#Levi's the only one who can calm down an angry hange
quillsandblades · 4 months
Hange’s fury is a raging river, deafening and feral.
It tears and snatches away everything in its path, leaving only jagged remains behind. She shouts, loud, dripping with emotion. Her eyes stir with restless waves.
People say her anger is fire, it burns.
But she disagrees. She’s been burnt before, she knows. That’s not how she names her rage. To her, it’s akin to the river. The kind that roars and drowns out every other thought, every other noise. The kind that she used to visit when just a child and stand too near its crumbling edge, never heeding her mother’s warnings, until one day she slipped. The river carried her away, and she found herself horribly helpless against the lapping currents, useless limbs, throat scorching with drenched screams.
That’s what her anger is. It tears at her, renders her helpless while it brews destruction around her. And just like that river, it smashes down everything — everyone in its way. Sometimes she’s afraid of how she can get. Afraid of what it may do to people close to her.
But Levi’s different.
The splashing waves don't pull him under, they don’t knock him off his feet. He stands against her storm, unscathed. He holds the river in his hands — not gently, it’s much too wild for that — and silences the howls. He’s the only one who can do that.
And it feels like her river rolls into the ocean when he does so. It settles down with the salty currents and moves lazily once more.
So if Hange’s fury is the raging river.
Then Levi’s calm is the undisturbed ocean which catches her.
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blues824 · 2 years
Brothers interacting with fruits basket mc who didn’t want them to touch them, until one of them accidentally brushed up against them and mc turned into a cat
Gender-neutral reader
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After spending months within the Devildom, Lucifer noticed how you never wanted to show any physical affection with him and often just used all the other love languages to portray your feelings for the eldest brother. It saddened him, but he was sure you had your reasons.
It was when you both were walking side by side that Mammon decided to run out of Levi’s room and Levi started chasing after him. You both were startled, and Lucifer placed an arm in front of you to push you behind him in case something was going to attack you.
All of a sudden, he couldn’t feel you against his arm anymore. He looked over and saw a cat in your place, and the cat looked stressed. The Avatar of Pride pieced the pieces together and realized that you were the cat. Oh, you were adorable as a cat, Y/N.
He kneeled down and had you jump into his arms, where he took you to his office. There, he would take care of you. Plus, this might be one of the only times where he can indulge in physical affection that came from you. Of course he’s not going to share it with anyone else.
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He is a very touchy-feely demon, but he doesn’t want to admit it. He would try to drape his arm around your shoulders but you duck just in time so that he wouldn’t touch you. He might play it off as something else, but he’s hurt on the inside.
One day, you were walking up to your room when the Avatar of Greed dove behind you to hide away from the Avatar of Envy. The second born put his hands on your shoulders to place you directly in front of him, but something went wrong.
You were transforming into your cat form right in front of him, and Mammon was panicking quite a bit. Sure, he loved cats, but not when his beloved significant other turned into one! He was definitely freaked out.
You rubbed up against his leg as a way to calm him down, which was when he picked you up and took you to his room so that no one would take you away. From there, he would probably shower you with the love and affection he has been holding back.
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Actually, he isn’t insecure about it. You seem to genuinely enjoy hanging out with him and often give him gifts and compliment him, but you seemed uncomfortable with physical touch. He might think it’s because of a sensory issue or just a general discomfort of some sort.
The one time where he did touch you was with his tail, and he only wrapped his tail around you to pull you away from Mammon so that he didn’t accidentally hurt you while he was running away from Lucifer.
He felt you shrinking and looked over to see you transforming into a cat, and he let out a shriek of panic and despair. Who wouldn’t freak out when their partner is turning into a cat out of nowhere?? However… on second thought… maybe this was why you didn’t want to be touched in the first place?
Levi knelt down and started stroking your back, and you arched your rear to meet his hand. You seemed to calm down from your initial fear, and now he thought you were so cute! Then he realized that this was like the anime he’s watched: Vegetable Bin!
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He didn’t mind indulging in physical affection, but it wasn’t his first choice. He preferred quality time, acts of service, and words of affirmation. He wasn’t really affected when you stated that you would prefer not to be touched. It just gave him more of a reason to give you gifts in place of it.
There was one time where he did touch you, and it was to get you away from a cat that was angry and feral. Of course, the feline creature had every right to be, but it seemed even more agitated than it should be.
That was when he felt your absence within his grasp. In your place stood another cat, who seemed to be going right behind him to hide from the angry cat. There was a hissing battle between the two, and that was when Satan realized that you were the new cat.
Honestly, he couldn’t tell if he liked you as a cat or a human better. You were just so soft and adorable as a cat, but you were adorable in your normal form as well. Please don’t turn back yet! He has a bunch of pictures he wants to take for memory’s sake!
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Asmo is another demon who thrives on physical affection. However, he respects your wishes when you say that it’s not something you are uncomfortable with. Instead, he will shower you in affection in other ways.
Unfortunately, there was one day where the 5th born was just having the worst day imaginable. That’s when he sees you and Mammon getting a bit too close to his liking and so he pulls you towards his room. You let out a shriek of panic before you started transforming.
Eventually, he didn’t feel your hand in his grasp and turned to look (Orpheus and Eurydice much?), only to see a cat standing in your place. That’s when he realized that it was you; you were the cat. He let out a squeal of happiness when he saw how cute your feline form was.
He picked you up in his arms and ran to his room, went through his entire closet, and picked out a beautiful set of fabrics that complimented your fur and eyes. His entire Devilgram account is filled with pictures of you in your cat form. He will delete them if you want him to, but he won’t delete the photos entirely. He just deletes the posts.
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As much as he likes physical affection, he does enjoy indulging in the other love languages as well and will just pour more time into them when you tell him that you don’t like to be touched. He doesn’t judge you at all.
However, there was one time where he had to touch you, and it was to pull you back before you were stampeded by a crowd that was rushing over to meet a celebrity of some sort. Unfortunately, that triggered your transformation.
He saw you shrinking and kind of panicked until he saw you… as a cat. Now he understood why you didn’t want to be touched. However, you were so freaking cute. Since there were still a lot of people in the street, Beel knelt down so you would be able to leap into his arms.
The 6th born carried you back to the House of Lamentation, where he explained what happened to Lucifer. He allowed him to keep you in his room until you changed back to normal, but warned him to not let Satan find out. After all, the Avatar of Wrath might try to steal you away from the Avatar of Gluttony.
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He’s not a very physically affectionate demon unless he’s asleep. That results in you both sleeping in separate beds, but still napping together. Belphie contains his urges to pull you close to him by cuddling with a pillow instead.
Unfortunately, there was one time where you got close and he could feel your body heat, so he let go of the pillow, turned around, and grasped onto you. It was then that you woke up and let out a shriek of panic as you started transforming.
That, in turn, woke up the 7th born. He looked and saw a cat in your place and he started freaking out as well. However, somehow he managed to realize that you were the cat, and now he didn’t know how to react.
So, he went to Lucifer and told him what happened. The eldest told the youngest that it would be best to keep you in the attic so that none of the brothers mistake you for a normal cat and told him that he should stay up there with you. So you and Belphie spent the day up there, just relaxing.
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bts-spnlvr12 · 8 months
I Get to Love You
Pairing: PostWar!Levi x Y/n
Summary: It's been months since the Rumbling ended, Levi is finally back home and is living the best life he can right beside you. He still can't get used to having scars and marks all over his body, so you show how much you love him...
~A/N: ⚠️MDNI⚠️ This story will contain mature content, such as smut, swearing, very minor angst, daddy/babygirl kink, mentions of nakedness, mentions of trying for a child, so on and so forth. If you DO decide to interact with this post, it will result in a blocking of your account. You have been warned!!~
~Okay, for the love of fucking gosh. For those who saw the catastrophe from the previous post. I apologize. I made a mistake that at the time I never noticed. But I do ask that if you EVER see me post a story with a fanart that has no credit, PLEASE PM ME about it THE DAY IT COMES OUT so that there are NO ISSUES IN THE FUTURE.~
Its been months since the Rumbling came to an end, you were excited to live a normal life away from the threat of Titans...
You were especially happy that Levi finally came home, it's been hard for him to get adjusted to everything that's happened to not only the world, but to himself and others he knows...
It's been a few days since the Rumbling stopped, but you were extremely worried...
Your husband Levi hasn't come home yet, you worried about his safety, especially after the incident with the thunder spear which you were told by Hange...
You were pacing around the living room, trying to keep yourself calm, your hands rubbing your face out of fear of him not returning. Suddenly you hear the handle jiggle slightly, then it opens wide to reveal a tired-looking Levi...
"L-Levi?" You slowly walk over to him so you don't scare him, he looks up at you slowly, showing his wrapped up face and healing sutures. You cover your mouth at the sight, he was still very handsome to you but seeing him with so many severe injuries...
You tear up and pull him into a hug, so thankful that he's finally home and safe from all the horrible things he's seen throughout his life, no more Titans, no more loss of life and no more worrying...
You help him to the sofa and brought him some tea, knowing that it will calm him down after a stressful time...
End of Flashback...~
You looked up as you heard a thumping sound every second, to see your husband walking down the hall with his cane, he pours himself a cup of tea and makes his way towards the sofa...
He sets the cup down then slowly lowering himself right beside you, "Hi baby, how are you feeling?" He shrugs and rubs his knee, "Just in pain for the most part..." You rub his knee gently, "You look like you have something else on your mind, what is it?" Levi sighs then looks at you, "I'm just...trying to get used to everything, how the world is, old comrades both alive and dead, as well as the way my looks have changed drastically..."
"That's all understandable baby, you've learned how to fight your entire life, now with the threat of titans extinguished and coming to your senses about those who've sacrificed their lives for Paradis, and hon, you're still very handsome in my eyes, scars and marks in total..." You smile as you keep rubbing your knee...
"You're only saying that because you're my wife, you'll probably leave me after a while, I'm old and beat up, I'm practically useless..." You get angry at this, of course all in a loving manner; you hated when he talked about himself like this, so you decided what you were going to do to show him how much you adored him...
You remove his shirt to reveal his torso, with defined abs which makes you smile, you start leaving kisses on the spot he's most insecure about, starting from the scars on his face and working your way down...
One look at you
My whole life falls in line
I prayed for you
Before I called you mine
You look back on the past, it took a lot to have this special relationship with Levi, fighting side by side against the titans, sneaking around when you could to see one another, and a lot of trust earning...
Oh, I can't believe it's true sometimes
Oh, I can't believe it's true
I get to love you
It's the best thing that I'll ever do
I get to love you
It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come your heart I will choose
Forever I'm yours, forever I do
I get to love you
I get to love you
You kiss him passionately before moving down and removing his sweats, you see the scarring on his legs from various reasons, kissing each scar, bruise and mark left, looking up at him with such love, taking his hands in yours and kissing each finger, paying special attention to the two he's missing, letting him know you loved him no matter how he looked or what he went through...
The way you love
It changes who I am
I am undone
I thank God once again
You think about all those times you've made love with one another, whether it be passionate or angry. His way of loving you was gentle, but he could tough whenever it was needed but he loved you for you, flaws and all. You were insecure about yourself in the beginning, thinking that he deserved so much better than you, but with all the ways he showed you that you were his and no one could compare to you, changed that view about yourself...
It wasn't easy but he made it easier whenever you had your lows..
Oh, I can't believe it's true sometimes
Oh, I can't believe it's true
I get to love you
It's the best thing that I'll ever do
I get to love you
It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come your heart I will choose
Forever I'm yours, forever I do
I get to love you
I get to love you
I get to love you
I get to love you
He began to tear up slightly as you sang the verse over and over again, kissing him and his tears away as they slipped down his cheeks, he was starting to understand how much you loved him, and how lucky he is to have someone like you to love him for him, flaws and all...
And they say love is a journey
I promise that I'll never leave
When it's too heavy to carry
Remember this moment with me
The line where you promise to never leave his him harder than ever, he's lost so much in his life, his family, comrades. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost you, he'd probably go nuts if you weren't near him...
I get to love you
I get to love you
I get to love you
You climb back up to him and kiss him as passionately as possible, he holds your face gently in between his hands, he is crying tears of happiness, he now understood you'd stay with him for the rest of eternity...
"I love you, Levi Ackerman, scars, marks and all, okay? Please don't ever think about yourself like that again. That fact that I get to Love you, is the greatest part of my life and always will be..." He nods and kisses you passionately, the tears stop flowing and things start getting heated...
"I love you too, Y/n Ackerman, I can say all the same for you, now how about we take this to the bedroom..." You nod and slowly get off of him and help him up, and held hands as you went to your shared bedroom...
Levi is already in his boxers, so he slowly undresses you then lays you on the bed, he then starts kissing down your body; either open mouth kisses, or love bites to let you know you belong to him...
He then lines himself with your slit then looks at you with approval, you nod and he pushes himself in, bottoming out and releasing almost a primal noise...
You wrap your legs around his hips and help him thrust in and out of your core, making you moan loudly from so much pleasure, "I love you so much, god so fucking much..." He says while kissing you feverishly, "Fuck I love you too baby, please make me yours all over again...
He smiles softly and started thrusting into you as if it were the end of the world, you throw your head back from him hitting your spot, "F-fuck! Right there!" He re-positioned himself to where the tip of his cock kept pounding into that spot, which made you see stars...
"Right there? Does that feel good babygirl, you like it when daddy fucks you like this?" You nod the best you could and he leans down and down and sucks on one of your nipples...
You tangle your fingers in his hair and start to notice his movement are becoming erratic, you know he's to his breaking point, "Levi, c-can I ask you something?" He looks up at you, "W-w-what is it?" "Would you be alright with the idea of possibly having a baby?" He slows his thrusts, "W-what? A child?"
"You don't seem happy about the idea, I'm sorry it wa-" He cuts you off with a kiss, "I'm not mad baby, I was just shocked. I want a little Levi or Y/n running around the house, maybe one or two in fact.." You tear up a bit and kiss him passionately, "You would be a great father.." "You would be a great mother as well, darling..."
With that he starts fucking you like he was before, you scratch your nails down his back from his erratic movements, "I-i'm close baby, I'm gonna c-cum!" You agree with his statement and he eventually starts rubbing your clit so you both can climax at the same time, which you both do so loudly and with sloppy kisses...
He releases all of his load and pushes the tip up against your cervix to make sure nothing leaks out, you are breathless as your come down from your high, the same goes for Levi when he kisses you passionately and smiles, "Round 2?"
Let's just say neither of you got rest that night...
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eueuphoriaz · 1 month
So I happen to chance upon this blog which talks about the little cold war between Hange and Levi after he revived Armin instead of Erwin in the RtS arc.
Honestly, this is something which I did not delve deeper because it was just too much things happening for that whole sequence when I first watched it. After reading that analysis, and also chancing another post allegedly claiming that Hange's character is too shallow because she didnt show much emotion here when Erwin died, I just had to do something.
So, I just had to dig deeper into the manga and anime again, with the little analysis out there that highlighted Hange's character especially during that scene and decided to split this post into 3 parts, focusinf on Hange's cold war, or how she responded to Levi's decision.
Caution: Certain degree of Levihan lens is on.
Part 1: Rooftop
Part 2: Walltop
Part 3.1: Double date
Part 3.2: Double date/ Basement
Part 1: Rooftop
So, that blog talked about the difference betwen how Hange is drawn in the anime vs the manga, and I can agree that the drawing in the manga does indicate a little bit more about Hange's displeasure towards Levi for choosing Armin. I mean, she must have felt so disappointed and betrayed at the same time, after all her therapeutic talk to Mikasa to calm her down, only to lose her squad, Moblit, her commander and her eye. She lost a lot more than Levi in this battle, so of course she will be angry with Levi.
So, here are the panels in the manga which see her looking away from Levi
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I also looked into Levi's dialogue at the start, when Floch questioned his decision. Here, Hange looked away while Levi looked towards Floch before talking but in the anime, both of them are looking at Erwin.
So I am guessing that in the manga, there is basically little or no interaction at all between Hange and Levi and Hange made it clear to Levi with her non-verbals. Also, I find it strange that Levi talked about forgiveness. Now, he may mean 2 things in the context of Floch questioning him:-
1) Will you forgive this guy (Levi) (direct reply to Floch but indirect expression to Hange)
Now, I know that the sub translated it as forgive him (Erwin). So I did a Google translation using speaker and microphone. And double checked that the pronounciation Google got and the one Levi said is the same. This is what I got for that paragraph.
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Now, I know I am just taking the translation literally by Google and it may be way way off because of how the language is used. So please forgive me if this is totally wrong 🙏
So, Floch was questioning Levi, Hange is avoiding Levi and Levi started his speech, explaining the reason for his choice.
If he had intended to ask Floch and Hange to forgive him, this gives an early indication that he can sense the emotional impact his decision has on Floch and Hange. Indeed, Floch didnt even join in the family discussion when the Armin woke up.
2) Will you forgive this guy (Erwin)?
If he had intended to ask them to forgive Erwin for his conflicting dreams, then I find it quite weird because that would mean that he had to tell them the real motivation of Erwin's drive to led Humanity against the Titans. Would he do that to Floch who is a subordinate? He might have told Hange everything and therefore asking her to forgive Erwin (and thereby understanding his decision). Then that would mean that Levi is basically ignoring Floch as he and Hange watched Erwin take his last breathes. So Floch's "Captain why?" Is sort of a cue for Levi to start talking to break the ice between him and Hange.
Also, isnt Erwin's devil characteristics (ruthlessness, determination, etc etc) the things the Floch and Hange needed for Erwin to be revived and led the Survey Corps after the huge losses? So, why would Levi ask them to forgive Erwin?
I am confused with the language here but these are just some of my observations and curiosities.
So anyway, whether it is the manga drawing of Hange looking away from Levi, or his dialouge, it does make sense to me that there are some tension between her and Levi.
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Now the other panel where the anime draw her looking at Erwin while the manga draw otherwise is when Armin come out of his titan body.
Ok, this scene should be familiar to all Levihan because remember how Levi will always stare death in the eyes when his comrades die but not at Hange in 132? This scene has been mentioned because he looked at Erwin as he die while Hange looked away, in the manga at least.
Similarly, there can be 2 reasons why:-
1) there is still tension between her and Levi and she does not want to have any interaction with him
2) or, she wanted to check that Armin's transformation is ok. Afterall, this is also the first time the Survey Corp stole the power of a titan and they may not know how the whole thing works still. But do note, that she is totally not her "Eren I want to touch that hand!" self.
Imagine Hange, having no reaction to the first time she sees a titan shifter gaining power. I think only Reiss family and the Marleyan warriors got to see that scene but Hange showed no reaction or excitement at all. So, please convince me that she is not sad at Erwin's death. She is obviously very very affected by Erwin's death. Probably she might also be thinking that Erwin could have been the one emerging out of that titan body.
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And in all these scenes, when Levi is talking, Hange did not respond, verbally or non-verbally.
The only respond she gave was after Levi gave his comforting speech to Erwin, that she said "he's dead". It is as if Hange is saying, there is no point in comforting him cos he is dead. But does Hange felt comforted by Levi's words? I dont think so.
So I do think that Hange is definitely angry at Levi and this little cold war between the 2 of them are starting to brew at the roof top here.
Plus, I also just want to mention how in-character Isyama has written both Hange and Levi. Remember how Hange used a cockroach to cover up her frustration after talking to Sannes? How she quietly sit down at the wall while thinking about her fears after taking her anger out at Nick? She hides her emotions and it is also clear that she is doing that here as she is processing her grief.
Levi, on the other hand, is so in-character with how he comforting a dying soldier: Complimenting them, affirming them and carrying on their strength and resolute on his shoulder. (I always find it weird that he complimented Erwin but now I get it. It is his way to encourage or send off the dying)
A short clip on the rooftop scene and Levi sending off his soldier in episode 9.
Levihan's Cold War [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3.1] [Part 3.2]
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alatuswind · 4 days
Attack on Titan Nintendo 3DS game translation (#13)
This is a translation I did for fun as I was curious to know what this scene from the game was about. As I couldn't find any translation I decided to share the one I did. There are probably mistranslations as I don't speak Japanese, but, once again, this was just for fun. I accept any corrections
(Door opens and closes, and steps are heard Hange appears in Erwin's office, glasses up and angry, talking loudly.)
Hange: Aah! No more! I can't do this! At all!
Levi: It's noisy, be quiet.
Hange: (still talking loudly, now with the glasses) But hey! Can something like this happen!? Sonny, too! And Bean too! They were cute children that I cared for with great care! From now on! For humanity! A lot! It was supposed to be helpful! I can't even look into those round eyes anymore!? Who could have done such a thing!
Erwin: (ignoring Hange) Levi. What are the tea leaves today?
Levi: It was diverted from the centre. Not bad.
Hange: (angry and talking loudly) Hey, you two. Are you listening!?
Erwin: (looking at Hange) Calm down, Hange. Why don't you drink it too?
Hange: (in a more calm voice but still bothered) I'm not having tea. It isn't the time for a drink.
Erwin: Well, don't say that.
(Erwin makes a cup of tea and gives it to Hange)
Hange: (sighs, calm) ・・・・・・・・・・・・, phew! I see, it tastes good.
Levi: So, You still don't have any idea who did it?
Hange: Not at all. Not even a clue. We've been completely outwitted. The only certain thing is that the crime was committed using a three-dimensional mobile device.
Levi: ・・・・・・ I see. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Erwin, are new recruits also eligible?
Erwin: Of course, this year's 104th training corps seems to be full of people with strong habits.
Hange: Ah, some kids are really smart, right? That's interesting.
Erwin: (agrees silently) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Hange: (silence) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Levi: ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・It's been 5 years
Erwin: Yes, that would be a reference point. It seems like it would be a good idea to exclude those who have been there for a while before that.
Hange: Five years. Now that I think about it, it was around that time that Levi joined the Scout Regiment. 5 years ・・・・・・ or was it 6 years ago? When he first came in, he was like "I don't care about anyone!" So it was hard to get close to him.
Levi: (rudely) Shut up, damn glasses.
Hange: Yeah, like a wounded cat! But now, we're so open to each other. Well, you know, from the very beginning I knew we'd definitely get along!
Levi: ・・・・・・ Who's good friends with whom?
Hange: Of course, it's me! However, Levi is loved by everyone. I was surprised at how strong he was right after joining the Scouts, but now he's the captain who brings everyone together. I think it's amazing that it's only been 6 years.
Levi: Even after 6 years, your annoyance hasn't changed. I think it's a big deal.
Erwin: (approaching) ・・・・・・It's about time, both of you. (with a more serious expression) Levi. Next outside the wall check, you will be in the centre of the fifth row.
Levi: ・・・・・・ Understood.
Hange: Take care of Eren. Because the fate of humanity depends on him.
Erwin: (still serious) Hange, how are you preparing?
Hange: (starting to get enthusiastic) Do you want to hear it? That's right, it's the best feeling. We have strengthened the elasticity of the wire. Efficacy testing has already been completed. The results are as expected. All that's left to do is wait for that time. Well, it was worth hitting the investor's ass until there was no dust left!
Erwin: That's why we need results.
Levi: You just have to put it out.
(Cups and spoons are heard. Everyone appears with a cup of tea. Erwin is with a teacup in his hand looking at Levi. Levi is drinking his tea and looking at Hange. Hange is happily pouring tea into the cup.)
Levi: Erwin, are you sure that he will definitely come?
Erwin: Yes.
Hange: (distracted and starting to sound creepy) Well, I have to treat them well, after all, they took Sonny and Bean from me. I need to deal with them in place of those children. I'll leave aside the question of whether they're human or non-human for now. What should I do?
Levi: ・・・・・・ Erwin. I feel a little sorry for that guy just for now.
Erwin: What a coincidence, Levi. Me too
Hange: (didn't hear) What, what are you two talking about?
Erwin: No, it's nothing.
Levi: I'm talking about the tea being delicious. You should taste it too.
Hange: Hmm, let's see. ・・・・・・
(Cups and spoons are heard. Hange drinks.)
Hange: Oh, it’s true. It’s delicious——
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mammomlette · 5 months
solmare I swear if you make mammon have ONE more intimate moment with MC only to be interrupted by the usual perps (Lucifer, Levi and Luke) (damn Ls) I will explode. ESPECIALLY if it ends with mammon going “AAA evil brothers😡angry chiwawa🤣anyway I gotta skiddadle!” And running away. Every time that happens an angel loses its wings
Tell me why you give mammon character development in a scene, we have a deep chat, you can smooch him or whatever, and the whole 2-lesson-arc has been leading up to this moment of vulnerability and hopefully character development only to make him run away and lose literally everything that this mini-arc taught him. Surely. SURELY there is a point in time between making a pact with him and like idk the end of season 3 when mammon realises his relationship (platonic, romantic, whatever it is for your MC) with MC is more important than Grimm to him. Not entirely, because that’s a core part of his character, just a point where he realises “hm I’m going to TRY paying Levi back so he stops interrupting me! And try calm down for lucifer so I can spend more time with MC instead of hanging from the ceiling!” Right? RIGHT??!!!?!
We see time and time AGAIN how much he cares for MC (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but he’s one of the only 2 brothers who hasn’t directly/intentionally endangered MC and I THINK he was the only one who seemed distraught at their death??? Last one is probs wrong) but he still finds a way to abandon MC every time someone’s shouts “MAMMONNNN” or starts chasing him. Like, bro. I get you’re a wimp with crippling debt but the LEAST you could do is drag MC with you so that they don’t get in trouble instead since he clearly cares for them😞🙏
And him running away being for comedic purposes isn’t even a valid reason for it to happen because there are funny ways for him to NOT just abandon us. 1) he could hide instead. There is a scene I believe is in season 2(?) where he’s in his room with MC, Levi storms in and they hide in his car. Not sure if they made a funny thing out of hiding in a car, but that scene led to Levi saying that he couldn’t smell mammon and meme on calling him a blood hound. Idk about you but I for one certainly har-har’d at that. Plus, hiding would be a nice change of pace from mammons usual running away. Option 2) Mammon could drag us with him??? I don’t play events or devilgram because I’m too lazy and poor for that but I’m like 99% sure that in the main story of OG game, mammon does NOT bring us with him any time he’s running away, which is weird because he’s always yelling that we should be with him cause he’s “our first” (his words not mine obv) but I don’t remember any scenes that he brings us with him when he needs to leave?? I would LOVE to be wrong on that part so please correct me if I’m wrong but I sadly don’t think I am. Option 3) Picture this: mammon gets spooked, screeches because he’s a wuss, he runs away (whether it be from a person, witch, whatever is after him) only to realise: “Wait! I left my favourite person behind! Whoops!” And he runs back and grabs MC (Maybe by the sleeve like a toddler, maybe by the hair, maybe he even princess carries them because yes) that’s it. That’s the whole thing. Mammon drags/carries MC after forgetting them. You could even expand on that and have him apologise for it, or get all flustered and deny he forgot MC, or act all proud like he saved MC as if he isn’t the reason MC is in danger or was left behind in the first place MMMITS SO GOOD SOLMARE FEED ME
All I’m asking is for solmare to PLEASE let us have a long, well-written and intimate moment with mammon that isn’t interrupted, or if it is he TAKES US WITH HIM or COMES RIGHT BACK FOR US when he runs away. I beg
PS this isn’t proof read any imperfections are just part of the masterpiece or smthn. Ty for coming to my ted talk
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thewingedgoat · 2 years
Hehe, I thought I'd copy a friend and write down my characters Lore without revealing to much of the story, so enjoyy
Lucifer/The Devil (Genderlfuid/Pansexual)
The Devil is probably the most powerfull demon on earth, not even his fallen siblings compare to his powers. Why? Nobody knows. He's the oldest of the demons and second-oldest when compared to ALL of his siblings. Although of his tough extirior(?) he is actually just a wittle guy that needs a break of everyones bs desperatly. To him, his most important duty is protecting the family he still has, with his very life. They may have fallen but he still cares deeply about his siblings. All over he may seem like he would kill you in an instant for coughing (wich he will if there's a good reason for it) but he is infact a very logical man.
Beelzebub/Beelze(pronounced like "Bells" btw if there's confusion) (Cisfemale/Bisexual)
Beelze is the mute Princess of Gluttony, she can only talk with the help of a special Collar made by the gatekeeper. She is a very sceptical person who never judges a book by it's cover, that doesn't mean there aren't certain people she just doesn't trust tho. Dice is one of those people, she just does not trust him, maybe she knows something the devil isn't aware of. She is very overprotective of her family and will literally kill someone for making a wrong comment. She will also be a very supportive character of Ink and care-taker of levi.
Leviathen/Levi (laughs in the face of gender/aroace)
Levi; the mentally unstable prince of envy, while he doesn't really represent his sin greatly, he makes up with it with his personality. He's always smiling and generally just very fun to be around considering his child-like behavior at times. Altough in reality he does get overwhelemed very easily and it takes him a bit to calm down again. When Leviathen gets angry you better run, since he is one of the most powerful beings in hell. He's the main characters fun uncle and often plays the role of the comic-relief.
Mammon (Demiboy/Bisexual)
Mammon is the Blind, edgy, grumpy character that just needs some affection. They weren't always like this, while Satan was still alive he was quite good company. The Incident broke him tho. He has a hard time getting around no thanks to his blindness and uses hellhounds as basically guide-dogs. He distanced himself alot from his family and barely talks to any of them. They can never forgive Lucifer after what he did.
Satan/Satanas (Any pronouns/unlabeled)
Asmodeus/Ozzy (doesn't give a shit/pansexual)
Ozzy is a very cocky person (in more ways than one ;])(okay I'm sorry that one was bad) but a very comfortable dude to hang out with. Contrary(?) to popular believe, he actually does respect boundaries. He is kind of a comfort-person for anyone who is unsure about their Identity, may it be sexual,romantic,gender or just overall. He is supportive boi.
Belphegor/Belphi (Cismale[very confused abt his gender]/doesn't know what He's into He just falls in love with ppl)
Belphegor is the prince of sloth so there's no surprise that he's mostly just relaxing. Other than the other Princes He doesn't have fur, but is covered in feathers. He's just existing and not caring about anything.
Ink/the kid/kiddo/kid/Inky (Cismale/Biromantic/Asexual)
Ink, the main character and the devils and Dice's adopted son. He was found in the back-ally of the casino, badly injured, when he was only 6yrs old. At first it was asumed that he's a toddler due to him being severly smaller than anyone else. He's still pretty small only reaching about 1,3 metres is size (americans google bc I have no Idea) He works as anything the devil needs him to be really, Dealer, Waiter, Barista, Bounty-hunter or Assasin, He doesn't care.
If you have read 'till here I can't thank you enough, you get a goat smooch
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neko-chans-teashop · 2 years
Obey me hcs (younger brothers)
Ps. I had to use seperate gifs for them cuz I couldn't find that one card summon gif.... Enjoy!
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It's the angry boi who loves cats lololol
Somehow likes Levi and Asmo, even though they aren't part of the Anti-Lucifer League
He is actually a pretty skilled writer, but is too shy to tell anyone
Chaotic Neutral
Secretly loves manga. All of Levi's old manga is stuffed somewhere in his room.
Is good at brewing tea, and has contrasting tastes in tea compared to Luci. Satan likes the more subtle and smooth tea flavors, and only drinks strongly flavored tea when his no sleep spells don't work. Meanwhile Luci loves strong tea 24/7
Asmo gave him skinny jeans once. Istg his feet nearly turned purple and he never wants to wear skinny jeans again.
Secretly very big on wearing hoodies. They're comfy and loose, and come in cute designs.
Secretly has a hoodie with cat ears, bought by Asmo and Belphie. Each of them had matching cat ear hoodies.... So cute
The pajama set that he wears (in the gif) was bought by Asmo.... In the animation, both of their hoodies show nearly half their chest, so we can assume that they probably bought similar-ish pajamas
Levi would sometimes be like "It's Kunikida Jr."
Istg it gets nearly all of the brothers hung from the ceiling when they hear that and start laughing so much
Has cat themed everything... Pajamas, coffee mugs, bookmarks, and secretly..... Even underwear sometimes
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I've been waiting for this for a while....
He is very good at drawing, and sometimes even designs his own clothing.
He went and designed a kimono for himself, honestly it was really into the pink and purple aesthetic
Thinks he and Satan are a good pair. I mean pink and green are one of the best color combos right???
He mostly raised baby Satan, and ordered most of his clothes. Satan secretly got his fondness of cats from him
Asmo likes bunnies, and Satan likes cats. They sometimes argue about which is better, and it always ends with "But we know mc is the best."
Sometimes asks Belphie to wear some of the clothes he buys, and also asks Beel too
He likes how well toned Beel's body is, and invites him to his photoshoots. I'll tell you that I'm sure that the other models would swoon when they saw Beel
Associates the song suki suki daisuki by Jun Togawa with terror bc of one of his late night stands *ahem* it's story time kids
He brought home a succubus late at night, and the song playing in the club was suki suki daisuki. He asked the succubus "What's your favorite song dearie?" The succubus answered you know what......
And then Asmo accidentally got trapped in the succubus' sort of realm or smth (similar to the Megumi's domain expansion in jjk)
Lucifer had to save him..... Asmo didn't bring home anyone for about a month or two.
Beel is the go-to shopping companion, he doesn't complain when carrying shopping bags but you need to feed him first tho
Once considered Luci a sugar daddy (idk he probably pays for his brother's expenses) bc he frequently pays for his shopping sprees
Hung from the ceiling. Mammon was already hanging there and he was like "Ara ara." (Mammon watched demon slayer when he was bored) and Asmo was like "You watch Highschool DXD too?"
Will tease the shit out of you but will help you calm down when you're done with his teasing
Anime character with similar energy as him - Akiko Yosano from bsd (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Chaotic good
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He gives loads of lawful good energy
His energy = serotonin blast from just hanging out with him
When he eats just enough, he will go to sleep quickly (he'd need to eat the same amount as all the food content of a grocery store to eat "just enough")
Puppy eyes from Beel are just so precious- I can't even breath just thinking about it-
It's frequent that Mammon takes him out to eat and pays for it most of the time (yes I am trying to tell everyone to not hate Mammon bc he is just a big bro with problems)
For any Kenji (bsd) and Mitsuri (kny) kinnies, he gives off so much aura that is similar to theirs
Eats a lot, wholesome, and cinnamon roll energy multiplied by three-
Whoever handles the bill would faint
Take them to an eat all you can buffet and you'd actually have to pay extra bc they'd eat so much
He tasted sakura mochi and loved it so much and ate lots and lots til eventually..... His hair turned pink and green
That one person to turn a racist into a guy that kind of cares for the race that they used to hate
Does not mind being teased about the time he got pink and green hair, it's cute anyways, and who would tease him??? (Y'know like teasing that seems like insulting somebody)
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I'm sorry but I have mixed feelings about this man
Yes this is that one scene where Beel saved over Levi's file in a game
Chaotic Neutral energy
When they meet a karen, it is high quality comedy. He'd talk back so much that that the karen would be running out of words
Sassy energy sometimes, in the words of my bestfriends, SLAYYYY QUEEN
Anime character with similar vibe - Tanaka-kun (Tanaka-kun is always listless)
Somehow gives off mysterious wholesome energy... Possibly from Beel and his telepathy
This is just a theory but, I think he and Beel's designs were made to be kind of opposite to each other
Just like Luci and Satan's designs are completely opposite
Belphie and Beel = Sun and moon energy that if you ship I will track you down to the depths of Devildom just to slam your face to the ground
He doesn't really like to wear thick clothing that makes him sweat a lot. He only wears warm clothes in the winter or fall, but rarely regularly
Appreciates the aesthetic of winter at night, it's chilly but you're warm under the blankets with Belphie while stargazing
I get why he'd want to kill us in the beginning. I mean like, he blamed humans and despised them for Lilith's death. He just wanted revenge
Master of shit talking other people
Sometime gives off Tsukishima (Haikyuu) energy....
So that's all I guess. I might edit this, but I'm unsure about that. Next post will probably be "Anime characters that give off similar energy as the obey me cast" Idk what to do with my life yet.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
I love your writing! if you're still taking requests, how about reactions/how the brothers take care of MC after a demon tries to or successfully takes a bite out of them?
Y’all really need to stop fueling my love of hurt/comfort stuff before it becomes a problem lol.
A Demon Bites MC
Let’s assume for this prompt that they find you after you’ve been bitten, so the demon is no longer at the scene. 
Please, he is literally so angry 
If it weren’t for you taking his top priority, he would have immediately called a meeting of the entire Devildom to find out who did it
You think I’m joking, but I’m not
However, you’re clearly more important right now, so he refocuses that energy into ensuring you’re okay
Casts a simple healing spell to clear up the injury, then takes you back to the house
Makes sure to steer clear of his brothers to avoid questioning and takes you up to his room so that he can better inspect the wound
After making sure everything is properly healed up, he demands you give him some form of identification so he can track the deon down 
If you do give him info, he will find the demon in literally 10 seconds, and then proceed to rip their head off
However, if you don’t he’ll be salty about it, but he won’t push you 
He’s so worried about you 
Like, the second he sees you, he is on the ground next to you and inspecting your wound
Has a mental breakdown cause he doesn’t know what to do 
Probably starts crying a bit cause he thinks you’re gonna bleed out or something like that 
Then he remembers he can simply call one of his brothers and ask them for help 
Calls Lucifer to ask him for a healing spell or something that can help you 
It takes him a few tries, but he is eventually able to get the spell right and heal you up properly 
Rushes you home so that one of his more capable brothers can do some final check-ups for you 
After that, he’s dragging you to his room and holding you close for the rest of the night 
Why is it that something bad always happens the second he leaves his room?
All he wanted to do is go and grab some work from one of his classrooms, but, of course, something had to happen 
Now he’s currently on the floor next to you, panicking and thinking you’re going to die of blood loss
He lowkey sucks at healing magic, so he’s calling someone who he knows is good at it, like Satan or Solomon
After successfully following instructions and healing the major parts of the wound, he’s picking you up and taking you home 
There, he gives you to one of his more competent brothers for further healing 
As soon as they’re done with you, he’s taking you away and hoarding you all to himself 
You won’t get hurt if you just live in his room forever, so why not just stay here with him 
Angry, but somehow manages to control it
Kneels down next to you and immediately starts healing you up and checking for any major injuries
After making sure you’re fine, he brings you home and goes to your room to let you rest
Then he goes straight to Lucifer and demands they start looking for a possible culprit
May or may not have punched a wall after Lucifer responded negatively to hsi idea 
Starts playing detective and asks you so many questions in order to find out who did it 
He’ll only back down if you use the pact against him 
It’s not that he wants to get this way, he just can’t properly control his wrath right now 
Actually will be super grateful if you use the pact to calm him down 
Still wants to find out who did it, but won’t push the subject unless you tell him it’s okay to 
He probably screams when he finds you 
Like, if you thought Levi and Mammon were panicking, you are not prepared for this demon 
On the floor, frantically calling Solomon for help, and refuses to hang up until he comes around 
Refuses to let go of your hand while Solomon is healing you up, and drags you right back to the house once he’s done
Demands you stay in his room with him for the rest of the night, and will not take no for an answer 
Spends the rest of the night clinging to you in some way, and the brothers have to stage an intervention to free you from him 
He’s almost more traumatized than you at this point
Most would probably think he was the injured on with the way he’s acting, but he’s just worried about you 
Goes into protection mode as soon as he finds you
Once he has you in a somewhat stabilized position, he does a quick check around the area to see if he can find the culprit 
After he gets back, he lifts you up, careful of your wound, and takes you to the house 
Brings you to Lucifer so that he can heal you 
he won’t cling onto you directly like some of the others, but he will follow behind you a bit for a couple weeks just in case 
Although, he probably did that already because he worries about you sometimes 
It’s honestly quite cute, like a puppy 
Understands if you ask him to stop, but might still do it every once in a while if he feels like you might be in danger 
Feels genuinely so bad that he wasn’t there to protect you the first time, but you reassure him that it wasn’t his fault and he feels better 
Was probably looking for a place to sleep 
But then instantly wakes up when he sees you
May or may not have flashbacks about when he killed you depending on your preferred level of angst 
He knows a bit of healing magic, so he heals you up as best he can for the time being 
Calls up Satan to meet him where y’all are at so he can help 
Satan finishes healing you up when he gets there and baby cow demon sits with you while he does 
He and Satan carry you home, and he takes you away and up to the attic as soon as possible 
Cuddles with you for the rest of the day 
Sorry I posted this so late, but I kept changing a bunch of stuff up since I had so many different ideas lol. I hope this is as good as I think it is! 
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
What about Levi becoming really soft whenever reader is around. One minute he’s going off at Hanji or pissed off at some cadets but as soon as reader walks in he’s all 🥺👉👈
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pairing: levi x reader
cw: an angry levi, a scared hange and cadets, and y/n who calmed levi down without any effort
author's note: didn't had any planned storyline for this, just wrote whatever came to mind and i actually find this one funny😂
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- how to calm down a levi -
"y/n? where is y/n-"
"shitty glasses! i'm going to feed you to your damn titans!"
you walked inside the survey corps headquarters after heading to town for a bit to pick up a few things since it was your day off. your eyebrows furrowed, confusion written all over your face.
"y/n! where is- oh shit. i'm sorry, shorty! ahh!" hange screamed, running around the hallways of the headquarters. you watched her as she ran past you with levi following right after, a broom in hand.
you found the cadets huddled in a group in the middle of the training field. you walked towards them and their faces lit up, sighs of relief washing over them upon seeing you.
"okay, i left to go to town for a few hours and i came back to levi chasing hange with a broom. anyone care to explain how we got from point a to point b?" you asked the cadets, utterly confused over everything you came back home to.
levi was okay - was still calm when you left so something clearly happened while you were out.
"well, we actually don't know exactly what happened but captain levi suddenly got grumpy" jean explained, rubbing the back of his head as a nervous laugh left his lips. the cadets fearfully hid behind you when hange ran outside the training field, levi still hot in her heels.
"y/n! y/n, save me! your husband is trying to kill me!" hange yelled, running around as if her life depended on it. levi's head snapped towards you upon seeing you in his side vision, calming down within seconds of seeing you.
"hey brat" levi said, a small smile playing on the corner of his lips as he crashed himself in your opened arms.
"huh, he looks fine to me" you said, wrapping levi in your arms. hange and the cadets gaped at you but more at the grumpy captain that just calmed down within milliseconds of seeing you.
"how- he was just-" hange started but she was too stunned to finish her sentence. the cadets were just as shocked as her. you chuckled at them, pulling away from levi. they all hid behind your back the second you let him go.
"tch" levi grumbled, rolling his eyes at hange and the cadets behind you. you looked back and forth between them, a giggle slipping past your lips at their gaped mouths.
"i've never seen captain levi calm down that quickly" eren pointed out, slowly going out of his hiding spot behind your back. hange and the cadets followed right after.
"what'd you get in town?" levi asked, grabbing the bags that you were holding and peeking inside a few of them. "oh just a few clothes for me and some tea. i also got you some cravats"
"thanks, brat" levi said, smiling at you and kissing your forehead before heading inside the building with your shopping bags as if he wasn't chasing after hange a few minutes earlier. you chuckled at the cadets and hange who stared at you with wide eyes.
"how do you manage to calm shorty down like that?" hange asked, still in shock over the entire thing that just happened. you simply shrug your shoulders and turned around to follow levi inside the building, leaving them with their shock and confusion in the middle of the training field.
after that day, you were the first person the scouts search for whenever they would endure the wrath of an angry captain levi. knowing that you were the only one who can calm him down without lifting a single finger.
and honestly? you found it funny whenever a cadet would bump into you during random points of the day, hiding behind your back and pleading with you to calm levi down.
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obeythebutler · 3 years
I have a crack request of the brothers and undatables reacting to a chill and calm MC that’s actually chaotic, unhinged when annoyed. Nothing serious but Mc’s vibing with them at Dia’s castle until they get a call from a relative they hate. MC hangs up on them a few times but they kept calling back so MC decides to have them on speaker and it goes like:
MC: So me hanging up on you couldn’t deter you from being a pain in my ass, how can I help you? :D
Relative: MC, why is my wife saying you put your hands on her?! 😤
MC: Probably because I cocked back, swung, and mixed her shit 😊
Relative: I can’t believe you did that! She was pregnant! 😖
MC: Don’t worry, I took the baby out before I whooped her 😌
Relative:*breathes out* Thank goodness,I was so worried she-*realized what MC said* Huh? 😨
MC: 🙂
Relative: ... Where is my child? 😡
MC: At the hospital 😀
Relative: Where is my wife? 😠
MC: At the hospital 😀
Relative: Oh, so they’re safe *calms down*
MC: Oh nah, she’s as good as beat ☺️
Relative: I gotta defend her honor, MC! 🤬
MC: Do that and you will lose 😄
Relative: What will I lose, MC?! What will I lose?
MC: Your life and a fucking limb like the others 😃 *meant it as smile became unhinged before hanging up**looks to the boys* Anyways, what’s the plan for tomorrow? :3
Like just imagine the rollercoaster of a reaction when they hear the wild mess coming from the “chill” human’s mouth.
I was only able to do the brothers..please excuse..
What in the...seven layers is this human ? MC was always the calm one, the only sane person in the goddamned house, but now they are the chaotic one! Oh dear..someone give him a guide on how to put humans in order....
He noticed their phone quite a few times..but when MC didn't pick it up the first few times he understood it was someone they weren't a fan of..but he never knew the chill MC was this deranged..
And he can only wonder how MC messed up the person's wife...Because now Lucifer is going to take special care to ensure he doesn't make MC mad, otherwise his life will become a living hell (pun intended) soon....
Woah, woah, woah, calm down human! He never dreamt that such a chill person as MC would curse and become so....deranged.
He noticed their phone go off and was the one to ask them to pick it up..but MC ignored him...and then when the fourth call came they picked up and went apeshit.
Threatening to make the person on the phone lose their life and a limb?! Mammon's totally not shivering at the thought of MC shouting these words at him ...But...perhaps....he can take along MC while bargaining with witches....?
Normie just wasn't a normie anymore. Who knew the chill, calm human could be so unhinged and chaotic?! Just like that anime character !
He noticed their phone ring quite a few times, but when MC picked it up and completely destroyed the person on the other end he totally wasn't recording it... totally...
Beating someone up and being a total savage? Levi is in awe of MC's chaotic side, but prays that he never has to face that side....
Damn, the human sure is fiesty! Just like an angry kitten! Cute but has claws...Who knew the chill MC was this deranged?!
He heard the ringtone, and when MC out it on speaker and destroyed the person on the phone, Satan was left cackling in a corner. Cocked back, swung, and mixed her shit?! Satan is laughing his head off.
This side of MC has Satan weak in the knees...perhaps, show him their deranged and savage side again?
He never would have expected his calm and chill MC to be so chaotic and unhinged. What did the person do to face MC's wrath?..
And those threats at the end...MC's chaotic side...that tone of voice...sexy! This side is..turning him on...
And the cursing....ugh ... Asmo has fallen for MC. What a mouth they have! And that deranged side ! ..uhh....how MC destroyed the person on the phone after they kept calling....
MC, do you need something to eat ? Food helps calm Beel down, perhaps it will calm MC down too..
He never knew they were so chaotic and and unhinged when provoked..completely destroying the person on the phone, and acting so calm afterwards...
Beel will try to never provoke them....he just hopes the baby was okay...but MC took the baby out before whooping the woman...
He's not sleepy for once, hearing them throw shade on the person..their tone of voice and threats woke him right up....
"Your life and a fucking limb" had him cackling and scared at the same time..their level of calmness rivalled his own, and here they were, even more scary then him when provoked...
Belphegor needs to stop being an ass to them if he does not want to face their wrath..but that side of them...is arousing..
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levisblackbabe · 3 years
Headcanons of Aot boys with a black gf
Characters: Eren Jeager , Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein x fem black reader (separate)
Genre: Mostly fluff, slight angst, deffo crack, (everyone is +18)
Warnings: Language, a bit toxic, slightly suggestive
Wc: 1500+ (Each character is about 300-400 words)
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Eren Jeager (The lowkey Toxic one)
· Lowkey scared of y/n because she reminds him of Levi when she is angry, and he knows she will beat his ass if necessary
· Started out as friends but he has always liked y/n
· He initially asked you out as a dare and you only found out after 6 weeks where you broke up 😐
· This legit started the cycle of breaking and getting back together (he never cheated though just a lil bit toxic)
· He is very possessive and controlling which also lead to your break ups
· Even though you have your ups and down he is mostly a good boyfriend
· He plays basketball so every time he is practising on his own, he asks you to be there for rebounds (in reality he just wants you near him baso 24/7)
· Loves your smell so he steals those items might be your lotion, hair products or perfume
· Loves your natural hair and just touches it without permission after a couple times you just gave up telling him off
· He was confused on why you changed your hair so often
· When you guys first started dating you came with box braids rather then your usual bun and he deadass thought you were somebody else 💀he was so confused on why this stranger was touching him up (this mf loyal cuz he was ready to punch you)
· He was soooo scared of meeting your parents (had to call Armin to ask for advice)
· Your family at first didn’t like him cuz of the constant breaking up but they grew to tolerate him (however your older brother doesn’t)
· Loves taking pictures of you during facetime, golden hour or whenever and saves them in a folder (simp)
· Loves your cooking soo much that he goes collect tubber ware of food worth a week and stocks up his fridge
· He loves when you speak to him in another language so he pisses you off so you can cuss him out in your native tongue
· He barely calls your name its either babe or some cringey name like bubbs or something (however if you hear your full name leave his month rip)
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Armin Artlet (The simp)
· SHY BAE that’s it
· He was your English tutor and has always had a crush on you
· He wanted to ask you out on a date, but he shy and thought you won’t like white boys
· You asked him instead cuz you fell for his ocean blue eyes (I mean who wouldn’t)
· In the beginning you had to take the initiative a lot cuz he wanted to respect your boundaries but after a while he grew comfortable and took the lead
· He LOVES your natural hair and knows your wash day schedule, so he always offers to help anyway possible
· He was absolutely scared of meeting your family cuz once again he white 😐 however everyone loved him
· He most definitely invited to the family reunion
· Your aunts adore him and they always talking about you as a baby to him
· He always doing late night ft calls with you, and he WON’T hang up cuz he wants to see your face when you wake up
· Armin is a giver, so he always offers to buy thigs for your and just buy gifts at least once a week
· He also loves cooking for and with you (once you had a cooking competition and technically, he is a better cook, but he let you win)
· He likes sending random pictures of things you like and remind him of you
· He happily takes pictures of you (photographer Armin)
· You guys have a pet turtle called Mickey 🐢
· His nicknames for you are beautiful, pretty and stuff like that
· Just overall fluff
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Levi Ackerman (the co-worker)
· You guys have been co-workers for 2 years actually
· You thought he hated you but in reality, he does he just acts stingy towards cuz he is Levi 😐 (some serious enemies to lovers vibe)
· He didn’t confess and never would have but due to a drunken Hange letting it slip during a hang out with your co-workers you found out
· He deadass ignored you for a week like if he saw you, he would turn into Houdini and disappear
· However, you once caught him distracted and forced him to talk to you
· Reluctantly so he spoke the truth and asked you out (thought he seemed angry about it)
· Now you guys have happily been dating
· Everyone in your office finds you lucky cuz Levi is the finest man in the office heck the world (if he was real, I would leave my bf 😭)
· He actually has a 5-year-old daughter (DILF! Levi) and told you why he never said anything about his feeling was because you know single dad and shiz
· After 6 weeks you met his babygirl and she is the cutest she loves you considering she never had much of a mother figure in her life
· His daughter is mixed so he knows how to deal with natural hair thanks to YouTube, so he sometimes helps with yours (such a good dad)
· But now that you are here you offer to do any protective styles and give him tips
· Levi isn’t very open, but he expresses his love to you with physical touch, acts of service or gifts
· However, he speaks very softly to his daughter he seems different
· Due to his love language being touch he loves petting your hair (only when you have protective styles) and putting his head on it ( he is tall in my head okay)
· He loves having you in close proximity to you and just somehow touching you
· Him and your dad really hit it off because they both have daughters
· Your aunts are lowkey infatuated with him
· Loves making breakfast for you but due to your busy schedule he just buys your coffee in the morning
· He will never tell you, but he has trouble falling asleep but when you sleepover he actually has a full nights rest (he has silk sheets just for you)
· He might seem closed off, but you know he loves you due to the little things
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Connie Springer (the bestfriend)
a/n I just want to say Connie will be of Hispanic heritage for the sake of this headcanon also because all the fanfics I read about him he is portrayed as Hispanic I just write him like this however this isn’t to offend anyone or play onto stereotypes.
· You guys have been besties since freshman year high school
· You hooked up freshman year of college and been dating ever since
· Nothing really changed in your dynamic other than the fact yall kiss and do the deed
· Like you legit call each other insults though Connie likes calling slime and bubbs
· You jokingly calling each other baby mama and baby daddy (manifesting kids but whatever)
· Speaking of kids, you have plushies that you call kids and rotate them around (they are from your arcade date)
· Loves being on call with you when he is playing because it helps calm him down and not break his tv (anger issues much)
· HYPEMAN if you are looking fine asf he will hype you up so much and offer to take pictures for the gram
· You have a joint TikTok account where you reaching 10k and just do dumb couple stuff its cringey but cute (Same goes for your joint spam account where you guys just do silly things together)
· He always asks to do your hair which you repetitively deny keeping in mind last time you let him he nearly ripped off half your scalp
· Late nights drives happen a lot so you can vent and have a heart to heart under the stars, you guys also just vibe to the music and might spend hours in silence looking at the city lights and dancing
· If you fall asleep on him or in the drive back he becomes really cute and soft and just says you are beautiful and that he loves you in Spanish (ugh my heart)
· He only speaks Spanish when he wants to be cute and knows you won’t understand
· Your family have always liked him so when you guys started dating everyone was like ‘FINALLY’ (same with his family)
· Some type of kid’s movie marathon once a month cuz being a child is great
· Its just overall jokes
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Jean Kirstein (Mr Doesn’t Give Up)
· Kept asking you out for a year until you gave in, he was so excited he kissed you straightaway
· He was so nervous in your first date, but he was a gentleman opening doors etc (whoever said chivalry was dead 🤨)
· Nearly said I love you on the first date considering he has liked you for a year, but he held it in
· However, he did get a kiss goodnight on the cheek (he was grinning like a fool)
· Loves the fact that you change your hair so much and so often that he happily gives recommendations and offers to help you out
· He is the overprotective type of boyfriend so he was reluctant on you meeting his friends especially Eren, but you reassured him that you wouldn’t be swayed (still icky about you hanging with Eren though)
· He adores playing pc games with you and you have a little family in Sims4 which is cute
· He now has a skincare routine because you introduced him to it (he said he didn’t need one cuz he has a ‘handsome face’ but he secretly started one lol
· He also steals your body lotion and legit smells like you (smh)
· His wrist always has a silk crunchie in case you need it, and, in his car, he has a bag with essentials for you such as pads, edge control, etc
· He calls you cute pet names but also the occasional insults as a joke
· He is lowkey rich, so he happily spoils you to fancy dinners and more
· He also likes going back to the basics so picnic dates in the spring and summer are common he says he cooks them but in reality, it’s his mum
· Your mum absolutely adores him cuz he is a ‘charmer’
· He likes facetiming you when he is working out so he can show up, but you just ignore him and continue doing what you are doing
· Like Eren he has a folder filled of mugs of you
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glyxy-wvs · 3 years
Everything Stays
A story about two close brothers, and memories that were hidden. 
Mammon and Leviathan 
[trigger warning: harsh words and angst.]
To be honest, they’re those brothers whom are very chaotic but also very reliable. In a family, when the eldest sibling is strict, sometimes the second in command will usually be the funny one. More like a sibling that knows how to be gentle and have fun (with limitations.) That’s how Mammon is, since Lucifer is strict with his brothers. Leviathan is in the middle, since he already has a strict sibling, and a sibling who he knows he’s not going to be pressure— he’s just lowkey living peacefully. But you got to remember that Levi is one of the eldest brothers, he has four more little bros to guide. That’s why sometimes Levi can be relaxed whenever you see him, but when his younger brothers needed him the most, Levi will switch on to that big brother mode. 
Mammon and Leviathan— they’re a pair. A chaotic pair; they’re both close with each other. Especially whenever Lucifer is busy during their Celestial times, the both of them would always hang out with each other. They may not show it, but there are times where Mammon would show his weakness to Levi, and the latter would go to Mammon for comfort. 
But one day, a fight breaks out— between the two of them. It’s common to see Leviathan and Mammon fight, it’s common for Levi to say harsh words while Mammon would occasionally defend himself (but he would also lie at times). To the other brothers, it seems like it’s their usual banter; but no, this is different.
The atmosphere is suffocating, harsh words weren’t thrown that much, but their gaze could simply kill souls. 
“Why do you have to ruin everything?!” Leviathan shouted; he knows how to be composed, but right now he can feel his rage as he grits his teeth.
“Me?! Oh, there you go again! Always blaming me!” Mammon replied; his eyes blurry, but it’s not close to crying.
“It’s because of YOU! I lost my one and only chance for that! Why do you got to ruin everything, Mammon?!” The second eldest wanted to speak but Levi suddenly shouted.
“WHY ARE WE ALWAYS BEING COMPARED, I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU! I will never be like you who always steals money and treasure and doesn’t give it back! Your reputation ruined my chance! You know how much that means to me, Mammon! Why—” Leviathan sat down, his face full of tears, loud sobbing can be heard; He’s on the floor now, and it seems like it wasn’t the two of them there. 
It’s a good thing that Lucifer isn’t home yet, but to think of it, it would had been better if he was there. Satan had his arms around Asmo, both are not used to Leviathan and Mammon shouting at each other with deep hatred. Beelzebub kept close to his other brothers as Belphegor hid behind them, not wanting to look. 
Mammon noticed that they’re scaring their younger brothers. He doesn’t want that— He and Leviathan could have talked about this misunderstanding in a calm and rational way, but due to the pressure, the judgement from others, lack of communication, and an endless suffering from the memories they never wanted to go back to— Their heart shattered, and all the emotions and feelings went out. 
Mammon sighed, and slowly went his way to Levi. “Look, let’s calm down, okay? Deep breaths and let’s talk about this somewhere else.” 
Well, Mammon tried, but it seems like Levi isn’t finished yet.
“I regret having an older brother like YOU!”
The atmosphere is different now. And the younger brother can mentally hear another glass being broken. They looked at each other, before looking back with concern. Asmodeus can’t see Mammon’s expression, but he know it’s not a sad or angry one. He’s the Avatar of Lust, and one thing he’s proud of is that he’ll be able to feel emotions from another person. He looked at Satan, his arms still around Asmo, comforting him by rubbing his back. Satan sighed, he can feel whenever a person is angry, he’s the Avatar of Wrath after all, but he can’t sense any anger on Mammon. He was already suffocating from Leviathan’s anger, Satan’s a bit relieved, but full of worry about the second eldest. The twins kept holding to each other.
The air around them is like a burden through their hearts. The only sound they can hear are the breaths of the Avatar of Envy. 
Eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks were red. He kept clutching his hand into a fist, wanting to break something. Levi’s hear was covering his eyes, but his gaze can break people— even demons. Levi is still in his demon form, but Mammon longed forgotten about it, and returned back to his usual attire. 
Those aren’t the heaviest words Mammon had heard. He heard Lucifer say something worse, but he doesn’t take it to his heart.
But this time...
This time, something felt different.
He wasn’t relieved of the situation, but there is something in his heart that’s telling him. He and Leviathan shared a lot of memories from before, but as time passes on, it felt like they were never brothers. 
Mammon felt— free 
The second eldest didn’t say anything, he went out of the room, looked at his younger brothers; he apologized in a sincere way, giving them all money if they want to take out some food. 
He left. 
Leviathan collapsed on the cold floor. 
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archivesofthevoid · 3 years
hi hi! could you write how the demon bros + dia would comfort mc after their human crush ghosted them n they’re really sad about it, it can be romantic or platonic :))) thank you!!
Brothers + Diavolo comforting MC who was ghosted by their crush:
Sorry this is so late! I'm slowly but surely getting my requests done. If you'd like to send a request, my inbox is open! Just be sure to look at my pinned post for my rules.
Also, the only one that's outright romantic is Mammon's since I couldn't resist lmao but you can choose whether the others are /r or /p!
Lucifer: When he found MC crying in their room, his mother hen mode was activated. He was beside them in an instant. He had work to do? Well, that can always wait! He gently brought them into a hug, letting them cry into his chest. He didn’t say much of anything until they had calmed down. “Do you think you can tell me what’s wrong now?” He asked softly. When MC told him, he was livid. Their crush ghosted them? How cruel. He gave them small encouraging words about how great they were and their crush was in the wrong for not seeing what an amazing partner they could have had. After he gets them to cheer up he offers to have him take the rest of the day off to spend with MC. He’d happily do whatever they wanted as long as they were forgetting about their old crush.
Mammon: He was there when MC found out their crush had ghosted them. He was angry, of course, because who in their right mind would do such a thing to his MC? Yes, his. It was no secret that he had feelings for the human, but since he knew they already liked someone else - he shoved those feelings aside. Though in the back of his mind he was secretly happy, because maybe now this was his chance! He wasn’t going to dive right in and confess to them. But rather, he offered to spend more time with them and be even more affectionate and clingy with them. Then maybe, just maybe they’ll reciprocate his feelings. He offered to go to the person’s house and sell all of their stuff but MC didn’t allow him to do such a thing.
Leviathan: When he was interrupted by a teary-eyed MC, he immediately put his game down to see if they were okay. He personally has little to no experience with cheering people up but he’d try his best. Oh, they were ghosted by their crush? Well, Levi has just the thing to help cheer them up! He grabbed a bunch of blankets from his closet and dumped them in his bathtub before dragging MC in to hang out and watch the newest anime he was into. Although he was beyond flustered when MC started to cuddle into his chest, he couldn’t find the heart to pull away. They both quietly talked about the anime that was playing while nestled in their huge sea of blankets in the tub. Needless to say, Levi had managed to distract them from the crummy person that decided to break their heart.
Satan: He was passing by MC’s room with a book in hand as he heard gentle sobs coming from behind their door. Frowning, he made his way to the door and gently knocked. After hearing a bit of shuffling he was met with a tearful MC. He made a mental note of where he was in his book before setting it down by their bed and going to have them tell him what’s wrong. Their crush ghosted them? Oh, you think Lucifer was pissed, Satan was seething. It took everything in his power not to march into the human realm and give that person a piece of his mind. Though MC had managed to take him out of his wrath by crashing into his chest quite pitifully. He gladly accepted said hug, wrapping his arms around them as he proceeded to find ways to talk shit about the person. Later on, all that came from MC were giggles as Satan went on a full-on roast fest about the former crush.
Asmodeus: He had run into MC in the hallway, them having tears in their eyes as they were making way to their room. Before they could make it to their room though, Asmo dragged them to his. He managed to pry what was wrong out of them after a bit of time, gently scolding them like a caring mother. He didn’t seem to mind that MC wanted a hug, or ten because how could he say no to cuddles with his favorite person? Once they were done crying, he offered to paint their nails and help clean up their face before dragging him out to spend time with him in town. It was a good way to distract them of course and it surely worked because they had forgotten all about their crush by the next morning.
Beelzebub: He for some reason had a feeling that MC needed a friend right now, so he grabbed as many snacks as he could carry and went to MC’s room. Turns out his gut feeling was right, as they were curled up in their blankets with a solemn expression. MC hadn’t cried at all about the situation, except for when Beel asked what was wrong. He gently held them in his lap as he let them sob and explain how their crush ghosted them. Once they got it all out of their system, he offered them snacks and cuddles. He didn’t say much in the way of comforting, but him being there seemed to be enough for MC.
Belphegor: He was asleep when MC had come crawling up to the attic in hopes of finding comfort in their best friend Belphegor. He slightly woke up to feel MC start to spoon him. He was about to fall asleep before he felt something wet on the back of his shirt. Were they crying? Sure enough, he turned around to find them staring at him with tears falling down their face. Now fully awake, he brought them into his arms as he asked what was wrong. After being told, MC quite literally had to hold him back from going to the human realm himself. He already hated humans (except MC of course) but this person he hated more than anyone else, even if he didn’t know them. Dragging him back to bed while telling him they just wanted to cuddle and take a nap, Belphie just settled in their arms. He grumbled a little as he did so but eased into it after feeling MC hold him as close as possible. Letting out a sigh he just melted in their embrace as he slowly felt sleep start to take over him. Fine, he’ll take a nap then he’ll kill that person.
Diavolo: He had actually invited MC over to the castle for some afternoon tea, which they greatly accepted. Though once MC got there, he could tell right off the bat that something was wrong. After tea was served and they were in the middle of talking, Diavolo asked what was on their mind. What he didn’t expect was them to start to cry. No matter though, he was already setting down his tea and walking over to them. He gave them the biggest bear hug he could manage without crushing them, and gently pet their hair as they cried into his shoulder. He looked at Barbatos, silently asking him to leave them be before he proceeded to comfort MC in his own Diavolo way. He cracked a few trashy dad jokes to get them to smile, and it worked too. Once he saw them start to laugh, he grinned and laughed along with them. Later on that night, he had Barbatos track down the human and give them hell. Barbatos didn’t seem at all opposed and gladly did what was asked of him, since the demon prince and his butler deeply cared for MC.
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You spell my name wrong!
Warning: Implied Sex
So, think of this scene. *This right after season 1 and you came back with Solomon*
One of the brothers, who you are in-a-relationship with walk past your room. Then they hear you sobbing.
The walking in (or burst in in Mammon, Levi, and Beel’s case) to see if you’re alright.
You saw him and run to his arms, and cry about the tattoo you got to remember them.
He blushes then get confused why are you crying over a tattoo you have.
Then you told him that you were drunk when you got it. You did plan it and already have the design ready.
His color of his sin, his symbol, his familiar and his favorite thing in the three worlds around his name.
He said that great/lovely/sweet of you (depending of the brother) and asks to show it to him.
You ask him not to get upset/mad/angry.
“Of course, I can never be mad at you.” he said.
You slowly took of your shirt.
He blushes and close or kick the door shut behind him (Mammon, Levi, Satan, and Belphie will do the kick)
You took a deep breath and turn your back to him.
It was a big tattoo across your back, he loves it, but then he notices something wrong with the tattoo.
“You spelled my name wrong”
Lucifer (Cusifer)
He let a sigh, causing you to sob and run to your bed and cry into your pillow.
He walks over to the bed and sat beside you and rub your back calming you down.
“don’t worry love, the tattoo looks great on you”
You look up to him, wiping the tear off your face. “You do? Even though I spell your name wrong”
He smirks and lean closer to your ear.
“Since I’m the only one to see you naked. I’m not worried”
Then he grabs your chin and brought your face closer to his leaning in for a passionate kiss.
Safe to say you to missed dinner that night.
While he was sleeping beside you.
You grab your D.D.D and his chance his name to his “pet name” in your conv.
Let just say when Asmo saw your conversation with Lucifer while you’re with him hanging out.
He has some question and badgering Lucifer for more details.
Expect to be call in his study after that.
Mammon (Mamon)
He was angry how could you misspelled His name!
“y/n what the hell! It just one “M” missing-” he cuts himself when he saw you start to cry again.
He franticly goes to hug and rubbing your back to sooth you.
“I’m sorry, please don’t cry look I-I love it. I like the crow and grimms”
“But the “M”-”
“I don’t care if the one “M” is missing, I honored that ya got a tattoo for me”
“You are?” he wipes the tears of your face and lean in for a kiss.
“Yeah…… and since your already half naked right now…...maybe we could?” he whispers to your ear, causing your face turn red.
Mammon completely forgot that he was go out gambling that night.
Two days after that night, you surprise everyone one with bread.
“Wow! I haven’t seen this type of bread what is it?” Beel asks.
You smiled at the red head demon.
Mammon choke on the bread he was eating when he heard that, and jump off from his chair and grab you by the waist and toss you over his shoulder and run to his room with you.
He took a marker and written an M with an arrow pointing where it should be.
Leviathan (Laviethan)
This man is piss.
To someone who does mispronounce or misspell titles of his show.
Is disappointed, well until he saw you looking down on your feet and sob quietly.
Now he feels horrible.
“Ahh!?! Please don’t cry. I’ll make it better, I promise”
“How, It’s a tattoo Levi! Its permanent” you ran to your bed, and cry in your pillow.
“What if I get a tattoo” you quickly looked up, your eyes widen.
“Are you nutz! Lucifer will kill you”
He marches to you bed and kneel beside it and grab your hand, and place it near his chest.
“I will do anything for my Henry” then he reaches to your face and wiped the tears away.
Moved by he’s sudden gesture if affection, you couldn’t leap forward and bombarded him with kisses and well….
Let’s just say he did go back to his room that night.
Three days after that, Levi is strung up on the ceiling by Lucifer.
For trying to get a tattoo.
Poor baby
Satan (Saten)
He has he’s classic smile on him
Trying not to get upset that it’s just one letter.
You sense his anger boiling, making it much worst.
Then you didn’t realize that tears start falling from your eyes.
“I’m sorry” mutter and looked away from him.
He took a deep breath to calm himself. Then he spoke.
“How much those it cost?”
You told him without looking him in the eye.
“Then I’m okay with it”
Shock you turned around with both mouth and eyes wide open.
“But the “E”-”
“What’s important is the intended of it. You did all the preparing and designing and spent your money all because you love me. And beside I can be angry at a tattoo cat on you, it looks adorable on you”
He sat next to you and drawing a circle on your back where the cat part of the tattoo is on.
Touch you lean on his chest humming in relief, then you look up to him and ask him to stay.
“of course, anything for you kitten”
That night the others could hear growling coming from your room all night.
The next day Satan texted Solomon for a way to change a tattoo without removing it.
Solomon texted him back with.
“You got a tattoo, wait! Let me guess, you got a dog one instead of a cat”
Make a mental note never asks Solomon for anything again!
Asmodeus (Asmedius)
A little hurt about seeing his name spelled wrong, I mean who gets his name wrong.
But see that it was a drunken tattoo he couldn’t get angry at you.
He walks up to you and wrap his arms around your body and rub his cheek on to yours.
“Oh darling, I have seen worst tattoo from someone who is sober, I’m glad the you manage to say all the details to the artist. And since is a human artist they wouldn’t know to capture my beautiful name in one night.”
Even though he said that, you can feel the irritation that his name is spelled wrong.
So, you, play by his game.
“If only there’s an artist here that can fix this” you try sound that you are okay with changing the tattoo, which make Asmo happy inside.
“Oh y/n are you sure it might ruin a good work of art”
Okay now his using reverse psychologic.
If you’re going to the Hessel of change the tattoo for him, might as well make him do something.
“Asmo, I don’t have the grimms to pay for this”
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll pay”
“Really! Thank you so much”
You turn to face him and kiss him on the lips, then he wraps his arms and pull you closer.
“You know that, since we are-”
“Take your clothes off already!”
That wasn’t a quiet night for anybody.
Days later, Asmo did what he promise, and shed a tear for his beautiful and yet empty wallet.
Who knew that changing a tattoo is expansive?
Beelzebub (Bealzibob)
He really didn’t mind.
“y/n, it’s okay I really like it”
“But Beel! There’s BOB written on my Back! Is worst because what if the others see this and think I’m with someone else-”
“Then call me Bob, for now on” he said it so nonchalantly
“Really…...” you said while sobbing
“Yeah, sometimes I thought you were call me, when you actually are calling Belphie”
“Oh sorry”
“It’s okay, that way I know that you are calling, I like this new nickname”
Beel is just making you feel better for having a tattoo with misspelled name.
And if that means his nickname is Bob, then so be it.
Seeing that he was serious about that, you couldn’t help leap into his arms and start peppering him with kisses.
Soon, thing just get heated, and well…... you know the rest :D
Two days after that night, Beel is in the common room with the other expectation to Lucifer.
Then you walk in the room.
“Bobby, have you seen my blue t shirt?”
“It’s in my room”
“Thanks!” then you walked out.
All the brothers turned their heads to Beel who is sneaking on a treat.
“Since when did they call you BOBBY!?!”
Belphegor (Belfhiger)
Oh! He laughs, A lot.
In the fit of frustration, you grab the closes thing you can grab (A pillow) and throw it at his face.
He grants and about to throw the pillow back.
But saw that you were seating on your bed with your back turn on him.
He sighs and walk over to you and sat next to you.
Then he nuzzles his face on your shoulder to grab your attention.
You didn’t budge.
Then he slides down on your lap, and looked at you.
He saw that you are pouting at him.
“Listen, I laugh at the tattoo, not you. I mean you have to admit, is kinda funny.”
“So, you’re not angry about it?”
“Humans never get my name right, like they always put a “E” at the end.”
You looked away, to only Belphie cup your face to make you look at him.
“I blame the artist, not you. You got the details about the things I like, and that’s sweet of you”
You let out a laugh
“Here you again, blaming people for something they didn’t do” you cup your hands over his.
“Anything, to make you not be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you. But there is something else you can do”
You move his hand over your lips, and start kissing it.
Belphie smirk and pull you closer.
Beel got a message from Belphie, that he’ll be sleeping in your room tonight *wink*
A week after that night, Mammon sends out a group message about your tattoo.
Apparently, he was asks to wake you up and saw the tattoo.
The next morning, everyone woke up with marker and scribbles on their faces
Well all expect you and Belphie.
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writertitan · 3 years
As the World Caves In
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 3449
themes: levi’s pov, certified levi angst, lots of pining, levi just needs a hug tbh, song fic request that i think fits the vibe of the song
requested by anon
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All Levi can see is war. Everywhere, every second, every hour. It was all he had ever seen, from the moment he’d been born. He had long accepted that war was as inevitable as breathing. With that acceptance had also come the knowledge that that was all he would ever see. Only the gore, the death, the filth of war.
His feet ache as he trudges down the street alongside his horse, the reins loosely gripped in one hand as he keeps his head down, too tired to face the curious gazes of civilians. The evening rain splatters relentlessly atop his head and dribbles down his cheeks and soaks into his sullied uniform; the rain has always bothered him, but it is especially bothersome today.
He is here to fight for the beauty of humanity, but it isn’t a beauty he would ever get the chance to see for himself. That beauty was for those who came after him. He would suffer for them, he’d face the ugliness for them, if it meant that nobody would ever have to go through the horrors of fighting for humanity again. He would take it. He could take it.
A glance towards Hange tells him all he needs to know. The squad leader’s shoulders are hunched forward and Levi purses his lips, knowing they’d injured their back hours before, a result of so much heavy lifting. The wagon full of corpses and dead weight is much farther behind them, but the creaking of wheels seems deafening. Today, it feels like the world is ending.
Gore, and death, and filth. That’s all war is. All that war is, is the end of the world, every day.
With a sigh, Levi lifts his head up to stare straight ahead, expression as steely as ever.
He is here to fight for something that isn’t his. No need to get caught up in his thoughts about it.
War was his life’s purpose. It was all he’d ever get to see. He’d have to see the end of the world every single day. There is no beauty in war.
Fifteen minutes later, the first handful of scouts have started wandering off, Levi’s gaze wandering with them. Some of them go to greet family members. Others slump together in alleyways to take a break. And then there are others that have stepped into a tavern, a couple of them beckoning for Hange to come along. Members of their squad.
Before Levi’s gaze could turn away, Hange, always perceptive, meets his eyes.
“Want to come grab a drink?” they ask him.
Levi feels his jaw clench tight at the thought. He shakes his head.
“No,” he answers simply.
But it’s too late.
Hange grabs a hold of him and calls for a scout to come help with Levi’s horse. A designated horse-sitter, it seems, who does it solely for the promise of the steady flow of booze to be delivered to him outside.
“I just want to get back to base, Hange,” Levi protests, but his voice is dull and lifeless. There’s no venom to his fight.
“One drink, and it’ll be nice to get out of the rain,” Hange insists. They’re trying so hard to be upbeat, to have life in their eyes. Levi knows Hange well enough to see past the facade. There’s no signs of joy past the surface.
Hange wants to be numb tonight and have a warm body nearby. It’s the least Levi can do.
As dirty as he thinks taverns are, Levi feels much dirtier when he steps in, spattered with mud and blood and whatever other filth. He’s still drenched from the rain. It hasn’t let up and he doubts it will cease at all until tomorrow morning. He can hear it thundering on the roof of the tavern, like a furious heartbeat.
His boots squeak as he follows his comrades to a table; it’s not lost on him that the tavern has grown completely silent the moment they arrived.
He tries to ignore it but Levi’s prone to returning a few curious or frightened stares with some mean glares.
He does just that as he walks behind Hange, and it seems to work. But there’s one stare coming from somewhere in the tavern, he can feel it, but he can’t find the eyes. Everyone else has taken the hint and ducked their heads away. Almost everyone.
When he finally finds the pair of eyes on him, a crack of thunder booms outside and Levi swears that it stops time for a moment. Can thunder do that?
You clearly work here at the tavern, hair tugged out of the way and apron stained with ale. Eyes as big as the moon when they widen at the realization that he’s caught you staring. But you’re not staring in fear or curiosity or annoyance. Your eyes only hold kindness.
Levi doesn’t realize he’s frozen in place until you turn your head away from him and hurry off. It’s only until your gaze is torn away that he remembers he can move. And then he hears Hange calling for him from the table they’d settled on, a spot waiting for him.
He feels heavier and lighter simultaneously as he sits down and tries to focus on the meaningless mutterings between the scouts after shedding his cloak and jacket. Not even Hange is contributing to the chatter.
It’s not long until he feels someone behind him and Levi stiffens, the fresh memory of your face popping into his head. Slowly, he turns his head to look.
It’s you.
You’re expertly balancing a tray on your shoulder as you set down pints of ale in front of his comrades, not a word leaving your mouth. You can read the room perfectly. Levi can’t even bring himself to be angry that you didn’t come to ask about their drink preferences first. He’s willing to drink ale tonight.
But he’s surprised when, instead of a pint, you set down a mug of steaming tea in front of him.
“I’ve heard that you prefer tea, sir,” you murmur, and he can sense that you’re timid about what you’ve just said. Then you add, “But let me know if you’d like something else to drink.”
Levi is at a loss for words and he can’t pinpoint the feeling in his chest. He just nods curtly, staring up at you, holding your gaze, watching the way you get more and more flustered. Finally, he looks away, down at his tea, and brings both hands to wrap around the warm mug.
“Thank you,” he says, and slowly turns to watch you walk away from over his shoulder.
Is the tea thing really a topic of conversation everywhere?
He takes a sip and, while it’s an average cup of tea by his usual standards, Levi swears no other cup of tea has warmed him up faster in his whole life.
The next time he’s at the tavern, it’s the night before departing to go beyond the wall. The soldiers are already some bottles deep in drink, swallowing their grief down along with the ale. It’s raining again, harder than the first night he’d come here. And Levi’s eyes have searched for glimpses of you since he arrived.
You always seem to escape his view. There are only fleeting glimpses as you saunter around, cleaning up and serving, and then disappearing to the back of the tavern where only the employees are allowed. You’re not the one to serve his table this time. But the fact that he was served a cup of tea tells him that you’re aware he’s there.
Levi doesn’t notice that when he can’t see you, you can see him. Thus, your gazes never cross paths.
He finally gets a good view of you when you come out wearing a cloak and a tired smile and tired eyes, and agree to help a barmaid serve a table of men a few meters away from his table, before you leave. You look uncomfortable as you serve them. They’re rowdy. One of them grabs the sleeve of your cloak and tugs hard. Levi hears the ripping of seams and then an uproar of drunk laughter from the table. And those eyes of yours fill with tears as you try to pull away to no avail.
Levi doesn’t realize he’s at the table until his hand is fisted into the man’s hair and yanking it so the drunkard can look at him.
“Keep your filthy hands to yourself,” he says in a low voice. He’s as calm as ever, but there is a dark undertone to his words that has the man and all his friends shutting up and shrinking back.
It disgusts him that these men would make you experience something like that.
When his eyes find yours, you’re looking at him in wonder, tears still lingering at your lash line.
“Thank you,” you breathe.
“You don’t need to thank me,” he mutters, and his only coherent thought at that moment is that his heart is pounding against his chest like the rain is pounding against the roof. Furious heartbeats.
The terrors of the world dawn on him full force when you clutch your cloak tighter around you and look towards the door. Levi knows war, and he knows terror, and he knows evil. He’s never thought about the fact that out there, you’re just as prone to the end of the world as anyone else. This tavern, this dingy little tavern, has been an escape for him.
It terrifies Levi to think that you’re out there on your own.
“Are you going home?” he asks you, and when you nod hesitantly, he makes up his mind. “I’m walking you home.”
“Oh, you don’t have to-” you begin, but Levi shakes his head.
“I want to,” he interjects. “It’s late and I’d like to know you’re safe. You seem like the type that finds trouble easily.”
“I seem like the type?” you echo, a corner of your mouth twitching up briefly. A hint of a smile.
Levi mentally curses himself but doesn’t elaborate further.
“Yep,” he confirms.
How can he tell you that he thinks that about you, not because of those men, but because you’d caught his attention? You’re doomed if you’re around Levi. Anyone and everyone is.
But he just can’t help himself.
“Okay. Thank you,” you whisper with a shy little smile, your eyes twinkling in the dim light of the tavern.
Levi clears his throat awkwardly and follows you out, ignoring the questions from his comrades, and definitely ignoring the little whoops from the ones who are too stupidly drunk to behave.
The rain is pouring from the sky and Levi grimaces, always bothered by the rain, and pulls the hood of his cloak over his head. He turns to you as you do the same, and only in that motion does he see how badly that drunkard has ruined your cloak. Your head may be protected from the rain, but your body is getting drenched.
He doesn’t give it a second thought before pulling off his cloak and shoving it your way with a grunt, the rain instantly drenching him.
You look at him in surprise, eyes as big as the moon again when they widen, and shake your head swiftly to refuse.
“Your cloak is useless. Use mine,” he tells you before you can verbally decline. “I’ll be fine. I’ve dealt with a lot worse things than getting wet.”
You reluctantly switch your cloak for his and Levi folds your ruined one over his arm so you don’t have to carry it. And then you start walking together, falling in step with each other easily. The streetlamps illuminate the wet pavement as the two of you walk together.
“Captain Levi, you really didn’t need to walk me home,” you say after a few beats of silence. The only other sound is the pattering of rain.
He turns to look at you briefly, because he just can’t stop looking at you, and for a moment he feels a dark pang in his chest when he looks you over while wearing his cloak. The green looks lovely on you, and while his heart flutters at the image of you wearing something of his, it also sinks at even the thought of you being a scout.
Levi would never want you to own a green cloak of your own. He would never want to expose you to war.
There is no beauty in war.
And you are very beautiful.
His head spins for a moment.
It’s the first time Levi has ever thought that about anything or anyone.  
He has never had the luxury of seeing something beautiful before. He sees death and he sees war and he sees terrors beyond the walls. Levi has seen nothing but the cruelties of a dying humanity.
And now here you are, so beautiful, the person who gives him tea and stares at him with wide, kind eyes.
“It would just make me feel better to know you’re safe,” he says when he realizes he hasn’t said anything back yet.
You give him a shy smile, and then Levi replays your words in his mind and frowns to himself.
“And you can just call me Levi. Not Captain Levi,” he adds.
When you say your name, Levi realizes you’ve never been properly introduced. He didn’t even know your name, and you’ve got him acting this way.
Like everything else about you, your name is beautiful to him.
“Don’t you just love the rain?” you sigh, stretching a hand out from the cloak to catch raindrops on your palm.
“I hate it, actually,” Levi responds.
He cringes at how blunt he sounds, but when you actually laugh, he softens and looks at you from the corner of his eye.
“Why do you love the rain?” he asks.
“Because it makes everything look beautiful,” you answer easily, turning to him to give him a smile. “I think rainy days are magical.”
Levi takes a look around, and he doesn’t see what you see. Everything just looks wet.
But when he looks at you, he sees the way that the raindrops catch onto a few stray strands of hair peeking out from under the hood of the cloak you wear, and he sees the way the air puffs out of your mouth from the chilly temperature, and he sees the way your eyes glimmer in the faint light of the streetlamps, and he thinks that’s beautiful.
It turns out you don’t live that far. The short walk makes Levi frown in disappointment, but when you reach out and gently touch his arm to get his attention, he feels a rush of heat flow through him. And something else, another feeling that he still can’t quite pinpoint.
“Come inside for a bit to dry off. I have tea,” you tell him.
And how can he refuse that?
He helps you start a fire in your little home and he lets you make the tea however you want instead of giving his usual instructions. When you give him a quilt to wrap up in after hanging up the cloaks and stepping out of soggy shoes, Levi is almost in disbelief at the comfort he feels as your hands playfully toss the fabric around his shoulders. The comfort almost makes him uncomfortable.
He only knows war. He doesn’t know this...new feeling. What is it? It feels like it’s at the tip of his tongue.
When he looks out the window, he knows better than anyone that there’s a war going on. He’ll be riding out to meet it face to face tomorrow morning.
But when you sit down next to him in front of the fire and hand him his tea, a quilt draped around your shoulders too, the both of you fall into a lovely silence and Levi can actually forget about it all. In your little home, it does not feel like the end of the world.
For the first time in his life, he is experiencing something beautiful.
Levi’s feet ache as he trudges down the street.
A scout has agreed to take his horse back to base at Levi’s request. Though he usually wants to get back to base as soon as possible, today is different.
Two days outside of the walls and all Levi wants is to see something beautiful. He can hear the creaking wheels of the wagon carrying the dead, far behind him, but haunting him.
He feels heavy.
And he’s back to feeling like it’s the end of the world, and the world is on his shoulders.
He doesn’t want you to see him like this, deep down. Right now, he looks a mess, and he feels a mess. He’s not beautiful, and you don’t deserve to look at the result of war. And Levi is the result of war. He’s scarred, physically and mentally, and he looks like he’s seen nothing but doom. In truth, he has.
But none of that stops him from trekking to your little home, the evening light slowly turning to dusk as he approaches your street.
He’s basically operating on instinct, horrors flashing through his mind as he knocks on your door. There was so much death, again. There was so much fear and so much terror, again. It’s the end of the world.
The things thrumming through his mind stop as soon as your door opens as he’s greeted with the sight of your wide, surprised eyes.
“You’re back,” is all you say, and Levi swallows thickly and nods.
You can see the remnants of war in Levi’s eyes and he can tell, and he feels ashamed to make you witness that. But his shame ebbs when you step aside to silently welcome him inside your home, eyes as kind as ever.
“Would you like some tea, Levi?” you ask him, voice just above a whisper.
He steps inside and everything is as he remembers it from two nights ago. There’s a fire crackling and a few quilts tossed over chairs. He spots the one you’d let him borrow and wants nothing more than to have you wrap it around him again.
That indecipherable feeling comes back again as soon as the door closes behind him. The one he can’t quite place yet. When he looks at you, he feels it stronger than ever and makes his gaze soften.
“I’d love some tea,” he murmurs.
Levi stiffens when you move toward him rather than to your kitchen. He’s frozen in place, doesn’t know what to do when you’re inches away from him. Your eyes search his face before your hand comes up to gently caress him from temple to jaw, just once, and then your palm settles nicely on his cheek.
“I’ll make us some tea, then,” you tell him with that gentle smile of yours, and then pull away from him to go to the kitchen.
He stands there for a few moments longer before settling into the chair he’d sat in before, quilt wrapped around him as he stares into the fire.
The smell of tea wafts to him and Levi turns to watch you prepare it.
That unknown feeling is coursing through him now, and Levi has come to the conclusion on what it is, but doesn’t want to believe it.
Because a man like Levi doesn’t know anything about this feeling.
What does a man like Levi know about peace?
He looks out the window and understands that the world is ending if he doesn’t do anything to stop it. There is war out there and he has to fight.
But when he looks at you, it doesn’t matter.
He’s been fighting for something that isn’t his. Maybe that can change. He can let himself have this. He can let himself know peace, after an entire life of fighting. Levi would like to fight for you. He’d like to fight knowing that it’s to make sure you never have to see what he sees.
Even if the world is ending, it’s okay right now. He’s okay with it as long as he can stay here with you and protect you from it.
When you give him his tea and sit next to him, you don’t bother to press him to talk about it. Levi appreciates that. When you cup his cheek again like you’d done earlier, he’s glad you don’t say anything when he leans into your touch. He doesn’t want words right now.
He just wants to revel in the feeling you’ve brought him.
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