zaptrap · 4 months
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AU where movie!jay ends up in the show universe due to the merge
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dietestfahrer · 1 year
Kinderzimmerhelden auf der Bremen Classic Motorshow
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saltedpineapple · 10 months
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i wasted my time on this dsfjk,bsgakjgkjfgajk
end me
and of course i have to balance it out with fluff
i wanna squeeze lil mk
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seaghosst · 1 month
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idk this came to me while doodling. i think morro sleeps on their back arms 2 the side like a weirdo. i refuse to believe ppl sleep like this
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tellsfromninjago · 2 months
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Dialogue for translation purposes
Hidden Scars, Part two
Page 1
Kai: Nya, did you have to grab all that junk? It's slowing you down.
Nya; It's not junk, and it's not slowing me down at all.
Kai: It literally came from the garbage.
Kai: Here, I'll carry your stuff.
Kai:You take this, but be careful.
Kai: This is our dinner.
Page 2
Kai:Next time, only the essentials, alright?
Kai: Now hurry up.
Kai:I got this weird feeling.
Page 3
Shadow 1:Look it’s them.
Shadow 2:Shhh
Page 4
(Bully) Bryn: Why are you running?
Bryn:We just want to talk, isn't that right, guys?
Kai: Talk to each other then and leave us alone.
Page 5
Bryn: Oh, don't be like that, Kai. We're just curious if the rumors are true.
Nya: What rumors?
(Girl bully) Alda:That you two eat from the trash.
(Big bully) Jerome:Yeah, just like filthy animals.
Group: Makes animal sounds at them
Bryn: I heard you two have been the ones hitting all the shops.
Bryn: Is this your stolen goods?
Page 6
Jerome:You two were going to eat this stuff?
Kai:It's not garbage!
Kai:It's just a bit past its expiration date.
Bryn: Way past, I’d say.
Kai: Hay! (Yes it should be spelled like (Hey!) but whatever.
Page 7
Nya: Hay!
Bryn: Ha, Dumb kid.
Page 8
Kai:Hands off, my baby sister!
Bryn:You'll pay for that!
Page 10
Nya: Kai, your bleeding!
Jerome:Whoa, Bryn don't kill him.
Page 11
Shut up Jerome!
Jerome: This is too much, man.
Jerome: I'm out of here.
Nya: Stop!
Page 12
Jay:Whoa, It's OK. Kai, it was just a dream.
Zane:A pretty bad one too.
Zane:If your screaming is any indication.
Cole: Well, nightmare or not, it's alright because it's not real.
Kai: But it was real.
Thank you all for reading.
This story was hawkflame999 idea. I wrote it and stuff but you can thank them for the plot and story beats. We worked on it together.
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askblueandviolet · 3 months
Ask Box for Macaque is Open!
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Macaque is... Struggling to figure out how to fix the theatre room. But hey it's the effort that counts right? Unfortunately, Macaque isn't really trying. You can ask him any questions, he'll take it as an excuse to get out of working (he is also aware of everything that has happened in the chapter).
The ask box will be open for 24 hours so have fun!
(Also, I did in fact use a reference for this background:)
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Update: Ask Box is Closed!!!
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Ask Eleven
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paranoicweirdo · 4 months
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The bastards and Nezha
Congratulations for your 1k followers @emelinstriker !!
Despite the ups and downs thank you for giving us this AU! Your work and your desire to bring content to your followers is much appreciated
Anyways, the reference:
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luckybyler · 8 months
I'm tagging this because y'all need to see this. This is why I say what people are doing to Noah is antisemitism:
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I don’t know if the account they’re doing this to is actually Noah or they just think it’s him, or someone who likes him. But either way, the fact that they say “Hamas need to put you in a blender” makes it clear that they know good and well that Hamas is a terrorist organization and not some freedom fighters or anything, they just don’t care.
Bullying Is Bad (unless you have a different political opinion than me)
Be kind (except to those who think different)
Fandoms must not be toxic (unless an actor is Jewish and thinks Israel has the right to exist, then let’s cancel him and wish him the worst)
Let’s prevent suicide (unless the person we’re harassing commits the crime of not having our exact point of view)
Protect minorities (but not the wrong ones, if you know what I mean)
Who in their right mind thinks the rightful response to a 19-year-old actor supporting his own people is doing actual, material harm to them, or to someone you think it’s them (not that it matters, someone’s getting hurt anyway)? To those who do this shit and those who egg them on and/or think it’s ok:
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jebblinks · 1 year
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monkeys and monkeys and, you guessed it, more monkeys
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oppositemangos · 19 days
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(Eat up oppo shippers)
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sexiestwerewolf · 3 months
Lloyd would make fun of all the ninja for being older than him he would make constant jokes about them being fossils, needing coffins, or being old and wrinkly and they'd retaliate by making fun of him for being younger
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Mostly Mr Tang related doodles
I love this man he's such a specific flavor of menace
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hiro-doodlez · 2 months
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wyrmswears · 2 months
i think i want there to be more of an effect on zane in the inhuman thundersnow au so this is what ive come up with.
the element of ice is used to non-human masters. it thrives in the anti-social species, those who isolate themselves, those who are indifferent towards human matters. this master should have been the same, surely. afterall, he isn't even alive. so then why is he more human than any of the previous masters?
zanes element basically works against his humanity in this au. s3's ending is pretty much his 'fuck you' to this, where what should've been his final and most human act summons a blizzard; its his humanity and element acting in tandem. its why when his element is thriving in s11, his humanity is at an all time low. it takes him some time to find a balance again after that. when he turns his emotions off in nya's absence, the monastery gets noticeably colder. his element is almost always active without him realising it in that period. after the merge, this conflict between him and his element is strangely absent. it no longer feels like a cost to his humanity to use it, but that just freaks him out even more. if he no longer has to fight to keep his humanity, then who's to say he still has it?
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writer-room · 1 year
On my hands and knees begging for someone to pretty please acknowledge that Lloyd is partially dragon in Dragons Rising. He’s mostly human, sure, but he’s got oni and dragon blood. I don’t care about the angst I want the comedy potential to be unlocked.
He has the weird ability to tell what the dragons want before anyone else. Older dragons warily eye him when he’s around cause they know somethings off. There’s a 50/50 chance when meeting a new dragon they’ll either love him or try to murder him. He casually mentions the dragon fact to Arin and immediately goes from the coolest person in the room to the coolest person in the history of time. Lloyd has no idea how to mention it’s only by 1/4th and he knows absolute jackshit about being a dragon. He tries to purposefully tap into his genes and fails miserably. The POTENTIAL
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(The bkg is not mine, it’s a stock photo, I was not abt 2 draw all of that💀💀)
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