#Libra birthstone
Why Sapphire is September Birthstone and Alternatives
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The Reason Why Sapphire Represents September, Plus Great Choices of Alternative Birthstones
Being one of the most well recognized gemstones, even non-jewelry savory friends might know Sapphire is the birthstone of September. But is there a rational or reason behind the decision? Read on to discover! In honor of the season, remember to take the opportunity and get a FREE birthstone necklace upon purchase during the month of September.
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Looking into Astrology: Relationship of Sapphire to Virgo and Libra
Gemstone lovers might remember birthstone by months, but puzzled as to why that specific gemstone was selected to represent the very month. True, we can be sure there must be a reason behind, however history is an ambiguous subject with many theories and stories. The modern birthstones we recognized today were agreed upon by organizations like Jewelers of America and American Gem Trade Association. This fact gives us a good start to investigate why Sapphire was selected to symbolize September.
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The Link Between Sapphire, Virgo and the Planet Mercery
A key element of modernity is individualism, and thus the rational behind birthstone selection is often tied to Zodiac.  The month of September is predominately represented by Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) and shares by Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22). The ruling planet of Virgo is Mercery. And we all know Mercery is known as the “ocean planet”, symbolized by the color blue, water and transparency. Furthermore, Sapphire represents calmness and stability which coincide with Virgo’s temperament; and hence the Virgo-Sapphire-Mercury association.
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Libra and Sapphire- the Metaphysic of Balance
The latter of September is represented by Libra, which is represented by a weight or scale, and thus symbolized balance and equilibrium. With its royal blue hue, Sapphire is connected to truth, sincerity and faithfulness. No doubt the perfect match with Libra.
The actual reason of selecting Sapphire for September was lost in history, but the Zodiac theory makes a very good case.
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Kyanite: A Great Alternative September Birthstone
Sapphire is one of the rarest minerals on earth undoubtedly comes with a high price tag. Due to the accessibility nowadays people are accepting alternatives, and Kyanite is a good candidate with its similar appearance and a relatively affordable in price. Kyanite’s royal blue hue and brilliancy have a close resemblance to Sapphire. The main difference between two stones is their hardness.
Sapphire is a gemstone from the corundum family, ranking a 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness it is one of the hardest gemstones on earth after diamond. Kyanite ranks a 4.5 – 7 in comparison (generally speaking jewelry grade Kyanite is around 6.5-7 in hardness, this topic deserves a more detail explanation for another article). The hardness however limits the way Kyanite is cut and polish. Being a more brittle material in comparison, Kyanite is more often cut and polish to spherical shape (bead) or briolette. Not necessary a CON to the gemstone, think of this as a feature not a bug. A Kyanite bead is truly specular with its natural pattern and gloss. Something that cannot be describe into words, best sees the photo or better yet in physical jewelry!
Color Sapphire for the Early Autumn Mood
Aside from the famous royal blue, Sapphire comes in many other colors. Although in a traditional sense only the popular blue is considered as September birthstone, nowadays more people see color sapphire as another great choice to represent the autumn month. Let’s look at our best pick of color sapphire and how they relate to the season!
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Teal Sapphire, the color of a Brisky Lake
Reminiscent of the lake in early autumn, not so cold, just a bit chilly and very refreshing. Teal Sapphire is very much like the royal blue Sapphire with a tint of green. A great color for the nonconformist.
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Pink Sapphire and the color of Autumn Sky
Think of the captivating rosy pink sunset of an autumn sky, this popular variation of Sapphire is a favorite for the true romantic.
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Yellow Sapphire and the Leaf of Early Fall
Reminds us of September where the trees are turning to an amber yellow color. Perhaps a little melancholy, but somberly beautiful in its own right.
Now we hope you learn about Sapphire and other alternatives for September birthstone! Don’t forget to enjoy a FREE birthstone necklace upon purchase. Offer is good till October 01 2023.
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pinkcore-png · 4 months
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nomorelostyears · 10 months
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Opals and gold✨️
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
Me trying to do the mental gymnastics required to calculate Jonathan and Nancy's birthdays based on the information the Duffers have given
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f1ve-girlies · 25 days
a VERY MESSY new oc sketch!!!
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very very very messy but i love her (also shes one of those characters that come in two's (think tgchk, stsg, etc.) and her gfs design is coming soon)
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aghora · 10 months
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andromedasdomain · 1 year
Prompts for your Grimoire: About You Page.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✦Your name.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✰Your correspondences✰ ✦Your zodiac signs (Sun, Moon, rising, Venus, etc.!) ✦Your birth chart ✦Your Element ✦Moon phase on the day you were born. ✦Birthstones/ birth gems. ✦Tarot cards associated with your birthday ✦Your numerology ✦Crystals associated with your birthday or birth month ✦Herbs associated with your sun sign or birthday/month ✦Colors ✦Symbols (example: scale for libra) ✦Runes associated with your birthday
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✰Extra Ideas✰ ✦Deity/Deities you worship ✦Spiritual beliefs ✦Type of witch you are/want to be.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Writing Reference: Sapphire
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Sapphire is the birthstone for September and the gem for Libra.
It commemorates the 5th and 45th anniversary.
It is the sacred gem for Thursday.
Depending on the exact chemistry of individual stones, sapphires may present a whole spectrum of colors with the exception of red.
The blue variety of sapphire is a tremendously popular gemstone worldwide. It is part of the group called the Big 3 which also includes rubies and emeralds.
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The history of the sapphire dates back to the Etruscans in the 7th Century BC.
Marco Polo’s travels in the 13th Century took him to the Island of Serendid (Sri Lanka), where he describes sapphires in abundant detail in his “Book of Marvels”.
Sapphire became a favorite gem in rings and brooches for Medieval Kings.
They believed that the sapphire would protect them from harm and envy.
By the time of the Renaissance, sapphires were coveted by the wealthy and influential.
Sapphires were credited with the ability to prevent poverty, making an irritable man good-tempered and a stupid man wise.
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Sapphires are corundum gems (i.e., The corundum family of gemstones consists of ruby and sapphire).
They occur in a full rainbow variety of colors, except red. (Red corundum is ruby).
Sapphires will be marketed according to their color, i.e., yellow sapphire or purple sapphire.
However, the word "sapphire" on its own refers specifically to the blue variety.
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Sapphires are considered a protective gemstone.
They may shield the wearer from physical harm as well as bad intentions and envy.
It was also thought that sapphires had medicinal properties.
Blue sapphires are considered a highly spiritual stone worn by priests.
Lastly, sapphires are among the few gemstones that can exhibit natural asterism in the form of a six-rayed star.
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Sources: 1 2
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Peridot
Peridot (The Tears of Pele)
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*Yes Peridot from Steven Universe is here. She demanded to be added okay!?
Color:  Olive Green to Yellow-Green
Rarity: Easy to Obtain, Harder to higher quality
Hardiness:  6.5 – 7
Type: Orthorhombic (Gem form of Olivine)
Chakra Association: Heart and Solar Plexus
Angels: Achaiah or Raphael
Deities: Pele and Isis
Birthstone: August
Astrological Signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini, and Capricorn
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus and the Sun
Origin: Brazil, Hawaii, Myanmar, Egypt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Purification, Cleansing, Wealth, Happiness, Prosperity, Protection
Crystals It Works Well With: Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sunstone, Carnelian, Tourmaline, and Citrine
How It is Created: Peridot is the gemstone variety of olivine, a mineral made up of magnesium, iron and silicate compound. The higher proportions of magnesium and iron are used to identifying the key features in the gem, while the chromium and nickel impurities contribute to its beautiful green color. Some specimens of peridot can even appear in meteorites called pallisites and found during volcanic activity on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
History: The Egyptians mined peridot on the island of Zebirget, which is located in the Red Sea. Egyptians used the gem for over 4,000 years and was even said to be Cleopatra’s favorite. It is regarded as a sacred stone during Medieval times and was even used in the design of the Shrine of the Three Kings in Germany. Peridot crystals found in the black volcanic sands of Hawaii are said to be the tears of the Goddess, Pele. Now most of the world’s peridot comes from Arizona or Pakistan.
What It Can Do:
Keep away evil spirits and great for protecting aura
Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels
Purifies the subtle and physical body and mind
Opens, cleanses, and activates the heart and solar plexus chakra to release “old baggage”
Clears the feelings of burden, guilt, and obsession
Guides you to better influences
Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, anger and stress.
Enhances confidence and assertion without aggression
Sharpens the minds and opens it to new levels of awareness
Banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all things you have neglected
Is said to heal and regenerate tissues and strengthen the metabolism
How to Get the Best Out Of: Peridot works best near the throat area and heart area of your body so a peridot pendant or necklace would be best.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse using smoke or running it over water. Charge it by placing it under a windowsill during a full moon.
Social Media Talisman
Peridot ring, worn on the hand you scroll with
Moon water
1 small piece fresh or dried valerian root
1 fresh lemon slice
Cleanse and empower your ring with the ability to dispel feelings of envy and inadequacy.
Gather your materials in a sunny area during a waning moon.
Fill the chalice with moon water.
Take the valerian root in your hand and hold it in the direct sunlight.
Say, “Valerian root that calm sting, add self-assurance to my ring.” Visualize it absorbing the sun and pulsing with a gentle, light. Place it in the chalice.
Hold the lemon slice up to the sun, feeling the illumination and bright energy coming from it.
Say, “Bright yellow lemon with a bite, filter that which befalls my sight.”
Squeeze the lemon slice so the juice goes into the chalice.
Now the chalice holds a soothing brew imbued with calm from the valerian, confidence from sunlight, and optimistic realism from the lemon.
Put the peridot ring in the chalice and let it sit in the sun for about an hour.
Retrieve your peridot ring from the chalice and wear it. Pour the water into the earth.
The ring help ground you in reality while filtering your impressions of what you consume on social me protecting your self-confidence and dispelling any feelings of jealousy or inadequacy.
Perform this spell in direct sunlight, if possible, to illuminate the truth and soothe uncertainty. If you don’t have a chalice, use a bowl, or any kind of cup. Moon water is water that has been left outdoors under the full moon to absorb its power.
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stupidrant · 8 months
My Headcanons of gow (2018+Ragnarok) characters sun signs and birthstones bc why not?
Kratos - ironically an aries + diamond birthstone (april)
atreus - pisces + aquamarine birthstone (march)
freya+freyr - taurus + emerald birthstone (may)
angrboda - sagittarius + citrine birthstone (november)
Laufey - libra + opal birthstone (october)
gryla - scorpio + citrine birthstone (november)
baldur - gemini + pearl birthstone (june)
thor - leo + ruby birthstone (july)
Thrud - virgo (or leo) + peridot birthstone (august)
sif - virgo + sapphire birthstone (september)
Skjoldr - cancer + pearl birthstone (june)
Odin - either the worst l30 youve ever met or a fucked up sc0rpi0 ruby birthstone or yellow topaz birthstone 😐
Heimdall - aquarius + amethyst birthstone (February)
Brok - aries LOL + aquamarine birthstone (march)
sindri - cancer + ruby birthstone (july)
lunda - sagittarius + tanzanite birthstone (december)
tyr - libra + pink tourmaline birthstone (october)
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haveyouseenmymarbles · 5 months
OC Associations
Tagged by my choom, @luvwich (here). Thank you so much for encouraging me to talk about my babies!!
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Valerie Serrano Espinosa
Animal: 20% rabbit, 80% wolf. Make of that what you will.
Colors: Rose (that sweet spot between red and pink). And also scarlet (bright red with hints of orange).
Month: October.
Song: Waiting Around to Die - The Be Good Tanyas
Number: 3.
Day or Night: Night. Though dusk and dawn with regards to daytime.
Plant: Adelaide (hoodless) rose.
Smells: Vanilla, lilacs, and a hint of cigarette smoke and copper, courtesy of whatever gig she just came back from.
Gemstone: Her birthstone, pink tourmaline. Also, rubies.
Season: Autumn.
Places: Bed, couches or the floor with her pets, the city streets on a rainy night, cruising the dirt Badlands roads on a sunny day under a blue sky, the hood of her car to lie back and watch the stars and moon, that rooftop that homages Blade Runner and triggers the rain, rooftop of Dark Matter to watch the sunset, rooftops in general tbh as long as they have a good view to watch the city lights and night sky, cliffs, tents, the tree in the Badlands where her firstborn daughter's ashes are buried, snuggling in Addie's (her sweetheart's) arms, the various nightclubs she's been to with her sister (Tatum)... The list goes on. My nomad baby's been all over the place.
Food: Pizza and ramen. (Fix your diet, bb, please.)
Astrological Sign: Libra.
Element: Era dependent, both fire and earth.
Drink: Herbal teas and ChroManticore.
Tagging (no pressure at all!): @enchantedreaper @katsigian @silverhandsgf @leota-nexus @theviridianbunny @fly-amanitaa @jimitherainbow @arachnophobic-larantula @dreamskug @tarmac-rat @trashcatsnark
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scarfaxia · 2 months
Hellcrew zodiac signs
saw someone ask about Julius' zodiac sign so of course I have to yap about that now.
I made a list with everyone's zodiac signs and their traits! do keep in mind that these aren't really "facts" and don't always apply to the person. this is just for fun<3
Julius and Kelly are Capricorns. Capricorn, in astrology, is the 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorns tend to be,
Capricorns are part of the earth signs! Their color is charcoal grey (sorry Julius) and their birthstone is, traditionally, garnet.
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Killian is a Taurus. In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus tend to be,
Taurus is also part of the earth signs and their color is green. Emerald is their birthstone.
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Sera is a Scorpio. Scorpius (or Scorpio) is the eighth sign of the zodiac. Scorpios tend to be,
Scorpio is a water sign, their color is black and topaz is their birthstone!
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Seamus and Sullivan are both Aquarius'. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. Aquarius tend to be,
Aquarius is part of the air signs; of course, their color is blue and their birthstone is amethyst.
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Devlin is a Virgo. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgos tend to be,
just like Capricorn and Taurus, Virgo is part of the earth signs. Their color is brown and their birthstone is a blue sapphire.
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Lucien and Octavian are Libras. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Libras tend to be,
and just like Aquarius, Libra is also part of the air signs. Their color is pink and their birthstone is opal! (my personal favorite)
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Cian is a Gemini! Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. They tend to be,
Gemini are part of the air sign, their color is yellow and their birthstone is pearl!
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thank you for letting me yap<3
the following characters belong to,
Julius, Killian, Kelly, Cian, Octavian, Sullivan © @sanityshorror
Seamus, Sera © @gracilissart
Devlin, Lucien © @scarfaxia
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jancy-central · 8 months
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🎉🎂 Hello, everyone, and welcome to another Spotlight Saturday! 🎂 🎉
This week is our first ‘canon Jancy’ Spotlight and because today is Natalia’s birthday, we thought we’d discuss Nancy and Jonathan’s birthdays. (Please reblog - or comment on - this discussion to weigh in!)
It has never been said in the show or by the Duffers when Nancy and Jonathan’s birthdays are… so WHEN ARE THEY?
My headcanons are based on Natalia and Charlie’s assessment. They have said Nancy is a Libra and therefore, born in October. Though Libra is September 23-October 22 so it could be anywhere between these dates. Libra is represented by the scales of justice so makes sense why Natalia (and Charlie) headcanon this.
As for Jonathan, they both agree that he is a Cancer… so that means they think his birthday would be between June 21-July 22. Below is why they might think this:
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Something else interesting to note: In season 1, Nancy wears an amethyst ring, which is February’s birthstone. I personally headcanon that the ring was her mother’s or grandmother’s… but could it be hers?
✍🏼 Reminder: ‘We Love Jancy‘ Fanart Event is February 11-14 and prompts are now up at @we-love-jancy ✍🏼
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If anyone would like to help out with the Fanart Event or the upcoming Spring Fanfic Event, please shoot us a DM or ask.
As always, please send us anything cool Jancy you see or want us to discuss. Also, feel free to send us any prompts you want to see as a fanfic, fanart, etc.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 11 months
Cold Comfort: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Summary: You meet another psychic on a case that doesn’t want to work with you, and everyone’s faith is tested on exactly what you can do.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"And so, all the night-tide, I lay down by the side. Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride. In the sepulchre there by the sea. In her tomb by the sounding sea." - Edgar Allan Poe
This morning is one of the milder ones since there isn't a need for a case right now. You and Spencer just got in and joined Penelope, Emily, Kevin, and Derek in the small break room by your desks. Penelope has a newspaper in her hands with a page about horoscopes and zodiac signs.
Spencer is a Scorpio and you're an Aries since your birthday is in April. It's coming up but you're not sure what you want to do yet. Spencer will no doubt plan the perfect evening, so you're not too worried right now. Plus, you've read that Scorpios and Aries are compatible.
"Current influences should turn this day into one with plenty of potential, but avoid the trap of trying too hard. Know your strengths. Rely on them. Confidence, real or pretend, is your magic ingredient," Penelope reads Kevin's current horoscope.
"Confidence. Yes, I like that."
"Ooh, do mine," you grin and bounce over to them.
"When's your birthday?"
"Early April. I'm an Aries."
"Ah, here it is. You prefer to think that if someone hasn't noticed your superior charm, and isn't already thinking about proposing to you, then they aren't worth the effort. Now suddenly, it's you who wants to do the chasing and will really enjoy the feeling of being in pursuit."
"You hear that, Spencer? Better get your running shoes on because I'm going to chase you."
"One of the most compatible signs for Aries is Scorpio."
"It's like you're my soulmate," you joke with Spencer.
"Come on, guys, you don't really think there's actually anything to that stuff, do you?" Derek asks.
"You'd be surprised.
"It's gibberish," Emily has Derek's back.
"Thank you."
"Oh, you are just jealous because you don't have the magic ingredient.
"I have the magic ingredient. It's called Splenda," Emily grins and sips her coffee.
"Alright, skeptic, what's your sign?"
"No? Is that in May? Reid, we need a DOB on Prentiss."
"7:12 a.m., October 12th, 19--"
"Hey!" Emily cuts him off before he can say her birth year.
"Libra, I should have known," Penelope giggles. "A romantic opportunity may experience a slight hitch thanks to the pesky lunar influence, which could have you dipping into a rather chilly mood. If being demonstrative and warm is difficult, then neutralize this temporary cold front with a simple but affectionate gesture."
"I have a simple gesture."
Emily flips everyone off, and you laugh at her antics.
"Are you guys ready to gather?"
You turn to see JJ standing there with her hair cut short and looking amazing as ever. Jordan went back to counter-terrorism, allowing JJ to take her spot back.
"Well, look at you, miss thing. First day back and you're all business," Derek chuckles.
"Well, it's either diving right in or confronting my separation anxiety."
"It's tough being away from him, huh?"
"Yeah." You look down and notice a ring on her finger that's gold and sparkly. She notices you staring and holds it up for everyone to see. "It's Citrine, Henry's birthstone. Will and I both got one."
"That's so sweet," Pen gasps.
Penelope heads to her office while the rest of you head to the briefing room to get the meeting started. Right before JJ can enter, you pull her off to the side for a quick chat.
"Listen, Spencer and I were talking and if you and Will ever need a break to catch up with life or just to relax, we're more than happy to take care of Henry."
"I might take you up on that offer," she smiles. You two walk in; you take a seat next to Spencer and she takes her spot at the front. She puts pictures of a woman who is clearly dead onto the screen. "There's been a string of abductions in Olympia, Washington going back nine months. The four women are blond, blue-eyed, and in their early twenties. This morning they found one."
"When were they taken?"
"Nine months ago."
"Was she the first?"
"She looks almost mummified."
"Not quite. She's embalmed. The time of death is a bit of a question mark right now."
"Where did they find her?" Rossi asks JJ.
"In a state park just east of Olympia. The body was jarred loose during a mudslide. That, plus the abnormal decomposition makes it difficult to know how long she was there."
"It says the victims were abducted about three months apart. He's rotating his victims out. There are gonna be more bodies out there. Wheels up in thirty."
Everyone is given thirty minutes to get their things and head to the private plane, but everyone makes it there in twenty.
"So, if I wanted to embalm a body, what's the process?" Emily asks once you're in the air.
"The blood is drained through the jugular vein and replaced with embalming fluid through one of the two major arteries. It usually takes a few hours," you explain. "You'd need special equipment and training for something like this. Knowledge of the human vascular system would also be a plus."
"Maybe it's a doctor," JJ suggests, "nurse, or a technician who has a background in mortuary sciences."
"Now, there's a major they didn't offer at my school."
"Personally, the whole thing just seems weird to me. Embalming, I mean," Emily says.
"Some people like to look good for their funeral."
"It's not them, though. It's a shell that's been polished and painted. I just want to be cremated."
"The question is why somebody would embalm the body of someone they just murdered. He wants to hold on to them. It's a possession issue. This way they can never leave. Maybe fear of abandonment speaks to his history."
"Eventually, even an embalmed body will decay. Eventually, he'll find himself in need of new victims."
"That explains the abduction cycle--a new victim every three months, which means at least two of the remaining women are already dead."
"What about the third?"
"Her name is Brooke Lombardini. It's been four days since she disappeared following her shift at a local restaurant. We know the odds."
"Ninety percent of all abduction victims are killed within the first thirty-six hours," you sigh.
When the plane landed, you headed to the dump site where they found the first victim along with Derek and Spencer. The rest of them went to the police station to get set up. Detective Ron Fullwood is already on the scene when you arrive. Tracking someone outside is harder than inside because the elements can mess up energies to the point you might not even see them. If the three other victims are out there somewhere, you have to try your hardest to track them down.
"A hiker found a foot protruding from the soil right up here. The whole side of the hill slid down from up there," Ron says.
"You're focusing the search in this area?"
"Yeah, but if he dumped other bodies here, he's got over eight hundred acres to work with."
"Keep your men near the fire road, Detective," Spencer suggests. "One man dragging a body through the woods with a hundred and ten pounds of dead weight isn't gonna get far from the path. That's why a lot of killers dismember their victims. They're easier to dispose of that way."
"You think it says something about the profile? That he didn't chop her up?"
"Possibly, yeah."
You look around the area and focus your concentration on bringing the energy of the dead alive. You walk away from the spot where the first victim was found and stop about twenty feet from it. There is something on the ground reflecting off the light from the sun. With your pen, you pick the item up so you don't touch it and contaminate the evidence.
It's a gold cross necklace. Whoever owns this is nearby, you can feel her.
Through the treelines where the sun shines through, is a mess of energy that can be missed if you weren't already looking for it. You walk over to the area and the energy wisps away as if it's leading you somewhere. The more you follow it, the more it moves until you get to the spot it's taking you to.
"Where are you going?" Spencer asks.
This isn't the energy of the first victim found, it's a new one entirely.
"Someone is buried here! You need to dig over here!" you call out. Everyone gathers around the spot you directed them to and begins to dig. It doesn't take long before a hand protrudes from the ground. Everyone stares at you as if you had something to do with the murder. "I swear I didn't have any knowledge about this victim."
The energy wisps away from the burial site over to three trees and takes the form of the victim. She smiles sadly at you before misting away knowing that she is found and can find her own peace.
"The answer to your question, Detective, is yes, this killer can't dismember these women. He cares for them."
You let local police and crime scene investigators do their job while you, Derek, and Spencer head back to the police station. The mom of the recent victim, Brooke, is begging for the police's help with the hope that she is still alive somewhere. She already has someone on her side helping her, someone named Stanley Usher.
He's a psychic like you. You've met your fair share of psychics, but never anyone as strong as you are. Some only can infer emotions, some of them connect with people's personalities and make lucky guesses, but you've never met anyone who can do exactly what you can do.
When you find out about Stanley, everyone's eyes are on you.
"What? I'm not the only psychic on the planet. I've met my fair share of psychics--not good ones, but psychics nonetheless. Most of them were frauds who only wanted people's money."
"Exactly," Rossi backs you up. "Hope is one thing. False hope is something else."
"I know you thought that about me when we first met, but I'd like to hope you have faith in me now."
"You get lucky," he shrugs playfully.
"I guess you've worked with psychics before?" Derek asks. "You know, prior to Y/N."
"Not by choice."
"There are cases where people believe they've helped. Y/N has helped so much for this team," JJ backs you up.
"She's the real deal. She's proven to me she can actually help. Others don't. When people are vulnerable, they'll believe a lot of things."
If you're going to work this case, you have to know exactly who you're dealing with. You have to meet Stanley to know if he's going to help or if he's like the frauds you've come across. Rossi wants you to be there with JJ, so you three head over there as soon as possible to meet with Sandra, Brooke's mom, and Stanley.
Stanley is standing in the kitchen off to the side. He doesn't seem to notice you or feel your presence, but you definitely feel his. Despite him being a psychic, you can read him like an open book. His reputation has suffered a lot during his life. He has some abilities he can rely on, but not as strong as you can. He was once called a fraud but you don't know how true that is.
"We think the man who took her may have come by her work. A customer or someone she may have talked about," JJ says to Sandra.
"We think this man is a loner. He would dine by himself and make frequent visits, but he's shy and avoids eye contact."
"She got asked out sometimes."
"No, this man wouldn't have asked her out. He wouldn't have had the courage. He would have stared at her and made her uncomfortable."
"I've told the police everything I know. You shouldn't be here. You should be looking into the clues," Sandra urges and pushes a necklace toward JJ that belonged to Brooke.
"Right, like clues from Brooke's necklace?" you ask.
"Yes, ma'am. It's called token object reading or psychometry."
"I know what it's called."
"See, a person's energy makes an impression on everything they touch. It allows me to connect with them. The hard part is interpreting what I'm given. I know she felt weakened, tired, and heavy."
"Can I talk to you for a second?" Rossi asks Stanley. Both you and Rossi go off to the side with Stanely to speak to him privately. "I've been around a little, and I've seen guys like you come into the lives of grieving families."
"Sir, I assure you, that's not what--"
"Listen to me, the last thing this woman needs is some con man giving her unrealistic ideas."
"With all due respect, sir, you may not know what she needs. Your job is to know the perpetrators."
"We're not talking about my job."
"Maybe we should be because there are a lot of people out there who don't believe in what you do, either."
"The only person I trust to do this is her," Rossi gestures to you.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm an empathic psychic."
Just like that, Stanley's demeanor changes at your words. It's like he hates you or something because all you feel from him is disgust and hatred.
"I'm sorry, but I can't work with her. You can either work with me or her, but not both," he says to Rossi.
"No offense to you, but I choose her."
They have some talking to do, so you leave their side and join JJ and Sandra in the kitchen. JJ gets up to answer her ringing phone, and you take her seat so you're sitting across from Sandra.
"Hi, Sandra. My name is Y/N. I'm an empathic psychic and a very good one at that. Stanley refuses to work with me, but it's your decision on who you want on this case. I have credibility and I'd love to help you if that's what you want. I've caught a lot of killers and saved a lot of people. I just want you to think about who you want here."
JJ gets off the phone and looks at you and Rossi.
"I just got a call. They found a third body."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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cherrygorilla · 4 months
August's Basic Info
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Like I said for Zack's post, I really struggled with finding faceclaims for August - maybe even moreso, because I have such a clear idea of what he looks like in my head, and no one I've been able to find fully captures it. I think Kit Connor (first pic) is, again, the closest I'll get - he's the right amount of soft and friendly I need for little August haha - but the others are all at least along the same sort of lines (at least in these pictures I found anyway lol): Peyton Meyer, Connor Jessup and Dylan Sprouse.
Name: August Jude McNeeley
Nicknames: He mainly gets Auggie, but Bentley always calls him Gus - it used to just be Bentley, but since August grew so fond of it, Kona and Zack have started using it more now too. He still likes Auggie though - tbh he likes all variations of his name (I his mom picked well lol)
Age: 14
Date of Birth: September 28th
Zodiac: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire
Nationality: American and Scottish
Sexuality: Gay - but very much still in the closet and totally not crushing on anyone
Birthplace: His family home in South Pasadena
Current Residence: Island Drive South in South Pasadena, Florida
Occupation: Middle school student and part-time grocery bagger
Talents/Skills: He's weirdly good at long-distance running, he can play the clarinet, he's really good at crosswords, he's a great baker, but he's an even greater listener
Birth Order: Youngest of three
Siblings: Francesca May McNeeley (23) and Hazel June McNeeley (19)
Parents: Jedediah Michael Whitaker (estranged) and Heidi April McNeeley
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Height: 6' 1'' when fully grown - but for now, probably like 5' 3''. He has a big growth spurt that literally no one saw coming, and becomes a real gentle giant haha. 
Eye Colour: Like a muddy, brown-y green.
Hair Colour: Sandy blonde
Glasses or Contact Lenses: Some round wire-frame glasses he's supposed to wear all the time, but only wears when his eyes feel super strained, because he thinks he looks like a dork in them and actively tries to avoid anything that draws unnecessary attention to him
Distinguishing Features: A chickenpox scar on his forehead, just above his right eyebrow, and a prominent freckle on the corner of his mouth that always gets mistaken for a smear of chocolate. 
Mannerisms: He's SO bad about clenching his jaw/grinding his teeth when he's stressed, he always looks down at his feet when he's walking, and he always does a little snort of air through his nose when he laughs
Health: Anxiety, peanut allergy, and, because of his jaw clenching habit, any time he's anxious (which is quite a lot, poor baby) he gets tension headaches. Also, not really a health thing, but he's a vegetarian.
Hobbies: Baking, creative writing, scrapbook journalling, mediating his friends' arguments, running, reading, watercolour painting (this was mostly thanks to Bentley's influence, but he is enjoying it more than he thought he would), practising the clarinet, and being the voice of reason.
Greatest Flaw (in their opinion): How sensitive he is. Bullies have blamed it on the fact that he was raised by a bunch of girls to become a big sissy - but August just knows he lets his mind hyperfixate on minute details and spiral out of control. Whether it was an embarrassing passing comment he made or a missed homework assignment, he'll work himself into a guilt-riddled state until the rational side of his mind can regain control. It's even worse with more meaningful things though. If anyone says anything bad about him it'll affect him for weeks, and if anyone takes anything he's said badly he'll beat himself up about it for just as long. With how deeply he takes everything to heart though, it often means he's more reluctant to open up about his feelings, and keeps himself pretty closed off as a result - all because he's scared about the reaction he might get. 
Best Quality (in their opinion): His level-headedness. As much as his anxiety can get the better of him, he's gotten a lot better in recent years at keeping it under control. His calm reasoning often ends up benefiting his friends more than it does himself, but that's what makes it so rewarding. He loves getting to help them out in any way he can, and offering advice or talking through their troubles with them gives him a real sense of purpose. He may not be very brave, or very physically strong, but his quiet support from the sidelines is invaluable - especially when he can pick out things in a situation no one else would have thought to before. 
Biggest Fear: Not being accepted. Again, he's really sensitive about what other people think of him, and he really takes their opinions to heart. So the thought of upsetting someone, or doing something that would give them a negative opinion of him is awful. He partly blames it on his dad never really being present in his life, and the fear that, because he knows nothing about him, if he were to come back into it, he wouldn't accept him as his son. But it extends to his peers and friends too - he often stays quiet and tries to do what he can to blend into the background so that he doesn't draw any unnecessary attention to himself that could lead to anyone developing any strong feelings towards him - positive or negative. He just wants to be seen as…normal. But as he's slowly coming to terms with his sexuality, in a time where society is not very accepting of anything but 'the norm', that fear is feeling more and more real every day. 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Birthday cake or Pistachio
Favourite Colour: Sage green
Favourite Number: 2 - 1's too lonely, but at least 2 means you've got a friend
Favourite Movies: Luca, The Muppet Movie, and The War of The Worlds
Favourite Songs: Blackbird by The Beatles, (unironically) Story of My Life by One Direction, Yellow by Coldplay, and God Only Knows by the Beach Boys - and, of course, he was inspired by the Taylor Swift song August, but I felt like that was way too on-the-nose to include as one of his favourite songs lmao
A place they want to visit: Edinburgh, Scotland - to visit his mom's side of the family who live there
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bluerosethornrp · 1 year
Meet the Muse masterpost
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Art by @haruhiheart
Basic facts
24 years old
Blood type AB
Libra sun
Scorpio moon
Leo rising
September birthday.
INTP personality type
Demigirl with she/they pronouns
Reclusive and prefers to be alone or with a single person. Has a Tsundere attitude that hides a sweet-to-a-fault personality. They are inexperienced much in live due to protective upbringings. Rosey is a very curious soul who has a habit of making friends easily despite her demeanor. It annoys her quite a bit
Her personality also stems from her exploitable disorders. Rosey has depression, anxiety and autism spectrum disorder. Socially she is in a word, Fucked. It has taken many years of work for her to be a social as she is today, even if she finds the results less then ideal. Rosey does not see much worth in herself. She hides it well.
Kanato Sakamaki:
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In the #sakamaki verse, Rosey takes the place of Yui as the sacrificial bride. Rosey tries to avoid all the sakamakis at all cost, not knowing her purpose inside the house. However she bonds with Kanato with a shared love of sweets. It doesn’t hurt she finds him very attractive when he’s not throwing a hissy fit. Rosey usually just follows along with Kanato on a given day to prevent his temper. Eventually this blossoms into a romance.
Azusa Mukami:
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In the #mukami verse, Rosey takes the place of “Eve”. Like with the sakamakis, Rosey does start out avoiding the Mukamis. However with the brothers being more….reasonable —in a word— she is more open with all of them, and finds herself most attracted to Azusa. Rosey’s secret obsession with beautiful art pieces leads her to observing Azusa’s knife collection quite often with Azusa not far behind. This Mutual respect and love for observing things that are beautiful blossoms into a romance.
Other notable relationships:
These are her friends from across the multiverse. They may have interactions with Rosey on the blog.
Fun facts about Rosey
She likes to to roller skate and owns her own teal and purple skates
She grew up with cats and dogs
She smells like box hair dye, despite her best efforts otherwise.
Her favorite treat is dark chocolate and orange candies
Her favorite food is fried chicken and Mac n cheese.
She hates bones in her food. It freaks her out.
Her favorite flower is blue roses and wants them in her future wedding
Her birthstone is sapphire. She’d like her engagement ring to be a sapphire.
Her love language is gift giving.
Rosey grew up isolated with protective parents. Most of her time was spent reading, writing, drawing and roller skating on her family’s property. When Rosey turned eighteen, her parents died in a freak accident and was left with selling the property, most of her own personal items, and living on the street. One day the church took pity on her and she became a custodian. Due to her stunted social growth and lack of belief in god, Rosey was sent away to live in a mysterious mansion….
Gore, incest, rape, and other activity will not be on this blog. It will be deleted
terfs, racists, nazis or other such things are not welcome here. Leave.
I will roleplay NSFW in discord private chats
I will accept all OCs and canon characters that come into the ask box
You are welcome to DM me. Don’t be a creep in the DMs either
General tags
#Rosey core— things related to the muse
#sakamaki verse— thing related to Rosey and Kanato’s relationship
#mukami verse— things related to Rosey and Azusa’s relationship
#oc interaction— interaction with other peoples oc
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