#Life in the Kuiper Belt
madlovenovelist · 4 months
Book Review – ‘Into Deep Space’ (#3-4 The Galahad Archives) by Dom Testa
Spaceship manoeuvres and boy drama. Genre: YA, Science Fiction No. of pages: 560 When the tail of the comet Bhaktul flicks through the Earth’s atmosphere, deadly particles are left in its wake. Suddenly, mankind is confronted with a virus that devastates the adult population. Only those under the age of eighteen seem to be immune. A renowned scientist proposes a bold plan: to create a ship…
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mysticstronomy · 4 months
Saturday, May 25th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Our Solar System is filled with diverse and wondrous worlds. From asteroids to gas giants, we’ve sent spacecraft to objects of all shapes and sizes, yet there is still much more to explore.
Among the menagerie of worlds orbiting our Sun are dwarf planets. According to the International Astronomical Union, a dwarf planet is round and circles the Sun like a planet, but has not “cleared the neighborhood” around its orbit. In other words, planets are much more massive than anything orbiting near them, while dwarf planets are not.
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This definition, which famously removed planethood status from Pluto in 2006, disqualifies known objects in the main asteroid belt and the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune from being named as planets.
The IAU currently recognizes five dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Ceres lies in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, while the rest are in the Kuiper Belt.
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There are almost certainly more dwarf planets. Unfortunately, most are very far away, and we can’t definitively prove that they are round. Mike Brown, the Caltech astronomer who led teams of scientists that discovered Eris and other distant worlds, maintains a list of candidate dwarf planets ranked from “near certainty” to “probably not.”
Let’s visit the Solar System’s five official dwarf planets, starting from the one closest to the Sun and journeying outward.
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Ceres is the only IAU-recognized dwarf planet that resides in the main asteroid belt. With a width of about 952 kilometers (592 miles), it is the most diminutive dwarf planet — more than 13 times smaller than Earth. Yet it is by far the largest asteroid, accounting for roughly a third of the mass in the asteroid belt.
Ceres probably has a solid core and icy mantle, on top of which lies a rocky, dusty crust. It may be made of 25 percent ice by mass, making it an attractive water source for humans in science fiction.
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The dwarf planet’s surface is speckled with bright salt deposits that may be remnants of briny water leaking to the surface. The source of that water, and how it ended up on the surface, is a topic of ongoing debate. Data from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, which explored Ceres from 2015 to 2018, suggests a complex scenario where Ceres may contain deep water reservoirs connected to shallow, melted water pockets created by asteroid impacts.
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One clue to Ceres’ watery origins is that it could be a protoplanet that formed elsewhere before migrating into the asteroid belt, where Jupiter’s gravity kept any large worlds from forming.
Ceres gets its name from the Roman goddess of agriculture. According to NASA, the word cereal has the same origin.
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Pluto was our ninth planet until 2006. It is virtually tied with Eris for the largest-sized dwarf planet, with a diameter of about 2,380 kilometers (1,400 miles) — roughly two-thirds the size of Earth’s Moon.
Discovered in 1930, Pluto went unexplored until NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew past the icy world in 2015, revealing surprisingly youthful mountains, a pale “heart” of frozen nitrogen, and red patches of complex molecules called tholins.
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Pluto may have once had a subsurface ocean. Whether or not it still holds water beneath its surface is less clear, but there’s a chance such an ocean could be habitable, challenging our expectations on where to find life in our Solar System.
After New Horizons completed its Pluto flyby and crossed into the dwarf planet’s shadow, it captured a magnificent halo of blue haze. The haze may be created by atmospheric processes similar to those above Titan.
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Pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld. Its five moons Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra have underworld-themed names and circle the dwarf planet in neatly nested orbits. They were likely formed long ago when another object smashed into Pluto, creating debris that coalesced into moons.
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Haumea may be a dwarf planet, but it boasts rings and moons just like its beefier planetary counterparts. The rings were discovered in 2017 when astronomers watched Haumea pass in front of a star, revealing dips in starlight that could only be explained by the presence of a ring system. Among the telescopes watching were two funded by The Planetary Society’s Shoemaker NEO Grant program.
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Haumea makes a full rotation in just four hours. Its high-speed spin distorts the dwarf planet’s shape, giving it an egg-like appearance. It measures roughly 2,322 kilometers (1,442 miles) across its longest axis. Another object may have slammed into Haumea in the past, giving it its fast rotation rate.
Haumea is named after the Hawaiian goddess of fertility. Its two moons, Namaka and Hi'iaka, are named after Haumea’s mythological daughters.
Originally published on www.planetary.org
(Wednesday, May 29th, 2024)
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fraosinfandoms · 6 months
I've seen a lot of people advocate for Pluto to be Cleo's celestial symbol mainly it's not a "real" planet (there's a couple of other arguments but not the point of this post), and neither is Real life a "real" life series because it was an april fools joke. Now, I've had one chapter of cosmologie in geography this school year and I need to talk about why Pluto isn't a real planet and why it definitely should not be classified as one. This barely has anything to do with the life series except for it being the motivation, but hey! if you like space, go ahead and read this
Let's start off by listing some of the requirements for something to be classified as a planet:
The object orbits around the sun
It has to have enough mass to form itself into sphere shape with it's own gravity
It has to have cleaned all rubble in its orbit
Pluto does orbit around the sun and is a sphere shape, however its orbit is full of rubble. This is because it is situated in the Kuiper belt, which is full of rocks and icy objects. Pluto is simply too small to clear its path.
There is, however, another thing that makes Pluto an oddball. All of the planets in our solar system orbit on the same plane: the ecliptic plane. And, you guessed it, Pluto does not.
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You can see that Pluto's orbit is a bit ... diagonal, to say the least.
(Little clarification about the image: it is normal for planets to have an oval orbit where the sun is not in the middle. Our very own earth has that.)
If one were to classify Pluto as a planet, a ton of other dwarf planets, such as Ceres (located in the astroid belt), would also have to become planets.
And that is why Pluto is not a real planet, no quotes around the real needed.
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danieleansworth · 2 years
(Open Starter)
Date: Late March, 2023 Location: KBW - Observation Room
So far, working on a smuggling ship was shaping up to be a deeply confusing experience. It was quite thrilling (in a terrifying sort of way) to be able to say now that he had been to Earth, though the trip had hardly seemed focused on smuggling at all - instead, the crew had gone to see... a concert? Daniel had never heard of My Chemical Romance prior to joining up on the Prosperity, but he could now safely say that some of their music was a little frightening. He’d quite liked some of the theatricality seen on stage though, so it had been a good experience overall. Until the subsequent realization that the crew had accidentally smuggled a human, somehow. That had led to several days of solid panic, during which Daniel’s primary focus had been getting through the day with his work done and sanity in place. Knowing that there was some sort of plan that seemed likely to keep everyone out of jail had helped on that front, at least enough that he was able to start enjoying life somewhat again alongside being terrified of the turn his had taken.
Being at the Kuiper Belt Waystation again helped as well. It wasn’t solid land, not even close - but still, it was quite nice to have a bit more room to move around as compared to the typical living and working space on the Prosperity. With the plants on the ship tended to and the cleaning that was his responsibility done, Daniel had a bit of time to himself, and so he made his way over to one of the KBW’s observation rooms - viewing the galaxy was one of the activities at the waystation that was in the range of what he could afford (free). Better still, there was a good amount of open space - and with the smuggling event over, he had the observation room to himself for the time being. After looking out at the stars for a bit, he got out his comm and began playing some of the Taylor Swift music that Ryder had shown him, through his earbuds so as not to be a disturbance. Truly though, there wasn’t anyone around... maybe now would be a good time to get some dancing in. With space limited on the Prosperity, he’d have to take his opportunities when he could find them.
The downside to having his earbuds in was that he didn’t notice as quickly as he otherwise might have when he was no longer alone - he jumped, startled when he saw a fellow crew member, and promptly stopped dancing. “Oh - sorry! I hope I wasn’t in your way,” he said sheepishly. He had been between them and the observation window, technically, though there was still plenty of space to see around him.
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random-strange-guy · 1 year
The Irchans, are a race that, like most others, was born in paradise. In a paradise where delicious purple plants grew at every step, a paradise that was warmed by the light of three stars. The Irchans were like countless others in the Milky Way. But they did something that others didn't. They were the first to have diplomatic negotiation with the humans.
When humans discovered FTL, they became a equal partners on a galactic level, newcomers are always a new opportunity for trade and other forms of cooperation.
The Irchans knew this very well. Once their race achieved FTL, a neighboring more advanced race came to them and gave them more advanced technology, and in return they received several mining stations in the surrounding asteroid belt. It benefited both parties. The Irchans remember these events well, so when they found out about a new race that was only 4,2 light years away, they didn't hesitate and set off without detailed information about the race there.
Already in the Kuiper asteroid belt, the ship with the Irchan diplomats was stopped by humans. After a long debate that was possible thanks to the telepathy that the Irchans control, they arranged a meeting with the humans, it was decided that the ship would fly on the fourth planet from the home star of the race there.
After they landed, the top diplomats sat together in a small room where there were only two chairs and one table . Irchan's foreign minister and human's representative "President of the United Nations".
"Hello, welcome to the solar system, so you want to work with us?" said the president and just gestured for the minister sit down.
"Yes, I've see that your industry is very good quality and fast, what about that you will produce spaceships for us and we will give you a blueprints of stronger laser cannons, faster engines and more powerful neutrino technology?" explained the minister.
" That sounds fair, but I still need to discuss it with the other diplomats".
"Do you govern liberally?" commented the minister.
"Yes, why are you asking?"
"You know, we hate it, that's why there is chaos in governance, we prefer the authoritarian way from birth, it's faster and the leaders have more experience than some MPs or senators".
"But if someone has unlimited power and he is incompetent or mentally messed up, then it all goes wrong" argued the president.
"Please, let's not argue, go and discuss it with others and we will wait".
"Goodbye for now, oh I almost forgot, would you like to look around?"
"Yes, we would like that".
"Alright, hey Bob! Would you show them around?"
Then some person ran to the room where were the president with the minister, that person was dressed in shorts and a shirt with palm trees and a straw hat on his head.
"Hello, how many aliens will come with me?" asked Bob.
Minister looked at him confused and then he answered " Me and five other diplomats ".
"So, go with me buddy" said Bob.
Then Bob and six aliens set off. They walked along a long corridor that had windows on the left side, so everyone could see the dead valley where water flowed millions of years ago and possibly had life in it, but now it's a dead world.
Then they walked into a mall where was a lot of shops as clothes shop, cinemas and others, but Bob walked in to something that nobody from aliens couldn't know, they saw a board on which there were three unknown signs for them, but they identified a old man to the right of the signs who had a clearly visible beard and glasses. When they walked in, it looked like time stopped there, everyone who was in the room just stared at Bob, the minister and the other diplomats.
"Chill guys, we're just going to eat". Said Bob and then with minister and another diplomats, walked from the entrance to the counter.
"Hello, one classic bucket of nuggets please" said Bob to the scared waitress.
After two minutes the waitress gave the bucket to Bob. They sat down at one of the few free tables.
Meanwhile Bob bit into the food from bucket and asked" Would you like to try this food?".
Then the minister turned to Bob and answered "Why not".
Then he took one of the pieces of food out of the bucket and bit into it.
At almost immediately the minister vomited.
"What happened to you?!!" shouted Bob to the minister.
"What is that?!". Asked the minister.
"Chicken nuggets".
"What is chicken?". Asked the minister.
"Animal". Answered Bob.
The minister looked at him terrified and said "Your species is carnivores?".
"No, we are omnivores".
"Could you please take us back to the meeting room?" Asked the minister.
"Of course".
After a seemingly endless corridor, the minister, diplomats and Bob made their way back to the conference room to discuss the "omnivorousness" of the human race with the other Irchan diplomats.
After a bit of searching on the human internet the diplomats started to argue.
"They do not appear to be active predators, rather they simply raise various animals and then eat them". Said one of the diplomats to the minister.
"But still, it's the second discovered advanced race that is eating meat, we don't know what to expect from them". Said the minister.
One of the diplomats looked ta him and said "I'm sure that they are not like a Ferendir".
For a moment, the minister became lost in his thoughts, remembering how he was unable to move and was forced to look at the remains of his best friends, the ruins of the hotel where they were staying, and the burning forest in the distance, and most of all, the looks of those monsters that were preparing to eat him.
"No, they are not like the Ferendir, it was impossible to speak with them, no, humans are not like those monsters, but they are strange we can't just give them better technology, we have to wait for them to show us that they really aren't monsters" said the minister.
"You know what? Let's get out of here, our leader will decide any further action" said one of the diplomats.
Everyone agreed, then they left the solar system without any goodbyes.
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The Knight is Crowned King
“I am saying it is time to put aside the trooper, the CT number, the clone who served under a sergeant in a Republic that no longer exists. It is time for you to become the captain that we– your people –need you to be.”
Tech stood up straight. “Then, if that is the case, Camina, I have a request.”
“Say it.”
“Get me a tattoo gun. Now.”
-Camina Drummer and Tech, Far Past the Ring
I really can’t thank @cloned-eyes enough for this wonderful piece that they did. She she taki taki!
It is Camina Drummer giving Tech the infamous 'collar' tattoo of The Belt in her presidential office, LDS mural still behind her.
For me, this culminates the spirit of Far Past the Ring, especially for canon characters Camina Drummer and Tech.
The story was initially conceived as a fun little romp for Clone Force 99, where Tech would meet a Belter engineer, they’d chat, maybe have a short romance, and move on with their lives.
This was February 2023.
But after Plan 99 aired a month later…well, we all went a little nuts. I did, too. Blame the Wellbutrin.
Also, blame me taking folklore classes at Berkeley as an undergrad. I decided the short story was going to become something bigger, and Tech was taking center stage.
On that note, I was so angry for Tech.
I was angry for all of his potential as a character, thrown down the mountain on Eriadu.
So, I decided to whip out the ol’ English 251 notes I had from years ago, and chart out Tech’s own Hero’s Journey, through the world of The Expanse meeting the world of Star Wars.
But I did not want Tech merely limping off into the sun into a simple, happy ending. No.
I wanted him to face challenges, fight, win alliances, and be received as the goddamned hero that he is.
To quote Campbell himself from The Hero with a Thousand Faces:
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”
And who better to bestow this mighty power and crown unto Tech then Camina motherfuckin’ Drummer.
If you haven’t seen The Expanse, know that Camina Drummer goes through the Hero’s Journey of Hero’s Journeys herself. She rose from an orphan working the docks on Ceres, to a foot soldier for Anderson Dawes, a director under Fred Johnson, the first commanding officer of the largest vessel in human history (The OPAS Behemoth, later Medina Station), and then, the first president of the Transport Union, arguably the most powerful person in the universe.
It isn't an easy journey: she's shot, beaten, breaks her spine, loses the love of her life, watches loved ones get murdered in front of her, and is abandoned by those who professed to love her.
But Camina Drummer never gives up. She fights to the end to make things right. Girlfriend is rewarded....and now she passes that onto Tech.
After all, Camina’s people, the Belters, adorn themselves through tattoos. They live their lives in space, in the vacuum, where jewelry can be lost, damaged or hurt the owner. So they tattoo.
Years ago, cheap suits were supplied by Inners for Belters under their governance. They demanded Belters to work and extract resources from the Kuiper Belt and other outer planets in order to make them rich. The helmet connections ot the suit would often burn the wearer's neck, as seen below on Anderson Dawes.
In many ways, it is also a symbol of the yoke of slavery, of a chain around one’s neck.
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Although younger Belters now wear better vacsuits, they still wear the tattoos to remind them of what their ancestors went through, seen on Naomi Nagata below.
A symbol of pain is now a symbol of what Belters are fighting for–freedom. Which they earn.
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So, by getting that tattoo, done by Camina Drummer, the hero and president of the Belt, is our Tech getting crowned.
It’s right after Camina makes him their Chief Systems Engineer as well as a commander. He bled and fought for his chosen people, and he is rewarded as such.
It's him saying I'm here, I'm one of you, and your leader is the one putting it on me.
Oh, and in true fairy tale hero’s journey mode, Tech also gets a beautiful Belter ‘princess’...Sjael Drummer, Camina’s cousin.
Once again, something that originally wasn’t in the cards last year, but I wanted a full Hero’s Journey and I was damned if Tech wasn’t going to get it!
Tagging those that have commented and enjoyed the story: @eyecandyeoz @perfectlywingedcrusade @megmca @skellymom @cdblake1565 @thecoffeelorian @supremechancellorrex @that-salmonberry-punk @autistic-artistech @deezlees @littlefeatherr @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @eelfuneral @yeehawgeek @isthereanechoinhere96 @sued134
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240913 Series 27 Episode 111
Evidence of Unexpected Population of Kuiper Belt Objects
A new study has detected an unexpected population of very distant bodies in the Kuiper Belt, an outer region of the solar system populated by ancient remnants of planetary building blocks lying beyond the orbit of Neptune.
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The Martian polar caps are not created equally
A new study has confirmed that the Martian polar ice caps are evolving very differently from each other.
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Artemis III service module on its way to NASA
The European Space Agency’s Artemis III service module destined for use on the historic mission that will return humans to the lunar surface in 2026 is about to commence its journey to the Kennedy Space Center.
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The Science Report
Bird flu now spreading on Antarctica’s South Georgia island and the Falkland Islands.
Finding New Zealand’s original native animals.
Australian HIV levels continue to drop.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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zaparasguru · 4 months
☆゚.*・。゚Space ☆゚.*・。゚
Space is so much more than our solar system, far more interesting than where we lay. Beyond the Kuiper belt lays many mysteries and beautiful stars, planets, nebulae, and so many more sights we cannot see with the bare eye.
Many people think of aliens as such a fantasy and unrealistic. If you think about it from an open perspective, it sounds maintain. In the Kepler belt lies a dwarf planet known as “Ceres” this dwarf planet used to be a roman sea planet. It being a roman sea planet leads many astrobiologists and astronomers to believe that the dwarf planet used to have fish before earth did.
Following up on the thought about alien creatures, Earth isn’t the only planet humans can survive on. There are many other planets known as “Super-Earths” which have very similar characteristics as Earth, but have small differences. Kapteyn B, for example, is a Super-Earth 12 light years away from earth. The temperatures are extremely similar to Earth, gravitys very similar, and it’s a great length away from the star as well as it’s tidally locked. Kapteyn B’s star, Kapteyn, is 3000 K, which is remotely colder than the Sun, yet Kapteyn B is close to Kapteyn. This leaves the temperature of Kapteyn B to be around 80-150 degrees, which is extremely hot for Earth; yet at livable conditions. Astrobiologists and astronomers believe that there is water on this planet. Making it suitable for life.
The downside of Kapteyn B is there is no natural satellite, which is what our moon is. No natural satellite means that there is nothing producing photovoltaic cells. What photovoltaic cells do is convert sunlight into electricity. It would be harder, but we could still produce electricity. With all these qualities, it’s not so different from earth. So whats stopping natural selection from affecting these other Earth-like planets?
゚。Stars ゚。
Stars are what make the night sky so pretty, but they have more purpose than to simply look pretty. The most influential star to Earth is our sun. Our suns most obvious job is to provide warmth and UV rays for earth, but it does so much more than we would think.
Stars create a substance called “Hydrostatic Equilibrium”, which is the balance between gravity. This keeps every planet in our solar system as one piece by pulling it together with its opposite reaction of the pressure trying to blow it apart. Which keeps it together in the end.
In the center of every star the core is the hottest part. When the star is hot enough it creates “Nuclear Fusion”, nuclear fusion that keeps our atmosphere breathable, keeping out long-lived radioactive waste and greenhouse gases.
☆゚.*・。゚Light Travel ☆゚.*・。゚
Albert Einstein had once done a study on how humans will never travel the speed of light. Light is the fastest moving thing in the entire universe that we have discovered. No manmade creation will ever replicate the speed of light or even come close to.
With our disadvantage of speed we will never be able to explore and uncover the mysteries of the entire universe. Our knowledge will always remain limited of the unknown. As of 2024 the farthest the human eye can see with a telescope is 14 billion light years. Which is extremely far, but our universe will always be so much further.
Us as humans will likely never leave our solar system. With our current space travel it would take us thousands of years to travel a single light year, the closest solar system to ours is approximately 4 light years.
☆゚.*・。゚Why going to Mars isn’t a great idea ☆゚.*
Mars is a huge change from Earth. Our water sources would only come from ice and water from under the surface, which would take a lot of time to get the one body of water to the entire planet. Which would be exhausting and the water wouldn’t last long of a planet of 8 billion people.
Mars is significantly smaller than Earth, which decreases the planets eightfold and making the gravity much lighter than Earth’s. This would make us have to change our entire scaling system across the entire world for our health benefit. Gravity isn’t the only problem, Earth struggles with overpopulation as it is. If everyone from Earth move to Mar’s it would be extremely crowded and overpopulated.
Resources would be scarce and we would have to rely on Earth. Mars doesn’t have any animals, meat would end up being a luxury because all the animals would be brought up from Earth. If we have to rely on Earth and continuously having to make trips back and forth it would end up being extremely expensive.
We would have to set our government up again. People would have to come to a mutual agreement on if we should keep or change our ways from what they were on earth. Either way, what we do would end up becoming a constant war for who owns what land and what land belongs to what country.
We would have to start over completely and start plantations and all sorts of farms. Starting farms on Mars though would be tricky because of all the toxic elements in the soil that would get into our food that we would end up digesting. Which could slowly lead to us being poisoned.
゚.*・。゚Fun facts about my favorite planet
An exoplanet called LHS 1140 B orbits around a G-type star and is bigger than earth, people do say that with the atmosphere of the planet, the planet could very much support the existence of water. One day in 2017 they found oxygen molecules surronding the planet. Which is a good sign because then you know well oxygen on the planet can be breathed in safely. The planet is 140+ light years away, making it absolutely impossible to ever colonize.
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quartz-eye · 5 months
Desertduo oneshot for Kuiper-BeltAU. Just some fluff. And a small tiny introduction to nothing and something.
Imagine a realm where vast shards of crystalline ice drift in a swirling cosmic ballet. These shards, gleaming with a spectral luminescence, are inhabited by beings of myth and wonder. Ethereal creatures, born of starlight and the primordial essence of creation, call the Kuiper Belt their home. They flit and soar through the void, their forms as transient as the constellations above.
The crystalized nothingness was their only home, nowhere else to go, because their home stretched for millions of miles, it was never ending, as if they owned it all, and nothing at the same time.
A gentle hand reached out to poke at the crystalline shard, the nail barely scratching over the top layer, making it slightly move away with a glass like sound. The disturbance made it shimmer in the light that seemed to come out from every angle of the Universe.
The small crystal was pulled back in, the gravity not letting it go nowhere far, at least for now, for now it was trapped, like all of them.
They weren't trapped tho, they were home, at least that is what Scar thought. He seemed to feel content with staying where he was, unlike the rest.
They seemed urgent to find a way, to discover ways of being a part of society that didn't know of them anyways. Had he not provided enough?
The more he thought about it, the more sour feeling overtook his mind. The silence that hung in the atmosphere only worsened his rage, biting down on his lip, in a swift movement pulling the floating space dust in his orbit, creating a new gas planet in his hands.
That is all that it was, is that where all of them wanted to go to? A rock with life on it? It was that simple, there was nothing to see, it was just dust and air.
A slight sparkle appeared in the small crystal, the new planet was quickly crashed together in his hands, dropping the remains, leaving new asteroids in the system, someone would deal with them.
As he suspected the glistering became stronger, and so did the cold ari started to fade away, a careful, yet calm hand placed itself on his shoulder.
''For everything you worry about, I am impressed by how are you still alive.'' Grian whispered in a slightly foolish tone, stepping next to Scar and sitting down at the glassy edge of the crystalized rock.
A moment of silence lingered in the air, it never got too old to view the passing sparkles of falling meteors, it made them feel like a kid on the Earth again. Watching the raindrops drip down on the car windows and making up the most absurd games in their own head, just to entertain their bored minds.
Grian was snapped back to reality, to present, hearing a low huff of disagreement, ''Nothing I am worried about. Just tell me what is not here, that is anywhere else.''
Both of them made eye contact, Grian always felt like he was staring into nothing when looking at the others eyes, it felt like any sign of life was missing from them. And who was he to know if it wasn't true, and who was he to judge when his own eyes were just as empty on the daily, burned out from the heat.
Grian tilted his head, thin sounds of jingles from every possible jewelry on the man made a heavenly sound, like the wind chimes in a summer's day after a cold war. A weak smile appeared on the Sun's face, feathers slightly shifting, ''Difference. They aren't seeking for anything but difference, Scar. Let them have it, they will be back in no time,'' he grabbed Scars hand, and with the help of his own, made a motion their way with it to get the broken pieces of the newly formed, and broken planet, back, ''it will take only so much time before they realize that a humans body can only handle so much time.''
He melted the planet back together, giving it a solid core with the heat, ''What you create and hold, is what everyone depends on, we need you more than you know, so don't expect us to ever leave.'' Grian gave Scar back the fixed planet.
Suddenly it felt dear to him, it hurt to think of breaking it. A simple dwarf planet with no one to go to, no moon to guide it, no stars to follow, no rings to travel with. It was a loner.
His loner with a core. With a swipe of his hand, in silence he named it CFBDSIR 2149-0403.
Before he could place it anywhere, a small ''Learn to let go. Just for a moment.'' singed in his ear.
Scar looked back at Grian, ''I don't think I can.'' He felt like cracking, had he really gotten attached to something he had no time put in?
''It will come back eventually, let it float away, it will find it's way back to you when it is ready to.'' Grian calmly opened Scars fingers and freed the small ball of it's future ahead of itself.
Both of them looked as it floated away amongst everything else, crystals casting a cold reflection on it, it looked blue, it was a cold rouge.
Somewhere out in the forever lasting nothingness, a soul felt a pull towards the rouge, both lonely things, yearning for a connection. A bright white humanoid figure formed out of a ball of white void.
A glowing dust hand reached out far, far away for something that was so close, yet forever away. The soul cried out to it.
Home is where a core lays, life is formed where it seeks it.
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flowerbarrel-art · 8 months
One of my sisters got me Cat’s Cosmic Atlas for my birthday. It’s tomorrow but we celebrate early if it’s not on the weekend.
(Game by RedDeer.Games)
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It’s a super cute and fun game so far. I haven’t played a space game in a long time. The last one was Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System (1994) and Pluto was still considered a planet back then!
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You can fly through the solar system in the game. I was trying to find the Kuiper Belt and found a black hole.
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If you go inside you’re taken back to the inner planets. If black holes weren’t inescapable and deadly that would be pretty handy in real life.
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You can give the planets a hug! (I’ll just pretend I gave Pluto a hug too.)
You can also visit constellations in the Northern and Southern skies.
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It’s on Steam too if anyone wants to check it out. My sister also got me Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia which is more of a nature hike game which I also love. It looks a bit like Alba’s Wildlife Adventure, which was a fun game too.
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Last September, while working at his desk in Philadelphia, Samuel R. Delany experienced a mysterious episode that he calls “the big drop.” His vision faded for about three minutes, and he felt his body plunge, as if the floor had fallen away. When he came to, everything looked different, though he couldn’t say exactly how. Delany, who is eighty-one, began to suspect that he’d suffered a mini-stroke. His daughter, Iva, an emergency-room physician, persuaded him to go to the hospital, but the MRI scans were inconclusive. The only evidence of a neurological event was a test result indicating that he had lost fifteen per cent of his capacity to form new memories—and a realization, in the following weeks, that he was unable to finish his novel in progress, “This Short Day of Frost and Sun.” After publishing more than forty books in half a century, the interruption was, he told me, both “a loss and a relief.”
For years, Delany has begun most days at four o’clock in the morning with a ritual. First, he spells out the name Dennis, for Dennis Rickett, his life partner. Next, he recites an atheist’s prayer, hailing faraway celestial bodies with a litany inspired by the seventeenth-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza: “Natura Naturans, system of systems, system of fields, Kuiper belt, scattered disk, Oort cloud, thank you for dropping me here.” Finally, he prepares oatmeal, which he faithfully photographs for the friends and fans who follow him on Facebook. Every so often, when the milk foams, he sees Laniakea—the galactic supercluster that’s home to Earth.
In the stellar neighborhood of American letters, there have been few minds as generous, transgressive, and polymathically brilliant as Samuel Delany’s. Many know him as the country’s first prominent Black author of science fiction, who transformed the field with richly textured, cerebral novels like “Babel-17” (1966) and “Dhalgren” (1975). Others know the revolutionary chronicler of gay life, whose autobiography, “The Motion of Light in Water” (1988), stands as an essential document of pre-Stonewall New York. Still others know the professor, the pornographer, or the prolific essayist whose purview extends from cyborg feminism to Biblical philology.
There are so many Delanys that it’s difficult to take the full measure of his influence. Reading him was formative for Junot Díaz and William Gibson; Octavia Butler was, briefly, his student in a writing workshop. Jeremy O. Harris included Delany as a character in his play “Black Exhibition,” while Neil Gaiman, who is adapting Delany’s classic space adventure “Nova” (1968) as a series for Amazon, credits him with building a critical foundation not only for science fiction but also for comics and other “paraliterary” genres.
Friends call him Chip, a nickname he gave himself at summer camp, in the eleventh year of a life that has defied convention and prejudice. He is a sci-fi child prodigy who never flamed out; a genre best-seller widely recognized as a great literary stylist; a dysgraphic college dropout who once headed the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; and an outspokenly promiscuous gay man who survived the aids crisis and has found love, three times, in committed, non-monogamous relationships. A story like Delany’s isn’t supposed to be possible in our society—and that, nearly as much as the gift of his writing, is his glory.
It took several months to persuade him to meet. Delany has polemicized against the face-to-face interview, reasoning that writers, who constitute themselves on the page, ought to be questioned there, too. He warned in an e-mail that a visit would be a waste of time, offering instead a tour of his “three-room hovel” via Zoom: “No secret pile will be left unexplored.” Yet a central theme in his work is “contact,” a word he uses to convey all the potential in chance encounters between human beings. “I propose that in a democratic city it is imperative that we speak to strangers, live next to them, and learn how to relate to them on many levels, from the political to the sexual,” he wrote in “Times Square Red, Times Square Blue” (1999), a landmark critique of gentrification which centered on his years of cruising in the adult theatres of midtown Manhattan.
His novels, too, turn on the serendipity of urban life, adopting the “marxian” credo that fiction is most vital when classes mix. Gorgik, a revolutionary leader in Delany’s four-volume “Return to Nevèrÿon” series, rises from slavery to the royal court in an ancient port city called Kolhari, where he learns that seemingly centralized “power—the great power that shattered lives and twisted the course of the nation—was like a fog over a meadow at evening. From any distance, it seemed to have a shape, a substance, a color, an edge. Yet, as you approached it, it seemed to recede before you.”
In January, Delany finally allowed me to visit him at the apartment complex that he now rarely leaves. A hulking beige structure near the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it looms like a fortress over the row houses of the Fairmount. I crossed a lobby the length of a ballroom and rode the elevator to the fourth floor. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed a small man behind a luggage trolley taking my picture. It was Delany, smiling in welcome with his lively brown eyes and strikingly misaligned front teeth.
[A Delightful portrait of my favorite Science Fiction writer]
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Solarballs Revenge AU, where Theia survived the collision with Earth, but she was accidentally flung out of the Solar System...
When she eventually found her way back, she hides in the Kuiper Belt and sees that everyone is happy without her there...
She also learns from the Dwarf Planets that Earth has gained life and a moon (the things that Theia always wanted, that Past Earth didn't want)...
Theia believed that Earth stole her hopes and dreams, when Earth created life to honor Theia...
Theia believes that everyone forgot about her (they haven't, but it hurts them to remember Theia)...
The heartbroken Theia runs away and eventually encounters vengeful Planet X...
Planet X manipulates Theia and a bunch of other Rouge Planets + Moons to join him in taking down Earth's Solar System, one planet at a time... 🌎🌙
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Saturday, August 5th, 2023
Welcome back,
One way of categorizing the planets of our solar system is to divide them between terrestrial and jovian. The terrestrial planets, Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury only have three moons between them (Mars has two, Phobos and Deimos, and the Earth has one).
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The Jovian planets, by contrast, are teeming with moons: At latest count, Jupiter has 67, Saturn has over 60, Uranus has 27, and Neptune has 14. As NASA's New Horizons probe approaches Pluto, it's counting five moons in orbit around the dwarf planet.
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Current astronomical theory suggests that a planet can acquire a moon by one of three possible ways:
It's believed that Earth got our moon through the first theory. Many scientists believe that a Mars-sized body known as Theia collided with Earth around 4.5 billion years ago.
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The second theory explains how Mars got its moons, since Mars sits close to the asteroid belt and it could have possibly grabbed Phobos and Deimos from there. Theory two may also explain Pluto's five tiny moons.
Pluto's smallest satellites, Nix and Hydra, are little icy bodies floating around the Kuiper belt which probably got too close and trapped by Pluto's gravity. The accretion disks in the third theory is probably how Jupiter and Saturn got so many moons of their own.
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Of the hundreds of moons orbiting planets in our solar system, some may have geological features so similar to Earth, many think they could be good candidates for life. Jupiter's moons Ganymede may have a salty ocean and Europa may have more water on it than Earth!
Originally published on www-seeker-com
(Wednesday, August 9th, 2023)
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aelloblu · 1 year
Sailor Aethra belongs to Sailor Uranus Eternal of FSA
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Krystelle Dashiell/ Sailor Aethra
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After Wiseman was defeated, Sailor Moon healed the Ayakashi Sisters, and one more found in the wreckage- Rubeus. Like Wicked Lady, they had been aged up when corrupted and they too Guardians from the Kuiper Belt! They refuse to return with Chibiusa to the 31st Century, because something draws them here.
At the same time there’s a new girl at school and Usagi’s next door neighbour! Krystelle has moved from America and has been plagued by a dark, laughing voice in her dreams. Someone telling her she’s the crystal senshi, Sailor Aethra? 
All around Tokyo people are arguing, fighting and giving in to their worst desires? Can Sailor Moon, Sailor Aethra, the Inners and the Kuipers bring peace to Tokyo?
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Civilian Form
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:Name & Meaning:
From the Greek word meaning  krystallos meaning ice but also symbolising clear or precious. Dashiell is an Americanized form of De Chiel, meaning ‘of heaven.’
:Age & Birthday:
She’s fourteen and born the day after Usagi on July the 1st.
She stands a little taller than Usagi at 4’9 feet, her luscious, sky blue hair is half pulled into messy buns on either side of her head whilst also letting the rest flow to her thighs. Her eyes are a mysterious midnight blue.
She was born in Ohio, USA but because her father, Luke, was a coach and recruiter for American college baseball she and her mother often travelled to Japan often. It became like a second home to her, until her father contracted by K.O University for their rising team and he made it permanent.
Krystelle is a strong minded girl, sassy and argumentative, always ready to stand her ground. She’s not the kind of girl to just go along because everyone else is doing it, she forms her own opinions which are sometimes very hard to change. 
This tenacious teen comes across as loud, confident and optimistic but in Japan it makes it hard for her to make friends, but luckily she met some other misfits who were also having trouble fitting in and Usagi makes everyone feel welcome. She loves to try new things but loses interest quickly if she thinks it's boring.
Excited by her new powers, she loves to rush into battle and never has time for plans or preparation. She’s not great at teamwork but she hates seeing them get hurt and will defend her new team and her new friends.
Her favourite thing about Japan was collecting more manga and was one of the many things she shared with her father. She has a huge collection and she and Usagi lounge around after school giggling and wasting time. 
She is a big participant in sports and she quickly made it onto Juban’s co-ed baseball team, the Juuban White Tigers.
Keeping Krystelle’s attention on one thing is hard, so studying and homework are torture. She especially hates science because there’s way too much careful procedure and maths. She rushes through everything leading to lots of smoke and burning.
Her big goal is to fill up her manga collection and drag her friends to the local manga store to hunt down rare editions of Amai Ai and Vampire Black Dark. 
She’s also a dedicated player on her school’s baseball team, the White Tigers. She excels where as Catcher, always getting a certain feeling which way the pitch will go. Unfortunately… That's usually Rubeus. 
Kristelle grew up having a normal American life, 50% of the time. During the school year she went to her local primary school, doing okay in academics but excelling in sport. Then over the summer she and her mother would fly to Japan where her father scouted the local teams for talent. 
The immersion in two cultures made for a strange girl, stranger still as she often had the lucky hunches. She always knew what kind of ball would pitch her way, or just where to aim to catch the outfielders of guard. She knew when rain would call the game off, or get in a huff over a game not yet lost. When asked, she’d always say ‘It appeared in her dreams!’
When her father announced they were moving to Japan, Kristelle was ecstatic! She couldn’t wait! But her dreams took a dark turn. She felt like she was being stalked by an ominous presence, one that not just meant her harm, but her family, friends and the whole world.  
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Her parents are obsessed with baseball. Her father Luke and mother Ruth attend her every game and cheer her on. Her father works for K.O University as a coach and recruiter for the local highschools. 
Her mother, Ruth settled into their new home next to the Tsukino family but often helps her husband with administration and planning. She’s also passionate about baseball and they always go to games to cheer the team on. 
 It means they tend to work late and Krystelle has a lot of time alone to cause mischief. 
Kristelle always made friends easily but she didn’t think it would be this easy. Not only did she end up living next door to her soul sister Usagi and hanging out with the Inner Senshi, but she also finds herself leading a new team transplanted from the 31th Century.
Her last gift before returning to the future, Chibiusa hypnotised a lonely, elderly woman to adopt them as her ‘orphaned great nieces from Yokohama’. 
Her best friend is Koan who shares her love of makeup but Kristelle can never match the violet haired girl’s love of fashion. She loves to dress them both up in the newest craze and loses interest just as fast. Unlike Kristelle, she hates getting dirty and smelly and the idea of sports for fun is aberrant.
Berthier is the smart one, big into computers and always looking up new gadgets. She’s so frustrated by 21th century and wants it to catch up quick. She experiments and spends time in the robotics lab and hiding her inventions. 
Calveras, like Kristelle, has a spiritual side but definitely not as strong. When she touches things she can feel their memories. She has gotten big into Japanese history and spirituality. She’s the most knowledgeable about their enemies who take the form of Onryō, or wrathful Japanese spirits. She’s easily distracted and spends much of her time alone in the library.
Although they are friends and teammates, Petz and Kristelle rarely agree. While Kristelle is fun loving and loud, Petz is serious and studious… and bossy. She was previously the leader of the Ayakashi sisters and finds herself a little lost, argumentative and prone to pouting. More than anything, she wants to cultivate a serene and peaceful heart… which is hard when Kristelle keeps yelling in her ear.  
:Love Interests:
Rubeus, although his heart has been purified, he’s determined no one is ever going to tell him what to do ever again. It makes him unreliable in a fight as he comes and goes as he pleases, appearing impish and laid back. He has a prankster air about him and teases Kristelle nonstop. 
He’s infuriating, but intoxicating. 
While she is bright and passionate, he is dark and aloof. She tries to get him engaged in their fight against evil, he says he has fought evil, he lost, and it corrupted him to the core of his being. He only got out of it alive because of the compassion of his enemy. He doesn’t want to risk it twice. 
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Guardian Form
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Sailor Aethra
:Guardian Starseed:
The planet Aethra is almost as big as Jupiter and lies just beyond the bounds of the Sol System, within the empty distances of the Kuiper Belt. Like Sailor Moon, her she’s able to externalise her starseed into the Heavenly Blue Diamond
:Realm of Influence:
The citizens of Aethra were known for their enhanced extra sensory perception but its Sailor Guardian was gifted with prophecy. Physically, her powers manifest as sapphire coloured crystals.
:Past Life:
During the Silver Millenium, Queen Serenity was seeking to expand her alliances. Far beyond the Sol System was the Kuiper Belt, a fragmented, scattered jumble of planets and asteroids. Like a pirate queen, their unspoken ruler was Queen Diamánti. 
In order to strengthen their loose alliance, Queen Serenity invited Princess Clarity to Princess Serenity’s Masquerade Ball and personally invited her to stay in the palace. The two became instant friends and the other princesses made her feel welcome as well but something haunted her. Every night she was tormented by dreams of impending doom. She knew that Princess Serenity planned to sneak away from the Masquerade Ball, and Princess Clarity knew it would end in tragedy.
History couldn’t be changed, and her warnings were unheeded. She fought to protect her new friend, but nothing could stop the Dark Kingdom. The Silence Glaive fell, but the souls of those who died would live again. 
A trickster named Logi has awoken on Earth. He has slept for a thousand years, frozen in the tundra by ancient priests but has awoken in modern day. He is evil, nasty and loves to create mistrust and chaos. He has three minions; Jormun, Hel and Fen. Together they sneak around Tokyo, whispering in people's ears and bringing their Inner Demons to life and stealing their chaotic energy.
What’s more, Logi has his eyes set on a certain new set of Guardians because the more they argue, the more powerful he becomes.
:Guardian Animals:
With Princess Clarity went two Mauese advisors-in-training, the twin children of Queen Diamánti’s Majordomo, Amethyst. Both are young and curious, and still learning.
Pearl, a white cat with a pinkish sheen, is shy and quiet. She’s always suggesting a rational, sensible decision. Opal, a white cat with a pale blue sheen. He’s excitable and impulsive, driving Krystelle to take risks.
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:Allies/Team Mates:
Sailor Ixion aka Koan
Sailor Ixion is the Guardian of lost planet Ixion and has the power of dark flames and smoke. Her colours are dark, smokey violet and cherry pink.
Sailor Arrakoth aka Berthier
Sailor Arrakoth is Guardian of the lost planet Arrakoth, with the powers clouds and mist. Her colours are powder blue and lilac. 
Sailor Lempo aka Calveras
Sailor Lempo is the Guardian of the lost planet Lempo, with powers over ghosts and spirits. Her colours are tarnished gold and maroon red. 
Sailor Typhon aka Petz
Sailor Typhon is the Guardian of the lost planet Typhon with the powers of electricity and magnetism. Her colours are forest green and electric blue.
Red Rogue aka Rubeus
Defender of the starseed of Niku, he goes by the name the Red Rogue and tends to show up at the last minute. He is the Guardian of Luck and Rebellion. His colours are red Tuxedo with black secondary colour and throws exploding dice.
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:Transformation Token:
When attacked for the first time Pearl summoned the Aethra Charm Bracelet. With sapphires and bluish pearls, it is latched by a white dahlia charm. 
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:Henshin Phrase:
Aethra Crystal Heart Makeup!
:Henshin Sequence:
Kristelle thrusts her arm into the sky, shouts ‘Aethra Crystal Heart Makeup and her bracelet begins to shine. A jewel like skin spreads across her skin, shattering into her gloves and throwing up glittering flecks white, silver and sapphire blue. Everywhere a fleck touches more of the crystalline layer grows and breaks apart revealing her bows and bodice as she stretches like a ballet dancer. Her faceted legs touch gently down, cracking apart into her boots. Finally she sweeps her hands through her hair, pushing back her fringe where the symbol of Aethra flares forms a diamond shaped sapphire and silver tiara. She poses and Sailor Aethra is ready to fight.  
:Guardian Challenge:
Shining like a beacon and unbreakable as diamond. In the name of Aethra, I’ll dazzle you!
:Guardian Fuku:
Not a part of the Sol System, her own fuku is slightly different. She wears a split white bodice, revealing the underlayer beneath of dark navy blue, the same as her collar and skirt, bridged by silver chains and jewelled buttons. Her bows are two layered, white with powder blue and studded with a diamond shaped brooch with a sapphire in the middle. Her belt and glove rims are in a silvery fishbone pattern. Her boots are knee high, with a silver buckle, also with the split white and navy motif bridged by silver chains and sapphire studded buttons. 
Aethra’s most powerful weapon is the Heavenly Blue Diamond, the starseed of her planet which blooms like a dahlia flower, with blue and white petals.  
Aethra Gem Cutter!
Sailor Aethra’s holds both hands in front of her where a spiky, faceted sapphire blue crystal grows. She winds up and pitches it like a baseball, sending it flying which breaks apart into thousands cutting slivers to rain down on the enemy. 
Aethra Adamantine Shield
Aethra sweets her hand in front of her forming a diamond hard shield to protect her friends. 
Aethra Sapphire Spear
Aethra twirls her hands above head, drawing out a long navy blue staff with a sapphire blue arrow head.  She draws her 
Aethra Healing Shine
Aethra uses the Heavenly Blue Diamond to help heal her friends with its soft, healing glow. 
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suns-water · 3 months
Asteroids, especially carbonaceous chondrites, provide crucial insights into the Earth's water history and the dynamics of planet formation. These meteorites are rich in hydrous minerals, such as clays and hydrated silicates, as well as complex organic molecules. Formed in the outer regions of the Solar System, where water ice and organic compounds remained stable, these asteroids migrated inward and encountered the early Earth, playing an important role in its evolution. The rocky bodies orbiting the Sun, mainly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, contain significant amounts of hydrated minerals, indicating the presence of water. Carbonaceous chondrites are particularly important because their isotopic composition is very close to that of water on Earth. Interstellar dust particles, tiny grains of material found in the space between stars, can contain water ice and organic compounds that can be incorporated into the forming Solar System. During the evolution of the Solar System, these particles contributed to the water inventory of planetesimals and planets.
Comets, which have long fascinated astronomers with their spectacular phenomena, also play a crucial role in supplying the Earth with water. Comets are composed of water ice, dust and various organic compounds and originate from the outer regions of the Solar System, such as the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. These pristine materials, remnants of the early solar nebula, offer a glimpse into the conditions that prevailed during the formation of the Solar System over 4.6 billion years ago. Comets, with their highly elliptical orbits, occasionally come close to the Sun, sublimating volatile ice and releasing gas and dust into space. Isotopic compositions of water in comets, such as comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko studied by the Rosetta mission, are slightly different from Earth's oceans, suggesting that comets are not the only source of terrestrial water, but probably made a significant contribution to early Earth formation. Impacts from comets on during the Late Heavy Bombardment period about 3.9 billion years ago are thought to have deposited significant amounts of water and volatile compounds that supplemented Earth's early oceans and created a favorable environment for the emergence of life. The founder of Greening Deserts and the Solar System Internet project has developed a simple theory about Earth's main source of water, called the "Sun's Water Theory", which has explored that much of space water was generated by our star. According to this theory, most of the planet's water, or cosmic water, came directly from the Sun with the solar winds and was formed by hydrogen and other particles. Through a combination of analytical skills, a deep understanding of complex systems and simplicity, the founder has developed a comprehensive understanding of planetary processes and the Solar System. In the following text you will understand why so much space water was produced by the Sun and sunlight.
Helium and Oxygen From the Sun
While hydrogen is the main component of the solar wind, helium ions and traces of heavier elements are also present. The presence of oxygen ions in the solar wind is significant because it provides another potential source of the constituents necessary for water formation. When oxygen ions from the solar wind interact with hydrogen ions from the solar wind or from local sources, they can form water molecules.
The detection of oxygen from the solar wind together with hydrogen on the Moon supports the hypothesis that the Sun contributes to the water content of the lunar surface. The interactions between these implanted ions and the lunar minerals can lead to the formation of water and hydroxyl compounds, which are then detected by remote sensing instruments.
Magnetosphere and Atmospheric Interactions
The Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere are a complex system and are significantly influenced by solar emissions. The magnetosphere deflects most of the solar wind particles, but during geomagnetic storms caused by solar flares and CMEs, the interaction between the solar wind and magnetosphere can become more intense. This interaction can lead to phenomena such as auroras and increase the influx of solar particles into the upper atmosphere. In the upper atmosphere, these particles can collide with atmospheric constituents such as oxygen and nitrogen, leading to the formation of water and other compounds. This process contributes to the overall water cycle and atmospheric chemistry of the planet. Interstellar dust particles also provide valuable insights into the origin and distribution of water in the Solar System. In the early stages of the formation of the Solar System, the protoplanetary disk picked up interstellar dust particles containing water ice, silicates and organic molecules. These particles served as building blocks for planetesimals and larger bodies, influencing their composition and the volatile inventory available to terrestrial planets like Earth.
NASA's Stardust mission, which collected samples from comet Wild 2 and interstellar dust particles, has demonstrated the presence of crystalline silicates and hydrous minerals. The analysis of these samples provides important data on the isotopic composition and chemical diversity of water sources in the Solar System.
Solar Wind and Solar Hydrogen
The theory of solar water states that a significant proportion of the water on Earth originates from the Sun and came in the form of hydrogen particles through the solar wind. The solar wind, a stream of charged particles consisting mainly of hydrogen ions (protons), constantly flows from the Sun and strikes planetary bodies. When these hydrogen ions hit a planetary surface, they can combine with oxygen and form water molecules. This process has been observed on the Moon, where the hydrogen ions implanted by the solar wind react with the oxygen in the lunar rocks to form water. Similar interactions have taken place on the early Earth and contributed to its water supply. Studying the interactions of the solar wind with planetary bodies using missions such as NASA's Parker Solar Probe and ESA's Solar Orbiter provides valuable data on the potential for water formation from the Sun.
Theoretical Models and Simulations
Advanced theoretical models and simulations can play a crucial role to understand the processes that contribute to the formation and distribution of water in the Solar System. Models of planet formation and migration, such as the Grand Tack hypothesis, suggest that the motion of giant planets influenced the distribution of water-rich bodies in the early Solar System. These models help explain how water may have traveled from the outer regions of the Solar System to the inner planets, including Earth. Simulations of the interactions between solar wind and planetary surfaces shed light on the mechanisms by which solar hydrogen could contribute to water formation. By recreating the conditions of the early system, these simulations help scientists estimate the contribution of solar-derived hydrogen to Earth's water supply.
The journey of water from distant cosmic reservoirs to planets has also profoundly influenced the history of our planet and its potential for life. Comets, asteroids and interstellar dust particles each offer unique insights into the dynamics of the early Solar System, providing water and volatile elements that have shaped Earth's geology and atmosphere. Ongoing research, advanced space missions, and theoretical advances are helping to improve our understanding of the cosmic origins of water and its broader implications for planetary science and astrobiology. Future studies and missions will further explore water-rich environments in our Solar System and the search for habitable exoplanets, and shed light on the importance of water in the search for the potential of life beyond Earth.
Theoretical models and simulations provide insights into the processes that have shaped Earth's water reservoirs and the distribution of volatiles. The Grand Tack Hypothesis states that the migration of giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn has influenced the orbital dynamics of smaller bodies, including comets and asteroids. This migration may have directed water-rich objects from the outer Solar System to the inner regions, contributing to the volatile content of the terrestrial planets. Intense comet and asteroid impacts about billions of years ago, likely brought significant amounts of water and organic compounds to Earth, shaping its early atmosphere, oceans, and possibly the prebiotic chemistry necessary for the emergence of life.
To understand the origins of water on Earth, the primary sources that supplied our planet with water must be understood. The main hypotheses focus on comets, asteroids and interstellar dust particles. Each of these sources is already the subject of extensive research, providing valuable insights into the complex processes that brought water to planets. Comets originating in the outer regions of the Solar System, such as the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, are composed of water ice, dust and organic compounds. As comets approach the sun, they heat up and release water vapor and other gases, forming a visible coma and tail. Comets have long been seen as potential sources of Earth's water due to their high water content.
The Sun's Contribution to the Earth's Water
Further exploration and research are essential to confirm and refine the theory of solar water or sun's water. Future missions to analyze the interactions of the solar wind with planetary bodies and advanced laboratory experiments will provide deeper insights into this process. Integrating the data from these endeavors with theoretical models will improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of water in the Solar System. Recent research in heliophysics and planetary science has begun to shed light on the possible role of the Sun in supplying water to planetary bodies. For example, studies of lunar samples have shown the presence of hydrogen transported by the solar wind. Similar processes have occurred on the early Earth, particularly during periods of increased solar activity when the intensity and abundance of solar wind particles was greater. This hypothesis is consistent with observations of other celestial bodies, such as the Moon and certain asteroids, which show signs of hydrogen transported by the solar wind. Solar wind, which consist of charged particles, mainly hydrogen ions, constantly emanate from the Sun and move through the Solar System. When these particles encounter a planetary body, they can interact with its atmosphere and surface. On the early Earth, these interactions may have favored the formation of very much water molecules. Hydrogen ions from the solar wind have reacted with oxygen-containing minerals and compounds upon reaching the surface, leading to a gradual accumulation of water. Although slow, this process occurred over billions of years, contributing to the planet's water supply. Theoretical models simulate the early environment of the Solar System, including the flow of solar wind particles and their possible interactions with the planet. By incorporating data from space missions and laboratory experiments, these models can help scientists estimate the contribution of solar-derived hydrogen to Earth's water inventory. Isotopic analysis of hydrogen in ancient rocks and minerals on Earth provides additional clues. If a significant proportion of the planetary hydrogen has isotopic signatures consistent with solar hydrogen, this would support the idea that the Sun played a crucial role in providing water directly by solar winds.
The Sun's Water Theory assumes that a significant proportion of the water on Earth and other objects in space originates from the Sun and was transported in the form of hydrogen particles. This hypothesis states that the solar hydrogen combined with the oxygen present on the early Earth to form water. By studying the isotopic composition of planetary hydrogen and comparing it with solar hydrogen, scientists can investigate the validity of this theory. Understanding the mechanisms by which the Sun have contributed directly to Earth's water supply requires a deep dive into the processes within the Solar System and the interactions between solar particles and planetary bodies. This theory also has implications for our understanding of water distribution in the Solar System and beyond. If solar-derived hydrogen is a common mechanism for water formation, other planets and moons in the habitable zones of their respective stars could also have water formed by similar processes. This expands the possibilities for astrobiological research and suggests that water, and possibly life, may be more widespread in our galaxy than previously thought.
To investigate the theory further, scientists should use a combination of observational techniques, laboratory simulations and theoretical modeling. Space missions to study the Sun and its interactions with the Solar System, such as NASA's Parker Solar Probe and the European Space Agency's Solar Orbiter, provide valuable data on the properties of the solar wind and their effects on planetary environments. Laboratory experiments recreate the conditions under which the solar wind interacts with various minerals and compounds found on Earth and other rocky bodies. These experiments aim to understand the chemical reactions that could lead to the formation of water under the influence of the solar wind.
The Sun's Water Theory for Space and Planetary Research
Understanding the origin of water on Earth not only sheds light on the history of our planet, but also provides information for the search for habitable environments elsewhere in the galaxy. The presence of water is a key factor in determining the habitability of a planet or moon. If solar wind-driven water formation is a common process, this could greatly expand the number of celestial bodies that are potential candidates for the colonization of life. The study of the cosmic origins of water also overlaps with research into the formation of organic compounds and the conditions necessary for life. Water in combination with carbon-based molecules creates a favorable environment for the development of prebiotic chemistry. Studying the sources and mechanisms of water helps scientists understand the early conditions that could lead to the emergence of life. Exploring water-rich environments in our Solar System, such as the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, is a priority for future space missions. These missions, equipped with advanced instruments capable of detecting water and organic molecules, aim to unravel the mysteries of these distant worlds. Understanding how the water got to these moons and what state it is in today will provide crucial insights into their potential habitability.
The quest to understand the role of water in our galaxy also extends to the study of exoplanets. Observing exoplanets and their atmospheres with telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allows scientists to detect signs of water vapor and other volatiles. By comparing the water content and isotopic composition of exoplanets with those of Solar System bodies, researchers can draw conclusions about the processes that determine the distribution of water in different planetary systems.
Most of the water on planet Earth was most likely emitted from the Sun as hydrogen and helium. For many, it may be unimaginable how so much hydrogen got from the Sun to the Earth. In the millions of years there have certainly been much larger solar flares and storms than humans have ever recorded. CMEs and solar winds can transport solid matter and many particles. The solar water theory can certainly be proven by ice samples! Laboratory experiments and computer simulations continue to play an important role in this research. By recreating the conditions of early Solar System environments, scientists can test various hypotheses about the formation and transport of water. These experiments help to refine our understanding of the chemical pathways that lead to the incorporation of water into planetary bodies.
In summary, the study of the origin of water on Earth and other celestial bodies is a multidisciplinary endeavor involving space missions, laboratory research, theoretical modeling, and exoplanet observations. The integration of these approaches provides a comprehensive understanding of the cosmic journey of water and its implications for planetary science and astrobiology. Continued exploration and technological advances will further unravel the mysteries of water in the universe and advance the search for life beyond our planet.
Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
Solar flares are intense bursts of radiation and energetic particles caused by magnetic activity on the Sun. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are violent bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields that rise above the Sun's corona or are released into space. Both solar flares and CMEs release significant amounts of energetic particles, including hydrogen ions, into the Solar System.The heat, high pressure and extreme radiation can create water molecules of space dust or certain particles.
When these high-energy particles reach our planet or other planetary bodies, they can trigger chemical reactions in the atmosphere and on the surface. The energy provided by these particles can break molecular bonds and trigger the formation of new compounds, including water. On Earth, for example, the interaction of high-energy solar particles with atmospheric gases can produce nitric acid and other compounds, which then precipitate as rain and enter the water cycle. On moons, comets and asteroids the impact of high-speed solar particles can form water isotopes and molecules. Some particles of the solar eruptions can be hydrogen anions, nitrogen and forms of space water. This can be proven by examples or solar particle detectors.
More Theoretical Models and Simulations
It should be clear to everyone that many space particles in space can be - and have been - guided to the poles of planets by magnetic fields. Much space water and hydrogen in or on planets and moons has thus reached the polar regions. Magnetic, polar and planetary research should be able to confirm these connections. Many of the trains of thought, ideas and logical connections to the origin of the water in our Solar System were explored and summarized by the researcher, physicist and theorist who wrote this article. Simulations of solar-induced water formation can also be used to investigate different scenarios, such as the effects of planetary magnetic fields, surface composition and atmospheric density on the efficiency of water production. These models provide valuable predictions for future observations and experiments and help to refine our understanding of space water formation.
The development of sophisticated theoretical models and simulations is essential for predicting and explaining the processes by which solar hydrogen contributes to water formation. Models of the interactions between solar wind and planetary surfaces, incorporating data from laboratory experiments and space missions, help scientists understand the dynamics of these interactions under different conditions.
The advanced theory shows that the Sun is a major source of space water in the Solar System through solar hydrogen emissions and provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the origin and distribution of water. This theory encompasses several processes, including solar wind implantation, solar flares, CMEs, photochemistry driven by UV radiation, and the contributions of comets and asteroids. By studying these processes through space missions, laboratory experiments and theoretical modeling, scientists can unravel the complex interactions that have shaped the water content of planets and moons. This understanding not only expands our knowledge of planetary science, but also aids the search for habitable environments and possible life beyond Earth. The Sun's role in water formation is evidence of the interconnectedness of stellar and planetary processes and illustrates the dynamic and evolving nature of our Solar System
The sun's influence on planetary water cycles goes beyond direct hydrogen implantation. Solar radiation drives weathering processes on planetary surfaces and releases oxygen from minerals, which can then react with solar hydrogen to form water. On Earth, the interaction of solar radiation with the atmosphere contributes to the water cycle by influencing evaporation, condensation and precipitation processes. The initiator of this theory has spent many years researching and studying the nature of things. In early summer, he made a major discovery and documented the formation and shaping process of an element and substance similar to hydrogen, which he calls solar granules. A scientific name for the substance was also found: "Solinume". The Sun's Water Theory was developed by the founder of Greening Deserts, an independent researcher and scientist from Germany. The innovative concepts and specific ideas are protected by international laws.
The introducing article text is a scientific publication and a very important paper for further studies on astrophysics and space exploration. We free researchers believe that many answers can be found in the polar regions. This is also a call to other sciences to explore the role of cosmic water and to rethink all knowledge about planetary water bodies and space water, especially Arctic research and ancient ice studies. This includes evidence and proof of particle flows with hydrogen or space water to the poles. Gravity and the Earth's magnetic field concentrate space particles in the polar zones. The theory can solve and prove other important open questions and mysteries of science - such as why there is more ice and water in the Antarctic than in the Arctic.
Very Important Article Updates
The pre-publication of some article drafts formed the basis for the final preparation of the study papers and subsequent publication in July. The translations were done with the help of DeepL and some good people. Everyone who really contributed will of course be mentioned in the future.
Updates and corrections can be done here and for further editions. You can find the most important sources and references at the end, they are not directly linked in this research study, this can be done in the second edition.
Sun's Water Theory – Chapter 2
Solar System Science and Space Water
Another approaches and summaries of the most important findings for the ongoing study you can read here and in attached papers for the theory.
Can solar winds be the main source for water formation in space, on comets, asteroids, moons and planets?
Carbonaceous chondrites are especially important because their isotopic composition closely matches that of Earth's water. Interstellar dust particles, tiny grains of material found in the space between stars, can contain water ice and organic compounds, which can be incorporated into the forming Solar System. As the Solar System evolved, these particles contributed to the water inventory of planetesimals.
Comets, long fascinating to astronomers for their spectacular appearances, also played a crucial role in delivering water to Earth. Composed of water ice, dust, and various organic compounds, comets originate from the outer regions of the Solar System, such as the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. These pristine materials, remnants from the early solar nebula, offer a window into the conditions prevailing during the Solar System's formation over 4.6 billion years ago. The impacts of comets on Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment period, around 3.9 billion years ago, are believed to have deposited significant amounts of water and volatile compounds, supplementing the early oceans and creating a conducive environment for the emergence of life.
Interstellar and interplanetary dust particles offer valuable insights into the origins and distribution of water across the Solar System. During the early stages of the Solar System's formation, the protoplanetary disk captured interstellar dust particles containing water ice, silicates, and organic molecules. These particles served as building blocks for planetesimals and larger bodies, influencing their compositions and the volatile inventory available for terrestrial planets.
Earth's Water Budget and Origins
Understanding the current distribution and budget of water on Earth helps contextualize its origins. The water is distributed among oceans, glaciers, groundwater, lakes, rivers, and the atmosphere. The majority of the water, about 97%, is in the oceans, with only 3% as freshwater, mainly locked in glaciers and ice caps. The balance of water between these reservoirs is maintained through the hydrological cycle, which includes processes such as evaporation, precipitation, and runoff. This cycle is influenced by various factors, including solar radiation, atmospheric dynamics, and geological processes.
Water formation in the Solar System occurs through several processes:
Comet and Asteroid Impacts: Impact events from water-rich comets and asteroids deliver water to planetary surfaces. The kinetic energy from these impacts can also induce chemical reactions, forming additional water molecules.
Grain Surface Reactions: Water can form on the surfaces of interstellar dust grains through the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. These grains act as catalysts, facilitating the formation of water molecules in cold molecular clouds.
Solar Wind Interactions: Hydrogen ions from the solar wind can interact with oxygen in planetary bodies, forming water molecules. This process is significant for bodies like the Moon and potentially early Earth.
Volcanism and Outgassing: Volcanic activity on planetary bodies releases water vapor and other volatiles from the interior to the surface and atmosphere. This outgassing contributes to the overall water inventory. High pressure and heat can push chemical reactions.
Future Research and Exploration
To further investigate the origins and distribution of water in the Solar System, future missions and research endeavors are essential. Key areas of focus include:
Isotopic Analysis: Advanced techniques for isotopic analysis of hydrogen and oxygen in terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples. Isotopic signatures help differentiate between water sources and understand the contributions from different processes.
Laboratory Experiments: Simulating space conditions in laboratory settings to study water formation processes, such as solar wind interactions and grain surface reactions. These experiments provide controlled environments to test theoretical models and refine our understanding of water chemistry in space.
Lunar and Martian Exploration: Missions to the Moon and Mars to study their water reservoirs, including polar ice deposits and subsurface water. These studies provide insights into the processes that have preserved water on these bodies and their potential as resources for future exploration.
Sample Return Missions: Missions that return samples from comets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies to Earth for detailed analysis. These samples provide direct evidence of the isotopic composition and water content, helping to trace the history of water in the Solar System.
Theoretical Models and Simulations: Continued development of theoretical models and simulations to study the dynamics of the early Solar System, planet formation, and water delivery processes. These models integrate observational data and experimental results to provide comprehensive insights.
Heliophysics Missions:
Solar Observatories: Missions like the Parker Solar Probe and ESA's Solar Orbiter are studying the solar wind and its interactions with planetary bodies. These missions provide critical data on the composition of the solar wind and the mechanisms through which it can deliver water to planets.
Space Weather Studies: Understanding the impact of solar activity on Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere helps elucidate how solar wind particles contribute to atmospheric chemistry and the water cycle. There are great websites and people who providing daily news on these topics.
Implications for Astrobiology
The study of water origins and distribution has profound implications for astrobiology, the search for life beyond Earth. Water is a key ingredient for life as we know it, and understanding its availability and distribution in the Solar System guides the search for habitable environments. Potentially habitable exoplanets are identified based on their water content and the presence of liquid water. The study of water on Earth and other celestial bodies informs the criteria for habitability and the likelihood of finding life elsewhere.
The Sun's Water Theory offers a compelling perspective on the origins of planetary water, suggesting that the Sun, through solar wind and hydrogen particles, played a significant role in delivering water to our planet. This theory complements existing hypotheses involving comets, asteroids, and interstellar dust, providing a more comprehensive understanding of water's cosmic journey. Ongoing research, space missions, and technological advancements continue to unravel the complex processes that brought water to Earth and other planetary bodies. Understanding these processes not only enriches our knowledge of planetary science but also enhances our quest to find habitable environments and life in space.
Hydrogen Transport and Water Formation
Hydrogen ions from solar winds and CMEs play a crucial role in the formation of water molecules in Earth’s atmosphere. This process can be summarized in several key steps:
Chemical Reactions: Once in the atmosphere, hydrogen ions engage in chemical reactions with oxygen and other atmospheric constituents. A significant reaction pathway involves the combination of hydrogen ions with molecular oxygen to form hydroxyl radicals:
Further reactions can lead to the formation of water:
Hydrogen Anions in Atmospheres: The hydrogen anion is a negative hydrogen ion, H−. It can be found in the atmosphere of stars like our sun.
Hydrogen Influx: Hydrogen ions carried by solar winds and CMEs enter Earth’s atmosphere primarily through the polar regions where the geomagnetic field lines are more open. This influx is heightened during periods of intense solar activity.
Water Molecule Formation: The newly formed water molecules can either remain in the upper atmosphere or precipitate downwards, contributing to the overall water cycle. In polar regions, this process is particularly significant due to the higher density of incoming hydrogen ions – negative + positive.
Hydrogen is the primary component of the solar wind, helium ions, oxygen and traces of heavier elements are also present. The presence of oxygen ions in the solar wind is significant because it provides another potential source of the necessary ingredients for water formation. When oxygen ions from the solar wind interact with hydrogen ions, either from the solar wind or from local sources, they can form water molecules.
Hydration of Earth's Mantle
Much of the solar hydrogen and many solar storms contributed to the water building on planet Earth but also on other planets like we know now. One of the significant challenges in understanding the water history is quantifying the amount of water stored in the planet's mantle. Studies of mantle-derived rocks, such as basalt and peridotite, have revealed the presence of hydroxyl ions and water molecules within mineral structures. The process of subduction, where oceanic plates sink into the mantle, plays a critical role in cycling water between Earth's surface and its interior.
Water carried into the mantle by subducting slabs is released into the overlying mantle wedge, causing partial melting and the generation of magmas. These magmas can transport water back to the surface through volcanic eruptions, contributing to the surface and atmospheric water budget. The deep Earth water cycle is a dynamic system that has influenced the evolution of the geology and habitability over billions of years.
Impact on Earth's Polar Regions
During geomagnetic storms and periods of high solar activity, the polar regions experience increased auroral activity, visible as the Northern and Southern Lights (aurora borealis and aurora australis). These auroras are the result of charged particles colliding with atmospheric gases, primarily oxygen and nitrogen, which emit light when excited.
The Earth's polar regions are particularly sensitive to the influx of solar particles due to the configuration of the magnetic field. The geomagnetic poles are areas where the magnetic field lines converge and dip vertically into the Earth, providing a pathway for charged particles from the solar wind, CMEs, and SEPs to enter the atmosphere.
The increased particle flux in these regions can lead to enhanced chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere, including the formation of water and hydroxyl radicals. These processes contributed to the overall water budget of the polar atmosphere and influence local climatic and weather patterns.
Implications for Planetary Water Distribution
For planets and moons with magnetic fields and atmospheres, the interaction with solar particles could influence their water inventories and habitability. Studying these processes in our Solar System provides a foundation for exploring water distribution and potential habitability in exoplanetary systems.
Understanding the role of CMEs, solar winds, and solar eruptions in water formation has broader implications for planetary science and the study of exoplanets. If these processes are effective in delivering and generating water on Earth, they may also play a significant role in other planetary systems with similar stellar activity.
Interplanetary Dust and Its Contribution to Water
Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), also known as cosmic dust, are small particles in space that result from collisions between asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies. These particles can contain water ice and organic compounds, and they continually bombard Earth and other planets. The accumulation of IDPs over geological timescales could have contributed to Earth's water inventory.
As IDPs enter Earth's atmosphere, they undergo thermal ablation, a process in which the particles are heated to high temperatures, causing them to release their volatile contents, including water vapor. This water vapor can then contribute to the atmospheric and hydrological cycles on Earth. This process, albeit slow, represents another potential source of water.
Magnetospheric and Atmospheric Interactions
Geomagnetic storms, triggered by interactions between CMEs and Earth’s magnetosphere, result in enhanced auroral activity and increased particle precipitation in polar regions. These storms are critical in modulating the upper atmosphere's chemistry and dynamics.
Auroral Precipitation: During geomagnetic storms, energetic particles are funneled into the polar atmosphere along magnetic field lines. The resulting auroras are not just visually spectacular but also chemically significant, leading to increased production of reactive species such as hydroxyl radicals (OH) and hydrogen oxides (HOx).
Ionization and Chemical Reactions: The increased ionization caused by energetic particles alters the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere. Hydrogen ions, in particular, interact with molecular oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) to produce water and hydroxyl radicals. This process is especially active in the polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
The Earth’s magnetosphere and atmosphere serve as a complex system that mediates the impact of solar emissions. The magnetosphere deflects most of the solar wind particles, but during geomagnetic storms caused by solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere can become more intense. This interaction can lead to phenomena such as auroras and can enhance the influx of solar particles into the upper atmosphere. In the atmosphere, these particles can collide with atmospheric constituents, including oxygen and nitrogen, leading to the formation of water and other compounds. This process contributes to the overall water cycle and atmospheric chemistry of the planet.
Moon and Solar Wind Interactions
On the Moon, the detection of solar wind-implanted oxygen, along with hydrogen, further supports the hypothesis that the Sun contributed and still contributes to the Moon’s surface water content. The interactions between these implanted ions and lunar minerals can lead to the production of water and hydroxyl compounds, which are then detected by remote sensing instruments. Similar interactions could have occurred on early Earth, contributing to its water inventory. The study of solar wind interactions with planetary bodies using space missions, orbiter, probes and satellites can provide more valuable data on the potential for solar-derived water formation.
Solar Wind and Solar Hydrogen
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are massive bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields rising above the solar corona or being released into space. They are often associated with solar flares and can release billions of tons of plasma, including protons, electrons, and heavy ions, into space. When CMEs are directed towards Earth, they interact with the planet's magnetosphere, compressing it on the dayside and extending it on the nightside, creating geomagnetic storms.
These geomagnetic storms enhance the influx of solar particles into Earth's atmosphere, particularly near the polar regions where Earth's magnetic field lines converge and provide a direct path for these particles to enter the space atmosphere. The hydrogen ions carried by CMEs can interact with atmospheric oxygen, potentially contributing to the formation of water and hydroxyl radicals (OH).
Summary: Water is essential for life as we know it, and its presence is a key indicator in the search for habitable environments beyond Earth. If the processes described by the Sun's Water Theory and other mechanisms are common throughout the galaxy, then the likelihood of finding water-rich exoplanets and moons increases significantly.
The quest to understand the origins and distribution of water in the cosmos is a journey that spans multiple scientific disciplines and explores the fundamental questions of life and habitability. The Sun's Water Theory, along with other hypotheses, offers a promising framework for investigating how water might have formed and been distributed across the Solar System and beyond. Through these efforts, we move closer to answering the profound questions of our origins and the potential for life beyond Earth, expanding our knowledge and inspiring wonder about the vast and mysterious cosmos.
The Sun, as the primary source of energy and particles in our Solar System, has a profound impact on planetary environments through its emissions. Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), solar winds, and solar eruptions are significant contributors to the delivery of hydrogen to Earth's atmosphere, particularly influencing the polar regions where the magnetic field lines converge.
Solar wind is a continuous flow of charged particles from the Sun, consisting mainly of electrons, protons, and alpha particles. The solar wind varies in intensity with the solar cycle, which lasts about 11 years. During periods of high solar activity, the solar wind is more intense, and its interactions with Earth's magnetosphere are more significant.
At the polar regions, the solar wind can penetrate deeper into the atmosphere due to the orientation of Earth's magnetic field. This influx of hydrogen from the solar wind can combine with atmospheric oxygen, contributing to the water cycle in these regions. The continuous flow by solar wind particles plays a role in the production of hydroxyl groups and parts of water molecules, especially in upper parts of the atmosphere.
Space Dust, Fluids, Particles and Rocks
Space dust, including micrometeoroids and interstellar particles, is another important source of material for atmospheric chemistry. These particles, often rich in volatile compounds, ablate upon entering Earth’s atmosphere, releasing their constituent elements, including hydrogen.
Ablation and Chemical Release: As space dust particles travel through the atmosphere, frictional heating causes them to ablate, releasing hydrogen and other elements. This process is particularly active in upper parts of the atmosphere and contributes to the local chemical environment.
Catalytic Surfaces: Space dust particles can also act as catalytic surfaces, facilitating chemical reactions between atmospheric constituents. These reactions can enhance the formation of water and other compounds, particularly in regions with high dust influx, such as during meteor showers.
Fluid Dynamics in Space: In astrophysics, the behavior of fluids is critical in the study of stellar and planetary formation. The movement of interstellar gas and dust, driven by gravitational forces and magnetic fields, leads to the birth of stars and planets. Simulations of these processes rely on fluid dynamics to predict the formation and evolution of celestial bodies.
Flux in Physical Systems: The concept of flux, the rate of flow of a property per unit area, is fundamental in both physical and biological systems. In physics, magnetic flux and heat flux describe how magnetic fields and thermal energy move through space. In biology, nutrient flux in ecosystems determines the distribution and availability of essential elements for life.
Plus and Minus Charged Hydrogen Particles: More about magnetic fields, particles flows, solar hydrogen and other space particles are attached in additional papers. +-_-+
Potential Sources of Planetary Water
The discovery of water in the form of ice on asteroids and other celestial bodies indicates that water was present in the early Solar System and has been transported across different regions. This evidence supports the idea that multiple processes, including solar hydrogen interactions, delivery by asteroids and comets, and interstellar dust particles, have collectively contributed to the water inventory of Earth and other planetary bodies.
The theory that much of the planetary water could have originated from solar hydrogen is an intriguing proposition that aligns with several key observations. The isotopic similarities between Earth's water and the water found in carbonaceous chondrites and comets suggest a common origin – they were charged by the sun. Additionally, the presence of water in the lunar regolith, generated by solar wind interactions, supports the notion that solar particles can contribute to water formation on planetary surfaces.
Scientific Observations and Evidence
Scientific observations have provided evidence supporting the role of solar particles in contributing to water formation on Earth and other planetary bodies. For instance, measurements from lunar missions have detected hydroxyl groups and water molecules on the lunar surface, particularly in regions exposed to the solar wind. This suggests that similar processes could be occurring on our planet.
Studies of isotopic compositions of hydrogen in Earth's atmosphere also indicate contributions from solar wind particles. The distinct isotopic signatures of solar hydrogen can be traced and compared with terrestrial sources, providing insights into the relative contributions of solar wind and other sources to Earth's waters.
Understanding the origins of Earth's water and the dynamics of planetary formation has long been a focus of scientific inquiry. A critical part of this investigation involves the study of asteroids, particularly carbonaceous chondrites, which provide essential insights into Earth's water history. These meteorites, rich in water-bearing minerals such as clays and hydrated silicates, and complex organic molecules, formed in the outer regions of the Solar System where water ice and organic compounds remained stable. As these asteroids migrated inward and impacted early Earth, they played a significant role in its development.
The text here is an extract of the ongoing study and very important papers were published in the first preprint version some time ago. There you can find also further information, links, references and sources.
3 notes · View notes
rfallfish · 4 months
I spent two days just writing ideas for chapters of The Voyages of the Peregrine. I think my favorite one that I landed on is about a small research colony in the Kuiper Belt that's really only run by one guy (and his two assistants). This researcher has a benefactor who supports him financially, so he's obligated to meet his benefactor's whims. Even so, he has his own projects he's working on.
Or so he tells the crew, and he tells himself.
The thing is, the crew never actually sees him working on his own projects, just those for his benefactor. He swears he has them. He has his own life, dreams, and goals... But when the crew of the Peregrine finally find his workshop, they find a decaying, decrepit room with scattered tools and scraps. There's some kind of half-built, contraption in the middle which, while unfinished, is already starting to rust. The researcher clings to this project as though he's been able to work consistently on it, but his life is being held in the hands of the one with money. He really does nothing else.
6 notes · View notes