#Level 47.
takamoris · 7 months
FFXIV my beloved :)
#AutisticSpongebob.png ​I LOVE SPENDING MY ENTIRE WEEKEND GRINDING LEVELS IN AN MMORPG#I LOVE TO SEE NUMBER GO UP#I LOVE TO GRADUALLY MAKE PROGRESS TOWARDS COMPLETIONISM#I LOVE TO HUNT FOR ACHIEVEMENTS#I LOVE THIS GAME.#this is not sarcastic in any way I genuinely am having some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game#the sense of progress and improvement is soooo rewarding#I’m obsessed#Can’t wait to start Heavensward#I’ve been sandbagging the MSQ for like. Three whole weeks now.#And just doing every side quest under the sun#and leveling alt jobs#I should definitely progress#but also I don’t want to be running MSQ for the first time as a tank anymore#so I’ve been slowly growing Dragoon up to a level where I can switch to using that#no better time to do that than now- between expansions.#Every single 2.x MSQ is level 50#So I just have to get my Dragoon there and we’re good to swap in#I’m very close#Level 47.#I COULD just throw Samurai in and start running those quests as that#but I’m ass at Samurai??#I don’t really like it. I haven’t given it a fair shake yet.#There’s just way too much shit given to you immediately that you’re supposed to learn and know and work into the rotation#instead of learning it move by move as you grow like any of the base classes#it’s really sad to me that Expansion Jobs start at higher levels like that. :/#I get that it’s to avoid having you have to level in the same very barebones pre-50 areas for even MORE new jobs#but still it’s. Inelegant.#Kinda just throws you in.
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chaosisaladderfic · 1 year
Agents are required to leave their weapons with security upon entrance to the ICA headquarters. It's always a special day when 47 comes back.
First he leaves his pistol. The silverballers are handled with care, because people who mishandle them go missing. The fiber wire is handled with equal consideration.
Next is poisons: ICA grade vial of lethal poison. Rat poison. Some sleeping pills he found in a hotel room. Rat poison. A rare South American poison dart frog. Rat poison.
The explosives are pretty limited, as 47 prefers to be quiet. A remote-detonated explosive. Proximity exploding rubber duck (disarmed). A vial of nitroglycerin.
The miscellaneous category, however, is what the security team is excited for most - the random assortment of objects 47 picked up along the way. Anything can be a weapon, after all, when it's in the right hands.
47 leaves a wrench, a crowbar, a hammer, and a screwdriver. Then there's a machete, a can of soup, a bronze cowboy bust. Another screwdriver, a fish (?), a hatchet, a letter opener. Another crowbar.
Then a lead pipe, a pool ball, a brick. Another bust, this one made of plaster. A kitchen knife. A pair of scissors.
47 pauses, taking another inventory of his pockets, before adding a can of soda, another can (this time it's expired spaghetti sauce)...
... and a third crowbar.
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tacticalhimbo · 5 months
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he's just like me fr (autistic; can't make eye contact, can't sit still for the life of him-)
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lulu2992 · 7 months
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I played this mission (and subsequently finished HITMAN 3 even though it was very late because I simply couldn’t go to bed after the “Necessary Evil” cutscene) three years ago today.
On Valentine’s Day.
It was a coincidence, but because I’ve been obsessed with whatever is going on between these two (i.e. an ineffable and seemingly unbreakable bond that is neither really romance nor friendship but is so strong and special it feels to me like it transcends the concept of love itself) for years, I thought it was a funny one.
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lucas-grey · 9 months
Like father, like daughter
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stopthatfool · 3 months
opinion on the SU-47?
I assume we're talking about the Russian fighter jet designed by Sukhoi in the 90s and then discontinued in the 2000s, right?
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This guy, right?
I'm by no means a plane expert, nor am I necessarily a fighter jet history buff. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I only really have opinions about Canada's fighter jets, or rather their complete lack of them because of the Canadian Government's decisions made in the 1950s (I mourn the loss of the Avro Arrow... sigh). And even those opinions aren't about the actual jet itself, but more about the repercussions it's had on Canada's military decisions and their rocky relationship with companies like Boeing and such and the poor position it's put Canada in recently (relying on the US to buy jets from etc. etc.) But you've made me curious, anon... what are my opinions on the SU-47?
As a disclaimer, I don't have any real understanding of how fighter jets work and stuff like that, so a lot of the technical aspect of planes and such just fly over my head. I struggle with numbers and acronyms in general, so one can imagine the absolute hell that is learning and keeping track of planes and fighter jets. So I can't give you my opinion about the technological aspects and advancements the SU-47 seemed to have.
But, I skimmed the Wikipedia page and I watched a YouTube video about it. I didn't understand much to be honest (sorry). But, I will say that the forward facing wings is a really interesting and futuristic looking. Along with it's other advantages such as decreased drag and improved maneuverability because of the front facing wing. It's really interesting how a switch in wing direction can create a more aerodynamic jet (at least, I'm pretty sure what the video said...) And from my understanding, the SU-47 is a pillar for which fighter jets since then have been built upon and that's really cool. It would have been interesting to see what the SU-47 could have really done if the necessary technology was available at the time to make it work, but alas, it is now shelved for the rest of history. And I think that's what makes the jet cool to me. Like all the what if questions: what if they had the right engines? What if the Russian government found enough funding to keep the project going? What would have changed? I don't know, I think that's what I found the most interesting about the SU-47.
Overall, I think it's a really cool jet, with the way that it looks and how interesting the history is behind it. It's always interesting to learn about fighter jets other than the United States' jets and how jets like the SU-47 provide further insight to the Cold War and such. But I guess that's really all I have to say... I hope I satisfied you with my answer, anon!
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me, hyped up about Star Trek Enterprise again after finishing my beloved season 3: I wonder if there are any posts about it on tumblr *searches*
me, twenty minutes later, closing the results: ah. I see. it has suffered from fandomification, where fans threw out canon and replaced it with fanon. one hundred and thirty seven polls asking "what was your first/favorite star trek" and it is at the bottom of every one. this between 14million other posts about every other star trek series. some funny memes thrown in for ~flavor~. great. wonderful. I'll just go back into my happy little corner with my parents who unironically enjoy the show with me then.
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vintageseawitch · 17 days
i don't want to live in a brown, dead world. i love our National Parks, federal forests, & other protected, public lands. i love how green it is & having a connection to the natural world.
Project 2025 will make sure we get a brown, dead world. they don't "believe" in climate change & will gut the EPA & privatize & gut NOAA (you know how we can just, look at weather info for free? lol it won't be anymore!). they want to sell public lands & strip them of their numerous resources. their solution for the ever increasing dangerous forest fires is to CUT ALL OF OUR TREES DOWN. they also want to drill MORE specifically in the fragile Arctic.
trump said climate change will give us MORE land even with all the evidence that the ocean level is rising. he's a dangerous moron.
certain people voting or not voting depending on their "principles" don't usually seem to want to talk about how climate change is dangerous to ALL humans & not just Americans. we're at a dangerous point. if they choose to make things worse we will never be able to recover. they are actively wanting to kill ALL of us. this election is not normal. do YOU want to live in a brown, dead world? because if you're fighting to make sure Harris loses, then you're merely advocating for these greedy psychopaths. your "principles" when looked at from this perspective just makes it sound like your ego. if we don't have a planet we can live on then no one will be saved.
don't stop talking about Project 2025 or Agenda 47. they're the same plan & trump's real policies. please check your registration status often. encourage friends & family. make a day of it to vote early if possible! if you're not registered on election day, request an absentee ballot! we can do this. vote blue! ladies, especially white ladies who are even considering this: you can do this. your vote is private. stay safe. i believe in us 💙
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waspsinyouryard · 2 months
Where have I been for the last day?
Two words: Dwarf Fortress
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aestheticsyoutubers · 2 years
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gavin free, letsplay ↳ enchantment level 30 (let’s play minecraft #47)
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evilkaeya · 10 days
I should read kaleidoscope of death next
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flusterfluff · 1 month
Replaying Pokemon Colosseum and holy fuck this game is bullshit
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fishareglorious · 10 months
Not very good with strategy. Nonetheless, my Druvis is sweeping every single enemy she looks at.
Is everyone's elements weak against the enemies? Is there a buff that puts your team at a severe disadvantage? Don't cry. Silence of the Woods spam ok? Deals 400% Mental DMG to all enemies and 1 round of [Petrify] to main target.
Your enemies can't hurt you if you're 30 something levels higher than they are.
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unopenablebox · 11 months
nobody likes oysters except me i guess
like i understand when people just don't like oysters. i can't access it myself and i have no idea what people are experiencing when they describe things they think are negative about the experience of eating raw oysters, but people just don't like all sorts of things. that is fine and reasonable.
but even people who will say "oh yes i like oysters" out loud to me with their human mouth in fact tap out at around 3-5 oysters. someone will claim to really like oysters and then they only want to eat two oysters. even my own mother is dismayed by the prospect of eating more than half a dozen.
meanwhile, i recently went to a 'dollar oysters' special at a restaurant w/ a friend and got an entire dozen oysters just for myself, and this was the first time in my entire life that i even experienced the thought "okay, i could enjoy switching to eating something that wasn't oysters." i wasn't sick of eating oysters. i didn't want to stop eating oysters. i just did not feel cheated by the prospect of having to stop eating oysters because i was out of oysters. every other time in my life i've had oysters, i've reached the end of the 4-6 oysters i have forced myself to limit to for financial reasons and felt actively bereft at having run out of oysters. i have no idea how many oysters it would take for me to sincerely not want any more oysters. i think the evidence suggests that i am not a regular guy and perhaps am instead the human reincarnation of a cownose ray
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uncontrolledfission · 10 months
days 47, 48, 49 of 100 days of productivity 💌
I genuinely don’t know where the posts for the former two days went, I definitely made them lol.
I spent today working on homework. It was kind of a lazy day since I’m tired and ill right now, but I got most of my homework done so we’re chilling. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day though, I gotta get strapped in lol.
- J
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chonnysinferno · 8 months
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fuck yea i love this game
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