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friendly-kaiju09 · 7 days ago
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Finally got this done! I wanted to experiment with this and the amazing @ridicbird​ gave me advice on the shading and was so patient with me!! Particularly with Gigan, because Gigan is a pain in EVERYONE’s ass, including Ghidorah’s!
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perish-the-creator · 3 years ago
Uh... 1. Cause why not..?
1. What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?
I'm get a lot of slack from some people but it's whatever. It's not cause I hate these but just because the hype around them makes no sense to me.
Rodzilla(Rodan x Godzilla),Gigadorah(Gigan x Ghidorah), and Batthra(Battra x Mothra)
And I'll explain each
Rodzilla is really just because I'm hella salty about what happened back in the day when plenty of people shipped it but were thrown slack. Also because like Rodzilla is just a light version of Rodorah (power imbalance and all that jizz people like to bully Rodorah shippers for). Now as a ship that is part of a polycule, yes I like it. But as a stand alone ship it's not my cup of tea and 9 times out of 10 it literally feels like most yaoi tropes xD.
Gigadorah but it's probably my own fault. Since I watched a lot of the original Godzilla movies out of order and mostly introduced kaiju to my canon based on fanon, by the time I saw that people unironically shipped Gigadorah I had pretty much regulated Gigan to be with others. Again, it's a neat ship to explore for dynamics sake, but if I see something else I'm more than likely gonna skip it.
Batthra. Simply put it's a case of what relationship you see the two as. Most people see them as separate beings but I fall into the category of them being siblings.
That's probably it because anything else would probably get me more backlash than I already get.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Love Hurts
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For Ghidorah, any intimate moment with Gigan is painful. Less because the half-life cyborg is careless about his chest-saw, and more because he’s always demanding to be kissed back.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Rodan and Gigan
Gigan’s species might be a monogamous one, another similarity he shares with Rodan besides both being compared to birbs. But while Rodan is a loving, loyal partner who puts his partner’s needs before his own, Gigan is the exact opposite. In fact, being a monogamous species makes Gigan’s behavior even worse, as it drives him to fixate on one individual alone and rejection will never be an option for him.
After falling to stockholm syndrome and developing his affections for Ghidorah through sheer loneliness and misinterpreting the dragon’s less violent actions, Rodan puts in hard work to woo them the traditional way. He learned what the individual heads did and didn’t like from him during this courtship process, and modified accordingly. He cared very much that he has their consent every step of the way, even though he was unaware that Ghidorah didn’t recognize his courtship behavior a good majority of the time. He tries to understand their ways, their culture, everything about them. Ghidorah has all the power in the relationship, and constantly refers to Rodan as their slave, and Rodan is okay with that.
Rodan is willing to die for Ghidorah, and should Ghidorah choose to reject and kill him in the end, Rodan is willing to take the fall.
In contrast, Gigan wants Ghidorah solely through physical lust and desire alone. He knows some aspects about Ghidorah like his creation and the presence of a mind-control chip, but doesn’t know much of anything beyond that. He doesn’t care about what the dragon likes or dislikes. He doesn’t care to understand the dragon’s ways of thinking. He doesn’t care about the dragon’s consent. He plays the nice guy, but under it all, his intentions are less than honorable. Unlike Rodan, he has made no attempt to court Ghidorah properly, by his own species standards.
He will rather go through nefarious means to have Ghidorah. He attempts to act sweet to manipulate the hydra, who proved too wise and savvy to fall for any of it. Gigan would be the type who, -when the manipulation fails-, would drug Ghidorah’s food/drink. But alas, he has never seen Ghidorah eat or drink and toxins hold no effect on him. So alternatively, activate that mind-control chip. Now Gigan holds all the power in the relationship. He will show off his trophy to the entire galaxy; the great and powerful Ghidorah, destroyer of worlds and extinction incarnate... is now his and HIS ALONE as nothing more than a slave.
Gigan isn’t willing to make any real sacrifices for Ghidorah, and should anything happen where he loses hold of the mind-control and Ghidorah turns on him, he will be more than happy to try and take his golden mate down with him. Because if Gigan can’t have him, then nobody can!
Does this make him a yandere? XD
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Half-Life, Ch. 8
Summary: The final chapter of the story. Ghidorah is in a fight to the death to decide his ultimate fate. Can he finally be free from Gigan’s terror, or will he fall to mind-control once more?
There’s nothing much that he loved more than a good fight, and seeing the golden dragon across from him was bringing back memories of his old life, back when he was with his Masters.
He remembered seeing this dragon for the first time, with the sole purpose of subduing him to be brought into Nebulan captivity. He remembered the thrill in his chest as he went to make his first strike. He remembered the burning sensation in that same chest when the hydra retaliated with a Gravity Beam point-blank. Gigan has never fought an opponent with such a wild lust for blood and death, and to this day, it remained the greatest battle he’s ever engaged in.
This moment, however, threatened to dethrone that. Because so much more was on the line here, and Gigan knew that there was to be no holding back for either of them. What’s worse, he was in no condition for a drawn-out fight and this could very well be his last stand. But perhaps...
His eye was still fastened on Ghidorah’s middle head. Perhaps he can sneak a strike as his first blow, end it fast and easy. He certainly had the means to pull it off, a technique that Ghidorah was unaware of as far as he knew. He's never displayed it in front of him, so he would have the element of surprise on his side. But such a move would take a large portion of his energy; even at full strength, it was not something he could do with reckless abandon. In a crucial state like he is in now, it was certainly not something he can afford to screw up...
The silence between them was thickened, as Ghidorah opened those three jaws slowly and deliberately. As if testing to see what Gigan would do. Now or never, here goes nothing! 
Gathering his energy, he took a split-second to tell his system where he wished to go before lunging forward to lessen the distance. He saw the lightning erupt from Ghidorah’s jaws just as Gigan’s body deteriorated. Not a split-second later, he reappeared behind the dragon, and he wasted no time lunging for him with his claw raised...
And he connected with the wrong head, as Ghidorah’s necks flailed wildly and one of them got in the way of his attack. Although the dragon was clearly taken by surprise, he recovered quickly and his tails slammed into him, knocking him aside. 
He fell back to the ground, luckily on his feet but he was inwardly cursing himself. That was a complete waste of his energy and now he had to be even more conservative about how he spent it. It’s okay, it’s alright. He can settle on good ol’ fashion claw-to-tooth combat. Something he knew Ghidorah was no fan of.
But getting close enough won’t be easy as the Gravity Beams were relentless, blasting the air and ground around him in erratic hard-to-predict fashion. The very embodiment of chaos, this dragon, and he loved him for it. Too bad it had to come down to this.
Seeing he won’t be getting closer without getting hit, he shot a Cluster Beam towards the hydra, the red laser colliding with a Gravity Beam to result in an explosion. The cloud of dust whipped from them, blocking the view; normally, Gigan would switch to his thermal vision, but he knew this was pointless against Ghidorah’s cold hide. Instead, he’s forced to go in blind, lunging forward and managing to connect a blade across Ghidorah’s chest.
A snarl erupted from the recoiling dragon, who responded by fanning his wings and flapping them strongly. A powerful gust blew away the dust and began pushing Gigan back. But he kept his footing, leaning against the hurricane-force winds and leaving furrows in the ground. Such power in those sails, he LOVED it! His own sails flattened against his back to help reduce catching this wind, and his claws swung down to stab into the earth.
Ghidorah did not relent and only began flapping faster and harder.
He was blown back far enough and still secured against the increased gale, Gigan shot another laser at the dragon. It was weaker than the last few blasts, as his energy reserves were getting low, and it didn’t make as big an explosion on impact as last time. But it was enough to stop the dragon, and those six eyes glaring towards him seemed to glow through the smoke.
Trying to keep his breaths steady and discreet, Gigan stood back up, his claws crossing in front of him defensively. But the dragon doesn’t push his assault further, yet, and they found themselves in another stand-off.
“Sure you want to keep going with this, Ghiddy?”
No sooner did he say that than the dragon shoots another trio of Gravity Beams directly at him without the wild flailing, and he jumped back out of the way. With a focused blow like that, it seemed like Ghidorah really did not like being called ‘Ghiddy’. Well, he should’ve thought of that before calling him ‘half-life’. He lets out a chuckle at the childishness of it all, trying to ignore the pain slowly starting to creep through the adrenaline.
“You haven’t even seen half of what I can do, babe,” Gigan continued, only somewhat bluffing to buy time to re-coop the energy lost. “It’s not too late to run.”
Ghidorah still doesn’t respond verbally, as he lets loose another round of Gravity Beams directly for him and Gigan jumps into flight to avoid it once more. So damn predictable. But what he didn’t expect was a massive chunk of rock rising from the site of impact, far larger than the boulders Ghidorah had lifted before. It was far too big to get out of the way of, and his visor widened as the wyvern swung it towards him. He grunted at the impact and, knowing the hydra’s intention to crush him under it, managed to salvage enough of his energy to blast it to smithereens just as it almost hits the ground. He’s still subject to its momentum though and he grunted again as his back hits the earth. Fuck, that was way too close but at least he wasn’t flattened.
Power at 10%, his system flashed onto his visor. Retreat to the mothership now. But he had no time to reprimand his system that there was no mothership to retreat to. No, Ghidorah has leapt and those talons dig into his arms and shoulder pads, keeping him pinned onto the ground.
At once, he lifted his tail to stab into him, but alas, he was painfully reminded that his stinger was gone. Really, any movement from his tail brought unbearable shocks of pain through his system. Fuck. He glared up at the dragon; he didn’t have enough energy for another laser blast, and he could see the Gravity Beams building up in those throats.
But he wasn’t out yet, and he opened his own beak and flames erupted from his throat. He knew it wouldn’t do much in way of damage as he really only used this on weaker creatures and their flammable structures. Nonetheless, it served its purpose to startle the dragon and he felt Ghidorah’s weight shift back off one of his arms. He took advantage to swing at the hydra with his freed claw, stabbing into the scales of Ghidorah’s side. 
A shriek escaped those throats and the dragon jolted back off of him completely. 
The flames escaping his beak petered out, and he pushed himself back up. The two locked eyes and Gigan can see small embers fading off from Ghidorah’s manes. As he expected, the flames did little to actually hurt the dragon. 
On the contrary, he took notice that his own vision has grown dimmer, as the generator ran low on the energy needed to keep his mechanical parts functional. This wasn’t good; he needed to stall again lest he starts fighting blind.
Unfortunately, Ghidorah has made it clear that he was not going to entertain another conversation with him. He really should run; both his system and his own organic instincts screamed at him to flee, but instead, he took the offensive and lunged forward recklessly. In response, Ghidorah rose his middle head higher and his two side heads slammed into him.
He was getting slower and the pain was really starting to take its toll, and hearing the snickering from the hydra, he knew Ghidorah was taking notice.
RETREAT! RETREAT! RETREAT! His system flashed onto his visor. Fuckin’- If it would stop wasting energy telling him to run, maybe his weapons wouldn’t take so long to get back online! Or how about using that energy to bring his vision back to normal, that would be great!!
But neither his instincts nor his system were backing down, and after another moment of a stand-off, Gigan lunged forward once more...
... before he leapt up last minute to avoid a Gravity Beam and kicked Ghidorah in his chest, forcing him down onto his back. He leapt off again before any retaliation could be made, his flight-devices activating to let him fly upwards into the clouds.
He knew Ghidorah will never let him get away, but perhaps he can stay hidden in the disorientating haze long enough to recuperate. 
Then round two can begin.
The second the half-life flew off of him was the second Ghidorah knew he was winning. Damn coward always tried to run when things turned bad and expecting him to stick around to finish this to the end was apparently too much to ask. Unfortunately for this pathetic excuse for a kaiju, Ghidorah wasn’t one to let things go so easily.
Righting himself, he glared up towards the retreating cyborg and he shot a Gravity Beam. The half-life glanced back and weaved off to the side to avoid it before disappearing into the clouds. Very well, then. His wings fan open and he takes flight after him.
If the half-life thought he can escape, he was even more stupid than Ghidorah gave him credit for. He will chase him to the very ends of the universe if he had to!
Entering the pink cloud of space dust, he lets out a few more Gravity Beams at the half-life’s silhouette, one of them managing to strike one of those sails and causing him to drop a bit. He was flying slower than usual, Ghidorah noted. Normally, both their top speeds were the same; he knew that from past experience when trying to escape the cyborg’s attention in vain. But here, the half-life was so weak that the dragon was actually starting to catch up to him.
A smirk grew on all three of his mouths, his wings giving one last downstroke and his talons rushed forward. 
His prey must’ve felt the rush of air and spun around with a shriek, a claw swiping for him and his buzzsaw going off. Ghidorah pulled up at the last second to avoid getting struck and the half-life veered off to try and lose him in the thickest parts of the cloud.
Did he not realize that Ghidorah didn’t need to see him to know exactly where he is? His tainted life-force was faint, but it was still there for his crests to sense.
The impulse to toy with this creature was strong, but he resisted it. The stakes were too high for such games. 
Instead, he dove straight towards the cyborg’s life-signature, claws at the ready and wings folded to reduce his own presence. This time, contact was made as his talons latched onto those sails, and his jaws surged forward to tear the membranes. The half-life gave a surprised cry and Ghidorah’s momentum and weight brought them back down to the ground at reckless speeds. The impact was brutal, and it was satisfying feeling the creature’s body take the brunt of it beneath his feet.
He gave the half-life no time to recover as, still latched onto his opponent’s back, the dragon gave a powerful downstroke of his wings to lift them up... before smashing him back onto the ground under his full weight. He did this again, and again, each time getting another ever-weakening cry from the cyborg. He can see more blood escaping the half-life’s mouth, and felt each labored breath the creature struggled to take. He does this one more time before finally stopping, his victim now completely limp. 
Stepping off from the cyborg, he glared down at the half-life. That visor was dim and giving the creature a kick onto his back, there was no response. Unconscious again. His impulse to continue the torture was strong, but once more, he disregarded it. He really should end this here and now while he has the chance; he wasn’t keen on finding out whatever other ‘tricks’ this cyborg had up his sleeve.
His left head lowered to grab the creature’s neck, his right head soon following. If he gathers all his energy, he should be able to blast this creature’s head from his body, ending this whole thing once and for all. But as he starts building the energy in his throat, the half-life suddenly gave a jolt out of nowhere and Ghidorah felt a terrible pain in his middle neck. 
He knew immediately what happened.
The half-life was only feigning unconsciousness and in a last desperate bid, has stabbed a claw up into his neck. So deep it was that energy from his Gravity Beam escaped from the wound, causing even more pain and damage to vulnerable flesh. It was too late to bring that energy back into its organ, try as he might.
“I’m so sorry,” he heard this strained whisper from the half-life. He felt the creature’s legs and tail wrap around him to bring their bodies together before more horrific pain coursed through him. The chest-saw has gone off, ripping through his scales and flesh and going down to the bone. In retaliation, his two heads that were fastened to the creature’s neck let loose with every ounce of EVERYTHING the dragon had.
The half-life couldn’t even scream. 
The buzzsaw came to a halt and in that same split second, something shot out from the creature’s chest and sliced through the remainder of the middle head’s neck. 
An explosion resulted from the two Gravity Beams meeting in the center of the half-life’s neck, causing the hydra to release his hold and stumble back. A huge cloud of dust whipped up around the two combatants, and it took time for it to clear and reveal the results of that exchange. 
The half-life’s head has been blasted right off, and the now-two-headed Ghidorah felt his heart lift with elation as he watched the creature stumble forward clumsily. One step, two, before he fell to his knees, then onto his side to the ground. The body twitched, claws raking the ground and metallic silver blood spilling out from the remains of his neck. The buzzsaw went off one more time before slowing to a stop.
The rest of the half-life’s body followed suit and fell still. His life-force was so faint to begin with that Ghidorah couldn’t tell if his crests even rewarded him for the kill. 
Didn’t matter. The sheer joy coursing through him, knowing he was finally free, was enough to make up for it, and to mask the pain for a blissful moment, before...
His vision began to darken on the edges and his legs felt weak. He fell to his own knees but despite knowing his fate, he lets out a cackling laugh in his remaining two heads.
The half-life was dead; he’s done it! Even at the cost of his own life, his last few moments spent in freedom was well worth it.
But it wasn’t over yet.
Whatever it was that shot out of the half-life’s chest had boomeranged back; he heard them before he felt them, slicing through the base of one wing where membrane met scales and causing it to sag limp to the ground. Still Ghidorah kept laughing wildly, even as his other wing is almost severed in the same fashion. The pain continued as more of his flesh is sliced into before it finally stops in his chest. Looking down, he saw there were razor disks now embedded in his body. To the bitter end, the creature still had surprises. 
But despite all of this, the sight of his disemboweled belly, and the loss of his wings, the maniacal cackling from the dragon persisted, only softening as Ghidorah’s twitching blood-covered body finally collapsed to the ground.
A few more chuckles escaped him before fading into silence. His glassy eyes remained locked on the body of the half-life, both their growing puddles of blood meeting between them. 
The pain has numbed, and the feeling of irrational happiness overtook him. He recognized this, and he doesn’t fight it as his muscles relaxed. As his vision went black and his crests gave him that massive dose of blissful euphoria for the final time, familiar words played in his mind.
Your name is Ghidorah. You were created to be the ultimate weapon.
The Universe is a terrifying place. It’s filled with violent races that seek to destroy those who only wish to live in peace. You will be the savior that fights for those innocents, that cleanses the universe of those dark forces. 
You will make it safer, for all of us.
Safer. He finally understood now. 
Every race that dared to use him for their nefarious deeds, extinct by his own vengeful claws. 
The half-life, the most despicable creature he’s ever had the misfortune of knowing, dead.
His own life drawing to a close, Ghidorah can rest in peace knowing that he’s succeeded.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
My Gigan’s Backstory
Gigan hardly knew his real parents. He still has memories of them, vague memories deep in his data banks. He knew enough to have imprinted on his own kind; he knows he’s a space-duck.
His Masters, the Nebulans, has taken him from his nest before he was even old enough to leave it. They took him in, fed him, raised him. They took lots of pictures of him, in all his babu floof glory, and made sure to save those photos for future use...
Gigan as a babu was damn near the cutest thing in existence, a cottonball with a face. He would instinctively seek cuddles for warmth and would waddle after anyone he laid eye on, chirping and peeping the entire time. He quickly won the hearts of every Nebulan that came in contact with him, and a great bond was formed between him and his adoptive ‘family’.
But good things don’t last long in my universe and when Gigan began approaching pubescence, he became increasingly more aggressive and violent. Tis a normal part of space-duck development, as the young start to learn how to hunt and fight amongst themselves. 
For Gigan, though, this natural change would become anything BUT natural. His Masters not only placed him in complete isolation in a ready-made enclosure, but also placed a ‘mind-control’ chip in his brain. A weak one, just there to ensure he doesn’t turn that aggression towards them. They deprived him of physical company, but still spoke to him through the chip. Although obviously, the conversations were rather sparse and one-sided. Most of Gigan’s days were spent sleeping or restlessly pacing around the enclosure. His only source of entertainment was when the Nebulans would teach him how to ‘hunt’. Aka, to attack anything that went through The Door. 
The Door was Gigan’s only contact with the outside world beyond his enclosure. The Nebulans would give him whatever he needed through The Door. Food, toys, or (his favorite) live prey to serve as both. He lived like this for many years, until he was a fully-grown adult. Then the Nebulans, his ‘parents’ that he came to look up to, told him that it was time for the Change. He didn’t know what this entailed, but he was excited and ready for this Initiation!
He was put under, and the modifications were made to his body, his senses, his brain. They took his natural weaponry and made them even more deadly by coating them in powerful alien alloys. They gave him power, in the form of lasers, fire, flight, teleportation, and a buzzsaw implanted into his chest. They gave him knowledge in his brain, able to access whatever information he could possibly desire (that they already had on record, of course). And most importantly....
... They downloaded his baby pictures into his memory bank. Just to humble him a bit, remind him of how cute he was.
Gigan was quite overwhelmed at first. His body stayed mostly the same in appearance, but the changes made took some getting used to. After giving him recovery time in his room, this overwhelmed feeling only increased as they FINALLY began letting Gigan out of his enclosure to practice in a training room.
This overwhelmed feeling quickly went out the window when he learned he was going to fly for the first time. He also began learning how to control his powers, and he took to the lessons pretty well. So many new ways to kill his prey, it’s great! He loved every moment of it!
Once he mastered his skills, he was finally allowed to venture into the real world to carry out missions. Much death and destruction was waged at his claws, all in the name of ‘peace’ as the Nebulans called it, and he loved every moment of it. After being confined to his room damn near his entire childhood, it was like he was able to release all that pent-up aggression on something other than his prey. And once it was all over, and his mission was a success, he would retire back in his enclosure and rest. Despite having been a prisoner in there for the longest time, he still took comfort in his nest. 
He was content living with his Masters for a while; he had food and shelter, and a purpose in carrying out whatever missions the Nebulans sent him on. 
But as time went on, he began to find that he wanted something more. He didn't know what he was missing, but something was wrong. There was a need in him, ever since he grew to adulthood, that he couldn't fulfill. It got so bad that just the sight of anything colored gold got him bothered and only agitated his aggression further.
Taking note of Gigan's increasing frustrations and unhappiness, the Nebulans came to the conclusion that he must have a mate. He deserved it and they pulled strings to obtain the finest specimen they could find, only the best for their pet space-duck! Importing the specimen, they let her into his room using The Door, and for the first time since being taken from his parents, Gigan saw another of his own kind. The Nebulans had their hopes up, for the interaction seemed peaceful as the two curiously met. All Gigan had to do was fluff out his feathers, fan his sails, and strut his stuff!
But that never happened. For this bioweapon did not court her and instead tried to force himself on her. It’s typical behavior for male space-ducks without a mate, but to not even try courtship? What's worse, when the female rejected his advances (who did this cyborg asshole think he is?!), Gigan only got increasingly more violent and with his enhanced strength and weaponry, it got real bloody really fast.
So fast, the Nebulans couldn’t even stop it from happening when Gigan killed his potential mate. It was horrified silence from the roaches, as their beloved pet finally found release on the corpse. He continued this until he tired himself out and turned to cannibalizing the remains.
Now that... was not normal.
But maybe the Nebulans did something wrong? Perhaps using The Door triggered Gigan to view her as a toy, as live prey? They tried again, and again, with different locations but with the same results. If anything, Gigan only learned how to keep his toy alive for longer. Kept in isolation most of his life, and trained to choose violence at every opportunity, Gigan had no real social skills among his own kind. His instincts to court and breed like a normal space-duck was severely stunted and the Nebulan’s repeated efforts only really reinforced in Gigan’s psychopathic mind that other creatures existed for his own personal pleasures.
They did come to accept that trying to breed their prized weapon was a lost cause. If anything, they’ll reward him with an opportunity to mate if he does a good job at his missions. Whatever makes him happy.
This arrangement made him very happy, and for a while, he thought he needed nothing more in life.
But one day, was the day something new awakened within Gigan.
It was an unusual mission; the Nebulans wanted him to help them capture a target, alive and unharmed. Their target was another bioweapon, just like him, created by a long-extinct race and flying around the cosmos destroying worlds. That kind of power could be useful, and best of all: it came with a mind-control chip of its own.
His name was Ghidorah. King Ghidorah.
The pictures did not do this dragon justice, as Gigan and the Nebulans tracked down the mind-control chip’s signature, and found the massive asteroid. From it, emerged the three-headed dragon. The GOLDEN three-headed dragon with MASSIVE sails that caught the light beautifully.
Setting his eye on the creature woke something in Gigan, for the very first time. He... He WANTED this creature, all to himself. Alive. And he can have him, once they brought this creature into Nebulan control. That was all the motivation he needed.
The battle was a dangerous one. The dragon’s intentions to kill were obvious, and for once in his life, Gigan had to hold back. He had one goal in mind, to incapacitate the dragon and bring him into Nebulan captivity. A swift and powerful strike to the middle head was all that was needed to finish the job.
The Nebulans went right to work with that mind-control chip. Gigan wanted something else, but was forced to sit out while the dragon was prepared. And when they finally did meet, the dragon spoke not a word to him. He just needed time to adjust, the Nebulans reassured the cyborg. They’ll be spending plenty of time together once their plan was ready to set in motion.
Their first mission was to Earth, to dispose of a creature called Godzilla. Ghidorah apparently already had run-ins on this planet, but was swiftly outnumbered. But now with Gigan at his side, surely the odds will lean in their favor.
And it very well nearly did. Together, Gigan, Ghidorah, and the Nebulans almost killed Godzilla. 
Something went terribly wrong. All of a sudden, Gigan lost contact with the Nebulans, for the very first time. The mind-control chips in both kaiju was de-activated, and Gigan was left on his own. Unfortunately for Godzilla, Gigan was no innocent victim under the control of malicious aliens. Mind-control or not, he functioned largely of his own accord and he quickly resumed torturing the fuck out of Godzilla.
Even dragging him to Ghidorah’s feet like a proud suitor showing off prey. 
Which Ghidorah promptly rejected and punted the fat Earth lizard away...
That’s okay, it was funny watching Godzilla fly anyway.
However, it quickly became obvious that Ghidorah was no team player and had a great disdain for Gigan. He made little effort to involve himself in the fight, beyond warding off Anguirus’s advances. This hatred even seemed to outweigh his beef with Godzilla as Ghidorah ignored his Earth-side enemy to argue against Gigan. Such vitriol from the dragon for what was an accidental collision- Wait, this wasn’t about Gigan accidentally flying into him. No, Ghidorah was blaming HIM for this whole entire mess?! THE FUCK!! 
This argument costed them the mission, Gigan attempting and failing twice to retreat back to the Nebulan ship. Only when Ghidorah was allowed to retreat did Godzilla finally let the cyborg flee alongside him.
It was a bitter blow to Gigan’s ego; not only was his attempt to impress such a beautiful mate a complete failure, but he never lost a mission so miserably. But things go from bad to worse, when Ghidorah followed him back to the ship and to his horror, proceeded to destroy it. Revenge for keeping him hostage.
It was at that moment Gigan had to choose, between his Masters, who were essentially his parents, or this beautiful dragon that he wanted so badly but whom didn’t seem to return the favor...
He chose his Masters and, despite being injured, he rushed to defend the ship with everything he’s got. Ghidorah seemed reluctant to engage in teeth-to-claw close combat, and when the hydra saw that it would take more than Gravity Beams to keep this cyborg at bay, it was what allowed Gigan to chase him off. The Nebulans were safe...
... For now.
For it was barely over a year later, after yet another failed Earth mission with an ally named Megalon, that Gigan returned to his Masters even more damaged than last time. And that’s when Ghidorah, lying in wait for the perfect opportunity, decided to strike.
The Nebulans were defenseless and a weakened Gigan could do nothing but watch as his Masters were destroyed. His home... The sight of it all was horrific, and yet... somehow beautiful, seeing this dragon’s full destructive power unleashed first-hand. After the carnage, Ghidorah turned to him, regarding him with six blood-red eyes. Gigan was ready to go down fighting, but to his surprise, the dragon turned and flew off into the void. Leaving him alone for the very first time.
His mind-control was lost completely. No orders, no reassurance that everything was okay. Nothing but silence. With everything he’s ever known gone, Gigan knew not what to do. Is this what it feels like to finally leave the nest? Was he ready?
Of course he was. His Nebulan ‘parents’ taught him all he needed to know in life, and he went forth to make his own path. He forged his own way, making a living as an assassin and a pirate. He met with old friends, recruiting Megalon into his crew, and made new ones, meeting a grumpy ol’ centipede. He also took those same friends and threw them under the bus when the law finally caught up with them.
He was totally going to come back for them, honest....
His career as an assassin came to an end, however, when the worst day of his life happened. It was like any other, coming to meet those who wanted a job done. However, this turned out to be nothing more than a means to trap the cyborg and put him through another Change...
This one, for the worst, as it completely stripped him of his space-duckness, his feathers gone, his sails tainted red. His new ‘Masters’ wishing to enslave him...
Needless to say, it didn’t end well for them, when they learned the mind-control chip was only ever mild and served more as a means of communication than anything. The Nebulans never needed complete control, like Ghidorah’s mind-control chip was designed for. They had Gigan’s loyalty because they were all he’s ever known. Like hell, he’s letting his freedom go for some no-name low-lives who think they’re hot shit.
Still, the whole experience left its mark. He quit the idea of working as an assassin, and went full-time pirate. Taking out all the anger and frustration on innocent ships, innocent worlds. Stealing their most important resources to sell on the underground space-market. Accumulating riches in the most dishonorable of means.
But every so often, the thought of a dragon would enter his mind. Those gold scales, those massive wings, a complete disregard for life. Everything he could ever want in a mate...
... He would have extra fun with his victims whenever he got that bothered.
Until one day, he decided he was finally going to act on those desires, make those fantasies a reality. He had the tracking information on Ghidorah, he just needed to catch up to him. Not too hard when the dragon would spend so much time destroying any life-bearing worlds he came across.
When he finally did meet his Master’s killer once more, he... didn’t really know what to do from here. His new Final Wars form made him a freak; even if he were to do a proper courtship, he was certain it wouldn’t be successful. Maybe play off his new look like it was an intentional change, something he labeled a “work-in-progress”? 
Would Ghidorah even recognize him?
Turns out, yes, yes he did. Despite Gigan’s attempts at friendly re-introduction, Ghidorah seemed just as hostile towards him as before, making it clear that he was still holding a grudge against the cyborg. But the dragon never really escalated that hatred into an actual fight.
This was something he can work with. 
And he was nothing if not persistent. Unlike all those other females the Nebulans would try to pair him with, this one was special. He wanted him, forever and not just for the night. For that, he knew he had to earn Ghidorah’s forgiveness. Maybe then, the dragon will be willing to give him a chance.
Worst case scenario, he still remembered how to activate that mind-control chip... 
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Gigan still likes to sleep even when it's not a requirement for him anymore. And in a previous post, I mentioned that he likely suffers nightmares every now and again brought on by the trauma of going from his Showa form to Final Wars.
Imagine him turning in for the night with Ghidorah. Ghidorah doesn’t sleep outside of space-travel dormancy, so Gigan just orders him to lay next to him and just... be there. Keep watch or something, he doesn’t care. The three-headed dragon is less than enthused, as he lowers himself onto his belly, wings folded down and tails wrapped around himself. He tenses up as the half-life settles beside him and he tries to ignore the sensation of being touched as the cyborg grooms him.
Too bad Gigan soon whispers for Ghidorah to groom him back. The hydra has no choice but to obey, learning by this point that Gigan preferred having his sails groomed. Tis what space-duck mates do, clean those hard-to-reach places for each other.
To the average outsider, the image of these two laying together and grooming each other might be seen as innocent and sweet. Such lovebirds! If only they knew...
Anyway, after they’re both settled, Gigan pulls one of Ghidorah’s wings over him like a blanket, shooting a smirk at the growling hydra, before he rests his chin upon the blades crossed in front of him, and his visor goes dark.
Ghidorah is left in silence. Being tied to this spot, with an idiot huddled against his side, he wants so badly to take the opportunity to kill the half-life while he’s vulnerable and it’s super frustrating that he can’t. But at least now he’s left in peace, and every moment of the half-life sleeping is a moment to be savored.
But hours into the silence, it’s broken as the cyborg begins to twitch and growl.
He’s having a nightmare, reliving the terrible time when he was torn asunder and forcibly changed into his new Final Wars form. All the pain felt back then was intensified in his dream, all the worse when he’s made to endure the surgeries fully-aware. Faceless masses growing huge and looming over him. His heart racing in fear, but his body unable to move to act on it.
Ghidorah tries to ignore the growing noise coming from the half-life, but he definitely can’t ignore when the cyborg’s chest-saw goes off and tears into his scales. He jolts away with a shriek, glaring harshly at the cyborg, who in turn jolts awake at the dragon’s actions.
Gigan is disorientated for a moment, breaths heavy as he scans his surroundings, claws ready to lash out at the slightest of provocation. But there’s no threat here, no shapeless masses, no horrifying torturous procedures awaiting him. Just an angry, bleeding dragon.
All is well.
“.... Sorry.” Gigan mumbles distractedly before grooming himself to soothe, running his elongated tongue over his chest-saw to clean the blood off of it. After a moment of this calming activity, Gigan has composed himself. He settles back down but the hydra is not moving. 
Ghidorah realized quickly that he got hurt because of a nightmare. A stupid nightmare! He didn’t even know that half-lives can dream. Albeit, this is the first time this has happened, but the fact that it can draw his blood out of nowhere... Yeah, he’s not keen to get close, moreso than usual. He’s not one to repeat mistakes more than once, after all. 
But alas, his desire to avoid another incident goes unheeded as the cyborg gestures for him to come back, and Ghidorah can only hesitate for a second before begrudgingly stepping closer and settling back down.
This time, Ghidorah can feel the idiot half-life wrap a claw over his shoulders in an embrace and he closed his eyes to endure as he felt that beak nestling deep into his scales.
With Gigan settled once more, his visor dims. But this time, with every breath taking in so much of Ghidorah’s scent, Gigan could rest easy knowing the nightmares won’t be returning tonight.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
If you did do that with the whole you know? What would happen if Ghidorah has eggs? What kinda father would Gigan be like? I mean he got a reproduction of his kind just for Ghidorah so that means he wants kids?
Oooo, I was looking to touch on this subject for both Gigan and Ghidorah! X3 Thanks for asking!
So in the previous spin-off story concept I posted about, Ghidorah has had the reproductive organs of the female space-duck (Gigan’s species for newcomers) transplanted into him. No, Gigan doesn’t particularly want kids, he doesn’t at all put thought into it when he got the idea for the surgery. He got the transplant done on the dragon, solely so he can mate with him properly without it being a near-death experience for his partner.
But, can Ghidorah get pregnant?
Answer is:
Yes. Yes, he can. Whilst Ghidorah’s body will do nothing to accommodate this new organ beyond the bare minimum to keep it alive (it won’t heal if damaged), it’ll still function as it would normally, creating egg cells to fertilize and producing hormones to govern new behavior.
Behavior completely foreign and new to the hydra. Ghidorah doesn’t understand this new behavior at all. He doesn’t understand why his body now desired a mate, and he hates it. He doesn’t understand the new pleasure that comes from mating with Gigan, and he REALLY hates it. He doesn’t understand his own pregnancy nor the instinct telling him to build a nest. He does it anyway.
He doesn’t quite connect the dots until he lays eggs. What a surprise that is. But he senses life in them. He wants to kill them, as he does every other form of life he comes across. But it’s not the mind-control chip that stops him from doing so, no. It’s something completely new. Parental instincts telling him, No. 
Completely contradicting his fourth brain yelling at him to murder.
It’s very confusing.
He. Hates. It.
He switches back and forth between tending the eggs and nearly blasting them with a Gravity Beam. He sits on the eggs to incubate them, but his body does not produce heat, so it’s not really doing anything. It’s quite often that Gigan finds Ghidorah turning an egg over with tenderness.... before the dragon takes that egg in his mouth, jaw muscles tightening... loosening... tightening again. Struggling between two instincts of whether to bite down or not.
Gigan thinks it’s fuckin’ hilarious.
As for Gigan...
Looking at how he doesn’t seem to have a sense of commitment or loyalty...
But but but...
But he also has instincts to care for the young. Space-ducks are devoted parents that take shifts incubating their eggs, so one parent can go out to hunt and stretch their legs. So it should all be good, right? Yeah, nah. Not exactly. Gigan’s parental instincts are quite stunted from his unnatural upbringing. So while he’ll take a shift from Ghidorah, to sit on the eggs properly and give them that much needed body heat...
... He also tends to lose interest fast and often abandons the nest to go do something else. So you’ll find Ghidorah sitting on the eggs more than Gigan.
Robbed of proper care, the eggs likely won’t survive to hatch. But maybe, if Gigan and Ghidorah have nested on a warm enough planet, the environment can make up for the lack of heat to allow the babies to hatch. If that same environment doesn’t kill the embryos to begin with, as they definitely won’t have the same modifications Gigan has to survive hostile alien worlds.
If the odds somehow line in their favor, or perhaps the nest is aboard another hijacked ship, the babies will not be hybrids. The organs came from a space-duck, so the egg cells are all space-duck. They hatch floofy lil peeping space-ducks. Huddled together, very cutely.
Gigan honestly didn’t think they’d make it this far, and he didn’t particularly care as to whether or not they would. Any lost batch of kids were just weak, it totally wasn’t his fault they didn’t make it. So this hypothetical surviving clutch must be some strong kids. He’ll put a bit more effort raising them to be just like him, raise them the way of the pirate! Let the stronger chicks kill the weaker chicks; saves him from doing it himself. What, you think he’s a loving father? If you’re a disappointment in his eye, you’re as good as dead.
But all is well and good for the survivors. For now..........
Because it doesn’t at all occur to Gigan that parental instincts eventually fades when the chicks are old enough. Not so much an issue with him, but for someone whose sole purpose is indiscriminate murder... 
It doesn’t occur to him to tell Ghidorah not to kill them. Until it’s already too late and the chicks are hanging dead in the jaws of their own ‘mother’...
Meh, that’s alright. They can always make more~
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Another Dark Story-Concept
Tis a dark spin-off to my Half-Life series that’ll definitely be NSFW if I were to ever write it in full. But knowing myself, there’s no guarantees on that, sooooo....
I write it in a post :D Proceed at your own risk.
Imagine how terrible the implication of Gigan getting Ghidorah modified for his own pleasure actually is.
Imagine the method he chooses to go about doing this. 
He starts by hi-jacking a spaceship, like the pirate he is and takes Ghidorah to his old home planet, the same planet his Masters kidnapped him from. It’s a nostalgia trip for Gigan, returning to a world he hasn’t been a part of for centuries, even millennia. Not much has changed, his fellow space-ducks were still a plentiful apex predator.
He takes Ghidorah on a hunting trip. They’re looking for a very specific target, a female space-duck. Ghidorah’s ability to pinpoint lifeforms comes in handy here, and any creature they find that doesn’t meet the standard is immediately killed.
Eventually, they do come across their target. Gigan sends Ghidorah down as bait, a distraction. His physical appearance, with gleaming gold scales and massive wings, is a show-stopper. How can a space-duck resist?
Their target certainly can’t. It isn’t long before she discards her initial wariness of this newcomer and approaches curiously. She tries to make conversation, Ghidorah doing nothing to respond like the mysterious badass he is, and Gigan takes advantage of her ill-fated interest.
He shoots his first pair of grappling hooks around her neck, and the other around her legs to immobilize her. With her struggling helplessly, she sees Gigan for the first time. The look of disgust on her face, seeing something so close to their own kind, but so... WRONG. It’s like the uncanny valley looking at this cyborg.
Gigan notices this, and feels anger welling up within him, knowing he’s an alien to his own species after being forced from his only-slightly-unnatural Showa form to his completely-unnatural Final Wars form. But he hides this feeling behind a cruel smirk.
“Hopefully, she feels as good as she looks,” he taunts her before ordering Ghidorah to knock her out.
He has testing to do on her, and given how space-duck anatomy is designed to make forceful mating difficult as fuck, it’ll be much easier when she’s relaxed.
Ghidorah complies.
So Gigan does this for multiple females, holding them hostage in their ship until he finds the perfect one that he likes the feel of the most. The remainder are then killed, as is the rest of the planet. Gigan takes particular satisfaction in killing his fellow space-ducks, Ghidorah can have the rest. They think him a freak? He’ll show them just how superior he actually is. Their hostage is forced to watch the extermination of her species, of her entire planet, before she is taken with them as they leave the world in ruins.
This hostage is kept in that ship for however long it takes for Gigan to find a race savvy enough to perform the surgery safely on Ghidorah. The female space-duck keeps fighting against her captor, as well as trying to convince Ghidorah to turn on Gigan. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work, as Ghidorah is nothing more than a puppet that long since accepted his fate.
Imagine the terrible things Gigan does to their new hostage on the daily, toying with her and giving false hope of escape only to destroy it. Even if she could get away, he points out, she would have nowhere to go on an alien world. Or worse, escaping the ship could mean dying in the empty void of space. 
“You’re fully organic, babe. You won’t last a second out there.”
The cyborg takes great pleasure in doing everything to break her, and in seeing her attempts to avoid being broken. She makes it clear she would rather be dead than endure another minute of him.
Gigan snickers. How cute.
Eventually, after some researching and tracking work (aka, finding those five-stars on Space-Yelp), they find a race that can perform the surgery, with some ‘persuasion’ from Gigan of course. After all, would be a shame if a dragon were to destroy their entire planet if they said no...
The surgeons learn quickly that Ghidorah requires constant heavy sedation. The same system that ensures toxins are removed from his body also neutralizes anesthesia very quickly. They need powerful stuff and a constant supply of it. Even then, Ghidorah fights this sedation; not only does he NOT want his body tainted for Gigan’s sick pleasures, but he remembers how his creators would keep him under whenever he was not needed. The whole thing is a traumatic experience overall for the dragon. But eventually, he succumbs and the work can begin.
The female space-duck’s reproductive organs are transferred over to Ghidorah, and a proper cloaca is made for him. Gigan waits patiently, totally going through the magazines in the waiting room and harshly judging every page before he’s given the news: the surgery was a success! Recovery period? What’s that? Just take Ghidorah up to space to heal off and recuperate.
Their victim has survived the surgery but has outlived her usefulness, as has the race that performed the surgery. Gigan sends Ghidorah to destroy the planet, and joins in himself. A little celebration to this joyous occasion.
Even if Ghidorah’s destruction is less than enthusiastic. Was he unwell from the transplant? Or just unhappy in general about the whole thing? Meh, Gigan doesn’t care. He’ll get over it.
Now, with the planet in ruins, Gigan turns to the three-headed asshole and tells him to just... relax. It’s time to test his newly customized mate...
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Half-Life’s final chapter will be ready tomorrow and I’m both excited and anxious as fuck! 
We’ve explored the stakes set for Ghidorah, that if he doesn’t succeed in killing Gigan and falls to mind-control again, the space-duck will regrow his missing parts and the life of terror under Gigan’s captivity will resume. In fact, his torture will get even worse than it’s ever gotten before, as shared in previous posts.
Upping the stakes for Gigan, besides fighting for his very life, there’s an unseen factor to consider, one that’s occasionally brought up every now and again...
Megalon is still trapped on an alien world, far from home and far from his people. Gigan is the only one left that can come back and save him, return him home as promised! Megalon is still in love with Gigan and is more than willing to forgive him for leaving him behind if it meant coming back to Earth.
If Gigan dies, Megalon will lose that last shred of hope of returning home, and he would never even know about it. He would still spend every day and night waiting for his beloved cyborg to return...
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Half-Life, Ch. 3
Summary: Gigan takes Ghidorah on their first “date” to the bar. We learn a few things about this three-headed dragon.
Normally, the flight from a planet into the void of space was the most satisfying part of his mission.
The thought of the carnage he left behind, a planet burning beneath him and rendered completely uninhabitable. The complete extermination of life, the knowledge that it was all from his own hard work. He adored the strength of his wings fighting the gravitational pull, the feeling of the air thinning, and at last, the weightlessness of space.
The sight of the stars all around, promising more worlds for him to destroy. So many lives to toy with.
The wave of cosmic energy that would hit his scales, rejuvenating him. Feeding off the energy through the membrane of his wings, healing his wounds and restoring his strength for the journey ahead. Under normal circumstances, he would then cocoon himself within an asteroid produced by his own body,  reducing himself to a pure energy form. Content and happy, he would fall into dormancy, his asteroid drawn towards planets one after another until his moon-shaped crests would pick up signs of life to awaken him once more.
But this was not normal circumstances and as he flies higher through this world’s atmosphere, the only thing that coursed through him was not satisfaction, but anger, hatred, frustration...
And dread...
Breaking free of the planet’s hold, Ghidorah felt the cosmic waves flowing over him, speeding his regeneration to be almost instantaneous. The pain coursing through his back with every stroke of his wings had disappeared.
The pain in his middle head, however, remained. The injury there has healed, but the newly-active chip gave a very uncomfortable sensation. He wanted to chew at the spot, scratch at it with a foot, but he knew it was useless. Even if he could will his body to perform the action, chewing and clawing it out would only result in his own death.
Granted, death would probably be preferable to what fate the half-life had in store for him.
He kept glancing back towards the planet. He wasn’t used to leaving a world only half-destroyed. It went against every fiber of his being and his impulses fought against the mind-control in vain. Always in vain.
His glare fastened on the cyborg, and the light from the blue giant star that reflected off the metal armor was almost blinding. It was obnoxious, as was the look of expectation given to him. He wanted to just fly off in the opposite direction, just to spite him, but of course, he couldn’t. Absolutely infuriating, being trapped in a body that was no longer his to control.
At the silent order, Ghidorah felt his wings fold close and his tails moving to curl around himself. All three of his heads lowered, his legs tucked in and wings wrapping around himself. Red wisps like flames came from his scales, until it engulfed him and his body became energy. Stone began forming around him, its minerals perfect for holding his vast energy and absorbing in more cosmic rays to ensure he did not weaken during his hibernation.
At least in said hibernation, he can forget...
“Your name is Ghidorah. You were created to be ultimate weapon.”
Those telepathic words have been imprinted in his mind for as long as he could remember. Repeated over and over, his Masters would put these thoughts into his mind, to the point where it provided some level of comfort to the young dragon. 
And at this stage of his development, comfort was very important.
There was darkness around him, even in a well-lit sterile room beyond the membrane that held him. His eyelids were still sealed, having not yet opened to experience the light he would instinctively seek out as an adult. His ears were still closed, and his scales were soft. Occasionally, one of his tongues would flick out, but the only scent he would pick out was his own, in the nourishing goo around him. 
His only real sense was that of his well-developed crests. He could feel irresistible auras, all around him. Every so often, several of these auras would get closer, more potent, so close that his three jaws would snap open through instinct. Muscles in his chest would tighten, but the organs housing his gravity beams has not yet fully matured and held no energy within.
He would calm when the auras faded back into the noise. He still desired them, though, and every time he woke from his sleep, he would test the boundaries of his egg, kicking at the membrane uselessly. But the day will come closer, when he will be ready to emerge. Then he can snuff out those auras, and it would be amazing. 
"The Universe is a terrifying place,” the message would continue. “You will make it safer, for all of us."
He felt pretty safe now, growing steadily within his warm confines. He had never experienced fear, or pain, and it would take several more weeks before he had his first taste of it...
He had grown substantially, easily twice the size he once was just weeks ago. His wings were growing the fastest, wrapped tight around him like an extra blanket within the membrane. Said membrane was expanding, stretching over his scales. Those scales were more developed, a distinct keeled look to each one. His eyes were open, sleepy and unfocused, but he saw the light.
He wanted that light...
Especially when he felt the aura growing stronger. His red eyes can make out movement, a blurred shadow looming by him. The impulse to lash out at it was powerful, and already two of his three jaws had opened. By now, only sparks escaped and deteriorates into the goo.
“The Universe is a terrifying place,” the message replayed again, but this time, it added more. “It’s filled with violent races that seek to destroy those who only wish to live in peace. You will be the savior that fights for those innocents, that cleanses the universe of those dark forces. But first...”
He felt something odd, brushing against the mane of his middle head. The first time a foreign object touches him. It lacked an aura, but nonetheless, his left head automatically moved to bite the thing with tiny fangs, an-
A stabbing pain came from the back of his middle head. His legs kicked out, the membrane stretching from the movement, but not yet giving out. His wings and tails push against his home, his prison, as he tried to escape the pain. 
The sharpness left just as quickly as it had appeared, but it left the pain behind, as well as a very wrong feeling. Like something foreign on his body. IN his body. 
“You will hold great power and to focus that power, we have given you a gift...”
Ghidorah snapped awake even before the half-life gave the signal that they have arrived. It was not often he had dreams like that, reliving such old memories. It honestly pissed him off. 
A gift, that’s what his old Masters called it. Even back then, he knew that was completely false. By ‘focus’, they meant kept under THEIR control. This damn chip and all the trouble it caused has plagued him even before he hatched! If he had lungs and the concept of sighing, he would have done so at this moment. Seems even in hibernation, he cannot be left in peace.
It takes a moment before he was calm enough to notice the presence of lifeforms, many more besides the cyborg that held him hostage. He felt the vibration of his stone cocoon, hears the muffled voice of the half-life calling out to him.
Wait, hear him? That means there has to be an atmosphere. He didn’t feel the impact of striking a planet or another celestial body.
“Wake up!” the half-life continued, still banging against the asteroid for no reason other than to annoy him, he’s sure.
Ugh, just hearing that stupid voice made him wanna go back into hibernation, much less the damn incessant knocking. But alas, he felt his own energy escape the stone, rendering it to dust before he took form. He opened his eyes, and his sight was immediately assaulted with pink. A vivid purple-pink everywhere. 
Where was he?
He looked around, the haze stretching in all directions with no sign of an end. All six of his eyes swept the area before all meeting right at the cyborg.
"The bar is over there," The half-life told him, pointing a claw towards a nearby asteroid. "Clean yourself up. I want you looking your best. Y’know, before I ruin you."
Ghidorah lets out a growl at those words, and that growl gets even louder as he automatically moved to groom himself. He always took pride in his appearance, as a dragon should. But as much as he enjoyed grooming, the fact he wasn’t doing it because he wanted to took away all enjoyment.
It isn’t made better by how the half-life was watching him. Damn thing enjoying the show? He wanted to gravity beam that face. Especially when he starts flying closer. Ghidorah felt himself go on edge, wanting to move away to keep the distance, but his body refused to stop cleaning itself.
Unfortunately, it was the half-life himself that stopped the grooming session, one of his claws once more hooking around the back of his middle head and pulling him down.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Don’t speak unless spoken to,” came the retort. “Especially with any of your damn back-talk.”
Ghidorah narrowed his eyes, especially when the crest on his forehead was touched by the half-life’s other claw. His crest was glowing quite strongly, as it tended to do when a high concentration of life-energy was nearby. They were quite sensitive and he did not like the sensation of anyone touching them, much less this disgrace of a kaiju.
He nonetheless held still as the half-life examined his crests for whatever reason before he caught a whisper.
“You feel them, don’t you? This is what you mean with your crests ‘filtering’ my presence. They never glowed this brightly for me.” The half-life’s voice had a very odd edge to it. It almost sounded like this fool was...
Was he jealous?! That didn’t make sense to the dragon. Why in the void would he be jealous over something like this? He can’t control how brightly his crests glowed; it all depended on the size and number of the lifeforms in the area! It’s not his fault this idiot had his aura tainted so badly and was hardly considered alive! But Ghidorah didn’t respond with these sharp words no matter how much he wanted to, the chip rendering his tongue frozen. All he can do is hide a wince when the claw tapped against the moon-shaped structure. 
He heard a grunt before the cyborg continued in a cold tone, despite the foul smirk on his beak. “Remember when I said we can kill a few folks here? I lied. For once, you’re going to have some damn self-control and not kill any of them. Got it?”
There was a slight widening of his eyes. Never before has he been given an order that so blatantly went against what he was created for. His old Masters, every other alien race that took advantage of him, wanted him to kill. Sure, they wanted specific targets killed, but killed nonetheless. But this... IDIOT decides he was going to waste his time, waste his talents, for... WHATEVER it was that one did at these ‘bars’. He was convinced the cyborg was only doing this to irritate him further, and it was working! If he wasn’t pissed off before, he definitely was now!
“Yes.” That word still escaped him, monotone and lacking any of the anger fuming within his mind. And it only gets worse when it rouses a snicker from the half-life and he felt that metal-coated beak touch the scales of his snout. The left mandible seemed to caress under his jaw, the cyborg moving it side-to-side against his skin. He wanted to pull away, willed every fiber of his body to get him away, but he can’t move. 
“You missed a spot.”
What was that supposed to me-
He froze when he felt something wet and warm slide against the scales of his face. His right head could see the half-life running his tongue along his snout and lips. He had no idea what to do with this, as nobody has ever made such moves towards him before. He didn’t like it, at all! He wanted to bite, to blast the half-life in the face, push him away with his heads. ANYTHING!!
But he can’t do anything, except endure.
He closed his eyes, all six of his eyes, just counting the seconds for this to be over. He felt the creature’s tongue push into his mouth, and the urge to bite down and tear it off was through the roof! It was so damn frustrating, and the seconds crawled slower in his mind before finally, the half-life pulled away.
“Hm,” he heard from the cyborg, his middle-set of eyes opening to see the face just inches from his own. The glare he gave was intense, but the other kaiju doesn’t seem bothered. If anything, the half-life seemed encouraged to rest his beak on his nose as he chuckled. “We’ll work on it~.”
Ghidorah didn’t want to work on anything except this thing’s death. How DARE this inferior creature pulled such a stunt with him, and to think, it was only going to go downhill from here! Swear, for every second he had to wait during that, he was going to make the cyborg suffer ten times longer when he breaks free from this! But he couldn’t speak any of the thoughts going through his mind. Damn this chip, taking away everything including his voice!
He felt the claw holding his head down slide off, the edge teasing the fur of his mane before the creature turned away.
“Let’s go.” 
He flew towards the asteroid he pointed out the bar being on. Ghidorah lingered where he was for a moment, but alas, his wings gave a flap through the atmosphere and followed after him. 
“Hey, McLegsalot!”
“Don’t call me that,” came the retort as Gigan sat down and made himself comfortable. A winged centipede-like kaiju squinted ten beady eyes at the cyborg, his antennae brushing over his face and chest. The four pairs of arms cleaning the glasses slow to a halt. “Gigan?”
“Scolopendra. Long time, no see. Loving my new look?”
“This is what you’re doing to undo your ban? Slap on a new paintjob and pretend you’re someone else?”
“Nah, if I was going to do that, I’d put on chainsaws instead of these,” Gigan responded, lifting the blades on his arms. “Less obvious that way. Anyway, what’s a little ban between friends, huh? Mind giving me the usual?”
“I’m not giving you anything. I-” The centipede cuts himself off, glancing off to the side before muttering. “Look, man, I ain’t losing my job over this. Last time you were here, we had to rebuild everything from the ground up thanks to your little drunken tirades. Like hell, we’re doing all that again.”
Gigan waved a claw dismissively. “Don’t worry your pretty little antennas over it-”
“It’s antennae, you dumb fuck.”
“-I’m not here to make a mess. I just want a nice, quiet time. Honest. So-”
“-Soooo,” Gigan drawled, refusing to back down from this little game. “Why don’t you just give me a drink and we can carry on the night like usual.”
“What part of ‘you’re banned from this establishment’ do you not understand? Hell, if Mr. Mavex finds you here-”
“And I told you, not to worry about it. Your boss won’t even have time to think about you, much less fire you.”
“Pretty sure that’s not how this works.”
“It will, trust me. Y’see, I brought along a date an-”
“Oh, for fuck sake, Gigan,” the centipede interrupted, shaking his head as the cyborg glanced over his shoulder and gave a loud shrill whistling noise. “How many times do I have to say this, I’m not going to...”
The centipede’s voice trailed off, as all the patrons within a ten-mile radius suddenly went quiet. A very large three-headed silhouette loomed at the entrance towering above all other customers, long serpentine necks lowering as Ghidorah entered the doorway. Gigan found the silence to be amazing, and he gave a smirk as the many-legged kaiju reared up to eye-level with his four clear wings fanned out. Typical defensive stance, never gets old seeing it.
“I’d like you to meet Ghidorah,” he started in a smug tone. “King Ghidorah. I’m sure you’ve heard of him, yes?”
At once, everyone made a hurry to vacate the vicinity, as Scolopendra glared at the cyborg. “You led that thing right to us! Are you insane?!” Gigan knew he didn’t have to answer that, but he does anyway with a cheeky little grin.
“Only a little.”
He glanced back at Ghidorah, whose six eyes were locked on the smaller creatures fleeing from him. He can see the spark of bloodlust in those eyes, the familiar instincts to give chase and end them all. But as expected, the dragon could do no such thing. At least-
“Now, about that ban...” Gigan continued casually, as everything ran amok behind him. “I told him not to do any harm to anyone, but if you really insist on denying me drinks...” He reveled in the angry look the bartender gave to him and he settled his blades on the bar, propping himself up a bit as he leaned closer. “I’ll take the usual, yeah? For two.”
Those eyes stay locked on him for a long moment before Scolopendra finally backed off and went to prepare his drinks. That’s more he liked it and he leaned back on his seat. “Glad you can listen to reason, Legs. I’m sure your boss will too.” He heard a nasty grumble from the bug but he disregards it as his eye returns to his golden prize, who was now staring at the bartender intensely. 
“Hey,” he called out, earning the dragon’s attention. He nodded towards the chair beside him. Ghidorah glanced towards it and wandered over. It was adorably awkward, watching the dragon attempt to sit on a chair that was too small for him. Gigan couldn’t keep in a chuckle. “Lean on me~”
It still delighted him, that Ghidorah could do nothing to resist his orders. He felt the hydra press up against his side, those scales felt cold compared to their surroundings, but the cyborg didn’t mind. He nuzzled his beak against that golden hide, his mandibles nipping playfully before the bartender returned with his order.
“Good man,” Gigan snickered, his tail moving to clasp onto the glass. He caught Scolopendra eyeing at the dragon as he placed the glass down in front of him, and he was quick to show off his prize. “Told you I had a date.”
“A date?” Scolopendra responded skeptically. “Or another one of your meatshields?”
“Hey, hey, no need to be like that.” Gigan gave a chuckle as he took a sip of his drink. Ah, still tasted the same as he remembered. He took a bigger gulp. “And what do you mean, ANOTHER meatshield? Don’t act like you don’t miss those old days. All the plundering and pilfering, great times.” Another gulp. “Not my fault you got yourself trapped in here.”
“Pretty sure it was,” the centipede grumbled. “When you threw me under the bus while you ran away like a coward.”
“Like a pirate~.”
“Like a coward.”
“Meh, don’t take it so personal, Legs. I was going to come back for you, but you were already gone and now...” Another swig. “Who am I to tell you this ‘honest’ life is boring? After all, you're giving me free drinks.”
“This piece of work...” Scolopendra hissed with another shake of his head, before looking to Ghidorah. “And you’re dating this? What do you even see in him?”
The cyborg gave a short, sharp laugh as he brought his glass back up to his beak for another go, intending to respond for his partner when-
“No, I’m not ‘dating’ him.” Gigan heard Ghidorah growl softly and he sputtered mid-gulp. But the dragon doesn’t stop, maintaining direct eye-contact with him with all six eyes. “The half-life coward did the same to me, tried to abandon me in a fight. Watching Godzilla blast him out of the sky was the single most satisfying thing I’ve ever seen.”
Moment of silence, as Gigan glared towards his slave harshly. Didn’t he tell this asshole not to speak unless spoken t-
Dammit, Scolopendra spoke to him and now this bastard was taking every advantage of it to ruin everything! Well, two can play at that game. Glancing at the centipede, who was now giving him a Look, he pushed the drink closer to his partner.
“Heh, stop kidding around, babe. Tell the bug you’re joking.”
The smirk returned to Gigan’s face as Ghidorah did as told immediately. “You’re joking.” AND that smirk died just as quickly as it appeared.
Oh, this smartass mother-fuckin’ piece of-
Without warning, he struck a blade across the chest of the dragon, who jolts back and loses balance from his chair. The ground trembled from the impact as he fell, and Gigan gave his partner no time to recover as he stomped a foot onto the gash he left. This earned a pained snarl from the dragon, but Ghidorah does nothing to retaliate as the cyborg once more hooked a claw around that middle head, leaning in to hiss directly into this asshole’s ear.
“How about this: You don’t speak, at all, unless I directly address you. Now shut up, and drink your damn glass.”
They continued to lock glares for a moment, before Gigan lets him go and sits back on his seat. Ghidorah took a moment to get up, blood seeping from the wound but he does nothing to tend to himself. He instead looked at the drink, glanced at Gigan’s glass, then back to his own. The middle head leaned down and a forked tongue slips out his mouth and barely brushes the surface of the drink.
“Well?” Gigan persisted impatiently. “I said, drink.”
The dragon growled but said nothing as he began lapping up the drink. And no sooner had he done that, that he began gagging and what liquid he managed to swallow came right back up, seeping from the corners of his mouth. He opened said mouth and allowed it to spill its contents onto the bar. 
“Oh, what the hell!?” Scolopendra barked, jumping back as the puddle sparked for a moment before petering out. The multi-legged kaiju shot a glare at the cyborg. “You said no messes!”
“Oh, ho~!!” Gigan chortled, ignoring the bug. “Didn’t take you to be THAT much of a lightweight! Or does it really taste that bad?” He shot Scolopendra a teasing look, but the centipede was having no more of his shenanigans, leaving the mess with them as he resumed cleaning glasses on the OTHER end of the bar. Meh, whatever, Gigan had better entertainment next to him. “Drink the whole thing, babe. It gets better as you go.”
His tail clasped Ghidorah’s glass, holding it to the dragon’s lips. Of course, Ghidorah couldn’t refuse and opened his mouth to receive the drink. And no sooner did it go down his throat than his stomach gave another heave to expel it. Well then...
“Seriously, it can’t be that bad,” Gigan grunted, glancing at the glass. He was a little bit annoyed that his new partner was having this reaction to his favorite drink. “Is the taste too strong for you?”
Ghidorah glared at him with venom before responding in that beautiful monotoned voice. “I taste nothing.”
Gigan would blink his eye if he could; he wasn’t sure what answer he was expecting to hear, but that certainly wasn’t it. Was this dragon serious? Who’s he kidding, of course this dragon was serious! He really can’t taste anything? Then why was he spitting it all out? Can he not drink alcohol? Did the hydra’s body take it as a toxin and thus something to be rid of? Time to find out...
“Hey, Scoli!”
“Clean it up yourself.”
“Not that, you idiot. I need you to give a glass of water. Just. Water.”
The centipede doesn’t even turn to look at him, continuing to clean before placing one of those glasses down and filling it with ice water before sliding it over to the cyborg. Gigan stopped it with a blade before pushing it pointedly towards the dragon.
“How about this one?”
“I said, I taste nothing.”
“Don’t care. You’re still going to drink this.”
Ghidorah sneered at him as he turned to the water. This time, he took it with one of his jaws, teeth closed over the glass delicately yet firmly. It looked a bit awkward to the cyborg, but he imagined the hydra didn’t have many situations where he would need to manipulate objects. Ghidorah took a sizeable gulp from it, and just as the alcohol had done previously, so too did this water. The dragon heaved and out it all came, all over the floor with more sparks.
Gigan watched this for a moment, less than amused. So the dragon can’t consume ANYTHING at all; did his creators not see a purpose in it? Well, isn’t that just great! Ghidorah really was being a pain in the ass right now, wasn’t he? All he wanted was a night of fun with his future mate, show him off, get them both plastered before the main event. But of course that can’t happen, can it? The dragon just had to make fools out of both of them. He lets out a huff, forcing a crooked smile onto his beak. He will have his fun, Ghidorah be fucked.
“Fine, more for me. Keep ‘em coming, Legs! We’re gonna be here a while.”
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Half-Life, Ch. 6
Summary: Gigan tries to save Ghidorah’s life, and is rewarded for his efforts the only way the dragon knows how. Most of the chapter is clean but there is NSFW near the end; tis very important NSFW though so I’ll probably make a post detailing what happened if you wanna skip it.
Ghidorah is...
... dead?
No. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. They were supposed to be together for the rest of their immortal existence! Gigan did not spend decades of his life trying to claim this bastard only to have him dead immediately after their first date! This... This piece of shit dragon just had to have the last laugh, didn’t he?! What kind of bioweapon was this thing if he can get fucked to death?!
“Ghidorah, don’t you fuckin’ dare, you BIIIIIIIIITCH!!” he screeched directly into one of this asshole’s ears as loud as he possibly can. But it was no use. There was no response, not even a twitch. He lifted a blade up high, wanting to slash down and slice off those heads, give this bastard an injury WORTH dying over.
He barely stopped himself, already swinging his claw down and only just diverting its path to stab into the ground inches from those scales. 
Let’s not do anything rash here. He needed to calm down; getting pissed will not help him. Maybe, just maybe, it’s not too late to save him? But he needed to work fast. He remembered seeing how quickly Ghidorah healed his wounds when they left that tree-infested planet; that healing didn’t start until AFTER they left that world’s atmosphere. No reason to believe it won’t happen again; he just needed to get the hydra out of this damn space cloud.
He glanced up at the sky before using the blunt side of his blades to haul the dragon up from the ground. Ghidorah was surprisingly light, no doubt from how skinny he’s become. What even happened to cause that? Was it a side-effect of death, where the dragon’s body was starting to deteriorate? How far will it go? Until all that was left was dust? He didn’t want to know, actually...
Giving a grunt, he put Ghidorah’s necks over his shoulders, his arms around that golden body under those wings. Said wings were limp, draped over the ground, as was the rest of his body. But at least he hasn’t gone stiff with rigor mortis, and that gave the cyborg hope.
He leapt, the anti-gravity flight devices behind his shins activating at full-throttle. The purple haze was thick and disorientating, but his inner navigator kept him on course. 
Once he built up full-speed, he curled his tail under and around him and his mate, legs folding up. Head bowing. Blue energy escaped him and surrounded both him and Ghidorah before hardening into a giant diamond. Coordinates? His system would ask, and he would disregard it completely. Coordinates didn’t matter to him. He just needed to get out, on the shortest path possible.
Coordinates? His system persisted and he lets out an impatient growl. Just shut up and take him out of here! But it kept popping up into his mind, and he begrudgingly gave in. He searched his inner map for the closest point of exit, looked up its coordinates, and inserted it into his navigator. Finally, he was left in peace, as the diamond changed course to reach its desired destination.
Curled up comfortably in his transport pod, Gigan still held the dragon close to him. Those cold scales somehow felt even more chilling against his armor and skin, even taking into account that Ghidorah always felt akin to touching ice. It was probably just in his mind, but it didn’t help his fears. As far as he’s concerned, they couldn’t reach their destination fast enough. Thankfully, the diamond not only maintained the momentum he had built up, but its sleek form allowed it greater speed through the atmosphere. Most importantly, it allowed Ghidorah to stay in a kind of suspended animation, stabilizing whatever state he was in.
Gigan still didn’t know if Ghidorah was truly alive, but at least this would conserve whatever chance he had left to revive him.
It was his inner alarm that brought him out of dormancy, signaling that they were reaching the outskirts of the pink cloud of alcohol. Their destination. They made it. His visor brightened up, as he stirred into consciousness. He felt cold, unnaturally so, and it took him a moment to regain his vision clearly. He saw gold, nothing but gold, and pulled his face away from the dragon. He has been nuzzled up to his mate while he was asleep.
Although he knew suspended animation would do nothing to heal, it still disappointed him to find Ghidorah still torn and thin.
He looked up through the diamond’s transparent walls and saw the stars, and behind them was the cloud of dust they just escaped, many miles away. The diamond has slowed to a halt, floating weightlessly in the full embrace of the void. This distance should be good enough, right?
He can only hope so, as he dispersed the diamond into an explosion of blue energy, freeing him and his mate. 
He’s been holding on tight to Ghidorah for the entirety of the trip, and his muscles protested as he finally lets go of the dragon. His eye scanned those scales for any sign of healing. One second passed, then two, then five. Each one seeming to drag on for an eternity.
Nothing changed.
Ghidorah’s wounds weren’t stitching back together as they did when they left the tree-planet. The dragon didn’t move, or blink, or show any signs of life. His crests remained dull, without the slightest bit of a glow to them.
He felt his heart begin to sink, and the overwhelming feeling of anger and dismay began to overtake him. He... he was too late, wasn’t he?! No, this can’t be it. He refused to accept it! He spent so long lusting for this bastard, since the moment he first saw him back in Nebulan captivity! He’s put so much of his time and effort into trying to have this dragon as his own; nobody else was good enough! NOBODY!! And the thought of losing all of it... 
Like hell, this dragon was escaping him THIS easily!
Gigan doesn’t think. He still had no idea if Ghidorah had a heart, but he was willing to try just about anything at this point. He had nothing left to lose. He lifted a blade, his eye fastened on the dragon’s chest, and fired the pair of grappling hooks to stab into Ghidorah’s hide and flesh.
He’s never done this before, but it’s worth a shot.
Gathering whatever energy he could from his mechanical parts, he sent the electrical pulses through the cable and into Ghidorah’s flesh. The hydra’s body gave a jolt. 
Gritting his teeth, he sent another surge of energy, inwardly demanding whatever higher-power existed in this void to make his impromptu defibrillator work. Ghidorah’s body gave another jolt and Gigan waited a second before-
He saw it, the trickle of blood from the small cut he made earlier. Just for a second, before it healed over. So too did the rest of the wounds follow suit, the tears in the dragon’s wings mending themselves. Even the tails seem to plump themselves out, bit by bit. It was working!!
Gigan’s eye fastened on the hydra’s faces, watching all three for any sign of consciousness. Those crests have begun to glow again, a faint glow, but a glow nonetheless. This time, he didn’t care to be annoyed at how dim that shine was in his presence.
One set of the dragon’s eyes blinked, then another. Then the last one, before those heads slowly moved to look around. Gigan felt himself relax, relieved that his spur-of-the-moment idea actually worked. He reached out a claw and touched one of those wings. Ghidorah flinched before wincing and glaring down at the grappling hooks still lodged in his flesh.
Oh, right.
He moved his claw to wrap the cables around it before yanking on them, ripping the hooks from the dragon’s flesh. The hydra opened his mouths in a silent cry, droplets of blood floating from the wounds. Said wounds healed quickly, and Gigan retracted the grappling hooks to lock back beneath his claw. He looked at Ghidorah and saw all six eyes watching him. A smile grew on his beak and he moved to lean over the wyvern’s body and nuzzle against one of those snouts.
The dragon doesn’t pull away, and instead he felt him flick his tongue against his skin.
Gigan pulled his face away, startled by this sudden display. 
But the dragon appeared disorientated and confused, those tongues still flicking. Oh, it was no kiss like he assumed; it was just the dragon trying to get his scent. Did he even recognize him? Did he remember any of what happened? Was he aware that Gigan just saved his life? 
Going by the dazed look, probably not. The cyborg felt a proud smirk growing on his beak once more. He was definitely not going to let the dragon forget. He used one claw to tap on the prongs under the other, and brought a few sparks forth from it. He tapped the scales of the dragon’s chest before he returned to nuzzling. He was so certain that he was going to lose his partner, and the amount of pride he felt in the knowledge that he saved him was intense. If that didn’t earn the dragon’s respect, he didn’t know what would.
Even if he was the one that nearly killed him to begin with, but that’s neither here nor there...
He kept his face pressed to Ghidorah’s for a moment, his claw at the ready to hook around that neck should the dragon try to pull away. But he didn’t. Good. He ran his tongue over those lips before pulling back to point a claw towards the space cloud they just escaped from. More importantly, towards a nearby asteroid within said cloud. He turned and flew towards it, glancing back to see Ghidorah wasn’t following, still floating.
But after a moment, the dragon seemed to catch on and righted himself before following after him. That’s more he likes it and he led the way to the space rock.
Dust whipped up from the ground as he came in for a landing, and behind him, Ghidorah landed less than gracefully. Those legs were shaky, and it seemed to take the dragon a second to find his balance. Those wings were folded shut, and Gigan took all of this to be a sign that he was still out of it. 
Not that he blamed him; he never died, but he imagined it was quite a confusing experience to come back from. Speaking of which...
“So new order,” Gigan started with a grin on his beak, approaching the hydra with casual steps. “You’re not allowed to do that whole ‘dying’ thing again, got it?” There was humor in his voice, but Ghidorah didn’t seem to get it. That blank expression of his doesn’t change, not even into a sneer in contempt. Did he even hear the cyborg? Probably not, as the hydra looked up at the pink haze around them, then towards the direction they once came.
When Ghidorah finally did respond, it was in a soft voice. “You saved my life.”
“Heh, yeah,” he chuckled, feeling the sense of pride returning as he kept moving closer. “What, you thought I’d let you get away so easily? How about no?” 
A claw traced along where a wound used to be on Ghidorah’s chest. It all healed so perfectly, not even a scar was left. There was still a lot of blood coating those scales, though, and rather than tell Ghidorah to clean up, he took pleasure in doing the job himself. He knelt down a bit so he can begin licking the blood off, feeling the scales flinch at the contact. But the dragon doesn’t pull away.
“But you killed me.” the hydra muttered without venom, his voice still sounding soft and sleepy.
“I-.” Damn, he hated being called out on his mistake like that. “I didn’t mean to. I came back to check on you an-” He cuts himself off before lowering his voice. “I thought you would just heal it all off when we were done, but I guess you couldn’t. Sorry about that.” 
He didn’t understand why it was so hard to say that. He has parroted the ‘sorry’ word to Ghidorah for years, but it never seems to get any easier. Did he even mean it? Not really, he never did. It still hurt his pride to even pretend to humble himself. But if he can make the dragon believe it was real, that’s what made these apologies worth it. Because isn’t that what Ghidorah wanted from him all this time? A genuine apology? 
What ‘genuine’ even looked like to the dragon, he didn’t know. He remembered what happened in the moments leading to his finally having enough and taking control. He groveled on his knees and that was still not good enough. Ghidorah’s words of ‘never forgive’ echoed in his mind, but that was BEFORE he saved this hydra from death. Surely, as he felt the wyvern’s unwavering gaze fall on him, he would change his mind now.
Then again, this has got to be the most stubborn son-of-a-bitch he’s ever met.
Another breath escaped him, brushing against those scales before he continued cleaning off the blood for another silent moment. It was Ghidorah this time that broke the silence.
“You should’ve left me dead,” There was that hiss he was used to hearing. Seemed the dragon had made a recovery. Good to have him back in all his feistiness, even if he kept calling him out. “You already got what you wanted from me.”
Gigan lets out another breath, sharper than the last as a grin grew across his beak. He knew where the dragon was coming from; killing those that outlived their usefulness was something he did quite often and it seemed the dragon was fully aware of that. But this was not the same situation and he was going to make the hydra learn that. 
His voice got stronger, more confident in his words. “No, I didn’t. What I want is having you with me forever, not just a night like the rest. Y’know, like a proper mate... thing. So I messed up, that’s alright.” He looked up at the dragon, that grin turning into a smirk. He stood back to full height so he can press his beak into Ghidorah’s snout again. “We can work around this. I already have a few ideas we can try~.”
“As do I.” 
Gigan felt those cold scales against him, and felt the dragon lean against his beak. Well, this was different and the cyborg felt a spark of suspicion, but it was quickly smothered. He had nothing to worry about, because even if the dragon was trying something sneaky, the mind-control chip would keep him in line. If anything, a sense of curiosity overwhelmed the cyborg.
“Oh?” He lets out a snicker. “Do tell.”
“We’ve already talked enough,” Ghidorah growled. “Less talking, more doing.”
Just as Gigan was about to retort something witty, he felt the dragon’s forked tongue slide into his beak. His sails fanned open slightly in surprise, even moreso as Ghidorah’s other heads began running their own tongues over his neck. 
He took a step back, away from Ghidorah’s kiss, so he can let out a surprised chuckle. “Oh, ho! A bit frisky now, are we?” He locked his gaze to Ghidorah’s, who was narrowing his eyes at him. “What’s changed, babe?”
Admittedly, Gigan wasn’t used to having someone else make advances towards him, especially not like this. Where was it coming from? This dragon was dead just moments ago and now he was acting in a way Gigan has never seen from him before. He was up to something, but what? Was the dragon hoping to be killed again, as a means to escape him? Or maybe the dragon trying to show gratitude? Or was death a kink that he’d just unlocked?
He can dig that last one, actually...
Seemed it was the second one though, as the dragon ran that forked tongue along his mandible towards his cheek and ear. “You wanted forgiveness, didn’t you? So let me show it by giving you what you deserve.”
Oh, so this was to be his reward for saving this asshole’s life. A bit unconventional, but he wasn’t going to complain. Let’s have some fun then, and let Ghidorah take the reigns this time. See how much this wyvern really knows.
He leaned back in and his own tongue wrapped around Ghidorah’s, before sliding up to follow it back into the dragon’s mouth. He felt the hydra pushing against him, forcing him back so impatiently and he couldn’t keep in the snicker in his throat. He felt a rock against his tail; he was being backed into it and he does nothing to take control of this situation. His curiosity was still strong, as was his eagerness to learn just what this dragon was going to do to him. He’s never really let anyone dominate him like this, but for his mate, he can make an exception.
The dragon kept pushing against him, and getting the message, he sat himself comfortably on the stone behind him. He can feel one of the other heads moving lower onto his chest, whilst the other two heads began pushing him back further. Ghidorah wanted him to lay down, and he felt his mischievous side welling up. Flattening his sails, a smirk grew in his beak as he pulled away from their kiss. He doesn’t lay down, playfully resisting Ghidorah’s insistent pushing against him.
He met the middle head’s eyes, his smirk widening at the flash of annoyance in the glare he was given. But it was brief, before the middle head practically headbutts him in the chest to force him down. A laugh escaped his beak; damn, this wyvern wanted him so badly. He propped himself up on his elbows to see Ghidorah lowering his heads towards the cyborg’s tail. Oh, so that’s how far the dragon was willing to go? He was expecting his mate to climb onto him, but he supposed Ghidorah’s lack of an entrance meant it couldn’t go far taking that route. Technically it could, he just had to be creative again, but he’d rather not make those same mistakes.
Regardless, his eagerness increased as he recalled how it felt last time he penetrated those throats. Yeah, this was more than enough to tide him over, until he finds a way around Ghidorah’s lack of proper equipment. He felt a tongue flick out once, twice, searching him down there before locating the slit at the base of his tail. The dragon lets out a strange rumbling noise before dragging his tongue over his cloaca.
Gigan lets out a breath, his mandibles clicking against his beak to make a pleasured sound meant to encourage the dragon. Ghidorah doesn’t stop, intent on getting his tongue in there while the other two heads lifted back up to tend to his chest and throat.
The muscles in the base of his tail tightened, as his arousal started to grow. His breaths quicken slightly, resting his chin atop the head tending his throat. Nuzzling into that soft mane, he felt the urge to bite and he couldn’t resist it. He felt the dragon’s fur and flesh against his teeth and beak, and all three heads paused their administrations.
“Keep going.” the cyborg hissed through a mouthful of fluff and to his delight, the dragon not only complied, but doubled his efforts. He never realized before how sensitive the inside of his pocket was, and Ghidorah, however inexperienced he may be, was doing a great job pleasing him. Especially when he sees those massive wings, previously folded, fanning out fully. All that shimmering gold was overtaking his vision. Ghidorah really did notice how much he loved those sails of his and was going out of his way to make them even more erotic by vibrating them, making the light dance across those membranes beautifully. How can Gigan not reward such efforts by allowing the very tip of his member peek out.
At once, the dragon’s two free heads immediately gave it his full attention. 
“All of it.” Ghidorah growled softly.
Damn, so eager. It was difficult to resist taking the dragon’s throat right then and there. Gigan’s jaws tightened for a moment before letting go, his beak nestling against the dragon’s ear as he whispered softly.
“My name first, babe. Say it.”
He felt Ghidorah’s snout moving against his beak as he pulled back enough to make eye-contact. The corners of the dragon’s mouth twist into a smile, the first time he’s seen him smile at him. But something wasn’t right with that smile and it took him a second to realize what it was. It was less of a pleasant smile and more of a twisted smirk. Matching the hiss in the dragon’s voice as he whispered.
A frown grew on his beak, as his lust-filled mind slowly began to put the pieces together. He never got the chance to react properly, as he felt a terrible pain in his throat, shoving him back down into the rock. His claws shoot up to retaliate, but before he can even touch a scale, he felt another terrible pain.
In his groin.
The scream that escaped him was strangled as Ghidorah’s fangs sank into the tip of his member and forced the rest out. A second set of fangs bite into the base and then kept on pulling. Until, with a powerful tug, his entire member was viciously ripped out in a spray of silver blood.
His screech cuts out, choked on the sheer amount of pain coursing through him. His senses were unfocused, made worse when the jaws fastened into his throat fires a Gravity Beam into him. An explosion erupted from the blast and he’s released from the vice grip.
Still he cannot move, as sparks came from the wound in his neck and blood continuing to escape from his tail, his claws trembling. He heard and felt footsteps backing off from him, and it takes a moment for his vision to return to focus and he was able to gather himself enough to screech again.
Said screech would only fall on deaf ears.
He can see Ghidorah, his disembodied member between two of those jaws before he ripped it in half and dropped it onto the ground. He then made a point to stomp on it beneath a heavy foot. During all this, the third head kept a cruel glare locked on his subdued form.
He knew what just happened.
The whole thing was a trick.
The mind-control chip had de-activated.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Megalon has never once met Ghidorah, and yet, the dragon has single-handedly ruined his entire life.
There’s only one individual that Megalon wants to spend the rest of his immortal life with, and that’s Gigan. But Gigan has no interest in him, and only wants to be with Ghidorah. Megalon tries his best to win over the cyborg throughout their space adventures, and said cyborg only ever showed interest because Ghidorah “isn’t here”. But that’s good enough for Megalon; little did he know, it was all fake love to manipulate him and Gigan never has and never will have legit interest in being mates with the bug.
Made painfully clear when he abandons Megalon on an alien world by himself.
Megalon is currently trapped on this planet, destined to never return to the Seatopians again. Because Gigan is now dead, and it’s all Ghidorah’s fault.
The only good thing Ghidorah’s done was kill off the Nebulans; that was what prompted Gigan to live his own life and bring Megalon with him into space. But even that can be argued to have ultimately lead to Megalon’s downfall.
In an AU, featured here, Gigan won that final battle against Ghidorah in Half-Life and lives to eventually rescue Megalon. Ghidorah finally does good here, as Gigan uses the dragon’s abilities to locate life to find where Megalon has been hiding.
I’ve been requested to continue this AU, for le Gigan/Megalon smut, and it’ll be the first time Megalon meets Ghidorah. The heartbreak continues when Megalon learns Gigan is officially mated to the dragon. Oh... No, no, he’s happy for him, really............................
Yeah, nah!! He was Gigan’s mate first!! He will show Gigan who’s the better option! Back off, Ghiddy boi, this cyborg will belong to the beetle soon enough!!!
Yeah, only reason Megalon lives is because Gigan told Ghiddy not to kill him, even when Megalon attempts to engage his rival in good ol’ fashion rhino-beetle horn battle!! While I’m not a fan of writing smut, this scene alone of him trying to headbutt an unimpressed Ghidorah will make it worth it for me! XD
For real though, Megalon’s going through a hell of an emotional roller-coaster. So look forward to that, I guess.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
WAIT…Gigan claws allow for revival or at least they hold his memories and import files so he could be I don’t know fixed back up. Ghidorah killed Gigan but from what I read he didn’t not do any significant damage to said claws unless I missed that…could this possibly mean Gigan revival? 🤩 look I hate Gigan but love him at the same time sooo maybe I want a little more Gigan supremacy 👀
Indeed, Ghidorah doesn't know that Gigan's claws are the key to his immortality, so he focuses too much on trying to rip his head off. Whilst he did succeed in killing Gigan, the only way to ensure he stays dead is to destroy his claws. Unfortunately, Ghidorah dies before he ever considers disposing of the body.
Whilst I want the main-story line to remain a tragic story, I nonetheless left the ending wide open for a potential revival of both Gigan AND Ghidorah! Notice how the damage Gigan does to Ghidorah reflect the design of Mecha-King Ghidorah. I know that's a Heisei creation and the Showa version of Mecha-King Ghidorah is purely robotic like Mecha-Godzilla, but I have thought about an AU spin-off of the two coming back to life through an alien race discovering them and turning them into Modified Gigan and Mecha-Ghidorah.
How horrible would it be for Ghidorah if he's "revived", finding himself being completely tainted with new cyborg parts. He spent so long calling Gigan a "half-life" and now he's a half-life as well. No, actually worse, because he's technically dead and his body is on life-support and being piloted by a lesser creature! His mind-control chip is finally gone, but he’s still just a puppet.
If there's any consolation...
Gigan doesn't find Mecha-King Ghidorah attractive at all. Those gold scales are obscured with robotic parts, making them no more attractive than a regular space-duck. But worse, those wings he loves so much, now gone and replaced with an inferior mechanical copy. Gigan sees Mecha-Ghidorah the same way he sees his own Final Wars self:
But all this is a speculative AU, one of many!
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
Future Plans
Now that Half-Life’s complete (and I’m going a week to avoid talking about spoilers about it for anyone who hasn’t finished readin it yet), I’ve found myself with extra free time to ramble and rave! XD
What I have next on the list of things-to-do is a Gigalon (Gigan/Megalon) story request. First time writing Megalon in any meaningful sense and I’m just winging his personality XDD I’ve always wanted him to represent those people who think they can change a villain character through the power of their love, but in reality, they’re in a terribly toxic relationship where the villain only uses them for their own gain. A contrast to Gigan’s relationship with Ghidorah, where it’s the villain that’s the pursuer and the terror that results from that. 
Basically, any relationship Gigan is a part of is a horrifically toxic one. As it should be.
I also want to continue writing stories from Ghidorah and Gigan’s past together, like a continuation of their first meeting, Of Different Tongues. Also, wanna do AU stories that explore alternate endings to the Half-Life story! It’ll be fun!
Also wanna do a short video project of Chibi Ghidorah and Chibi Gigan to the song, Happy Together by The Turtles! I just think it’ll be funny to have the song all cheerful, from Gigan’s delusional POV, when in actuality, Ghidorah fuckin’ hates his guts and is miserable the whole time! But I don’t expect to finish that one anytime soon.
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cant-blink · 4 years ago
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Gigan tries to impress his old ally, Showa Ghidorah, with his new look! Unfortunately, Ghidorah is not particularly happy to see him, being reminded of his days under mind-control.
Inspired by a comment left on my previous post by @ya-boi-perish​! :D
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