#Legal Issues in Medical Practice Books
scribble-brain-aced · 11 months
random headcanons about legally blind Killer
okay so. i really don’t see how it’s possible for him to have good vision. i mean. he’s constantly crying black tears. think of when you cry NORMALLY- your vision gets all blurry, you can barely see. now imagine if those tears were magic pitch and oh yeah ALSO MADE OF LIQUID DETERMINATION. (in my au, corrupted magic, so-)
so imagine that. but CONSTANTLY. no way killer doesn’t have SOME issues.
but, Killer being Killer, probably doesn’t tell the gang. he’s a stubborn little shit, as he probably either decided to do nothing, or find the easiest, most discreet solutions possible.
so my headcanons about this headcanon:
-He uses stickers. Bright, neon stickers to help him find stuff. sticks em on EVERYTHING he owns.
-he is surprisingly organized. i mean… for Killer, anyway. at the very least, he puts stuff back where he found it, every item has its place where it’s supposed to be.
-as for his vision itself… i tried imagining what he might see, and came up with this: probably tinted blackish, definitely blurry, a little warped… i read a book on Stargard’s Disease, and they described a spot in the center of their vision, and i thought it made sense for Killer. probably has better peripheral vision. in my guess, if you wanna use medical-ish(?) terms, i’d say about 6/200. so. pretty bad.
-he probably downplays it a LOT. doesn’t wanna be seen as weak, or useful— he doesn’t see himself that way, he’s just scared that other people might— so if he ever HAS to explain, he’ll say something about how ‘ah, it’s just kinda blurry and dark, not too bad!’
-as for how he fights: killer’s pretty talkative guy. he probably talks to his enemies a lot so he can pinpoint them by voice direction, or baiting them into close-combat so he can see them better.
-he probably fell down the stairs more times than he cares to admit. he blames nightmare, because the castle’s too dim for him.
-literally had to be sat down by Nightmare and practically ORDERED to ask for help when he needed it.
-the only question Dust had was ‘can we make blind jokes’ and killer absentmindedly agreed, before waking up the next day to find his phone flooded with Stevie Wonder and Toph Beifong clips from Dust.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 month
This is a personal post.
I was digging around in our collection development spreadsheets, trying to track the cases of books having no specific requester but being attributed to "faculty," and...yikes.
Back when we had money, before I started working here, we ordered many, many books every year, and a huge chunk of them were attributed to "faculty" or "cdl"--selections of the collection development librarian. And so many of them are so blatantly slanted. Always from a particular perspective. Not necessarily religiously, but definitely p o l i t i c a l l y. Typically in the vein of being outraged at some development in society. There's nothing necessarily wrong with our having such books, but the heavy emphasis on that sort of book to the exclusion of anything else, to the point that I could probably piece together this man's personal opinions on every controversial issue known to man simply by looking at what was ordered...well, that bothers me.
For example: since the 2012-2013 school year, we have ordered more than 19 books and DVDs for the School of Nursing. I am for some reason unable to pull up the spreadsheet for 2020-2021, so I don't have complete stats, but this is what I could find for 2012-2024 minus that one year.
Out of those known 19 items, 3 were chosen by nursing faculty, 1 was a new edition, 2 were replacements of missing items, and 13 were chosen by the collection development librarian.
The items chosen by faculty were about theory construction in nursing, concept development in nursing, and a religious perspective on body and emotions.
The items chosen by the collection development librarian were exclusively on controversial issues, including multiple items on a theory that is regarded by most of the medical community as false. These were all either opinion pieces or non-mainstream medical views. (If I could pull the spreadsheet for 2020-21, it would also include that self-published opinion piece that I tried to challenge after its arrival.) As I said before, there's nothing necessarily wrong with our owning these. My concern is that our new acquisitions for this school for more than a decade have consisted almost exclusively of these.
Are the nursing students using them? The stats for checkouts on these items would suggest no, not much, if at all. The collection development librarian does make use of them, though. I would argue that for most of the nursing classes, such books are not immediately helpful, except for classes such as Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing. Our nursing students are probably a lot more concerned with learning the practical and technical aspects of their field than obsessing over The Issues (not that those aren't important, but they're not the centerpiece of these degrees by any means). Why are we not also providing them with books that support their actual studies and not just what one man with no medical background thinks nurses need to prioritize?
And this is just one example. Schools such as Math & Science and Behavioral & Social Sciences in particular show similar biases in "faculty"-selected books, although those schools do have some balance from faculty members' requests, which tend to be informational or technical rather than opinion-focused.
There's nothing I can do about this, but it really does bother me.
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thebusylilbee · 9 months
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Transcription below cut :
[ Screencaps of a tweet by Mohammed El-Kurd (@m7mdkurd) that says :
"Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has reported¹ “concerns” that the Israeli regime has stolen organs from Palestinian corpses, citing medical professionals who have documented evidence of “possible organ theft by the Israeli military,” that includes, “missing cochleas and corneas as well as other vital organs like livers, kidneys, and hearts” from bodies of dead Palestinians returned by the Israeli military to southern Gaza.
The corpses subjected to organ theft were themselves stolen from the vicinities of Al-Shifa and The Indonesian hospitals in Gaza, as doctors and journalists have reported on Nov 18 and Nov 20. According to Euro-Med Monitor, “the Israeli army also dug up and confiscated the bodies from a mass grave that was established more than 10 days ago in one of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex’s courtyards.”
Although the Israeli military has returned many of those stolen corpses to the ICRC, dozens remain in Israeli custody. The theft of dead Palestinian bodies has long been an Israeli policy that serves two purposes: transforming the corpses into bargaining chips for political gain and collectively-punishing bereaved Palestinian families by depriving them of the ability to give their loved ones proper burials. The legality of such necroviolent practices has been upheld both by the Israeli government and the Supreme Court.
Reports of Israeli organ theft not scarce. In 2009, The Guardian reported² that “Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families.” (See also: CNN, NBC News, etc).
Euro-Med Monitor cites Over Their Dead Bodies³, a book by Israeli doctor Meira Weiss, in which it is revealed that “organs taken from dead Palestinians were utilized in medical research at Israeli universities’ medical faculties and were transplanted into Jewish-Israeli patients’ bodies.”
Euro-Med Monitor writes, “Even more concerning are admissions made by Yehuda Hess, the former director of Israel’s Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine, about the theft of human tissues, organs, and skin from dead Palestinians over a period of time without their relatives’ knowledge or approval.”
An Israeli investigative television series titled “Orly and Guy Return with Answers” broadcasted an episode⁴ about the Israeli Institute of Forensic Medicine which dealt in detail with the illicit harvesting of organs from the bodies of dead “Palestinians, immigrants, and foreign workers” (see transcript⁵)
People who have brought this issue to light, including myself, have continually been subjected to harassment and punishment and accused of "blood libel." One example of this is a Montgomery County teacher who has been put on leave over social media posts decrying Israeli necroviolence. The Washington Post's
@NicoleAsbury reported on this incident and falsely claimed that "there is no evidence of organ harvesting," despite ample evidence.
@EuroMedHR has called for "the creation of an independent international investigation committee into organ theft suspicions.
2- https://theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs
3- https://kotar.cet.ac.il//KotarApp/Viewer.aspx?nBookID=108738441#10.575.6.default
4- https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZnfCkSa3Uyc&ab_channel=IsraeliNetwork
5- https://meiraweiss.co.il/2015/03/blog-p "
The tweet is from 9:04 PM · Nov 26, 2023 and has 621.9K Views in the screenshot.]
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khawlakbg · 10 months
There's nothing Israel won't steal.
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has reported¹ "concerns" that the Israeli regime has stolen organs from Palestinian corpses, citing medical professionals who have documented evidence of "possible organ theft by the Israeli military," that includes, "missing cochleas and corneas as well as other vital organs like livers, kidneys, and hearts" from bodies of dead Palestinians returned by the Israeli military to southern Gaza.
The corpses subjected to organ theft were themselves stolen from the vicinities of Al-Shifa and The Indonesian hospitals in Gaza, as doctors and journalists have reported on Nov 18 and Nov 20. According to Euro-Med Monitor, "the Israeli army also dug up and confiscated the bodies from a mass grave that was established more than 10 days ago in one of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex's courtyards."
Although the Israeli military has returned many of those stolen corpses to the ICRC, dozens remain in Israeli custody. The theft of dead Palestinian bodies has long been an Israeli policy that serves two purposes: transforming the corpses into bargaining chips for political gain and collectively-punishing bereaved Palestinian families by depriving them of the ability to give their loved ones proper burials. The legality of such necroviolent practices has been upheld both by the Israeli government and the Supreme Court.
Reports of Israeli organ theft not scarce. In 2009, The Guardian reported that "Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families." (See also: CNN, NBC News, etc).
Euro-Med Monitor cites Over Their Dead Bodies³, a book by Israeli doctor Meira Weiss, in which it is revealed that "organs taken from dead Palestinians were utilized in medical research at Israeli universities' medical faculties and were transplanted into Jewish-Israeli patients' bodies."
Euro-Med Monitor writes, "Even more concerning are admissions made by Yehuda Hess, the former director of Israel's Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine, about the theft of human tissues, organs, and skin from dead Palestinians over a period of time without their relatives' knowledge or approval."
An Israeli investigative television series titled "Orly and Guy Return with Answers" broadcasted an episode4 about the Israeli Institute of Forensic Medicine which dealt in detail with the illicit harvesting of organs from the bodies of dead "Palestinian" immigrants, and foreign workers" (see transcript5)
People who have brought this issue to light, including myself, have continually been subjected to harassment and punishment and accused of "blood libel." One example of this is a Montgomery County teacher who has been put on leave over social media posts decrying Israeli necroviolence. The Washington Post's NicoleAsbury reported on this incident and falsely claimed that "there is no evidence of organ harvesting," despite ample evidence.
EuroMedHR has called for "the creation of an independent evidence.
EuroMedHR has called for "the creation of an independent international investigation committee into organ theft suspicions."
2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs
3. kotar.cet.ac.il//KotarApp/View…
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aestheticdriven · 2 years
Under Matthew's facade - part 1
Matthew puts on an air of being breezy and fun and unbothered all the time, but the truth is that he has suffered from anxiety, abandonment issues and poor self-esteem/self-worth since he was a child, that have only grown with the years and became paired with depression as well, specially after the events of Cast Long Shadows. Since he fakes so well even the fandom forgets what lies underneath, I have compiled all the excerpts from the short stories and books that blatantly show on page all the mental health issues he has had since young, and some basic explanations from health and psychology websites about how they came to be, their impact and how the lack of support from his family initiated/aggravated them.
Since there are a lot, I have divided them in 3 parts:
1 - The first trauma: Child abandonment, neglect and parentification (below)
2 - Childhood issues: Cracked self-image and mental health (here)
3 - The sin: descent into depression and alcoholism (here)
Part 1 - The first trauma: Child abandonment, neglect and parentification
Listen, I love Henry and Charlotte as people and as a couple in TID, but they were terrible parents. What they did to Matthew can literally be qualified as child abandonment, neglect and parentification.
I am in no way an expert in these subjects, but I put a great deal of research into this and know people irl with these experiences that can relate to Matthew and see the signs in his story. Just for context, this is a basic explanation of the terms (sources are linked in the words above or throughout the text), and later I’ll put the canon excerpts that show and relate to them.  
Child abandonment is:
“While abandoning a child typically involves physical abandonment -- such as leaving a child at a stranger's doorstep when no one is home -- it may also include extreme cases of emotional abandonment -- such as when a "work-a-holic" parent offers little or no physical contact or emotional support over long periods of time.”
It includes, among other things:
Making only minimal efforts to support and communicate with a child;
Being absent from the home for a period of time that created a substantial risk of serious harm to a child left in the home;
Being unwilling to provide care, support, or supervision for the child.
It is a subcategory of child neglect, which is:
The Federal Child Abuse Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA) legally defines neglect as "any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that presents an imminent risk of serious harm to the child."
State laws often define neglect as the failure of a parent or caregiver to provide needed food, shelter, clothing, medical care, or supervision to the degree that a child’s health, safety, and well-being are threatened with harm.
More specifically, it falls on these two types of neglect:
Emotional neglect: Exposing a child to domestic violence or substance use, or not providing affection or emotional support
Inadequate supervision: Leaving a child who can’t care for themselves home alone, not protecting a child from safety hazards, or leaving the child with inadequate caregivers
Charlotte was barely home, and Henry - while home - was completely unfit to be a parent (or at least to be Matthew’s parent since we don’t have many insights on Charles), focused on his work at all times as he was. A dangerous work at that, that exposed Matthew to safety hazards such as fire, poison and explosions, and that he wouldn’t be pried from even to take care of his sons. With no other close family and with a much older brother that ignored and disdained him, Matthew had little to no support from his family at key developmental stages in his life.
Not only that, but the burden he took on with his parents - more noticeably with Henry, but also with Charlotte - is what is called parentification, which is:
Parentification occurs when parents look to their children for emotional and/or practical support, rather than providing it. Hence, the child becomes the caregiver. As a result, parentified children are forced to assume adult responsibilities and behaviors before they are ready to do so. In addition, they do not receive acknowledgment or support for taking on these responsibilities. (...)  The word describes what happens when the roles of parent and child are reversed. Consequently, this role reversal disrupts the natural process of child development. In most cases, it has far-reaching negative effects on the child’s mental and physical health.
Examples from all of these can be clearly seen in Nothing but Shadows and Cast Long Shadows:
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Even if it wasn’t what Charlotte meant, parentifying Matthew was exactly what she did in this moment. A six-year-old child shouldn’t take care of their father, and they definitely shouldn’t be made to feel like taking care of their father is their responsibility, it should be the other way around, always. A parent shouldn’t be so incompetent at parenting and at reassuring their children they are safe that a six-year-old is left with the lasting impression that if they aren’t around at all times, their parent just can’t get by. Both Charlotte and Henry neglected and abandoned Matthew emotionally so badly, his only close connection to them was him taking care of them.
It is so absurd, and terrible, and damaging, that it is even acknowledged in the text in Nothing But Shadows:
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As James says so himself: "I don't take care of my father, my father takes care of me". Even James, as a child, can see there’s something terribly wrong there, that the parent should take care of the child, and even James remarks it would be cruel to point that out to Matthew when he has never had that security in his life, opposite to the security James and Lucie received from Will and Tessa their whole lives.
I also explains why he was so desperate to go back home he came up with that whole “worst shadowhunter ever” plan. When you think you are the only thing keeping your father from getting himself killed, you will do anything to get back to him, even go against your own nature by picking fights and causing problems for others.
Growing up without that security and comfort, and having this inversion of roles, really affected Matthew hard in the worst way. He didn’t even think he could go visit the institute for a day without something horrible happening to Henry and it being his fault. It affected him so deeply it made him think it was his responsibility to take care of (=be the parent of) everyone, even his friends, even in spite of himself. He thinks that’s the only thing he is good for:
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He says he likes it but... Does he, really? Or is that only the only thing he has ever known when interacting with others - even his own parents - and that he now projects to his friends? This is the only way he knows how to collect to people, and to make himself “useful” to others so they won’t leave him.
Not even in his older brother can he find support. As Matthew said in the excerpt above “My mother is always busy and Charles is always running after her and acting superior”. Rather than supporting him, Charles goes to the complete opposite and is particularly awful to him. For him, anything Matthew does is stupid, childish and wrong (even when Matthew is literally a child). Throughout all Cast Long Shadows he attacks Matthew every chance he gets:
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Even when Charlotte falls sick, the first thing he does is to blame Matthew for it even without any basis whatsoever, like wtf?
Not only that, but it’s clear no one in his family trusts him. They didn’t even bother telling him his mother was pregnant. For months. For ????? reason??? Even that Matthew excuses and puts the blame on himself, saying they were protecting him, but protecting him from what? From knowing his mother was... pregnant? From having an open conversation? They think he can’t handle knowing there’s a baby coming as if he was a toddler, is that it?, Whatever the reason, it still doesn’t negate the fact they simply all chose to hide the pregnancy from him for months. And not only they didn’t tell him, but they were treating him badly during this period due to the stress of it all and never even bothered telling him why. It’s no wonder he fell so easily for Alastair’s vile words and continued to believe them even at this time when he had never had and still doesn’t have any trust or support from his family when it comes to anything remotely important or any openings to talk about his feelings with them. In the end, all he wanted was to know the truth:
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Growing up in this environment is bound to make a number on anyone’s mental health, but Matthew himself has no conscience of anything wrong being done to him. The grasp on mental health at the time was feeble at best, and no one would have considered the parents in the wrong for doing things like they did, but more than that, this is all Matthew has ever known, so how can he have the conscience it isn’t right, like James figured out in a second in Nothing But Shadows? His parents were never evil or malicious, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t harm him in all the ways put here, but Matthew doesn’t see it like that. He even says his parents are so great he never had the chance to be neglected, in spite of having actually been neglected and parentified his whole childhood:
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He loves his parents and he thinks they are the best parents in the world as well as the best on anything they do, and because he has always thought and still thinks his parents are amazing and flawless, any time anything goes against that, he blinds himself to it, and any wrongs from them or others he is bound to see as some flaw in himself instead, not them. This is the topic of part 2 right here. 
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a-heart-of-flame · 6 months
Free Tarot / Oracle Readings ♥ [open]
I don't often post anything personal on this here Tumblr, but if you have followed me for a while or just get a good feeling I would like to attempt some free readings for others! The motivation behind it is merely because I want to practice, and I have come to a point where I feel like readings for myself and referencing the books just isn't getting me further... I do not promise to be amazing at this, but I will certainly give it my best, it's in my own interest to do so as well, after all! ♥ Shoot an ASK, and if you're sending anonymously please give initials or something to identify you by, even if it's a made up name c: Below is more about who I am, and also what kinds of readings I will and will not do, please read it ♥
About Me: You can call me Safi. I'm 30+ and I've been reading tarot for 7 years now. Mainly for myself, any readings for others have been upon a friend's request or for fun at a party etc. I read the RWS System but also with Oracle decks. (If you're interested in my collection shoot a DM and we can get nerdy about it c: ) I won't read about medical issues, pregnancies or legal matters. These are far too serious to give to a stranger in my personal opinion. I don't do readings about what other people are thinking, [I.e "Does X like me?" "What does X think about me?" etc] as that is their business. I do not channel messages from Divine Beings, people or the Dead. I'm simply not good at it, as of yet. I will read about you, your personal situation and so on. For example, if you were to ask me for a reading regarding a relationship I would create a reading to give insight into what this relationship might do for you positively and/or negatively. I might include likelihood of the relationship lasting based on personality clues given from you about you and the person/s you're asking about. I do not believe in "Fortune Telling" or "Future Prediction" with Tarot personally, but I know there are other readers out there who do, and I would recommend you find one of those c: You may in your submission request a Tarot or Oracle reading. I will use Tarot by default and I draw Oracle cards whenever a Tarot reading seems to need it, but you can also suggest one outright. If you want to select a specific deck I will use, please send me a DM rather than an ask and we'll discuss which decks I use for public readings. Much Love, Safi
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“In the Greek world magic could be attributed both to intrinsic superhuman abilities and to knowledge of special tools. While some figures had innate ability, because of a link to divinity, others were understood to have access to magic via knowledge. Individuals, both in mythology and in real life, could be said to be using ‘magic’ when they used their knowledge  of herbs to achieve various effects. The term pharmakis (female), or pharmakeus/pharmakos (male), is often used in this context; it is no coincidence that the term gives us the medical ‘pharmaceutical’, for in a pre-scientific age knowledge of medicine could often be seen as supernatural (see Lloyd, 1979). In Greek mythology there are many examples of figures who used magical herbs for different purposes. In the Odyssey Helen uses magic to soothe her guests (Book 4), while Kirke uses magic to transform  men into animals (Book 10), and Hermes shows Odysseus how to use the magic Moly plant for protection. Kirke and Helen had links to the divine, but other people who used magic in ancient literature used more prosaic methods, relying on the magic of the plants, rather than the essential nature of the practitioner.
Such practices were often associated with women, particularly in the area of love charms. In tragedy, Deianeira, the wife of Herakles, killed him by using an ill-chosen love potion (the story told in Sophocles’ Trachiniae); the nurse in Euripides’ Hippolytus speaks of using a love charm to help Phaidra; and in Euripides’ Andromache, Hermione accuses Andromache of making her barren by using herbal charms against her (vv. 29–35, 155–60). The use of magic for erotic purposes is also seen in Idyll 2 by the Hellenistic poet Theocritos, who shows Simaithea attempting to win back her lover. Medea herself can be seen as a victim of love charms, as in Pindar Pythian 4. 214 ff. when Aphrodite deliberately sets out to help Jason. In Apollonios’ Argonautica, Medea is subjected to a violent attack by Eros, as we will discuss further in Chapter 7. This idea of the witch is not confined to mythology, for there were legal cases which centred around accusations of witchcraft, as in the case of Demosthenes, Against Aristogeiton 79–80 (c. 330 BC) which alleges that Theoris was a witch (pharmakis) who killed her family  with drugs. This case indicates how there are several areas of overlap between sociohistorical issues and literary topoi.
Medea has the attributes of a pharmakis, as her ability with drugs  is central to her magical abilities. The collection of magical herbs is  the central idea behind Sophocles’ Rhizotomoi, and in Ovid’s account of her involvement in the death of Pelias (Metamorphoses Book 7), it is the crucial omission of the magical herbs from the cauldron which causes the rejuvenation to fail. In the Greek tradition, this associates her strongly with the erotic use of magic, and with eastern traditions, for such abilities were generally believed to be strongest in Asiatic lands. The use of herbs was not the only aspect of magic which could be accessed by mortals, for the use of spells was also important – in the case of Deianeira and Simaithea, there is an important series of rituals to be performed to ensure the efficacy of the drug. Language was seen as a powerful magical tool in both mythological and real-life situations. In mythology, we think of the power of Orpheus, who was able to charm the rocks with his song, or the Sirens who lured sailors to their death. There are also many historical examples of how words were believed to have power, as individuals wrote spells or created objects with words on them to achieve magical ends. We have surviving examples of papyri and amulets, and many examples of curse tablets, particularly binding curses, called in Greek katadesmoi or in Latin defixiones. In this context, the power of Medea’s voice is important, in that she has the ability to deceive, tricking those around her, be they her own family or the daughters of Pelias.
If magical knowledge can be accessed by mortals, Medea also exhibits magical behaviours which are more in keeping with her divine ancestry, and which testify to an innate supernatural ability. She is said to have control over the forces of nature, ability to control the weather and animals, and the ability to fly (albeit with the aid of a chariot). In Corneille’s seventeenth-century tragedy Medea has a magic wand and a magic ring, attributes which link her with figures of Faerie. A particular feature of Medea’s myth is the ability to inflict psychological harm, a complement to her power to deceive with language. The most powerful demonstration of this ability comes from Apollonios’ description of how she causes the death of Talos by casting the evil  eye and causing him to fall (Argonautica 4. 638–88). . . An alternative version is given by Apollodorous, who suggests that Medea may have caused Talos’ death by the same powers of persuasion she used against Pelias: ‘According to some she drove him mad with her drugs, while according to others, she promised to make him immortal and pulled out the nail, causing him to die when all the ichor flowed away’ (Bibliotheca 1.9.26, trans. Hard, 1997).”
 - Emma Griffiths, Medea
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umbralwaves · 10 months
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Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has reported¹ “concerns” that the Israeli regime has stolen organs from Palestinian corpses, citing medical professionals who have documented evidence of “possible organ theft by the Israeli military,” that includes, “missing cochleas and corneas as well as other vital organs like livers, kidneys, and hearts” from bodies of dead Palestinians returned by the Israeli military to southern Gaza.
The corpses subjected to organ theft were themselves stolen from the vicinities of Al-Shifa and The Indonesian hospitals in Gaza, as doctors and journalists have reported on Nov 18 and Nov 20. According to Euro-Med Monitor, “the Israeli army also dug up and confiscated the bodies from a mass grave that was established more than 10 days ago in one of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex’s courtyards.”
Although the Israeli military has returned many of those stolen corpses to the ICRC, dozens remain in Israeli custody. The theft of dead Palestinian bodies has long been an Israeli policy that serves two purposes: transforming the corpses into bargaining chips for political gain and collectively-punishing bereaved Palestinian families by depriving them of the ability to give their loved ones proper burials. The legality of such necroviolent practices has been upheld both by the Israeli government and the Supreme Court.
Reports of Israeli organ theft not scarce. In 2009, The Guardian reported² that “Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families.” (See also: CNN, NBC News, etc).
Euro-Med Monitor cites Over Their Dead Bodies³, a book by Israeli doctor Meira Weiss, in which it is revealed that “organs taken from dead Palestinians were utilized in medical research at Israeli universities’ medical faculties and were transplanted into Jewish-Israeli patients’ bodies.” Euro-Med Monitor writes, “Even more concerning are admissions made by Yehuda Hess, the former director of Israel’s Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine, about the theft of human tissues, organs, and skin from dead Palestinians over a period of time without their relatives’ knowledge or approval.”
An Israeli investigative television series titled “Orly and Guy Return with Answers” broadcasted an episode⁴ about the Israeli Institute of Forensic Medicine which dealt in detail with the illicit harvesting of organs from the bodies of dead “Palestinians, immigrants, and foreign workers” (see transcript⁵)
People who have brought this issue to light, including myself, have continually been subjected to harassment and punishment and accused of "blood libel." One example of this is a Montgomery County teacher who has been put on leave over social media posts decrying Israeli necroviolence. The Washington Post's
@NicoleAsbury reported on this incident and falsely claimed that "there is no evidence of organ harvesting," despite ample evidence. @EuroMedHR has called for "the creation of an independent international investigation committee into organ theft suspicions."
— Mohammed El-Kurd (@m7mdkurd) November 26, 2023
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hillside-dangler · 1 year
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Gary Gilmore & The Death Penalty
GARY GILMORE was the first person to be executed in the USA after the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. At the time there were 358 other American prisoners on death row throughout the USA. His death publicly marked the resumption of capital punishment within certain states. A previous ruling in 1973 banned the practice altogether, declaring the act to be unconstitutional. Gilmores case sparked lots of media attention, dividing public opinion.
Twenty-four states currently allow the death penalty. Twenty-three states have abolished capital punishment altogether. Three states, California, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, have governor-issued moratoriums in place, halting executions in the state. Michigan became the first state to abolish, in 1846. Virginia is the most recent state to abolish the practice on July 1, 2021. Crimes eligible to receive capital punishment include murder, espionage, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and treason. Since, 1972, all executions performed have been for acts of homicide. Gilmore was found guilty of killing two young men during an armed robbery. The men were Max Jensen and Bennie Bushnell.
Gilmore gained notoriety due to his insistence on being executed and his refusal to appeal his sentence. He thought he had a good case for 'insanity', given the lack of control he experienced leading up to these crimes. Gilmore's lawyers fought to have his death sentence overturned, arguing that he was mentally ill and therefore not fit for execution. This led to Gilmore firing both of them. Four separate psychiatrists examined Gilmore and stated in court that, while he did have an antisocial personality disorder, which may have been aggravated by drinking and the prescription drug Fiorinal, he did not meet the legal criteria for insanity.
Gilmores brother claims that Gary had undergone earlier medical examinations during his previous 15 year incarceration. According to him, the results indicated that Gilmore suffered from psychopathic personality disorders and was deeply scarred from childhood abuse. He was highly intelligent and continually educated himself in prison. He was naturally creative and a gifted artist.
Unfortunately, prison increased his tendency to resist authority and find conflict in social situations. He gained a reputation for violence, frequently attacking other inmates and guards. He was constantly subdued with prolixin, an antipsychotic drug. The days leading up to the murders, friends noted Gilmores' irrational and threatening behaviour. He was angry and somewhat disconnected.
The courts ultimately upheld his sentence and the death penalty was administered. Upon hearing his guilty verdict, Gilmore told the judge: "it's been sanctioned by the courts and I accept that" He publicly denounced activists and religious spokespeople who protesting the death penalty. "It's my life, and my death" he told journalists. He rejected his own mothers efforts to appeal and get a stay. He quoting Nietzsche, saying " the time comes when a man should rise to meet the occasion"
His attitude towards his impending execution was unusual, as most death row inmates fight their sentences through appeals and other legal means. Before his execution, Gilmore gave numerous interviews to the media, expressing regret for his crimes but insisting that he deserved to die for them. On the day of his execution activists protested outside the prison, opposing the death sentence. His story became the basis for Norman Mailer's book "The Executioner's Song" which won a Pulitzer Prize and was later made into a movie starring Tommy Lee Jones.
The execution itself was also controversial. Gilmore had chosen to be executed by firing squad, which was still legal in Utah at the time, but not common.
The night before Gilmour's sentence was fulfilled, the death row prisoner was granted permission for family to visit his cell. His uncle smuggled a bottle of booze into jail. Gary enjoyed a robust last supper in jolly drunkenness. Johnny Cash even called Gary to sing a song for him over the phone.
17/01/1977 At approximately 8:00 am Gary Mark Gilmore is escorted to a large padded room, historically named The Slaughterhouse. A small group of family, media & friends attend the event but won't witness the killing. The act is so brutal and performed by a voluntary firing squad. Strapped to a leather chair with a target across his heart, Gilmore sits motionless, showing no resistance. Despite earlier requests to keep his face exposed, Gilmores head is covered with a black corduroy slip. His last spoken words were reportedly "Let's do it". The killers death-wish was adapted by Nike, who changed it to "Just Do It" in the early 80's. The slogan became a positive affirmation encouraging confidence, spontaneity and personal empowerment. Gilmore was definitely fearless, hailed by some as an antihero, a martyr among outlaws 'sticking' it to the man.' Despite the city's Mormon influence, Gilmore was born a catholic. A priest was present to reads his last rites before the final countdown begins. From behind a curtain five shots are fired from 30-30 deer rifles. Four of them are loaded with steel-jacketed shells and the first one contains a blank. All effort is made to ensure the executioners conscience and identity are protected. The gunmen remain anonymous, permanently unaware of which gun fired a blank and which shot the fatal bullets.
Gilmores body jerks upon impact as Thirty Six years of life bleed from a hole in his heart. Four bullet holes have passed through the man's body to become permanently lodged in the leather behind him. Two minutes pass before Gilmore is pronounced 'officially dead.' The heart must be silent and the blood flow must cease before doctors are permitted to undertake the organ removal procedure. The surgery is prompt, unsightly and undeniably final. There's no chance of return for an organ donor.
In 1977 punk band The Adverts reference this in their song 'Gary Gilmores Eyes'. Imagined from the perspective of an organ recipient awaking to discover whose eyes they've just inherited.
"The doctors are avoiding me. My vision is confused. I listen to my earphones, I catch the evening news. A murderer's been killed and he donates his sight to science. I'm locked into a private ward. I realize that I must be...Looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes."
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reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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*I received a free review copy in exchange for an honest review of this book. 
DNF 27% in.
I found myself struggling to get through THE WILL OF THE MANY, and I ultimately did not finish reading it. I enjoy doorstoppers and I like long books, the length is not the issue. I can like a slow burn story when I have an idea of what the slow burn is building to, but while I mostly understand why Ulciscor is doing what he's doing, I don't understand what Vis (the protagonist) is doing or what his goals are.
Full Review at Link.
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kutlaytelli · 2 years
Presentation of Dr. Kutlay Telli on Medical Liability
System in Turkey
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It is widely recognized that very single health service carries a risk. My presentation for the Kuwait delegation (the Ministry of Health and Al Salam International Hospital) on Medical Liability System in Turkey for January 13th, 2023, observes that if the medical intervention is contrary to the internationally recognized standards and occupational rules in the field of medical science, the relevant service provider is responsible for any kind of harm or injury to the patient. You can see titles of my presentation here: 
Presentation of Dr. Kutlay Telli on Medical Liability
System in Turkey
First Session : General Overview of Medical Liability in Turkey 
1.  Operation of Medical Services in Turkey : public and private distinction of hospitals
a.Public Service
b.Private Service 
2. Medical Liability System Under Turkish Legal Framework 
a.Civil Liability
b.Criminal Liability 
3. Malpractice
a.What is the Definition of Malpractice and What are Core Types of Malpractice
b.Difference Between Malpractice and Complication? 
Second Session: Legal Limits of Medical Liability in Practice
1. Medical Liability Types 
a.Contractual or Extra-Contractual Liability: Ex. Faults of Medical Staff in Medical Practice 
b.Individual Liability of Hospitals: Obligation of Accommodation, Food Supply, Appropriate Medical Equipment etc.
2.Escaping the Shadow of Malpractice in the Light of Judicial Judgments
a.Functions of Expert Reports and Other Relevant Authorities
b.Compensation of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Damage 
3.The Medical Accident Fund    
a.The Issue of Whether There is a State Fund or not for Malpractice
b.The Issue of Whether There is a Compulsory Medical Insurance
Dr. Kutlay Telli 
Senior Lawyer| Consultant| Researcher|Certified Peer Reviewer
LLM Leicester University Faculty of Law, Leicester, UK
Visiting Scholar Fordham University Faculty of Law, New York, USA
After his graduation from the Faculty of Law in Ankara, he received his second master’s degree from the Leicester University Faculty of Law, UK in 2008. He delivered lectures in Fordham School of Law in the USA. He completed his dissertation research for an associate professor degree in New York. He speaks Turkish, French and English very fluently. 
He has extensive experience in different branches of public and private international law. He has been engaging in legal matters within the framework of national and international firms and institutions such as the Turkish Council of State and the United Nations for 15+ years.      
He wrote four books and numerous articles in journals with referees (mostly in English) dedicated to existing and emerging legal challenges and their effective solutions. Dr. Telli has a great capacity to produce legal documents, articles, reports and all related contents in particularly English and Turkish. He plays a considerable role in a number of leading international peer reviewed journals as referee. He also has extensive experience in negotiation techniques and diplomacy.  He is married with two children.
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humanbonesforsale · 2 years
The Legality of Human Bones and Skeletons for Sale
In the United States, there are several ethical concerns regarding the trade in human remains. This article explores the legality of human bones and skulls for sale and outlines the ethical considerations involved in the trade. You'll also learn about the sources of human remains and the demand for skeletal specimens for medical research and education.
Legality of owning and trading human remains in the United States
Many states have laws governing the commodification of human remains, but these laws are complicated and hard to interpret. An attorney at the Louisiana Department of Justice said the laws are extremely complex and ambiguous. Moreover, there is no centralized resource on the Internet that allows researchers to examine the legality of owning and trading human remains state-by-state. Hence, academics are unable to give concrete examples of state laws.
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The legality of owning and trading human remains is an important issue. Though some states have banned this practice, it is still legal in other states. The trade in human remains is an example of a form of unlicensed trade and has many negative aspects. It is highly recommended that individuals avoid such businesses.
While federal law does not prohibit the trade or ownership of human remains, a few states have laws restricting the import and export of human bones and skulls. In New York, Georgia and Tennessee, the sale or import of human remains is illegal. This also applies to Native American remains. Native American remains are protected by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
Sources of human remains
The global human remains trade is driven by the growing demand of medical schools and private collectors. However, there are a few key issues that make the trade problematic. First of all, it perpetuates cultural practices and disrespect for the dead. Second, it revives a dark Colonial era practice of bone-collecting. Third, there are reports of grave-robbery. In some cases, people steal human remains to sell them for a profit.
The industry is often corrupt and involves the powerful collecting the powerless. Most of the time, these bones are from Indigenous and Brown people. Other times, they are taken from graves or sacred sites. In addition, the trade often involves scientific racism and filling medical schools. And third, there are ethical issues involved.
Human remains trade is also linked to grave-robbing. This practice is illegal unless someone has a license to disturb graves.
Demand for skeletons in medical education
Skeletons are used by medical students to conduct practical experiments and examinations. There is a high demand for human skeletons from overseas institutions and colleges. A doctor based in Kolkata said that the medical schools in India were unable to meet the growing demand for skeletons. However, some Indian skeletons have been exported to Thailand and Japan.
Skeletons have long been used in medical education. In the Renaissance, Andreas Vesalius, a hotshot Renaissance scientist, published his famous book De humani corporis fabrica before he was thirty. Vesalius was a skeptic of the medical establishment and regarded skeleton-making as a dirty and difficult task.
Skeletons are an essential part of the medical education process. Students spend 18 months studying human anatomy and undergo exams worth 500 marks to test their knowledge. There are dozens of public and private medical colleges in India. A total of 13 public medical colleges offer about 3,162 seats to students pursuing the BDS course. There are also nine private dental colleges with about 1,280 seats.
Ethics of collecting human skulls
A London curiosity shop is trying to crowdfund the purchase of a Peruvian mummy. Although not King Tut, this mummy is likely an adult. It has been described as "crunchy" by one museum visitor. The shop also offers other objects made from human remains, including Ouija board planchettes and wallets.
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The ethics of collecting Human Bones for Sale skulls are complicated. While some auction houses have banned the sale of body parts, this practice continues to occur in many prestigious auction houses. Despite the fact that dry human remains can be easily transported and stored, the danger of selling human remains is real. Unfortunately, cases like Parker's skull will occur again. The skull was removed from the body of a criminal.
Although there are no federal laws prohibiting the sale of human remains, there are many laws designed to protect the dead's dignity. One such law is in the Canadian Criminal Code, sections 182: "Dignity of the dead."
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olad-ki-bandish · 1 month
Quranic Remedy for Childbearing Blockage: A Path to Parenthood
The desire for children is a fundamental human aspiration. When couples face challenges in conceiving, it can be a deeply distressing experience. While modern medicine offers valuable solutions, many turn to spiritual practices for comfort, hope, and guidance. This article explores the power of Quranic verses and supplications (duas) in addressing infertility, often referred to as "Olad ki Bandish."
Understanding Olad ki Bandish
Olad ki Bandish is a term used to describe the inability to conceive or bear children despite apparent physical health. It's essential to differentiate between medical infertility and issues that may have spiritual or metaphysical dimensions.
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Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or legal advice. If you are facing fertility challenges, it is crucial to consult with qualified medical professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment.
The Quran: A Source of Healing and Hope
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is considered a source of guidance, healing, and inspiration. Many believe in the power of specific Quranic verses and supplications (duas) to address various life challenges, including infertility.
Key Quranic Verses for Overcoming Childbearing Blockage
Surah Al-Inshirah (Chapter 94):
This chapter is renowned for its uplifting message, promising ease after hardship. It's often recited for relief from distress and challenges.
Surah Al-A'la (Chapter 87):
Emphasizing the importance of pursuing knowledge and good deeds, this chapter offers hope and reassurance.
Ayat Al-Kursi (Verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqarah):
Considered one of the most potent verses in the Quran, it is believed to provide protection and ward off evil.
Surah Maryam (Chapter 19):
The story of Maryam (Mary), the mother of Jesus, is a source of inspiration for those seeking blessings of motherhood.
Surah Al-Falaq (Chapter 113) and Surah An-Nas (Chapter 114):
These chapters are often recited together for protection from evil influences.
How to Utilize Quranic Verses
Regular Recitation: Consistent recitation of these verses can strengthen faith and hope.
Dua (Supplication): After reciting the verses, make heartfelt duas to Allah, seeking His blessings for offspring.
Faith and Patience: Maintain a strong belief in Allah's mercy and wisdom. Exercise patience and trust in His divine plan.
Seeking Guidance: Consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar for guidance on specific verses and their meanings.
Additional Practices
Salah (Prayer): Consistent prayer strengthens one's connection with Allah.
Zakat (Charity): Giving charity purifies one's wealth and attracts blessings.
Fasting (Sawm): Voluntary fasting, especially on Mondays and Thursdays, is encouraged.
Seeking Blessings: Seek the blessings of righteous individuals, like Imams or respected scholars.
Addressing Psychological Well-being
The journey to parenthood can be emotionally challenging. It's essential to prioritize mental health:
Support System: Lean on family, friends, or support groups for emotional support.
Counseling: Consider seeking professional counseling to cope with emotional distress.
Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being.
The Quran offers a powerful source of healing and hope for those facing infertility. By combining faith, patience, medical treatment, and the consistent practice of Quranic verses, couples can find solace and support. Remember, Allah's plans are perfect, and His timing is always right.
Disclaimer: While many people have found comfort and relief through the recitation of Quranic verses, it's essential to approach these practices with sincerity and without any expectations. Ultimately, the decision to have children is in Allah's hands.
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exelciushealth · 2 months
Streamlining Healthcare: The Importance of GP Administrative Services
In the healthcare sector, efficient administrative support is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and providing high-quality patient care. GP administrative services play a significant role in managing the day-to-day functions of general practice clinics, allowing medical professionals to focus on delivering care. This blog explores the key aspects of GP administrative services, their benefits, and how they contribute to the overall efficiency of healthcare practices.
What are GP Administrative Services?
GP administrative services encompass a range of tasks and responsibilities aimed at supporting the operational and managerial aspects of general practice clinics. These services include:
Appointment Scheduling: Managing patient appointments, coordinating schedules, and ensuring that appointments are booked efficiently to minimize wait times and maximize clinic productivity.
Patient Records Management: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date patient records, including medical history, treatment plans, and test results. This ensures that patient information is readily available for healthcare providers and complies with privacy regulations.
Billing and Insurance Processing: Handling billing procedures, processing insurance claims, and managing payments. This helps streamline financial transactions and ensures that healthcare services are reimbursed appropriately.
Reception and Front Desk Support: Managing patient interactions at the front desk, including greeting patients, answering phone calls, and addressing inquiries. This role is essential for creating a welcoming and efficient patient experience.
Data Entry and Management: Inputting and updating patient data, medical records, and other relevant information into electronic health record (EHR) systems. Accurate data entry is vital for effective patient care and compliance with healthcare regulations.
Administrative Coordination: Coordinating internal communication among healthcare providers and managing administrative tasks such as ordering supplies, scheduling staff meetings, and handling correspondence.
Compliance and Quality Assurance: Ensuring that the clinic adheres to healthcare regulations, quality standards, and best practices. This includes maintaining documentation for audits and monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Benefits of GP Administrative Services
Improved Efficiency: Streamlining administrative tasks allows healthcare providers to focus more on patient care rather than getting bogged down by administrative duties. This leads to more efficient clinic operations and better patient outcomes.
Enhanced Patient Experience: Efficient appointment scheduling, accurate record-keeping, and responsive front desk support contribute to a positive patient experience. Patients are more likely to feel valued and satisfied with their care.
Accurate Billing and Reimbursement: Proper management of billing and insurance processes reduces errors and delays in reimbursement. This ensures that the clinic receives timely payment for services rendered and maintains financial stability.
Better Data Management: Accurate and up-to-date patient records are crucial for providing high-quality care. Effective data management ensures that patient information is readily available and securely stored.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to healthcare regulations and quality standards is essential for maintaining clinic accreditation and avoiding legal issues. Administrative services help ensure that the clinic remains compliant with regulatory requirements.
Increased Staff Productivity: By handling administrative tasks, GP administrative services free up healthcare providers and support staff to focus on their core responsibilities. This enhances overall productivity and job satisfaction.
Implementing Effective GP Administrative Services
Invest in Technology: Utilize electronic health record (EHR) systems, practice management software, and other technologies to streamline administrative tasks and improve data management.
Hire Skilled Personnel: Employ trained administrative staff who are knowledgeable in healthcare administration and customer service. Their expertise will contribute to the smooth operation of the clinic.
Develop Efficient Processes: Establish clear procedures for appointment scheduling, billing, and data management. Document these processes and train staff to ensure consistency and efficiency.
Monitor and Improve: Regularly review administrative processes and performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. Implement feedback mechanisms to address any issues and enhance service quality.
Ensure Compliance: Stay updated on healthcare regulations and best practices to ensure that the clinic remains compliant with industry standards. Conduct periodic audits to verify adherence to regulatory requirements.
GP administrative services are a vital component of effective healthcare management, ensuring that general practice clinics operate smoothly and efficiently. By focusing on key administrative functions such as appointment scheduling, patient records management, and billing, these services contribute to a better patient experience, improved clinic efficiency, and regulatory compliance.
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isabelwcna · 2 months
Master the CNA Nursing Test: Your Ultimate Guide to Success
**Title: Master the CNA Nursing​ Test: Your Ultimate Guide to Success**
**Introduction:** Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a rewarding career path that allows individuals to provide essential care to⁤ patients in various healthcare settings. However, before becoming a CNA, one‍ must pass the‍ CNA nursing test. This comprehensive guide ​will ‌provide you with⁤ all the information and tips you need to ace the CNA nursing test ⁤and launch your career in ⁣healthcare.
**Benefits of Becoming a CNA:** – Fulfilling career where you⁣ can make a ⁣meaningful ‍impact on patients’ lives – Job⁢ stability‍ and growth opportunities in the healthcare ‍industry – Hands-on experience​ in patient care and medical‌ procedures – Entry point into the healthcare field with potential for further advancement – Competitive ‌salary and benefits for CNAs
**Key Topics Covered in⁣ this Guide:** 1. Understanding the CNA Nursing Test 2. Study Strategies for Success 3.⁤ Practice Exam Resources 4. Test-Taking Tips and Techniques 5. Real-Life Case Studies 6. Personal Experiences from CNAs
**1. Understanding the CNA Nursing Test:**
The CNA nursing ​test is designed to assess your ⁤knowledge and skills in areas​ such as patient care, safety and infection control, communication, and legal and ethical issues. The test ‍typically consists of two parts: a written exam and a skills ⁤demonstration test. It is​ essential to ‌familiarize yourself with the test format and‍ content to ⁢prepare effectively.
**2. Study Strategies for Success:**
– Create a study schedule and stick to it -⁣ Utilize study guides⁤ and textbooks specific to the⁣ CNA exam – Take practice tests to assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement – Join⁤ study groups to collaborate with peers and share ‍insights – Use flashcards to memorize ​key concepts and medical terminology
**3. ⁢Practice Exam Resources:**
– Online ‌practice exams and study materials from reputable sources – CNA exam prep books and study guides – Official CNA testing centers for mock exams and resources – Mobile apps for on-the-go exam preparation – Virtual simulation programs for skills practice
**4. ‌Test-Taking Tips and Techniques:**
– Read each question ⁢carefully and fully understand what is being ⁤asked – Eliminate incorrect answers to narrow down choices – Manage your time ‌effectively to ⁢complete the exam ​within the ‌allocated timeframe -⁢ Stay ‌calm and focused during the test – Review and double-check your answers before submitting
**5. Real-Life ⁢Case Studies:**
– Example scenarios from actual⁤ CNA nursing ‌tests – Application of knowledge ‍and skills in patient care settings – Critical​ thinking and problem-solving ‌in challenging situations – Lessons learned from successful test takers – Expert insights on common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid
**6. Personal Experiences ⁢from‌ CNAs:**
– Testimonials⁣ from CNAs who have successfully passed the⁤ nursing test – Advice and tips for aspiring⁣ CNAs -⁣ Challenges faced during exam preparation and how they overcame them – Career progression and growth opportunities ⁤post-CNA certification
**Conclusion:** Mastering the CNA nursing test is a crucial step towards starting your career in healthcare as a Certified Nursing Assistant. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you⁤ can boost your confidence, improve your knowledge,‍ and enhance your ⁤test-taking ⁣skills to achieve success on exam day. Remember to stay focused, stay motivated, and believe⁣ in yourself as you⁤ embark on ‌this fulfilling ​journey ​towards becoming a CNA. Good luck!
By implementing the tips​ and ⁤resources provided in⁣ this‍ guide, you can confidently prepare for⁣ and excel in the CNA nursing test, setting yourself up for a successful career in healthcare. Whether⁤ you⁢ are a aspiring CNA seeking certification ⁢or a seasoned healthcare professional looking ​to enhance your‌ skills,⁣ this ultimate guide will serve as your roadmap to success.
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raizinggroup12 · 2 months
Essential Things to Consider Before Traveling to a Different Country: A Comprehensive Guide
Traveling to a different country is an exciting adventure filled with new experiences and opportunities. However, successful travel requires more than just packing your bags and booking a flight.
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To ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, there are several key factors you need to consider before embarking on your international trip. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare effectively.
1. Research the Destination
Before you set out, it’s crucial to do thorough research about your destination. Understanding the local culture, customs, and language can enhance your travel experience and prevent misunderstandings. Familiarize yourself with:
Local Etiquette: Learn about social norms and cultural practices to show respect and avoid faux pas.
Language: Knowing basic phrases in the local language can be incredibly helpful.
Currency: Be aware of the local currency and exchange rates to manage your finances efficiently.
2. Check Visa and Passport Requirements
One of the most critical aspects of international travel is ensuring that your visa and passport are in order. Different countries have varying requirements, so make sure:
Visa Application: Check if you need a visa and understand the application process. For instance, if you're traveling from Jordan or Morocco to Israel, Israel Visa Jordan and Israel Visa Morocco offer streamlined visa services tailored to your needs.
Passport Validity: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned stay.
3. Health and Safety Precautions
Prioritize your health and safety by:
Vaccinations: Research any required or recommended vaccinations for your destination.
Travel Insurance: Invest in comprehensive travel insurance to cover unexpected medical expenses and other emergencies.
Emergency Contacts: Have a list of local emergency contacts, including the nearest embassy or consulate.
4. Financial Planning
Plan your finances to avoid any surprises:
Budgeting: Create a budget for your trip, including accommodation, food, transportation, and activities.
Payment Methods: Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid issues with your credit or debit cards.
5. Accommodation and Transportation
Secure your accommodation and transportation in advance to ensure a hassle-free experience:
Booking: Use reputable websites and services to book your stay and transportation. For personalized travel assistance, consider reaching out to Raizing Global, which offers expert support in managing your international travel needs.
6. Packing Smart
Pack wisely to ensure you have everything you need:
Essentials: Include all necessary documents, medications, and appropriate clothing for the weather and activities.
Safety Items: Consider packing a basic first aid kit and other safety essentials.
7. Local Laws and Regulations
Familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations to avoid legal issues. Understanding the legal requirements and restrictions of your destination can help you stay compliant and avoid any unnecessary trouble.
8. Connectivity and Communication
Ensure you have a plan for staying connected:
SIM Cards: Research options for local SIM cards or international roaming plans.
Communication Apps: Download useful communication apps to stay in touch with family and friends.
By keeping these considerations in mind, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful and enjoyable international trip. For further assistance with travel documentation and personalized support, don’t hesitate to explore the resources available at Israel Visa Jordan, Israel Visa Morocco, and Raizing Global.
Safe travels and may your journey be filled with incredible experiences and memories!
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