#Lexember 2022
mindutme · 2 years
12. Ṣar
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Ṣar [ʂɐɾ], pl. ṣdẓol [ʂɖʐɔl] is a word that means something like “day,” though not exactly. The world in which Mindutme is spoken doesn’t have a sun or moon and even the stars in the sky don’t move, so measuring time is somewhat difficult. Ṣar is actually the nominalized form of ṣa “to sleep,” extended to refer to the time period within which a person sleeps and is awake afterward, up until they next go to sleep. This is not a fixed duration either between different people with different sleep patterns or for one person from one ṣar to the next, and different people in the same location might not have their sleeping patterns aligned even if they are of the same duration.
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jackhkeynes · 2 years
31st Lexember
ubictað "ubiquity"
ubictað /ˌi.bɪkˈtaθ/ [ˌi.bɪkˈtah]
ubiquity, omnipresence, the quality of being everywhere;
totalism, universalism, ideology characterised by the application of principles uniformly in all contexts;
Ubiquity, a particular ideology which rose to prominence in the late nineteenth century and defined one pole of global power through the twentieth
Etymology: late medieval borrowing from non-classical Latin ubīquitās "ubiquity", nominal derivation of ubīque "everywhere". Applied in philosophical contexts throughout the Latinate Vetomund from the sixteenth century, and used in particular for Ubiquity (originally as an insult) in 1848, in the translation of lady explorer Poshack Nerwaman's dismissive critique of political developments in Mashick [*Mexico].
Ubictað ablegau mell'yam deur Ommad.
/ˌi.bɪkˈtaθ ˌa.bleˈgo mɛˈljam ˈdawr ɔˈmad/
[ˌi.bɪkˈtah ˌa.blɪˈgo mɪˈljam ˈda.wɐʀ‿ʊˈmad]
ubiquity expel-pst 3s.gen-uncle out.of Ommad
Ubiquity drove my uncle from Ommad.
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thelibraryofbizmir · 2 years
28th Lexember
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dawn-appears · 2 years
Lexember 2022 day 9
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/ɾikun/ - illness, sickness
          Derived from /ɾik/ - bad
/mikɒn/ - to care for, to treat, to care for someone ill
         Derived from /mikak/ - to wash
/sɒtsu/ - to bury (dead)
         Derived from  /sɒt/ - to cover
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dedalvs · 2 years
Lexember (December 31st)
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And the last word of Lexember is daomio "rain". Let the rains come and wash away the ugliness of 2022 and give us new hope for 2023. I have hope every single year that we'll move away from fascism and closer to a world where we help others and ourselves, leaving no one behind. A happy new year to one and all. <3
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quothalinguist · 2 years
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For our final Lexember 2022 word, “inizumii” means both “hello” and “goodbye” in Aazh Naamori. So inizumii to you all, and tolaarazhon (“thank you”) for following along with these entries this month. We hope you have a wonderful start to the New Year!
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sombraglaze · 2 years
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day 31! ✍️ as always, the transcription of the text in the image is below!
śaśmi [ꜛɕaɕ.ꜜmɪ] n. (abstract) conlang
Portmanteau of Iḳiaṣ́ü words: śaxxi meaning language, and saśmix meaning creative.
This word was coined in the modern era by Iḳiaṣ́ü internet users.
Lexember 2022 | Day 31 @SombraGlaze Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/@vmxhu
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kohlrabi · 2 years
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For this Lexember 2022, the focus will be on the Chielúú Dialects, two mutually intelligible languages for a worldbuilding project I have started over the past couple months. On the very first day, the word “to ripen,” is being presented. The Western dialect has evolved opening diphthongs while the Eastern dialect has long vowels in the same positions!
I may make a sideblog for this project to bring focus to it. Will see in the coming days!
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langtimestudio · 2 years
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For our final Lexember 2022 word, we present a very important word for our STEM-minded mice: “wákuf’íthí” means “math” and is the collective form of “wákuf’í” (“sum, total”).
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mindutme · 2 years
19. Émili
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Émili [ˈɛ.mi.li], pl. milyér [mil.ˈjɛɾ] means “teapot.” It is a compound of the proto-Mindutme words *ɛmi “tea” (in modern Mindutme, emi [ˈɛ.mi]) and *lii “vessel” (in modern Mindutme, lya [ʎɐ], pl. lyer [ʎɛɾ]). The word *lii originally referred to almost any vessel for holding liquids, but in modern Mindutme the isolated form lya is used almost exclusively for cups, with compounds or other words filling in for other meanings.
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jackhkeynes · 2 years
30th Lexember
çarvinot "raspberry"
çarvinot /ˌtsar.viˈnɔt/ [ˌtsɑː.viˈnɔt]
raspberry, the plant Rubus idaeus or the red fruit thereof;
purple-red, the colour of the ripe fruit
Etymology; further diminutive of obsolete çarvin, cervin, itself abbreviated from Old Boral baȝ cervin "raspberry, lit. fawn berry". The Old Boral cervin "fawn, young deer" is a derivative of çarf "deer", from synonymous cervus in Latin.
Mell'acquetta er çarvinot ramenant starc. /mɛˌla.kwɛˈta ɛr ˌtsar.viˈnɔt ˌra.meˈnant stark/ [mɪˌla.kwɪˈta ɛː ˌtsɑː.vɪˈnɔt ˌʀa.mɪˈnan stɑːk] 1s.gen-liqueur cop.pst raspberry evoke-p.pst strong My liqueur tasted strongly of raspberries.
excerpt from Lux Æterna: The First Century of Threshold Force, written in 2002 (at the time in Dutch with the title Onslackbar Vláy: Drampelstøweth tÿdes har Rést Éw "Unquenchable Fire: Threshold Force in its First Century") by Cawen ba Dirxen at the Varonøw Higher Edifice. This documentarian book was commissioned to commemorate the centenary of the discovery of the atomic nux [nucleus] in the city's Nÿstad Atellier (then privately owned and run by substantial theorist Lohic Courvoisier de Nÿstad).
…has since 1996 produced more killdark [uranium]—predominantly processed immediately into tarmarette [yellowcake] form—than the combined output of all Chrysia [Australia].
Hints at the discrete nature of the composition of atoms (a phrase which itself would not have sat well with either side of the Atomicity Rift; atomicists were yet wedded to the intrinsic Leucippic model, while their opposition regarded the entire scheme as a merely useful fiction) had been encroaching into the understanding of matter for decades. Since the first corporal enumerations [periodic tables] in the 1840s it had been realised that naïvely ordering corporals by weight led to inelegant groupings when alchemical properties were taken into account (most notably the strong motivation to place janthine [iodine] among its detaxional brethren like muria [chlorine]), and no theoretical basis for these transpositions would be proposed for decades.
At the same time, the apparently-unrelated phenomenon where the lightest elements had all been measured to have weights almost exact multiples of that of aquifex [hydrogen], while this was not true at all of heavier ones (even such prosaic substances as copper!), demanded explanation. In 1881—a dozen years before the invention of a device that could even test her theory—Kievan theorist Nike Sarantylack proposed to resolve both questions at once. Her "raspberry" model (so-called by her detractors) supposed each atom to comprise a number of each of two different…
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thelibraryofbizmir · 2 years
17th Lexember
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dawn-appears · 2 years
Lexember 2022 day 8
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/sɒt/ - to cover
/sɒut/ - thatch, roof
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mindutme · 2 years
14. Ftotṣár
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Ftotṣár [fto.ˈʈʂɐɾ], pl. ftoṣdẓól [ftoʂ.ˈɖʐɔl] means “daysong,” derived from the proto-Mindutme phrase *haft-dɔh-ɑt sjɑ-dɔh, “song of the day” or “song of sleep”. As I explained in this post, measuring time in the world where Mindutme is spoken is a tricky thing, without natural cycles like days or years to use as a reference. A common practice is to use music as a measurement. On a small scale, someone might sing a song to themself while doing a task or waiting for a friend, and measure the time by how many verses they sang or how many times they repeated the song.
For community-level timekeeping, cities and some larger towns have dedicated musicians whose job it is to play the ftotṣár in a central area. The music is constant, though the musicians come and go in shifts, and in most places the style of the music changes from one part of the ṣar to another. The function is similar to church bells marking the hour, with different styles of music marking the equivalent of different times of day. Each town and city with this practice has its own song or set of songs that collectively make up its ftotṣár, and it is often said that hearing one’s hometown’s daysong is the sweetest moment of returning home after a time away.
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mindutme · 2 years
22. Ivoldóght
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Ivoldóght [i.vol.ˈdɔɣt] means “to protect” as well as “to record, to write down,” i.e. to protect information from being lost. It comes from the proto-Mindutme phrase *i vɑul-dɔh gɛt, “to take away from danger.” The preposition *i meant “not at” or “away from,” though in modern Mindutme the meaning has shifted to “from” in an ablative sense as well as “because (of).” The word *vɑul-dɔh (volt in modern Mindutme) is the nominalization of *vɑul “to harm” and *gɛt is “to take” or “to bring.”
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mindutme · 2 years
18. Is
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Is [is] means“oil” or “fat.” It is an old root, *es in proto-Mindutme. The older meaning was general, referring to any kind of fat used in cooking, but in modern usage “oil” is usually meant. A plant can precede is to indicate the source of the oil, and the older compound vewres [ˈvɛw.ɾes] means “butter,” from *veud es “cow fat.” Very occasionally vewres might also refer to the fat found in beef, but this usage is rare.
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Incidentally, the letter to represent the sound [v] in Mindutme is called vewd, as it was originally a depiction of a cow:
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