#writer: crazyk imagines
callmemana · 1 year
Broken Glass Slipper
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Pairing: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth) x Cinderella!reader
Characters: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth), Cinderella!reader, stepmother, stepsisters, Margaret (fairy godmother), Adam (carriage driver), Lucifer (the cat), Rick “Hollywood” Neven, Sam “Merlin” Wells
Warnings: Cinderella AU, this is crack, a sort of Cinderella retelling, friends to lovers, evil stepsisters and stepmother, Hollywood the royal servant, Wolfman is an adorable dumbass, reader and Leonard have been friends for years, stepmother is a greedy and cruel woman, reader and Leonard are friends.
Word Count: 2375
A/N: Iceman and Slider are hidden in the crowd (not mentioned but I imagined them in the ballroom). Maverick and Goose were not invited because of some pranks they played on the king in the past (also not mentioned).
Top Gun: Disney AU
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As the door clicked shut and the lock sounded, Ella knew she was trapped in the attic until her step-mother felt fit enough to let her out.
Her Step-mother had found her shoe in her Hope Chest and smashed it on the ground, the memory of her perfect night shattered like her slipper.
She pounded on the door to try and get another’s attention to free her but after a while she gave up and laid on her bed, head in her arms as she sobbed.
She could hear muffled voices downstairs, the front door opening, people coming in, and sounds of objects moving. Unknown to her, her little mice friends were trying to help.
Jac Jac and Gus Gus were on a mission to retrieve the key to Cinderella’s door, but had some fallbacks. For one, the mistress of the house kept it in her pocket and hand around it, as if it could disappear into thin air.
After many failed attempts at retrieving the key, they gave up and tried another way. They had to get Ella out of the attic, this was her chance at a happily ever after, a chance to get out of this horrible house and away from these dreadful people.
It would be the least they could do for her after everything she did for them!  
As the eldest sister sat down upon the chair, a servant tried to put it on her foot, but alas, the foot was too wide for the slim glass.
Upset at the outcome, she took the shoe from the servant and jammed her foot into it, “There, it fits!'' As she finished her exclamation, the shoe showed her toes squished against the glass uncomfortable, her eyebrows furrowed in pain, and jaw clenched.
“Well, ma’am, the prince did say every available maiden must try on the shoe.'' He said carefully, as if not to hurt her feelings, took off the slipper and motioned for the other sister to sit.
The other sat gracefully, holding her foot out delicately to the servant and smiled. The servant gently placed the shoe on her foot and gasped, it actually fit her, perfectly to be exact!
“Sire, we have the girl!”
“Yes, Yes. Now go, get her things we must leave at once!” The servants ran off towards the staircase as the three women smiled and planned.
Once the sister left, soon her mother and other daughter departed too.
Ella, seemed to be forgotten, spent several days locked in her room before someone found the spare key and let her out.
By that time, her sister had taken her happily ever after.
Leonard could see that this was not the woman he danced with, but he was vague with instructions, for he only said to ‘find the girl who fits into the slipper’ not ‘find a girl with golden hair and eyes blue as the ocean who’s foot fit into the slipper’’ for that mistake he is forever unhappily married to the wrong girl.
He was just too frazzled to give more information than just find the girl with the missing shoe. He missed the maiden whose name he knows not, but am undoubtedly in love with.
Leonard stood with his new bride at his side at a court meeting his father held with a blank gaze and clenched jaw.
His friends could see that he wasn’t happy, the only time Rick had seen him truly happy was when he danced with the mystery maiden at the ball. His friends didn’t like to see him this way, constantly angry and upset.
Before the marriage, Leonard was a little adventurous and mischievous, always getting in trouble with his friends, now, he was silent and always brushing their fun away.
They also didn’t like the maiden he did marry, for she was rude as was her sister, a learned trait from their mother no doubt. So, after the meeting the Prince’s friends held a meeting of their own and discussed what to do.
“We could find her, convince her he’s not happy with his wife?”
“Do you even know what she looks like?”
“No, but Rick does. I overheard him and Leonard talking in the hall one afternoon.”
They all pan towards Rick, “I have seen her, but there is a problem. We don’t even know if she’s from this kingdom.”
“Then we send word to other Kingdoms close by, maybe one of them has seen her!”
“Unlikely, there could be thousands, millions of maidens that match the description of her!”
“Do you suggest we just let our friend be miserable?”
“No, but we have to find a special characteristic about her that only she could have, something that couldn’t be duplicated!”
“Then we must talk to Leonard, maybe he could tell us something useful in finding his true love!”
Leonard was in his study, reading a book as the doors slam open and his friends are coming in.
“What’s this about?”
“You being a dumbass.”
“I’m not following, Nicholas.”
“You were so memorized by the maiden that you danced with the night of the ball that you only gave a brief description on how to find her. Well, we have come up with a way to do just that!”
“And, pray tell, what is it? How do you plan to do that? I’ve already lost her and I am married to another woman.”
“Did you see any identifying features? Anything special characteristically about her?”
“Yes. She had a scar on her right, inside upper arm. I saw it while we were dancing, it looked like it was from a burn. Does that help?”
“Yes, Leonard, it does. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, just promise me you’ll find her.”
“I’ll do everything in my power to.”
For weeks the friends tried to find the maiden, went to every house and asked questions to every villager.
When they spotted an older woman, they all exchanged looks before running towards her. If anyone was to know the maiden, it would be someone who’s been here for quite some time and knows everyone.
“Excuse me ma’am,”
“Yes my dear?”
“Do you happen to know a maiden with golden hair, blue eyes, and a burn scar on her right upper arm?” her eyes widen and she gasps, she didn’t pay much attention to their clothes at first, but now that she sees their royalty, she quickly excuses herself and leaves, leaving the men suspicious and worried.
They tried to follow the older woman to find out where she’s hiding, but the woman was quick and used passage ways unknown to them to escape.
During the week, they tried to corner her and ask questions, but every time they got close something would happen to gain their attention and look away enough for her to bolt.
After a month with no success and their friend wallowing in self-pity,  they tried a different approach.
They had convinced Leonard to get out of the castle in villager clothes and talk to the woman, and when they found her with a basket full of foods, they pushed Leonard towards her and hid.
“Hello ma’am, may I talk to you for a moment?”
She looked at him and smiled, “Why of course, dearie.”
“I was wondering if you’ve seen a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and a burn scar on her upper right arm? I’m looking for her.”  
“Well, yes, I do know her. You’re talking about Ella, she lives up on Hickory Lane, in the big white house with the black accents, but if you ask me, its too big for just one person. Be careful dearie, she isn’t the same after her step-mother and step-sisters left to go live in the castle. Oh no, she’s been sad and rude since then.”
He thanked her and started his path to find his one true love, Ella, as it seems her name is. His friends following behind him closely, for he is a Prince and might need protection.
When they had made it to the house, they saw it had its windows boarded up and lights off, as if no one lived there for years.
Gathering his courage, Leonard knocked on the door in three swift hits. The group waited for a minute or two after hearing no response or footsteps coming closer and knocked again, this time more firm and loud.
Perhaps the lady of the house was too far away and couldn’t hear? More time passed and still no acknowledgement was given to the knocks.
Growing tired of being ignored, Leonard knocked again, and accompanied it with a shout, “Ella, are you in there? If so, would you please come out to chat?” as they waited for a response this time, Leonard bounced on his heels with a winning smile plastered on his face.
“Go away, I’m not taking any visitors today sir!”
“Please, I think it is very important that we meet!”
“I said not today sir! Good bye!”
The smile slowly made its way into a frown as he said, “Alright then, good bye Ella.” the others patted his back in condolences and reassured him that maybe tomorrow he’d have better luck.
The next couple of weeks were spent with Leonard and his friends coming to the house and trying to convince Ella to talk to him, and each day, ended much like the first.
When Leonard had had quite enough of this childish behavior, and coming from him, is a big statement, had travelled behind the gate and went into the house using the back entrance.
He quietly surveyed the area, being careful and silent in his approach to find the woman he sought after.
As he rounded the corner to the kitchen, he saw a young woman that fits the description of the maiden he danced with sulking as she cleaned the floors.
“You’re too beautiful to be this sad, please talk to me.”
She wiped her tears quickly despite him already seeing them fall, “How did you get in here? Who are you?” she questioned.
He puts his hands up as if to not startle her even more, “I went in the back entrance, I’ve tried the front for weeks with no answer. As for who I am, well darling, I am Prince Leonard. I believe you to be the maiden I danced with until midnight when you ran away.”
She clutched her broom as he spoke, unwilling to let go of this incase he was just here to rob her.
“I did no such thing, and you couldn’t possibly be the Prince, he is a married man.”
“Darling, I am the Prince, and as for my marriage, it is an unhappy one for I have married the wrong woman.” he gently grabs her hands in his.
“You have married the love of your life, sire, and for that I am very happy, but if you believe that I am even in the same social status as you, or the princess, you are mistaken. I am a maid, the Tramaine’s maid for decades and always have been. I hold no torch to the beauty of the Princess nor do I want to. Sire, please go home to her, love her for eternity, as she does you. You should forget about me, Your Highness. For I am nobody compared to her.”
She turns around and slips from his grip, “No! No, you are wrong, Ella, you are so much more than beauty to me. You are kind, and generous, as for my wife, she is the opposite. Her and her family will undoubtably run this kingdom to the ground with the coin they spend daily, and the rudeness they show to those under them in status. You, You my dear Ella, have a gentle heart, and would never do the awful things they do to the servants and staff alike. Please, consider this proposal?”
“I will think it over My Liege,” he nodded his head once, then twice, as if to reassure himself that he had gotten through to her.
As the days turn into weeks with still no reply to the proposal, Leonard started to get worried about Ella.
He decided to take a day off from his Kingly duties and ride the carriage down to the abandoned house.
He knocks once, twice, three times and waits for a few seconds before starting the knock pattern again.
This time after the wait he just opens the door and sees the dust and grime floating in the air.
And there’s a certain smell that permeates the air, somewhat of decay.
He finds the woman from before sitting in a big soft looking chair and a fire almost out.
Soon he realizes that she’s the cause of the pungent smell as he gets closer.
Leonard shouts, “Rick, please call the guards! We need to give the news to the Princess and her family.”
He knows that he has so reason to cry over the lost of this beautiful woman, not while he was married and had no claim on her to begin with.
Her face had sunken cheeks and tired bags under her unopened eyes.
It looks as if she passed in her sleep, he hopes it was at least a nice dream before the Grim Reaper took her from this plane of existence.
A week later was her funeral and as a noble’s daughter, she was given the honor of having the funeral she deserved.
He was one of the only people to show up as a large amount of nobles around the district and continent forgot about her.
When is was his turn to show his respects to her coffin he whispered, “I will carry my undying love for you until the day I am no longer walking the earth.”
Leonard takes a deep breath as the tears start to slowly stream down his face.
“I am beyond sorry for my late proposal and wished it was you who I would spend the rest of my life with and not your terrible sister. You are the only true love I’ve ever had.”
One tear lands on her hands as he says her last goodbye to her, his Ella.
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Forever 🏷️: @crazyk-imagine
🏷️ list: -
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crazyk-imagine · 7 months
Does anyone ever just look in their drafts while avoiding your wip and find shit you've kind of already finished while coming up with more ideas that will end up not being worked on for a bit because same
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l0standn0tf0und · 10 months
can't have too many fav fics with Georgie
first part
second part
third part
fourth part
♡ = smut, 18+ only
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alphabet headcanons (a: affection, d: domestic, g: gentle)
take care of each other (1st part - oh, brother)
tis the season... mistletoe season
you scared the hell out of me
parting is such sweet sorrow
christmas at the weasleys
another and another
the bookworm
orange bitters
stay the night
show and tell
days gone by
𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦
pygmy puffs
i can't do it
three years
first date
sneak in
♡against the wall
Not my stories. Just my favorites from other writers. All credits and support to the original authors: @harrysweasleys @ickle-ronniekins @thoseofgreatambition @crazyk-imagine @never--doubt @george-weasleys-girl @henqtic @cannibalizedyke @georgeweasleyslostearhq @hello-everyfandom @girl-next-door-writes @kinzis-writing @pepper-up-potion @myboipotterimagines
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My reading list: favorite authors and series divided by fandom/character:
My main account ( @starkleila ) and materialist
Suggestions and reading list updated constantly: (some are 18+ so not suitable for minors) follow for reading suggestions
The Originals (klaus, elijah, mikaelson family)
Bucky Barnes
static verse masterlist  by @theconstantsidekick
Top Gun Maverick (hangman, rooster, iceman, maverick)
Jake seresin:
Always Darling  universe by @cassiemitchell
Better Man Universe by @sweetlittlegingy @sweetlittlegingylibrary
To keep and to hold universe by @ohtobeleah
Killers by  @roosterscock
Spitfire Universe by @gennyanydots
The Good, The Bad, and The Working on It series by @crazyk-imagine
wipeout by @wkndwlff
Chaos universe by @ohtobeleah
Songbird series by @cassiemitchell
Daemon Targaryen
Sweet girl series by @em-writes-stuff-sometimes
Saera series by @hurhenyratargaryen
troublemaker series by @my-on-and-off-writingstuff
 dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist by @frankcastleonlyfans
Steve Harrington
The Boxer!Steve Collection by @rollergirl24-deactivated2022111 @reborn-rollergirl
Hopper!Reader by @marwritesgood
Henderson!reader by @stevie-petey
Tim Bradford
Five Hargrreves
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double-j · 2 years
*reminder to please heed the author’s warnings on individual fics!*
~ reposting september and october by week because the links were only working on mobile ~
afterburn crosswinds & v.max from @top-hhun​ 
texas longhorns from @lgg5989
as it was p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @ereardon​ 
operation apollo prologue, p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @sunlightmurdock
bikinis and tattoos & nightly interruptions (from the opposites attract universe that you need to binge i’m telling you) from @topguncortez
that don’t impress me much from @imjess-themess
we used to be in love p. 4 from @honeypiehotchner​ 
less misery, more company from @seresinhangmanjake​ 
jukebox war from @/roosterforme
enough is enough from @/topguncortez
grounded p. 4 from @enchanting-eloquence
if only you knew from @sunnysidevans​ 
sun-kissed from @ddejavvu​ 
t-minus three weeks (from the best benefits series) from @writercole
more hearts than mine p. 1 & p. 2 from @fandomxpreferences​ 
hanging on by a thread from @/topguncortez
out of words from @/theroadfan
the good, the bad, and the working on it prequel from @crazyk-imagine
possessive jake blurb from @kryptonitejelly
imagine me and you p. 6 from @thebirdandthebee
never knew (that i could fall so hard) from @softspiderling​ 
scent marking blurb (from the echo or the answer universe) from @anniesocsandgeneralstore​ 
professor seresin preview from @/topguncortez
ceasefire p. 4 from @/sunlightmurdock
tout près de la place où tes pieds passent, cachés dans les trous de ton divan, et quand tu es seule pendant un instant, embrasse-moi, quand tu voudras, & below the singing moon (from je te laisserai des mots) from @jupitercomet
i still want you from @roosterforme
chaos p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, & p. 4 from @ohtobeleah​ 
nevermore p. 1 & p. 2 from @cherrycola27
the craftsman from @/roosterforme
superstar preview from @maggiedanikka​ 
a little present from @/roosterforme
meet the parents from @/roosterforme
here i go again from @hotgirlmav
flightless bird p. 5 from @thatlovinfeelin
crash into you p. 4 from @knoxsunday​ 
no way out from @/topguncortez
is it working for you? p. 18 from @/roosterforme
underneath it all from @/roosterforme
take it off from @/roosterforme
my future in you p. 8 from @/sunlightmurdock
washing machine heart from @chemistryread​ 
love thy neighbor p. 3 & p. 4 from @hangmanapologist​ 
cobalt eyes and sweet smiles from @withahappyrefrain
tense from @bippot
the accident p. 2 from @a-reader-and-a-writer
baby, it’s halloween (and we can be anything) from @laracrofted​ (giggles with the squad)
ivy p. 1 from @perpetuelledaydreaming (love triangle w/ jake and bradley)
that which we are, we are p. 2 from @spine-buster (n.mackinnon)
by your side ch. 1 from @filmtv2022​ 
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callmemana · 1 year
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Unhappily Ever After: Why Couldn't Time be on Our Side!
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This is a collaboration with the amazing and talented @crazyk-imagine ! Thank you so much for partnering up with me! It's a fairy tale au for the 86’ Naval Aviator squad! I hope you enjoy the stories!
A/N: the HEA's are going to be mostly the same story line as the Disney movies, UEA are going to be darker and more towards the Grimm fairy tales/stories.
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The chains that held her from the man cut into her wrist again and again as she jerks to save him.
“I’ll stop fighting if you let me save him!”
“Rapunzel no!” He shouts, voice losing its power by the minute.
“Please! Please!”
Mother Gothel looks at her, then at the man and smirks.
“He’s already gone, let’s go.”
“No, I will fight you until the day I die! Please, just let me heal him and I’m yours!”
Mother Gothel let’s the chains loose just enough for her to reach him, but she was right.
He lost too much blood too fast. Rick was gone.
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callmemana · 1 year
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Unhappily Ever After: Don't Open the Glass Coffin
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This is a collaboration with the amazing and talented @crazyk-imagine ! Thank you so much for partnering up with me! It's a fairy tale au for the 86’ Naval Aviator squad! I hope you enjoy the stories!
A/N: the HEA's are going to be mostly the same story line as the Disney movies, UEA are going to be darker and more towards the Grimm fairy tales/stories.
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“How about an apple dear?”
“Oh but I couldn’t! They’re so beautiful, perhaps you should go to the market and sell them?”
“The market is far too long a journey for me dearie. Please, take one and you’ll see their worth the coin.”
Snow starts to politely decline the offer.
“Just one bite? I swear the apples are good!”
Snow finally gives in and takes the apple the older woman is holding.
She takes the bite, instantly feeling the affect of the poison.
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callmemana · 1 year
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Unhappily Ever After: "Friends on the Other Side" equals Don't Trust the Shadows
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This is a collaboration with the amazing and talented @crazyk-imagine ! Thank you so much for partnering up with me! It's a fairy tale au for the 86’ Naval Aviator squad! I hope you enjoy the stories!
A/N: the HEA's are going to be mostly the same story line as the Disney movies, UEA are going to be darker and more towards the Grimm fairy tales/stories.
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“Please tell me that you’re not as stupid as you look and didn’t go see the Shadow Man?”
He nervously shrugged, “I did…”
She glared at him, “Well that’s just great! We either have to find a voodoo priest or a princess for you to charm!”
“If it’s up to me… I prefer the princess.”
“I bet you do Prince!”
Luis speaks up, “I might know a voodoo priestess.”
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callmemana · 1 year
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Unhappily Ever After: Broken Shards and Fallen Petals lead to Heartache
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This is a collaboration with the amazing and talented @crazyk-imagine ! Thank you so much for partnering up with me! It's a fairy tale au for the 86’ Naval Aviator squad! I hope you enjoy the stories!
A/N: the HEA's are going to be mostly the same story line as the Disney movies, UEA are going to be darker and more towards the Grimm fairy tales/stories.
Translation: dear friend (sorry if wrong I used google translate)
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“The woods are dangerous at night Cher ami , please ride with caution!”
“That’s what the fire’s for Mav!”
“I’m afraid to say that not all beast are easily driven away by the burning embers”
“I’ll just have to take my chances, tell him that… that… tell him that I love him just in case.”
“You tell him when you get back.”
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callmemana · 1 year
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Unhappily Ever After: Broken Glass Slipper
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This is a collaboration with the amazing and talented @crazyk-imagine ! Thank you so much for partnering up with me! It's a fairy tale au for the 86’ Naval Aviator squad! I hope you enjoy the stories!
A/N: the HEA's are going to be mostly the same story line as the Disney movies, UEA are going to be darker and more towards the Grimm fairy tales/stories.
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“And, pray tell, what is it? How do you plan to do that? I’ve already lost her and I am married to another woman.”
“Did you see any identifying features? Anything special characteristically about her?”
“Yes. She had a scar on her right, inside upper arm. I saw it while we were dancing, it looked like it was from a burn. Does that help?”
“Yes, Leonard, it does. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, just promise me you’ll find her.”
“I’ll do everything in my power to.”
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callmemana · 9 months
Birdie’s Christmas Gift Box!
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Hello everyone! I just wanted to wish y’all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
In the month of December my family and I make goodie boxes for people and families that have helped us in some way during the year. I would like to continue this tradition to my page to show my appreciation to my friends I’ve made through this app/website!
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@faerieroyal 1
@tngrace 1 (T.W.)
@askmarinaandothers 1
@bayisdying 1
@thevipersrose 1
@ladylanera 1
@thedaredevilsgirl 1
@sebsxphia 1
@milesdickpic 1
@collinrobinsonsglasses 1
@switchbladedreamz 1
@rhettabbotts 1
@lewmagoo 1
@mothdruid 1
@bobfloydsbabe 1
@little-miss-dilf-lover 1
@secretswiftymarvelfan 1
@heliads 1 2
@withahappyrefrain 1 2
@dragon-kazansky 1 2 3 4
@whiskeyswriting 1 2
@beachbabey 1 2
@astonishment 1 2
@ohtobeleah 1 2
@laracrofted 1 2 3
@purplevortexx 1 2 3
@luveline 1 2 3
@bradshawsbaby 1 2 3
@holylulusworld 1 2 3
@jungle-angel 1 2 3 4
@jupitercomet 1 2 3 4
@delopsias 1 2 3 4 5
@crazyk-imagine 1 2 3 4 5 6
@lgg5989 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@forsty 1 2
@ryebecca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
@thedroneranger 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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callmemana · 2 years
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Hey y’all ! I would just like to say that I am so thankful and appreciative of every one of y’all for getting me to 100 followers! I honestly didn’t think this would happen, I mean all I do is hype up the amazing writers on this website. I definitely don’t deserve all of the love I’ve been shown and the amazing friendships I’ve made through this!
Thank you to all of the amazing and talented writers that allow me to reblog and add their stories to the fanfic recommendation lists. I appreciate everything y’all do and create!
Thank you to all of the amazing friends I’ve made through my time on this website and the amazing people I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to and connecting with. I have no words for how much y’all mean to me!
Thank you to all of the amazing people that have helped me learn the etiquette of this website and teaching me the rights and wrongs. I have learned so much through you and appreciate everything you have done to help me improve!
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@fanboygarcia @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @sweetlittlegingy @bayisdying @kloofspeaks @thebahwrites @lgg5989 @mrstabbymcwolfy @cycbaby @thesluttyarchivist @sebsxphia @mothdruid @switchbladedreamz @crazyk-imagine @bradleybeachbabe @jynxmirage @floyd-luvr @call-sign-jinx @rae-gar-targaryen @fandomxpreferences @footprintsinthesxnd @bradshawsbitch @seresinhangmanjake @sandbarbirdie @bobfloydsbabe @roostersrooster @roosterscockpit @thedaredevilsgirl @thebookreader12345 @mtnofgrace @askmarinaandothers @callsignscupcake @kiichirose @mischief-siriusly-managed @likelyrowdy @callsignthirsty @breadsquash @starlit-epiphany @callsign-phoenix @yanna-banana @forsty @therebeccaw @whisperofsong @pearlsofme @hangmanapologist @hangmanbrainrot @ohtobeleah @purplevortexx @withahappyrefrain
And many more amazing people that I’ve met ! 💛😘
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