#Like imagine he just pulls out a snack and starts munchin’.
radioisntdead · 6 months
Ok. So…you can’t just put potential Rosie HeadCanons in my face like that and NOT expect me to start gushing girl.
Rosie with a reader who has a powerful instant regeneration ability. Just imaging they chop off a limb or some fingers and offer them up to Rosie like - “Flame grilled or Sushi?”
Being cute while she’s devouring their pinkie finger while having tea, and reader is SO nonchalant about it.
Good evening my dear! Rosie is just munchin' on the reader like a snack.
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Cannibalism [Fun fact, this is one of the main warnings in the fics I write, out of context this is concerning, EVEN WITH CONTEXT ITS KINDA CONCERNING??] mild gore for obvious reasons, temporary self mutilation??? The seasoning of limbs I don't know but this gets weird, as per usual this more then likely isn't proofread, I wrote headcanons and a drabble but this is somewhat short my apologies!
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You and Rosie's relationship is odd to say the least, I mean y'all are in hell but still, but it's healthier then the majority of relationships down there,
I imagine you just carry around like a butcher knife so whenever Rosie is hungry you just go CHOP and hand her your hand or something,
Also if you carry around a bag I imagine you put some seasonings and sauces in for her to choose as well, because unseasoned meat is gross.
Rosie seems like the type to season her food.
The first time you popped off a limb you did with without warning and almost scared Rosie half to double death!
Give the gal a warning and tell her that you can regenerate limbs! She did enjoy munching on it afterwards though!
If you're an overlord you supply her with snacks at meetings,
She just whispers to you that she's hungry and that after the meeting you should get a meal,
And then you with zero discretion chop off a finger and offer it to her,
Carmilla Carmine wasn't pleased, neither were the other overlords [excluding Alastor, he finds it entertaining] and that's saying something since they've more then likely done horrendous things to get to their overlord status.
Rosie however is pleased with the snack, she would prefer if you didn't get blood on the table though,
Maybe in advance you go chop chop and put fingers in a Ziploc bag and hand it to her like it's baby carrots.
Less mess that way,
During tea time I imagine you do prep work in advance so you have an assortment of your fingers in different flavors, so your hand is mess free to be able to hold Rosie's hand while sipping tea,
Or maybe having a picnic, you just pop off an arm and thinly slice it and put it in a little sandwich, maybe some type of dessert? I don't know
Similar to the Alastor biting headcanons I did, Rosie bites you,
But unlike Alastor she doesn't just break skin, she takes CHUNKS OUT, I image you either have a really REALLY REALLY high pain tolerance or you can't feel pain because this has to be painful.
Also you probably need to have towels nearby because this gets messy, like it looks like a murder scene, but without the murder.
You are a snack, literally, a walking talking snack that Rosie adores with all her cannibalistic heart.
You hummed as Rosie sat nearby sipping tea, it was a decent day in hell, the sky was red, sinners were screaming in the distance, and you were pulling back a meat cleaver to provide more fingers,
"Rosie darling, Should I take out the bone or leave it in this time?"
"Leave it in, it gives the fingers a nice crunch!"
Rosie said looking at you, grinning her sharp teeth shining like a razer sharp knife, eyes like a endless void of pitch black that one could get lost in, you could wander in and never escape.
You were completely and utterly in love with her,
Giving a lovely smile back you nodded before ramming down the cleaver, spattering blood across the counter, you pulled your now fingerless hand back, giving it a slight shake before a swirl of black smoke covered it and within seconds you had fingers again, you pull back the cleaver to repeat the process, after all your beloved Rosie was hungry and five fingers wasn't much!
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Good evening folks! Thank you for tuning in!
I never thought I would be writing cannibal x readers but here we are, anyways I'm still working through requests! I got a Found family Rosie, an parental Alastor, an angsty Velvette and another one that I can't remember but It's in the drafts! Also Alrighty tune in time!
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coochellati · 2 years
Bruno HC: Bruno’s zippers on his suit are 100% functional and he uses Sticky Fingers to store things in ‘em.
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Look at all those places to put things, so many zippers .
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jangofctts · 4 years
Keida what do your boys think about aftercare habits?!? like snuggles/cuddles or clean up orrr 💘
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blanche: blanche likes to hug you to his chest and just run his fingers over your skin, memorizing everything from freckles to scars to birthmarks or stretchmarks. he won’t tell you he loves you (not yet at least) but you can feel the care and the love through the way he looks at you while he traces your skin. eventually he’ll get up and ask if you’d likeanything to eat/drink and maybe offer to clean up the mess he left between your legs (sometimes he offers with his tongue ;) gdjsbs) but anyway, he isnt always the best person to talk to afterwards just bc he knows he might cave and tell you how much he loves you, but he likes cuddles!
blue: he’s very open to anything you want!! like he’ll hold your hand and sweetly ask you what will make you feel cherished and loved afterwards. he cares so much about you, almost to the point where he forgets that he also needs aftercare so make sure you take care of him too!! even tho he do be a little skinny he wants you to fully lay on him or hug him tight with exactly 1000 blankets and pillows surrounding you both. he likes to be coMfy
jaws: jaws is an absoLUTE SLUT for snuggle time after sex, like after you get cleaned up he wants you in his arms iMMEDIATELY. like he’d literally glue himself to you if he could and so expect him to be cuddled very close, just running his hands over your bare skin or massaging out any sore muscles. jaws likes to talk about the future while he’s in your arms, or you in his--mostly about how when the war is over he wants to get married (hopefully to you) and have kids on some nice planet like Naboo. again, this baby is a hopeless romantic and just imagines the perfect fairytale ending ok?? 
sweets: he can get a little overwhelmed after sex, so he'd really appreciate it if you just spoon him/cradle him and play with his hair and whisper praise. honestly like he’d love to take a bath or hot shower with you but if that’s not possible then he’s ok with a warm washcloth. he’s a bit quiet after sex but he’s not shy about telling you he loves you!! he likes to cling to you and cuddle AND SO it would be the perfect time to watch a holodrama or some other holofilm!! he’s very open to whatever you wanna watch—esp the nature documentaries (but uh be aware that he might cry if his favorite baby animal gets eaten or smthn rhdjdn)
kami: he’s ALWAYS gonna make sure youre all good 100%. he knows he can be intense and so to lighten that load he cracks jokes and gets you to smile/laugh. super giggly cuddles and dumb jokes, sweet smooches and maybe a tickle fight shsksn. he’s a clown but he’s yOUR clown. he likes to snack afterwards too so he’ll sneak in snacks and drinks and he’ll put on a movie maybe rhjdbd. but if you just want to cudddle he’s cool with that too!! he’s the most talktive after sex and so he’ll like to chat about anything and everything like “would you rather” questions or like “is cereal a soup?” verY good at convos and will most certainly proclaim is undying love for you
fuse: terrible aftercare until you teach him rhdkdb like he’s the type of guy to just be like “aight. cool. bye thx for coming, close the door on the way out.” like it’s only bc he’s used to one night flings so he’s not used to cuddling or basking in the afterglow. bUT once he meets you he’s willing to hold you in his arms or his in yours. if you play with his hair he will absolutely MELT, and esp with that paired with gentle praise?? boy he might cry (he does sometimes)
bruiser: he knows he’s a big boy!! and is fuLLY willing to get you icepacks/bacta/heating pad whatever!! he doesnt mind if you want to just lay on his chest or have him tuck you into a nice spooning position dhdjdb. though he might fall asleep like this and will start to snore but dgsks he looks so adorable when he sleeps so no biggie. if he doesn’t fall asleep he does tend to get hungry so he’ll just pull out a bag of chips and start munchin and offer you some dhdjdn. he has a heart of gold and if you want him to do a particular thing for aftercare he’ll do it immediately!
void: no matter how tired he is after fuckin the absolute light out of you he always makes sure you’re alright afterwards. he’ll grab you some water or a warm washcloth, maybe massage out some of your sore muscles and would nOT mind if you returned the favor. he’s not really a talker afterwards but only bc he’s literally about to conk tf out. he’ll mumble that he loves you or will thank you, but no huge convos!! when he wakes up he’s more willing to chat and maybe share a snack with you, offer you some bacta if you dont wanna keep the hickies or fingertip bruises but i oFC you tell him you wanna keep em dhdkbd
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