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lordgainzz-blog · 1 year ago
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raquelno · 2 years ago
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let’s get lost tonight • • • • Follow @overthedream Follow @overthedream Follow @overthedream • • • • #l #letsgo #love #letsgosomewhere #letsgoeverywhere #letsplay #loveislove #letsgoplaces #letsgetit #legend #letsgetmarried #letsgetlost #le #letsget #letsgetloud #letsgetlit #vscophile #letsgetloaded #letsgetlosttogether #let #letsgetloose #letsgetlostsa #lettering #letsgetlostpr #letsgetlost4x4 #letras #letsgetlosttonight #letsgetlosttravelforlife #e https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_-5_PJMm2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beneathesoil · 6 days ago
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dainarichardson · 3 months ago
Season 2
The Harlem Globetrotters
I'm So Very Proud of YOU, Ty.
#fyp #tiktok #letsgetit #harlemglobetrotters
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bricedavismedia · 5 months ago
G.Dep Addresses 50 Cent Claims of Writing "Let's Get It" for Diddy!
G. Dep comments on 50 Cent claiming he wrote "Let's Get It" by Diddy with Chuck Creekmur & DJ Thoro.
YouTube: https://www.Youtube.com/BriceDavis Website: https://www.TheBriceDavis.com
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thoughts-onmars · 1 year ago
Mexico House
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I have been having dreams about my Mexico house for about a year, maybe even two years. I say my Mexico house because that is what it is. I am pretty sure it is just my home and either my parents built it or I am buying it or I am building it. I am not sure because I don't know what the timeline is in the dreams.
Every time I dream it, I see a different part of it or some of it is different. I know that it is two stories and that there is like a balcony with flowers growing. They are pretty bloomed so maybe it is about summer time.
One of the last times i dreamt it I think it was raining. When i opened the back door though, it looked like there was a huge puddle of water. Like a pool and it was deep. One of my fears lol, maybe I was stressed that night since I am scared of water like that.
Last Nights dream
I feel like typing this like a continuous post but then again, how would that work lol. Last night i dreamt about a huge bear. Like it was giant. It was on the side of a mountain and you could hear it growling or whatever bears do to communicate. JP was in the dream too and the way I saw him was panned, like I was watching a recording of the dream but I was also present?? I don't know, it was interesting. I think there was also a body of water in the dream.
I am getting better at typing again. I forgot how much i enjoyed this during middle school. I did take a few computer application classes that I also liked. Should I see what kind of resources the internet has? I am going to do that maybe tomorrow or later when I get off work. Sometimes I miss going in way later, like at one because it was just way more time to do things but then again, getting off at 10 sounds like a nightmare just because I value my sleep and well then again like anything, one would just adjust. I am indecisive these days and I don't even know what I want these days. Do i want to pursue the goals I have set for work? I do actually now that I might have a roommate for the internship. That would be in the summer but then that would mean our trip to Asia would be pushed to winter. We will see and only time will tell.
Today is FriYAYYY ~~~ and it is chilly. My fingers are so cold as I type and I thought about turning on the heat but I just covered my legs with a blanket and sat criss cross since I have no socks and I know that is another reason I am so cold lol. BRRR anyway today will be a good day because I have already been pretty productive. Also I have new jeans that I am excited to style. I feel like my creative self comes out when I have to go to work and put an outfit together. I like the validation I recieve from other people tbh lol and well I also know and look and feel confident so I am sure it radiates out. I will listen more than I speak hopefully and just take every situation in and let it happen. Sometimes it is better to not have a reaction. I am enough for myself and I will do what I can.
Everything that is meant to be for me is already mine. You are strong, resilient, funny. you have what it takes. You show up. You are consistent. You got this!!!!! ^.~~
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drchange8 · 2 years ago
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allyallyoxenfreeeee · 2 years ago
Yo check it
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djironmic · 2 years ago
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Ready for Claudia & Marlon Baby Shower… #babyshower #ohboy #djironmic #partytime #miamidjs #rcfaudio #pioneerdj #dowork #djs #miamievents #letsgetit (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOEaS-rzSB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lordgainzz-blog · 1 year ago
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jeniquethe1st · 2 years ago
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Grand Rising Queendom 💋👑 #goodmorning #humpday #letsgetit #reinejenique https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpz964mLwAA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xashley-nicolex · 2 years ago
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#ketoday3 is bringing on the tiredness from the sugar withdrawal. Just gotta make it past day 5 and I should be golden! Anywho, trying my hand at some air fried shrimp tonight. Let's see how this goes!#letsgetit 💚🩷💚🩷💚 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpd3f9NN7ZIngiBfkNv05QtFQT7-fHkGtEQH5I0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dainarichardson · 3 months ago
💥💥💥 BOOM 💥💥💥
#fyp #tiktok #letsgetit
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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
Usefull Stuff
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Are you still wondering if #mealprepping is right for you? You don’t wanna miss this! . #lgitraining #fitness #growth #fitlife #positivity #exercise #muscles #energy #growth #instafit #herbalife24 #fitnessmotivation #positivevibes #youtuber #transformationjourney #fitnessinspiration #blogger #blackgirlsthatblog #letsgetit #summer18 #help #success #makemoney #mealplans #personaltraining #trainer #socialmedia #workout (at L.G.I Training)
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whitehartlane · 7 months ago
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ssa123197 · 2 years ago
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Good Sunday for some airsoft!! #letsgetit #ssairsoft #wearekindaabigdeal #tent #photo #airsoft #crowd (at SS Airsoft) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQ50R_O8jw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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