#Like yes. There are multiplayer games that require you talking. Because these are strategic games. Battles. Survivals
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frivolousfootstep · 11 days ago
Just saw someone saying that "multiplayer" in the game they liked completely changed their mind to play it (but still played because there wasn't "talking" and "chatting" functions, still sounded like they weren't happy) Was surprised, because "multiplayer" games as an "open world" are one of my favs, I didn't know it can push people away? Not a lot of current ones but old ones, where you could just open this one online site with this game and there are hundreds dudes all over writing funny stuff in chat and you have fun just for the sake of fun. The ones I used to play on were all cancelled or changed to the extend where "fun" is no more fun. And I think games where you play as a quiet creature among similar creatures who's ability to talk is only through your body language is wonderful. You don't have to talk, you all mind your business, but there are little occasions where you might interact or help each other and this happens so natural, it doesn't feel forced, it gives happiness. And you both just quietly stare at each other and give any sign that game might suggest you to show the gratitude. Such games are so sweet in their comfort of being quiet
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ettadunham · 11 months ago
not to brag... but i've been gaming.
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there were several games i finished recently, and one of them was project eden: an action-adventure game from 2001, made by the same studio who brought us the original tomb raider games. and i absolutely hated playing this.
you play as a group of future cops who - no joke - have a more diverse cast than a 2010s marvel movie. there's even a robot! they really covered all their bases. and as your first mission, you have to investigate some kind of disturbance at the real meat factory. (don't worry, one of the characters makes the joke. and the female protag facepalms. it's kind of beautiful, ngl.)
also, the real meat factory is actually a synthetic meat factory. that being said, there are a suspicious number of dogs in the labs. and yes, you will have to kill a lot of dogs. but that's just part of playing a cop simulator i suppose.
also, also, most of the dogs are mutant dogs, because the story then pivots to you fighting mutants. because drugs. this is now also an anti-drug psa.
you might be catching on to the fact that the story and the tone of this game is... kinda weird. the voice acting is not helping either, giving us some of the most confounding deliveries imaginable. that in itself, can be kinda charming and bad in a fun way, and i was totally on board! if anything, the ps2 graphics only enhance this feeling, and i was even more delighted to discover that the game sometimes would just have 2d drawings instead of 3d assets as its non-interactive objects. what a weird and cost-effective old school design choice!
there's a pretty fun gimmick to the game's team setup as well. most puzzles and obstacles in the game require you to use multiple or specific characters - carter (the team lead) can open security doors, minoko is a hacker, etc. you also sometimes have to use one character to hold down a lever so the other can go through a door... things like that. apparently the game has a multiplayer option (my version just crashed when i clicked on it though, lol), which i imagine might make this whole aspect even more fun, but it all works in a single player mode as well.
except... the ai and the pathfinding is absolute dogshit. and your companions will not follow you. andre (the repair guy) especially seems to hate following you, and will get stuck on the most mundane surfaces. and given that most of the game is just you running around, trying to retrace your steps or finding where you're supposed to be going, having to do this regularly for multiple characters is an absolute nightmare.
also, the part where you have to shoot someone? bad. boring. you get new weapons throughout the game, but who cares. it's not even worth trying to strategize (other than for like one enemy that you can't take out unless you shoot at it very specifically), because when you die, you just resurrect at a checkpoint, and your enemies don't even regain health. it's not challenging but it is tedious.
you do have to somewhat look out for your ammo though, since you can only recharge your weapons at so-called recharge stations or use energy cells, that are a finite resource early on. at some point, i actually managed to softlock myself, because i needed to use a weapon to unlock a recharger and - you guessed it - i was out of ammo. great game design, guys. good thing that cheat codes still existed in 2001 (thank you, cheat codes!)
oh, and did i mention? there is 3d platforming. my favorite. great. awesome.
overall, i was using a walkthrough with this one a lot. like... a lot. there are just parts where it's absolutely not clear what you're supposed to be doing, and it's easy to get lost. there was also a part where i'm pretty sure i managed to get an npc killed that i was supposed to talk to to advance the quest. good thing i was saving pretty regularly by that point.
so... yeah. actually playing this game? not super fun. would not particularly recommend. the puzzles with the multiple characters are fun, and i especially liked a level where your team gets separated, and you have to do things in one section to help your other team members, but otherwise... the shooting and the running around gets old pretty fast.
that is until about 2/3 of the game where you get an unexpected flashback from one of the characters, tying her to the plot. turns out, she was essentially kidnapped by the cops when she was a kid, and got separated from her sister and father. wild.
i want to reiterate that we are at this point 2/3 into the game with no prior indication that our characters had any ties to the loosely defined story. we barely even defined our characters.
this is exactly the kind of nonsense i signed up for!
anyway, at this point, like me, you might think: oh. so the cops are the bad guys in this game! they really were ahead of the zeitgeist!
and to be fair, there are things in this game that would support the theory that this was actually intentional on the game's end. after all, the story takes place in a cyberpunk future where the cops are clearly there to protect corporate interests. we even meet a group of people living underground, whom our cops tell that they wouldn't protect them. it's all not very subtle.
but... no, it turns out that the bad guy is actually minoko's (said character with the flashbackstory) dad. because he's an evil scientist.
oh. that's actually pretty boring.
except, sike! spoiler alert! the real bad guy is actually the sister! who's still a little girl, because weird science. and fair play! if it wasn't gonna be the cops, creepy child is always a close second for a big bad choice.
and then the game ends on an absolutely bizarre note that made me laugh throughout the entirety of the credits.
10/10! no notes! never ever play it!
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Good and Bad in Gaming
Gambling Is among the largest hobbies and even professions on earth. Folks play games for fun or studying while some capture videos regarding the matches. In the following guide, I will concentrate more on gambling itself and not so much the negative of the way to generate gaming videos. Gamers are available in many different ages, genders, religions, shapes and locations. The backgrounds of individuals that are players make gambling that much more pleasure.
Backgrounds Of players can play a role in the sort of games that people playwith. There are all types of combinations for various categories having to do with the kind of matches and sort of players. You really have to check out the game's site to receive all the pertinent information before purchasing.
There Are several internet programs where you can purchase games from like Steam or Humble Bundle. Those websites will provide you the description, videos from the business, photos, user and non-user tags, testimonials, site, business and their societal accounts (s). Take note the game's site may not show you all that you want to know. As a minimum, a gambling business will demonstrate a brief sales pitch outline, little number of images (5 best), a couple of videos by their societal accounts. The most they will offer is an insightful description, their societal reports, user testimonials and videos from them.
Let's dive into what's Perceived as negative concerning gambling. Nearly all the negative things about games include from the real life people on these matches, the kind of matches and the sorts of games to the wrong individual. A sport could be badly made but it is not necessarily the situation where the sport itself is awful. It might be where it had been the wrong kind of sport for the wrong individual. This is the point where the classes arrive in. Perhaps a game has a little violence. That does not make it bad; it only makes it the incorrect kind of sport for a seven year-old. Or perhaps you purchased a mystery game for an individual who enjoys action type matches. Hence that the action loving person will not love it, but it does not create the puzzle game awful!
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The Kinds of games are infinite From nudity, alcohol and drugs, terror, gaming with cash and much more. These various kinds are incorrect for childhood players as well as incorrect for those that do not enjoy seeing these matters.
Gambling has great and poor Sides like every thing else. The key is the way bad and good are these sides. By way of instance, some games have a poor side with gamers who prefer to fight a great deal. This is normal in games. Know for a good deal of players this isn't a huge deal; nonetheless, for youth that are new to the sport or perhaps gambling generally this could be bothersome. There are occasions when you would like to stay away from the terrible sides together. There are instances when the good outweighs the bad. If it occurs and there are not any issues with the sport itself; afterward the terrible side is merely that one small fly in your area that's no big thing. Caution: If the bad outweighs the good, I would strongly advise avoiding that match.
Another facet that individuals Will nag a game programmer or founder about will be representation. Should I state, too little representation that's not restricted to race, body type and message from the sport. If you can customize your character, then obviously you won't have a issue with representation. There's an issue in certain games in which they do not signify powerful and smart females, minority females and men, large, small, tall, and short females and men. Notice how I did not place"males" after feminine for powerful? That is because men in matches are ALWAYS represented as smart and strong.
In games that reveal a man powerful and smart, He'll mostly Probably be white, tall, slim, picture star buff and looking. You will seldom find him become a minority, short, chubby, and not buff, nerdy looking, although being smart and strong. You find this LESS for females. Some guys in games can also be tall, white, thin and powerful whilst revealing skin like no tomorrow. You simply visit THESE females in MMORPG matches (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) though. RPG games are intended for dream worlds in which you largely fight creatures and people. Obviously the females' stats will be strong but they won't look strong.
In most games, when they add a character for you to play they always add a white male first, then a white female, then a black male, and then a black female. They don't even really add people who are mixes of races or in between. When it comes to the black characters they only add one shade of "black" or "African American" and not every black person on earth is that shade.
In games, the majority of the characters are always thin and tall. You don't really see characters that are short and thin, tall and chubby, short and chubby, etc.. There are a lot of people who aren't thin and who aren't tall.
Then lastly, there is the mental message that goes with the gender, race, and body type. What do I mean by the mental message? Some games send an indirect message about that character being strong and smart or something else. While for other games it can be a mental message either on purpose or not. For example, in the game you play and you see a minority female who is short, chubby, nerdy looking and her traits are to be a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It could send a mental message to you that people that look like her are just like her. They're not smart, they aren't thin, and are not tall. They did poorly in school, etc. etc.. So you start thinking those things based on not only seeing this in that game over and over again, but when it happens in other games too.
The worst part is NONE of these things are true. Yes, some people aren't thin, tall, and maybe not that bright; but not EVERYONE is like this! You do have short chubby minorities who are smart as all get out! You have all kinds of combinations of people who ARE smart! Of course, all these things about gender, race, body type, and messages aren't just in gaming; they're in movies, TV shows, ads, etc.. What's interesting is that some of the creators who make the games, movies, TV shows, ads, etc., are minorities themselves and they make up the population of the earth. (Search"entire people by race 2016" and click the first three links if you don't believe me.)
Quick disclaimer: I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! Yes, I was shouting that. This section of the article is telling you what I know, read, hear and experience in gaming.
If you don't believe me go look at today's TV shows, movies, ads, and games. A show to look at for good representation is Milo Murphy's Law. Two games to look at as a reference for good representation are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in these fields it has gotten better for representation specifically gender, race and just now starting body type (specifically in this order). Some games even add robots and creatures as playable characters to avoid having problems with representation. This removes the problem of users wanting a character to represent their actual or preferred gender, race, or body type because now there is a character most users can agree on. After all, you can't please everyone.
Alright, now that I ranted and got the bad stuff out of the way; let's get into the good parts of gaming! You have gamers as young as three years old and as old as 90+! No matter your age, race, gender, religion, culture, or location gaming can be good for anyone. Gaming can not only be fun, but beneficial and educational.
A benefit with gaming is it can help youth have more confidence in themselves and be more social. If they play an online multiplayer game and talk to other players around the world, this can help then get used to talking to other people besides family and they gain confidence in what they're saying. They can go from an introvert to a social fanatic! It can happen fast or slowly. Even if it's not a game but a place for gamers, artists, fashion designers, car enthusiast, etc. to chat; it will still help them be more social. Keep in mind though, typing to someone and then voice chatting to someone are two different experiences. Youth can be very social when typing but very shy when voice chatting.
This is how I am. Before I was shy when talking to people I didn't know whether it was online or offline, now I've become more comfortable with it because I know how to handle myself and have confidence in myself. But when it comes to voice chatting online, I'm the quiet person on the chat. Counterproductive right! You might even forget I was in a call with you! Before when the people at the bank said "Hi" I wouldn't say anything, now I actually respond and say "Hi. Just how are you?" I do not really expect to converse together so I'll be silent lol. See what I mean? After interacting, generally, over time you get better at it and eventually become less anxious and more confident on your own.
Another advantage with gambling is group work. Occasionally in games the only real way to win or reach a objective would be to operate with a couple of players. In certain games, players are permitted a job can be achieved with no more than 1 participant, but it may be more challenging for those who have more players on your own. Other instances certain tasks can not be achieved with a single player and require more or two. There are times you create a team with your family or friends to complete the aim. Other times you're able to produce a group with people you did not understand.
This is where It may get tricky. When it is a sport where it's possible to produce a group that is invitation only, you would only invite your friends or loved ones. It is possible to strategize together, you would be comfortable speaking together, and you will all agree to work collectively. When it is a sport in which there's not any group system however, you're still able to use other people, aka free for collapse, and you're able to speak with them may still be a target that could only be performed with numerous players. Do you need to play with different players you have never talked to earlier in case your loved ones members and friends can not connect you and you truly wish to finish this objective?
This is not a bad thing though! This is where you become more sociable but you understand to work together with different players you have never met before. Should you always play together with your loved ones members and friends you already understand how to work together, how the other thinks, etc.,. However, if it is somebody you've never fulfilled it could be a bit difficult. My brother grew up doing everything together without actually having some friends, possibly colleagues and partners but not actually friends. We were very utilized to understanding what the other wanted or they played . But when we really got two buddies, it was quite tough to agree on several things. Therefore, in the event that you work and play together with different individuals today it'll be easier after. My brother have enhanced our abilities to work with other people.
Another Advantage is patience that ties in with group building and interacting. All things considered, so as to get better at something you not only have to maintain Doing this but you must have patience whilst performing it. There are lots of Instances in matches where you need to wait. Exactly like reading is in Everything, you need to have patience to get everything. In matches you Always have to wait around for something. You Must Have patience for locating Something, some thing to complete cooking, something to complete dying, your Friends to return from moving afk (Away From Keyboard), another wave Of critters to come, the next degree to start up, etc., etc.. I needed to have Patience when composing this report! So gambling can help you get more Patience in gambling and regular life.
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imuskansameer · 5 years ago
Advantages of Gaming - PC and Video Games
Gaming is one of many biggest hobbies and even careers in the world. People play games for fun or learning while others record videos about the games. In this informative article, I will focus more on gaming itself and not so much the side of steps to make gaming videos. Gamers come in all different ages, genders, religions, locations and shapes. The backgrounds of folks who are gamers make gaming that much more fun.  https://goldciderssun.com/
Backgrounds of gamers can enjoy a component in the type of games that people play. You will find a myriad of combinations for different categories associated with the type of games and type of gamers. You really should go through the game's website to obtain all the pertinent information ahead of buying.
There are lots of online platforms where you can buy games from such as for instance Steam or Humble Bundle. Those sites will give you the description, videos by the organization, pictures, user and non-user tags, reviews, website, company and their social account(s). Be aware the game's website mightn't explain to you all you need to know. As a minimum, a gambling company will show a short sales pitch description, tiny amount of pictures (5 at best), a couple of videos by them and their social accounts. The absolute most they'll provide is an informative description, their social accounts, reading user reviews and videos by them.
In games that report a male strong and smart, he will mostly likely be white, tall, thin, movie star looking and buff. You'll rarely see him be a group, short, chubby, not buff, nerdy looking, while still being strong and smart. You see this even LESS for females. Some females in games are also white, tall, thin and strong while showing skin like no tomorrow. You only see THESE females in MMORPG games (Massively Multiplayer online Role Playing Game) though. RPG games are intended for fantasy worlds where you mostly fight people and monsters. Of course the females'stats will be strong but they won't look strong.
In many games, if they add a personality for you yourself to play they always put in a white male first, a white female, then a black male, and a black female. They don't even really add individuals who are mixes of races or in between. As it pertains to the black characters they just add one shade of "black" or "African American" and not every black person in the world is that shade.
In games, nearly all the characters are always thin and tall. You never really see characters which are short and thin, tall and chubby, short and chubby, etc. There are certainly a lot of people who aren't thin and who aren't tall.
Then lastly, there's the mental message that complements the gender, race, and body type. What do I am talking about by the mental message? Some games send an indirect message about this character being strong and smart or something else. While for other games it can be a mental message either deliberately or not. For instance, in the game you play and you see a group female who is short, chubby, nerdy looking and her traits are to be a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It could send a mental message for you that people that look like her are just like her. They're not smart, they aren't thin, and aren't tall. They did poorly in school, etc. etc. So you begin thinking those activities based on not only seeing this because game over and over again, nevertheless when it happens in other games too.
The worst part is NONE of these exact things are true. Yes, some individuals aren't thin, tall, and maybe not too bright; however, not EVERYONE is like this! You do have short chubby minorities that are smart as all get out! You have all kinds of combinations of individuals who ARE smart! Obviously, all these reasons for having gender, race, body type, and messages aren't just in gaming; they're in movies, TV shows, ads, etc. What's interesting is that a few of the creators who make the games, movies, TV shows, ads, etc., are minorities themselves and they make up the people of the earth. (Search "world population by race 2016" and click the first three links if you never believe me.)
Quick disclaimer: I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! Yes, I was shouting that. This area of this article is letting you know what I know, read, hear and experience in gaming.
If that you don't trust in me go look at today's TV shows, movies, ads, and games. A show to check out permanently representation is Milo Murphy's Law. Two games to check out as a research for good representation are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in these fields it has gotten better for representation specifically gender, race and just now starting body type (specifically in this order). Some games even add robots and creatures as playable characters to prevent having issues with representation. This removes the situation of users wanting a character to represent their actual or preferred gender, race, or body type because now there's a figure most users can agree on. All things considered, you can't please everyone.
Alright, given that I ranted and got the bad stuff out from the way; let's enter the good elements of gaming! You have gamers as young as three years old and as old as 90+! Irrespective of your actual age, race, gender, religion, culture, or location gaming could be advantageous to anyone. Gaming can not merely be fun, but beneficial and educational.
Good results with gaming is it will also help youth have significantly more confidence in themselves and become more social. Should they play an on the web multiplayer game and communicate with other players around the globe, this assists then get accustomed to conversing with other folks besides family and they gain confidence in what they're saying. They can go from an introvert to a social fanatic! It could happen fast or slowly. Even though it's not just a game but a area for gamers, artists, fashion designers, car enthusiast, etc. to chat; it'll still make them be much more social. Keep in mind though, typing to someone and then voice chatting to someone are two different experiences. Youth can be extremely social when typing but very shy when voice chatting.
This is how I am. Before I was shy when speaking with people I didn't know if it was online or offline, now I've are more confident with it because I am aware how to handle myself and have confidence in myself. But in regards to voice chatting online, I'm the quiet person on the chat. Counterproductive right! You might even forget I was in a phone with you! Before when the folks at the bank said "Hi" I wouldn't say anything, now I really respond and say "Hi. How are you currently?" Next I don't really expect to speak with them so I'll be quiet again lol. See what After all? After socializing, generally, over time you obtain better at it and become less nervous and more confident in yourself.
Another benefit with gaming is team work. Sometimes in games the only path to win or accomplish an objective is to work with more than one players. In certain games, players are allowed an activity may be accomplished with just one player, but it might be harder if you have significantly more players than yourself. Other times certain tasks can't be accomplished with one player and need two or more. There are occasions you produce a group with your pals or family to complete the goal. Other times you may make an organization with people you didn't know.
This is where it can get tricky. If it is a game where you can create a group that's invite only, you'd just invite friends and family or family. You can strategize using them, you'd be much more comfortable talking using them, and you'll all consent to work together. If it's a game where there's no group system but you can still use others, aka free for fall, and you can talk with them there may still be considered a goal that may only be completed with multiple players. Have you got to play with other players you've never talked to before if your family and friends can't join you and you genuinely wish to complete this goal?
This isn't a poor thing though! That is where you not only are more social but you learn to assist other players you've never met before. If you always play together with your family and friends you both already understand how to come together, how the other thinks, etc. But if it's someone you've never met it can be a little difficult. Me and my buddy grew up doing everything together without really having any friends, maybe colleagues and associates but not really friends. So we were very used to knowing what another wanted or how they played etc. But whenever we actually got two friends, it absolutely was very difficult to agree with many things. So if you play and assist others now it is likely to be easier later. Me and my buddy have improved our skills to utilize others.
Another benefit is patience which ties in with team building and socializing. After all, to be able to improve at something you not just keep carrying it out but you have to have patience while doing it. There are numerous times in games where you have to wait. The same as reading is in everything, you have to have patience for everything. In games you always have to hold back for something. You must have patience for finding something, something to complete cooking, something to complete dying, your friends ahead back from going afk (Away From Keyboard), another wave of monsters ahead, another level to start, etc. etc. I required patience when writing this informative article! So gaming will help you've more patience in gaming and everyday life.
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101percentindia · 6 years ago
So You Want To Be A Gamer?
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It’s not all bad despite the negative press.
It’s that time in the world where they say we’re in the golden age of gaming. With VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) coming into the picture, one should make the most of a traditional, yet modern way of gaming. Gaming is never going to be the same once new technology kicks in, but people will still be at it. It’s safe to say (though maybe gaming and safe aren’t considered synonymous anymore) that gaming, especially in India, is no longer just a hobby. If you ask me, I prefer staying in on a weekend and going at it on my PS4. Nonstop.
To clarify, I’m not a pro-gamer. I don’t compete in leagues, heck I don’t even play the MMOs (Massive Multiplayer Online). This is because my family still wants to live in the Stone Age with a 512-kbps internet connection. I also haven’t grown up playing all the old school games that most gamers must have. As a child, I had the cheap rip-off of the PlayStation called the PolyStation. (PS…if you know what I’m talking about, you’re awesome!)
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Welcome to the world of gaming. Image source: gamespot.com
Now that you know that I’m not a pro, and you’re still reading, you’re even more awesome. Whether it’s the all-time favourite Super Mario Bros or big platform games like the Final Fantasy series or even GTA for that matter, the world of video games is vast and beautiful, definitely one worth exploring.
Related: What If The Classic Board Game 'Life' Was Suddenly A Video Game?
When you start, especially in the competitive gaming scene, there’s one word you’ll hear the most – NOOB. By definition the word means - a new player or essentially, a bad player. Even when I started out as a PC gamer, (I was young and naive, and thought PC gaming was the bomb) I always thought twice before going online on GArena and playing DOTA or Counter-Strike with players from across the world – What if they think I suck? What if they call me a Noob? What if they ban me from the servers?
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The most hated and overused word in the gaming universe. Image source: theknow.roosterteeth.com
But everyone starts somewhere. So here I’m listing a few things you can do to avoid this ‘Online Anxiety.’
1. Call yourself out right when the game starts. Giving a heads up that you’re new to online gaming will give your teammates time to prepare and strategize accordingly. This will give you a strong back-up in case you make any rookie mistakes.
2. Always, and I mean ALWAYS prepare yourself to be trolled. There will be a few times that you’ll be an easy kill. On the in-game chat, the other team players will start trolling you, calling you names and slangs. My advice? Keep a few comebacks ready. For example, if someone kills you, and in the next round you manage a revenge kill, they will call you out by saying “it was a fluke.” There is one sentence that works like a charm here, and that is, “Don’t be salty.” It means - don’t be butt-hurt. Just google it. You’ll come across much more of this as you go along.
If competitive gaming isn’t your scene and you’re like me and love to play by yourself, then this gets even more difficult. There is a lot of research required.
What kind of game do you want to play? What platform do you want to play on? Figure out what type of genre you want to play first. Action, Adventure, Arcade, Platformers, Racing, Shooters, Strategy, Sports, MMOPRGs.
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A lot of genres of games, not a lot of time to play them
Related: The Wild West World Of Tabletop Gaming In India
I suggest getting a demo of each genre and playing all of them. You’ll understand what each genre has in store and it won’t hurt your pocket that much. There’s also another question I’ve heard many times – Should I start with retro games first and then move on to the new-age? There is no wrong way to go about gaming. That said, too much of anything is bad. Start with whatever you want. Again, there’s no wrong way.
Now let’s talk PC vs Console. Personally, I prefer the console. But there are many advantages to playing on the PC as well. They are power packed with a lot more control options. However, with new consoles coming up every few months, gaming on the console is going through a tremendous rise. More control over a character, with the additional options of immersive game-play, and also cross-platform gaming that may happen.
One of my ex-girlfriends always wanted to get into gaming but never came around to it. If you’re like her, there is only one thing I can tell you - Take your time and hit up the Internet. There are countless games out there, just waiting for you to take them on.
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Let the civil war begin. Image source: youtube.com
Related: We May Have Just Lost Another Life To Gaming
Gaming for money? Well, who wouldn’t like to earn while doing the one thing they love the most? Yes, you can earn by being a professional gamer. If you think you can tutor kids, teens or adults, you can officially give lectures on how to go about a level or beating bosses in a game. This mostly works for the mainstream games like PUBG, Fortnite. There are multiple options that you can find online as well. You can become an official game tester. You get to play the game before anyone else in the world. If you ask me, that is pretty freaking awesome! But it’s a difficult job to get. I’ve tried for Ubisoft (twice), Rockstar games and Naughty Dog games and I’ve been rejected immediately.
You can become a video game commentator, play video games, record the screen, record your face, talk about some random things about the game, throw in a few jokes here and there (the darker the better), edit, upload on YouTube, boom – you’re making money. The biggest YouTuber in the world, PewDiePie, used to be a video game commentator. I rest my case.
So go ahead, press start. An adventure awaits.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are independent views solely of the author(s) expressed in their private capacity and do not in any way represent or reflect the views of 101India.com.
By: Mohit Yagnik Cover photo credit: YouTube.com
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imuskansameer · 5 years ago
Prime 5 Complicated, Yet Fun Activities of All Time
Gaming is among the biggest hobbies and even careers in the world. People play games for fun or learning while others record videos in regards to the games. In this short article, I will focus more on gaming itself and less the side of steps to make gaming videos. Gamers come in various different ages, genders, religions, locations and shapes. The backgrounds of individuals who are gamers make gaming that much more fun.   https://goldciderssun.com/
Backgrounds of gamers can enjoy a component in the kind of games that folks play. You will find all sorts of combinations for different categories associated with the sort of games and form of gamers. You really should consider the game's website to have all of the pertinent information ahead of buying.
There are lots of online platforms where you can buy games from such as Steam or Humble Bundle. Those sites provides you with the description, videos by the business, pictures, user and non-user tags, reviews, website, company and their social account(s). Take note the game's website might not demonstrate everything you need to know. As the very least, a gaming company will show a short sales pitch description, little bit of pictures (5 at best), one or two videos by them and their social accounts. The absolute most they will provide is an informative description, their social accounts, user reviews and videos by them.
In games that report a male strong and smart, he will mostly likely be white, tall, thin, movie star looking and buff. You will rarely see him be a fraction, short, chubby, not buff, nerdy looking, while still being strong and smart. You see this even LESS for females. Some females in games may also be white, tall, thin and strong while showing skin like no tomorrow. You merely see THESE females in MMORPG games (Massively Multiplayer online Role Playing Game) though. RPG games are designed for fantasy worlds where you mostly fight people and monsters. Of course the females'stats is going to be strong nevertheless they won't look strong.
Generally in most games, once they add a personality for you really to play they always put in a white male first, a white female, then a black male, and a black female. They don't really even really add folks who are mixes of races or in between. As it pertains to the black characters they just add one shade of "black" or "African American" and not every black person on the planet is that shade.
In games, the majority of the characters are usually thin and tall. You do not really see characters which are short and thin, tall and chubby, short and chubby, etc. There are a lot of men and women who aren't thin and who aren't tall.
Then lastly, there is the mental message that complements the gender, race, and body type. What do After all by the mental message? Some games send an indirect message about this character being strong and smart or something else. While for other games it could be a mental message either on purpose or not. As an example, in the game you play and you see a minority female who's short, chubby, nerdy looking and her traits are to be always a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It could send a mental message for your requirements that individuals that appear to be her are simply like her. They're not smart, they aren't thin, and are not tall. They did poorly in school, etc. etc. So you start thinking those things centered on not merely seeing this for the reason that game over and once more, but when it happens in other games too.
The worst part is NONE of these specific things are true. Yes, some individuals aren't thin, tall, and maybe not that bright; however not EVERYONE is like this! You do have short chubby minorities who are smart as all get out! You've a myriad of combinations of men and women who ARE smart! Obviously, each one of these reasons for having gender, race, body type, and messages aren't just in gaming; they're in movies, TV shows, ads, etc. What's interesting is that a few of the creators who make the games, movies, TV shows, ads, etc., are minorities themselves and they make-up the people of the earth. (Search "world population by race 2016" and click the initial three links if you do not believe me.)
Quick disclaimer: I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! Yes, I was shouting that. This section of this article is suggesting what I know, read, hear and experience in gaming.
If you never believe me go look at today's TV shows, movies, ads, and games. A present to look at for good representation is Milo Murphy's Law. Two games to consider as a guide for good representation are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in these fields it's gotten better for representation specifically gender, race and just now starting body type (specifically in this order). Some games even add robots and creatures as playable characters to avoid having troubles with representation. This removes the issue of users wanting a figure to represent their actual or preferred gender, race, or body type because now there is a character most users can agree on. In the end, you can't please everyone.
Alright, since I ranted and got the bad stuff out from the way; let's enter into the good elements of gaming! You've gamers as young as 36 months old and as old as 90+! No matter your age, race, gender, religion, culture, or location gaming can be best for anyone. Gaming can not only be fun, but beneficial and educational.
Good results with gaming is it can help youth do have more confidence in themselves and be much more social. When they play an on the web multiplayer game and keep in touch with other players around the globe, this can help then become accustomed to conversing with other people besides family and they gain confidence in what they're saying. They can go from an introvert to a social fanatic! It could happen fast or slowly. Even when it's not really a game but a place for gamers, artists, fashion designers, car enthusiast, etc. to chat; it'll still make them be more social. Remember though, typing to someone and then voice chatting to someone are two different experiences. Youth can be quite social when typing but very shy when voice chatting.
This is the way I am. Before I was shy when talking to people I didn't know whether it was online or offline, now I've are more comfortable with it because I know how to handle myself and have confidence in myself. But in regards to voice chatting online, I'm the quiet person on the chat. Counterproductive right! You might even forget I was in a call with you! Before when the people at the bank said "Hi" I wouldn't say anything, now I really respond and say "Hi. How are you currently?" After that I don't really be prepared to talk to them so I'm going to be quiet again lol. See what After all? After socializing, generally, as time passes you get better at it and become less nervous and more confident in yourself.
Another benefit with gaming is team work. Sometimes in games the only path to win or accomplish an objective is to work well with more than one players. Using games, players are allowed an activity can be accomplished with only one player, but it may be harder unless you have significantly more players than yourself. Other times certain tasks can't be accomplished with one player and need two or more. There are times you produce a group with your pals or family in order to complete the goal. Other times you may make friends with people you didn't know.
This is where it will get tricky. If it is a game where you can produce a group that's invite only, you'd just invite your pals or family. You can strategize using them, you'd be convenient talking with them, and you'll all accept work together. If it's a game where there is no group system but you are able to still work with others, aka free for fall, and you can talk with them there could still be a goal that may only be completed with multiple players. Have you got to play with other players you've never talked to before if your household and friends can't join you and you really want to complete this goal?
This isn't a poor thing though! This really is where you not only be social however, you discover ways to use other players you've never met before. If you usually play with your family and friends you both already know how to come together, how another thinks, etc. But when it's someone you've never met it could be a little difficult. Me and my brother spent my youth doing everything together without really having any friends, maybe colleagues and associates but not necessarily friends. So we were very used to knowing what another wanted or how they played etc. But when we actually got two friends, it had been extremely tough to acknowledge many things. If you play and work with others now it will undoubtedly be easier later. Me and my brother have improved our skills to work with others.
Another benefit is patience which ties in with team building and socializing. All things considered, in order to progress at something you not just keep carrying it out but you have to have patience while doing it. There are lots of times in games where you have to wait. Exactly like reading is in everything, you have to have patience for everything. In games you always have to attend for something. You need to have patience for finding something, something to complete cooking, something in order to complete dying, your pals ahead back from going afk (Away From Keyboard), the following wave of monsters to come, the next level to open up, etc. etc. I needed patience when writing this informative article! So gaming will help you have more patience in gaming and everyday life.
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imuskansameer · 5 years ago
Information to Building a Gaming Pc
Gaming is one of many biggest hobbies and even careers in the world. People play games for fun or learning while others record videos in regards to the games. In this information, I'll focus more on gaming itself and not so much the side of how to make gaming videos. Gamers come in various different ages, genders, religions, locations and shapes. The backgrounds of people who are gamers make gaming very much more fun.   모바일릴게임
Backgrounds of gamers can enjoy part in the type of games that folks play. You will find all kinds of combinations for different categories concerning the sort of games and type of gamers. You really need to go through the game's website to obtain all of the pertinent information just before buying.
There are lots of online platforms where you can buy games from such as for instance Steam or Humble Bundle. Those sites will provide you with the description, videos by the organization, pictures, user and non-user tags, reviews, website, company and their social account(s). Bear in mind the game's website mightn't show you all you need to know. As the absolute minimum, a gambling company will show a quick sales pitch description, tiny amount of pictures (5 at best), a couple of videos by them and their social accounts. The absolute most they will provide is an insightful description, their social accounts, user reviews and videos by them.
In games that report a man strong and smart, he'll mostly likely be white, tall, thin, movie star looking and buff. You'll rarely see him be a minority, short, chubby, not buff, nerdy looking, while still being strong and smart. You see this even LESS for females. Some females in games will also be white, tall, thin and strong while showing skin like no tomorrow. You just see THESE females in MMORPG games (Massively Multiplayer online Role Playing Game) though. RPG games are meant for fantasy worlds where you mostly fight people and monsters. Obviously the females'stats will be strong nevertheless they won't look strong.
In many games, if they add a figure for you to play they always add a white male first, then a white female, then the black male, and a black female. They don't even really add individuals who are mixes of races or in between. When it comes to the black characters they simply add one shade of "black" or "African American" and its not all black person on the planet is that shade.
In games, the majority of the characters are always thin and tall. That you don't really see characters which can be short and thin, tall and chubby, short and chubby, etc. There are a lot of men and women who aren't thin and who aren't tall.
Then lastly, there is the mental message that matches the gender, race, and body type. What do I mean by the mental message? Some games send an indirect message about that character being strong and smart or something else. While for other games it could be a mental message either deliberately or not. For example, in the game you play and you see a fraction female who's short, chubby, nerdy looking and her traits are to be always a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It could send a mental message for you that individuals that look like her are simply like her. They're not smart, they aren't thin, and aren't tall. They did poorly in school, etc. etc. So you begin thinking those things centered on not merely seeing this for the reason that game over and once more, however when it happens in other games too.
The worst part is NONE of these exact things are true. Yes, some people aren't thin, tall, and maybe not that bright; but not EVERYONE is such as this! You do have short chubby minorities that are smart as all move out! You've all sorts of combinations of people who ARE smart! Of course, each one of these reasons for gender, race, body type, and messages aren't just in gaming; they're in movies, TV shows, ads, etc. What's interesting is that a number of the creators who make the games, movies, TV shows, ads, etc., are minorities themselves and they constitute the population of the earth. (Search "world population by race 2016" and click the first three links if you do not believe me.)
Quick disclaimer: I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! Yes, I was shouting that. This portion of this article is suggesting what I am aware, read, hear and experience in gaming.
If that you do not trust me go look at today's TV shows, movies, ads, and games. A show to consider permanently representation is Milo Murphy's Law. Two games to check out as a guide for good representation are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in these fields it has gotten better for representation specifically gender, race and just now starting body type (specifically in this order). Some games even add robots and creatures as playable characters in order to avoid having troubles with representation. This removes the problem of users wanting a personality to represent their actual or preferred gender, race, or body type because now there is a personality most users can agree on. In the end, you can't please everyone.
Alright, now that I ranted and got the bad stuff out from the way; let's enter the good parts of gaming! You have gamers as young as four years old and as old as 90+! Regardless of your age, race, gender, religion, culture, or location gaming may be best for anyone. Gaming can not only be fun, but beneficial and educational.
A benefit with gaming is it can benefit youth have significantly more confidence in themselves and become more social. Should they play an on the web multiplayer game and speak to other players around the globe, this can help then get accustomed to speaking with other folks besides family and they gain confidence in what they're saying. They can go from an introvert to a cultural fanatic! It can happen fast or slowly. Even though it's not just a game but a place for gamers, artists, fashion designers, car enthusiast, etc. to chat; it'll still make them be much more social. Remember though, typing to someone and then voice chatting to someone are two different experiences. Youth can be quite social when typing but very shy when voice chatting.
This is one way I am. Before I was shy when speaking with people I didn't know whether it was online or offline, now I've be much more comfortable with it because I understand how to handle myself and have confidence in myself. But in regards to voice chatting online, I'm the quiet person on the chat. Counterproductive right! You may even forget I was in a phone with you! Before when the people at the bank said "Hi" I wouldn't say anything, now I really respond and say "Hi. How have you been?" From then on I don't really expect to consult with them so I'm going to be quiet again lol. See what I am talking about? After socializing, generally speaking, with time you get better at it and become less nervous and more confident in yourself.
Another benefit with gaming is team work. Sometimes in games the only path to win or accomplish an objective is to work well with a number of players. In certain games, players are allowed an activity can be accomplished with just one player, but it could be harder until you do have more players than yourself. Other times certain tasks can't be accomplished with one player and need two or more. There are times you create a group with friends and family or family to complete the goal. Other times you may make an organization with people you didn't know.
That is where it can get tricky. If it is a game where you are able to create a group that's invite only, you'd just invite your pals or family. You can strategize together, you'd be convenient talking together, and you'll all accept work together. If it is a game where there is no group system but you are able to still assist others, aka free for fall, and you are able to talk with them there might still be a goal that could only be completed with multiple players. Do you have to play with other players you've never talked to before if your loved ones and friends can't join you and you actually want to complete this goal?
This isn't a bad thing though! This is where you not only are more social however you learn how to use other players you've never met before. If you usually play along with your family and friends you both already learn how to interact, how one other thinks, etc. But when it's someone you've never met it could be a little difficult. Me and my brother spent my youth doing everything together without really having any friends, maybe colleagues and associates but not really friends. So we were very used to knowing what another wanted or how they played etc. But when we actually got two friends, it had been very difficult to acknowledge many things. So if you play and work with other people now it is likely to be easier later. Me and my buddy have improved our skills to work well with others.
Another benefit is patience which ties in with team building and socializing. After all, to be able to get better at something you not just keep doing it however, you need to have patience while doing it. There are numerous times in games where you've to wait. Exactly like reading is in everything, you need patience for everything. In games you always have to hold back for something. You have to have patience for finding something, something to finish cooking, something to finish dying, your pals ahead back from going afk (Away From Keyboard), the following wave of monsters to come, the next level to open, etc. etc. I required patience when writing this short article! So gaming will help you've more patience in gaming and everyday life.
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