#Like maybe listen to it again and you'll appreciate some of the songs more
some-pers0n · 4 days
Whenever I see people call ICIMI boring or the worst album this image flashes in my mind
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
The TWST boys and their number 1 princess
reader is fem! and is a bit of a bratty princess typa girl😌
i already wrote this on my haikyuu blog a bit back but somehow the song world is mine fits with like every character ever (defo reccomend listening to the song while reading)
seriously it's so fun imagining the song with different characters
Characters featured: Silver, Leona, Riddle, Jack
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₊˚⊹♡ Silver
"Siiilver!~ Where aaaare you?" you called out to him in the courtyard. Lilia told you he would be there so you're beginning your search, well, there.
Why you're looking for Silver in the first place? To hold his hand, of course. None of the subtler methods have worked so far, much to your chagrin.
Holding his hand is the first step to making him your prince, you see. You've spent countless nights fantasizing about him kneeling down and kissing your hand while singing praises about your endless beauty.
Oh, how exciting it is to see the future play out in front of your eyes! You even got endorsement from Lilia for the wedding!
You eventually found him laying in the green grass, peacefully asleep. He really does sleep a lot, huh? You just can't get enough of his face, especially when it's so relaxed and at peace.
Wait... now that you think about it, in a lot of fairytales where princesses are asleep, their problem is solved by true love's kiss. Maybe his issue can be solved by it too....
Forget holding hands, you have a curse to break (atleast you assume it's a curse, since Lilia has told you he can't control it at all)! And being the top princess, you can break it, of course!
You kneel down next to him, quickly checking your breath. Probably smells fine. It's now or never!
As you lean in, his eyes gently open and you immediately jump back, pretending you weren't just about to kiss him. Out of all the times he had to wake up, it was now... You were this close!
"Ugh... I fell asleep again...?" Silver seemed to be bothered, like he always is when he wakes up.
"You did! And I was kind enough to wake you up! You should be glad I happened to stumble upon you!" you tried your best to look unbothered and collected. Silver pouted slightly at your tone.
You got up, placing one hand on your knee and extending the other towards him to help him get up. He silently took it, getting up with your help. "Thank you." he said curtly, expression softening at your happy little grin.
Wait... He just held your hand for a moment there! He really did!!!
The wedding dress! You have to pick out a wedding dress, as soon as possible!
₊˚⊹♡ Leona Kingscholar
"Hmph! Won't you just say something already?!" For some reason, he looked nervous when he heard the anger in your voice. His eyebrows creased in worry for a moment before returning to their normal resting position. He's definitely not asleep then.
You finally got fed up with the lack of acknowledgement from Leona. Practically everyone but him complimented you on your outfit today.
You even dressed up all pretty just to impress him and get him to notice your outstanding appearance. Not that you need pretty clothes to impress. Any guy would be begging at your feet even when you're in your at-home shirt and your old worn out shorts.
Leona should consider himself lucky in that regard. You've fallen for him. He has to act fast or you'll be swept away by a much more noble prince before he can place a ring on your finger.
"Hmmm...? What are you yapping on about?" Leona opened one of his eyes, acting like he has no idea what you mean. He definitely noticed the outfit. He's just choosing not to mention it.
"The dress! You're supposed to mention it!" you stomped your foot on the ground, annoyed with him.
"Oh, I don't really care. It doesn't matter if you're wearin' the finest silk or a potato sack when you're a pain in the ass anyways." he closed his eyes again, sighing with annoyance.
"Ugh! You know what? I don't care about you anymore! I'll go find a guy who can appreciate me properly!"
You were totally bluffing, but you might actually start considering it soon if he keeps acting so annoyed around you.
A great princess knows when to give up, too. Unreciprocated love brings tears, and tears ruin cute makeup.
As you turned on your heels to stomp off to Vil for more makeup advice, you felt your wrist being grabbed roughly.
"Stay here. Just stay quiet and you can stay." He squeezed your wrist, his face looking like the very definition of annoyance and... jealousy?
This is certainly a turn of events. "Fine, I'll stay." You huff. "But ONLY if you say I'm pretty in my dress." You smile smugly, watching him sigh and furrow his brows.
"You look... beautiful." He said it as if he was forced to, but somehow you could sense some truth behind those words.
You never asked him to call you beautiful after all, he definitely could have gotten away with a three-quarter hearted 'you look pretty in that dress'.
₊˚⊹♡ Riddle Rosehearts
"Hiiiii, Riddle!~ Hi Silver, hi Sebek." You greeted Riddle cheerily, treating the other two Equestrian club members like an afterthought. Riddle is much cuter in comparison, after all.
You're here for a poetically romantic reason. You see, ever since you learned that Riddle knows how to ride a horse, a certain fantasy has been visiting you in your dreams every night. Ideally, you wish he had a princely white horse, but you suppose a brown one can fulfill its duty well enough. The fantasy of him taking you on a romantic horse ride is the same no matter what his horse looks like.
Which speaking of, you visit the Equestrian club every day so you can convince Riddle to let you ride his horse, to make your dream a reality. So far, no luck. Actually, you've been trying to get closer to Riddle in general recently.
He isn't the most receptive to your flirting attempts but he makes adorable faces of anger when Cater or Trey tease him about you. Truly, a prince deserving of your attention.
"Hello. Have you come to watch us again?" Riddle asked with no particular emotion behind his voice. Surely, he knew what was coming by now. No need to ask such foolish questions.
"No, I came to ride your horse with you. You should know that by now." You are equally calm and collected in your own request. You try to put on your most cute, charming smile to lure him in.
You have been getting close to Vorpal, since you knew some horses are untrusting of unfamiliar riders. You researched every known piece of horse-related literature you could get your hands on in the library just to impress Riddle with horse facts. You're very prepared.
"You..." Riddle sighed.
"Just let her." Silver placed a hand on Riddle's shoulder, probably getting a little sick of your nagging too.
"...Fine, if I must." Riddle said after a short pause and you damn near passed out from excitement right then and there.
"As you should. I cannot believe you made me wait this long." You kept it casual on the outside, not wanting to let your excitement show too much.
Once you were properly sat on the horse with Riddle behind you, you felt like you achieved something great. You still almost can't believe how many refusals it took for this to happen. But a princess always gets what she wants in the end.
"Just don't be tense. Horses can sense that and it puts them in distress." He instructed. When you turned back and smiled cheekily at him, you noticed his cheeks were pink.
"What is it, my prince?" you gave him puppy eyes.
"D-Do not call me that, or look at me like that. It's distracting." His face got even redder. Yikes, even Vorpal can sense that he's panicking right now.
₊˚⊹♡ Jack Howl
"Get me food. Something sweet." You crossed your arms, raising your chin smugly. This is a non-negotiable matter.
"I don't think I'm indebted to you right now." that was his gentler way of saying he's not doing it. Why he doesn't just straight up say "no" to you is a mystery. Perhaps he knows the proper way to respect a princess such as yourself.
You sighed in annoyance. Seems you have to pick up the charm.
"But Jaaaaack, I'm just so hungry!~ And I can't run around in my pretty heels..." you put on your best puppy dog eyes. Surely, you can convince your future prince to do a simple favour for you.
Future prince...
The fact that wolf beastmen have one partner for life has been keeping you up at night, in both a good way and bad way. That means once you get him hooked, he's there for life, BUT! He can easily get stolen away by another and then you lose all your chances.
Truly, a challenge befitting of someone like you. That's why you're hanging around him so much.
"You know, you make it really hard for me to say no sometimes." Jack scratches the back of his head. "Doesn't mean you succeeded this time, though." he smirks slightly at you.
You would squeal (internally) over his smirk if you didn't feel slightly dissapointed right now. Oh well, you suppose you can't demand everything from your future prince. He is your equal, after all.
Upon seeing your slightly sad face, something bubbled up within him. It doesn't look right.
"I'll go get it. Do you want anything in particular?" he got up suddenly.
"Huh? Jack, you don't have to. I changed my mind." He felt a strange sense of unease to see you acting so... gently. It wasn't a bad thing neccesarily, it just felt wrong. And besides, you'd never 'change your mind' about sweets. He knows you enough to know that.
"I'll still do it.... Not because I feel bad, though. Don't get the wrong idea." he huffed, turning away before you could notice the slight pink dusting his cheeks.
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tahdashi · 2 years
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synopsis: everything looks prettier under red lights, especially your boyfriend. you decide to tell him, and he decides that you’re it for him — all he’s ever wanted.
notes: reader wears lipstick, fluff w some suggestive sprinkled in, inspired by red lights by RINI. warning: too much physical touch as always.
wc: >1.0k
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“why do you keep looking at me?” suna peers at you with his celadon eyes, his rings tap against the wheel as he bounces his fingers against the leather.
he's cautious with his words, and maybe a bit curious, too.
“what, i can’t look at my boyfriend?” you look over at him again, probably for the fifth time since you left your apartment parking lot just seven minutes ago.
“is there something on my face?” he quickly runs his hand over his face, peeking at the rare view mirror. and to his surprise, no crumbs. did you maybe leave a lipstick mark when you kissed him before leaving? (komori, to suna’s dismay, has pointed out a mark or two on his cheek as he walked into the gym for morning practices. he always wipes it off with a mumble, but takes a peek in the mirror beforehand to admire your bold proclamation of love).
“you’re just really pretty.”
“oh shut the fuck up," he laughs, and it fills the car, harmonizing with the music from the radio. it brings a smile to your face. it's dark, but you can see that his tongue is poking at his cheek, holding back an equally cheesy smile.
“i’m serious!” you face him again. "your hair looks good today, and you're all clean-shaven." you run the back of your hand against his cheek, humming in satisfaction to emphasize how soft his skin is. "i gotta appreciate this when i can."
he continues to drive, but snakes his hand onto your leg. his rings are cool against you. he squeezes once, then twice. and once again, you're at a red light — it highlights his face beautifully. the rise of his cheekbones accentuate the darkness of his eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair.
and you decide to go for it, reaching across the console to leave a quick kiss on his jaw.
"woah, can't get enough of me today," he taps your thigh a few times. "and i didn't even have to wear that cologne you like."
“mhm. i love you even when you smell like shit.”
he clicks his tongue and takes his hand back, letting you pull at it to place it back on your thigh (he never fights back, knowing you'll only reach for it again and again). you put your hand on top of his, rubbing your thumb along his skin.
“if you’re trying to tell me something, i don’t think you wanna do anything risky while we’re on the way to dinner with my parents.” suna peers down at his hand on your thigh and your hand that's keeping it captive there.
“i’m not trying to do anything, rin.”
“whatever you say,” he moves his hand back and forth. it's a comforting motion, really, but for some reason, you feel nervousness stir in your stomach. or perhaps, butterflies.
“i’m not! i’m just really excited to see your family again,” you rub your finger along the ring on his pointer finger.
“i think they love you more than they love me.”
“oh, should i tell them how you tried to make a move on their sweet and innocent son just 10 minutes before seeing them?”
“where’d you get 'sweet and innocent' from? weren’t you the one who wanted to ‘head to the back’ after atsumu’s party?”
and now, he's fully smiling. you hear an airy laugh escape from him. you love this rin — the one that laughs at his past, corny self. the one that lets you know he's listening even when his eyes are on the road. the one that is so unabashedly in love with you that he could never deny anything you want from him.
“you were the one who kept looking at me with those… eyes.”
“i wasn’t! you’re just so full of yourself that you think me looking at you is the same as checking you out.”
as the song transitions into the next, there's a pause, and the car is enveloped in silence.
he breaks it.
“so, what’s it like when you’re checking me out?”
“i’m not doing this.”
“no, baby, i just wanna see. check me out." this time, at the light, he faces you. has he always looked at you like this? with his lips slightly quirked upwards? a teasing smile — expectant and knowing.
you look him straight in his eyes and then to his lips before looking back at his eyes. your eyes follow his features naturally — his eyes show that he's calm, but his smile shows that he's in awe of what you do to him.
you can't help but to laugh at his reddening ears. you reach for the cartilage and coo at him for getting all flustered. if there's something the both of you are good at, it's flustering each other endlessly, even two and a half years into the relationship.
“damn, you’re good,” he takes your hand away from his ear and kisses the back of it before trailing a few up your wrist and arm all while keeping his eyes on the road.
moments like this with suna aren't hard to come by — he's always done his best to make you feel loved (and to annoy you to the point where you question his meaning of love). and all you can hope for, really, is that it'll stay like this forever — that even when you're older and greying, he'll ask you to give him "those eyes".
and if you knew what was encased in the velvet box in his pocket, and what else was planned for this family dinner, you'd have no doubt in your mind that he hopes for the same.
before stepping out of the car, suna pulls you in for a kiss. it catches you off guard, but you relax into it.
"i'm pretty sure your dad's car is parked next to us," you mumble as he pulls away. his eyes fall back to your lips.
"so what? he doesn't know what a kiss is? how do you think i was made?"
"oh my god," you swat his chest. "let's go."
before he can open the door, his name leaves your lips.
"by the way, you have a little something right there," you point at the lipstick stain on his jaw.
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psychelis-new · 7 months
pick a pile: "Your aura/vibe"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about your aura's possible characteristics and your vibe, how people may perceive you even at a first glance/first impression. thanks @ghostlygardendelusion-blog for the suggestion.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
I think your aura may have tones between yellow and green. On the first meeting people see your strength and determination, you may look a bit more reserved or closed off or even "showing off" in a way. But you have a big heart and some can see it too especially through your eyes or some specific behaviours (if you let them). You may have a bit of a wall in front of you caused by your past.
For some, you may seem a bit "too much" at first, or even too self confident/absorbed or too reserved, but it's generally a self-defense mechanism you adopted to hide your insecurity/shiness, and your pain. Probably you've been judged/gaslighted a lot. I think the way you grew up made it hard for you to speak about your needs and desires, about who you really are even, so you just started closing off and stopped talking but tried to fulfill your needs yourself the way you could (at least on your best days). Some may still be in that phase, others reacted by being more "out there" with their ideas and opinions too (and maybe even slightly stubborn about them). You may also be dressing in what society may consider a particular way or have a peculiar interest that not many may understand.
You look pretty independent because of your past, like if you don't feel too good, you rather keep it for yourself and put on a smile on your face and be there for others. Others don't ask you much of how you feel or similar cause you wouldn't answer them anyway or you'd tell them you're good so to not be a burden or something like that (actually, you're never a burden, no matter what you learned in your past). To be honest, you probably have started healing this side of you and this is why at times, on a first impression, you look a bit too full of yourself or closed off: you still need to balance yourself again but don't worry, you'll make it. Take your time and don't give up. People will be able to see your big heart and love the real you. Ofc, some of you are already showing it more and that's indeed the sign of the start of a new chapter for you.
For a few, you may still feel a bit lonely atm: please try to not give up and keep reaching for other people anytime you feel like. You'll meet your people this way, by keep trying to be out there, be more vulnerable/welcoming, and practicing socializing. You cannot always wait for others to reach out first nor you have to be there for them when you don't feel like: talk about your needs, even if it means needing a couple of days off on your own. Know ad appreciate your whole real self so to share it with others fully too. Speak more about yourself, the right people will love to listen. Find your audience.
And btw, I'm proud of how you made it 'till today. :)
song: thinking out loud | ed sheeran
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pile 2
Your aura may have tones between pink and red, for some a bit dark orange-ish too. At first you may look cute and sweet, maybe even little/on the younger side, very welcoming/comforting, like the old friend you have been close to for a lot. You have an healing presence. You have shiny eyes. People may approach you and talk with you easily, maybe while you're in line at the supermarket or such. People feel like trusting you, some may feel connected to you and others may feel (also physically) attracted by you or want to protect you or save you. You may have venus in scorpio/venus 8th house or similar placements, but not necessarily. Some people may not like you to the point of hating you or may be envious of you for no apparent reason even (so sorry about it).
For others, people notice your drive and passion, how focused and hard working you are, how prepared you are especially in a school or work setting. Whether you work in a team or not, you may shine often in the eyes of your boss or professor. You're very goal-oriented, and are rarely distracted but ofc it can happen (ADHD I hear). You may work or study better, or just be more proficient in general, in structured setting or when you have a plan set and know what to do from start to end. Not having that or having to improvise may make you a bit nervous cause you don't have control over what you're doing (and maybe lack trust in yourself). Remember where you are, what you were able to reach in your past: there's nothing you cannot do if you put your mind to it and try to stay/work calmly and in a balanced manner. Breathe, as you may tend to stress a bit too much here and there and overthink (lot of air/mercury in your chart? I understand, dw). There're perfectionism tendencies here too, and some people may notice them as well (especially those who work with you). Confront your demons, those that tell you you're not able to handle certain situations: you can. You totally can. The moment you're sure about it, you'll be able to receive whatever wish you ever wanted. And you don't have to be perfect either. It's okay to make mistakes.
Also, people love you in general: just try to not be too self aware. You may occasionally fear others pointing out/focusing on your physical flaws or mistakes (we're all imperfect humans, so if they do this let them be in their mold as it's only their own issue: let go of control on others -you cannot control them and their thoughts of you anyway- and just enjoy, be in contact with your body and love your whole self. Others will mirror you and forget about any random flaw or error you may see in yourself/make. You're perfect as you are, there's no other definition of perfection).
And if you feel like you're too unexperienced (or for a few, others may think this of you and let you down), again let go and remember you can and have time to learn more and make any experience you want to do. Those people aren't for you anyway.
Don't mind others too much (especially if what they say is not objectively helping you in any way), just keep spreading your contagious smile, beauty, knowledge, passion, heart around. Envious people will always be envious, it's not your fault. Keep up the great work!
song: enchanted | taylor swift
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pile 3
Your aura may be on the tones of light blue, blue or something like that. Maybe even indigo. Probably you're connected with the 5d/spiritual world too. You're thoughtful and you have a way with words that always gets people. Maybe you even work with words (writing/translating/teaching/communication/marketing/media/music...). You maybe also help others putting into words their emotions/feelings and help them feel better.
You look knowledgeable, you probably also have an higher education or are trying to reach it. You may love reading books and/or studying/learning. You look like someone that can be of support, with whom one can talk and share theirselves and not be judged. Someone who is able to make their reality come true. You feel very powerful and empowered, but you're also able of empowering others. You probably work in service fields, to help others too. Maybe you're a doctor/nurse or a psychologist. Anyway, you are balanced cause you know how to give yourself as well (or at least you're working on this: in the past you may have had people pleasing tendencies); I feel you may be saying some more "no's" and putting yourself first when you need, and that's good. Other see you as an angel, very open and helping. A true force of nature when necessary. Successful, in charge of your own destiny, and healing. Some perceive you as an example to follow in their life. For some, you're also a manifestation of a desire, a wish fulfillment. You may have the ability to pop up into someone's life when they need it the most, and maybe even disappear after your "job" with them is done. You may look like a loner or maybe it seems like you don't have many friends, but still you know a lot of people and are seen and thought very highly by them.
At times you may be feeling easily overwhelmed or overthink a lot, and those closer to you may realize it cause you tend to shut down or be a bit more on your own. Remember you can talk with people about your problems when you need (despite I feel like you may like to write your thoughts and analyze them the most, or are used this way). You seem to be pretty strong and wise, like you've been through a lot in your life and you're not that easily shaken by life anymore. But at times ofc it may happen... still, your mind is there to serve you, not to make it worse: remember you're in charge of your thoughts when things get tough.
Some people may really love you/fall for your ways and words. For some, you have become a source of support and help to those around you. You may be like a guide. Even if you may not be too close with people or the ones you've met, you're still a very important part of their life and/or a good memory they carry in their heart. For some of you, you may be(come) kinda famous/known at least in your area/field/school/workplace and people may be talking about you a lot. But generally, except a few ones, they will have good words about you and what you do.
song: butterflies pt.2 | queen naija
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
Snippet - Sachertorte - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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The crew get a reporter intoxicated on more than Zaun's neon lights...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
Dustin, blithely self-medicated on Janna-knew-what, was proof positive.
"Want some?" He proffered his joint. "They're passing 'em out at the Expo."
Through pursed lips, Dustin blew out a misshapen ring. "Brightleaf, y'know. Free samples. It's a new strain. Supposed to keep the chest clear, make the lungs less congested. The benefits are pullomo—plomo—"
"Pulmonary?" you supplied.
"That's it! So what's your poison? Brightleaf? Z-Zap? Puffcap?"
"Thank you. But I'll pass."
"Just pass."
It wasn't that you did not appreciate a good toke. You were a child of Piltover's golden age: the days of opium dens and cannabis clubs. But Zaun was not a place to be off one's head. Their tobacco was infamous for its potency. Also, you weren't sure you wanted to swap saliva with your unsavory-looking guide. You'd not had your shots, and you'd prefer not to catch an exotic strain of flu.
Not when the interview was less than twelve hours away. 
"Your loss." Dustin threw a rubberband arm around your shoulders, and gave a squeeze. "Say, have you tried the sweets yet?"
"The sweet-shops at the Promenade. We've got a couple: Cray-Cray, Lollypop's, Mango-Splash. Best in town. The Li'l Miss goes to Lollypop's sometimes, after her gigs."
"The Li'l Miss?"
"You know. Jinx."
"Oh. Oh." You were relieved. For a moment, you'd feared being strongarmed into reviewing a strip-club. "I am told Zaun's patisseries are second-to-none."
"You can say that again!" A high-pitched cackle. "Hey, why don't we swing by a few? There's still time before the Expo. And Mister S, he won't mind. He wants you to take in the sights."
"Is the First Chancellor a fan of sweets, as well?"
"He's a fan of a lot of things. Sweet nothings. Sweet deals. Sweet cheeks." A wink. "Hey, have you tried our Sachertorte yet?"
"I—I cannot say I have."
"Wha-a-a-a-at? Lock, Ran, are you hearin' this?"
Lock was busy scraping the dregs from his bowl. Ran's reply was a laconic shrug. Their natural aptitude for indolence was beginning to strike you as the side-effect of a daily exposure to Dustin's ceaseless chatter.  You wondered at the circumstances that had thrust these individuals—each a walking stereotype of Zaunite vice—into the Chancellor's inner circle. 
Then again, you suspected their skillsets were far more specialized than the vices they seemed to represent.
"That's a shame," Dustin was saying, shaking his head. "That's a damn shame. Hey, why don't we drop by some shops? The Rack's got the best Sachertorte in town."
"Pssssh." Lock wiped his mouth. "The Rack's for the kids. All sugar. No kick."
"Well, what about the Honeypot? Punchiest opera cakes in the business."
"Too punchy," Ran hummed. "Takes a week to come down."
"Then how about the Laughing Coffin? I'm tellin' ya. They've got the meanest rum-baba."
"Bossman gave it a thumbs-down. He said, and I quote, 'Ich würde meinen größten Feind nicht an dieses Dessert verfüttern.'"
"Damn. Guess there's a reason they're going out of business."
"I say we hit the Piglet's Squeal," Lock said. "They do a decent macaroon."
Dustin grimaced. "No way, man. Too frilly. You'll catch a dose of cooties before rush hour."
"How about the Sugarplum Fairy? Eclairs to die for. Even the Bit of Ghostberry goes nuts for ‘em."
"Eh. Maybe. Hey, what do you think, Goodie?"
You'd been listening dizzily to their debate, hoping for an interlude to extricate yourself.  Zaun's gastronomic scene was an entirely untapped market. Half the names dropped sounded, to your ears, like the opening lines of a particularly bawdy tavern song. The other half, however, were clearly establishments of repute.
Perhaps you could, in good faith, venture off-script to sample a few. After all, a journalist, if they wished to report the truth, must also live the truth.
In this case, you would eat it—and your own naivety—soon enough.
The Sugarplum Fairy was a glossy establishment, complete with a wrought-iron trellis of chem-nourished wisteria and an awning of glittering pink neon. As soon as you walked in, you were treated to a sensory assault: the aromatic waft of spun sugar, gingerbread baking, and a rich, fruity tang of liqueurs. The staff were a troupe of rainbow-aproned cuties. They wore striped stockings and frou-frou skirts. Their heads were topped by tiny chef's hats; their faces painted like dolls. They were all dimpling smiles, and spoke a Zaunite dialect so rapid it might have been the language of the pixies themselves.
Their shop was, you were told, a favorite haunt of Jinx. You could imagine the blue-haired firecracker skipping in, then sauntering out, leaving a trail of candy hearts and sugar-spun dreams in her wake.
You were also told that the First Chancellor patronized the shop once a year.
"It's true," a server gushed, her cheeks fetchingly a-glow. "Jinx enlisted our services to bake his fortieth birthday cake! He had a slice—oh, it was such an honor—and so the tradition began!"
"Every year, on the Day of Ash, he orders a special cake!"
"What kind of cake?"
"Plain bundt. No decoration. No icing. No candles."
"Whatever for?"
"Who can say?" She giggled. "Some say he's paying his respects to the fallen. Some say he's commemorating the days of rationing, when flour was as precious as gold. Some say he's simply a plain-Jane fellow at heart. Whatever the case, we're honored to be his purveyors. He tips very well."
Curiousor and curiouser, you thought.
The larger-than-life persona you'd collated from reports clashed with glimpses of this quieter, more private man.  Perhaps his proclivity for austerity was the legacy of a childhood spent in the Sumps? Perhaps his taste for the simpler things reflected a deeper sense of humility? Perhaps it was a reminder of his roots, and a pledge to never forget them?
Or, perhaps, he simply enjoyed a good bundt cake.
The Sugarplum Fairy were as generous as their reputed patron. Each sampling was on the house. Their confectionary creations were a symphony of sugar and spice. Piltover has always prided itself on its sophisticated palate. Our desserts are inspired by the classics: soufflés, angelcakes, jam tarts. Zaun, conversely, was an untamed frontier: every flavor from the far-flung corners of Runeterra was distilled into a pot of bubbling sugar and set to simmer. The result was an extravaganza of culinary hybrids: Nazumah honey drizzled over Zhyunian strawberries; Bilgewater rum soaked into Bahrl's black-bean cakes; Demacian almond paste blended with spongy, melt-in-the-mouth Noxian pears.
Each mouthful was a journey across Zaun's variegated landscape. Some melted like liquid bliss on the tongue. Others exploded across the palate in a joyous expletive. By the end, your senses were reeling.
Then came the coup-de-grace.
The servers brought in four slices of decadently-rich double chocolate cake. The first layer was a dark fudgy delight; the second a velvety-smooth ganache; the third, a creamy milk chocolate mousse. The base was a hazelnut praline with a sprinkling of chopped pecans. Topped off with a swirl of vanilla cream and a dusting of icing sugar, the cake was as gorgeous as it was sinful. 
"On the house," the servers cooed.
Ran's eyes lit up like an excited child. Lock rubbed his massive hands together. Dustin danced from foot to foot. Their effusive glee was contagious. In retrospect, you ought to have realized: there were a few too many winks and nudges. A pitch too high, a skip too fast, in their voices. A sense of something secret, something scandalous, afoot.
But you, babe in the woods, were too entranced by the sugar-coated charm. Too dazzled by the culinary wizardry.
Too stupid to spot the trap.
Four golden forks were presented. You each drove one into a glistening chocolate wedge and stuffed it in your mouths. Ran's eyes were closed. Dustin's head swayed back and forth on a gyre of glee. Lock grinned from ear-to-ear as he chewed.  Like them, you could only marvel at the skill that had gone into making the perfect bite: the smoothness of the chocolate, the light crunch of the nuts, the airiness of the whipped cream.
This cake slid down your gullet with a sensation that made your shiver. It felt nearly lubricious. It felt—wicked.
"Merciful Janna," you sighed. "What is this?"
"The Sachertorte," they chorused.
"I've never tasted anything like it."
"You wouldn't." The server tittered. "It's a secret recipe. Passed down for generations. All I can say is: it's got a little bit of this and a little bit of that."
"This, and that, what?"
"Oh, you know." She batted her eyelashes. "A pinch of sugar, a dollop of honey, a dash of spice..."
She put a finger to her lips. "And everything that makes Zaun oh-so-nice."
The edges of the shop began to ripple. Your head grew light. Butterflies—silky soft butterflies—danced in the pit of your belly. The sensation spread, in slow-motion, through every extremity, down to the tips of your fingers, up to the roots of your hair. You couldn't help but giggle. This was the feeling. The one you'd been chasing. The one you'd been after, since the days of youth, when you'd snuck your first taste of illicit fruit.
The euphoria. The bliss. The freedom.
In another minute, the body-stone was in full effect.
A word of advice, fair reader. Zaun's desserts are as deadly as its dead-ends.
To requote their favorite aphorism:
"Look out for yourself."
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seangelfish · 11 months
Hello!! I really like your work... if it were food I would eat it (weird compliment but still—)
I'd like to request platonic! headcanons rinne and hiiro with their sibling who is a singer in a girl rock band like Leo/Need (not exactly the same, just as an example for the music she plays)
Hehe, thank you so much, I'm really happy to know that people like my writing! ♡ I took a listen to Leo/need (for research) and I LOVE their song 'Teratera'. Anyways, I made the reader younger than Rinne, but a bit older than Hiiro (middle child things). I hope you enjoy reading, and thank you for requesting! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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Rinne and Hiiro Amagi w/ a sister who is a singer in a girl rock band!
Genres/types: Headcanons (platonic!)
Word count: 1,218
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Rinne Amagi
– Your biggest supporter and he isn’t scared to show it.
– Whenever he'd go to your concerts, people would give him dirty looks because he looks like a big scary guy, but he’s just there to support his little sister.
– Would support you by buying all your group's albums and merch. You’d be embarrassed by this, but deep down you’re extremely appreciative. He would try to get himself an ita bag to display your badges, but you begged him not to.
"You don't act like this with Hiiro!" you cry.
"That's because you're different, my dear sister~"
– Since the three of you don't live together, the only time you'd meet up is at your place. You'd play a little sample for your brothers with your bass. They always listened to you attentively. You were always talented with instruments ever since you three grew up back in the village.
"Oooh, let me play one of your songs, onii-san!" you tell Rinne. "I like that song you did with 2wink, what was it called?"
"It's Lemon Squash Cheers!" Hiiro answers.
"Yes, that's it! Let's sing it all together! I learnt some parts of the chorus, hehe~"
"Aww, how sweet, so you do catch up with what I do~" teases Rinne.
"Of course I do!" you say happily. "I keep up with both of you, and I'm really proud of you!"
They were more proud of you though.
– Rinne would tell his unit members all about you. Out of all the three Crazy:B members, only Niki was interested. HiMERU was surprised Rinne had another sibling and so was Kohaku, but they didn't press on further, not until you decided to meet them for lunch one day. They were surprised at how different you were compared to their leader. You were composed and kind unlike Rinne.
"Don't fall in love with her though," Rinne would tell them, embarrassing you yet again.
"I can't believe you two are siblings though," HiMERU states. "Do you know how much trouble your brother has made for us?"
"I am so sorry for his behaviour," you say. "Hiiro and I aren't like that..."
– Rinne likes to boast about your achievements and performances. You always thought that he was favouring you over Hiiro though, so you'd have to scold him for it.
"Give some appreciation to our little brother!"
"Eh, should I...?"
"Come on, onii-san!"
– But you loved Rinne. He was your big brother that you always went to when things turned south. Whenever the haters got to you, he was always there to tell you that they are insignificant and that you should focus on those that love you. He's the first person you will ever turn to when you needed help.
– You would catch him sing to your songs and play your bass. He isn't embarrassed by this, and even asks you to teach him how to play.
"Onii-san, you should know how to play a bass," you say, not bothered to teach him nor correct yourself that the thing you were thinking of was–
"That is a tonkori; that is completely different, (Y/N)."
– He loves tossing you high in the air when your group receives an award at a music show. Well, he tosses you up in the air for no reason anyway.
– Always brings up that he wants to collab with you. The other Crazy:B members don't see a problem with this, and neither does your group. Maybe if you were permitted, you'll be able to sing on stage with your big brother one day. You could play your bass with your band whilst he dances. That would be fun!
– Ultimately, he is very proud of what you have made for yourself. He will continue to keep supporting you and your group, and will always watch your performances on his phone when he couldn't make it to your concerts in person.
Hiiro Amagi
– You're his biggest inspiration (apart from Rinne, of course)! Although he sings in his idol group too, your performances are a lot different than his. You sing AND play the bass with the other members of your rock band who play a variety of other instruments.
– He looks up to you a lot, and would watch your performances on his phone. He likes how passionate you look when you sing. He tries to incorporate the way you present yourself into his performances, but only a little bit.
– Would sneak into your concerts because he thinks that siblings don’t need to pay until you tell him not to do that because you don’t want security up his ass.
– In the end, you give him a special pass so if he wanted to attend your concerts, he can do it properly.
– He adores you so much! He would even ask you to help him with idol training. You always obliged because he’s your little brother after all, and you were incredibly proud of him!
– Sometimes you two would dance together to some of ALKALOID’s songs. He’d be surprised at how quickly you learn the lyrics. You love his group's songs and would sometimes play them on your bass. He would listen to you play with a big smile on his face.
– Also would try to sing to your songs and play your bass. He's a lot better than Rinne, and learns quick. He performs one of your group's songs to you, and you couldn't help but smile at how much he admires you.
– Would tell Aira all about you since Aira seems to be knowledgable when it comes to idols.
“I have a sister who’s the lead singer of her band. Have you heard of her?”
“Huh, you do? Who is she?”
“(Y/N) from X Band.”
“WHAT?! SHE’S related to you?!”
– He buys some of your merch, but his favourite item has to be the plushie of you with your bass. He keeps it by his bedside table at the dorms. It's like his sister is always beside him cheering him on, and of course, you were cheering him on in person too!
– Because you have more experience in the industry, he would always call you for help. You were always happy that he confided in you.
"Thank you, nee-san!"
"No problem, Hiiro."
– He misses his older siblings a lot, but he misses you more and would call you every night before bed.
"Today has been good, nee-san! I worked with my seniors at Star Pro today and I learnt a lot about being a good idol! Hokuto Hidaka from Trickstar was with me today and..."
"That sounds wonderful, Hiiro. I'm glad you're having fun!"
"Yes! I'm off to bed now, and you should go to sleep early too, nee-san."
"Yes, yes, I will... just for my baby brother~"
He laughs on the phone. "Haha, goodnight, nee-san!"
"Goodnight, Hiiro."
– He'd hug you tightly whenever you'd win an award for your group's music. He's a bit taller than you, but you adore hugs from your little brother.
– He'd hug you after every encounter, and you would let him because you missed him too. The two of you would try to get Rinne in on the hug as well, and with force, you'd succeed.
– He loves his older siblings so much, and you love him the same. It's nice to see the three of you pursue the same career.
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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Amusement Park Date
contains: character x gn!reader, modern au, a little bit of crack, a bit of making out w/ pantalone (nothing suggestive tho), scara still has his vision
characters included: kaveh, pantalone, wanderer
warnings: none
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Believe it or not, Kaveh has actually been saving his money for this trip for months. Granted, Alhaitham had to remind him repeatedly that he'd been wanting to go there with you for ages and that he better get a grip if he wanted to make it a reality, but Kaveh eventually did it.
The date at the amusement park was actually a birthday gift for you (along with a painting that Kaveh drew, trying to portray his love for you with colors!) and he was so happy to see that you liked it! Though....Kaveh at times seemed actually more excited than you.
In the last two weeks before the trip you'd often get messages like "only 8 more days!!!" from Kaveh.
When the day is finally here, Kaveh wakes up at an ungodly hour in the morning and attempts to wake you up with his kisses. He'd press soft kisses to your temple and nuzzles your cheek gently. "Kaveh....love....just 10 more minutes", you mumble against his lips before kissing back sleepily and then burying your head in his chest. Kaveh will carry you out of bed if he has to.
He puts on a colorful shirt with a triangle pattern and a deep v-neck and wears a loose-fitting jacket over it. He adds a bunch of accessories, including big creole earrings, to his outfit and straight up looks like he's been hired to model at the amusement park.
Already takes a bunch of pictures with you on the way there. His favorite is the one where he's giving you a sweet kiss to the cheek.
He goes to the bathroom and leaves his phone on the train seat next to you and you happen to see a notification from Alhaitham texting "stop sending me couple pictures."
"I think I can see it!", he tells you excitedly during the last ten minutes of the train ride, trying to spot the amusement park in the distance.
Heartbroken over the fact that he has to wait in a line at the entrance. Spends the time listening to his new favorite playlist. He shares his headphones with you and gives you a kiss whenever there's a line in the song that reminds him of his love for you.
He adds the amusement park music to his playlist too. Whether they play pop songs or have special themes for their different rides, Kaveh wants to keep them in his memory.
He tells you that you can hold his hand in the haunted house if you're scared but he ends up being the one clinging to you.
Confused by the mirror labyrinth in the fun house. You're standing there snickering like: "Keep going Kaveh, you'll get there, I believe in you."
He gets a big cotton candy for both of you and then complains that his fingers feel sticky after eating from it.
If there's photo booths or those cardboard cutouts you can put your face in, he insists to do that with you. "Hey, y/n, did you know that Alhaitham blocked me?" "Did you try and send him this photo?" "....Maybe?"
Kaveh is super excited for the rollercoasters but the thing is that he's never actually been on a rollercoaster before so he's definitely one of the people who scream the whole time. After trying one with a loop once you have to sit down with him on the bench for like 20 minutes and he's never going on one that loops ever again.
He accidentally befriends a painter who offers to paint the amusement park visitors in exchange for some mora. Kaveh has a whole conversation with him about art, exchanges numbers with him with the promise to work on a collaborative project sometime and dude decides to draw a couple picture of the two of you for a reduced price because Kaveh was so appreciative and polite.
His favorite ride is the chairoplane and he wants to go on it multiple times and holds your hand throughout the ride, just appreciating the feeling of flying, along with the upbeat music and the bass from the speakers.
Probably starts a flash mob in the big square in front of the chairoplane on accident and then a bunch of people end up dancing together to a popular pop song. If you agree to dance with Kaveh, he'll be absolutely delighted, giving you his brightest smile everytime he looks at you.
He tries to win you a plushie or something else you like at a shooting booth or the claw machine but fails miserably and sulks about it.
Decides to get dinner with you at one of the food stalls and orders something for himself that's way too spicy for his tastes.
He tops the trip off with a boat ride on a beautiful swan lake once the sun is setting. He holds you close against his chest and sings you a song quietly, pressing a kiss to your forehead after he's finished. "I love you so much. I'm going to keep this day in my memory for a long, long time", Kaveh whispers softly and leans his head against yours.
When he gets out of the boat, he tries to feed one of the swans and the swan hisses at him. "Oh my god...", Kaveh gets startled as the swan slowly starts walking after him and hissing louder. Kaveh starts walking a bit faster and the swan starts running. "Y/n....y/n help", Kaveh sounds a little uneasy. "Hold on, I just gotta send this to Alhaitham", you snicker as you record a video of the swan charging after your boyfriend.
He actually owns the amusement park and he wanted to take you on this date to spoil you rotten and also subtly brag about his fortune so your job here is to be as much of a menace as you can be.
"No." Pantalone crosses his arms as he stares at your mischievous expression, as you're waiting for him to take his seat next to you on the water coaster. He clutches his expensive jacket tighter around him regretting the fact that he didn't see this coming and contemplating why he didn't just take you to a fancy restaurant instead. Because you knew they'd love it here...., he sighs and thinks to himself as you stare at him with your pleading eyes. "Pantalone~", you reach out your hand to him and oh god he's so weak for you. Regrets all his life choices when he gets into the coaster but still has to smile at your excited expression and the kiss you press to his cheek as a thanks for doing this with you.
The only reason he doesn't scream on the rollercoasters is that his anxiety for his reputation is bigger than his fear of the rollercoaster. Needless to say he ends up soaked on the water coaster and the camera takes a picture exactly when all the water splashes into his face. So you spend half an hour in a staff bathroom with Pantalone as he gets a hair dryer delivered there by the park staff and tries to dry off his clothes and fix his hair.
"Sorry....I thought it would be fun...", you start feeling guilty for wanting him to take the coaster ride with you. Pantalone's face softens and he presses a soft kiss to your lips multiple times. "It was", he reassures you and squeezes your hand. You help him dry his hair and then proceed with your trip.
"Hey, isn't that the head of surgery in that hospital you own?", you ask in confusion as you see the man dressed in the mad scientist costume in the haunted house. Pantalone greets Dottore briefly. "Doesn't he make a whole lot of money already? Why does he work part-time at the haunted house?", you whisper to Pantalone once you've passed Dottore by. "Oh he doesn't work here", Pantalone chuckles, "this is more of a hobby of his. He's doubled their revenue ever since he started coming here so they let him in and out as he pleases."
You hear a kid sobbing behind you as you get out of the haunted house, his mother patting his hand gently. "Don't worry Timmie, the mad scientist isn't actually real, it's just a costume", she explains softly and little Timmie picks up a pigeon from the street and holds it for comfort. "Oh dear", Pantalone chuckles and reaches for your hand.
You have to stop Pantalone from buying out the entire souvenir shop for you.
He also questions all his life choices when you go on the spinning tea cup ride and you spin that thing so fast that Pantalone is clinging onto the seat belt for dear life
He asks you to go on the tunnel of love ride with you next and you agree.
"Pantalone....is it just me or is this ride going way slower than it's supposed to?", you raise your eyebrow at the innocent smile he gives you, "also why are we the only people in the boat?" "Don't worry about it", Pantalone keeps smiling at you and kisses your lips gently but passionately. He holds the back of your head and pours so much love into his kiss that for a while the only thing you could focus on was his overwhelming amount of affection, the way he squeezed your hand and the way he started trailing kisses down your neck. Your tone becomes serious. "Pantalone did you block the other people from the ride and reduce the tempo by 75%-", he cuts your words off by pressing his lips to yours again, undoing your seat belt and pulling you onto his lap. He wraps his arms around your waist and presses several kisses on the spot just below your ear. "I love you", he whispers and holds your face in his hands, looking at you like you're the most valuable treasure in his whole life. "I swear to god if I fall out of this boat- the sign says 'keep the seat belts on'", you mumble. Pantalone just smiles against your lips before giving you another deep kiss. "This thing is going at a speed slower than we walk, you're not going to fall out of the boat, love", he pulls you close to him and hugs you, "just relax...."
So you melt into his embrace and you had to admit that for all the schemes he's pulling, it actually felt nice to take some time off from people for a while after being surrounded by families with children and loud park noises all days. So you let Pantalone kiss you for as long as he pleased, enjoying the taste of his lips and how soft they felt against yours. His lips still tasted like the peach lip balm he put on after the water coaster. His fingertips draw circles onto your back and you bury your hands in his soft hair. Pantalone smiles into the kiss. You knew how much he loved when you played with his hair. Pantalone rests his head against your chest and closes his eyes, just letting you pamper him for a while.
"You know, I feel like we've been in there for 20 minutes", you mumble as you get out of the ride. You glance over to the entrance to see a long line of angry people, some chanting "let us in!"
"Oh my god what have you done?", you look at Pantalone who just chuckles, winks at you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. "You've been complicit in it."
Once the park closed up, Pantalone guides you to the biggest square in the park as you watch a hundred of beautiful lanterns rise into the sky. You try not to think about for how long the staff members had to work extra hours just so Pantalone could spoil you. "A dance?", he asks you softly and holds his hand out to you. You dance with him to the slow music underneath the lights, marveling at their beauty while Pantalone can't stop staring at your face instead. He could have a show of lights everyday if he wanted to. Few things he could gift you were anything extraordinary for him, but you were the most special person in his life and he still couldn't believe he was blessed with your love every day.
He gestures for you to wait a second as he disappears behind a booth and comes back with a bouquet. "Y/n.....I love you more than I could possibly put into words. Please accept this bouquet of diamond roses as a token of my love. They'll never wilt and they're everlasting just like my love", he takes your hand in his and presses a soft kiss to it. "How are you not broke yet?", you sigh and give him a tight hug. "Do you not like them?", he asks, worry lacing his voice. "I love them", you look up at the night sky again, holding your bouquet and Pantalone wraps his arms around you from behind as you both watch the lights rise into the night sky, "I love you."
Kicks this trip off with saying "I aspire to be that childless couple cranky 30+ year old parents get mad at solely for being at the amusement park" and that is the general vibe of the entire day.
He doesn't feel like standing in the waiting line at the entrance so he tells you to hold onto him and just uses his anemo powers to fly to a spot straight at the ticket booth.
One of the park employees dressed in amusement park merch greets you with a friendly smile. "Welcome to Primoland - here you can find everything you wish for", he says and Scara replies dryly. "Even my sanity?" "Scara- Two tickets please." The man at the ticket booth looks at you two with a questioning expression but hands out the tickets, probably glad to see you move on.
He's mostly silent on the rollercoasters since they don't bother him much nor are they that much fun to him, so he usually sits there with a straight face. Except if you scream or cling onto him because you're scared. Then he makes fun of you.
You don't know how but you take your eyes off him in the haunted house for 3 minutes and he scares the crap out of at least 5 children.
He wins you the biggest teddy bear at the shooting booth, popping the balloons with his anemo powers. "So you don't complain that I didn't get you anything or something like that", he mumbles and hands it to you. "Hey! I wanted that bear", a small kid next to him pouts and Scara sticks out his tongue to the little girl. "Scara, please, you're an adult-", you facepalm. The girl's mother snaps at him that her daughter wanted that teddy bear and that he shouldn't be such a spoilsport and let the child have some joy. "I really didn't expect to meet such entitled adults when coming here with my family today", she shakes her head and puts her hands on her hips in disappointment. "And I didn't expect to meet a slightly more boring version of Ebenezer Scrooge and yet here we are", Scara retorts and you pull him away by his arm.
Please stop him from picking fights with random visitors.
He wants to get you a popsicle at the shop near the entrance and there's a couple in front of him with their cart packed full of candy, about 50 Primoland socks, matching t-shirts and all kinds of toys. Scara looks grumpier by the second as they seem to take half an eternity to pay for their stuff. The man turns around to him and gives him an apologetic look. "We have 7 children", he explains. "I can see that", Scara replies dryly. Your popsicle is already half-molten when he comes out of the shop. "We can drink that with a straw at this point", Scara mumbles.
You take a photo of him holding a big cotton candy and comment on how cute he looks and he just looks super annoyed on the picture which may or may not be due to the fact that he's blushing quite a bit.
You go on the ferris wheel with him, expecting to have a nice and relaxing ride with him, perhaps cuddling a bit but Scara stands up and starts making the gondola shake a lot from the inside. You grab him by the waist and pull him onto your lap, holding him in place. "Sometimes I feel like it's a bad idea to take you anywhere ever", you sigh and bury your face in his shoulder, gently kissing his neck once in a while to make sure he stays still and stops trying to tease you.
The bumper car ride is his absolute favorite. He drives like a madman and manages to use his abilities to make the car go faster than intended, ramming into everything in his path. He wants to go several rounds and two boys ask him what they have done to upset him. "Scara, we're trying to have fun here not cause someone a concussion....", you joke. "Maybe that is my way of having fun", he teases and sticks out his tongue to you. So you meet it with yours and pull him into a kiss, his eyes widening but he melts into your embrace immediately. He's like this cat:
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author's note: planned to post this on wednesday but then I got something in my eye and couldn't open it anymore so I wrote kaveh's part with one hand and a shirt tied around my left eye.
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inhibitionfreewriting · 8 months
r u a noah kahn enjoyer? not sure if ur taking requests rn but northern attitude for ludwig
oh not this song make me feel a lot of emotions 😳 okay.
listen. i've never heard this song until you suggested it. first of all, thank you for the suggestion. second of all, my heart vomited this up but i like it.
there will be AT LEAST a part 2 because when i got to where i got to i was like okay time to put it down and look at this again tomorrow. this is my version of putting down a piece of art to look at mistakes tomorrow, except i'll be writing more tomorrow.
-- PART 1 --
You and Ludwig hadn't seen each other in a few years, a fall out due to graduation and time. It's funny, they say you'll lose the friends you made in high school but the ones in college are friends for life, yet here you were with one of your friends from high school asking you how you knew Ludwig.
"We went to college together. We were study buddies, how do you know Ludwig?"
"He's a streamer - how do you," she stopped and put the picture frame down. "How do you not know that? You're online, like, all the time?" You shrugged. You were on your computer all the time but you worked on graphic design, you weren't necessarily on the internet. Half the time you just listened to music.
The curiosity gets to you though, would he remember you? You certainly remembered him - plenty of nights in one of your rooms, working on homework together, a night or two drinking shitty wine and watching a movie. A love found but lost.
you: hey ludwig not sure if you still have my number but we were friends in college, heard you are a big streamer now, good use of an english degree lol
An olive branch, a life line, even. You put your phone down, either he'd delete it because you seem like some random fan or he had your number blocked. Within minutes though, you had a reply.
Ludwig: how could i forget you i wouldn’t have passed biology without you. glad SOMEONE appreciates my english degree; usually i’m roasted for it 💀
You laughed. You made fun of him for it from the moment you met him, it made sense that everyone else did too. Conversation flowed easily. You couldn't remember the last time you laughed so hard, and honestly, he couldn't either. It was easy for you two to fall back into a rhythm, like it had only been a weekend apart.
Ludwig: would you ever want to get lunch or something?
He would never admit to how long it took to get the courage to ask, just as you would never admit how little thought you put into your 'yes of course!' reply.
Just a few days later and you were walking into a little café with him standing up to greet you and banging his knee into the table, yelping.
"Oh my god you didn't have to stand, I'm not the president," you laughed, crossing the distance and embracing him in a long awaited hug. He returned it, shrugging off your comment and for the first moment of many today, it felt like nothing had changed at all. Ludwig's arms tight around you, he still smelled like the same mix of deodorant and cologne. Something akin to a forest, teakwood... maybe birch. Something generic but home to you.
"It's good to see you," his voice was quiet in your hair, almost lost. There was a pounding in his chest that made his hands sweat and when you pulled away he anxiously rubbed his palms against his jeans. You both sat, your bag sliding between your feet at the table and conversation flowed like a waterfall.
How has life been? How are your folks? Do you still talk to anyone from school? How do you like streaming? What's been the best part of the experience? Are you in love with anyone? What do you do now, for work? Do you like it? Do you still go to the movie theater? Do you still think of me when you watch Crimson Peak?
"Do you still have that stuffed chipmunk I won you?" He leaned back in his seat and knocked his feet into yours. Suddenly, the embarrassment bubbled up onto your face, cheeks getting hot-hot-hot and he noticed. "If you don't it's okay."
"No I- I do. I uh," you felt like you were going to pass out, Ludwig leaned forward and rested his head in his hands, a shit-eating grin sliding onto his face. "I still sleep with it? It just. Lives on my bed." He wanted to tease you about it, keeping such a stupid memento for the past, what 5-6 years? But any comment was caught in his throat. "Well, say something already! I know you want to!"
"I-I'm just happy you still have it... would have thought you'd toss it out or somethin'," he found it hard to look you in the eyes, choosing to look at the cup on the table.
"How could I ever throw Mr. Stripes out? He was basically our mascot to get through tests. He's my good luck charm." You knocked your foot into his a few times, light taps and he looked back up at you with an almost nervous smile.
Hours had passed, drinks and snacks had come and gone. Your volume had only gotten louder and the laughter more rambunctious. One of the employees came over and Ludwig wiped the tears from his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, we're about to close for the rest of the day. Do either of you maybe want anything to go?" You shook your head, finally calming down from laughter.
"Thank you, I'm okay. Lud?"
"I'm good too," he shook his head, standing up. "Sorry if we deterred any customers, didn't mean to be so loud." The worker shook her head with a pleasant smile.
"It was nice to see you and your girlfriend on such a nice date."
"Oh we're not-" "We're not dating."
"Oh! I'm so sorry. Anyway - we close in a few minutes. We hope to see you two again." She left before you could reassure her it was fine and not an issue but Ludwig was holding his hand out like you need the help to stand up. You take his hand regardless after grabbing your bag.
"You uh, wanna come back to my place?"
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Heyya! Could i Request Leo/need with Composer!S/o, their reaction when the s/o make a song about them! I hope it not too much, and thank you anyway!
Heya! Yes, of course! It's actually so cute idea and I'm glad someone ordered something for my cuties Leo/Need! So I hope I got your idea right and that you'll enjoy <3
Ichika, Saki, Honami, Shiho with composer!reader
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⊱ Ichika was in love with your songs the moment she hears one
⊱ she even secretly wrote some lyrics from one of your songs but she thought it's not good enough so she kept it to herself
⊱ so of course when you told her that you have song for her, she was really excited to listen to it
⊱ no matter if you add lyrics to this song or not, she'll feel drawn to if and it'll grab her by heart especially but she refuses to think it's for her
⊱ you'd really need to give her obvious sign or tell her yourself that you wrote song just for her
⊱ and once she realizes it, you can see well known shade of pink on her cheeks while she tries to tell you her answer
"It- It's really for me?! Oh my, I never expected to receive something so beautiful and meaningful... But thank you so much! I promise I'll give you something amazing one day too!"
⊱ now she won't stop untill she thinks and gives you the best gift she could
⊱ but she's also definitely really grateful for it, you know it because Shiho came to you asking you to calm your girlfriend down since she rambled for 1000th time today about your song
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⊱ Saki is always so energetic overall and about your relationship, and she often told you it's because she doesn't know when her health would get bad again
⊱ that's why you wanted to give her the best gift you could think of which happened to be song dedicated to her
⊱ let's start from fact that she always hummed your songs and probably learned how to play them on her keyboard, maybe you guys even did mini concerts together!
⊱ so it was basically obvious she'll enjoy song dedicated for her but you still couldn't help but he a tiny bit nervous...
⊱ when you told her you have new song for her, she was so excited and her focus was all on you
⊱ if this song had lyrics, she'll definitely figure out it's for her, if it doesn't tho, she'll simply feel drawn to it and just thinks it's her favorite out of all
"This one is so good, YN! I love all your works but I think this one is the best one yet! W-Wait, it's for me?! Really?!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
⊱ she spoils you with her affection till the end of the day now
⊱ she also started working on her own song for you but refuses to show it to anyone untill she thinks it's absolutely perfect
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⊱ Honami definitely wasn't that surprised that you were composer and maybe even helped you quite well because of her experience with one client from her part-time job
⊱ she always was eager to listen to your songs and tried her best to give you her opinion
⊱ although it may seem to you like she's saying all the compliments out of pity, the truth is she just enjoys your music
⊱ so when you told her you have another song for her, she immediately agreed to listen to it
⊱ she might not notice that it's song for her at first but with time she starts realizing it
⊱ although even when she realizes it, it's hard for her to believe that you went through all the trouble of making a song just for her
"It was really nice! I feel especially drawn to this one... It because it's for me?! I-I can't believe it! Thank you so much then! I promise I'll cherish it untill the day I die!! I'm taking it too far-?"
⊱ she definitely wanted to make something for you as well but quickly realized she's not good at it so on the next day she brings you apple pie and has one goal in mind: make you relax on this date and make you feel loved, and appreciated
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⊱ Shiho always was loved your songs and gave you her honest opinion
⊱ whenever she thought a song could use something more, she straight up told you about it
⊱ when you told her you have a song for her, she was more than happy to listen to it
⊱ it actually doesn't matter if your song has lyrics or not, she'll immediately catch on that this song is deferent from you other ones...
⊱ so it's quite obvious she catches on that it's not just a normal song pretty quickly
⊱ when she realized it's song for her, she acted like it's nothing, like it's a normal song but you could see a brush of red on her cheeks
"This song is a little different from what you usually compose... Does it have some special meaning? It's for me?! Just like I thought, well thank you. It's nice, I like it."
⊱ if you recorder it somewhere, she'll listen to it whenever she has some free time and will sometimes even admit to you saying that it's simply 'gooe' or that you 'matched her taste'
⊱ if you ask girls from her band tho, they'll tell you that she listens to it with slight blush and a smile
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
I think you and 🍰 have mentioned it before, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about the way the musical portrays L. The concept album was my introduction to Death Note as well, but I feel like the L in the songs is a much more dramatic take on L? Which, y’know, makes sense, since it’s ✨musical theatre✨ and all. Like, “The Game Begins” is SO fun, but we’d never get a monologue like it from L in the manga or anime. Idk, the musical paints a bit of a different image of L to me. Not a bad one at all, just a different one.
holy space cows 🎲 anon okay let's go! again answering this before my other asks because it's more me rambling than an actual story
GOOOOOD musical L when I first watched the musical I wanted to pick him up take him out of the screen and squeeze him like a stress ball. honestly I loved (love?) him maybe even more than anime L dhdhhdh
I'll put a break in here because I think I'm gonna say a lot
like. he did so many things like anime L (I've never read the manga so I see that L as "base" L) but also I feel had his own quirks. like how he hopped onto chairs (Teen Angst L did this too but because it was screen not stage it felt different. I've done stage acting before so maybe it's just me but screen doesn't feel as close, I just loooove stage acting, UGH. This was also why it was more dramatic in some places, you have to act for the whole audience but, I'm assuming you didn't see it live, WAIT have you even watched the recorded version?? It's on YouTube it's sooo good the subtitles are great too, you can sing along to the songs. it's in Japanese tho. Anyway my point was going to be, because you're acting for people really far away, your movements will be big and dramatic and you'll notice this if it's recorded up close).
HIS VOICE WAS SO NICE TOO like damn this is a fine ass man. His songs, I agree looking back at them they aren't all things anime L would say, especially not unprompted. But I don't think that it was so far out of character that it was unbelievable, you know? I actually think that though yes, the Game Begins was dramatic, that was just the song and not the tone of it, if that makes sense. I'd say songs like Playing His Game and (I can't remember the name but the one LawLight duet they sing at the college? not the tennis one. UGH I know the Japanese...) Anyway, I'd say those songs are more ooc. Cause I think L sees all of his cases as a game, his job as a game. Like yes he cares about human life but he also only takes on interesting cases. I've heard this is more like his manga version, which is kinda cool that this "headcanon" of mine is "canon."
AHAHA anyway the point I was actually going to make with that paragraph was: in the final song (a little ooc but in some lines very in character) L holds this one "O" note that makes me go WEAK IN THE KNEES and of course Light is singing over it at the same time, sobs. This is in the Japanese version. I prefer that version overall, but I like some of the English songs too, like Playing His Game and Requiem. So if you haven't listened to it YOU SHOULD!! It's on YouTube music, you can search up english song name + death note musical. A lot of them are by "LyricNear" I think. and you can ofc watch the full musical. but aaaa the final song breaks my heart but I have to listen to that goddamn note... you guys... you don't understand.
Uh, the musical did of course take some creative liberties. There was no Matsuda which I will always bring up because it is a crime, MUSICAL REMISA WAS THE BEST, the limited runtime cut plots and explanations (I kind of appreciated the ending, though I cried because I was hoping it would end differently), and I don't think they had a Watari. Actually thinking about that, that's probably the most ooc L thing in the whole movie: being able to take care of himself. (well presumably to some degree considering he's still alive at the start)
But yeah... I love musical L... I don't mind when he's ooc because it only disrupts soft headcanons of mine, not hard ones. I also haven't watched it for a while so I may be misremembering some things, but still. Gosh I really want to hug him... his clothes look so soft.... maybe I'll just steal his voice box/j
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lackablazeical · 1 year
Apologies for the repeat ask, I just think mine got lost in all the others and now that you're answering asks I just wanted to try again so please ignore the first one if you manage to find it (again, really sorry if this bothers you and thanks for taking the time to read all of this). First off, I absolutely adore this AU!!!! I love how dark and angst-filled it is and the toxic relationships and the characterizations as a whole are so brilliantly well-done. You manage to draw me deeper and deeper into this twisted fiction with you and your co-writters masterful ideas and art. Not to mention how refreshing and relieving it is to be able to enjoy all of this angst without having to worry about if the individual(s) behind this truly feel that those kinds of relationships work that way (ie. romanticises/normalises it). All in all, thank you so much for all the time and effort you and your co-writors have put into this, it's greatly appreciated and I can't wait to see more!!!
P.S. I feel like Hateful Ever After by Ellise as well as a bunch of her other songs plus Paparazzi by Lady Gaga work really well in encompassing the vibes Addams Leosagi gives off. Maybe some of Upsahl, Will Wood and Confetti (especially Rob a Bank) songs for Addams Mikey too?
Thank you gain for taking the time to read this huge text dump and I hope you have a wonderful day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s) because you deserve it and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!!
No worries!!!!! I see every ask I get, I just have like. The lowest social battery ever, and for some reason asks are included in that (yeah, idk either) so I don't answer often. Your words are so, completely, absolutely screamed and fawned over.
We love dark themes and it's nice to see that you agree!!!!! All the dynamics and stuff are always so fun to work on and flesh out, how toxic relationships manifest in loads of different ways and how to portray that correctly. Labor of love, for sure!!!! Sad that some people do romanticize or normalize it, but all there is to do is be better then they are, yk?
Thank you for your kind words!!!!!! They are so so appreciated, you don't even know!!! We have lots of stuff in the works, which is so exciting (and nerve-racking, lol).
Now, song reccs!!!! Hell yeah >:]]]]]
For Hateful Ever After, I think the tone is really Leo, but the lyrics hit me over the head with Usagi. Like, Spot on!!!
Don't tell my brother, please // I know he worries about me // Seen I've been losing sleep 
The ones who told me all I need to know // But, I can't go back even if I want
Four eyes to watch each other cry // Three lies, you whispered to me that night // Two arms to hold my broken trust // One heart for the both of us
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me
But I won't stop until that boy is mine // Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
Look at the past blast, I'ma make you fall on your ass // Suck it up and pacify, but it's irrelevant
As for Mikey, I do love those!!!! ESPECIALLY Rob A Bank (hell, I put it on my OWN playlist, it fucking slaps). I also really like Ghost by Confetti for him too!!!! Confetti just seems to be really good overall LOL
I didn't listen to too many songs by each artist, just some of the first that popped up, but I really loved both Drugs and People I Don't Like by UPSAHL for him too! That's really how Mikey approaches his fame and the people he has to interact with because of it. He's there for the drugs and the party, not for the people. And he's aware they aren't there for HIM, but the connections he can give them.
As for Will Wood, Main Character is SOOOO Mikey. Bro really would call people NPCs LMAOOOO. I loved the line "God forbid I'm seen just as an average human being." That alone definitely made it an insta-add to his playlist :]
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mins-fins · 6 months
some of isa's favorite kpop bsides ! not in any specific order (¬_¬)
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y si fuera ella ( shinee ) - one of the best covers of this song wbk!! and okay maybe its not originally a kpop song but god does it slap!! have cried to this song sm times you may as well make it a drinking game 😊👍 (guess how many times isa has cried to y si fuera ella shinee cover ver) (don't) (you'll get alcohol poisoning)
cool with you ( newjeans ) - every song on this album is a 10/10 tbh (ESPECIALLY GET UP LIKE COME ON) but im going to be honest this song just makes me very smiley 😊 everything abt it makes me feel insanely joyous i LOVE newjeans my bffs 🙏
i'll make you cry ( aespa ) - I'LL MAKE YOU CRYYYYYYYY, queens!!! making people sob and sounding good doing it 🙏 every time winter sang i started glitching in real time not fake 🙁 imyc better than lucid dream real!!!
round and around ( jo yuri ) - she knew this song wouldve lead to my death thats why she only made it one minute 😢 oh im so DIZZYYYYY 😖 would sell half of my right leg for a full round and around pls yuri ik its hiding somewhere in the studio 😞
love o'clock ( wjsn ) - ITS SO FUN!! ITS JUST SO FUN!! only ot13 wjsn song in my playlist shameful 🙁 but anyways my girl yeonjung did what she had to do and thank god she did!! they just all sound so joyful i love when women are happy 😠!!!
make me go ( twice ) - love me love me now love me love me good.. AHSGSHSSHA 🙁 the whole more&more album is SOO UNDERRATED YET SO GOOD GIVE IT MORE LOVE?!-&1?-?-?? mina's voice throughout the whole song 🤭 my wife did so well……
oxygen ( twice ) - ANOTHER MORE&MORE SONG YES!!!!! i really really really really want 😢… this song put me through the whole of 2021 easily my most depressed year and i just heard that lalalalalalala at the beginning and i was 😊
sweet talking baby ( girls generation ) - YES YES GIRLS GENERATION!!! literally one of the best songs on the album (boys & girls comes as a close second 😒) one of their most underrated songs fr more sweet talking baby appreciation dyk how much this song has got me through 😡!?-?-&—???? (lying)
salty ( the boyz ) - truly couldnt make a list without this song 🙏 there's a reason no person in the deobi fandom hates this song, it's literally so yummy like i need to CONSUME this song
will i ever see you again? ( red velvet ) - this one is kinda funny bc i didnt really like it when i first listened to it……. BUT I LITERALLY CANNOT HATE ANY RV RELEASES LIKE COME ON?? IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN 🙁 isa #1 will i ever see you again fan real
melting point ( zerobaseone ) - TOUCH TOUCH 심장이 BLUSH BLUSH 두 볼이 RUSH RUSH LIKE DO YOU HEAR THOSE BARS 🫨???? zb1 actually made this song for me guys gunwook and taerae were thinking of me in the studio when they were both FUCKING IT UP IN THERE!!! cutest song ever hello i listen to it almost everyday and im not ashamed 🫢
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theproloser34 · 7 months
AJR - The Maybe Man
So finally got around to listening to AJR's newest album. AJR is very weird to me just cause I either love their songs, or the subject matter is just way too corny for me to listen too. Despite that, I really liked their past album, OK Orchestra so I went into this one with an open mind. I'm happy to report that I see this album as a good 7/10. Not great, but an enjoyable listen. Maybe Man: Definitely a great opener to the album. I enjoy the melody and the outro "Here I go again" refrain makes me wish that the song was longer, because it's my favorite part Touchy Feely Fool: This is a perfect example of the thoughts about AJR. This song is incredibly cheesy but also too relatable to myself so I end up loving this song after two listens. Definitely one of my favorites of the album. Yes I'm A Mess: It's an alright song. I'm not too sure if I enjoy the sea shanty vibes I get from this song, but it is really catchy and an earworm. I didn't think it was a great single, but I enjoy it a bit more in the album The Dumb Song: I feel the same about this as I feel about "Yes I'm A Mess". Has a catchy chorus but nothing else about the song particularly stands out after listening. I do enjoy it a little bit more though. Inertia: I don't have anything really to say about this song. I can see how someone would love it, but this song does nothing for me Turning Out Pt. iii: Same thing, doesn't do anything for me. I'm not really a fan of AJR's more slow songs, so this does not hit hit, but easily could be someone's favorite. I appreciate the message of the song, but the song itself does nothing Hole in the Bottom of My Brain: It's a song about fame. I know some people don't like famous people complaining about being famous, but I think this is a nice little deviation than the usual complaints of fame. Also is a nice upbeat and catchy tune. The DJ is Crying For Help: Another one of my favorites. Immediately liked this song when it was released as a single and it has just grown on me more. The only bad thing is this is again another song where I wish there was one more chorus or just a little more development before the outro. The "Don't leave me out" vocal run is my favorite part and I wish it happened more than twice in the song. But still a highlight for sure I Won't: A song I didn't think I would like but soon became the one that was repeating in my head the most. Nothing too special to say about this song. Just seems like a fun anthem for antisocial people, which sometimes you're in the mood for. Steve's Going to London: This is a song I want to like, but I just can't. I find the subject matter interesting but the song itself is too long and just does not sit in my ear well. The bar chant vibe the song is going to just doesn't hit as it should. The bridge is the highlight cause it strips the song down and is most clear about the subject matter, but it doesn't make up for the rest of the song. God is Really Real: I can't hate this song. It just feels wrong to. This isn't a song made for their audience but for themselves. I can't make myself say anything about a song about their dad dying. The line "This kind of thing happens to other dads, It doesn't happen to mine," kills me every time I hear it. It may not be for me but I appreciate this song a lot. 2085: A great outro that I think ends on a appropriate thematic end for the album. The album starts at wondering who you are, to examining certain parts of your emotions and thought processes, to examining outside forces in their lives. To end the album on the lines, "I gotta get better, I'm all that I've got" is such a good way to describe the whole entire album. TLDR: I recommend a listen whether you're a fan of AJR or not. I'm sure you'll find a song or two to like off this album. Also it ain't to long, only 45 mins, so not to much of an investment to listen to. 7/10
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tealcaste · 10 months
hi tumblr time for my daily licorice rambles /hj
anyways so ive been looking at those character playlists recently, and decided to look at licorice ones because how. how bad could they be? (spoiler alert: they were bad. i saw that one "Cause I'm a Liar" aka that one kokichi song on a licorice playlist. A FUCKING LICORICE PLAYLI)
Anyways, ever since i've decided to look for silly little songs that. ACTUALLY relate to licorice (or just songs that remind me of him for some reason), and decided to share it here :33333
(get ready for a massive wall of text)
(also prepare for a lot of grammar + spelling errors fireemoji)
(but then again i wrote most of this at 3am so bear with me plea)
disclaimer if youve never heard of any of these songs just. just listen to them and you'll understand what i mean when i say those songs fit Licorice Cookie plea
i think tbis is the firsr post im actually using capitals yahoo!
alsp ypu xan. feel free to disagree on some songs fireemoji
ok first of all without a doubt, anything from the "People Who Can Eat Are The Luckiest People In The World" album by AJJ can. justifyably fit licorice cookie. SPECIFICALLY Brave as A Noun and Survival Song. I dont know how to explain it but.. the lyrics just.. sorta scream licorice cookie?? Mostly in Survival Song but i added Brave as A Noun since theyre basically just a long song split unto two parts if that makes sense...
BUT HEAR ME OUT ON LICORICE WITH TGE SONG RANDY'S HOUSE. PLEASE. the line "And I hope that our candles flicker and die, so that our hearts don't burn to the ground. Down, down just like Randy's House." jusr fits licorice so muxh i donr know how to explain it... just tge whole aong in general is just so. licorice cookie.
OK next song is "The U & I in Suicide" by That Handsome Devil. Maybe its cuz this song is about death?? But just the whole tone of the song is sorta off putting which imo just.. fits soso much, and this song fits Licorice. The. the lyrics n title r sorta slef explanitory so erm
ok next songs may b a little biased or smth cuz i am a massive Will Wood fan but you cannot deny that. That some willwood songs just.. fit Lico.
I have no idea why but the sonf "BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA" by Will Wood just... heavily reminds me of Licorice?? For no apparent reason?? Maybe its just cuz of the energy of the song if that makes sense??
also one of my friends recommended me this (ty E you're a cool pookie) but "Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones)" by Will Wood and The Tapeworms is just. Licorice Cookie i dont think i need to explain this one
There are a bit more Will Wood and The Tapeworms songs but they sorta jjst follow. the sssame reasons as BlackBoxWarrior -- OKULTRA so errmmmmmmm
aNYWAYS I'd. id like to mention that j feel like "Kiss Me, Son of God" by They Might Be Giants sortaa fits him... liek tthinj abt it... id like to imagine tbag lico sometimes wondee what it would be liek if. he had been taken seriously aand so hed sorta imagine just. being above everyone abd i feel like that song sorta.. helps explain that??
I also think "Losers" by The Cardigans would sorta fit him..LIKE THE LINE "You were that you were special ; I'm just like you." JUST.. OH KY GKD??? THATS SO???? I dont know how to explain it but its just so... licorice cookie for me i dont k ow how to epxlain it.... sksnakdmaknd
there are some other somgs but like. they sorta follow the same reasons as the songs I've mentioned soooooo
anywyas as mentioned earlier.. feel free to disagree with any songs!!! and also if you have some songs tbat reming you of lico feel free to share :333
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Hi! I really loved your fics with arthur and john and was wondering if you could do something angsty for sean? Lately I’ve been really into traditional Irish songs and found myself imagining him humming some sad Irish ballad that reminds him of home (having drunk of course, 'couse i feel like only then he lets his guard down enough to allow himself to be sad) and Y\N, having accidentally heard it, tries to comfort him? Thank you soooo much if you actually decide to write this! Sending lots of love!
Pairing: Sean MacGuire x gn!reader | SFW
CW: Intoxication
Word Count: ~ 478
Summary: Y/n, new to the group, has never seen anyone really show any emotion, besides maybe anger and happiness. But when they find Sean during a dark time, they realize that the group is more than just their stealing and killing.
First off, I apologize for this being written so late, a lot of stuff has happened, and I just forgot to finish this, for that, I am sorry. I am very appreciative of your request annon, I hope you enjoy it!... Also, I have to be honest, I am not one to write angst very well, I tried but I'm pretty sure this came out more fluffy than angsty.
The night was full of celebration. Drinking, chanting, dancing, and singing the night away was rare for the Van Der Linde gang, but always mandatory after a big win.
You step away from the fire and walk into the woodland area. You are always the life of the party, but being so can wear you out. As you lean against the tree, you hear the quiet, somber hums of a song you weren't familiar with coming from someone.
Knowing that the noise wasn't coming from the commotion of the camp, you go deeper into the small forest, following the hums. Only when you saw the familiar hair under a certain hat did you know who it was.
"Sean? Is that you? What are you doing out here?"
The hums stopped immediately. Sean turns and faces you, the brim of his bowler hat covering his eyes. He's sporting a bottle of beer in hand, of course.
"Oh hey, Y/N." He drags on. His words are a bit slurry, but you don't recall seeing him drink till drunk.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself? I pegged you for the standing on tables and dancing kinda guy."
Sean shrugged and turned away from you, his head hung low to his bottle. You wanted to know what was going on inside of his fuzzy head. You reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, coming in closer.
"Hey...you wanna tell me what you were humming earlier?"
Sean huffed a short chuckle and shook his head,
"'Twas nothin' really. Jus' somethin' my da' used to sing sometimes... kinda reminded me 'a home, ya know? Before all 'a this..."
A hiccup comes from his mouth. You've never seen anyone in the group like this, let alone Sean of all people. You know what it's like losing your home, you feel Sean's pain and you want to take it away.
You move your hand from his shoulder and snake your arm around his back, you hand pressed on his waist. Sean looks over to your hand before truing back to you. He's tearing up.
You bring your other arm up, cupping his cheek in the palm of your soft hands, using your thumb to rub away the tears rolling down his drunk flushed cheeks.
"I know how you feel...Losing people you love, it's never pretty...You don't have to hide what was from me, I'll listen to whatever song comes to your mind."
Sean leans his head in and rests it in the crook of your neck, you rest your head on top of his. Low hums start to emerge and you close your eyes as you focus on them.
You don't know if you'll ever see Sean so vulnerable again, but this moment is enough to see that this gang, Sean, is more than just stealing, killing, and drinking crooks.
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 months
babyMINT - "Hellokittybalahcurri3 hellokitty美味しい"
We head into week two of Amnesty, and Crystal introduces us to Taiwanese reality TV...
Crystal Leww: Sixteen is now nearly nine years old and it finally feels like we've achieved peak competition show in Asian pop, with three of the big four labels in K-pop coming out with their own versions this last year and increasingly more depressing formats. It's unlikely that any group from NEXTGIRLZ will become the next TWICE (or even I.O.I... or even Kep1er...) but one of the joys of operating out of a smaller market in Taiwan is that it's possible to get wilder. It's possible that TPOP Entertainment and Wildfire Entertainment actually wanted a commercially viable group to debut but handing over control for babyMINT to producer AF resulted in something way funnier and something actually thrilling. "Hellokittybalahcurri3 hellokitty美味しい" is stuffed full of like twenty different ideas -- like after the endless debates of "what is hyperpop," AF said "fuck it, let's put them all into one song." This is like video game music, cheerleading music, meme music, regular pop music, idol music, rage music, and rave music all in one. Every moment in this is absolute nonsense (my favorite is the babytalk rapper in the 2nd (?) verse (?) imploring you to eat your green vegetables), a maximalist embrace that maybe nothing that is "good" matters, and yet, more than once this year, I have found myself singing along to "baby, please don't 放开手!" babyMINT makes me feel young again. [9]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: I broke down in tears when I first heard this song. The only way to explain my reaction is that it's similar to when you reflect on a relationship you have with someone you love, and how beautiful it is that you've come to understand who they are over many years and in many circumstances. They've remained inspiring, their presence indelible, and you know that there's still more you'll come to appreciate. This song is like that but with the past decade-plus of idol music. [10]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: One of those weird cases where getting too specific about any particular aspect of this would ruin the fun of experiencing "hellokittybalahcurri3 hellokitty美味しい" live for the first time -- it's the best time I've had listening to a pop song in... maybe ever? [9]
Will Adams: The first 90 seconds was some the most exhilarating music I've heard this year -- MAKE. IT. FASTER. -- and then it switched into some alternate universe Ariana Grande x Iggy Azalea song. They went back to the hyper-tempo, but by then the momentum was fully killed. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: I'm not sure what to make of this as a whole track, and I'm not sure I'm meant to. So, by parts: The part of this that sounds like the OST to Yoshi's Cookie
Michelle Myers: Judging idol pop as music, in isolation from its visual elements, will always feel a little wrong to me. The live stage of this track is a [10] for me. From the bored flossing that starts this performance to the headbanging chaos at the end, the choreo is even more delightful than the music supporting it. Listening to this on my headphones, I can't help but hear the seams between the disparate sections of this song. Linlin's rap, which feels deft on stage, sounds rushed and sloppy here. I'm nitpicking, but only because this song absolutely slaps. [9]
Rachel Saywitz: I could care less about the memeability of "hellokitty" -- it's too sincere to be a parody, and while I do find the earnestness preferable, the initial excitement I had for this ridiculously conceived track went away when I realized this wasn't a full-on girl group concept, but a costume of sorts as babyMINT attempts various musical styles to win a competition show, wherein supposedly, their official concept is still not self-determined. But I also think that performativity makes it possible to fully sink into the track's asinine lyrics and abrupt shift changes: these are girls playing a role, and doing so with a sprightly wink. There's no joke to be in on, just a part to play. [6]
Taylor Alatorre: Hmm... come to think of it, being in the beginning stages of a relationship is sort of like being initiated into a new and unfamiliar subculture, whether that be otaku maid cafés, retro arcade games, idol groups themselves, or... boba tea, I guess. Why has no one ever thought to put it like that before? Bonus point for the "ohmygah!" shout actually being transcribed as "omega," which adds a theological tinge to what must be the sweetest-sounding memento mori ever committed to record. [9]
Brad Shoup: A few years ago I wrote a career overview of Dave Matthews Band, because I do not back down from a challenge. In putting it together, I gained an appreciation for just how haunted their music is by death. Not loss, necessarily -- though that's a symptom -- but the sense that a lifespan is short, so eat, drink, etc. For them, it's a bittersweet realization, not something to rage against like some of their arena-filling elders. babyMINT spend more time on the eating and drinking, and I do appreciate them vocallzing a thought ("I will die, you will die") I've had about 10 to 20 times a day for the past three years. But it's cheap heat. [5]
Alfred Soto: This deejay set/Stars on 45 approach to tempos and modes is fun for all ages, as I demonstrated last night by keeping it in the background while my nieces opened gifts. [7]
Ian Mathers: Hmm. I might need to up the amount of shitposting I consume. [7]
Kayla Beardslee: You know some shit's about to go down when the girl groups hit you with "Are you ready for this?" and then introduce a silly-sounding phrase over deceptively chirpy synths. Brace yourself for brain melting; you didn't need those thoughts anyway. [8]
Micha Cavaseno: A manic sugar-rush of getting pranked, viciously blending periods of pop in a way that puts the "hyper" back in "hyperpop." I lost count of genre-jumps at a certain point, spotting at least five different songs where my review and consideration would be skewed only to get confronted with another one, so my sense of trying to provide an average based on any of these things is utterly overwhelmed. I'll never figure out which of them locked me on target and killed me at this rate. [8]
Nortey Dowuona: The first refrain is sped up. For what purpose I can't really ascertain. For one, unless you have good breath control, you can't keep and you might even fall off the rhythm, especially once it speeds up during the chorus. The pre chorus is as direct as one could be, with "I will die, you will die, baby/What a life, what a life/Why don't we just right now/Step out to the balcony and put everything aside? Never mind," ending with a reminder to not worry but to instead eat curry and drink boba instead. But the song completely splits apart, mixing up what it's supposed to be done with curry and boba until it shatters completely and comes to a stop. Guess I'll drink this curry? [7]
Dorian Sinclair: This fall, many reviews of Super Mario Bros. Wonder made the same basic point: there are multiple mechanical ideas in that game that could sustain an entire platformer on their own, but in the context of Wonder are picked up and cast aside within a single level. That kind of creative "wastefulness" is in some ways the ultimate flex -- you don't need to explore the full potential of every good idea you have, because there's always another one right around the corner. "hellokittybalahcurri3 hellokitty美味しい" has something similar going on: there are at least three killer melodic hooks, and that's without considering other standout elements (that guitar skitter! the rhythmic use of the title phrase!), any one of which could be developed into a whole other song. There's something thrilling about the speed and profligacy with which babyMINT chew through motifs here; I just hope they're holding some back for future releases. [8]
Michael Hong: babyMINT were fascinating on arrival: it wasn't just the stylized fashion of their name, or that they were under HIM International Music -- the company that formed Mandopop's only great girl group, S.H.E -- their debut stage saw five members, including former Cherry Bullet member LinLin (cannot think about this fucking group without thinking about Bora being villain edited on Queendom Puzzle -- compliment] -- singing in a mixture of Mandarin, English, and Spanish in a manner that was both prim and tipsy over a Brazilian funk beat. Tuning in weekly yielded more rewarding thrills: "R!ng R!ng R!ng" is cursed doll drum 'n' bass and their Jersey club remix of "Nobody Loves U :(" dials up the jejune silliness of Karencici's original. By this point, I was already all-in on babyMINT, a group helmed by a producer A.F who was weird as hell -- he donned the alias of DJ Banana Hammock for their "R!ng R!ng R!ng" performance and committed to the bit each week -- but had admittedly forgotten to check out "hellokittybalahcurri3 hellokitty美味しい" until two in the morning. I conked out with no recollection of the track -- it's pure sensory overload, impossible to retain any feeling on your first listen other than "Cool Japan!" and that this AF guy should seek help -- the only evidence that I heard it was a series of texts that said, "oh my god... the new babyMINT song is so... i'm crying they are so good. i'm obsessed." I've written about how all of it is primed for memeability -- how the "now, speed up" sets my heart aflame, how the final screams of "drink curry, eat boba" are one of the few things in music that could ever elicit a laugh from me, how LinLin is perfectly charming on her silly little nonsensical rap -- but the best part is that all of this is directed towards this lust for life. "I will die, you will die baby, what a life, what a life, why don't we seize the moment?" ponders Lyu Hsi-yan, what should be nihilistic transforming into something celebratory. "I want to stay cute everyday!" she cheers earlier in the track. The two lines work hand-in-hand, as if each searching for some form of optimism. It's an idol version of AF's song for some competition show and hearing them side-by-side is just proof that this guy knows exactly how to make music for idols. This week, I've been giggling to myself over the line "每天多吃一點蔬菜... 這才是我的菜," the latter part of which is just such an absolutely, unbelievably dumb pun. I play it in the car, to elicit groans, to cheer myself up. I catch myself muttering things from this damn song every day. babyMINT continued to offer surprises after this one. There's this disgusting way one member from the group CRIMZON sings her line "be my bae honey, I can be your bunny" (compliment) on "DAAAAAMMMN" (and the way it builds to some club breakdown just to go nowhere is so funny), "GrAb Me If U CaN" is the last shred of hyperpop I'll ever need to hear, "Ocean Bomb" is a delightfully cute post-NewJeans two-step number until LinLin raps about "Spongebob on her back," and grand finale "2023: BBMeme Odyssey" is so delightfully weird and stupid and fun that it sent me into hysterics on first watch (please just click on the video and watch it, I don't know how to describe what happens here; also Crystal asked me if they cut the one girl's hair just so she could be the prince and it makes me laugh every time I watch this fucking performance). They're the Mandopop artist who define the year, a group who were exactly as game as they needed to be to their producer's weirdest antics, who knew exactly how weird to be to be memeable without playing themselves down. [10]
Iain Mew: When I think of the most successful several-songs-in-one hits ("Biology", "I Got a Boy"), I think of density of hooks and dizzying switches in style. I also think of how they have one melodic hook sweet enough to be first among equals, a unifying glow cast by those highs with "The way that we walk/The way that we talk..." and "I got a boy meotjin/I got a boy chakan". Babymint take things further in the stylistic clashes, with some aggressive bosh and forceful rapping, not to mention ending in pretty much the same full-on fashion as The Knife's "Full of Fire." They do have a hook of more than equivalent sweetness, the "I will never let you go" section like "Super Shy" minus the shyness. That can't take on the same role for the song though, because there just isn't room to, not with the title section drilled in so hard before it even gets that far. So they play a very different game, seeding that phrase throughout but making it fit in with every different section anew. It's audacious enough to make for a spectacular first listen, which makes sense in the context that it's made for performance, and that they are not stars at the top of their game but a new group trying to grab attention. It works better than I expected for further listens because there's a thematic trick to match the musical one. They say up front that they're going to teach us a secret, and so it follows us through however far we go, presented like a universal cheat code. Everything dies, but babyMINT have taken these words and scattered them in time and space and maybe they will lead us through. [7]
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