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(Open Starter)
Date: Late March, 2023 Location: KBW - Observation Room
So far, working on a smuggling ship was shaping up to be a deeply confusing experience. It was quite thrilling (in a terrifying sort of way) to be able to say now that he had been to Earth, though the trip had hardly seemed focused on smuggling at all - instead, the crew had gone to see... a concert? Daniel had never heard of My Chemical Romance prior to joining up on the Prosperity, but he could now safely say that some of their music was a little frightening. He’d quite liked some of the theatricality seen on stage though, so it had been a good experience overall. Until the subsequent realization that the crew had accidentally smuggled a human, somehow. That had led to several days of solid panic, during which Daniel’s primary focus had been getting through the day with his work done and sanity in place. Knowing that there was some sort of plan that seemed likely to keep everyone out of jail had helped on that front, at least enough that he was able to start enjoying life somewhat again alongside being terrified of the turn his had taken.
Being at the Kuiper Belt Waystation again helped as well. It wasn’t solid land, not even close - but still, it was quite nice to have a bit more room to move around as compared to the typical living and working space on the Prosperity. With the plants on the ship tended to and the cleaning that was his responsibility done, Daniel had a bit of time to himself, and so he made his way over to one of the KBW’s observation rooms - viewing the galaxy was one of the activities at the waystation that was in the range of what he could afford (free). Better still, there was a good amount of open space - and with the smuggling event over, he had the observation room to himself for the time being. After looking out at the stars for a bit, he got out his comm and began playing some of the Taylor Swift music that Ryder had shown him, through his earbuds so as not to be a disturbance. Truly though, there wasn’t anyone around... maybe now would be a good time to get some dancing in. With space limited on the Prosperity, he’d have to take his opportunities when he could find them.
The downside to having his earbuds in was that he didn’t notice as quickly as he otherwise might have when he was no longer alone - he jumped, startled when he saw a fellow crew member, and promptly stopped dancing. “Oh - sorry! I hope I wasn’t in your way,” he said sheepishly. He had been between them and the observation window, technically, though there was still plenty of space to see around him.
#aopstarter#//uhhh feel free not to match this metric ton of exposition#robinastrea#robin001#iansolko#ian001#beckderringer#beck-derringer#beck001#theoseong#theo001#ryderastrea#ryder001#sarasvatistella#stella001
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First Meeting
Description: It was supposed to just be a one night stand. Date: end of March 2022 Location: Castaway Pub, Calauewe, Marloken (also the First Mate’s Office) Characters: Robin Astrea, Salem Ilmari
(You can read in the googledoc here)
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@finchrobin [closed]
The familiar door in front of her stared back like a bad dream. Not a damn thing changed save for a few missing paint chips. She was almost mad at herself for how quickly she noticed the tiny details, never wanting to keep a memory of this place in her head for too long.
Ava had a worn schoolbag thrown over her shoulder and a small leather suitcase clutched in her hand, the other was raised mid-knock- hesitating. She’d been in town for a little over a week, not long before the cover, dome, thing came crashing down around everyone. Things had been getting strange in her life and Wildemount seemed to accelerate that.
Her father didn’t know she was here. Maybe because Ava didn’t yet know why she was here and couldn’t think of an excuse to face him after all the silence. But finally, with enough courage summoned (and not enough money to keep paying for a motel) Ava made it back to Robin’s house. She inhales through her nose, exhales though her mouth and knocks.
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Guitar Guy
Date: January 2017 Location: School cafeteria Characters: Robin Astrea, Ryder Astrea, and Theo Seong Description: Robin finally finds the courage to introduce himself to the hot guitar guy and asks him on a date.
(link to the googledoc thread here)
#discord thread: robin001#discord thread: robin#discord thread: ryder#discord thread: ryder001#guitar guy
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(closed for @robinastrea)
Ryder felt terrible, and it wasn’t only because of the headache pounding at his temples and cotton feeling in his mouth. He didn’t mean to summon Robin to come to his rescue, it was just a force of habit to lean on his twin when things got too overwhelming for them. Kryss was with them the whole time, so there was no reason for Robin to risk his reputation unless he just really wanted a night out, which Ryder thought he deserved.
They felt the pressure to live up to their mother’s, and now Daphne’s, expectations daily, but they also recognized most of the attention was off of them now that they were a medic. Robin had a much more important position than him as the First Mate. It wasn’t often someone as young as them received such a high ranking, and he knew his twin must be trying his hardest to not to disappoint anyone. Ryder wouldn’t ever want to ruin that for him.
When he returned to the ship with a tray-full of coffees labeled “Ronald,” he tracked down Robin and handed over his coffee and muffin with a weak, apologetic smile. “I’m really sorry about last night and whatever happened in the Uber. You really didn’t need to come after me like that. I’ll tell Captain Daphne it was my fault.”
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What: Closed starter for @robinastrea When: 5/23/2022 - the day after the meetup with the Bat Ray crew at Fallout Where: The Prosperity - First Mate’s office
Not for the first time in the last few weeks, Skylar felt like his life had been turned on its head overnight. That feeling wasn’t exactly uncommon in his life, but what was unusual was that for once, the sudden change that had come about was one he actually wanted, and as far as he could tell there weren’t any downsides.
For the most part, he wasn’t all that concerned with how the crew of the Prosperity found out that he and Ali had gotten (back) together last night. He figured it would be exceedingly obvious to everyone very soon anyway, but there were a few people he would like to tell personally - and beyond that, a few people who he felt like he really owed an explanation to. If nothing else, he at least needed to make sure the twins were the first to know, and that they got the full story. He knew he’d probably been worrying them lately, just like he’d worried them twelve years ago when he’d come back from earth brokenhearted. He hadn’t explained it back then - the twins had still been kids at the time, for one thing. More than that though, talking about it was painful - it had been easier to just keep that part of himself closed off, like it had been a chapter out of someone else’s life.
He probably should have explained things to them when Ali suddenly walked back into his life. But even though he knew he’d likely been worrying the twins, he just couldn’t find the words to talk to them about it - the situation had been so confusing that Sky hadn’t even known how to explain what was going on to himself, much less anybody else. Now that he finally had some clarity though, letting them know was a top priority. He decided to start with Robin - last night had been great for Sky personally, but he was definitely keenly aware of the fact that it had been very much the opposite for Ryder. He was still going to tell them today, of course - but it seemed like a good idea to give them a little space first to recuperate from their likely hangover before sharing his poorly timed news, at the very least.
"Hey,” Sky greeted, knocking on the door frame to alert the First Mate to his presence. “Got a few minutes? There’s some personal stuff I want to talk to you about. It’s important - but not urgent.” This probably would have been a more concerning statement if it weren’t for the smile on Sky’s face. He looked happier than he had in a while - more relaxed too, if one could simultaneously look relaxed and like they were about ready to bounce off the walls with positive energy. Sky got the affirmative, so he headed on in and closed the door behind him. He didn’t really know where to start here, so he went with the obvious. “So - I know we haven’t really been talking all that much these last couple weeks,” he began, smile fading into something more apologetic. It wasn’t like they hadn’t been talking at all, but there had been a notable decline in conversations on deeper topics. He wasn’t entirely sure what that was about on Robin’s end, but he hadn’t questioned it since it made it easier for him to go on not talking about what was going on with him. “Sorry for not checking in sooner. I had some stuff I was kind of avoiding talking about. I’m not avoiding it anymore, but - before we get into it, how’re you doing? Everything okay?“ Outside of select topics, he’d kind of dropped the ball when it came to checking in on Robin beyond the surface level recently - so doing that now took priority over getting into his own news.
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“Move.” Adding any further explanation is of bad taste in her opinion, Akira’s sentences always seeming rude but not quite enough to consider them derogatory.
“Can’t you see I am trying to check the price?” Finger points toward a somewhat childish cat-themed t-shirt -- proving in the most unfortunate of cases, that she is no threat at the moment.
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Daniel wasn't sure what Robin meant by various things considered, but imagined that perhaps one of those things being considered was the presence of a human on the Prosperity who he understood not to have been there prior to the crew's arrival in Australia for the My Chemical Romance concert. That was fair; Daniel was quite stressed about the situation as well and he wasn't even someone whose job involved resolving the situation. "Oh, um- thank you," he said when Robin complimented his dancing, relaxing a bit at that. It was very nice of him to say, and the reminder that this was Ryder's brother did help, somehow. “Things are going pretty well," he answered, leaving his own 'various things considered' unspoken - he didn't want to worry Robin by talking about how he was worried about the HJ situation when he reckoned Robin was already worrying about that enough to begin with. "I think I'm settling in fairly well? It's a good greenhouse you've got on board, and the plant have been coming along well. And most everyone's been quite nice." He wasn't sure if Robin was checking in as his boss or as someone who he happened to live with (it was a little confusing, when work life and... life-life were mixed together like this), so he tried to answer both ways as best he could.
“Oh, it’s no trouble - I was just finishing up anyway. That’s kind of you to offer, though,” Daniel answered automatically, though the thought of finishing up hadn’t occurred to him until he’d realized he wasn’t alone. He realized he still hadn’t paused the music playing quietly into his ears, and went ahead and did that. “Erm - how are you doing today?” he added, the slightest bit nervous. Robin was about the same age as him, he reckoned - but he was also his boss, and from what he understood a skillful smuggler, which was intimidating. Not as intimidating as it had been prior to joining up, but intimidating all the same.
Robin paused, content on adding to this small and awkward back-and-forth of who was interrupting whom, especially since the far’ly’dae did not really look like he was just finishing up–rather, just getting warmed up, and was likely only leaving because he was there. But then Daniel added with a question about how he was doing, and he also seemed on edge. He gave a small indiscernible sigh. “I’m doing good, various things considered. I thought I would come out and take advantage of the views,” he further explained. “I like your dancing, by the way. Ryder has been showing me how to not be embarrassing on the dance floor, but I don’t know if it’s really taken. How are things going?”
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The Final Test
Date: June 15, 2017 (the twins are 18) Location: The Astrea’s training warehouse in Kraysha Characters: Robin @robinastrea and Ryder Astrea, featuring Alisz Astrea Description: Alisz forces the twins to compete against each other for their final exam with the promise of no more training if they pass.
(You can read in the GoogleDoc here)
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