#Leslie x Ruvik
venolfy · 2 years
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He was his vessel. He became it forever. They shared thoughts and souls with each other. So many... in one body. They were suited to each other.
P.S Maybe nobody probably noticed that but Leslie has Ruvik eyes except that his (if I recognize cleary, he has icy blue eyes)
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autumn0689 · 5 months
Character alignment templates using TEW and TEW 2 characters pt. 7 (this is gonna be my last template based off TEW because I’ve used so many templates lol. If I find any more then I’ll make more, but until now this shall be the last part!)
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8-rae-rae-8 · 7 months
CoD x TEW AU ??
Price as Sebastian Castellanos
Gaz as Joseph Oda
Graves as Juli Kidman
Soap as Tatiana Gutierrez
Roba as Ruvik (Ruben Victoriano)
Ghost as Leslie Withers
We're gunna get into Ghost and Roba first.
Now, picking Ghost to be Leslie is weird, right? I bet you think that's strange. But hear me out.
Leslie is tortured mentally, the game's main villain, Ruvik, is after him specifically.
Ghost has been tortured in every which way by the comic's main villain, Roba.
If you've watched gameplay, or have played TEW, then you know that Ruvik is supernatural of sorts. Fazing in and out of reality, speaking into someone's head, manipulating environment and terrain, can control hallucinations etc...
He's something unavoidable.
A little like how Roba is. There's no doubt Ghost is traumatized, he canonically is. Like Leslie, he cannot 'feel properly'.
Leslie has a multitude of disorders that causes that for him, and Ghost does too.
PTSD, Autism, Anxiety, to name a few.
Leslie is unknowingly running himself right into Ruvik's trap, having programmed the kid into going right where he wanted him because of fear.
And think. How does Roba get Ghost to win all this brawls? Fear. Fear of getting a worse punishment, fear of dying, fear of doing wrong. Roba got him to do what he wanted because of that, even if he didn't ever fully break the man.
Roba can control Ghost, like how Ruvik controls Leslie.
Graves as Juli Kidman
As the game progresses, you learn that Juli isn't working for the police, but a company called MOBIUS. She is an undercover operative, watching Sebastian and Joseph and trying to guide them into doing what the company wanted.
Sounds familiar.
MOBIUS would be either Shepherd or Shadow Company in this case.
Price as Sebastian Castellanos. It only makes sense.
Sebastian's daughter is dead, and his wife disappeared. He is sent into beacon mental hospital with Joseph and Juli, but they were unknowing of what she would do at that point. He is the main detective, their superior. He is an alcoholic and a smoker. (There's one scene where he almost dies and tries to go for a cigarette but his box is empty. He gets pissed) But, his coworker, Joseph, has been a rock, really.
In a few ways, I could see Gaz being Price's rock at times. Through hell or heaven, whatever he needed. He'd pick him up drunk from a bar and help him home if he needed to. There's gotta be horrors in Price's life outside of work, I'm sure of it.
Gaz as Joseph.
Joseph is one man Sebastian undoubtedly trusts, even after filing an IA report on him for being drunk on the job. But not because he didn't work well, but because he was a danger to himself.
There's times where Gaz steadies out Price as well, like when Laswell was taken and some parts of MW19.
Soap as Tatiana. This one was a hard pick, really. Between Gaz and Soap.
But in the end I pick Soap.
Tatiana is the women Price sees when he blacks out, or stares in a mirror (and gets teleported to a different place). She helps him with 'upgrades', some trauma, and weaponry. She helps with save slots as well. She's basically a checkpoint.
But she's also sassy and very experienced.
Like Soap. He also fucks around some and pretends to be a cunt.
That's.. that's about it- I might switch Soap and Gaz again
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aoitakumi8148 · 2 years
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[Improving some of my gifs/gifsets these days] 3 of 4, 2023.
“We can’t all be perfect.”
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seradyn · 1 year
Ruvik, Karl and the daemon bastard husband Ardyn 😂💙
Gonna go in the order you listed 😉
Was gonna add video clips of my favorite moments, but you can only do one per post, so the rest are gifs 😭😭
First impression: Woah, who is this guy, and why is he so powerful? Is he a demon? A vengeful spirit? I am very intrigued.
Impression now: Oh god he’s tragic. OH GOD HE’S TRAGIC.
Favorite moment: In the first Kidman DLC, The Assignment, Ruvik has some absolutely spectacular dialogue with her and Leslie at the very end, after cornering them in the church. It gives me chills every time and the delivery is perfect.
“We’re all their pawns, eventual victims.
They killed me! They ripped me apart, and took what they needed.
I will destroy what they wish to control.”
The elevator scene with Sebastian is also great, but man this one is just sublime in every way.
Idea for a story: I’ve been playing with the idea for a x Reader fic with him, one in which they essentially kill him with kindness. He hasn’t experienced kindness or affection since the accident, so I’m excited to explore his character dealing with someone who doesn’t immediately find him repulsive or isn’t intimidated by him. There will also be lots of bumbling on his end, cause even though he’s smart af, he doesn’t know the first thing about relationships 😂
Unpopular opinion: He deserves compassion, and hating him is extremely shortsighted. Yes, he did terrible things, no one is debating that, but choosing to ignore the broken pieces of his humanity left in the game is being deliberately obtuse. Not saying you shouldn’t or can’t hate him, but it shouldn’t be without acknowledging his trauma. And putting others down for not hating him is downright juvenile.
Favorite relationship: I’m all about that self ship, which is probably his best bet at getting any romance, based on being…well, a serial killer. Some of my friends have shown me Ruvik x Stefano though, and that relationship would be interesting to say the least 😆
Favorite head cannon: Touch starved af and craves affection. Although touch starved is basically cannon, I think he also deeply craves some kind of connection with someone. He lost everyone he cared about; his sister died in the fire, his parents locked him in a basement, his research partner betrayed him, which lead to his death (the one he’s discussing in the above quote). I head cannon he longs for someone he can trust, really trust, and anguishes over his loneliness.
Moving on…
Karl Heisenberg
First impression: I hadn’t played the game, but I’d seen pictures of him. For some reason I thought he was the main villain, and was working with Chris to make the main character help him (no fucking clue how I arrived here 🤣🤣). Thought he was some big, gruff man who didn’t talk much and smiled even less. Why does he look like Ardyn?
Impression now: LMAOOO THIS DUDE IS A MASSIVE TROLL AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT 😂😂😂 I could not have been more wrong about him (or the plot, still not sure how I got there). He’s funny and I love his smile, and how much of a tool he is. I must say, I did not expect his voice to sound the way it does, but I’m not complaining 🥰
Favorite moment: Why isn’t there more of him why isn’t there more WHY ISN’T THERE MORE??? Anyway, probably when he tries to convince Ethan to work with him.
“Neither did I! But here we are.
And I’m next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain!
Well, fuck that!”
He’s so animated here, I love it 🥰
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Idea for a story: I’ve already mentioned I got something cookin in the old noggin, but I have more details on what I want to happen now, so I’ll be happy to share them! Surprise surprise, it’s x Reader, where they’re a botanist sent to survey the remote mountains of Romania. Collect data on the plants there for the university they work at, along with two colleagues who are cartographers, going to update outdated maps of the area. They get captured and typical RE shenanigans ensue, but I also want reader to be connected to Umbrella somehow, which I hope you can help me with. I want Miranda to know too, so she starts sending reader to all the Lords to see what happens. Little does she know reader starts to osmose some of all their powers, turning into something far more dangerous than she could’ve imagined.
That’s all I got for now, no more spoilers! Unless you want them 😉
Unpopular opinion: He has more respect for his partners than some of you seem to think. I’ve read plenty of stories where Karl is super hands on with his partner, slapping their ass and manhandling them all the time, sometimes hours after meeting them. Not my fuckin Heisenberg. He keeps his hands to himself, unless he has explicitly gotten permission to do any touching. Honestly wish some of y’all would tag your stories when you make him all grabby, it’s kinda triggering for me.
Favorite relationship: My first answer is going to be x Reader for all of these, I’m a sucker for the stuff. Although Karl x Ethan sounds endlessly amusing to me. Karl would be the puppy bouncing around everywhere while Ethan would brood in a corner 😂
Favorite head cannon: Extremely sensitive to trauma responses, and is good at comforting, due to the things Miranda did to him. He doesn’t want anyone he likes to know what that helplessness or fear feelings like.
Last, but the farthest thing from least…
Ardyn Izunia Lucis Caelum
First impression: I knew he was the villain before I started the game, but that’s all I knew. Thought he was funny as I actually got into the game, and why the hell is he everywhere??
Impression now: GREEK PLAY LEVEL TRAGIC HERO AND MY HEART ETERNALLY ACHES FOR HIM. Seriously, they did NOT need to fuck Ardyn up so much, there’s plenty of shit that happened to him that could make someone a villain by itself. But the gods and Squenix said ‘fuck this guy in particular’. I thought y’all called him ‘trash Jesus’ cause he looks like the guy, but NOOOOO there’s actually fucking parallels between the two. The healer, the betrayal, the crucifixion…not exactly subtle when you take the time to look. Aside from all that, I still love how funny he is, he always makes me laugh (when he’s not making me cry), and he’s super smart. Plus, I will always admire how he made it so he wins no matter what happens in the end. That takes some galaxy brain level planning.
Favorite moment: Imma let it speak for itself;
“You think ten years is a long time? It is nothing to me!
I have lived in darkness for AGES!”
God, the fucking level of emotion absolutely dripping from that last word kills me very time. Darin de Paul did excellently with Ardyn’s lines up until that point, but this one hits differently. The sheer anguish and sorrow you can hear in his voice is breathtaking. Made worse when you realize he’s being literal…he has spent actual ages locked in a dark cell. Words can’t properly give it credit.
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Idea for a story: yall chapter 11 of ADCT is gonna be like 10k+ words 😂😂 Not done yet and it’s already at 7k lol. Hope that makes up for the 6 month hiatus 😵‍💫 Aside from that though, I have another idea for a long fic, albeit a shorter one. Where reader gets washed up on Angelgard before Verstael, and is horrified to find Ardyn strung up on the island. After freeing him, they have to work together to try to survive, figuring out how to get food, water, and fight off hypothermia. Verstael eventually arrives, and takes both of them back to Niflehiem.
Unpopular opinion: Most handsome character in FFXV by a long shot. He’s in space.
Favorite relationship: Apart from x Reader, I’m boring for this one. Ardyn x Aera, they’re so sweet and cute together. Forever bitter Ardyn didn’t get to reunite with her at the end. I know some people dig Ardyn x Gilgamesh, but meh, it’s just not for me. Hope y’all who do like it have fun with it though 😁
Favorite head cannon: Absolute teddy bear with his SOs, fucking bastard troll man with everyone else. Dynamic is super fun and amusing to me, I love the thought of him being a bean one moment then turning around and roasting Ravus with political talk the next. Oh, I also love the thought that he has a massive sweet tooth. Since his hair didn’t grow at all during his time on Angelgard, I like to think his body is in some kind of stasis, that it can’t be changed, and Ardyn takes full advantage of that. He’s got at least three different types of cake in his fridge, and several pints of ice cream in the freezer. He also keeps candy bars in his desk.
Thank you so much for this ask, it was a ton of fun to write! 😁😁
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smol-gay-enby · 2 years
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If you couldn’t tell I’ve fallen back into my tew phase so these two get a pride drawing as well
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somehow-bloom · 5 years
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The gay within.
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sempiternox · 4 years
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Here’s part 2 of my The Evil Within x Pokémon crossover series.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Laura and Leslie’s poses gave me quite some trouble, but I found a free online app that made drawing them a bit easier. It’s called justsketchme and lets you pose a 3d model in anyway you like. Even though you need to pay for some features like props and quadruped models, the free version is still great when you’re not sure on how to draw a certain pose and need some reference. Here’s the link: https://app.justsketch.me/
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in-our-veins · 5 years
Chapters: 13/17 (Updated.) Fandom: The Evil Within (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ruben "Ruvik" Victoriano/Leslie Withers Characters: Ruben "Ruvik" Victoriano, Leslie Withers, Marcelo Jimenez Additional Tags: Mental Instability, Dubious Consent, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Gore, Slow Burn, Friendship, Serial Killers, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Consensual, Autism, Fluff, Mild Sexual Content, Fear, Angst, Romance, Boys Kissing, Touching, Dubious Morality, Attraction, Canon-Typical Violence, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, No Smut, Touch-Starved, Anxiety, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Ableism, Mutual Pining, Regret, Pride Summary:
Ruben's colleague, Marcelo Jimenez, asked if his patient Leslie Withers could stay at the Victoriano Estate for a few weeks. Ruben reluctantly accepted. During Leslie's stay, they both find a sort of kinship with one another, but Leslie's time is almost up.
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dizzikiwi · 6 years
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my favorite bloody, bleached, and burned faves again.
I needed to draw something grimy, so naturally I scribbled this out.
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venolfy · 2 years
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clarithmoved · 6 years
I am oppressed for being a ruvikid shipper bc there’s only one or two pieces of fan art for it and also there’s only one fanfic for it and it hasn’t been updated in like 3 years and I actually got blocked by people in the evil within fandom for shipping it
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8-rae-rae-8 · 6 months
The Evil Within (1&2) Masterlist
Feel free to request things you want to see! No smut/no x reader/no self inserts
Out of the cold | Tumblr Version
My Darling Art. - Joseph/Stefano
TEW Edits:
Leslie StimBoard
Ruvik MoodBoard
Sebastian MoodBoard
Joseb MoodBoard
Sebastian STEM MoodBoard
TEW Bosses MoodBoard
Chapter 12 TEW2 MoodBoard
TEW Agere/Petre Fanfictions: 
TEW Agere/Petre Edits:
TEW Agere/Petre HCs:
CG!Sebastian HCs
Things will be added as time passes
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aoitakumi8148 · 2 years
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[Improving some of my gifs/gifsets these days] 4 of 4, 2023.
...The symbolic colors of Ruben & Stefano are red and blue. Their names are attuned to each other, their skills are indisputable, and those places most meaningful to them are also the most extravagant. The men would’ve been precious, but now they’re hardly able to be anything. Not anymore. Not in this perverted reality, circumstance. 
Don’t fear waiting but what the studio’s wreckers are about to prepare for the living. Don’t wait, there’s nothing left. Remember this level of superiority, remember them.
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seradyn · 1 year
Rules for Requests
I’ve had this account for about a year and have just now realized I don’t have any rules for asks/requests, so I decided to make some! 😁
Ground Rules
I’m always happy to write, but please read these before you make a request!
Do not read my writing if you are not 18+. Some of it may include things that are disturbing to some, so please be mindful of TWs.
I’m only willing to write for the fandoms I am interested in. I do not feel I could do justice to those I have no knowledge or experience with. I primarily write F!Reader x Character, but I am also happy to write ships, scenarios, etc. (see below for more details).
I am also happy to answer personal questions, though I will not give you identifying information.
What I will write:
Head cannons
Short stories
Reader x Character/Cannon
Gore and violence
Sexual content, including noncon
Fluff, angst
What I will not write:
Your OCs (….except maybe Cahl. Iykyk 😘)
Love triangles
If your ask features racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or is in any way built around presenting hate in a positive way, I will block you. I will not tolerate your bigotry.
This is an 18+ blog, meaning I am willing to write NSFW and sensitive topics. However, this is still down to my discretion; I will decide on a case by case basis what I am comfortable writing. You’re always free to ask, but please don’t take it personally if I do not feel comfortable fulfilling your request 😊
This list is of all the fandoms and their characters that I’m willing to write. Please do not ask for things outside of this list, because I probably won’t want to write it. However, the list is subject to change.
The characters are listed in order from most interested to least interested, and any characters not listed I will not write for. Fandoms are in no particular order.
Ardyn, Chocobros, Ravus, Cor, Areana, Lunafreya, Nyx
Sephiroth, First Class SOLDIERS, Zack, Cloud, Turks, Remnants, Rufus, Vincent
The Evil Within
Ruben Victoriano/Ruvik, Sebastian Castellanos, Leslie Withers, Juli Kidman, Joseph Oda
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg
Baldur’s Gate 3
Astarion Ancunin, Zevlor
I do not accept commissions, or payment for my work. I’m doing this purely for the fun of it. However, this means the turn around for requests may be longer, if I get flooded with them, have irl stuff to deal with, or am working on my own fanfics. Please be patient 💕
Everything I write will be posted to my Masterlist and AO3, unless they’re really sort.
Please do not copy or plagiarize my work.
Thank you for taking the time to read! Feel free to send me an ask/request, or just chat me up 😁😁
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smol-gay-enby · 4 years
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I’m gonna be honest, I love this ship
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