#Lena Brundin
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mariwatchesmovies · 8 months ago
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Nattlek | Night Games (1966) dir. Mai Zetterling cine. Rune Ericson
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irina-irina-irina · 6 months ago
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Lena Brundin
Night Games (1966)
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genevieveetguy · 2 years ago
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Night Games (Nattlek), Mai Zetterling (1966)
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randomrichards · 1 year ago
Memories haunt Jan
When he brings fiancé home
How mother raised him
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jannickej · 1 year ago
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Anki åker till Paris Anna-Lena Brundin och Jan Sigurd Norstedts
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ozu-teapot · 4 years ago
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Nattlek (Night Games) | Mai Zetterling | 1966
Lena Brundin
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years ago
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Night Games (Nattlek) (1966) Mai Zetterling
January 2nd 2022
(The original post contained ten images but Tumblr saw fit to remove it on the grounds of “content violation” (Insert rolling eyes emoji here)
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filmticketarchive · 8 years ago
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En man som heter Ove/A Man Called Ove (2016) dir. Hannes Holm
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faschingsvanner · 6 years ago
En mycket spirituell kväll till åminnelse av Chet Baker
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Alla jazzälskare, till vilken grupp Faschings Vänner hör, diggar nog den legendariske trumpetaren Chet Baker så tragiskt bortgången vid 58 års ålder. Chet skulle fylla 90 år i år så det var på sin plats med en hyllning till honom. Gänget som svarade för hyllningen var sångerskan och komikern Anna-Lena Brundin, hennes sambo författaren, pianisten och kompositören Jan Sigurd, den för kvällen Chet-like trumpetaren och Fasching Vän-stipendiaten Erik Tengholm, gitarristen Anders ”Chico” Lindvall och basisten Lars Lundström med egen erfarenhet av att ha spelat med Chet.
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Förnöjsamheten bland 20-talet Fasching Vänner vid vänborden och hos den övriga publiken på ett fullsatt Fasching var påtaglig av att under trevliga former lyssna till många Chet-hits men även annan härlig musik. Pigga inslag svarade Anna-Lena för som inte bara var välsjungande utan gav flera exempel på sin ståupp-komik som inkluderade en mera politisk korrekt version av Herrens Bön (Fader Vår). Kvällen gav ett utmärkt belägg för hur mycket bra som kan komma från Malmö!  
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I publiken på Fasching fanns många som hade mött eller spelat med Chet Baker. I bild Mattew Ruddrick, författare till boken Funny Valentine: The Story of Chet Baker, som han påpassligt hade tagit med sig och sålde till ett antal lyckliga Bakerbeundrare.
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Tre basister som alla har spelat med Chet Baker - Lars Lundström, Peter Axelsson och Sven Hessle.
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Basisten Lars Lundström överraskade oss med ett fint spel på flygelhorn.
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Vi gläds alla över Faschings Vänförenings fina medlemsutveckling! Tillväxten visualiserades av medlemmen Adrian Nordin som kom till Fasching tillsammans med pappa Richard, som utan betänketid löste ett eget medlemskort.
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Vi kunde hälsa många nya medlemmar välkomna under kvällen, alla kom inte med på bild, men det gjorde Niklas Hellmin. 
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Så även Asger Kröyer.  
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irina-irina-irina · 19 days ago
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Lena Brundin
Night Games (1966)
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gerralk · 7 years ago
Live Music !
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Anna-lena Brundin + Jazz För Skeppsbrutna + Jan Sigurd
Nordiska Akvarellmuseet (Skärhamn) – fredag 17 november 2017
Köp biljetter
Kajskjul 8 (Göteborg) – fredag 17 november 2017
Köp biljetter
Adam Chia + Marcus Lindgren
Pop House (Stockholm) – fredag 17 november 2017
Lisa Lystam + Lovisa…
View On WordPress
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drangsaldrangsal · 5 years ago
Inflammation May Trigger Severe Depression During & After Pregnancy
A new study shows that severe depression during and after pregnancy may be rooted in inflammation.
“Inflammation is an important and normal part of the immune system and, in early pregnancy, prevents the mother’s immune system from attacking the fetus,” said lead author Eric Achtyes, M.D., M.S., an associate professor at Michigan State University.
“However, when the inflammatory reaction is protracted or more intense than is optimal, it may lead to worsening depression in a subset of vulnerable women.”
Not to be mistaken for the rapidly passing “baby blues,” which is common right after delivery, pregnancy-related depression is a serious medical condition that can escalate in severity and may even require hospitalization.
One in five new mothers experience depression after pregnancy, with symptoms beginning during pregnancy and generally worsening after delivery. An estimated 14% have suicidal ideation during pregnancy.
“Pregnancy-related depression is common yet poorly understood,” said senior author Lena Brundin, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor at  the Van Andel Institute, an independent biomedical research and science education organization and senior author of the study.
“Biologically speaking, pregnancy is a major inflammatory event that can upend many of the body’s day-to-day molecular processes. If we can better understand these irregularities, it could lead to new ideas about how best to treat perinatal depression.”
For the study, the researchers analyzed blood samples from 165 patient volunteers at Pine Rest’s Mother and Baby Program and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids.
The results show that several inflammatory factors appear to contribute to pregnancy-related depression onset and severity. Levels of IL-6 and IL-8 — both inflammatory chemicals called cytokines — were elevated.
In addition, levels of another cytokine called IL-2, which plays an important role in immune function, were low. At the same time, there was a drastic reduction in serotonin, an important chemical regulator of mood.
These changes point to alterations in the way that tryptophan, an amino acid required for serotonin production, is hijacked and pushed away by the kynurenine pathway, a molecular cascade closely linked to inflammation. The resulting loss of serotonin correlates with depressive symptom intensity; the less serotonin, the more severe the symptoms.
“Hopefully, this study will allow us to develop treatments that more specifically target those who are at risk for an ‘inflammatory’ perinatal depression,” said Achtyes.
The study findings are published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.
Source: Van Andel Research Institute
  from Psych Central News https://ift.tt/2KD9uzt via IFTTT
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kathleenseiber · 5 years ago
Runaway inflammation may trigger depression in pregnancy
A runaway, inflammatory immune response may be responsible for triggering severe depression during and after pregnancy, according to a new study.
Not to be mistaken with the rapidly passing “baby blues,” which is common right after delivery, pregnancy-related depression is a serious medical condition that can escalate in severity and may even require hospitalization.
One in five new mothers experience depression after pregnancy, with symptoms beginning during pregnancy and generally worsening after delivery. An estimated 14% have suicidal ideation during pregnancy.
The confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is free and available 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
“Pregnancy-related depression is common yet poorly understood,” says senior author Lena Brundin, an associate professor at Van Andel Institute.
“Biologically speaking, pregnancy is a major inflammatory event that can upend many of the body’s day-to-day molecular processes. If we can better understand these irregularities, it could lead to new ideas about how best to treat perinatal depression.”
The researchers analyzed blood samples from 165 patient volunteers at Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services’s Mother and Baby Program and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
They found that several inflammatory factors appear to contribute to pregnancy-related depression onset and severity. Levels of IL-6 and IL-8 — both inflammatory chemicals called cytokines—were elevated while levels of another cytokine called IL-2, which plays an important role in immune function, were low. At the same time, there was a drastic reduction in serotonin, an important chemical regulator of mood.
These changes point to alterations in the way a molecular building block called tryptophan, which is required for serotonin production, is hijacked and shunted away by the kynurenine pathway, a molecular cascade closely linked to inflammation. The resulting loss of serotonin tracks with depressive symptom intensity; the less serotonin, the more severe the symptoms.
“Inflammation is an important and normal part of the immune system and, in early pregnancy, prevents the mother’s immune system from attacking the fetus. However, when the inflammatory reaction is protracted or more intense than is optimal, it may lead to worsening depression in a subset of vulnerable women,” says lead author Eric Achtyes, staff psychiatrist at Pine Rest and  associate professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.
The confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is free and available 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
The research appears in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.
Additional coauthors are from Van Andel Institute, Pine Rest, Macquarie University, the University of Michigan, the University of Maryland, and Michigan State University. Van Andel Institute’s Pathology and Biorepository Core and Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core also contributed to this study.
The National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health supported the research. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of any funding organization.
Source: Michigan State University
The post Runaway inflammation may trigger depression in pregnancy appeared first on Futurity.
Runaway inflammation may trigger depression in pregnancy published first on https://triviaqaweb.weebly.com/
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ozu-teapot · 4 years ago
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Nattlek (Night Games) | Mai Zetterling | 1966
Lena Brundin
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erkmbrg-blog · 8 years ago
Säg det rent ut - Anna-Lena Brundin and Kärleksbyrån. Recorded violins
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classicallycara · 8 years ago
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