#Let it end
moisok20 · 2 months
Game of Thrones: “Meanwhile, in Essos…”
House of the Dragon: “Meanwhile, in Harrenhal…”
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sapphoherselz · 2 months
wondering how many quotes i can legally put in my thesis before I get shot execution style
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sportsthoughts · 6 months
this third period has been going on for about half an hour I swear
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abitbrokenpoetry · 1 year
And if you notice.. the world is falling apart.. let it.. let the flames dance around you and watch it burn.. to nothing more than ash.. you can’t save it anyway.. no one can.. so let it end. there’s beauty in the destruction.. in the chaos… There’s serenity in the sound of the crackling of wood.. there’s cleansing with each inhale/ exhale of bitter smoke.. and when it’s done, weep with sorrow.. weep as long as want to, grieve for all that was lost.. then get up from the ruins and start again.
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sp00kies · 2 years
Me praying to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, that Toy Story 5 is just a rumor and it doesn’t get made or exist
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howlingbutch · 9 months
(Googling) how to stop being a butch4butch homosexual
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
i hate when they make a sequel to a series and make the characters terrible/abusive/neglectful/awful parents. no the FUCK he would NOT favor one kid over the others, why the FUCK would he even do that- did you even read your own book??? i hate it when ppl (authors) don’t even know the facts (their own work) and then try and have an opinion on a subject (making their OWN OCS terrible parents when they literally WOULDNT BE) that they know nothing ab. it’s the equivalent of if Rick wrote a series ab Percy and Annabeth’s, and made Percy Smelly Gabe 2.0??? We would be outraged bc wft, that’s so out of fucking character. Or he made Annabeth neglectful (like her stepmom and dad). we have so much textual evidence that supports that they would be nothing like that, and even if they were mediocre as parents (unlikely), they would still not turn out like that.
i just honestly hate when authors write their OWN CHARACTERS OOC. like, sorry JJKRF (girl who wrote hp idk) harry would NOT have named his son after SNAPE, the man who made his school years a LIVING HELL, turned out to be obsessed with his mom, and did like, one (1) thing out of self preservation that ended up helping him out???? (among other things, which included being one of the top guys in the wizarding kkk)
i just want to scream at them to read the goddamn source material, which you just so happened to write yourself.
i get that it’s their story or whatever, but sometimes i see stuff and just have to be like “i guess i only follow canon up until this bitch apparently lost her goddamn mind???”. if it doesn’t make sense for their character, and everything you’ve had them go through, learn and grow from… open up a new google docs sis, bc u ain’t publishing that shit
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chaos-kathi · 9 months
Und früher schaute ich mit einem leuchten in den Augen den Raketen zu wie sie in den Himmel flogen, doch heute mach ich nur meine Augen zu und hoffe das alles bald endlich ein Ende hat..
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f1ast-life · 4 months
this feels like the cats v canes ot horror from last year
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I don't know how much longer I'll last.
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im-madam-baby · 2 years
"It's alright to be 'selfish', you are not obligated to return favors or keep every promise, especially if it makes you uncomfortable, unfriend them would help and drive away the thought of them for awhile, so you can be at peace a bit more, rather than having constant reminders that guilt you may cloud in your thoughts."
– Unknown, someone to me.
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brianasherie24 · 6 months
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alex-the-bard · 1 year
i know not a damn soul cares
what’s the point.
we’re all fucked anyway.
why even try.
this world is crumbling.
society is burning down around us.
our clock is ticking.
we don’t have much longer.
we’re letting the world be like this.
i just wish it would stop.
all of it.
make it stop.
make the screaming stop.
make the voices stop.
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jell-hell · 2 years
the whole discussion around DE atm has become so convoluted that I have been trying to not interact with it to keep myself sane. but like, please, don't send hateful stuff to people that are just managing socials. wtf do they have to with it.
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commander-krios · 2 years
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suicideandcheese · 1 year
Last Lives
You get so deep it hurts. Days on a hellride, nights on a death Spiral. And rent, how we obey. I have no substance for you, okay. I have only patterns of nearly dying. I've held up for so long. I've held you up Like nature, blooming, mushrooms, fruiting Forevers. I held you, my only, you've been my only. And yet I recede into the abyss. My lonely.
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