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Shitpost thought
Okay, so everyone knows that Red Dead trope where young John was like a rabid animal right? Okay, so imagine this...
So I read that John would be hanged (not by the law) for stealing from some homesteaders when Dutch found and saved him. I can just imagine John looking up at Dutch with big teary eyes, thanking him for rescuing him, acting all innocent. And then not even five minutes at his new home and there's already a couch eaten.
That or he's just quiet and apprehensive but still eats their couch.
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YOU hates terfs
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Aw thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked it!! 🥺🥰
Hi! I really loved your fics with arthur and john and was wondering if you could do something angsty for sean? Lately I’ve been really into traditional Irish songs and found myself imagining him humming some sad Irish ballad that reminds him of home (having drunk of course, 'couse i feel like only then he lets his guard down enough to allow himself to be sad) and Y\N, having accidentally heard it, tries to comfort him? Thank you soooo much if you actually decide to write this! Sending lots of love!
Pairing: Sean MacGuire x gn!reader | SFW
CW: Intoxication
Word Count: ~ 478
Summary: Y/n, new to the group, has never seen anyone really show any emotion, besides maybe anger and happiness. But when they find Sean during a dark time, they realize that the group is more than just their stealing and killing.
First off, I apologize for this being written so late, a lot of stuff has happened, and I just forgot to finish this, for that, I am sorry. I am very appreciative of your request annon, I hope you enjoy it!... Also, I have to be honest, I am not one to write angst very well, I tried but I'm pretty sure this came out more fluffy than angsty.
The night was full of celebration. Drinking, chanting, dancing, and singing the night away was rare for the Van Der Linde gang, but always mandatory after a big win.
You step away from the fire and walk into the woodland area. You are always the life of the party, but being so can wear you out. As you lean against the tree, you hear the quiet, somber hums of a song you weren't familiar with coming from someone.
Knowing that the noise wasn't coming from the commotion of the camp, you go deeper into the small forest, following the hums. Only when you saw the familiar hair under a certain hat did you know who it was.
"Sean? Is that you? What are you doing out here?"
The hums stopped immediately. Sean turns and faces you, the brim of his bowler hat covering his eyes. He's sporting a bottle of beer in hand, of course.
"Oh hey, Y/N." He drags on. His words are a bit slurry, but you don't recall seeing him drink till drunk.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself? I pegged you for the standing on tables and dancing kinda guy."
Sean shrugged and turned away from you, his head hung low to his bottle. You wanted to know what was going on inside of his fuzzy head. You reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, coming in closer.
"Hey...you wanna tell me what you were humming earlier?"
Sean huffed a short chuckle and shook his head,
"'Twas nothin' really. Jus' somethin' my da' used to sing sometimes... kinda reminded me 'a home, ya know? Before all 'a this..."
A hiccup comes from his mouth. You've never seen anyone in the group like this, let alone Sean of all people. You know what it's like losing your home, you feel Sean's pain and you want to take it away.
You move your hand from his shoulder and snake your arm around his back, you hand pressed on his waist. Sean looks over to your hand before truing back to you. He's tearing up.
You bring your other arm up, cupping his cheek in the palm of your soft hands, using your thumb to rub away the tears rolling down his drunk flushed cheeks.
"I know how you feel...Losing people you love, it's never pretty...You don't have to hide what was from me, I'll listen to whatever song comes to your mind."
Sean leans his head in and rests it in the crook of your neck, you rest your head on top of his. Low hums start to emerge and you close your eyes as you focus on them.
You don't know if you'll ever see Sean so vulnerable again, but this moment is enough to see that this gang, Sean, is more than just stealing, killing, and drinking crooks.
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A beautifully done character analysis of Arthur and his relationship with these strangers. Never really thought about them like this before, but this person is so right.
For the longest time, I couldn't figure out a pattern behind the strangers Arthur is drawn to -- the ones he likes, approves of, and generally enjoys. He seems to gravitate to wildly different types of people: dandy city boys and rugged mountaineers, perky showgirls and abrasive weirdos, gentle souls and circus "freaks," friendly socialites and social outcasts. At first glance, it appears he's simply drawn to people who are unlike him, perhaps out of a sense of curiosity. But I think it's a little more complex than that...
I think Arthur is drawn to people who flamboyantly and courageously defy the expectations placed upon them by their communities, parents, and social circles, whatever those circles may be.
[meta essay, mild side-quest spoilers below...]
While Arthur (being naturally artistic himself) definitely appreciates artists of every field, and while he definitely has a soft spot for young lovers (projection much…), that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Just look at the shortlist! Albert Mason, the hapless urbane gentleman who decided to strike out and chase his passion for wildlife even if it cost him his life and career. Penelope Braithwaite, the young suffragette who loathed tradition and the bumbling pretty-boy son of her wealthy family's arch-nemesis. Charles Châtenay, a gender-bending social troll of an artist who gleefully infuriates prudes and puritans everywhere he goes. Sally Nash, the perky aspiring "second-best woman lion-tamer" in the world. Acrisius and Proetus, the feuding academician brothers who eagerly partake in increasingly ridiculous tests of idiot daring. Charlotte Balfour, a rich big-city widow who eschews her former high-life to live simply with nothing but a rifle she doesn't know how to use. Algernon Wasp, the hapless dandy obsessed with eccentricities and craftswork few people appreciate (but who apparently makes excellent tea). Jaime Gillis, the aimless kid who knows nothing about himself except that he likes apples and can't bear to live the life his father wants for him. Hamish Sinclair, the one-legged veteran who rides, hunts, and remains self-sufficient despite the difficulty of rough-living with his amputation. Marko Dragic, the frankly unpleasant epitome of shunned mad scientist. Miss Marjorie and her "sons," who fight tooth and nail but somehow find a way to love each other in the face of civilization's rejection, a mirror image of Arthur's own outcast family.
Arthur doesn't just begrudgingly help these particular strangers; for the most part, he really likes these people, writes about and draws them favorably in his journal. Admires them, in a way, as foolish and imperiled as they often are.
While it seems the people he likes have little in common with each other, and often little in common with Arthur, they've all boldly done something Arthur himself is trying to find the courage to one day do...
They don't behave. As big and bad as Arthur is in the world at large, within the confines of his own community, he's extremely well-behaved. He does what's asked of him and plays the role of the big baddie gang lieutenant, which is what his elders tell him to be, even when it's in direct conflict with his wishes and (if honorable) his morals and perhaps even his "natural" personality.
tl;dr: Arthur likes defiers of all kinds, because they prove that defiance can be done. Not just simple defiance of laws, but a deeper, more complete defiance. Defiance of the expectations of family, of the roles dictated to you by those close to you, of responsibility heaped upon you without consent -- and yes, even of Dutch.
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It's My Turn to Take Care of You
MINORS PLEASE DNI!!!! Pairing: Arthur Morgan x m!reader | NSFW
CW: Swearing, sexual intercourse
Contains: smut, handjob/blowjob (Arthur receiving) , anal sex (Arthur receiving), anal fingering (Arthur receiving), dirty talk, fucked to sleep
Word Count: ~ 3,204
Summary: After a long day, Arthur comes home exhausted and horny. Y/n wants to take the initiative and finally be the one to fuck him.
Alrighty, gang, it's sexy time! I have been working on this for a while because I wanna get it just right. I'm not an expert on writing sex, but I really wanted to try. Anyway, enjoy the story!
The day was going by as any other, which meant it was dragging on for what seemed like forever. You sigh to yourself as you bend down to lift up another bucket, once again filling it with water and sending it off to Pearson for the sixth time today. It was starting to become repetitive, and all you really wanted to do was relax in your tent; but doesn't everyone else.
You fill the bucket with water by the pump, your arms sore from continuously doing this. You puff and wipe your brow before picking up the bucket and carrying it back to the butcher's table, setting it down there.
Pearson turned around to you at the sound of the bucket being placed. He gave you a short smile before he spoke,
"Alright, you've helped enough. Go relax."
A wave of relief goes over you, and you flash him a quick smile before going on with your day. With Arthur gone, doing whatever task someone else asked him to do, there's only a little for you to do around camp besides just sit around. By this time of day, most everyone is doing their own tasks, so you decided to help one of them.
Running your gaze through the camp, you see John over by the wagon, struggling to get the wheel back on. Knowing how much of a pain it is to put a wheel back on by yourself, you head over, ready to offer your help.
"Let me help you there, Marston."
John struggles to keep the wheel up in the right place while he hammers it back in. He grunts and lets the wheel fall on the ground before he turns to you.
"Yeah, just...hold this wheel up and I'll hammer it."
A slight nod is all you give before bending down and lifting the wheel up. You make a small grunt as you push it up and against the wagon and line it up with the base. You move your body out of the way so John can access the desired hammering location, and he starts away.
It takes a few hits before he stops and wipes the sweat off his brow. You remove your body from the wagon, and it shifts a little at the loss of your support. Against your and John's best efforts, the wheel doesn't look right, looking loose and bound to fall off if ever used again.
"It's gonna fall off again, but as long as I ain't the one who broke it, it ain't my problem...Thanks for your help, Y/n."
"Really no problem. I'm all for a half-assed repair job."
John scoffs at you with a small smile stretching his lips, before he walks away, probably back to his wife, or to drink by the campfire.
By sunset, you were beginning to wonder just what was taking Arthur so long? What kind of job was he off doing that he had to be gone all day and night? It's not something that bothered you because you wanted him all to yourself, even though you most certainly do. It was bothering you because you wanted him to be back and safe. It's unusual for him to be gone from camp for so long, and the day has never gone by slower.
You sit by the campfire, whiskey in hand, listening to Javier play his guitar when the sound of fast hooves is heard clamping with the ground. Arthur is back. You put your bottle down and excused yourself from the fire, trying to make it look like you weren't rushing over to Arthur.
Arthur gets off Meadow, and when he turns around, you're right there. And god, does he look exhausted. Even in the dark, you can see the paleness covering his skin like a white sheet, he has bags under his eyes, dark and enormous, looking as though he hasn't slept for days, and if you didn't know better, you would have believed he hadn't. He doesn't even flash you a smile when he sees you, probably too tired to do so.
You knit your brows in concern and put your wrist to his forehead, checking to see if he had a fever. When he didn't, you pulled your arm away.
"How are you doing?"
You quietly ask him. His face doesn't change. You know the question was a pretty stupid one. You just had to hear him respond with words.
"I'm fine, jus' a lil tired s'all."
Your concerned face goes flat, not believing a single word he just said. Crossing your arms, you look at him unamused, hoping it will guilt him into telling the truth.
"C'mon Y/n, really, m'fine. Can we jus'...go in the tent?"
With a heavy sigh, you comply and make your way over to your tent, Arthur following in suit. You step into the tent and turn around, ready to talk to Arthur about how he truly is, but before you can get a word out, Arthur holds you close to himself and kisses you.
He's sloppy with it, unlike he usually is, most likely because he's exhausted. Quite wet noises arise from the kiss, his tongue licking around your mouth. He sloppily bites your lip, stretching it out before letting it go. You can feel the teeth marks forming on your lips. You both groan, and you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back to get some air.
The both of you are gasping, and you wipe some spit trickling down your chin. Arthur takes a deep breath and brings you close again, his mouth right next to your ear before speaking.
"I've been thinkin' 'bout you al' day, boy. Even when I was s'pposed to be workin' hard, helpin' folk...Al' I could think 'bout was puttin' you on that bed and takin' you."
Though his confession made your pants tighten, that's not really what you wanted for tonight. Arthur is exhausted and needs to be taken care of, which you will do without hesitation. You bring your lips to his ear, nibbling on it a little.
"Why don't I do that to you?"
Arthur lets out a short grunt at your offer, his pants were already tight, but now you can feel his cock touch your leg. You smirk to yourself as you slide your right hand off of his shoulder, down his chest, and stop at the bulge. You massage it a bit, teasing him. Arthur sucks in his breath, his eyes halved-lidded.
You remove your hand, Arthur's dismay, and pull your head back, smirking at him.
"Go sit on the bed."
Arthur takes no time to question and immediately plops himself onto the cot. You put yourself on your knees and take off his shoes. You then stand up and push Arthur's chest, making him fall on his back. Arthur takes a hitched deep breath as he shuffles around, trying to get comfortable.
You get on top of him and kiss him again. Arthur has never been on the bottom before in your relationship, and by the way he tensed when you rub your hand on his arm, you can tell that he's never ever been on the bottom.
Arthur reaches his hand up to the back of your head, gripping your hair as you let your tongue run around his own. You pull away from your little make-out sesh, making Arthur whimper, his torso lifting up so he can kiss you again. You crane your neck back more and push him down back on the cot by his chest. Arthur falls back with a, pathetic whine. You look him in the eyes, brushing some hair out of his face.
"Are you okay with this? With...me being on top?"
"Well. I didn't say no, did I?"
"You also didn't say yes. If you want me, then tell me. If you don't, that's okay too."
Arthur takes a minute to think, looking away from you, his cheeks nice and flushed. His eyes make their way right back into yours. He takes a deep breath, then he talks.
"Y/n...I wan' ya. I wan' ya to fuck me so hard that I won' be able to walk t'morrow. Please, I need ya."
Your brows raise at Arthur's begging. All you really wanted was a simple yes or no, but that...that was way better. You almost came in your pants right then and there. You smile at this, and rub a thumb on his stubbled jaw, you hand on his cheek.
"Ohh, Arthur...what a good boy you are. I didn't even have to ask you to beg...You deserve a reward."
Arthur shivered at the dominance in your voice, not used to having such power on top of him. You lower your face back down to his and start making out again. Arthur let out a small groan into your mouth from the roughness of it.
You rub your hands against Arthur's clothed chest before reaching down to the buttons, doing them one by one, playing with the hair that gets exposed after each one. Once the buttons were all unbuttoned, you put your hands back on his chest, rubbing it around letting his chest hair run though your fingers.
You bring your fingers up to his left peck and brush them over his nipple, one by one. Arthur moaned in your mouth, his back arching slightly at the sensitivity. While one of your hands is teasing his nipples, you bring your other one down his stomach, right to his pants, where you palm him.
Arthur jolts a little and moans at the touch, grinding in your hand the best he can. You move your mouth away from his and down to his neck, suckling and biting on his skin.
"Y'know for-ahh-being on the bottom...you sure know what your doing."
You smirk at him against his skin before removing your hands and lips from his body. Arthur whines and bucks his hips, hoping to hit some friction, but it's no use.
"I've learned from the best."
You crawl down to his knees, resting your own between his legs, and reach over to unbutton his pants. Arthur looks at you eagerly as you slowly unzip his jeans. You hook your fingers around the waist of his pants and underwear and slowly drag them down. Arthur moans as the fabric brushes against his aching cock.
As you pull them down, Arthur lifts his hips, so you have no struggle taking them off, throwing them on the ground when they finally slide off his feet. You take a moment to admire Arthur before anything else.
Bright red in the face, panting, unbuttoned shirt barely hanging of his shoulders, no pants, and a nice thick, red, cock standing proud in front of you face, precum just beading at the tip. You smile at the mess you made of him before you continue to please him.
You take your hand and bring it right up to Arthur's cock, teasing the motion of grasping it. You flick your eyes back to Arthur and see him looking right at your hand, breathing heavily, eyes wide with anticipation. Although you would love to tease him like this for hours, you told him you would give him a reward.
You grab the base of his cock, squeezing it a little. Arthur rested his head back down and the bed and moaned a bit louder than you had expected. You let out a small chuckle at his reaction before you slowly start to move your hand up and down his entire length.
Arthur's moans seem to never cease, and you continue to pleaser his most sensitive spot. You bring your thumb up to his tip, which is now pooling with precum, and rub it around. Arthur whines at this, but you continue, using it as lubricant to slick up his cock.
You continue rubbing him up and down until Arthur starts to buck his hips into your hand, setting his own pace. You know he's close to cuming so you take your hand away. Before Arthur can even make a noise of protest, you lower your head and lick his tip with your tongue. Arthur's moans become louder as you work your tongue around his cock, putting it entirely in your mouth.
You have sucked Arthur's cock a multitude of times, and you know exactly what gets him off the fastest, yet you've never seen him react like this. His back arches with pleasure making his tip tickle the back of your throat, you gag at this but keep your composure. Arthur's hands find their way into your hair, tugging at it something fierce.
"Uhg-Boy...I-I gonna-ooh yeah-cum soon..."
You don't cease even at Arthur's warnings and, if anything, you go even faster, bobbing your head up and down as fast as you can.
"Goddamn, boy...ahh-don't stop!"
You hear Arthur hiss and moan out, his cock twitches and his hips rise off the bed, hot liquid shoots through your mouth. Arthur rolls his hips into your face as you swallow all of his cum. You continue to lick his cock through his orgasm until he whimpers over the sensitivity.
You pull your head away and sit upright again, licking your lips as you look at Arthur, who still seems to be enjoying himself and looks even more tired than before. You must admit the wet spot on the front of your pants, enjoying pleasuring Arthur a little too much. You bend over and reach for his face, rubbing his cheek while smiling.
"Are you ready for me, darling?"
Arthur looks alive again and nods quickly. You giggle at his excitement and start unbuttoning and unzipping your pants. You shuffle them off your thighs and struggle a bit when taking them entirely off, letting out a sigh of relief as your hard cock springs free.
"Alright, now take your thighs and spread your legs for me, while I go grab something."
You remove yourself from the bed and walk over to the wooden chair in the corner of your tent. There, your bag rests, and inside it is a bottle of oil, a perfect lube to use. You turn around and see that Arthur has done precisely what you've said.
Arthur rests, knees bent in the air, with his hands clutching the back of his thighs and his legs spread apart, his cock standing tall once again between his legs.
You go back over to the bed, sitting in your previous position, and open the oil bottle, putting some on your index finger. You take your finger and rub the oil around the rim of his hole. You look up at him to make sure he's alright so far. He looks straight at you, lust in his eyes, as he lets his mouth hang open, a small, quiet moan coming from it.
You slowly push your finger in, rubbing it around the inside, feeling the wrinkles of his hole. Arthur grunts and you see him grip his thighs a little tighter, his skin bending in on itself at the pressure.
After letting him get used to just one finger, you push your middle finger in. At this, Arthur moans and pushes his hips into your fingers, wanting more. You move your fingers around in a circle, moving them in a scissoring motion, feeling every part of him, until Arthur is begging for more, his cock twitching now and again.
"Ahh yes! Please, boy...I-I need you inside 'f me."
Your own cock twitches at his begging, and you decide to just give him what he wants right away. You slowly pull your fingers out, leaving Arthur to whine, and you line your hips up with his own, resting your hands on his hip bones.
"This will only hurt for a moment."
You look right into his eyes as you slowly push yourself into him, moaning at the heat and tightness that wraps around your cock. You stop once you are a little more than your head in and just sit there, letting Arthur groan in pain and pleasure for a moment.
Arthur bucks his hips into yours, pushing you deeper into him. You both moan at the feeling. He starts to rock back and forth fucking himself, and you take that as a sign that he is ready. You start moving your hips, taking your cock in and out of him, always going a bit deeper with each thrust. Arthur reaches up and grabs his hair, tugging it with a moan, eyes closed and mouth hung open. You go at a slow pace, but still enough to give him pleaser until he's begging for more.
"Could you please-mmm. Go a little faster, darlin'?"
Your fingers press harder into his hips as you pick up the speed, your hips crashing into his. Your own speed takes your breath away, barely being able to let out a moan. On the other hand, Arthur is moaning like there's no tomorrow, brows furrowed in focus.
You remove one of your hands from Arthur's hip and bring it back to his cock, aggressively stroking it up and down. Arthur arches his back a little at this and bites his lip, trying to keep his louder moans at bay.
"Yeah-hng-you like that?"
You huff at your speed and squeeze Arthur's cock in your hand, some precum beading at the slit. Arthur is completely lost in himself, eyes closed with his mouth hung open, winded, soft, moans, the only thing pushing themselves out of his throat.
Your head feels as though it's floating. As that oh-so-familiar burning feeling pools inside of your pelvis, pushing you to thrust harder. You pump Arthur's dick aggressively, trying to get him close along with you.
You're breath hitches in your throat as your cock spills out cum from the slit into Arthur's ass. You slow down your hips, but don't stop to ride out your high.
"Goddamn, kid!"
Arthur breathily moans out as cum spills on your hand and down his shaft. His arms fall you his side along with his legs, and his body comes to a full stop, slow breathing is all you hear from him.
You pant as you slide yourself out from inside Arthur and chuckle at him.
"Damn...Are you asleep?"
No response. You shake your head and groan as you move your stiff legs around Arthur and plop yourself down next to him. The work of the day and the sex seem to catch up to you as your body starts to hurt.
You put an arm around Arthur's chest and bring yourself close, kissing him on the nose before resting your head on the pillow and closing your eyes.
"Good night Arthur."
You quietly mumble before letting yourself fall asleep.
Arthur grumbled as yet another person from camp teased him as he limped his way to Pearson's stew. This time it was Sean, of course, which only pissed off Arthur even more.
After getting his stew, he sits right next to you, jolting with a hiss before being able to sit down. You look at him with a shit-eating grin, and he responds with an unimpressed grin.
"Just wait till tonight, boy."
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Hi! I really loved your fics with arthur and john and was wondering if you could do something angsty for sean? Lately I’ve been really into traditional Irish songs and found myself imagining him humming some sad Irish ballad that reminds him of home (having drunk of course, 'couse i feel like only then he lets his guard down enough to allow himself to be sad) and Y\N, having accidentally heard it, tries to comfort him? Thank you soooo much if you actually decide to write this! Sending lots of love!
Pairing: Sean MacGuire x gn!reader | SFW
CW: Intoxication
Word Count: ~ 478
Summary: Y/n, new to the group, has never seen anyone really show any emotion, besides maybe anger and happiness. But when they find Sean during a dark time, they realize that the group is more than just their stealing and killing.
First off, I apologize for this being written so late, a lot of stuff has happened, and I just forgot to finish this, for that, I am sorry. I am very appreciative of your request annon, I hope you enjoy it!... Also, I have to be honest, I am not one to write angst very well, I tried but I'm pretty sure this came out more fluffy than angsty.
The night was full of celebration. Drinking, chanting, dancing, and singing the night away was rare for the Van Der Linde gang, but always mandatory after a big win.
You step away from the fire and walk into the woodland area. You are always the life of the party, but being so can wear you out. As you lean against the tree, you hear the quiet, somber hums of a song you weren't familiar with coming from someone.
Knowing that the noise wasn't coming from the commotion of the camp, you go deeper into the small forest, following the hums. Only when you saw the familiar hair under a certain hat did you know who it was.
"Sean? Is that you? What are you doing out here?"
The hums stopped immediately. Sean turns and faces you, the brim of his bowler hat covering his eyes. He's sporting a bottle of beer in hand, of course.
"Oh hey, Y/N." He drags on. His words are a bit slurry, but you don't recall seeing him drink till drunk.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself? I pegged you for the standing on tables and dancing kinda guy."
Sean shrugged and turned away from you, his head hung low to his bottle. You wanted to know what was going on inside of his fuzzy head. You reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, coming in closer.
"Hey...you wanna tell me what you were humming earlier?"
Sean huffed a short chuckle and shook his head,
"'Twas nothin' really. Jus' somethin' my da' used to sing sometimes... kinda reminded me 'a home, ya know? Before all 'a this..."
A hiccup comes from his mouth. You've never seen anyone in the group like this, let alone Sean of all people. You know what it's like losing your home, you feel Sean's pain and you want to take it away.
You move your hand from his shoulder and snake your arm around his back, you hand pressed on his waist. Sean looks over to your hand before truing back to you. He's tearing up.
You bring your other arm up, cupping his cheek in the palm of your soft hands, using your thumb to rub away the tears rolling down his drunk flushed cheeks.
"I know how you feel...Losing people you love, it's never pretty...You don't have to hide what was from me, I'll listen to whatever song comes to your mind."
Sean leans his head in and rests it in the crook of your neck, you rest your head on top of his. Low hums start to emerge and you close your eyes as you focus on them.
You don't know if you'll ever see Sean so vulnerable again, but this moment is enough to see that this gang, Sean, is more than just stealing, killing, and drinking crooks.
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Major Changes!!
Heyy everyone...it's been a while. Sorry about that. A lot of stuff has been going on in my life right now, so I haven't had time to really take some time to write. So I know when I started this blog thing, I wanted it to be for a bunch of fandoms, but from now on, I just want it to be red dead..I'll probably make another blog for everything else, but I'm back in my Red Dead faze, so I'm only writing and blogging about that. Hopefully, I don't regret this decision lol. But yeah, so I just wanted to let ya'll know that my whole master list and stuff will change and that I will only be taking Red Dead request starting...now!
Fera <3
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I need to talk about this...
OKAY , I am sorry I have been gone so long,, work and stuff BUT I just finished GOW Ragnarok...I am absolutely finished. Like...(almost) everyone had their bittersweet/happy ending, but Atreus being gone makes me so sad! I literally feel like a parent after their child moves out, I am happy for him, but I am devastated. AND DON"T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE GOODBYE SCENE. When Kratos was like "Loki can go...But Atreus remains." I WAS DEAD I COULDN"T HANDLE IT ANYMORE....Moral of the story is, tomorrow I am playing the God of War Ragnarok...prequel ? The one that came before this one?...God of War 4? You know what I'm talking about...Anyway, I just had to come on and rant because I literally just finished, and I still have tears in my eyes...Also expect some new works very, very soon!
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Kratos with a s/o that loves to slap his ass and suffocate themselves in his man titties? I know he would be so annoyed but might be his guilty pleasure
Note: I apologize for taking so long!
Genre: fluff, annoying Kratos,
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So our boy is THICC, we know this already
Only thing is, is that its hard to not grab, squeeze, slap or even bite his tiddies or ass. Sometimes when he jumps down from somewhere high they give a slight jiggle 0_0
Whenever he’d pass by you couldn’t help but give a small slap to his ass, at first he hated it and jumped every time you did and gave you a snarky remark. However as time went by he became a custom to it, not that he liked it but he saw how much you liked to do and let it slide
Of course Mimir had some comments such as “didn’t think you’d be into that” “the gentle giant eh?”and so on and so forth
And obviously only you were allowed to do this
One night you were resting on his very fluffy chest. So squishy…so bitable………..so you did 🧍🏻‍♀️
 now you didn’t just bite into it like an animal but you gave it a gentle chomp. He was confused and was ready to push you away but you let go. You could see why some men would want to do it to their woman who had a large rack because it was nice.
Your hand also miraculously stays in one place the entire night and sometimes there’s a grip which is a mystery in itself
Of course if there was cake in the front there was cake in the back 😈
Sometimes you would drag behind just a bit because whenever he walked there may or may not be some jiggles and bounces of that cake😉and you do much more than just enjoy the view
Sometimes your hands couldn’t help but come up and give a small grab or slap to the cake because gods 😩 it was just fat
Now sometimes he did get annoyed however sometimes he did like it….secretly of course! For example when you’d come in for a hug you would stare at his chest more than his face and would squeeze yourself as much as you could between them almost as if you wanted to suffocate yourself in them
Sometimes it just reminded him that his training pays off and he was keeping up despite his age
Of course he always returns the favor of cuddle, slaps and grabs whenever he could. Sometimes you’d wake up and you would both be cuddling while one of your hands held a butt cheek, mimir would get a very good laugh about it whenever it occurred
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This, in fact, has happened
Sam, rolling down the car window: What seems to be the problem, officer?
Cop: Get the hell out of my car.
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Dating Dylan Headcanons (M!Reader)
Okay so I really wanna get into writing stories for other fandoms because I’m really into a lot of things…I’ll make a masterlist based on things I like. You can always look in my description and see what my current fixation is. Not that I won’t write things for other games it just means it’ll come out probably later since I have a very hard time writing things that are not what I’m currently basing my life around…
Anyway, for today, I’m going to be writing about The Quarry since that’s what I’m fixated on right now. And to the anon who requested that Sean MacGuire song fic, I am still writing it I'm just doing some song research so it will take longer that expected. Anyway…Enjoy!!
Dylan fell for you first and he fell hard
You two bonded over your love for music and your odd humor
Dylan would always pout when you two had to be separated for camp activities
When you two did get to work together, you guys would always put on a show for the kids,, which they loved, of course
And even though the counselor board said otherwise, you both were the kids favorites
Of course Dylan would sneak into your cabin at night and cuddle with you
Though you never stopped him, you would always warn him of Mr. Hackett
He never listened though
When the werewolves started to show up is when Dylan put on his hero face
He kept you by him at all times until he deemed the situation unsafe to which he would tell you to run as fast as you can away
You never listened though and stayed by his side
You knew he needed protection too and you'll be dammed if you let something happen to your man
You were right no board when Dylan begged Ryan to cut his hand off, you've seen the walking dead, you know if whatever that thing was bit him, it was better to cut it off then leave it on
When everything was,, relatively good, Dylan asked you if you could still love a man with one hand
Because of the situation you took his joke seriously and proceeded to list off every modification, amputation, or disfigurement that could ever happen to him and you would still love him
Dylan was your hero in almost every situation without fail and of course once you survived, you both still stayed in touch
You always talk about how you could never repay him for all that he did that night and he'll just sit there in his pride all smiley
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Started: 6/27/22
Last Updated: 2/1/23
Total Works: 4
Reader type: Male/Female/Gender neutral
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𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐬
𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 | 𝐒𝐟𝐰
𝐓𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐟𝐰
𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 | 𝐍𝐬𝐟𝐰
𝐆𝐍 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 | 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞 | 𝐒𝐟𝐰
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Please leave requests!!!
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Reblog if your blog is safe for trans followers.
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Hello! Can I ask for a fluffy arthur x male!reader where the usually cold and closed off reader gets all soft and "mother hen" for injured!arthur much to the others entertainment? The reader is shorter in height than average and also quite younger than Arthur, like in his mid-twenties ('couse I'm a sucker for both age and height difference ships)? 😅 Thank you!! 💕
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x M!Reader | SFW
CW: Short graphic description of shotgun wound
Contains:Word Count: ~ 1,059
Summary: Y/n is not one to be very kind to others, but after Arthur gets wounded he can't help but feel a pinch of mothering sprinkle itself inside him.
Oh my goodness!! First off I would like to say that this request brought a huge smile to my face, not only, because you are my first request, but also because this request is so stinking cute! I hope I wrote it just as you intended and I hope you and everyone else who reads this thoroughly enjoys it!
Y/n was a loner, and an ass of one at that, that was clear. He would usually stray away from the others and go out on his own adventures or just stay in his tent doing God knows what, only being a real part of the group when there's a big mission or heist going on.
He still pulled his weight around the camp though, patching up who ever needs it with low grunts of encouragement or annoyance. He fixed things that needed fixing and was known to play a mean game of poker if he felt like socializing. Don't hold your breath though, as he usually only did so with Hosea.
There wasn't anyone that could break through his tough, icy exterior. Even at the ripe age of 25, he had seen too much to open up to anyone. No one in the camp, not even Dutch, could tell you one thing about him, expect of course of being able to patch people up, that he was strong, or that he could play poker.
It was a hectic day on it's own. Having to move camp with half of the people gone, off killing whatever the hell threated them, was no easy job. Y/n was stuck helping tearing down, traveling, and reassembling the camp, which he wasn't particularly complaining about. He was not in the mood to go on a killing spree today, and everyone knew that when he said "No" there was no way you were going to convince him otherwise.
Y/n was helping Grimshaw put up a tent when the distinct sound of multiple hooves knocking on the ground could be heard through the trees.
Y/n looked and saw the men slow to a stop though the clearing. Y/n set his eyes on Arthur and saw him clutching on his side, no clear expression on his face. Y/n, keeping his eyes on Arthur, let go of the stick Grimshaw was kneading in the tent, and made a beeline towards Arthur.
"Wha-Hey! Where are you going, boy?! I thought you were helpin' me!" Grimshaw yelled out.
Y/n didn't even bother with a response, and even if he had, he was too far away by then to really give one. Y/n walked right up to Arthur, who by then was just getting off his horse. Arthur's head perked at the sound of grass shuffling behind him and turned around, looking down at the man in front of him.
Y/n was pretty short for a man and he definitely had heard his fill of short jokes. The one most passed around through camp was how he should get a pony rather than a regular horse. He didn't find it amusing.
The bigger man jumped at his own name, in a small state of shock hearing the smaller speak. Y/n grabbed Arthur's hand, a faint blush on his cheeks as he dragged Arthur to put out the fire.
"What happened? How bad does it hurt? How much have you bled? When did this happen?"
Y/n, in a quiet voice, asked questions a mile a minute as he set up a little makeshift doctor station. Arthur couldn't believe his ears or his eyes, for that matter, and he wasn't the only one. It seemed as though the camp around them froze as they all watched this scene unfold.
"Let me see..."
Y/n's voice was soft, gentle, almost like a mother's to a harmed child. Arthur removed his hand from his side, his palm bloody from the spilling wound. The fabric of his shirt was ripped and exposed a shotgun wound. Y/n grunted in displeasure and looked up at Arthur.
"How did this happen?" He asked as he started to put gloves on.
Arthur rubbed the back of his neck, a little embarrassed.
"Well, uh...you see...The guys were gonna kill my horse. I couldn't let that happen so I uh...distracted 'em?"
"That was stupid of you...you should have thought better. Thankfully for you though, one of us uses our brain."
If Y/n was some random guy, he surely would have seen the barrel of Arthur's pistol, but he wasn't some random, he was Y/n and Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at his statement.
"Can you take off your shirt?"
Arthur almost fell off the log they were sitting on, his eyes boggling at the shorter man next to him. Y/n rolled his eyes, not needing Arthur to explain his look to know exactly what it meant.
"Fine...if you aren't going to be mature and act like a child, can you at least pull it up so I can get a better look?"
Arthur blushed, embarrassed by his own stupid reaction. He slowly lifted up his shirt and held it right above the wound, the fabric running against it making him groan in displeasure.
Y/n grabbed his knife and brought it up to the wound inspecting it for any bird shot stuck in his exploded flesh. When he found a few pellets, he got ready.
"This is going to hurt."
"No sugar coatin' it then?"
Y/n took his knife and dug it under the first pellet, popping it out from the wound. Arthur nearly screamed out in pain as Y/n continued until all the pieces were removed, whispering "I'm sorry" and "I'm almost done" quietly after every removal. Once done, Y/n straightened out again and grabbed medical wraps, handing them to Arthur.
"You better do this yourself, unless you want me to baby you."
Arthur grabbed the roll and started to wrap it around his stomach. Once done, he handed it back to Y/n.
"Hey, uh...thanks kid. Maybe I'll get myself injured more often, if it means I can be babied by you."
Y/n let a small smile slip for only a second before getting up and walking away, frightened by himself opening up. As he walks past Dutch's tent, he hears him chuckling.
"Play good doctor, huh, Y/n?"
Y/n ignored Dutch's taunts and continued on back to Grimshaw. Dutch wasn't the only one to taunt Y/n's sweetness, it seemed that everyone was taking a jab at him, teasing him until no end. It seemed that everyone replaced the short jokes with taunts, most of which only bothered him a little.
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