#Like ok yeah invisible disabilities but do you- someone with no mobility aids- need the bathroom designed for wheelchair users
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ciderjacks · 1 year ago
the thing is whenever I see discourse on who can “really” use disabled accommodations coming from people with invisible disabilities I’m like. Ok. You guys need to realize being physically disabled does not automatically equal “I get access to all the cool disabled stuff now”, if you don’t actually need it, don’t fucking use it. It doesn’t matter if you’re physically disabled or not, if you don’t need the big bathroom or the special seats or whatever, then don’t use it bruh.
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marachronicallycrochets · 2 years ago
Touching on that last reblog, is POTS considered physically disabled? I have POTS I have trouble walking in general so I have to use something(all I have is a crutch rn cause I'm broke lol) but yeah.
Also touching on that reblog, asking a person with mobility aids if they need help is okay, but if they say no, just politely say okay and walk away. Don't try to just grab their mobility aid??? I've had it happen with my crutch actually but for the opposite reason lol. Someone moved it out of my reach cause they said it was in the way, and said "you don't look like you need this" literally wanted to cry but yeah.
I know I'm not shutting up but one more point I promise! (Maybe haha) Disabilities do NOT have a certain look. And that goes for all disabilities whether physical or mental or invisible.
Ok ok I'm done love y'all <3
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poettheythem · 2 years ago
Things I’ve discovered as a disabled person with many disabled friends
ok so mostly have mental disabilities and most of them are pretty mild but they do still impact my life in a lot of different ways. I’m only now starting to accept myself as someone with a disability instead of all that BS they told me in school of me being “just fine” and being a “special thinker” but here are my observations
Schools don’t care about your disability if it’s not very visual. My friend in a wheelchair is the only person to have gotten any type of aid. He still has so many problems in the school and they won’t fix them. Then there’s my friends who need times to step out of the classroom at times or also need help with mobility and the school will not provide them the accommodations.
other people 9 times out of 10 are going to be your biggest day to day problem. Wether you’re autistic or a can user. Other people will question you 24/7 and pretend they know more than you about your body and mind. Other people will discard your pain or your issues because you’re “too young” or “look healthy” with no concern to you for real. A teacher of mine tried to argue once that my friend had LESS issues because of her sever ADHD. She did not listen to how it caused her severe depression and made it hard to function and do simple things like shower and said it made her better because she is “more creative”. That’s not even true. I love my friend but she is not creative.
Life gets easier when you find others who learn how to adapt or others who are willing to learn. My best friends all are almost all disabled. We ask questions and learn from each other. Also because a lot of my disabilities are mental it helps to have other people who can think in similar ways that I do. But also my nondisabled friends are all willing to listen to me and just be kind. Me and my friends learned from my friend in a wheelchair. We learned about his disability and how it impacts him. So we also notice when he’s doing something dumb for his body and make sure he STOPS DOING THE THING THAT HURTS HIM
STOP DOING THE THING THAT HURTS YOU. most younger people with disabilities tend to push themselves. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW DOES THIS. Don’t push yourself so hard that the next day you feel like you’re going to die and still go into work.
even if places advertise being disability friendly they are mostly not great at it. I went to the aquarium and we had to use the elevator. It was so small my friends and I had to take multiple trips to get up to the next floor together. We even had to go into a back hallway, staff only, area to get out of the aquarium. Listen there are some places that are good but more often then not we all end up having to plan ahead and miss out of things because places don’t put in something simple like a ramp.
why does everyone think wheelchair user can not use their legs. People need to learn some basic ass facts.
most people have ended up trying to hide their disabilities. Especially if they’re invisible ones. And why is that. Oh yeah because people who pretend they know you better than yourself and even your doctor are the worst. What fun
The number of disabled people that are people pleasers. You are not a burden for being disabled. People make your out to be and governments, schools, museums, and restaurants that are not accessible are the real problem not you.
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satellites-halo · 1 year ago
I've seen too many disabled people talk about how they're going to use the big bathroom stalls now just to vape/smoke/do drugs/skip class because they can now
I have to use those stalls. My rollator doesn't fit into the small ones, and it can be hard for me to go from a sitting to standing position without it. Stop taking things other people need and using them for selfish reasons.
Yes, use the big bathroom if you genuinely need the extra space. No, don't use it if you're just trying to skip class and do weed and now have an 'excuse' to do so.
Part of being disabled is recognizing there are people more disabled than you that need the accommodations and don't just have them as 'benefits' or 'bonuses'
the thing is whenever I see discourse on who can “really” use disabled accommodations coming from people with invisible disabilities I’m like. Ok. You guys need to realize being physically disabled does not automatically equal “I get access to all the cool disabled stuff now”, if you don’t actually need it, don’t fucking use it. It doesn’t matter if you’re physically disabled or not, if you don’t need the big bathroom or the special seats or whatever, Don’t Fucking Use Them.
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