mirandahamilton · 4 months
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spartacus fashion: licinia's royal blue gown with gold details and lace trim in spartacus: blood and sand (s1e9)
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pleasingnight · 2 years
So like. Cic. Fam 7.23.4 introduces Licinia, sister of a Cassius; there is a house in Rome next to Cicero's that belongs to Cassius and is inhabited by Licinia; Licinia's husband Dexius is gone to Spain.
We are not sure which Cassius owns the house, but we do know from the same letter that he is friends with Nicias, whom Shackleton Bailey identifies as Curtius Nicias of Cos: grammarian, Epicurean, friend and client of Dolabella. Cassius may be our Gaius Cassius Longinus or his younger brother Lucius.
Licinia's husband Dexius is otherwise unattested. It seems an obscure marriage for a half-sister of Cassius, and it needs an explanation. Nevertheless, I am very tempted to bring up Decius, proscribed and killed in 43 bce according to Appian (App. BC 4.27). I suspect they might be the same person.
[Note. Shackleton Bailey: "Manutius proposed Crasso ( i.e. M. Licinius Crassus , son of the ' Triumvir ' ) <;in place of Cassio>". This particular Crassus does not make sense: even if the unattested daughter of the triumvir existed, how likely was she to marry a no-name Dexius while her brothers married the daughters of Metellus Scipio and Metellus Creticus? Furthermore, by Shackleton Bailey's dating of the letter to 46 bce, M. Licinius Crassus the younger is long dead. Some other Crassus might make sense, but I do not think we have a suitable one at the time.]
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kaantt · 2 years
Kaamelott incorrect quotes:
Manilius : Look at you, you beautiful thing.
Caius : Is he talking to Licinia, or his mirror?
Arturus : It's honestly getting hard to tell this days.
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wine-porn · 4 months
Di Facto
Finally got into the middle child of a care package from Tuscany, and like the (new) winemaker said, it is truly cut from a bit different cloth than the newer release. This was made by his grandfather, who kept things at a much riper, more new-world-friendly super-Tuscan style. It lacks the vibrancy of the 2021, relying instead on classical–nyet: *safe*–nuances of heady black fruit and extended…
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gerceval · 1 year
mani qui force licinia à être son modèle pour s'entraîner / inventer des looks, licinia qui l'engueule parce que c'est jamais comme elle voulait et qu'elle a une soirée après, arthur qui lève les yeux au ciel comme jaja
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brother-emperors · 2 months
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the way the valentinian and theodosian dynasties intermarried gives me a headache, so we'll just (hand waving) the marriage of licinia eudoxia and valentinian iii, also some normal ribbing between theodosius ii and valentinian iii
can you believe that we got another set of co-emperors with the theodosius-valentinian name set after the absolute disaster of the first pair? incredible!
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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crankusmaximusmagnus · 6 months
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findmeinthefallair · 4 months
Dude the Licinia arc has scarred me, she will def be in my WoL's nightmares in form of fanart
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nobutakafairclough · 5 months
Episode 3 will return shortly!
I just finished up the photo shoot with @crankusmaximusmagnus . Arguably the most talked about episode of C & C "Roleplaying as the enemy" will be up on YouTube this weekend. Licinia and I chat about RPing as a Garlean, and all the symbolism and controversy that comes with it.
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romangoldendreams · 7 months
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Mars ready for war
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autumnslance · 1 year
More Garlemald
Between finishing off PVP series goals and the new Large house for the FC, C'oretta's journey through Endwalker has been neglected.
We're still in Garlemald, with the first follow quest and meeting Licinia and the other refugees at Victor's Spoils, and the ceruleum tappers through that. The tragedy of the sisters is one the Eorzeans had not anticipated, and even their Garlean allies had not thought about: the ambivalence of the Imperials toward the Eorzean humanitarian effort, and being especially suspicious of magic users.
Which makes sense; the story of Garlemald's history is their lack of magic made them shunned and bullied, victims of others who could wield arcane power. Only the magitek revolution put them on even footing, and then the call to "take back" their ancestral homeland--800 years later--was a siren song to people in a harsh and frozen land. Is it any wonder "Solus's" propaganda caught on over the past 80 years?
Lucia, Maxima, the Ironworks, are all used now to magic and their friends in the Alliance. But the ones who stayed behind and only heard the horror stories, the false news...
We saw some of this in Stormblood, among those in Gyr Abania who believed the Imperial tales of "savage" Eorzeans who would bully and execute anyone in their way, especially the few decent Garlean officers, like Baut, who had stayed behind to continue protecting the villages they had grown genuinely fond of. If Gyr Abanians could believe such of their Eorzean neighbors after only 20 years under Imperial rule and abuse, how much more the Garleans separated from all else, in the capital and its surrounds?
Anyroad. In the debriefing, as we move on and learn of the cured Populares and their reports:
Lucia: It brings to mind events at the Ghimlyt Dark, does it not? The Emperor's sudden withdrawal from the front lines, specifically.
Lucia: Nerva and his father, Titus─Varis's then political rival─took advantage of rumors that Crown Prince Zenos had been possessed by a demon.
Alisaie: Elidibus. What better way to disparage your enemies than with the truth─or a close enough approximation.
Lucia: Indeed. But before their accusations could be substantiated, many of Titus's followers were silenced.
Lucia: While some were merely stripped of their status, others died under curious circumstances. One after another, suddenly and suspiciously.
Y'shtola: Again, Elidibus. Like as not, he had a hand in it. No evidence was found to implicate Varis, certainly.
Y'shtola: Again, Elidibus. Like as not, he had a hand in it. No evidence was found to implicate Varis, certainly.
Y'shtola: Nevertheless, Titus, Nerva, and the IIIrd Legion would have judged it a brazen attempt by the Emperor to rid himself
Y'shtola: And then, in the midst of this growing turmoil, Varis zos Galvus is murdered...
Y'shtola: And Garlemald's own prodigal son, Gaius van Baelsar, is named the murderer.
Y'shtola: Shortly thereafter, Nerva claims the right of succession, and in response, the Ist Legion claims the assassination was part of a coup d'état orchestrated by Titus and Nerva.
This clarifies that Prince Titus survived the initial conflict with Varis for the throne after Solus's "death." That Titus then supported his son as the possible new emperor after his own failed claim and Varis's demise at Zenos's hands.
I've long thought the coffin Varis spat on in the scenes in earlier patches was actually Solus's, not his uncle's. His anger at the lack of clarity in succession and the chaos it caused the empire was always there. What he learns of his grandfather later only makes matters worse.
Then we're piecing together the reports of the Populares and the refugee survivors, and the importance of the radio, with the ore resembles the talismans that protects the Contingent. Which strikes me as a very nice alternate solution than scraping Vrtra's hide of all his scales.
The briefing is cut short, however, by the arrival of and meeting with our future friend Jullus...
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trial of Licinia
date: 113 BCE charge: quaestio extraordinaria [special inquiry] (on scandal of Vestal Virgins) defendant: Licinia advocate: L. Licinius Crassus cos. 95, cens. 92 (ORF 66.III) quaesitor [investigator]: L. Cassius Longinus Ravilla cos. 127,1 cens. 125 outcome: C
Cic. Brut. 160; N.D. 3.74; Liv. Per. 63; V. Max. 3.7.9, 6.8.1; Asc. 46C; Plut. Quaest. Rom. 83; Dio 26, fr. 87; Crawford, RRC no. 413, 428
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blackramhall · 1 year
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"Acqua gassata e bibitone siciliano disseta e ossigena le cellule grigie" - Natale Lo Gatto
Il commissario Lo Gatto - Dino Risi (1986)
Blackram Hall: The guy practically lives in a Clue board
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uniquevocashark · 2 years
It took me a minute to find the mirror emoji lol
✋ Are your OC’s hands smooth, rough, or average? Why? How do they keep their nails? Do they bite them, paint them, neatly trim them, et cetera?
Igraine’s hand are on the rougher side of average. Not rough rough but definitely noticeable enough to be commented on. They look very soft though. They’re rough because she doesn’t wear gloves, even when dealing with say… acid or heated metal, so she gets calluses quite frequently. She tends to rip them off, so they heal back to smooth almost as soon as she gets them. She keeps her nails long and shapes them into points for the intimidation. It’s a subtle nod to the fact that she’s not as friendly as the rest of her appearance conveys. She also paints them black to hide the fact that they have permanent discolouration from being frozen for years
Catherine’s hands are very smooth. She wears thick white gloves all day and Igraine got her into using lotions too, so she uses those religiously. She very rarely has to use her bare hands so they’re really smooth and soft when she does take her gloves off. She keeps her nails short and trimmed neatly to fit her gloves, which were tailored specifically to her hand shape. She would bite them if they were out of the gloves.
Penelope’s hands are rough. She goes out a lot during her freedom months and does things like rock climbing and body building when she isn’t frantically studying anything related to whatever Miranda wants her to research. The motive for all her working out is to suplex Igraine and she wants it to hurt when she finally works up the will to actually try it (she’ll fail but she doesn’t know that). Because she’s so active when not in the castle she tends to keep her nails short and unshaped. She doesn’t do anything special for them either, she’ll rip off the excess and smooth them later.
Licinia hands are rough, and her fingers are noticeably rougher than her palm. She does pretty much all the textile work in the castle; she makes Lady Dimitrescu’s clothes, ones for the daughters and also any special attire for the other staff as well as resizing things every year or so. She does the lacing, the embroidery and knitting as its needed, which is frequent. She keeps her nails short, about 2 millimetres off the tip of her fingertips.
🪞 How does your OC perceive themself? Do they believe themself to be attractive, unattractive, or average? Does their view of themself affect their self-esteem, or are they unbothered by their physical appearance? (If your OC does have things they’re confident or insecure about, what are they?)
Even though Igraine gets ego checked on the regular, she still thinks she is the most attractive woman around and she operates on that to bully pretty much everyone around her about it. She backs this up by saying that Alcina finds her beautiful and since Alcina has similar views to her on beauty, she’s allowed to be conceited about it. She would be conceited anyway but since going against Alcina is a death sentence she uses it for maximum entertainment to drop it on people. I think by virtue of her upbringing, being a wesker and all, her appearance is very important to her self esteem and sense of self. She is very confident about her orange-coloured eyes, because their a sign of her positive mutation from the T-virus and thinks they’re her most attractive feature. She’s also obsessive about being well groomed and uses the most water out of anyone in the castle.
Licinia is the most overworked staff member in the castle, and it definitely affects how she sees herself. She occasionally dips into feeling like a mule more than a person. She likes that Alcina keeps her around for just her skills and is sort of ‘not like other girls’ obnoxious about it; the entire boost about this is pretty dependent on her thinking herself as average, sometimes unattractive if she’s really feeling the need for a pity party.
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jamesthewineguy · 7 months
Tenuta Licinia Toscana IGT Sasso di Fata and Montepolli Review #toscana ...
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wine-porn · 8 months
Super Fresh Air
“Forced acidity” “Harvesting fruit al dente.” “Subsoil ideology.” “Half the vineyard is very excellent; the other half: not so much…” “Not my favorite oak regime.” “Wine quality is not subjective. That’s unpopular, I know.” “Making wines like this makes no sense simply because of Bordeaux’s appeal.” “Oak is an *ok* flavor.” “Let’s heap vanilla on a myriad of problems.” “Grapes are so-so,…
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