#Lily Orchard Receipts
That's strange.... the moment you started talking about how Josh could press charges for Lily's accusations, suddenly all her posts about it disappeared!
Yeah. Funny isn't it? For this newest "Lily still holds a grudge against Josh Scorcher for rightfully firing her" saga:
From what I've gathered of this situation there was a single joke about Josh Sorcher's and Inkrose's CHARACTERS they played in a YouTube series "not making it past the first date":
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This has mutated into "Josh actually went on a date with her when she was underaged." Despite the joke only existing because of Lily's own creepy insistence that Josh date her.
But don't just take my word for it, Inkrose weighed in:
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liquidorcard · 2 days
Sai on stream: "oh no you're going to send Lily my address what's she gunna do fly down from novascotia and punch me."
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Speaking of lily being honest. Look at this response to an anon about Sai
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...Lily, you just admitted that you wrote incest.More then once.
This is the biggest self own i've ever seen. In trying to defend one fanfic, she told on herself with the other three. THREE!
Also, I'm pretty sure Sai just pointed out how weird it was that the original story had to have the two lovers live together like adopted siblings first, before they started sleeping together.
Like, just because you pull the "not actually related card" doesn't mean people aren't going to notice a pattern.
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honest-cat · 4 months
look I'm still not sure if I believe the accusations against Lily Orchard but I cannot take that woman's video seriously after she called her sister "Ley-Ley" and flashed this image onscreen
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like holy shit you actually got someone to draw that for you? and used it in the section of a video addressing accusations of incest? and combined your sister's likeness with the incest game character? please be serious
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Can you do me a favour please? Proof that Lily wrote stockholm (Unedited, uncropped screenshots)
Proof that Lily owns the accounts that you claim she owns (again, no edits, no crops)
The evidence of Lily being an abuser
Proof of the graphic CP she has written multiple times, and proof that this content was made by her.
A list of everyone she has "abused" with all available proof (I will not ask for proof of anything that happened offline as that cannot be reasonably proven)
No links. All information needs to be directly shared here.
It is virtually impossible to post every piece of evidence we have on Lily as screenshots in a single message. There is a ton of it. I'm linking you to the pinned post I just made with the worst of it.
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saiscribbles · 3 months
Oh what a circus, oh what a show! Lily Orchard's new "Wholesome vs Dark Media" video is worse than you know. I don't think she realizes how much she's told on herself, but that's okay. Cause this week I'm bringing receipts.
Join me for what's sure to be a chaotic stream at 2pm EST today!
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 months
Want to say this outloud so that the rest of the tag+comunity knows it and knows it well: not all the Lily Orchard-critical blogs and people HAVE to be buddy-buds with each other. It's always nice to have unity and no-infighting but you need to understand we are all adults talking about how we and other people have been hurt/set-upon by her base, or even preyed on by Lily herself.
Barring shitty transphobes and KiwiFarms (I 100% get why someone would go there, espec when receipt trails are getting harder and harder to keep up and are reported as harassment in sites like this one; I personally wouldn't trust the farms and the bozos there to handle my info well or with good faith. Other people who are using farms for receipt-tracking? Sure. The Farms themself? Fuck no and fuck Null) and obviously predatory people in their own right like Zena and Poppy, we're here to tell our stories and make sure other people's stories get told. Beef, even particuarly ugly beef like accusing each other of dismissing ab*se, zionism, or being angry that we're on servers w people we don't like - it's valid to not be chummy and mad at each other. Still, none of that will ever make us what Lily (or Zena and Poppy) is.
Lily Orchard-
wrote CP (her 'Stockholm' series). It may not have involved real children so it's not punishable by law in many states/prefectures, but y'know writing graphic cp is not a good thing. Most annoying proshippers defend the semantics of 'drawn material' out of fear that those rules will be abused and used to silence non-vile art: BUT, they don't support it and they don't want it around;
also, Lily up and lied to her audience, first that she ever wrote Stockholm then that the videos were she admitted to writing it were deepfakes and that the fanfiction's graphic bits were edited in by bronies who were mad at her.
stole (ie. copy-pasted other people's writing) other people's words and passed them off as her own
CONSTANTLY talks over people of color and other queer people. I'm too damn white and not native to dictate if Lily is truly 'native' or not. What she does/say though in the name of fighting for other lgbtq and bipoc folk is really scummy.
and that's JUST the tip of the iceberg!! Lily-
had PatchworkHearts make graphic p0rn of her behind her[Lily's] partner's back, most of which Patchwork was not comfortable with making but did so out of desperation that Lily took advantage of, including drawing r@pe-bestiality of on of Lily's x's ocs.
is quite possibly is a serial sock-puppeteer; creating accounts to live out her darker fantasies. On the offchance that Tara Callie is somehow a real person, than that real person is vile as hell and was just as much (longer so) a friend of Lily's than she was Britt's, so it's cruel of Lily to act like Britt was complacent in Tara's crimes and not her.
has been accused of lying about medical ailments to get money from her audience.
immediately dumped ILoveKimPossiblealot for having the gall to talk to LIly's accusers and get their stories, rather than just take Lily's word.
keeps instinctively misgenders people and only stops when she gets any heat for it like she did to EssenceofThought. By contrast every one of her main critical blogs has not misgendered or deadnamed her, and the one who initially did has actively avoided deadnaming and misgendering her since.
in now deleted videos and older tumblr posts, told friends of abuse victims not to care about their abused friends and parents of incestuous siblings to accept their children's incest.
is being accused by her sibling of CSEM. Lily has said it's the other way around but then also draws her sibling as the darvo'd sister from an incest game, dismisses said siblings abuse at the hands of their half sibling because Lily 'loves' him, and also proudly has mentioned beating up said sibling and slying saying she 'ran off with a pedophile' at 17 as though being taken advantage of (I know, Courtney does not view said relationship like this) is the sibling's fault.
And that's all I could remember for a single post. Im going to go back and post links once this headache I'm suffering from is sated.
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poppyandzena · 3 months
Hot take, but I personally think Poppy is more dangerous than Lily Orchard. Let me explain why.
Lily’s strategy is to deny, deny, deny. She doesn’t try to justify or defend her horrible behavior. She just flat out says it never happened. Her audience isn’t getting the idea that these behaviors are normal or okay, they just don’t think she did them.
Poppy on the other hand, will show receipts of her being blatantly abusive and sexually inappropriate, and claim that there is nothing wrong with it. And that you are in fact abusive if you take issue with it. She is actively trying to conviene her audience that it’s normal and acceptable to be treated that way. I think that is going to fuck people up so much worse in the long term.
Poppy weaponizes her authority as a therapist in romantic and platonic relationships, exhausting her partners until they're too beaten down to rebut anymore. Zena and Poppy basically tag team on abusing their partners, such as when Noehflake was upset and wanted to end the trip, and Zena pushed her back into letting them visit. Lily is still incredibly monstrous and has a long line of people she has abused. I wouldn't want to compare them because that would probably water down the impact Lily and PZ have separately. I'd say it's two very similar aspects of purposeful harm... to the point where Poppy tried to one-up Lily all the time, saying she was hotter or smarter and copying Lily's video aesthetics. I don't know why you would want to have your entire brand image revolve around an alleged rapist pedophile, but 🙃
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
rare radfem islamophobia receipts??
Also little challenge scroll a little bit through her blog and Say if you can easily tell apart this "lesbian feminist" from a kiwifarms/lolcow dot farms nazi
anon this is a gay NAZI
in their own words: I'm NOT a radfem, I'm a right winger how DARE you call me a feminist
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sure they think porn is evil but so do right wingers
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They hate feminism because they're a right winger who believes in great replacement theoy
If told that I did an expose on them they likely call me a slur
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They're just a right wing gay woman who is also a nazi, I was on reddit I met three different trans women who were nazis and can think of three more famous one (one of whom is a friend of lily orchard and other is the one who founded the infamous discord chanel)
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So this is not a rare radfem islamophobia receipt this a rare lesbian nazi receipt and she acts like a nazi because SHE IS ONE dumbass
y'all really can't left from right anymore
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opinated-user · 7 months
LO try not to villainise her victims challenge (impossible)
what a fun little game! can i play?
How to spot a smear campaign: Victims’s “crimes” will be enlarged, and even if they’re small missteps, they will be treated as if only the worst person on the planet would do such a thing
(like when Lizzy "made" LO to kick a bowl of soup into her lap by completely accident and that was turned into Lizzy somehow being abusive when she cried about it later? like when Courtney having common behavioral symptons for children who suffered CSA got turned into him being a "child molester"? like how he became a murderer in LO's posts for defending himself from a woman who attacked him? how about that time that LO bragged about beating Courtney 15 times in the stomach, because that is something she thinks is worth bragging about, got turned into Courtney threatening with a meatl tenderizer?)
Accusations against the victim will always be a reach, aka, they did ‘this little thing’ but it actually means they’re a racist/murderer/genocide supporter/fascist/have blood on their hands, even when the person’s actions never conformed to those crimes
(oh, like when LO called EssenceOfThought, a leftist transfemme, a terf for months because she dared to make video calling her out? like when she implied that P must be lying about her being a therapist and how it was "ominous" that she had a child, before anyone had any reason at all to suspect she was anything but a normal parent? like when she calls us hypocrites, supporter of child molesters and murderers of babies? like when she calls anyone who disagrees with her nazis? oh, do you remember too when LO spend hours arguing with an anon that was racist and transphobic only to treated them as if they were Lizzy? i do.)
All and any actions of the victims will be misenterpreted in the worst possible way, anything the person does will be taken as an offense and intentions will be read as hostile and manipulative, regardless of how clear they are
(like how Courtney not showing receipts for cat food means that he's scamming the people who donated to his kofi? something that is totally comparable to dishonestly using the 2000+ USD donated to you in order to buy a desk and then lied about when you had that event to pretend that desk was before it, of course. or do you mean like how he was talking about how, as a grown adult, he reasoned that your stories about being molested as a child are probably true got turned into "6 year old Courtney knew i was being abused and did nothing to stop it, she's to blame for everything that happened to both of us"? like how Brittany and other expressed concerned over you publishing the pictures of the health hazard your wife is still leaving in, but you turned all of that into them somehow blaming MO for it? like how you keep projecting that we're scared of you just because we abreviate your name?)
All victim’s actions will be taken out of context; ie, victim said something cruel to someone, but they take out the context of the victim being abused, threatened, tortured, forced into defense mode and finally attacking out of desperation to defend themselves and get free
(oh, just like Brittany having issue with her roomates and venting about it on her blog like any normal person would, got turned into somehow she not knowing how to deal with people! or do you mean like how you claim now that Brittany got a restriction order by her ex and almost drove her over with a car, completely ignoring that the first is a total made up lie and the second was completely taken out of context? or maybe how LO used for months one single phrase that Lizzy said with no context as her evidence that she was an abuser all along? or do you mean how Courtney totally threatened your life, but you left out the part in which your incest grooming of him had bothered him enough to react violently with the hope that maybe you could stop talking about how much you want to date your sister in front of third parties.)
The victim will commonly get provoked into giving a bad reaction, (anyone gets defensive if they’re accused of the crimes they never did, or simply triggering insults until they snap), and the reaction will become the new ‘proof’ that the victim is in fact, evil and guilty
(remember when Courtney had a violent reaction upon finding out that one of his abuser had a platform and responded by being transphobic? it doesn't matter that Courtney is out there defending the identity of LO. it doesn't matter that Courtney admits that was wrong of him and should have never done that. it doesn't matter that he has never misgendered LO once. it matters that she did it once and therefore he'll always be transphobic, and anyone who support him is transphobic, and clearly there's no other reason to dislike LO if isn't transphobia! or do you mean when you used all the mental issues and struggles of Patch against him as a reason why nobody should listen to him, especially not about the financial abuse you submitted him to?)
A lot of pressure will be put on you to react ‘correctly’ to the smear campaign; if you don’t accept to demonize this person at once, you’re getting scrutinized, shamed for your lack of morality, told that you support all these horrid things and that you are just as despicable
(oh, like how when Lizzy finally spoke up about LO cheating on her multiple times and sexually coercing her into doing things she didn't want, and only then LO pivoted into saying that Lizzy was a sexual abuser and a rapist all along! wait no, this one goes in the first. but anyway, how about everytime Courtney says anything and a minor happens to interact with that post? but it's okay when LO does it, obviously!)
You will notice a trend of people ganging together based on their demonization of the victim; they will set a standard where you’re accepted and welcome if only you also will demonize and hate this person, and if you don’t, you’re blocked, cast out, and accused of causing harm
(oh, right, exactly as LO did to KP the second she started asking questions about Courtney instead of accepting blindly whatever story LO decided to go about it)
It will feel very easy to accept to demonize this person, and going against it will feel risky, like going against the grain, doubting the word of the many and risking being demonized yourself.
(more KP examples insert here)
The smear campaign continues all the way until the victim is chased out of the community and denied a voice, even if the victim commits no further crimes, awful things will be said about them, their past ‘misdeeds’ continually brought up, until the victim is commonly believed to be worthless, and becomes completely isolated, scared of society and alone
(LO literally bringing up Courtney burning her pokemon cards when they were children as proof that Courtney was an abusive monster all along. or how Courtney fighting with her in general as children gets turned into more abuse. but when LO brags about beating the shit out of him, that's not abuse, that's just how children are!)
There will be no limit to what is considered okay to do to the victim of a smear campaign; even if the victim is accused of minor bad behaviour, it will become okay to threaten, insult, shout slurs, trigger, provoke, humiliate, manipulate, and repeat any kind of abusive behaviour to the victim, all because ‘they’re bad so they deserve it’.
(like how LO threatened to release the nudes of Lizzy to the public? like she keeps inventing new and boring insults to call us with? slurs? already done that, but you said that was censored so you, LO, have decided alone that was fine actually. LO has continously lie about things anyone can confirm)
People leading the smear campaign will switch between being ‘extremely grossed out and enraged’ to showing absolute joy and satisfaction when they find a new reason to demonize and smear the victim. People truly horrified of someone’s actions do not get a leap of joy when a new disaster happens, they’re not beside themselves to abuse the perpetrator all over again.
(oh, like when LO was so happy to keep publishing asks with archives of Courtney's old post that demostrated what a monster he was? or maybe like LO admitting that she only uses extremely serious situations about incest in order to spite people who read her blog=)
It will never, ever be acceptable to show any mercy to the victim. Forgiveness is out of the question, trying to understand them is out of the question. Even reading or listening to what this person is saying will be banned and forbidden, unless it’s for humiliating purposes. They will be shown as absolutely irredeemable, and associating yourself with them as evil and unforgivable. You will be instructed to block or unfollow or report the person based on what you’re told, without any significant proof.
(i decide to count here LO outright refusing to ever admit that Courtney went through any kind of abuse, even at the hands of her older brother, something that does actually nothing for her. the brother that, btw, not that long ago was using transphobic insult against her and never apologized for it anyway, but it's evil when only Courtney does it even if he does apologize.)
Do not fall for smear campaigns. If a large amount of people all agree that a person is the worst, but their story is exaggerated, out of context, sounds fictional, and doesn’t show any proof, and the people switch from being enraged to eager, doubt it. Participating in a smear campaign will help the abusers isolate and abuse someone, and you do not want to be a part of it. They will also smear anyone who stands up to their abuse, so you’re helping the abusers to create a place where pointing out abuse gets you cast out of the community.
(what a good article, LO. i'm sure this doesn't apply to you at all! because you have so much evidence and proof for everything you accuse everyone of being or doing, right? you have all the evidence unlike us, don't you? you always provide the entire context and never, ever, misrepresent, lie or forget to mention key details into anything... even if your target is a literal 6 year old child.)
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Lorch has gone on a big long rant based on her not understanding the liquid/solid jokes that started with Chris Chan. It's Metal Gear, Lily. Most things on the internet inevitably come back to Metal Gear. And you'd be Solid Lily anyway.
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[Lily's Post]
But this is the part I really want to focus on.
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Ah yes me saying retard is more ableist then you calling me stupid for my speech impediment, eh Lily?
And saying "thalidomide babies" in place of retard, which you really really wish you could say, very classy Lils.
For the record I didn't come up with Lorch, my fans did, I just spread it lol.
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Anonymous ask:
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Lily just can't avoid mentioning incest even in unrelated conversations. (also the follow up post is wild. clearly Lily continues to not understand what she's talking about.)
Man, I feel like she's just made incest her whole personality by this point.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
You wanted to know why Lily Orchard is bad. Here’s a list of the receipts:
I highly recommend you watch Poppy and Zena’s video with her sibling, Courtney.
i take issue with from what i can see, fictional sexual things being thrown in amongst actual crimes — unless the csem mentioned is actual csem & not just questionable writing / about some pixels please i would love for someone to clarify this for me — but yeesh. even just skimming over this entire list is like. dear gawd.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 6 months
AGhost, you posted on that Kiwi Farms thread dozens of times. By their own definition, you are a farmer. You aren’t going to memory hole your account on that site.
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I posted my own damn receipts tyvm. All anyone is gonna see is me posting evidence of Lily Orchard being attracted to children and animals, and occasionally pushing back against transphobic rhetoric.
Maybe you should actually look at my fucking account history instead of assuming I'm the ultimate evil.
Also, assuming this is the same person who sent Milena that anon, you're currently in a fucking server with at least one confirmed pedophile being allowed around minors, and a rapejacketing abusive sex pest who badgered an incest victim into letting her share incest porn.
You really think I have more to be scared of than you do?
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Has anyone made a list yet of all the reasons why Lilly orchard has such a hate boner for Kylo ren?
I don’t personally know of one as Lily is someone I only talk about now and then, but I’m sure one of the Lily receipt blogs like @lily-orchard-gossip-blog would either have one or be able to direct you to someone who does.
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littledevilinside · 9 months
Isaac had hummed and hawed about whether to get her anything for Christmas - after all, they were only new friends, however fast they'd fallen together. He decides to play it safe, offering a gift box (obviously from the in-store wrapping service) with a pretty blue sweater inside. Cashmere, incredibly soft. He's also tucked the gift receipt underneath - in case it doesn't fit, or she doesn't like it. In his other hand, he offers a small bouquet of yellow flowers, because those never miss.
she doesn't expect anything for christmas, aaron is not a huge holiday person and her family's gone and disowned her, so when there is a package laying on her doorstep, she glanced down at it curiously. picking it up and bringing it inside, a curious look set across her features.
lori reads the note at first, a bright smile spread across her lips when she notes that it's from isaac, the fact that he took time and energy to get her a gift - she couldn't believe it. of course she was going to get him something in return, she'd already commissioned a wood burned sign of the name of the orchard to hang above his doorstep, and gotten a few treats and toys for lily - their shared pup, because she deserved to be treated as well.
there is an audible gasp that falls from her lips when she opens the box and sees the striking blue sweater, her fingers immediately coming into contact with the softest fabric she can imagine. the color is beautiful, a shade of blue that is reminiscent of the ocean, and knowing it would compliment her eyes well - and his if she wore it on one of their friendly outings.
she immediately picks up her phone to call isaac, dialing his number while walking around her house, filled with too much excitable energy for her to sit still in the moment. when he answers, she begins to gush about the sweater, and how he didn't need to get her anything, and how sweet she thought he was.
the beginning of this friendship proved that it would be one that would become an everlasting relationship, if she had anything to say about it.
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