#Like some powder or blush or something. okay.. but like.. I don't think they were wearing synthetic eyelash extensions in 1540 or whatever
characters wearing a full face of 2020s era makeup bronzer smoky eye lined lipstick mascara modern hairstyle while in a fantasy/historical setting in media... my enemy... my beloathed...
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pendarling · 2 months
New Bed
Sidekick's eyes were drawn to the way Hero's room was left a mess. Their bed in particular, centered fashionably.
"You got a new bed?" Sidekick looked at the room across the hall.
Hero shuffled through the papers in front of them on the kitchen table. "Oh, yeah… I forgot to tell you…" Hero trailed off and awkwardly cleared his throat, "Anyway--"
"It's weird cause didn't you just get the last bed three days ago?"
Hero fixed their hair, "I uhh… didn't like it." They mumbled and pushed the conversation back again. "So, about the institution, do we know anything about it?"
"Hm?" Sidekick turned in their seat and looked at them, "Oh, right, right. What we are looking at is actually a branch that operates separately from the institution itself, although it does still recieve benefits."
Hero's mind wandered off as Sidekick kicked back into gear, finding themselves lost in their mind.
The bed was supposed to last longer than that, but when Villain… their face began to burn at the thought. They always told Villain to be careful not to make noise. Villain had an entirely different thought process in regards to being discreet about their nightly visits; it was driving them insane, yet at the same time, their heart couldn't settle down at all. They hoped the next time they'd indulge in their activities, Villain would take this as an example.
Sidekick seemed to have believed their lie and let it go this time, but a second time would definitely stir up some suspicions.
"Right around this time is shift change, probably our only chance I suppose." Sidekick turned to them, "Wow, you look really feverish right now. Are you sure you're up for this?" They tilted their head.
Hero waved at their face, trying to get rid of the blush powdered across their cheeks, "Yeah! yeah, I'm alright, just a little hot in here, that's all. So about the shift change, we should do that!"
"Intercept them during shift change?"
"Okay," Sidekick cleaned up the papers scattered all over and piled them together. "I'm going to take these with me. We will get our mission done tomorrow."
Hero shook their hand as they made for the door and watched Sidekick take their leave.
It was a close one, they almost had asked too many questions for them to answer.
Hero sauntered back into their room after getting ready for bed; they lightly pressed down on the mattress, almost too afraid that the bedframe might collapse and give way underneath them again.
They tentatively sat on the edge, smoothing the wrinkles of the brand-new sheets. Villain insisted that their bed was too small anyway, but it wasn't like Hero bought it with the intention of inviting someone into it, too. So it was only a little overwhelming to see something so nice in their room.
A soft knock interrupted their thoughts; Hero turned around and caught sight of a shadow at their window. It was Villain, as expected; they didn't think they could stay away for too long.
Hero pulled up the window and let them walk inside, "How's my favourite person doing?"
"Villain!" Hero harshly whispered and shut the window's curtains, "You know you can't keep coming back here, what if someone sees us."
"All the better," They straightened their windbreaker, "I like having an audience."
"That's not what I meant. Sidekick's already suspicious at why I have another bed, and I don't think I'm able to come up with anymore excuses if you break it again."
"Hey, it was your fault, too." Villain chuckled and grasped at their hips, "Harder, harder!~" They mocked, "I was just doing as you asked, my love." They pecked at their forehead.
Hero blushed and covered their face, "Oh my God."
Villain laughed at their embarrassment and made their way to the bed, "At least it's nice," Their hands beckoned them over. Hero sat beside them as Villain tested its durability, "See, we don't need to be so cautious anymore." Their hands came up to trail against Hero's jawline and up into their hair.
"Thanks for the bed." They leaned in and kissed Villain. "I really appreciate it."
Villain's arm slithered around their waist, pulling them closer for another kiss. They smiled into it as they held onto their lips for a little longer until Hero pulled away, "Are you trying to stop me from waking up tomorrow morning?"
"Just a little more." They whispered closely into their mouth, just barely teasing around the curves of their lips with their tongue.
"You can't stay here," They softly spoke, yet their lips stayed glued onto each other.
Villain hummed with agreement, partially lost in the intimacy. A few seconds went by before they pulled apart again. "Alright. I'm leaving now." Villain sighed as they stood up and glanced back at Hero, who followed them to the window. "Enjoy your new bed while it lasts." They called as they exited the building.
Hero nodded, "I will, goodnight, Villain."
"Goodnight, dear."
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer, @yuki-0710, @silky-worm, @theforeverdyingperson, @rainbow-nesquix, @m4iloblu3, @prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye,
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | Part Four
Summary: It's all about the hating, the loving and the healing... but in that order?
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: It's been a long time, but here it is. Love you all for being so patient and sweet with all the messages and anons asking me if I was okay and sending me love while I was sick 😭❤️ sorry if I didn’t answer, I wasn't that much on my phone but I'm thankful for all the messages and love you send me 😣💛
Dedicated to: @gaviandgrizisgirl because she motivate me to write and post this as quickly as possible. Luv you 💛✨️ (btw go read her work, is amazing, you'll love it 😀❤️)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
17:45 p.m.
"Déjame ayudarte con eso, " Elena says. As she picks up the straightener, she is as nervous as you are. "Estoy tan emocionada, yo te ayudarme a planear la boda. Ahhhh!" (Let me help you with that. I'm so excited, I'm helping you plan the wedding)
You smile at her, your words are out due to being nervous. You feel like throwing up but weren't.
You made a small talk about something she was promoting while she was straightening the last piece of hair. That was cut off by the baby monitor announcing that your baby was done with cocomelon.
"Ya, ya, ya voy, mi amor." (I'm coming, love)
You finish with the hair as your son begin crying for attention.
"Ay ya mijo, no te puedes entretener solo? Andamos ocupadas." Elena says, picking him. He stops crying, looking at her with a confused expression. "Ya ves? Todo bien. Hoy tenemos pijamada, usted se duerme en el lado izquierdo y yo el derecho." (Omg baby, can't you entertain yourself? We're busy. You see? Everything's fine. Today, we have a slumber party, you'll sleep on the left side and I'll sleep on the right one)
You laugh at her. She's so special to him.
"Vente, solo me haré algo natural de maquillaje." You say picking your products, barely any, some concealer, powder, blush, waterproof mascara (that's essential). (Come here, I'll just do some light makeup)
18:50 p.m.
"Bueno, ya quedó. Dejo todo ahí en la cocina y me voy corriendo antes que llegue." Fernando says, throwing some used napkins. He prepared some pasta, your favorite actually, and he helped Pedro pick some nice outfit for the night. (Okay, it's done. I'll leave everything in the kitchen, and I'm out before she arrives)
Pedro hugged his brother, thanking him for the help. He was nervous, and Fer knew it.
"Tranquilo chaval. Todo irá bien" Fer palms his back and walk to the door. "Pedro, me llamas mañana a primera hora para contarme como te fue, si?" (Relax, everything is going to be fine. Pedro, call me first thing in the morning and tell me everything.)
Pedro nods, nervous at the time, and at everything.
"Por cierto," he says. Before the door closes. Pedro looks confused at him, waiting for him to speak. "Te deje unos condones en el nochero." He winks and laughs, noticing his brother blushing like crazy. "Te quiero niño, adiós." (By the way, I left some condoms on your nightstand. Love you, kiddo, bye)
18:59 p.m.
"Bien, me voy," you say as you spray some perfume, his favorite as you recall. You were done with the feeding and ready to leave. "Adiós amorcito, mami te va a extrañar mucho." You kiss him several times on both cheeks. "Si te da problemas, en serio llámame, aun que no creo que despierte, si lo hace hay leche que recien me saqué en la nevera, solo calientala y dale eso." (Okay, I'm leaving. Goodbye, my love, mommy's going to miss you so much. If he gives you problems, please call me, even tho I don't think he wakes up. If he does, there's fresh pumped milk in the refrigerator. Just warm it up and feed him)
"Ay ya largate." Elena says, pushing you to the door. "Te deje unos condones en la bolsa, la de la izquiera, no quiero otra sorpresita" (Omg, just go. I put some condoms on your purse, left bag. I dont want another surprise)
"Qué?" You look at her confused.
"Shh, adiós mami." She says, making Polo wave his hand.
You shake your head, smiling at her.
But when you open your door, the one surprised is you.
"Mamá? " You open your eyes all the way, you didn't invite her, you didn't call her. Why was she there? "Qué haces acá?" (What are you doing here?)
"Nena, que guapa. Te traje una carbonara, tu favorita de tu restaurante favorito en Barcelona. Sé que la última vez que nos vimos no te portaste tan bien conmigo pero, hijos. Ya entenderas cuando Polito crezca." She says, pushing you to enter. (Baby, how pretty. I brought you some pasta carbonara, your favorite from your favorite restaurant in Barcelona. Even tho the last time we saw each other, you weren't so nice, but you know, kids. You'll get it when Polito grows up)
You scuff. You weren't nice? What about her? Saying how Pedro was going to take your son away. How you were going to go back crying to them for help.
"Mamá, voy de salida. Gracias por traer la pasta. Elena se la puede comer o te la puedes llevar." You say grabbing her by the arms just in time. She was about to grab Polo from Elena's arms. (Mom, I'm actually on my way out. Thanks for the pasta. Maybe Elena can eat it, or you can take it back)
You grabbed the pasta from her, leaving it on the little table beside the door.
"Pero si vas de salida, entonces déjame cuidar a mi nieto, nadie mejor que una mamá para cuidar de los bebés de su bebé." She tries to enter one more time. "Y/n, quítate." (But if you're on your way out, I can take care of my grand baby. Nobody like mommy to take care of her baby's baby. Y/n, get out of the way.)
"No?" She scuffs "acaso te volviste loca? Que te pasa? Tu no eres así, nunca me habías hablado así" she looks at you with this hurt expression, one you usually fell for, but not this time. (Are you out of your mind? What's wrong with you? You're not like that. You never spoke to me like that)
You grabbed your doorknob as you take some steps, making her step back. "Mamá, voy de salida y Elena va a cuidar a Polo, voy tarde. Adiós." (Mom, I'm on my way out, Elena is taking care of Polo. I'm already late, goodbye)
You kissed her cheek and walked to your car. You turned it on. She was still standing on the same place.
You picked up your phone, texting Elena to not let her in, no matter what.
You notice the time. Already 19:10
"Me cago en la." You say as you drive off your house.
19:16 p.m.
"Mierda" Pedro says, looking at his phone, you were not someone who was late to almost anything.
He calmed himself, thinking maybe is the traffic, maybe she went for gas, maybe she's nervous and driving slowly. Maybe there was some roadwork and she had to take another street.
His mind began to overthink against him. And just in time, the doorbell saves him from his own mind.
He runs to the front door and takes a look of himself in the mirror he has there. "Bien, como dijo Fer, todo estará bien," he say to himself. The walk to the door is a quick one. He takes a few breaths before opening. (Okay, like Fer said, everything is going to be fine)
When he opened the door, nothing prepared him for the view. Even though you didn't change much, there was something different. You looked more beautiful. The way your hair is done looks stunning. The way your smile is shining is like no other.
Not to say your body, you were slimmer than the last time, more here, less there but the same one he loves.
"Dios, estas preciosa," he says without thinking. "Perdón, hola." He shakes his head as you laugh. "Hola va primero, pasa por favor." (Gosh, you look beautiful. Sorry, hi. Hi, is it first)
"Hola, Pepi." You say walking inside. "Tu también te vez muy bien." You laugh. (You look amazing, too)
"Venga, vamos adentro." He closed the door. (C'mon, let's go inside)
He doesn't know if his actions are some muscle memory or if his brain is not coordinating the best. But when he extended his arm for you to take his hand like he used to, at first he didn't notice, but after a few seconds and your hesitation. He slowly pulled back.
But, before he could, and for his surprise, you did take his hand.
"Vamos." You say smiling at him. (Let's go)
The smile on his face is the biggest he ever had since the last time you were together.
That was something everyone noticed. His smile wasn't the same, his was always so into his mind.
"Tienes hambre? Fer me ayudo a preparar tu comida favorita." He says, guiding you to the kitchen. (Are you hungry? Fer helped me cook your favorite food)
You nod smiling, knowing how good that must taste.
Fernando was one of the best chefs you have ever known. He even opened his own restaurant. It was amazing, and he was so successful.
"Mucha. De hecho." You begin talking, but stop when you realize what you were about to say. (Yes, actually...)
Normally, your way of talking was mom on if someone asked you, "You hungry?" You would say,"Yes, breastfeeding makes me hungry." Which is what was about to happen.
"De hecho qué?" He asks, serving the pasta.
"De hecho, tu sabes, yo siempre tengo hambre." You laugh, hoping that was good enough. (Actually, you know, I'm always hungry)
He laughs, nodding "cuándo volviste?" He says, grabbing both plates. "Acá o en el comedor?" He asks you. (When did you come back? Here or at the table?)
"Acá esta bien, déjame ayudarte con eso." You say taking two cups and serving some water. (Here it's okay, let me help you with that)
He places the plates down, picks some forks and napkins.
"Queres vino? Tengo uno buenisimo que te va a encantar, o prefieres algún cóctel? Sé hacer unos ufff, Robert me enseñó." (Do you want some wine? I have a really good one, you'll love it. Or do you prefer a cocktail? I know how to make some, ufff, Robert taught me)
Normally, you used to drink wine or a cocktail when you had dinner dates or when you were around him watching a movie or spending time together.
But the feeding was something that had you at cero alcohol. You pretend to get a text just to Google if one glass was okay. Maybe not? You didn't think about that.
"Amm, déjame responder esto rápido, perdón, el trabajo." You say nervously. He nodded, not taking too much care. (Let me answer this quickly. Sorry, it's from work)
A quick Google search taught you that you could, but had to pump and throw that milk away because that's where the alcohol would be.
"Perdón, deja lo pongo en no molestar." You say, now more relaxed. "Un poco de vino no matará a nadie." You joke, making him laugh. (Sorry, let me put it on. Don't disturb. A little wine never killed nobody)
Once you both sit down and begin eating, you notice how different he is. The beard was more prominent, more styled, too. He has this more prominent dark bag under his eyes. This guy never rests.
"Me gusta tu barba, esta más estilizada y te sienta mucho más." You say honestly, "pero sabes, debes dormir más, qué son esas ojeras Pedro? Te pasas jugando hasta tarde de nuevo?" (I like your beard. It's more stylish and it fits you so well. But you know, you need to sleep more. What are those bags under your eyes? Are you playing video games till the morning again?)
He rolls his eyes. "Ay mamá, pero primero me halagas y luego me matas, venga que deja que el vino haga efecto preciosa." (But you first compliment me and then trash talk me, at least let the wine get into my system baby.)
You both laugh.
And it feels good. Being like this again. Being so close and able to joke without worrying.
The jokes continue. You both know you have a talk, but you want to enjoy the beginning of the night first.
"Déjame ayudarte." You take both plates and take them to the sink and wash them. (Let me help you)
He looks at the way you're washing the dishes, even when it's a completely normal thing to do. You doing it for the first time in so long was something he couldn't believe.
"Pedro," you say, noticing how lost he is. "Estas bien?" (Are you okay?)
"Si si si, quieres ir a la sala? Ahí estaremos más cómodos." He's nervous, and so are you. (Do you want to go to the living room? We will be more comfortable there)
You nod, walking to the living room.
Your heart is beating faster.
Your hands are sweating.
Or was that the water you didn't dry?
Guess you can blame the water.
"Yo quiero"
"Necesito decir"
You both talk, laugh at how coordinated that was.
"Vamos preciosa, comienza tu." (C'mon baby, you go)
You opened your mouth, but nothing was coming out.
Even when you practice how you were going to say the things you want to say. Nothing.
"Okay, entonces voy yo." He laughs, trying to make you feel less nervous. You nodded. "Bien, no es fácil poner todo en palabras y perdón si la cago, créeme que estoy jodidamente nervioso y siento que el puto corazón me va a salir del pecho. Y, la verdad no sé ni por qué empecé diciendo esto, creo que, ammm, Okay." (Okay, so my turn. It's not easy to put everything into words, and I'm sorry if I fucked up, believe me I'm fucking nervous and I feel like my fucking heart is going to burst out of my chest. And to be honest, I don't know why I'm saying that. I think that, ammm, okay)
He pauses, breathing deeply.
"Perdón," he says, looking at you. "Por haberte dejado tan de la nada. Se que fui una mierda contigo y créeme que no fue como lo planeé. Yo en serio no quería lastimarte." (Sorry, for leaving you so out of nowhere. I know I was a piece of shit with you, and believe me, it was not how I planned it. I didn't mean to hurt you)
"Y por qué lo hiciste?" You ask, eyes never leaving his. (So, why did you?)
"Porqué fui un cobarde, porqué no puse tus sentimientos o los míos primero, porqué dejé que otros dictarán nuestro futuro y me arrepiento tanto. Si tuviera una maquina del tiempo regresaría a esa noche y cambiaría todo." (because I was a coward, because I didn't put your feelings and mine first, I let others dictate our future, and I regret that. If I had the chance, I would go back in time and change everything)
"A qué te refieres con qué dejaste que otros dictaran nuestro futuro?" No te entiendo. (What do you mean you let others dictate our future? I don't get it.)
"Es a lo único a lo que le prestaste atención?" He asks, trying to change the subject. (It's the only thing you paid attention to?)
"Pedro," you say with that tone he knows, that mom tone when you won't take his bullshit for an answer.
"Venga que al menos dime que me perdonas." He tries again, failing. (C'mon, at least tell me you forgive me)
"Pedro, responde mi pregunta." You say downing your tone a little bit more.
He shakes his head. He didn't want to tell you about that conversation with your father, but another lie is not the best way to go now.
"Mira, tú padre y yo hablamos. Y él estaba tan seguro que tú me dejarías y yo solo quería la jodida bendición. Por qué no me dijo si y luego me odio en secreto? Joder, preciosa lo siento tanto, yo no debí escucharle pero sus palabras se sintieron como putas puñaladas y tu no querías irte a Portofino. Y tu ibas a decir que no. Tenías un futuro tan brillante delante de ti y yo solo era un jugador de fútbol. (Look, your father and I had a talk. He was so sure you'll leave and I was just looking for the fucking blessing, why couldn't he just smile and hate me in secret? Fuck, baby I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have, but his words hit me like fucking daggers, and you did wanted to go to Portofino, and you were going to say no. You had a bright future ahead, and I was just a football player. Your dad was right)
"Pedro, espera."
You didn't get that much because of how fast he was talking, but enough for you to understand.
"Mi papá te dijo qué?" You ask. (My dad told you what?)
You weren't going to imply that he was lying, but you needed to know if what you heard was right.
"Tu padre y yo." He tries, but you interrupted him.
"Mi papá te dijo qué?" You repeat getting up from the couch.
"Preciosa, por favor sientate." He tries to grab your arms, wanting to calm you down.
"No, Pedro." You back away. "Dime que me estás mintiendo." You can feel the tears. "Pedro, por favor." (Tell me you're lying.)
He cursed mentally at himself. He didn't want to lose you again.
"Y/n, por favor. Déjame explicarte." He's up now, eyes asking for permission to touch you.
"Es solo que. Si él te dijo eso. Entonces todo lo que me dijo a mi fueron mentiras." You say shocked. "Todo este tiempo él me dijo que eras un imbecil por haberme lastimado. Como nos miraba juntos y como estaba con el corazón roto por no vernos juntos en el futuro." You were in a shock moment. "Entonces, todo eso. Todo lo que hice. Todo fue por sus mentiras?" (is just, if he told you that. Then, all the words he told me were just lies. All this time, he told me you were an asshole for hurting me. How he saw us together and how heartbroken he was by us not getting a future together. Then all of that. All I did was. It was because of his lies?)
You tried to take deep breaths.
All the times he let you cry on his shoulder. All the words. All for nothing.
And then he, let you be alone your whole pregnancy, give birth without Pedro.
"Preciosa. Respira por favor." Pedro says, his hands on yours trying to help you breathe. (Baby, breathe, please.)
You shake your head no, you weren't mad at him but at your father.
You free your hands and grab your purse. You needed an explanation. And you were getting one.
"Es que me va a escuchar." You storm out of the house, Pedro calling your name and trying to get you before leaving. "No," you say as he grabs your arm.
"No te voy a dejar ir así." He closed the door back again. "Por favor, vamos a calmarnos."
"Es que no lo entiendes. No sabes lo que hice y ahora más que nunca sé que me vas a odiar por haberlo hecho. Pero no puedo quedarme así." You say, freeing your arm and quickly opening the door. (You don't get it. You don't know what I did. And know I know you'll hate me it. But I can't just let this go)
"Joder, que no te vas a ir." He says, taking your keys. "Mira, no sé que hiciste pero yo jamas te voy a odiar. Por favor, Y/n vamos adentro y hablamos. Cuando te calmes te puedes ir." (Fuck, you're not leaving. Look, I don't know what you did, but I'll never hate you. Please, let's go inside and talk. When you're calmer, you can leave)
"Ven conmigo entonces." You say, grabbing his arm and pushing him to the drivers side. "Te prometo explicarte todo." (Come with me then. I promise I'll explain everything)
He wasn't sure, but he knew how stubborn you're and how you weren't getting back inside.
"Ve por las llaves y cierra la puerta de la casa." He sighs. (Go get the keys and close the door)
While he enters the car, you run back inside and search for the keys where you know he always left them.
Grabbing them and running back outside he has the car on and ready.
"Te recuerdas donde queda la casa de mis padres?" You say grabbing your phone. Texting you father to know if he was home. (Do you remember where my parents' house is?)
"Estas segura?" He asks, really not sure about this whole plan you just thought. "Mira, podemos manejar un rato y así nos calmamos." (Are you sure? Look, we can drive for a while, and we can calm down)
"Pedro, por favor. Hazme caso a mi esta vez." You say as you get a message back saying he was home. (Pedro, please. Listen to me this time)
He didn’t say more.
The drive was quick, something he didn't appreciate.
When he parked outside, you quickly took your seat belt off, running to the door. Thankfully, you still had the key.
"Papá." You scream. "Papá."
You went to his office, he was always there.
"Y/n? Que haces acá?" Your mom says once she sees you. (What are you doing here?)
"Tú sabías?" You ask, angry. "Mamá, tú sabías que Papá le dijo a Pedro que me dejará para yo irme a Italia?" (Did you know? You knew dad told Pedro to break up with me so I could go to Italy)
Your mom stayed quiet.
"Lo sabías" you say. (You knew)
"Calmate, todo tiene explicación." She says, getting closer. (Calm down, everything has an explanation)
"No te me acerques." You say in a tone of voice you didn't even recognize. (Stay away from me)
"Qué carajos esta pasando en esta casa?" You dad says as he approaches both of you. "Y/n mi amor por que gritas?" (What the hell is going on in this house? Y/n, baby, why are you yelling?)
You had to calm yourself. You wanted to slap him. Hurt him. But no, he was your father. And as much as you want to you won't.
"Explicame algo." You say. "Por qué me dijiste que estabas tan triste por mi ruptura con Pedro cuando tú." You say putting your finger on him. "Tú le pediste que me dejara, cuando tú le dijiste que no era suficiente para mí?" (Explain something to me, why did you say you were so sad for my break up with Pedro when you ask him to leave me? You told him he wasn't enough for me)
"No sé de lo que hablas." He says, pushing your hand away. "Estas bien? Te miro alterada, quieres un té?" (I don't know what you're talking about, are you okay? I see you're upset. Do you want some tea?)
"No te atrevas," you say, backing off a little. "Ya sé todo, al menos se hombre para admitirlo." (Don't you dare. I know everything. Be man enough to admit it)
"No me hables así, para empezar." He says, elevating his tone of voice. "Y si lo hice, qué? Yo quería más para ti, no un tipo que se gana la vida pegandole al balón." (Don't talk to me that way. If I did, what about it? I wanted more for you. Not just some dude that makes his bag from kicking a ball)
"Y qué?" You scuff "estas loco? Ustedes dos me manipularon para que yo pensara que Pedro estaba detrás de todo esto, que ya no me amaba. Y para qué? Por sus estúpidos estandares?" (What about it? Are you out of your mind? You two manipulate me into thinking Pedro was behind all of this. You make me believe he didn't love me and for what? For your stupid standars?)
"No son solo estándares, piensa las cosas niña, en serio esperabas que dejáramos que jodieras tu vida? Pagamos cantidades absurdas para que fueras a la mejor universidad solo para que fueras la esposa de un futbolista." He fake laughs. (They're not only standars, think this through kid, were you expect us to let you fucked up your life like that? Paying stupid amounts for you to go to the best college just to settle down to be a footballer wife?)
"Era mi vida," you scream. "mi vida, y ustedes no tenian por que quitarmela." (It was my life, my life. And you don't get to take that away from me.)
"Y/n por favor, cálmate, dejanos explicarte." She tries to hold you, but you push her away. (Y/n, please, calm down, let us explain everything to you)
"No lo entiendes." You say. "No entiendes nada, mamá." (You don't get it. You don't get it, mom)
"Claro que si. Amor por favor."
"No me toques" you yell at her. "Me dais asco." (Don't touch me. You both disgust me)
"Ya basta! Deja el drama." Your dad says as if is nothing. (Oh, stop it. Stop the drama)
You laugh, shaking your head. They don't get it.
"No es drama, papá." You say as the words come out with venom. "Ustedes me manipularon para pensar que todo fue distinto. Mierda, me la pase sola." You cry. (It's not drama, dad. You both manipulated me into thinking everything was different. Shit, you let me be alone)
"No estuviste sola, estábamos contigo. Paulo, Elena, tu papi y yo." You mom says.
"No, no es a lo que me refiero. Me dejaron estar sola nueve meses. Y tú." You point at your mom. "Me convenciste de no decirle nada, de que sola estaba mejor. Y yo te creí, porque pensé que él ya no me quería." You were crying badly at this point. (No, that's not what I meant. You both let me be alone for nine months. And you. You convinced me into not saying anything because I was better alone. And I believed you because I thought he didn't love me anymore)
You clean your tears. They weren't worth it. They don't even care.
"Por ustedes Pedro no conoce a nuestro hijo." You say sadly. "Por ustedes se perdió tantas cosas de nuestro hijo." (Because of you, Pedro doesn't know our child. Because of you, he missed so many things of our child)
"Nuestro qué?" (Our what?)
You feel how the air is stuck in your throat.
You turn around. Here he is, keys in one hand, purse in the other.
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rottingpirate · 2 years
Can i request Ghost Soap König with a tall male reader who super sweet to everyone and he also like to bake something like pie and he always bring everyone some when he bake something?
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Honey Lavender || Soap, Ghost, König x M!reader
Warnings: none just fluffy baking moments, I know nothing about baking
A/N: I got kinda confused and wrote it slightly (very) differently, hope it doesn't bother you too much 😭. I can rewrite it if you like.
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As Ghost sits at the dining table and observes your fluid motions and skill, moonlight filters into the kitchen. He wasn't really watching the cooking, to be honest. Simply put, he was watching you.
He keeps watching. When he notices that you are also gazing at him, he flushes slightly, and you give him a modest smile in return.
The smile woke him up instantly. He noticed that you were more aware of your surroundings while frosting something. A piece of cake.
"What are you doing?" The man finally asked. Suddenly, he realized how tired he sounded.
"First off, you sound like a corpse. Secondly," although you didn't put down the icing spatula, you temporarily stopped icing the cake, and turned around to face Ghost. "You can't be that ignorant. You watched me bake it for, I don't know. half an hour? Why are you still awake? It's past midnight."
He raises his hands in defense and leans slightly back in his chair.
"What, it's already past midnight? But the same could be said for you." He decides to disregard your observation that he sounds like a corpse.
You grumble and turn back to your cake and continue to frost it.
"What's the point of baking so late anyway?" He rests his arms and asks questions. Since no one is up, it must have been close to two in the morning.
You appear to stiffen up and take a moment to pause before inhaling something unintelligible.
He would have missed your slightly audible words had he not made an effort to actually hear you.
"Birthday of who? Soap's? Gaz’s?” He has no idea and closes his eyes. He was aware that he had misplaced something.
"You are so stubborn." You speak suddenly with a strain in your voice. You turn around once more and point to the wall-mounted clock. It's past midnight, which means a new day has begun.
“Okay.” Ghost droops his head. "And?”
What did you mean by that?
You gasp, appearing surprised. Turning your back. "Today is...Your birthday is today. As a result, I was…" You continue.
"You were making me a cake?"
You give a tentative nod, your shoulders still tight.
"You know I'm not a fan of candy, right?"
With what can only be described as a death glare in your eyes, you turn to face him. After a split second, the expression is hard to read, and the glare softens.
Ghost has a sudden bad feeling. Very bad. "I didn't say I wasn't going to eat it, I love what you cook," he adds in.
"Sure did sound like you were hinting at it." The frosting on the cake is completed just in time.
You takes a knife, a fork, and a small plate out of the cabinet. “If you are going to eat it, then.” After slicing it into even pieces, you bring the cake and fork to him.
As he watches you take a seat next to him, Ghost takes the cake with barely a heartbeat of hesitation.
Then takes a bite. It suddenly seems like a whole cake vanished into thin air.
Ghost places the now empty plate in front of you. He joins his fingers with yours, gathering a sliver of courage. "I'm grateful". He mutters almost inaudibly while blushing a little. "Thank you."
"And finally, we must add three cups of powdered sugar." As he combines the icing, you say.
You are approximately thirty minutes into the cookie-making process, and so far everything appears to be going well. The cookies are currently cooking beautifully in the oven, which has a pleasant temperature.
"Okay, tell me, love, how is it?" He questions as you turn around and consider while peering into the bowl. You furrowed your brows slightly.
"Is it wrong?"
"Hmm, I think it needs just a little bit more sugar,"
Taking a pinch of the powdered sugar between your fingers and flicking the powder in his face, you say, "Like that," Bright red had now settled on his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise. You exclaim with pride as you laugh.
When you start innocently rolling out more dough to be cut, you notice powder particles flying and hear air blowing behind you. When you turn around, you see Soap with a shit eating grin and a white covering his hands. "Are you itchin' for a fight, MacTavish?" you tsk.
“Perhaps. However, you Y/N were the first to act." He says it way too politely.
"Then this equates to war." You say it with a subtle grin. When you do this, you put one on your lover's face as well.
"I suppose so."
You set off with those three words. It started out as nothing more than a bowl of white powder before water was eventually added to the mix. Squeals and giggles fill the air, and at one point, a metal bowl clangs against the floor. Because of the commotion you two are causing, you know that anyone who enters the kitchen might become alarmed. However, this battle was too much fun to worry about anything else.
You coughed a little when another cloud of flour was thrown in your direction. You cough even more as you lean against the counter, causing Soap to move closer to you. He stops talking when you smear a fist full of frosting across his neck and cheek. You laugh out loud, and the look on his face was priceless.
"Oh, wow. Haha."As you make fun of him, you keep laughing.
"You know that was a dirty play."
“All's fair in love and war,” you says, pointing at him as you wipe the frosting from his lips. As you clean the tip of your thumb, you say while batting your lashes.
"Watch out for what you ask for. I've never been one to easily give in." He states as you begin to walk together in a circle, you smile at him. Waiting for the other to make the first move again as they evaluate one another.
"Well, I don't believe that I need to be careful." He has frosting all over his face because of you.
He leaps toward you without speaking, making you scream childishly. He followed closely behind, his fingers covered in frosting, as he ran around the kitchen. "I only want to give you a kiss, so why are you running?" He chuckles.
You both stop on either side after making a few more laps around the table. Trying to trick the other person into going your way, facing each other. You think you've got him with one more jerk of your neck, but he was one step ahead of you.
“Gottcha.” Before you both slip and fall to the ground, he exclaims triumphantly. Both of you laugh as you land on his chest.
"Are you alright?" In the midst of your laughter, you ask.
“Yeah.” He laughs, feeling a little sluggish from the fall.
Since he has you locked in his arms, your entire weight is on him.
"Would a truce work?" As you look down at him, you say. Your hands on either side of his face and your legs straddling his waist
“I guess” He says while smiling and kissing you softly.
The perfect baking night was shared with you and König. Given the short amount of time between missions and the flurry of general conversation, it was a pleasant surprise. The goal was simply to have some fun and pass the time rather than creating a grand dish.
That's when you came up with the brilliant idea to bake some cookies and give them to everyone in the base to cheer them up.
You both got to work immediately, laughing, humming, singing, and dancing to the beat of your own songs.
The basic cookies turned into every kind of sweet treat and pastry imaginable, as the kitchen counter was watched by two sets of anxious eyes.
König chuckled, "I think we made a little too much."
You hummed back, "Guess we got a little carried away."
You eagerly reached for the first treat as you removed your oven mitt and use your forearm to remove some flour from your face. You cautiously bit into the delicate strawberry tart before your eyes widened. "Oh”
“Good?” Asked your boyfriend, removing his oven mitts and folding his apron for storage. His face lit up as you enthusiastically nodded and devoured the tart.
“Mhmm. Oh, giving away all of these would be a shame." You chuckled. König had to agree, here were a lot of treats here, but they wouldn't be nearly as good in the morning when they weren't still warm from the stove. In addition, even if you consumed a few, the amount would still be sufficient for the entire morning's consumption.
König said lightly, "It wouldn't hurt to eat a few," as he carefully removed a cookie from a tray and marveled at the way it still sparkled with melted butter. His eyes widened at the flavor as he took a bite. Buttery and almost crumbly, it had a salty-sweet flavor. It was absolutely delectable for something that was so easy to prepare.
As you two eagerly dug into nearly every tray and baking sheet there was, König replied, "It is lovely." He was amused. Although his features didn't quite reflect it, he smiled as he watched.
You eventually offered the explanation that you were simply "taste testing" them before offering to others. König gave an explanation for each new treat each time one of you picked it up.
You laughed, reminisced, and smiled as you ate, eventually bringing chairs into the room to relieve your sore legs.
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
gray ghost- who said that
part 1 ~ part 2 ~ part 3
this part references my one-shot Glow. you don't need to have read it for this to make sense, but some... certain concepts will be used ;)
The night was cold. One of the coldest in a while, if Danny's memory served him right.
He didn't mind. He was better suited for the cold anyway.
Plus, if he started shaking, he could blame it on the cold.
A fresh, untouched blanket of snow reflected the light of the full moon with millions of tiny sparkles. The breeze blew gently across his face, ruffling strands of white hair. Every breath he drew was full with the crisp promise of a long winter's night, as if time itself could be frozen just like the earth and rain and he was floating in that one eternal moment.
All in all, the perfect kind of night, made even more perfect by the young woman sitting beside him on her floating hoverboard.
Valerie's legs dangled off the edge of the board, kicking and stirring up loose powder below her feet. Her helmet sat beside her, and thus her hair flowed freely in the gentle wind. The moon's glow cast an angelic halo of light around her, illuminating her from above and making Danny's mouth run dry.
Oh Ancients, what am I thinking?
"How much longer did you want to stay out tonight?" Valerie asked, breaking the mesmerizing spell of the scene. "I was hoping to ask your parents something before heading home."
Danny's teeth scraped his bottom lip. "A bit longer?" He hated how it came out sounding like a question. Hated it. "It's just - you know, it's a really nice night out, I'm kind of enjoying the quiet for once." He snorted. "Makes me think Jazz had the right idea moving out and never coming back."
"Yeah, yeah, you love the cold, everyone knows it," Valerie drawled, looking at her watch. "Some of us are still warm-blooded, you know."
"If you're that cold, just put your helmet back on. Didn't Mom and Dad help you fix the ventilation problem with the heater?"
"Yeah, a few weeks ago." She flicked something off of her thigh. "I'd just rather not have it on right now."
Danny watched her carefully. Valerie had taken to letting her hair out the back of her helmet sometime during their senior year of high school, but lately, she'd been wearing it less and less often. His stomach apparently couldn't decide if he was alarmed by the idea or if he loved being able to see her face even better during patrols.
He shrugged. "Don't say I didn't tell you, then," he teased.
He could practically hear her eyes roll. "Believe me, I know I'll be hearing about it later." She checked her watch again. "You were in such a hurry earlier with the patrol, were you seriously rushing through it just so you could take your sweet time and dawdle in the cold?"
Danny's core froze, and he cursed the fact that his green ectoplasm so easily betrayed his blush in this form.
Okay, so maybe he had been pushing the patrol along earlier, and maybe they had been hanging out here, floating at the top of the hill overlooking Amity Park where the snow still remained untouched, for a lot longer than he'd originally intended. Could he really be blamed, though? Everything had to happen perfectly tonight. No tardiness allowed.
I swear, if they don't show up on time...
Valerie sighed and climbed back into a standing position on her board. "Come on, let's just go home. I seriously want to catch your parents before they head to bed."
"What? Whoa whoa, wait!" In the blink of an eye, he was in front of her. "I-I thought we were having a nice time! C'mon, just a little longer?"
"One, you sound like a toddler wanting to stay up past his bedtime. Two, we are having a nice night, but it's getting late, and I really need to get to your place. There will be other nice nights, you know?"
Danny's panic began to escalate. "Yeah, but - but not this one! What if I don't get another chance?"
He snapped his mouth shut as soon as Valerie's eyebrow arched at his words. "Chance for what?" she asked slowly.
Way to go, Fenton.
"Okay, okay, just..." He inhaled deeply and, behind his back, began to fish around in his Pocket (affectionately named by Tucker back when they'd first discovered the personal pocket dimension attached to Danny). "I was waiting for... something, but I can do it now, I mean it won't be the same at all, but if getting back home is a problem I can definitely do it now, I think, and -"
Valerie held up a hand. Though she frowned, humor danced in the moonlight reflecting off her eyes. "You're rambling again."
Danny squeaked as his face flushed green again. "Sorry! I'm just -" He cut himself off to inhale deeply again. "Okay. Okay. Backing up."
His fingers closed around a tiny box, and ever so carefully, he pulled it out of the Pocket. Breathe, Fenton.
"We've known each other for a long time," he began, and he immediately cringed. Ancients, could you have started off more stereotypical?
Valerie's eyebrow twitched, but she said nothing.
He ran his thumb over the fine texture of the box. "Okay, so when we first met, we definitely got off on the wrong foot. Running into you and ruining your shirt... then losing your dad his job... I mean it's no wonder you hated me for so long."
Her face softened. "What are you talking about? I thought we were past all that? Did something happen?"
"No, no! Nothing like that!" I should've taken Dad's notecards when he offered them! "It's just like, you know, ten years ago or however long it's been, when we were freshmen, no one would've pegged us as the kind of people to end up together."
"Yeah, although that was mostly because you had that thing for Manson, and she was making googly eyes at you every five seconds."
Danny's eyes felt like they were about to pop out of his head from how wide they opened. This time, he felt the cool rush of his blush reach to the tips of his ears and down past his collarbone.
Oh God, abort abort ABORT!
"It wasn't like that!" That is the exact opposite of aborting! "I - uh, we, it got worked out! And Sam got herself figured out and everything! She and Paulina celebrated the new year in Paris, last I heard..."
Valerie sighed again, but her eyes wrinkled in concern rather than frustration. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem... distracted."
"No! I mean, yes! Er, I'm not distracted, I'm just..." His grip on the box loosened just slightly. Change tactics, Fenton. "You're... really important to me, you know?"
A crooked smile spread across her face. "Well, I certainly hope so," she said, with a little laugh. "I feel like I'm kind of entitled to that."
Danny perked back up. Not all the way, but the spark of hope that this whole endeavor was still salvageable had reignited.
"You are! You totally are! You deserve that from me!" His tail twitched anxiously. "You deserve... so much more from me."
Her smile disappeared. "What do you mean? You're not... what?"
His eyes widened again. "I'm not about to break up with you or anything! I'm -"
A familiar chill ran up his spine and into his throat, leaving in a wisp of fine, blue mist.
Any other night, he would've cursed the interruption, but tonight, especially with how poorly this was turning out, he sagged with relief. Finally! It's about time they showed up!
Maybe some part of this could actually be sal-
The words that left Danny's mouth were a) very much not English and b) some that Mom would not hesitate to wash his mouth out with ecto-soap if she knew what they meant.
Valerie, to her credit, didn't even flinch. Years of both a softening attitude towards ghosts in general and an impressive patience for the Box Ghost's shenanigans had done wonders. "I have no idea what box you're talking about," she began slowly. A built up patience did not mean she wasn't above glaring daggers at him. "If you didn't notice, we're kind of in the middle of something here? And I think Danny was just about to explain himself before I drag him home and make him explain himself." She directed her last sentence to the ghost (no longer a) boy in question.
Danny grinned sheepishly and threw his hands up in front of him in surrender. "I was gonna explain, I swear!"
He realized far too late that that had possibly been the dumbest mistake he could make.
"Ah!" the Box Ghost cried gleefully. As he extended a glowing hand, Danny whipped around to find the box he'd inadvertently let go of, only to watch as the same glow that surrounded the Box Ghost's hand engulfed it.
"Hey!" He made a desperate dive to catch the box, but the Box Ghost's telekinesis was too fast. Before Danny could blink, the ghost had floated it into his hands and started cradling it lovingly.
"Oooh, you have A FINE TASTE IN BOXES, GHOST CHILD!" he said. "A premium black faux leather Kensington Jeweler's ring box? From... 1988? No, wait!" He held it right up underneath his nose and inhaled loudly. "1989! Eheehehehee, WHAT A FINE ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION!"
Danny saw green.
"Don't you dare!" he roared, launching himself at the Box Ghost. He was barely aware of Valerie shouting his name or the Box Ghost's panicked yelp.
He had to get that box back.
Somehow, Valerie beat him to the punch. Quite literally, in fact. He managed to pull up just short of colliding into her as she delivered a killer right hook to the Box Ghost's jaw. The ghost was flung backward, but somehow maintained his grip on the box. She didn't waste any time taking off after him again, stirring up a huge cloud of snow in her wake. Danny could only blink snow out of his eyes and watch her give chase to the now-fleeing Box Ghost.
Ancients, I love that woman.
He moved to fly after the two (how could he let her have all the fun?), but was stopped by yet another chill and burst of blue mist.
"Are you kidding me?" He threw up his hands in exasperation. "I swear, I ask you all to just leave me alone for one night, and you make it your personal mission to see who can tick me off the most!"
Green ectoplasm sparked to life around his fist, and he turned, ready to give whatever ghost had decided to ruin his night even more a piece of his mind.
Instead, he found himself pulling up short again as he came face to face with a large blob ghost.
Danny blinked, trying to refocus his eyes to see the ghost floating inches from his nose. "Bingus?"
The blob, who was indeed Bingus, let out a low purr and attached himself to Danny's face.
Danny began swatting at his face. "Pleh, pleh! C'mon, really? You got in my mouth!"
In response, Bingus simply purred louder.
By the time Danny managed to pry the blob off of his head, half a dozen more of Bingus' kin had bumped up against him and were attempting to cuddle their favorite resident half-ghost. Still more blob ghosts approached from the bottom of the hill, all chirping and twittering away.
"Finally!" Danny rubbed Jeff affectionately (in an attempt to keep him from attaching to his face as well). "You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you! Well, maybe you do, since you guys feed off of emotion, but still!"
In total, there had to have been at least two dozen blob ghosts. All of the members of the Nasty Clan had shown up, plus many of the blobs that lived in the FentonWorks. Some that lived in the park had decided to tag along as well. They wouldn't necessarily know what to do, Danny realized, but maybe the more the merrier?
A shout from the Box Ghost shook him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Valerie hot on his heels, her hair billowing behind her in the wind, green eyes alight with fury and reflecting the bright fuchsia of the gun charging up in her hand.
Danny's mouth ran dry. How was it that they'd been dating for years and still just the sight of her was enough to make his heart and core melt?
"I'm the luckiest guy on earth," he said to the horde of blob ghosts surrounding him.
"What?" Valerie shouted, glancing back at him. "What the heck are you doing? Aren't you gonna get in on this?"
He almost grinned back at her, almost told her it seemed like she had it well under control, but as the Box Ghost sped by him, he remembered just what had been stolen from him.
"Hang tight, guys," he told the blob ghosts, turning to glance at them quickly.
Rather, it appeared he told the empty air around him.
"What?" His head snapped back around in time to see a sight he didn't think he could ever forget.
Every single one of the blob ghosts had joined in the chase and had decided to completely swarm the poor Box Ghost. A cacophony of chitters and chirps filled the cold night air as one by one, they began to catch up to the Box Ghost and latch themselves onto him. Ketchup and Pepperoni, from the Nasty Clan, each glommed onto a shoulder. Jeff settled on the Box Ghost's right knee. Gibby, who had come from the FentonWorks, attached himself to his stomach. Tiny Pipp, who was too little to latch on enough to hinder the Box Ghost, had elected to fling herself repeatedly at his eyes.
"HEY! WHO DARES ATTACK THE ALL-POWERFUL BOX GHOST?" he shouted, trying to shoo Pipp away and very much failing as more and more blobs began to attach on and flatten themselves out. In a matter of less than a minute, they had successfully wrapped themselves into a sticky, tight cocoon around him, stopping him in midair.
Danny stifled a fit of giggles through his fingers. One look at Valerie, who had also apparently been stunned by the sight of the assault of the blobs, told him she was struggling to do the same. Seeing her try and fail to keep her laughter in only made his own laughter that much harder to keep in.
The Box Ghost had not quite given up. "I COMMAND YOU TO RELEASE ME!" he hollered. "NO ONE CAN CONTAIN A GHOST AS TERRIFYING AS ME!"
"Maybe you should've thought about that before trying to steal from me," Danny said through his giggles, drifting closer. Carefully, he turned his hand intangible and reached through the layer of blob ghosts to pluck the box out of the Box Ghost's hold. A quick peek inside calmed his racing core. Nothing inside appeared to be damaged.
"Um, excuse me? I'm the one who put the effort in to catch him." Valerie pulled up next to Danny, her arms crossed. "You don't get to act like you've done anything."
Danny grinned and bowed out of the way. "By all means, my lady. Have at it."
She rolled her eyes but smiled as she grabbed the thermos attached to her hip. "On the count of three, guys," she instructed the blob ghosts.
One flash of light later had the Box Ghost secured away and the blob ghosts now swarming both Valerie and Danny.
"Okay, take it easy now," she laughed. "There's a lot of stuff in this suit that could hurt you, you know that."
"How come they listen to you?" Danny whined. Bingus had again assumed his spot on Danny's head, and the half-ghost was once again struggling to pry him off, especially while trying to maintain his hold on the box this time around.
"Hmm. I guess they just like me better." She snickered at him and allowed Pepperoni to nuzzle up to her cheek. "Besides, I think they know you're still hiding something from me."
And just like that, Danny's core froze. "I, uh... What? I'm not hiding something, I mean not like hiding something, I swear I was gonna tell you! I was just waiting for the right time, and - and -"
Valerie had said his name hundreds, thousands of times before. She'd said it in the throes of battle, with an urgency and a fire that always had him springing into action. She'd said it on the nights when neither of them wanted to go home, not wanting to take their hands or their lips off the other, with the comforting weight of finding his home in her arms as she whispered in his ear. She'd said it during the moments he'd rather forget, when she spat it with vitriol or heaved it up in a sob or wrenched it from her heart in a fit of anguish. If she'd said his name a thousand times, he'd heard it in a thousand ways, each echoing endlessly in his heart.
This time, when his name fell from her lips, it carried with it a pull like none he'd heard before. One that tugged at the strings of his heart and core. One that wrapped around him and held him close and left him defenseless. One that soothed every fear, every anxiety, every doubt.
One that held the purest love, the kind that could not be contained by Earth or the Infinite Realms or the endless expanse of stars twinkling in the sky above them.
Wordlessly, he sank down until he knelt in the snow. He was only vaguely aware of Bingus and the other blobs slowly peeling themselves off his body, still hovering around him in anticipation.
The transformation came almost unwillingly, as simple as lifting a finger or winking an eye, and when the light cleared, Danny Fenton was left, kneeling in the moonlight and laying down every defense before the love of his life.
Valerie watched him, her face cautious and tempered by the knowing look in her eye. She too drifted down and, in one seamless movement, retracted her board and suit. She landed soundlessly, gracefully, and dropped to her knees.
For a moment, nothing but the gentle wind could be heard as they knelt there, in the snow, under the silvery light of the moon and stars and the soft green glow of the blob ghosts, each baring their fullest self to the other.
Danny ran his thumbs back and forth over the tiny box, unable to look up and meet Valerie's eyes. "I messed up," he whispered. "Things... weren't supposed to happen like this."
"Hey." Ever so tenderly, she laid her hands over his. "You didn't mess anything up. You can't control someone like the Box Ghost," she said with a nervous laugh.
"I don't just mean with... with this," he said, squeezing the box tightly. "Like... don't you remember the last time we were like this?" He gestured to themselves, sitting knee to knee, then to the blob ghosts watching in earnest.
"How could I not? That was our first kiss... when we first got together."
"Yeah, and I took you behind the dumpsters at the Nasty Burger. The dumpsters! I mean, what was I thinking? Trying to impress you there of all places?"
"You were introducing me to these guys!" Valerie took one of her hands to pet Pepsi, who had decided to assert a place for herself on Valerie's lap. "That's where they live! It's not like you were trying to take me on an actual date there."
"And then when I tried to ask you to prom," Danny continued. He'd heard Valerie, of course, but his anxieties were returning like a tidal wave, and he was powerless to stop them. "That was straight up a disaster! You were washing goop out of your hair for a week!"
"Yeah, but it all came out eventually, and -"
"Or the anniversary date I tried to plan last year? I told Walker that I was gonna take you to the Tamed Lake, and he even said it was okay, but no, he still had to ambush us and ruin the whole day for no other reason than to screw with us!"
"Danny, I -"
"And then this whole mess, I - I tried so hard to make it perfect, I managed to convince just about every ghost we know to just leave us alone for one night, except for the Box Ghost of all of them, the one ghost that always manages to squirm his way over here, and -"
"What?" he said, much more snappishly than he meant to. "I - oh."
Sitting in Valerie's free hand was another tiny ring box.
Danny's heart stuttered over the next few beats. His mouth opened and closed, trying to form something, anything, but no sound came out. And finally, finally, he looked up and met Valerie's eyes.
If he hadn't already been half dead, he was sure he would've died on the spot.
Memories of that night so many years ago flashed by as he stared into her eyes, mesmerized by the same tiny galaxies he'd been so taken by even back then. Glimmering lights from the moon and the stars and the blob ghosts around them danced and twirled in an endless display, even in spite of the tears beginning to pool in the corners of her eyes. Everything she could've said in that moment - and thousands of things she couldn't - sparkled right back at him.
"I had plans too, you know," she said quietly, the hint of a smile on her face. "Why did you think I wanted to get back to your place so quickly?"
"I... just figured you really, really wanted to talk to Mom and Dad." Danny's face burned red, but he resisted the urge to turn away.
Valerie laughed. "Sometimes you really are still clueless, Danny."
The corners of his lips twitched upward, but not enough to break into a full smile. "I just... I wanted to really make this special," he said. Tears began to build up in his own eyes. "I wanted to do something worthy of how just... perfect you are, just something so I could at least try to come close to showing you how much I love you and how it's nowhere near to the level you deserve."
"You're such a sap," she said with another laugh, even though her tears had begun to trickle down her cheeks. "You don't need to do anything flashy or grand or perfect to impress me or make me feel loved or whatever you've started to tell yourself. I love you for you. Not for what you can do for me. This..." She looked up and around at the night sky and the blob ghosts still watching them closely. "This is more than enough. This is already perfect. And you, you are... you're perfect too. You're perfect for me."
Danny sniffled, and a smile finally bloomed on his face. "And you call me a sap. You're the one calling this perfect while you're sitting in the snow getting all wet and cold."
Valerie shook her head as she too sniffled. "If that makes you feel better. Either way, you can't run from the truth."
He giggled, and silently, as if reading each other's mind, they both leaned forward until their foreheads rested against each other.
Danny closed his eyes and inhaled a lungful of the cold night air. Yes, if he thought about it, about where he was and who he was with and just how overwhelmingly he wanted to simply exist in her presence, forever and ever, he could see how this was perfect on its own.
"You know," he started, no louder than a whisper. They were so close now; he didn't want to break the spell. "I told the blobs to come for a reason."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. I taught them something I was gonna show you, you know, to go with the actual question." He opened his eyes. "Do you... want to see?"
Much to his surprise, she pulled away, leaving him stunned and blinking helplessly.
"Oh no," she scolded. "Don't even think about trying to sneak in first, Fenton. If you think I'm just gonna sit here all ready to ask you while you put on your little show so you can ask me first, then you are sorely mistaken."
"What?" He blinked again. "I wasn't - what? Whoa, whoa wait, who said you got to ask first?"
"Come on, did you really expect me to just sit back and let you do all the fun stuff? I've worked for this too, you know!"
"Okay, the key word there is 'too.' I've spent so long trying to work up the guts to finally do this, you can't do this to me!"
Valerie laughed again. "Well, if it's taken you this long... I might be willing to meet in the middle."
"What, like... ask at the same time?" Danny tilted his head. "Is that allowed?"
"Who cares?" She squeezed his hand. "We make the rules for ourselves. From now on, yeah? We can do it together."
The tears returned to his eyes. Coherent thoughts had all but left him, leaving little more than the overpowering love consuming him inside and out. "Yeah," he said, nodding eagerly. "Together. But first..."
With what little sensibility he had left, he tugged one of his hands free and raised it to his mouth to whistle. The sound was imperceptible to humans, but to other ghosts...
The effect was instantaneous. The blobs perked up and began to rush around, arranging themselves.
Valerie watched them in awe. "What are they doing?"
But Danny was too busy grinning wildly to answer. Instead, he focused in on the warmth in his heart, the overwhelming love, and, in one burst, released it out into the air. The blob ghosts, still finalizing their formation, ate the emotion up greedily, glowing brighter and brighter as they fed off of the sheer strength of Danny's love.
"There's a place in the Ghost Zone," he began to explain, excitement unbridled in his voice. "It's so far out there. Almost to the edge of what's known of the Realms. Very few ghosts have ever even heard of it, let alone seen it with their own eyes. There's not a lot of ectoplasm out there, so it can be dangerous for someone to go out there.
"But Clockwork told me about it one day, and I wanted to see it. I needed to see it. And so I went. Apparently, it's a lot easier for a half-ghost like me to travel that far away from the stable sources of ectoplasm. I guess it makes sense now, but you should've seen the look on Frostbite's face when I told him how far I'd gone. He was horrified. Made me sit down for a checkup right then and there.
"But Ancients, Val..." He sighed wistfully. "It was the most beautiful place I've ever seen. It was like... like being up in space without actually going there. Just this endless void filled with stars, as far as I could see. I could fly among them and just exist there, and in some ways it felt even more special than space because this... Well, tons of people have seen the stars in space, even if it's only been through pictures or telescopes. But me, I might be the only one in recent times to see those stars and really get to enjoy them. Just me..."
"You should've taken me," she said, still looking up at the blob ghosts, who had settled in a strange, sporadic array. "I don't need the ectoplasm, you know?"
Danny winced. "I don't know if there was any oxygen or anything out there is the thing. And I know your suit could've handled it, but not without a source of ectoplasm to draw on. I'm sorry, we probably could've figured something out, and maybe we still can, but for now..."
He swept his arm up and to the horde of blob ghosts. "One of the great things about being the first to discover something is you get to name things. And so many new stars, all the constellations... I've started mapping them. And this one, the one that they're making right now, it's the first one I ever mapped." He looked back at Valerie, and another wave of adoration cascaded over him. "I named it after you."
She jerked her head down to stare right at him. "Danny..." she whispered, tears trickling down her cheeks again. "You..."
"But these stars will never compare to the real thing," he continued. "I could have every star in the sky and the Realms and they would still pale in comparison to you. This constellation... It doesn't even begin to come close to how amazing you are and just how much you mean to me. You outshine them all, and every day I just wonder how on earth I got to be so lucky." He inhaled shakily. "Valerie Nicole Gray, I love you with every bit of my heart and core. However many stars I still have to find, I love you more than all of them. You're the only star that truly lights my sky."
Valerie shook her head again, unable to contain her tears or her smile. Danny didn't mind; he knew he looked the exact same way.
"And you, Daniel James Fenton," she finally said, her voice thick with emotion. "I love you with all my heart. I will go to the ends of the Earth and the Infinite Realms to find you and be with you. I won't let anything stand in our way. I'll catch any star for you, no matter what it takes. There is nothing you can do, no one you can be that will make me stop loving you."
Danny could've sworn Clockwork slowed down time to a crawl in that moment. Unable to tear his eyes away from his guiding star, his breathing ragged and heart racing, he slowly raised the box in his hand. Valerie mirrored him.
Without another word between them, their hearts and minds fully in sync, they opened the boxes.
Valerie gasped audibly and tears fell faster when she saw the ring in Danny's box. It truly was a pretty ring, he'd decided weeks ago when Damon first entrusted him with it. The band was a simple gold, set with an oval-shaped ruby. Tiny diamonds surrounded the ruby and formed a halo in the shape of a starburst, twinkling and making the ruby shine a red so stunning and vibrant. Pretty and so very fitting.
"He gave that to you?" she whispered. "I've always... God, Danny, you... I've always wanted to ask Daddy if I could keep it... just... it's beautiful..."
"Nowhere near as pretty as yours." The ring in Valerie's box was a thick, black metal band. Hollowed into the middle of the band was a cluster of blue and purple crystals, dotted with tiny specks of white crystal. The whole thing danced in the light, giving the illusion of a galaxy embedded right into the band.
"Would you believe me if I said Frostbite helped me make it?" she asked, trying and failing to hide a blush with her hair.
"You made this?" He didn't know if his heart could handle the nearly crushing surge of affection he felt in that moment.
She nodded vigorously. "I'll tell you all about it, but you have to put it on first."
His smile felt like it could split his face. "Is that really your way of asking?" he said, unable to resist the opportunity to tease.
"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes. Her own smile blinded him. "If you'd rather do it the boring way..."
Their eyes locked together. The blob ghosts stilled. Not a sound could be heard other than that of two frantically beating hearts, perfectly in sync with one another. The surrounding glow grew brighter and brighter as the love continued to spill over and into the air.
When they both took a breath, the earth took a breath with them.
And together, they spoke the words to change their lives.
"Will you marry me?"
Danny couldn't be sure exactly what happened next, let alone if he actually managed to say the word "yes" or not. He only knew of the flurry of nodding and crying and the everlasting embrace he found himself wrapped in.
He never wanted to let go.
He only moved when Valerie tapped at his hand and he raised his head from where he'd buried it into her shoulder. She wiggled her arms free enough to take the ring out of her box and, with a smile Danny would never forget for as long as he lived, carefully slid it onto his left ring finger. He beamed down at the ring she'd so lovingly crafted, fitting perfectly on his finger.
He was too overjoyed to be embarrassed as he fumbled with his ring box, taking that ring and slipping it onto her own ring finger. It stood out on her finger, a single star in the sky. Just like her.
He found himself locking eyes with Valerie again. For a moment, he knelt there, drinking in every bit of the moment, from the ambient glow of the blob ghosts to the moonlight shining off of her beautiful hair to the spark of pure love in her endless eyes to the smile that threatened to leave her face to the glimmer of the ring on her finger.
"Valerie," he whispered, unable to say anything more. My fiancee. My star. My only love.
God, I sound like one of Jazz's cheesy romance novels.
He didn't particularly care.
"Danny," she responded in kind. His name carried with it everything unsaid, everything she felt in that moment. Her love touched his heart, and he didn't know if there would ever be a feeling that could even come close to measuring up to the overwhelming emotion he felt when she spoke his name.
He surged forward and found his lips on hers and his arms around her. He'd kissed her hundreds of times before, but this time felt magical, as though the world had stopped around them and everything was simply right and nothing would ever hurt either of them ever again.
He felt invincible in her embrace.
He didn't know how long they stayed like that, just existing with one another, before a flash behind his eyelids caught his attention. Slowly, he peeled his eyes open, and when he saw the cause, he broke the kiss, grinning wildly.
"Val," he whispered against her lips. "Look."
She too opened her eyes, watching Danny in confusion before catching sight of what he had seen. He grinned even wider when she gasped.
All around them, the blob ghosts had begun to glow a bright, radiant gold.
"Just like that night," he said, the memories flashing through his mind.
"Just like that night," she echoed. She smiled, and Danny's heart melted. "Absolutely perfect."
She recaptured his lips in another kiss and his eyes fluttered shut.
Yes, he thought. Absolutely perfect.
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“We can bake cookies! And put heart sprinkles on them.” sibling bonding Percy and Tyson baking together for their favorite redheads (aka Rachel and Ella)??
(Sorry, it's a bit different, because I can't comprehend what I'm reading and I mistook the "for" for "with" 😂 oops 😅)
"Oooh! We should bake cookies! I love cookies, they are yummy!" Tyson declared between two Disney movies, after whining that he was hungry.
"Yes! Ella wants it!" Ella exclaimed, jumping up from her cozy nest, her eyes sparkling as if she was a character in an anime. "And we can put heart sprinkles on them!"
There was only one possible answer, really. Percy knew there was no way he could say no to those two begging eyes, and he could see that even Rachel liked the idea.
"But only if we make the base blue," he negotiated.
Rachel smiled, "Of course it's going to be blue. The icing will be white and the sprinkles pink."
It took a second for Percy to understand. "Ah," he blushed. "That's nice."
"So? Can we, please, make cookies?" Tyson begged. Percy adored his overeager puppy of a brother. Picking him up, he pretended Tyson was kidnapped by aliens as he run towards the kitchen, followed by tinkling, joyful laughter.
"Nooo, I don't want to be kidnapped!" Tyson whined, his face flushed red.
"But you are, and I'm going to eat you!" Percy declared, pretending to bite into his brother.
"Nooo! I'm not edible! You can't eat me!" Tyson screamed, laughing as he tried to escape from Percy's arms.
"If you are hungry, we should make those cookies, babe," Rachel winked, standing between the two brothers, helping Tyson to get out from Percy's grabby hands.
He pouted, "Spoilsport," but held up his hands in the universal sing of surrender.
Ella, the adorable little redhead princess was already lining up the baking sheets with parchment papers, not bothered by the commotion. She was already used to it.
Tyson dragged the ingredients from the shelves onto the counter, but as Percy could judge, it was a bit more than the cookies needed. At least he was almost sure they didn't need gelatine, nor tapioca pearls in their cookies, but honestly, who was he to know?
"Do you need some assistance?" Rachel stiffed her smile, her arms full of eggs, milk and butter.
Percy could see the indecision on Tyson's face, his eyes darting from one container to another, but then he glanced at Ella, and his little face became determined. "No, I can manage," he said. Percy thought his little crush on Ella was the most adorable thing ever.
"Ella needs a bowl," their little princess implored.
The four of them quickly gathered everything they needed - and some more -, and it didn't take long until the two youngest were covered in flour.
"You have-," Percy frowned, looking at Rachel. " You have something on your face," he said, and with a quick move, he smeared butter on Rachel's cheek.
"You are a dead man, Percy Jackson," she whispered frostily, but before she could retaliate, Tyson chimed in.
"I... We think we need help."
The look on both kids was one full of sheepish guilt. Percy's eyes followed their gaze, to the floor, where three eggs were cracked open, the sticky egg white covering everything.
He sighed, "You bake, I'll clean."
"Deal," Rachel hummed in acknowledgment, but before she went to help the kids, she pressed a kiss on Percy's cheek, wiping the butter off, into his skin.
It took no time until they had a perfect batch of blue sugar cookie, baked, cooling on the counter.
"Ella wants icing," Ella said.
"Me too!" Tyson chimed in.
"Me three!" Percy added, all of them looking at the only person who knew her way in the kitchen.
"Okay, okay, I'm doing it!" Rachel sighed, sieving powdered sugar into the egg white that they didn't use in the dough.
She was concentrating so hard to make it into the perfect consistency that her tongue unconsciously peeked out from her lips. Percy, of course, thought it was adorable. Like anything his partner did.
He was so engrossed in admiring her that only the chewing sound alerted that two little kiddos stole something they shouldn't have. Glancing at them, he could see them showing the rest of the cookie into their mouth before their older siblings could stop them, then grinned at him around a mouthful of cookie like two pleased cats.
He adored those little shits.
"Ella likes them!"
"They are really good!" They mumbled, their mouth still filled with the sugar cookie. The food dye painted their teeth blue, and Percy had to coo. Adorable little shits.
"You two can have another one when we are done. Don't you want to sprinkle these pretty hearts on the cookies?" Rachel asked, holding up the container. Ella rushed there immediately, yanking it out of Rachel's hand, inspecting the sparkling little candies in the bottle.
"Who wants to ice the cookies?" She asked, offering the bowl, and Percy took it.
"I'll do it, and Tyson and Ella can decorate," he decided. Taking a cookie, he dipped it into the royal icing.
"Just like that?!" Rachel exclaimed, horror in her face.
"Just like that. Who needs piping bags? I don't," he shrugged with a shit-eating grin on his face. He knew it would drive his perfectionist little artist mad. As much as she likes to make a mess in her art room, she can't stand it in her kitchen.
"Ugh," she groaned, but didn't complain, and the kids happily sprinkled a copious amount of those little hearts over the slowly drying icing.
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aneenasevla · 3 months
Red Velvet - Chapter 5
MasterList / Akane’s profile / Last chapter here
Chapter 5 - The Talk (part 1)
"Order for table six!," Tomoyo calls while standing at the counter, bringing the sheet with the orders written down. "It's a big one..."
"You can leave it there, Tomoyo, Kanny will take care of this one. I'm finishing up Akane's cookie box," Tomori says from the order window. She makes a face when she sees the entire length of the sheet. "Wow... apparently, he seeks solace in food when they don't serve alcohol at the establishment where he is, huh," She comments while giving the sheet to Kanami.
"Huh... this is some 'Ohma level' stuff...," she looks around. "I thought he was training with Raian today... oh, he's not here," she pouts a litle. "Okay then…"
"You can't go a day without seeing him, can you, Kana?," Hiro smiles maliciously.
"It's not that!," she blushes as she gets the order ready. "It's just that it's rare to have bottomless pits of that caliber around here, even among fighters!"
Hiro laughs, shaking his head. Provoking Kanami... in fact, provoking everyone, was that spawn of Satan's favorite pastime. Tomori took care to make some cookies with little devil faces just to mess with her friend too.
"Okay, Tomoyo, order's ready!," Kanami then sees where the waitress was taking the tray. "Oh, it's for the idiots... two of them, in this case."
"There…," Okubo smiles when Tomoyo delivers the order to their table. "Thanks, miss Tomoyo."
"You're welcome," she smiles at them; now that she had learned that they were nice people, she had become a little more friendly. "Bon appétit," and she rolls off on her skates.
"There you go, man."
"Thanks, dude, miss Tomoyo...," Rihito grumbles, more out of consideration for his friend and the girl than anything else. His entire focus was on the food, which was organized into a small mountain; the kind of snack Ohma usually had as a warm-up for training. He grabs a sandwich and starts to devour it, his face serious.
He had said very little up to that point. Okubo had only seen him silent like that after he was eliminated in the first phase of the Annihilation Tournament. And Rihito being silent, without teasing others or saying perverted nonsense, was something extremely disconcerting.
"Well, I'm glad you've cooled down a little after two days. I think now I can let you go without worrying," Okubo declares, leaning back in his chair, feeling less tense. "I can even give you a ride if you want. I wanna help you in whatever way I can..."
"Don't sweat, man," He grumbles with his mouth full, looking at the sandwich as if it had offended him personally. "You're going to have a press conference for your next public match, aren't you? You have to concentrate. I can handle this."
"It's in three days, I can drop you off there and go back home to pack for the trip, no problem," he smiles a little, but the smile kind of dies in the process. "Unless you really, really want to go on your own." 
"You won't see your girl for a few days because of the trip. Go be with her while you still can," He finishes with the sandwich, already going to grab a donut. "And yeah, I wanna walk. I need to organize my thoughts... and to prepare myself," He bites, chews and swallows the mouthful, growling afterwards... and Okubo had to admit, it was quite funny to see him making that expression with his mouth all sprinkled with powdered sugar "I can't make an ass outta myself in front of that chick. I have to say everything I want in one go, no stuttering, no chickening out." 
"Well, alright. The food is on me then," Okubo was really making a point. "You can just go, no need to worry about the tab, okay?"
"Thanks. I owe you one," He nods, also finishing the donut, helping it all go down with a sip of water. "I have to sort this out today, man. I can't even function properly, Ivan and Komada are there at the fridges working their asses off and I'm more of a hindrance than a help to them..."
"Eh, at least it's a weekend now, they probably can see that you're not acting normal. Good luck," Okubo gets up. "Since you gave me the green light, I'll go to the counter, okay?," He pats his friend on the shoulder as he leaves.
"Sure. I'm going to stay here, having a 'Tokita moment'," He nods, without looking away from his tray. He was wondering if Ohma's monstrous appetite could have something to do with anxiety, because that was definitely the case for him.
After two days, he had finally managed to cool down and think about Wednesday's events without wanting to explode with anger and humiliation. He had even picked up his phone to reread the exchange of texts between him and that hateful woman, when he had finally worked up enough courage. He wanted to read those texts more calmly, find something there that would help him understand what the hell had happened and what he had done wrong.
He didn't remember being rude to her, or inconvenient (too much, at least), and much less being an inconsiderate fuck. He had tried so damn hard! But apparently all that effort hadn't done much good, if she considered his performance “average at best”.
Those words still made him burn from inside out. Average. Mediocre. Better than nothing. He had heard those things so many times over the years, and it never got easier to handle the blow, every time. He had always been a prideful guy; his ego was his biggest weakness. And that cruel woman knew exactly where to hit him.
He goes back to eating, even angrier. Okubo even heard him grunt softly between bites. 
"Wow," he confides to Tomori, at the counter. "All that’s left is for him to put on a thick black wig and he'll look just like Kelpthullu…"
Kanami wasn't far away, arranging things on the counter, but she had the ears of a bat. "Not at all!," She widens her eyes, blushing.
"Sorry, Miss Kanami," he laughs anyway.
Tomori laughs a little, looking at where Rihito was sitting, over her boyfriend's shoulder. "At least he's eating instead of getting shitfaced. He has a tendency to make bad mistakes when drunk, I know that," She turns to Okubo. "But seriously, Naoh, I'm sure Akane wasn't that cruel to him. She's just very blunt."
"So you know what happened…?," He asks, still quietly. "No, I won't tell him anything, I was already promised that he would come outta this in one piece..."
"She sent me some texts on Wednesday," She confides, lowering her voice. "She believes in constructive criticism, y'know? In her point of view, she was helping him improve with feedback. But apparently he didn't see it that way..."
"Which is weird... normally he's open to this sort of thing," he blinks a little. "I think this was, like... a broken pedestal or something, y'know? He was thinking he was hot shit, and then she knocked him down a peg like that... at least I know he'll think more clearly when he goes after her."
Tomori nods, a little undecided. Maybe she should explain to Okubo what had actually happened and what Akane's real intentions were? She didn't like hiding things from him; it was never a good thing to do, especially with them being in the first few months of their relationship. Communication was the basis of everything, right? 
She asks, quietly, "Well, he intends to go after her, doesn't he? After everything is sorted out, I want to explain everything more calmly. I just want to wait and see what happens."
"I hope so... I feel like if I get involved, in any way, it'll just mess everything up, and I want him well, you know...," He then looks at the box that she was wrapping up. "Hey... are these for me?," he smiles a lot, his voice even increasing in volume with happiness. He loved the cookies she baked. 
"Ahaha, not this time," She laughs, pushing the box away from him, and quickly adding when she saw his sulky expression, "Yours are saved, I swear. These ones are for Akane. She placed the order a few days ago-"
"Oh, so they’re for Miss Agata?"
Okubo had only realized that Rihito had appeared at his side when he had spoken right in his ear. He jumps up from his chair.
"AAAAAAAIE! For fuck's sake, Rihito! Did you stole Ohma's teleportation technique alongside his appetite?!"
Kanami holds back a laugh; from the expression Rihito was making, he now looked like a cosplay of her boyfriend.
"Dude, calm down. Sheesh, don't burst a vein or something," He grumbles as he approaches the counter, staring at the cashier with a strange expression. He looks up at Tomori. "So? Are these for her?"
"Uh- yes they are. Again, she placed the order a few days ago," She nods, a little confused by his interest. "We've already planned for her to stop by my house to pick up the box and- HEY!," She shrieks, astonished, when he picks up the box without the slightest ceremony. "What are you doing, Rihito? This is an order for a client!"
"Yeah, I know. And I have some things to sort out with this client. Ah-ah-ah, not so fast," He lifts the box in the air when Tomori tries to take it back, out of her reach. "Your loss, shorty."
"Hey, you’re going there to confront that chick or to give her a peace offering in form of some cookies? That's a hell of a confusing sign," Okubo shakes his head. "Get a grip, man…"
"Huh?," Tomori stops huffing as she tries to reach for the box. She blinks, surprised. "Wait, do you want to go deliver the box to Akane?"
"Bingo," He nods, very seriously, placing the box under his arm. "I was already going there anyway. This way I'll kill two birds with one stone. And there's no sign," He turns to Okubo. "The boz is just an excuse. That way she won't think I showed up there just to have a chat."
Tomori sighs, scratching her scalp. Why did men had to be so goddamn prideful?
"Ugh... alright then, do as you wish. But don't you dare opening the box and stealing a cookie, do you hear me?!"
"... I wasn't going to do that, but now that you mentioned it…" Rihito starts to untie the neat bow that wrapped the box. And both he and Okubo jump in fright when the girl lets out a high-pitched sound of anger, making a move to jump over the counter "Holy shit, I was joking! Okubo, hold your pet ocelot back before she kills me!"
"Me?! I'm on her side, damn it,"! Okubo holds her back anyway "Tomoh, there's a little door on the counter, go through it so you don't get hurt..."
"You’re not supposed to mess with my orders, dammit! Ugh... you can let me go now, Naoh...," She grunts, straightening up. "You can take it, but you won't get a commission for the delivery or anything like that, if that's what you're thinking."
"Can I at least have some of your sissy cookies, then?"
"... Yes, but only because I feel sorry for you."
Rihito stiffens his shoulders, growling as he blushes, and Tomori feels vindicated enough.
Okubo tries his best not to take sides, but he really wanted to laugh. He focuses on his coffee, turning away when he blushes from holding it so much. "Go- Good luck," he babbles, before the other man leaves.
When Rihito actually disappeared from the bakery and from the view out of the window, Okubo looked at Tomori, laughing a little as he swayed his body in silence.
"You’re one mean woman, y'know?," he says. "You, Hiro and Miss Agata, all cut from the same cloth."
"Then you know what I put up with every day with two of then, egghead," Kanami laughs too. "Good luck on your trip."
Tomori smiles sharply.
"There's a reason that Akane and I get along so well, y'know. And yes, I'll get your cookies for you to take on your trip! And...," She sighs when she sees the amount of food that Rihito had left on the table. "I presume you'll want all that as a take-out, right?"
"Yeah, it’s on me anyway. At least I’ll have something to snack on later."
Kanami clicks her tongue as she looks at the table with contempt. "He couldn't even commit to the character… such a shitty cosplay."
With the help of GMaps, it wasn't difficult for Rihito to find the address he was looking for. What surprised him, however, was finding himself inside the last place he would have imagined to be the address of a beauty salon.
Wasn't that place in one of the city's outskirts? A place away from the glamorous center of Tokyo, far from the busy streets, the flashy establishments with neon signs, the passersby walking up and down in their designer clothes. A commercial area with a more poorly maintained appearance, with small stores with unattractive facades, some of them probably hiding shady businesses behind their seemingly innocent doors.
So that was where she worked? Or had GMaps let him down and taken him in the opposite direction?
No, the name was right: “Lady Priestley’s”, it was written on the sign, with a crappy low-resolution photo of a Meryl Streep character but photoshopped with colored hair, crude makeup and red lipstick. 
Holy fuck, and his friends said he was the one with bad taste. 
The entrance was full of signs that he summarily ignored; most of them were definitely saying something funny like “B.B.B.: Beware The Bad Bitch” or something like that.
He shakes his head, adjusting the box under his arm as he straightens his shoulders, preparing himself for what's to come. Okay, now there was no turning back... he had come all that way to that freak show, and if he chickened out now, he would only be confirming Akane's words. That he was a mediocre lay. He exhales forcefully through his nostrils, determined... and then takes his phone out of his pocket, taking a photo of that ridiculous sign and sending it to his friends' group chat, laughing loudly.
lmao get a load of this shit
if I open photoshop and slap my dick on the keyboard I'll make something better than this crap 
The others respond almost immediately:
Oh my goodness 😳😳😳🤣🤣🤣
who the ugly hag?? 🤨
Rihito hugs his belly, almost out of breath from laughing so much... and then  he takes a deep breath and straightens up. Okay, he'd already had his thirty seconds of fun. It was time for serious business. He goes to the glass door of ths stablishment and opens it slowly, immediately being hit in the face by the combined aromas of old women's cigarettes, formaldehyde and cheap shampoo. Holy shit...
"Excuse me..." 
"AAAAAIEEEEEE," he is greeted with at least five women shouting in chorus. "A MAN! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!"
"NOT AGAIN! GO AWAY," an old magazine goes flying and almost hits him in the head, and then a bottle of dry shampoo follows it right after. He narrowly avoided it.
 "DIDN’T YOU READ THE SIGN!? DO YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR BALLS, YOU BASTARD?!," another woman shouts while holding a baseball bat. The shit was serious.
Rihito almost takes the heron pose in his fright, preparing himself for the imminent fight.
"Oh shit! Calm down, ladies!," He shakes a hand quickly, astonished to see himself surrounded by a battalion of little ladies who must already be in their sixties, with their flowery dresses, faces covered in makeup and short hairs that looked like helmets, hard from excess hairspray. The one holding the baseball bat left him especially alarmed. "I came in peace! I just want to know if Agata Akane works here-" 
"GET THE HELL OUT!," the women scream in unison, the one with the baseball bat charging at him with a fury that he only saw in movies. He had no choice but to flee.
"Holy fuck! Alright, I'm leaving, calm down!," He screams, leaving the establishment immediately, hugging the box of cookies to his chest as if it were a bulletproof vest. Holy shit, what the fuck had just happened?! "Just answer me, does she work here or not? I came to deliver something to her, that's all!," He shouts over his shoulder.
The one with the baseball bat follows him to the door, still screaming "What do you want with her, shit-for-brains? Do you want to pick a fight?!," She snarls while looking at him threateningly, the baseball bat on her shoulder and a cigarette in her mouth. Other than that, Rihito noted, she looked exactly like the woman on the sign. 
... Oh. That must be the owner of the salon. He would have taken his phone out of his pocket and taken another photo to send to the group chat, if he hadn't been so perplexed by what was happening.
"No, lady, I don't want to pick a fight with anyone! I came to deliver a package," He shows the cookie box, taking a few steps back to put a safe distance between him and that battalion of crazy hags. "She ordered a cookie box from the Heavy Bakery."
The woman seemed to lose steam, changing her mood like a TV channel
"Oh my dear, so you're a delivery boy," she laughs softly, then changes back to a serious tone "But you can't come in, you know?! Didn't you read the sign?," she points to the sign, the biggest one, of which said “abandon the golden jewels all ye who enter here”; the kanji for “golden jewels” clearly indicated “testicles”. "No men can come in, it's the rules! There's a place to leave delivery packages, if you haven’t seen it either," she indicates what looked like a mix of a mailbox and a morgue lid, with a “delivery” sign above it. "Now since you're here… give it to me and I’ll give it to her, darling. Gimme a name so we can inform her..."
"Uh... okay then," Rihito blinks, a little confused as he goes to hand over the box. So that means that women also had their “sacred temples” where men were not allowed? Boy, live and learn indeed… "Here. I'm Rihito... and could you tell her that I'd like to talk to her, when she leaves for lunch break or something? She knows me."
"Rihito? What kind of name is that?," she says after picking up the box. "Is this a nom de guerre or something? Are you one of those thugs?! And I thought that Akane had found a decent guy this time... just get outta here before I call my trusted bitches to kick your ass! Piss off!"
If Akane was like a panther, that old hag was like a mama bear, protecting her cubs.
"Calm down, jeez! I'm an honest man, lady! And it's not a thug's name, it's a- argh, forget it!," He snorts, making an impatient gesture with his hands. "Tell her that it's Ichiro who wants to talk to her. Nakata Ichiro. Better now?," He growls, his face heating up a little.
"Rihito?," he hears a voice behind him, sounding somewhat surprised. The salon owner raises an eyebrow.
"Oh, so you do know the delivery boy," she taps the cigarette butt. "Girl, what did I tell you?"
Rihito looked over his shoulder, and there she was, the said-whose. Her blue eyes were looking directly at the older woman, and her multicolored hair was more visible as it was tied in a ponytail at the back of her neck.
"C'mon, Mrs. Jin," she grunts, shrugging her shoulders. The tattoo was nowhere to be seen, hidden under a turtleneck sweater she was using due to the cold.
"Code Gold, sweetheart," Mrs. Jin waves the baseball bat to show her presence, and Akane gasps, looking at Rihito.
"Didn’t you read the sign?!," she was astonished that he hadn't seen the supposed white elephant in the middle of the room.
Rihito takes a moment to respond, completely caught off guard by her sudden appearance. He had been expecting to face her haughtily, confident and ready for a serious and frank conversation. Not like that, scared shitless of half a dozen old women who could probably kill him just by headbutting him with their helmet-like hairs. He turns very red.
"It's- It's kinda hard to pay attention to the other signs with a sign like that... and hey," he tries to pose with a minimum of dignity, taking a deep breath and pointing to the box that the salon owner was now holding. "Your cookies. You ordered them with Tomori, didn't you?"
He hoped his hard gaze made his intentions clear.
"Oh yeah, the cookies," she nods. "Give them to me, Mrs. Jin, they are a gift from my friend."
The old woman gives it to her without ceremony. "Careful with those calories," she looks at Rihito "AND YOU! If you ever come in here again, you'll have to leave your balls behind, you pervert!," Then she turns and enters the establishment, throwing the cigarette butt alway.
Akane sighs, her hand on her face "Sorry about that... My boss takes her rules very seriously, and they are very intolerant. Are you okay?"
"Uh... well, as okay as someone who got chased by the Old Age Super Sentai can be... seriously, what the fuck was that?!," He asks, now calm enough to be able to be outraged by the absurdity of the whole thing. "They could have sent me out with a lot more class! Holy shit, it looked like I had stolen the bingo prize or something…"
"As I said, very intolerant," she sighs, embarrassed, her hand on her waist, the other hand holding the box, the poor thing now a little crumpled "And you entered their sacred temple, so for them you're an idiot. It would be like if one of your friends' girlfriend comes to your bachelor party or something." 
"... Oooh...," He nods, seeming to finally understand, his eyes half wide as he crosses his arms. Yes, a man with a very simple mentality, that one "I got it now. Sorry, I swear I didn't see the sign. The bigger sign kinda distracted me... pfffft!," And he makes a farting sound through his mouth, quickly looking away while he comments quietly, just for her to hear, "Seriously, what's with this 'photoshopped' version of a fifty-year-old roadside hooker? Hahahaha!"
"I have nothing to do with this," she makes a face at the sign. "It was her nephew or whoever did this, she's too much of a cheapskate to hire an actual artist who knows what they're doing. It's horrible, but she attacks you if you talk shit to her, you've seen it yourself."
"I won't even try, I'm not crazy! And as far as I'm concerned, you can leave the sign as it is, it's funny as hell, hehehe...," He continues laughing like an idiot. 
 "Yeah… so, like, that's my life, apparently," she rolls her eyes, and then looks at him. "I'm just going to leave this box along with my things inside, and then I'll come back to talk to you."
And then she enters the saloon without him having time to say anything else. He could still hear screaming inside, partly with her voice responding. He couldn't understand what was going on, but he wouldn't be crazy enough to stay close to listen.
Damn... he felt guilty now. He was still a little pissed at her, but not enough to want her boss to be up her ass. He puts his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt, very embarrassed, while leaning his back against the wall of an alley near the beauty saloon, wondering if he will have to wait long. He takes his phone out of his pocket, sending a quick message to the group chat.
I'm here at the saloon's door
holy shit guys
I'll never go into a place like that ever again
I was scared for my nuts, I'm not even joking
what happened?
did they kick you out or something?
I guess so
judging by that area were they are
they're like 
trying to protect miss agata or something 
the women in these kinds of neighborhoods, when they're mad, are worse than the men...
be careful where you step 
normally they leave a warning sign for people outside
Was there any sign like that, Rihito?
yeah but I didn't see it
that stupid ass sign distracted me
they kicked me out, with baseball bats and everything
it was, like, The Hairspray Squad or some shit
and then that girl showed up and saved my manhood
and yeah, I got that, Himuro
I mean it was nice of them to worry about her
but they didn't need to threaten to make rolled omelet with my balls to get their point across ffs
Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣🤣
rolled omelet?
can I come?
nah, man, it got canceled 🤣🤣🤣🤣
man, that sucks =(
ask miss kanami to go with you, maybe she'll be down for it 
"I'm back," he hears her voice again, and that takes his attention away from his phone "I got a little time. Again, sorry about that bad first impression. They're nice, just...," she doesn't complete the rest of the sentence, gesturing vaguely while making an extremely embarrassed face.
"Just intense. Yeah, I noticed," He nods, putting his phone in his sweatshirt pocket and turning to her, one hand on the back of his head "My bad. I hope you didn't get into too much trouble with your boss because of me..."
"Nah, she understood what's going on…," Akane hated to admit this to herself, but being the youngest in that group of women, most of the men who entered without warning were looking for her "Well… now… as for the talk…," she gestures for him to start, already expecting the speech of a wounded man. She had to bear it, it was part of the process…
It takes him about two seconds to understand what she was talking about and remember why he was there. Damn, the talk! He tenses his shoulders a little, his expression tightening. He was not only taller than her, but much broader and stockier. In another situation, his large size would have only helped boost his confidence. But now, he could only wonder if he was intimidating her. And if this happened with any frequency to her, considering the reactions of the old women in the beauty saloon. He twists his mouth in an expression of displeasure.
"Yeah. The talk," He nods, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, his hands still inside the pockets of his sweatshirt "Although you can't even call it a talk, right? It was more like point-blank shooting."
"Well… you already know me," she finds it strange that he wasn't trying to intimidate her, in fact his own face had cooled down from the anger "I’m direct, decisive, and not just when I’m all dressed up and glamorous, you know… and… you told me to be say what I thought, so I did. I gave you my opinion... okay, maybe it was too direct, but the truth is that I don't know how to do it any other way," she avoids looking at his face. After all, she had said that she didn't have the courage to look at him after all those texts. She had to remain truthful, after all.
"Yeah. I told you to say what you thought. Not to insult the shit out of me," He twists his mouth even more, looking away, and when she turns back to him, she sees a soft blush coloring his cheeks "Fuck, lady, was that really necessary? I've received less painful beatings in the fighting rings." 
She blinked a little, surprised. He… wasn't he mad? Tomori had said he was going to come looking for her pissed...
"And who said I'm one to hold back my punches?," she smiles mischievously despite her surprise. "I don’t play around while on duty, you know…," she tries to joke, but her smile slowly dies, without expecting a reaction from him. "I’m not a faker. I'm tired of trying to please someone in order to keep them, so they better know right away before they think they can mess with me… sorry if that hurt, but oh well...," she shrugs, letting the sentence die.
"Grunf... yeah, the message was received successfully," He clenches his fists inside the pockets of his sweatshirt, grinding his teeth, a small vein bulging on his temple "I just don't know at what moment I implied that you were going to need to resort to morally killing me. You do that sort of thing to inconsiderate idiots, not to a guy who worked his ass off to please you the whole fucking night!"
"I do the same treatment for everyone, and whoever passes it gets points with me," she raises an eyebrow, moving her head and shoulders with her hands on her waist. Her movement makes her breasts shake, a little less than the other night, but probably because they were held in by a bra… he found himself wondering what size it was; he just knew it was the perfect size.
If it was a tactic, it worked, because she saw the exact moment his eyes fixed on her chest, widening a little, his Adam's apple rising and falling as he swallowed hard. And then he shakes his head, trying to recover the thread, before continuing, now growling, "Oh, so I guess I should just feel less shitty about this, huh? I'm not the first and won't be the last. You're a fucking selfsteem killer..."
"Yeah, she’s an unscrupulous bitch," they hear a voice. Akane sighs in exhaustion when she recognizes whose it was "But she's my bitch..."
"Roki…," she grunts, angrily turning to him "Fuck, man, didn’t I tell you to scram a century ago? Get lost, damn it, the ship has fucking sailed."
"I already did and now I’m trying to board again. Hey man," he seems to notice Rihito, who notices that he had a mohawk and a series of ear piercings, with an outfit made almost entirely of leather, metal and jeans. "You didn't fall for that hellcat's sweet talk, did you? This one knocks motherfuckers down like a bad booze, I'm warning you straight away so you can get away while you still can..."
Akane gets as red as her name, but out of anger and embarrassment.
Rihito blinks, amazed, when he sees the man approaching and talking to him in such intimacy. He looks sideways at Akane, watching her reaction with a frown, before straightening his shoulders and saying dryly, "Dude, I have no idea who you are, but we're in the middle of a conversation. Wait your turn, will you?" 
"Oh yeah? So you're her new victim?," He smiles and looks at Akane "You don't waste time, huh, Sekihyo?"
"For fuck's sake you're deaf on top of being inconvenient? Piss off, I have nothing else to talk to you about! And what do you mean about me not wasting time? It's been months, stop bitching and get a grip, idiot. And I don't make victims, I'm not like you."
Rihito could have said he disagreed, if he hadn't still been a little taken aback by that exchange of “niceties”. So that weirdo was an ex-boyfriend of hers?
"Oh yes, you came from the hood like me," he approaches her dangerously, and she tries to move away but he holds her arm. Immediately she steps on his foot with her heel, and he lets her go. "OUCH! You fucking skank…!"
Akane tries to move away from him, her expression panicked.
She sees Roki lunge at her again, his teeth bared in fury, his hands coming like claws towards her... and then a massive wall of muscle stands between them, solid and insurmountable. She heard Roki let out a surprised yelp, she saw him stumble back, disoriented after the collision. And she watched as Rihito's hand grabbed her ex-fuck buddy by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close as if he were a rag doll.
She couldn't see his face, but she heard his voice when he spoke. And there was no sign of the smug, lovable dork she had folded like a napkin in that low, menacing growl.
"Are you really trying to attack a woman like that, in broad daylight? Have you lost your fuckin' mind, you son of a bitch?!"
"She isn’t any kind of woman, Blondie, she's a heartless whore! Be careful," Rihito could smell alcohol on him "I'm tellin' you this because she's no innocent angel... and you're the one who's losing yours. Get the fuck outta my way...," he tries to push Rihito, who was certainly bigger than him, but the guy had something to call strength, so he menaged to push him a bit to the side.
Rihito grunts a little, but quickly regains his composure, grinding his teeth. "Fuckin' nutcase...!," And he grabs the man by the neck in an armbar, turning to Akane and ordering, "Get inside, quickly! I'll hold him back."
She doesn't think twice and runs away, a little slowly because of the heels. Roki looks at her leaving and he growls, "HEY! I'm not done with you, slut!," he looks at the other man "You’re her new man, aren’t you? ‘Come at me then, fucker!," and Rihito feels a cut on his right arm; the motherfucker had brass knuckles with a knife.
"OUCH! You piece of...!," He manages not to let go of the man, despite the strong burning sensation in his arm, the blood gushing out and staining the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He stares at the maniac with an almost homicidal fury, his green eyes burning like embers. "You want a razor fight, you son of a bitch?! Your loss, 'cause I'm not giving you that pleasure!"
And the next thing Roki feels is a fist hitting him in the jaw, with the force of a steel plate. The poor guy goes flying and lands on top of a pile of rubbish, where, ironically, he belonged. And then he doesn't move anymore.
He immediately hears a thin scream, and when he notices in his peripheral vision, Akane was at the door of the room, her eyes wide and gasping, surprised and very scared.
She only sees Rihito panting heavily, holding his injured arm, his glassy and still furious eyes staring at the place where her ex-fuck buddy had been dumped. She remembers all of their interactions so far, how he was able to lift her off the ground and carry her effortlessly, to leave slight marks on her skin without actually hurting her, to hold her close to him without giving her the chance to escape from his hands, but at the same time without causing her pain.
Tomori had not exaggerated. That man was freakishly strong. And he knew very well how to choose who was worthy of the less pleasant side of his strength.
And he was then startled by the scream she let out, seeming to wake up from a state of delirium as he turned to her. Reason returns to his eyes, fury being replaced by disbelief. He returns to staring at Roki's faint body. And then he grabs his hair, making a hilarious expression of despair.
"Oh shit! I hope I didn't kill the bastard...!"
He goes to check on him; the guy was just unconscious, thank God. He breathes a sigh of relief.
"He's… he’s not dead, is he?," Akane was white as a sheet. He smiled to ease her fears, and she seemed to calm down "Damn, that was scary... I- I'm going to ask Mrs. Jin to call the police to take him away, so- so don't leave!," She runs into the saloon. 
"Alright...," He nods, checking one last time to make sure the bastard was just unconscious, and then taking a deep breath. Damn, he should have been aware of the possibility of being attacked with a cold weapon. He had been careless. His master would chew the hell out of him if he found out... He gets up, grunting tiredly and raising his arm to scratch his hair... well, the arm that was injured. He grabs it with an exclamation of pain.
"Ow, fuck! The fucker really got me...!," the adrenaline hadn't even had time to settle and it was already gone. He looked at the man, and, as it seemed he was inspired by Tokita that day, all that came to mind was his famous phrase, “what a weakling! That wasn't even fun.”
Akane comes back, followed by about two women. One of them pointed to the guy lying on the ground and they immediately went to him. They were Mrs. Jin, who was introduced to him earlier, and one of the crazy women he saw inside the saloon. Mrs. Jin glanced at Rihito's arm and spoke to Akane.
"You two," she points at him and then at her, with a tone of voice that reminded him a lot of Kanami when she was pissed. "You have five minutes to get your things and get out of here. But I want you at the saloon tomorrow, Akane. Go home and fix him up, we'll take care of the rest, okay?"
"O-okay…," her voice was a little shaky. She disappeared into the saloon to get her things.
He stares at the ladies, and surprisingly, he becomes shy, averting his eyes like a child who was caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
"Uh... I know I smashed an idiot's nose during a fight, but that doesn't mean I'm a thug, okay? It was self-defense! And Akane- I mean, Miss Agata needed help!"
"Shut up," the old woman interrupts him "I know that one, but not you. Better to keep that good first impression, don't you think?," she lights another cigarette "You protected her, I respect that, and that's all I want to know. Now scram."
She slaps his butt. He jumps half a foot off the ground with an involuntary yelp.
"AIIEE!," And then he turns red like a tomato "What the fuck- this is sexual harassment, damn it! I... uugh, okay, okay, I'm going!," He shrinks completely before her gaze, turning his back and doing exactly what she ordered. He looked like an almost six feet tall child.
The old woman laughed coquettishly as he left.
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hot-hellboy · 30 days
Pink Silk (A Percico Fanfic)
Nico is injured on a quest. Luckily, Percy is there to help.
The title is never explained btw. Completely up to interpretation because this fic has been in the works since the beginning of 2023, and I'm still not entirely sure what I wanted to do with it. I just think pink is nice. Enjoy! -Raven xx
     "Percy, it hurts," Nico winced once they were officially out of danger's way.
    The omega was clutching his thigh as rich scarlet blood slowly began seeping through the open gash in his skin.
    "Okay, hold on, just let me--" Percy frantically dug through his pack for any kind of medical supplies; luckily finding ambrosia squares along with what looked to be bandages.
    Wait a minute, Percy thought. These aren't bandages.
    The "bandages" he was hoping for turned out to be a single strip of powder pink silk fabric (that he definitely didn't remember packing).
      Whatever. At least it'll stop the bleeding.
     In a hurried daze, Percy adjusted himself so that he was between Nico's legs as he wrapped the fabric around the wound as tightly as he could so that the rush of blood would finally stop. He couldn't even recall exactly how Nico got hurt; his brain was solely focused on taking care of the omega under him without much thought given to anything else at the moment.      It absolutely killed him to see Nico in pain, so he continued keeping pressure on the wound before realizing that there were zero blood stains on the silk. Percy definitely thought it was odd, but he couldn't let anything else take his attention away at the moment until he was a hundred percent sure that the bleeding had stopped before he could properly clean the wound.
     "I, ah, I think it stopped..."  the omega said, and Percy eased up on the amount of pressure he was putting on the injured area.
   "What even happened back there?"
   "I'm....oh, fuck, having a hard time remembering...." Nico admitted.
    "Don't think about it, then. Do you think you could take some ambrosia?" Percy offered a piece of one of the squares to him which Nico took gratefully.
    He would worry about the boy's mild amnesia later, but for right now...Percy had bigger mysteries to solve. Like the magical stupid piece of silk that happened to appear the moment he needed it the most, for instance. Speaking of which, Percy carefully took it off Nico's thigh and turned it over in his hands. The fabric had not a single drop of blood on it and looked pristine on either side.
    "Those ghosts really did cut me deep, huh?" Nico said, distracting Percy from the questions still floating around in his mind.
    "Sure looks like it," Percy murmured as he looked down and quickly realized his face was hot.
    The second he took his eyes away from Nico's injury was the second he knew he made a mistake. He quickly realized where he was, and it was seriously making him blush. Percy could barely focus around the pretty omega when he wasn't between his legs. On a quest. Alone together.
     "I know I'm just now remembering, but this doesn't make any sense," Nico rambled. Percy hoped he kept talking because there was no way he could survive Nico catching him staring at the space between his spread thighs when he was supposed to be tending to a very serious injury that even ambrosia would take time to heal.
    "I'm supposed to be in charge of the ghosts, not the other way around. They should've been obeying me, so why weren't they listening?" The omega wondered, his pretty brown eyes thankfully looking anywhere but where Percy was.
  "I don't know, Nico, but I have a feeling that these weren't your typical Underworld ghosts. They must've been something different." Percy swallowed hard.
     "Probably. Maybe they were something older than Hades...Older than the Underworld itself..." Nico mused.
    Percy let himself relax a little as he remembered what he was doing. He definitely felt weird about reusing the same thing that he used to wrap around Nico's cut as what he would be using to clean it, but he still did his best with what he got. The alpha really wished they hadn't lost the first-aid kit somewhere along their quest, but he found ways around it like what he was doing now.      Percy used his thermos to pour some water onto the pink silk along with the leftover hotel soap bar he had in his bag to disinfect the wound as he tried to hide the growing erection in his pants.
   "Oh, Percy, that stings," Nico whimpered and it went straight to Percy's dick.
   The logical part of his brain knew that it was just the omega's natural response to having a deep cut cleaned out with soap and water, but the hornier side of his brain took that little whimper he made and absolutely ran with it.     Percy had to quickly come to realize that he wouldn't mind hearing Nico making that little sound when they were doing things together at night...preferably in his cabin when the rest of the camp was asleep...with nothing but each other and his big comfortable bed with a couple covers and sheets.
    Get a fucking grip. He's in pain.
     He told himself, but that moment of clarity did not last long at all. Suddenly Percy took into account what Nico was wearing at the moment. Seeing that the little doe-eyed omega was in nothing but his black crewneck sweatshirt and red Dolfin shorts that were cut just a few inches past his hips to his high upper thighs with white stripes going up the sides drove Percy insane. He realized that those tiny little shorts with the ruched details did nothing to hide anything from the imagination. In fact, he could see the outline of his panties as well as his clit and pussylips through the thin fabric, especially since male omegas had bigger clits than females. It made Percy want to do nothing more than to touch him through those shorts that would only get in the way of everything he really wanted to do to Nico.
     Percy genuinely had to take a quick breather before going back to clean up the jagged gash some more. He did his best to be a respectful, decent alpha, but he would occasionally let his fingertips wander a little past the area he was supposed to be focusing on and instead letting them feel around Nico's incredibly soft inner thighs. At some point the omega must've caught onto him because there was a moment where the two locked eyes and Percy could see and hear Nico's blush and quickened breathing respectively. He could only wonder if the omega knew how much he wanted him right there.
   "I think it's clean now," Nico murmured quietly.
   "I think so, too."
   Percy took one last look between Nico's spread legs before backing up and praying to every deity out there that he didn't just totally fuck up their relationship, but that was until he felt the omega's hand on his wrist.
    "Wait," Nico said. "Don't go anywhere. Please."
    "Okay, I'll stay." Percy felt like he was sweating bullets.
    Right now, Percy was preparing to do two things. First, he was saving this entire interaction between the two of them as a memory he'd save in his brain to jerk off to later. And two, he was full-on bracing himself in case Nico decided to slap him for being so shamelessly inappropriate.     Percy wouldn't blame him if he took the second option at all, but luckily all Nico did was pull him in for a kiss. And oh, man, was it the best kiss of Percy's life. The omega's lips were so soft and moved along so nicely with his own as Percy leaned down even closer as if he was already putting their bodies in place for the perfect mating press.
"Wait a second," the alpha said; breaking the kiss.
He took a minute to secure the silk around Nico's thigh so that the injury would be fully protected until the ambrosia worked its magic. The boy smiled at him gratefully while Percy took his lips in another kiss that lasted longer than the first. Nico kept his legs open as Percy's hands traveled down to his waist and even lower to the sides of his hips.
      "Is this okay?" He asked; his fingers getting ready to hook onto Nico's waistband the moment the omega gave him permission.
      "Oh my gods, yes it is, Percy," Nico said breathlessly.
     The alpha couldn't believe he was just about to have sex with the cutest boy he knew even if it was in the middle of nowhere (and completely out in the open). Percy started off by doing exactly what he was dying to earlier which was rubbing Nico's pussy through his tiny little shorts. He let his fingers touch over the boy's delicate folds and clit until he could feel Nico getting wet from the foreplay.     The omega helped him tug off his shorts while being mindful of his injury and Percy genuinely had to stop himself from cumming just from seeing Nico in almost nothing but his underwear.
    The omega's undergarments were an almost identical shade like that of the pink silk still wrapped around his thigh but with a tiny black ribbon bow on the front.     Now Percy could see how wet he was with his slick soaking the front of his panties. He saw Nico shiver when he placed his hand right where it needed to be as he continued playing with his boypussy through the fabric.     Despite seeing Nico in various states of undress due to average quest circumstances, Percy's imagination paled in comparison to what he was witnessing right now.
     "Just pull it to the side, don't worry about taking it off," the omega whined desperately, and who was Percy to disobey?
    The alpha did just as Nico instructed him to as he moved his underwear to the side revealing that cute little cunt he had been dreaming of seeing ever since getting to spend an entire quest alone with Nico.      The omega's pussy was a pretty pink, dripping clear slick, and with a clit just begging to be touched Percy's hands trembled as his fingers gently moved to touch him for the first time while Nico kept his thighs open for him.
       Realistically, they both knew it was incredibly risky to be doing something like this in a place where it would have been laughably easy to get caught, which is exactly what made it more exciting. However, their time together was certainly rushed and cut short because of this inherent urgency. Percy ended up hurriedly slotting three of his fingers into Nico's wet heat with his lips never leaving his throat until the omega trembled and finished in his arms.
       After that, they took a moment to look at each other; Percy with pure adoration in his eyes and hand dripping wet with omega slick and cum, and Nico with his eyes blown wide and cheeks flushed a rosy red. They stumbled over each other as they tried to get up, with Nico pulling his shorts back up while using Percy for support due to his bad leg.
      Getting back to their hotel room, Percy and Nico could hardly keep their hands off each other even once they made it inside. Part of it was out of necessity; Percy wouldn't let go of the omega until the ambrosia really started to kick in, and he needed the stability anyway with the limp he had going on.      Percy thought it was an admirable change that Nico was beginning to welcome his help and affection; the boy had always been so self reliant, so this simply act of letting him take care of his needs during the quest meant more to Percy than words could describe. 
     But his short-lived realizations about the changes he was observing in the younger demigod were quickly replaced with lust-fueled passion that was continuing to be the driving force in their newfound escapade. Nico's lips captured his in a kiss less sweet than before, but filled with even more fire that the two of them craved. 
     Nico was mindful of his leg as he practically tackled Percy onto the bed; his lips and hands traveling all over the alpha's body as he continued to show him just how grateful he was for how well he was taken care of earlier. Percy allowed himself to get lost in Nico's ardent enthusiasm for him momentarily before taking another quick glance at the sheets below them.
    See, when they first checked in the night before at the shabby hotel front desk, their room looked just like any other old hotel room; two twin sized beds, matching nightstands, and a bathroom attached just a few feet away, but now that Percy took a split second to look around, he realized it looked entirely different. Well, almost. 
     The previously all white bedsheets they had been resting on the night before were now replaced with varying shades of soft pink with silken sheets covering the mattress and pillows surrounding them. Percy wasn't sure if the sudden change in environment was something he should be focusing on, especially not with Nico kissing his neck and his smaller body easly fitting on top of his own. 
    "Did they change the sheets?" Percy asked suddenly. Nico looked down at him, confused.
     "What are you talking about?" The pretty omega questioned. 
     "The-they're...They're pink...?" Percy didn't mean for it to come out more like a question rather than a statement of fact, but he supposed it wouldn't change the way Nico was looking at him oddly either way. "Nevermind. It's nothing. I think having you like this is making me go crazy," Percy said as he easily laughed it off, even though the sudden color changed paired with the random similiary silken fabric he used to aide Nico with earlier still posed pressing questions at the back of his mind. 
    "In a good way?" Nico murmured into his tan skin while his hips slowly began grinding on top of Percy's. 
     "In the best way," the alpha answered. 
     They made out like that for a while with Nico on top of him before the little omega was kissing his way down Percy's torso after ridding him of his shirt. The older boy felt his face heat up when his eyes locked with Nico's as his fingertips lightly settled on the waistband of his jeans. He frantically nodded in an effort to convey exactly what he wanted Nico to do since Percy wasn't sure if he was capable of speaking at the moment since it felt like the air had been punched out of his lungs. 
       Nico tugged his jeans down his legs after unbuckling Percy's jeans. He kissed all over his stiffening cock through his underwear while still being mindful of his rapidly healing leg injury. The apha bit the back of his hand to try and keep quiet (they were checked into a hotel, after all) as Nico took him out and began kissing the side of his shaft. Percy watched intently as Nico took his tip past his lips and slowly started taking him down his throat. It truly took everything in him to not start fucking the omega's tight, wet throat while he laid back and let Nico take control for a while. 
   The omega was a little clumsy with the way he handled Percy's cock--being his first time and all that, but the alpha enjoyed the enthusiastic effort nonetheless. He could feel Nico's throat constricting whenever he took him a little too deep, and he curiously reached out to cradle the side of his jaw to feel himself inside. 
    Nothing felt better to Nico at the moment compared to Percy's dick down his throat, which seemed to be oddly helping with his healing thigh. Though the connection was probably not there, it was almost as if the thick, erotic energy that filled the room was helping along with the ambrosia currently flooding his system. Either way, Nico wasn't complaining, especially not when the level of enjoyment he got out of pleasuring Percy was also fixing his other problems. 
   Licking the underside of his cock, Nico looked up at the alpha with eyes soft and wide with reverance as Percy continued holding his head down as he thrusted shallowly into his mouth. He choked out a quick warning before pulling out and jerking himself off above Nico's face; the sight was one that the omega would be remembering for a very, very long time. 
    Thick white ropes of alpha cum landed across his cheeks, just above his upper lip, and down his chin, and Nico waited patiently for Percy to stop touching himself before leaning forward and cleaning up the pink tip of his cock with his tongue to savor every last drop that he had to offer. Percy's body shuddered with the overstimulation of Nico's tongue dipping into his slit until he had to pull himself away as he collapsed flat on his back on the bed. 
    "Oh my gods, Nico," Percy said breathlessly as he felt the mattress dip beside him with Nico climbing in to lie beside him. The alpha took a moment to collect himself before shakily getting up to look around for a cloth or his discarded shirt to clean the pretty omega's face with. Percy didn't trust his legs to get him to the bathroom in time to find a washcloth, so he settled for his shirt he tossed somewhere on the bed as he cleaned Nico up before flopping back down again. 
    "Was that good?" The omega asked as he turned his head to observe the alpha better. His voice was a mix between hopefulness and sounding hoarse after his throat had just been thoroughly fucked. 
    "Hell yeah it was. You were good, really good, Nico." Percy told him before his gaze dropped to his thigh still wrapped in silk. "How's your leg?" 
    "So much better," Nico said.
   "Good to hear."
   The two shared a long glance with each other before Percy opened up his arms and invited Nico to come cuddle with him for a while, and that was how they ended up crashing for a few hours afterwards. The pink silk sheets Percy had hallucinated from before were back to normal by the time they woke up, but the intensity of their budding relationship remained. 
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duhdumb89 · 1 year
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A Forbidden Happiness | Chapter 7
Xiang gui ren's rooms were buzzing with energy early the next morning. She would be officially welcomed into the back palace. Everything had to be perfect. One wrong misstep and like sharks in the water, someone would strike. Jiayi was sure that Jiang gui ren would take any chance to fan the flames.
"Jiayi, there's a purple changfu with white peonies and black and gold trim in my closet. I'll wear that," Ordered Xiang gui ren as Molan twisted her hair up.
"Mistress, you shouldn't wear that one today," said Molan.
"Why not? His Majesty personally picked out all of my clothes,"
"It may be a bit arrogant," said Jiayi. She went to the closet and pulled out a pale green robe patterned with bamboo shoots, "At your status, something like this would be more appropriate. If you were an Imperial Concubine, purple would be appropriate. You should such save beautiful things for special occasions or...bed service,"
"Mistress, what about this one?" Asked Ping'er, holding up a light pink changyi. It was simple, with bright white lilies only embodied on the hem, cuffs, and across the bodice, but it was incredibly delicate.
"So plain," groused Xiang gui ren.
"Mistress, why does it matter if your clothes are plain or not? When you're that beautiful, a rice sack becomes elegant," replied Ping'er.
A peal of laughter tumbled out of Xiang gui ren's mouth.
"Yo, Big Cutie stuffed her mouth full of candy this morning I see to say such sweet words, fine then, I'll wear that one,"
Xiang gui ren hummed and ran her hands over her jewelry box. She picked up the gold buyao that Wang gugu whipped them over.
"And this?"
"Silver only," said Molan turning away from the sight of it,
"Maybe a golden chai* would be okay. A small one" suggested Jiayi, equally as uncomfortable.
Xiang gui ren turned to Pie'er, "What do you think?"
Pie'er, who was content to stand silently in the corner, looked startled. Blushing, she said, "Mistress, you'd look beautiful in anything,"
"Don't give me that! Choose something! Quickly, quickly!"
Pie'er scurried over and looked at the array of beautiful accessories. Her eyes were particularly drawn to a pink velvet peony hairpin. The bright yellow stems in the center made the petals look even brighter.
"Is this okay?" She asked.
Xiang gui ren nodded, "Put it on then,"
Gulping, Pie'er stood behind her mistress and tucked the pin right where her liangbatou and scalp met. Xiang gui ren admired herself in the mirror before nodding, "Not bad,"
Xiang gui ren added a few more velvet flowers and some silver and jade chai.
Jiayi stood by and watched Xiang gui ren powder her skin and draw on her eyebrows with the skill of an artist. No single movement was wasted.
"What's wrong?" Xiang gui ren said as they locked eyes in her bronze mirror, "Am I very silly for putting so much makeup on at my old age?"
Jiayi bowed her head, "I wouldn't dare!" She glanced up at her, "You're just very good at makeup,"
Xiang gui ren laughed and turned away, "Really? Or is it that you're just a big fan of my face? You spent all night drawing me and still want to look? You're a strange girl,"
A hot blush covered Jiayi's cheeks and she bowed her head further. It got boring waiting on a sleeping woman! She had to do something to keep herself awake.
"This lowly one apologizes for ruining your rest,"
"That depends. How did you draw me? No one's told me I sleep like a beast, but how can I tell? Let me see,"
Jiayi pursed her lips and went to fetch the paintings she had stashed under her bed. Showing those sleep-deprived sketches was the last thing she wanted to do. But an order was an order. She just hoped Xiang gui ren would have mercy on her.
Xiang gui ren had finished dressing and was eagerly waiting on her. Jiayi presented the drawings, eyes to the ground.
"Hmph!" Xiang gui ren crowed, "I'm just as beautiful sleeping! Even if I'm not, Jiayi painted me at my best. What a good girl. I think I'll gift this to His Majesty,"
"You can't!" Jiayi replied, "I drew these half asleep, they're so messy! I–these will dirty his eyes!"
"Jiejie is too humble!" Said Ping'er, "Mistress, she's really good at drawing animals, too! I'll show you her fishing frog!"
Jiayi blushed, "Pie'er, tell mistress that Ping'er is being silly,"
Instead of being the level-headed girl Jiayi had come to know, Pie'er shook her head and said "Jiejie draws beautiful flowers, too. I feel like I can smell them,"
"Oh? Go get them for me," said Xiang gui ren.
Helpless, Jiayi watched as Pie'er and Ping'er ran off to fetch her drawings.
As soon as she opened her mouth to protest, Xiang gui ren shook her head, "How dare you," she said, a smile on her face, "Arguing with you master?"
"This servant would not dare," said Jiayi, "This servant is too untalented! You don't want to see my nonsense,"
"Enough, enough. Go fetch my breakfast now. Your whining is making my head hurt,"
Dismissed, Jiayi slunk away. She hated the idea of Xiang gui ren looking at her drawings. They were just for fun! However, it was far better than her showing them to The Emperor. She would prefer that he continue to consider her invisible.
The other servants gave her a wide berth as she made her way down the streets. She paid no mind to their whispering or their stares. Even before Xiang gui ren's arrival, rumors about her ran rampant throughout the Forbidden City. Now that she had arrived, it was all anyone could bother to talk about.
She stood in the courtyard and waited for one of the junior eunuchs from the kitchen to deliver the food to her.
Jiayi stumbled as a maid shoved passed her.
"Did you hear? Prince Han is coming back to the capital today!" She announced.
The news caused a ripple effect. Every maid nearby rushed over to hear the gossip. Jiayi only knew bits and pieces about the late Emperor's Prince Han. He was the Emperor's youngest brother and was raised by the Emperor and the Empress after his mother was disgraced. He was famous around the capital for his skills on the battlefield and in court. But it looked like the most famous thing about him was his face.
"What time is he arriving? Maybe I can walk past him!"
"Li gugu says he's grown too, he's even taller!"
"Ah, maybe he's grown a beard, he'll be so handsome!"
The crowd squealed at this news.
"He's only 19 and is already a prince of the 3rd rank. I hear His Majesty is going to give him a manor in the capital, too."
A gasp, "That means he's going to get a wife!"
The mention of matrimony sent shivers down Jiayi's spine. It wasn't too long ago that Jiayi herself was close to having the "good luck" of becoming a wife. She rounded a corner and stopped. Like the devil himself, there was Su gonggong smack dab in the middle of the street, his bulbous eyes boring into her own. Jiayi gulped and clutched the stacked lunchbox close to her.
"Yi'er," he said with a gleam in his eyes, "I've found my Yi'er,"
"I'm not your Yi'er!" Jiayi snapped.
"Ungrateful bitch!" Su gonggong grabbed her arm tightly and yanked her close, "I gave you all my care and you used it to climb up! What's next huh? His Majesty's bed?"
Jiayi wrenched herself away, heart rabbiting in her chest, "I didn't ask for your care," she hissed, "Leave me alone,"
"Ask? Don't pretend you weren't throwing yourself at me this whole time. Do you think I'll get another chance to ask for a reward for the Emperor? Do you know what you've stolen from me?!" Su gonggong raged, spittle flying.
He yanked into an alcove hidden by a drooping tree and enthusiastic summer bush. Jiayi froze. This Su gonggong was a different man. Back in the hard labor camp, Su gonggong favored a sly hand or a crass remark. He'd never put a hand on her before.
Jiayi's throat locked up in fear.
"I'll go to His Majesty about you and tell him you've thrown yourself at me like a bitch in heat. You'll wish he'd taken your head when they send me back to you!"
"Who's back there?" A voice called.
Even though she couldn't make her voice work, shivers of fear propelled her to dash under Su gonggong's arm and into the street. Jiayi fell to the ground in front of an Imperial guard.
"He–he-!" Tears of frustration blurred her vision. Why couldn't she just open her stupid mouth?
Su gonggong sprung from the thicket and ran down the street.
"Men," the guard called, "Follow him!"
A trio of guards followed the trail.
Jiayi wiped her face and bowed, "Thank you, daren†,"
The guard shook his head and helped her up, "Are you alright, guniang‡?"
Shaking, Jiayi shook her head, "My mistress' breakfast is ruined. How can I face her?"
The guard scoffed, "You were almost beaten by that scoundrel and all you can think of is that?"
"What else should I think of?" Snapped Jiayi.
The guard sighed before calling over another guard, "Go back to the kitchens and say you knocked over a maid and need a new meal for–"He turned to Jiayi, "Who is your mistress?"
"Xiang gui ren," she replied, bracing for the guard to change his tune.
"Bring a new meal for Xiang gui ren," The guard ordered his closest companion.
The guard nodded and ran off. Jiayi was so relieved that she almost started to cry again.
"Xiang gui ren," the guard said again, scratching his beard, "Do you know Molan? My mother told me she's also serving Xiang gui ren,"
Jiayi wiped her face again and nodded.
"Are you her cousin?"
"No, our mothers are just close. That girl's never mentioned a Chang Lingxiu?" The guard asked.
The adrenaline was leeching out of her bones, so her brain was slow to respond. Jiayi sifted through all the information Molan volunteered about herself. They had only known each for a short time, but Molan was never short of words. Eventually, the name rang a bell.
"Little fish?"
Little fish was the nickname of the boy Molan had dragged out a river as a child. The heroic act had given her family a set of masters that were close to the Imperial family. Molan mentioned that he also served in the palace.
At once, a ruddy blush crept onto Lingxiu's face, "She has some nerve to still tell that story! You should start calling her 'sit-down' and see how she likes it!"
Jiayi must have looked confused because Lingxiu told her the tale of Molan running around during the wedding of a relative despite being told to sit down several times. She continued to run and eventually fell butt-first into a bed of hot coals set aside to roast a duck. Molan was more startled than hurt but was called 'sit-down' for many years.
Lingxiu was a good storyteller and by the time the other guard returned with a fresh meal, Jiayi had calmed down a bit.
"Here," Lingxiu said, passing her the stacked box.
"Thank you, Chang daren,"
"You're welcome...er,"
"We-Wei Jiayi,"
"Wei Jiayi? From the picture?" He asked.
Seeing the confusion on Jiayi's face, he continued, "You drew a portrait for Molan, right? She sent it to her mother and wrote about you in her letter and now my mother wants me to get one done since I don't have much time to visit. How much do you charge?"
Jiayi shook her head, "Charge? Chang daren, you misunderstand. I draw when I have free time. I'd be a scoundrel to charge money for it,"
In Jiayi's opinion, the fewer people who knew about her hobby, the better. It had already attracted too much attention.
"Let me walk you back to Xianfugong, see how Molan is doing for Shang furen's§ sake,"
The entire walk back, Lingxiu switched from trying to convince her to draw a portrait he could send home to regaling her with tales of his and Molan's shared childhood. When they arrived at Xianfugong, Molan was waiting near the gates. She looked shocked at the sight of them both.
"Little fish? What are you doing bothering my jiejie?" Molan cried.
Lingxiu snorted, "Not everything is about you Sit down. Your jiejie and I were just going the same way,"
Molan's face burned bright red, "You! You're supposed to be protecting the Forbidden City but you're running around telling stories!" She grabbed Jiayi's arms, "Let's go!"
"Hold on, hold on!" Lingxiu grabbed Jiayi's and placed a few copper coins inside, "My mother has been asking that I send home a portrait with my next letter. I'll come fetch you when I have time to sit,"
Molan shook her head and pulled her inside the courtyard, "What a stingy old man! How could he think your portraits only cost a few pieces of copper?"
Jiayi pinched Molan's cheeks, "Is 'sit-down' getting jealous?"
"I can't believe he told you that!" Molan screeched as they ran inside.
Xiang gui ren ate only a bit of her breakfast before pushing it away and saying the servants could have it. She was all smiles but they could tell she was nervous.
Jiayi and the other servants ate quickly, piling the dirty dishes in the little kitchen. Molan fanned Xiang gui ren while Jiayi kneeled to massage her knees.
"You don't have to worry, mistress, His Majesty favors you and you have time to become close to Her Highness. When that happens, no one can offend you,"
Bolin walked in and bowed, "Mistress, Jiang gui ren is here,"
Xiang gui ren smoothed down her sleeves, "Let her in," she said.
"Xiang meimei, are you ready?" said Jiang gui ren. She stared at Xiang gui ren and frowned.
"Why are you dressed so plainly? Look at your hair, didn't I tell you what to do?" She huffed and glared at Jiayi and Molan. "I can see these cheap slaves are already poor at their jobs!"
"Jiejie," Xiang gui ren said with a sickly sweet smile, "Clothes mean nothing where real beauty is concerned. Am I so ugly that I need to adorn myself to be considered presentable?"
"Of-of course not," said Jiang gui ren, "I just don't want people to bully you. If you show people your favor, no one would dare to touch you,"
Ping'er interrupted them, "Mistress, Zhang Wei gonggong is here," Zhang Wei walked inside two other eunuchs trailing behind him. The eunuchs were toting silk gift boxes on lacquered trays.
"Wei gonggong," Jiang gui ren said, "What brings you here?"
"The Jewelry House created a few trinkets by His Majesty's order for the two of you. Please take a look,"
The eunuchs presented the trays and Jiayi and Susu handed them to their respective mistresses. Inside Xiang gui ren's box was a pair of nail guards. They were silver, with lotus flowers carved down the middle. In the center of each flower was either a shining piece of white jade or rose quartz.
Jiang gui ren received a pair as well, but she wasn't as excited. Her nail guards were smooth, polished silver. Stamped on the base in copper was the phrase, 'The flower of the heart in full bloom'.
The two of them dropped to their knees to thank The Emperor.
"This concubine thanks His Majesty for his grace,"
Zhang Wei helped Xiang gui ren to her feet, "His Majesty will be glad to hear how happy you are. I'll take my leave,"
Xiang gui ren exchanged the nail guards she was wearing for the ones Zhang Wei just delivered.
"Jiejie, look! Aren't they pretty?" She asked.
Jiang gui ren gave a tight smile, "It's a bit flashy for me. His Majesty knows that sometimes I like simple things,"
Jiayi felt the need to step back just in case Jiang gui ren was struck by lightning. That was the most incredible lie she'd ever heard.
"Why aren't you wearing yours?" Asked Xiang gui ren, "Don't you want to show off His Majesty's gift?"
Smiling dimly again, Jiang gui ren replaced her dazzling pair of gold and topaz nail guards. Arm in arm, Jiang gui ren led them to Yikungong.
Jiayi couldn't keep her eyes from roaming as Jiang gui ren led them into Yikungong's main hall. They had been there just yesterday but it was different when the room was filled with glamorous concubines.
"Meimei, allow me the honor of introducing you to your new sisters,"
Jiang gui ren started with the highest-ranking women first. Shen huang gui fei, De gui fei, Jin pin, Tong pin, Lian pin, Jiang gui ren, An gui ren, Jiao gui ren, Wang chang zai, Cha chang zai, Jin chang zai, and Zhen chang zai.
The handful of His Majesty's second-class female attendants weren't given the honor of staying after paying respects to The Empress. Usually, Shiyi would accept the respects on The Empress' behalf before sending them away.
As Jiayi helped Xiang gui ren to her seat, she snuck a glance at the famous Shen huang gui fei. With only one child, a daughter no less, she managed to become second to The Empress. The only merit her family ever made was her mother having the luck of being The Emperor's beloved nursemaid. There was a rumor that at one point The Emperor asked for Shen huang gui fei to be his di fujin¶. The Empress Dowager had convinced the late Emperor to refuse him, suggesting a young gêgê from her own prominent Borjigit clan. Shen huang gui fei hadn't even been granted the title of ce fujin**. She faithfully served The Empress in the Old Manor and was rewarded handsomely for her service as the years went on.
"Xiang gui ren has just arrived, I hope you all will chat with her and treat her well," said The Empress.
"Yes, Your Highness," the women chorused.
"Has Xiang meimei settled in well?" Asked Lian pin, "Xianfugong must be so different from your old home,"
"It must be miles above the stable she used to rest in," Jiao gui ren whispered to Jin chang zai. They fought to smother their laughter.
"It's more beautiful than His Majesty described to me in his letters," replied Xiang gui ren, "And seeing him again after so long has made my heart happier than I could've imagined,"
"That's good then. You're welcome to come by my Jingrengona†† and visit me and An gui ren when you're free,"
Xiang gui ren nodded.
"Xiang meimei, I admit that I was shocked when I learned that you'd be joining our family, but looking at you now, I'm not surprised that His Majesty couldn't bear to leave you behind,"
"I don't deserve huang gui fei's compliments," replied Xiang gui ren.
"Meimei is just so beautiful. Don't you dance and play the guzheng‡‡, too? Honestly, will His Majesty have eyes for anyone ever again?"
Instantly, the temperature in the room dropped. Jealous black eyes glared at Xiang gui ren from all sides.
"I suppose the rest of us are just old news," Shen huang gui fei finished.
"Jiejie, how could any of us be old when Wang nainai§§ is here?" Said Jin chang zai.
The women broke out into giggles as 38-year-old Wang cháng zài sunk into her chair. She'd been at that status for over 20 years and was the most forgotten of all the Emperor's women. The Emperor cared for her so little that she couldn't even get a pity promotion. For a moment she had been favored enough to be promoted from a bed maid in the Old Manor but it had been brief.
"What disgusting behavior," snapped De gui fei.
The laughing stopped at once. De gui fei had a reputation herself. It wasn't unusual for her to be called the 'venerable De gui fei' behind her back for her pious nature and stringent adherence to the rules. How a sweet and playful girl like the Second Princess had De gui fei for a mother was a mystery to many.
Eager for any opportunity to pile on, Lian pin said "You dare dirty The Empress' ears with such talk. You've been here for quite some time yourself Jin meimei and only served His Majesty once. Wouldn't you call that old news?"
Jin chang zai clamped her lips shut.
"Lian meimei, don't let a few careless words ruin the mood. We're here to welcome our newest sister today," said Shen huang gui fei. 
"True," said Lian pin, "Ah, Xiang meimei, I heard that Zhang Wei delivered a gift from His Majesty to you this morning,"
Xiang gui ren smiled, "Jiejie's ears are sharp. His Majesty sent over these nail guards," she said, showing them off, "His Majesty had a pair made for Jiang jiejie as well,"
Called out, Jiang gui ren was forced to present what she considered her second-class gift to the room. Lian pin hid a smile behind her handkerchief, "Yes. If I could describe Jiang meimei, surely it would be about her love of simple beauty,"
Jiang gui ren smiled, "Jiejie is correct. His Majesty knows this too, sending these to me. When His Majesty decides to learn jiejie's preferences, surely he won't forget to pamper you,"
Whatever Lian pin wanted to say was interrupted by Zhang Wei running into the room.
"Your Highness! Your Highness!" Zhang Wei called as he ran inside.
"Zhang Wei, what's the meaning of all this excitement?" Asked Shiyu gugu.
"Prince Han is at the main gates. His Majesty asks that you come to Qianqinggong¶¶ to wait for his arrival,"
"Prince Han is back? Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't dare lie,"
"Tell His Majesty that I will be there shortly,"
Zhang Wei bowed and backed out of the room.
"Don't let me keep you here on such a nice day, I'll go first," said The Empress.
The concubines rose and knelt, "Sending Your Highness The Empress off with respect,"
Shen huang gui fei walked over to Xiang gui ren and took her hands, "Meimei, I've only looked upon you for a moment, but I almost don't want to let you go. Come by my Zhongcuigong*** for tea,"
"Huang gui fei, you said you were going to have the Hall of Pleasing Sounds put on a performance for me today," said Jiao gui ren.
"Oh!" Said Shen huang gui fei, "That completely slipped my mind with the excitement of meimei's arrival. You wouldn't mind rescheduling, right?"
"Huang gui fei, don't trouble yourself on my account. I feel a little tired. I think I'll head back to Yikungong and rest," said Xiang gui ren, "I'll take my leave,"
On the walk back to Yikungong, Jiayi took the risk to ask Xiang gui ren a question.
"Mistress, why didn't you go with huang gui fei? Wouldn't it be best if you became close to her?"
"Her and Jiang gui ren are quite close, aren't they? There's no way Jiang gui ren hasn't shown jiejie her true face. There's no point. Now, De gui fei on the other hand," Xiang gui ren said with a smile, "That is a woman worth being close to,"
"De gui fei?" Parroted Molan, "She's not unfavored but I wouldn't call her one of The Emperor's favorite women. His Majesty flips huang gui fei's tag far more often. Even Lian pin's as well,"
"It's just nature, Pretty,"
Molan furrowed her brows, "Nature? Mistress, I don't understand,"
Xiang gui ren bopped Molan on the head, "Listen closely. Which is better? The butterfly or the rock? The butterfly is beautiful but goes from flower to flower. When the garden is spent, it flies away. The rock, however, stays set in the garden, enduring all of the seasons,"
"Is the rock jade?" Asked Ping'er, "Or gold?"
"Maybe it's a big diamond," said Pie'er.
With a sigh, Xiang gui ren shook her head, "I keep forgetting that all of you were born a few minutes ago. No matter, you'll understand soon,"
Jiayi spent the trip back to Xianfugong marinating on her mistress' words. Wouldn't it make sense to be a butterfly and go where opportunity was? Why stay stuck somewhere even when there was no benefit to it?
What a silly riddle.
*Chai: Hair stick with dual prongs †Sir or Lord. Respectful title to a male official of higher rank ‡Miss §A title given to a man's legal/primary wife ¶First legitimate wife **Second legitimate wife ††Palace of Great Benevolence ‡‡Chinese zither §§Granny ¶¶Palace of Heavenly Purity ***Palace of Accumulated Purity 
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hisfavg · 3 years
W/ Bonten guys.
warnings: nudity, voyeurism, abuse.
English is not my language, so please be kind. And that’s my first post. If you find a error, can you explain to me ? anyway, have good time ♡︎ !
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Sanzu Haruchiyo
You never was someone shy or easily embarassed. I mean, if someone do something really embarrassed like remove their clothes. You would probably don't care and continue your activitie like nothing happen.
Actually, you're the type who trully don't give time to the other's strange action and this what Sanzu like the most in your personality. You love him and don't judge his work or his background.
It was 11 p.m and the pink-haired was still not home so you decide to go take shower. The hot water fall on your sensitive skin, after this you stop the water and starts shave your body hair. Then you remove the soap and starts a scrub.
You don't hear the sound of the door, but a deep smirk. immediately, you looked at the door and see Sanzu with his mask on.
" Damn, I already know the fact that you're gorgeous. But I didn't except to see ya naked so quickly."
" It's late, why are you coming at 11 pm Sanzu ? I was wating for you." You said whitout giving him a look.
" You really beautiful dear, may if I join ?" He asked with a dirty smile under his mask.
" No. "
" You’re not funny !"
" Next time, you will be here at the good time."
" Hmm..." He sight and remove his mask. " That’s unfair, love ! "
" Get out or you will not eat."
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Manjiro Sano aka Mikey
Date a men was never easy for you. Because all the guys you have meeting was just dickhead. including your father, he just a piece of shit who deserve to die.
He's the type of man who hits his family whitout any reason, but you mom stil love him. Your childhood was just painful, nothing great at your memories. Always be slapped for no freaking reason.
Your mom wasn't perfect too, but she never hits you. Maybe she yelled and allow you in public but never touch you.
Your adolescence wasn't better. Your mom started to drink because her husband starts to cheat on her whitout hide it.
Your last 'escape' is school, that's what you through before get bullied because of your grades. You not have goods not because you're stupid just 'cause everytime you go to school. You slept for the reason that you can't do that peacefully at your home.
And for the P.E, you never had the energy because your not ate when your hungry. That's why the high school bulied you.
So you fell in depression, a deep one. Plus, you started hurting yourself for freedom. Every day in school was just a torture for you, this is why when you ended up high school you don't wanna go at university.
You find a nice job, a waitress in a Italian restaurant. A normal day in you're life, getting a new injury by your father's h0e, walks all the day and work the night.
But you never imagine meet Manjiro like that, a another day like the others. Just trying to nurse your new bruise with water- the tip you get at your work was stool by your mother. So after water, you use you're an face powder and a concealer to hide it.
" Who hurts you ?" A voice ask and sit toward you.
immediately look at the person and saw a man with white hair and a undercut. 'He seem familiar.'
" Excuse me, you are?"
" already forget me?"
" Ohh!" You realize your mistake. " You're Manjiro Sano, Bonten's Leader !" She whispered and tilt her hurt body.
All the days you have been passed with Mikey, he has never see you naked. He respect your choice, what a sweet man.
So when you ask to go at beach, he was shocked. He's looking at you with a confuse look so you repeat with a shy smile and he accept.
He'll ask Kokonoi to reserve a beach for you comfort and ask Hitto what's woman likes to drink at the beach. Mikey wasn't sure about what you were thinking but at the moment he saw your lil smile, he’s blushed.
There was not somewhere to hide for change. So Mikey has to hold a towel, with eyes closed. everything was okay, then you ask for help with your bikini. And he open his eyes.
You was embarrassed but not because he see you naked, because of you're injury of any type; cut, bruises and more.
" You're father is the one who did this to you, darling?"
" yes but there are also some people at my high school. But that's not important."
He will help you and give you a hug. But the night when you will sleep. He called Sanzu, Ran & Rindo for a little 'cleaning'.
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Kokonoi Hajime
It was one on these day, that Kokonoi trully hates. You bring him to a mall because of your mental breakdown, and now you took a year to try some clothes.
He's impatient, and you know that so when he suddenly came into the booth, while you just wear a string. Kokonoi freeze, and starts breathing harder.
" Hajime get out !"
" God..." he sight while his nose is starting to bleed.
" You really like the view, right?"
" Of course, you're freaking gorgeous baby. and just for this, we can go to chanel after."
" seriously ?"
" Yes, all for you and you're incredible body."
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oohfluffy · 2 years
SY Ch.1 | DKS
Group: EXO
Member: Do Kyungsoo
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Neighbor!AU
Word Count: 2,999
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chapter 1
6:00 am. Your alarm clock displayed right by your bedside table.
You got up instantly as it rang, taking deep breaths while making up the bed. Your feet felt warm as soon as they slipped inside your fluffy slippers. Glancing at the window on the right side of the bed, you could see the sun peeking from the clouds. The sky's still blue, slowly making way for the beginning of the day.
"A good day perhaps?" You whispered to yourself as you finished folding the blanket. 
After taking a quick wash in the bathroom, you got dressed in your smart casual. Patting your cheeks with a slight tint of blush and powder, you colored your pale face. It was a hassle for you, but it's the least you could do to make yourself presentable. 
It's only 20 minutes after 6, but you're already out of your room and making a quick breakfast. You snatched the toasted bread and spread some butter and sugar on it. Biting one in your mouth, you poured milk on your glass at the same time. 
It was a simple preparation for the day, but it was peaceful.
You have this apartment all to yourself, and you're free to do anything. Freedom, huh.
"Quick rundown on the sched today. Meeting at 9, then finish papers given by the boss before lunch." You munched on your bread as you checked your phone for the schedule. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw, "Team dinner by 6? Why are we having this today again? Was there some event that was worth celebrating?" You shrugged it off.
I'll ask Wonho later about this. 
By 6:30, you started walking to the bus station. It was only a 20-minute ride to get to the office block, and then you'll be walking for 5 minutes to get to the building itself. A good exercise, you always think. It's a relief that you don't accidentally sleep on the bus and miss the station you'd be needing to get off to. 
Walking was not a boring thing to do nor an exhausting one. It's probably because you're used to it as you've been walking a lot since you were a kid back in your hometown. Everything and everywhere was within reach. It was—
"Hey." You greeted Anne by the reception area. She bowed slightly with a smile, her red hair falling on her shoulders. "Good morning."
"Good morning, Eunjoo-ah. Coffee?" 
"I'm good, thanks."
The office atmosphere was ideal. Everyone was friendly, the interiors were stimulating and neat, and your boss was competent. 
"Fuck. Where are the reports from last year?! We have a meeting in an hour, and why are we not prepared?!" 
Well, maybe this day was not ideal.
"Why would we even need reports from last year? Isn't the recent to current reports more important?" Hanbin grumbled under his breath as he went back to his seat beside yours. "The client specifically said that we report on the current trends, and this fucke—"
"Shush." You stopped him before he even continued. You patted his shoulder, glancing at his annoyed expression with sympathy. "Let's just make sure we're all ready when he asks us something. I'll help you compile them."
He sighed in relief as he grabbed your comforting hand.
"You're really an angel sent by the heavens, noona." He nodded to himself as he looked at you like you were a blessing. "I'm really going to order as much as I can later at dinner and empty his wallet."
"Let's do that." You chuckled before turning to your computer. "Okay, I'll check from January to June."
A desk job was once a dream for you. Collared shirts, slitted black skirts, elegant office suits, and heels. Wearing them felt like you were successful already. Looking at the corporate workers walking down the streets was awestrucking for you. Before. 
Now you just wanted to bang your head on the desk because it was so different than you thought.
"Files, files." Wonho mumbled as he sat down on the other side of your seat. He kept mumbling numbers as he double checked the accounting numbers on his computer, comparing it to the ones printed. "Okay, this is done. What about yours, Binbin?"
"Don't get me started, man. Noona's helping me." Hanbin said monotonously as he clicked on each cell on his excel. 
"I'll go bring some donuts for you two. I saw Hyori noona bring four boxes earlier." As soon as he said that, he quickly went to the pantry without even waiting for your response. You just nodded at yourself as you continued scrolling at the remaining files.
Sometimes, you just question yourself why you chose to have an accounting job.
After an hour, the dreaded meeting started.
"You're alive."
Grabbing your workmate's shoulder, you mumbled. "Barely."
"You did well anyway. He must be so annoyed that you managed to pull through his series of questions." Wonho smiled as he ruffled your hair. You swatted his hand away as you walked back to your cubicle. 
"I almost forgot to ask, Wonho." You suddenly remembered the dinner that was happening later. You sat down with the files in hand, making you want to throw them after the meeting. "We have a team dinner later, right? Did I schedule it wrong? Our weekly team dinner was supposedly every Friday, right?" 
"Yeah, we're having one tonight because Anne's getting married next month."
You incredulously looked at Wonho then at the younger one, Hanbin, who just nodded at you.
"A-Anne, our shy and delicate reception clerk?"
"That's our only Anne, noona." Hanbin laughed as he took another donut from the box that Wonho brought earlier. "Was it really fine to get one whole box, hyung?"
"Just eat it, man." He laughed.
It's not much of a surprise that marriage comes up in the office, especially in the younger generation. You're not growing younger, you know. You're already reaching your third decade in this world, and it was inevitable to hear people asking the most popular but hated question.
"When will you get married, Eunjoo?"
Here we go again.
"You're already past the marriageable age." Your boss, Mr. Lee laughed loudly as he gestured his glass towards you. The others just stayed quiet as they glanced at each other, feeling the usual tension whenever their boss picks on one of them. No one dared to drink or even continue eating as it was too uncomfortable.  "Maybe you should smile a bit more and present yourself a bit better, huh? If you keep being like an old lady with those lousy pants, and pale face, you can't snatch a bachelor anytime now." 
Duck-faced bastard. 
"I'll take note of your suggestions, Mr. Lee." That was your usual response whenever he finds something to ridicule you with. He snorted at you.
"I bet you are. I'm telling you, no man likes a lady with a plain face and an attitude like yours, so assertive and demanding." He sighed as if he was carrying all the stresses in the world. Wonho, who was right beside you, opened his mouth with his eyebrows furrowed, but Mr. Lee continued. "You feel like you're already a catch, right? Average salary, nice company, decent apartment, and you're even away from your family. Why are you still single then? That's because you only make your brain work, not your body—"
"Mr. Lee, that was out of line. We're supposed to celebrate Anne's marriage. Why are you spoiling it with such rude commentaries?" Wonho bravely said as he glared at the insensitive boss. He was always the one to interrupt every session of Mr. Lee's unnecessary lectures, being the unfortunate nephew of the boss. He doesn't get special treatment, but he is the son of a more powerful businessman, so his uncle can't go against him that much.
"T-That's right, Mr. Lee. It's supposed to be a happy occasion." Anne looked at you with sympathy. You slightly smiled at her.
"To Anne's marriage!" Hanbin exclaimed as he raised his glass full of beer. The others instantly went along with it and shouted, "To Anne's marriage!"
This wasn't the worst team dinner you've had. There were worse dinners.
"I'm sorry—"
"You know, Wonho-ah. You don't need to keep on apologizing for something you didn't do." You shook your head as you looked at the street. The others stayed for another drink inside, but you wanted to go home. It was past 8 in the evening already. "I've known Mr. Lee for five years already. I can handle that much rudeness from him."
"Still, it wasn't an appropriate thing to do as a boss." He let out an exasperated sigh as he put out his cigarette on the wall beside him. You glanced at his side profile, thinking how come he was blood-related to that bastard. "He even ridiculed Hanbin's old bag that was given by his grandmother. Like what the hell did the bag do to him."
"Must be hard to be his nephew, huh?" You chuckled as you looked at your watch. "I better get going or I'll miss the bus."
"I'll walk you—"
"Hyungggg…" Hanbin got out of the grill bar with a hazy look on his face. He grinned as he saw the two of you. "Ooooh, we got something going here, huh? Told her yet?"
"You're fucking drunk, idiot. I'm going to tell your grandmother about this." Wonho cringed at him, his voice instantly roughening. "Get back inside. You're going to disturb others here."
"You just want noona by yourself—"
"This jerk—"
"I think you need to keep our young one in check, Wonho." You laughed as you pushed him towards Hanbin's direction. "The bus station is just a few minutes away. I'll be fine. Take care of him."
"Hanbin's a grown up, he can manage!" Wonho argued as he looked back at you with worry. 
"Come on, I'm a grown up too. An old lady as Mr. Lee said earlier." You chuckled, making light of the previous ridiculous joke. "It's better if you stay, he might go crazy later and find a new victim. You're our guardian angel here, right?"
"Pft." Hanbin covered his face as he laughed by himself. "Hyung, you are an angel, she said—"
"Shut up." Wonho pushed the younger one back inside, who kept on teasing him. He turned to you again, biting his lip in hesitation. "Please take care on your way home. J-Just text or call me when you're home or when you get caught in trouble. I'll—"
"Yes, yes." You waved as you slowly walked away from the grill bar. "Take care too. See you tomorrow."
"Yeah, see you."
The stars were twinkling, watching as you trudge the sidewalk with heavy feet. The moon smiling at you seemed to be cheering for you. Good luck, that was what you always thought its shape meant. Your posture was fine, your face straight, and your shoulders firm. You must look confident and strong. 
It's fine. You thought.
The ride back was silent. 
But as soon as you open your apartment's door. The four walls listened to your sobs. You weren't loud. You always cry silently, so you don't bother the people nearby. You had to be quiet about your suffering and pain.
It's not fine, but what can I do?
Looking around your hard-earned place, your tears could not stop pouring. It took you a year full of overtime and holiday pays, weeks of cup noodle meals, and more than twenty part-time jobs to get this decent apartment. That's even without the furniture. Starting life within the city was so difficult to do alone, but you did it.
"Lousy pants?' You tugged at your pants with trembling hands. "I got this on sale, bastard. It's still high-quality. Plain face? This is a natural look." 
No one can see beyond the surface if they don't desire to look enough and further.
"No," You wiped your cheeks, nose reddening as you refrained from letting more tears flow down. "You're stronger than this, Eunjoo. You're used to this. You're not going to let it get to you."
You shook your head and went to the kitchen to drink water. 
"I won't let him just—"
You knitted your eyebrows in irritation as you heard your phone ring from the living room. You downed the glass of water and placed it on the sink. You quickly ran to the living room and took your phone out of your bag. Seeing the name on the screen, your eyes brightened.
"Mom!" You greeted with a cheerful voice as you tried sounding better. She'll probably get worried when she hears your sad—
"Eunjoo, my daughter. How are you? I called because Eunae kept bugging me for a new phone, but as you know, I've been paying for your father's debts on the market. Can you send money in advance? Your pay comes next week, right? Eunae can't wait to buy the new phone as it's a limited edition one."
Your smile faltered as you gripped on your phone tighter.
"I-Is that so? I'm doing great here. How's Eunae's school? I think I can only send—"
"Eunae's won't stop making a fuss. She says she really needs it. I would buy it for her if I can, but we're just too tight on savings this time. Can you also send more for your father's monthly insurance? I can't do this on my own. Hmm? You'll do that for us, right?" Your mother's voice sounded pitiful, but you couldn't sense the warmth you've always yearned to hear.
It's like she just remembers you on the worst times.
"O-Of course, I'll try to—"
"Don't just try, do it. You're living the city life now, so you must be enjoying it without us. We're in the province managing the almost dead farm, and you're living better, so do it for us. It's the least you can do!" And her sweet facade faded. 
It was always like this. You're used to it.
"I know, mom. How much will you need?"
"At least five million won."
"Not even a million, but five? How much is that phone? It's also hard living in the city, mom. You know I only give you half of that as I have living expenses too—" You incredulously slid your fingers into your messy hair, getting frustrated every second talking to her. 
"It's important for your sister! You can't even give her that? She's been working hard in school, and her birthday's coming up in the next two months too! Why are you being stingy, Eunjoo?" She raised her voice easily as she grumbled about your response— which was just stating the truth. 
"I have savings, mom, but why five million? I can only give at least 3.5 million. But that would be for this month's allowance—"
"You are so selfish, Nam Eunjoo."
Your mouth gapped unconsciously because of your own mother's words. You could hear her disappointed chuckle on the other line, her tongue clicking as if annoyed. Your eyes welled up, but you nodded in acceptance.
"Okay. I'll send the money before this week ends." 
As usual, you surrendered to her.
"You should have said earlier, my daughter." Her sweet voice filled your ears, slowly touching your aching heart. "Eunae would be happy, and your father would be relieved."
You smiled.
"Hmm. Take care, mom."
"I'll send your regards to them. Thank you, Eunjoo." She mumbled quickly as if her business was done here. "I won't bother you longer. Bye, hun."
"Bye, mom. I love—" You didn't get to finish as the line was cut. You looked at the framed picture at the side table near the sofa, smiling bitterly. "—you."
Being the eldest child was an honor for you. It gave you the opportunity to provide for your family and the chance to make them a lot more proud. It was fine that you were separated to earn more, it was for them anyway. It was fine not being able to talk or see them regularly, you have a different life here than in the rural areas.
But sometimes, it was lonely.
"Ma'am, your coffee's getting cold. Want me to warm it up again?"
You glanced at the untouched cup of coffee beside your hand, all the warmness already left it. It was just lunch time but you had three cups already. 
"Yeah, please warm it up." You looked at the staff, who stood beside your seat. Your lips formed an 'o' as you saw the familiar face. "Kyungsoo-ssi."
"Alright." He nodded as he swiftly took your cup with a poker face. You sighed as you looked at your phone, scrolling through your schedule for the week. Perhaps you were too focused on your phone that you didn't notice the staff coming back with your warmed coffee.
"Here you go, Eunjoo-ssi." His warm voice rang your ears, very fitting for the calming atmosphere inside the café. His hand slowly placed down the warmed cup in front of you, slightly brushing your own. "Freebie." He said as he placed a bowl of cookies.
You raised your eyebrows as you looked at him. He just stared back with those owl-like eyes.
"You've got a lot of freebies here, huh." You chuckled as you got one from the bowl. He just hummed as he went away, but not after reminding you.
"We have rentable umbrellas again. You know how to acquire one." He gestured to the counter mindlessly before moving to another table. The old couple welcomed his presence with wide grins, and he automatically smiled at them like a grandson to his own grandparents.
"That cutie. He can smile so easily with them, but is so stingy with me." You mumbled as you munched on the cookie. You smiled as you tasted the balanced sweetness and saltiness in the snack. "This is really good though. Do they sell these?"
Maybe your days will get better soon.
— ☘ —
We're still in the early chapters, so don't expect for quick romance, alright? I'm taking my time to make this more realistic (although romance is not working for me irl huhu). If you don't like slow-burn romance, I suggest you prepare yourself before reading this one.
Most of you might be still in high school or early college, but this is a glimpse of an adulting life, I guess? I'm still in college, so basically I'm basing some aspects of the mc's life on my sister's HAHAHAHAH. Hopefully, this chapter gave you an idea of the Eunjoo's background and personality.
Look forward for the next chapters :>
☘ Ch.2
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
showing you
Summary: spencer gets a bit insecure with his body but doesn't let reader know until she starts doubting herself. when she figures it out, she makes sure to show spencer just how much she loves him.
TW: spencer's tummy insecurities, blowjob, mommy kink, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, allusions to sub/dom dynamic i guess?
WC: 3,958
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you weren't stupid. you had noticed the change in spencer's behavior. you just didn't really know what was causing it, is all.
after spencer began teaching at georgetown, he started closing himself off a bit. you had visited him while lecturing beforeand you saw how beloved he was, especially by his female students. first you thought about all of those young girls, but then you remembered how that's not the kind of man spencer was.
so now you were back to being confused.
he was more distant than he's been in the past. when you would go to bed and try to cuddle with him, he would just pull away and roll over to the other side. being so understanding, you would let him be, thinking he'd open up when he's ready.
when you would make the two of you dinner on a rare day off from the bureau, he would either barely eat any of it or he'd just go back to the room altogether.
when you both went out with the team he would mostly just remain in the booth. you could usually get him to dance with you a few times before you decided to call it a night, but you couldn't even do that.
and in the bedroom, he would mostly focus on you, which isn't a bad thing at all. it's just... different. you hadn't actually had sex with each other in around three weeks, something you didn't want to push on him because obviously... no. but you couldn't help but wonder why he didn't want to.
you had started thinking, and that could be a scary place for you sometimes. you started thinking maybe he wasn't attracted to you anymore.
it made sense in your mind. the way he wouldn't dance with you anymore, wouldn't sit down for a meal with you, didn't want to have sex anymore, everything. it was the only logical thing you could think of as to why his behavior started to change.
you could either mope around because he's been acting different or now you could rekindle that flame. so you came up with a plan.
"spencer?" you approached him after you got out of the shower, a towel wrapped snug around your torso.
"yea, sweetie?" he asked, looking up from the spot in his book.
"i was thinking..." you trailed off, "we have a couple days off from the bureau and it's been a while since we've had a date night," your aided your eyebrows suggestively.
"you want to have a date night?" he asked in return, sitting up in the bed to get a better look at you.
"mmhmm," you nodded your head enthusiastically as you drew your bottom lip between your teeth.
"how does tonight sound?" he smiled at your reaction. you nodded your head once more. "ok great! i'll make reservations at- y'know what? it'll be a surprise. dress nicely, alright?" he said with a devious grin.
"sir, yes, sir," you smiled, making your way to his side of the bed.
you placed your hands on the sides of his face as he looked up and down your towel clad body, a smirk on his face. you connected your lips gently, surprised when he kissed back as fervently as he did. his hands quickly found your waist, making you chest to chest.
"7:30?" he asked once more, earning a muffled 'mmhmmm' against his lips.
"i'm gonna start getting ready, alright?" you said as you ran your hand through his hair.
"mmkay," he mumbled, his thumbs stroking your sides before you slowly ripped yourself away from him.
since it was already 2 in the afternoon, you had a bit of cushion time to get ready. you decided to wear your natural hair, a feature spencer really liked about you. you also did your makeup pretty natural. you applied a little bit of concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, and mascara.
for clothes, you opted for a white bodycon dress that went mid thigh and had a tiny slit for cleavage.
when you were finally ready, it was just past 7. you stepped out of the bathroom after doing some finishing touches on your hair and stepping into some white pumps.
you made your way into your shared bedroom, slowly running your hand along the doorframe as you admired the view in front of you.
spencer stood in the mirror, attempting to straighten his tie, with a navy blue suit on. his undershirt was a lighter shade of blue, his shoes black. when he turned to face you, you could see his face turning several shades of rouge.
"you look great, spence," you smiled as you began to walk towards him.
"i-you-i um... you look beautiful," he replied, biting his bottom lip gently as you placed your hand on his chest.
"thank you," you hummed as you wrapped your other arm around his body, really just to pull him closer to you. "i love you," you said so softly it was nearly inaudible.
you had said the usual 'love you's' nearly every night you had together as well as in public when on cases. but saying 'i love you' is extremely different than saying 'love you'.
saying 'i love you' is giving your own love to another person. it's letting them have full reign over your heart no matter how they plan on using it. saying 'love you' is only giving them a portion of your love. you still have that restraint and construction that doesn't allow you to be as vulnerable as when you say the 'i'.
"love you too, sweet girl. always," he replied, placing a kiss atop your head as he snaked his arms around your torso. "when did you get this dress? i don't remember seeing it before," he asked, resting his chin on your head.
"last weekend when you didn't want to go out, the girls and i went shopping. it was on sale; 25% off. i thought it was a pretty good deal," you smugly mumbled against his chest.
"that's my girl," he chuckled before you released him from your grip. "ready to go?"
"yup. i'm just gonna get my purse and we can head out," you motioned towards the living room.
you would normally be the one to drive since he has his anxieties about the road and all, but since he made the place a surprise it was on him to get the both of you there on time. he rested one hand on your thigh as his other was used to steer. you placed your hand on top of his, interlacing your fingers.
you didn't understand what was wrong. maybe he was faking the whole 'normal spencer' act? he's not acting like he doesn't love you right now. he seemed pretty attracted to you earlier when you came into the bedroom. you just didn't understand. you needed answers, but you could get those later.
when you finally arrived, you recognized the restaurant from one of rossi's spiels about which places serve 'the most authentic italian food he's had besides himself, of course'.
"rossi would be proud, spence," you chuckled as he opened the door for you.
"i actually had him pull a few strings with the owner of this place, apparently they're old family friends?" he said, placing a hand on the small of your back as the two of you walked to the host. "two for spencer reid please," the host looked at the clipboard on the podium before looking back up and giving the two of you a smirk.
"right this way, please," he smiled at spencer who looked at you with his lips pressed together in anticipation.
you followed the man up a set of stairs before he opened a large door for the two of you. you walked out, arm intertwined with spencer's, and found you were on the rooftop of the restaurant.
there was greenery all around you, fairy lights adorning every surface to give an amazing ambiance that set the most romantic mood imaginable. there was a small wooden table in the center of the floor, lit by one candle. there was a single red rose, obviously there to signify a meaning.
"i think those strings are pretty well tied, spence," you chuckled he began leading you to the table.
"i'm glad you like it," he removed his arm from yours so he could pull a chair out for you, pushing it back in once ready.
"it's so beautiful. the rose is a nice touch, too. was that your idea or rossi's?" you chuckled as you picked up the red flower to smell it.
"mine, actually," he smiled widely. "i've realized how long it's been since we've gone out together, and i wanted to do something special for you," he said as he sat beside you, taking your hand in his.
"i feel special right now," you smiled, placing a small kiss to his hand and never wanting to let go.
the rest of dinner went smoothly. you didn't ask him about his behavior, you felt like that was something that should be done in private.
now that you had gotten back home, you kicked off your heels, being sure to put them on your shoe rack to avoid later havoc, and sat down on the couch.
"wine?" spencer asked as he made his way to the kitchen.
"oh, i'm alright. i had some with dinner, thank you," you smiled as you waited for him to return.
once he got back, he placed two cups of iced water down on the coffee table and sat beside you. you curled into his side instinctively, feeling his muscles tense from the contact. you pulled back, searching his face for any discomfort.
"spencer...?" you whispered in his direction.
"yea, sweet girl?" he whispered back, you took a deep breath.
"are-are we okay?" you mumbled, not bothering to look at him.
"what do you mean? of course we're okay. we're okay, right?" he asked, backing up from you so he could get a better look.
"yes! but..." you trailed off, trying to find the courage. "it's just that lately you've been kind of off. you haven't been cuddling with me," you motioned to the couch. "you haven't danced with me like you used to. tonight's the first time we've been out in nearly a month. you won't even have sex with me. and..." you took a deep breath, "you haven't said 'i love you' in a really long time."
there was a pause. a long one. it was longer than a plank minute. you weren't looking at spencer at all, avoiding his eye contact in pure fear, just waiting for his answer.
"i'm sorry," he replied.
just an i'm sorry. now you knew, you were done. he didn't love you. it was all a show. he just wanted to make up for the past few weeks tonight, give you one last amazing memory before he broke the tie.
he would leave you. wondering what you did wrong. wondering why he had to go. wondering why you weren't good enough. you felt the tears in your eyes well up.
"don't cry, sweetie. i'm not-i'm not, we're okay,"he corrected, his hands cupping your face and wiping your teary cheeks clean. "i was just apologizing for me. i've been..." he sighed. "i've been gaining weight," now he was the one whispering.
"weight?" you sniffled, your hands ghosting over his on your face.
"yea," he replied, dropping his hands. "i've just been a bit insecure about it. that's why when we would cuddle i'd move away, i didn't want you to catch on to the weight," he shrugged.
"and the dancing...?"
"basically the same reason."
"and the going out?"
"i didn't want you to realize that some of my pants don't... they don't fit anymore," he winced as if the reveal hurt him.
"and the sex? you're still...?" you asked for reassurance.
"are you kidding? of course i'm attracted to you. do you see yourself?" he huffed in disbelief. "i just didn't want you to see me. my stomach, or arms," he sighed once more
"spencer, honey," you scooted closer to him on the couch, placing a hand on his shoulder and face. "i love you. you. you and your genius mind. the most romantic dates you plan for me. i love the way you lick your lip when you concentrate. the way you rub your hands together when you're presenting the profile. i love the rants you go on about anything and everything. i love you, spencer. and for the weight, that's perfectly alright. i love all of you," you placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
"i'm sorry i didn't talk to you about it sooner," he whispered against your mouth.
"it's alright spence. i understand," you sighed as he began kissing down your jawline. "i love you so, so much. you have no idea."
"i think i have a bit of an idea," he hummed against your neck.
"how about i show you?" you gave him a sly grin, your hands wandering to his belt buckle to undo it.
"oh-o-okay," he gave a small smile to you as you finally undid his belt, pulling his pants and underwear down together. you gently grasped his length, planting a kiss at the tip and trailing them down his shaft. "pl-please, y/n."
"shhh, i've got you, baby boy," you quieted him.
you licked a long stripe along the prominent vein, making sure to keep your eyes on him as you did so. his eyes fluttered shut, rolling to the back of his head as your tongue got higher on his length. once you got to the top, you gradually took him in. you hollowed your cheeks and pressed your tongue on the underside of his cock.
"fuck, y/n," he moaned, his hands reaching for your hair but hesitating whilst waiting permission.
"go ahead, you can touch me," you pressed his hand to the top of your head. "today's all about you, sweet boy."
when you went back to your ministrations, you made sure to use your hand on the rest of his dick that wouldn't fit in your mouth. you bobbed your head up and down, mostly guided by spencer's hold on you.
going by spencer's pace, it was rather quick and steady. you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes. you were tempted to blink them away but you couldn't not watch him in his euphoric state.
his head was tilted back, not enough to make it impossible to see his face. his eyes were lidded as his mouth was slightly agape, his breathing becoming more and more unsteady the longer you went on.
"oh my god, can i cum, mommy?" he asked in a high pitched voice, you hummed around his length as you continued to bob your head. "really? i can cum?" you quickly took your head off of his length for the shortest of seconds.
"go ahead, cum for me," and you dropped your head back on his length.
"oh thank you," he sighed in relief and gratitude. "thank you, ohh fuck yes, mommy," he groaned as he came down your throat with more 'thank you's and 'oh my god's.
"are you alright, sweet boy?" you asked as you rose to your knees.
"i'm more than alright, y/n," he said as he gripped your waist, pulling you onto his lap. "god, i love you so much," he began kissing your jawline once more.
"really? i had no idea," you joked as you tilted your head for better access.
"how about i show you?" he asked, his hands trailing down to your hips.
"you know how much i would love that, but i want to focus on you tonight. is that alright, bunny?" you asked, your hand gripping his chin softly to make him face you.
you had called him bunny once you found out how much he liked it when you rode him. he loved watching the way your breasts would bounce as you plopped down on him, not to mention how good and deep he could get inside you.
because of how much he liked it, doing that was always a treat for him. when he was especially good for you, did really good on a case, or when it was a special occasion you would allow it.
"yes, ma'am. it's alright," he nodded best he could with your hold on his chin. "b-but i want to taste you so bad," he pleaded, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
"really? you wanna taste me so bad, honey?" you asked, your hand trailing down to his jawline as he nodded eagerly. "mmm, since you're just so cute i guess i'll let you."
"really?" his eyes widened.
"yea, really," you smiled at his surprise. "let's go to the bedroom now," you said as you rose off his lap, knowing spencer wasn't far behind you on your walk to the room.
you sat down at the bed, your feet dangling over the edge. spencer made his way to his knees, sitting down in front of you and looking up at you with pleading eyes.
"go ahead, bunny. you have permission to touch me all night," you granted him, your hand going to his hair as he pushed your dress up to slip off your underwear, beginning to pepper kisses along your thighs slowly.
his tongue made one stripe along your folds, your head shooting back with a loud moan. large hands grasped your hips to keep you near his face, knowing you would be squirming away eventually, as he continued to lap up your arousal.
"you're such a good boy, spencer," you praised him, noticing the affect the compliment had on him as he became much eager. "just like that, right there, right there, YES!" you hollered as you tugged his hair to bring him closer to you.
spencer had always been one for praise. part of you wondered why, but the other part didn't even care because you loved praising him. you call him your good boy because that's what he is. he's your good boy.
part of him being your good boy was him always being able to send you over the edge so quickly, and only by using his mouth.
"ohhh fuck! yes, spencer," you gripped his hair by the roots, a groan leaving his mouth and sending you into oblivion.
you practically had to tear him off of you, he's such an overachiever. he had a wide smile on his face as you brought him up to kiss you before he had even wiped your juices off his face.
"lay back, bunny," you motioned to the headboard. "i'm gonna ride you tonight."
"really?" he asked yet again.
"yes, really," you nearly laughed out. "do you wanna take your shirt off or leave it on?" you asked as you crawled on top of him.
"i um, i can take it off," he nodded.
"want me to do it for you, sweetie?" you asked, your hands finding their way to his chest as he nodded his head slowly. "alright."
so you did just that. you undid every button on his shirt, kissing every inch of skin as it was revealed to you until it was all the way off.
"mmm, you're such a pretty boy, spencer," you traced kisses back up to his neck, nipping his jawline gently as you placed him at your entrance. "my pretty boy."
"yo-your's. i'm a- i'm all your's," he huffed out as you slowly sank down on his length. "oh my god... feels so good," he groaned as he took your breasts in both of his hands.
"yea? you like the way my pussy feels around your pretty dick, bunny?" you enticed, enjoying the way his dick twitched inside of you. "ohh you like it when mommy talks to you too, huh? you like it when i talk about how good, how deep you get inside of me. how much i love those pretty little moans coming from you right now," you groaned out, feeling yourself get closer with every bounce and roll of your hips.
"mo-mommy, please," he shrieked out. "oh feels so good, wet, tight," he moaned, his hips bucking up to meet your pace.
you placed your hands on his chest as you began moving your hips at a much more rapid pace, not missing the way his thrusts followed suit. he always was an eager little bunny.
normally, you'd get on to him for being such a greedy brat but since he'd been such a good boy for you all night you'd oblige and let him have his fun.
"keep going, sweet boy," you encouraged him. "i'm so close, spence. come inside of me," you demanded.
much like you riding him, him being able to come inside of you was a treat. it was a reward for good behavior, because that's what he loves the most. because if you thought he liked you riding him, he was absolutely feral when it comes to being able to come undone inside of your body, feeling that close and intimate with you.
"i-i'm gonna come," he whimpered. "oh my god i'm gonna come."
"go ahead, bunny. i want your cum all inside me, baby. let it out," you egged him on.
what gave it away wasn't just the shoot of cum that now covered your walls, but the beautiful moans and pants that came from spencer while doing so. the way his head tilted back more, his mouth became slightly more agape as his upper chest a brighter shade of red. absolutely beautiful.
the intenseness from his high spurred that of your own in return. your legs began to shake as he kept thrusting inside of you, not only to help you through your orgasm but to also fuck his back inside of you.
"good boy, spencer. such a good boy," you breathed out once you had fully come down from your high.
you rested your head on his chest for a moment, trying to catch your breath before finally getting off him. you grabbed his hands and led him to the bathroom to start a bath for the two of you.
you let him lay back against your chest as you played with his hair. he nearly fell asleep because of how soothing the bath salts were, those were his favorites during your aftercare routine.
after you both dried your bodies off, you made sure to dry his hair for him, something he's become rather accustomed to. he just loved you playing with his hair, in all reality.
laying back in bed, his head back on your chest, you still played with his hair.
"spencer?" you asked, continuing on when you heard the quiet hum from him. "you know how much i love you?" he nodded against your body. "good. because i want you to know that no matter what you look like, super thin or a bit filled out, i will always love you. and you can always come to me about that too. if you're feeling insecure or upset?"
"i know. i was just... embarrassed about it," he mumbled against your skin.
"i know, bunny. but i'll show you that there's nothing to be embarrassed about."
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Devil in disguise... Part 6/?
Lee Bodecker x reader series
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<Part 5<
Warnings: swearing, violence, fat shaming, use of the word whore as an insult
Part 6
"Oh, before they get here, I wanna talk to ya'." Mary whispered as the two of you took your seats at the movie theater.
You gave her a questioning look. "Before who gets here?"
Mary waved her hand, ignoring your question before she placed it on your arm with a soft sigh. "I think ya' oughtn't be seen with him so much."
You frowned in confusion at her, "Who? My grandpa?"
"No, silly, who'd ya' think." She huffed. "That fat shit. Bobby-Ray told us he ruined your date." Mary sighed. "Who'd he think he is?" She huffed.
"A loser fat shit." Your other friend, Sally, snickered from beside Mary making her laugh.
A scowl crept into your face as you realised who the two of them were talking about. "... You mean, Sheriff Bodecker?" You asked.
"Yes." Mary huffed. "Boy, does he get on my nerves."
"He's as crocked as they come. Pa says he killed a man before." Sally muttered around a mouthful of popcorn.
You glared at her and let out a frustrated sigh. "The Sheriff didn't ruin the date, Mary. I ain't wanna go on the damn thing in the first place." You huffed.
"You were just nervous, sweetie. Bobby-Ray said so himself."
"Bobby-Ray is a liar." You hissed.
She rolled her eyes. "Don't be so stupid." She scoffed. "Look, because I'm such a good friend, I thought I'd do ya' a favour." She grinned, nodding over your shoulder as she clapped her hands together.
You felt your stomach drop with dread as you looked behind you. "Why is he here?" You hissed at Mary quickly looking away from Bobby-Ray. He wore an almost sadistic smirk as he walked towards you.
"Because that loser of a sheriff ruined your date. Look... Bobby-Ray is mad about you, sweetie." She grinned as she leaned in, "Rumour has it he's gonna pop the question."
"Stop!" You stood up abruptly. "Excuse me... I need to use the powder room." You faked a smile before you quickly moved passed her and Sally, avoiding Bobby-Ray successfully.
God damn, you hated the way people spoke about Lee. He had his faults, every man and woman did. And so what if he killed someone, some people deserve to die, especially in the shit hole place you lived.
Before you had even realised your feet had taken you to the payphone that sat in the lobby of the movie theater and you held the candy wrapper with Lee's home number on. It put a smile on your face, thinking about his sweet tooth.
"Yeah, Bodecker residence." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine and caused a needy little whine to leave your mouth. "Hello?"
"Sheriff," You sniffled, quickly wiping your frustrated tears away. You hadn't even realised they were there.
"Sugar, that you?"
"Uh-huh," You whispered. "I need ya' to come save me, Lee."
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Lee's tone had shifted more towards a panicked one as he listened to you sniffle again.
"Bobby-Ray," You glanced over your shoulder making sure you weren't being watched, "He's here, and I'm scared. Mary set us up on a date."
"Okay, baby, on my way. Stay by the doors and stay in sight of people at all times, okay?" Lee ordered softly.
You hummed, "Yes, Sir."
You weren't sure how long you were waiting by the doors before you decided you'd be okay stepping outside. It was getting stuffy inside and you'd make sure to stay in sight. You instantly felt better being in the cool air, even though you knew Mary and Sally would be wondering where you'd gotten to. And most likely Bobby-Ray, who won't hesitate to come looking for you.
You tried to ignore what Mary had said, but you couldn't help thinking about it. Surely Bobby-Ray wasn't going to 'pop the question'? You couldn't stand him. And he most certainly wasn't the man you wanted to marry.
"Goin' somewhere, sweetness?" You jumped at the sound of Bobby-Ray's voice. He smirked at you even more as he began to move closer. "It ain't nice to ignore your date, Y/N."
You glared up at him. "Y'ain't my date."
"Sure I am. I had to do something after that fat fuck of a sheriff ruined our first one." He stood close to you, reaching up to touch your cheek.
"Don't fuckin' touch me!" You slapped his hand away from you.
He grabbed a hold of your hand in one hand and your jaw in the other, slamming you against the wall. "Watch your mouth, bitch." He spat. "Maybe I should force it shut, hmm."
"Screw you!" You raised your knee into his gut hard, trying to push him off you but it was no use, he was much bigger than you.
Bobby-Ray pushed you harder against the wall, pressing his face closer to your ear. "He only fucks whores, Y/N. Y'know that?" He snickered. "Must make you a whore too, hmm, like his sister."
"Don't fuckin' talk about Lee like that." You tried to push him away but he dropped his hand to your throat.
"So it's Lee now. You really are a whore, ain't ya'. That why ya' went to his office? You suck his cock for money? Hmm. So your grandpa don't borrow no more money from Ma. You a whore?" Bobby-Ray squeezed.
You gasped for air and your vision began to blur but Lee was behind Bobby-Ray ripping him off you before you knew it.
Lee's anger spilled out of him and he punched Bobby-Ray in the gut before landing one on the side of his jaw. "I warned ya'," Lee spat as he held Bobby-Ray by the collar.
He was about to open his mouth to say something else but stopped when he heard you crying behind him. He looked over his shoulder before pushing the younger man away from him.
"Sugar," Lee reached out for your hand, pulling you into his chest as you sobbed quietly. "Shh, I go'cha." Lee pressed a kiss to your forehead, his hard glare set on Bobby-Ray. "I warned ya', never to come near her again. Watch ya' back, Bobby-Ray, and tell your mother I'll be seein' her real soon. Ya' hear?"
The moment Lee was sat next to you in the cruiser he drove off not even bothering to put his seat belt on. "Lee, can-" You let out a shakey breath. "Can... I sit close to you?" You sniffled.
Lee's heart broke. He nodded, moving his arm to the back of the seat as he continued to drive. "Sure, Sugar, c'mere."
You quickly slipped over the seat and curled up into him, breathing in his scent with a soft smile. Lee placed his head on top of yours and continued to drive the two of you in silence.
Eventually he stopped on a dirt road that hardly ever got used but kept you where you were. He was enjoying having you pressed close to him and he wanted to be selfish for a little while.
You sat back from him and looked up at him. "Thank you, for coming for me."
Lee smiled a little at you. "Ya' really think I wouldn't?"
You blushed, shaking your head. "I wouldn't blame you if ya' didn't. Aren't you gettin' tired of me?"
"Oh, Sugar, sweetheart," Lee whispered as he reached out and lightly stroked your cheek with his thumb. "Ya' really got no idea do ya'?" He asked already knowing the answer as you looked at him with innocence swimming in your eyes.
"Of what?"
He smiled softly at you, using his thumb to wipe your tears from under your eyes. "Y'know you're the only person who ain't work at the station, who has my home number. Y'know why?" You shook your head. Lee smiled, "Cause ya' special to me, and I want ya' to be able to get hold of me, any time of the day. I'll always come get ya'."
You blushed and quickly looked down, trying to shy away. "Thank you..."
Lee hummed, tilting his head to the side as he noticed you frown, "What is it?"
"Bobby-Ray said... I was," You sat back from Lee taking a deep breath. "He said I was a-"
"I heard what he said." Lee huffed cutting you off, "He ain't know what he's talkin' 'bout, Sugar. You and I both know, y'ain't a whore." Lee placed his hand over your cheek. "Don't listen to a damn word he said."
You nodded with a soft smile as you placed your hand over his, pulling it into your lap. "He said something else... 'bout your sister,"
Lee frowned, "Sandy?" You nodded. "What he say?"
"The same thing about me..." You whispered. "He also said, that you, hmm... That I must be, a... A whore, because that's all, you-" Your face burned as you kept your eyes on your hand that still held Lee's.
Lee let out a long exhale through his nostrils, grinding his teeth in irritation. "What else he say?"
You shook your head, "Nothin', that's it." You lied. If you were being honest, you were a little scared to tell Lee what else was said.
"Don't lie to me, Sugar." Lee spoke in a commanding tone, moving to face you. "You can tell me." His voice softened as he lifted your hand in his as he pulled you closer to him.
You shook your head again, "Don't want ya' to be mad... Or upset." You whispered.
Lee sighed, "I won't be, promise." He gave you a soft smile.
You nodded taking a deep breath. "They said some things, that weren't nice... about you."
"Bobby-Ray, and my friends, Mary and Sally... They called you a..." You trailed off, not wanting to say but Lee nodded for you to carry on. You let out a small sigh before continuing, "... They called you a fat shit... And, Sally said you were crocked... 'cause her father had said you'd killed a man." You frowned. "I don't care if you did, or didn't, but I can understand why you might... 'cause right now I wouldn't mind gettin' rid of 'em..." You huffed with a pout.
The corner of Lee's mouth twitched, threatening to break him as he thought about how cute you looked in that moment.
"Mary said, there's a rumor goin' round that, Bobby-Ray, is gonna pop the question to me. Why can't no one see, I ain't want nothin' to do with him..." You felt yourself tearing up again, "I try to tell 'em but they just don't listen."
"Shh, c'mere baby." Lee pulled you into his chest before you started crying and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I go'cha." He let out a heavy sigh. "I know, y'ain't want nothin' to do with him... Y'ain't got nothin' to worry 'bout no more, ya' hear?"
You pulled back just enough to look up at him. "Y'ain't gotta get in trouble for me, Sheriff."
Lee began smiling, reaching up to brush a piece of your hair from your forehead. "I can get into trouble on my own, Sugar." He dropped your gaze momentarily. "Ya' really don't care if I've killed someone?"
You shook your head, "No, 'cause some people just have to die... And, I feel the same way 'bout you, as I do 'bout my mamma. She killed my daddy 'cause he was a bad man, but I still love her." You whispered, toying with the cuff of his shirt. Did you just admit you love the Sheriff? "Ya' know... I ain't think... Those things, about you, right?"
Lee stared at you in bewilderment. You were something else. "I'm no good, sweetheart. Ya' should believe those things."
Your eyes widened as you looked at him in horror. "Now who's lying."
Lee scoffed, "I ain't. I'm a bad man, Sugar. I ain't... Sweet, like you." He shook his head and looked out the window.
"You're kind, even if it is only to me and my grandpa, but that's all I care about. The rest of that shit hole of a town can go... To hell." You smiled at him. "If ya' didn't care, would ya' be here?"
Lee shook his head as he looked back at you. "Wanna get something to eat?"
You nodded, "... Can we share a milkshake?"
Taglist: @est19xxshit @acciosiriusblack @stucky-my-ship @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @greeneyedblondie44 @saphic-susperia @moonlacebeam @charmed-asylum
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helgabatwrittings · 3 years
When your world comes crashing down don't cry
Chapter 2: Running
He glanced once again at Adrien, who was still staring right ahead, frozen in some kind of spell that has been affecting him for almost a week now. He wasn’t even writing down anything, in his somehow simultaneously messy and tidy notes. And Adrien always participated in Physics class. He would bounce his leg in excitement while quickly solving all the different problems assigned to them, making Nino wonder, more than once, if he was one of those genius kids he sometimes read about on the internet. But now? He was just staring, the only sign of life from him were the occasional trembling sighs and the subtle shakiness of his hands.
Nino was absolutely certain that something was going on with his best friend. If he were to describe the major shift in Adrien’s behaviour from last week to this one in just one word, he would choose the word “slow”. Everything Adrien did now was slower than anything he had seen from the boy. The way he would take a couple of seconds to answer whatever Nino asked him, how he would trail behind him and the girls when they walked together through the halls of the school, the time Adrien took to look him in the eyes as if he was gathering the courage to do so.
Something was wrong and Nino, no matter how hard he tried, didn’t seem to be going anywhere in finding out what… in trying to help his best friend…
His leg was bouncing up and down, both in frustration and anxiety. Something was very wrong with Adrien, and he kept pretending he was fine! Even now, when Adrien was clearly pretending to be paying attention to class, Nino could tell that he was nowhere near that classroom. Heck! Even Miss Mendeleiev could tell it by the worried and subtle glances she kept throwing at Adrien. So yeah, this was serious if even Miss Mendeleiev was concerned.
The class was silent, except for the occasional whispers that could be heard, it was usually quiet, due to the strict style Miss Mendeleiev loved to adopt, so it’s not like anything was out of place. Nino looked around. Kim was subtlety passing a note to Alix who sat in front of him, while Max kept writing down the Gravity formulas that were on the blackboard. Rose and Juleka were quietly whispering between them, shy blushes and soft giggles could be observed if one was attentive enough. Nathaniel kept his head bowed down, probably drawing some doodles for his comic.
Nino looked behind him, noticing that Marinette’s eyes were completely fixed at the back of his bro’s head, her face twisted with the same concerned frown Nino was probably sporting as well. Alya noticed him staring and smiled adoringly at him to which he answered with a smile of his own.
He glanced once again at Adrien, who was still staring right ahead, frozen in some kind of spell that has been affecting him for almost a week now. He wasn’t even writing down anything, in his somehow simultaneously messy and tidy notes. And Adrien always participated in Physics class. He would bounce his leg in excitement while quickly solving all the different problems assigned to them, making Nino wonder, more than once, if he was one of those genius kids he sometimes read about on the internet. But now? He was just staring, the only sign of life from him were the occasional trembling sighs and the subtle shakiness of his hands.
Like he had read Nino’s mind, Adrien finally moved his head, looking down at his hands, and quickly shoved them under the desk.
Nino knew that this lesson was of extreme importance for their test next week. He knew that, and he also knew that unlike the blond sitting right beside him, he sucked at physics, so he really should be absorbing every piece of wisdom Miss Mendeleiev was sharing with them. But no matter how much he tried, his eyes couldn’t drift from the still image of his best friend. Even his blinks were slow, and… wait a second… Nino’s eyes narrowed to better focus on a small detail they caught. Was that powder on Adrien’s face? Was Adrien wearing make-up? He only wore make-up when he was trying to hide the tiredness on his face, it was always applied so lightly that it was almost imperceptible, but this one was obvious, it was so so obvious…
Something was definitely going on…
Nino jumped in his seat. The class was officially over, and he didn’t listen to a single word Miss Mendeleiev had said. He was so screwed for next week test…
He started packing all his stuff into his backpack, while Adrien just stood there, still frozen in the same spell that had overtaken him during class. When Nino finally tore his gaze away from his bro, he saw Alya and Marinette standing right in front of their desk, Marinette was frowning at Adrien, her face was pensive as if trying to come up for an explanation to Adrien’s odd behaviour, while Alya started to snap her fingers right in front of his face.
“Earth to Sunshine!” She called. Nino saw him slowly raise his head in Alya’s direction, seemingly looking past her.
Nino raised his hand to rest on Adrien’s shoulder, which made the other boy flinch and jump in his seat like a scared cat, he immediately retracted his hand. “Hey, dude, is everything okay?” He finally asked.
Green eyes suddenly turned to him, misty and full of sorrow, and Nino finally saw the mask crumbling down. He finally saw the exhaustion emanating in huge waves from Adrien’s inner core.
Adrien then snapped his head in Marinette’s direction, then Alya’s, then Nino’s again. He suddenly stood, and haphazardly shoved all the scattered papers and books inside his messenger’s bag, “I have to go”, he muttered, and without giving them any chance to even react to his sudden burst of energy, he bolted out of the classroom.
“What was that?” Alya asked perplexed.
Nino sighed.
The violent wind hitting his face felt like a blessing, while Adrien, now in the safety that being Chat Noir brought him, ran across the Parisian rooftops. It kept him awake, it gave him a boost of energy even though his lungs were burning, and all his muscles were screaming from the exertion.
He should have gone back to school, he still had more classes for the day, but he physically couldn’t go back to that classroom and face his friends. The memory of Alya’s, Marinette’s and Nino’s frowns was enough to make his stomach fold in itself, threatening to expel all the little contents inside.
The violent vibration coming from the impact of his baton against the rooftop quickly spread throughout his arms, furthering straining his increasingly weak muscles.
“Ladybug thinks he’s obnoxious, and she’s right!”
All his forces vanished, making him lose his grip on the baton. The velocity in which he was running made him fly across the rooftop with no support whatsoever. He crashed against the black rooftop, his body rolling over it, being only propelled by inertia.
His body finally hit the brick wall of a chimney, and even though Adrien was wearing a super-suit, and his resistance was considerably more significant than if he was untransformed, every single part of him still seemed to be protesting in pain, rendering him immobile, lying down in foetal position with his back resting against that final chimney.
Being Chat Noir used to grant him the freedom he has always craved. He was free from all the press, all the people who chased after Adrien as if they knew him better than he knew himself. He was free from all the expectations, all the demands, all the disappointed looks his father threw at him. He could be whoever he wanted as Chat Noir, and so he pretended and pretended, clowning around, because no one expected anything from him, so he was free to do whatever he wanted, to say whatever he was thinking.
All his troubles would be left behind as soon as he said the magical words, but of course, he knew that they would catch up to him eventually because he was still Adrien underneath that black mask. It was easier to pretend though. And so, he acted and acted, until the act became the person, and he didn’t know who he was anymore. Who was he kidding? He never really knew who he was.
Adrien released a shaky breath. His back was killing him, and the left side of his hip was burning. He would have to apply so much concealer to hide the bruises that have for sure started to form.
Being Chat Noir used to be a blessing in his everyday life, a getaway from being Adrien. But now? It was starting to feel more like a curse. All because of Adrien’s problems, Adrien’s inner defects have caught up to Chat Noir.
Adrien wasn’t trustworthy, he knew that from the way his parents have always pretended that his mum was perfectly fine even though she was bedridden most of the time, that last year she was still around. He knew that from how his father would still not tell him anything about what happened to her. From how they didn’t trust him around other kids, thinking he was just a porcelain doll that would break at the slightest touch. How his father still wouldn’t trust him with Nathalie’s condition. And so, because Adrien wasn’t trustworthy, and Adrien and Chat Noir were the same person, Chat Noir wasn’t trustworthy. And that was why Ladybug was hiding so much from him.
Adrien was unlovable. He could tell by the way his father looked at him, with so much disdain, as if it would be better that he was gone instead of his mother, and perhaps he was right. Perhaps everyone would be better off without him in the pic-
His ring beeped suddenly as if it was trying to stop his downward spiralling thoughts. Adrien slowly raised his hand to his eyes’ level, pondering if he really deserved to be Chat Noir.
No one seemed to like Chat Noir, no one seemed to need him. Not even Ladybug. Ladybug is amazing, she has all those other superheroes to help her, and lately, she has been relying on them more and more, rendering him useless. He didn’t even use cataclysm in some of the last missions. Heck, Rena was already giving him orders and making plans with Ladybug.
They seemed to be so close lately. Adrien wouldn’t be surprised if Ladybug decided to tell her her secret identity, before telling him. And Adrien wouldn’t really condemn her. Rena was a far more competent partner than he ever was.
His breaths started to get more frantic for the third time that day. He had lost everyone. Ladybug, Nathalie, Kagami, Chloé, even Nino. Nino was his best friend, but he hated Chat Noir, who was a part of him, so if he found out his identity, what would that mean for their friendship?
And maybe he’s being overdramatic like he’s prone to be, and Nino really was only mad because he thought Aya was cheating on him, but could Adrien really risk it? Could Adrien ever tell him his secret and risk losing him as a friend because Nino really hates Chat Noir?
He felt like he was going to throw up, the lodge in his throat seemed to be the only thing stopping it.
A sudden flash of green light enveloped him, and the pain from his fall seemed to have doubled, which interrupted the train wreck that his mind had caught itself in. The pain was good. It distracted him. It was good.
A dark shadow flew across his blurry vision, and he felt something hit his wet face.
“-rien” He squinted at the shadow that seemed to be speaking. Adrien is going crazy. He finally snapped and this is how his fractured mind is showing him just how broken it is.
“Adrien, kid, c’mon!”
Plagg was frantically waving his little paws right in from of his eyes. His leg was vibrating.
Adrien further curled in himself, shielding himself from the cold wind that was sweeping through Paris. Shielding himself from all the voices laughing at him for being the joke he is.
“Kid, please say something, blink at me, anything! Let me know you’re here!” Green eyes slowly drifted to Plagg.
“Pl-Plagg…” God, his voice was trembling so much. Speaking was taking an awfully pained effort.
“Your phone is ringing, it’s that hat boy.” Plagg was holding his phone after diving into Adrien’s pocket. “Please, Adrien, speak to someone, anyone!”
“I can’t… He hates me…” He couldn’t look at his phone. His eyes drifting everywhere but the black blob in front of him.
“He doesn’t, I promise you that he doesn’t! Please, talk to him, Adrien!” Plagg cried, further pushing the phone to his face. Nino’s face was highlighted as he tried to videocall him.
The device kept vibrating. Adrien weakly grabbed it, but it fell to the floor as if his fingers had stopped working and lost all sense of how to grip an object. It hit his leg on the way, which seemed to have softened the fall, so the phone didn’t break. His leg though had just earned one more bruise for the collection.
Adrien’s mind was too sluggish, like an old car running its last miles, that it took him a while to realise that a new voice had joined him and Plagg on the rooftop.
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kenkaodoll · 3 years
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tales 40 (JUMP SQ 21/04)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involved Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in original manga before Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (Feb 2022) there are a  total 51 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation.
Previous story:
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“Ta-da, I'm here to help!”
It was Misao who came to visit Megumi at the corner of Takiya, a drug store in Nihonbashi, where she was assigned to sell skin lotion.
“What's with your face?”
Megumi let out a deep sigh.
“I'm here to help you, you know. You're selling cosmetics, right? That's why...”
She was smiling but her face was covered in white face powder with red lipstick on her lips and her cheeks were also red from the blush.
Makeup is applied to make beautiful people more beautiful and to make not-so-beautiful people look beautiful.
Even so.
Misao's originally pretty face had been transformed by the makeup into a hideous sight.
“Makeup is so fun! I feel like a new person”
Misao was in a good mood.
“It's true that you do look different”
Megumi looked dumbfounded.
“I know!”
For some reason, Misao is full of confidence.
“You know. The purpose of makeup is not to make you look like someone else, but to make you beautiful”
“Yes, yes, I see. So that's what we should tell the customers”
No, Megumi didn't tell Misao what to say to the customer. She was warning her that she was wearing badly applied makeup. Megumi thought that she should say in a roundabout way, "You've put on makeup, but you haven't become beautiful," but Misao didn't understand her at all.
Misao seems to be very eager to help with the sales. But to be honest, if she was on the sales floor with that awful makeup, she would surely lose sales. Megumi gave up trying to warn her in a roundabout way in a second.
“I'm telling you, that makeup of yours is not working”
“What...? What's wrong with me?”
“Everything is wrong”
Megumi's stinging words made Misao flinch.
“I've worked so hard on this”
“No matter how hard you try, if you're going in the wrong direction, it won't do you any good. In fact, it can be harmful”
Misao was speechless.
“In the first place, what I sell here is lotion. I don't sell make-up or rouge. You're interfering with my business, so go wash your face”
Megumi said and forcefully handed her a hand towel.
"Yes… Yes...”
Misao sullenly obeyed Megumi's command and went out to wash her face.
“And you're here, aren't you, Ken-san?”
Megumi called out toward the doorway with a sharp look on her face.
“... You see through me, don't you?”
Kenshin suddenly appeared.
“Of course. I don't think she'd come to Takiya alone if she's unfamiliar with Tokyo. Someone must have brought her. So, if either Ken-san or Yahiko-kun led the way, and Yahiko said he had to work as a waiter for Akabeko today, then by process of elimination, you, Ken-san, are the one who brought that ghostly face!”
Like a great detective, Megumi pointed at Kenshin.
“As expected, that I am”
“You know what? Why didn't you stop her from wearing that lousy makeup?”
“The thing is I'm not familiar with women's makeup, and since Misao-dono was so confident, I thought it was something like that”
“Didn't you think it was ridiculous?”
“I am not familiar with the latest fashions, and since the Meiji era, things that I don't understand have become popular. I wondered if this was just another trend for women in this day”
Megumi sighed for the second time in a day.
When Misao came back after washing her face, Megumi handed her a sample of lotion.
“The other day when you tried this on your skin, it didn't itch or turn red, did it?”
“No, I didn't”
“Okay. That's good. I’m concerned it may not suit some people's skin, and in that case, you have to stop using it immediately”
“Oh, is there anything that is not good to wear even though it smells so good?”
“It merely depends on the skin condition. If you're okay with it, put this on but keep your skin in check”
“Yes. I'm glad I was able to use it!”
Misao smiled and applied the lotion to her freshly washed skin.
“So, are you going to help me sell lotion?”
“I meant to help! ”
Misao answered cheerfully.
"Well then, let's wear the Takiya apron so people will recognize us as a salesman. And you too Ken-san,  since you're already here”
“Oro? Me too?”
“You're not busy, are you?”
Kenshin couldn't even hear the sound of his own voice.
Then Kenshin, Megumi, and Misao put on matching dark blue aprons with the words "Takiya" on them.
“The lotion we are going to sell will make skin look better, but it can't heal injuries or swelling, so then if someone is hurt we'll stop selling lotion and introduce them to Takiya's medicine. I know you two don't know anything about medicine, so you can ask me for help with that”
“I understand, that I do”
Megumi was explaining about the sales to two people who were still beginners.
“There it is, the Takiya is here!”
Five women peeked happily into Takiya with bright voices. One of them was a Japanese woman dressed in Western clothes, which was still rare in the Meiji Year 13.
“The lotion here smells so good, I highly recommend it”
The woman in western clothes seemed to have already used Takiya's lotion, so she might have received a sample at Akabeko. The publicity had already had an effect.
“Would you like to try it?”
Megumi sweetly approached the women and offered them a few drops of lotion in their palms.
“Oh, you're right, Ichiwaka-neesan, it really does smell good”
“Hey, Kogiku, I'm throwing away my geisha name, so don't call me Neesan”
“What are you talking about, Neesan is Neesan, I don't even know what to call”
“Go... Goshinzo... Or what?”
Ichiwaka looked a little awkward. She wanted to be called like that, but was embarrassed to say it herself.
“Ugh, it's so uncomfortable!"
The four of them denied everything, happily giggling.
It seemed that they would not call her Goshinzo as Ichiwaka wanted.
Incidentally, the word "goshinzo" meant someone's wife.
The woman in the Western-style dress, Ichiwaka, used to be a geisha, but she was no longer a geisha because she was getting married. Judging from her gorgeous Western clothes, she seemed to have married into a very advanced and wealthy family.
"How is it? Do you like it?"
Megumi asked the woman who was called Kogiku.
“It smells great, it moisturizes your skin, and you'll love it. But you know.... Unfortunately, I don't have any money on hand”
Kogiku made a ‘hehe’ kind of smile.
“You don't have to worry about money, I'll buy it for you”
Ichiwaka tapped her chest as if to say, "I'll take care of it".
“Oh, really?”
“Neesan, you’re the best”
“Neesan, very pretty”
The women were talking and talking and talking.
“But please, stop calling me Neesan”
“But Neesan is Neesan”
The conversation returned to its original topic.
“Is it funny to call me "Neesan" when I’m dressed in Western clothes?”
“Hmmm... I wonder how should I call someone who wears Western clothes”
“Re... What is it? Redii ?” (She meant lady)
Ichiwaka said with a bit of embarrassment.
“That’s not it”
The four of them refused her again.
“Why are you wearing Western clothes today, Neesan?”
When Kogiku asked her about her outfit, Ichiwaka proudly answered.
“My husband is a businessman and he is planning to do business with foreigners.He goes out with foreigners and he has to go to dinner parties with me as his wife. So I thought I should get used to wearing western clothes, so I decided to wear this outfit for today's outing”
“Neesan, you’re trully married to a rich man”
“I'm still getting used to western clothes, but you know, I'm not very good at shamisen or dancing at first, but I'll get better as I practice. That's why I'm practicing now”
“Neesan, you're a hard worker!”
“Neesan can wear anything”
“We practiced eating beef hotpot the other day”
“Beef... It's the trend these days”
“I heard it has a bloody smell. How is it?”
“It's delicious once you get used to it”
At the lotion counter, the women were talking about something completely unrelated to lotion. But that's how it was with pretty women of that age who would buy the lotion.
Megumi listened to the chattering women without paying attention, but then she remembered the incident at Akabeko the other day.
The young wife was following a gentleman in western clothes, and bent her small body beside him. When Tae handed her a small bottle of lotion to try, the husband suddenly became sullen and started yelling at her.
Megumi thought the gentleman in Western clothes at that time said something like, "I'm thinking of doing business with foreigners" or "I have to go to dinner with foreigners accompanied by my wife", just like Ichiwaka did a moment ago.
She  couldn't believe that the former geisha in front of her, Miss Ichiwaka, was the young wife from that time. Since it was Tae who served her at that time, Megumi did not get a good look at the young mistress' face. So she couldn’t say for sure.
However, the impression Megumi got was completely different.
She got the impression that that young mistress was at the mercy of her husband, not resisting his unreasonable abuse and becoming smaller and smaller.
On the other hand, Ichiwaka was gorgeous and vivacious. She looked splendid in Western clothes and was proud to have many friends.
It couldn’t be believed that they’re the same person.
When living in a civilized world, there must be a lot of couples who are trying to start a business with foreigners.
Megumi tried to think that she was overthinking it.
At that time…
“May I have a word, that I do?”
Kenshin whispered in Megumi's ear.
“You said that you would help our injured customers with the medicines at Takiya”
"Yes, that’s right but...?
Why would he ask such a thing now, Megumi thought.
“I can tell by the way she moves, that I do. You can see a woman in Western clothes, she is hiding a bad bruise.
Megumi looked closely at Ichiwaka
.…..continue in chapter 41……
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with the English also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that sounds not making sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want give corrections.
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters in his website. You can go and check on there, for now I only translate the chapters that I want to read.
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dreamifics · 3 years
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Talk of sexual activities and stuff but no smut
Y/N joined the Avengers shortly after the big fight between Tony and Steve. Stark recruited her due to Fury's orders, she used to be under control of Hydra, like Barnes.. All of the Avengers had no problem with her, only one..
''Stupid Rogers!" Y/N shriek as she stares into her bathroom mirror..
Once again, Rogers benched her, because and she quote
'She used to be just like them!'
They were supposed to raid a Hydra facility, and something snapped at Steve's brain when he saw that Y/N was going too.
Y/N sighs, she just gripped the porcelain sink and steadied herself, she was ready to kill Steve, she was so angry.. Y/N just washed her face with the cold water from the faucet, hoping that it'll help ease the anger in her blood.
She exits the bathroom and was greeted by Bucky, he was sitting in her bed.
"Hello Tinman.." Y/N gave Bucky a smile.
"I want to apologize for--"
"You don't need to apologize in behalf of Steve.. I'm cool.."
"Are you really?"
"Yepp!No word of Captain Ass can get to me.."
Bucky crossed his arms, he knew she was lying.. Y/N just awkwardly smiled at him, she walks to her bed and dived in her bed..
"You can leave now, your boyfriend's might be missing you now.."
And in queue Sam and Steve popped up in her door, Steve was furious.. His eyes were fixed to Bucky, while Sam was just smiling slyly..
"Speak of the devils.." Y/N mutters as she gave Steve a deadly glare.
Bucky stood up from her bed and gave the two men a small nod.. Steve was still looking at Bucky but it soon averted to Y/N, she just raised her eyebrow at him.
"Have a fun mission, you two.."
"Will do, Y/N" Sam answered and gave Y/N a smile which she gladly gave back.
"Oh, Bucky!Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît pousser le capitaine hors de l'avion pour moi?" Y/N spoke in french knowing that Bucky will understand.
Can you please push Captain out of the plane for me?
Bucky just laughs and shakes his head as Sam grabs him and drag him out of Y/N's sight. However, someone still hasn't left and it made her anger bubbled up even more.
"I swear to God if you don't leave, I'll squeeze your kneecaps.." Y/N said jokingly? She was not sure, she might just do that if Steve won't stop his douche ways..
"Cut it out, Y/N.." Steve ordered..
Y/N rolled her eyes, she sashay her way to Steve and move her face closer to his.
"You're not my Captain, you don't get to order me around.."
Y/N was supposed to walk away but was stopped by Rogers hand in her arms.. However, his hands didn't hurt her, his touch was soft and gentle.. Typical Steve..
Always a gentleman..
"I'm the Captain, you'll obliged to me.."
Y/N scoffs as she takes her arm away from him, she looked him deeply in his and saw that there were anger filling his blue eyes.. This guy really hates her..
"And what if I don't?What would you do?Fire me?Spank me?" She sassed but Steve eyes soften and his eyes wander to her body..
Y/N brows furrowed, what was Steve doing? He just stared at her and his cheeks suddenly got flushed.. Di-Did he just imagine what Y/N has said??
"What?" Y/N was weirded out, she hated the eerie silence between them and to top that up he might be imagining sexual things or so she thought..
"Capsicle, let's go!" Stark voice boomed out through the whole tower, it made Steve snap back to reality and he just walks away.
This made Y/N flabbergasted, he walked away just like that.. After the awkward silence and him being flustered, he just walked away with no explanation or whatsoever. Y/N just huffed in annoyance and flops back down to her comfortable messy bed..
What is wrong with Steve?
Days passed and it seems that Y/N is finally at peace, there were no longer eyes watching her.. Yes, Steve has given up.. How does she know? Simple, Steve is now avoiding and pretending she doesn't exist.. Which is fine by her, but there's this small pain in her heart.. She missed Steve acting like a douche..
Y/N mentally slaps herself, she used to complain about Steve always criticizing and annoying her but why is she missing it now? Y/N sighs as she slams her head in the table infront of her. A piercing pain welcomed her as her head hit the table but she ignored it.
"Umm, can I go on with my briefing?" Tony was standing in the middle of the big briefing room..
Y/N put her hands up and gestures an 'okay', she completely forgot that she was sitting with the Avengers in the middle of a meeting..
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Wanda was the first to ask her that, Y/N just let out a groan.. All of them just shared knowing looks and Tony fakes a cough.
"If you want to rest, you can go.." Tony chided..
Y/N stood up and was almost to the door when Steve's phone suddenly rang, he answered it..
This name made Y/N stop, are they together? They look nice together, she hope that they'll break up soon.
"I'll be there.." Steve endes his call and stands up..
"Sorry everyone, I have a date with someone.." He push passed Y/N leaving her heart on the floor..
He has a date? Why is she even concerned about that? She doesn't care, Steve's stupid anyway!
"Wow, Capsicle is going on a date, I'll be damned.."
"And with Sharon?She's nice.." Wanda chirps in..
Meanwhile, Natasha notices Y/N who was dumbfounded and hurt by all the recent events..
"Aren't you gonna go, Y/N?" Nat asked with mischievous eyes wandering to her face..
Y/N put out a fake smile and left, how is she feeling this way? Does she like Steve? She groans as those thoughts eat her alive, maybe she just need a fresh air..
Yes, fresh air..
That's exactly what Y/N needs, she has been cooped up in the tower for weeks now.. She sped up to her room and grab her keys, jackets and Tony's credit card.. He won't mind it, that man is richer than the whole US goverment..
Y/N jogs to the elevator, turns out she's not going to be waiting for the elevator alone.. Steve is right there, also waiting for an elevator so he can go to his fancy date with someone else..
Y/N was deep in her thoughts that she didn't realize that Steve was looking at her.. She cleared her throat and walked up to the elevator doors..
"Up or down?" Steve asks making Y/N look at his stupid handsome face.
"Can't you figure it out Sherlock?" She's grumpy and she doesn't care.
"What?" Steve questioned.
"Could've just said that.."
"We're on the fuckin--"
"Language!" The infamous 'language', he's being dramatic as hell.
"Fine!We're on the freaking top floor and your asking me if I'm going up or down?"
"I didn't notice."
"You're just stupid.."
The elevator was taking forever, normally it would be up in a minute but she's been standing her for almost five minutes and the elevator is still a no show.
"This is taking forever, I'm going to take the stairs.." She was going to the staircase when the elevator doors opened..
"You're impatient.." Steve mumbles.
"Asshole.." Y/N mumbles back..
And before she knew it, she's pinned to the floor.. It happend so fast, Steve has pinned her down to the floor.. Their face were only inches apart, it made Y/N blush but she somehow hid it..
"Let me go, Steve.."
"Not until you beg for forgiveness.."
"Beg?Didn't know you had a kinky side, old man.."
Steve got flustered by her words, still he didn't let Y/N go.. She started to fight back by getting the upper hand and overpowering Steve.. Now she's on top, she smirks and inch her face closer to Steve's face.
"Dominant, I like that Cap.."
"Although, next time ask for a girls permission before you go and pin her to the floor.."
Without thinking Steve kissed Y/N, her eyes widen but soon she melted to the kiss. It started out soft but it became rough within seconds.. All of the unsaid feelings were mashed into the kiss.. She was out of breath but she didn't want it to stop.. Steve pulled back and smiled sweetly at Y/N, she was confused but she smiled back..
"You like me back?"
"No shit, Sherlock.." Y/N smiled but instead of Steve saying language he smiles back..
"You're so immature.."
They both laugh as Y/N got up and offered her hand to Steve, he gladly accepted..
"Go, you'll be late for your date..Wouldn't want to keep her waiting.." Y/N shooed Steve away but he just stands there..
"You are my date.."
"Well powder me in sugar and call me a donut.. Was all this planned?" Steve nods and Y/N just shakes her head in disappointment, she interlock her arm to Steve's arm.
"Let's go eat some ribs and steaks, Cap.."
On the briefing room with all the remaining Avengers,  they were cheering and celebrating as they watch the two from a surveillance camera.
"Not bad, Cap.." Natasha mumbles as she eats popcorn with Wanda and Bucky.
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