurgicznymi przyborami. Może to było natchnione przeczucie, a może plan już istniał, ale tylko w podświadomości, rezultat był ten sam. Skalpel okraszony chropowatym wspomnieniem tajemniczej infekcji dróg oddechowych, która pozostawiła po sobie w spadku nawracający świst w oskrzelach i stłumiony zmysł węchu, był najlepszym narzędziem do roboty, jaką się zajmowała. 
Zamyślona, pogładziła ostrzem po wierzchu dłoni denata. Zawsze preferowała pracę na świeżych ciałach, nie było jeszcze obecne ani stężenie, ani opad pośmiertny. Nie, żeby się jakkolwiek brzydziła tych zjawisk, jednak musiała przyznać, utrudniały jej w pewien sposób pracę. Westchnęła, przymykając oczy. Wyobraziła sobie kosztowności, które sobie sprawi za żółte punkty denata. Prosta technika relaksacyjna, której się szybko musiała nauczyć. Mimo wszystko, nadal była człowiekiem, niestety była zrobiona z krwi, kości i niepotrzebnych reakcji układu nerwowego. Ręce jeszcze drżące po końskiej dawce adrenaliny spowodowanej zabójstwem były najgorszym, co mogło ją spotkać podczas delikatnej w swej naturze preparacji rękawicy. 
I am never sure if it's okay to tag someone.. so do not feel pressured if you dont wanna! @tracle0 @bloodmoodtrash
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emojellyace08 · 1 year ago
Lookism Men x Female Reader "Their types on a woman" PART 4
Thanks for the request @chocolatemilk1221! You have already read my mind that I was going to do a Samuel and DG one. And yes, I'll make a part 5 and 6 of this (if possible). Genre: Fluff☁️and slight lime (not too explicit) Warnings: Mature themes
Samuel Seo (Seo Seon Geun)
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I honestly think that Samuel's not even into dating because he doesn't find anyone interesting (he's in love with himself bbg).
He probably had one night stands with anybody but he'll just forget or brush it off later on. That's it. (Headcannon: Samuel likes women who are a bit older than him (1 year age gap example)
Also doesn't like whiny and noisy girls. It annoys the hell out of him.
Samuel likes women who are matured in thinking but not too boring (just like Gun).
He also likes it when their someone hypes him up but not really like cheerleaders and obsessed fan girls who will scream his name from the top of their lungs. But if their gf believes in him on what's he's doing and genuinely showers him lots of compliments without sugar-coating it too much, he'll smirk at this feeling amused and good for himself. For example: "Your hair looks good today". or "You actually fight good". Compliments like this can soothe Samuel's inferiority complex so give him lots of positive comments about himself. He won't say too much or he'll just grin at you (he loves it so much).
And his ideal type is someone who will do anything to strive for success. A someone that is passionate about the things she loves doing can strike Samuel's attention. It makes him less feel alone since he himself is too obsessed with power. But you just wanting to do something for a living just to provide yourself can make him kind of confused with people like you. A woman with a normal lifestyle? It kind of bothers him a bit. Samuel is often surrounded with women who are either abusive, just cares about hooking up or is just plain boring for him (well except for the girls who work in the Big Deal street though he doesn't care much). But he can feel it when someone who's actually genuine and kind, so it can probably soften his tough interior. He also wonders why some women just don't care about money and power and just wants to go to the flow and live a normal life. (Like not that money is not important but y'know what I mean). It's probably because he never got to experience a loving family, so having a soft girlfriend can make him a bit relaxed and composed.
But you gotta keep this man calm since his emotions get in the way sometimes. He finds it annoying sometimes and he'll probably curse at you for minding other's business, but if he sees you cry or hurt it can make him feel guilty about the things he had said to you ( I don't really like this kind of attitude or condone emotional abuse). Samuel will try to make it up to you though like saying the word which he'll rarely say "Sorry". He's not the type to be apologetic to others even if he's being an asshole and knows that what he's doing is wrong, but seeing you being upset about him brings back his insecurities of about feeling like a failure. So he'll genuinely apologize to you (it may sound cold sometimes but you can feel it when he's actually sorry). Will cuddle and fuck on the bed with you especially on cold weathers. He's not really good with showing his love but as soon as he gets used to it, he'll even insist to kiss you on the cheek (in private of course). Will also beat the sh*t out of everyone who tries to mess with you.
If Samuel is a red flag, he needs a wifey who's a green flag. Getting into a relationship with Sammy is challenging since he's still adjusting from it. But opposites do attract after all.
James Lee/DG (Kang Dag Yeom)
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Another one who just don't give a damn about dating especially now that he's a K-Pop star. I headcannon that he doesn't have romantic experiences or relationships since he's too focused about taking down the Kings of First Gen. But he's more emotionally normal than the others (Gun, Goo, Samuel) that's why he's more affectionate.
DG likes women who are also matured regardless if they're younger or older than him (HE DOESN'T LIKE MINORS OKAY. For example just 1 or 2 years age gap). As we see, DG's mostly calm all the times. So having the same partner with a soft edge can make him peak his interest. You'll probably met him as his new identity and lucky for you if you're his manager. "Hello DG how you doing?" "Just fine I guess." Also likes it when their crush give him acts of service. For example giving him snacks (even if he's not initiating or asking you to go get him some), asking him if he's okay especially in long-timed travels, and just doing your job, protecting him and being polite with others can catch his attention.
If he really likes a woman, he would make it obvious but not in public though. Treating you with fancy gifts and dates and lowkey flirting with you just to see your reaction (if he really feels like you're a really good person and not just using him for money or for his looks). And if you like it, oh girl his playful attitude won't stop until you finally confess to him and the rest will be history. He also likes women who can be easily trusted. If you have build a strong connection with DG, he might tell you his problems that's been lingering his mind for a while. But if you break his trust, he'll just cut off his connection with you not caring if you're hurt (sorry it may sound rude but I feel like DG likes ghosting others who just shitted on him lol).
And if you met him before he's known as DG, you'll be really lucky if you're classmates with James. Not only because you have a handsome classmate, but also an award-stealer making fan girls drool over him.
Headcannon: James secretly likes competitive women. He's really amused how you still haven't given up to be on the top just to prove him that you can do better than what you're doing now. So just imagine being enemies with James but you and him actually have secret romantic feelings for one another (enemies to lovers trope). "I already beat you in poetry why won't you just give up?" "SHUT UP YOU JUST WON BECAUSE YOU'RE HOT!" "So you think I'm hot? Well, just admit it Y/N you're secretly cheering for me to be number one again". "SHUT THE FU-" But he doesn't like the super cocky ones either. He's not a fan of boastful people because he knows he can beat them without trying.
James also likes women who are super responsible like finishing their homeworks on time. He will also feel when you're being burned out with studies (he's actually nice sometimes).
"Studying again?" James asked as he can clearly tell that you're stressed for the final exams. "It's none of your business" you replied bluntly which makes him smirk. "Of course it is" he replied back with a sassy tone on his voice making you close your text book. "You know what. Why the hell are you even talking to me? You're so fucking good at everything but you think that I would just hit on you because you're hot? Or you just like tormenting people so much that you can't fucking leave me alone?" you replied annoyingly making him question if he's hurting you. He likes teasing you not going to lie. And he's not sorry for ruining people's lives especially with other people who tries to bring him down. He knows he's the best at everything. Singing, dancing, martial arts, art, poetry and literature, mathematics, you name it. He always thought that women are just a waste of time and they only care about making themselves look pretty but you proved him wrong. When you do things with passion and care, you not giving up on your dreams not because you want to feel validated by others but to explore what you can do in life, it has always fascinated him. Pinning his down to the wooden desk, he leaned closer to you while you backed out and refusing to make eye contact making your stomach twist not because of disgust but because you're nervous. You secretly liked James for a while, you admit that he's hot but also because you idolized him for being a good student as much as you don't want to admit it. He inspires you to do better in life and doing your best even if sometimes it's not enough. And he likes you for being a wholesome person and not giving up despite when others try to bring you down. "You know what Y/N, as much as I hate to tell it to you, you have always fascinated me. Even when there are times when you can't win, why can't you just give up? It may sound rude but even when you're desperate for success sometimes, you just won't let others even myself bring you down. Most people can't handle me so seeing you resist makes you even more interesting". (And the rest is history ;) But! if you haven't met him for God knows for so long and him breaking up with you (because he doesn't want to involve you with his gangster life) and meeting him again in his new identity can be a little weird. Why does a pop star know you? Did he stalk your social accounts? "Hey who the hell are you?" you asked the hooded man who have been following you when you bought your snacks and groceries at the local family mart. "Relax, it's just me" you heard a familiar voice as he removes the hoodie that's been hiding his beautiful face. "James Lee?" "Yup it's been so long Y/N". he replied with a smile making you run into him hugging his taller form making him laugh as you rumbled why did he followed you without even introducing himself making you freaked out. "I just missed you. I was just buying some stuff too but then I noticed you. I can't remove my hood because of stalkers so I tried reaching out to you but you kept running away". He explained as you pulled his hoodie back down "Stalkers..." "Yup".
James like interesting, trust-worthy and nice women in general. But you gotta adjust from calling him DG because you don't want to expose his secrets ;)
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cardsharksplayingames · 6 months ago
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The Beforan zeitgeist has a culture of excuses and mis & disinformation that the greater culture's fascist right uses as leverage for their exclusionary politics and fuel for a culture war which gives them an in-road to power, a distraction from scrutiny, and a way to get common people to go against their own best interests. Here are that thing's summerized thoughts on lowbloods. In other words, its the quiet part being said out loud.
rust - inherently stupid and unworthy of any kind of aid or investment. any effort put into educating them will either be wasted or will be pointless in a few years when they die of old age.
bronze - inherently stupid, maybe more than rust, and also unreliable, still unworthy of any effort or investment. predisposed towards addiction and why would you give anything to a population that would just spend it on drugs. Theyre more like animals than trolls, its why they should be excluded from any kind of aid or investment.
gold - intellectually smart but hyper granular, completely oblivious when it comes to any other intelligence, also considered cruel, if they arent high enough grade psionic to be in a psionic training program, theyre considered predisposed to being erratic and self interested and thus are unreliable and unworthy of aid or investment.
lime - emotionally smart, but idiotic when it comes to any other form of intelligence, genetically unstable and prone to mutations, all need special help to cope with the big scary world. any investment directed towards them would be wasted, better to just keep them home instead of sending them to school, cullers.
in other words, the misanthropic tropes are that Rustbloods are only good for uneducated labor, they'll die too soon to be worth investing in, Bronzebloods will spend any money they get on some inebriant and if they aren't inherently stupid they'll end up wrecking their brains for the same end result, Goldbloods are selfish cruel and insular, and Limebloods are "special" not fit for the real world.
It should go without saying that none of these are actually inherent to their bloodcastes and are at best complete and arbitrary fabrications, and at worst founded on misleading data and maliciously ignorant interpolations of the already misleading data.
Rustbloods' naturally shorter lives are far exaggerated due to almost universally getting inferior medical treatment, if any at all, working the hardest jobs, and getting the least compensation. Their trend towards being less educated is a result of their mistreatment, and then their lower education is used to justify the continued mistreatment.
Bronzebloods are about the same, because of their just slightly more favorable treatment compared to Rust, theyre also subject to all of those problems, their unique propagandized issue of drug problems is in reality both overblown and more a repercussion of their place in society. they more or less inhabit an economic hotspot where their prospects are so miserable that they have no hopeful future, but they aren't so under the thumb as to be consistently forced to focus on the uber-short term with no opportunity for recreation. because of all of this there is a real and significant trend towards addiction that has subsequently been exaggerated and integrated into the propaganda of their bloodcaste. the only thing actually inherent to their caste that relates to their stereotyping is the animal communion psionics, which had an outsized representation in bronze communities even before troll eugenic programs focused on delineation isolation and segregation of psionic traits in castes.
Goldbloods are a semi-protected caste due to how critically important their exploitation is to the empire. There are ships that don't have helms, but they're only used in-system, and they're not preferred. they're like crossing the Atlantic, you can do it in a plane or a boat. their extreme psionics are also the result of a eugenics program, in troll genetics most things are, trolls didn't originally have psionic sub-demographics that were truly isolated to a single caste, but its really a different thing entirely for the Goldbloods. It was an effort comparable to breeding dogs for increased maximum land speed. Goldbloods, because of this, have an outsized representation of physical health issues and, of course, of mental illnesses, particularly mood swings, anxiety, and psychotic disorders, and finally, something not dissimilar to human adhd &/or autism. Many of these problems are comorbid with psionics, but its rare to find a goldblood who doesn't suffer from a single one of them. Its something quite similar to the other heavily troll-modified bloodcaste, Ceruleans... Though Ceruleans get far more special care for their unique demogeaphical risks, to the point where its basically a foregone conclusion. Something a Goldblood is ridiculed for is something a Cerulean might not even realize they also do|have|need, just because the zeitgeistic atmosphere around it is so different.
Limebloods... they are a storybook of opression. The rates of education among limebloods are some of the lowest, take out hiveschooling and they Are the lowest. They're a protected caste— universally culled— Their stereotype is of being stupid. Tell me if you think its genetic or not. Emotional intelligence is just about the only form of intelligence that is given any sort of means for them to reach. Non-Psionic Limebloods have no special emotional insight, and those who are psionic, arent suddenly Gondi just cause they have to sift through the emotions of everyone in the room AND their own and then figure out which are which. Their psionics, morso than most other psionics, are totally overwhelming. The reasons that emotional intelligence is more common in those who are psionic is survivorship bias. There is actually a higher rate of mutation in Limebloods... Now that the Lime Mothergrub Program is in full effect. That stereotype— the notion that limebloods are exceptionally unstable, was part of the long term smear campaign enacted by the Empire's control initiative which in part resulted in the LMP. Lime hysterics, Lime mutagenics, Lime retardation, undercut Lime voices and supress new ones. Convince the culture that Limes need intervention. Spin it benevolent and you'll have them under your scalpal in sweeps. You'll get your LMP. The LMP which is a program to systemically remove Limeblood genetics from the pool by only turning in Lime bonded material to one Mothergrub and none other. This has FUCKED the genetics of Every troll which that MG has spawned. Its not as obvious for some, but its the reason there are trolls like Root and Star, if you remember those two. Even beyond all of that, as a lowblood protected caste, the world is made to be scary to them. Because they are coddled and constrained their whole lives, almost universally, they are never told how to function. Not by default. Not how other castes are. Of course they need special help, all castes need special help with caste specific problems, but if you want to minimize special help, maybe raise them like normal fucking trolls. Maybe stop spending effort specifically fucking up Limebloods.
But of course the point isnt Actually any of that. The point is cruelty. The point is control. If you can convince the lowest [coolblood] he's better than the best [warmblood], he won't notice you're picking his pocket.
Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you
In summary, the effects of their societal hardships are propagandized as inherent to their blood color, and then that notion is used to justify the perpetuation of their hardships.
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atomicpizza64 · 2 months ago
Yet another 50 villains for Lorch!
I’ll try and stick the major spoilers for Urasawa’s Pluto, Persona 5 and Watchmen under the cut. It might not work, and there is still spoilers for various other media, so beware!
Debatable for some but I don’t care. I will try and explain some reasons why they aren’t totally bad, and I’ll keep adding to it as I’m not sure it’s 50 yet
Mr Nobody (Doom Patrol): Your honour, he’s just a goofy guy! Hasn’t actually done too bad (at least in the comics), he’s just following Dadaist principles
Rhorchac (Watchmen): messed up childhood lead to screwed morality but he still has moments of mercy, attempts to fight evildoers
Gideon Gleeful: kinda just a kid raised in a cult who let attention go drastically to his head
Roxie Richter: (Scott Pilgrim, mostly Takes Off): enraged by Ramona abandoning her, takes it too far but got over it after a heart to heart
Darth Vader: Took his grief extremely far, destroys a greater evil at the cost of his life
Harry Lime (the third man): it’s mostly just charisma. Pretty nice to Holly… but may have killed a bunch of kids.
Plankton: completely ineffectual.
Father (C:KND): repeats the chain of harm caused by his own dad
Gladion (Pokémon): joins team Skull to rebel against his abusive mother
Guzma (Pokémon): forms team skull to vent dissatisfaction with the trial system and support loners, implied to have gifted kid burnout and an abusive parent (at his parent’s house on Melemele island, there is a bunch of golf clubs that are described as “broken and bent” 😬)
Asgore: Tries to kill Frisk but only to save his beloved kingdom and its innocent inhabitants
Oersted (live a live): desperately trying to repent. I’m not too familiar with his game tho
Badeline (Celeste): a manifestation of anxiety
The time Empress (Cris Tales): sort of sacrifice a few to save all motivations
Spamton: ineffectual, ostracised and betrayed by a partner
Eldegard: idk if I can summarise it here
Bowser: flips from game to game, sorta falls under goofy guy
Alice Hiiragashi (P5S): bullied relentlessly in high school, tries to be bigger than she actually is
The Enchantress (Shovel Knight) possessed version of your partner
Kokushibo (Demon Slayer): always felt massively inferior to his brother
Akaza (Demon Slayer): lost his adoptive family
Shadow the Hedgehog: lost his best friend
The narrator (Stanley Parable): ends up stuck in a horrific time loop, has moments of kindness
Pikmin Louie: sorta just acting based on bad social skills
Catra: scarred child stuck in a war manipulated by parental figures
The collector (owl house): scarred child in a war manipulated by a parental figure
King Andrias (Amphibia): desperately tries to atone, manipulated by his dad and the core
Pink (The Wall): suffered bullying at school, absent dad, smothering parent and a cheating spouse
Spinel (SU): abandoned by her only friend for hundreds of years
Vace (I was a teen exocolonist): young kid with no real anger outlet
Norman Bates (Psycho): unable to get any help he desperately needs due to the time period
Mr Burns (the Simpsons): often completely ineffectual, moments of kindness
Jack Torrance (the shining, mostly the book): manipulated, attempts to make right but fails
Frank Butterman (Hot Fuzz): only doing what he does out of a misguided desire to make the town he loves absolutely perfect
Winslow Leach (Phantom of the Paradise): taken advantage of and had his life’s work stolen
Zuko: scarred child in a war manipulated by a parent
Jessie and James: two kids from different kinda messed up backgrounds that want to rebel; also very ineffectual
Hans Beckert (M): unable to get the help he needs due to time period
Tetsuo (Akira): teenager who needs an anger outlet; the main reason he was chosen for the experiments was by chance, so Kaneda is aware of his status as a foil; has no control over his powers
Nox (Wakfu): will do anything to archive the goal of reunification with his family
Toga (MHA): ostracised and turned to villainy due to the gory nature of her powers, doomed yuri
Ice King (Adventure Time): ineffectual; lost his mind and has no idea what happened
Sy (1 hour photo): desperately lonely, implied to have been driven to join the perfect family due to childhood trauma
Croix (Little Witch Academia): slipped into darkness due to jealousy, sorta repents
Alma Madrigal (Encanto): went through the war and the death of her husband, just doesn’t really know how damaging she can be
Seymour Krelborne (LSOH): a meek guy who found himself in a position of control and desperately tries to hang onto it
The Kid (Blood Meridian): genuinely tries to be a better person at the end
All of the gang (IASIP): almost everyone had a terrible childhood and show prominent moments of kindness
Uncle Deadly (The Muppets): haunts the theatre, but was straight up murdered by his own critics
Hal 9000 (2001): doesn’t have much control of his actions, as it is the result of a coding paradox
the iron man (Black Sabbath): mistreated by society before a “then let me be evil” realisation
Q (ST:TNG): silly guy, somewhat of a trickster mentor, in the way he gives lessons for the crew, even if 18 people died that one time
get rekt
PLUS: Takuto Maruki: he just really doesn’t want what happened to his partner to happen to anyone else, even if the world stagnates
Goro Akechi: young kid manipulated by an abusive parent
Ozymandias (Watchmen): does potentially halt the end of the world, but at the cost of numerous lives
Goji (Pluto): witnesses the death of his family firsthand
Sahad/Pluto: scared kid manipulated by a parental figure, abeit after a war this time
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musubiki · 11 months ago
lol I love the idea that Clarinette in her “Lime collects weird things I’ll find some weird things for him!” she accidentally finds something SUPER rare and hands it to him and he just casually pockets it. He thinks he can just get away with giving it to Mochi and taking all the credit but then has a mental crisis of LYING????? to MOCHI???????
Funny continuation of this is it’s AM (after Mochi) so he sheepishly confesses that Clarinette is the one who found it and Mochi goes up and thanks her
Sad contunuation of this is it’s BM (before Mochi) is him having a mental crisis of how dare he even think of lying to her. He would never lie to her before she left! What’s changed in me. And then slowly watching it wilt away.
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OKAY FOR ALL FOUR OF THESE POINTS I WANNA SAY SOMETHINGS!!!!! first of all i love it and it makes me sad and happy thinking about them :')
1 ) first i think clarinette would think its so cute that lime collects random stuff. everyone says "Ah nice, so the witches cant use it. good thinking" but clarinette sees just a LITTLE bit past it and thinks its a weird and endearing hobby of his. imagine how disillusioned she is when she finds out "Oh, this cute quirky thing he does isnt actually a cute quirky thing, its him thinking of the other woman the whole damn time."
2 ) LIME ACTUALLY LIES TO MOCHI MORE THAN HE SHOULD!!!!!!!! and it SUCKS because its always to save himself from looking like a simp or a dumbass because the truth is embarrassing for him, but it damages her levels of trust in him unfortunately. and she keeps telling him to stop but then another thing comes up where he doesnt want to admit the truth so he lies again (lime flaw). one example is when she asks him why he stays in the m34th, and his answer is "Because they pay well and I'm bored," but no matter how much extra commissions she finds and money she can magic up, he stays anyway. she has to learn from fucking clarinette that he stays because they make him stronger (real lime quote). he doesnt want to tell mochi that he feels so inadequate and inferior when he cant keep up with her, and the m34th is the only way to get his ass up to her level consistently. without it hes back to 16 year old lime who can barely help for shit in the face of magic and monsters
3 ) THAT LAST POINT IS SO TCWG IN NATURE!!!!!!!!!!! lime finding a super rare ingredient and its about to go bad so fuck it, sell it to the merchant. maybe he can keep it fresher than me and i get some money for it. and mochi sees it among the merchants wares and buys it :') bonus points if however shes keeping it fresh with magic, he sees it among her spell ingredients years later. its not IMPOSSIBLE to find one, its just so rare that makes him think if its the same one <3
(and of course the merchant doesnt say shit about where he got it. mochi goes "wow! so rare! where did you get this!" and instead of telling the TRUTH he goes "Industry secret!")
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