#Lilia Vanrouge birthday groovy
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hanafubukki · 1 year ago
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Lilia fucking Vanrouge
His face to them ahahahahahaha
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kirisredriot · 2 months ago
Miffed that it took 90 pulls for Birthday Bloom Lilia to come home. He must have known I was mad at him cause he also came home on the daily pull for his Birthday Boy banner.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months ago
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Room Relaxation Voice Lines
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It's a waste to sleep the night away! My special day starts now!
Summon: I got a birthday performance and a party to go to... Kheeheehee, tomorrow's sure going to be busy.
Groovification: I hate mornings... But there's so much fun things to do today. I can even appreciate the sun on a day like this!
Home: It's fever time!
Swap Looks: The morning sun's unforgiving today, as always...
Home Transition 1: This hairband is my absolute favorite, because it just increases my cuteness factor tenfold.
Home Transition 2: There's so much I want to do at night: play games, practice the bass, read, watch movies, and sometimes even study... Aaah, there's never enough time to do everything!
Home Transition 3: Birthdays are all about celebrating life and all the joys you receive from it. The date it's celebrated is not what's important.
Home Transition - Login: I get more into dressing up when it's for my birthday. It's no fun for anyone else if the birthday boy isn't looking his sharpest, after all!
Home Transition - Groovy: I got into a spirited conversation about the bass with Jade when he came over to give his thoughts on my birthday performance. I think he really knows his stuff!
Home Tap 1: Hoho! It's not often I spy Leona in the Mystery Shop all by his lonesome. Let's see, maybe I can wheedle a birthday gift out of him. Kheeheehee!
Home Tap 2: When I told him it was my birthday, Deuce practically shouted his birthday greetings to me. He did that even though I told him the same thing about three months back... Cute kid.
Home Tap 3: The eyeshadow Azul gave me looks to be a limited edition version of my favorite brand. Well, isn't he a sharp one.
Home Tap 4: I snagged these slippers from one of those online app crane games. You don't really see fluffy dragon feet like these just anywhere!
Home Tap 5: The string on my hoodie? ...Oh, you're right, the left side is a little too long. These things are a pain to fix once they completely slip out, y'know~!
Home Tap - Groovy: What's up, why're you grinning like that? ...I look cute in this getup? Heheh, well, that's because I'm a cutie, of course I look cute ♪
Duo: [LILIA]: Jade, this is how cute a real adult can be! [JADE]: You're almost too dazzling, Lilia-san.
Birthday Login Message: Thanks for coming to celebrate. I'm more than pleased to have you remember my birthday. The Pop Music Club is planning on having a birthday performance tonight. You'll be joining us too, right? I hear that Kalim is preparing an extra-large cake as a surprise. Cater was worried that it wouldn't be a surprise if he told me, but... Kheeheehee, I'm still happy about it. We'll sing and party, surrounded by all those close to me... It's this kind of birthday that makes me the luckiest guy in the world.
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Requested by @kingren77.
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The fae wild card
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belongs to @simping-myjob
[IDENTIFICATION] Name: Sora Vanrouge, previously Sora Crowley Age: Around 700 years old Birthday: December 10(sagittarius) Club: pop music Height: 174 cm/5'7" Hobbies: Baking, sewing, scaring Ace, gardening Homeland: Briar Valley/the Island of Sage Likes: Chaos, pranks, the color black Dislikes: Cleaning, stink bugs, being shorter than other people Unique magic: Guns N' Roses She can turn roses into guns. When she blows on the tip of the gun, it dissolves into rose petals. Gender: Genderfluid, any pronouns Sexuality: Omnisexual Favorite food: Ramen or chicken wings. Least favorite food: Beans of any kind Qualities: Doting, motherly, empathy Flaws: Rash, reckless, generally a troublemaker Family relations: Crowley's daughter, granddaughter of the Evil Queen, married to Lilia Vanrouge, adoptive mother of Silver and legal guardian of Malleus Draconia. Notes: She grew up one half in NRC and the other half in Briar Valley. She's a raven fae, which means she can sprout huge black wings out of her back.
[NOT UNLOCKED YET] Early designs Coffin design Groovy candy gacha design
[CARDS] [UNLOCKED] [LOCKED] Casual wear(equivalent of dorm uniform)(SSR) P.E. Wear(R) School uniform(R) Labwear(SR) Ceremonial robes(SR) Culinary crucible(SR) Outdoor wear(SSR) Tsumsitter(SSR) Starsender(SSR) Halloween card(SSR) Harveston sledathon card(SSR) Suitor suit(SSR) Beanfest card(SSR) New year kimono(SSR) Club wear(SSR) Birthday girl(SSR) Birthday jacket(SSR) Broomquet(SSR) Platinum suit(SSR) Silk wear(SSR) Masquerade gown(SSR) Gala couture(SSR) Port attire(SSR) Beastly garb(SSR) Rabbit feast card(SSR) Lost in the book with stitch card(SSR) War general gear(SSR)
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twistedfun1323 · 2 years ago
Week 1
In honour of my fave character's "birthday" week - the best card so far is Lilia Vanrouge's Broomquet Birthday, groovy.
To dive a little in depth - this is the 2nd card to ever make gasp out loud at the pure beauty of the artwork. It could be the timing with what has been released in the 1st run of chapter 7 that has me in my feelings. There is just something some magical and beautiful about this card - from the night sky to the bouquet with pink and greens to the way Lilia just looks stunning.
It is truly the most gorgeous card.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years ago
Lilia Vanrouge - Top 7 Card Arts
Yep. Time for another one of these. And as we continue to cover the second-in-commands of the dorm leaders, I think it’s time to turn to that little ball of mysterious mischief known as Lilia. ;) Just like with my previous spotlights, and like all future entries, I won’t be going into detail as to WHY all of these pieces of art are my favorites. This is largely because most of what I could say can be summed up as, “It looks cool (or cute),” or “I think it shows something about the character,” or both. It’s just going to be the rankings, titles, and images. Most of the art featured in these spotlights will come from SSRs and SR Groovies; there will be exceptions on some entries, but not this one. (In fact, I think every single piece of art on this list is a Groovy. Huh. Interesting.)
Simply put, these are the Seven Card Arts I think of first when I think of the Vice-Housewarden of Diasomnia. Why Seven? Well, why not? Also, keep in mind that as time goes on, this ranking may be changed or updated, since new Cards are being added to game frequently. On that note, this one is almost DEFINITELY going to change in the near future: the Diasomnia-centric chapter of the game is set to be released soon, and with it will come - at long last - the Dorm Uniform cards for all the characters in that house. The DU cards are ALWAYS great, so the chances are extremely high at least one piece of art from there will end up in the ranks. So do expect this list to be updated sometime relatively soon.
For now, however, let’s waste no more time: here are my Top 7 Card Arts for Lilia Vanrouge.
7. Apprentice Chef (Groovy).
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6. Halloween Costume (Groovy).
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5. Ceremonial Robes (Groovy).
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4. Suitor Suit (Groovy).
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3. Union Birthday (Groovy).
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2. Birthday Boy (Groovy).
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1. Labwear (Groovy).
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twstgameplay · 4 years ago
Sebek Birthday SSR Card Stats
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A little late, but here are birthday Sebek’s card stats! Hopefully, this can help you decide if he’s worth it or not while he’s still here.~
Type: Balanced
Max stats at lv80 groovy: HP 8705 ATK 4807
Max stats at lv100 groovy: HP 10185 ATK 5623
Fire (lv10): One strong hit with a medium damage down on single opponent that lasts for 3 turns
Water (lv10): Two strong hits, but with DUO with Cater activated, will become three strong hits
Riddle Rosehearts (ATK small)
Cater Diamond (DUO; HP medium)
Lilia Vanrouge (HP small)
Birthday Sebek deals a considerable amount of damage against elements weak to his magic.
Lv80 (on average):
↯ M1: 7k [8.5k with maxed buddies]
↯ M2 [w/o DUO]: 13k in total [15.5k with maxed buddies]
↯ M2 [w/ DUO]: 17.3k in total [20.7k with maxed buddies]
Lv100 (on average):
↯ M1: 8.2k [9.9k with maxed buddies]
↯ M2 [w/o DUO]: 15.1k [18.2k with maxed buddies]
↯ M2 [w/ DUO]: 20.2k [24.3k with maxed buddies]
Since his elements are fire/water, he’s best suited for a fire test, aside from null and all elements. He can deal a good amount of damage to get your score in fire basic to increase, all the more if you have a Cater on team. Having a Riddle on team can increase the dmg he can deal.
He is also useful in a fire defense test! For one, he has a medium dmg down on his M1, which can cut down the amount of damage the opponent deals on you, contributing to a higher score. His HP is also sufficient enough:
↯ Lv80 HP: 8705 [13057 with maxed buddies]
↯ Lv100 HP: 10185 [15277 with maxed buddies]
All in all, birthday Sebek is an overall good card that can help you in both basic and defense. I hope this helps you in some way~
~ 🐙 & 🦈
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hanafubukki · 2 months ago
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AHHHHH 💞💞💚💚💚💚🥹🥹🥹🥹
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hanafubukki · 2 months ago
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“I’m no morning person.” He says. 😂😆
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Yeah. We can see that dear. We can see that very very clearly 🤣😆💞💚
You’re not wrong about the adoring public though lolol and these robes are beautiful on you 🥰🥰🥰✨✨⭐️⭐️⭐️
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hanafubukki · 2 years ago
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Love the similarity that can be seen. Times may have changed and people change, but there are always hints of the past. After all, the past shapes the future.
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hanafubukki · 2 years ago
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Wait wait wait pink bird = lilia??? Maybe?? And it’s unraveling the ribbon 🥹🥹🥹, it mischievous like him 😂
The other two birds can probably represent malleus and sebek 💕💕
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year ago
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: So, this museum has reached its 100th anniversary, huh. Guess the next goal is the 200th anniversary!
Summon Line: Now that I've been chosen as a supporter, there'll never be a boring moment. Now then, let's enjoy a fantastic time together.
Groooovy!!: I don't deny understanding their excitement over a sleeping child, but... Can't say diurnal faes and I are compatible in general, though.
Home: Congratulations on 100 years!
Home Idle 1: According to Cater, there were times the Queen of Hearts would get excited over having cake. Looks like she had a cute side, too.
Home Idle 2: Ruggie was looking at the painting of oysters with a hungry stare. I think he's more interested in his appetite than enjoying art.
Home Idle 3: Perhaps it's because I saw that painting of that young lion singing happily with his friends, but... Now I feel like rocking out on my beloved five-string bass!
Home Idle - Login: No one is more knowledgeable about the Thorn Fairy than I. You can leave it to me to explain each painting.
Home Idle - Groovy: After I gave Epel an in-depth talk on the Thorn Fairy, he was very intently looking at her paintings. Ain't I an awesome guide?
Home Tap 1: If you don't know which exhibit to start with, why don't you come look around with me? After all, I'm a supporter of the museum. Mhm!
Home Tap 2: If you see Silver standing in front of a painting for a long while, call out to him for me. There's a high possibility he might be sleeping...
Home Tap 3: Don't you think the Thorn Fairy's subordinates all have something charming about them? As a cutie myself, I can't help but feel an affinity with them.
Home Tap 4: I hear that the Sorcerer of the Sands' familiar was a wonderfully chatty parrot. There's no way he'd beat me when it comes to casual conversation, though!
Home Tap 5: I get why you'd get all excited over me in formal dress, but don't poke me, now. Hm? You were just pointing out that my ribbon was crooked?
Home Tap - Groovy: I thought about buying a shirt from the shop with a painting printed on the front as a gift for myself... Can you pick out the best one for me?
Duo: [LILIA]: Epel, to victory! [EPEL]: It's as good as ours, Lilia-san!
Birthday Login Message: You came all the way out here to wish me a happy birthday? You have my thanks, [Yuu]. What would I like for a present? It's fine, you don't have to worry yourself about it. But if I really had to pick something, I suppose... I'd like to hear about your hometown. It would be fun to hear stories from a place that I know nothing about. There's no way I'll be letting you sleep tonight~!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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hanafubukki · 2 years ago
Silver's Flower Bouquet Meaning
Twst Bdays Flower Language Masterlist
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*stares at the title* You have no idea how much I just want to put Silver Vanrouge as the title of this post. You have no Idea, I might still go back and do it. He is Silver Vanrouge in my heart and will always will be (or whatever combination of last names he takes up in the future).
Just as a precaution, I will be adding possible theories along the way and will be mentioning book 7 too and other cards that have been released, so heed spoilers for book 7 and cards that might have not released yet. I swear Diasomia just makes my mind go brr and I have no chill at all (or limit on word count).
This card is literally everything and more when it comes to Silver. We get his rare expressions and I love it. His fond smile that he has for family and then the surprised look he has in the groovy is perfect.
As with the other Birthday cards in twst, we can see the progress in each character (especially their relationship with MC). We can see how each one basically goes through a character development, and surely Silver is going through one as well.
For someone who has always had trouble with his emotions, it really comes out when it deals with those he loves. As we see in Endless Halloween, when he got mad at Lilia, as is rightly deserved. In book 7, we see a variety of emotions, but mostly sadness again due to Lilia. Other events include, masquerade and fair gala if. Otherwise, he always has a straight forward, nice, and truthful manner to the surprise of the NRC student 😂😂
A part of me theorizes that this is due to the fact that Lilia taught him to be such a way. He raised Silver to be someone who is the total opposite of him: someone without blood on his hands, someone who does not have to kill, someone with a family, who is not corrupt, and the list goes on. The opposite of what Lilia never was and never will be. We can also see how Silver has light symbolism while Lilia has dark as well. (I swear I had the perfect line thought up but then mind went blank because I got distracted, damnit).
Yes, Silver is Malleus' guard, but a part of me believe that Lilia thought Silver will be protected by Malleus and Sebek. After all, a human is only so powerful. That is also why Lilia trained Silver and Sebek the way he did.
Now to go back to the point about Silver always being truthful, Fae in many lore cannot lie. Hence, they are masters in manipulation and can twist words to their advantage. I believe that was why Silver was raised to be truthful because Fae cannot and look down on those who try to do so with them. (I mean, can we ever say Sebek has not been truthful?)
Also the last name aspect, names have power in Fae lore so that could be a reason why Silver doesn't have a last name (A father must protect his son after all, be him human or not). Another reason is that Lilia didn't want Silver to have the burden that comes with the name of "Vanrouge" even though we know Silver would be proud to have it. Plus, we don't know who SIlver's true family is and I believe Lilia did not want to take that option away from Silver. Let Silver decide his last name when the time comes. Let him be truly unbiased in choosing his name.
Let's try and not think about the insecurities that Silver might have faced (and still does) when he realized that he had no last name and Lilia did not give him his and can he be selfish to ask more of Lilia when he gave him so much already? Though Silver's heart probably still breaks because ...does Lilia consider him family when he won't give him his last name...anyways let's continue on before I got down that endless vortex.
When I first looked at Silver's bouquet, it reminded me of a wedding bouquet because of all the white. But given that white is usually seen as a color that depicts innocence, pure, and so forth. It fits Silver pretty well. He is the light in the darkness. The light among the dark fae.
Like with Malleus' Bouquet card, Twst has once again made some interesting moves. They are releasing Book 7 part 3 at the end of May. Which can signify what may come and how Silver may play a role. This goes to show that Malleus and Silver does have parallels as we've saw with Malleus Bouquet card and Silver Dorm card being released in the same month. Another commonality is both being raised by Lilia as well and whom is loved dearly by these two. (and Sebek is in the middle of family drama lol)
As we saw with Malleus' bouquet, his cards attributes are similar to Idia's. With Idia being Silver's Duo (which is surpassing because its a repeat I believe?), it stresses the role Ignihyde will play in book 7. I mean we've all seen Ortho's new card right? It already begins.
Now, lets talk about Flowers 🌺💚🌺💚
[As usual, my disclaimer from before stands, flowers have many different meanings depending on region and color, so the meanings I have might differ from the meanings you know.]
Flower Colors (general meaning): 
Green Flowers: Health, resilience, good fortune, and youth. It goes to say that these traits fit Silver perfectly.
White Flowers:  True love, purity, innocence, sympathy.  As someone with Aurora's characteristics and being raised the way he was, these flowers (and the bouquet as a whole) fits Silver perfectly.
White Rose: Reverence, remembrance, homage to a new start and expresses hope for a new future, devotion and innocence. The white rose has a special place in my heart because we see it in Lilia's Groom and Birthday bouquet card. The fact that we see this flower in Silver's card gives it new meaning as well as represents Lilia in Silver's bouquet. (Actually, there are two other flowers that show up in Silver's bouquet that was in Lilia's bouquet. The love and parallels between father and son has my heart I swear.) Another thing to note, in many asian cultures White represents purity and grief as that is a color you use in funerals. Now, does that represent Lilia or Silver? Only time will tell.
White Tulips: Lost love, forgive me, forgiveness, respect, purity and honor. This flower has a loaded meaning and can represent many aspects of Book 7. It could talk about SIlver's parents or Lilia, could talk about an act yet to be made, and as seen, it has many traits that symbolize Silver as well.
Gardenias: Purity, divine, awareness, and gentleness. Silver has the title of Knight of Dreams so this could be a hint at his Unique Magic.
Evergreen Candytuft: Indifference and stoicism but could also mean joy, beauty, and sweetness. This flower symbolizes the difficulties Silver faces. He had trouble expressing himself and sometimes comes off as indifferent or lacking emotion. In his Dorm card, he tries to change that. On the other hand, this flower also shows the qualities we all already know about him: his beauty and how prince like he is. One of the uses of this flower that I found that was funny to me was that they often use this flower to combat heartburn. Lilia complained about stomach issues in the fireworks event and I don't doubt that Lilia's cooking can cause...acid.
White Carnation: Love, good luck, purity, devotion, mother's love (well, it was woman's love to be put exactly) and pure affection. This is another flower that is also in Lilia's Bouquet. So we can say this flower represents Lilia's love for Silver, especially with the meaning of "mother's love." This flower also has my heart because of the recent Twst radio talk where the VA's state that Lilia is both the mother and father to the Diasomnia boys. White flowers in Japan can also represents mothers as well. I headcanon that Lilia gave this flower to Silver.
Crystallofolia: Its also called Frost flower. These flowers form during the winter on the stems. You can sometimes see them in autumn as well. Fun fact, you can see imagery of these flowers in greek art as well.
White Peonies: Shame, shyness, and apology. good luck, prosperity, also know as the ‘king of flower in Japan’ and is known for bravery and honor. Peonies can last over a hundred years, often outliving the ones who planted them. This is another flower that was also in Lilia's bouquet. We can see how the meanings can apply to both Lilia and Silver. Silver for Bravery and Honor. Lilia and how he might have possibly lived longer than Silver at one point, now we don't know how much longer he has left. Shame because Silver wanted to be there by his father's side but he couldn't because Lilia is emotionally stubborn. Another headcannon I have is that Silver would plant this flower for Lilia, so Lilia would always remember him as well as Malleus and Sebek (I doubt any of the Diasomnia boys would ever forget Silver but the symbolism remains). It's a living reminder of Silver after hundreds of years and the mark he left behind in their hearts and they can continue to see and remember him fondly through it.
Jasmine: Love, beauty, innocence, new beginnings, victory, hope, and abundance. The constant 'new beginning" meanings makes me wonder if this is referring to his heritage and Silver being a prince from an opposing kingdom theory (or any theory in which he's a prince honestly).
Random Fact: Anniversaries could also be considered, since its the 3rd bdays for all the boys, their flower will be Sunflower: strength  be well, happiness, male healing, confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness. Sounds just like them, doesn’t it?
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years ago
SSR Lilia Vanrouge Bloom Birthday Voice Lines
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When Summoned: And how will you celebrate me today? I won't let you go home until I'm thoroughly satisfied.
Summon Line: It's really exciting to have my birthday celebrated so enthusiastically with many people. I finally get to experience it at my age.
Groooovy!!: I'll show you some of my tricks. Don't take your eyes off of me.
Home: I'm pretty adept at magic, you know!
Home Idle 1: Birthdays are a good excuse to celebrate and be celebrated. That's because I can spend it happily with family, friends, and of course, you!
Home Idle 2: My birthday parties only really get started after dark. Make sure you don't tire yourself out by getting too carried away during the day!
Home Idle 3: It's not too terrible to wear a robe once in a while. Hm... Maybe I'll try to play a sorcerer in my game one of these days.
Home Idle - Login: I don't really care for mornings, but I did my best to wake up early today. It would be rude to keep waiting those who wish to celebrate with me waiting, after all, don't you think?
Home Idle - Groovy: Jamil's eyes lit up as soon as the conversation topic shifted to traveling... I'll have to tell him all about my own adventures next time I see him.
Home Tap 1: Don't you think I look good in today's outfit? For me, my favorite part is the pointed hat because it's too cute.
Home Tap 2: The tomato juice I received this morning was very delicious. It was apparently handmade by my fellow dorm students out of a blend of different types of tomatoes.
Home Tap 3: I've heard Malleus perform many times, and yet... The music he plays for my birthday just feels special.
Home Tap 4: This little phial contains the latest nail polish. Vil's choice was spot on. Both the color and the bottle are so classy.
Home Tap 5: You want to know what this muffin that I'm eating is? Unfortunately for you, we're not serving this at the venue. This was a present to me from Trey.
Home Tap - Groovy: I really looked cool flying? Good, good, then it was worth risking my old, creaky body to fly up there under the sky.
Duo: [LILIA]: Let's get super pumped up, Jamil! [JAMIL]: I will follow you, Lilia-senpai.
Birthday Login Message: Well, well... No matter how old I get, it's still lovely to have my birthday celebrated. ...Eh? You want to put my age's worth of candles on the cake? Kufufu, you don't want to do that. It would be a shame if the cake was to be completely covered in holes.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years ago
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Birthday Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Is that the face of someone who is ready to give their all for my celebration? This'll definitely raise my expectations!
Summon Line: I'll happily receive your well wishes. But you're not just going to leave it at saying "congrats," no?
Groooovy!!: Everyone is so excited and is having fun chattering away... That is what makes this such an amazing birthday!
Home: I have to dress up nice for a special day like this.
Home Idle 1: I feel so young again, just from being surrounded by everyone's merry conversations. ...You say I'm still young? I wonder.
Home Idle 2: Cater put together an album of photos that he took during the Pop Music Club meets. And he added such delightful comments too! This gift makes me quite happy.
Home Idle 3: I think it was when Silver was around 7 years old... He baked cookies for my birthday. They were misshapen, but tasted phenomenal.
Home Idle - Login: I received so many presents that if I held them all in my arms, I wouldn't be able to see past them. It's so difficult being so popular〜
Home Idle - Groovy: Oh, you came just at the right time. I was just wanting to do some co-op play on the classic game that Ortho gave me. Join me for a bit.
Home Tap 1: The other dorm students sang me a birthday song. I was so moved I cried... or pretended to cry, at least.
Home Tap 2: Ace tried to surprise me, so I scared him back instead. Fufu, he's still so young.
Home Tap 3: After all the celebrations, my energy is maxed out! I've no choice but to sing now. Make sure you listen well to my heart-filled voice!
Home Tap 4: After shaking Rook off my tail in the morning, he came up to me directly after classes and gave me my gift. What an odd guy.
Home Tap 5: You've been trying to sneakily take a picture of me for a little while, haven't you? I don't mind you taking one, but make sure you get my good side.
Home Tap - Groovy: When something gets thrown at me, I just instinctively go to avoid it. It was a difficult task indeed to take the cream pie with my face.
Duo: [LILIA]: Ortho, give me that special line! [ORTHO]: Happy Birthday, Lilia-san!
Birthday Login Message: There will be a birthday party held for me today. Why don't you join us? Of course, I won't force you to, but... If you don't come, I may become so lonely that I'll start crying. [fake sobs] Oohh! Alright, so you'll come! Kufufu, lets enjoy ourselves today to our hearts content.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years ago
UPDATED: Jamil Viper - Top 7 Card Arts
Like I said on my previous entry of these, I’m going to start doing some of these for the Vice-Housewardens and other Second-In-Commands, now that I’ve finished the Dorm Heads. Specifically, that means - in no particular order - I’ll be looking at Jade Leech, Lilia Vanrouge, Rook Hunt, Ortho Shroud, Ruggie Bucchi, Trey Clover...and, of course, Jamil here. Just like with my previous spotlights, and like all future entries, I won’t be going into detail as to WHY all of these pieces of art are my favorites. This is largely because most of what I could say can be summed up as, “It looks cool (or cute),” or “I think it shows something about the character,” or both. It’s just going to be the rankings, titles, and images. Most of the art featured in these spotlights will come from SSRs and SR Groovies; there will be exceptions on some entries, but I don’t think there are any for this one. Simply put, these are the Seven Card Arts I think of first when I think of the Vice-Housewarden from Scarabia. Why Seven? Well, why not? Also, keep in mind that as time goes on, this ranking may be changed or updated, since new Cards are being added to game frequently. Let’s waste no more time: here are my Top 7 Card Arts for Jamil Viper!
7. Masquerade Costume (Groovy)
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6. Birthday Boy (Groovy)
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5. Labwear (Groovy)
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4. Jasmine Silk (Groovy)
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3. Union Birthday (Groovy)
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2. Dorm Uniform (Original)
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1. Dorm Uniform (Groovy)
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