#Let him look like a hobo in peace
nopanamaman · 7 months
has yura always had that stare or is the comic gaslighting me he constantly looks like he chews batteries
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How can you say this about his beautiful honest eyes
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The Meet-Cute, Chapter 4 - Law
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Source for the pic
Word Count: 4487 (these just keep getting bigger!)
Warnings: Fem!Reader, This is going to be a series featuring Ace, Sanji, Law, Zoro and Kid.
Special Warning: English is not my first language!
Summary: You had your life in Grand Line City all figured out. A wonderful job, a fiancé and a shared apartment. Until you found out he was cheating. Your father, Shanks, had a horse riding accident and you decided that this was just the right time to return home. You were expecting a peaceful, uneventful life back in the Calm Belt, but, fate had other plans.
Notes: I'm really sorry if I messed up some medical expressions. I tried to Google everything first!
| Chapter 3 - Zoro | |Chapter 5 - Sanji|
Your dad's grunts and wails have been increasing both in volume and in intensity, so you let out a long breath of relief as you finally park the truck at the clinic’s - thankfully almost empty - parking space. 
“Hey, dad” you say softly as your heart clenches at the sight of your father’s sweaty face and scrunched up brows. “I'm going to grab you a wheelchair and some help, okay?”
You take his grunt as a positive answer and run inside the clinic, only noticing your dishevelled state as you catch sight of your reflection in the glass doors: your white top is not white anymore and there's a tear at the bottom; your shorts have dirt and oil all over them; you don't even want to get started on your knees and legs, which are bruised and scraped from kneeling on the dirt; and your once perfectly braided hair is no longer perfect and it is barely braided. 
You sigh as you enter the clinic and wince in pain as you step your foot wrong. You definitely sprained it when you were with Zoro. 
You drag yourself to the front desk and the blonde girl gasps as she looks at your state. “Oh, my!” She gets up hastily and goes around the desk to reach you. “Are you all right?”
You nod frantically. “I'm fine, I'm fine. I-... Kaya?”
The girl looks at you with a furrowed brow but it doesn't take her more than five seconds before her mouth turns into an ‘o’ and she exclaims your name happily. “You're back! It's been ages!”
You laugh and nod. “Yes, we should catch up. After we get my father inside. He hurt his back and-...”
“Again?” You swear this time your ears start fuming. This has happened more than once and this doctor keeps sending him home? Oh, he is going to get a piece of your mind. “Shachi, Penguin, can you be darlings and bring Mr. S. inside? He's had another incident.”
You cross your arms against your chest and frown as you watch two men go outside with a wheelchair to bring your father inside. 
“They'll take him to Dr. Trafalgar. How about you, sweetie, are you alright? You don't seem well.” Kaya was your friend from kindergarten to half of the middle school, until she went home to be home-schooled. You lost touch with her even before you left town, but she has always been such a nice friend that you actually find yourself sharing a soft smile with the blonde. 
“I've had a few mishaps with the car before getting here.” You sigh. “I'll go freshen up in the bathroom and then I'll meet my dad. Is that alright?”
She nods and points you to the ladies’ room. You stand in front of the mirror and, as you're passing your fingers through your hair, trying - and failing - to detangle its knots, you realise you should eat something. You discarded breakfast on account of that stupid asshole and his selfies, and you and your father didn't have a chance to eat lunch. 
But first, you let out a deep sigh at your appearance, you should try to make yourself presentable. You don't want to chew the doctor's ears out looking like a hobo. 
Washing up as best as you can, massaging your sprained ankle, and redoing your braid - there's nothing to be done about the state of your clothes - you deem yourself somewhat presentable and, as you leave the bathroom, you see your father being wheeled to a room so you follow him quickly. 
“Buuuuuug! The doc gave me the good stuff!” He slurs and guffaws, opening his arm and almost throwing himself off the chair to hug you. Then he turns his voice into a whisper. “He stabbed a needle in ma butt!” Shanks uses his hand to hide his cheeky laugh before he continues. “Imma stay here for a while because they'll put some more drugs in my arm. And then we can go.”
What? IV and an injection? That's the whole treatment? No. Not on your watch. 
“Yeah, that's good dad, rest.” You smile at him and then turn to the man with the brown hair who is wheeling him. “Hey, where's the doctor's office? I need to speak with him.”
“Er… I… Hum… Dr. Trafalgar doesn't like unannounced visitors…” He stutters but you silence him with an angry look. “But if you must know, it's that door.” He then chuckles nervously and wheels Shanks to a room. 
You take a deep breath and stomp towards the office the attendant pointed out to you. After one step, you stop stomping because your ankle hurts too much, but you still make it to your destination. You knock lightly on the door, because you're not a savage, but start to tap your foot on the floor when you don't get an immediate answer. 
As you raise your fist for a second round of angrier knocks, you hear a deep ‘come in’ from inside the office and you open the door, wearing a frown. 
Which is quickly turned into a stunned expression because you didn't quite know what to expect from the doctor you've been hearing about, but this was not it. 
He's hot. 
There's no other way to describe the man in front of you. His black hair is tousled to perfection and you have to swallow a lump when he fixes his amber gaze upon your own. The frown and the furrowed brows only add to his allure, as you notice the tattooed forearms and knuckles. What an interesting choice of tattoos for a doctor, you can't help but think. 
They spell DEATH. 
The rest of his arms are covered by his white coat but you can't help but wonder if he has more ink on them. But that wondering soon stops, because he's already asked you twice about what you need and you have been transfixed in the same spot, drooling at him. 
“Right, hi! My father. Shanks! He was just here.” You exclaim as if that explains everything. 
“Yes, I know. I'm his doctor.”
He stares at you. “Oh, it’s my turn.” You stumble with your words and, is that an amused smirk in the stoic doctor’s face? Couldn't be, since it disappeared as soon as it appeared. “What is wrong with him? I keep hearing that he needs to come to the clinic more than once a week because of his back. That's not normal.” You seem to regain your cool and remember that you are there to get some answers from this man. 
He leans back in his chair and gestures for you to sit but you're too wound up to stay still, so you decline and start pacing the office. You're having a hard time breathing, so you start to fan yourself with your hand. 
“You're right, it's not.”
“What is it, then?”
His fingers entwine with one another as his gaze follows your form. You're limping, fanning both of your hands now, and you look like shit. You must be quite a spectacle.
“Doctor/patient confidentiality.”
“Are you kidding me?” Does your voice usually sound so far away? Because everything seems super bright and all the sounds are blending together. You stop and grip the back of the chair tightly, your knuckles turning white from the strength. 
“I'm not. Your father is sane and, other than his back, of good health. I have discussed treatment plans with him. He knows what he has and he knows what he needs to do in order to recover. To you, I can't say anything without his explicit permission.” You see him tense up as he stares at you and your behaviour. His brows furrow further as he turns his body to the side, as if he's about to get up. 
“But I'm his daughter!” You let out a ridiculous whine and start to gasp for air. 
“And I'm his doctor.” He gets up and approaches you. “Sit. You're so pale I can almost see through you. When was the last time you ate and-...”
That's the last thing you remember before waking up in a bed next to your father. 
You blink as your eyes adjust to the brightness of the room and take shallow breaths. Your head is throbbing and the constant beeping noise from the machine is not helping you at all. You realise that the beeping machine is hooked to you through your finger, as well as an IV attached to your arm. 
You raise your torso with a grunt and see that the cuts and bruises on your legs have been tended to, and your ankle is now sporting a not-so-fashionable elastic bandage with a pack of ice sitting on it. 
“Bug! You’re up!” Your dad flails his arm in the bed next to you to get you to look at him. “Law! Kaya! Someone!”
Pressing your thumb and index finger against the bridge of your nose, you sigh deeply. “Dad, dad, there’s a button to call the nurse next to the bed, please don’t scream.”
But it’s not necessary to use the button because Kaya enters the room with a concerned smile and gravitates towards you. “Sweetie, how are you?” Her voice is so gentle and kind that it forces an immediate smile from your lips. 
“My head is killing me. What happened?”
“Well, Dr. Trafalgar said it’s probably hypoglycemia - low blood sugar - he had some blood tests done, the results should be in at any moment. Have you eaten anything today?”
You nod and are about to say yes, of course, but the words don’t leave your mouth because they are not true. You really haven’t eaten anything today. “No.”
“Then, that’s definitely it.” Kaya giggles. “I could hear you yelling at Dr. Trafalgar from where I was sitting. He looked kind of flustered when he opened the office door, carrying you in his arms.”
You blush as your eyes widen. “What?”
“Well, you were unconscious, so he carried you to the examination room.” She giggles again and lowers her voice so your father doesn’t hear the rest. “Sweetie, you two looked straight out of a romantic movie. He was carrying you bridal style with a look of concern and you looked rather frail all curled up against his strong frame.”
You keep feeling your face getting hotter as the beep from the machine next to you grows louder and faster. Kaya has always loved romantic movies, so it’s no wonder she would think something silly like this. For all you know, Dr. Trafalgar was dangling you by one arm and you banged your head on all the thresholds before reaching this room.
It would explain the throbbing headache. 
“Nurse Kaya, I do hope you’re questioning the patient about medical history and the possible cause of this incident and not engaging in idle gossiping?”
You gasp alongside Kaya as Dr. Trafalgar approaches you both, a scowl on his face and his brows scrunched. How is his forehead not permanently wrinkled from all the pouts and frowns?
“No, I was just gossiping. I’m sorry.” Kaya giggles as you gasp at her truthful response. Is she allowed to speak like this with her superior? His stare at Kaya is so intense that, after a moment, she excuses herself and leaves you two alone with your father on the other bed, seemingly distracted by a soap opera on TV, until he spots the doctor next to you.
“Oh, Law! How is my baby girl?”
“Don’t call me that, dad.” You whisper between clenched teeth. Law? Is that the doctor’s first name?
“I’m going to examine her now, Mr. S. You can watch your show.” Shanks mouths a droopy ‘okay’ and turns back to the TV. He is still pretty high on drugs, apparently. 
“Have you eaten anything today?” His amber eyes stare at yours and you feel compelled to look at his name tag, instead, but then you are staring at his chest, and is that more ink coming out from the neck of the shirt he is wearing? Does he have a chest piece?
The beeping becomes faster and you switch back to the piercing eyes. “No, I haven’t.” You say, trying to distract yourself. 
“It’s certainly hypoglycemia, then. I will observe you.”
You nod and he removes the stethoscope from his neck, pushing it against your exposed cleavage. “Breathe in.” You take a deep breath. “Now out.” You do. He takes a step forward and tells you to lean forward as he repeats the process on your back. “In. Out.” 
He reaches for a small pen-like flashlight from his coat pocket and points it at your eyes. “Look up. Down. Now the other one, up. Down. Okay, that’s it.”
“That’s it? Aren't you going to say I'm a good girl?” You giggle for a second and then stop abruptly. Suddenly mortified as his eyes pierce into your own with an unreadable expression. “I'm sorry. That was stupid. Are there drugs here?” You point to the IV and as his stare doesn't waver, the beeping on the machine just keeps getting faster and louder. 
“That's just a dextrose and saline solution. No drugs. That was all you.”
The machine just beeps louder and louder and you grunt as you rip the monitor off of your finger, rendering the beeping into a continuous, even more annoying, beep.
“Stupid thing! I think that might be broken.” You snort, wail and hide your face in your hands. Can you be an even bigger idiot? Why are you acting like this? Aren't you supposed to be yelling at this doctor on account of your father? Where has all of your bravado gone? 
Out the window when you passed out and were carried like a princess by her knight in shining armour. As well as all your sane thoughts on feminism and women’s rights, apparently.
“Are you done?” He asks, deadpan as he turns off the monitor and the beeping stops. Now you’re frustrated again, but you simply pout and nod without making eye contact. 
He flips through some files and hums softly. “Your blood tests came out normal. This was a simple incident of low blood-sugar, next time try not to stay too long without eating anything, or, at least, if you’re going to fast, drink plenty of liquids, tea or water, preferably.”
“I wasn’t fasting.” You mumble between clenched teeth, your eyes locked on the chipped nail polish that had come out when you ripped the monitor that was attached to your finger. 
“Whatever weird diet you are on, then. Stop it. You look extremely healthy, you don’t need it.” Could that have been a veiled compliment?
“M’not on a diet.” Your mumble is even quieter.
“I’m not on any diet, or fasting, or anything. I just didn’t eat, that’s all.” This time you speak loud and cross your arms over your chest for emphasis.
“You didn’t eat the breakfast I cooked, bug? Is this still because of that jackass fiancé that cheated on you?” Shanks is literally screaming so you know that, by now, the entire clinic knows you’ve been cheated on. Yet you simply inhale, use the back of your hand to wipe away a stray tear and nod.
“I'm going to kill him.” Shanks simply declares as he tries to get up from the bed. “Law, help me kill him.”
You glimpse that amused smirk on the corner of his lips as he watches your father struggling with the bed covers. 
“I would really like to be your partner in crime, Mr. S. But, you see, I took an oath.”
That statement makes you giggle and he turns his gaze back at you, smirk still in place, and your heart does a weird thing that makes you catch your breath. 
“Shove that oath up your-... Ouch, dammit!” Shanks’ legs get tangled in the sheets and he almost falls as he tries to get up. 
“Mr. S. please calm down. We're not killing anyone today okay?” Dr. Trafalgar turns to you. “He seems pretty determined, maybe you should distract him with something less illegal?”
Is he funny as well? He seems so stoic and uptight but he's responding to your father's shenanigans with a dark humour that's making you laugh. 
“Daddy, lie back down on the bed, we will schedule another day to kill him, I promise.” You use your commanding tone and your father grunts before settling back down again. “Besides, since it's the three of us together, I would like to ask you, Shanks, what's the treatment that Dr. Trafalgar recommended for your back because the Dr. doesn't want to share that information with me.”
Your lips turn thin as you cross your arms over your chest. 
“That's a good lad, Law. Thank you.”
You glare at both of them but Dr. Trafalgar just raises his arms defensively. “Doctor/patient confidentiality!”
“Dad!” You huff at the same time as your father groans loudly.
“Just tell her, Law. Or I'll never hear the end of it. And I still have a murder to commit.” He mumbles. 
You turn your attention back to the doctor and try your best not to give him your ‘see you could've told me earlier and we would've avoided this whole situation’ look, but you definitely give him one of those. 
“Your father has a herniated disc in his spine. This occurs when the soft inner core of a disc between the vertebrae protrudes through the tough outer layer, putting pressure on nearby nerves.” 
Your brows tighten at all the medical jargon but you're understanding the essentials, so you nod for him to continue. 
“Mr. S. experiences stabbing pain that radiates along the path of the affected nerve and can lead to episodes of intense pain and sometimes a feeling of weakness or numbness in the affected area. Activities that cause strain on the spine can make it worse. Something like bending down or lifting stuff.”
You turn to your father with a glare in your gaze, your frown heavy and your eyes watery. “I told you you should rest!” Your words are but a sliver that escapes your lips. Dr. Trafalgar continues.
“When the medication hasn't provided enough relief, as it's your father’s case, surgery may be recommended. The procedure typically involves removing the herniated portion of the disc to relieve pressure on the nerves and alleviate symptoms.”
The silence stretches and evolves into a thick fog that encapsulates the three of you within. Your next words are measured carefully, but need to be asked. “Is it a complicated procedure?”
Of course it is! It's on the spine! 
“Each case is unique on its own. The complexity can vary based on factors such as the location and size of the herniation, as well as your father's overall health.”
“And the risks?” Your gaze alternates between the doctor’s professional stance and your father's slumped and defeated form.
“Like any surgery there are inherent risks of infections or allergic reactions. Specifically to this surgery, there's always the chance of the symptoms remaining or that another surgery might be necessary. There's also a more severe risk of nerve damage, which can cause temporary numbness or weakness. Yet, in this case, I would argue that the benefits far outweigh the risks.”
“Dad…” You start. 
“I don't want to discuss this right now.” He discards the use of your nickname and calls you by your birth name, declaring his seriousness of the matter. 
Your lower lip trembles and you nod at him letting out a very soft ‘okay’. Suddenly, realisation hits you. This was probably the reason why he had the horse riding incident. It was the cause not the consequence. 
Dr. Trafalgar places a very gentle hand over yours and you gasp at the shock of his touch. “I will send nurse Kaya to remove your IV and your father's so you can both be on your way and discuss this properly.” You nod. “If you have any questions, you can always call me or visit the clinic.” You nod again, suddenly exhausted as your body starts to complain of all the abuse it suffered today. 
He leaves calling out a ‘take care, Mr. S.’ to your father at the door. Silence permeates the room as you turn and let your feet dangle from the bed, your eyes focusing on the lying form of Shanks. 
“Dad,” you start. “I know you don't want to talk about this, and I will respect your wishes, but just hear my opinion, you don't have to say anything!” You add and your father takes a deep breath but doesn't say anything so you take that as consent for you to continue. “You're young and very active. These episodes keep you from living a normal, fulfilling life. Dr. Trafalgar said that the benefits are far more than the risks and I think you should consider the surgery.”
The door opens up and Kaya comes in with a bright hello and a smile. “Think about it, dad.” You finish as Kaya stands at your side with a tray of equipment to relieve you of all the paraphernalia attached to your body. 
“So, how are we feeling?” She asks you as she swiftly disconnects the empty IV from your arm. 
You sigh and give her a lopsided smile. “I'm feeling better, Kaya, thank you.”
“Aaaaaand?” She giggles at you and your brows scrunch at her. “Dr. Trafalgar?”
You feel your cheeks grow hot, even if you will them not to. “He's very competent. He explained to me everything about my father's condition. He's very professional. I'm impressed.” As you admit this, you realise that maybe you should apologise to him for your earlier behaviour but maybe he's with another patient now. 
“That's not where I was going.” She pouts at you. “He's single, you know?”
You wince as she takes out the needle in your vein and puts a bandaid over it. “That's… okay, I guess.” You don't really know what to say. Kaya seems to be trying to set you up, but you really don't want to think about men at this moment. 
“You're impossible!” She mutters your name as she shakes her head and removes the melted ice pack from your ankle. “There, you're done. I'll take care of your father and you both can leave.”
Penguin and Shachi insisted on taking your father to the car themselves and you were at the desk with Kaya, settling the payment and documents. You were exhausted. Physically and mentally. The news about Shanks had left you preoccupied and you were having trouble processing. 
As Kaya finished inserting some data on the computer, you sighed deeply and pressed the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb, closing your eyes and trying to suppress the growing throb in your head. 
Suddenly, you feel a presence on your side as a deep voice fills the air. “Are you feeling well?”
Opening your eyes and forcing a weary smile on your lips you slightly nod. “Just the culmination of all the exciting events of today, I guess. A throbbing headache.” You shrug. 
Dr. Trafalgar takes out a set of keys from his pocket and goes behind Kaya opening one of the cabinets and taking out two pills from one container. Then he goes to the water dispenser and fills a cup. 
“Give me your hand.” You open your palm as he sets the pills there, lightly brushing his long fingers against your skin. “Take them. It will relieve the pressure on your head.” You set the pills in your mouth. “Water.” He hands the cup to you and you drink it. Then he reaches into his pocket and takes out a wrapped onigiri. “Then eat this.” You reply with a meek ‘okay’. “Good girl.”
He smirks and you nearly choke to death on another sip of water. Then you burst out laughing and you notice that the smirk is still adorning his lips. Surprisingly, he laughs along with you and you are forced to admit that the way his deep voice slurred with the words ‘good girl’ made your knees buckle and your body tingle in very unholy places. 
“I'm sorry.” You start, as soon as the laughter dies down. “For overreacting earlier.”
“It's alright. I will blame your reaction on your abnormal state.” He says cheekily and you smirk back at him. 
“By the way, do you carry all your fainting patients in bridal style?”
He scratches the back of his head and looks down, seemingly embarrassed. “Just the cute ones.” The blush spreads from your cheeks to your nose and you're left speechless. Where had the stoic doctor gone? There seemed to be a cheeky flirt in his stead, did he have a twin?
“Thank you, Dr. Trafalgar, for everything.” You decide to finish the conversation there since you're liking it way too much, which can turn very dangerous. 
He nods. “It's Law.” You raise your brow at him. “My name, call me Law.”
“Law. Thanks.” His smirk turns into a slight smile that traps your gaze as you breathe slowly. Single, right? How? 
Kaya’s soft harumph seems to wake you both from your trance and Law excuses himself with work he has to do. “Don't be a stranger.” He adds and then wishes you and your father well before leaving. You sigh as you turn to Kaya, who's watching you with a knowing look and a very silly smile. 
“This was rom/com happening in real life, I swear. Girl, I'm dying here. You need to go on a date with him!” She squeals. “I don't think I've ever heard him laugh!”
“I'm not going on any date, Kaya.” You say, deadpan as you accept the receipts she hands you. “I'm off men at the moment, thank you very much.”
“Yeah we all heard your father. Sorry about your fiancé thing… Though maybe it was better to find out before the wedding actually happened!”
You nod. You couldn't agree more, actually. “I'm going to go now. Dad and I both need rest.”
You and Kaya exchange phone numbers, not wanting to fall out of touch with her, and wave goodbye. The exhaustion is taking its toll on you and you still have to try and convince your father to agree to the surgery. Maybe you'll leave that fight to another day, though. 
As you walk to the truck you unwrap the onigiri and take a small bite. It tastes homemade. Delicious. 
As scrumptious as Dr. Trafalgar Law, actually. 
No, nope. Not gonna happen. You shake your head as you take your seat ready to face the challenge of driving with a stick yet again. And somehow, between driving with a stick and trying to avoid thinking about Dr. Law, the first one seems like an easier challenge.
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khuzena · 11 months
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| Michael Kaiser x g/n!reader
summary: everyone in life comes and goes, but sometimes he wishes you stayed; but it's too big of a request to ask.
Warning: toxic rs,no happy ending, cry bitches. Angst, Angst, Angst. (Cheating again because this man is the reddest, crimson flag ever)
A/n: was writing this in school, no activities for the entire day so i was writing this. (This is so cringe oh my god i swear I'll write fluff next time what character do you guys want as long as it aint barou because idk how to write him..)
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It sometimes gets too hard to breathe at night.
There are times where he'd find solace in your embrace, you've made home in his heart and you know.
The cupid to your psyche, the romeo to his juliet. So tempting yet so dangerous.
Trust, such a simple thing yet so hard to keep and attain. Something he's won from you years ago yet he lost instantly.
A prodigy as he, the loyal man he used to be.
Rainy days like these you'd find yourself in his well-sculpted arms, inhaling his scent and his kisses marking you his.
Two weeks before the fallout, he's been a distant man, eyes filled with disdain for you and you don't know why. Just a month ago there were flowers on your doorstep, a genuine compliment through text and light kisses pressed on your forehead here and there.
Though recently, he's been looking at you with such hate in his eyes, like you ruined his life— like you're the reason you brought pain and suffering in his world. Why?
There you were, sitting at the marble kitchen island and eating some fresh fruits while watching a boring show on your phone.
Kaiser walked past you as he grabbed an energy drink from the fridge, not even sparing you a single glance.
"Hey, love." You said smiling, nervously fidgeting your fingers under the table.
Kaiser rolled his eyes before looking at you with such disgust. Was your hair really that unkempt? Did your acne come back again? Was he no longer attracted to you? Or was it because he's found someone else. You don't know but these questions spiral in your brain, wondering, asking where you went wrong.
"Hey." He replied, the irritation in his voice was too obvious.
"Can we talk?"
If anyone could see you right now they would compare you to a homeless man asking for scraps or spare change. But at least a hobo has more dignity than you.
Like a broke man begging for money and food to survive, you're pleading, throwing away all your dignity— if you even had any left; begging for a tiny speck of his attention. Some answer, some closure for why he's been treating you like this.
"I don't have time for that and you know it, I have a game again next week in france. Let's talk next time when I have the time"
Confusion and anger boiling in you at this point, what do you mean he has no time for a simple conversation? When he has all the time in the world to do stupid shit without you when he's actually free.
"What the fuck? You barely have any fucking time for me."
He stared down at you with a blanm expression, it was irritating how he wasn't even taking you seriously.
He didn't say a word before walking away to the comfort of his room.
A week later he came home.
It was 12:59 am.
A knock on your door disturbed the peace in the living room, you made your way to the main door. Sighing with relief that it was him, that he got home safely from whatever team party he attended.
"'M sorry…"
Your eyes widened, the moment you opened the door he lunged himself at you; his grip as he hugged you not loosening.
"What happened to you, micha?..."
The smell of alcohol getting on you, the red lipstick stains on his blouse and how pathetically dishevelled that man was.
The sight took your ability to speak away for a moment. You've never expected this, he told you earlier that he'd just be drinking with his team but to go as far as this?
"Don't touch me."
Kaiser tightened his grip, the shame on his face says it all. He's never cried this hard before as his tears soaked your shirt, "Liebling.."
"I said go away." Venom dripped from your voice, causing him to flinch in his very drunk state.
A loud thud can be heard throughout the house as he fell on his knees, like the shameless bastard he is, he cried, "I still love you", "I won't do it again I promise", "You're everything, please, schatz"
The next day, he was lying on the couch. His bags being too dark one could mistake him for a panda.
Even though his stomach is growling loudly, vomit bubbling in his throat or face dried with tears he couldn't help but just wail.
Hands trembling as he looked to the alarm clock to his left, 12:59 pm. Kaiser's legs wobbled as he checked every room, looking for a sign you were there but no.
"Liebling! Please, please. Where are you?"
His voice echoed in the walls of his apartment but there was no one who answered back.
Kaiser's lost you and it's all his fault yet he wailed pathetically on the floor, holding on to the railings of his stairs like someone took you away from him.
As time passed by, he's lost count of the days he's skipped training. His hunger being his least concern even though he barely eats nowadays as he spends most of his time staring at the ceiling.
Wishing for a miracle, wishing that god hears his prayer for one last time.
In this time of deep depression his spotify playlist has become his friend, his pillow being the tissue for his tears and the sheets crumpled from his thrashing around the bed.
kaiser: please come abck
kaiser: back***
kaiser: please
kaiser: please
kaiser: i love you
kaiser: liebling
kaiser: liebling lets talk
kaiser: please.
It's hopeless.
No matter how many times he blew up your phone with calls and texts you never answered. Though you never even blocked him too.
It was that time again, he called you again. Screen stained with tears as his eyes sparkled with hope when you finally picked up.
"Liebling, im sorry, im sorry."
The call was still on but he could only hear your heavy breathing, his breath hitched as he shakily held his phone to his ear.
"I know my sorrys won't change anything, but I still love you."
"I can't live without you"
"You're my everything."
Still not a single word from you, he plopped down on his bed as he stared into nothing again in his empty room.
"Michael, stop."
He clutched his phone to his chest as he sobbed quietly, making sure you didn't hear him.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Stop apologising, Michael," you let out a sigh, "let's break up"
"Yeah, sure. Good night"
The call ended right then and there.
Kaiser kept replaying your voicemails over and over again. His nerves calmed down for a bit until the reality set in, he'd never hear your voice again.
There will no longer be any you standing outside the door with your arms wide open to congratulate him on his win or a lover he'd call his. The person he vowed to love and protect forever, gone.
And it's all his fault.
For one last time, he checked his phone as he saw a notification on his lock screen. The bright light almost blinded him.
love: i know you're still awake
love: go to sleep
*sent 12:59 am*
He sighed, putting away his phone and staring at the clock.
"Yeah, maybe it is getting late"
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Note: we js had a halloween party 2 days ago, cosplayed as krul, had so much fun. °^°>🍦. I'll stop writing for kaiser i swear im js obsessed w him :((( (this fic not proofread m sorryyy)
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: Story based on the song "Seventeen" from a musical. Basically Gavi gets tired of being famous, and you want to spend a day just being "seventeen". :)
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: mentions of depression. slight angst. big fluff <3
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Pablo finally had a few days off after El Clásico was over, and he really felt exhausted both physically but mainly mentally.
Ever since the World Cup, and the expanding fame he received, he haven't had a chance to just be an eighteen year old boy...he was so exhausted.
"Baby, do you want to go outside today? It's so pretty..." his girl asked from the balcony of their shared apartment and he just sighed knowing the moment he steps outside, he will be swarmed with people and their cameras..he had no energy for that now.
"I don't know amor.." he said looking at his phone more so to avoid thinking about his own exhaustion and she noticed that something was wrong with her boy going inside and walking towards him.
"What's wrong, my love?" she sat on his lap and he snaked his arms around her waist pulling her to lay her head on his shoulder which she gladly does. He kissed her forehead in that very moment feeling peaceful...he wished he can feel like this all the time.
"I'm so tired...bonita.." he spoke and she nodded knowing just hard he works every single day as a first team player and on top of that all the fame that keeps coming at him hard.
"I'm so proud of you Pablo...you do all of it and you never complain..you never ask for a break..you want to please everyone who supports you but baby, you are still eighteen.." she said running her hand through his hair knowing that calms him down and it did making him finally smile.
"I don't want disappoint anyone...but I feel completely drained from it all amor... " Pablo said feeling good that he had his girl to talk about this. He is only ever vulnerable with his family and her because they are the only ones who really know him.
"Can we be eighteen today?" you say looking up into his eyes and he smiles moving down and kissing your nose playfully.
"I think I forgot how to do that.." he said with a chuckle and you smiled sitting up and straddling his lap while snaking your hands around his neck.
"We're not special or different today...let's be normal...see bad movies.. bake brownies or go bowling...let's just be eighteen my love" you say while massaging his shoulders and he leans into your touch smiling wider and nodding his head.
"And eat some chilly fires??" he adds and you smile nodding your head knowing what a craving they are for him whenever he is allowed to eat whatever he wanted.
"Okay, let's get changed!" you say and he furrowed his bushy eyebrows but you pulled on his arm and he let you drag him into your shared bedroom.
You took your own shirt tossing it to the bed before pulling his own shirt up and he smirked down at you making you blush a little.
"You know eighteen year olds are always horny, right??" he tease and you slap his naked chest before tossing him matching pajamas you bought the first week you started dating.
"Amor, it's daylight...aren't we going to leave the house?" he asked and you nodded reminding him that today you are normal and nobody cares if you wear pajamas outside.
"Joder! You're right! I'm just a lazy eighteen year old today who wears matching pajamas with his girl!" he said grabbing your waist and spinning you around as you giggled.
"Now, let's go grocery shopping for those brownies!" you say and he nodded putting you down.
"Race you to the front door??" he said giving you a bit of a head start (after all he is a professional athlete) and still you arrived at the same time. (he surely let it happen)
You snuck through the back exit of the building giggling while going behind the crowd of paparazzi holding hands and walking towards the grocery shop with your hoods on.
"We look like hobos" Pablo said and you giggled nodding your head moving closer and kissing his lips lovingly. You were happy that you could do something to help Pablo feel better again.
You got ingredients for brownies before going into a candy isle and your eyes grew at the nerd ropes making Pablo smirk and raise his eyebrows sarcastically.
"Baby, could you reach them for me? I'm too short!" you pout and he smiled moving towards you before getting you on his shoulders so you can reach the top isle.
"Oh shit!" you pulled to hard and the entire isle collapsed making Pablo catch you before you fell and the two of you laughs echoed the whole store.
"Ai chicos! Que pasa!?" the owner was not as satisfied but when Pablo took his hood off everything was forgotten.
"Pablo Gavi! Chico, tú eres fantasticó!" owner took an autograph and let us go without calling the cops promising not to tell anyone we were in the store.
"We can use it if it helps amor..come on!" he smirks and you laugh nodding your head before he payed for your ingredients and you were on your way back home.
"They discovered our back exit!" you whined knowing there is no way around paparazzi now and you hated that your "normal" day just had to be ruined after you saw Pablo's face turn grim once again.
"Pablo! Por favor! Pablo, aquí!" screams were everywhere and Pablo felt his head pounding as he grabbed your hand and pushed through the crowd smiling to the cameras before going inside.
You arrived to the apartment and he was massaging his temple angrily while you put the bag down and walked towards him feeling his hand go around your waist.
"I'm sorry, baby...um..do you want me?" you look wondering if head massage is what he needed but his grim face softened when he saw you apologizing despite it not being your fault.
You touched his temple but his hands took your and he kissed them lovingly before pulling you to sit on the sofa with him.
"Don't apologize, mi vida...it's not your fault..and we are not going to let them ruin our normal day okay??" he said and you were so glad he did kissing his lips in excitement before jumping off his lap towards the kitchen.
"Hey! Come back here!" he rushed after you hugging you from behind while you read how brownies are to be prepared.
You added all ingredients together while Pablo followed you like a lost puppy..he might know his way around a football pitch but in the kitchen he was lost. Seeing you struggle a bit, he asked if he could mix and you let him pecking his lips before turning on the oven.
"Do you think it's good?" he said and you walked back leaning closer to see but didn't see he took some dough on his finger and put it on your nose and mouth while you squealed.
"Pablo!" you said acting angry but liking this childish side of your boy who pulled you in and licked the dough of your face as you both laughed.
You put the brownies in the oven seeing his big pouting face
"Now what??" he said like a an impatient child.
"Now we wait, baby" you scrunch his face walking to the living room sitting down and he joined shortly as you watched some stupid Spanish soap opera.
"Díos mio, amor..this is so bad" he said grossed out by old people kissing and you giggled kissing his lips making him pull you down and start kissing from your lips to neck when oven was beeping.
"Mierda!" he groaned on top of you and you smirked getting up while he tried concealing his boner which you both clearly noticed.
"Alright, it's ready Pablito!!" you called while he "calmed down" a bit and joined you taking a big bite of the delicious pastry before pulling you into a kiss.
"It's sooo good...Díos!" he moaned and you smiled shaking your head and drinking your milk making white mustache that made him laugh.
"I take it you are not angry we were interrupted anymore?" you laugh and he rolled his eyes putting brownie down before walking up to you to hug you from behind kissing your neck.
"You're my favorite desert amor.." he whispered and you giggled nodding your head while leaning back into him.
"Thank you, mi vida...te amo mucho" he said now seriously and you turned around in his arms going on your tip toes to kiss his lips lovingly.
"Anything for my campeon!" you say and he smirked grabbing your body making you sit on the island while getting between your legs and pulling you into a passionate kiss.
"I know another "normal" thing we can do.." he smirked into the kiss and so did you nodding your head and letting him carry you to your bedroom. ;))
Hope you liked it! I had this idea for so long and finally decided to write it down <3
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sunshine-in-a-bottle · 7 months
Punz for the ask game?
First Impression
Dream friend??? Friend of Dream??? Holding him forever
Current Impression
MURDER HOBO, AUTISTIC BASTARD MAN WHO LIKES TO READ AND LIKES TO GAME AND HAS SPECIAL INTERESTS. He has latched on to Dream and will never let go. Touch his friend and Die.
Favorite Moment
He just fucking dropped TNT on those maids and he looked really hot doing it. There's nothing quite as delightful as him logging out right after like it was a Statement. I can imagine him doing a little two fingered salute as he leaves. All the finale stuff was awesome but nothing lives in my mind quite as rent free as the image of some ordinary hoodie gamer boy gently kicking tnt off his little perch to smite the catmaids harassing a giant demigod.
Idea for a story
listen. listen. I have like 300000 stories about him. But if I wanted to write something that wasn't those it'd probably be him running errands around the dsmp. the entire story would start out really average and slice of life but it would slowly get more ominous as his errands stop including blocks and baked goods and saying hi to Niki at the bakery, and start becoming Spying On XYZ, grabbing supplies for the drunz experiment bunker, preparing the traps to catch their latest test subject. Fun stuff like that!
Unpopular Opinion
this implies I know what other peoples opinions are fjghdfk
uhhhhhh I don't think if Dream decided he wanted to forgo The Plan that Punz would get upset and leave him. I think Punz would be really disappointed, but ultimately "being Dream's friend" and "being a bloodthirsty murder hobo who longs for godhood" are not mutually exclusive things. I've seen a couple of fics handle it really well, and I adore the conflict of Punz caring about Dream but also disagreeing with Dream's desire to make nice and do peace when it comes up, because Punz just. Doesn't have faith in humanity. Punz has the people he cares about, and everyone else can go to hell.
Favorite relationship
I'm the usual sucker for Drunz. If that's too obvious, then Punz and Foolish also makes me really happy, along with Punz and Sapnap and maybe Punz and Techno? You can get a lot of mileage out of Punz's surface nature of being really easy going while hiding a lot of anger and bitterness, even misanthropy if you want to lean really deeply into it.
Actually, wait, a friendship I really like to think about but don't often get to talk about is Punz and Niki. Niki goes through a disillusionment in her character arc that I think Punz could really understand. Punz would be cheering on her villain arc, but the thing that Punz doesn't get that Niki does is an opportunity through the Syndicate to find faith again, faith in her friends, in hope and humanity.
Niki and Punz could have a lot of interesting conversations, she could even give him an offer to join the Syndicate. I can see her reaching out to him the way she was reached out to, if only to try. I can't say whether or not Punz would take that offer, its entirely dependent on what story you're writing, but as easily as I think they could see each other in the darkness, I think they could see each other in the light, too.
Favorite headcanon
Punz is autistic. Listen to me. He fixates of his Special Interests and he loves to have Opinions About Things and he is a stickler for things being On Time and Done The Right Way. I'm projecting my mental illness on to him. I just want him to complain endlessly about books and have a favorite genre and have an eye for the quality of metalwork because my mom was a goldsmith and Punz wears jewelry. Let me have my insane man.
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icycoldninja · 7 months
(dmc) if the gangs signature swords were turned into humans for a day, what do you think they'd be like?
Excellent notion, I'm glad you brought it to me.
If the DMC boys' swords were human headcannons!
🔥Devil Sword Dante 🔥
(Idk if this is classified as his signature sword since he has a lot of those, but since this one has his name in it I'm gonna write about it)
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-Devil Sword Dante would manifest in the form of an old, yet muscular, ex-rockstar-hobo-looking dude, aesthetically similar to Dante.
-He would wear a punk leather jacket with a red undershirt that reads "Let's Rock Bitches" and would possibly have a long scraggly wizard beard, a bandana, and maybe even an electric guitar strapped to his back.
-He and Dante would shake hands, bump fists, then declare each other BBFLs (Best Bros For Life)
-They would immediately trash Devil May Cry by throwing a massive pizza party and rock out so hard the windows blow up because of the sound waves radiating from their electric guitars.
-These two would singlehandedly buy and eat up all the pizza from their local Pizzahut.
-At the end of the day, Dante and Devil Sword Dante would bro-hug and bid each other farewell. Devil Sword Dante promises to fight alongside Dante for the rest of his days while Dante promises to take good care of him when he's not in use.
-Dante secretly wishes he could turn the sword back into a uuman, permanently, because it feels like he just lost the closest, greatest friend he'd ever made.
❄️ The Yamato ❄️
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-The Yamato would become the essence of motivation itself: It would manifest as a Vergil clone.
-The only difference is that this clone is mute, and does not speak, and that his arms and legs are actually blades.
-Vergil may have been frowning on the outside when he met the human manifestation of his sword, but he was smiling in the inside.
-The Yamato has no emotions, but it has motivation. Though it couldn't speak, it motivated Vergl to do things like beat up his deadweight child again he would have never dreamed of doing until now.
-Because The Yamato doesn't speak, Vergil finds the peace and quiet (a very rare occurrence until now) incredibly calming.
-He doesn't exactly miss The Yamato when it returns to sword form, but he does have a renewed respect for it. To him, it is no longer just a sword; it is a part of him.
🟥 Red Queen 🟥
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-Unlike the first two swords, Red Queen does not manifest as an adult human. It manifests as a child.
-This kid is exuberant, loud, and has a penchant for mischief. Nero has his hands full, chasing it around and trying to keep it from hurting itself.
-The kid somehow conjured up some crayons and markers and began drawing all over the walls of Devil May Cry and Nero and Kyrie's house. Eventually, Nero nabs the little gremlin and takes him back to his home, where Kyrie cooks up a massive meal for it.
-Nero is exhausted after just 1 hour of dealing with this menace, but at the same time, it's growing on him. He even gave the kid a name: Little Monster.
-When Little Monster eventually has to return to sword form, it gives Nero a big leg-hug and says goodbye, saying it had a lot of fun and that it wishes they could play again sometime.
-Nero is more than happy to have that little troll gone, he kinda misses it, after a little while. Ah well, at least now he's prepared for parenthood.
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aspiringsophrosyne · 2 years
A Sailor And a Gentleman: Critical Role Campaign 2 And The Misguided Urge to Run.
I'm planning on some in-depth Campaign 2 talk in anticipation of the animated series, but you can only do it in pieces.
Because Campaign 2 of Critical Role, three quarters by accident and a quarter by design, is a beautifully and surprisingly thematically consistent story.
For now, let's look at one of the themes that comes up consistently throughout the Mighty Nein's story that's easy to miss. And that is members of the Nein being tempted to or preparing to run from the group despite either wanting to stay or it being worse for them if they leave.
Spoilers for all of Campaign 2 abound.
Now, Yasha is a unique case; she was absent so often mainly due to Ashley's regrettably inconsistent presence at the table. However, intentions are not the focus here. Today we're talking about results. And honestly, how amazing the results became, all considering.
Intentional or not, the theme is more prevalent for Yasha than for some of the others. Before the confrontation at the Cathedral, Yasha flits in and out of the Nein's adventure. She leaves. She comes back. She leaves again. And we can infer that she was also like this when she was with the circus. Molly certainly never seems surprised when she disappears or reappears. But when she's consistently a part of the group, her past is finally confronted and eventually overcome, to the point where she can ultimately start to heal from it. And even fall in love again. 
In Caleb's story, this is as prevalent a theme as it is in Yasha's, if not more so. Hobo wizard's ready to run from almost the word go. And given his backstory, that's not surprising. Liam makes it obvious for us at home; shortly before the battle of Glory Run changes everything, Caleb spends his watch talking to himself, trying to psych himself up to leave. Telling himself that no one in the group can help him, and even if opening up to Beau and Nott wasn't a mistake, it won't do anything for him in the long run.
Caleb ultimately decides to stay. Not only that, but it's in traveling with the Nein that he begins to heal, to do good, and to walk towards a kind of redemption. By the end of the story, Caleb is one of the fiercest advocates for the Nein, for the love they have found between themselves, and for their finally becoming nine. And even if it came from a place of practicality (Liam has spoken on Talks Machina about the moment Caleb shared with Essek where the latter was revealed to be a traitor as, if nothing else, an effort to keep a lid on anything that would interfere with the peace talks the Nein were trying to facilitate) Caleb's compassion for Essek inspired him to become a better man than he had been. Which directly leads to his assisting the Nein in saving Exandria.
In contrast, Beau is less flighty than either Yasha or Caleb and is notably one of the biggest supporters of staying together from the get-go. Her stubborn and unwavering conviction in rescuing Jester, Fjord, and Yasha, alongside her honest and touching eulogy for Mollymauk, goes a long way toward rallying the group to its reunification. She's notable in that, despite her prickly and near-constant cynical attitude, she was one of the few members of the Nein who seemed to enjoy being a part of the group from the start.
Then came her (to quote Matt) asshole dad. And Isharnei.
Even before any other options were brought up with her or considered, Beau offered to walk away from the Nein. She offered to give up the place where she finally felt loved and appreciated: where Beau felt like she belonged. And she did this partially (as Beau makes clear later and Marisha talks about between episodes) because she expected to eventually lose it. Nothing good could last. Because for her, nothing good ever had.
This is a less obvious and clear-cut case because Nott's abandoning her family was less of a willing choice. She didn't want to leave and always planned to return to her family. Just, hopefully, as herself.
That said, until the Nein were called upon to rescue her husband, Nott was planning to keep her distance. To limit her direct contact with her family for fear of drawing danger to them or being rejected by them. 
Only to discover that her family would've accepted her as she was.
Travis has said on the Wrap Up and Talks that Fjord would repeatedly consider running off and unlocking those seals or if Avantika had gotten away with the Cloven Crystal, split from the group to chase after her. Interestingly enough, if he had left for either of those reasons, he would've been the second sailor who left a Lavorre woman named after a corundum, to both his and her detriment. 
Taliesin has said on Talks that Molly had considered robbing everybody and making a break for it. He was a carnie swindler, after all.
(Although it's interesting to consider deeper character reasons for this. See also: Kingsley stealing a ship the Nein totally would've given him and sailing off into the sunset.) 
And it's not just the Nein. Let's look at Beau's and Jester's dads.
The Gentleman
Jester's father fell in love with the famed Ruby of the Sea and considered himself not good enough for her. To remedy that, he left her, hoping to make himself a better man on the sea. To eventually return, worthy of her affections.
That is, tragically, not how things worked out.
And while Jester's mother and father have reunited and reconciled, it would've saved Jester and her parents a lot of heartache and time if Babenon Dosal had stayed despite his misgivings. If he had, he would've escaped the life of the Gentleman. And not only that, he would've been loved by two damn fine women. He would've gotten to raise his daughter.
Thoreau Lionett
Beau's father's story is eerily similar. Instead of courting Beau's mother as he was, in order to secure her love, he went to Isharnei to seek guidance. And yes, she gave him advice that made him his fortune. But she left him with a prophecy that would lead to years of misery for the rest of his family. If not for him as well. So much of the Lionett family's unhappiness could've been avoided had Thoreau pursued Clara regardless of his status or finances.
And you can even make an argument for Caduceus' family.
The Clays
You could say the Clays' leaving to restore the wood (or at least the way they went about it; individually or in pairs) was a bad idea. Not only did it prove fruitless in the intervening years, and not only did it put them in a position where they could've been destroyed beyond hope of revival, but it left Cad on his own for a decade, with no way of getting help for them or for himself. 
These are just examples off the top of my head, but taking all this together, you could argue that one incidental moral of the Mighty Nein's story is: don't try to handle your trauma alone. Don't try to handle your burdens all by yourself. Don't run off because you think you don't deserve help, you do. People are better and can be better when they work together.
And also the Critical Role table is better when everybody is sitting at it playing together.
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lookatmetv · 2 years
Episode 1 : First impression
??? : to be honest , i don't think any of them are going to get the prize 
??? : Are you talking to yourself again?
??? : can we kick him out already  
[ starting in 1...2...3 ]
[ Crystal choi and diego kang waving at the camera ]
Crystal: Hello everyone, and welcome to LookatmeTV, the reality program that we have been working on for a long time and is now here. It is a great honor for me and-
DG: Diego Kang 
Crystal: - to host this program and meet everyone on the set!
DG: As you are all aware, we have collected 10 candidates with us today to face the challenges we have set for them and to see if those challenges may spark enmity amongst them.
Crystal : Our ten candidates are now in different rooms where they must write their first impressions of any random contestant, and then we will mix the letters and everyone must guess if the letter they picked is about them or no .
[Cut to a yellow room, where Vin-jin is seated in the middle, gazing at the paper, the envelope, and the pen placed in front of him]
Vin-jin: Can I write about my first impressions of you two?
DG: We are not candidates, so no, but you are welcome to tell us if you like.
Vin-jin: you appear to be a [beep] phony [beep]. [beep] hole to me, and the same goes to her.
Crystal: We value your feedback! Please continue with the task now.
Vin-jin : none of the contestants are interesting except that blonde haired guy with glasses , he seems like one crazy [beep].
DG : stop cursing
Vin-jin : you better not be censoring the [beep] am saying 
Crystal : you heard him editors 
[ a big ‘ we don't care ‘ with red letters appeared on the screen ]
[ the camera cut to Euntae this time in a pink room writing aggressively in a paper ] 
DG : For a first impression, he has a lot to say...
Crystal : better than the previous contestant.
[Random clips of the other participants writing and thinking began to play until it was eventually time to mix the letters together and give them to the contestants]
Crystal : We are finally going to open these letters! everyone step up and choose one and read it out loud. 
DG : let's start wil eli jang 
[ eli picks up the yellow envelope from the box ]
Eli : You look like some rich creepy guy who is obsessed with taxidermy , I do hope you get voted out in the first round…
Eli : am not sure this letter is for me..
DG : who do you think it is for?
Eli : uh wouldn't it be rude-
DG : its okay no one would get offended
Crystal : are you trying to cause problems Diego?
DG : quite bold of you to assume that-
Goo : i want to read a letter next!
[ goo picks up a pink envelope from the box ]
Goo : woah thats so long
Goo : i love your blonde hair so much and you look like a prince- i don't need to read the rest this is obviously written for me.
Vin-jin : no way that letter is written for you ,you look like some hobo
Goo : excuse me
[ goo picked up the box and threw it at vin-jin ]
[vin-jin dodged and the box hit gun ]
Gun : oh for (beep) sake
[ gun started chasing after goo with the box ]
[All peacefulness has abruptly vanished]
DG : wow its been 20 minutes only
Crystal : Everyone calm down
DG : you really think thats gonna work
Crystal : DG just leave me alone
[ in the background daniel decided to pick a green envelope from the floor ]
Daniel : you are really handsome and cute ? i wonder who wrote that
Jay : ......
Daniel : oh thank you so much jay!
Crystal [ in the edge of losing her sanity ] : he didnt even talk-
[ crystal and DG got pushed by zack lee ]
Zack : move aside you are stepping on a letter
[ Zack picks up a black letter from the floor]
Zack : fight me ? who the [beep] said that
DG : stop.cursing
Crystal : anyway that's our episode for today!-
Zoe : the rest of us didn't read
Crytsal : i hope you enjoyed-
[ the letters box suddenly hit the screen and it suddenly went black ]
[ The show logo flashed on the screen and the credits started rolling]
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strawberrybobamilk · 1 year
Cut Here (Part 5)
TWs: Language
"Whoa! That certainly wasn't the kind of greeting I expected" the blue eyed man chuckled as he sat down next to Trevor.
"Whatever" Trevor scoffed "Anyway my question was legitimate: what the fuck you want, who are you?"
"Geez, I just saw you sulking down this bridge and I just wanted to conversate" the man threw his hands in the air "In a bad mood today aren't we?"
"Yeah, no shit. And you still haven't told me who the fuck are you"
"Okay okay! I'm Michael. Michael Townley"
A few silent moments passed, as the Michael guy picked up a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket and started smoking.
"Trevor" a whisper-like voice came out of the long haired man "I'm Trevor Philips" he said in a louder voice as he noticed Michael turning to him.
Michael made a friendly smile at him as a cloud of grey smoke came out of his nostrils "Nice to meet you Trevor".
Another moment of silence descended upon them. Trevor was still blankly looking at his feet, but couldn't help but notice with curiosity the way Michael was looking ahead of him, as if he was calculating something, he could almost hear the sound of the gears turning in his head.
"What are you looking at?" Trevor finally asked.
Michael looked briefly at Trevor, then looked again in front of him, taking another long cigarette drag "You see that little shop over there?"
Trevor stopped looking down and instead looked in the direction Michael has been focusing on for all this time "Yeah. What about it?".
Michael spoke in an almost whispery voice, still looking carefully at the shop "No cars around it, no customers inside it. Just that one shopkeeper checking everything's in its right place. It's evening, almost closing time, which means he must have made some cash during daytime".
"So you wanna rob it?" Trevor asked, in an oddly calm voice.
Michael let out a little chuckle "Hello there Mr Smartypants" Trevor felt the sound of a gun clicking, and his eyes turned to see the barrel of a gun pointed to his temple, as Michael spoke in a quiet voice "Try saying something to the cops and we'll have a dead body to dispose".
To Michael's surprise, Trevor wasn't the least bit intimidated, and instead grinned and laughed "You really think I have a reason to go yapping to those LIARS?" his teeth clenched in an angered way at the word 'LIARS' "Me? Just some fucking 'UNSTABLE' hobo under a bridge? Me, who failed everyone and everything in his life? If I told them they wouldn't even believe me, they'd just lock me up somewhere in some shitty prison or something" he then turned his head to Michael, who was still looking intensely at him ready to press the trigger at any second, and Trevor leaned down making his forehead get perfectly aligned with the gun muzzle, still grinning "If you wanna kill me then go ahead, I won't stop you. You'll do me a favor if you do".
Some seconds that felt like an eternity passed, until Michael put away his gun with a "Fuck!".
"What?" Trevor asked in a surprised way.
Michael looked down at his gun and put it back in his pocket shaking his head "...fuck I can't do this..."
"What's the matter?"
Michael spat his now finished cigarette on the snowy ground and got up "It's hard to explain okay?!" he looked at the cigarette, then at the shop, then at Trevor who was still sat down, then hesitantly said "You wanna join me?"
"You heard me Trevor. You wanna learn how to do this? How to make some money? How to feel like..." he took a deep breath "...your life is worth living?"
Trevor pondered on Michael's words.
He didn't have anything to lose.
He has done way worse things in his life.
And if doing this kind of things would have made him "feel like... your life is worth living"...
Trevor got up and stared at his new mentor "Tell me what to do"
Michael smirked "Follow me".
I'm drowning in a whiskey river
Bathin' my memory's mind in the wetness of its soul
The unfortunate shopkeeper cleaned and rearranged his merch, enjoying that peaceful country song playing on the radio.
Feeling the amber current flowing from my mind
And leaving the heart you left so cold
Suddendly, the door violently slammed open, almost causing the door bell to fall and break. The shopkeeper turned with a jump and saw two men: one slightly chubby with blue eyes and short slick black hair, and the other one thinner with hazel eyes and long dark brown hair. The blue eyed one was holding a gun and he was the one shouting "Hands up!", while the hazel eyed one apparently was unarmed, yet still managed to appear even more threatening than his accomplice with a gun.
Whiskey river take my mind
And don't let her memory torture me
"You fuckin' deaf or what?!" the long haired one yelled as he stepped towards the scared shopkeeper, looking like a charging bull "Hands! Up! And take out the cash before I rip your fucking spine out! NOW!"
"Y-yes! Please don't hurt me" the shopkeeper pleaded as he immediately ran to the cash register.
"That's right. And don't play funny games" blue eyed guy said, as he briefly stared at his partner in crime with a surprised expression "Don't try calling the police, or you know what happens"
"Y-yes" the shopkeeper stuttered, as he was taking out all the banknotes as fast as he could.
"Which is using your brains as a paintbrush for these walls, if that ain't clear" hazel eyed guy taunted, obtaining another impressed look by blue eyed guy "Which to be honest this shop really needs, these walls are shit"
"Please don't!" the shopkeeper cried, handing them a big handful of banknotes "Please this is all I have, please don't kill me!"
"Atta boy" blue eyed guy took the money along with a pen, and tore a little piece of paper from the shopkeeper's notebook "Now let's go, come on!"
Whiskey river don't run dry
You're all I've got, take care of me
"Now what happens?" Trevor asked, following Michael.
"Now we run!" Michael panted "Keep following me!"
They both ran towards a car. Michael broke the window with his elbow and snaked his arm inside.
"You don't have a car of yours?" Trevor asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well, if you are a thief you should never use the same car at all times. Cops might track you down and find you if you do" Michael explained, as if he was explaining the most obvious thing ever "Besides, that guy said he's not gonna call the police. Everyone says that when they get robbed but it's better to never trust them when they say that. Just in case" the engine started rumbling "Now get in the car"
"Well then we should have actually killed the fucker. Just in case" Trevor scoffed as he entered the car and sat besides Michael, who already had his hands on the steering wheel.
"And clean all that mess, get rid of the body and all the evidence? Technically you could do that, but it's a pain in the ass, it's unnecessary, and takes longer. Scaring the shit outta them is enough anyway"
Trevor pouted and crossed his arms "Yeah but killing them is more fun and entertaining!"
Michael let out a laugh and rolled his eyes "Hold your horses, tough guy".
Michael drove around for some minutes, every once in a while he turned to look at Trevor, who was constantly staring at him throughout the whole drive.
Michael was the first to break the silence "This was your first robbery, right?"
"You know... for your first time, it wasn't bad. It wasn't bad AT. ALL"
"You mean it?"
"Yes I do. I mean... 'rip your fucking spine out'? 'Using your brains as a paintbrush for these walls'?" Michael giggled in amusement "Where did you get these from?"
"Oh" Trevor just shrugged "Just came up with those on the spot, I don't really know"
"Yes, really"
"That... that's actually cool, Trevor! You're like... Mr. Cash"
"Mr. Cash, you know. That dark, gritty and tormented protagonist in search for vengeance, from Solomon Richards' latest movie, and..." Michael turned to see a rather puzzled looking Trevor "...yeah, nevermind".
The drive proceeded in a very peaceful and upbeat way, both of the men chatting, joking and laughing with each other.
Once they were in a safe area, they both exited the car, and Michael handed Trevor's share. Not before using the pen and the small paper piece he stole earlier to write something Trevor couldn't see.
"Here" Michael said as he gave Trevor's share, still holding the paper piece in his other hand "Hey... did you, enjoy doing this? Your first robbery?"
Trevor looked at the handful of banknotes. He was feeling a mix of emotions. He was feeling...
"like your life is worth living"
"Yes. Yes I did Michael"
"Good. Then have this too, and call me whenever you wanna do something like this again" Michael said smiling as he handed him the piece of paper, and patted his arm before leaving "You're a good partner Trevor, really".
They waved bye at each other, and Trevor looked at the paper piece: it was a phone number.
After a couple days spent roaming around that lone snowy town like he always did, Trevor kept thinking about that robbery he just partaked into. About the adrenaline flowing in his veins. About those beautiful blue eyes admiring him like no one else ever did. About how he felt alive.
"Call me whenever you wanna do something like this again"
Trevor picked up Michael's number from his pocket, put a coin inside the phone booth, and started dialing the number.
"Hey, Michael. It's me, Trevor. Shall we... do another job together?"
He could feel Michael grinning from the other end "I was waiting for your call Trevor".
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scratchandplaster · 11 months
Stack The Deck - PART 11
CW: obsessive thoughts, drug mention
Intermezzo ⇽ [Masterlist] ⇾ PART 12
Yaletown Park looked more like a rocky desert than anything adjacent to the open hangout it was sold as, especially in the hollow glow of the streetlights. Caught between high-risers and vacant retail space, the few square meters of cobble only offered some trash or needles to pluck from the ground. If the grass patches shooting out here and there were ever kept trim in the first place remained a mystery.
Behind a strategically chosen planter sat a reserved man, smoking the second pack of the day and stewing in his jaded mood, still waiting for whoever wanted to stop by. All this was normal for Morris by now.
The evening had started promising, with frat boys strolling along the sidewalk and a few girls in tow; a view that was starting to become more and more frequent. He smiled joylessly, remembering how he met Amber on a night like this.
More than a year must've passed since then, he figured, trying to cling onto thoughts that wouldn't shock him with memories of someone he didn't have to think about anymore. At least when he was chased around enough.
"You're gonna sit there until I tell you otherwise!"
Goddamn. Not that it was easy for Belanger either, patrolling the streets to prospect the usual scum. No regret laid in avoiding each other, but since Morris was dependent on any signal to engage with the more casual clientele, he was stuck in place. 
That's what I get for my not so tight scheduling. 
As a fixer caught at the bottom of the food chain, and honest to god no agency or willingness to change his position, it was better to keep his mouth shut and head down. But with skin still in the game, did he have another option? For all he cared, they could make him do their laundry and scrub all crack houses of the state squeaky-clean. Anything else than ending up in Dutch's office with that thing-  
Another thought he quickly shoved aside, another problem to ignore till it blew up.
Except a lone hobo who threw up way too close to his shoes, nothing ripped Morris out of the daydreaming that kept his last sliver of sanity alive. The risk of being arrested on the spot or stabbed to death by someone who needed cash even more than him aside, the prize of it all was just...surviving.
"One day you wake up, and your whole life is spent in what?" Amber's life lesson was now sober reality, spot-on to the last detail.
Hearing her voice again used to pierce through his gut and leave him wrecked with self-hatred, although these feelings had died down in the time they spent apart. Not that he didn't try to distract himself from the distraction, oh no, he had several chances to drown out boiling memories of past love during the spring months, but this year it was different. Nobody was waiting at home. Morris couldn't let go, not this time, not since her...since him-
If Belanger didn't call right now, he would find a good use for all those narcotics in his pocket.
A break from it all, that's what he needed to work himself to the bone for. 
Wrapping his leather jacket closer around his body, Morris wished to disappear into it completely. Even the colorful August couldn't hide that it had gotten colder in the last days of an already far too chilly summer. 
Without any warning, his peaceful solitude was interrupted again. 
A figure stumbled blindly along the sidewalk. Morris' gaze followed them closely, how disoriented feet pushed each other forward and finally letting them flop down onto a bench near the park's exit.
Drunk or high, certainly. Care for another round? 10 bucks for a flat of fentanyl - dark green, quite popular at the moment. 
Still, Belanger didn't give him the go-ahead yet. Maybe he should make today's slow business hum: be proactive, independent. Write it on a resume, why not.
His stiff knee gave an audible crack as it was forced to stand straight, lazily stretching the sore muscles in his back and taking the first few steps towards his potential customer, Morris started to become flustered. 
Could be a setup, for all he knew. Something was off. 
The soon-to-be buyer was wrapped up in shadows, sitting quietly by themself and only rarely mumbling at the stones below their feet.
He approached until their shoes nearly touched, time to play offense: "You good?"
Nothing. Awkward, he wasn't used to making the first move like this.
Shoving at the motionless shoulders only made their head flop forward, and a forced sigh quickly followed it. First week on campus, probably, lost their friends and self-control only to aimlessly walk around the neighborhood.
"You definitely had enough fun for today, buddy," Morris scoffed, ready to turn around. 
Suddenly, he faltered. They had to rethink Belanger's strategy if he ought to stay here, passed-out freshmen were only good for catching unwanted attention and as long as Dutch didn't want to see his ass in jail, any cops on patrol should be avoided. Not that they lost sleep about the mass of catatonic bodies scattered throughout the city streets, just when they were seen in the wrong parts of town - the pleasant ones.
"Move," so he demanded, quickly lifting up their chin, nestled against the stiff collar of their windbreaker, with his fist. "You're gonna get me in trouble."
The hot breath against Morris' hand sent shivers up his spine. After nights like these, he felt mostly frozen numb, but the air coming out in labored and shallow puffs let his fingers tingle with newfound life.
Suddenly, the howl of an ambulance cut through the silence. Not for them, of course, it was surely headed east. As it took a turn and rushed past the unusual couple, Morris caught a quick glimpse of his vis-à-vis.
For less than a heartbeat, his body froze.
His mouth began to open and close like a fish on land, unable to produce a single word, whilst the prickle spread from his back through every inch of his body. A wonderful illusion bloomed under the blue-red-blue-red flicker and as quickly as it had reached both, it left them alone in the nightly glow of streetlights.
Morris didn't hear himself gasp, the rush of blood in his ears was too deafening. Now dead focused on the freckle-sprinkled skin, tousled dark hair and soft lashes, an inward pull kept him from blinking: the fear that he would be ripped out of his trance.
No dream, no wishful thinking. Morris would recognize this face anywhere.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterlist]
Taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername, @canislycaon24
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doctorhouse5343 · 7 months
Morpheus was the king of a peaceful kingdom, he ruled fairly while maintaining a cold facade that he only let slip around his sweet but deadly Hob. The satyr had a reputation for headbutting all of those who dared to waste his precious king's time, be it with nonsense or not leaving the meeting hall in time (the stragglers rarely made it out fast enough, almost getting gutted by Hob's mighty horns) but those things were what made him the favorite, the one who had the honor of properly pleasuring his majesty every night and day, providing him all the milk he could ever need from his well furred chest. The satyr's expression was always full of warmth at the sight of his king enjoying his warm milk, suckling from the source whenever he pleased.
The kingdom continued to prosper, until the villagers noticed a few folk going missing on a full moon night, only to find them in the morning with their hearts missing. A panic soon spread across the town, the people grew weary and began to spend their days trying to hunt down the creature causing the deaths of the town folk. Eventually the foul beast was captured and was to be executed the following day for the entire palace to see, Morpheus for his part was quite curious to see what the beast that spread terror in the hearts of his men looked like so he went to the dungeon where the prisoner was held in. What was dragged before him intrigued him greatly : a tall lanky young man with long wild, tangled hair as white as snow, blackish grey skin with a white,full-body tattoo of a skeleton and piercing blue eyes that stared back at him. His chin and mouth was stained with dried blood, he had been muzzled and chained so that he couldn't harm his captors. When asked for his name, the werewolf had gestured to a tag with the name 'Hobo Heart' on his collar. By then the king was fascinated with the male's appearance, looking him over from all angles before demanding that he'd be set free, bathed and clothed and brought to him in the dinning hall. The guards were reluctant but obeyed and soon Hobo Heart became the king's newest pet, kept on a leash at all times and following him whenever he wished to go. While Morpheus was quite pleased with his pet's obedience (he would reward his good behavior with warm beating hearts, which Hobo Heart craved a lot), the same couldn't be said about Hob, who viewed the werewolf as a rival that wished to take the king away from him. The satyr vowed that he would not rest until he had successfully killed the mangy beast..or at least that was the plan, however the monster wasn't planning to die anytime soon and was keen on returning the favor whenever the opportunity struck. Their attempts were always thwarted by their beloved king, who was getting quite bored of those antics and was hatching a plan to make them get along once and for all
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Good Sword
This fig set! I got it a long time ago, but it took so much wrangling I'm just now getting around to writing this post.
We know the inspiration for this fig from this amazing scene in Episode 2:
There's a lot of delicate pieces on this fig set - Lao Wen's hairpin, his flying hair wispies, and of course A-Xu's Baiyi, so I'm happy this fig set arrived safely in it's protective polystyrene.
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I love it when figs are in plastic like this - they make it super easy to remove from the box. Less worry about breakage from me for sure.
Let's do a quick spin around of these two figs before we connect them.
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Beautiful! I love this set - it's a slightly different style than the more typical chibi style, a little more "grown up". There's some wonderful detail of the bamboo embroidery on Wen Kexing's white robes, and on his ginkgo hairpin. A-Xu of course is in his hobo best, with his drinking gourd and layered blue robes.
So here's the problem. They're very difficult to fit well together. The fig maker was horrified to hear that some fans broke Baiyi by mistake, trying to get the two figs to connect together. She issued instructions to the buyers on how to connect them, but I have to say, they didn't help me all that much.
One of the issues is that Wen Kexing's two fingers that are supposed to hold the blade - don't. The fingers are tiny and cute, as you can see by him flashing a peace sign there, and not in any way big enough for Baiyi to snap into. You can press the sword a little bit into the fingers, but it pops right out. I guess if his fingers were actually big enough to hold Baiyi, they'd be comically large, so I get it!
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You can see when I actually put them together so the sword goes in the fingers, that the heights are off. When I push Lao Wen down or A-Xu up so both of their feet are on the same level, the sword pops right out. Also, the wispies on Lao Wen's hair block A-Xu from getting too close, and then you have Lao Wen's hand that (in the show) wraps around his waist, but here, just seems to hold his drinking gourd.
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This is literally the only way I can get the figs to fit together. You see Lao Wen's wispy that's running into A-Xu's hair? I was worried about breaking that putting them together. I was worried about breaking Baiyi of course. I was also worried about breaking Lao Wen's fingers! You can see now why I've put off doing anything with this set for a while. I ended up gluing the figures down, then put a bit of glue between Lao Wen's fingers and then holding the sword between his fingers for about 6 minutes until the glue set. You can see how Baiyi is more wavy than a curve - that's because the heights didn't quite work out. In retrospect and looking at this picture, maybe I should have angled Baiyi down from the top a bit so the tip was pointed down - less parallel to the base.
But! All that aside, it finally all worked out with no damage, so I'm very happy! Let's give you a spin back around the pair now that they're not going anywhere:
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You can see Lao Wen's wispy here that kept getting in the way. I kept trying to turn A-Xu a little more into Lao Wen's hand, so his hand would properly go around his waist, but that of course just rotated Baiyi even further out. You can see here how, as it is, the sword tip just barely is being held between Lao Wen's fingers. If I rotated A-Xu the other way, away from Lao Wen (which just sounds wrong!), then Lao Wen's hand and that wispy gets in the way.
In the shot in the show, they both truly are facing forward, so the fig maker did a really nice job translating this to fig form. I think it must get real complicated real fast when you try to design figs like this to fit each other - I've seen how easy it is to get the proportions of arms and hands off, so the fact that this set adheres to closely to the scene while remaining cute and delicately made is amazing.
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They're both wearing their pants and boots, you just can't see A-Xu's because of the dark blue layers. Their feet are also very, very small and narrow, which complicated things as well because they aren't very stable figs even before you try to connect them together.
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Looks pretty good from the top, I think!
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Here's a comparison of our Good Sword figs with our wonderful Dirty Bag and Snow Maiden figs so you can see the typical fig proportions with this new body style. Much smaller and more delicate all the way around. I love them both!
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Our very cute box card with Lao Wen delivering his line...with a little smile!
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It's funny the bits of Chinese I've picked up from the show, as I slowly and painfully plod my way through Learn Rudimentary Chinese in 15 Minutes a Day for Working Adults. Thanks to my lessons, I can say things like, I eat noodles, and I am busy in the morning. Thanks to Word of Honor, I can say things like Good sword, and I am a philanthropist.
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We've already done the New Year Wenzhou set here on the box...just two more to go in this series! Please look forward to it!
Material: Resin and a very good sword
Fig Count: 397
Scene Count: 27
Rating: Thanks for helping out, Philanthropist Wen!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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Looking up to the almost majestic pillars of obsidian that surrounded me was a favorite past time. This maze did not have a lot to do in it except for meander and stare into the cosmic abyss above me. The glass like walls that reflected every light almost perfectly made every day a nightmare and every night a disco. There weren't any other lights sadly but they made life somewhat interesting. The different stars helped keep track of time and the sun kept me from completely losing my sense of reality. It was a calm and peaceful life now. I do miss the old life. The monotony of getting up from bed, going to work, and then coming back home to repeat the cycle sure was boring but it was at least more interesting than this. I'd always run into Cuban Pete, that crazy hobo with the coolest of dance moves. I wish I gave him more cash when I could have but he seemed fine. I honestly think he might have been homeless out of the thrill of it. Maybe I should stop thinking of Cuban Pete.
Oh, I never explained why I'm in an obsidian maze did I? Well, imaginary listener, I died. Yup, a simple isekai cliché of getting hit by a bus on my way to work. Quite silly now that I think about it. I could have ended up in any timeline or sick anime world but instead I got sent in front of a god with a pumpkin for a head and got asked if I wanted to go back to being alive. I of course said yes, so he sent me into this maze. I don't even know why he's letting me try this. Maybe he's bored and just enjoys watching me wander a maze with seemingly no end, maybe he just wants to keep me for as long as he can before I return to my life or whatever life he'll gift to me. Gods really are outside of my own mental prowess I suppose.
I haven't seen anything even slightly indicating if I'm doing the right thing or not. I found some signs of other people in here, some empty spray cans with a small messenger bag, some empty bottles of sodas, and I even once found a white expo marker. I like to collect the fragments of humanity in the little messenger bag so I have something to hope for as I keep going forward. Its a good measure of my sanity too, allowing me to keep count of items I know I have a certain amount of. I'm really looking forward to whatever end might be to this maze, though I've been traveling for so long that I'm not sure if it exists. Who knows, maybe the god put me in maze with no exits. Or maybe the exit was actually behind me at the very start. Wait, no, I made a full circle when I first came here. Eh, maybe, its been a while. I can't really remember the start that well. Everything has looked so similar that I have no idea where I'm walking anymore. I don't need food, water, or sleep since I'm dead so I dont even have that to judge time. I don't have much more to say. I'm at a loss. Maybe even two or three losses. Heh. I miss my mom... Its too quiet here... I miss my friends. I miss my boss. I miss my apartment. I miss my neighbor's yapping dog. I miss Cuban Pete. I miss everything from my old world. I miss that world... I can't wait to wake up in my bed again. Disappointed at my monotonous life. Upset that I had to wake up again to do the same thing I did before. That would put a smile on my face.
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joylinda-hawks · 3 months
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I'm tired. Kid, let's find a shady spot and rest. WOH, episode 3, part 9. ZZS and ZCL are walking along the road, it's hot and they're tired too. ZCL wipes the sweat from his face, and ZZS notices that the boy gets tired easily and shakes his head in surprise. Seeing this, ZZS says out loud that he's tired and suggests that they find a shady spot and rest. Going further along the path, they notice WKX sitting on the sidelines, for whom GX is pouring tea. WKX calls out to ZZS - Zhou Xu. He states that they're meeting again and suggests that they drink tea together to cool off on this hot day. ZZS stops and says to himself that this WKX won't leave them alone and comes to the conclusion that WKX is also looking for Glazed Armor. ZCL looks at ZZS with hope that he will agree, but after a while ZZS starts walking forward and ZCL obediently follows him. ZZS's behavior surprises WKX who asks why he is leaving. WKX sits and smiles to himself. ZZS and ZCL reach the lake, ZZS tells the boy to drink some water. ZCL runs to the shore, kneels down and takes some water in his hands. Unexpectedly WKX appears and says: if the water in the Canglang River is clean, I will be able to wash my headband in it. If the water in the Canglang River is dirty, I will be able to wash my feet in it. ZZS looks in disbelief at WKX and GX standing on the shore of the lake. WKX calls ZZS Zhou Xu again and states that they will meet everywhere. ZZS ostentatiously drinks alcohol from a bottle and wonders in his mind if WKX used some tracking method on them. ZCL, already standing, looks at ZZS with hope. ZZS wonders if there really is a tracking technique that he doesn't know about. ZZS loudly tells the boy to continue their journey. WKX calls after them, asking where ZX is going and asks if he's going to rest for a while. At the same time, TH, LL, and HH are at the place where ZZS and WKX met on the Mirror Lake Sect. TH states that watching the scared SS was satisfying. He adds that for many years the Five Lakes Alliance was untamed. Finally, someone put them on their feet. The three of them walk around the garden. HH tells the woman to refrain from making such comments. Because if Ghost Valley appeared again, not only the Alliance would suffer. The woman states that she doesn't care, because she'll die soon anyway. But when she sees the Alliance fall, she can rest in peace. HH asks the man for his opinion. LL states that so many people have died because of Glazed Armor for a long time, but it was the Alliance that gained the most from it. He adds that some time ago the bloodlines of the Danyang Sect were eliminated and then the Mirror Lake Sect was destroyed. He sums up that it is time for the Alliance to be punished. HH says that Lu Tai Chong left 2 disciples who fled to the Tai Peak Sect belonging to Ao Lai Zi, who had to go through a part of Glazed Armor. HH states that they must find him quickly to prevent Glazed Armor from falling into the hands of Ghost Valley. Two scenes. ZZS who deliberately chose to walk so as not to attract attention, besides ZZS has been a loner for so many years so he does not want to have company. He treats the appearance of WKX as a passing acquaintance, but when he meets him several times on his way he begins to suspect him of evil intentions. ZZS does not want to take advantage of WKX's offer despite being aware that ZCL is tired. On the other hand, a group of older people introduces us to the circle associated with Glazed Armor and the activities of the Five Lakes Alliance. We assume that there is a great secret connected with this. ZZH as a hobo ZZS looks great, despite the dirt on his face and forced robes he cannot hide his beauty, which attracts the person of elegant WKX or GJ like a magnet.
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eremiie · 4 years
hi PLEASE i neee stoner eren amd stoner reader😩
high off of you
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❥ 8k words | nsfw | eren x reader
❥ you’re dragged to a smoke session by your roommate, and you actually enjoy yourself— maybe a little more than you should have; and eren jaeger is to blame.
❥ content: choking, lowkey breeding kink ish, praise kink, slight orgasm denial, overstimulation, drugs (weed)
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content is how you were feeling.
you had just gotten done with your shower, your covers were finally draped over your almost bare legs, your laptop was sat in your lap and you had put your hair up to get it out of the way. you were relaxed, you were calm, and you had decided you were gonna finish off your night with an episode of your favorite show, no matter how many times you had saw it.
"c'mon, we're going to get high."
your peaceful vibe was interrupted, and in the most abrupt manner your roommate could muster; he swung the door open not even bothering to knock, leaned against the doorframe and let his eyes survey your slightly mess room before landing on you and giving you the most goofy grin.
"connie, what the fuck?" you frowned and went to pause your show only to realize you hadn't even started it. with a sigh you looked back up at connie with clear irritation written across your face.
"what? don't you want to get high?"
"i just got out of the shower, i'm in bed now," you moved your laptop and threw the covers off of your legs and pointed to your shorts. "i have pajamas on and i was about to watch my show, no i don't want to get high right now." wasn't that the obvious? you couldn't lie, the offer was tempting since you weren't the one paying, and it gave you the opportunity to see your friends again, but the getting ready process had made you shove the offer down.
as if on cue connie seemed to read your mind. "you don't have to get cute or anything. it's literally just our regular smoke circle. just throw on a jacket and let's go."
you groaned and leaned your head back letting your arm drape over your eyes. "didn't we just come from sasha's house earlier this week? who the hell is supplying y'all this fast?" you tried to come up with an excuse to stay home, but connie was clearly one step ahead of you.
"it's not sasha's house it's eren's." the stupid sly grin on his face appeared and he leaned further into your room already knowing he had you trapped. he knew, much like the rest of the friend group about the undying tension between you and eren, but nobody could pinpoint exactly what it was. it wasn't that the two of you necessarily liked each other but you were... friendlier than friendly best friends. eren and you would flirt with each other more often than not and were very hands on. not to mention how excited you'd get when you got to see him, and vice versa.
connie didn't even give you the chance to respond to that comment, your answer was evident just by the way your attention spiked at the mention of eren's name, and the way your body stiffened in the slightest. he shut the door to wait for you and couldn't help but laugh at your feeble attempt of getting out of a session with your circle.
you lost, and you were slightly upset. any other words in your defense were stuck down your throat, and connie was already long down the hall. the only thing you were able to mention was a loud, "and knock next time, dumbass!" before you did as he said, grabbing your jacket and slipping out the door with connie.
that's how you handed up where you were now, at eren's shared apartment with mikasa and armin, although mikasa's car was missing from the parking lot.
"i love the outfit. it's giving me very much... hobo." connie looked you up and down stifling a laugh while the two of you waited at the door after the first ring.
you followed his eyes looking yourself up and down as well. you did look a little silly, black crew socks with crocs over top. you didn't even take it upon yourself to zip up your jacket all the way, the black fabric draping off your shoulder on one side revealing your shoulder only adorned by a single white strap to your cropped tank top. of course the jacket was a little big, covering your sleep shorts slightly. you weren't even sure if the jacket was yours.
"shut the fuck up." you kicked connie with your croc and he hissed, grabbing his shin before being a fool and hopping towards the door some more, spamming the doorbell.
"help! i'm getting abused!" and in that moment you wondered how you managed to share an apartment with the clown.
connie's ringing only stopped when the door flew open, sasha's figure standing there with a small smile. "hey!" her tone was cheery and loud as she grabbed connie's hand pulling him into a dramatic hug before reaching a hand out to you and pulling you into one too. "i missed you guys!"
"sasha we saw you earlier this week." you forced yourself out of her grip with an apologetic smile just in case your gesture came off as rude. connie nodded in agreement and stepped aside already heading towards eren's room. i mean seriously, wouldn't it have made more sense for you not to come if he was that eager to smoke? they could've had more rounds!
"that doesn't mean i couldn't miss you." her hand embraced yours once more and she slammed the door shut, locking it and leading you to the door opened ajar on the other end of the hallway, of course eren's as he always had those red led lights bleeding from underneath the doorway. "connie told me you didn't want to come also, so this is a surprise."
you rolled your eyes. "so he knew i didn't want to come and still asked?"
"well it was worth a shot; and look where it landed you, you're about to be faded." and she wasn't wrong. she finally let go of your hand and opened the door, the bright LEDS hitting you straight on making you squint for a second before your eyes surveyed the room. jean was already chatting with connie on the futon while eren was sat on his bed with a tray in his lap, rolling the blunt.
what you didn't see was the glance he gave you when you first started scanning the room, immediately trying to look focused on rolling the blunt while attempting to hide his boyish grin. you likewise, you bit the inside of your cheeks to stop from smiling at the sight of the pretty boy; his brown locks pulled back into the sloppiest ponytail, and the hairs in the back of his head skimming the black top he wore.
"so she actually came?" jean voiced looking over to you and making his way over to you from his position on the futon to embrace you in a side hug.
"jean boy," you used his nickname to mock him before returning his hug causing him to grimace at you and pull his arm back. you started to laugh and rolled your eyes at his dramatic actions once more. "yes, yes i did come."
"doesn't she look stupid?" connie looked up from his phone at you and jean giggling under his breath. jean took in your appearance and tried not to laugh, a small smirk on his face that was wiped off when you slapped his chest then flipped connie off.
"shut your bald ass up, connie." you retorted.
"i'm growing hair, i keep telling you that!" and the whole room burst into laughter, sasha doubling over because there still wasn't a trace of growth on his head.
"connie, you have no room to talk you are actually stupid." sasha added before going over to sit with the boy after grabbing a bag of chips from the desk next to the open door.
you shut the door behind you and continued to stand awkwardly until eren spoke, "you're laughing but as soon as she takes that jacket off you're gonna try to jump on her, kirchstein." he said with a raise of his eyebrow before letting his eyes wander over your frame.
now you were really trying to hide your smile, and you cursed yourself when one graced your face anyways. "eren," you dragged out his name walking over to him on his bed before plopping yourself down and resting your head on his shoulder. "get me away from these idiots." you faked a sigh before eren chuckled and gave you a side hug much like jean’s before continuing to roll his blunt.
"damn jaeger, you were so quiet i forgot you were here." connie said, not looking up from his phone that sasha peered over as well.
"and stop making slick jokes and hurry up with the blunt." jean huffed scooting off the futon and resting his head on his palm. "i'm tryna smoke."
you watched eren look down at jean with a negative expression before continuing to roll, and you watched intently loving the way he looked while he did it. the way he let his tongue slide over the gutted blunt was enticing  and you looked from your position on his shoulder.
he let his eyes drift over to you without moving his head and then he placed the blunt on the tray grabbing the grinder and holding it out in front of you. "you wanna grind it for me?" he asked with a small smile and it caught you off guard. you took a minute to process what he said before you grabbed the grinder and let it come apart in two.
"i mean, i guess." he slid the tray over to your lap and did that chuckle again.
"do you even know how? i bet you've always had someone roll for you, huh?"
you couldn't help but break out into another smile, this one out of slight embarrassment before you bumped his shoulder playfully and setting down the grinder on the tray. "bye... i've only rolled once."
"she doesn't know how, and plus just earlier she asked me who our supplier was. even sasha knows that!" connie looked over and you met his eyes with a glare, a deadpanned expression crossing your face and the group broke into laughter again besides you.
"connie i'm gonna fuck you up." you muttered. your mood shifted once more though when eren began placing the weed into the grinder and closed the lid handing it to you.
"work some magic, babe." you were really trying not to show how excited you were, butterflies flapping their wings and flapping them hard in your stomach, especially at the nickname. you began twisting the small container and eren's calloused hands stopped yours from grinding too much. "that's good, that's good." he took it from your hands then pulled the tray over. "i got it from here."
"yeah cause she's gonna fuck it up." jean laughed and connie joined in his eccentric laugh filling the air as well causing you to groan.
"can y'all shut up? damn. you can't roll either jean."
ooohh's from connie and sasha bounced around the room and jean looked up at you amusement dancing in his eyes. "better than you."
"at least i look good while doing it." you sassed playfully while moving invisible hair behind you ear. you could've sworn eren nodded his head from next to you, and those dumb butterflies in your stomach began moving again.
"got that right." jean snapped back just as quick a flirtatious tone to his voice that caught you off guard and you raised an eyebrow at the sudden demeanor. eren looked up for a split second before glancing at you again, his eyebrows furrowed in... confusion maybe?
"weren't you just making fun of me earlier?"
"chill, we were just playing around, girl." jean responded with a shit eating grin before forming a heart with his hand and pouting at you.
"you better stop for eren gets on your ass, you know that's his girl." connie scrunched up his nose then looks towards you and eren for a reaction that he succeeded in getting. both you and eren looking up at him; eren's eyes holding more of a curious stare and yours more threatening. eren continued sealing the blunt soon after seemingly unfazed by connie's comment.
sasha gasped and widened her eyes at you. "stop! you know they don't date." she winked at you and wiggled her eyebrows and you pretended not to see her.
"yeah, they don't even date." jean added on, wondering how the conversation flipped from you to your relationship with eren so fast. it was annoying to him in the least, the group constantly commented on how you and eren should just get together and were clearly not just best friends, but the two of you seemed to haven't taken action yet.
"might as well." connie shrugged his shoulder. "anyways, jaeger finished rolling, let's get high." connie sat up, sasha lifting her head off of his arm as he did so and clasped her hands clearly ready to hit the blunt much like everyone else.
"you want the first hit?" eren rolled the blunt between his fingertips while letting the flame singe the end looking at you with those jaded green eyes, flecks of blue dashing across them in a way that made your heart melt.
"she gets the first hit too?" connie exclaimed staring at you and eren with a bored look on his face.
"who rolled the blunt?" eren asked raising an eyebrow at connie before letting his tongue run over his bottom lip and lifting the blunt from the lighter to watch the smoke float into the air, and ugh did he look good. when connie didn't answer he answered for him, "i rolled it, i choose who goes first."
"plus shes low key a newbie, this is what? her third session with us?" sasha chimed in grabbing the pillow that connie was laying on previous and rolling onto her stomach on the floor in front of the futon.
you pursed your lips before grabbing the blunt from eren, not even noticing that his arm was placed behind you until he rubbed your side in slight encouragement, his warm smile aimed at you. you put the brown wrap to your lips and inhaled the smoke, the gas irritating your airway causing you to let out a cough you tried to hold back.
eren began to laugh at you as you broke out into a fit of coughs, your throat attempting to clear up for you, and the worse the coughs got the more of your friends started to laugh, the only thing you could do was stick your middle finger up while sasha crawled to the same desk near the door to grab you her water bottle.
"i'm crying!" sasha laughed as she rolled the bottle over to the foot of eren's bed. eren's laughs died down too after he hit the blunt and then bending down to pick it up for you, untwisting the cap and passing the drug towards connie.
"woah, chill." he said before blowing the smoke from his mouth in your face causing you to suppress more coughs and fan it away. he tilted the water bottle to your lips and you let it swim down your throat, relishing in the sweet gesture from the boy next to you.
"eren," you mumbled his name taking the water bottle from his hand. you didn't get time to finish your sentence before his door opened revealing armin standing there in his pajama pants and sweatshirt.
all gazes turned towards him as he scanned eren's room growing accustomed to the new faces and scenery. "hi." he mumbled rubbing his eyes. "when did you guys get here?"
"did you just wake up?" eren asked slight concern lacing his face.
"yeah... i heard laughing. don't forget we share a wall." armin gestured towards the wall in which eren's futon laid against.
"i didn't even know you were here. i didn't see mikasa's car so i thought both of y'all just dipped." connie passed the blunt to sasha and fanned the air of the smoke letting the rest disperse after speaking.
"mikasa is at the library. she can't stand the smell of smoke and how loud you all are. i don't blame her." armin chuckled before walking over towards sasha who hit the blunt and gave it to armin's outstretched hand.
"armin you smoke?" you couldn't help but ask, the last two smoke sessions you went to with connie, armin wasn't there. as a matter of fact you never saw much of him because he excelled above you by some and the two of you didn't share any classes, yet you definitely knew him through eren.
"everybody hear smokes except for you." sasha said hoping her words would coerce you to come to join the smoke circle more indefinitely, not just pass by a few times here and there.
armin let the smoke inhale his lungs then removed the blunt from his soft lips. "i smoke with eren sometimes. not usually with all of you guys but... sometimes?" his response came more like a question than an answer as he bent down to give the blunt to jean.
"let armin hit it a couple times." eren used his head to motion the blunt in jean's hand to armin and armin nodded in agreement.
"yeah, i'm about to go back to my room anyways." armin took the blunt back holding it between his lips while leaning against the doorframe.
"why aren't you staying?" sasha pondered sitting up and cradling her pillow to her chest. armin took one last hit then walked over passing it to you which you accepted with a kind nod.
"i should be studying with mikasa but i fell asleep. i have a test tomorrow, eren does too."
"so eren's here getting high and he has a test tomorrow?" you give eren a playful disappointed glance that lasted a little longer than it should've. he met your eyes and then let his drop down to your lips before breaking out into a smile and leaning forward, burying his head into your neck. his chain dangled almost touching your lap and you felt the strands of his hair brush against your chin causing you to twitch at the tickling feel while inhaling the smoke from the blunt. when your hand dropped down to your lap he replaced your hand with his and put the wrap in his mouth while nuzzling into you.
"mikasa made me study with her for like a week straight, i'll be fine." he whined. you let a sigh leave you and found yourself stroking the hair on eren's nape while fiddling with the clasp of his gold chain adorning his neck. the smell of his cologne was mixing in with the weed, but yet that woody pine still overpowered the plant and you couldn't help but rest your head on top of his in efforts to get closer to the source of the fragrance.
"i still don't understand why the two of you haven't gotten together." armin announced eyes flickering back and forth between you and his roommate.
sasha flailed her arms out and her expression was relieved, although her eyes went wide and her eyebrows went up, "that's what i been trying to say! they already act like they date." armin nodded his head agreeing with her.
"we don't like each other, we're just friends i don't know why you all say that." you said a little too quickly, eren pulling away from your neck finally and giving you a once-over. you missed the warmth he brought but then turned your head back towards armin.
"yeah, yeah." he giggled rolling his eyes. "okay well goodnight." eren stood up and passed the blunt to armin who took one last hit then handed it back to sasha, then the rest of the room murmured a goodnight to the blonde relaxing in silence for a minute after his leave.
eren took it upon himself to scoot back on his bed until his back was hitting the wall once he sat back down, using his hand to beckon you to follow him. "c'mere." and you obliged until you were next to him, shoulders touching.
jean looked over to connie and sasha, connie still scrolling through his phone aimlessly giggling at his home screen for whatever reason and sasha looking up at the ceiling on her back now, bag of chips on top of her stomach as she got lost in her thoughts.
"remember when we used to like each other?" jean took it upon himself to abruptly reminisce on the past in the presence of his friends. he took a hit of the blunt thats length was beginning to falter, it on the verge of becoming a roach. he leaned over and passed it on to you, eyes trained on yours, completely ignoring eren's gaze
you furrowed yourself eyebrows trying to recall the time once you figured jean was talking to you, his stare telling, which you actually could. "...oh yeah, last year. i guess i did."
eren pulled one of your legs overtop of his and let his hand settle onto your thigh.
sasha's head perked up at the sudden conversation. "oh my gosh... you did like jean for a little bit. you used to gush over him-"
"sasha! i know, i know, but that was last year."
"i wonder why we didn't get together if we both liked each other, hm." jean looked upwards and tapped his chin in almost a mocking manner. "we used to hang out a lot actually now that i think about it, me, you, sasha and connie."
connie let out another burst of laughter and let his phone to drop to his chest. "yeah, remember that one time we got kicked out of the library because sasha got caught eating like four times and she wouldn't stop after that lady told her to?"
you chortled and sasha's mouth dropped open. "i don't even remember that, i thought you got kicked out because you wouldn't stop fucking laughing and that same lady told you to shut up like seven times!" and more laughter erupted from the ones who were there that day.
you passed the blunt to eren for the umpteenth time watching him take a quick drag then beckon to sasha to grab it as he didn't want to get up. "you both got kicked out, those were two different days." you shook your head at your friends antics and looked up at eren. "they're so dumb."
eren returned your stare and only then did you notice the way his eyes were half lidded, you were sure red was rimming them even though you couldn't really tell because of the red emitting from the lights in the room. he squinted at you and scrunched up his nose. "you look high." he ignored your last sentence wanting to stray away from the conversation he was barely apart of.
"i am high, stupid."
a small 'hmph' came from the back of his throat and it happened again, his eyes dropping to your lips causing him to lick his before he brought those same eyes back up to yours. you could've kept getting lost in them if you didn't jolt at the sound of jean clearing his throat and holding the blunt out to you.
you leaned over to grab it once more. "careful, it's a roach. don't burn yourself." he warned you, so you pinched it between your pointer finger and thumb and started to put it up to your lips but eren grabbed your wrist.
"wanna try something?" he asked you, plucking the faltering blunt from your hands and using the lighter beside him to fire it up a bit more. "wanna shotgun it?"
you had to trace back where you hear those words again... like a shotgun when you get to sit in the passengers seat? no, that wasn't it... you couldn't recall, but by the way sasha widened her eyes for the several time that night, the way connie's mouth dropped into an 'O', and the way jean's features were exasperated, him looking down to the bright light of his screen, you could only wonder eren's intentions.
he didn't even wait for a response from you, pulling through with his actions anyways. "inhale slowly, okay?" he inhaled as much smoke from the blunt storing it in his cheeks, the skin expanding from the inside and then leaned over his face mere inches from yours. he grabbed your chin with his fingers and you opened your mouth slightly watching as he opened his and let the smoke pour out of his tinted lips. you followed his instructions; inhaling very slowly hoping the moment could last a little longer, both of you staring at the transition of the smoke from one mouth to the other.
eren glanced to the side for a second to see if the others were watching, mainly searching for one pair of eyes. you saw his upper lip curl upwards slightly and you inched forward a little more subconsciously. eren watched the smoke grow thinner and felt the way your hands grabbed at his shirt tightly. he watched your eyes flutter and felt your noses brush together.
eren watched both of you lean in a little more until your lips brushed and came together, and felt the fireworks go off in both of your bodies, electric like sparks getting sent through his.
he ignored the gasps and groans of your friends and instead focused on the gasp that left your lips when they first connected with his, and the groan you elicited from him, lips meeting so fervently. he couldn't admit it until today but he wanted your lips on his so bad, your body on his so bad. he was so infatuated with you and the two of you being around each other majority of the time didn't help. he could only reminisce in the little touches and flirtatious gestures you passed back and forth on a regular day and use that to fuel his thoughts at night.
"eren," you mumbled against his lips your voice coming out like a whimper that went straight to his dick, causing him to wrap his arms around your body and pull you into his lap letting your legs swing over either side of him. eren didn't forget about the guests in the room, and as much as wanted to put on a little show in spite of jean, he pointed towards the door snapping his fingers twice.
"five dollars that they fuck?" sasha nudged connie's shoulder as they stood up and walked towards the door while she rolled up her chip bag bringing it with her. jean's figure was already halfway out the door, slamming it hard and making his way to the living room with the other two following.
"hell no, you're gonna owe me five dollars instead. i'm betting that they fuck."
"no, cause you know they're going to that's why i said the bet first, peanut head." sasha stuck her tongue out at connie and he shoved her out the door closing it softer than jean.
he kisses you even harder just basking in the feeling of your smooth lips against his slightly chapped ones, lips working in synchronization like they were made for each other and he felt so needy. his hands roamed your hips and waist, going underneath the jacket now hanging off your shoulders and feeling the bare skin of your stomach. your skin was so hot underneath his hand, just like the air surrounding the two of you.
you ground down into his lap and he hissed stilling your hips at the feeling, his mouth dropping into a circular shape, his eyebrows pointing up until a sigh left his lips once yours disconnected from his. you studied his face; his eyebrows scrunched up in lust and his lips parted slightly already missing the feeling of your lips. his nails dug into your hips as if you would run for whatever reason.
"_____... fuck." his tone was low and light and he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your cheek, his skin warm on yours. "you're so pretty,"
your face grew hotter than it already was and you leaned your forehead against his while your arms draped around his neck. "thank you,"
"i want you."
you closed your eyes and relished in his grip that became impossibly tight on your hips. "i want you too-"
"i wanna fuck you... i wanna feel you." eren's eyes fluttered shut as well, his forehead moving from yours to the crevice of your neck, planting his lips and nibbling on the thin skin. your breath hitched and your hold on his neck tightened. "i wanna have you."
"i'm right here, eren."
he held back a moan at how gentle and soft your voice was when you said those words, but you caught on and wanted to actually get one out of him. you wanted to pleasure him, you wanted him to shudder because of you, and you wanted your name to leave his lips like a song; but he wanted the same from you.
he was high, and high, and high off of you.
"lay down."
eren obliged with a smug smile, turning himself to the side while steadying you on his lap until his head hit the pillow, his flyaways bouncing to the sides of his face. "c'mere." just like earlier you listened to his words and leaned down so he could press his full lips against yours. his hands cradled either side of your face as you rutted your hips against him and swallowed his groans. his tongue swiped against your bottom lip and his teeth pulled at it as well until you gave him entrance to slip his tongue inside your mouth. you moaned at the feeling of your tongues colliding and dancing around each other even though both of your mouths were somewhat dry from the earlier smoke session, it still felt all good.
you felt fuzzy and your body felt like it was melting into his. when you pulled back for air eren gave you that same smile he gave you earlier, and you moved your kisses down his neck. once you reached the crevice between his shoulder and neck you moved his chain aside and licked at the spot, the feeling of your warm tongue against the shy skin causing eren to hold you a little tighter. you nibbled at the pretty skin and wondered if the mark you proceeded to leave would even be visible under the gleaming red lights.
"i don't know why you're trying to give me a hickey, they already know we're fucking." eren taunted letting his hands travel up your spine until they reached your neck, smoothing his fingers over it. you bit down on the mark as a way to punish eren for his comment then kissed it, finally pulling back.
"shut up."
eren let out a low laugh, and his low eyes raked over your figure with his lip trapped between his teeth. "when did you get my jacket?" he raised and eyebrow and began to remove the fabric that was resting at your elbows after unzipping it the rest of the way to reveal your top.
oh, so it was his jacket. you let out a laugh at your idiocy; you knew it was a couple sizes too big. "you look cute in it, but i want to see you now." he threw the fabric off of his bed and let his warm hands travel up until they cupped your breasts, your back arching in the least. his thumbs ran over your nipples, the feeling making you clench on top of eren. "like this," he pulled them hem of the white top up until you lifted your arms, now only left in your shorts and socks. he didn't even question the fact that you weren't wearing a bra. "shit..." he pushed you down until he could latch onto on of your breasts his tongue swirling around your nipple and you let the tingling feeling go down your spine until he popped off. eren begins to remove his shirt swiftly throwing it somewhere near his jacket.
you make work of your position on top of eren, scooting down on his legs and pecking his chest, abs, then v-line until your head was leveled with his dick. he stared down at you with a look of sultry while your hands worked to pull down his sweatpants. his hips lifted to help you out and you palmed at him with your hand watching him throw his head back when such a simple gesture relieved some of the tension he was feeling.
your mouth connected with his dick through the fabric, feeling for his tip that rested on his thigh and smirking against it when he hissed, hand flying to your ponytail that you threw up earlier that evening. "fuck, don't tease me like that baby."
"i wanna take my time with you." a pout formed on your face and your hands made their way to his waistband, the elastic material detailed with 'calvin klein' circling his hips.
eren's hands grabbed your jaw forcing you to look up at him before you could pull down his boxers. "and i want to fuck you... make you feel good."
your stomach twisted and even though you were just trying to do the same you couldn't help but rush pulling down the brunette's briefs until his cock slapped against his lower abdomen, your pussy squeezing around nothing at the view. his tip red and leaking and you knew that it'd be heavy on your tongue.
"eren..." he watched the way you eyed his aching dick, and he took it in his hands rubbing himself up and down with his hand while basking in your expression.
"hm?" you didn't even know what you wanted to say, you were just mesmerized and wasted no time prying his hands away to replace them with your own. your nimble fingertips ran over his tip to gather his precum and slide it over his length and he twitched, no, his dick twitched, and his fists clenched in anticipation for your hot mouth on him.
he decided to be courageous, to look down and try to watch you without spilling over himself too fast, i mean could you blame him if he did? your hands, the feeling of you over him, the way you would feel around him... he'd had wanted this forever and now it was in front of him.
in a way, he wanted to ruin you, not let this moment go in fear it wouldn't happen again.
so you finally attached your lips to his throbbing member, and he sucked in a breath hand trying to choose between flying to your head or to keep his hands to his self for now, but he chose the former his fist keeping a grip on your locks while you began to bob your head up and down. small sounds of pleasure left him and his eyes closed again, him trying to focus on not fucking your pretty throat so early in. he just wanted you and him to be one in every sense for as long as possible.
a mantra of 'yes,' and 'fuck,' left eren's mouth while your worked around him slicking him up and drawing lines up and down his cock with your tongue watching his reactions for a particular sensitive spot he might have; and you found it.
you went back up to his tip kissing it gently before letting the heat of your tongue slide down a vein on the side of his dick. "_____," eren moaned lifting his hips although he wasn't engulfed in your mouth. "i need it, shit, i need your mouth."
you giggled and placed his heavy dick back where he liked it for now. you felt it brush against your throat and you wondered if you could go any farther, sucking fervently and coming back up to spit on his head, adding more slick to him. when you went back down eren couldn't help it, he had felt when his tip touched your throat earlier and he most definitely wanted to feel that again.
his grip on your hair tightened when your swollen lips were wrapped around him again. he pushed your head down a little bit causing your hands to put more pressure on his thighs. eren opened his eyes to stare at you again, your mouth stretched out so lewdly over his cock, saliva starting to slide down his length from your mouth and your eyes shut as you tried to focusing on breathing. this only encouraged him further.
"i know you can take more, c'mon, go a little further." he said in a tone near a whisper while he lift his hips up more so that he could feel that ridge of your throat and hear another gag.
you pushed yourself, letting him take more control and then he felt it again; "mhm, right there baby, right there." he moaned when you whimpered, groaned and gagged, but this only pushed his animalistic fervor and he tried to push you down more but you lifted your head to catch your breath. "fuck, that feels amazing, angel."
you let the praise run over your body and went back down on him seeing how far you could go without his extra nudge then focused some more attention on his tip.
eren could feel the curdle in his lower abdomen but he tried his best to ignore it, letting your work him more. he let you swirl your tongue around him and pepper kisses down his length. he watched you try to deep throat him again and watched the tears spring from your eyes before you came back up, and all of this built up further until he tumbled over the edge spilling white heat into your mouth with a shout.
you were satisfied.
aching for him? yes, but satisfied at your job.
eren's thigh twitched and his eyes screwed shut as you didn't remove yourself from his length yet, cupping his balls and paying attention to his tip, overstimulating him, watching him shudder and gasp under you like you wanted. his dick hardened again while he contemplated whether to remove you from his length or let the over sensitivity go until he had no choice but to stop, and once again he picked the prior. "_____, please i want to be inside you now, wanna fuck you still."
you slipped off of him and crawled forward only now aware of the wet spot on your panties.
eren brought your face towards him kissing you with no hesitance despite him just being in your mouth. he pecked your lips and you smiled as he praised you. "you did so good, so good..." another peck and then his hands trailed down to the shorts you were still wearing, giving your ass a squeeze and spreading them. "but now i want to see that pretty pussy on my dick, yeah?"
you let him slide off your shorts and underwear simultaneously until your slick heat was exposed to him and to the air, feeling it brush over you before eren's hands could. your head fell to his chest feeling the cold metal of his chain underneath you, and your sore jaw parted when you felt his rough fingers gather up your wetness on them, rubbing through your slit. "eren..."
"c'mon, sit baby. we're not done yet; fuck yourself on me." he placed his lips on your the top of your head. "please?"
you picked yourself up and scoot back taking eren's dick in your hand once more. you didn't even care that he didn't have a condom, you trusted him, and you trusted the birth control you were on too.
finally you slipped down onto him and for him it felt like you were sucking him up inch by inch until he bottomed out inside of you. "so fucking tight... you're so wet." he groaned with his hands on your hips and yours on his chest steadying you. it had been awhile since you had been fucked and feeling so full again felt good, the stretch felt good and the slight pain subsided so quickly.
slowly, you guided yourself up and down eren's cock until you could find a good rhythm. your chest bounced above him and your ass clapped together, mixing in with the sound of your slick getting pushed in and out of you. "yeah, like that," eren hummed watching you focused, your pussy squeezing around him and you putting in the efforts to fuck yourself on him for both your pleasure.
eren's hands helped guide your body up and down him, and you leaned forward a little to add some more pressure to your clit. everything felt so good, the way he hit your cervix, the way your bud rubbed against his lower abdomen, you could definitely say this was one of the best fucks you had in a while. eren slapped your ass for encouragement before massaging the same area and relishing in your gasp.
"this feels good... and so much better when you're high." you sighed out while your face contorted in pleasure.
"or is my dick just that good?" eren joked looking up at you after your comment.
"shut it, eren.. and," you leaned forward some more. you were somewhat exhausted from riding already, thighs aching and body shivering from the pleasure. "i’m tired..." you admitted almost shamefully.
"you're tired?" he spoke in the way you would to a child while turning you around so you were on your side. his chest was against your back, the cold gold material resting between your shoulder blades and your ass snug against him. he lifted your leg and held it up while you guided him back inside of you until he was buried deep once again, this angle hitting even better.
"i got you," eren murmured against your neck while starting his pace slow. his hand trailed up to your neck and he gave it a light squeeze while pushing you further against him. he loved the way your ass bounced against his lower stomach when he started going faster, making him speed up his pace. "'m gonna fuck you so good."
you let out a slutty moan at his dirty talk, bringing a hand over to your mouth and shutting your eyes. he found that sweet spot inside of you and you couldn't help but react as well as he hit it over and over again. eren's hand on your throat went up to pull your hand off of your mouth. "don't try to hide that pretty voice, i want to hear you, i want them to hear you. get loud baby."
you were sure he felt the way you clenched around him, suffocating his dick as it slid in and out of you at a steady speed, and this time when you let out a moan you let him hear it, you were loud like he asked and tried to put your leg up even further so he could hit deeper.
"eren, fuck!" you were left pondering why you didn't think about this earlier, why you didn't listen to everybody who told you to get with eren. you could've been getting the best dick you'd gotten in years but both your stubborn, wavering feelings got in the way. "yes, oh my god, yes!" you cried out while eren bucked his hips up into you tightening his grip on your neck.
he turned your head towards him and engaged your lips again swallowing your cries and whimpers as he abused your pussy. your hand shakily made its way down to your clit to give you another push but he was quicker, dropping your leg and grabbing your wrist causing you to yelp. "eren, please."
"beg me." that same fervor from earlier returned. being edged on by your cries and shouts of his name, knowing how good he was fucking you and making you feel was such a turn on. "tell me how you want me, how you want my cum."
your breath was ragged and your leg was aching but you wanted it stretched out again where you could feel it deep. you were on the verge of tears. your hips rutted against eren for any boost, any pressure that you could get you to your high. the hand around your neck only gripped further as you didn't respond yet.
"c'mon, beg me baby."
"eren," his name came out broken, your back leaving his chest as your arched hard. "please fuck me, fuck me... please," he started to move again in the least, after all he was on the verge of cumming as well. "fuck, cum inside me, i want it, please." the sobs that left your mouth were so hot and of course he gave you what you wanted.
he fucked up into you after lifting your leg again and letting the fingers that were choking you slip into your mouth while he kissed and nibbled at your neck, speaking in between, praising you and marking you. his hand slipped from your mouth and he brought his wet fingers down to your clit rubbing for you until you toppled over the edge with a loud cry of his name. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your cunt gripped him like a vice over and over again as if you were trying to milk him.
"ah, fuck," the way you were squeezing around him caused him to unravel himself, white painting your walls as he filled you up with his cum, shaking himself. "_____," he heaved as the two of you tried to come down from your escapade.
your breathing was beginning to steady again but you could still feel yourself pulsing around him causing him to pull out before it became too much. "eren.." you answered back as your head relaxed against his pillow while you rested in his grip. you felt his lips against your neck again, then stopping at your shoulder blades.
you were blanking out from tiredness, only then did you realize the state you were in, hair in somewhat of a mess, a sheen of sweat covering both of your bare bodies, and marks littering your body. not to mention the cum trying to ooze out of you. you didn't even realize when eren had gotten up until he came back, wiping you clean and only assuming he did himself too. he locked his door on the way back in and slipped his boxers back on, reciprocating on you with your underwear.
you could feel the bed shift, eren crawling in bed beside you after drawing out the covers from underneath both of you and wrapping them around you and him, bringing you against him before you fell back asleep.
༄ ༄ ༄
you woke up to a hand shaking you, your eyes lazily opening.
"wake up, _____."
the pretty boy smiled at you and studied your features as you tried to wake up completely. you were no longer naked, or in the same position you were from last night, now wearing a plain white shirt and your underwear.
"morning, i gotta head to class soon, remember i have a test, or did i-"
"don't finish that sentence." you rolled your eyes as you sat up completely eren laughing at you. you followed his eyes, them resting on your lips like always and you took it upon yourself to lean up and kiss him, this time quite innocently, domestic almost. "sorry, morning breath, but,"
eren this time cut you off with another soft kiss, his cheeks rising from his smile as he pulled you closer to him.
you didn't want to talk it out yet, you were somewhat fine with where everything was at now, although you knew your friends and eren wouldn't want to coax a direct answer out of you sooner or later.
but you were content with the way eren kissed you just seconds ago, content with his jacket and sweats you had to wear, you were content with having to use spare bathroom products at his house, you were content with the wave armin and mikasa gave you out the door, content with the walk you and eren shared to the college, content with the last kiss he gave you before his class.
content is how you were feeling.
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spooki-spaghets · 3 years
Dumb stuff that the creepypastas have done (any idrc)
Jeff convinced Sally she could paint her bedroom walls by herself and she didn't need to move anything to do it
Slender was pissed
Hoodie was on a sleeveless jean vest kick for a week, and decided to try iron on patches and insisted he didn't need any directions
How hard could it be, right?
He dropped the patches thing very fast after putting the iron settings too high and causing a fire at the dining room table
Hoodie burnt the table cloth, the patch, and part of his vest
He still wears the thing from time to time
Jeff and Toby squeezed orange and lemon juice into their eyes to see who would give first
Jeff was a dumbass who forgot that Toby wouldn't feel pain from it-
BEN was the asshat who watched and also forgot Toby wouldn't feel anything
Toby was a dipshit and knew they forgot but did it anyway just to say Jeff gave first
EJ could smell the citrus and found them
Jane was playing with Lost Silver's hair and BEN yelled for him saying the new Pokémon Scarlet and Violet trailer dropped and he got so excited he shocked the hell out of Jane
Helen was chilling out with EJ while he was playing around with some chemicals and didn't put his respirator on correctly and passed the fuck out from fumes
EJ fell asleep on the roof during his free time and rolled off
Slender saw him fall past his office window
He landed on top of Masky who was doing yard work
Jane and Clockwork were sitting in the living room floor trying to do the marble swirl stuff with nailpolish and BEN tripped over stuff and fell face first into it
Clock is pretty nifty and is good at patching stuff up but accidentally sewed Hobo Heart's pants to the table cloth
That table has been through some shit
Masky woke up early for work and accidentally put salt in his and Hoodie's coffee instead of sugar
Slender puts the salt and sugar in shakers then hides the sugar bag so SOME RESIDENTS LJ, Toby, Jane, Sally, BEN don't go ham with it
Other residents beg him to use a different method
Slender refuses
Jane snuck into LJ's room to grab some candy and satisfy her sweet tooth and grabbed the bad ones on accident
It was pieces that are meant to cause paralysis and LJ found her flat in his floor a few hours later
She ignored the sign on his door that says "DON'T TAKE CANDY FROM MY ROOM (you might die) -Your Favorite Clown, Laughing Jack"
Cody was mowing the lawn and got bored after a while and decided to try and make "cool lawn art"
He was actually really good at it
But he ruined the bushes
All the residents enjoy scaring BEN because he buffers and glitches out
Poor baby just wants peace-
Slender can sneeze
He gets these little tingling sensations and he kinda sneezes
When he does it's bursts of static and he occasionally teleports
He accidentally teleported in front of the TV when BEN and Silver were playing games in the living room
BEN lost his winning streak that day
Liu is the good baby that doesn't get involved in the shenanigans of the house
Although he was letting Sally put makeup stuff on his face and he fell asleep but she kept going
He walked around with a face full of maybe kinda not the best makeup and toughed through it for her because he promised
Sully didn't like it, but he tries not to be an asshat with kids so he toughed through it also
Jeff made fun of him but promptly stopped when Sally kicked his shin really hard
The residents said he looked nice after that
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