#Leonard Wolfe
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buckyegans · 1 year ago
big fan of how hollywood and wolfman wear matching polos under their flightsuits
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carmenell · 4 days ago
I just think Wolfman would be really into 90s/2000s boy bands and pop in general. His favorite song is One in A Million by bosson and he blushed when Hollywood pointed out he kinda looks like him. He's also the first one of the flyboys to buy an mp3 player.
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topgun-imagines · 2 years ago
Following In His Footsteps
Requested: yes
Summary: Wolfman, your father, watches you graduate from Top Gun. Just like he did many years ago.
Word count: 0.7k
Warnings: anxiety? Not really any.
Pairings: Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x daughter!reader
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You were surrounded by crowds of people as you made your way through the doors of the area where the graduation would be held. Based on the pictures you had seen, it was exactly the same as when your father graduated nearly thirty years ago. Nerves racked through you as you twisted your Annapolis ring around your finger.
Once the few people in front of you moved out of the way, you were able to move toward your assigned seat. Sitting down, you watched the rest of your Top Gun class find their seats. You offered a small smile to the WSO that sat down beside you. Over the past few weeks, you had gotten to know him as Bob. He was probably one of the kindest men in your class.
As people continued to find their seats, Cyclone began walking toward the podium. The large group quieted simultaneously as he approached the podium, hands resting on either side as he glanced down at his speech. His words were carefully chosen and calculated, much like everything else he did.
The Air Boss reflected on the past few weeks, highlighting certain aspects of your Top Gun course. He concluded his speech with a professional smile, eyes wandering across the graduates, as well as the family and friends, in front of him. He did a double-take when his eyes landed on Iceman. The man considered himself lucky that he wasn’t speaking, or he would have definitely stumbled over his words.
Your father, along with his pilot, Hollywood, Iceman, Maverick, and Slider were all sitting in the second to last row. For as long as you could remember, it had only ever been you and your father. Your mother apparently walked out on the man only a few months after your first birthday.
You were ecstatic when your dad said that he would come. And he planned on surprising you with the extra guests that he brought. Since your dad had raised you without the help of your mother, you grew very close with your uncles very quickly. He knew that you would be overjoyed to see that they all made time to come see you on your big day.
Nerves wracked through you as another official approached the podium. Now was the time that they would begin calling out awards. You wrung your hands in your lap, twisting the ring around your finger. When your name was called, you felt as if you couldn’t breathe. It felt like there was a rock lodged in your throat as you walked up in front of your classmates and the guests.
When you finally reached the podium after what felt like an eternity, you released that breath slowly. There was a small smile on your face as you shook hands with the official. The Top Gun Trophy was handed to you and a picture was taken. You had busted your ass to become first in your class. When you saw the broad smiles on your father's and uncle's faces, pride swelled in your chest.
You returned to your seat, a new spring in your step at the sight of your loved ones in the audience.
The rest of the ceremony passed quickly. You were called up once more to accept a ribbon for graduating from the course. After that, there were a few more words from Cyclone before you were allowed to mingle with the guests.
As soon as you were allowed to, you jumped out of your seat, rushing to your father and tackling him in a hug. His arms wound around you as he squeezed you tightly. “I’m proud of you, Kiddo.” He whispered. A grin overtook your face and you felt tears well in your eyes. You pulled back from the hug before wiping away the few stray tears.
You hugged each of your uncles, all of which had broad smiles on their faces. Each of them congratulated you. A wide and shy smile grew on your face at the praise from such highly decorated Naval aviators.
Cyclone and a few other officials stepping toward your little group drew your uncle’s attention toward them. Your father laid his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side. You beamed up at him. “Thank you for coming.” Your head fell against his shoulder as you watched the rest of your class mingle with their family and friends.
“Of course, Kiddo,” He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
A/n: Thank you all for reading! Requests are open!
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year ago
Call All You Want
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Pairing: Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe (Henry "Wolfman" Ruth) x Fem!reader
Characters: Fem!reader, Carole Bradshaw, Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood, Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Sarah Kazansky, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Ron "Slider" Kerner, Charles "Chipper" Piper, Marcus "Sundown" Williams, Sam "Merlin" Wells, Rick "Hollywood" Neven, Baby Wolfman (Howler)
Warnings: Angst, fluff, slight club au, the reader and Leo have a fight, this started off as a different idea but I don't hate this, the gang is at the club, Mav and Goose chaos, Goose making fun of Ice and Slider, Ice and Ron being a slightly less chaotic duo, the other guys being club boys, slight crack behavior, Chipper is a cage dancer lol, Ice talks like he's had experience before with dancers, mentions of pregnancy, I cannot get enough of this man, I love writing for him so effing much, Wolfman fics cure depression, in my mind it's canon Wolfman's kids are nicknamed howler
Word Count: 4,671
A/N: Was this inspired by the iconic song Telephone that I hadn't listened to since I was a kid and came up with this idea? Maybe
Hello, hello, baby You called, I can't hear a thing I have got no service In the club, you see, see
You’re barely two minutes into the club when your phone starts buzzing (again). You take your phone out of your pocket, “hello?”
“-ey want to talk with y- but-”
“I can’t hear you, Leonard. We just got here. I don't think there's any service here. Can you hear me?” You hold a finger to your ear with your free hand to try and listen to him better.
“Break- ing up wi- you…”
You don't hear anything else after that.
Wha-wha-what did you say? Oh, you're breaking up on me Sorry, I cannot hear you I'm kinda busy
“You- you’re breaking up with me?”
“N- over the- phone.”
“Yeah, I heard you loud and clear earlier today and now.” You scoff, “don’t call me anymore tonight.” You hang up on him and head over towards the girls, who are waiting for you at the bar. “I am done dealing with idiots for the night. Have we ordered yet?”
Carole glances over at Charlotte with a concerned expression, the latter looking back at her with raised brows.
“What happened?” The former asks.
“I thought we could talk when I got home but I guess not.”
“Why?” Charlie chimes in.
K-kinda busy K-kinda busy Sorry, I cannot hear you I'm kinda busy
You shrug, “don’t really know what happened and don’t want to talk about it besides we’re here to enjoy our girls’ night.”
After waiting for Sarah to finish her big drink order, she makes way for you three. "Ladies, what are we having?"
It shouldn't have taken as long as it did but with her having to work and train a new bartender, it took a while before you got your drinks.
The lieutenant grabs the drinks while your longtime friend pulls you towards a free table.
You roll your eyes and shove your phone further into your pocket.
"Is he still calling?" Carole asks.
You stare at her with pursed lips, taking a sip of your drink. "Of course, he is. What else does this man have to do other than bother me and try to make things right? I'd appreciate it more if I wasn't annoyed."
Just a second It's my favorite song they're gonna play And I cannot text you with A drink in my hand, eh You shoulda made some plans with me
Charlotte takes her seat beside the blonde, setting the drinks down. “I miss anything while trailing behind you two?"
"He's still calling," she says with a bored tone.
"You haven't blocked him?"
"Why would I?" You look at her over your glass with furrowed brows.
"Because he's an idiot, who tried to pick a fight over something stupid, I'm sure and you deserve to enjoy yourself without him calling."
Carole shrugs, "I mean, she could do that, or she can come with me," she grabs your hand, "to the dance floor."
You stop her, "I don't know."
"Just let go for a little bit," Charlotte adds, helping the other girl try and pull you onto the dance floor.
"Nope," they shake their heads and haul you onto the floor.
You knew that I was free And now you won't stop calling me I'm kinda busy Stop callin', stop callin' I don't wanna think any more
You sneak away from the two, checking your phone. You sigh, debating on answering him or leaving him on read.
“Don’t respond to his text,” Carole tells you, glancing over your shoulder. “We’re busy, like you said we can enjoy the night.”
You turn to her, “I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“I know, honey.”
“Take me away or let me lose my mind forever?”
She chuckles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “That’s my line and I only use with my Goose.”
You playfully groan, “don’t talk about your sex life with me.”
“I never do, you just assume.”
“And you have to stop lightly implying what you and your hubby do.”
“But your facial expressions are my favorite thing, and they make my day.”
“The moon is out.”
She rolls her eyes, “okay, they make my nights too.”
I left my head and heart on the dance floor Stop callin', stop callin' I don't wanna talk anymore I got my head and my heart on the dance floor Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Charlotte breaks away from the dance floor, standing in front of you two. “Okay, ladies. Are we going to keep talking or dance so we can forget about our troubles?”
“I like the second option,” the blonde says.
“Great, we’re doing this.” She turns around and spots a familiar face along with a few others. “Jesus,” she mumbles to herself. “You two go to the dance floor while I,” she shakes her cup, rattling the ice in the empty glass. “Get a refill.”
Carole notices the expression on her face and the way her eyes linger at the door. She turns and sees the guys walking into the club. She mentally face palms at the sight of her goofy husband waving his hand around like a mad man. “Come on, it’s time to dance.” She pulls you away before you can see anything or anyone that could ruin your mood.
You were barely able to take a sip of your drink before being hauled off. You don’t know what to do with this whole thing.
Is it considered a fight? You don’t know.
You’ve never known Leonard to act this way before.
He loves the guys; they’ve become his family so the little teasing comments shouldn’t have made him as upset as they did.
When it first happened, you didn’t know what to think; his attitude at the Top Gun barbecue was normal.
You close your eyes and wave your arms in the air (making you feel like the popular/ party girl in the movies), letting your annoyance escape you. It takes a lot for his anger to get the best of him.
Stop telephonin' me Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh I'm busy, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Stop telephonin' me
The comments weren’t even that bad, the more you think about it; if anything, they were more endearing for Leonard but- you still don’t understand why he lost his composure today.
You lower your hands onto your head, trying to figure out what could have happened. You know it didn't happen in the morning because he was happy since he was going to be practicing in the air and that always made him happy no matter what.
Breakfast was good, you sent him off with a kiss as usual and he got to use the phone which was shocking since he normally can't because the other guys get to it before him.
The call was good, you could hear Rick asking him about you and trying to steal the phone from him.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Call all you want, but there's no one home And you're not gonna reach my telephone Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Pete stops in front of Charlie first. "How's my favorite girl?"
She raises a brow and purses her lip, "you tell me. Your number one hasn't come by yet so you'll have to wait until then."
He chuckles and places a hand over his chest. "You wound me, honey."
"It's a gift." She takes a step forward. "Do you want to tell me why all of you are when you know we were trying to have a girl’s night?"
A nervous chuckle escapes him as he scratches the back of his head. "You see I was trying to stop," he gulps. "Wolf- Wolfman but he got past us, and we had to follow him."
"Is that all?"
He nods, "pretty sure, yeah. Goose?"
"Huh?" The mustached man lowers his head to try and hear better over the music.
"We followed Wolf because he got past us, right?"
"Oh, yeah. He just-" he lightly claps his hand and extends his arm and whistles, "went right past us and here we are."
"And that has nothing to do with the other guys here?"
They glance over their shoulders.
"Ice is here for his girl. Slider is looking for company, if you know what I mean," Nick explains, raising his brows to emphasize his innuendo.
She sighs, "when don't I?"
He merely smiles at her comment. "Merlin wanted to tag along and- uh- other guys weren't busy."
She looks around for the man of the hour.
Call all you want, but there's no one home And you're not gonna reach my telephone Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub And you're not gonna reach my telephone
"Where is he?"
Now the two are confused.
"He's not here?" Pete asks.
"He was just behind us," Nick adds.
They turn to one another. "Wasn't he behind you?"
"No. I thought he was with you."
"No, see, Mav. You've got it wrong. I came in first, like we discussed then you were supposed to come in with Wolf and make it seem like we met here by accident."
Charlotte tilts her head, crossing her arms. "And you two said it was a coincidence that you all were here."
"Dammit, Mav. You got us caught!" He smacks his arm.
"I got us caught? I'm not the one who just exposed us and our plan."
"Fine, fine." The mustached man rolls his eyes, "we're both to blame."
"I don't think so."
"Are these two idiots giving you a hard time?" Tom asks her.
She smiles and shakes her head, "unfortunately no but maybe you two can answer why you're all here?"
Tom and Ron glance at each other.
"Moral support and to get him a date," the man with frosted tips informs her.
"I told you I could get my own date."
"You've been doing jack with the way you complain about being single."
Those two-start arguing alongside the other duo leaving Charlotte with a growing headache. "Why do I ask?"
Boy, the way you blowin' up my phone Won't make me leave no faster Put my coat on faster Leave my girls no faster I shoulda left my phone at home
You don't feel the buzzing of your phone, too into your thoughts.
Was today anything special? No, if it was, you'd both have it on your calendars because you know you both aren’t the best with dates.
Could it have been an important Top Gun thing you needed to do and forgot about? No.
Everything that could go wrong or has gone wrong before has been crossed off your mental list.
'Cause this is a disaster Callin' like a collector Sorry, I cannot answer Not that I don't like you I'm just at a party
He taps Carole's shoulder. "Can I talk to her?"
She avoids his gaze. "I don't know if that's such a good idea, Wolf."
"I just- I want to talk to her. This place sucks with service so I couldn't tell her over the phone. Please," he pulls out his puppy dog eye expression, knowing whenever he uses it on anyone, they cave.
She sighs. "Am I going to regret this?"
He immediately shakes his head. "No, this is going to be good for us. I'm- I got this."
"If, and only if, you're sure."
"I am."
She smiles and pats his shoulder. "Go, get her stud."
He chuckles, making sure she makes it to her husband (who's distracting the other blonde with ease).
You still can't figure it out for the life of you, but you do know that you want to stomp on your phone and break it. You open your eyes and grab your phone. "What?" You growl. "You've been ringing me off the hook since we left. I told you we'll talk when I get home- why is there music coming from your line?"
"Turn around."
And I am sick and tired Of my phone ringin' Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station Tonight I'm not takin' no calls
You spin around and find him standing just a few feet from you. You hang up and place it back into your pocket, walking closer towards him. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk."
"You wanted to talk?"
He takes a step towards you. "Can we please talk about this elsewhere?"
"I don't want to talk to you after you kept endlessly blowing up my phone and then-" You stop when he pulls you away from the dance floor. "Hey. I wasn't done."
He stops when you two stops at your table, it's the only spot in the place that isn't jam packed with other people. "I know you weren't, but I want to be able to hear you when you scream at me and scrunch that nose of yours because you can't avoid me."
You cross your arms, rolling your eyes. "Why are you here?"
"I want to talk."
"Did you think maybe I didn't?"
"The service here sucks so how could I tell what you did or didn't want to do?"
"You think my ignoring you was for fun?"
He shrugs, "honestly, I think the both of us haven't been our usual selves today."
"You're one to talk."
"Can we- can we please not do this?"
"Do what?" You uncross your arms. "I'm acting perfectly fine."
"I don't want this to become a fight."
"It's a little too late since this is where we are, just a few steps away from fighting?"
He straightens his posture. "I'm trying to fix what I started. I don't- I don't like it when we fight."
"Neither do I but it's really hard when one of you doesn't think it's worth talking about."
"It's not that."
'Cause I'll be dancin' 'Cause I'll be dancin' 'Cause I'll be dancin' Tonight I'm not takin' no calls 'Cause I'll be dancin'
You reach forward and grab his hand. "Then what is it because I can't change anything if you don't talk to me."
He doesn't say anything else as his shoulders hunch over.
"This is why I made plans because you're not willing to talk." You remove your hand from his. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'll be going back onto the dance floor so one of us can clear their heads."
You start walking away, not sure if you should be listening to him breathing with how much he has been acting like an ass today. You don't want to waste your time with something he clearly doesn't want to talk about even though he acts like it.
He grabs your wrist and pulls you back towards the table. "Okay, okay. I'll- I'll tell you. It's just- it's a lot."
"You don't have to unpack it all now, you can tell me some or however much you want to but know I won't tell anyone because I don't need to share your business with anyone else. You know that which is why you've been pissing me off today."
He chuckles. "It' just," he sighs. "Today- today is an anniversary."
"Ours? Is it really?" You pull out your phone. "I thought we were better than that. We usually coordinate and-"
He grabs your phone, "you're right. It's not, it's one of mine."
You tilt your head. "One of yours?"
Stop callin', stop callin' I don't wanna think any more I left my head and my heart on the dance floor Stop callin', stop callin' I don't wanna talk any more I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
"What do you think they're talking about?" Nick leans back, asking his friend.
"I don't know. Maybe he's finally admitting why he's been off today," Pete told him.
"I mean, that'd be great, right? We wouldn't have to tiptoe around them and everything that's been going on."
Charlotte rolls her eyes, "would the two of you rather dance with each other than us?"
They push themselves off the other and return their attention to their partners.
"Where'd Ice and Slider go?" Nick asks his wife, looking around the room for their fellow crew mates.
"Maybe Ice got a girl for Slider?" His wife adds.
"You think those chumps managed to get a woman, like an actual woman and not the ones in their heads, to talk to them?" Nick stares at his wife like she's crazy.
"I do and you know they're not that bad."
"They may not be but they're not that nice either."
"It doesn't help that you and Mav pick on them."
"I'm sorry," he pushes her away slightly, keeping his hands on her hips. "Are you my wife or theirs because I'm not feeling very loved right now."
She smiles and steps closer, keeping her hands wrapped around his shoulders. "You know I'm yours, baby."
"Are you now?" He smirks.
She pecks his lips, "show me the way home or lose me forever, you punk."
He chuckles and resumes dancing with her while pulling her off the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin' I don't wanna think any more I left my head and my heart on the dance floor Stop callin', stop callin' I don't wanna talk any more I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Sam, Rick, and Marcus sit in a corner enjoying their drinks while watching everyone mingle with their spouse and/ or significant other.
“Has anyone seen Chip since we got here?” Sam asks.
Rick shrugs, “not really, kind of lost him in the crowd as soon as we got in.”
“What's a cage dancer supposed to look like?”
The two turn to Marcus with confusion evident on their faces.
“What?” Sam starts.
“Where'd that come from?” Rick adds.
“I think Chip is up there,” he points to the cage on the second floor.
“Jesus,” Rick mutters. “How do you persuade a cage dancer out of a cage?”
They look at one another.
“I don't think any of us know the answer to that,” the blond adds.
“Should we try to get him down?” Marcus asks out loud.
“Leave him, he'll get out when he's ready,” Tom says, patting Rick's shoulder.
“It's always the quiet ones,” Ron mutters.
They all shake their heads, watching as one of their own has the time of his life.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Stop telephonin' me Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
"The comments shouldn’t have bothered me, you know. I thought I was past this."
You furrow your brows. "Past what?"
"It's stupid."
You stand beside him, rubbing his upper back in a soothing manner. "It's not stupid if it's something that's bothering you."
He grabs your free hand that was resting on his shoulder, for support. "It's my parents’ anniversary."
He doesn't like talking about his family so this is all new for you and him.
"I don't talk about them because," he sighs. "My pops never treated my ma right and she never left him even though she should have. And there were people who used to say the same thing Mav and Goose were joking about, which wasn't that big of a deal but when I saw what day it was. I kind of-"
"Flipped out?"
He chuckles. "I wouldn't say that."
"Then what would you call it?"
He sighs before turning to face you and pulling you into his grasp. "Okay, maybe I did but it's only because you mean so much to me and I don't want us to end up like them. I don't want to end up like him, you know."
"We won't, you know why?"
I'm busy, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Stop telephonin' me Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
He shakes his head.
"Because we're better. Yes, your parents didn't have the best relationship and your mother probably should have gotten out of that situation sooner but she didn't and hopefully got to live a long life where she got to see her kids grow up and get married or meet someone smart enough to keep their boyfriend at a distance."
He smirks, brushing his thumb on the back of your hand, against your knuckles. "Hey, now."
"I'm just saying."
"You can say all you want, and it won't change a thing, you know why?"
"Why?" He leans in, as if he's whispering a secret. "One way or another I'm getting a ring on that finger."
You avoid his gaze when he pulls back.
"You're looking a little flushed," he teases. "Do we need to step outside and get some air?"
You playfully shove him away, "no. I want to go back on the dance floor so I can get away from you."
He smiles, pulling you back into him. “You can't escape me, sweetheart."
You step towards him, standing toe to toe, "doesn't mean I can't try."
"You can try but it won't do you any good."
"I'm still going to try." You stomp your foot, knowing full well he's going to be right on your tail (exactly where you want him).
Can call all you want but there's no one home And you're not gonna reach my telephone 'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Tom glances over his shoulder when Sarah gestures to the dance floor where you and Leonard are, along with the (two) idiots and their girls.
Ron passes him, giving his buddy an ecstatic smile as he drags some poor girl with him.
"Jesus, where do you find them?" He mutters to himself.
She smiles and leans forward, "I told you things were going to get interesting when we left for the barbecue today."
"Yeah, yeah." He turns back to her. "What's a navy man got to do to get a free drink around here?" He playfully flirts with his girlfriend.
She rolls her eyes, "still gotta pay, pilot."
He groans, "are you sure? I think I can be pretty persuasive if I need to."
"Not today."
He sighs, pulling out his wallet, "if I must."
She smiles at him, letting the other bartender working with her take care of the other customers until she's done talking to him.
There's no better customer than her boyfriend.
Call all you want but there's no one home And you're not gonna reach my telephone 'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub And you're not gonna reach my telephone
You stand beside the girls and start dancing less out of control than you did when you first got to the dance floor.
The girls’ glance at one another and smile, happy to see the two of you talk and make up (like adults and stopped avoiding the other [more you than him]).
Pete turns to him with a raised brow while Nick stares at him with a hopeful expression and both brows raised, doing a thumb up thumbs down gesture.
Leonard smiles and shakes his head before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer.
"I'm glad you two finally figured your shit out."
You give the mustached man a sarcastic smile, "as sweet as ever, aren't you, Nick? How did Carole ever get so lucky?"
He smiles back, kissing the top of his wife's head. "I don't know, she's just- she chose the best of the best, I guess."
"I'm pretty sure that's what you say about your partner and Ice but, okay."
He scoffs, "why are you ruining a good moment?"
"How am I ruining it?"
"With your-" He waves his hand in front of your face.
You stick your tongue out at him and lean further into Leonard's arms.
He bends down, "do you want to go back and sit down?"
You shake your head and smile at him, "nope. I'm perfectly fine where I am."
My telephone M-m-my telephone 'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub And you're not gonna reach my telephone
You three went to the bathroom to fix yourselves (adding a little extra lipstick… to leave marks) and went to the restroom before leaving. "It wasn't stupid."
They both glance at you in the mirror and ask, "what?"
"It wasn't stupid like you thought," you tell Charlotte. "It was something serious for him and I think tonight was good for us." You can’t fight the smile that sneaks its way onto your lips. “I think it made us closer than before.”
Carole smiles, “good, maybe it’s a good thing the guys snuck him in then.”
After that night you guys were better than before because you got to learn something else about him and learned more about how he got to become the man you see today, and that's something you wouldn't ever trade for.
Maybe other than-
My telephone M-m-my telephone 'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub And you're not gonna reach my telephone
You stare at the ring on your finger.
"He's lucky, you know."
You turn to your longtime friend. "Who?"
She purses her lips and rolls her eyes. "You know who, you weirdo."
You suck in air through your teeth to exaggerate. "I don't know, Care. This little guy here seems lucky," you rub your protruding six-month pregnant belly. You lean as forward as you can, mumbling under your breath. "Lucky to stomp on my bladder and make his poor mother need to pee every five minutes."
"It's been at least ten minutes, a new record," she jokes, her laughter dying down when you don't join in. "At least he'll be home in a few."
"Not soon enough, I need his soothing hands."
"Oh, gross," she shrieks.
"Oh, don't be like that, you know what I mean and don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I swear he gives the best foot rubs, I've never had better and you're one to talk, missy. You always kindly refer to your sexual escapades with your hubby."
"I do not!"
The door opens and you two don't stop.
"Do too."
"Do not! I'm hurt, very hurt that you would even imply such a thing."
"I feel like I shouldn't have come in."
You turn to your fiancé and smile at him. "Don't feel like that. Now, come here. I swear I haven't seen you today."
He bends down and pecks your lips. "You just want me to give you a foot massage.”
You scoff, "how dare you." You sniffle, cover your eyes.
"Sweetheart, honey, I didn't mean to make you cry-"
"You didn't! This spawn of yours did."
"I'm gonna go," she whispers to him.
He nods and waves at her till she gets to the door. "How about I give my special girl a nice, long foot rub and we watch some of our favorites?" He rests his head on the arm of the couch. "Do you like that idea?"
You wipe your under eye and nod, glancing down at him, wondering how you ever got so lucky to find a guy like him.
"I'm the lucky one." He pecks your temple and starts grabbing stuff for your relaxing night.
"How did you know?"
"I'm psychic."
You narrow your eyes to him.
"I'd be a bad fiancé if I didn't know what you wanted."
Before you fall asleep, you swear you hear him whispering to the baby.
"-nd I told her I'd get a ring on her finger one way or another. You had nothing to do with it but that was some pretty funny timing, little howler."
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For my fellow Wolfman lover <33 @callmemana @kmc1989 @blueoorchid
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 years ago
The Top Gun guys singing Greased Lighting on the aircraft carrier
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bradsthorn · 1 year ago
Chapter 1: The Wonder of You
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Summary: Nicolette 'Wildcard' Mitchell was shocked to get called back to North Island. Her track record was not exactly clean and most certainly not one that most would celebrate. Then she sees Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw again. Maybe it won't be all bad.
Warnings: Mentions of death, alcohol, Flashbacks to Top Gun 86, Broken Family dynamics
Word Count: 2.6K
Author Note: Hey y'all this fic is my baby and I'm excited to share this with y'all. This is cross-listed on AO3!
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“Wood.. I barely got out of being grounded, just to be sent to Top Gun. It has to be some sort of cruel punishment.” The girl was huffing as she stuffed another shirt into her bag. Nicolette Mitchell a.k.a. Wildcard, lived up to both her callsign and last name in ways that made her commanding officers grimace upon seeing her assigned to them. 
“ Or it’s for something important. They don’t just call people back like that for punishment, Nic.” The older male was shaking his head as he responded. He had basically adopted the girl — she had been his favorite kid of the class of 86’s, not that he didn’t like Bradley, but there was a special place in his heart for the brunette girl. 
“Yeah, because they send Maverick to new places for important things.” Nicolette was letting a laugh fall as she heard Hollywood hush his husband.
“No, no.. Wolf is right. They sent Maverick to .. well, anywhere he’s been sent simply because he pissed off an Admiral. Not that I did.” There was a snort being heard over the phone and then an ‘ow!’ shortly after,
“Nic.. did you piss off an Admiral?” 
“Technically, yes.  But my wingman needed me, it wasn’t my fault they didn’t fill my fuel tank up all the way.” This was a common occurrence for the girl, her wingmen, and team were always first, aircraft and herself second. So be it if it got her in trouble she valued people over the jets they were in. One lesson Maverick had been able to teach her is that your teammates are not replaceable, the jets are no matter what the Navy says. 
“So.. you pulled a Maverick?” There were a few seconds of silence before the two males could hear her zipping up the bag. 
“No. I was being a good teammate. He doesn’t know what that’s like.” There was some poison in her words, and it was clear as day to the pilot and his RIO that the relationship between the girl and her father had not gotten better. 
“I.. okay, Nic. Just.. let us know when you get here, we’d like to see you, kid.” If there was one thing Hollywood knew, it was that whatever waited for the woman on North Island, he would have pieces to pick up. 
“I will. Love ya’ll.” Once the couple had responded, she was hanging up and tossed her bag into her Thunderbird. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nicolette Duke Mitchell had been accustomed to being moved around a lot, at least until she needed a stable place to be able to attend school. Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, the man that was her second father; pops as she called him, was able to stay stationary for her. While Maverick was being sent to Iraq, Bosnia, and wherever else the Navy sent him, Iceman was staying at Top Gun, raising the almost carbon copy of his wingman. Thankfully, some of the rest of the 86 class was able to pitch in. Or they at least kept her busy when they’d visit. And of course, Carole. Seeing as the two had gotten so close over the short amount of time they had together while their dads were in Top Gun, Carole couldn’t possibly keep Bradley away from Nicolette. There were plenty of phone calls, where the two toddlers mirrored each other; being sat on the counter with their respective parents keeping them steady, just chatting away like they had much to talk about. But they could do it for hours and each call ended with a “bye bradbrad.” and “bye ni.” Nic visited Brad and Carole in Tennessee for plenty of weeks in the summer and Brad would visit Nic in San Diego whenever he was able. Until he was in Maverick’s custody and then he was living with her and Ice. 
Iceman had done his best to keep the girl in contact with her father. And he pulled strings whenever necessary to get Maverick home to her. But, almost like clockwork, he was pissing off whichever admiral or higher up he could and getting sent away. What originally was described to the girl as ‘the Navy just needs him right now.’ transpired into a festering grudge towards her father – one that faded each time he came home, but grew the second he left again. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Hard Deck, something you weren’t supposed to go below. That was Navy law, and anything below the hard deck was dangerous, it could damage the aircraft. This hard deck though? Could damage a person’s wall that they had spent much of their adult life building, or cause cracks in a facade. But it also held a lot of memories from the time spent in Top Gun. Something that was cherished among those that attended, and it was the best bar to go to attempt to score a free drink. 
The brunette was shutting the door to her car, a small sigh being given as she witnessed all of the other pilots entering the bar. She knew what that meant; she wasn’t getting grounded. Just a slight possibility of being sent to her death. Which, she figured the Navy wouldn’t bat an eye at, it would achieve their goal, keep the Mitchells out of the sky and run them out of the Navy. Her digits ran through her hair for a second, checking it in her mirror when her eyes fixed on the blue Bronco parked a few spots down. Holy shit. She hadn’t seen the owner of that Bronco since two deployments ago. There was almost a hop in her step as she stepped into the loud building, an easily recognizable song on the jukebox. 
If you’re lookin’ for trouble, you came to the right place. 
She shook her head, what a song to be playing when she came in. The people at Top Gun had thought she was trouble, and any higher-up that she had would probably agree with that statement. There were three people in the bar that wouldn’t agree with it; one that she hadn’t seen yet; and that was known by the fact she was still in the bar. The second was already smiling as she noticed her, sliding a beer down to her; amazed the girl hadn’t recognized the male a few feet away. And then; 
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack.
“Mitchell… You’ve got to be shittin’ me.” Hangman. A man Nicolette knew well, but despised just as much. 
“Seresin.” There was a beat. Lips parted as she shook her head at him. It was clear that whatever this was, it was serious. Otherwise, there would’ve been no need for the number of patches she was seeing. Nicolette watched the male grab his beers and nod to someone behind her, the person paying for their drinks, she assumed. Then against her better judgment, she followed the blonde back to the group. Her eyes stuck on the Hawaiian shirt that she had entered the bar searching for. But, Hangman beat her to having the first word with him once he had changed the song. 
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe.” 
“Hangman… You look… good.” 
“Well, I am good, Rooster, I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.” Nic let a quiet scoff out, head shaking. She had taken a seat at a stool behind Brad, not wanting to get in the middle of it. This wasn’t her fight, at least not yet. 
“So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about?” Nic’s brows furrowed at the man who spoke. She only knew a select few of the pilots around the pool table.
“No, mission’s a mission. They don’t confront me.” His ego hadn’t changed apparently.
“What I want to know: Who’s gonna be team leader?”  Her eyes followed the pool balls that clattered together. 
“And which one of yall has what it takes to follow me?” There it was. His ego was bigger than the state he came from. 
“Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.” The woman had to take a sip of her beer to keep from chuckling loudly. Eyes meeting those of a male across the pool table, he had glasses and seemed to be the quieter one, seeing as the two on either side of him, one whom she knew; Coyote, who typically couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and the other who let a low “whoo!” out at the comment, obviously were loving this interaction. The one with the glasses was not. 
“Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel.” Nicolette was getting close to stepping in, 
“But that’s just you, ain’t it Rooster?” Her body inched closer to standing. 
“You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment…” And she was up, body moving quietly to stand behind the male. Hangman’s eyes trailed from the taller male to land on Nic. Almost as if his next words were for both of them, 
“That never comes.” There it was. His eyes had locked back on Brad’s after, Nic noted the small smirk that grew on Hangman’s lips. She was going to have to make herself known to Brad now. 
“Y’know Hangman, you don’t have to compensate for your lack of… well, size right now.” Head tilting, with a small smirk growing as she watched the blonde falter for a split second before his lips were moving back to his signature smirk. 
“If you wanna see how wrong you are, let me know Wildcard.” Winking at her, earning a scoff, as his attention turned back to Rooster, 
“I love this song.” And then the pair watched him walk off. Bradley’s eyes finally landed on the girl.
“Ni..” It was like he let his body relax for a second, he didn’t have to be on guard with her. He was safe with her. 
“Hey, Bradbrad…” Then arms were wrapped around her, bringing her into his chest, he didn’t know how long to hold onto her but at the moment? Time had stopped anyway so it didn’t matter. And neither could see the way the simple action between them had caused someone else’s world to stop, Maverick hadn’t seen the two of them together in years, and as he took in the Hawaiian shirt on the male’s body and arms wrapping around the female in a brightly colored red and orange shirt, it was like going back thirty years. The sight caused his heart to ache. Then Bradley’s arms were removed as he looked to the other girl who had joined them, but a hand had found its way to rest on Nicolette’s back. Maverick’s eyes burned into the pair, and for Nicolette, the fact her hair was sticking up on the back of her neck had more to do with the group of people in front of her who, while they may know her or know of her, most likely already wouldn’t want her around. Her reputation and last name — something that always held more significance than her — always preceded her.
“Well, he hasn’t changed.” Nic’s brows rose as she looked over the other girl, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace. Of course, she knew her, although there was a small negative feeling festering in her stomach as she took her in. Nicole couldn’t put into words what that feeling was, but it was prominent. 
“Nope. Sure hasn’t.” There was a small part of his accent lingering at the end of his statement, which made her lips curl up at the edges. 
“Change is a foreign concept to him.” Nicolette let the words fall, almost as if she had to prove her existence. Needed to prove something, what it was? She couldn’t tell anyone. But there was a nod given her way by Phoenix, which caused her to feel settled until more voices joined them. 
“Check it out.” The group’s eyes flickered away from the pool table to focus on the entrance, “More patches.”  Nicolette knew what that meant, that whatever was happening wouldn’t be good. 
“That’s Harvard, Yale, Ohama. Shit, that’s Fritz.” Wildcard’s green hues followed after the group and her lips pursed for a second as she scoffed, head shaking. 
“What the hell kind of mission is this?” Her brow rose at the male, Garcia was what he’d be known by until she knew his callsign, thank the US Military for name badges. 
“A suicide mission,” Nicolette mumbled, causing eyes to land on her as she mindlessly played on her phone. The other pilots around them turned to her, eyes narrowing. She didn’t think twice about what she had said, if anything she knew she was right. They don’t call back this many pilots for something any less serious than that. 
You’ll never guess where I am. 
North Island?
This is why I don’t play guessing games with you
But… so is half of the goddamn navy 
That’s an exaggeration. 
Okay? And? It’s still a lot of people. 
Brad is here. 
I know. 
So you knew i was here?
Got briefed on it. 
Someone else is there though. 
And the conversation was over once Nic heard the bell ring. Either someone else was paying for their drinks or 
“OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD!” The girl’s head tilted, phone slipping back into her pocket as she shook her head, eyes locking with Bradley’s at the piano. It was second nature for her to find her way to the instrument. She had spent so many years with the male just hanging out while he played or learned to play.
The toddler was kicking her feet in her father’s lap. Her head tilted to the side as she watched the two blonde women on the other side of her. Nicolette had very little patience in her tiny body and barely sat still - as would be expected from Maverick’s kid. Her fingers wrapped around a fry, that quickly went flying to hit the woman in a white blouse. Giggles were fast to leave tiny lips afterward, Maverick himself having to fight off a laugh. Then once Carole – who Nic adored – had smiled at her, Nic was done and trying to wiggle out of Maverick’s hold. She wanted to go sit with the guy at the piano with the colorful shirt. She liked him a whole lot, he would put her in the sky when he picked her up, and he flew her around sometimes, she loved it. Not to mention the kid on top of the piano who was her newfound best friend. Finally, her dad was heading over there with her, setting her down on the bench to stand, Nic’s hands reaching to try to grab the hat off of the piano – Goose’s hat, but one hand was grabbed by her father to twirl her – as carefully as possible, as the two men sang;
“You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain…” 
Bradley had an arm wrapped around the woman’s waist as his fingers created the familiar tune on the piano; Nic let a soft laugh out as he glanced up at her with a mischievous twinkle in his puppy dog browns, 
“Thinkin’ ‘bout your love drives a man insane, you broke my will, oh what a thrill, goodness, gracious, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!”  
The two were a splitting image of something Maverick had never thought he’d see again, and now watching the group of young pilots around the piano and the two on the bench, there was no way he couldn’t teach this mission. They had to come home. If not for him or the families any of them may have had, they had to come home for each other.
credit: I don't own any characters but Nicolette Mitchell, and any other OCs that may appear and their storylines. I have no affiliation with Top Gun or Top Gun: Maverick. All rights go to the rightful owners.
Tag list: @toracsanji
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callmemana · 2 years ago
Broken Glass Slipper
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Pairing: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth) x Cinderella!reader
Characters: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth), Cinderella!reader, stepmother, stepsisters, Margaret (fairy godmother), Adam (carriage driver), Lucifer (the cat), Rick “Hollywood” Neven, Sam “Merlin” Wells
Warnings: Cinderella AU, this is crack, a sort of Cinderella retelling, friends to lovers, evil stepsisters and stepmother, Hollywood the royal servant, Wolfman is an adorable dumbass, reader and Leonard have been friends for years, stepmother is a greedy and cruel woman, reader and Leonard are friends.
Word Count: 2375
A/N: Iceman and Slider are hidden in the crowd (not mentioned but I imagined them in the ballroom). Maverick and Goose were not invited because of some pranks they played on the king in the past (also not mentioned).
Top Gun: Disney AU
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As the door clicked shut and the lock sounded, Ella knew she was trapped in the attic until her step-mother felt fit enough to let her out.
Her Step-mother had found her shoe in her Hope Chest and smashed it on the ground, the memory of her perfect night shattered like her slipper.
She pounded on the door to try and get another’s attention to free her but after a while she gave up and laid on her bed, head in her arms as she sobbed.
She could hear muffled voices downstairs, the front door opening, people coming in, and sounds of objects moving. Unknown to her, her little mice friends were trying to help.
Jac Jac and Gus Gus were on a mission to retrieve the key to Cinderella’s door, but had some fallbacks. For one, the mistress of the house kept it in her pocket and hand around it, as if it could disappear into thin air.
After many failed attempts at retrieving the key, they gave up and tried another way. They had to get Ella out of the attic, this was her chance at a happily ever after, a chance to get out of this horrible house and away from these dreadful people.
It would be the least they could do for her after everything she did for them!  
As the eldest sister sat down upon the chair, a servant tried to put it on her foot, but alas, the foot was too wide for the slim glass.
Upset at the outcome, she took the shoe from the servant and jammed her foot into it, “There, it fits!'' As she finished her exclamation, the shoe showed her toes squished against the glass uncomfortable, her eyebrows furrowed in pain, and jaw clenched.
“Well, ma’am, the prince did say every available maiden must try on the shoe.'' He said carefully, as if not to hurt her feelings, took off the slipper and motioned for the other sister to sit.
The other sat gracefully, holding her foot out delicately to the servant and smiled. The servant gently placed the shoe on her foot and gasped, it actually fit her, perfectly to be exact!
“Sire, we have the girl!”
“Yes, Yes. Now go, get her things we must leave at once!” The servants ran off towards the staircase as the three women smiled and planned.
Once the sister left, soon her mother and other daughter departed too.
Ella, seemed to be forgotten, spent several days locked in her room before someone found the spare key and let her out.
By that time, her sister had taken her happily ever after.
Leonard could see that this was not the woman he danced with, but he was vague with instructions, for he only said to ‘find the girl who fits into the slipper’ not ‘find a girl with golden hair and eyes blue as the ocean who’s foot fit into the slipper’’ for that mistake he is forever unhappily married to the wrong girl.
He was just too frazzled to give more information than just find the girl with the missing shoe. He missed the maiden whose name he knows not, but am undoubtedly in love with.
Leonard stood with his new bride at his side at a court meeting his father held with a blank gaze and clenched jaw.
His friends could see that he wasn’t happy, the only time Rick had seen him truly happy was when he danced with the mystery maiden at the ball. His friends didn’t like to see him this way, constantly angry and upset.
Before the marriage, Leonard was a little adventurous and mischievous, always getting in trouble with his friends, now, he was silent and always brushing their fun away.
They also didn’t like the maiden he did marry, for she was rude as was her sister, a learned trait from their mother no doubt. So, after the meeting the Prince’s friends held a meeting of their own and discussed what to do.
“We could find her, convince her he’s not happy with his wife?”
“Do you even know what she looks like?”
“No, but Rick does. I overheard him and Leonard talking in the hall one afternoon.”
They all pan towards Rick, “I have seen her, but there is a problem. We don’t even know if she’s from this kingdom.”
“Then we send word to other Kingdoms close by, maybe one of them has seen her!”
“Unlikely, there could be thousands, millions of maidens that match the description of her!”
“Do you suggest we just let our friend be miserable?”
“No, but we have to find a special characteristic about her that only she could have, something that couldn’t be duplicated!”
“Then we must talk to Leonard, maybe he could tell us something useful in finding his true love!”
Leonard was in his study, reading a book as the doors slam open and his friends are coming in.
“What’s this about?”
“You being a dumbass.”
“I’m not following, Nicholas.”
“You were so memorized by the maiden that you danced with the night of the ball that you only gave a brief description on how to find her. Well, we have come up with a way to do just that!”
“And, pray tell, what is it? How do you plan to do that? I’ve already lost her and I am married to another woman.”
“Did you see any identifying features? Anything special characteristically about her?”
“Yes. She had a scar on her right, inside upper arm. I saw it while we were dancing, it looked like it was from a burn. Does that help?”
“Yes, Leonard, it does. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, just promise me you’ll find her.”
“I’ll do everything in my power to.”
For weeks the friends tried to find the maiden, went to every house and asked questions to every villager.
When they spotted an older woman, they all exchanged looks before running towards her. If anyone was to know the maiden, it would be someone who’s been here for quite some time and knows everyone.
“Excuse me ma’am,”
“Yes my dear?”
“Do you happen to know a maiden with golden hair, blue eyes, and a burn scar on her right upper arm?” her eyes widen and she gasps, she didn’t pay much attention to their clothes at first, but now that she sees their royalty, she quickly excuses herself and leaves, leaving the men suspicious and worried.
They tried to follow the older woman to find out where she’s hiding, but the woman was quick and used passage ways unknown to them to escape.
During the week, they tried to corner her and ask questions, but every time they got close something would happen to gain their attention and look away enough for her to bolt.
After a month with no success and their friend wallowing in self-pity,  they tried a different approach.
They had convinced Leonard to get out of the castle in villager clothes and talk to the woman, and when they found her with a basket full of foods, they pushed Leonard towards her and hid.
“Hello ma’am, may I talk to you for a moment?”
She looked at him and smiled, “Why of course, dearie.”
“I was wondering if you’ve seen a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and a burn scar on her upper right arm? I’m looking for her.”  
“Well, yes, I do know her. You’re talking about Ella, she lives up on Hickory Lane, in the big white house with the black accents, but if you ask me, its too big for just one person. Be careful dearie, she isn’t the same after her step-mother and step-sisters left to go live in the castle. Oh no, she’s been sad and rude since then.”
He thanked her and started his path to find his one true love, Ella, as it seems her name is. His friends following behind him closely, for he is a Prince and might need protection.
When they had made it to the house, they saw it had its windows boarded up and lights off, as if no one lived there for years.
Gathering his courage, Leonard knocked on the door in three swift hits. The group waited for a minute or two after hearing no response or footsteps coming closer and knocked again, this time more firm and loud.
Perhaps the lady of the house was too far away and couldn’t hear? More time passed and still no acknowledgement was given to the knocks.
Growing tired of being ignored, Leonard knocked again, and accompanied it with a shout, “Ella, are you in there? If so, would you please come out to chat?” as they waited for a response this time, Leonard bounced on his heels with a winning smile plastered on his face.
“Go away, I’m not taking any visitors today sir!”
“Please, I think it is very important that we meet!”
“I said not today sir! Good bye!”
The smile slowly made its way into a frown as he said, “Alright then, good bye Ella.” the others patted his back in condolences and reassured him that maybe tomorrow he’d have better luck.
The next couple of weeks were spent with Leonard and his friends coming to the house and trying to convince Ella to talk to him, and each day, ended much like the first.
When Leonard had had quite enough of this childish behavior, and coming from him, is a big statement, had travelled behind the gate and went into the house using the back entrance.
He quietly surveyed the area, being careful and silent in his approach to find the woman he sought after.
As he rounded the corner to the kitchen, he saw a young woman that fits the description of the maiden he danced with sulking as she cleaned the floors.
“You’re too beautiful to be this sad, please talk to me.”
She wiped her tears quickly despite him already seeing them fall, “How did you get in here? Who are you?” she questioned.
He puts his hands up as if to not startle her even more, “I went in the back entrance, I’ve tried the front for weeks with no answer. As for who I am, well darling, I am Prince Leonard. I believe you to be the maiden I danced with until midnight when you ran away.”
She clutched her broom as he spoke, unwilling to let go of this incase he was just here to rob her.
“I did no such thing, and you couldn’t possibly be the Prince, he is a married man.”
“Darling, I am the Prince, and as for my marriage, it is an unhappy one for I have married the wrong woman.” he gently grabs her hands in his.
“You have married the love of your life, sire, and for that I am very happy, but if you believe that I am even in the same social status as you, or the princess, you are mistaken. I am a maid, the Tramaine’s maid for decades and always have been. I hold no torch to the beauty of the Princess nor do I want to. Sire, please go home to her, love her for eternity, as she does you. You should forget about me, Your Highness. For I am nobody compared to her.”
She turns around and slips from his grip, “No! No, you are wrong, Ella, you are so much more than beauty to me. You are kind, and generous, as for my wife, she is the opposite. Her and her family will undoubtably run this kingdom to the ground with the coin they spend daily, and the rudeness they show to those under them in status. You, You my dear Ella, have a gentle heart, and would never do the awful things they do to the servants and staff alike. Please, consider this proposal?”
“I will think it over My Liege,” he nodded his head once, then twice, as if to reassure himself that he had gotten through to her.
As the days turn into weeks with still no reply to the proposal, Leonard started to get worried about Ella.
He decided to take a day off from his Kingly duties and ride the carriage down to the abandoned house.
He knocks once, twice, three times and waits for a few seconds before starting the knock pattern again.
This time after the wait he just opens the door and sees the dust and grime floating in the air.
And there’s a certain smell that permeates the air, somewhat of decay.
He finds the woman from before sitting in a big soft looking chair and a fire almost out.
Soon he realizes that she’s the cause of the pungent smell as he gets closer.
Leonard shouts, “Rick, please call the guards! We need to give the news to the Princess and her family.”
He knows that he has so reason to cry over the lost of this beautiful woman, not while he was married and had no claim on her to begin with.
Her face had sunken cheeks and tired bags under her unopened eyes.
It looks as if she passed in her sleep, he hopes it was at least a nice dream before the Grim Reaper took her from this plane of existence.
A week later was her funeral and as a noble’s daughter, she was given the honor of having the funeral she deserved.
He was one of the only people to show up as a large amount of nobles around the district and continent forgot about her.
When is was his turn to show his respects to her coffin he whispered, “I will carry my undying love for you until the day I am no longer walking the earth.”
Leonard takes a deep breath as the tears start to slowly stream down his face.
“I am beyond sorry for my late proposal and wished it was you who I would spend the rest of my life with and not your terrible sister. You are the only true love I’ve ever had.”
One tear lands on her hands as he says her last goodbye to her, his Ella.
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Forever 🏷️: @crazyk-imagine
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vintagewildlife · 2 months ago
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Hand in the maw of a wolf skull By: Leonard Lee Rue III From: The Order of Wolves 1976
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buckyegans · 1 year ago
I Know You ✮ Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe
summary: receiving a phone call during your day off, you’re surprised to hear the voice of your husband’s pilot (set during the aftermath of when holly and wolf have to eject)
note: i know his plane said henry ruth but we all collectively decided he is leonard wolfe. also, reader calls him lee/leo. GN! reader.
warnings: wolf is kind of insecure about your guys’ marriage but it’s a hurt/comfort fic
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 “Hello?” you speak into the landline as you set it on your shoulder, craning your head to secure it in place, reaching to wash your hands in the sink. “Hello?” you repeat, furrowing your brows as you dipped your hands under warm water, washing away stray flour.
 “Hi,” a voice said. “Is this Y/n?”
 “Uhm,” you start, drying your hands before grabbing the phone. “Yes, this is them. Who is this?”
 “Hey, Y/n. This is Rick. I’m calling from Top Gun,” he said. Rick Neven, Hollywood, was your husband’s best friend and co-pilot. Your stomach immediately dropped at the fact he was calling you instead of Leonard himself.
 “Rick? Is everything okay?” you ask, bringing your hand to your cheek. “Is he okay?”
 “Yeah, yeah! He’s…well, he isn’t hurt. But, I think you should come here. He’s not doing so hot right now.” Hollywood said, and before he could even continue, your car keys were in hand and the phone was hanging off the line. “Hello? Y/n?” Rick asks into the receiver, before hearing the front door slam. Not even thirty minutes later, after battling some heavy Miramar traffic, you were speeding down the hallway of the school, towards the locker rooms. Finding Hollywood perched outside of the door, head leaned against the wall, foot propped up, he turned to find you approaching. “Oh, you made it. He’s in there,” Rick nodded.
 “Thank you,” you said softly, pushing the door open. The locker room was silent and empty. And a mess, but that was to be expected. Taking careful steps towards the openess, you find a figure on the bench, hunched over with their head in their hands. “Leo?”
 Wolfman sat up at the sound of his name, the name only you called him. With red-rimmed glassy eyes, he smiled crooked at the sight of you. “Y/n? What are you doing here?”
 “Rick called me, what’s the matter?” you ask, letting him pull you into him by your hips. “Are you hurt?” you looked him over. “Sick?” your hand pressed against his forehead.
 Leonard shook his head.
 You frowned. “Then what’s the matter—”
 Before you could finish, your husband was cupping your face and kissing you gently. You froze slightly before melting into it—you’d never say no to a kiss. But, you pulled away, gently stroking his cheekbone. “What happened, Lee?” you ask.
 He sighed, sitting back on the bench, pulling you against him, tucked into his side. “We had to eject,” he murmured, looking down at you. He reached up, touching your hair. “Our engine got shot—we ejected…I was so scared.”
 “Honey,” you cooed, looking up at him, brows softly furrowed. “You’re okay now. You know exactly what to do in that situation, and you did it—‘cause you’re so smart.” you smiled sadly.
 He sighed, shrugging. “I know. But, what if I didn’t l? What if I couldn’t? What if it didn’t work? I mean, don’t you want someone who doesn’t risk dying everyday? Someone who will come home to you every night?”
 You looked down, frowning. You grabbed his hands, bringing them to your lap. “Lee, I know what I signed up for when you first told me you were an aviator. I know what I want, and it’s you.”
 Leonard sighs, shaking his head. “But, you deserve something more. Someone who—”
 “I just called you smart, Leonard. Don’t make me take that back,” you remark as you stand, towering over him as you cup his face, stroking his tanned cheeks. He smiles somewhat, shaking his head again. “I love you, and I married you knowing exactly what was in store for me. Aviator or not, I married you.”
 “I’m not sure why you did,” he laughs.
 You smile. “Neither am I,” you tease, his hands finding your hips. “Now, let me stand here and tell you all the things that make you the best husband and aviator someone could ever ask for? And that I’m happy your alive? Please?”
 “Since you used the magic word,” he says, rolling his eyes but pulls you into his lap regardless.
 In all honesty, you were terrified. But, sometimes it was better for your husband not to know that. Especially at times like this.
 “Good,” you say, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Now, where should I start?” you ask, tapping your chin playfully, drawing a grin from your husband.
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topgun-imagines · 2 years ago
Following In His Footsteps || Moodboard
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oh-great-authoress · 1 year ago
Two nights later…
Maverick: *chainsaw noises*
Iceman: *standing over Mav with a pillow in hand*
Slider: Tom.
Iceman: *turns twitchy, bloodshot eyes to Slider*
Iceman: Let me do it, just a little bit, Ron.
Slider: Ice, that's like your fourth cup of coffee! Iceman: Well, I am drinking lots of cups of coffee because I’m exhausted! Because Maverick started snoring! Wolfman: He’s really that loud? Maverick(grins): Oh, you should hear me. Iceman: It’s not something to be proud of, okay? You have to go to a sleep clinic! Maverick: Look, I told ya, I’m not going to any clinic! I don’t have a problem, you’re the one with the problem! You should go to a "Quit being a baby and leave me alone" clinic! Iceman: They don’t have those. Maverick: Yeah, they do! Quit being a baby and leave me alone! There, you’ve just had your first class!
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years ago
A person, not a Person
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Based on this post 
Leonard grabs his buddy and hauls him into the nearest, empty room. Rick pushes him off him, "what's going on? Why are we in here?" The man with the cowboy hat nods. "Alright. I don't usually tell people this but-" The other man furrows his brows, "you're telling me though? What does that mean?" Leonard smirks, "well you see my trusted, friend slash college. You're not people, you're different. Some would even say special." "I don't feel special." "Well, you are so buck up or suck it up, kid. Cause one way or another, I'm spilling the tea." "What the f-" (In another room, on the other side of base) Nick and Pete see each other from across the way and run to one another, the former grabbing his buddy and hauling him towards a dark corner. "Alright, now Mav. I don't usually tell people this but-" The dark-haired man stares at the blond with a confused expression on his face. "You’re telling me though." Nick nods, "yeah, yeah. But- uh- thing is, you're not a person." Pete shakes his head. "What the hell does that mean?" The blond shakes his head. "Nothing." "Why do you keep staring off to the side?" "N- no reason." And he takes off. "Get back here, Goose!" "No. You want to hurt me!" They briefly pause when they notice Viper walking by. Nick pulls Pete into a headlock when their boss passes by, wrestling one another in the hallway. Tom and Ron shake their heads. "Idiots."
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jdorian · 3 months ago
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Susan Bay Nimoy as June Sullivan in Brilliant Minds ↳ S1E08 • “The Lovesick Widow”
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bradsthorn · 1 year ago
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Synopsis ; Nicolette "Wildcard" Mitchell and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw had been best friends since they could remember, and then they were a little more than that, and then suddenly they were nothing; only to be best friends again. But, as fate would have it ( fate meaning Iceman ) they were needed for a mission and maybe Ice just wanted his family back.
Warnings ; fluff, death, swearing, drinking, smut, near-death experiences, bradley is a little shit, father-daughter issues, cancer mentions, pregnancy.
prologue chapter 1
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nyree2712 · 9 days ago
Top Gun - Incorrect Quote 81
Viper: Why is Mitchell in the bathroom crying?
Slider: He's drunk
Jester: And?
Sundown: And he heard that Ice has a "secret partner"
Viper: *Whispering* But he IS Kazansky's secret partner
Hollywood: Yeah, we know that
Wolfman: We are waiting that he remembers that
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I re-watched TG86 and TG:M - Pt.1
I re-watched both movies yesterday and made a list of things I don't hear people talking about enough.
Wolfman during the singing scene - He's so invested in this, too! Makes me think that Mav maybe isn't the loner he's always pictured as
Mav more or less cuddling with Carole while Charlie sits next to them - Speaks volumes about the missing chemistry between Mav and Charlie I think
They say that Ice's jetstream caused the accident so why are there absolutely no consequences for him? Doesn't really make sense to me.
Mav and Ice buzz the tower together! - I can't believe I've never noticed that one before! Which leads me to my next point:
Ice and Mav making each other better and complement each other - Mav becomes more considerate and Ice becomes more fun
Nothing's more romantic than two F-14s flying into sunset together
The Darkstar is an absolute beauty
Jake's hand on Mav's back before they carry him outside + the fact that Jake actually carries him outside
Hondo & Mav friendship + how much fun Hondo has watching the daggers do their push ups
Ice and Mav hug twice!!
Phoenix taking Bob under her wings instantly + Bob becoming so sassy just because of her
It's hilarious that Mav doesn't know shit about sailing
Why doesn't Cyclone have a single clue about team building activities?!
Warlock supporting Mav and his choices
Dagger One is hit is such an emotional scene
The Mav & Bradley hug
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