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raina-clipse423 · 1 year ago
Cat Doki! (Pt 3)
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Here's Monika Sayori and Natsuki!
*Feral sounds and pointing aggressively* HERRR!! It's cat Yuri~! :DD
She's a lynx point Siamese × Himalayan, her default is Himalayan, but get her comfy she turns into a Siamese lmao. She was the first one I made, and her warrior name basically came by me automatically especially after learning her name's etymology, and it's LilyPool!!
I also forgot to put extra descriptions of what fur markings they specifically have, Sayori is an agouti/ticked tabby, Natsuki is a spotted tabby!
(warriors info for those interested below the cut)
A reserved decipherer from ThunderClan. It's one of the rarest clan roles since a healer is usually capable of deciphering prophecies on their own, but not every healer can decipher their prophecies quickly–honestly most of them takes some time, but once LilyPool got given this responsibility, Thunderclan gets an up to date prophecy very quickly and they're able to maintain their clan quite well.
It's well known how timid she is, especially in clan gatherings where she stays somewhere, nervously shuffling her paws. She's often found observing many things be it a small animal or her surroundings, like her head is up there in the clouds. It must be this quite times she has that made her the smartest cat of the clan.
They'd say she has the wisdom and knowledge of an Elder–won't be helped that she spends time with them often, even if she doesn't have any duty in the Elders den–they'd come to her if an Elder wasn't being to helpful about something, then she chatters away. For quite a long period of time, until she catches herself then apologizes for talking too much.
LilyPool is considered the prettiest cat in all of Thunderclan for her elegant demeanor and silky long fur, and is also known to have the sharpest and most beautiful pearly claws. She always takes the time to clean them, she never fought and would resort to gently talking her way out of tension, and she doesn't hunt that often either–as she stays most of her time in the Healers den, so her claws would sparkle as she stretches then they catch the light of the sun or moon. They're quite long too to the point they stick out of her paws even if sheathed. She uses these sturdy claws to carve pictures from prophecies on trees and wood barks, or some other poetic things that some of her clanmates stop to admire every once in a while.
However, because of these claws, many outsiders who crosses paths with her by chance would bristle–how much would those claws hurt? Definitely 10 times the normal amount. So they'd turn away immediately, though in reality LilyPool was more afraid of them and she does feel bad very often, especially when this underweight looking kit carrying so many plants on her sprinted away, dropping some of it. She tried to tell her about it but that kit was scary fast. There was one outsider that wasn't afraid of her claws, showing off that she has as equally well cared claws on her too–and this she-cat was very clean and smelled a little strange. But she didn't stay long to chat and said she needed to go back to her... "House folks"? Before they get worried.
... what's a house folk?
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robinclans · 1 year ago
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lazy daisystem sandfall and lilypool… 
they’re all mother
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brutalitybunny · 4 months ago
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warrior cats/spirit of justice au that i cannot stop thinking about
under the readmore is a bunch of screenshots of posts i made rambling about it + design notes + misc
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dragonstorm is dragon(fly) and storm mostly because dhurke's real name is derived from druk, the bhutanese thunder dragon,... even when he's leader of defiantclan i don't think he'd be dragonstar because it's LAME!!!! he's not intending for defiantclan to be official. he was not sanctioned by starclan. its fine. his markings are pretty self explanatory..... it's really just his hair LOL maybe i could have pushed more of his jacket into the design but i was originally trying to keep it simple...
runningheart is bc datz's jp name is like "fleeing as fast as you can" and hes always RUNNING and Ok you get it. i already explained it. cheers to /beauzos for pointing out that -heart is very datz though! his scarf is just a ratty piece of fabric he likes. i don't know how it gets on him don't ask me. i don't know where the piercings came from don't ask me. despite having a bobbed tail, i think he's incredibly agile and graceful. compensation king! his markings mimic his gloves+boots and harness, and the scars on his shoulder mimic the defiant dragon's band he wears :3
sunsight is a kit they found...probably a kittypet who got lost and they were like ok well he's ours now ^_^. named him sunkit/paw because the marking on his back looks like the sun. when they return him to twolegsplace for his own safety, he's picked up and named apple... but when he eventually returns to clan life, he's given the name sunsight because dragonstorm hopes his perceptiveness will help bring justice to [khura'inclan]. and because it rhymes with spiritflight. LMFAO the sunback marking is kindddd of like his attorney's badge and the band around his wrist is You know what it is
spiritflight was a pain in the ass for no reason. he's long. he needs to be. he's like they turned a borzoi into a cat. like dragonstorm, his tail calls back to his long hair... the swirls on his body are mimicking his flowy flowy sash, and also, just a way of stylizing mackerel tabby swirls that i like :3 spiritflight was a name entirely made by /beauzos THANKYOUUU because..you know...spiritual freak..the flight brings to mind that he uses religion as a way to flee from the horrors of It All. to me. it seems graceful and elegant but with an underlying current of "let it go and move on"...
i don't have names for amara or ga'ran cats but rayfacat would be called lilypool (/beauzos) because its cute and i want it. it's cute. NEKLNDFG khura'inclan also doesnt have a name yet... they live IN khura'in so that can't be it. we'll figure something out. im obsessed w these cats. I love these cats.
this is all because of the anon that reminded me of dear fellow traveler, which i only know from a talljake amv i saw. it's all connected!!!!!
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inciexe · 2 months ago
Warrior cats ocs art part 1
please do not use my designs.
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Smokymane Stoneheart, Frostbreeze Lilypool, Milksting Alderbranch, Owlglide
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Sootfleck, Tatteredstar
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Cinnamon, Foxtail Coppertail, Jackalear Deerflank
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Pearstar, Currentpaw Ratbreeze, Flutterbreeze Wrenleap, Ladybugnose
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Leopard, Nettlewhisker Cherryshade, Wolfsnout Newttail, Fishbone
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Firesun, Oriolethroat Dillfoot, Grebefin
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clans-of-alaska · 2 years ago
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Clan: WolfClan
Siblings: Swampberry, Lionswimmer
Loves: Gooseflight, Creekfang
The WolfClan healer, son of Columbinemouse, Lilypool, and Laurelpuddle.
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binky-binkerton · 2 years ago
I figured out the names for the main characters!! Also included their families. I will come up with names for some of the other characters too :D
I’m still answering questions too!! Feel free to ask anything.
Basil: BasilNose
Polly: PoppyFlower
Basil’s Grandma: EgretWhisker
Basil’s Mom: LilacEye
Basil’s Dad: WaspClaw
Basil’s Littermate: CurlyKit
Sunny and Mari
Sunny: SunnyPaw
Mari: LilyPool
Their Mom: CloverWing
Their Dad: TwigFlake
Hero and Kel
Kel: CactusClaw
Hero: RosePelt
Sally: BounceKit
Their Mom: CoralFur
Their Dad: ThistleEar
Aubrey: VelvetFur, “Strike”
Aubrey’s Mom: SwampSnout
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rockheart2002 · 3 months ago
The main oc, and one of the first. I got her name from the old old warrior cats website. Where the warrior names were based on the first letter of your name and city, lol. And she became half Windclan half Shadowclan from the various times I took the which clan are you quiz.
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Rockheart currently lives in Windclan with her mother Stoneshadow, her father Marshfoot who moved there from Shadowclan, and her twin sister Heatherblossom. She grew up with her best friend Cloudpetal.
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But this was not always her life. In middle school, I was not okay, so Rockheart was not okay. When they were kits, Rockkit got sick and the medicine cat used up all that specific herb to heal her. Then it spread to Heatherkit. Rockkit got better, Heatherkit did not. Stoneshadow blames Rockkit for Heatherkit's death, and shuns her only living daughter. Rockheart than grew up alone, as she was shunned and bullied by the rest of her clan for being halfclanned. At one point, she was dared to go into the Horseplace and survive. She was trampled, but luckily lived. But her leg was injured, she could no longer run or hunt. She had to become a medicine cat. (Can you tell I stole some elements from Crookedstar and Cinderpelt's stories? lol) This did come with an upside though, in Starclan she could finally reconnect with Heatherkit. And it turned out, when awake she could see Heatherkit's ghost now. The sisters grew close, despite the situation, and Rockheart now had a little light in her life.
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Then Darwin showed up. Darwin is an older oc, who I've since kind of abandoned, but she's slightly important to Rockheart lore so, so here she is. Darwin was a portal hopper, someone who travels dimensions via random portals that show up. Darwin showed up in the Warrior Cats dimension and was allowed to spend time in the clans. She became close with Rockheart and invited her to join her, or at least visit her own home in the Cat Dimension. Rockheart agreed and the two became close, close enough that Darwin gave a room in her house to Rockheart. Rockheart also discovered that in other dimensions, her leg was healed, she could run and jump and chase the wind once again. This led to Rockheart often portal hopping, leaving her clan for months at a time.
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During high school I decided to make an alternate version of Rockheart, one who's life turned out the opposite, where everything worked out and she was happy. That's now the current Rockheart. She still portal hops, and now she has her own home in the Cat Dimension. At one point, while in an anthro dimension, Rockheart and Heatherblossom met Jaxton. A gamer bengal cat with glasses. He's a nerd and Rockheart and he kinda instantly fell in love and were soon mates. Jaxton joined the girls in their portal hopping as well.
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At some point around this time, Rockheart met a kiwi named Harold who was just randomly wandering the Cat Dimension. Fearing for his life, Rockheart offered to let him stay at her house and he agreed. He then spent so much time there that Rockheart sort of unofficially adopted him. He got his own room and could come and go as he pleased. This led into Rockheart then adopting Bill Cipher (we'll get into that later), Bendy (again, later), and a ferret princess named Farryn. Rockheart doesn't actually spend all that time at her Cat Dimension house, so chaos ensued with her assorted adoptive children.
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Now for her actual children. She and Jaxton had three kits together, Lilypool, the current Windclan medicine cat, Knoxfur, a great Windclan warrior, and Oliver, who lives at the Horseplace with the other farm cats. Rockheart is proud of all her children, biological and adoptive.
At some point in her portal hopping adventures, she ending up the Hazbin Hotel Dimension. I have literally nothing else except her demon design. No story, no writtings, just her being a demon. Although, it's not even my design. Demon Rockheart is kinda just Playback tale Papyrus (created by linssins here on Tumblr). It's a very fun design to draw tho, thank you linssins.
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Now, Rockheart has taken a bit of a step back. She was my absolute favorite oc for a long while, and I even still use her as my online persona as you can see. And I love redrawing memes as her, as you can also see. But her story is pretty much done and over with. She got her happy ending. Now, that may change, as I have changed her story once before, but we'll just have to see. In the meantime, she's portal hopping with her mate, and occasionally taking care of children.
Link to masterpost
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hotfrost · 4 years ago
generally biggest earthclan warriors are Raggedclaw, redflower, and wolfstorm
tallest earthclan warriors are nightfur, morningfrost, and echostar
strongest earthclan warriors- wolfstorm, deadclaw, blossomtail
smallest earthclan warriors- lilypool, russetclaw, mooneyes
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raina-clipse423 · 1 year ago
Cat Doki! (Pt 4 FINAL)
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(Natsuki, Sayori, and Yuri for those who haven't seen them!)
Here's cat Monika! That paw took me SO long to draw I was gonna make her claws outstretched but I forgot about in the end, drawing paw undersides is a weakness :'D She's the only one two different designs, I couldn't decide which one I'd use so in the end I chose to use both, just in different au's. The Warriors!Monika still has that little curl she has at the end of her ponytail tho! It's just obscured right now. Her fur colors is also supposed to be more faded together, but for simplicity's sake, I kept them flat
She's a Somali! It's such a beautiful breed and it's temperament fits her the most (just like the breeds I chose for everyone else!) She has two names in Warriors, her original name and FoxSong!
(Warriors info for those interested under the cut)
Monika is a housecat, and one of those housecats that's not often kept indoors, that and because she always found a way to escape, much to her housefolks dismay, but she does her best to be careful anytime, she befriended some wild cats in the woods too, so if the situation calls it, they can help her since they know the forest better.
She got her first exposure to the life of these wild cats via the "WindClan" that's just close to town. It was one of her jail break days when she saw a cat, thankfully right before she got run over by a car. "CherrySilk" was her name... How fascinating! You'd normally hear that kinda name on those nice but strong smelling shampoo her housefolk uses. She happily explained to Monika why she was named that. It got confusing but she listened, first she was CherryKit, then CherryPaw, then she's CherrySilk! She can even be CherryStar if she becomes the "leader" of her clan (which she doesn't want to). That's so many Cherries.
Monika's little journey to learn about the clans jumpstarted from there, CherrySilk warned her about the territories and the patrols, and wow! Their territories get BIG, well guess it has to be with that many cats. There was RiverClan, but it's surrounded by water, she can swim but it felt risky, she went to ThunderClan next and met another friendly she-cat, LilyPool. She had beautiful claws, which she hid under her tail in fear she'd startle Monika away, so she showed off her claws which are pretty nice too in her opinion. LilyPool didn't talk much, but she seemed like curious cat by the look in her eyes, but Monika had to go home at that time since it was getting dark so she had to say goodbye.
Her next stop was ShadowClan, which she was hesitant to go to and had CherrySilk with her just in case. Surprisingly they ran across LilyPool, who was just as surprised to see them at the border. She timidly asked if she could come with them because apparently there was a kit she saw some days ago that got scared of her, and she wanted to apologize. How nice of her!
They came across the kit eventually, who turns out to be way past her kithood and is the gatherer of ShadowClan. BerryHope has quite the sass that Monika found entertaining as she scolds Lilypool for mistaking her for a kit (who is now apologizing feverishly) CherrySilk had to break them off. She also was not scared of Lilypool that day, she's huge compared to Berryhope and those claws screamed certain irreversible injury so it was the most logical thing to do.
The four of them ended up meeting up after Sun-high (hah, she's getting the hang of these clan terminologies) and Monika learned many things from LilyPool, who's apparently very chatty and knowledgable if you can figure her out. It was almost like they have their own little clan and Monika never really got this... "Clan" feeling before, a community, sure she got other housecat–or Kittypet–friends here and there, but they all keep to themselves.
She soon names herself FoxSong, because of her pelt, her rather cunning nature being able to evade the territory patrols well, and she has a good singing voice to name a few. She's not getting rid of her name Monika, Foxsong is just a little alias for her clan friends.
Curious though, CherrSilk mentions of another Kittypet, a tom who sounds familiar to Foxsong. There's vague memories of them passing by each other but they never talked–maybe because he's a more strictly indoors kept housecat. Another kittypet that has his own meddling with clan life! Who must he be...
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sootwhiskers · 4 years ago
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name: lilypool (she/her)
past names: lilykit, lilypaw
allegiance: riverclan
rank: warrior (past: queen)
parents: silversplash of riverclan, snakestep of windclan
siblings: marshkit, snowstar, stormfrost (adopted), duskdapple (adopted)
mate: coldstorm of riverclan (mudstorm of riverclan is the surrogate father of her kits)
children: reedpaw and mosspaw of riverclan
mentor: brindlecloud
apprentices: shellstream
more info under readmore
windclan body shape with riverclan softness, all features (except eyes and nose) should be rounded
takes more after her dad, but has her mom’s blue eyes
triangle nose inherited from snakestep
tall and lean, small paws
soft lady....
short list of personality traits: sassy, sweet, takes no shit, opinionated, a bit bossy, intelligent, good judge of character
story info goes here
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malik-the-night-angel · 2 years ago
Sorry not sorry @lilypool-writes
Me giving my friend all the tools they need to get into Rayllum Fan fiction
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jaybarque · 6 years ago
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can’t draw people? draw cats
also yes this is a tales of vesperia!warrior cats au fight me im feelin that nostalgia
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wally-b-feed · 2 years ago
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Acorn Lilypool, 2022
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clans-of-the-sea · 6 years ago
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LILYPOOL - ShellClan Queen
Player: @younghearts-freespirits
Name: Lilypool
Gender: Female; Can bear kits
Age: 23 moons
Clan: ShellClan
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Description:   Lilypool is a Harlequin. Her tabby spots are a dark grey, with lighter colors here and there that enhance the tabby markings. The white covers everything except her tail, part of her head, and part of her back. Her eyes don’t really lose their blue coloring when she grows, and she’s partly deaf in her right ear.
Lilypool is a bright young cat. She wants to be important and contribute to the clan as much as she possibly can. She’s a bit hesitant towards fighting others, mainly the other clan, but will do so in the name of ShellClan. She loves her family dearly and tries to make them. Crowstar was a huge inspiration for her and she desperately wants him to visit her more.
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ihopesocomic · 4 years ago
If the characters in I Hope So were in the Warrior Cats universe, what would their warrior names be?
lol I'll try my best with this. One thing that I super vibe with in Warrior Cats is the naming lore so let's do this:
Hope - Sunflight
Storm - Stormrunner
Adamant - Thunderbeam
Diamond - Wildsong
Quiet - Quietpad
Vicious - Sharpthorn
Jasper - Redtalon
Clever - Sorrelheart
Careful - Ripplemoon
Tempest - Willowbreeze
Wind - Windsky
Obsidian - Nightsong
Opal - Dawnbush
Amber - Amberstream
Zircon - Foxshade
Periwinkle - Frostwhisper
Aloe - Ivywatcher
Rose - Roseflame
Daffodil - Brightdance
Forget-Me-Not - Mouseear
Larkspur - Bluestrike
Heather - Needlefrost
Hibiscus - Mallowpelt
Buchu - Swiftpetal
Baobab - Oakdust
Lily - Lilypool
Dagga - Tawnyheart
Edge - Icefang
Vanish - Lightstrike
Bright - Brightspark
Radiant - Shineclaw
Fade - Fadesprint
Merry - Whiteshine
Bold - Snowspring
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warriorcatscookies · 4 years ago
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Now here is VanillaClan’s deputy, Lilypool! She is the sister of Deathheart, Dreadstar and Teapelt (all abandoned kittypet kits who were taken in by MidnightClan’s leader at the time) and she is known to be calm and a bit worried of what Dreadstar’s plans are..
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