#Lila Rossi Anon
babybulbasaur920 · 1 year
Concept regarding lila anon
So we all heard about the Lila Rossi anon on AO3. They come in the comments of Lila salt fics and talk trash. Most of the time it's just petty crap but it can and has veered into homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc trash. I have a concept concerning this: The Lila Rossi's mom anon. In all salt fics I've seen Lila's mom is horrfied to hear what Lila's done, so I think it would be funny if someone pretended to be Lila's mother and 'ground' her in the comments. Just yell at the ccommenter like you would if you heard your kid talking like that
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juju-or-anya · 7 months
Let's see Anon by Lila Rossi, I'm leaving my Miraculous fics open for you to play your little game, I'm allowing it, I'm having fun with your answers. But I can't take you seriously if I answer Shrek quotes and you don't answer them with Shrek quotes. Which makes me wonder, if I'm talking to a 10-year-old girl or an uncultured person. Because no one over the age of 10 cannot not know Shrek's phrases. It's General Culture. Another thing, I want an Anon by Lila Rossi from Argentina. Everything is fine with Anon now, apart from the fact that she cannot answer Shrek's phrases, but I need someone who, if I say "El Decorado se calla", will understand me, if one is not Argentine, how will one understand the phrases? iconic ones from Moria, or Ricardo or Tinelli, I need you to find me an Argentine Anon, so I won't respond anymore.
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trashyangelic · 2 years
I got an idea for many people who wants to write Lila Salt on AO3 just to avoid Lila Anon.
I find it very amusing but very annoying at the same time. The moment I put the note on the beginning saying, "Lila Anon: I feel no remorse, please roleplay somewhere else." I click on Only registered users can comment in my story but add this: as I said before when i say Lila Anon.. im changing it to only for registered users to comments. as for the guest well you can all blame this on Lila Anon for this who had commented first before i delete the "chapter 1 rewritten".
The first Lila Anon respond to your story... edit on "only registered users can comment" but message to the guest readers who normally comments on every Lila Salt they seek to read where Lila Anon normally would be. Tell them this, "You can all blame Lila Anon to be the first to comment. But very sorry I have to change it to only registered users to comment." but show proof of the comment since i couldn't do it.
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l1linya · 1 year
Could you draw Chloe and Lila Rossi as best friends?
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I wonder who they're gossiping about? 👁️👄👁️
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miraculoustakes · 2 months
Nino is one of the best characters in the show, a real hero. He tried to fight Anansi head on to protect Alya and started a resistance movement that worked well even with Lila kneecapping it. People give him a disproportionate amount of flack for Rocketear. He deserves better.
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Hey, Little Songbird
Final Chapter - AO3
Three days after the defeat of Gabriel Agreste and the arrest of Lila Rossi, Felix was invited out for ice cream by his classmates.
A little flustered, he’d agreed without thinking. Rationally, there was little reason to why Lê Chiếninvited him to join, and even less of a reason why Felix accepted. There was still too much to do in the wake of Hawkmoth’s arrest; lawyers to speak to, statements given to police and press alike, entertaining his mother who’d overtaken his home to take custody of Adrien… Frivolities like ice cream socials couldn’t be entertained.
Despite that idea, Felix found himself smiling under the sun, surrounded by classmates as they all took turns at the food cart.
Couffaine and her girlfriend—a few days of diligent study only unearthed a few of his classmates names, not all—stepped out of his way, a sundae to share between the two. He approached the ice cream stall and—“Where is your menu?”
The man, Andre or something similar, smiled merrily. “Ah, so this is your first time at Sweethearts Ice Cream? Allow me to explain.” Picking up his scoop, Andre started to fulfill his order despite Felix having never ordered anything. “Sweethearts Ice Cream has a special ablility; to connect the hearts of two people in love. The harmony of two hearts in love influences the flavors of the ice cream. And there!” With a flourish, Andre offered him his waffle cone ice cream. “Blackberry for her hair, blue bubblegum for her eyes, and black cherry for her secret you keep in your heart.”
“…This is a terrible business model.” Despite his words, Felix paid the man and took his cone. “I don’t even know who this could refer to.”
“Really? You have no idea?”
Nearly dropping his ice cream, Felix whirled around. “M-Marinette!? When did you get here?”
“Just now,” she said, squeezing up beside him at the counter. “Hey, Andre.”
“Marinette! You’re ready to give Sweethearts Ice Cream another chance then?” Andre grinned at them both. “Or… would you two like to try my Couples Sundae? It’s free for new lovers.”
Felix flushed, a protest frozen in his throat. Fortunately, Marinette could still speak. “No, thank you,” she said, voice pitched higher than usual. “Just a regular ice cream, please.”
“Of course, of course.” Changing his scoop for a fresh one, Andre started on a new waffle cone: a base of yellow with dark chocolate, with a scoop of bright blue on top. “Banana for his hair, cotton candy for his eyes, and…” He flipped the cone over and dipped it in chocolate, “…a dark chocolate shell, since you broke through his.”
Blushing, Marinette accepted her ice cream. Felix offered her his arm and escorted Marinette towards a bench separate from the class, who were watching them. Lê Chiến even offered Felix a grin and a thumbs-up, to which he awkwardly returned with a nod.
“How…” She paused to take a bite of her ice cream, dark chocolate snapping between her teeth. “How has everything been? I’m sorry for not being in class the past few days, but it’s been so busy…”
“I can only imagine.” Marinette—or rather, Ladybug—has been in and out of the police station as often as Adrien was, giving her statement. Between that and the press conference Mme. Bustier stopped class to let them watch yesterday, if she’d spent more time as Marinette than Ladybug these last few days, Felix would French-kiss Rossi. “It’s been quiet, especially once Ladybug announced that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Ms. Bustier tried to make us talk about our feelings, but everyone’s still a bit too shocked to discuss it.” After all, it wasn’t every day when you discovered your classmate’s father was the terrorist who turned you into a supervillain. Reporters had hounded their class from the moment the news dropped.
They were even worse towards his family.
“The school’s talking about shipping in a therapist for us,” Felix explained. “Not only that whole Akuma Class nonsense, but also because we were in direct contact with a terrorist for months on end. So, you have that to look forward to when you get back.” Rossi was allowed unrestricted access to vulnerable minds for over half a year. There was no doubt his class needed therapy… including Marinette.
“At least she’s been expelled from the country,” Marinette said, sighing. “Honestly, that was harder than giving my statement ten times over. The Prime Minister wanted her trial on French soil. I had to argue with the Prime Minister! All for Lila.”
“Why?” Felix would never do anything to help Rossi.
“News of her involvement is going to drop any day now. People are already trying to attack Gabriel in his cell; when the mob of public opinion finds out about her, they’ll start trying to get her too. At least this way she’ll be tried back in her home country, by people who were never directly affected by her actions.”
Felix didn’t like it, but “It’s understandable. People are also trying to get to Adrien, despite his innocence.”
Marinette nodded, half-expected that. “How is Adrien? I haven’t heard from him at all.”
“One of his photographers leaked his phone number, so Mom took his phone away so he wouldn’t have to read all the vile filth people send him. He’s getting a new one soon.”
It wasn’t that Felix didn’t understand why people were so upset. Gabriel turned Paris into a battleground and friends into foes, but… the police had already released a statement denying Adrien’s cooperation regarding Hawkmoth, yet there are still hateful phone calls and texts coming in at every hour from people who wanted someone to blame. At least Mother was keeping a record of who sent the more illegal messages: the threats, the doxing, the… suicide baiting.
Their family lawyer would be well fed in the coming months.
It was hard with Adrien in his house. Awkward. Despite Adrien’s frame-job, he was still family, and Felix was someone who supported his family. But that didn’t mean Adrien was forgiven. Felix didn’t forgive, and he’d never forget.
Surprisingly, the tabloids were kind towards Felix. He made no effort in hiding his involvement in the case, both as the whistle blower for Hawkmoth and as a hero involved in the final take down. Mother had cut out some particularly flattering articles out to hang in their manor parlor, but fortunately the threat of arrest and restraining orders kept most of the rats away.
“How’d Adrien take it?” she asked.
Felix bit his ice cream, so he’d have time to answer. Damn that ice cream man. It was delicious. “He didn’t believe it at first… didn’t want to believe it. He’s seeing a therapist on Friday.”
Marinette wrapped her hands around her ice cream cone. “Poor Adrien…”
“He’ll recover; he’s stronger than you think. He’s already made plans to hang out for the weekend.” He gestured at Alya and DJ Boy, leaning against each other and sharing a sundae. Alya caught his eye and waved. “Everyone’s going to be okay now.”
“Yeah.” Marinette drank in the sight. Not just Alya and her paramour—though they earned a smile for finally making up—but their other classmates as well. Felix had never been invited to a class outing before, but even though they’d broken up into subgroups of couples and friends, everyone looked happy. “We’ll recover.”
The sun shined down on them all, warming skin like a heated blanket. Felix studied the melting treat at hand. “So. Ladybug?”
She flinched.
“I haven’t told anyone,” he reassured. “I understand why it’s a secret. I understand why you didn’t tell me. But…” He sighed. “I’ve been keeping this to myself for days. Can you please just… confirm?”
She took a deep breath. “Yes.” She peeked at him from the corners of her eyes. “This is me, confirming. Yes.”
Okay. A shiver ran through him. Marinette was Ladybug. His best friend was a superhero and trusted him enough to be a superhero too.
He was in love with Ladybug.
As was Chat Noir. And half of Paris. Shit.
“So, what gave me away?” she asked.
“Little things. Nothing anyone else could put together.” Little things that added up into the big picture. The way Ladybug knew he’d worn a hoodie earlier that day, the inherent trust she had in a man she previously punched in the face, the way she looked at him. But most importantly, Felix felt that she’d wanted to get caught, that Marinette had wanted him to know she was Ladybug, and that was what removed the block in his mind preventing him from realizing.
“Small mercies,” she muttered. “Did you really think I was Rena Rogue?”
Felix hid his face in his ice cream. “…It made sense at the time?”
She laughed at him. “Alya’s never going to let you live that down.”
Alya? Why would Alya care—? Oh. He felt his face growing red and it had nothing to do with the weather. “She really won’t, will she?” He asked, sounding faint.
“Yeah, you really dropped the ball on that conclusion. You should have heard her complain! “Your boy is so stupid, how do you even stand him?””
And now Felix was blushing for a different reason. Her boy?
“—I tried to keep her from talking about it in front of the other temporary heroes, but I think Viperion knows. Carapace definitely does.”
“Did she complain in front of Hawkmoth too?” he grumbled, wishing he was wearing a hoodie to better hide his face. “Throw Rossi into the loop while she’s at it? Maybe my mother would like to know all my follies?”
“Oh! Speaking of your mom—” Marinette pulled a chain out from under her shirt. His breath caught in his throat. She’d kept it on her person? “You can finally return this to her.” Threading the wedding ring off her necklace, she placed it his hand, its matching pair resting on his finger.
He squeezed it, the smooth ridges cutting into his palm… and returned it to her. “Keep it. It’s exactly where it needs to be.”
“What? But this is the entire reason you were here!” She tried to give it back again. “It’s your family ring!”
“It’s my family’s wedding ring,” he corrected. “And while most would consider this too forward of an approach, the realization that you’re the most eligible bachelorette in Paris is making me react… strongly. So, I was thinking about a spring wedding? After we graduate Lycée, of course, so it would be a long engagement—”
Marinette covered his mouth, face blush red from the tips of her ears to the neckline of her shirt. “What!?” She asked, voice cracking. “M-M-Marriage!? Felix, we can’t…”
“Well, yes, not right now. That’s why I said after Lycee.” Obviously. “I don’t see what the issue is? My family has had arranged marriages for centuries, and we like each other. Right?” Had he misidentified her feelings? She always acted sweet with him and blushed when he flirted, but what if he was wrong? What if he humiliated himself and ruined their friendship in one swift move—
“Of course I like you, but you haven’t even asked me out on a date yet!” She burst out, causing the rest of the class to glance over. She buried her face in her hands and continued, voice muffled, “Dating comes before marriage; I can’t believe I have to explain this to you!”
Oh. That was the issue. Gently pulling her hands away, he dabbed at her tears with a handkerchief. “I’m sorry, Marinette. I got ahead of myself.” Alya glared at him from over Marinette’s shoulder. Nosy overprotective reporters, getting in everyone else’s business… “I didn’t mean to pressure you. What I mean with the ring is… a promise. I would love to be in a relationship with you, if you’d have me.”
She looked up at him from underneath her lashes. “A promise?”
“To stay by your side and support you in your endeavors.” His family’s marriage vows echoed in his mind, passed down from his grandparents, from his grandfather who was so in love with his grandmother that he couldn’t think of a world where she wasn’t his equal. “As long as you stay by my side and support me in return. To lift you up through the hard times and rejoice with your success. To be equals in all things. That’s what I want to promise you.”
Tears budded in her eyes. “To stay by your side… to be equals… that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Then, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? And going out on a date with me?”
Her tears ran down her face, but her smile lit up the entirety of Paris with her joy. “Yes. I’d love to, Felix.”
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny@nikipuppeteer
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graaythekwami · 4 months
On CnN, does Lila actually feels something for Marinette or just wants to take advantage of her like a btc?
Or is this spoiler? 🥺👉👈
Lila is acting purely selfishly, but at the same time I wouldn't say she's heartless? It would be a lie to say she doesn't feel affection for Marinette, but it's more based on what Marinette can do for her rather than something heartfelt. She's isolating Marinette because it's most beneficial to have her be the only one Marinette depends on, but also because I think Lila enjoys the game of manipulation she plays. And besides Marinette is a useful person to be her friend, and so good strong friends like Alya and Kagami are the last people Lila wants influencing Marinette towards confidence and independence. Whether its someone's platonic or romantic feelings, Lila only wants them directed at her.
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crizztelcb · 1 year
Chloe, Sabrina, and Lila ✨️👑💅
Anon I'm so sorry for being late, I was working on a complex drawing only to see I had messed up badly and lost the drawing but I swear I'm going to make something better for those characters later! For now I didn't wanted to let this go without at least trying to draw the girls so here it is some simple scketchs
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amimons · 1 year
So Lila doesn't have an honest hair on her head? (Jury's still out on if she has an honest bone in her body.)
She def told everyone she was born with glass bones and paper skin
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theanonymousclown · 2 years
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Like every other fandom I’m in, I thought it would be fun to randomize Miraculous Ladybug and have fun with the characters. Imagine my surprise when LILA ROSSI was generated for the Ladybug Miraculous with Alya as her Chat. I actually drew these guys last year, and decided to redesign them only recently- Lila’s costume takes a lot of inspiration from Venice Carnival fashion, while Alya’s takes inspiration from Majestia as well as loose inspiration from Martinique headscarves.
The story I came up with is that Fu lost all the Miraculi except the Black Cat and Turtle. Tikki tried to find help, but she was captured by a well meaning young woman. Tikki sealed herself in her Miraculous in her panic, and the woman used them to become a hero and protect her community. She passed it on to her daughter, who passed it to hers, and so on until eventually Lila Rossi received it.
Meanwhile, Gabriel and Emile Agreste found the rest of the Miraculi and decided to use and study them, unaware that the Peacock was broken. Emile slipped into a coma and Gabriel was so heartbroken that he admitted her to a hospital and gave up the Miraculi and his research to his business partner, Tomoe Tsurugi, in the hopes that she would manage to locate the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculi. She gave the Butterfly to her daughter, Kagami, and instructed her on how to use it. Kagami, eager to please her mother, bent to pressure.
Lila, as the new hero Signora Scarlet, fought against the ensuing Akuma. She enjoyed the attention she received, and although her mother wanted her to remain in the shadows she began to show herself more and more. Alya, meanwhile, was scouted by Fu when she helped a crowd of civilians escape from the Akuma with her quick thinking, and was given the Black Cat Miraculous so long as she used it to retrieve Signora Scarlet’s Miraculous and find out where she’s stored the others (because he believed she had stolen the rest, excluding the Butterfly)
Realizing she couldn’t keep her fanbase and her mother’s pride, Lila changed her superhero identity to Chanceuse Rouge and claimed that the new hero had stolen her Miraculous. Alya knows that the two hero’s are the same person, but not that they are both Lila, a new student and her friend.
The two heroes will work together to defeat Akumas and then immediately go back to fighting each other because this is Miraculous and I can’t remove ALL the poor communication. That being said they go through an enemy to friends arch and eventually discover each other’s identities. Also Lila goes through an arc where she learns people can and will like her if she stops lying.
I randomized every Miraculous Holder and every Akuma so I’m hoping I can keep posting these redesigns as 2023 goes on!
Edit: Part 2 with Kagami and Luka as the main villains/holders of the Butterfly and Peacock are here!
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carpisuns · 2 years
what if u wake up one day and are lila rossi
u really want me to start off my 2023 with a nightmare huh that’s brutal man
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ponytailzuko · 2 years
oh my god, could you elaborate on how lila would be adrien’s foil? i’ve been rotating that idea inside a microwave for the past few minutes
i'm not sure if i've ever talked about it on this blog but i am actually quite obsessed with lila and adrien paralleling each other so thank you for the ask anyways!!!
first off, i have to make a disclaimer... idk what they're intending to do with lila in season 5. i'm just going off of season 4 and before. they might take lilas character an entirely different direction than how i've read her so far. god bless!
i think lila and adrien are interesting as foils because they are both parallels and inverses of each other. adrien and lila are both the new students who are trying to make new friends, and both of them kind of fail at this at the beginning. adrien with the gum, and lila with being exposed by ladybug. adrien even points out in chameleon that they're not that different and he understands where she's coming from! the difference is that lila keeps grudges in a way adrien doesn't.
i also think lila and adrien are also just... natural liars in a way marinette isn't. (marinette having to come up with a whole scheme to disprove her identity compared to adrien just coming up with a casual lie about "oh is that an elementary school" in the kwamibuster ep comes to mind. also adrien having a whole ep called lies lol.) adrien has to lie often because it's a way of survival in his house, and lila lies in order to maintain her social status. they both put up "masks" for social acceptance. i don't really think adrien is exactly faking, but i don't think he's really able to be his genuine self often. he's good at compartmentalizing. lila does straight up lie because she doesn't believe that her genuine self can achieve what lying does.
but then they are also inverses... adrien has never been anywhere but his home and has an overbearing father, as well as the fact he's famous with a modeling job he doesn't want... meanwhile it seems like with lila's diplomat mother, she's moved a lot and her mom seems pretty distant. lila wants to model! she wants to be famous! in this way, they want what the other has.
i think it'd be interesting to have a lila-adrien rivalry similar to the chloe-marinette rivalry. especially since lila starts to model with adrien, so they actually have time together isolated from everyone else, so that gives opportunities for interactions and plotlines outside of just school and with the class. i think they bring out interesting aspects of each other's character that no one else really does? adrien straight up threatens lila in the ladybug ep, i'd love to see them doing backhanded shit like that more often. alas...
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journal-of-jax · 4 months
Y’all I won’t lie, I read a lot of Miraculous Ladybug fanfic. Which means that I am aware of the Lila anon role player, and honestly it’s so funny to me. Like this person’s goal is to just pretend to be one of the most disliked miraculous characters. Also they’re just so silly. “I would never be that stupid that Maribrat could never beat me” lol I’m tempted to write a miraculous fic to see if they’d show up. It be like a celebrity (derogatory) showed up
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Mean Girls, but it’s Chloe, Lila and Aurore, and instead of bringing them down Marinette not only joins them but starts dating Chloe
I personally see it as Chloe, Lila, and Sabrina, but this works too
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My heart beats a little bit faster as I remember that Monday approaches. So…pov spoiler? 🥺
but of course!
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this one's gonna be so fun
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 33 - AO3
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes of keeping Rossi pinned to the ground while she hissed and spat at him, struggling against the superior strength of the Peacock Miraculous. Ten minutes of kneeling on her torso, unable but not incapable of fighting while King Monkey and Chat Noir picked off the rest of their akumatized classmates. Ten minutes of waiting, Rossi’s connection to Hawkmoth flashing for a few moments before extinguishing.
It was the longest ten minutes of Argus’ life.
The doors of the gym slammed open. Argus couldn’t spare a glance, but multiple people ran into the room, one coming up right behind him. He braced himself. “Oh thank god.”
“Ma—” Argus turned his head to look, but instead of who he was expecting, it was Ladybug behind him. Several police officers had arrived with her. “Ladybug. Did everything go well?”
She nodded, smiling. “Both Hawkmoth and Mayura were arrested and no one was hurt. And now—” She walked around him, so Rossi could see here. “It’s your turn, Lila Rossi. Are you going to surrender the akuma?”
“Never!” She snapped, spit foaming in her mouth. Argus wrinkled his nose.
“Hard way it is, then.” She glanced at Argus. “Do you know where her akumatized object is?”
“No idea. Everything about her is so ugly, it could be anything.”
Rossi hissed at him, trying to bit his arm. He slammed her head back into the floor, cracks radiating out on the wood under her.
Ladybug appraised the akuma. “There really is room for taste. But when Rossi was akumatized previously, the object was…” Reaching down, Ladybug plucked a necklace off Rossi’s neck. He hadn’t noticed it before due to the ugly prom queen aesthetic, but a dainty, tasteful necklace had been there the whole time, hidden in the ruffles of the bust. Ladybug snapped the necklace in half, and a black butterfly flew out. “This.”
Quickly catching the akuma, a loveliness of ladybugs washed over the gym and into the world outside. Damage from the battle healed, cracks fading and shrinking. His classmates transformed back into their normal selves, dazed and confused. Rossi, too, transformed back to normal, with none of the confusion previous akuma victims had. Instead, she continued to glare up at Argus and Ladybug, hands balled into fists (thumbs tucked under her fingers like she’d never learned to punch before, and the sadistic part of Felix really wanted her to try).
Ladybug helped Felix to his feet. His knees cracked from kneeling for so long. “Your costume looks good on you,” Ladybug said suddenly. He blinked at her and she flushed. “It’s… You kept the hoodie look. It suits you.”
Before Felix could truly question whatever that was, Rossi crawled to her feet. Her face had smoothed into false gratitude, a simpering smile trying to placate her audience. “Oh, Ladybug! Thank you so much for saving me—”
Ladybug stepped aside for the two policemen, who hauled her to her feet. She complained about the rough, only to scream when handcuffs clicked around her wrists. “Lila Rossi, you are under arrest for terrorism against the citizens of Paris. Everything you say can and will—”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” Rossi sputtered, trying to pull her other wrist free before it was locked behind her back. “I was an akuma, I can’t be held responsible for helping Hawkmoth! If I need to be arrested, so do they!” Unable to gesture with her hand, she kicked in the direction of dreadlock girl, goth girl, and boy with a skull on his shirt. They looked horrified at the prospect.
He really, really needed to learn his classmates’ names.
The police officers didn’t look inclined to answer, but Argus was ecstatic to inform Rossi of what was going on. He was a hero, at least for the day; he couldn’t let someone walk away ignorant after all! “So, that wasn’t you in the video I took? The video where you can clearly see someone who looks exactly like you snatches an akuma out of the air and negotiates with Hawkmoth for better powers?” He looks back at Ladybug, who was giving him a look. “Oh dear, we ought to go out and search for this mysterious doppelganger then. But… the doppelganger theory doesn’t explain the mountain of other evidence for more crimes we found on you. Whoops.”
“You—” She lunged for Argus, but the officers hold her back. “You ruined my life!” She spat.
Chat Noir approached, crossing his arms, and glaring at the girl. “Ironic, coming from End Days herself.”
Argus snorted. “I know, right?”
Rossi was dragged away by the bobbies, screaming at the top of her lungs about diplomatic immunity and that she’d been framed. Argus rolled his eyes. Turning back to the heroes, he flinched, finding Chat Noir staring at him with an unidentifiable expression. After a few seconds, the hero spoke. “I don’t like you.”
Argus cocked an eyebrow. “And why should I care?”
Chat Noir glared. “But, you did good in your first fight against an akuma. And hopefully, your last.”
“That was hardly my first fight against an akuma, remember?”
He stepped into Argus’ personal space, staring him down. Argus stopped breathing. “I won’t forget.” He stepped away. “But I guess you were lucky enough to find some people willing to tolerate you. That’s probably the reason why you’re not a loser anymore.”
“Chat Noir!” Ladybug stood in between the two, glaring at her partner. “There was no reason to say that to Argus! He’s the only reason we were able to defeat Hawkmoth!”
Chat Noir’s face darkened, and he looked away. “Yeah.” Like it was planned, Chat Noir’s Miraculous beeped, though the Ladybug and Peacock stayed silent. Ladybug must have recharged on her way over, and Argus never used his ability in battle—Duusu hadn’t even explained how, claiming that it was dangerous—so he was the only one who had to leave or risk his identity. Ladybug offered him a fist bump before he left, and Chat looked like he was about to cry. “Meet me in the usual place? Tonight, at ten?”
“Of course, Chaton. Take all the time you need.”
The black cat hero raced away to parts unknown after whatever that was (although, the dark part of Felix’s mind already had a suspicion he really didn’t like). That left Ladybug alone with the three temporary heroes, along with the three victims. She cleared her throat. “Thank you, everyone. With your help, we managed to finally arrest Hawkmoth—”
“So, who was it?” Chloe asked.
“You find that out tomorrow, with the rest of Paris. I believe a press conference is already in the works for the morning” Ladybug didn’t seem to care about the interruption, used to how Chloe acted. “I need to collect your Miraculous now, but Queen Bee, Argus, since you both have public identities…”
“You want ours back first before collecting the others,” Argus finished, snatching the Bee Miraculous out of Chloe’s hair. She yelped as she detransformed, and Argus tossed the hair comb to Ladybug. There was no sign of a kwami; did that happen when the Miraculous was removed without the transformation phrase? If so…
“Why you do that!?” Chloe screeched at him.
“Don’t act like you were going to return it willingly,” Argus spat back.
King Monkey agreed. “Yeah, you were probably planning to crash another train to impress mommy dearest.” He held out a fist to Argus, and the Peacock hero reluctantly tapped it.
Ripping the brooch off his chest, Argus turned back into Felix and he tossed it at Ladybug. She fumbled, bouncing the jewelry off her arms and chest before clutching it in a move so familiar it was burned into his retinas. “You don’t want to say goodbye to your kwami?” she asked.
Felix snorted. “If I never had to see that hyperactive monster ever again, it would be too soon. Keep the horrible thing.”
Ladybug nodded, gesturing for King Monkey to leave with her. She looked back at him over her shoulder. “I’ll see you soon.”
Felix nodded. And it would be soon.
As in, the next day of class, soon. They sat next to each other, after all.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny @nikipuppeteer
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