#Like hey no get out of my soul that’s a restricted area
underwaterspaghetti314 · 10 months
You ever consume some media that’s so good that you just get mad? And I don’t mean in a “grr why can’t all media be this good this makes me mad” sort of way or even an “I’m mad but this is supposed to make me mad so actually it’s doing a great job” sort of way. I mean like how I rewatched Across the Spiderverse yesterday and afterwards I was genuinely seething but like in a positive way. My blood was fuckin boiling dude. This isn’t the only piece of media to do this to me either.
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
Fourth Of July
A/N: Attoye is sent on a recon mission in America on one of the most colorful nights of the year. Simple, nothing too deep. Just our warrior couple being cute.
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Attuma tugged uncomfortably at his clothes, picking at the plain baby blue shirt like it burned on his skin. "I don't like this." He muttered close to Okoye who walked the streets like it was her home.
"Don't fidget too excessively, shark bait." She smirked as he continued to do so, even going for the beads on his wrist at one point. "Don't change back either. I will not fail at the expense of your foolishness."
"Is it foolish to want to get out of here!?"
They were only there to retrieve a certain scientist with some extensive and unauthorized information about their two societies. Such a simple task came at such cost for Attuma who had insisted on coming with Okoye.
He had to admit, he had barely anticipated such a thing as going 'undercover' as Okoye called it. Making his skin a human-like tan thanks to the Kimoyo beads on his wrist and the clothes on his back, he could look normal by Okoye's side and the two could blend in.
His hair cascaded his shoulders, covering the breathers on his gills and supplying him the water he need to go without the one on his face.
So they walked through the active neighborhood streets. Where the children ran with sparklers and the adult sat and mingled with each other. Laughter and music filled area, the sweet aroma of food lingered in their noses.
"Focus. The house is up here." Okoye took his hand, tugging him along until they stepped onto the porch of the house. The only quiet one on the block, not a sound seeping from the walls.
"Question. If we kill him now-"
"We are not killing him...yet." She took her fist to the door, pounding on the wood until the door swung open and the disheveled scientist was revealed.
Sleep had obviously not been his friend. The overbearing weight of knowledge not letting him rest.
It took a total of two seconds before his soul jumped from his body at the sight of Okoye. He started to scramble, turning and making a run from his demise.
He all but got to the living room before he was in Attuma's grip, pinned to a wall by his throat.
"Do not kill him!" Okoye scolded the brutish man and his nonyielding strength.
A growl of disapproval as Attuma dropped the man to his feet with a scowl. The scientist whimpered under his scorning glare. "Please..What I know is not my fault!"
"Yet you still threaten to out us to the world."
"You are one of them..."
With just those few words, Attuma had him up by his collar again as he pleaded for his life.
"There is nothing here." Okoye sighed as she finished her scope of the home. "We are taking him back to Wakanda." She retracted her spear from its small state, pointing it at the man's neck as he was lowered to the ground.
Slowly, he was guided to his backyard where Okoye had signaled the aircraft to beam him up and restrict him.
"Hey, shark bait." Okoye poked at Attuma with her spear to which he snatched the weapon from her grip and held it at his side.
"I want to see them first."
"What?" Okoye leaned in curiously as he looked up into the night sky.
"Fireworks." As if on queue, the explosives lit the sky with a thundering boom, painting the heavens with splatters of colors and varying shapes.
"Who told you of the fireworks?"
"The princess. Said I should see them with you since you never relax." He smiled down at her with purest intentions, she couldn't even find the annoyance at Shuri's comment. "Do you like them?"
"They are...cute" Okoye captured his hand, resting her cheek on his arm as another burst filled the night.
"Are you relaxed?"
"I will be once we get back home and give me my spear. I should gut you for that."
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skinimini80 · 1 year
My body feels skinnier.
Im bloated today so I’m 115.8 :/ I don’t typically update every weight fluctuation because I know I’ll be lighter soon enough.
I slept poorly, ate late and woke up early. I hadn’t shit in two days (I did later this morning after my weigh in) and my digestive area is just distended. Like I look a little pregnant (not full force „recovery“ bulimia distended stomach pregnant but still)
Anyways recently I’ve finally noticed I feel different.
My ribs clash against my arms when I lay on my side. My hipbones poke into my arms all the time. My upper arms look a little slimmer.
Realistically I’ve probably only lost 5-8 lbs of actual fat (and muscle- I’m so lazy these days) but still my 5‘0 ass is feeling it.
It’s not like I was fat when I had a mini recovery thing going on. My HW in august was 123.6. that’s not skinny but it’s also not overweight. Also I was working out at the time so you know muscle and water retention and all that.
I’ve been high restricting. This was a dream of mine when I was a 98 lb full time bulimic. I was fucking miserable. I wanted to lose weight through restricting, not fasting and purging everything. Food and water would add like 8 pounds to my body if I even thought of not purging. Now I’m losing and eating like 1000 cals each day.
What im saying is 113.4-115.8 as a bulimic is not 113.4-115.8 as a restricted weight. I’m skinnier than the last time I was in this range.
I know I still b/p frequently but I don’t really dehydrate myself the way I used to, and I almost always replenish my calories after or throughout the week. Hell the fact that I seem to have both in my tool belt was also a dream. It’s nice to know if I can’t stand it anymore I can b/p and get back to it. It slows everything down, drains my bank account and soul but hey! It’s there!
Idk I feel like I’m approaching skinny territory soon. I’m definitely normal looking right now (If you ignore my gaunt face and purple under eyes). It’s just knowing that I’m moving in the right direction that makes me feel good. Like when I eat more in the name of “recovery” I tend to restrict myself mentally and still gain weight. If I’m gonna restrict myself at all I want to feel accomplished. It’s taken me 2 years of quasi recovery/ switching to restriction attempts to get to this point. I’m proud that I can lose weight through restricting again.
Anyways I’m still sad that I’m so far from my UGW. I wanna be 80 lbs. it’s fine though. If I lose 1 lb per week I can be there in about 34 weeks. That’s not even a whole year. That’s ignoring the fact that I might spiral and lose more rapidly as I go. Hell i might switch back to full bulimia mode once I get close enough. Idk anything to see 80.
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
My beloved, I have combined your two prompts of Train and Unkempt <3
Eddie glances to the side as Christopher shuffles up beside him, blinking owlishly through his glasses. “Hey, buddy. You just get up?”
He nods, stifling a yawn.
“How’d the bed sleep?”
“Mm, not as good as home, but I liked it.” He sags against Eddie’s side, and warmth blossoms through Eddie’s chest as he wraps an arm around his son’s shoulders. “How come we’ve never been on a train before?”
“You know, the opportunity just never came up.”
“Mm.” He looks around then, surveying the nearby spaces of the train car. It’s still pretty early, and there are only a couple families and solo stragglers occupying the dining area. “Where’s Buck?”
Eddie winces, recalling long late into the night of tossing and turning and listening to the arduous whistling of Buck trying to breathe. “He’s not feeling so good, mijo.”
“What? But it’s his birthday! We’re going to Seattle!”
“I know, and he might feel up for some adventure in a couple days, but for now he just needs a little rest, okay?”
Christopher pouts, but nods. “If you say so.”
“I say so. Now, how about some breakfast?”
They end up splitting a stack of pancakes and pile of bacon. They talk about school and their planned adventures in Seattle, and he regales Eddie on a compendium of facts that sound regurgitated from Buck’s mouth, but it makes him smile. He likes seeing bits of Buck poke through Chris, carving out little holes where the sun shines through. Tiny reminders of the person Eddie is privileged enough to be able to raise his son with.
After about twenty minutes or so, Eddie stacks their plates and wipes his hands. “Alright, buddy, I’m gonna go check on Buck, okay? You can hang out and watch the scenery, but don’t leave this car. Got it?”
Christopher offers him a sharp salute. “Yes, sir!”
He laughs and ruffles his hair, and then tiptoes back into their bedroom. He’d sprung for the deluxe package. His city worker’s salary had balked at the price tag, but it was Buck’s birthday, and Buck didn’t have a lot of big birthdays growing up. Eddie felt empowered to make up for every single year he went without, so the decision hadn’t been a hard one. It was difficulty to regret, anyway, with a full-size bed and another off to the side, completely accessible, along with free room service.
Unfortunately, the birthday boy in question could not, at present, enjoy it.
Eddie drops onto the bed by a Buck-shaped lump under the covers. He smooths his hand over the hill of a shoulder, down the slope of an arm, settling into the valley of a hip.
“Hey, baby,” Eddie whispers, hand reversing course and slowing to a stop by a tuft of blond hair peeking out of the blankets. “How ya feeling?”
Buck shifts slowly onto his back. Dazzlingly blue eyes peer up at him beneath hooded lids. His hair is an unkempt mess of curls splayed out over the pillow. “Bad,” is his dry response.
Eddie grazes his fingertips along Buck’s throat. “Still hurt to swallow?”
“Little better.”
His fingers move from the thin skin of his throat to the clamminess over his forehead. “Still have a headache?”
“Just congested, I think.”
“Hm.” Eddie traces the curve of Buck’s cheekbone with his knuckle, and Buck’s eyes flutter shut as he leans into the touch. “I’m sorry you're sick on your birthday.”
Buck shrugs, an action restricted by the blankets wrapped around his body. “S’okay. I’m here with you guys.”
“Doesn’t feel like a fair trade.”
Eddie’s joking, obviously, but Buck’s eyes snap open and tunnel passed Eddie’s defenses, all the way to his soul. “Of course it’s a fair trade,” he says, and his hand escapes the confinement of the blankets to push Eddie’s fringe away from his face, snare his fingers in the hair, hold him in place. “You guys are worth it every time.”
There it is again, a prickling buzz in the corner of Eddie’s skull. I’ll never know how to carry the love you give me. It runs through his head at least once a day, whenever he feels the heat of Buck’s presence at his side. But, that’s his own thing to figure out, and he's learning, bit by bit, how to permit himself to carry it.
“Where’s Chris?”
“Looking at the scenery. He’ll be in when he gets bored, which should be any moment now."
Buck laughs, and the sound is thick and throaty and congested, but so, so beautiful. “Lie down with me then. Just for a minute.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but there’s no heat behind it. He’s got his two favorite boys with him, they’re on a train to Seattle, and all he wants to do is bury his face in his boyfriend’s neck, here, where it feels like the chaos of LA can't touch him. So he lies down, and he closes his eyes, and he presses his nose against the underside of Buck's jaw, and for once in his life, he takes a damn minute.
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Glory of the Crème Republic: In-Between
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Convocation Chamber GingerBrave: I don’t think they let anyone in!
Republic Airfield GingerBrave: This place never stops amazing me! I can see the whole Republic from here! Wildberry Cookie: Hm. Now this is a view to remember. Crunchy Chip Cookie: Hah! Nothing beats the ridges of the Dark Cacao Kingdom!
Paladin Academy Looks like the cadets are in the middle of a training session. Let’s not disturb them!
Divine Sanctum Archbishop Cream Cookie: In the times of chaos and hardship, the word of prayer must not cease… Archbishop Cream Cookie: May you find the truth that you seek here, in the Divine Sanctum…
Monument Spire Orphan Cookie 1: You should come to the Sanctum if you’re hungry! Orphan Cookie 1: Elder Mille-feuille Cookie will give you food!
Mansion Custard Custard Butler: Greetings. Have you an appointment reserved? GingerBrave: Er, no, not exactly… But I was just wondering if we could talk! Custard Butler: You need an appointment if you’d like to have an audience with Elder Custard Cookie. He does not meet any strangers, you see. Custard Butler: Now, if you may. Farewell. GingerBrave: I guess that’s that…
Espresso Cookie’s Lab This place might be filled with… puzzle traps! Let’s tread with caution.
Fountain Piazza Orphan Cookie 2: The fountain here is so cool! Orphan Cookie 2: It feels as if it’ll wash my troubles away.
Manor Oyster GingerBrave: What a gorgeous and beautiful house! GingerBrave: But… we can’t just go to someone’s house uninvited.
Harbor Republic Sailor Cookie 1: No sneaking around! This is a restricted area! Republic Sailor Cookie 2: This is a Republic Naval Base! These facilities are off-limits to unauthorized Cookies! GingerBrave: They won’t let anyone in. And I just wanted to see the ocean…
Mansion Madeleine Madeleine Cookie’s First Auntie: Welcome back! Have you finished your errands for today? Madeleine Cookie’s Second Auntie: Come in, come in! You look parched! Of course, it’s so hot out there. Why don’t I get you a cold glass of milk! Madeleine Cookie’s Third Auntie: Madeleine Cookie always skips lunch! Can you keep an eye on him for us?
Market Merchant Cookie 1: Cheap pie! Cheap pies! A Fish Pie for only 10 Coins! Merchant Cookie 2: 8 Coins for a Squid Bun! Hey, friend! Try our Squid Buns! On the house if you don’t like it! GingerBrave: On the house?! Shall I have one?! Wildberry Cookie: Wait. That’s a trick to get you to buy something. Wildberry Cookie: Many Hollyberrian merchants use the same methods to upsell the buyers. Once you’ve eaten something, there’s no way out. GingerBrave: Huh…
Back Alley Back Street Cookie 1: They pay in Coin for removing the golem remains. Back Street Cookie 2: Huh, not bad! It’s easy to get lost here without Espresso Cookie’s help.
Choco Mud Town Seaweed Cookie: You… Are you the one who came with Espresso Cookie…? GingerBrave: You remember me! Yeah! My name’s GingerBrave! GingerBrave: We got some time left, so I thought it’d be a great chance to explore the Republic! Are you busy? Seaweed Cookie: I’m always busy working. Seaweed Cookie: The Upper City offers many amusements… Yet you chose to come and help me bid these Cookies goodbye?
For a moment, it seems like there is something wriggling and struggling in the mud.
GingerBrave: Um… Did you see that? Seaweed Cookie: Don’t worry. It happens sometimes… Seaweed Cookie: Going already? Be sure to come back later…
Institute of Thaumaturgy The scientists are hard at work, conducting research on the Soul Jam. They’ve even given up on sleeping.
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crystal-traan · 3 years
Atheendra - Killermare shipchild
(So this shipchild was actually my result of- doing something original. Mostly the shipchildren has skeleton bodies, so i said "what if... there's a human one?". And this is the official post, you can ignore all the other Atheendra's posts now.)
1. Appearance:
-With a human body, super light cyan hair, cyan eyes. A purple crescent mark on her left cheek. A really big burn on her back go though her left arm and her left hand.
-Usually appears with (the clothes on the art). But sometimes also appear with more comfortable and less restrictive clothes.
-Usually wear coverings to keep the electric chip and the burns from showing.
+ Gender: Demi-girl
+ Pronouns: she/they
+ Age: 14
2. Relationships:
-Nightmare (Corrupted): father
She respects him, calling him "father" politely. But she hates this old man, but what could she do? She couldn't just jump into a fight, unless she wants to die.
-Killer: dad
"Dad" is just a "position". She never call him "dad", just "Killer".
-Tristana: younger sister
["Hey lil' sis, you know you're just a copy of me that father made right?"]
-Dust, Horror: seniors
She only see them as soldiers, though she still pretends she admires them.
-Cross: a traitor/enemy
[ "No comment."]
-Dream (and all the Star Sanses): enemies
Just enemies. Her uncle? Eh- she doesn't care.
3. Personality:
-Different from her father "never lie, only don't tell the truths". She likes to lie to others. Keep them on high hopes for a while and then took it all away at once. ("Atheendra" means "hypocrite"). Since she always lies, she can fake her emotions perfectly.
(Always lies, but she is much more vulnerable and sensitive for someone who was raised in an environment like this. It's just- really hard to find out which ones is her real emotions and she doesn't like showing it either.)
-Her jealousy is very high. She can easily get angry over little things that she thinks she deserves more.
-Likes to tease others.
4. Abilities:
-A really good liar.
-Can create and manipulate tentacles from shadows. Her tentacles's strength depends on the darkness of the shadow and the negative energy around her. But she still has troubles with controlling it and they're quite weak.
-Can see her enemies's worst fears. It doesn't do much, but she can grasp the opponent's sensitive points and start teasing and psychologically hitting to increase the negative energy around her.
-Trained to use all kinds of weapons, but her favorite and best use are swords. (She always carries a retractable sword) . Another thing she always keeps with her is a pen. It's a backup weapon. The nib of that pen is poisoned.
-She can create a plume of black smoke on her body (mostly to scare the enemy or when she is angry). But can only radiate from one side above the burned area.
+ She's really sensitive to lights. If there is a light source that is too bright and sudden, she may be temporarily blind.
+ But in return, her eyes are very sharp in the dark.
4. Storyline (not all)
Nightmare took his and Killer's soul to create a fireball, give them a human body and not a skeleton one for a test, maybe to create a spy. He had to put a electric chip on the body or else it will be exploded.
Nightmare does not really see Atheendra as his soldier like the others but more like a "backup plan". Because a human body can't stand too much power so Atheendra can't use all of hers, that makes she's weak.
Atheendra don't agree with her father's way of thinking. She was sure she could still fight but everyone else, and must be better than them. So she is still practicing hard, proving that she is capable and useful.
Does it sound too "father-daughter"? Nah, she HATES him. She's proving it to him because she wants him to know "You won't get rid of me. You'll need me." Deep inside she wants to kill him, but she just simply can't.
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QnA for her and about her are opened.
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sassooda · 3 years
Worlds Away JJK AU / Chapter 66 - Do or Die
w/c - 7,560
           “Baby…wait.”, Naoya quietly muses to her threat. He’s livid with his father, his entire clan actually, but in no way is he wishing for Naobito to perish. Running a hand down her shoulder from behind, he eyes the man that raised him with sorrowful eyes. “Can we spare him, please?”.
               Elska scoffs, having expected this but is wanting to maintain the rouse of being ruthless. She grasps the hand rubbing her arm and smiles while leaning back into his body. Flashing her eyes down to the hateful former Hei, she mumbles, “If you so wish is my prince, I will not hurt him further…”, glaring down to his father while instilling through her expression that the man is lucky for Naoya’s good heart.
               Choso sighs while thinking to himself, ‘No one should be allowed to disrespect her like that.’, but ultimately understands the familial bond and relinquishes his anger over the Hei. Pushing his own desires aside, he walks between her and the horrid man and embraces her. With Naoya being so close, his hands curl into his Zenin robes while he nuzzles his face into her hair, loving that this was at least a successful outcome. “I’m glad we settled this…”, whispering into the air while his soul fills to her returning affection.
               “All right you two, give her some space!”, jokes Toji as she turns to look at him with a smile. They back away slightly but not by much, Toji cackling as his hand reaches for hers. There’s an absolute moment of victory surrounding them, a peace that mingles through their existence as he settles to there not having been much blood spilled. “You did great, doll.”, he warmly offers with a smirk of his own.
               “YOU THINK I’LL GIVE UP THAT EASILY?!”, shouts Naobito, the disgust in his voice prominent. When Elska shoots him wild eyes though he sinks into the floor more, knowing that he will be unable to truly challenge them in this moment. ‘Have I really lost?’, he wonders with disappointment.
               “Father, you need to let this go.”, Naoya leans down and outstretches a hand but its harshly slapped away. Sighing, he takes into account how humiliating this must be for the prideful man and decides to let these transgressions go while stating, “I will reform this clan. You will not like it but there’s no future to be had with our current moral establishments.”. He sees the hatred flash across Naobito’s expression and adds, “I will still make you proud, whether you realize this or not.”.
               Toji’s phone begins ringing so he steps away to answer it once he sees Nanami’s name flash across the screen. He’s unable to even say hello before the shaman’s voice shatters through the phone. In a frantic tone he hears, “THERE’S NO TIME. HALF OF THE RESTRICTED AREA HAS BEEN DEMOLISHED TOJI! GOJO IS AWAKE AND DESTROYING EVERYTHING TO FIND HER!”. Toji’s breath is lost to the sheer panic that radiates from Nanami’s tone. “GET OUT OF THERE!”. With shaking hands, Toji’s wide eyes befall to Elska, his voice failing to relay the message to the rest of them. “D…doll…”.
               Elska freezes. A transfer of awareness strikes her core, the maliciousness of the nearing yet familiar energy causes her to sweat profusely. In this moment, she recognizes that the Titers were indeed right about Satoru’s nature. She knows it in her bones, he will be uncontrollable.
               “Baby? What’s wrong?”, Naoya picked up on her change in demeanor but when he looks down to her, his heart drops into his stomach. “…baby?”.
               Choso tenses up and snaps his head to the far wall, having sensed the attack right before it landed. “No…”, he mutters as their surrounding shake and screams can be heard in the near distance.
               Elska immediately uses her energy to push them all away and desperately tries to gain ground from them. “This is…this is the worst case scenario.”, she cries under her breath while ignoring her turned’s roars to her running. She calls for her wings and screams, “STAY BACK!”, knowing that Gojo is on a war path, all to find her. When Naoya and Toji launch after her, tears gather in her eyes as she attacks them, hoping to buy some time before annihilating the walls that stand between her and the open air. “I SAID STAY BACK!���.
               Naoya stands there, immobilized while the skin of his chest burns to her energy that landed. Hearing the mind-boggling screams of his clan shakes his foundation, the reality of Satoru killing countless Zenin members crushing his chest. “TOJI! CHOSO!”, he strains through his roars, “WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HER!”. He can now feel the wickedness of the silver shaman, the blood leaving his face as he’s sure he’s become as pale as the others, “HE’S GOING TO FUCKING HURT HER!”. He feels Choso summoning a portal and heaves in air while the relatively quick technique feels like it’s taking an eternity.
               Elska soars through the air at top speed, “SATIIIIIII!”, hoping that she can lead him away from the others. She hears his response, the inhuman sound distilling her with absolute fear, ‘What have I done?’. She doesn’t look back, sensing her plan working as she’s being clipped by branches, entering a nearby forest. The sound of the trees collapsing behind her ignites her adrenaline, “Just a little farther!”, she whimpers, her head finally turning to gauge her success. She barrels into something hard though, being confused as she was sure to have avoided collision with mother nature. Slowly, her trembling body angles towards what caused it, her eyes flaring open with pure distress. “…Sa…ti?”, she asks to the glowing red and blue eyes that menacingly fixate on her. ‘Why do they look like that?’, she questions as the blue surrounds his pupils but then bleeds into the red of a turned.
               She’s smashed into the ground by a single hit, bouncing against the Earth and listening to her own bones crack. She can barely move as the astonishment curdles through her every fiber, grasping at grass to facilitate her ability to crawl away. Another astounding hit bends her backwards, blood shooting out her mouth as the pain circulates through.
               He’s standing over top of her now, retracting his fist while she chokes on air. She doesn’t understand his violence but her instincts scream for her to attack. She cries out, still clawing at the environment to allow her some leverage but feels weight pinning her down. “Sati…don’t…please…, she begs but it’s for not as he gathers his blue technique, aiming it her body.
               “Shut up!”. She turns the best she can to see her once sweet Sati, him gazing with a ferocious hunger, tears freely falling along her face and mixing with the dirt she’s accumulated.
               She shuts her eyes and embraces the bleakness that’s furrowing through her core. ‘I can’t…’, she thinks as he finishes his attack, the lifeless and ominous expression he wears stilling her in place.
               A strange calm enters as the world plays in slow motion around her. He grips her wing and lifts her dangling body while aiming the technique into her abdomen. She hears, “Luuuhhhhvvvee”, seep from his lips and wonders if she’s truly capable of withstanding a battle with him. Right as she was going to give up, she feels Choso’s energy gathering and comprehends that they were going to appear. The faces of her beloved turned flash through her mind, sending her the strength to move.
               With a demon shriek, Elska lifts her legs and pushes against Satoru, all while crying relentlessly. She focuses her own red lightning and regrets that they’ve come to these crossroads as her heart shatters to the realization that he needs to be stopped. “SATI!”, she screams, placing her hand upright against her chest. She flies higher in the air, wincing to her distorted, broken body. Agony consumes her, blood still choking through her lungs but she manages to extend her arm with folded fingers, aiming it at her lover. “SATI!!!”. She unleashes it.
               The destructive attack rips through their surroundings, charring everything it touches. As she’s catching her breath and waiting for the smoke and dust to settle, she grinds her teeth while holding on to small hope that he survived. Her eyes search the world beneath her, anxiously looking for signs of his body. “Sati…”, sniffling to the abhorrent possibility that she landed it too perfectly. A growl resounds behind her though and its as if her soul exited her body. She’s quickly sent flying into the top of a nearby tree, portions of its branches now lodged through her. She’s incapable of moving her legs or her right arm, the sticks penetrating her in these areas along with her stomach.
               “FUCK!”, Toji cries as they appeared just in time to see her struck down.
               “SAVE HER”.
               Toji hasn’t any issues following the advice though and calls for his wings along with Naoya and Choso, them all beelining for her.
               Gojo takes notice of this and is swiftly wishing to isolate her once again. He warps away, hiding while they approach her and watches Naoya wail as he carefully tries to unbind her from the tree. The scent of her blood riles Gojo though, his patience nonexistent while the Zenin hoists her up into his arms.
               Choso feels the haunting eyes on them and turns around, “NA-…”, but he was too late.
               Gojo ignites a barrage of energy, aiming critical hits at all four of them. A toothy grin peers through his lips as their bodies crash to the ground.
               “R…run…”, Elska mutters, feeling her turned losing their life force, “…please…run.”.
               She turns her head in a daze and finds Toji with a massive hole in his abdomen and deep lacerations likely on his back, “NO!”, she shrieks, unable to lift her limbs to reach him. He’s not responding and is bleeding out, “MY BELOVED!”. Her eyes are hazed with fluid, red tinted as she’s suffered more injuries. While using all of her strength to simply jostle her wrist, she hears Naoya and Choso wheezing on the other side. “Why?”, she squeezes her eyes shut and laments for having bitten Satoru, knowing that this could’ve been avoided if she’d only listened to her gut. “Run…”, she cries almost silently, wanting them to find safety, resolving to sacrifice herself.
               Naoya has suffered immense damage but still is conscious and able to move. His whole body aches and he’s slowly becoming light headed as he perceives the wounds along his chest. “Princ…ess…”, he fumbles out, attempting to reach her. That’s when he sees Toji though and becomes horrified with his state. It’s obvious now that at the last minute, Toji used himself to take the brunt of the attack, this causing Naoya to cry breathlessly. The smoldering forest around them fogs and burns his eyes, the path in which she’d previously aimed her attack telling him that they will certainly have to kill Gojo. He’s saddened over this, wanting to protect the silver shaman from this fate as he once protected him. “Go…j-…”, he growls, “GOJO!!!!!”, but he’s taken by surprise as Satoru heavily lands over her and scoops up her wilted body.
               Choso wakes and shakes his head, being less severely wounded than the rest. He looks up and witnesses Gojo pushing her against a tree, gearing up to force himself inside of her. Grabbing Naoya’s hand, he coughs and informs, “I’m going to get help. We need help.”.  
               Naoya’s torn on what to do.
               Save Toji or save Elska?
               He exasperates trying to get to his knees, feeling Choso roll into his portal and decides to try both. Hovering over Toji, he aims the blood from his wounds into his cousin’s mouth while verbally praying, “Toji! PLEASE! DRINK!”. Elska’s bloodcurdling screams shock his heart though and he eerily looks up to see what has developed.
               Gojo forces her face first into the tree, scratching her up even more against the bark as he frees his erection. “LUUVVVE”, serenading like a merciless low battle cry. She gives in though in hopes that this may be the answer that will end it all. “Just do it…”, she gasps, pain collapsing her ability to resist anyways. The low broken chuckle of accomplishment that leaves him next makes her feel like it might work but her voice is now stolen as he strangles her from behind. Being unable to breathe, her consciousness slowly fades but even if she doesn’t survive, she hopes with everything that comprises her that it will at least bring him back to his senses. She feels his merciless prodding, him trying to enter but it’s as if he’s so frenzied that he can’t. His body abruptly leaves her though, the feeling of falling weightlessly stunning her as the vision of the tree she fixes on becomes smaller.
               Naoya’s strike stopped Gojo’s advancements but he wasn’t expecting him to cling to Elska. They both fall towards the ground, the Zenin using his projection to try and catch her before she suffers the impact as well.
               Choso appears at the dorms, landing on his side while clutching his injuries. His mind races as he tries to focus and releases a cry that shakes the halls around him. He feels as though his leaving was pointless though as no one seems to be around. “BROTHER!”, he wails, “BROTHERRRR!”.
               Megumi hears him and becomes alarmed so he dashes out of his room to find the mangled hybrid on the floor. “HOLY SHIT!”, he lifts Choso’s upper half, “YOU GUYS! OUT HERE!”.
               Itadori, Nanami, Sachiko, Nobara, Shoko and Amnessia all run out, mortified.
               “WHERE ARE THEY!?”, Nanami frantically inquires, knowing how powerful Choso and how he shouldn’t be so easily taken down. “CHOSO!?”.
               “Please…help her…”, the being laments through gasps. “Gojo…he’s…”.
               Itadori slides across the floor to reach his brother, “OH MY GOD.”, brushing the blood slickened hair away from his face. “TAKE US NOW!”.
               Nobara is instantly shaking, thinking about how her former sensei likely did this. “WE HAVE TO GO! WE HAVE TO STOP THIS!”.
               Choso strains to form another portal but sighs immensely when he’s able to do so. The bond between him and Elska churns his stomach as he becomes aware of her suffering further. “She’s unable to fight…she’s really hurt!”.
               Itadori grabs Nobara, kissing her, “Stay here with Shoko and Sachiko. They need protection.”, but she resists against this, causing him to yell. “I CANNOT LOSE YOU NOBARA!”, feeling her jolt to his sudden boisterous stake. He turns to Nanami who’s already accessing his weapon, preparing to attack at moments notice, and nods.
               Megumi looks over to Amnessia, wanting her to remain as well but she pushes through them and says, “Master Suguru would do his all to help her, as will I.”.
               Naoya blunders while standing, having been successful in preventing her hitting the ground. Her limp and bleeding body sends him through a whirlwind of emotions, his concerns about Toji riddling him with despair as well. He holds her close while whispering, “Please forgive me for what I’m about to do baby…”, and gently lays her in the grass. “Just hold on princess…I will end this.”. His eyes take to Gojo who’s already gathering himself into a stance. “I’m sorry Gojo, there is no other way.”. He uses his projection to ram into the silver shaman, forcing him yards away, deeper into the forest even has Satoru’s heels dig into the soil. They plummet through the large trees, breaking them at their base as birds release into the sky and cry along with him. Once far enough away, he roars loudly and smashes a heavy fist into Gojo, actually connecting and spilling his blood.
               “I didn’t want this Gojo…”, Naoya angrily dirges but focuses his scalar warfare and aims it at his friend who’s once again gathering himself. “This isn’t how this was supposed to be.”.
               Naoya’s eyes flare a deep red as the golden light surges around his body and his fangs form as he releases a wild call, the surrounding environment evaporating in response to his accumulating power. As he is releasing the devastating attack, his eyes fill with tears to the fact that he’s being forced to do this. The energy funnels though, and launches from his hands, engulfing everything in its path. In the back of his mind, he hopes with a full heart that no one else is in its wake as he’s yet to master how to stop it once it starts and shouts at the top of his lungs as it consumes everything for miles beyond where they stand.
               When the others appear through the portal, they waver in disbelief to the destruction around them. Choso instantly sways over to Elska and cradles her with flowing black tears, “MASTER!”, rocking her back and forth.
               Megumi becomes a mess when he perceives Toji on the ground, not moving and with barely any life in his presence. “DAD!”, he drops to his knees and wails to his condition, knowing that Toji is dying.
               Amnessia gasps, shaken with disaster as Toji and Elska are completely out of commission. “H…how?”, she stammers with wide eyes but then is distracted by the force of the scalar warfare. Off in the far distance she can see its ramifications, the barren, hollowed wasteland that has been left in its after effects.
               Shoko, Sachiko and Nobara fling through the portal right before it closes, not at all being ok with simply waiting behind. Shoko stands there, stiffened by the hard decision of who to heal but feels a soft hand on her shoulder.
               Sachiko smiles shakily, “See to Elska, I will feed Toji.”. She sees the relief wash over Ieiri and felt that in this moment, her previous actions may have been forgiven. She runs over to her former husband though and soothes Megumi with her voice, “Watch out hun,”, receiving his help to lift Toji’s large heavy body. “Be on your guard, this isn’t over.”, and pulls out a knife to cut open her wrist. ‘Today is the day…’, she qualms heavily to herself.
               Toji is weightless, painless, in nothingness. He floats in a purgatory while reality eludes him, not understanding anything that has led him to this point. “Doll?!”, he calls out, “Naoya!?”, but finds he’s alone. A light blinds him from the right so he blocks his eyes with his hand, “Am I…am I dead?”. As his fingertips aim to grab towards the light, he’s violently pulled from entering it. His eyes shoot open as the essence fills his mouth, him grasping the source of the nutrients. His body is pained beyond words but he feels it begin to subtly subside as he gathers where he is again. His vision comes to a focus but what he sees blows his mind. ‘Sachiko?’, he thinks is wonderment as her teary eyes soften to his recovering.
               “Shhhhh…”, she coos, “…focus on healing…”, laughing into a sob as his awareness returns. Her eyes now leave him and follow her son, the aching in her heart reinforcing her with what’s to come. “Hang in there Toji, you still have much to do…as do I…”. She hears Amnessia hastily shout, “I AM GOING TO GO GET BACK UP!”, and feels her disappear.
               Naoya pants heavily, having dispersed a good amount of his energy in that desperate attack. He scans the area to find any signs that Gojo was defeated, not seeing anything all while wondering if he even would with how decimating that attack is. A moment of brief reprieve enters him, the idea that it was over soothing his soul. “ELSKA!”, he instantly thinks, only wanting to see that she’s left as she was, also desperate to find his way back to Toji.
                Megumi and Itadori have been traveling towards the origin of the scalar warfare, Fushiguro being supported by Itadori who’s covering much more ground thanks to his inhuman speed. When they find Naoya retracing his steps back, they meet up and begin firing off questions.
               “…I think I got him…”, Naoya’s tone depressed and filled with grief.
               Megumi begins to smile but suddenly freezes when he feels that wicked presence behind him. “No…”, but before he can warn Yuuji in front of him, the vessel is sent flying forward, toppling into Naoya as they’re bodies clap against a wide tree.
               Megumi, with wide and frightful eyes, finds Gojo between him and the rest. He hasn’t a voice, nor the ability to perform and type of praxis as he perceives Satoru gearing up to attack them with his red technique. He hears his mother behind him, running likely as fast as she can, calling his name but this only urges him to stop his sensei more. “Domain ex…pan…sion…”, he trembles out, placing his hands together.
               Gojo took notice of this though and turns around to face Fushiguro. A threatening grin appears on his lips as he understands he’s about to be attacked, although fruitlessly. He aims his red technique at his former student, maniacally enjoying the fear blanketing his face and without hesitation, releases it.
               Megumi closes his eyes, preparing for death while the fear of the unknown squeezes his heart. “I failed…”, his thought of last words while the inevitable energy nears. His body is pushed aside, him assuming it being the impact but he ponders as to why he’s still able to think, breathe or even feel as it should’ve killed him upon contact. His eyes slowly open but his voice which is unrecognizable to even himself, shrills through the forest as he watches his mother, who was nearly blown into two halves. “MOMMMMMM!!!”, he screams, all while reading her lips in leu of her last words.
               “I love you.”.
Elska can hear Choso, can feel his heated tears falling to her face and shoots up when she understands where they are.
               “ELSKA!”, he screams, squeezing her while his eyes fall to Toji who is at least alive, but still badly injured. “ARE YOU OK!?”, he questions as his hands search her body, his findings providing the red evidence that she as well is still really hurt. “Please…don’t move.”.
               Ieiri clenches her jaw as her eyes follow Nanami darting off to the fight, her heart heavy with the ominous feeling of him being in danger. ‘Gojo is going to kill all of them!’, she worriedly thinks. She wants Elska to continue healing but she also knows that there isn’t any time. Against her better judgement, she shakes her friend frightfully, “Elska, sweetie, you have to get up!”.
               Choso glares at Shoko, knowing that she isn’t in fighting condition but removes his hostility when he comprehends that their current situation is do or die.
               Elska sits up, groaning to the imperceivable pain coursing through her and mutters, “Where is everyone?”. She looks over and sees Toji, still bleeding heavily with a gaping gut wound and urges Shoko to tend to him, which she does. Judging by how injured Choso is, she understands that he’s unable to expend energy to perform any healing and cups his reddened face while telling him, “It’s ok, I have to fight.”. Her calmness is stripped away when she feels Gojo’s energy clashing with Naoya’s, “DAMNIT!”, feeling her prince’s presence becoming damaged with every minute that passes.
               “SAVE THEM.”
               The amount of effort it takes to stand is incredible but she manages to do so with Choso’s assistance.
               Nanami cringes to Megumi’s cries and has to drag the junior shaman away from Sachiko’s corpse all while shouting to Itadori and Naoya, “GET UP!”. Gojo warps beside him with evil laughter, Nanami’s eyes jerking to the side but all too late. Satoru expels energy into him, sending his friend through the trees to their right. Gojo hears Megumi sob to this and turns his attention back to the boy.
               “STOP THIS SENSEI!”, Yuuji screams, charging into the silver shaman while pleading to Sukuna for help but he’s met with silence. He feels Gojo grabbing his shoulder, flinging him over head in the opposite direction of Nanami, a mighty wave of energy collides into his body before he can even finish falling.
               Naoya gets from his knees to his feet, nearly drained of all his strength but is able to use his projection to again push Gojo through the forest, away from them.
               Choso and Elska stumble through the forest, half flying, half running. “Elska, if I don’t survive, I want you to know that you made me very happy…”, his eyes still blackened as the dark energy leaks from his body.
               “Don’t say that!”, she wails, the extreme pressure to avoid any deaths ricocheting within her veins. They’re spun for a loop though when Gojo and Naoya zoom past them, causing them to halt and hold their breath.
               Choso comes up with a plan. He can sense the damage that Gojo received from Naoya’s ancient technique but knows the Zenin will be restricted from using it with everyone around. ‘If I can contain it with my shadow realm door, he can use it…’, he discerns but knows that it will likely kill him as well because of the sheer power of it. He looks over to Elska with sorrowful eyes, kissing her head before letting her go to fall behind the path of Gojo. He thinks to Naoya, ‘I’ll block the attack just DO IT!’.
               Elska falls to her knees, still extremely weak and unable to function how she needs to. Tears fall from her to the grass while she surmises, ‘WHY DID I HAVE TO DO IT? WHY DID I TURN SATI!??’, washed over with regret as she eyes take in Naoya’s struggles to fend him off in the distance. Her fangs form though, her eyes illuminating a red hue that’s so bright, it catches her prince’s and Gojo’s attention. “SATIIIII!!!!!”, she angrily bellows, hating herself for allowing all of this to occur, for causing it. She pushes off the ground, aiming directly towards them as a new wave of adrenaline allows her heights but she becomes distracted with Nobara and Shoko’s cries.
               Ieiri screams abhorrently, Nanami fading away right before her destroying her composure. “KENTO PLEASE!”, she begs as her reversal isn’t working fast enough. “KENTO!”.
               “This…can’t be happening…”, Nobara stumbles backwards, tripping over a large root but is caught by Itadori. She curls into him, dispensing her sorrows into his chest as he too seems to be dismantled by this. A moment of brilliance strikes him though, so he sets Nobara down and tells them, “Hold on…”, and charges towards Elska.
               Elska is snatched up and pulled backwards at great speed. It takes her a moment to realize that it was Itadori but still fights against him, “PUT ME DOWN!”, her wings flailing brutishly, slicing his chest, “ITADORI!”.
               “I’ll take you back I promise El but Nanami’s going to die!”, he holds back his tears as much as he can, wondering if this is the right call but resolves to make this as quick as possible. When they arrive back to the fallen shaman, he puts her down and demands, “TURN HIM! WE DON’T HAVE TIME!”. He sees the bewilderment shade over Elska’s eyes but pushes her verbally, “EL YOU HAVE TO!”.
               Elska looks over to Shoko who has come undone by the situation, not knowing what will surmount of this but when she looks back over to Nanami, her heart breaks and realizes that she can feed from him all while saving his life. Without a moment further, she dips down to his neck, and places her hand over his heart while whispering, “I’m so sorry…”, the violet light beaming from her. She licks the targeted spot and sinks her fangs into him and pulsates into his chest, the ritual beginning.
               Toji lays there, still incapacitated while swirling over Sachiko’s flavor. She was extremely cryptic overall but the heaviest weight bears over him as he tasted her knowledge to detriment. He’s not sure what it means in this moment but a foreboding feeling washes over him as he struggles to sit up. He can hear Naoya and Gojo clashing off in the distance, collapsing once more as he’s still too injured to move. That’s when he senses Elska’s ancient energy and becomes alarmed. “D…oll…”, he forces out, knowing that something really bad must have happened as he can sense her turning someone. “MEGUMI!”, he shouts, fearing his son was the one. He rolls over to his stomach and begins to crawl, gritting his teeth to the sensation of the grass and sticks beneath him causing small fissures to his exposed entrails. “NOT MY BOY…”.
               Naoya swings at Gojo, missing and in turn receives a harsh uppercut that lifts him from his feet and nearly knocks him out. He hears Choso pleading for him to enact his scalar warfare through thought but he’s unable to keep the silver shaman in one place long enough to do so. Panic floods him as heavy fists crush into his back, blood spurting from his mouth to the puncturing of his lungs. “Cho…”, he calls quietly, trying to communicate that he’s not capable of honing in on him.
               Choso watches in horror as Gojo creates his purple technique, knowing that will surely obliterate Naoya with ease. His own energy is starting to swirl around him, the black smoke-like circulation beginning to obstruct his view. He narrows his eyes, even thinking to resort to putting him to sleep and takes off as fast as he can to reach the silver shaman. He knocks him over, narrowly saving Naoya but when he places his hand to Satoru’s head, his vision fades to complete darkness.
               “CHO!”, Naoya cries, “SHIT!”. He helplessly witnesses Choso’s sleep attack backfire as it reverberated from Satoru and back into him. “FUCK!”, he screams as the being collapses in place, out cold. He scrambles over to shield him, knowing that Choso’s completely rendered venerable now but his red eyes widen when he sees the nightmarish way that Gojo lifts his crossed fingers, gathering this was the end.
               Elska wipes her mouth, feeling less battered from Nanami’s blood, though it wasn’t enough to heal all of her wounds, she simply did not drink enough. She wants to relish in the fact that she made it in time to save him at least, but knows it will be for nothing if they can’t stop Gojo. “Stay with him!”, she hollers to Shoko and Nobara who lift him up to move him out of the fray as she latches to Itadori so he can run her back to Naoya. As their speeding away, she sees Megumi sauntering about, completely devastated and lifeless and fears that he too is hurt badly. ‘He’s walking though…and Shoko can heal him.’, resolving her to focus on the task at hand.
               When they make it back to Naoya though, she shrieks to Gojo’s domain, knowing that her beloved prince is likely trapped inside. Her eyes meet Choso’s body and she becomes hysterical to the possibility that he’s been slain but her senses recollect as she gathers that he’s unconscious. She hears Toji’s roar as he slowly nears them and finds the tiniest bit of relief knowing that he’s still alive as well, though by the sight of his movements, he’s still really bad off. She hears Toji scream, “YOUR WINGS ELSKA, USE YOUR WINGS!”, and she fosters the possibility that she may be able to break through the domain. She backs away from Itadori and tries to fly upwards but her wings fail her as she simply is left without the necessary strength. “GOD DAMNIT!”, she roars, frustrated at each second that passes knowing that her prince is about to be slaughtered, “NAOYA!”. A plan of her own forms as she looks over to Itadori. He’s shooting countless energized attacks at the domain, none of which can penetrate. Her heart writhes in despondency, again accepting the fact that she would rather sacrifice herself than allow anyone else to be hurt. With her loudest voice she cries out, “SUKUNAAAAAA!”.
               The king of curses takes over, the malevolent freedom he feels from her words cause him to act instantly. He snatches her up, dashing through tree limbs to gain height over the domain.
               She smiles with tears, being glad that he heeded her call and begins to divulge, “I have to get in there, please help me get in there!”. She senses his abhorrent reluctance though and scratches at his skin in a rage, “I WILL BITE YOU IF YOU HELP ME!”, desperate to overcome this negotiating hurdle. “PLEASE FUCKING HELP ME!”.
               Sukuna wildly smiles, more readily to now oblige. “What do you have in mind?”.
               Elska latches her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, “I need to you rip out my wing and break through that domain.”. She swallows down air, waiting for his response, hoping to everything that is, that he will do so.
               “You’re already in pretty bad shape wench, are you sure this is what you want? You may not survive…”, but his eyes widen when she squeezes him in preparation for the pain and hears her cry out, “PLEASE! I DON’T CARE!”.  He huffs up air, kind of beside himself with his lack of desire to cause her further harm but can tell by her tone that she means it. “Alright…brace yourself.”.
               Elska’s breath dissipates as he begins pulling and twisting. She can’t even scream her agony, it hurts so horribly. She’s brought back to her memories of Suguru doing the same but knows that this time, she must endure it for she cannot afford to pass out. Naoya’s life depends on this.
               Toji’s eyes widen to the sight, “DOLL!”, he roars, this is not what he meant but knows she’s really battered. He lifts himself off of the ground, catching his intestines with his right hand as he uses his left to stabilize against the trees, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!”. His body shakes as he knows that she’ll lose too much blood, that she will likely not be able to sustain this act. “DOLL!!!!!”.
               The pain eventually stops, her eyes heavy and diluted. “Br…eak…in.”, she mutters nearly incoherently.
               Sukuna secures her flaccid body, regretting his course of action immediately. He feels her presence fading rapidly and knows that unless he wants her to perish in vain, he needs to follow through. He tugs and twists one more good time, successfully removing her wing. “Foolish wench…”, he snarls, now jumping from the branch down to the large spherical black domain beneath. “I always hated that shaman.”, he whispers in reference to Gojo. To his complete surprise, the surface cracks immediately upon her metal feathers making contact and they fall into the mind-crippling void to find Gojo about to feed from the Zenin. He begins to feel the effects of Gojo’s technique but its much less potent now that it’s been compromised. “We’re in…”, he informs her.
               Elska, desperately holding on to the thin shreds of her consciousness, quietly thanks the curse but then sinks her fangs into him.
               Gojo stands from Naoya, who’s left motionless but alive. Naoya strains his eyes to see Sukuna holding her dearly as his moans reverberate through their enclosed space, only noticing that they forced their way through when the sun warms his skin. “Ba…by…”, he struggles out, mortified when he collects that she’s effortlessly bleeding everywhere, his eyes receding open to her wing being dropped next to their embracing bodies.
               Sukuna whines pleasantly, beside himself with the utter bliss coursing through him. It’s short-lived however, as she lifts her head and nearly chokes on his blood that she’s holding in his mouth. It’s in this moment that he realizes her intentions. She didn’t feed from him because of how his blood immobilizes her but she’s going to use what she’s gathered in her mouth to do the very same thing to Satoru. “Hurry.”, he tells her, actually not wanting her to die but he knows its probably too late as she weakly lifts her head to view him. His eyes leave her and narrow to Gojo, “I will escort you then.”, he warns before summoning his chains in an attempt to at least distract the monstrous silver-haired villain before them. When he’s in mid-air, he guides Elska’s body toward Satoru while simultaneously contracting his chains to dampen his ability to dodge.
               Elska can barely move but still focuses on connecting to Satoru, crashing her lips against his harshly when they come into contact and forces Sukuna’s blood into his mouth. He bites her hard and she winces but remains vigilant and is able to dump the contents into him.
               The domain disappears, all four of them falling to concaved ground, Sukuna being the only one to land gracefully. He goes to pick up Elska while listening to Naoya gather his senses but feels the odd sensation of something cutting through his chest.
               “BABY!”, Naoya shrills, unable to move. His eyes take to Gojo’s white feathered wings, the display rancorously deceiving as they resemble how hers used to look, something befitting of an angel.
               Elska rolls to her back, clinging to life as it tries to escape her. The nasty rabid noises that leave Gojo bring her to the possibility that she failed but she can sense Naoya’s presence though he’s gravely hurt himself. She feels hands grabbing at her ankles, ultimately giving in as she hasn’t an ounce of fight left.    
               Gojo struggles to crawl over to her body, the effects of Sukuna’s blood hindering him greatly. “LUUUUUUUHHHHVE”, he growls, pulling himself over her with every bit of strength he can muster. He’s sees Sukuna recovering which hastens his drive, roughly climbing over her to quickly enact what his cells are telling him to do.
               Elska lies there, inertly, fading in and out. It isn’t until Gojo pierces her breast that she’s brought to a sudden moment of actualization. Tears leave her eyes as she shakily places her hand on his head, feeling his wickedness evaporate with every draw he pulls. “My sweet…Sati…”, she whispers, “…take what you need…”.
               “BABY NO!”, Naoya cries as her hand falls from Satoru’s head, to the ground. His heart stops as he perceives her lifeless eyes, how she isn’t breathing. “PRINCESS!”. His hold world screeches to a halt. “She…she’s…she can’t be…”, he roars chaotically to call for the others, hearing Toji wail nearby. His anger floods over to how Gojo is still feeding from her even though she’s clearly no longer amongst the living. “BAAAABY!”.
               Gojo begins to quietly cry, unsure of where he is or what’s going on. He sees his left hand, gripping at a tattered Zenin blue yukata and then perceives the ring on his finger. ‘My love…’, he serenely hums internally, wishing to be near her again. ‘Where is she?’, he wonders absentmindedly but then he instantly realizes that he’s drinking her in, that she’s beneath him. ‘Huh?’.
               Sukuna stands upright and heatedly kicks Gojo so hard in the head that the shaman’s entire body rotates off of her. “WENCH!”, he berates, but its no use, she’s gone. He hears Itadori within hysterically unraveling to the events and decides he can try something. He gnaws off one of his own fingers and cuts into her chest, “TAKE IT WENCH!”, shoving it into her and then using his hands to crease her skin together, hoping he wasn’t too late.
But he was. Her body doesn’t absorb it at all, but rather weakly bleeds, her heart not recovering.
               Toji crawls past his panic-stricken cousin, inching his way to her, tears streaming down his face as he refuses to believe that she’s dead. “DOLL! PLEASE DOLL! YOU CAN’T!”, but his cries go unheard from her ears. He ducks his head into the ground and sobs uncontrollably next to her body, unwilling to even acknowledge Gojo experiencing a sensory overload. He simply doesn’t fucking care.
               “BAAAAB…”, Naoya chokes on his own blood and saliva, “BBYYY!!!!!”, beating his fists into the Earth as he simply cannot fathom this outcome. “SHE CAN’T BE DEAD!”, he roars, the distraught, feverish waves of his voice shaking everything around them. He darts his eyes to Gojo who’s coming back to his normal self, “I AM GOING TO FUCKING SKIN YOU ALIVE!!!!”, he declares, using his last bit of energy to send into the shaman, piercing through his chest. “FUCK YOU GOJO! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOOOOUUUU!!!!”.
               Genghis materializes with Suguru who’s awake but isn’t at all in a frenzy. The Titer’s experience through the last stage enabled him to awake without these affects, he’d already experienced them all by himself in the timeless endeavor he suffered to make it back to her.
               Suguru drops to his knees beside Elska, “Little one…”, the calmness in his voice completely counteracting against the hopeless sounds that leave everyone else. He looks up to his mentor, and receives a nod.
               “This is something only you can do.”, Genghis assures, taken aback by how utterly mangled everyone is. He thinks to himself, ‘I tried to warn all of you…’, but with a heavy heart as he knows that without Elska, everything he’s worked so hard for will fall to shambles. As Suguru focuses his new technique, he walks over to Naoya and rips him from Gojo while trying to tell him, “This will not do you any good now.”, and has to use all of his might to restrain the distraught Zenin.
               Suguru leans down to hoist her lifeless body into his lap and looks to the sky. He wrenches his hands around her shoulders and begins to shake, blood spilling from his nose as he studies the remnants around them and painstakingly is forced to view within his mind, her grueling last moments. “Little one, you must come back…”, he whispers while using the threads of time to retrace those exact moments, using her previous life force, attempting to guide it back into her body.        
               Toji, lays on his side all while watching the unthinkable occur. He witnesses Gojo heaving until he vomits up some of her blood, it crystalizing and then soon trailing across the ground to enter her once more. He looks back at Gojo, the shaman now out cold but darts them back to her. “No way…”, he gratefully mutters, hope finding itself alive within him again. “Can he…can he save her?”.
               Suguru begins to pant, “Come on Elska…”, his voice now showing dejection, “Come back…”, violently shaking now as he feels the technique is at his limit. When he tires and it ceases, he has to catch himself with outstretched hands so he doesn’t fall backwards.
She doesn’t move though. Nothing actually changes. He doubles over her, desperately wanting to consume her essence but staving off the instinctual urge as it no longer makes sense. The need grows though, more and more and he feels himself losing control.
               Genghis sees this transpire and becomes upset. “Did it…not work?”, he hopelessly whispers. He doesn’t understand though, Getou shouldn’t be suffering to feed from her when her blood is dead along with her. “Little O-…”, but his words are severed when the inconceivable happens.
               Elska’s body radiates warmth, waves of her energy dancing around her form. The violet light curtains around her as the image of an unknown curse wipes its hands along her limbs, then her chest before allowing itself to be absorbed into her.
               Naoya and Toji both gasp, Toji can hear her heart beating…and its strong.
               Sukuna sits down next to Fushiguro, exhaling heavily while sharing, “My act of impulsivity, it had purpose…”.
               Naoya fights off Genghis’s hold, scrambling over to her on his knees, “B…baby?”.
               Suguru brushes her bloodied hair from her face and encourages, “Follow my voice Elska…”, and holds her with Naoya as she begins to move. His dark eyes flash over to Sukuna’s nodding to the comprehension that if Sukuna had not given her that piece of him, this may not have worked. He explains, “Sukuna being the King of curses and sharing that portion of his body helped latch onto her soul.”, he sees the wide eyes of everyone around him, “It allowed for her origin curse to enter her, the one responsible for evolving the Oda clan...”.
               They all watch as the incision caused by Sukuna laces shut, a large pulsating wave of raw energy binding into her very being. Getou lifts her into his arms and slowly walks away with her without any words to say out loud. ‘I did it...’, he smiles to himself in complete awe as her wounds continue to repair with haste.
               Naoya’s unsettled by this but as he begins to verbally stop it, Toji puts a hand on him and communicates, “Stop boy, let them bond…”, he watches as the Titer carefully holds her and knows that he wouldn’t be doing this if she wasn’t recovering, “…we owe him that much…”.
               When her fingers can be seen curling, Toji cries out happily and reaches for his cousin who joins him in a sob. “Naoya…”, his voice broken, “Our bride…she’s…she’s alive.”.
((I’ve been waiting nearly a year to get to this point in the story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!))
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Tagging: @syynnaaah @angelofthorr @itstackytime @animemenrbettr
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
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Part 3
The next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, a call was made up to your room. It wasn't until you put the phone down that you realised you didn't have a way to contact Zemo. It was good he knew where you were staying. You would have to make sure to get his number later.
It felt strange to think about that. If he had your number, wouldn't that be like taking the next step? Were you getting carried away with this? Probably.
You couldn't ignore the fact you liked Zemo.
You never expected to develop a crush on a racing driver. It seemed like he liked you too, but you didn't want to get too carried away. This might very end up being a one time thing.
You make your way down to the lobby. Zemo is waiting for you. He looked so extra, but so stylish. A fur collared jacket, driving gloves, sunglasses on his head.
He turned when he heard you approach. His face lit up with a smile as you got closer to him.
"Good morning."
"Morning. You're looking smart today," you look him up and down, not so subtly checking him out. So much for trying to feel in that crush.
"Thought I would make an impression on you."
"You already did."
Zemo smiles at that. There was a proud feeling in knowing he had you hooked. Perhaps this would lead somewhere, but he would see. He didn't want to rush things and ruin any chances he may have with you.
He wouldn't do that.
"As I'll ever be."
Zemo leads you outside where another fabulous car is parked. You look at it, top to bottom. He can tell by your expression you're impressed.
"Just how many cars do you have?"
"Many. I could show you my collection if you like," he says, walking over to the car and opening the door for you.
You chuckle and climb in.
Zemo takes his sun glasses and puts them on as he gets into the drivers seat. He grins at you as he sets off.
You roll the window down and let the wind mess up your hair, wanting to feel that free feeling you got that first time. Even just sitting next to Zemo brought about all kinds of exciting feelings.
Zemo turned on the radio as he drove through the streets. There was a little drive to get to the garage his race car had been taken to. This gave him some time to bask in your company again.
He could get used to having you around all the time. In fact, he would love that.
Zemo considered himself more of a solo racer. Tony Stark always had fans hanging about, 'dates' in his stand watching him race. Zemo only ever had his pit crew waiting for him at the end of a race.
It was beautiful out. Even more so when you excited the town and got onto more open roads. You had no idea where he was taking you exactly, but you couldn't complain. if he got to see sights like this every day, that was amazing.
You glanced at him. He was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, in time to the music playing on the radio. He looked so relaxed and in his element.
Feeling your gaze on him, he turned to you with a grin.
"What is it?"
"Nothing. You just... look so at home."
He laughs, the sound joyous and wonderful. It makes your heart skip a beat.
"I live in the drivers seat."
You laugh with him.
"What do you say we speed this up? Just like last time," he peers at you over his shades.
"Alright. Thrill me."
You didn't need to say any more. He pushed his foot down on the pedal and you laughed as the car sped up. With such ease, the car glided down the road. Not another soul in sight as the scenery became a blur, just like that first day.
No rules. No restrictions. No Stark.
Just two people enjoying each others company on the open road. What more could a man ask for?
In the distance, you spot a building. That had to be where he was taking you.
"Where is this?"
"It's an old air strip. Hasn't been used in decades. I come here to drive often. I asked my team to bring the car here so we can take a look at it, thought you may also appreciate the area."
You smile.
"It's stunning. There's nothing else around for miles."
Knowing these roads like the back of his hand, he speeds up further, gliding along the rear of the way with ease. Your laughter just fuels him to go faster.
You reach the air strip in no time. He slows down on the approach and pulls up right outside the hanger. He gets out first and opens your door for you. You chuckle as you take his hand and climb out.
Even with your hair all wind struck, you look stunning to him. He won't tell you that though.
You both head inside.
There it is. His race car. He exterior looks pretty good, just scuffed from where Stark's car collided with it, but nothing too serious. The crew were busy working away on it as you both approached.
"Who's this?" A voice asks from your right.
"This is Y/N, my new friend," Zemo says, introducing you. "Y/N, this is Sam. He is very good with cars."
"Nice to meet you." You shake his hand.
"What's the damage?" Zemo walks over to his car.
"The engine gave out. That's all."
"That's all? It cost me a win," Zemo narrows his gaze at Sam.
"It could have been a lot worse. We'll have it fixed in no time."
"Good. I need to win the next one, and the other two to beat Stark. He cannot win them all." Zemo stands upright after looking over his vehicle.
"Trust us, we're on it."
Zemo doesn't give him any more of a response and returns to your side.
"Want to look around a little?"
"Yes please."
He places an arm around your shoulder and guides you out of the hanger. You're blushing from his touch. It almost felt like you were made to fit against him like this.
You both go to stand near the car.
"How come you have such a big rivalry with Tony Stark?" You ask, gazing up at him.
"He doesn't like the idea that I'm better than him."
"Honest. Stark is an engineer and a genius. He can build a car from scratch. I know the ins and outs of cars. I know how to make them better, how to improve them. My cars are better than his, and he is threatened by it."
"Sounds petty."
Zemo shrugs. He is not ashamed to admit he is better than Stark. His whole vendetta is to prove it. He just doesn't have many chances left to do so.
"Aren't you worried?"
"No," he looks you in the eye, "I'm certain."
"Does nothing scare you?"
"Not yet."
There is no expression on his face. You have no idea what's going on inside that head of his. You knew he knew what he was doing. This was his job, his passion. That didn't mean the risks didn't apply to him.
For some reason, Stark's words came to mind. "He's dangerous." Not just on the track, he had said.
Was he?
Who was this man standing before you? His personal information was almost non existent online. Other than his racing background, there was nothing about him. You didn't even know where he was from. His accent suggested not from around here.
Did you dare ask?
No. You didn't want to. No matter how curious you were...
"Would you like me to drive you along the strip?" He asked, nodding across the field where you could see the straight road.
"Yes. Don't go easy on me."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he grins.
You both get into the car and he wastes no time in driving over to the strip. This car doesn't even remotely come close to his racing car, but he'd be damned if he didn't leave you thrilled after this.
He lines up perfectly. You hold on tight and smile at him.
Wheels screeching, whole body jerking, and nothing but the wind blowing through the window. With all his skill and precision, the car speeds up in handled ease. This man knows what he's doing.
You trust him with your life.
You wanted to thank your friend for bringing you to the races that day. If she hadn't, what would you be doing now? Working? Sitting at home? Studying?
Nothing nearly as amazing as this.
Zemo brought life into your world, and you didn't want it to end.
At the end of the runway, he turns the car with ease, though the power causes you to lean toward him as he turns the vehicle around. He almost reaches out for your hand, but focuses his attention on his driving. Back up you go.
He glances at you from the corner of his eye.
Could it be that there was one thing he wanted more than winning against Stark?
No, he didn't think so.
The car comes to a screeching halt at the end of the runway. Heaven knows how his tyres are doing.
You grin at him once the car stops.
"I'll never get tired of that."
He chuckles.
"That pleases me to hear."
Your phone rings. You apologise as you pick it up and answer it, disappointed it was ruining your fun.
"Y/N? Hey, how was the race yesterday?" It was your friend.
"Oh, uh. It was good." You lied. It hadn't ended as you had hoped.
"Great. What time does your train get in tomorrow? I have something super exciting to share with you."
"About 2 o'clock I think."
"I'll be there to pick you up. Oh my gosh, you will not believe what's happened. I can barely contain myself. I'll speak to you soon."
She hangs up.
You stare at your phone, confused. She sounded super excited, whatever that was about.
"Uh, no. Just my friend calling. She's going to pick me up from the train station tomorrow."
"I see. It's a shame you do not live locally. I would get to see you every day," he smiles.
You're blushing again.
"You'd get board of me really quickly," you say, tucking your phone away again.
"I doubt that."
"With your lifestyle? Definitely."
"I may live an exciting life, but you are a rare treasure any man would be lucky enough to have in his life."
"Are you flirting with me?" You ask, eyeing him suspiciously.
"That depends, is it working?"
You laugh.
"It might be."
"Then yes," he says, grinning like a fool.
You both sit there and laugh.
"Allow me to drop you off back at the hotel."
"I'd like that."
Much slower, he drives back to the hanger to alert the team he is leaving. They wave as you both leave.
The ride back is a lot more gentle, more casual. The radio is turned on, but the volume is low. Zemo is just basking in your presence.
He can't admit that he will miss you once you're gone.
The ride is over much sooner than he would have liked. Once again, you both sit there together.
You pull out your phone.
"Can I have your number?" You ask, biting the bullet.
He grins smugly.
"Already making a move?"
"Shush. Can I?"
He nods, taking your phone and putting his number into your contacts. You smile as you take it back, pretending his gloved fingers didn't brush against yours.
"I expect to hear from you," he says.
"I promise."
You go to get out, but he stops you by grabbing your arm lightly. You look at him, a little confused.
"Remember what I said."
"About what?" You ask.
"Come to the races, and I'll take you in a date."
You bite your lip.
"I haven't forgotten."
He stays there until you've gone inside, out of sight. His phone suddenly feels heavy in his pocket, waiting for a text or call.
He was in deep, he just didn't know it yet.
He thinks of you as he drives off.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb @latenightartist-author @hb8301 @goddessofmischief03 @xxidontwikeitxx @themeanestlittlewitch
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I’m There - Spencer Reid
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Prompt: “My back’s killing me.”
Warnings: Explosion, guns
A/N: So I know this kinda sucked, I just wanted to write something short for Spencer and had no idea so used a few line prompts. Somehow came out with this, that really isn’t good. But oh well, at least it’s something.
You had barely registered the loud yelling before the bomb went off, sending you flying across the warehouse. A low groan emanated from your throat as you collided with a steel support beam, the impact leaving a painful ache in your back.
“Shit,” you muttered as your boots landed on the floor again, sending shooting pains up your back. Looking around the room, you noticed everyone was focusing on peeling themselves off of various surfaces or apprehensively looking for the attacker. Nobody had noticed that you were injured, which was a good thing in your books.
“Movement in the next room,” Derek’s voice rung through your earpiece. Everyone looked around, most of them were still disoriented from the blast. You, being the most conscious out of everyone, decided to join Derek in the search.
Drawing your gun, you carefully moved up next to him, trying to keep your footsteps silent as you ignored the pain radiating in your back. Flanking either side of the doorway, you waited for the swat team to catch up for infiltration. Making eye contact, Derek gave you a small nod before breaching the room, you following hot on his trail.
A young woman was tied up, displayed in the middle of the room, a gag pulled tightly around her head. Holding your gun in the air, you holstered it before cautiously moving towards her. It barely took a few seconds before you recognised her as the missing girl you had been called to find. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Are you Nadia?” She nodded, fear in her eyes as you slowly held your hands out. “I’m just gonna remove this gag, okay?” Nodding again, you quickly began to remove the gag that was starting to suffocate her.
“Nadia, are there any bombs in this room?” Derek asked, his gun still drawn, surveying the room. You breathed a sigh of relief as she shook her head, sputtering something unintelligible about the attacker.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re gonna get you out of here now.” Holding out your hand, you helped her out of the chair. “Can you walk?” She nodded her head, obviously traumatised by the events that had just taken place. “Good,” you smiled as you gingerly took off your FBI jacket, draping it carefully over her shoulders.
“The EMTs are just outside waiting for you guys,” Derek announced, holstering his gun. “You got her?” Nodding, you sent him a small smile before leading her out of the small office.
Everyone was still gathered around the warehouse, either talking in a corner or getting checked out by the EMTs. Putting your hand gently on Nadia’s back, you led her out of the warehouse, over to the ambulances.
“These guys will check you over, and one of my team will come take a statement. If everything’s good you will be free to go,” you gave her a small smile before walking away.
You quickly, but carefully made your way around the side, out of sight from the EMTs. Pressing your hand to your back, you hissed loudly at the pain from the touch. That wasn’t a promising sign for the injury. Hoping it was just a bad bruise, you slowly pulled off the bulletproof vest that was definitely making the injury worse.
“Y/L/N, good work today on finding the attacker. I just got the call that he was cornered by a SWAT team outside of his apartment building.” Hotch praised, moving to stand in front of you. “We don’t know exactly, but we assume that the bomb was wired with motion sensors that would set off once something got too close.” Nodding you smiled gently at his words. Often times stalker cases ended badly, with the object of attention not making it out alive. But this time you got lucky.
“Have the EMTs checked you out yet?” You gave a fake nod in reply, assuring Hotch that you were fine minus a small headache from the noise of the blast.
“Good, we’ll be leaving soon then.”
Groaning annoyedly, you shift in your seat again, aggressively punching the pillow you had been leaning on. The pain was intense as you tried relieve some of the pressure on your back. Somehow, by some happy miracle, you had managed to keep your injury a secret from the rest of the team. Mainly by acting as normal as you possibly could since the explosion, which had occurred now 10 hours ago. You always quickly wrapped the case, packing your things and say goodbye to the police officers, before making your way back to the airfield. In the hopes you’d make it home in time for dinner (albeit rarely the case).
The rest of the plane was quiet, the team members either sleeping, or listening to some music to pass the time quicker. Unfortunately for you, nothing could make the time pass quicker, as you prayed to make it home where you had ice packs and painkillers to help with the very dark bruise that painted your back. All that you could do was wait, and hope that the time would hurry up.
Shifting in your seat again, you froze as Spencer began to stir.
“You’re still awake,” he pointed out, his voice deep and groggy as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.
“Yeah, not really tired,” you lied, hoping that he’d fall back asleep.
“I’ll keep you company,” he stated, adjusting himself into a more comfortable position. You envied the tall genius, not because he was a genius, but because he could make himself comfortable to sleep anywhere. However, after a few months, you had put it down to him being eternally exhausted, and passing out wherever he could.
“You don’t have to, you need sleep.” You smiled gently at his kindness; he was always kinder to you than the rest of the team.
“And you need to tell the truth Y/N,” he locked eyes with you, almost staring into your soul. “I know you’re in pain, and that you got injured during the explosion. It doesn’t take a profiler to notice that since the explosion, you have winced whenever your back touched something.” You sighed, placing your hands on the table, your eye contact with Spencer continuing. “How bad is it?” He questioned, reaching out to grab your hand in his.
“It’s just a bruise,” you explained, it wasn’t a lie.
“Tell me the truth,” he pressed, reading through your lies.
“My back is killing me, okay? I got injured and my back is killing me.” You admitted, you hated admitting defeat, especially to an injury as minor as a bruise.
“Show me,” he pulled you up, leading you to the snacks area and drawing the curtain. Sighing, you winced as he gently pulled up your shirt. He sucked in a deep breath, his finger gently tracing around the large bruise. “You need to get that checked out you know; it could be serious.” Nodding, you admitted defeat.
“I know it could be. Considering the blast of the explosion threw me into a steel support beam.” Realising your harsh tone, you let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, it’s just, I know exactly how serious this could be. I’ve been in pain ever since it happened, and even just walking hurts. I just don’t want to admit that I got hurt, okay?” Spencer nodded in understanding.
“Does your head hurt?” Shaking your head, you looked up at him as he towered over you. “Can I just check?” You nodded, relaxing as you felt his fingertips massage your scalp. “I can’t feel a lump, but you could still have a concussion, you should get it checked too. Let’s go sit,” grabbing your hand, he led you back to your seats.
“I just hate being injured, it sucks. I don’t want it to be anything worse than a bruise, even though it probably is. I don’t want to be restricted to desk duty, and not go on cases.” You admitted, relieving a huge weight from your shoulders. Never had you admitted something like this to one of your teammates, but Spencer was different, you wished that he was more than a teammate. “I’m scared Spence,” you whimpered.
“How about I come back to your place tonight, help take care of you. Does that sound okay?” You smiled widely, giving him a nod.
“I’d really appreciate it. Thank you Spencer,” you appreciated Spencer, for everything he had done.
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What could have been...
//Saw that the site I use to make mood boards has a CD Cover option and thought it would be fun to do Sunset Curve’s Demo and Unreleased Songs (+Home Is Where My Horse Is) as they would look as singles!!! I may make CD Covers for the other 13 songs in the show...if people end up really liking these ones and if inspiration strikes!
**Gave an idea of what I think the other 7 songs would be about/why they were written (said what we know Unsaid Emily, Now or Never, and Home Is Where My Horse Is are about already of course too)!!
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1. Unsaid Emily: Is of course about Luke’s rough relationship with his mom, which was never resolved before his death. It touches on how he knew he should have turned around and come back home but his pride stopped him. All the conversations he had created in his head about what they would say to each other when he finally saw her again stayed that way, thoughts in his head. Wondering if he had been able to say the right things to his mom or made up with her before dying, would time not have erased the memory of him?  
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2. Get Lost: I believe it is about the feeling of restlessness and wanting to just take off on an adventure somewhere new or unique. Similar to how Luke finds sleeves (zleeves) restricting, this song is about how life can feel suffocating sometimes and all you want to do is grab a bag of essentials and walk in the mist/ride off into the night to a freer life. 
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3. Long Weekend: Is about the band’s friendship/brotherhood/sense of found family and how over many weekends they find themselves going through a lot of struggles and heartache together. These are the weekends that feel the longest because there is so much the four boys help each other through and many times they find they don’t want the weekend to end so they can spend more non-band time together to just be four stupid teen boys navigating all the twists and turns of life. 
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4. Crooked Teeth: My thoughts are that it could have been written when he had braces/a retainer in the 90s & was self-conscious of it, so it was written to cheer Reggie up about his braces/retainer & pretty much say "hey, Reggie...people's smiles vary & they're all unique & beautiful"...instead of mocking him, like the show seems to tell us it was written to do.
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5. My Name Is Luke: Is a darker, more introspective song about Luke’s struggle with an identity crisis where he feels he’s being pulled in different directions. One side is the Luke who loves his parents and wants to make them happy and have them be proud of him. The other side is the Luke. who is passionate about writing and playing music, who thrives off the feelings and energies of the crowd as they connect with him and his lyrics. Luke finds he can’t be one version of Luke without ultimately giving up the other and trying to do both is exhausting and soul crushing at times. The title is his way of saying ‘Hey, this is my name, it’s who I am, and I can be a loving son my parents can be proud of while also doing what I love and making a difference in the lives of people who listen to my music’. He just wishes his parents could come to understand that he loves music and he’s really good at it, so why can’t he continue doing it and make them proud at the same time.  
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6. Now or Never: Is, as we know, about Sunset Curve’s rise to fame and how they can dream as though they’ll never die but they’re going to live their life as though today could be their last day alive. They aren’t looking to the future, because all they need are each other and the energy that is coursing through their bodies in the present. They hear a voice in their heads saying you only have this one life, so make the most of it so when you die you’ll have had no regrets about the things you did or didn’t do. This is their time to shine and even when their lives were bleak or lacking, their days were still the best of their lives because they were making music and gradually making a name for themselves doing so. 
Weaved in are of course lyrics that seem to foreshadow their 3 deaths with the mention of shock to their hearts (the defibrillators used to try to keep them alive in the alley or ambulance), clocks moving forward but they don’t get older (how for 25 yrs they were in limbo and didn’t age and are now 17-year-old ghosts in 2020), how they kept on climbing 'til their stars collided (floated up out of the ambulance to the dark place until crashing into Julie’s life (she’s a star as Luke says)), and how all that they left in the past was just the just the key to paradise (all the things they left behind once they died were just ‘stepping stones’ to the ‘paradise’ of heaven for most people or in the boy’s case the path to Julie and playing music again).
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7. Late Last Night: Is about the late nights the four boys spent out at clubs/venues leading up to the Orpheum, gigs that helped them gain a decent following, and all the crazy things they saw and did. 17-year-olds out late partying, possibly drinking, on school nights. A higher energy song, similar to Now or Never to match the antics of a bunch of teens practically let loose on the music/club scene during the band’s rise in the Hollywood/LA music scene in ‘93/’94/’95. It evokes the feelings of being wild and reckless as a teen, while also somehow capturing the energy of the nighttime as you move from the crowded main strip into residential areas and how quick and jarring the change can be.     
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8. Lakeside Reflection: This is a tough one, but I think it would be about the individual experiences most or all of the boys have from going to lakes during summer with their families. There’s of course all the fun time spent with family, but in the reflection on the lake of those moments the boys only see the truth of their family dynamics, what was hidden behind a pleasant façade. 
For Luke, it was the strained relationship and fights with his mom over the band and his dreams. 
For Alex, it was the looks and offhanded comments made by his parents and the looks of sympathy from his sister, ever since he told them he was gay. 
For Reggie, it was the nights spent keeping his brother and sister distracted as the walls practically shook from the volume and intensity of his parents’ almost daily fights. 
And for Bobby, it was the truth that he kept up a façade even with the boys so they wouldn’t know that his family, that the others always believed to be perfect, wasn’t perfect at all. When rarely he saw his parents and they weren’t off on business trips or working late into the night, Bobby found them to be disinterested in his life and any affection or love was relegated to a pat on the back or a quick hand held before they rushed out the door once more. 
The happy summer vibes at the lake could never truly make any of the boys forget their truths, but at least they could let loose for the extent of their trips and finally feel like a carefree teen again.               
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9. In Your Starlight: This would seem to be a certain kind of love song at first glance and for some people that’s what it may be, but to me it is a very specific kind of love song. This love song is about relationships each of the boys had, the very few of them, that didn’t turn out well for some reason or another. A passion for music overshadowing the passion to keep a relationship going. The fear of long-term commitment and a short-lived bliss, before the fighting starts, ending the relationship before it ever grew deeper. The smothering of a fire in the soul so outsiders can’t see one trace of its flicker, hidden behind a lie, in case they find out the truth and react with disgust or hatred. Or the overly flirtatious and, at times, clingy antics used to get a person interested in starting a relationship. To keep them invested in the relationship, in an effort to make sure they won’t leave out of boredom or for someone better. This song is from the perspective of those other people, how they saw the relationship, no matter the length, and what they see as the thing that ended it or kept it from growing stronger. How they all in some way felt like they were pulled in by light of each of the boys (the stars) and things were good at first, before the cracks started to appear and reality truly set in.    
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10. Home Is Where My Horse Is: It’s an expression of where and whom Reggie calls home. The horse had never really stood for an actual horse, but rather it represented Luke, Alex, and Bobby. The people Reggie considered his family, his home, more than he ever would the house he had grown up in. Horses symbolize freedom without restraint, because riding a horse makes people feel they can free themselves from their own bindings. There is no constraining a horse when it runs with the wind, but they also enjoy the company of family and friends. Reggie wants freedom from the stuff with his parents and his own personal demons that keep him held back. He finds with the band, his real family, he can run free and be himself...enjoying being around the boys and not having to worry about fighting and drama. His home is where he (the horse) is... able to be its true self and go where the wind takes it.     
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fairydollsteps · 3 years
Can I request Zenitsu with a female demon reader who lost her husband because of demons and was turned into a demon too and Zenitsu reminds her of her husband when they first meet so she just starts to cry and hug, cling to him? c:
Hello! I find your request interesting and I would love to write it down! :D I do hope you don’t mind if I describe the reader's relationship with Zenitsu is platonic instead just see Zenitsu like a family member as the reader would be a lot older than him, like an adult and also there will be some changes here and there but is related to your request. I do hope what I wrote is what you wanted! There will be a short scenarios about the reader past and some headcanon along with it too. Enjoy reading! 💖
Zenitsu with a Sisterlike Demon Friend
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The happiness that you thought would last forever with your dear husband was shattered into countless pieces
It all happens during the night where you and your husband were eating dinner together. The food served was delectable that you enjoy it so much. Just like how the demon enjoying itself devouring your husband after it has crashed into your home.
Just right before you were attacked by the vicious demon, your husband covers you and fights back. Even so, the demon has left you a severe wound that has its blood in it which you will suffer later on.
You were watching your husband fighting the demon back, watches his neck get bitten in the process while you try to stop your bleeding. He screamed at you to run and never come back, you can hear the anguish and pain in his voice.
You did what you were told by your husband out of fear and distress as you can’t handle another second to see the sight of your beloved getting killed. You head out of your house and run away, never looking back. You run as fast as you can, not noticing your blood dripping down from your wound, leaving a trail of blood behind you as you run.
You are turning into a demon as you kept running. It hurts physically but you ignored it and keep running but it worse as you can feel a sharp piercing pain from you wound. You collapsed down and started vomiting blood on the ground violently. Blood is also shedding from your eyes and you can feel your whole entire body tormented from this excruciating pain.
You are turning into a demon.
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Now that all conclude the reader’s past, let dive into the headcanons part(cause I am lazy to put in so much effort in continuing this.)
You thought you are going to die at this point, what you didn’t know that the blood trail behind that you bled before has kill some demons with its lethal scent that was about to prey on you.
Little did you know, a young lady with butterfly hairpin both side, wearing a black uniform was watching the whole thing unfold. Watching you vomiting blood on the ground violently then collapsed unconscious.
The next thing you saw after you regain your conscious is where you in a cell. You also saw a bunch of people in different height and build. You also saw the young lady earlier right before you collapsed.
You expect yourself to be petrified because the people are glaring deep in to your soul but you felt nothing. Numb will be the right word for how you are feeling now when suddenly the lady you saw before walk up to you.
“Hello, I am Kanae Kocho. Please stay calm, we are not going to do anything with you. We just wanted to have a talk with you,” she said as she smile sweetly.
That’s when a man with a black shoulder length comes in. Kagaya Ubuyashiki.It’s his name you heard as he was introduced by his children.
He talks to you gently while you are in a cage with a soft smile. He asks you what had happened to you and you explains everything, the tragic events that you have to go through to him.
Of course, the people you saw earlier who were introduced as the Hashira, were suspicious about what you said but also shocked that you have saved many slayers from their corps.
Apparently, what they meant is that your Blood Demon Art has saved countless of lives from the corps where they were investigating the area you were in to hunt down demons.
None has died, only some suffer minor injuries. 
Of course, there is some arguments here and there whether they should keep you as their most powerful weapon to hunt demons down or to just slay your head off for good.
It was then decided that the Demon Slayer Corps should keep you after Kanae express her opinion and concern that many casualties would happen if it wasn’t for your power and that you have no intention of killing humans.
Once all has been concluded, you were left to be alive instead getting your head cut off but you would many restrictions. You were later send to Tamayo and Yushiro to stay with them.
You started your lives with them. Tamayo welcomed you in warmly while Yushiro is just glaring at you which he soon get scolded by Tamayo.
Your Life as a demon
Let’s just say that, your husband’s death has put a huge impact on you deeply. You become cold and emotionless. The only person who you can trust for now is Tamayo as she also go through the same thing and also has similar demon technique.
You help her with creating medicine and stuff and soon become a doctor just like her.
Yushiro would later on have respect with you for how you work hard for Tamayo. 
You don’t show it, you are disgusted of yourself for become a same species with the monster that has murdered your dear husband. You would left yourself a scar or cut on your face every time you see yourself in the mirror, just watching the blood drip down and hating yourself.
 You don’t care about the injuries you had put on yourself cause it will regenerate itself anyway because you are a demon. You bottle and repress your feelings because you are demon and nobody care if you cry cause you are hated for what you have become. Even you never choose to become what you have become.
You are afraid of the thought of how your husband would think about because you have become a demon.
Because you are a demon.
You keep thinking about this often, degrading yourself while keeping a stern and empty face. Showing absolutely no emotions and weakness.
The only reason why you are still alive is because Tamayo was there to comfort you when you are feeling down although you never show it.
One day, you were the strolling around the street during the night. You just want to relax a bit from your mind. The street was dark and quiet. After all, you were out late in the night.
Until the silence was interrupted by a scream from a far distance. You follow it as it sounds like someone is in trouble and hopeless.
You saw a demon on your way, hobbling towards to you. You don’t care about it an annihilate it immediately using your blood demon technique.
That’s when the scream stops, you turn around and saw a blonde boy on top a tree, clinging tightly on one of its branches.
“IS IT DEAD ALREADY!?!?!??! IS IT!??! IS IT!!!! THAT THING WAS HELLA SCARY THAT I JUST RUN!!!!!! the boy screamed.
You walk to towards to the tree and reach out your hand to him.
“No worries, is gone now. Please come down. You might fall,” you said in a reserved turn.
“A-a-are you sure!!??!?!? Y-y-you s-should you k-k-killed it??? he said obviously not believing a word you say until he realized something. You are a demon.
That’s when you saw a clear image of the boy. He looks just like him. Your husband . You froze for a while and the way the boy knowing you are a demon reminds you all the past. The past that you wished to cover forever comes back.
Your knee drop and then you starts sobbing. All your hate and disgust on yourself is coming back at the same time and its too much for you to handle them anymore. You continue think how your late husband thinks of you. A monster? A strange creature? Not the person that he used to love?
You started to cry when the boy talks to you. “U-um...hey, I am s-sorry for w-what I mentioned earlier,” There is some fear in his voice but there is also some gratitude and sincerity in it. “E-even if you are a d-demon, you did s-save my life after all,”.
He still though keep his distance with you. You noticed a wound on his hand and some on the side of his forehead. You offer the boy to treat your wounds as it do looks pretty severe.
He was reluctant for a while until give in. You still keep your distance with him while tending him, as you do not wanted to scared him like before. Mainly because it makes you think that’s how your husband feel to you because the boy looks so much like your husband except the boy is blonde.
“What’s your name?” you ask. “U-um is Zenitsu A-agatsuma. You can call me Z-Zenitsu,” he answered. “I’m (Y/n) (L/N),”.
Once you finished tending him, you explain yourself a bit that you are working for Demon Slayer Corps along with Tamayo and Yushiro. Zenitsu soon trusted you a little after knowing that you are a no threat.
Just as he was about, you quickly propose to walk back with him as you are worry for his safety to go back.
You both begin to talk and knowing about each other as you both walk. You and Zenitsu enjoy together chatting and Zenitsu is smiling because he can finally talk to a women without making himself a complete fool and making himself look weird. You begin to smile and feel happy for the first time and forever after what you have gone through.
Your Relationship with Him
Once Zenitsu is comfortable with you, your relationship with him is quite similar with Tanjiro, Nezuko and Tamayo. Like Zenitsu helps you finally feel happy and makes you smile just like how Tanjiro and Nezuko makes Tamayo feel the loving feelings of a family.
You are pretty older than Zenitsu so Zenitsu calls you (L/N)-san as a sign of respect for you and you really appreciate it.
You begin visiting the Butterfly Estate during after for a long time just to see how Zenitsu is doing. Shinobu, of course was aware and distrustful with you but warm up a little after knowing that you just wanted to know how Zenitsu is doing after coming back from a mission. Shinobu started to welcome you when you come to visit and started to respect you after you are willingly to share some of your knowledge with poison and medicine with her. she stills don’t trust you but still has some respect and kindness for you.
Zenitsu would introduce you to his friends,Tanjiro and Inosuke. You heard a lot about them from Zenitsu during your conversation with him. Tanjiro would a little bit flustered because of how gorgeous you are and a little scared because you look so stern and cold but soon warm up to you after you treat him with kindness and respect. Inosuke would also like you after you give him some rice balls and shrimp that he becomes so touched that he was stucked for a while because of how generous you are and thinks you are some goddes or something.
Zenitsu would of course be pissed if these two were to hog your attention too much that he feels left out. You would of course meet Nezuko as both you and Nezuko suffered from the same tragedies.
Zenitsu won’t feel any romantic feelings for you because you are a lot older than him so instead, he sees you as like and elder sister and a role model.
You would act like a role model to Zenitsu. Always teaching him how to behave and collect himself when he lost his composure. Also giving him advice  and so on. Zenitsu respect you deeply ever since then.
You would also act like a protective elder sister to Zenitsu. and zenitsu loves it. You would always check on him when he come back from a mission, making sure he is eating well, always making medicine for him when he is hurt and so on. You would sometimes offer to tag along a mission with Zenitsu so you can protect him and make sure he is alive. You did all of this for him because you do not want Zenitsu to suffer the same fate as your husband.
Speaking of your husband death, you have once mentioned your tragic past to Zenitsu and explained that he looks so much like your husband which explained why you are so protective and caring towards him. You also mention your hate and disgust on yourself for what you have become.
Then Zenitsu immediately freaks out after recalling your first meeting with hima and he apologies to you profusely. After feeling absolutely guilt for making you cry because of his overexaggerating reaction.
You reassure him that’s alright and is just that he didn’t know. He do still feels guilt though but you would give your sincere reassurance to him.
After you have talk about your past, he wanted to become stronger and more braver so you do not have to worry about him.
Zenitsu would come in a speed of lightning when he knows that you are upset on yourself and would try to comfort you. You really appreciate his effort in cheering you up.
You would also try to help Zenitsu in his training like explaining parts that he can improve and motivate him to continue fighting and training.
Because you are a demon and can’t walk under the sun, you and Zenitsu would hang out at the street markets or go shopping during the night. These memories you created with him are memorable and precious.
You were glad that you save Zenitsu from before as he has helps you heal the scar that was caused from your husband’s death.
All you wished for Zenitsu is for him alive and living happily.
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Words: 2,340.....AAHAVIYQWVCKQW!!!! I am sorry that I got carried away for writing so much! I just have so many idea for this and would hate it so much to throw it away!!! This tooks me so long so likes and reblog would be deeply appreciated .Anyway, thank you for reading and have a good day!
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notnctu · 4 years
sugar | s.j ❀
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━ listen to: sugar by brockhampton 
❀ johnny suh x fem!reader ❀ genre - smut, angst, fluff? ❀ details - fwb!au, kinda unrequited love? who knows lol, sweet love makin ❀ word count - 2k ❀ synopsis - he’s always a call away, ready to love you when you think no one else will. and this will be the one time you ask him to spend the night because johnny suh is the only sweetener you need in your bitterness. 
❀ a/n: hello its author doie❀! its based off of the song sugar which is one of my favs ever so i hope u enjoy this smut, rlly this was just me avoiding explicit words lol ps i have never laughed harder in my life when @legendnct​​ (ily hannah) asked me if i was J O R N Y when i told her i was writing this at 4am 
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The honey dripping, rush of candy goodness, and sugar high of a man --- Johnny Suh. He’s like walking on sunshine, no other cares in the world can harm him, and with a bright happiness that promises anything worth fighting for.
He stands six feet tall of sunflowers that turn up to the clear blue skies and soak up the positive energy needed for growth. Johnny Suh, the man that has sugar addicts craving for a slice of his attention; Johnny Suh is the epitome of goodness and virtue.
And the puzzling, estranged question of why you are his subject of sweetness is beyond any galaxy and he’d never tell a soul his reason behind his many dazed gazes, or if they even had much meaning to them. Johnny Suh is the one boy that wears his heart on his sleeve, but holds your’s at his fingertips.
There have been many countless encounters of long and, some unfortunately short, nights of sleeping with bodies that only add to the list of people you’ve kissed. But to have consistency in that aspect? Quite hesitant, to say the least.
While you are able to tolerate a random one night stand with no necessary remembrance of the individual’s name, to give your vulnerability and consistent attention to one person is asking for too much. A flawed characteristic of yours is falling in love too easily.
The hookups are meaningless, quick fucks to fill the evening and rid the irritable desire of lust. The muscles involved exclude the heart because there is no opportunity to fall for someone if you are only going to part ways right afterwards.
Yet, the one remarkable night with Johnny turned into several nights which led into your current relationship with the glowing sun. The one thing you had wished to steer away from --- a friend with benefits.
There was no metaphorical gun to your head, you weren’t forced to sign a contract, there were no ridiculously restrictive rules. No boundaries to hold you back.
When there is no fencing around the edge of a cliff, is that grounds for people to free fall? Regardless, your lack of self control and demising loneliness had you jumping and falling into Johnny’s comfort. The golden boy is someone hard to come by, and you’re not foolish enough to turn down this once in a lifetime chance to be intimately acquainted.
But as you continued to see him, there was an unconscious decision to stop your other random flings. It felt like you already had someone to fulfill the ache, someone to spend your nights with. If you needed him, he’d be there. So, unknowingly by choice, you made yourself exclusive to him, even though Johnny did not decide to do the same.
That shouldn’t bother you, right? But it does. The worst part is that it’s no one’s fault but your own. Johnny’s harmless actions affect you because your feelings allow them to. As much as you ignore the fact you two are nothing more than friends with benefits, the annoying drumming of your foolish heart reminds you of your denial.
While you’ve always had a bitter palette, the dash of sweetener never hurt anyone. He never hurts anyone, with his best efforts. And the intent should have been made clear, that your nightly hookups are an unhealthy coping mechanism. Too much sugar has your glucose levels derailing and seeking out the one person that lights up your endorphins.
The love for Johnny stems from his warmhearted character. His bubbly, goodwill nature that has him overextending himself for people who take him for granted. An extroverted, head-turning personality that you can’t despise and look away, instead are easily attracted to.
Johnny is kind, he’s thoughtful, yet entirely complex as a human being with a fair share of cloudy days. He is simply someone you want to get to know because he makes the atmosphere a safe space and he reads like an open hardback book.
Everyone has a small crush on him, it would be a complete tyranny of your feelings to deny it. Some infatuations are bigger than others and you’ll shamefully admit that you fit under this group of individuals.
On another lonely night, you wonder if he’d be at your will and call, if he would drop the world to come make you feel better. One moment, you are staring at his contact name and imaging the deep voice answering with his signature greeting. The next, you’re actually hearing his voice on the other end of the receiver and panic settles as it’s too late to cancel the call.
“Hey baby, what’s up?” The nickname sends a crown of hearts swirling around your temples. However, he sounds rushed, like he had been in the middle of a strenuous activity.
A nervousness has stammered words falling from your lips, and you’re too incoherent for even your own mind to understand. Johnny chuckles lovingly, and the slight rustling that distorts the background has you imagining that the phone is pressed between his cheek and shoulder. “Collect your thoughts, babe. I’m ready whenever you are.”
A heavy notable sigh erupts into Johnny’s ear, but he doesn’t pull away from the device. He’s all ears, attentive and patiently waiting for you to speak, despite having company on his bed.
“I need you. Can you come over?” If only pride wasn’t so hard to swallow, the question would have flowed much smoother. As if your heart grew hands, it chokes your throat from the inside and you’re preparing yourself for the rejection.
Truthfully, he isn’t obligated to come and there have been rare nights where he declines your offer. But your hope holds onto the slipping strands and the tension of your nerves have fists forming and eyes squeeze shut.
Johnny takes a fast peek at the girl already in his sheets, mindlessly and effortlessly scrolling through her social media. There is a hint of sadness in your voice that he can’t let go and while that’s usually not entirely uncommon, he can tell it took a lot for you to call tonight. So, he finds himself pulling up his sweats and a clean shirt over his head.
“Be there before you know it.” And the clench in your throat relaxes, along with the other parts that had your nails digging moon crescents into your palm and wrinkles forming at your tight creases.
And with a sweet goodbye, he hangs up the call and politely offers to take the girl home as he makes his way over to your place. And you’re dosing yourself in puffs of fruity scents and cleaning up the runny mascara around your under eyes.
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With no words exchanged, Johnny knows every way to heal you and dawn a warmth that coats your darkest corners. All you have to do is open the door and let him in. His strength has you lifted from the ground, lips hungry to devour your softness.
A few fumble steps, he reaches your room at ease and gently lays you on your neatly made sheets. Johnny is consistent, no missed beats when it comes to loving you, and without a fail, he always takes a moment to himself to step back and admire your beauty. And your priceless shyness is also an added delight to the scene.
Each article of clothing is discarded and left at different areas of your small room, kisses lining your worst parts to you, but the best parts to him. When you can’t love parts of yourself, Johnny loves them for you and makes you whole.
“Were you in the middle of something?” It did not become aware to you of the possibility that you had interrupted something else, or someone else. And even if Johnny did choose to see you over spending time with them, you have the decent courtesy to make sure he is okay with his decision.
“Nothing important.” You’ll never be able to read him or notice any lies he tells. His smile is enough reassurance, and your question is quickly forgotten when his fingers dive into your wet flower. He uses his thumb to soothe circles around your growing bud, making your whole lower half blossom with trembling ecstasy.
His lips leave soft reminders to love your thighs, your legs, to not overlook their importance: they carry your graciousness into new ventures. Then, he pushes them wide open as he bends your left knee and your right dangles over his sturdy shoulder. The tight grip on your hip is bound to leave marks the next morning, along with the dark love bites he leaves across your canvas.
But his thoughts are focused on the meal ahead, your sugary juices coat the plush of his tongue. He remembers exactly how you like it, where melodic sounds hit the silence in gasps or groans. He suckles, he licks, he kisses your bead in a speed that has his brown locks tangled in between your fingers.
He drinks up more than your wetness, but also the pure image of your fucked out expression and the twists of your reacting body. He wants to surpass your limits, max you out until there isn’t a hint of melancholy in your tone anymore. To remember, to remind, to recall your happiness through heightened pleasure.
At the announcement of your high, he enters your spasming hole with rubber already on and groans at your walls squeezing around him, which halts him in place. However, the dragged movement of his length hits your sweet spot, your orgasm prolongs into a rapturous euphoria and you’re no longer in control of your body.
Johnny’s toned arms hold you close to him. The chemistry in your gazes has your heart pounding faster than his hips. As ruthless as each thrust is and each push moves you an inch upward on the bed, Johnny’s eyes are still kind and loving.
His fluttering kisses are delicate and nurturing. The marks resemble a healing touch that will settle you enough for the next day. For the night, he rids any angst that corrupts your mood by loving you when you think no one else will.
Together, your bodies fall into one another with a bite of elation as he finishes into the protection and your walls hug around him for the last time tonight. Even when your bodies disconnect, the feeling of fullness lingers and you wish to keep this for as long as you can. No more emptiness, not right now.
Perhaps it's the daze of your orgasm, but your hand reaches for his wrist to stop him from making his exit so soon. Selfishly, carelessly, honestly, this will be the one time you ask for him to spend the night. You can’t stand seeing him go, not at this instant. You refuse to spend one more night alone when your heart longs for him to be by your side when you fall asleep.
While the big heart of his beats speechlessly at your request, he lays down to draw you into his toned chest and pampers your forehead with honeyed pecks. Like many times before, no words need to be exchanged for him to know the remedy to your somber.
Possibly, the scene with Johnny caressing your chin and tracing your smile lines is all too perfect for your imperfect reality. And him whispering and wishing a happier narrative for you is more than what you had asked for. Nonetheless, he’s very good at it, mentally noting the fact that he’s probably done the same to other hookups or broken friends.
While you can get used to this form of aftercare, the guards you put up tell you that this is a one time thing. So, you’ll take and indulge all of Johnny’s affection and false love for the next few hours you had left of the night.
Nevertheless, even sweetness can be an overpowering flavor when consumed in tremendous amounts. And you wonder when you’d grow sick of his candied sugar or if you’d just forfeit your health to keep indulging more into your addiction. A sickly saccharine question of your own will be the pit of your downfall: do you love me?
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kisasiblings · 2 years
fuck it, fma au with the siblings
i literally thought about this because alchemy is like the perfect combination of science and supernatural for mikako and yamato to enjoy so lets fucking go gamers, everythings under the cut
(while some characters are put in similar situations as fma characters theyre not 100% the same as 1) dra doesnt have many adult characters 2) some things have to be adjusted to, you know, fit the dra cast)
the premise is rather basic - tiny yamato and mikako are vibing with their dad whos an alchemist known for his innovative ideas although people wondered why he never applied to the state alchemist program (and were glad for that)
it was natural for both kids to follow in his footsteps although for quite different reasons
unfortunately in this au hanzo dies much earlier than in dra, it was bound to happen rip
so freshly orphaned yamato comes up with a brilliant (actually horrible) idea
yamato: hey this is my idea but what if we can bring father back to life, i miss him and you always wondered about more mysterious aspects of alchemy
mikako: yamato-nii i never said i wanted to commit alchemys biggest taboo. but i really want to see dad again so sure
uh oh we know where this is going
so these two begin coming up with a formula to make it work after finding a teacher to hone their alchemy skills
it is none other than rei mekaru who despite being the same age as them is an expert in a wide variety of subjects, alchemy included. of course it takes a while to convince her to teach them what she knows, and also shed 100% leave them on an unhabited island like izumi did
rei: i hope you two incompetents arent planning to use my knowledge to perform human transmutation
yamato: haha no why would we do something like that?
yeah shes going to be so fucking pissed in the future, try not to die my friends
while preparing for the transmutation itself mikako is hesitant to use her blood as shes not blood related to hanzo but yamato is like "you were his daughter too! its my opinion but its the soul information that matters, not genetics"
yeah obviously they fail miserably and yamato and mikako lose a leg/entire body respectively just like ed and al
instead of binding her soul to a suit of armor i feel like mikakos soul is bound to a steampunky robot prototype that hanzo was working on before his death but couldnt find a reliable energy source to power it
huh i guess it can be perpetually powered by a human soul so of youre willing to sacrifice your body parts for it then sure why not
so mikako rushes to the house of their friend kanata, whose adoptive father is a surgeon so yamato doesnt. bleed out from his injuries
also i feel like after finding his resolve, yamato himself comes up with a few ideas for his automail however he cant write them down unfortunately but hikaru ando does take what hes talking about into consideration since while he may be a surgeon able to perform automail surgery, he still has to commission somebody else to actually build the prosthetics
rip to a whole bunch of inches of yamatos height due to his growth being stunted
also unlike ed and al i think mikakos circumstances as being bound to a robot would make it harder not to stand out much and alert the military so yamato ends up not becoming a state alchemist so there would be less (although not nonexistent) risk of mikako being taken away for research
the house still gets arsond
instead these two just wander from place to place and accept small commissions while looking for a way to restore mikakos their bodies
while also staying as low profile as possible
however the military ends up hearing about a young alchemist and his mysterious robot companion and wonder about the method used to power it
especially since im sure these two would illegally sneak out into restricted areas to search for information
scar is still scar as no dra character would do him justice but yamato and mikako arent state alchemists so they dont have to worry about him as much, they might even become allies? probably? theres still a huge rift because of yknow, human transmutation
so yamatos presence may give state alchemists a run for their money which leads to the military trying to hunt him down
the one whos engaged in the hunt the most is the youngest state alchemist in history, tsurugi kinjo, who also tries to kill the siblings due to his black and white views on crime. he notices that human transmutation might be involved so he shows no remorse
mikako and yamato are living contradictions to his morals as theyre both just kids who made a mistake because they wanted to see their dad again and who also love to lend a hand to people in need even if their ways arent 100% legal
cue kinjo blue screening throughout the plot
anyways kokoro is the person whos the living philosophers stone and shes not a bad person because fuck linujs ableist writing
her interest in psychology along with alchemy when being taught by the homunculus really comes in handy as she talks with the twitch chat all hundreds of thousands of souls inside of her body
so even if she considered having a child purely for basic emotion research the souls would riot
she was rather present in mikakos life but after sojiros mysterious death she assumed that the homunculus might had been involved in this, and as she didnt want to risk her daughters safety, she decided to take her to a fellow alchemist and acquaintance who lived nearby, hanzo kisaragi, so he would keep her safe
since young mikako didnt understand the circumstances of her mothers plans to stop the country-wide alchemy circle, after being adopted into the kisaragi household she assumed her mother had abandoned her
yeah sadly kokoro is in the hohenheim type of situation where shes unable to be a good mom to mikako because of the possibility of the homunculus harming her
as for the 7 homunculi i think the voids + utsuro and akane would fit the roles (except lust isnt sexualized as in canon we see them mostly as teenagers so. big no no to that)
not exactly sure who would be who but im 100% certain on utsuro being pride pretending to be a boy named yuki maeda
and thats it for now i might add more info in reblogs
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spc4eva · 4 years
Star-Burned: Chapter One
Ok, honestly, I couldn’t stop myself.
So this is my first reader insert. I am hella nervous. There will be no Y/N included, but pet names (and nicknames) given out by Paz that will act as Y/N. Additionally, feel free to imagine yourself in the shoes of the character, but I am going to include a few features that she has - to include very, VERY Merida curly red hair. Honestly, I'm gonna treat her more like an OC, but since it's a reader insert - imagine yourselves how you want QUEEN.
There's gonna be smut. But plot. I promise.
Summary:  A Mandalorian crash lands on your planet with severe injuries. You're a moisture farmer who's handy. It's been a long time since you've had company other than your massiff, Jumbles. You take the Mandalorian in because you're a bleeding heart, not realizing what danger you've put yourself in. But the Mandalorian doesn't forget and he's more than willing to repay his debt and protect you.
Word Count: 5,398
Rating: M (18+) explicit sex scenes
| Chapter Two |
Cross Posted on AO3
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Someone had crash landed.
Which, for this quiet hovel a planet, was the most action you'd seen in foreverrrr. Maybe ever to be honest. You were used to dealing with Jawas, the occasional drifter, and patching up your moisture farm as best as possible. Was honest work, pretty lonely since your folks had passed away, but it was all you had. Not entirely of course, there was the local wiley massiff that you'd feed scraps and talk to, as if it were a kindred soul, eying you with those beady little eyes before salivating over its disconcertingly large maw. Yeah, you should have been worried that it might've been sizing you up in case you didn't come out with a meal for it, but at least you did have a blaster. Would've been a sad day to have to put Jumbles down - yes, that's what you had named it. For no particular reason other than it had spontaneously fallen out of your mouth and the creature seemed to listen to it.
So when Jumbles trotted up with its spines quivering, baying and leaping around, you half expected it was going to lead you to another rotting womp rat corpse. What you were not expecting was to see smoke peeling from between the canyon walls, dark and sulfuric. Your years patching the farm up, making repairs to any scraps you had laying around - to include droids at times - had made you rather handy. You had to be when the nearest town was a two day ride on your speederbike. Self sufficiency was necessary, because it cost credits to get fuel and to ride out that far. Additionally, you had to plan for it... months ahead. 
Jumbles sprinted ahead, wagging a tailless rump before glancing back at you with bounce in his paws. Follow. Come quick. 
Now that you had an idea of what it was, your strides lengthened until you were chasing after the massiff. Between the terracotta walls and around a bend, until you were face to face with a crashed starship that had smoke rolling off the main engines. You winced at the carnage, a good portion of the hull smashed inward and splattered open, storage containers and supplies dashing the sand like organs splayed from a chest wound.
Jumbles woofed, approaching the wreckage. 
"Not a good idea, boy," you started to say. Even if it was a dangerous wild creature, you still worried about it and this mess was still smoking. Who knew if it was about to explode, there could be fuel leaks in tandem with hanging wires and-
Jumbles went inside the ship.
"Ah!" Your legs churned after it. Even if you had to drag the massiff out of the carnage, you would. Jawas would find it soon enough and have their way with the supplies. Could be a good amount of things to take, but even if you were friends with Jawas, you didn't really like picking the bones of others. 
Wires snapped and hissed like tiny snakes around your ear, threatening to singe your barely restricted hair as you ducked. The ship was in an abysmal condition, but the upper echelons of the craft were still intact... Warped, but intact. Your mechanic eyes began discerning the issues, locating the biggest issues first, which was-
Jumbles barked, your neck snapping fast enough that you thought you pulled a muscle. Palming your neck, you trailed forward and saw what... no, who the canine was standing over. Maybe he thought it was a droid. Hell, you thought it was a droid for a moment until you bent down to get a better look and saw that it was breathing. Jumbles yipped again and you blinked, realizing that the massive armored creature was a living person and looked hurt. 
"Hey," you started, poking into the man's shoulder where the blue steel didn't meet. "Hey, you need to get up. This ship might go-" Maker, he felt like metal underneath all those layers. Could be a droid then and you were just wasting your time. "C'mon get up!" But you couldn't leave someone here to die on their ship as it leaked fuel and ignited itself. You rarely saw people as it was and what if the last person you ever saw with this guy and you let him become a toasted human inside his armor?
Hooking your fingers into the pauldrons of the armor, you made a valiant attempt at trying to drag the figure out of the ship. He didn't budge. Face down, unconscious, and weighing an absolute ton. Your heart was pumping by now and panic made your hands shake as you desperately glanced around for a solution. Just... anything, a repulsor lift, a speeder... a speeder? Jolting to your feet, you spotted the storage area, having been thrown haphazardly around like a pinball during the crash landing, but still intact. 
Now, the issue would be getting this man onto the speeder. You couldn't even drag him, how in the Maker's name were you going to hoist him over? You brought the speeder over and chewed your lip at your plight, hopelessly glancing from bike to fallen warrior. 
"Hey," you tried again, hoping that maybe you'd get an answer this time. "Hey, c'mon are you in there?" You knocked on the helmet as if it were a door, your knuckles screaming in immediate protest. That was the least of your worries, because a hand flew out, grabbed your ankle, and ripped you off your feet. Back smacking on the steel floor, you groaned as the metal giant finally stirred. Despite the brazen display of insane speed, the figure was barely able to move more than a few centimeters... but he was alive, so he had that going for him. "Maker-" Scrambling back to your feet, you gave him another look over. "If you can hear me, I'm going to try and get you on your feet. I need your help though, can't pick you up myself."
You positioned yourself around him, finding his arm and slinging it around your shoulders before popping a squat. Now, you weren't very big or very strong. Just strong enough to lift things when you needed to, but you had lifts to do the heavier jobs back on the farm. Your knees quaked as you tested the pressure before sucking in a greedy breath. "Alright, one, two, three-" Exploding upward - or making an attempt to explode upward - you made it about a foot and a half before your calves died on you and your back buckled forward. "AH!" It didn't feel good, the absolute loss of control over your body as you expected to fly face first into the side of the speeder. Unfortunately for you, you didn't have a helmet protecting your face.
But it never came and you chanced opening an eye to look. The man was trying to stand, alleviating a brief amount of pressure as you widen your eyes. Swallowing the huge lump in your throat, you quickly thrust him forward and unceremoniously onto the bike. He grunted, but didn't manage any words before lolling, stomach first, onto the seat. 
There would be no comfortable way to ride this bike, you saw that now as you tried to shove him over the tail a little better, squeezing yourself tightly into the thrusters, almost off the seat entirely as you kicked it into gear and backed out through the massive tear in the hull. Jumbles ran along dopily as you very carefully - at almost a gruelling pace - brought the bike through the ravine and up the ride toward your moisture farm. Now came the second issue.
Getting him inside. 
"We have to walk again," you warned him, the light of day revealing the color of the man's armor - a deep ocean (or from pictures you’d seen of oceans) blue accent with marigold yellow. Didn't quite strike you when you were panicking, but you saw it now as the haze of strife cleared. A Mandalorian. You had pulled a kriffing Mandalorian from the wreckage of his ship. Fuck. That ship definitely had carbon scarring on it - indicative of a dogfight.
Too fucking late now.
"6PO can you get the lift?" You shouted for the protocol droid, an old rusted out piece of crap that you'd reprogrammed to help around the house. There was too much for you to do with just your own hands. The droid could manage the more mundane tasks, but still made a piss pour cup of caf. 
The droid stuttered out - having never learned to talk properly - gave you a blank look, and then started waddling toward the work shed where the lift would be. 
"Alright, mando, can you hear me?" you bent over, turning his helmet so that the visor was sort of looking up toward you. "Your ship crashed. Where are you hurt? I can't see that much with all that armor on." Part of you was asking this so you could tend his wounds and then send him packing. "6PO?" you raised your voice irritably, Maker that droid was always slow right when you needed it to be fast.
"W-where?" Finally he spoke, his strangled voice translated through the modulator in his helmet, breathy and in pain.
You told him the planet, pretty backwater and without much activity. There was a spaceport on the other side of the planet, but nowhere near where he was now. Finally, 6PO came over with the lift, cocking its head as you sighed. "About bloody time," you grumble, dragging the lift up and devoting your attention to your charge once again. "Gotta get up again."
This time the Mandalorian was more receptive, putting weight on his legs as you eased him onto the lift, which sagged until his weight. By the way he was cradling his abdomen you were guessing there was some sort of trauma there, but it was hard to tell. You weren't a medic, you weren't even pretending to be as you brought him into your home and slipped him onto your bed since it was the biggest one in the house. But what you did have was bacta, because if something happened to you where you crushed an arm or broke a bone, you needed to be able to fix it. Wasn't often that you had to use the concentrated shots, but it was always better to keep one on hand (even if it cost a fuckton of credits for it). Better to spend the money than die with it in your pocket.
Should you use it on the Mandalorian? That was the question, wincing as he drew rattled breaths in the bed, holding the shot in your palm as you really considered how many credits you had spent on this last year. 
"I need to take a look. Can I remove your armor?" Very carefully you approached like a womp rat before a nexu, almost afraid that one of the very many weapons on his belt might soon be tilted toward you. Of course you knew the stories about Mandalorians and having a behemoth one in your modest home didn't make you feel much better. But he was still a person.
"Not... not the helmet," he grunted eventually.
Everything but the helmet. Alright, that could work. You didn't know how armor worked, so removing the armor was a shitshow of fumbling, your fingers catching buckles, pinching flesh, and other times was fastened so tightly that you had to put some weight into getting the kriffing things off. Took the better part of an hour, but you managed to remove the armor - aside from the helmet - and leave the Mandalorian in just his flight suit and boots. Now this next part felt a bit intrusive, but you convinced yourself that this was in for the better health of the mando.
Unbuttoning the top of the flight suit, you started to peel it down, a rush of heat playing across your cheeks as you revealed the muscular and well hewn figure of the ailing man beneath the beskar. You looked a little too long, but doubted the fellow was even conscious enough to catch your ogling. Biting your lips, you pushed the undershirt up and took your medical scanner to the constellation of bruising against his ribcage. Oh, it didn't look good and the scanner came back with a result that made your legs weak, but not in a good way.
"You've got three broken ribs, lacerations to your spleen and kidneys--" ok you didn't know medical stuff, but the device was blinking indicating that he needed treatment immediately or face going sepsis. Your brain nearly exploded with panic as you tripped over your own feet and sprinted for the bacta infusion, which jumped between your nervous, sweaty hands. "Th-this isn't g-gonna feel good," you stammered, uncapping the three pronged syringe. Maker you hated looking at it, the thing looked like a torture device. 
Or go sepsis---
You shanked him with the infusion, pushing the plunger down, expecting him to recoil in pain. Actually, he didn't, which made your head turn slowly and a cascade of fiery curls follow as you just stared, in more distress than the severely wounded mando. "I-I will leave you to rest."
The infusion had been enough to stave off sepsis and repair the Mandalorian's organs, but he was still recovering from the broken bones. From your readings, the bacta had set them back into place, but he required more time to naturally heal the rest. What that meant was that you had suddenly become his caretaker, which consisted of feeding and helping him over to the fresher because he couldn't take his full weight on his injured side. For a Mandalorian, you didn't think he was that mean or callous. If anything, he was pretty gracious that you'd put the effort into struggling to get him back to your ranch.
But work didn't stop. In fact, you still had to run the farm while periodically checking in on the Mandalorian. Despite it, you tried not to seem bone weary when he asked for him. Wasn't his fault. If anything, it was your fault for helping him in the first place. He did answer a few questions, rumbling in a deep voice that sounded like thunder hinting at lightning on the horizon. 
"What's your name?" "You can call me Paz."
"Why did you crash land?" "I was shot down."
"Why though?" "Made some Imps upset."
"So you can't take your helmet off?" "Not in front of anything living."
"Oh so, it's fine if they're dead." "I try not to remove it unless I'm alone."
"Why is it blue?" "Why is what blue?"
"Your armor? Why choose blue?" "It's my favorite color." 
“Mine’s gold. Kind of like the yellow there on your armor.” “Your what?” “My favorite color.”
"You think those Imps are going to come looking for you?" "My ship crash landed, so I doubt it."
That ship, you had actually gone back to one afternoon to cordoned off from the Jawas. You knew them and decided that you liked the Mandalorian enough you weren't going to let his belongings get looted. Since it was close to your farm, laying claim to it - by Jawa code - was not difficult. You left them signs in their tongue, warding them off, before finding yourself taken aback that the thing hadn't exploded while you were gone. It needed a lot of work and probably a proper spaceport where it could be hoisted up and repaired from underneath. 
Your stupid bleeding heart meant that you went and fixed a few wires in your spare time, soldering them off, and cleaning up the worst of the wreckage. The engines would take more time, but they weren't too dissimilar from what you'd worked on in other vehicles, including your speeder and tractor. Peeling open a few holobooks, you would hum yourself to sleep at night in your childhood bedroom, blinking away sleep as you contemplated how else you might help this... Paz. Being generous was not forlorn to you. You'd helped drifters passing through, offered to lodge them up for the night, fill their bellies before sending them off... This planet wasn't that bad aside from the arid landscape and mischievous Jawas. 
Not like you had to worry about raiders or skugs. So your tenderheartedness hadn't come to bite you in the ass yet and aside from wanting a replacement to the bacta shot, you weren't expecting payment. It was called being a good human being and you pride yourself on the fact that you'd done something so nice. Plus, the added bonus was you didn't only have Jumbles to talk to. Now there was a living, breathing person who could hold conversation with you. Course, wasn't really to his will, but you tried not to pester him too much even though you were incredibly curious about what he did. Plus he seemed to get bored being pent up in that room. 
"Tranyc," he'd taken to calling you that in some mysterious language you didn't know, as you hummed into the bedroom after knocking, carrying fresh caf and breakfast. Weeks had passed and he was almost well enough. "I think I might be able to walk on my own. Do you mind-"
Mind keeping an eye out for him? You nod, setting the tray down on the nightstand before preparing yourself. Now, you were a master of helping the blue Mandalorian on his feet, keenly aware of where you fit and could support him from without being crumpled like tin foil. He threw his legs over the bed, testing his feet on the floor as you stood guard, poised like a goalie ready to catch the ball in front of a net before the big shot was made.  Admittedly, you were a little too silly for your own good, but being on your own for so long had done that. You would talk to yourself, make funny gestures, and do ridiculous things just to chase away the loneliness. Those mannerisms hadn’t really faded in light of your new acquaintance.
Paz pushed off the bed and stood there, towering over you at full height. You relaxed, glad to see that he was able to hold his own, but also sad about that. A pit welled in your belly, the realization that these few weeks had brought you a lot of happiness in having the company of another. And... you kind of liked him. Not in a companionable sort of way. No, you thought he was attractive --- from his voice, to his sturdy body, to the calm manner he'd talk to you. Despite all the stories you'd heard about Mandalorians, he was very warm and patient. Even if there was no face to place with all of that, attraction was more than just appearances, wasn't it? Then again, you'd been shocked by your sudden arousal on the first day of his arrival after just brushing his muscular chest.
Living alone didn't help your touch-starved addled brain.
And then he took a step forward and your spine jolted, darting forward as he winced for his side and wobbled. "Ah-hee!" a strange noise came out of your mouth as you tried to stop the tower of a man from tumbling and honestly, he tried too. But the result was still a mess of limbs, and you tried to take the brunt of the fall, cushioning him so that he didn't hurt his ribs again. Maker, that was your first mistake, thinking that you could take the weight of his body.
All air was crushed from your lungs, vision spinning as you made impact with the carpet. And it wasn't coming afterward, your throat bobbing but the pressure on your ribcage still too much that you were suffocating and unable to see at the same time. "Maker!" it wasn't your voice, but at the sound of it, the air whooshed back into your lungs and you sputtered hoarsely as someone sat you up. Not someone. There was only one other person on this farm. "Tranyc? Hey, can you hear me?"
"Y-yup!" you squeaked, the frayed edges of your vision swimming hazily back into focus as you saw that Paz was sitting on the floor with you, propping your semi-noodley form up. "A-are you ok?"
He sighed, the noise crackling out of his helmet as you trembled, sensation returning to your muscles. "I nearly crushed you. What were you thinking?"
"T-trying t-to he-help," you stammer, taking big gulps of air in between each word. Now you could feel a bit better, rolling your neck as you took account of what had happened. You had jumped to his side before he fell, taking the brunt of the fall directly on top of you. Not very smart at all. Then, he'd turned, picked you up and you were --- you were on his lap. "Wha--" Lancing like wildfire across a dry field of brush, blush erupted up your neck and face. "I-I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing? I fell on you," Paz pointed out, his helmet tilting to the side as your ears began buzzing. "Are you certain you're ok? I nearly flattened you."
"C-couldn't b-b-be be-better," your tongue was betraying you, thick and clumsy as you pushed against his chest -- oh Maker, the chest without the armor and only the flight suit. You could feel the grooves of his strong pectoral muscles beneath, the color on your face heightening to as bright a red as your hair. "I should... I should leave you to eat. Breakfast is on the ta-table."
You got to your feet, the weak wobbly limbs shaking, but not because you had been used as a pillowy landing for the Mandalorian. No, a heat radiated around your tummy and laddled lower into the abyss between your legs. A very, infrequently ventured area that had been visited once or twice by drifters, but never for much longer than an evening. Anyways, the Mandalorian wouldn't be interested in anything like that. You were just being hormonal and touch-starved. A little alone time could help you with that, right? 
Pushing back your mop of hair, you trotted into the kitchen, glanced at the time and then rolled over onto the couch from behind. You flopped onto the cushions, hair flying everywhere again before you stared blankly at the ceiling, wishing you weren't so terribly horny right now after just grazing a man's chest. How pitiful was that? You were an adult, had been for a good amount of years, and all it took was a deep voice and strong body to make you lose all sense of yourself? 
A soft whimper parted your mouth, the ache so desperate and painful that you gripped the fabric of your coveralls over your crotch and pressed into the sensation. Well, he couldn't walk anyways and you were the only one who lived in the house, so there was no risk in just relaxing here, was there? Despite it, you grabbed the nearby blanket and kicked off your overalls, returning a hand to the ailing point between your thighs. 
Cheeks flushed, neck cocked against the arm rest, you spun circles on the fabric, your pads picking up the wetness through the material. Maker, you were absolutely dripping, soaking through your panties, and making your fingers tacky. Hooking underneath the textile, you run your fingers along the warmth, licking your lips and closing your eyes -- the first thing coming to mind being Paz. The mystery of the man beneath, the muscular pillars of his body, the golden blonde curls against his broad chest. 
Your fingers move up to the bundle of nerves so desperate for attention, nearly screaming at you as you finally lavish attention. His voice, the deep rumble and attentiveness as you talk from where you sit in that chair beside the bed -- your bed. He was sleeping in your bed. Would it smell like him after? Would you ever wash the damn blankets after he left? Probably not. Edging yourself closer, you imagined his thick fingers plunging into your heat, reaching up into your molten core and--
You nearly fell off the couch, clutching onto your sex for dear life as you froze. Your whole body vibrated, muscles stiffening as you fought off the white hot surge of an orgasm. How the fuck had he gotten out of the room? 
Tufts of your long hair were sticking out from the couch. No matter how far you slumped down, tried to hide beneath the edge of the blanket, your fucking hair was a blinding curly beacon and fluffing out as an admission of betrayal. 
You couldn't hold your breath any longer, the guttural whine hitching as the orgasm pittered into a woefully unsatisfying leap -- like a bird that had flung itself over a cliff with a broken wing, somewhat flying before it plummeted to the earth below. He came around the couch, still clutching his side, and paused. Now, the blanket was in the way, but your coveralls were crumpled on the floor and your face was deliciously flushed. 
Oh, stars you looked awful. You absolutely knew how dirty you felt by assuming that he'd not walk out and find you, hand slicked with your own wetness and too embarrassed to move. 
"What are you- Did I hurt you?" he asked, reaching down to snare the blanket away.
"N-no!" you gripped it with your free hand, but half of it was pulled away to reveal the outside of your bare leg, and the arm that was still hiding down there. 
"Were you...?" his helmet tilted as you both just remained where you were for a beat. Heart racing like fathiers on a track in Canto Bight, your lower lip trembled in shame, waiting for him to throw the blanket back over and return to the room. He was walking. He could just leave and let you wallow in your own miserable chagrin -- drown in it at this point... "Did you finish?"
"W-what?" you squeaked, face managing to deepen another shade of crimson. 
"Did you finish, mesh'la?" he repeated, sitting down on the couch by your feet, a tanned palm tracing the top of the foot. His skin was calloused, rough, and sandpapery. The foreign sensation made you shudder in his grasp, but it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, you liked the way his hand slowly coasted your calf in a soothing manner. "All alone on this big farm. Not another soul aside from Jumbles."
True, not another soul. You gave a quivering nod in agreement as his hand reached to graze the back of your knee. Still so gentle, with no insistency or malice. 
"Doing everything all on your own. The farm, helping me, taking care of yourself," his hand moved higher, framing the outside of your lower thigh, which caused you to jump. "You haven't once asked me for anything. No repayment or deal despite using that bacta... Couldn't have been cheap. This is just a moisture farm, you're not raking in credits..." He paused, grazing your upper thigh now, daring to push the blanket over a bit more. "For weeks now... Helping me... Did you finish?"
You had, but it hadn't been any good. Your stupid head bobs anyways, sending a few curls tumbling into your face. 
"Maybe-" he was drawing his hand back, the warmth of his scratchy fingers receding and you actually whined because of it, his helmet tilting back up to look at you. "Maybe," he was stronger now. "I can repay you a little for all you've done."
Maker, not a word came out of your mouth, you were nearly gnawing on the blanket from how nervous you were, but also from how much your core began aching again. 
"Do you want me to, mesh'la? I won't touch you unless you want it. I don't want to overstay my welcome, I just thought that-" he trailed off and you wondered what he had thought. Had you been so obvious about liking him? You didn't think so, you thought you had been your usually, dorky but polite self.
"I want you to," you insisted, releasing the blanket so that the rest could slip off and pool on the floor. You still had your shirt on, but you were nude from the hips down, fronds of hair curling over your mound that matched the drapes. This felt oddly... exposing, even if it was only the lower half. And the fact you couldn't read him didn't help, just a blank mask of a face that was drinking you in and you had no idea if he liked or disliked what he saw. What if you were not at all what he had been hoping for? What if he didn't like what he saw?
He groaned, his palm returning to your leg, sliding up and burning a blistering wake of fire before he curved into your hip and jerked you toward him. "Oh, mesh'la," he moaned. "A desert gemstone hidden in these canyons. How did I get so lucky? Of all the planets and places-" he touched you down there, the very sensation of hands not your own making you jolt and your neck tense. Fuck --- it really had been a long time. "Wh-when the last time... have you ever... ?"
"A fe-ew ye-ears now," you admitted as his fingers scissor up between your folds. "Be-been on m-my ow-own for si-six. N-not ma-any t-t-travelers."
"So wet," he muttered, bringing the slick up and pinning two fingers on your aching bud. Back stiffening, you bucket at the sensation, grounded by his other palm pressing into the hollow of your hip. You were halfway tugged onto his lap as he watched on with fascination, the curve of your left leg hooked against his hip. "What were you thinking of? Before I found you?"
You blush deeper, if that were at all possible, turning your face away from him as he continued to draw lazy circles on your clit. "Y-you."
His groans again, a growing hardness against your leg -- a hardness for you. It's hard to decide what is more startling -- the fact that Paz is here getting you off or that he's aroused by the fact that you'd been playing with yourself while envisioning him. "I'll take care of you. You deserve it mesh'la. After everything you've done for me. I'll make you feel good," he promised, increasing his pace, dipping in his ring and pinkie finger while he continued to oscillate against your bundle of nerves. His fingers stretched you, just as thick and delicious as you'd imagined -- no, it was better than you imagined because it was real. Pumping into you gently, reaching so much deeper than your own small fingers can. "Tight. Maker, you're so tight."
Squirming on the couch, you grabbed onto the cushioned as he pleasured you, coaxing you toward the end of days, making you see stars beneath your closed eyelids. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, a warbled cry strangled completely as your legs locked out and walls tightened to vice grip his fingers. 
"Cum on me, mesh'la. Let it all out, come on," he encouraged, his fingers quickening over your clit, your soul absolutely rending as you as ecstasy drowns your senses, your muscles clench, and the scenery of the house falls away. You're floating, physical body panning away from you as you bliss out and disconnect from your breathing and deflating heart rate. You'd never had an orgasm this heart stopping, so utterly piercing that you couldn't even tell where you were anymore. 
Finally, you blinked out of your stupor, expecting to be left laying cock legged and messy, but instead you're in bed. Your actual bed, not the twin one that you had been sleeping in the past few weeks. Rolling your head to the side, you didn't see him, but you heard him in the adjoining fresher. You had underwear back on and a pair of pajama bottoms. 
What the heck was happening? Did it matter? You just hoped it wasn't ending anytime soon.
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if you have a question about aussie slang, for a fic or whatevs, please just ask i don't know all of it, but we do have some fun words and sayings that are day to day statements
esp. the more rural you go
not everyone has the full accent though, because you do get a lot of pressure at work to come across... professional or whatever.
the only one i've never been sure of being an Actual Phrase, or if it Became A Phrase after popularisation on a tv show, is "Stone the Flaming Crows" bc a dude from Neighbours used to say it frequently.
examples of day to day stuff i can think of right now
mad as a frog in a sock (angry about something, went off, off the shits)
mad as a cut snake (usually means 'they're nuts', but can also mean they exploded with anger, usually contextual)
she'll be right (it's fine - can be a flippant statement, can be reassurance, etc)
drongo / galah - (idiot, not very smart, wanker, etc)
dunny = toilet
thunderbox/outhouse / long-drop - usually outdoor toilet
dry as a nun's nasty / dry as a dead dingo's donger (I am thirsty, or It Is Hot AF/we need rain so bad)
chuck a u-ey (do a u-turn)
Oi! (Hey I want your attention/i was surprised, general exclamation, stop that, you are in a lot of fucking trouble mate - depends on the tone of voice and volume) like "OI!" says aunty ruth has just found her dentures in jello and she knows you did it, etc
Bugger off (go away, or sometimes a statement of disbelief)
Yeah nah /Nah yeah (can mean yes, no or maybe depending on what was said directly before the statement)
you cant pull the wool over my eyes - you can't lie to me like that / i can see you are not telling the truth
shut your gob / put a sock in it / put a cork in it - (shut up / shut the FUCK up / close your mouth or i will shut it for you) depends on tone
Ya wally (you idiot)
Roo = kangaroo
o = can be affixed to anything to shorten it at the servo - gone to the service station, arvo - afternoon, smoko - morning tea, bottlo - where the grog is
goon/goonsack - wine in a box
grog - alcohol
stubbie - beer, ususally
boardies - board shorts
rashie - swimming shirt,
slip, slop, slap - ancient proverb for avoiding sunburn. singing pelican.
thongs - footwear
sheila = female / woman, don't hear this a lot at the moment tbh except in certain contexts or from specific people
'Getting rowdy' = things are heating up, people are riled up, a fight is about to/has just broken out, etc.
DJ's like a mad cunt = one very specific meme about a bad PM we had like 10 years ago. i can't tell you how many PM's ago, it's been game of thrones here lmao
Beyond the black stump / Out whoop-whoop / references to timbuktu (quite a distance away)
strewth!/crickey!/bloody hell - (exclamation of surprise, expletive replacement, etc)
flat out like a lizard drinking (tired / drunk / exhausted / sleeping)
pull a harry holt - (I've heard a dozens variations of this one, it means Go Missing / Disappear, often used as a joke. PM Holt went swimming one day and disappeared)
have a stickybeak (to poke your nose in/investigate/look around)
chuck a wobbly/throw a tanty/chuck a tanty/throw a wobbly (throw a tantrum, i have legit never seen anyone successfully deescalate a situation by telling someone not to chuck a wobbly or throw a tanty, go figure lmao)
bogan - (very specific kind of low-income, generally white, people. sort of like rednecks, but with more stereotypical aussie features like a mullet, singlet tops, sunnies, stubbies, etc. tend to fall under the liberal party ideology - who are our republicans... )
ankle-biters / rugrats / little takkers / gremlins / nippers - (kids, usually the littler ones)
tiff - argument, small fight (had a tiff, had a row)
pav = pavlova
piss/whizz/take a piss = going to pee
vegemite - delicious
Kiwi = New Zealander
Banana benders - the disrespectful bs that apparently other states call anyone living in Queensland, the wankers
station - farming areas that have sheep or livestock usually, have farmhands etc.
dole bludger(s) - (anyone on Centrelink, whether they want to be or not, with no other employment. but like, a lot of people on centrelink have a job that does not cover enough and need additional financial supports to meet a minimum wage, or are students or apprentices, etc. there are people who go on centrelink on and off to avoid engaging in the jobseeking stuff, they are the real dole bludgers, but a lot of richer people tend to call anyone on 'welfare' bludgers)
don't you come the raw prawn with me - (do not lie to me / don't try that shit with me, mate / I wasn't born yesterday /etc)
dak/dack - to dack someone is to come up behind them and yank their pants down (or skirts). Often taking out your boxers, too.)
budgie smugglers - (speedoes, male swimwear)
togs/toggs or cozzie (swimwear, any kind. cozzie = costume)
mozzie - (mosquito)
better than a kick up the backside /better than a kick in the arse - (pretty self explanatory, one of those phrases parents use to get slightly hurt kids to start laughing and/or coworkers to commisserate about new work rules, etc)
I wouldn't piss on (name) if they were on fire - (self-explanatory, you hate them, or they're a useless tit or an insufferable person /a suckup etc, and you would gladly hand them a match)
one for the road = getting a drink for the road, usually. can also make a joke of it like, "one last piss for the road" = I'm going to the bathroom before I leave
here's your handbag, what's your hurry - probs not an aussie phrase but a common joke in my family
So like, there's some words and items from Australian Indigenous culture that often get used wrong in stereotypical characters, like saying 'gone walkabout', using 'cooee', making digeridoo jokes, and making some really uncomfy 'savages' statements can be very disrespectful. You might want to go looking into Australia's fucked up policies and historical (and only recent) situations before starting any arguments about this stuff... in many ways it mirrors the cruelty of american colonisers to native american peoples, etc.
Avoid some phrases. Your character gone to cool their head? He's gone off on to soak his head, or he's on his bike (gone away) but he'll be back... You can use 'Oi, dickhead!'
Please don't mock the names of towns or places, they are often the names from the traditional custodians and inhabitants.
Random things:
We drive on the left side of the road, driver's side reversed.
More of our cars are automatic than manual. Utes aren't atypical, but bigger vehicles are out in rural areas because more than a few of the rural roads are poorly maintained or dirt, with potholes that yoyo your soul into your body.
If you have a character on a long drive on a non-highway, or rural road: +if you are on a one-lane road and someone is comingthe other way, you both move half-on, half-off; for big vehicles or trucks, you can choose to pull off completely and stop. Just for safety, esp. in rain, fog, mist or late at night. +at one-lane bridges, you have a give way sign on one side. if you want your characters to have a moment of 'pause to look at each other while driving' or 'a quiet moment of reflection', have them wait for another car or truck to pass from the other side. These can be a few metres long, to like, a really long bridge. +They may pass markers that say 'flood level marker' with numbers of 2, 3 or 5 metres. Could be useful to remark on if your fic needs a reason for them to have a crisis. +Bushfire warning signs (from Low to Catastrophic) are frequent +Animal Crossing signs are very frequent, and often have a wildlife rescue number on them +Water restriction signs are in most small towns, they range from levels 1 to 6. This can change what the characters are allowed to do with water in little towns, etc. +You may occasionally find a small servo and one or two houses. +pubs don't open/won't serve alcohol until after 10am. the joke has always been, 'beer on your cornflakes' but you will never be able to actually get that unless you preplanned the night before in your hotel room. +Around dawn and dusk, a lot of animals like hares, kangaroos, wallabies, sometimes echidnas and koalas and little numbat things, and snakes and bushmice will be close to the road. Sometimes dashing across. They do not react logically to cars approaching, and will leap out at random. Hares do this zigzag nonsense. If you need the character to hit the brakes frantically, or swerve, this is a good reason. If you are ever driving here and see an animal on the side of the road, flip lights to low beam, slow down and watch to see how they react. If you can. If there's a truck blaring down on you, you may not be able to.
+Emus are in more rural areas. Echidnas sometimes appear on fringes of towns though.
+Kookaburras are a lovely creature, I have rescued a few and they are nice... but their laugh is very grating when it goes off super early in the morning. They eat snakes (good) and baby birds (not so good).
+Lots of snakes round here. LOTS. Carpet Snakes are pretty common, red-belly black snakes, eastern brown (big danger!!!), whip snakes have declined in my region, keelback snakes, this one black and white banded one we found deceased, etc. Snakes can climb, snakes can SWIM. Putting something that stinks around a campsite MAY help, but not always.
+Never go swimming in a dam you don't own, and that hasn't been checked, and if no one knows where you are. How deep is it? What's on the bottom? How stirred is the water? etc.
+Kangaroos CAN drown you. They have perfected this attack, and will do it to humans, dogs and other pursuers alike. They can also eviscerate you with their hind paws or shatter your ribs with a kick. The 'boxing' they do is exceptionally violent. This seems to surprise people, but like, giraffes can kill each other by slamming their heads into each other, you think a 7 ft swole motherfucking cryptid can't do harm? They can be lovely tho, if they trust you. But DO NOT GO PETTING WILDLIFE.
+Dropbears, austrilanicus vericanthus bitus, are real. We do make jokes about them, but they are a Problem. The pee on yourself thing won't ward them off, that's more about working out which tourists are the most gullible (and if they run with it, the moistest) lmao. Akubras and other thicker-layered headwear,
+We have wild dogs and feral pigs. Do not fuck with the feral pigs, some are HUGE, and no... they're not just pigs who escaped farms, these are MASSIVE motherfuckers who will Get You if they See You. Rustling in the night outside the tent? Good Luck.
+Koalas should not be picked up directly. They have claws, and a lot of them have chamydia. I mean if a character saves one in a fic that's fine I guess, but like... someone's getting antibiotics after that lmao. They are bigger than you think, dumber than you think, and sometimes they have to be chased across a highway with a windscreen cover bc they're not very bright and keep failing to climb metal fences, lmaoooo
+Towns of about 20-30k will have more shops (some franchise, some local owned), servos, fast food places and usually at least two to three shopping centres. Usually small level entertainments like a cinema, or local groups. +Towns with 10-20k, may have one or two major shopping centres, servos (tracks and RVs catered to), possibly a maccas, and the majority of stores will be local-owned. May have a cinema, but not one that has the newest releases. Local council may have more festivals, or 'that one thing they're known for'. +0-10k towns have a small local store, prices usually a bit higher. A servo, often with capacity for trucks. Local festivals. Characters can cop a bit of side-eye in these places, esp. if they don't fit the traditional ideas or are loud/violently american. +Grey nomads are a thing. Old people with fancy caravans who drive So Slow, and move all around aus. Several refused to stop during covid and it was like, WHO DO YOU THNK WE'RE TRYING TO KEEP ALIVE BY STOPPING YOU MOVING THROUGH MULTIPLE TOWNS???
+Some rural areas have legit red dirt, its always super cool to look at. Some places have light brown to dark brown, some have more chalky colours or yellowish dirt. Depends.
+Reminder: Australia has very specific gun laws, if your character/s have weapons then they may need to be sneaky or store them specifically in the vehicle. Although if you're talking about like, mad max type rules, then who cares. But if you have them get into a gun fight in a town, the police will come, etc.
Dunno, just ask if you have a question... just trying to think of random things to paint a picture if you have a character over here for a roadtrip or mission or whatever.
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cant-blink · 3 years
Of Different Tongues
Summary: Gigan’s first attempts to court Ghidorah goes about as well as you’d expect.
It would be the first time Gigan meets Ghidorah after successfully capturing him into Nebulan captivity. 
The dragon is in chains in a containment room, just until the alien roaches are certain the mind-control chip is working as intended with their action tapes. Gigan didn’t really care about what they were doing; he waited long enough to meet this beautiful golden kaiju. He wanted him, NOW. It’s the first time he’s ever felt this warmth in his chest, this desire to have a partner for the rest of his life. Normally, he just takes what he wants from whatever female the Nebulans shoved into his room, and then eat them as a post-coital meal after.
But this one... he’s different. Or they, he still doesn’t know yet how those three heads functioned. From the second he saw them emerge from that asteroid to confront him, his heart was fluttering. He’s seen pictures of this creature, fought in artificial simulations as practice, but those images didn’t do any justice to seeing them in person! Those golden scales were flawless like a well-preened female, and those massive wings that caught the light with every movement brought such an intense need in him. Those red eyes glaring into the remnants of his soul will forever be engraved into his memory. And the battle that ensued couldn’t be more perfect; it was glorious! Brutal! Having to hold back whilst this hydra tried to murder him, such a thrill!! They not only looked gorgeous, but they fought with the same lust for death that he did. They were perfect for each other! 
Forget whatever plan the Nebulans had, they were brought together by the fates for a reason! And that reason was for Gigan to make them his!
He walks into the room with confidence. Kaiju-sized doors were something he taught his Masters to install into every part of the ship, because otherwise, he made it a point to blast through the walls instead. Thankfully, they knew better than to lock him out of here, although he does hear the Nebulans speak into his mind.
“Gigan, this is currently a restricted area. Turn back now.” But he ignores them; he always pushed his luck and then dared them to do something about it. They rarely ever did. “Gigan, we’re serious! Ghidorah isn’t ready yet!” “Gigaaaan... Go to your room!” “Gigan, if you get yourself damaged, don’t come crying to us!” “Kids these days never listen.”
The dragon is watching him with all six eyes narrowed. There is a growl from them, but Gigan is undeterred. His body acts on its own and he fluffs up his feathers and fans out his sails as wide as he could to show interest in this potential mate, put them at ease that his intentions are pure. He’s never done this before, but he trusts. The dragon’s growl lessened only slightly as they continued watching him, before they flare out their own wings and stood up taller to tower over him. 
Unbeknownst to him, Ghidorah had completely misread Gigan’s display as a sign of fear and is actually trying to intimidate the cyborg further by increasing his own perceived size. 
And unbeknownst to the dragon, this in turn is misread by Gigan, who looks up at him with awe and desire. His instincts tell him that this is a sign that the dragon is into him too, returning his display with their own!
... Now what?
The Nebulans have learned the hard way that Gigan’s courtship instincts were stunted by his unnatural upbringing in their care. Perhaps keeping him in complete isolation for most of his life wasn’t such a good call, but what’s done is done. This is actually the first time they’ve seen him do THIS much, and it’s towards their newest kaiju weapon?! They gave Gigan the finest specimens of his own kind that they could afford and he used and abused them like they were nothing more than toys. Didn’t help that he would eat them when he got bored so there was nothing left to be salvaged. They tried everything to make their breeding program work! It all failed so badly that they gave up on the idea of their prized weapon bonding with a mate entirely. 
Yet here he is...
He’s gone smitten over a creature not even of his own species!! 
Well, at least that meant their partnership will go smoothly on Earth, which is what’s important. So they sat and watched the process, but something was wrong. Gigan seemed confused; while at this point, the courtship would usually turn into a dance, their pet was left standing there like a dumbass. It was almost painful to watch...
But Gigan saves face; he’ll wing it! Make his own rules!! Time to flirt...
..... He’s never flirted before. Fuck, wing that too!
“Hey, babe,” he starts his greeting with a smirk, leaning against the wall all non-chalant. “Ghidorah, right? Name’s Gigan.”
Ghidorah watches him for a long moment, those faces unreadable, and Gigan was starting to feel a bit awkward before they finally respond. Oh, the three heads talk at the same time, in different pitches working in harmony. Their, -his!-, voices were beautiful and Gigan’s lust for him grew all the more. Damn, is there anything about this dragon that wasn’t so damn hot?!
So mesmerized he was in those voices that he almost didn’t realize one crucial fact: the dragon is speaking in a language he doesn’t recognize! It’s the first time he’s ever come across a language that isn’t automatically translated in his mind. Shit! He falters, before clearing his throat.
“Do you speak Kaiju?” 
The dragon tilts his heads slightly and responds again in a confused tone. But Gigan has no clue what he’s saying...
Welp, he knows what he’s doing tonight, and it ain’t mating this hydra like he expected. Dammit! “Right. I’ll see ya around, babe.” And that was the last thing he said to salvage the situation before he turns around and leaves the room.
But it isn’t over yet, far from it. Because Gigan is no quitter and something as simple as a language barrier wasn’t going to stop his pursuits!
So he spends all night not in his nest, but sitting with his Masters, researching the matter intently. Replaying the words that the beautiful hydra spoke to him in his mind over and over, and sending that recording through the database’s files. Any resource he had at his disposal, he was using it! Even space-Google was utilized! The Nebulans tried to help him, quite a few of the insects sitting on his shoulders and head whilst searching through their portable devices. 
“Technology has never failed,” they reassured him. “The answers exist somewhere in the Universe’s database, we just have to dig a bit. And that’s something we’re very good at.”
Finally, after hours of tireless work, which deprives the cyborg of his beloved sleep, he finally gets somewhere! And it turned out to be so simple, he almost blasted the Nebulans himself. Almost.
Turns out, Ghidorah is speaking an ancient language of an extinct race. The same race that created the dragon in the first place. Fuckin’... Gigan sighs. At least it’s something. And the Nebulans seem to be happy, as they were convinced that they’ve unlocked the final piece of the puzzle to make the dragon’s mind-control chip work as intended! As to what those beautiful words spoken to him meant?
“You’re an idiot. Your insects are idiots. You come in here wasting my time and taunting my chains. But when I break free, I’m going to destroy them and everything else that you know and love.”
Well, then...
He’s undeterred by those insults and threats and he installs this ancient language into his translator. Everything was coming together and he gives his head and body a shake to force the roaches to fly off of him. As much as he appreciates their help, -he can always rely on his insect parents to pull through for him-, right now, he has to do this alone. 
He makes his way back to the dragon with a happy grin and confident strides. The dragon seemed to be in as foul of a mood as he was earlier, but surely he’ll change his mind when he hears Gigan speak his own tongue! How can the hydra not reward such efforts?
He cleared his throat again, a smirk returning to his beak as he speaks his first words in this new language, a simple greeting.
Ghidorah is staring at him with slightly widened eyes, not responding at all, and Gigan wonders if he perhaps messed something up. Damn his tired mind, probably had it set on the wrong langua-
“You really can’t take a hint, can you, ‘Gigan’?”
The cyborg almost fell over. Ghidorah spoke that in perfect Kaiju language! Wha... But... How did- The three-headed wyvern didn’t seem to know any of it when they met just yesterday! His beak opened dumbly for a moment before he found his voice. “You can speak Kaiju...”
“Of course I can,” the dragon growled. “Last I checked, I’m a kaiju.”
“But you were just-” It suddenly dawned on the cyborg. This sneaky gorgeous little bitch... He couldn’t help but chuckle. Maybe it was his lack of sleep, but the idea of being angry over all his wasted time and effort didn’t occur to him. “You were only pretending not to understand me, huh? Alright, babe, you got me there.”
He once more leaned against the wall, a hook toying with one of the chains fastened to the hydra’s body. “Well, now that your little masquerade is over, how about we continue where we left off?”
“How about you listen carefully because I’m only going to say this once,” Ghidorah leans a face closer to Gigan’s as far as his chains would allow and hisses once more in that ancient tongue. “Leave me alone.”
Thus, the first of many times he will be saying that to this cyborg.
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